#juice bar logo
reallycreative · 11 months
Design a Refreshing Juice Bar Logo with Canva | Step-by-Step Tutorial
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shiftythrifting · 4 months
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1. a moldy, squishy lump that used to be a toy rubber hotdog
2. decrepit plushie
3. decrepit plushie part 2
4. chocolate bar ring
5. branded bells? all but the jamba juice one had the logos obscured by the goodwill sticker
6. the headless hareman
7. ONE MILLION RECIPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I bought this)
8. used sandpaper 👍
9. scary
10. yeah
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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“It's about time somebody tall, dark and fine stumbled your way,” Zora’s best friend, Nique, chats into the phone.
“And in the flower shop of all places?? Sounds like heaven to little miss botanical girl!”
“You know, I could really hang up.”
“Who else would you spill your bullshit to, Z?”
“My mama.”
“Girl, please. Pam ain't listenin’ to you blab about another man, and I can bet on it.”
“Did you just call my mama by her first name?” She laughs.
“Don't tell her, she'd skin me.” Nique snickers.
Sparking up her blunt, heavily pulling and exhaling, she laughs at her friend. “I should tell her, especially since you tryna clown.”
“Okay, alright. But for real, he seem cool?”
“Yeah, he might be alright. We’ll see.”
“You ain't ever too excited,”
“Cause why would I be?”
“Cause this could be different, Zora Jean.”
“I told you to stop calling me that, and if it's different, then my excitement will show. I mean, he has my number. What else you want from me??” She huffs, placing the blunt back between her lips.
“Alright, I'll quit before you start yellin’,” Nique sighs.
“I'm two seconds from heading your way and kickin’ ass, Nique. Ain't nobody yellin’.”
“Put your guns away, jeez. I hope his fine ass makes you eat your words.”
Me too.
“Like I said, we'll see! But I gotta go, Shaun got me covering her shift in the morning.”
“When you gon leave that place in the dust, chile?” Nique asks, referring to The Pub, a family-owned restaurant with its own list of problems.
“Nique, please. We talk about this all the time. The pay is great and my boss loves me. Her dickhead of a son is the least of my worries, cause if he don't back up off me, he'll meet my pretty little taser. It's juiced up at all times.” She smiles, ashing her blunt in the red, heart-shaped tray.
“I wish I would put up with some shit like that.”
“What you suggest I do? Ain't nobody hiring right now.”
“I could get you a spot here at my office!”
“As much as I appreciate that, I couldn't be in no office. Sitting still for too long makes me antsy and you know this.”
“Yeah, you right.” She laughs. “Well, have a wonderful day at work, hopefully you won't have to shank nobody.”
“Thanks, Nique Nique. You have a wonderful day, as well!”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Pulling into the parking lot a little before ten-thirty, Zora takes the extra time to gear herself up for her six-hour shift.
She dryly blinks at her screen, her thumb steady scrolling and stopping, and scrolling again through twitter, tiktok and the like.
The sound of her ringtone jolts her slightly, as she stares at the top of her screen, Leon's name making the left corner of her mouth lift.
Letting it ring for a beat, she answers and watches his face come into view.
Damn, he was fine.
“Good morning.”
“You're bold for wanting to see my face this early, but I'll let it slide.” She laughs, making him do the same.
“I had to take a chance. Who wouldn't wanna see such beauty, first thing in the morning?”
She hums, fondly shaking her head.
“I see you also follow directions.”
“Of course! I told you no worries, right?”
“Mhm, you did.” She nods; the hint of a smirk still ghosts on her lips.
“You heading into work or?” He asks, referring to the jacket with her job’s logo on it.
“Yeah, I've got like twenty minutes before I head in.”
“Gotcha,” he squints. “The pub… a bar?”
“There's a bar inside, but it's more of a restaurant.”
“Oh cool, I gotta check it out. Good food? Be honest.”
She smiles, nodding her head. “The best. We've got these cheesy potato bites that are to die for. Same with the wings, those are my favorite.”
“Sounds good. I might swing by on my lunch break.”
“Where you work at?”
“A warehouse out in Midland. It's a bust, but it pays great.”
“Yeah, I know how that goes.”
“The life, amiright?”
She chuckles, giving him another nod.
“Well, maybe I'll see you later.”
“What time are you out?”
“You'll see me later.” He flashes that smile, making her sigh.
“Alright, til then,” she smirks, waving him bye.
“Til then,” he responds, returning the gesture before they hang up.
Another ten more minutes of aimlessly scrolling, she's heading into her beloved job, being immediately greeted by her boss and pulled to the side.
“Zora, dear! Good morning. I'm so glad you're here with me this morning.”
“Of course, Linda. You know I love to help out.”
“Yes, such the sweetie pie. I know Shaun appreciated it, too.”
“Yes, she definitely needed a day off after the way her week started off.”
“I know, but don't worry, those rednecks aren't welcome back in here.”
“Now, all I really need you to do is ring ‘em out, we got the rest.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, no worries. The cooks are good, my boys are gonna be out on the floor, running the food so just stand here and look pretty, kay?” She requests, making Zora laugh.
“Gotcha boss lady.”
As soon as she walks to the back, it's as if Cory sniffed her out and made a beeline towards her, disregarding her don't-fuck-with-me expression.
“Sup, beautiful. I thought I heard an angel's voice in here.”
“You layin’ it on like molasses, and it's making me itch. Go away.” She says, her expression unmoved.
“Oh come on, Zora. I just be tryna–“
“-get on my nerves, yes. I know. Go find a table to wipe down and leave me alone.” She glares at him now, and he backs away.
Once he's outta sight again, she sighs and rolls her neck, shaking his sliminess away.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
A few hours, many to-go boxes and a small meltdown later, Zora was finally on her break, munching on those potato bites she raved about earlier.
She was back to scrolling on her phone, silently laughing at the tweets that got more and more bizarre as she went.
The chimes on the door continued to go off as people came and went, but once that woodsy scent flowed through the air, coupled with that deep voice, she'd turned her head before she could stop herself.
There he was in his lanky glory. A toboggan covering his hair, his thick sweatshirt still showing off those cut arms from all the heavy lifting he does, and the polite smile he flashes at her coworker makes her weak in the knees from where she's sitting.
He'd ordered what she suggested, and she doesn't know why, but it made her smile. She turned back to her phone, knowing how mortified she'd be if he caught her stare.
He'd seen her when he first walked in, unbeknownst to her.
Her head was buried in her phone and he got a chance to glance at her once more, unable to get over how beautiful she was to him.
Her hair was still up in a bun like earlier, the gloomy day wasn't taking away from her natural glow at all.
He'd really convince someone that she was a goddess, if he had the time.
After grabbing the to-go bag from the bar, he headed in her direction, giving her a warm smile as she looked his way.
“Hey, Leon.”
“Hey, Zora. Mind if I join you?”
“Course not, have a seat.” She offers, secretly loving the way his scent wafted over her as he did so.
“How's your day been?” He asks, tearing into the double-knotted bag for his food.
“Sorry about the knots, Claire kills me.” She snorts. “But it's been chill, still ready to clock out and curl up on my couch. How about yours?”
“I'm just about ready to do the same. I lifted a box full of glass lanterns and the bottom fell out.” He sighs, making her gasp.
“Really?? I know that was a bitch to clean up!”
“You shoulda seen it. I mean, glass everywhere. It took me about an hour or so, so I'm definitely ready to turn in for the day.”
“Nobody helped you?”
He shakes his head. “I prefer to work alone, most of the time. People like to unnecessarily make things more complicated than they have to be sometimes, so I'd rather do it myself.”
“Huh, you sound like me.”
He smirks, finally opening the styrofoam container. His eyes widen as the golden, cheesy bites stare him in the face.
“Wow, these look so good!”
“Eat one,” she laughs, popping another in her mouth.
Obliging, he grabs one off the top of the pile and bites into it, his eyes briefly closing. The cheese pull was excellent.
“Good, yeah?”
“Hell yeah,” he says with a hand over his mouth. “There's bacon in these, too??”
She laughs all over again, nodding her head.
“Magical, aren't they??”
Dipping them in the chipotle ranch, he wholeheartedly agrees, pulling another one apart.
Like a creep, Cory was watching their interaction play out and he was seething, wondering why a girl like Zora didn't wanna be bothered with him, but yet here she was, giggling up a storm with some man.
“There's this kid when I walked in the door, started mean muggin’ me. Like he knew who I was or something.” He cracks, making her shake her head.
“About your height, curly hair, looks like a douche?” She asks to clarify.
“Yup,” he nods. “Who is that?”
“Cory. He thinks we're meant to be together or whatever bullshit he tries to spin. I'm sure he's around the corner, scoping us out, right now.” She rolls her eyes.
“Need me to handle that for you?”
“I got a taser with his name on it, and a kitchen knife if that don't work,” she sighs.
“I couldn't ask you to do that, Leon.” She shakes her head.
“You didn't ask, I offered.” He quips.
“Ooh, you got me there.”
“I'm just saying, you don't have to deal with that bullshit and I can take it off your hands.”
“Don't kill him, please.”
He scoffs. “I'm too pretty to be in prison, girl.”
She lets out a hearty chuckle, thanking god water was within her reach.
“Plus, if I lay him out, he won't mess with you again.” He blinks.
“One good left hook, huh?”
“That's my good hand too, girl. How'd you know?”
“I'm good like that.” She flashes him a smile of her own, catching him for two seconds too long.
The way his tongue swipes over his bottom lip, making them look even more kissable, has her crossing one leg over the other.
The alarm on her phone goes off, making her sigh heavily.
“My break is over, unfortunately.”
“Damn, and I was just startin’ to like you.” He cracks, shaking his head as she stands up.
“Ima have Cory kick you out, how bout that.” She cracks back.
“Working with the predator? How low can you go.”
“To hell.” She blinks.
He stands from the table as well, easily towering over her five-three frame. Her gaze shifts above her glasses again, but she can see everything she needs to.
Adjusting them on the bridge of her nose anyway, she tugs on her jeans and slides her phone into her jacket pocket.
“Thanks for coming in and killing time with me.”
“No problem. I had to check it out, and after eating these babies,” he taps the box, “I'll definitely be back.”
“Next ones are on me.”
“You don't have to do that.”
“I know, that's why I offered to do it.” She mocks his earlier sentiment.
“You got me there.”
They share another laugh, stalling for another fifteen seconds.
“Would it be inappropriate if I wanted a hug?” He asks, not missing how fast she shook her head.
Engulfing her in his warm embrace, she giggles as he rocks side to side before letting go.
“You smell good. What is that?”
“One of them Armani fragrances. It's expensive as hell, but if it attracts a beauty like you, I'll keep it on me.” He winks.
“You are too much.” She says, fondly shaking her head.
“That a bad thing?”
“Not in your case, no.”
“Good to know.” He says, before rebagging his food. “It's always a pleasure, miss Zora.”
“See ya later, Leon.”
They reluctantly part ways, but not before he catches eyes with the freckle-faced bonehead that is Cory, glaring at him something awful on his way out.
“The fuck was that?” He cluelessly asks.
“A warning.” She mumbles, heading to the back with her empty dish.
Ch 3
@thegifstories @twistedcharismaaa @cecereads209 @nayaxwrites @blackerthings @blackpinup22 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @soufcakmistress @sheabuttahwrites @blowmymbackout @mauvecherie-writes @unfriendlyblkhotti3 @abeautifulmindexposed @awerkofart @neewrites
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smokeys-house · 3 months
We all know it's Twitter and not X despite the URL change but funnier than that to me is that most products that for some reason have their own Twitter accounts like granola bars and juice and stuff didn't bother updating their packaging and still even have the blue bird logo
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defaultnaming · 10 months
First thoughts:
I'll be honest, I went into the episode a bit biased, 10 is nowhere close to a good doctor for me and I dislike the RTD era. But open minds and all that.
I DON'T like the mcu logo. MCUification of DW on main.
I need an in-depth explaination on what regeneration energy does after that ep. Like, how does it make a suit and long coat, ties, a new sonic screwdriver, perfectly fitting glasses and a judges wig (he didn't know he would need it so he would have to have it on him so... how??)
Okay, why the big exposition cold open if you're going to exposit the info in conversation, feels a bit like you wasted time there I'll be honest. Could've went to solving the ep problem cause that was rushed.
The old doctor is back.... and apparently has a personality like at least a couple thousand years haven't passed... okay....
The part about 'Why does everything have to be a big goodbye?' I mean, it seemed really wierd that he would refuse coming for a cuppa because he CAN do that. We've seen it over 15 years, the doctor has developed to do that stuff. Also, bar a few phrases, didn't really see much of 13's personality there and it's shame. DT is a good actor, he could pull it off (I mean, he also could've pulled off the outfit but....), you didn't need to do 10 on repeat .
I like rose! But is she 15 cause.... no? Also, how to tell your trans character is written by cis people: 'DiD YOu jUsT AssUMe tHEIr ProNOUnS!?'
Love the starting her business, didn't like that they made Donna a mum who doesn't respect boundaries but still the support and the plushies were cute and I guess being nosy is in character for her.
Meep was cute! Feel like the meep was suitably menacing and it was peak cheese. Also, Miriam Margoles was perfect for the voice. I also love the bit where the meep was clinging to Donna, brilliant. Also, tactically landing in a steel mill and not being really contrived was good! I also loved that 'living sun' hypnosis, it made sense to me. I also loved the cheesy bug things, they we cute as well and I love that they took the time to explain why the cab never got hit properly cause I was wondering.
Also, Sylvia wanting to KO the doctor on site to keep him from seeing Donna... accurate, funny and I wanted her to do it I'll be honest. Saun temple, absolute king, just drinking respsct wife juice. Like, if my partner gave away that much money I'd divource but he's just better than me.
I love UNIT as this alien first responder force, that was neat. I love that they were inclusive to disabilities and the characters were still suitably badass.
I love the (albiet clumsy) trans positivity in the episode. But let's not give them too much credit, the doctor has been trans and trans positive (with timelords mind) since about 2014.
Didn't like the implication that transmascs are inherently more dim/stupid than transfemmes. Also, that is literally what they said because the text was literally 'if you were female (still a woman) presenting, you'd understand'. I won't lie, as a transmasc person, it kind of hurt. I feel like we should be past the feminism that drags men instead of uplifting women but yeah.
I feel like they undercut the tradgedy of Donna's sacrifice by having her just... be alive. I get she... shared?... the metacrisis but it kind of ruins why Donna was such a tragic figure in DW. Also, gee DoctorDonna, why didn't you just think 'get rid of it' before? Could've saved a lot of trouble. The cracks through London just kind of disappearing when the ship was stopped was wierd but I get it, they need to move onto other things and that would be too big of a distraction.
Also, they're going to visit Wilf yay! Why did the TARDIS redecorate? Why did you then give a workable reason why she would need to reconfigure immediately afterward? I love the design, very retro but again, felt a bit contrived.
All in all, a cheesy, old nu!who episode vibes (I clarify, not my thing) that has some great building blocks and despite the problems, I am looking forward to new episodes to come!
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saiyanandproud · 7 months
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Sky-blue, the same of a bright, crisp spring morning.
Bright orange, just like the peel of the fruit when it's perfectly ripe.
Warm brown, like chestnuts shells, with their copper shades.
A vivid turquoise, like the glare of the sea on summer days.
Bright yellow, like lemons picked in the sun.
The smell of the wind on a spring day, the one that gets stuck onto your hair.
Tangy shower gel, from a nice, reinvigorating morning shower.
Fresh orange juice from breakfrast.
Tasty street food, inviting one to try new flavours, juicy and slightly spicy.
Clean bed sheets, ready to welcome you after a long day.
Red Converse shoes.
Bright, colorful t-shirts.
Jeans. Blue, comfy, trustworthy and resistant.
A slightly oversized, comforting hoodie.
A varsity bomber with the university logo.
A smartphone -- always connected, always up-to-date with news, ready to answer any touch, but with its colorful cover decorated with fun stickers.
An old plushie, from someone's childhood, a bit worn-out but still well kep and clearly well-loved.
Seashels and colorful pebbles found in your pocket.
Bright red autumn leaves.
A disposable camera, for nostalgic memories.
Bright smiles and loud laughters.
Quick, intense looks, clear in their intentions -- be it angry, worried, alert, loving or cheeky.
Touches on one's shoulder -- playful smacks after a joke, a gentle bump of encouragement, a squeeze of reassurement.
Ruffling hair trying to fix it, but making it even messier.
Head resting on someone's shoulder.
Adventure-core: a light backpack full of pins, a colorful water bottle, a list of activities and things to do on your phone, a snack bar, and a passport full of prints.
Athlete-core: weights, dumbbells, ropes to jump, a treadmill, a clean towel, and a bottle of water with minerals in it, tight stretchy leggings, a tank top with a black sport bra underneath, white sneakers with a thick, cushioned sole.
Space-core: posters with planets and nebulaes, stars stuck on the wall that glow in the night, maps of the sky, a telescope with a sticker on it saying 'I believe'.
Skater-core: loose, comfortable clothes, a cap with the visor worn backwards, old sneakers, soft cargo trousers, a can of spray color.
Cyberpunk-core: many glowing screens, videogames and old consoles, headphones with cat ears on them and glowing neons decorating them, a large, comfortable computer chair.
Stolen by @viopolis
Tagging @the-demonpr0digyy @cxldtyrant @pzfr @risingsouls @synthetixflora @beforecreation @clairvoyantcubes
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still-single · 1 year
Records I Am Glad to Have Found in 2023: Part 1
Instead of rufflin' whatever (feather) maybe it's better that there's just a place where I can tell you that my life is better for having found these records and having them within reach. Maybe you might wanna reach for them as well. Up to you! Maybe feel fortunate that I want to engage with Tumblr at all, but the 16 or so accounts who said (anonymously) that they miss my review content may get a kick out of all this, and see where my head's at now.
New records, not-new records, things I bought, things that were sent to me, things I bartered for. Fair play.
First up, this Beau Wanzer record that I wrote up a while back. I feel exactly the same about it. It's new as of January and there aren't many releases out there like it at the moment. Undead, shufflin' Beau hours. One of my favorite DJs and electronic musicians in Chicago, he really does not seem to walk any path other than his own.
Al B. Sure! - In Effect Mode LP (Uptown/Warner Bros., 1988)
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Growing up in my early teens, two songs from Al B. Sure!'s debut album were more or less inescapable: the masterful slow jam "Nite and Day," and the more uptempo quasi-diss track "Off On Your Own (Girl)." I never owned the record (why would I, this always seemed like a "why buy the cow" situation), and it never seemed to turn up used, something I better understand now.
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This thing is great! It's short, mindful of our time and Al's. Side 1 contains four slow jams (the Nite! side), kicking off with the classic "Nite and Day" (so much rooftop glare and World Trade Center fixation in the vid) and cascading down into the whisper/falsetto/snap percussion ballad "Oooh This Love Is So" (kinda like an older brother NKOTB slow jam, really well arranged, FM synths cresting over top with some tasteful guitar buried underneath). His take on Roberta Flack's "Killing Me Softly" is doctor's office soft, but works where the Fugees' take doesn't, as Al seems to know there's no improving on the original, and he's lucky just to put it in his framework. "Naturally Mine" is like the shadowy flipside to the majesty of the opener, and doesn't come close, but also doesn't need to; the Teddy Riley guitar work does a lot on its own.
Side 2 (the Day! side) turns on the lights for some more uptempo New Jack Swing template jams. Opener "Rescue Me" sounds like two songs that were somehow merged into one, but that may just be the tonal difference between the intro and verse structure.
"Off On Your Own (Girl)" is neatly, nearly perfect, with quiet, pressurized syncopation, Al's bellyache storytellin' (sits by the phone a lot, it seems), and a delivery, particularly in the chorus, which says so much more than the title states. I'm particularly enamored of his switching between judgmental sing-speak/orchestra hit stress and his bracing falsetto. On the stremf! He even throws us a Slick Rick impression in a bridge. Last two tracks seem interchangeable but that's fine; you don't serve surf after the turf, even if you're coming in hot with bass pounds.
Uptown is generally a welcome sign of quality for this time and place; from Al to Heavy D., Guy to Jodeci. Andre knew what was up. Cool cat logo too.
Honestly there are probably other Al jams worth seeking out, and of course his performance in New Jack City when he fingers Ice-T as a narc with those Bert eyebrows of his. Most people don't hit this sort of success right out of the gate, and that's the needle he threads so effortlessly here.
Ron Morelli – Heart Stopper 2xLP (L.I.E.S., 2023)
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Ron was one of the first people I met when I moved to NYC in 2000, and for a while I was regularly having lunch with him, Steve Roche, Adam Paterson, and Matt Smith at the Uptown Juice Bar in lower Manhattan, when we were all working in some sort of office and/or dot-com capacity, going to ABC No Rio and the like. I'd fall in and out of that orbit for a while over the next 6-7 years, as bands formed and broke up, people worked up their DJ chops, etc. At some point Ron moved down to Philly and was grinding in a more formal club DJ capacity before coming back to NYC and starting L.I.E.S., living in the trap, and working at A-1 in the East Village. It wasn't easy, even in that orbit, to find the L.I.E.S. releases, but the quality was always there.
I fell off a bit due to life and the like, missed a lot of Ron's Hospital output (as well as a lot of later L.I.E.S., again due to life stuff; the last one I gripped from the initial run was Florian Kupfer's Lifetrax), and last I knew he had relocated to Paris. Living in Chicago has given me more of an opportunity to interface with house music as it happened, with proximity to the records and DJs in clubs, to where it started to click with me. Heart Stopper retains this same sort of focus, drilling down on the repetition and stress/release of the foundational cuts of the initial era. My fave here is "Tangled Trap of Love," a big nod to Master C & J's "Face It," but I've found myself putting this record on and letting it roll to the close more often than most I've favored this year. Didn't make it to the Podlasie Club back in May, but I did appreciate this (paywalled) interview in the First Floor Substack, the guy I remember so well playing stoically to the bozos up front, dialing down style to the horizon where it meets substance and accepting nothing less.
(Doug Mosurock)
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charlesandmiranda · 8 months
2/4 & 2/5 in Tsukiji
After staying up so late the night before (I don't think I mentioned it in the last post but we didn't leave the Neoncity show til after 3 AM, well after the last train had run for the night; and we got back to our airbnb at around 4am), Charles and I definitely needed a rest, so we slept in fairly late - til about 10 am. It's taken us a while to really adjust to the jet lag this trip and many mornings we've been waking up between 4 and 6 am, so 10 felt positively luxurious for us.
Here's a peek at our Airbnb, a small apartment building that seems like it's been converted to use as a guest house for travelers like us.
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After we kind of got up and moving, we headed out to Tsukiji Market, which was kind of the main draw for us coming to stay here at all. We've been in the past, especially in the summer, and it's packed with great, fresh food, especially fish. The market has a really long and interesting history, and is where some of the most expensive fish in the world have been auctioned off for sale, and until a few years ago was the largest fish wholesale market in the world. However, they recently shut down the wholesale market and auctions at Tsukiji and moved them elsewhere, leaving just the retail shops and restaurants themselves.
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Our experience visiting in the past taught us that, given that many of the shops are selling super fresh fish from that day's catch, they open pretty early and a lot of places are closed for the day by 1 or 2 PM.. However, what we weren't expecting is that many of the shops in Tsukiji just aren't open on Sundays. So between getting up late and it being a Sunday, we missed some of the shops we wanted to visit on day one in Tsukiji. We walked around for a while and definitely still had some great food and drinks, we decided to mostly have a chill, low-key day in for Saturday afternoon.
One place we discovered on Sunday, especially, is a shop that only opened a few years ago; it's a little bar in between the main streets of the market, where you can insert yen coins into machines holding whisky, shochu or sake, as well as buy a soda/juice mixer and kind of make your own vending machine drink. There's a small amount of seating, and we chatted with some of the bartenders there as well as the owner, all of whom shared local spots to eat and drink during our stay (which we....didn't get around to, but we may still try! There's still time! haha)
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One thing that is maybe noteworthy, in that maybe it'll give y'all a laugh? but we absolutely failed at using a Japanese washing machine -- our Airbnb had one in our room but it like....never seemed to agitate the clothing properly, also never drained the water? I genuinely can't tell what we did wrong, but we ended up having to hang dry all the clothes we tried to wash off of a drying rack (that normally would sit outside on the apartment balcony -- it was soooooo cold, we were worried the clothes would never dry!) or in some cases, in the shower, and cranked the heat up in our apartment to try and like....ambient dry everything. And it mostly worked! Some of our clothes didn't get super clean but at least we didn't have to travel with a bunch of soaking wet laundry haha.
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(the offending washing machine in question)
Monday we had to check out of our Tsukiji airbnb by 11 AM, so we got up early and hit the market around 8:30. Much more stuff was open, so we got to browse a good bit. Charles checked out some knives and cutlery, and I got to grab some sashimi from a shop we ate at on our last trip in 2019 -- I liked it so much, I tried to recreate some of their logo and stuff in Animal Crossing! The shop is called Maguro Kuro Tsukiji, and they specialize in tuna (maguro). They were quite busy so I didn't get to grab anything til last call. I showed one of the staff members the animal crossing designs I'd made and told them I'd been looking forward to coming back for a long time, and they were super tickled by it, and we all took a photo together haha.
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Before long it was time to start moving on to our next stop, which was Nara, Japan! Look forward to it! Here's a Tsukiji Market photo dump (this probably isn't even all of it, there was just too much to see! I feel like that's the theme of every place we've visited, there's just too much to see and do at any one place for sure).
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In these photos we had: a fried sardine cutlet, grilled egg sandwich and beef and egg bao bun, sea urchin (always incredible, it's like warm butter), a coffee shop where John Lennon once visited, oysters and hot whisky, and the big ticket item: wagyu. Charles had been looking forward to it since our last trip in 2019; we saw it here and decided to wait until our honeymoon, which we did not know would take several years. It's expensive, but the quality is incredible.
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letsgroit · 11 months
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Juice Bar Logo Branding design
► Check Complete Branding Design: https://www.behance.net/gallery/183871139/Juice-Bar-Logo-Branding-Restaurant-Visual-Identity
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Genesis —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Cat is so pathetic lately I love her so much -Danny
Words: 1,320
Phase Six Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Afterglow’ -by Taylor Swift
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iii: Cat Needs A Friend
When Cat got out of the bathroom Parker was already placing two plates with food on the coffee table. She took a moment to examine his apartment:
It was definitely smaller than Matthew's, consisting of one room with no divisions. Next to the front door, there was a small kitchen with no cabinets and a tiny breakfast bar with a variety of canned goods and spices on top of it. A half-empty package of crackers was there too, but overall it looked organized and clean.
In front of the kitchen, she found his living room. The electronic devices were not that different from the ones in her world, but they did have different logos and the shows were clearly not the same as the ones in her universe. He had a couch that could fit two or three people, and in the middle, the coffee table where he was putting their dinner. A few feet from where she was standing at the bathroom's entrance, Peter's bed was on display. That was the only thing that looked almost new, Cat suspected that he didn't get to use it often.
"There you are!" He smiled before returning to the kitchen. "Juice or milk?"
She approached the living room and took a peek at the food on her plate. "Juice." Cat sat down and pointed at the tv. "Is that the news?"
Parker looked over his shoulder at the screen. "I don't really listen to them, it gets me down. I use it as background noise while I cook and I turn it off once I sit down to eat."
Cat had a hard time hiding her concern. "I don't own a tv, but I'm not sure that's how you're supposed to use it."
"You don't spend much time in your apartment, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know how to work a coffee machine," he replied without looking at her.
Cat remembered her time working as a secretary. Parker placed her drink on the table and then sat next to her, the first-aid kit was there, and his hand was wrapped in a bandage.
"Nice outfit," he joked. Cat looked comically small in his shirt. "You know, the good thing about wearing oversized clothes..." he rolled up her sleeves, "is that you don't have to be half-naked in order to patch up."
Cat held the fabric while he began to apply some sort of ointment on the cuts. "Speaking from experience?"
"It's hell when I have to take off the suit and I'm bleeding," he sighed. "It clings onto the body like it's a second skin."
She wrinkled her nose. "That's why nanotech—"
"Yeah, yeah, god bless nano," he glanced into her eyes. "But I didn't fail to notice you're not wearing a suit..."
Cat was absently staring at the corner of the room. "Sergei took it."
"The hunter?" She nodded, still lost in thought. Parker started to gently apply the ointment to her face. "It's a nice change to be patching you up instead of myself, makes me feel better."
The mutant hummed. "No friends to help you still?"
"Don't feel ready to have the talk," he laughed shortly.
Cat tilted her head. "No one knows you're Spider-man yet?"
"Not even your aunt May?" Cat's frown deepened. "Are you still not talking to her?"
Parker's eyes brightened. "You remember that?"
"I remember everything. I don't really know what I know unless it's brought up, though," the young man lifted her chin and she continued. "So, May..?"
"We're talking again," he nodded. "I went back to school."
"That's great!"
"It's exhausting," Parker admitted. "But I found my way back to your universe thanks to that, so I'm not gonna complain."
"You still sell pictures to the daily bugle?"
"My Peter works there too."
"Really?" He sprayed something on her neck and Cat flinched away, hissing at the sensation. "Sorry! I should've warned you—"
"It's okay, it didn't hurt," she shivered. "It felt weird, that's all."
Parker shook his head, he was trying really hard to hide how worried he was about her current state. "Tell me the whole story."
Cat lowered her face and he stopped curing her. "Promise you won't judge me too hard."
"I would never."
Parker was a great listener as usual, but this time he didn't even make a noise during the whole thing, he focused on healing her, sometimes she could feel his breathing shaking a little as if trying to hold back his tongue.
"You know, when I was fourteen," she said, "everyone wanted to hear my story. The Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D... then I went to school and everyone wanted to hear about my past, and I always found it so..."
"Unnecessary. They wanna know everything about you to figure out ways to get a hold of you. That's why I was such a good agent as a kid, my weak spots were hidden. Then I grew older, I found out things about my past, and my past found out things about me in turn..."
"But not everyone is looking to control you," he told her, "some of us just want to know who you are."
"Not enough people are like that," she sighed. "Not enough." Parker picked up their empty plates and Cat sat back and stared at the ceiling so the ointment around her throat could be fully absorbed. "But I would hand in my biography to Kingpin if it could protect everyone," she continued out loud. "Isn't that ironic? I'm supposed to be the mightiest hero of all, and I can't even look after myself."
"I don't think tonight's the night for self-pity. Maybe I should show you my research so we start working?"
"I won't be of help," she lamented. "I'm not smart. Mouse would always..." her voice cracked, M.O.U.S.E. was a whole universe away.
Parker startled her when showed up, her ears were still not fully recovered. The young man took a seat beside her and clasped his hands together, deep in thought. Cat stared at him, this time trying to spot the differences between him and the twenty-six-year-old he'd been when they'd met.
His hair was shorter, the shadow of his beard was easier to see, and his frame was a few inches broader. He had a couple of wrinkles, probably thanks to the lack of sleep and sunscreen, it could also be that he smiled a lot. He still had dark circles under his eyes, and his voice was still the same, but he carried himself with a confidence that he hadn't exhibited the first time they interacted.
"You should sleep," he said at last. "I'll come back in a few hours."
With a quick assessment of his appearance she noticed he was wearing the suit under his sweatpants and hoodie. "You can't leave," she stated.
Parker looked at her with a grin. "There's only one bed here, and I want you to use it. I'm not tired, don't worry about it."
She felt her face getting warmer. "I don't know your— I'm... please... don't leave." She took a quick breath, begging not to stammer in the process. "I know I left you when you were lost— but there were bad guys all over the city and I had to help my Peter— you don't have to go outside tonight, and I know how that sounds but I'm not—"
Parker stopped her rambling by placing his hand above hers.
"You'll be safe. My world's quieter than yours."
"But I don't need quiet," she pouted. "I need a friend."
Parker glanced towards his bathroom, thinking of the people out there and all that could happen if he didn't do his patrols. He also remembered his promise to her, it'd been a thing none of them had really meant nor believed at the time, but he still felt obligated to keep his word.
"Okay," he gave in, feeling her hand shaking under his. "Alright. I'm staying."
She pulled him closer and leaned against his arm. Parker froze, Cat had to be hurting a lot if she was that comfortable touching him. "Thank you."
"I'll figure things out," he wrapped his arms around her. "I promise you'll go home."
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​​​​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​ @itsyagirl01 @23victoria​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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funnyfooddatabase · 11 months
Universal CityWalk The Great Movie Escape Cocktails
Type of Funny Food: Tie-In Product
Introduced: December 2022
Location: Universal CityWalk, Orlando
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Part of Universal CityWalk Orlando’s newest escape room attraction, The Great Movie Escape included a bar with drinks themed around the two franchises guests could “escape” from: Back to the Future and Jurassic World.
These alcoholic drinks were:
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Smoke & Mirrors, made with Bigallet China China liqueur, Noble Oak Bourbon, Bourbon Barrel, agave nectar, and chocolate bitters,
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Wake-Up Juice, made with Old Overholt Rye whiskey, Kahlua, and Angostura orange bitters,
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Grand Banks Swizzle, made with Appleton Reserve Rum, lime juice, Angostura bitters, and popcorn falernum with a small bag of caramel corn as a garnishment,
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Gigawatt Glow, made with New Amsterdam Vodka, blue curaçao, Sprite, lime juice, and Angostura bitters,
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Raptor Bite, made with El Jimador Blanco Tequila, lime juice, triple sec, mango nectar, jalapeño, and Hella Smoked Chili Bitters,
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Silent Era, made with kahlua, espresso stenciled with the Great Movie Escape logo, New Amsterdam Vodka, and pistachio syrup,
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and Hill Valley Gin & Tonic, made with New Amsterdam Gin, tonic, Angostura bitters, and dry curaçao.
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There were also two mocktail options for non-drinkers. These were Nublar Cooler (lime juice, pineapple juice, jalapeño slices, agave nectar, and tonic) and Hoverboard Highball (Prickly Pear syrup, Sprite, lemon bitters, mint, and lemon juice).
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trigonognathus · 1 year
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my boss is making me help with the construction of a juice bar in shibuya. anyway check the logo of this water bottle the owner's wife gave me
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pontevoix · 1 year
“ is… that my shirt you’re wearing? ”  (yamaguchi & tsukishima, ft yamaguchi wondering if he's stepped in a parallel dimension because oh how the turn tables)
sent ages ago | @giiants​
there are many, many negative outcomes of tsukishima’s having vanished ( for months, a year, whatever ) from yamaguchi’s life. every now & again, he can hear an internal reprimand whisper in his ear: ‘ well. your actions have consequences. ‘ & truthfully, the best response tsukishima has to that is a grimace. he’s never been an optimist, but someone somewhere might argue that every time a door closes, another one opens.
tsukishima can concede some truth to that — he thinks about side-by-side conversations in yamaguchi’s home, where they hummed together a jigsaw puzzle of how past expectations for relationships applied to here / to now / to the fact that they’ve known each other for
over ten years &
that conversation was negative in all that it resurrected, in the intimacy it implied. it was positive, in the intimacy it shared.
. . . terribleterribleterribleterrible.
it makes tsukishima feel like sneezing.
in the ease of the evening, there’s intimacy shared tonight too. yamaguchi has got a pair of steamed work clothes hanging at tsukishima’s bedroom door; yamaguchi’s laundry is crumbled in a pile just outside of the confines of an overnight bag that looks like a gym bag from high school. tsukishima thinks about folding the soiled clothing, but he doesn’t care that much so
he showers while yamaguchi cooks a dinner that’s more flavorful than anything tsukishima would have concocted. it’s intimate, but it’s mostly familiar — it’s not the first time yamaguchi has cooked for him, & it won’t be the last. but the thing is . . .
tsukishima smells like soap when he pads socked feet across his kitchen floor to retrieve a glass of water. he smells like an overpriced bar of soap when yamaguchi accidentally squishes tomato juice & seeds across the counter. ‘ is that my shirt you’re wearing ? ‘ yamaguchi asks, like it’s a big deal. he asks, with pepper flakes of astonishment seasoning his tone. no matter how delicious yamaguchi’s cooking (potentially) could be, tsukishima feels as though he is more than justified in feeling a bit exasperated.
they have known each other for years. & for years they have shared locker rooms, sleeping quarters, whatever. if tsukishima were wearing yamaguchi’s shirt, then it’s hardly noteworthy. with all of those shared spaces, there have many occasions when tshirts were swapped or laundry was swapped or whatever.
a tshirt is a tshirt. tsukishima will wear whatever is available so long as it’s not one of yamaguchi’s tshirts labeled taco. the fact that they’re figuring out new dimensions of their relationship ( or whatever you want to call it ) doesn’t change that. it shouldn’t change that.
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smelling like soap & with socked feet & furrowed brow, tsukishima starts to swipe at the tomato bits on his counter. a tshirt is a tshirt, & more importantly —- it’s not yamaguchi’s shirt. tsukishima distinctly remembers that this shirt has been circulating in his wardrobe for a couple of years now, & it’s a wonderful tshirt because the fabric is the kind of soft that makes you feel expensive. granted, tsukishima has no idea what the shirt is promoting, but that’s not the point.
he shakes his head to deny yamaguchi’s accusation. only then does he drop his gaze down to remind himself what exactly the logo looks like —
. . . turns out tsukishima’s exasperation is not justified. when he’s sheepish, his expression turns disgruntled. staring at the logo on the tshirt now reminds tsukishima of its nondescript origins. although tsukishima had just accepted & claimed the clothing into his wardrobe, it had initially been yamaguchi’s which is
undeniable, since the little logo beneath the fundraiser slogan scrawled across the chest is for yamaguchi’s university. not tsukishima’s. before tsukishima had vanished, he’s sure that yamaguchi had visited him & forgotten the shirt & planned to reclaim it ( ‘i like that shirt. it’s comfortable, tsukki!’ ) &
tsukishima had never given yamaguchi the opportunity. even when tsukishima had cut yamaguchi from his life, pieces of him were still integrated into his day-to-day:
messages never deleted
yamaguchi’s game files on tsukishima’s small collection of video games
photos & bad selfies still cluttering his photo library
the stupid lava lamp yamaguchi got him as a joke
old articles of clothing
. . . tsukishima swipes a cut of raw tomato from yamaguchi’s busy hands. sheepishness does not make him apologetic; now that yamaguchi has seen the shirt, tsukishima is certain that yamaguchi plans on stealing it back.
‘ finders, keepers, ‘ he drawls & knows that he’ll regret it when yamaguchi echoes the same thing back to him upon successfully stealing the shirt. tsukishima opts to barrel forward with a somewhat dangerous joke: ‘ you know, that’s why i disappeared back then. i was gold-digging our friendship for this shitty shirt. ‘
it’s not a shitty shirt. but truth be told ? tsukishima won’t complain when yamaguchi steals the shirt back. even when tsukishima had cut yamaguchi from his life, pieces of him were still integrated into his day-to-day. they’ve always played a bit of the game what’s mine is yours. & with this tshirt, tsukishima thinks the game is still on.
en garde, intimacy.
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jhsharman · 2 years
Jamming it everywhere
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Wow! What a deal! Those Impeller tv trading cards look especially tempting. Just imagine -- on the school yard, behind the monkey bars. "I'll trade you my Balki and Danny Tanner cards for your Mike Piazza rookie card!".
And turn the page and you encounter... This scene.
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Wait a few years and Archie Comics is publishing Yogi Bear comics. But not the Sun character who is the mascot for Nel's Sun juice.
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I myself do not tend to take breakfast cereal on picnics.
It is kind of curious to note the promotional items plugged into the story that survived the editing process, moving under their radar.
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Sweet Tarts. Fruit Rollups. I suppose there is an indictment that their logo does not stick out. As for the last panel, I of course reference as passing through the Gnatman comic book series. How they failed to note and nix that one, I can not say.
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hyperionferrison · 1 month
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1978 Wyler’s/Crunchola Superhero Sweepstakes Instant Winner prize cups
When I started collecting drinkware in earnest, these two cups were among the first things I picked up and for the longest time they stymied me as to identification and origin.
Should be pretty simple, right? Two cups, very similar to the 1973 Slurpee Super Series and the plastic 1978-79 Pepsi Collectors series, featuring two heroes each- Batman/Robin and Superman/Wonder Woman. They were also marked with the logos of Wyler’s Grape Juice and Crunchola Brand Granola Cereal.
So there we go. Plenty of data points to work from. It’s not like Wylers and Crunchola are Big Time Super Hero Promoters so a search using any combination of the above information should net me nice results of anything and everything else in this series.
Nope. Not a damn thing.
I came back to this search over and over, trying various combinations of search words and ideas. All I kept coming back to were the same two cups, mostly in various ebay auctions with no real information.
Then I got lucky and stumbled across a picture of a newspaper ad for the 1978 Superhero Sweepstakes as promoted by, you guessed it, Crunchola and Wyler’s (Not to be confused with the center spread Clark Bars/Milk Duds Super Hero Sweepstakes that could have put you into a comic book!). Special thank you to Brian McKernan of Superman in Advertising and Media for providing me a much better copy than the ones the internet provided.
In this contest you could win any number of kid friendly prizes like televisions, bikes, watches and the Grand Prize of a trip to the Superman movie premiere in Washington D.C. to meet Christopher Reeve. In addition, you may also have an instant winner if your code matched the code on the display and that instant winner was a set of the two cups in question. You can see the cups in the bottom center of the ad.
There we go. Mystery solved.
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
I'm getting closer. Finally made it to season 5. *Tired hurray.*
Silver's dojo advertisement with all the tech. With Kreese gone his version of upsurption is to throw out the old dojo, all of Johnny's stuff, and create brand new gyms. Because that's kinda what these are, like back when Johnny was going through trying to find a new dojo and looked at this nice gym with equipment (because it'd taken him so long to get equipment and he lost it all to Kreese) and probably didn't want the kids to have to start back at no equipment. Only Miguel was used to that. And even then, he'd worked hard for all of that, like it was literally wishlists he was saving up for throughout the earlier seasons on his whiteboard.
And then he just couldn't afford it. I don't know how much money Bert or Mitch's family has, but it's not nearly Kyler or Hawk level funding. Which is probably why the kids were using frisbee's Johnny stole as equipment up until he got a little more stable and then settled into an abandoned ware house, which no clue if he's just squatting there as a dojo or actually renting it, but he did try his best to make it homey.
But he truly just can't compete with Silver and his money or hell Daniel and his money and inherited property and equipment.
I mean this new dojo has equipment, has focused training for improvement and a bar for juice and protein shakes.
Heck the kids said as part of their attempt to get Johnny and Daniel to co-sensei that they couldn't agree on was after training snacks. Something that's never mentioned with Johnny, but is like a re-occuring note for Miyagi-do. Daniel buys the dojo snacks and Gatorade. I don't think Johnny can afford it. Unless it's beef jerky which I think is the only snack I've seen him give the kids and that was actually for the dogs at the junk yard.
Which hurts a second time because this is Johnny's job and the one he fell in love with and is his determined path to do what he loves. His desire to not be an indoor pencil pusher in a suit was why he was working labor jobs, so he's never wanted to work inside, and then he found the dojo and it was like he finally got his dream job.
Silver isn't doing this for the money, he's doing it for the legacy. And Daniel? I think after the last episode that he's doing this out of grief for Mr. Miyagi and is spurred on by a gut punching can't breathe can barely focus undelt with trauma. But from the comfort of having a main job that pays the bills so this can be a 'hobby' that doesn't endanger his food/water/shelter (well unless kids break into his house in a home invasion). But his revenue stream is rather safe and secure and not tied to it.
And I think a good part of that panic is from TKK3 when Silver/Kreese told him that Cobra Kai would take over the valley and no one would know who Mr. Miyagi is or remember him. And Daniel hasn't processed his grief for losing Mr. Miyagi and now because Cobra Kai is around he's trying to defend Mr. Miyagi's memory and ensure people don't forget him/Cobra Kai doesn't erase Mr. Miyagi from the Valley like they once promised, because Daniel can't lose him again.
Anyway, back to the show.
Terry using Tory as 'home to the first female all-valley champion' and we accept anyone (lies), and nonsense about the good teachers, and also the students shouldn't yes sensei in the background over and over again.
I dunno that sounds like he's made brainwashed soldiers. Like instead of a kiah it's literally just yelling yes sensei over and over again like blind loyalty. Which i mean that's what Silver (and for a time Kreese) wanted.
The flagship location is in Encino, which is the grand opening. He's going for those rich kids and since Terry's home is on the beach, quite possibly to move it closer to Daniel as like a threat.
THE METAL LOGO COBRA?! That was Johnny's idea! How dare you steal that Silver.
To be fair, pretty much everything has been stolen from Johnny at this point. So why not his design choices too.
Butt 🍑
Daniel flew Chozen out there, it sounds like without talking to Amanda, so she's justifably pissed. And of course Chozen's swimming nude. I'm kinda surprised Daniel didn't put Chozen up at Mr. Miyagi's. But I think it's once again the grief. He doesn't let people live there. Only he and Mr. Miyagi could. But a dojo is fine because everyone is mostly just in the yard or in the dojo space. But at least with Robby they kind of talked about it even though Daniel had already started the letting Robby spend the night and getting him from the apartment. and Amanda knew Robby, he'd worked at LaRusso auto after all. Plus it was a kid who needed a home.
It's different then Daniel spending the money to fly Chozen out, letting him stay with them and not warning Amanda. Like at this point Daniel knows Chozen even less than he knows Johnny. Johnny he went to school with for a year and has been interacting with Johnny and working with him on and off for a year. Amanda even knows him and has hung out with him. Chozen he met for a summer, knew for like maybe a few weeks, the guy tried to kill him, he goes back, sees him for a few days and then flies him home.
But it's that mongoose brain/grief blindness. Chozen is his Miyagi-do cousin. One of those people who knew Mr. Miyagi or at least more about Mr. Miyagi who he can learn from and potentially help keep Mr. Miyagi's memory alive. so turning to him in his grief and anger and hopelessness makes sense because Daniel is essentially scrambling for every scrap of Mr. Miyagi he can find in the world.
He's not a nudist, he's just a man of routine.
Daniel, he's swimming nude in your pool. If it was someone else without that Miyagi connection you'd be pissed too. I mean you flipped out when Sam's friends borrowed your swimming trunks.
I think Daniel also forgot he's got kids there who don't know this guy whose walking around naked.
I also don't think this is the excuse you think it is. There's a difference and swimming in a pool is not the same as bathing in a hot spring. It's not like there's no pools on Okinawa island. He knows what a pool is.
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Amanda's face is accurate. Daniel lost the tournament and isn't thinking straight.
Amanda: Then let's get him a membership to the YMCA
Amanda: I can't believe this is happening again.
Which is true. Daniel had been doing a lot of stuff that affected their lives without telling her and she's frustrated and tired of it.
Which is fair.
She's right, Daniel hasn't told her about Silver. In her book it's over. The big bad was Kreese and he's in jail. The at home issue was Tory and Sam fighting, they fought and neither got badly injured this time. To her it's over, she doesn't care that Miyagi-do closed because she doesn't know, again, anything about Silver, and she doesn't know that Silver promised that no one would ever remember Mr. Miyagi and how all of it is one big trauma/grief response on steroids.
She didn't want to spend summer doing more fighting, more looking over her back, more concern for home invasions and their dealership, their staff, their family in danger. She wanted a chill summer with mai tais by the pool.
She calls Chozen Daniel's Okinawan assassin
The yellow filter. 💀
Miguel got on a bus going to Mexico city and got off in Ceuta. A nearly 19 hour bus drive.
Miguel not having cell service. I know that feeling, but the fact he didn't notice till he got off the bus.... Did the bus have wifi or something? Because how was this kid not glued to his phone for 19 hours?
Ugh these jerks
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Miguel is too much of a trusting cinnamon roll.
Miguel is looking for 137 Avenue Santurce
Dumb solo travel moves #1: Not checking if you have cell service before getting off the bus. #2: not already having the map up before hand (some maps if you already have them up before you lose service will remember the location after it drops you and will be able to still drop your blue location dot for where you are despite no wifi or service, super helpful when you don't have a sim card and are relying on wifi hot spots)
#3 taking off his backpack to talk to this guy. You do not put make it any easier for anyone to steal all your shit.
#4 letting the first person who comes up to you to help you right near the bus depot. Airports have literal warnings broadcasting constantly to not talk to people you don't know if they come up to you to offer you a ride or help you with something. Instead you find staff. Frequently locals don't know where things are, if it's not part of their usual route, but taxi's nearly always do. And what he should've done was look for a taxi stand, which some places taxi's will also try and scam you but at least they for sure know where everything is. Second best help spot if there's no information location is to find a business with wifi. I recommend a cafe. You look for the wifi symbol plastered on the door, go in, buy a coffee or a pastry or something, ask for the wifi password and log in info with your order, grab a seat and get wifi to figure out where you're going. Bonus, there's generally a bathroom too. At that point you can have an uber come get you or a lyft or even ask the staff at the cafe to call you a taxi if you can't figure out how to get there on your own.
It's so much safer then this. Yes, strangers can and will help you if they see you're lost. But you should never let your guard down when traveling alone. And as a kid whose just spent 2 years studying karate, he should know this.
Like the fact all of this guys friends showed up and Miguel PUT HIS BAG ON THE GROUND was a terrible terrible choice. Like Miggy, why???? WTF? It's not like you've been sitting on that bus with your bag on your back for 19 hours, you probably had it above you, on the seat next to you or at your feet, so one minute of carrying it shouldn't have been that bad even with the pulled muscle in your back, especially if you used the bengay Johnny gave you.
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You don't take your eye off your bag. You don't set your bag down. And all alerts should be going off as to why on earth this random dude next to the bus drop off has maps. There's no information booth with his stuff, he's literally just hanging out with his buds and drinking beer. There's no reason for him to have a map and give it to you.
And yup, there we go, Miguel your bag is gone. Like if you've got to set it down, you stick your feet on that thing so it can't be moved without you feeling it and without someone having to push you off of your bag.
But no for some reason Miguel just set his bag somewhere away from himself. You darling sunshine dumbass.
Like they literally charged him 5 pesos for the map.
Dumb solo travel move # uhhh 5???? YOU DON'T HOLD YOUR WALLET OPEN OR IN A LIGHT ENOUGH GRIP FOR SOMEONE TO TAKE IT. Because they will. They will take every bill from your wallet if they can. No, instead you control the situation, they don't know how much you have, you give them something you can afford. You also don't leave all your money in one spot. Keep some of it in your shoe or something. I mean heck they stole his bag but they didn't open it. He could've put some in there.
Dumb solo travel #6: The guy asked for 5 pesos for the map. That's like 25 cents. That's some coins. Miguel hasn't converted any of his money so he literally shows that he knows nothing and is handing over actual bills, over paying for the map. You do a currency exchange before leaving and you split up your money in different spots. If he'd done that when they guy said 5 pesos he would've gotten out a change or coin purse rather than his wallet (sometimes useful to carry one for this exact reason) And then you can be like well I've got these coins, I didn't bring much on me. I mean hell he could've even played dumb and given the guy 5 pesos cent pieces and truly undersold the dumb tourist with no money and had the guy realize like how little he had on him rather than whipping out cash and overselling. But either way it should've been coins.
Lol this guy scamming Miguel is wearing a shirt that's just beer can designs in grayscale or red.
The guy leaves him with $3, with how little Miguel probably had to beginning with, I assume emptying out his savings or a la Daniel, his college fund, that's probably a huge blow.
Johnny saying thank you in Spanish, it's the least he can do.
He's wearing the tag on his sunglasses still.
Robby sitting in the van. Johnny is never getting rid of this van even if it's not badass to him. Because he holds onto sentimental stuff and since not only did Robby steal it, but now it's a road trip with Robby to find Miguel, that's Johnny's new beloved firebird, though not as cool.
Johnny got: 2 mexican cokes in glass bottles, candy: el masticador cherry flavored that I can't find for some reason online, Chicharrón, and a phone with "60 minutes on it" though he thinks it's or at least says for a joke 300 american minutes" which makes Robby laugh and got Robby a welcome to mexico gift:
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It's a bobble head, it's kinda cute.
He also got them matching FBI navy shirts, the backs say "female body inspector" which is a very very old joke.
Robby asks what they're doing and say's don't say it's a father-son bonding thing, we could've done that 500 miles ago.
Which 2 things. 1. Johnny did you talk to Shannon? I get this is your actual literal son and he had permission from Shannon to live with you a few seasons back while she was in rehab but she's back, and you've taken Robby out of the country. Yes, your son, but also, potentially kidnapping.
2. Robby you literally got in a car with your dad and for 500 miles didn't say a thing about where are we going and why? I get you get kidnapped a lot but still, wtf kid? Just let's see where this goes???? For not trusting or wanting to be around your dad that's a lot of trust.
Johnny takes off his sunglasses, "This is a father son bonding thing" (Robby made up a trip that he lied about to the school and Robby said Johnny got to pick their next trip)
It's interesting that Demetri is like oh the dojo's closed, rather than pay someone for something I'll get a summer job. Which is an interesting thought process. But I guess it's too late to join a camp or something.
"With Johnny gone it's on me to fix this"
How does Daniel know Johnny's gone? Did he swing by the apartment first before summoning Chozen from Okinawa? Like how long did he wait? Like surely Johnny hasn't been gone that long. And surely Carmen would've been like he's gone to Mexico to find Miguel, which has Sam and Daniel even realized Miguel is mia?
I do feel like closing the dojo and telling the students it's not their fight is a good thing to do. For the kid's own safety. Also, could've been an email. Or a text.
And while he tells Sam it's not her fault it feels like she didn't get the comfort she needed from that conversation, because again Daniel hasn't told anyone fully what Silver did to him.
Castillo Escondido which is the location Miguel wrote in his phone app for Hector Salazar.
Miguel I love you but you dumbass. Why would you walk into a strange shop you didn't research and make your way into a backroom with a bunch of dudes sitting around a card table?
The bouncer's name is Pueblo
Ah, Miguel trying to find his dad, not knowing that his dad doesn't know he exists. My name is____ nothing. My mom's name is....nothing. She's from ecuador???? Dudes confused as to why Miguel is introducing himself, his background. Like not all Hectors are your dad kiddo.
Miguel kicking the bouncer's ass because he's not going to come all this way and not potentially talk to his dad, but kiddo, that might not be your dad, might be a different hector. And you're fighting grown men.
Rosa, Hector, and Carmen lived in Guayaquil, Ecuador
I am not the Hector you're looking for.
Johnny avoided telling Robby that it was about Miguel and Robby is rightfully pissed.
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Johnny said that when Miguel needed him he had to go but he couldn't leave Robby at home alone, he wasn't doing that anymore.
But Shannons back?!?!
Was Robby not actually living with his mother? But prom night she came to Johnny and said silver had come to her apartment. Why would he do that if Robby wasn't living with her? Was he still living at the now abandoned dojo? So did Johnny take him in? Oh I'm confused here.
"Besides I need your help. | My help? Do you even have a plan?"
I know where the kids getting off the bus and I'll ask around. That's your big plan? Of course not, if I come up dry I'll check the Mexican phone book.
Robby, Miguel's been dealing with this for 4 seasons, welcome to Miguel's life. Is this what you wanted? I hope so. I love Robby here.
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Yes. yes he did. But also family road trip kiddo.
Might as well put Miguel's face on a milk carton
Johnny: They still do that? (as if he's totally ready to follow that plan)
Robby realizing he could be home with his girlfriend instead. How very teenager of him.
Johnny: Okay, if you want to go home when we get to the bus station you can go home. I don't want you to go home but you can.
In otherwords, I've got to do this. I want to help you and Miguel, but if you don't want to be here or a be a part of this I will ensure you get home even if I can't be the one to take you.
And of course Johnny's not paying attention to where he's driving because he's trying to do that active listening eye contact communication thing which kudos but not the time or place.
Nearly hits a truck full of corn, drives off the road and sounds like punctures a tire.
What news channel would cover Silver's speech while covering who won the All-Valley? Like generaly you gotta pay for that advertising.
Ah the first of Chozen's amazing shirt collection.
"First we have to cut the head off the snake"
"Hai Daniel-san, I can do that" Stands in fighting position with sai's.
See, Chozen is such a trickster I kinda wonder if he's truly offering to murder someone, or if he's just teasing Daniel/saying he's there to be all in and help.
"They're not for cutting, they're for blocking and stabbing and clawing and gouging." Chozen who last time he fought Daniel with a weapon Daniel didn't know shit about the weapon, taking this moment to teach, not aware Daniel taught Sam how to use Sai's.
I want to know how Chozen got those into the states.
No Daniel-san he must be careful with this guy.
That's just such a dad/grandpa jokster thing to say. 🤣
Sam replaying the match over and over again trying to figure out what she could've done better.
Miguel finally has service.
Sam's been trying go call and coudn't reach him and panicked (Which happened to Miguel much earlier in the series)
That phone call went terribly
Sam asked why Miguel left, why he waited to call till now, why he did something so dangerous without telling someone and then why he wasn't asking about the tournament and the fight with Tory. He doesn't know whether she won or lost
And Miguel's upset that she made it about her and they're both upset that the other's not in their corner right now. And they both say there are things more important then karate.
Meanwhile we've found Hector #2 taking out trash, doing Rogelioi's job.
Johnny looking through the trunk for a lug wrench unaware that there's secret compartments in the back of the van that Robby gives him.
Robby: I lived in here remember? Johnny: Of course I remember.
Pretty sure that's why he's kept it. Other than not having any other car or returning it to LaRusso.
Robby: How'd you end up with this car anyway? Johnny: I went looking for you.
Johnny tells Robby about the chop shop and the fight and getting the van. Robby didn't know.
Johnny: I know I wasn't there for you, that I've failed you more times than I can count. But I've also screwed up with Miguel, I'm why he ran away in the first place (Not fully true, you're just taking all the guilt and blame again even when it's not fully earned)
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I know you have regrets with Miguel too, you can start to fix them by doing this with me. I'm going to call carmen.
Sam called Carmen to let her know that Miguel had called her and updates her that Miguel hasn't found his father yet. Carmen's been calling trying to warn him that his father doesn't know he exists but Miguel's not calling her back. She thinks she should come down there, but Johnny tells her there's no reason to put herself in danger.
Which is like, why would Carmen not go? Because Johnny can fight and Hector is dangerous and he might recognize Carmen but wouldn't know Johnny. To an extent it makes sense.
Kenny standing out front with a bag giving out stickers. The snake they have out front is red. Daniel's pointing out how good of a location it is with the foot traffic.
Chozen proving that like Johnny, he's more aware of karate. For Chozen he's aware of the 'world of karate' while Johnny's like a local expert and karate nerd.
Watching Silver kick ass with a bunch of people coming at him is very reminiscent of Daniel seeing Chozen kicking ass and teaching a class in TKK2
Chozen recognizes the moves from Kim Sun-Yung.
Me and Daniel: That's a real person?
Sato and Kim Sun-Yung had beef. Kim Sun-Yung taught American soldiers during the Korean war, specifically teaching Tang Soo Do.
I love that Chozen is like his style was controversial, let me demonstrate. And Daniel is just like sure.
Like bud, Chozen kicked your ass in Okinawa.
While Daniel is bowing that's when Chozen attacks and goes straight for the throat, which is what Silver did to Johnny.
No honor. No mercy. Deception.
I also want to point out how Chozen knows more styles then just Miyagi-do. He also is aware and can use other styles. Something Daniel spent like 4 seasons balking at.
Hector wandering around a market shaking hands and Miguel following him like a lost little duckling.
Through his observations he sees Hector kiss a woman and lean down next to a kid to...play with the boys ears and tickle him which makes them both laugh.
The kid has a soccer ball, wanders off, Miguel catches it and kicks it up into his hands. And he introduces himself to a potential brother: Luis.
Robby kicks the van's front tire a few times while Johnny gets bus details for Robby. Johnny gives Robby money for his ticket and money for drinks and snacks for the bus.
The bus guy says he thinks he saw Miguel talking to surfers so he heads over to talk to them and apologizes for dragging Robby into it all.
Slight build but we're working on that 🤣
This scam is ridiculous. Like they even try to take Johnny's wallet, which, Johnny wallet in the back pocket, dumb. But kudos to him for feeling it. Maybe for Johnny it's fine because whoever tries to touch his butt gets their arm twisted behind their back
This random Australian dude just saw his friend get his ass kicked in like 5 seconds and was like eh still doing the scam even if we've got to kick Johnny's ass.
They try to go for Johnny's neck with a rope but Robby comes in and kicks their ass. I'd need to go back and check (not happening) but I think that's the first time someone's gone for Johnny's neck and someone else has saved him before it happens. And it's his own son. 🥹
They auto move into covering each others backs and moving in a Miyagi-do protective wheel circle.
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The australian guy comes at Johnny with a board, he tries to punch it, it hurts his fist the guy grins, Johnny snaps it in half with a kick. And while the guy stands there stunned, probably regretting using his board as a weapon because it just got ruined, Robby runs in and kicks the guy in the chest. Previously Robby had used a skateboard he'd found to knock a different guy out and Johnny ends the fight by breaking the guys stereo/radio over his head.
Their first father son fight. 🥹 And they kicked ass. Took out 4 guys.
Miguel, I love you, I get that this is important for you but you look like a stalker.
You don't in this moment know this guy is your dad. That that could potentially be a brother. All you know is this guy is a Hector.
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It's...a little creepy dude.
Though good job seeing the kid go after his ball into a street and rescue Luis. Also, this is dumb on the parents part. Why are they letting their kid just wander around behind them? Like they weren't near him at all. They're lucky Miguel was stalking them.
It's wild how the mother looks Luis over for injuries even though Miguel like just scooped him up out of the way and carried him to the side walk and put him back down, it's not like they fell over or anything. It was very smooth.
The mother offering to make Miguel dinner. I don't understand why now all of a sudden Miguel's saying no. Isn't that what you're here for kiddo? To meet and get to know your dad? Like even if this guy isn't your dad, (He is) you got scammed and have $3 to your name, you could use some free food.
Hector Salazar! Congrats Miggy you found your dad.
The way this time Miguel doesn't say his last name. Like this time he realizes to play it safer. Maybe running into the guys at the card table after getting scammed spooked him or maybe seeing Hector with his family upset him. Either way Miguel's gotta be exhausted his first day in Mexico has sucked. It was a long bus ride there, he got scammed out of almost all his money, got into a fight, had to save a kid from getting hit by a car, found his dad.
You deserve a nice nap.
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All Miggy wants and also so true.
What's wild here is that Hector and his wife aren't like so why's this kid here? Is he here with his parents? Friends? Does he have plans?
Nope, no questions asked, just they found a strange boy on the street and took him home for dinner.
Both Robby and Johnny using their drinks to cool their bruises. Johnny got Robby a cola and he's drinking...a 333...prop department wtf? Why is Johnny drinking a Vietnamese beer in Mexico????? Mexico is not on the list of places according to Wikipedia (I know) that sell it. (I looked on the parent companies website and they don't export it yet to Mexico so that might be a prop whoops) Because for the most part the label is facing Johnny and not the camera.
Johnny saying it was a mistake to bring Robby and Robby being like no it wasn't. Robby's having fun kicking ass with his dad meanwhile his dad is like omg I've had this kid for maybe 2 days and I fucked up, he got hurt and in a fight.
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LOL Robby. Accurate. But also, Daniel did too, though maybe not over the border.
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This is such a cute shot. And look how happy they are, bonding and having that adventure that they wanted/needed together.
Johnny tells Robby the bus is coming and he should go and that he can clean up his own mess, but Robby wants to be there to help and he also wants to make things right. So happy for and proud of them both.
Daniel closed the gate to Mr. Miyagi's and put a big chain lock over the wooden gate. All the cars are covered too and he throws a drop cloth over the sign. (What's that going to do in the Santa Ana winds Daniel? Also speaking of those, why the heck are all those cars not in a garage? Daniel, they're all freaking classics and you work with cars, and you have the money, why didn't you move them somewhere safer? Like Mr. Miyagi probably didn't have the money to do so, but you do."
Johnny and Robby broke into the cherry candies and are driving through the night with their map with the x marks the spot from the Australia and the other surfer scammers.
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I know this doesn't turn out well, but Miguel probably cherishes or should cherish this moment. A chance to have a home cooked meal with his father. It probably means so much to him and they don't even know.
I love Daniel making the mai tai's and sitting by the pool, surprising Amanda.
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How long have you been sitting there waiting Daniel? Also what the heck is that thing next to you? Just decor glass bottles??? Why there?
Silver out here poaching sensei's. Paying them better than everyone else too.
Chozen sneaking into the Cobra Kai sensei try-outs is both a delight and also something I find fascinating. Like for so many seasons Daniel considered anything related to Cobra Kai to have cooties. But now the game plan includes Chozen being right front and center.
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