#judge wants an affidavit from me
thenighttrain · 5 months
i’m having such a busy day at work omg OF ALL DAYS why does it have to be today 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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carriesthewind · 1 year
Good evening everyone! As I said in an answer to a previous ask, there wasn't a public call-in line to listen to the Show Cause Hearing in Mata v Avianca (the ChatGBT lawyer case) today.
However, while we are waiting for a transcript of the hearing (because there was a court reporter! yay!) and a written decision by the judge, we did get this absolutely anxiety-inducing live tweet of the hearing:
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(Caveat: this thread was not an official transcript of the hearing and should not be taken as such. It is possible the actual events and statements made in the hearing differ significantly from this report - i.e., take this with a grain of salt and reserve final judgement for the actual transcript.)
I'll put the full thread with some (light) commentary below the cut.* But the overall impression I am left with is that the judge seems to feel this pair of attorneys are treating their duty of candor toward the tribunal with the same seriousness with which they are treating their duty of competence to their clients. (And in this case, that's a very bad thing.)
*The full thread except for a soon-to-follow part 2 because I ran out of space for images again.
(All of the following screenshots are from the above tweet thread by Inner City Press @ innercitypress on twitter, made on June 8, 2023.)
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Normally I would overlook that "you, personally," but in this case, you really get the feeling that the judge is concerned that LoDuca might just start talking about what Schwartz did again.
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Establishing LoDuca's base of knowledge - he should know how to look up cases and check if they are real; he should know what a real case looks like.
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The March 1 submission was the plaintiff's opposition to the motion to dismiss, where they first cited the fake cases.
How bad this answer is depends, I think, on LoDuca's wording here. Best case scenario, his statement about Schwartz was a specific statement about what inquiry was reasonable for him to do under the circumstances (which - for that first filing - I think is actually a reasonable argument. You don't expect your colleague to just make up cases). Worst case, this reads like him trying to wiggle out of his obligations. I will withhold judgement until I see the official transcript.
Rule 11, by the way, refers to Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Rule 11(b) states:
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(If you remember the Order to Show Cause, we are dealing with a Rule 11(b)(2) issue here. Rule 11(c) allows the court to impose sanctions for violations of Rule 11(b))
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Oh no, bad answer. (If anyone reading this is good at photoshop, I cannot express how badly I want a version of the "this sign can't stop me because I can't read" meme with the sign being the quote from defendant's reply where they say, "The undersigned has not been able to locate this case by caption or citation, nor any case bearing any resemblance to it.")
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Oh that is not a good way of characterizing those orders. (Those were the orders, remember, where the Court said, "By April 18, 2022, Peter LoDuca, counsel of record for plaintiff, shall file an affidavit annexing copies of the following cases cited in his submission to this Court: as set forth herein. Failure to comply will result in dismissal of the action pursuant to Rule 41 (b), Fed. R. Civ. P.")
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I would simply perish on the spot.
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention in my original attempted summary of "Varghese" - the first paragraph states that it is a wrongful death suit by the widow of the passenger. Then the second paragraph states that the passenger was denied boarding on a flight due to overbooking and thus missed his connecting flight and therefore incurred additional expenses. The case was such nonsense that I legitimately forgot about that inconsistency by the time I got to the end.
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Your honor I plead "2 stupid 2 sanction."
(I believe the "different fonts" is in reference to the April 25 affidavit, in which the case names - and some of the surrounding text - are in a different font from most of the text in the affidavit. It seems like this is because they may have been copied straight from ChatGPT. See e.g., #3 below. It's hard to tell just based on this twitter thread, though.)
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A short and simple answer! You did it!
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"I have all the answers I need" is not a good sentence in this context.
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Very genuinely: shorter is better here. At least I don't think he hurt himself with that statement.
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Judge Castel: How do you conduct legal research?
Schwartz: I research cases.
Judge Castel: Do you read them?
Schwartz: Well, I may have once upon a time, but after hearing you ask that question in this context, I have decided to retire from the practice of law forever and also possibly sink into the ground and die. Also, by answering "yes," here, I just realized that I'm either admitting that I read the cases I submitted and therefore must have known they were fake, or else I just possibly committed perjury. Oh shit oh fuck.
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Oh god I'm cringing myself into a pretzel just reading this.
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Hey, by the way? You can actually use google (esp. google scholar) to do legal research. (It's not a good tool and you will miss things, but it will do in a pinch.) But. Um. If you know that...why didn't you double check your cases at very least on google when you were told they seemed to be made up?
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So, once again, I am going to withhold judgement until I see the actual transcript. That said, if Schwartz did say this, I would like to compare it briefly to a part of the chat transcript he provided to the court. Here is the first question asked about the Montreal Convention in the provided transcript:
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Oh god. I can't even provide commentary on this one. I hope this is worse than the actual transcript will prove to be. I'm reading through my fingers like I'm watching a horror movie.
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"Misperception" (or "misconception") doesn't work once you have evidence that should cause you to doubt - like not being able to find a case that was supposedly published in the Federal fucking Reporter.
This is overshooting "2 stupid 2 sanction" into "too stupid to function."* You either looked for "Varghese" or you didn't. If you looked for "Varghese," it is not credible that you continued to have a good faith assumption that ChatGPT couldn't lie. If you didn't look up "Varghese," you just lied to the Court under oath.
*Just to be clear: for an ordinary person, this would be a very understandable lack of knowledge issue. A lawyer has no excuse not to know this.
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Judge Castel: Mr. Schwartz, I think you have the fucking audacity to try to lie to me to my face in my fucking courtroom.
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Honestly at this point I'm surprised he could still talk. I think screaming, "I'm melting, I'm melting!" as he vanished into steam, leaving his crumpled suit behind, would be an appropriate response.
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Oh no, oh honey.
Ok. Two options here (again, assuming he actually fucking said "They said they couldn't find them," in response to the Court asking, "When Avianca said you cited non existent cases?"):
Schwartz is once again trying to purposefully downplay what the defendant's reply brief actually said and dodge responsibility.
Schwartz honestly, truly believes that when the defendant filed a reply containing the line, "The undersigned has not been able to locate this case by caption or citation, nor any case bearing any resemblance to it," they were just asking for assistance with their legal research?!??!
I honestly don't know which is worse.
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Oh no....
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Oh man, I haven't gone over it here yet, but I think that "I looked up the judge" is a panicked attempt at bringing up a talking point the Professional Responsibility Lawyers raised in their memorandum of law. (Again, I'm giving this reading of his response with the caveat that it is based only on this thread, not the official transcript, which might read very differently and contain different/more info.) The Professional Responsibility attorneys noted in a footnote that two of the judges listed in the "opinion," including the "author," were actual 11th circuit judges, and the other is an actual 5th circuit judge. My read of this footnote was as an extra little detail tossed in by the Professional Responsibility attorneys to try to dress up their argument that the "opinions" had various "indicia of authenticity."
But here's the problem. If Schwartz is telling the truth - if he was reading carefully and critically enough that he bothered to look up the judge (why would you do that if you didn't think the case might be fake?!) there is no way he could have missed that the case was gibberish. Again, if this is really what he said at the hearing, he either lied in the hearing, or he must have know the "opinions" were bogus when he gave them to LoDuca to file.
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"Did it cross your mind" - if the court actually said this, oh my god.
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Hey, that's the point that I made in my original post(s)!
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This whole thing about the "+h" to "th" with the notary date is from the recent affidavits filed on 6/6/23, you can read them about them if you want, I'll be honest, I don't really care as much about the notary stuff so I'm going to skip it for the moment.
....and I've run out of space for images again. Part II to follow shortly!
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receiptarchive · 25 days
Vermont woman 'Dragongurl69' sentenced 11 years for attempted child enticement
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WARREN COUNTY, N.Y. — A 33-year-old woman known as "Dragongurl69" was sentenced to over 11 years in prison for attempted child enticement.Scarlet Shadows, of West Rutland, Vermont, admitted to exchanging sexually explicit text messages with someone she believed was an 11-year-old girl, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
In January 2022, Shadows traveled from Vermont to Warren County, New York, hoping to have sex with the child. Shadows brought an engagement ring, condoms and gifts for the child.
In addition to Shadow's 135-month sentence, a judge imposed a 15-year term of post-imprisonment supervised release, and Shadows will have to register as a sex offender when she's released from prison.
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Republished with permission from www.reduxx.org An adult male who self-identified as a lesbian teenager was arrested on charges of attempting to entice a minor into sexual activity after being caught in a law enforcement sting targeting child predators, police say. Scarlet Shadows, also known by the screen name “Dragongurl69,” of West Rutland, Vermont, appeared in federal court on January 27, where the court heard that Shadows exchanged sexually explicit messages with undercover law enforcement officers for weeks before travelling from Vermont to Warren County with an engagement ring, condoms, and gifts for what he believed was an 11 year-old girl. According to The Rutland Herald, the charge against Shadows, 31, is based on an affidavit written by FBI Special Agent Jenelle Bringuel, who specializes in investigating the sex trafficking of minors. In the affidavit, Bringuel said an undercover officer pretending to be the guardian of an 11-year-old girl in foster care posted on a social networking site in December using terms “commonly associated with individuals seeking to find children for sexual purposes.” On December 26, the officer received a reply from a person using the name “Dragongurl69”, who law-enforcement officers believe is Shadows. The undercover agent then began exchanging messages with “Dragongurl69.” Shadows told the undercover agent that he was 31 but identified as a “middle,” which he described as identifying as a teenager, and said he didn’t want to “get arrested for sexual stuff with minors.” On January 15, Bringuel sent Shadows several photos of an undercover agent that had been digitally manipulated to make her resemble an 11-year-old girl, according to the affidavit. Later that same day, Shadows suggested having sexual contact with the child and “having her date me” and requested to speak with the child. Bringuel stated that she arranged to have a second undercover officer exchange text messages with Shadows while posing as the girl’s “mother.” Shadows texted the girl saying her mother “wants me to teach you sex stuff” and added, “But up to you to lol (sic.)” The next day, Shadows sent messages establishing his age as 31 and urging the “girl” to keep his communications and the relationship confidential. “We have to keep the relationship a secret. So to the public im gonna be your nanny but wen we are home we are girlfriends. Its just so we don’t get in trouble then when your not a minor we can express our love in public, Ok? (sic),” Shadows wrote according to the affidavit. On January 18, Shadows sent messages describing imagined sexual abuse of the girl, which he said would be “more than kissing.” Shadows arrived in New York on January 26, at which time he was arrested. During questioning, he claimed the sexual texts were nothing more than “roleplaying.” The Department of Justice release on Shadows’ arrest referred to him as a ‘woman’ and utilized ‘she/her’ pronouns to refer to him, something that has now been replicated in media reports. So far, no news outlets or government documents have noted that Shadows is a biological male who identifies as transgender. If convicted, Shadows faces a minimum of 10 years and up to life in prison, and will be required to register as a sex offender. Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators, standing up for women, and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.
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rijallaw · 7 months
A Fiance Visa Lawyer Answers Your Questions
Have you been looking to bring your foreign fiance into the United States and want to marry them, but also want to make sure that everything is on the “up and up?” If so, we can help. A Fiance Visa lawyer from the Rijal Law Firm can help you through the entire process, from the initial case evaluation through the moment you and your fiance can be together.
These are some of the more common questions that we’re asked by those interested in knowing more about this visa. If you have questions about this or really anything else related to immigration, just give us a call or message us through our site.
Are There Exceptions To The “My Fiance And I Had To Meet In Person In Last Two Years” Requirement? As you may know, one of the eligibility qualifications for the fiance visa is that you and your fiance had to have met in person, at least once, in the last two years before you filed the petition. Yes, there are exceptions.
However, they can be rather stringent. For example, one such allowed exception would be if meeting your fiancé in person would defy strict and well-established customs of your fiancé’s foreign culture or social practice, and all aspects of the traditional arrangements adhere to the custom or practice.
The other exception would be if meeting your fiancé in person would result in extreme hardship for you. You have to be able to show this. If you believe that you have a case, it’s worth reaching out to us.
What Documentation Can I Submit To Show That My Fiancé And I Intend To Marry Within 90 Days Of Their Admission To The U.S.? On Your Site, It Says “Evidence of Relationship” – What Can That Mean?
Every case is different. Your fiance visa petition will be different from someone else’s. We can help you to put together the best petition for your needs. For example, maybe some of your evidence is that which relates to your eventual wedding. This could include an affidavit or letter from the clergy/judge officiating the wedding, or maybe receipts for deposits made towards wedding facilities, clothing, food, flowers, photographs, etc.
Additionally, it could include sample invitations, emails or other correspondence with vendors managing wedding arrangements.
Those are just some examples. There are many others. We can craft the best petition for you.
Is It Possible For Me To Accompany My Fiance To Their Visa Interview? Perhaps, as some embassies/consulates permit it. It’s crucial to note that procedures differ from consulate to consulate and are subject to change. As with every other step of the process, we can put you in the best possible position for success.
A Fiance Visa Lawyer That’s Ready To Help You and your fiance deserve to be together. We can help. Over the years, we’ve assisted so many couples in navigating the immigration process to a successful, happy conclusion. To see how we can help you, schedule a free case evaluation through our site or by giving us a call.
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This is 100% the Democrats own making
This is 100% the Democrats own making, they were so blinded by her promises to get Trump, they didn’t vet her. If this was a Republican we would have known about the corruption prior to the 2020 election. This case has a real possibility of falling apart and Democrat voters have only themselves to blame.
If Trump is reelected in Nov he will be the most well vetted politician in American history. He is not perfect by any means BUT every possible allegation against him is on the table.
This seems to be a common theme in Democrat offices. After getting elected you use your position to rack up the cash and then give it to family and lovers to wash it, then you take a cut back.
Direct Quotes:
The all-day hearing escalated steadily throughout the day, culminating with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis taking the witness stand for a combative brawl with defense attorneys that drew several rebukes from the judge.
There was talk of cash exchanging hands from Willis to Wade, where they store their money at home, CashApp usage, and their spending habits – all to get to the question of whether Willis benefitted financially from putting him on her staff.
The hearing will continue Friday with Willis still on the stand. The judge said he does not plan to issue a ruling on Friday.
The risks could not be greater, and Willis’ credibility is on the line.
Things quickly went off the rails. Willis didn’t act much like a traditional witness and was more like a prosecutor, arguing with the defense attorneys, raising objections, making legal arguments and even having exchanges with the judge. She even raised her voice at one point.
This led to a few rebukes from McAfee, who urged her and other attorneys in the courtroom to maintain “professionalism” and to not “talk over each other.” Willis repeatedly accused some of the defense attorneys of peddling lies – before and after the judge’s admonishment.
“You’ve lied in this. … I think you lied right here,” Willis said to attorney Ashleigh Merchant, pointing to copies of filings that raised accusations of self-dealing and nepotism.
On the stand, Wade stuck to his earlier claim – in a sworn affidavit submitted to the court – that his romantic relationship with Willis began in early 2022 and that they split travel and vacation expenses.
Bryant-Yeartie said she observed “hugging, kissing, close affection” between Willis and Wade prior to 2022
Wade and Willis have offered a simple explanation for why there’s essentially no paper trail to back up his claims they split expenses: Willis used cash.
Credit card statements submitted in Wade’s divorce proceedings show he paid for two flights for them in recent years, to San Francisco and Miami. They also took lavish trips to Belize, the Bahamas and some Caribbean cruises.
Trump lawyer Steven Sadow asked Willis about the breakup, eliciting an answer that revealed sexist remarks that Wade allegedly made to Willis in the past. She said, he “is used to women that, as he told me one time, ‘the only thing a woman can do for him is make him a sandwich.’” She explained that this was a part of their breakup – but it also was a defense to the self-dealing claims against her.
Nothing that happened Thursday undercut the factual allegations against Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, or the other GOP allies who are accused of trying to overturn the 2020 election.
State prosecutors want that judge to issue a $370 million fine against Trump, after finding that Trump and his company committed significant fraud against banks and insurers by lying about his net worth and assets. They also want Trump barred from doing business in New York.
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publicnotarynearme · 11 months
Oath Commissioner Near Me: Your Guide to Finding the Right One
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Are you in need of an Oath Commissioner near you? Look no further! Whether you need to notarize legal documents, witness signatures, or administer oaths and take affidavits, an Oath Commissioner is an essential professional to have on hand. This an authorized by the government to perform various legal services. Oath Commissioners are typically lawyers, judges, justices of the peace, and other government officials. This blog will guide you a process of finding the perfect Oath Commissioner near me.
Understanding the Role of an Oath Commissioner
An Oath Commissioner plays a crucial role in all the legal matters. They are the government authorized body to perform a various of legal services, such as documents notarization, witnessing signatures, and administering oaths. Their main duty is to ensure the authenticity and validity of legal documents and ensure that they all in under the law.
Oath Commissioners are responsible to maintaining the integrity of the legal system by providing their expertise and guidance to individuals in need. It's very important to understand the responsibilities of an oath commissioner when to select the best one specialist for your needs.
 There are several key factors to be consider when choosing an Oath Commissioner.
First and foremost, you must confirm that they have relevant experience and expertise. Locate an oath commissioner who is well-versed in the laws and their requirements.
Second, think about their adaptability and availability. An Oath Commissioner who can work with your schedule and promptly attend to your needs is what you want.
It's also crucial to consider where they are. Selecting a local Oath Commissioner can expedite the procedure and save time.
Finally, remember to ask them about their fees. While cost shouldn't be the primary deciding factor, it's crucial to pick an Oath Commissioner whose costs fit into your budget. You may choose the ideal oath commissioner for your purposes with confidence if you take these important aspects into account.
Tips for Finding a Reputable Oath Commissioner Near You
It may seem difficult to find a trustworthy oath commissioner in your area but fear not—we've got you covered! These are some excellent pointers to aid you on your quest.
Most importantly, to ask for recommendations from your friends, family, or colleagues who have recently consulted an Oath Commissioner. They will provide you a valuable advice and recommendations based on their personal experiences.
Secondly, you can use online resources and directories to find Oath Commissioners in your area. From the reviews and testimonials give you an idea of their reputation and reliability.
Thirdly, visit their place and ask questions according to your needs. Inquire about their experience, credentials, and fees. A trustworthy Oath Commissioner will be transparent and happy to provide all the necessary information.
Lastly, trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right or if you have any doubts, it's better to keep looking for another Oath Commissioner near me who meets your expectations.
In summary when choosing an Oath Commissioner near you, it is important to check their qualifications and reputation. To make sure they are qualified to provide the necessary legal services, look for experts that possess the needed qualifications and licenses. Checking credentials and reputation helps ensure that you are choosing a trustworthy and competent Oath Commissioner who will meet your needs effectively. Red Seal Notary has a group of exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable attorneys, notaries public, commissioners of oaths, and legal assistant. Red Seal Notary has locations across Canada to make your search easy.
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My Legal Battle with my Family and their Co-horts / Co-conspirators (157):
So, my family has exerted financial control over me and either caused me or attempted to cause me every possible financial problem you could ever imagine to prevent me from filing both criminal charges and lawsuits against them for all of the atrocities they are guilty of committing against me.
The attached image is a scan of an affidavit I wrote while under oath and was notarized to verify the oath and the date it was written. You can see that this was written and notarized on February 6th, 2017. In the affidavit I state how I had received a letter from my parents, Leonard and Gloria Sumter, on February 4th, 2017 in which they threatened to cause me financial problems and to stop sending me money once I got out of prison and to also make me homeless if I ever brought any legal actions against them or against anyone else in my family for the crimes and torts they had committed against me.
So, as I was going through the plethora of evidence I have (what is still here in my apartment) I was looking for the letter they sent me. It's gone. I had a file clearly labeled as letters my parents had sent me that were threatening.
Well, in November of 2018 I had to go to court for an alledged DUI. My parents were well aware of the hearing and hearing date and did not want to come to Atlanta or to the hearing. It was prior to this hearing that Tim Gehret agreed to get my wallet, keys and phone from my attorney in the event that I was arrested so that he could take care of some legal things (conveniently that had to do with my legal battle with my family).
Just prior to the hearing, the DA and my attorney worked out a deal where I would just go to a six (6) month outpatient rehab program. But the judge told me he wanted to have a second hearing two (2) weeks from this date during which time he wanted me to remain in jail. Well, all of the sudden my parents want to drive up and to attend the second hearing. This of course was for two (2) reasons: (a) They thought I would be going back to prison; and (b) they wanted to stay at my apartment so they could obviously destroy evidence I had against them. Why would they want to come and why would they want to stay at my apartment? They had a key because the lease is in my mother's name. These are people who already tried to murder me by trying to bring elicit my suicide as I have shown already in this blog and who had already had me assaulted and threatened by two additional men, one who had a knife and another who had a gun. It was during this stay at my apartment that my parents had to have destroyed the threatening letter I mention earlier in this post.
Now, this has me frightened and worried about what other evidence they may have destroyed. This makes me scared and stresses me out and afraid that I will have more seizures as they continually try to keep me from proving this. It honestly makes me fear for my life. I don't even realize yet what other evidence they may have destroyed that was / has been in my apartment as I do not inventory all of my evidence on a weekly basis. I have over a half of a terabyte of evidence. The reason they didn't destroy this or the other affidavits I had written is because they didn't know that I had written them.
In my next post I will show how they enacted a scheme to cause me financial problems; problems to my credit; and employment problems. And evidence that they knew of their plans to do this and while simultaneously protecting their credit rating as I mentioned, my apartment lease was and still in in my mother, Gloria Sumter's, name.
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blogjanetmccullar · 2 years
Can Unmarried Father Take Child from Mother
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Can an unmarried father take custody of a child? There are many ambiguities regarding the legal rights unmarried fathers have when it comes to removing a kid from their mother as the position of fathers in families around the world changes. While this is a complicated matter that depends on numerous variables and should be discussed with a family law expert, some fundamental knowledge will assist any future father understand how he may look at handling this difficult situation.
Contact me at: behance.net/janetmccullar2022
When Parents are Not Wed, Who gets Custody?
Check out the information on parents' rights in custody before reading "Can an unmarried father acquire custody?"
The custody and child support arrangements typically resemble those between married couples in situations where both parents are recognized legally. However, in most places, an unmarried mother automatically receives exclusive custody of her child after giving birth.
A father who has not formally acknowledged his paternity has no legal obligations to his child without a court case. Unmarried fathers do not automatically have the right to be recognized as the children's biological parents because there is no presumption of paternity. As a result, it is possible to forbid unmarried dads from having custody of and access to their own children.
This may initially appear to be an exceedingly prejudiced and unfair stance for fathers who are not married. This is because it prevents unmarried moms from requesting child support without establishing paternity in order for the father to be granted his rights.
Knowledge of The Father's Rights 
It is obvious that unmarried men do not automatically have the right to remove their children from their mother's custody. In general, an unmarried father can only take a kid away from the mother if he can demonstrate that doing so is in the child's best interests.
When trying to decide whether you can take your child away from their mother, different laws may apply depending on where you live.
How Can a Father Who Has Never Been Married Get Custody of His Child?
#1 Finding out who the father is
"Can an unmarried father take a child away from the mother?" or The father must file a petition in court to prove he is the father before he can ask for custody. You can do this by taking a DNA test or just signing an Affidavit of Paternity. Once the father is proven to be the child's father, he can ask for child support and visitation rights.
#2 Establishing Custody
Once paternity is proven and the father can show that he can keep his child safe and care for him, he can move on to trying to get custody.
This can be done either by making a deal with the mother or by going to court. In either case, the judge will decide based on what is best for the child.
In the end, unmarried fathers can get custody of their children, but they have to prove they are the fathers and show they are good parents.
If you are a father who is not married and you want rights to your child, you should talk to a lawyer who can help you through the whole process.
#3 Showing that you know how to be a good parent
If the parents can't agree on who will take care of their child, they can go to court and a judge will decide based on which parent can give the child a better life.
Because of this, unmarried fathers should be ready to show that they are good parents and can give their children a safe place to live.
It may be challenging for unmarried men to obtain custody of their child without proving paternity and their ability to be a good parent. Fathers must also take prompt action, if necessary, and obtain legal counsel so that they can be guided through every stage of the process in order to regain full access to their child's life.
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alaminshorkar76 · 2 years
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xkzanova · 2 years
Apostille Services for Dominican Republic No Further A Mystery
Post our type on the internet and work out an estimated Price tag promptly. We will likely critique a scan within your paperwork for almost any faults and let you know ASAP if extra steps are expected.
Email us a scan or photo within your paperwork and we will assessment your documents without spending a dime. You might know if you can find any necessary legalization methods that need to be taken right before we could possibly get an apostille. Embassy Legalization This service is on the market to U.S. citizens and to overseas nationals who require to possess files notarized to be used in The us. Notarial services are furnished by appointment only. Remember to Notice that folks in search of notarial services who do not have an appointment will not be granted usage of the Embassy. We function with capable sworn translators and offer you Licensed translations of varied documents for example contracts, extracts from professional registers, court choices and certificates into a variety of languages. The Hague Apostille Convention's intention is usually to simplify the process of "authenticating" files for global acceptance. An apostille verifies the signature of your official who signed your paperwork (for instance, a condition Formal, a county clerk, a notary public, or a judge with the Exceptional Courtroom). Bachelor Degree/ Certificate are an educational diploma, granted once the completion of three a long time to 7 several years College class (according to the area of examine). Sometimes, it's also called graduate degree. Very often the question is requested, if it is achievable to get apostille on one document for two international locations concurrently? Halal Certification can be a legal assurance that the exported food items, medicine, or cosmetics items have been made in accordance to the Islamic legislation and will be consumed by Populace in Muslim nations.  What can we do for apostille services for Dominican Republic yourself? Overview your documents to make one hundred% positive that we can get an apostille from Dominican Republic Click here for an inventory of nations that can acknowledge Apostille. If your region is not really on this list, then you'll likely will need legalization or attestation. If you might want to apostille paperwork near me for the Texas Secretary of State (for use in and for Dominican Republic) you will have to use our mail in company to ship your paperwork to our Austin, TX handle for apostille support. Vital: to provide you far better, when getting in contact with our Place of work make sure you lets us know which state your files are from and which region you'll be using them in. Our price ranges doesn’t contain the mailing service fees, clients are requested to deliver a return airway bill with their request employing any non-public carrier including FedEx, DHL or USPS. We are unable to prepare affidavits, and we are not able to advise on the particular language needed in individual situations. Please talk to a lawyer or other advisor for that form of aid just before bringing affidavits to get executed.
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foster-the-world · 7 months
Went well
The court hearing to get an enhanced rate went well I think. The DOE lawyer had no questions, evidence, etc. I had to read an affidavit that listed all the ways I’ve tried (and mostly failed) to get him services over the last three years. At one point I had to read a quote from his teacher saying “he’s a bright and happy boy.” It got me! I was choked up so the judge kindly gave a ten minute break. Came back and finished okay. The crying was a bit embarrassing but okay, I think. She said getting transcripts would take at least a month so agreed to give an answer without them on March 22nd. It wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be. I think it was because I was more prepared for it to be like a formal court hearing. Last time I thought I was going into something much less formal.
His teacher texted to say he was having a much better day. My friend thought maybe daylight savings time would cause him to go all haywire like that - even if he got plenty of sleep.
Thank goodness the girls parent teacher conference went perfectly. Both of them are class leaders. Both far ahead academically. Bees teacher said “I just love her. She’s an all around great kid.” This is Rebels second year with this teacher - she always gushes about her. She wants her working on multiplication. Grateful for small class size that allows for teachers to address kids individual levels. Her spelling is also very much a work in progress. We need to start working on that at home. Anyway, hearing nice things about your kid is nice. As my third kid was knocking over chairs on more then one occasion this week I know we don’t get the credit. Also very grateful for teachers who still love my chair thrower just like we do!
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freelancearsonist · 2 years
You Have the Body
Matt Murdock x fem!Reader
Rated MA for basically porn without plot, exhibitionism/public sex (no one sees or is aware but it happens), improper use of legal terms, studying is just foreplay in this house
1,049 words
A/N: college!matt got me feeling some type of way so here you go pls enjoy 😂🫶
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photo from @dropsofprecipitation
“You have to stay quiet.”
Such a typical lawyer he is, always negotiating terms.
What you wouldn’t give to wind him up until he snaps and does something completely spontaneous.
You consider pushing his buttons until he throws you up against the bookcase and has his way with you, but you think it’ll just be easier to agree to his terms.
Your voice is low and conspiratorial as you tell him, “you know I can’t stay quiet with you.”
“If you want me to touch you here, you’re gonna have to.”
There’s something about the grating quality of his voice when he whispers that goes straight to your cunt, and it’s infinitely unfair. It’s horrifically unjust, what he can do to you with just his words.
He’s a hell of a lawyer.
“Enough talk, Matty,” you hum—a lame attempt not to sound desperate that falls completely flat. Even if he didn’t have his senses, he’d be able to tell that you’re aching to get on with it. “Discussing rules isn’t helping me learn.”
Oh, that pushes a good button. You can tell from the throaty little growl he looses; from the way he turns in his seat to face you and he has to squirm to make the tent in his pants comfortable.
You clear your throat before answering, “a written or printed statement made under oath.”
There’s a strategy to what he’s doing, starting with the easiest vocabulary terms. He’ll keep the hard ones until the end—until you’re squirming and sweating on the edge of orgasm and there’s no way you’ll get the answers right. Then he’ll draw his hand away until you can gather your thoughts, reward you with resumed touches once you start answering again.
“Bench trial.”
“A trial without a jury, in which the judge serves as the fact-finder.”
He rewards you with his warm hand sliding slowly up your thigh and under the short skirt that you wore specifically for this occasion. You’ve been planning this for a while, and you wanted little to no interruptions.
Which is why Matt finds you lacking panties under your little skirt—letting out a small noise halfway between a hum and a growl.
“Cause of action.”
He doesn’t wait for your answer before dragging his fingertips through your folds, and you have to bite back a moan when you tell him, “a legal claim.”
“Good girl,” he murmurs, and fuck if that doesn’t make your pussy clench around nothing. “De jure?”
“In law.” Your voice is barely more than a squeak, especially when he slips one deliciously thick finger into your waiting cunt.
“So wet,” he hums. It’s almost taunting, the way his gravelly voice wraps around the two words. “Ex parte.”
Your knuckles are starting to hurt from how tightly you’re gripping the arms of the shitty little library chair you’re sitting in (more like hovering in—your ass has barely touched the seat since Matt’s finger slid inside you).
And then you plummet back to Earth because his finger is suddenly gone.
“Only good girls get what they want,” he reminds you, and you’re tempted to just whine and beg until he gives in. But that won’t work here—even in the most secluded corner of the library, the risk of getting caught is still tremendously real. If you start making a scene, the game is over.
The only way to get what you want is to play by his rules.
“P-proceeding brought to court by only one party. Without any notice or challenge from the other side.”
“That’s my girl.” And then his fingers are back—two of them pressing into you and curling into your most sensitive spot—and you have to bite your fist to keep down the moan that threatens to spill from your mouth.
His thumb flicks over your clit at the same time that he asks, “habeas corpus?”, and you don’t hear a single syllable over the rush of blood in your ears as the knot in your stomach draws tighter.
He’s nicer about punishing you this time—he keeps his thumb rubbing your clit firmly as he draws his fingers out of you—but it’s still shattering. Especially when he smirks at your disdain and tells you that “if you’re not gonna answer, you’re not gonna come.”
He’s evil. He’s pure evil and you want to whine and beg but you know it won’t do you any good. The only way you’re getting what you want is if you play by the rules.
“You have the body,” you answer. It’s a double entendre without you even meaning for it to be—the legal definition, but also a vow that you’re his. That your pleasure lays in his hands, to mold and play with as he sees fit.
What a heady sense of power it gives him. Especially paired with the pained whimper you release as he picks up the pace on your clit and returns his fingers to your warm center.
“Damn right I do.” It’s nothing more than a growl, and it crashes through you like a bull in a china shop. It twists into your gut and makes a home there, replaying over and over until you’re spasming on his fingers and he has to use both hands to keep you still so you don’t draw too much attention to yourself as you come all over his fingers in a very public library.
You’re not sure if it’s hours or seconds before you come down from your high, but by the time you’re back in your body Matt’s tugged your skirt back into place and licked his fingers clean. He has his face buried in his textbook as if he didn’t just accidentally give you a pseudo-out-of-body experience, and it makes you want him all over again.
He doesn’t protest like you expect him to when you slam his textbook shut and start packing everything into your bag. There’s a smirk on his face that tells you he was expecting this—anticipating your need to unravel and bind around him.
He doesn’t look even the slightest bit perturbed by it as you drag him out of the library and in the direction of your dorm building.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Looking thru the news about the affidavit and the classified documents scandal…is Trump fucked now?? Because it sure looks that way to me but I don’t want to get my hopes up again….
anonymous asked: thoughts on the affidavit?
Okay, let's read through the 38-goddamn-pages of this sucker together. (Here is the link to download your own copy if you want to enjoy this special bonding moment as we toast marshmallows on the orange dumpster fire together.) My overall impression is: wow, if this was literally anyone else, they would be so fucked that they would never see daylight again and would probably be headed to Florence Supermax Prison for the rest of their life. Everyone of course worries that Trump will find some way to weasel out of it, but with my usual not-a-lawyer caveats, wowzers. I will also note that my analysis on this case has been accurate enough that I correctly predicted that Trump was under formal investigation for criminal espionage, even before that information was made public. So while that doesn't mean I'm again undoubtedly right in terms of saying WOW, SO MUCH TREASON, HE'S FUCKED, it is at least something to consider.
Let's begin with the VERY FIRST SENTENCE of this sucker:
The government is conducting a criminal investigation concerning the improper removal and storage of classified information in unauthorized spaces, as well as the unlawful concealment or removal of government records (page 1)
CONDUCTING A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. There you have it, boys, girls, and others. This is hard-copy proof that the Department of Justice is indeed pursuing criminal charges against Trump in terms of his mishandling of classified information and/or disobedience of the Presidential Records Act. And this is entirely separate to all the other treason he did on January 6. Welp.
(Also, it gives you the street address of Mar-a-Lago -- 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480 -- if you want to mail Trump a box of flaming poop or something. Not, uh, that I endorse doing this. Likewise, they refer to him as "FPOTUS" or Former President of the United States, which has to drive him absolutely INSANE.)
The FBI's investigation has established that documents bearing classification markings, which appear to contain National Defense Information (NDI), were among the materials contained in the FIFTEEN BOXES and were stored at the PREMISES in an unauthorized location. [redacted] Further, there is probable cause to believe that additional documents that contain classified NDI or that are Presidential records subject to record retention requirements currently remain at the PREMISES. There is also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction will be found at the PREMISES. (page 2)
I repeat: That is a whole lotta treason. The FBI agent filing this, whose name has obviously been removed to protect them from Trump's insane fans, describes themselves as receiving training
specific to counterintelligence and investigation. Based on my experience and training, I am familiar with efforts used to unlawfully collect, retain, and disseminate sensitive government information, including classified NDI. (page 2-3)
Oh shit son.
The first statute cited under "Statutory Authority and Definitions?" Aka the primary legal justification they're presenting to the judge in order to get them to sign off on the search?
Under 18 U.S.C. § 793(e), "[w]hoever having unauthorized possession of, access to, or control over any document ... or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted" or attempts to do or causes the same "to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it" shall be fined or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. (page 3-4)
OH SHIT SON! What is 18 U.S.C. § 793? That, my friends, is the Espionage Act. They are breaking out the big guns right away and talking about REASON TO BELIEVE THE INFORMATION COULD BE USED TO THE INJURY OF THE UNITED STATES OR THE ADVANTAGE OF ANY FOREIGN NATION, which carries a possible penalty of UP TO TEN YEARS IN JAIL.
Again, this is the FIRST thing they're putting in front of the judge. Where's my white cat. I need to stroke it and eat some popcorn.
They go on to list all the different types of classified information which they expect to find at the Cheeto Palace, including Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), HUMINT Control System (information about human intelligence assets), FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), NOFORN (Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals/Governments/Citizens) ORCON (Originator Controlled, likewise stringently subject to regulations about who gets to see it), and so on. Needless to say, that is a Big Time No No.
Next, I repeat, don't fuck around with librarians. The National Archives made the criminal referral to the FBI because:
The NARA Referral stated that according to NARA's White House Liaison Division Director, a preliminary review of the FIFTEEN BOXES indicated that they contained "newspapers, magazines, printed news articles, photos, miscellaneous print-outs, notes, presidential correspondence, personal and post-presidential records, and 'a lot of classified records.' Of most significant concern was that highly classified records were unfoldered, intermixed with other records, and otherwise unproperly [sic] identified. (page 8)
So in other words, he just... fucking threw this uber-classified stuff into random boxes with the rest of his crap and didn't even store or label them properly. Of course he did.
Redacted.... redacted... redacted....
From May 16-18, 2022, FBI agents conducted a preliminary review of the FIFTEEN BOXES provided to NARA and identified documents with classification markings in fourteen of the FIFTEEN BOXES. A preliminary triage of the documents with classification markings revealed the following approximate numbers: 184 unique documents bearing classification markings, including 67 documents marked as CONFIDENTIAL, 92 documents marked as SECRET, and 25 documents marked as TOP SECRET. Further, the FBI agents observed markings reflecting the following compartments/dissemination controls: HCS, FISA, ORCON, NOFORN, and SI. (page 17)
Please note that these were in the boxes that had already been given back to NARA. So Trump kept a further twelve boxes that were AT LEAST this sensitive, or worse.
On June 8, 2022, DOJ COUNSEL sent FPOTUS COUNSEL 1 a letter, which reiterated that the PREMISES are not authorized to store classified information and requested the preservation of the STORAGE ROOM and boxes that had been moved from the White House to the PREMISES. (page 22)
This was honestly way, way more polite than the motherfucker deserved. So yep, he straight-up ignored the DOJ and then was all Shocked Pikachu Face when they called his bluff.
Lots more redactions! Hoo boy, I wonder what is in here that is so bad they can't even show large parts of this warrant. Where did Trump store all his classified goodies, you ask? In his fucking bedroom closet. If this man wasn't so stupid, we might really be screwed.
Based upon this investigation, I believe that the STORAGE ROOM, FPOTUS's residential suite, Pine Hall, the "45 Office," and other spaces within the PREMISES are not currently authorized locations for the storage of classified information or NDI. Similarly, based upon this investigation, I do not believe that any spaces within the PREMISES have been authorized for the storage of classified information at least since the end of FPOTUS 's Presidential Administration on January 20, 2021.
Translation: We know you've been breaking the law this entire time, you motherfucker, and we will be happy to backdate your charges!
Premature disclosure of the contents of this affidavit and related documents may have a significant and negative impact on the continuing investigation and may severely jeopardize its effectiveness by allowing criminal parties an opportunity to flee, destroy evidence (stored electronically and otherwise), change patterns of behavior, and notify criminal confederates. (page 32)
(They then go on to literally just destroy the entire letter from Trump's attorneys with all the BS talking points the Republicans have been using, by INCLUDING IT AS A REASON THEY NEED TO SEARCH THE PREMISES AND NOT LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLE. (page 34).
ATTACHMENT B: Property to be seized: All physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793, 2071, or 1519, including the following: (page 38)
Okay. Back now. As I said, this is absolutely in Fuck Around And Find Out territory by... a lot, destroys all of Trump's talking points, shows that this is a criminal/counterintelligence/espionage investigation with intended criminal penalties including heavy fines AND up to ten years' imprisonment. Other people, i.e. the whistleblower Reality Winner, have been sentenced to five years in jail for stealing ONE classified document from Uncle Sam, and if the estimate of Trump stealing 300 is true, he should, by my calculations, be legally liable for.... 1500 years in the slammer. WELP.
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traegorn · 2 years
I dont think I even know who Vic Manogwhatever is lmao am I missing something or is my internet experience curation just working out well for me?
Vic Mignogna is a voice actor in anime dubs (or was). He was best known as the voice of Ed in Fullmetal Alchemist and Brolly in Dragon Ball Z.
He is also a well known sex pest and creep* in the convention scene.
Back in 2019 a bunch of his victims came forward and finally went on the record, including fellow voice actors Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi. Funimation announced they would no longer hire Mignogna for future projects, and most cons cancelled his appearances.
And that would have been it. He could have ridden this out -- bigger creeps have done that before. But a right wing YouTuber, best described as "Technically a Lawyer" decided to raise money for Vic to sue his accusers on GoFundMe and convinced Vic to do so.
So Vic did. He filed a defamation suit against Marchi, Rial, Rial's fiance (for some reason), and Funimation. And Vic hired the absolute worst lawyer (at the advice of the YouTuber -- guess who manages that YouTuber's trust fund...). All along the way, Vic's fans (using the hashtag "IStandWithVic") harassed anyone who would speak against their hero. They claimed the victims made things up, they tried to misdirect... kiwifarms was involved... you get the picture. And in the end, in late-2019, after the defendants gathered a dozen sworn affidavits from other victims of Mignogna, the judge threw out Vic's case via Texas's anti-SLAPP laws and ruled that Mignogna had to pay the defendants about a quarter of a million in legal fees.
All of this was bad, and you'd think it would have ended there. Vic filed a lawsuit guaranteed to make him toxic to employ (what employer wants to start contracting a voice actor who might sue them on the off chance they decide to replace him? And Sony/Funimation wasn't going to take him back), and now he owes a bunch of money over it.
But YouTuber "Technically a Lawyer" and company convince Vic to APPEAL the ruling. So he does.
And what happened this month, three years and one pandemic later, is that Vic lost his appeal. Not only that, but because he incurred more legal costs for the defendants... HE MAY HAVE TO PAY SO MUCH MORE MONEY.
And Vic's fans, who have been led down this road with promises that the case will turn around any day if they just donate a little bit more... they're big mad.
And it's amazing.
(*- The convention I work for literally blacklisted Mignogna like a decade before this all happened after some of our staff had uncomfortable encounters with him at another event. Con organizers have been talking about this long before anyone went on the record)
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sakuraoora · 2 years
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Ayato VS Sara lawyer AU!
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Characters included: Lawyer!Ayato, Lawyer!Sara, Kazuha is the criminal in this case, Raiden Shogun/Ei is the judge, Random Journalist. Tomo is mentioned throughout, and Yanfei and Kuki Shinobu are in the extras.
Warnings: Nothing but ✨crackhead energy✨ and mentions of tomo being dead
Notes: I'm channeling every bit of my very minimal knowledge that I got from mock trail into this rn.... also NO SHIPS!!
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First court hearing for Kazuha. 10:00 A.M.
“Your Honor, rebellion is a… harsh word. My client pleads crackhead energy, or in other words, pleads not guilty.”
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Outside the courthouse, 13:00 P.M.
“Why are you such a firm believer that Kazuha is not guilty, Mr. Kamisato?”
“Well, we support the fact that every individual should have a right to have their own belief. Mr. Kaedehara Kazuha is a perfectly good example of this. Why would someone who just wished the best for their friend get sentenced to jail? Why would someone get a bounty on their head because they want to make the land they live in better?”
“Thank you Mr. Kamisato, for your statement.”
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Kazuha’s second court hearing. 9:30 A.M.
“Objection, Your Honor, this is hearsay. Mr. Kaedehara Kazuha doesn’t know what’s actually happening, and he doesn’t know what his dead friend or the Raiden Shogun looked like or felt at that moment.”
“Exception, Your Honor. Both present sense impression and excited utterance apply in this scenario. In that moment, Mr. Kaedehara Kazuha was overwhelmed with the emotions of grief and sadness because of his friend, Tomo’s death.”
“Objection overruled,” The judge, the Raiden Shogun herself, but wait, it was actually Raiden Ei, said. “Go on.”
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EXTRA! Before the court hearings.
“DAMN IT!” Sara cursed. “How can I revise my offense with this affidavit…” She eyed the defense across the room, and Kazuha spotted her, giving her a wink. “And that stupid samurai that we’re trying to convict isn’t helping… at all…” She grumbled, while crossing out and rewriting parts of her script.
“Yanfei!” Ayato called from across the room. “We need to focus on how he didn’t do anything wrong… just… grabbed a dead vision and ran. He technically didn’t break any laws, riiight?”
Yanfei sighed. “I’m not really sure how things work here in Inazuma, Ayato! If you only gave me another day to completely read all the laws, I would be able to help more, but I only read the relevant laws!!”
“The relevant laws SHOULD BE ENOUGH!!!” Kuki argued. “I’ve bailed Itto out of jail enough to know that. Honestly, how the hell did you get convicted for rebellion, Kazuha?”
“I just joined the resistance to make Inazuma better! Is there anything wrong with trying to make your hometown better??” Kazuha said, exasperated.
“So you’re saying, you joined a rebellion. But before that, you stole a dead vision from your dead friend and because you stole that vision, you have a bounty of 100 million mora on your head? For taking a dead vision?” Yanfei asked.
“Well, yes, if you’re thinking about it that way!” Kazuha chirped.
“You know, this is worse than when I have to get Itto out of jail. So much worse.”
“Don’t worry guys,” Ayato interjected. “I got this.”
"I got this," he said. "Leave it to me," he said. Proceeds to literally call Kazuha a crackhead in the middle of the court hearing.
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jimlingss · 5 years
The Devil’s Advocate
➜ Words: 11.8k
➜ Genres: 98% Fluff, 2% Smut, Devil!AU
➜ Summary: The devil is a lazy. selfish. bastard. He never shows up for work and forces you to take his place at the gates of Hell. But when he follows you on your vacation — you have an inkling of his intentions. After all, you are his advocate.
➜ Warnings: Implied smut, violence, killing, etc.
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There’s a proverb out there that says: talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.   But no matter how much you talk, curse, and wish for him to show up to his damned job — he never does. So because of him, every single day in this burning inferno eternity, you're always running.   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"   The guards step swiftly away as you sprint past with fire on your heels — they're not unfamiliar with this sort of sight. After all, the same thing happens day in and day out.   Yoongi is seated at his desk, feet propped up on the surface of said desk. He’s casually leaning back on his chair, elbow propped up on the armrest, fingers playing with a few strands of his hair. “You're late.”   “I know.” You’re heaving for air while balancing the pile of file folders and paperwork that goes over your head. You drop it on your desk with a massive thump that teeters the desk’s legs from the sheer force and has the people wincing.   He would make another snarky comment but your deep eye bags and trembling hands are pitiful enough.   “Alright.” The angel stands onto his feet again. “First person, please.”   One of Yoongi's assistance in her white robes looks down at the clipboard and calls the next dead soul that's been in line. “Kim Namjoon.”   Immediately, you shuffle your files to find the right one, struggling in the mess of yet another late night. In the meanwhile, the man steps up with a nervous posture, reverent with his hands folded in front of him and Yoongi reads from his own papers.   “Alright. Looks like you were an academic most of your life. A very quiet existence, huh? Never married or any kids. Let's see here. Oh. You dedicated your life to research of koala birth control. A very good contribution to society. You volunteered at soup kitchens a lot too — even on the day of your death.”   “I like to help people,” the man pipes up in a timid mutter.   Yoongi's cat-like eyes flicker to the top of his paper, having never asked him to speak. And the glare from the angel has the man tight-lipped again. “Your history shows you were very altruistic. Looks like you can head to heaven.”   “Wait!” You stand up once you finally find the right file, stopping the soul before it can take a step closer towards the glowy gates.    At your rebuttal, Yoongi rolls his eyes and plops back down into his swivel chair.   “Here we go again....”   You hold the file up. “Kim Namjoon, you were at Imlings Street on October twenty fifth, twenty nineteen, correct?”   “Y-Yes?” The deceased human swallows hard, not sure where you're going with this. But he’s undoubtedly nervous that you're speaking, after all you’re the woman in bright carmine. Namjoon looks at the angel for help but Yoongi doesn't even blink. “I worked near there.”   “And you were there that night at ten?”   “I-I don't remember.”   “Well, you were celebrating your friend's birthday that night, right?”   “Oh yeah…” His brows furrow as it slowly comes back to him.   “And at some point, you were standing near the corner street near Fifth avenue, correct?”   “Yes...? I suppose.”   “Is it true you could see down the alleyway the restaurant called Dog World?”   Namjoon pales. “Umm....”   The deceased human obviously recalls why this night was significant in particular — and it seems to be a memory that he’s attempted to suppress through his entire lifetime.   “Answer the question, human,” Yoongi sighs, fiddling with a pen in his cup holder.   “Yes.”   “And you witnessed a woman being murdered, correct?”   The man nearly starts sobbing. He whimpers, and manages a slight nod.   “We need you to speak, Mr. Kim.”   “Yes!” he shouts, distressed.    “You did nothing to stop it, right?”   “I...I couldn’t!”   “Well, you didn't call the police?”   “I didn't.”   “You just left while the woman was being murdered.” As you speak, the man starts wailing hysterically, aware of where this is going. He attempts to beg for forgiveness, but neither you nor Yoongi pay any mind. It’s always the last moments that humans are filled with regret — the moments when it matters, not the moments when it didn’t. “Are you aware that the omission to act when you have a moral duty to is a grave sin?”   He hiccups, sobbing.   “It is equally as bad to be a bystander as a perpetrator,” you continue. “You could've saved her.”   Yoongi waves his hand. “Alright, alright. You've convinced us.” The angel spares the man from being berated and grilled, granting him at least a bit of mercy. “You're going to hell.”   “No! No!”    He howls at the top of his lungs, but the two guards grab each side of him and begin dragging him past you. The barbed, black gates open wide to welcome him in, creaking on their hinges, and his scream is heard echoing as he’s thrown down the red-glowing, inferno pit.   You don’t know why they’re always crying — it’s kind of insulting to your home.   Hell’s not that bad.   “Next person!” Yoongi calls.   When humans die, most of their souls rise to purgatory — an empty void of nothingness — where they stand in a single-file line waiting to get to the gates. There, the devil and an angel representative come to judge where the soul shall reside as each come up one by one.    But the devil never shows up to do his job, to serve judgment to human souls.   You’re his substitute.    You’re the devil’s advocate.   “Am I going to see you tomorrow?”   It’s been a long day and you feel your eyeballs burning as you pack up the mess of your files. You’ll have to sort them again, but for now, you stuff whatever you can back into your briefcase.   “No, it's my day off. Jimin'll probably be here instead.” Yoongi sips the glittering golden liquid in his chalice. Angels — always so pretentious. “Let me guess, you’ll still be here.”   “Hopefully not.” There’s a small smile gracing your lips, but it’s futile. Everyone knows you’ll have to show up. The lazy devil never shows up and does his own bidding.   “You’re overworking yourself, Y/N,” Yoongi mumbles in disgust as he watches you try to pile your stack of papers that’s practically teetering from side to side. “Haven’t you thought about going on vacation or something?”   “Vacation?” you exhale, arms straining under the weight.   His eyes light up as he remembers something. “Have you ever heard about that famous cruise? What was it again?” Yoongi looks over at his assistant and her eyes flicker up.   “Sins Cruise Line,” she deadpans.   He snaps his fingers. “Right. I heard it was amazing. Each day is dedicated to a deadly sin or something. Too bad they only have it in hell — makes me want to visit some time. But does the publicity live up to the name?”   “How am I supposed to know?”   Yoongi’s eyes dim. His excitement dies on the spot. “Of course you wouldn’t.” The angel grabs his briefcase. “Well see you some time, Y/N. I’m going to my vacation home over the long weekend.”   “Goodbye, Yoongi.”   He enters the gates of Heaven and disappears from sight. You go on your own way, bringing your tall files back. But his words stick to you. They’re devilishly tempting.   //   You’re writing away on parchment with your quill dipped with black ink, preparing more documents and affidavits. But you stop momentarily to roll your neck and ease your tense muscles. You lean back in your chair, staring around at the red room you’re in, and the tiny desk that you occupy. Across the room is the devil’s desk, large and imposing, with an uncomfortable chair across his velvet one. Though the surface has collected a thick layer of dust on the surface.   “Debra!” you shout her name and the sluggish secretary comes in. She has gray hair, kitten heels clicking on the scarlet carpet, skirt past her knees. The demon woman reminds you of church-goer humans who often shout profanities at you as if they’re attempting to exorcise you while you’re just trying to make a legal case — they frequently run into Yoongi’s arms too, impressing neither you nor him.   “Yes?”   You set your quill down. “Have you ever heard of Sins Cruise Line?”   She exhales in exhaustion. “Can’t say I have…”   “Well...then. Umm, can you find me a pamphlet of theirs?”   She stares and then slowly turns away from the room without acknowledgment.   But the secretary eventually comes back half an hour later and slaps the rectangular papers to your desk. She turns away, returning to her front desk, and while you try to focus on your work until the next break, the temptation of the pamphlet sitting at the corner becomes too strong.   You put down your quill to open it.   At once, your pupils dilate. There’s a picture of the glorious red sea, the colour of crimson and a white pristine ship on it. Your indulgence is ours. How fancy. It looks like there’s a variety of facilities and lots of activities to do. It looks fantastic and your muscles are already relaxing as you look at the pictures.   But you can’t….   You can’t just leave your job….   Can you?
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Turns out you can — that it is in fact possible.   It’s so surreal, you can’t believe that you’ve somehow managed to actually get time off, that the infamously lazy devil actually agreed to it and will come back to work so you can take a break.   Now you’re standing on the harbour with your suitcase in hand, staring at the white ship in front of you. Yoongi would be proud.   “Cocktail?”   The worker hands one to you on his platter, and you hesitate. “Can I really?”   “Of course.” He grins. “Your indulgence is our pleasure.”   You hold the cool glass while stepping onto the incline to get on the ship’s deck. The chilling wind entwines into your hair and you sip the liquid, your feet afloat already. “Welcome aboard to Sins Cruise Line! Your indulgence is our pleasure!”   The workers wave, giving a warm welcome with perfect smiles. You might be in Heaven.   “We can show you the way to your room. What is your name?”   “Y/N L/N.” One of the demon women takes a look at your ticket and smiles. “Right this way.”   After a millennium of working, this is what you deserve.   You’re given a short, brief tour of the massive cruise ship. “—week-long, each day to indulge in a deadly sin—” And not long after are you brought to your modest-sized ocean view room. “—canal surrounds hell. It’s quite lovely during the night when the water glows red. Have you ever seen it before?”   “No, I can’t say that I have,” your voice trails off and you look at towels shaped into animals on your bed as well as the edible arrangement on your coffee table. “Wow….”   “I’m glad you like it. It’s all complimentary,” the girl giggles. “I should also tell you that today is dedicated to greed. We’ll be having a gambling night down at the casino floor starting in the evening. Other than that, feel free to ask anything whatsoever. We’ll always be around.”   “Thank you.”   And you’re sincere about your gratitude. You’ve never experienced something like this before.   You flop down onto the soft bed before getting up after a moment. There’s too much to explore, too much to see than to stay in a small space between four walls. You’ve done that enough and you find yourself quickly slipping away from your room.   As you pace the area, you muse that you could potentially spend the rest of your existence on this ship, indulging like you should be, giving into temptation, living in a daze, high on bliss—   “Where’s my refill?! I’ve been waiting for five minutes!”   Your smile falls. Goosebumps raise all over your body. The barking voice is so familiar that it sends chills down your spine. It’s an automatic response, like a dog made on alert, and your head swivels over.   Instantaneously, your eyes connect to darker ones. They’re pools of deep brown nearing black. And the corner of their plump lip tugs into a sly smirk.   What the hell was the devil doing here?   “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” He abandons his drink on the tray of the server that just rushed over and ignores him in favour of you. The devil makes long strides across the deck towards you and when you stumble back, his smile widens into a friendlier one. Had you blinked, you would’ve missed the sparkle of dangerous mischief in his eyes. “What a coincidence.”   “A coincidence?!”   You’re unintentionally cowering lower than him, posture bending to his imposing aura. He looms over you with his tall height, covering you with his shadows that seems to snicker.   “Course it would be. What? You think I followed you here?”   That’s exactly it — you put in a note requesting time off, and when he asked where you were going via letter, you wrote it down. There’s no way that this was a mere coincidence.   But you don’t dare say it out loud.   “Who’s….who’s working?”   He grins. Of course the first question you would ask him is about work.   “I put Taehyung in charge.”   “He’s not trained!” you hiss in distress, just considering the wrong things he’ll do, the trouble he’ll cause and mess he’ll make for you to clean up.   But the devil man shrugs. “He’ll be fine. So what are you doing now? This is one hell of a ship, huh?”   You’re in hell.    You’re stuck in the middle of a canal, on a cruise ship, with no escape from Kim Seokjin.   //   What was supposed to be an easy vacation has turned into a nightmare.    Every corner you turn, you peek from it. You slink behind pillars to scan the premise. You crawl in the shadows to—   “Are you lost?”   You jump from your spot, turning to find a short worker, an attendant wearing the cruise uniform while adorning a warm smile.    “You scared the living daylights out of me!” you harshly whisper, holding your hand over your unbeating heart.   “My apologies, ma’am. I was just asking if you’re lost. Or are you looking for the way to the casino for our gambling night?”   That’s right. You’ve lost sight as to why you came here.   It’s supposed to be a break, a break from your job, from your stress, from your intimidating boss that never appears at work anyways. You shouldn’t have lost focus on it. You paid a lot of gold coins to be here.   “Where is it again?”   “Oh, turn to your left, walk down the hall and just take the elevator to the third floor. You’ll be right there! Hard to miss.”   “Thanks…”   You shouldn’t waste such a good trip.   Once you arrive at the floor, the intoxicating air overwhelms your senses. It’s hard to think, and the many lights blind your vision, a mosaic of colours that makes the surroundings a whirlwind. There’s the crisp sound of cards divided up, tables and roulette boards spinning, machines being pulled and coins falling out the slots.   Someone hands you a drink and you grasp onto it to stay grounded. But sipping the liquid only intensifies the experience.   You stand back to watch the demons play, gambling the lives of humans souls indebted to them.   “I was looking for you.” A voice pipes up beside you, and you’re genuinely scared this time.   The entity manifested beside you, looking straight ahead. You wonder why you even tried to run today. There’s no point. He’s the devil.   “Why?”   “Just cause.” Seokjin grins, turning his head to stare at you. He’s dressed in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbow, black trousers tight around his thighs — he’s missing the traditional, black cape that calls attention whenever he steps into the room. “You’re my favourite little worker. So it’s nice to see you in a different setting.”   You aren’t particularly amused. “Where have you been?”   Seokjin shrugs. “Around.”   You thought because he’d be busy with other affairs which would be understandable considering his status in this realm. But to hear such a nonchalant answer brings forth more questions to your mind. “Why haven’t you been to work?”   “I don’t like work much, but you already knew that.” His eyes twinkle with playfulness and plump lips pull into yet another sly smirk. Jin’s voice moves down a pitch into a rumbling timbre. “Plus, how could I ever replace you? You’re the best at my job.”   You don’t know what to say to that, so you take a sip of your drink. There’s too many questions still left unanswered, but you don’t bother asking.   This is all a game to him anyways. He followed you here to pester you on your break, to ruin your chances of rest.   Seokjin is truly the devil.   “Let’s play a game, Y/N,” he sing-songs. “Should we bet?”   “Bet what?” you ask, hesitating. It was never good to make deals with the devil.   He leans in closer, overwhelming you with his aroma and blocking out the intoxicating air manufactured to create a greedy atmosphere. “If I win, I get to kiss you.”   Seokjin laughs at your disgusted expression. He’s a sadist through and through. The damned devil loves seeing pain on your face.   “And if you win, I’ll come back to work. How about that?”   You don’t get a chance to answer before you’re brought over to the poker table. The two of you play a long game, lifting your cards for only your eyes, pupils flickering up to meet his and trying to read his expression. But you should’ve known. He’s too good at bluffing. He’s the devil after all.   And he always wins.   “A deal’s a deal and you made a deal with the devil.”   Seokjin wolfishly smiles when the pair of you join together again and he taps his pink, plush lips with a single finger. Everything about him is made to tempt others — from his clear skin to his eyes shining with endless greed. There’s a gravitational pull that comes from his perfect exterior. He’s a marble sculpture made from the gods’ temptations.   But you don’t feel seduced as you do feel burdened.   “I never agreed to it, did I?”   The devil’s brow quirks and he bursts out laughing. “Now that’s not fair.”   “No, but it is true.”   You walk away before he can put his mouth on you and above the coins clicking, the machines being pulled, you hear the smirk in his voice. “What a sore loser.”   Seokjin is good at reminding you that you’re in hell.   //   The next morning, there’s a loud knock at your door.   “Room service! Good morning, Miss Y/N.” The worker wheels the whole cart in, and your eyes are wide with what he presents you. There’s more edible arrangements, platter of fruits and vegetables and a whole stack of pancakes. “I hope I didn’t awake you from any sleep.”   “Oh no, it’s fine.”   The girl beside him clasps her hands together and presents you with a paper package, including advertisements, directory maps, and all the things you need for the day. “Today is wrath day. There will be an anger room where you can beat and smash things until you’re content. Also at noon, there will be human souls up on the top deck that you can freely torture. We collected the scum of the pit and don’t worry, they’ll be disposed there as well.”   “There’s also a complimentary hate letter you can write to the person you most despise,” the demon boy exclaims with a happy grin.   “We won’t send them,” the girl clarifies. “Don’t worry. We burn them in a pit of fire, but hopefully it can ease some of your anger.”   You thank them for their services and they bow their heads, taking their leave. For the first little while, you chew on some breakfast and go through the package. None of the activities seem particularly appealing to you, but you keep an open mind, deciding to head up to the main deck afterwards.   And of course, Seokjin is taking full advantage of the activities.   There’s a blood-curdling scream.   “Arrow, please.” His palm is out and the worker places another arrow in the devil’s hands. Seokjin positions and fires again, piercing the human in the shoulder, pinning him against the wooden wall. There’s another scream that makes you wince from the sheer volume.    It’s like he’s playing darts.   There are screeches everywhere, pain felt but the humans unable to die.   Seokjin catches sight of you as you’re looking around.   “Y/N!” He waves over with an enormous grin. “Come join me.”   “Thank you, but I’d rather not,” you politely decline.   He shakes his head in feigned disapproval, yet continues to draw his bow when another arrow is handed to him. “You’re too uptight. You’re always dealing with souls, don’t you want to play with one?”   “I work with so many souls, I’d rather not have to deal with them on my down time.”   “You always have rebuttals, don’t you?” Seokjin muses, mostly to himself, and then smiles. “But fair enough.”   You step by his side, watching him fire yet another arrow to the human that’s already died.   You must admit, the screams are kind of delightful.    You turn to watch a demon rip apart someone’s limbs and dangle it in front of them, another throwing someone off the ship into the red canal. And you overlook one of the humans in their pen glaring right at you.    He recognizes you.    You’re the one who dragged him here, who judged his soul and deemed him evil enough for hell. He screams and jumps from his pen, escaping the railings with the vigour of a vengeance boiling for an eternity. He swipes a knife from the table of weapons.   There are gasps of workers. Demons that turn. Seokjin’s eyes harden. His arm drops, bow by his side. You look down. The blade of the knife is poking through your abdomen, the tip of it exposed on the other side and shining from the little light of the overcasted red sky.    “You brought me here! Demon! Witch! You—”   “You know I can’t die, right?” you interrupt with half a glare, more annoyed than anything.   You pull the blade out of you and the metal clangs on the wooden deck. The workers rush over and five of them apprehend the screaming human to chuck him overboard. There’s a loud splash in the canal and others rush to your side, fussing about and apologizing.   “Were you not watching them?!” Seokjin shouts with the true wrath of the devil.   “We are so sorry, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.”   “I’ve never seen such an unprofessional group in my entire existence!” he barks back at them.   You watch him and sigh.   Seokjin is baffled beyond belief, berating the workers for not being careful enough, for not securing the pen. He yells at them to clean up the mess, making an absolute ruckus. When his anger simmers down, he turns around, about to ask if you’re alright.   But unfortunately you’re gone. You’ve escaped, vanished out of thin air.   //   Angry?   You used to be angry a lot but then the futile emotion became crushed by the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. After a millennium, you’re too stressed and tired to be angry. Being angry took too much energy.   You retire to your room early, just before dinner, and while you’re wondering if you should rest, your eyes catch the open letter on the vanity. You contemplate for a while before you finally decide to sit down. You grab the quill and dip the tip into the pot of ink. Never has it been easier to write a letter. A letter of hatred towards the devil, Kim Seokjin.   It’s been known that the lazy devil makes your life harder than need be. He draws attention in ways you don’t want it to be drawn. He’s never there when you need him and there when you don’t.   He’s a lazy bastard who never gets work done. Who always pours endless tasks on your shoulders for you to bear. Who never shows up to work. Who never appreciates anything you have to do. He’s sick and sadistic, ego bigger than his own head.   Seokjin is a pathetic leader.   It feels good to write it out, to put your thoughts onto paper. The ink stains the parchment quickly, curves and loops of your letters smooth. You breathe a sigh of relief as you finish and lick the envelope closed, wrapping it up.   He’ll never see it, but it was pleasant to put your anger on tangible material. It’s liberating. And for a brief period, you feel less stressed.   You toss the hate letter aside for pickup.
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The worker hums to himself, sack in hand that’s heavy and filled with letters ready to be tossed and burned. He’s had a long day of working and this was his last job before he can rest. But once he exits your room, he’s suddenly stopped in the hallway.   “Mr. Kim.” He recognizes him like everyone else. Once they heard the devil was arriving, they made sure to iron their dark blue uniforms and ensure things were in tip-top shape.   The devil beckons him over once with his hand. “I’d like to see Miss Y/N’s letter.”   “I...I’m sorry, I can’t do that. That’s against policy. We assured all guests that they are entitled to their own privacy and, uh, that would be going against the rules.”   “Rules?” His gaze darkens, becoming cold. Seokjin reminds him, “I’m the devil.”
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When you open the door to your room, shivers crawl up your skin, traveling down your spine. You flicker on the light to discover someone seated in the armchair in the corner of the room. Their broad backside faces you.   “I wish you would know how much you stress me out.” He pauses and exhales thoughtfully. “When you’re around me, you stress me out. When you’re not around, you stress me out. I think you truly make hell hell, so congratulations for at least doing one job correctly.”   Mortified is an understatement.   You’re frozen in your spot. The door closes behind you from the momentum. You’re trapped in a room with him, and the devil turns his head to greet you with a smile. Your letter is open in his hand. “I’m surprised, Y/N. I knew you didn’t like me, but I didn’t know you hated me so much.”   He puts it down, slowly rises to his feet and closes the distance between your physical bodies within three strides. “But if you felt so strongly about me, you should’ve said something.”   Seokjin corners you in your small room until your back is pressed against the surface of the door.    “If I felt strongly or not, why should I tell you?” you ask, voice unintentionally shaking.   Even in such a moment, you’re still playing devil’s advocate. It makes him smirk. “Because I’d like to know.”   He’s close to you, aura heavy and imposing. Seokjin doesn’t touch you but you can feel him.   And strangely enough, he doesn’t punish you in the way you think he would for thinking such ill thoughts of him.   “You still owe me that kiss. You can kiss me hard if you want — to try to relent your anger and what was it again? Oh yeah, tell me what a pathetic leader I am.”   Your eyes meet his — yours stern, but his softened. Despite Seokjin’s greased words, he steps back and you move out of the way. He reaches for the door knob.   “You weren’t supposed to read it,” you mutter before he can leave. “Are you…”   “Angry?” There’s a ghost of a tender smile on his features. He doesn’t look at you. He simply sighs. “No, I’m not.”   The male opens the door, but lingers. He decides to grace you with the profile of his beautiful visage. “Earlier. When you stabbed. Are you okay?”   “I, uh, I’m fine.”   “Good.”   //   The following day is dedicated to gluttony. All over the cruise ship are demons feasting, eating, drinking, consumption galore. The banquet hall is vast with a table stretching across the space — every inch of the surface covered in luxurious dishes. The floor is also soaked with wine, the liquid that haphazardly splashed over the rim of demons’ glasses.   It’s hard to resist eating and drinking copious amounts when the gravity quite literally pulls you in. And Seokjin finds you there, leaning on the wall, hand glued to your glass, intoxicated enough not to jump when you see him.   “I never took you for a drinker.” He wears an amused smile as he takes your sloppy form in.   “On the contrary.” You wave a finger in the air. “Why didn't you take me as a drinker?”   “That doesn't make any sense.”   You eye him with a slight pout. “Why aren't you drinking?”   Seokjin shrugs and looks around. “These childish spells don't affect me.”   “Psh. Don't act like you're better 'cause you're the devil.”   “But I am better because I'm the devil.” He smirks. “Stronger. Resistant. Handsomer.”   “Handsomer's not a word. ‘t's more handsome.”   “You're fun at parties.”   “Hey, it's my job.” You sigh, trying to reason with him. “My job that you gave me. I just gotta play the devil's advocate.”   Seokjin smiles, a puff of air leaving his nose. He leans on the wall beside you, looking out and you take the chance to blatantly stare at him, openly ogling. You muse that he almost looks...normal like this. Well, as normal as demons can get. He’s not so imposing.   “Are you sad?”   “What?”   “I wanted to ask if you were sad, not mad. Over my letter.”   “Pft. Sad? I don't get sad. I'm the devil,” he declares as if you need to be reminded.   “Doesn’t mean you can’t be sad,” you huff, “Then you're not hurt?”   “Not really.” The devil lolls his head to the side, peeking at you when you keep staring at him. “I'm already hated by many in every realm. I thrive off the hatred.”   His eyes glimmer with mischief and he leans down to connect his eyes with you at the same level. His breath is on your skin, so close that you can see his lashes one by one. But you don’t move away or lean back as you usually would. Your interest is piqued.   The corners of Seokjin’s plump lips pull.   In the chaos of the masses eating and devouring food like monsters, there’s a private, intimate moment tucked away in the corner of the banquet hall where it’s just you and him. “It's not like I don't deserve it anyways. I'm not a 'good' entity. Since when did the devil help anyone?”   “Since when did the devil need to help anyone?” you ask on impulse. It’s become your pure instincts to doubt everything told to you. “Since when did anyone need help?”   “You're right.” Seokjin grins wolfishly. “But the alternative of hatred is love anyways, and that's sickening.”   There’s a second of silence.   And then you burst out laughing.   Seokjin whips his head over, watching the sound leaving your lips.    “I should bring you love then, just to make you suffer then,” your words slur as you poke his shoulder. “But knowing you, you'd probably enjoy suffering too because you're that sick and twisted.”   The corners of his mouth tugs into yet another smile as a light scoff leaves his throat. The devil can’t love, but what he feels towards you is what he thinks is pretty damn close to it.   //   The day that follows if focused on envy.   The workers greet you with another package of activities to do and a promise that they can get you one thing you’ve always wanted, if it’s within their abilities. But you don’t know what to tell them.   You end up loitering around for most of the day, checking facilities and eating, walking around until night falls where you head down to the luxurious bar, drawn in by the blue lights and entrancing music.    Halfway through nursing a drink at the counter, someone slides up on the stool next to you. It’s not the person you were anticipating unfortunately. Wait.   Unfortunately?   You wonder why you automatically thought it was unfortunate. You momentarily ponder why you were filled with a brief emotion of disappointment when it wasn’t the person you expected.   “Hi, I was just sitting across the bar, but I couldn’t help coming over and telling you that you look stunning in that dress.”   It’s a demon with doe eyes and a boyish smile. He makes you look down at yourself to inspect the rather simple number — compared to the layered robes you often have to show up in for the judgment process, this was just a floor length dress, black and sleek with one sleeve and the other side off the shoulder.   “Thanks.”   “I’m Jeon Jungkook.”   He puts out his hand and you shake it after a short pause. “L/N Y/N.”   “Sounds familiar,” he hums, red eyes piercing through yours. The demon plasters on a grin. “Do I know you from somewhere?”   “Probably not.”   “You’re right. I would’ve remembered someone so beautiful.” The grease reminds you of that someone you thought would have appeared by now, but the stranger isn’t as smooth when he says the one-liners. It doesn’t sound as pleasant to the ears. “Can I buy you a drink, Y/N?”   “Um…”   “Sorry, I’m already buying her one.”   Another voice pipes up — the person you were unknowingly waiting for finally manifested himself.    Kim Seokjin appears with his hair pushed back, forehead on full display, dressed in another one of his dress shirts with sleeves rolled up and casual trousers deliciously tight around the thighs. His pink, plump lips quirk into a smile as he looks at you. Meanwhile, Jungkook visibly pales.   “Oh. Sorry, I, I didn’t know she was, uh, um…” The stranger recognizes you now. With you beside the devil, he recalls where he’s seen you before.   You’re the devil’s advocate. “Yeah, why don’t you get lost?” Seokjin moves his head to the side and Jungkook slides off the stool so quickly, he almost loses footing and falls flat on his face. Luckily, he catches himself and you watch him sprint away practically with his tail caught between his legs.   What a shame. “He was nice.”   “I bet he was,” he mutters, glaring at the fleeting demon’s backside with a force that could light the entire place aflame.   “Kind of cute too.” You turn your head to look back at Seokjin. You’re not sure why it’s so fun to aggravate him at the moment. Maybe you realized it’s a way to get under his skin. “You didn’t have to scare him off.”   “Maybe he shouldn’t have gotten scared so easily,” he refutes and it’s a rather good point. Jin orders a drink, getting served immediately. He sips on it and peeks at you through the rim of his glass. “Were you going to reject him or were you planning on getting his room key?”   “Does it matter?” Your elbow is to the counter, chin casually rested in your palm. You’re discreetly challenging him and it’s a dangerous game, but one you feel like playing tonight. “Shouldn’t I be enjoying myself to the fullest extent, Seokjin?”   His brow quirks at how you call him by his name directly. “I don’t like people associated with me playing with sub-par trash. It makes me look bad.”   “Or it makes you look inclusive.”   The devil scoffs. “You always have a way to argue, don’t you?”   “It’s my job.”   He hums a low note and redirects his gaze at you. “Want to go outside for a breather?”   “I don’t think hell’s air is very fresh, but sure.”   The two of you try to exit the noisy bar. You struggle to weave through the crowd of sweaty demons dancing and grinding on one another. But then Seokjin grasps your shoulder tenderly and shifts you to walk behind him. You realize that the mass of demons splits when he walks through. Even in their inebriated state, they know to cower down and move out the way.   Once it’s clear, you open the west-side door and enter a quiet area absent from any other entity. It’s easier to breathe out here, silent, and you lean against the ship’s railing to watch how the canal’s water glows a deep crimson hue. The ship moves through it, and you listen to the noise of the water sloshing against the side of the ship.   When your head tilts up, you stare at the mahogany sky nearing black.   “I heard the human realm was really beautiful. Apparently they have something called stars and it appears at night. They’re tiny but they twinkle. Have you heard of them?”   He doesn’t respond, but he lifts his hand and waves his palm up. Suddenly, the sky is blanketed in complete black. The shade bleeds throughout, sweeping across the horizon, and you furrow your brows unable to understand what he’s doing. But as you stare, tiny sparkles become apparent.   “They’re only an illusion, but it’s the best I can do,” he breathes out.   Your eyes are wide and you glance at him. “I….I love it….”   “Good.”   Seokjin grins when a smile expands across your face. The stars gleam like jewels spilled across the canvas — what you’ve heard and read about for so long finally in front of you. They sparkle from the distance, glittering, and the longer you stare, more appear. The entire horizon soon becomes filled with them, and you’re breathless.   It’s a shame only you and Seokjin can view them.   “Are you seeing this?” You hold your hand out, trying to gesture. The more you stare, the more it sinks in just how spectacular this feat is. You’ve only ever seen the sky black, red, and maybe a shade of azure when you reach the in-between of the gates of Heaven and Hell. You’re seeing stars for the first time and it’s more amazing than you thought was possible. “Holy hell!”   “Not sure how hell could be holy,” Seokjin laughs and stares at you with a smile. “Do you really like it this much? You’re so simple. I could’ve done this ages ago.”   “I didn’t know…..”   “You could’ve asked.”   “Yeah, but you never answer me anyways when I call,” you murmur without thinking twice, unaware of how his gaze on you softens. Your hands against the railing tighten and you exhale. But eventually, you focus again when it occurs to you such a long stretch of silence has passed in comfortable silence. “What did you request today? Did they fulfill any of your wishes?”   Seokjin leans against the railing and tilts his head to stare at you. “I asked for something they can’t give me.” You meet his intense eyes, wondering what he means. The corner of his plump lips pulls and he blinks, easing. “What did you ask for?”   “It’s also something they can’t give to me.”   “What is it?”   “Your job.”   The devil chuckles, head lolling up to look at you. “Why would you want that? Don’t you hate working for me?”   “Exactly. I hate working for you. I’d rather take over. I would restructure the entire system, I’d delegate more duties, lessen my own workload, I’d be able to prepare better instead of working so last minute.”   “Sounds like you have a whole plan.”   “I may or may not have spent a lot of time thinking about it,” you hum in slight pride.   Seokjin grins and shakes his head. “Too bad the position at the gates is a traditional, symbolic role. The only way you’d be able to acquire it officially through proper tradition is becoming the devil’s lady.”   You know it too. Thought about it after a millennium and damned the rules that restricted your abilities so many times. The only way to claim his position completely was to wed to him and be named the devil’s lady. But it’s an absurd idea, one you never even thought twice about. Although, for some reason, the way the devil says it isn’t like he’s stating a plain, boring fact.   It’s almost as if he’s….considering it.   Seokjin leans in close. His eyes are not unlike the stars, twinkling with mischief. “Don’t tempt me.”   //   The next day that comes is your absolute favourite.   It’s what you’ve been prepared for.   When the workers knock on your door with the usual room service and daily package, you’re ecstatically tearing papers apart and reading all the descriptions, ready to take full advantage of all the activities included. After all, it’s a day of sloth — a day of guaranteed relaxation.   You start off by laying in bed the entire morning, lazing around until you head to the spa. There you get a head to toe scrub, hair and nails done, and you nap in the steam room. The masseuse is also surprised at the number of knots in your muscles and three demons end up working on you, slapping and massaging your tense muscles.   Once you’re finished, you feel like you’re floating on air. For the first time in a thousand years, you’re stress-free. Nothing could ruin your mood. Not even Kim Seokjin.   You head up to the deck for another nap, claiming a lounge chair in the corner, and being as quiet as possible to not disturb other demons sleeping away. But before you can drift off, the warm light on your skin ceases. You feel a shadow overtop of you. And you slide your sunglasses down the slope of your nose.   The devil looms over your body with a smirk.    “Looks like someone’s been enjoying themselves.”   You sit up and instantly pull him down to sit beside you. Jin’s brows are lifted in surprise from the affectionate invitation. You grin at him. “Have you been down to the spa yet?”   “No.”   “Hell, you need to go down there right now then. It’s. Amazing. Jin.” From your sheer excitement, he grins and you giggle. Giggle. Now that’s a sound he hasn’t heard from you before. Seokjin can’t help but wonder what other sounds you can make. “You need to go to try it and get the Swedish massage. Can’t say the Shiatsu massage is as good. But try out the deep tissue one. That was good too.”   “How many massages did you have today?”   “I tried all of them,” you sing-song and sit back in your lounge chair, humming to yourself. You inspect your clean nails, the french tips done, holding your hand out in front of you.   Seokjin smiles as he looks at you. You’re so much happier and relaxed. You in your little swimsuit and your translucent, silky cover up.   “What else did you do?”   “Got my hair washed. Got my nails done. Got two kinds of facials. You should just check it out for yourself, seriously, it would be a waste if you didn’t.” Suddenly, your eyes light up over the rim of your dark sunglasses. “Should we go together?”   His plump lip pulls. “You want to go to the spa...with me?”   He’s the entity you hate the most. To be given such an invitation from you is no less shocking. But you don’t seem to care. You even laugh and swat at his arm playfully. “We can go together after I take my nap. It’s all day and I really want to get the hot stone massage again.”   “Okay.” He laughs. The devil’s not a very spa-kind of man, but he’ll go with you.   “We can head down in an hour.” You lay back again, eyes fluttering for a shut-eye, but you keep them open to look at him for a second longer. “Do you want to sleep with me?”   “Careful how you ask that question.” He smirks slyly, making you scoff.   “You know what I mean.”   Seokjin hums a low note, considering something else. “Do you want to watch a show tonight? They’re putting on something in the theater.”   “Really? Sure!” You joyfully agree, so easily at it too, cheeks inflated with your smile. He snorts at how fast you answered. It’s such a difference from your tense self. Not to mention, you’re unbothered with him sitting there at the end of your lounge chair as you drift off and he observes how you’re snoring a minute later.   You don’t realize that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop, and he’s ready to have some fun with you.   //   There’s a permanent skip in your step.    You’ve learnt to navigate the entire area of the spa and you don’t notice how everyone is intimidated with Seokjin here. Even when he’s comedically dressed in a white robe, white towels wrapped up on his head, and feet decked out with white slippers — white from top to bottom as if he’s wearing the skin of an angel. Each demon moves out of the way when they realize the devil is here. But he pays no mind to them, following after you. You, who looks like a true angel with how you smile and how radiant you shine in pure white…..   Although the exterior is a bit ruined when you bark at the masseuses to dig into your muscles harder.   You’re even more giddy after you take your third nap in the steam room and he enjoys dinner with you. It’s hard not to when you’re such great company, and you don’t seem to bat a lash when you glue yourself by his side, joining him to watch the evening show.    It’s a game show of some sort, couples on honeymoons together and answering trivia questions about one another. Seokjin sits beside you, a bit bored as he rests his chin in his hand, elbow on the arm rest. His mind wanders before he finds himself glancing over at you.   You seem to be enjoying yourself and that’s enough for him to sit through it.   He wonders what it takes to make you happy like this all the time.   But eventually his train of thought is interrupted when he catches your eye, when he notices you peeking at him at the corner of your vision, trying to glance at him. His lip tugs into another smirk.   Seokjin leans in close. “Y/N.”   He whispers your name into your ear, hot breath skimming on your skin, and he watches the way goosebumps raise over the back of your arms. He pauses for added suspense.   And then he exhales. “You can kiss me if you want. I wouldn’t stop you.”   An immediate frown forms, your lips lopsided, your entire body stiff again. That’s all that’s needed to make you tense again — it’s so easy that it’s amusing. He laughs quietly at your glare.   One of these days, he knows you’ll give into his outlandish idea. Seokjin just can’t help planting the seed there.   //   Right after your favourite day is your least favourite. Lust.    You’re shaken awake in the morning by a sudden bang. It comes from the room next over despite the walls supposedly being soundproof. You would think someone was being tortured or punching the wall over and over again, but what follows the noises that are loud enough to leak through are moans and whines of ‘harder’.   You are sorely not impressed.   “There’s an orgy party tonight,” Seokjin tells you, crowding beside you at the breakfast buffet. It’s hard to ignore the smacking sound of kissing occurring behind the food bar and it makes the food unappetizing.   “I heard.”   “Are you coming?”   “I don’t know.”   “You should.”   “Why?” you question his insistence.   “I would explain to you what I’ve heard about it, but it would be a...mouthful.” Seokjin fully intends the pun, irises sparkling with mischief.    You feign a glare at him, and he follows you to a table, sitting across from you. The devil digs into his sweet stack of waffles, and tears his teeth into a medium rare steak.   “You’re gross.”   “It’s not gross if you feel the same way.”   “Who said I do?”   “Who says you don’t?” he challenges, bringing your lips into a smirk.   The two of you banter back and forth, and you don’t realize that you’re having breakfast with him willingly. That you’re tucked into the corner of the restaurant serving leftovers from the feast from the day of gluttony. You’ve both fallen into a natural course, fallen in line with one another unconsciously. It’s too easy to be in each other’s presence.   But eventually you part ways, and it’s difficult to weave your way out of the bodies pressed together. Guests are practically dry humping one another and the workers are actively encouraging the lust. You guess this is what they mean by indulging in the sins.   You retire to your room early to escape the scandalous sights.   But your sanctuary is interrupted with a knock on the door.   “Good afternoon, Miss Y/N.” The worker greets you, holding onto a clipboard like a door to door salesman.   “Is there something I can help you with?”   “We were just wondering if you were going to attend tonight’s event. We’d like to know about how many people are coming so we can accommodate them properly.”   “Oh.”   "If you are to attend, we have complementary masks to wear." The worker smiles, cheeks rosy.   A masquerade orgy isn't appealing to you. But your thoughts stray to a certain someone who asked you if you were coming this very morning. Someone with dark hair and dark eyes staring into yours. Someone whose plump lips always pulls into that sly smirk and makes you feel a certain kind of way.   "Sure."   Why not. You came here for new experiences after all.    "Fantastic!" The worker exclaims and gestures down the hall. You hear wheels rolling against the carpet and a girl appears with a cart showing a selection of masks. "Feel free to choose whatever is appealing. We also have a catalogue you can order from for free if none of these are to your satisfaction."   You look over them, from the intricate designs in gold and red, to those decorated with jewels and ribbons, and ones delicately painted. But one in particular catches your attention.   "This one’s fine."   You pick the black lace mask, one that's simple but sufficient.   The night arrives sooner than expected. The sky turns a shade of deep mahogany without a moon or sparkle in sight, clouding the horizon over in uncertainty, while the canal glows a hue of rose.   You enter the ballroom on the fourth floor in a black floor length dress, a slit on your left side to top of your thigh. Others seemed to be dressed even more luxuriously, while some of them are already nude and their clothing littered on the ground.   The room is a circular space, ceiling high with paintings of angels on it — ironically to overlook the sinning. The columns spiral high, decorated with gold and made from shiny porcelain like the floor tiles. Slow music plays in the background, accompanying the soft smacking noise of mouths colliding. There are also chaise lounge chairs off to the side, curtains drawn to cover the private areas. But the shadows and silhouettes show they’re doing something less than decent.   There are three or four people participating behind the curtains, those participating, those watching, those that like to be watched. You even catch moans and whimpers as you pass by.   By oddly enough, instead of disgusted, you feel entranced.   Suddenly someone’s warm arm slinks across your abdomen, rough hands that find purchase on your waist. You gasp as your ass is shoved against their hardening groin. Their other hand palms the meat of your ass. And you find yourself giving in, leaning closer to the body heat that feels like cozy flames.    You turn around, meeting brown, doe eyes behind a white mask. You swallow your mouthful of saliva. Their lips look so soft, irresistible. You surrender without an ounce of self-control, this time to the temptation. The man leans in as well—   But then you’re suddenly yanked away by another.   The spell breaks.    “Buzz of. This is mine.” It’s a familiar voice, a sonorous tone but rumbling timbre. The doe-eyed man nods wordlessly and stumbles back into the crowd.   “Jin?”   Where he’s encircled your wrist, you can feel how his skin is warmer than the stranger’s, like a fire is burning underneath his flesh. Behind the black mask, with tiny sparkles that remind you of the stars, are eyes you recognize — dark pools like chocolate, full of indulgence.    Instantly, he lets you go.   “I’m sorry…”   You’re bewitched by him. And you cave into the magnetizing pull. You latch onto him before he can leave. “You shouldn’t have any reason to be sorry.”   The devil meets your gaze.    Everything about him is to lure and entice you, meant for you to indulge in. From the pinkness and plumpness of his lips, to his eyes that are shaped soft and sheepish. His sculpted face, his scent, the sound of his voice...   The devil would never come to such an event to get himself dirty with lowly demons. His hubris is much too high to be touched by strangers. He’s here for a specific purpose — and you think you know what it might be, or rather, for who.   “There’s a reason you’re here, right?”   Seokjin knows you well too, knows that you don’t like to be touched by strangers. His mouth pulls into a smile. “Do you have the same reason as I do?”   You grasp onto the collar of his fitted suit, lust overwhelming you. He stares at your mouth through half-lidded eyes, his own parted.    “I...don’t want this to affect my job,” you murmur, breath already on his.   “It’s going to affect it either way. You’ve stopped being just my advocate long ago.” His large hands hold your hips. “Why do you think I always skip out on my duties? I have to make sure not to come and replace you. I need a reason to keep you around.”   “You bastard.”   The puzzles you had finally click into place. The dots connect. It makes sense, more than it ever has.   “I know.”   “You’re a selfish prick. But one I still owe a kiss to.”   Finally after a millennium, you relinquish your dignity and fully indulge in Kim Seokjin.   You dance with the devil, mouth pushing against his. Immediately, he deepens it, slipping his hot tongue in to claim you as his. Seokjin makes your lips swell as he kisses you hungrily. Sinfully.   He savours your muffled groan as you feel yourself wrapping in the heat that emanates off his body, drowning in his scent. The devil’s lips are of velvet, addicting, and you can’t stop. You’re too frantic to notice that his eyes are still half-lidded, drinking in your pleasured expression.   But in the middle of the kiss, you sense someone else’s presence. Your eyes peel back to see a female stroking her hands over his broad shoulders. You break apart with a forceful smack, thin string of saliva breaking.    “Fuck off,” you spit at her.   The female demon doesn’t hear you. Her hands slowly trail downwards to the thick lump forming in his tight trousers. But Seokjin catches her wandering palms before she can actually touch him. He throws her arms off him. “You heard her. You’re not invited.”   She openly scoffs, and rolls her eyes before walking away.   You won’t let third parties in. You won’t let anyone else touch him. You’re too selfish and greedy to do so.   “Let’s get out of here.”   Seokjin locks his hands in yours, and you’re finally able to revel in how he looks in his fitted suit, how broad his shoulders are, the thickness of his thighs.    Even when you leave the ballroom, the lustful atmosphere never lessens. Instead, the suspense builds. The tension becomes overwhelming. It’s awkward to stand in the elevator and listen to the boring jazz, suffocating in the small space. The heat is tangible.   You end up tackling Seokjin against the wall. You kiss away his laugh by shoving your tongue down his throat. It’s obscene but you don’t care much for your pride at the moment.   “I won’t be seen fornicating in the elevator,” the devil scolds in a low tone, peeling you away after another ravenous make out session, his grip having been tight on your thigh. “Come on.”   Seokjin leads you to his floor, and the door automatically opens when he steps in front of it. The lust is instantly exchanged for amazement.   His suite room is breathtaking, private windows allowing a wide view of the red canal and the horizon. It’s an open space with many rooms, a luxurious bathroom and enormous bed. Like his own personal home.   “This….this….h-how much does this even cost?!”   “Does it matter?” Seokjin loosens his tie. He chuckles watching you run around, checking all the rooms and inspecting the furniture. “I would’ve invited you sooner, but I didn’t want to get slapped.”   You scoff in the other room, and he follows after you. “You know I can’t slap you.”    “Yeah, but you always look like you want to.”   “Just cause I want to, doesn’t mean I can or will do it.”   “Alright, enough of this chit chat.”   Seokjin picks you up from where you’re marveling at his closet. He heaves you up and over his shoulder, carrying you across his suite and he lightly tosses you onto his soft mattress. The devil corners you. He grabs your ankle when you playfully try to escape and he climbs on top of you, straddling your waist to trap you in place.   “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he whispers as he relishes the way you’re pinned beneath him.   You cock your head to the side. “Really? I think if you were waiting for that long, you would’ve done something about a century ago.”   Seokjin sighs at how you’re trying to pick an argument with him even in such a situation. “Love, if you don’t stop trying to pick fights with me, I’m going to gag you with your own underwear.”   You would nod and be obedient. But it’s intrinsic for you to doubt.    Instinctively, the words spill out of your mouth before you can stop it. “Why are you assuming I have underwear on?”   A muscle in his cheek twitches. Seokjin flips you over, and instantaneously delivers a slap to the meat of your ass. You moan, arching into him, but you quickly turn your head with a frown.   “What was that for?!”   “You know what it’s for,” Jin barks. “It’s going to be a long night if you don’t listen to me, Y/N.”   The devil follows through with his word. It indeed becomes a long, long night.   It’s too delicious to see his irritation. How his ears can turn into a shade of scarlet that matches the colour rising from his neck to his forehead. But you bend to his will after a while, giving into his command.    It’s the most sinning you’ve done. The most indulgent you’ve ever been. Seokjin’s sweat drips on top of you before it’s your sweat on him when you get on top. He’s merciless, leaving bruises along your thighs from his tight grip and where he kept your legs spread. He leaves blue, purple, red marks along the column of your neck. You sink down on his cock enough times that your cunt stretches out to match his girth and length into a perfect, snug fit. And you get to know the flavour of each other’s spit and cum until it’s all you can taste.   You’re glad no one shares Seokjin’s walls or else they’d hear the way your voice grows hoarse over the course of the night. They’d hear the creak of the bed, the slamming of the headboard. Anyone on the same floor would hear your name groaned through those beautiful lips licking into you.   You’re sure if there was another level to hell or damnation — you and Seokjin will be arriving there in each other’s arms.   //   The last day of the cruise finally arrives and you’re devastated.   Tomorrow, you’ll return to work and continue the cycle of late nights preparing documents and affidavits and judging human souls in line at purgatory only for them to scream obscenities at you no matter what gate they end up entering.   Your train of thought is interrupted by a knock on the door.   “G-Good morning, Miss. Y/N!” The male worker jumps, surprised to discover you answering the door. “I didn’t think you’d be in your room.”   “Where else would I be?” you deadpan.   The female demon worker smiles and steps forward. “We have room service for you!”   You widen the door and they wheel the cart in. “We just wanted to ask about your stay here and if there were any concerns whatsoever.”   “Oh no.” You bat your hand. “It was absolutely lovely. Thank you for the past seven days. It couldn’t have gone better.”   “That’s great to hear.” They grin and gesture to the pamphlet placed with your meal.   “We’d also like to mention that there’s a honeymoon package and an express cruise that travels to all three realms, hell, heaven, and human. It’s just a promotion. I thought I’d mention it.”   You laugh, nodding. “Okay, thank you.”   “There’s one event left. A farewell party for tonight for all guests on this trip.”    You receive the invitation. Today’s a day of pride and in its celebration, the cruise has a farewell ceremony where they read each guests’ accomplishments. It’s a sweet gesture, perfect to top off the trip.   But you can’t fully look forward to it when you’re plagued by your thoughts. You still haven’t decided if last night was a mistake, if it was just the lust in the air.    Seokjin was insatiable, that much was clear, and you swear you feel permanently hot in your face. The in between of your legs still ache whenever you move. It’s impossible to try to forget or disregard what occurred. And when you’re unable to cover up his marks all over your neck, you find yourself deciding to wear it with pride.   You wonder how he feels about last night too. If the devil simply likes to spoil his advocates.   But your questions are answered when you see him again at the party.   “Evening.”   “Good evening.”   You raise your wine glasses up at one another in mutual acknowledgment before turning to watch the room. The pair of you are tucked in the corner again as if you were the hosts and everyone else were guests in your domain.   The silence broken by him. “It was...regrettable that you ran out so soon this morning.”   You agree. “It was regrettable, but it’s the right thing to do.”   “You think with your head too much sometimes,” Seokjin muses.   “Jeon Jungkook,” the worker on stage announces into the staticy mic. “He has tricked twenty four humans into giving their soul to him.” There’s a collective ‘ooh’ from other workers and a loud applause. “He works in marketing and coworkers call him proactive!”   They allow every guest to indulge in their own pride and you don’t expect much as you watch, but then your name is called. “The devil’s advocate, L/N Y/N.”   “Persuasive and diligent. In her existence thus far, she’s captured two hundred forty three souls before working for the devil where she’s passed judgment for eighty six hundred thousand sixty six human souls,” they continue to read your long list of accomplishments and it’s seemingly never ending. The worker runs out of breath and has to take a drink of water to keep going.   The devil is in the details after all.   But you didn’t realize you had done so much.   “Impressive.” Seokjin nudges you with a quirked brow and an amused smile.   Suddenly, you’re called on again. “L/N Y/N, will you please come onto the stage to receive a special award.”   “What?”   “Don’t just stand there, idiot.” Seokjin mischievously bumps you forward and your steps stagger. With half a mind, you pass the tables and demons watching you, up the stairs to the modest stage. The spotlight is absolutely blinding.   The worker shakes your hand and gives you a golden frame. Inside is a certificate of accomplishment. It’s stamped with the crest of hell, the official insignia of honour.    “It was signed by the devil, himself,” the worker tells you privately. “He insisted that it would be given to you. Congratulations, Miss Y/N.”   There’s a roar of applause. Your eyes stray off the side to see him, standing with his feet shoulder-width apart, a proud smile placed on his features. Something blooms inside your chest.   Finally, you’ve received recognition for what you’ve done, for all your hard work.   You step off stage, cutting through the crowd to get to him. But then you’re stopped by yet another worker. “Miss. Y/N, thank you for being a part of Sins Cruise Line. We’d like to gift you this photo album compiling your best moments of this trip.”   “Oh, t-thank you.”   You move off and out of the way to open the leather album. What you find are photographs you didn’t know the workers took. There’s a picture of you stepping on this ship for the first time and looking out at the horizon with your drink in hand and the wind blowing through your hair. There’s another with you sitting across the poker table and Seokjin on the other side, the dim lights shining on your heads and illuminating your faces.   You continue to flip through, and you discover countless pictures of you and Seokjin together.   Him shooting at a human with you standing beside him. Laughing with Seokjin while you’re both in the corner of the feasting room. Out on the lounge chairs together. At the spa. Watching a show in the theater room. Looking into each other’s eyes in the ballroom before your shared kiss.   They’re beautiful photographs — precious moments captured in time. You didn’t realize you looked at him in such a way, or that he looked at you so tenderly.   You find Seokjin in the crowd again, as you’re grasping the album and the certificate to your chest.   “Congratulations, Miss. Devil’s Advocate.”   “I can’t believe you did all this.” You’re still breathless, unable to comprehend why he would go to such lengths for you.   “You deserve it.” Seokjin matches your softened smile. “Are you sad about leaving?”   “Can’t say I’m excited to go,” you admit. “But I have to go back. There’s probably a lot that’s piled up. Taehyung doesn’t know how to work on cases properly.”   “Well, take it easy,” the devil says with a grin and stares at you for a moment. It’s silent, the two of you gazing at one another, but then he catches himself and inhales a breath. “Actually, I’m planning on restructuring some things. I want to delegate more duties and lessen workloads so others can better prepare instead of working so last minute.”   His eyes twinkle with mischief. He literally took the words right out of your mouth, quoting you exactly. “I’m going to need some advice and personal help for the next while.”   “Personal help?” Your brows raise with a giggle.   “Personal help.” Seokjin nods. “Hey, you’re free right now, right? Do you want to talk it over during dinner?”   Laughter bubbles out of you and your gaze becomes tender. “I’d love to.”
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It was undoubtedly hard to walk off that cruise ship.   A part of you wishes it could last forever. But alas, all good things must come to an eventual end.   Yoongi is seated at his desk, feet propped up on the surface of said desk. He’s casually leaning back on his chair, elbow propped up on the armrest, fingers playing with a few strands of his hair. He’s humming to himself, but then he sees the demon guard move aside, and his brows raise.   He’s pleasantly surprised. “You’re early.”   “Only a little.” You smile at the angel.   “Welcome back.” He takes his feet off his desk and deadpans, “I missed you. Too many people have been getting through Heaven lately, it’s been disastrous.”   “I’m sure Taehyung wasn’t that bad,” you murmur in the demon’s defense, but it’s weak and half-hearted. You both know he’s pretty terrible — Taehyung’s impatience and lack of meticulousness isn’t exactly great for this job.   “What was worse was that he was so annoying. I’d never thought I’d say it, but I’d much prefer you. Did you enjoy your vacation?” he asks. “I heard you went on that cruise.”   You smile to yourself. “Yeah, it was good.”   “Did it live up to its name?”   You contemplate it for a moment before you find yourself nodding. “I have to say that it does.”   “Wow, just rub in your good time, bitch,” Yoongi mutters passively aggressively, glaring through the slits of his eyes. Then he relents and sighs. “I’m glad you finally took a break. You look better. Healthier.”   “Thanks. Actually, it’s really thanks to—”   “You forgot this file, Y/N.”   A voice pipes up and the guards move aside. A man appears with his cape billowing behind him, dark robes decorated with gold, official and intimidating. Yoongi’s eyeballs nearly fall out of his socket. The angel’s mouth draws open, his nostrils flared.   Seokjin is behind you and hands you the file before taking a seat beside you.    He pushes his round spectacles up the bridge of his nose, focusing downwards to the paperwork. “I have to sign where?”   “Here.”   He’s helping you, has been since you’ve gotten back.    Yoongi doesn’t try to hide his shock. You smile at the angel with a look that equally shares his pleasant surprise and shows how impressed you are.   “You two are close,” Yoongi says when he finds his power of speech again.   Seokjin lifts his chin, glances at the angel and then at you. The pair of you share a warm smile together. “I’d say we’re a bit more than close at this point.”   You already know Seokjin’s intentions — you’re his advocate after all.
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