#joy revel
cloud-ya · 1 month
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I guess it's a season of bringing back old OCs
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daddy-long-legssss · 7 months
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dinosaurwithablog · 1 month
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This is the lake in my backyard. I am very thankful that I get to watch all the wildlife doing their thing on this lake. There's never a dull moment... the foot long bass are jumping out of the water or the eagles and hawks are fishing or the otters and beavers are swimming by or the ducks are swimming by or the frogs are making noise or the great blue herons and cormorants are hanging out on the log or turtles are sunning themselves on the log or the geese are honking or the deer are grazing at the water line or the birds are singing and flying about or the bears are swimming away from my neighbor's dogs or..... well, you get the idea. The possibilities are endless. It's the perfect place for a hermit like me to live. I love it here. No matter what kind of day I have, I can always go look at the lake, and I feel great. Nature is a great therapist 😉😁😍 There is so much beauty and joy to be found in nature. It's very healing. When I lived in NYC, I would enjoy the few trees that were there or go to Central Park and revel in the beauty of my surroundings. Nature is always there for me wherever I go. For that, I'm very, very grateful. I hope that you all have something in your life that brings you joy and peace like this little lake and nature does for me. If you take the time to look for it, you will find it because it's there. 😊😍🙏🏼✌🏼
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raell · 1 year
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mtsodie · 9 months
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starfish-ix · 8 months
★ foldable joy journal!! ★
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I made this little zine / journal that is printable and foldable easily at home!!
I think there is a lot to be said about being mindful and intentional about seeking the joy already present in our lives, a la Ross Gay's The Book of Delights. The word I chose to guide me in 2023 was "revel" which really encouraged me to take in all the delights in life :-)
This zine was inspired by a format I found in Special Collections of my college, and I made it through a process of lino-cut prints, collaging, and prototyping!
print here!!
see more images of it unfolded below!
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hope you enjoy!
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backpackingspace · 2 months
The philoctetes is a comedy actually
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angelsdean · 2 years
no but actually. looking at gifs from that IG vid again seeing how happy jensen is after they show dean on screen makes ME so happy like !!!! he truly does love dean so much and i get it !! it’s the same joy i feel whenever i see dean too !!! he really was so upset abt dean’s death and we see it every time he has to talk abt it and the whole finale and just. yeah he wants dean to live !!!!! he wants him to LIVE !!!!!!!!
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discjude · 2 months
it is literally 4 in the morning and I can't fully articulate this but like. I spent a whole lot of time trying to work out who the "third" in Rise + Fall is (given the 'two works well, three complicates things' rule in Fall) mostly because its the sort of thing that works really well for parallels (example: my insane Hook theory). Obviously there has to be a Third for the Prequels twins (since Soman wouldn't've made it that big of a deal if there wasn't), just as there is a third for the TSY and TCY twins: Tedros is the Third in TSY, and the Complicator Of Things himself - Aric - is the Third in TCY, but there's a lot more candidates for Prequels: you could make cases for Hook, the Pirate Captain, Pan, and Vulcan, from my memory. But none of them really stay around long enough for them to be the third, so I was struggling to pick one out that worked well.
Based on how the Rule Of Three is described, the Third has to be someone that gets in the way of two others, who are going to be the twins, and needs to do a significant amount of Complication. Aric is literally the blueprint for this (potentially also Evelyn, but also not Evelyn, for Reasons). So anyway looking back on it the Third in Rise and Fall is SO OBVIOUSLY the Storian itself and im mad I didn't clock this earlier
It's present through both prequels, where most of the other candidates aren't. It DEFINITELY gets in the way and DEFINITELY does some significant Complication, looking at the end of Fall. If I were to reach slightly, the first image we see in Rise and Fall is of the Storian physically between the brothers, mirroring how it ends up coming between them emotionally, and I like to think that's intentional (Book 2's cover does this as well).
More importantly, there's another part to the Rule Of Three pattern with the sets of twins that isn't explicitly stated, but is consistent between all three: the Third always replaces one twin to form the Two with the other. in TSY, this happens with Tedros and Agatha (predominantly). In TCY, this happens with Aric and Japeth - this is why Evelyn can't be the TCY third in my opinion, since she doesn't replace either twin, and breaks this pattern. in Rise and Fall, this happens with the Storian and Rafal. There isn't really a pattern to whether the Good/Evil twin gets replaced, unless you want to go into some very very very bit leaps ive thought about regarding the whole "was Rhian II evil or good before becoming Rafal, and does that also affect Japeth doing the same thing" thingy but I could not fully explain that stuff ever. There is probably so much more nuance I could add to this if only I reread TSY but that will happen Some Other Time
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quinloki · 3 months
ACAB including that fucker in your head.
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Y'all ever dig out an MP3 player that survived hell and back for you and decide to transfer the audio files to hear what your music taste was when you were a tweenager?
On that note, I found my old SanDisk (survived going flying every time I was running and my headphones came out, spent an entire winter buried in snow when I couldn't find it, survived the water of melting snow) and transferred all of the music off it.
There was an entire section of 'Stronger Than You' parodies, most of them being Undertale characters. Remember that time of the fandom?
I return to my tweenage years with glee ^_^
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decamarks · 1 year
i'm always overwhelmed by the ephemeral intimacy of peer-to-peer connections. blowing a kiss to whoever is downloading the ultrakill ost from me on soulseek. like Omg we like the same game <3 We will have a beautiful summer wedding.
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whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
Tomorrow is the 20 day mark in the TOWL countdown! And I’m excited to keep counting down and celebrating Richonne with my top 20 favorite moments from their epic journey. 🥳
I also just felt compelled to address something before we head into the 20-day countdown to towl. Because as we get closer to Richonne’s long-awaited return, there are crevices of the twd fandom trying to get louder with the hateful & ignorant messages.
Just addressing this once. Then the hate is blocked out & there’s only basking in Richonne goodness going forward. 😊
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If there are things in the windows do you think that over time like every update we will start see them more clearly. I have the idea of just, frank sitting at their window, staring at us, unable to do anything but knows we are there with a horrified expression.
i have a feeling that that has some Merit, yes! cause i remember before the update, when i was scrutinizing every little piece of the map, i don't recall seeing anything in the windows. i like to think i would have noticed (but there's a real possibility that they were already there, my eyes just skipped over it. or they were there but just too faint to Notice yet!)
but that would be really cool and i wouldn't put it past Clown to sneak that in... terrifying to think about! i love it!
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lalanotes · 1 year
🍓 April 10-16 🍓
weekly bullet journal spread time \(^~^)/
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🍓🍓🍓 strawberry theme!!!!! 🍓🍓🍓inspired by the ridiculous amounts of strawberries that I’ve been consuming these past two weeks but they’ve been so sweet!!! anyways I’ve been diving back into my seventeen phase mainly because of jun I’m obsessed with that man I spend hours watching his fancams and giggling to myself secretly *~* ALSO I’ve finally decided on the perfect shade of green to paint my room and I’m just having a pretty great week :D
<listening to: _WORLD - SEVENTEEN> (this song makes me so happy hehe)
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sunnibits · 3 months
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hey can we just take a moment to appreciate how my dog lets me hold her. please.
ok thank you for your time
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