meezer · 2 years
love your posts, I feel like you're a little angel or devil on my shoulder that I go to for advice or a chortle
OH MY GODDD!!! this is so good to hear, you have no idea. you understand my energy perfectly.. exactly the kind of aura I want to cultivate. if you ever want to actually talk feel free to message me ahahah. thank you, seriously, this means a lot, treasured mutual <3
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electricvinyls · 6 months
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
“ L'ultimo giorno di scuola, mentre li attendeva, pensava all'opportunità di fare un discorso di congedo, prudente, intonato al suo stato d'animo. Ma convinto che la sua fredda chiarezza, la sua mancanza d'entusiasmo, erano in relazione con la sua decadenza fisica di cui notava giorno per giorno i progressi, non gli parve giusto riversare le sue tristezze nell'anima degli scolari. Né voleva, d'altra parte, lasciare un ricordo che non fosse aderente all'immagine che i giovani s'erano fatta di lui. Comprendeva che, se avesse parlato seguendo le sue vere idee, quel senso di lieve distacco da loro, che egli aveva già notato, si sarebbe accentuato, forse sarebbe divenuto definitivo. Nella loro mente sarebbe rimasto il ricordo del loro vecchio maestro, morto non solo fisicamente, ma morto nell'anima. Sarebbe stato troppo triste. Allora parlò cosí: – Chiudiamo con oggi, venti giugno, il nostro anno di scuola, ultimo forse per il vostro vecchio maestro. So che avvenimenti gravi si stanno preparando, che giornate luminose per l'avvenire del nostro paese metteranno a prova quanti hanno saldezza d'animo, bellezza d'ideali, fermezza di propositi. Bisogna credere: profondamente credere, – e qui si arrestò un momento perché il suono della sua voce lo aveva ingratamente sorpreso, – che il mondo va verso un destino migliore. – Io sono certo che tutti voi troverete nella prossima lotta il vostro posto; che il mio insegnamento avrà avuto il potere di rinsaldare in voi la giovanile fede nell'avvenire della vostra opera e che, comunque e dovunque, voi mi considererete presente in mezzo a voi, con gli stessi sentimenti... ma con migliori gambe. Si volse intorno sperando di avere acceso un sorriso sulla faccia dei suoi scolari. Ma si accorse che era riuscito solamente a commuoverli. Si alzò lentamente; e fece per andarsene, ma di colpo, come per una intesa precedente, i suoi scolari gli furono tutti intorno ansiosi. Egli si arrestò stupito: poi dopo averli guardati negli occhi li abbracciò tutti. Si allontanò con la maggiore rapidità possibile, perché sentiva un tremito in mezzo al petto: un tremito infantile. «Non si sa mai, – pensò, – la vecchiaia fa scherzi molto curiosi». “
Francesco Jovine, Signora Ava, Einaudi, 1958; pp. 170-172.
[1ª edizione originale: 1942]
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drlittlefoot · 6 months
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Thank you Raffael Jovine and his book, How Light Makes Life: The Hidden Wonders and World-Saving Powers of Photosynthesis, for teaching me about male scientist Julius Sachs who used "vast amounts of cocaine to meticulously categorize different plants" (32). This was knowledge I didn't know I needed.
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call-sign-shark · 10 months
(Also another thing on why I haven’t been able to send any asks as much was because life has been kicking my ass lately and sometimes just seeing your works helped me get through some tough times. Also ps.
I got Covid 🤠 and got sick a couple of weeks after thanksgiving while also being on my period and suffering from a lot of stuff but I would like to say thanks so much for being one of the people to help me through the times I was going through because your work keeps me entertained whenever I feel bored)
Bravo 👏 shark 🦈 you deserve several nominations for this amazing writing and you have shown time and time again that no matter the circumstances and trials and tribulations, you continue to pump out works that I could only dream of making and posting for the world to see.
What was those creepy fics about being cannibals heaven and auther I mean and I thought nick was bad 😭 I was so scared I had to go hug my mom for 5 minutes 😭😭😭😭😭
Also I wanted to take this small moment to say you are beautiful and phenomenal because of what you done and just how amazing you would be in general to probably meet someday. But I digress
(Pictures at the bottom)
(Me when I can’t wait to see heavens heart break when she finds out that auther is dead) I can’t wait and I might maybe listen to some even more sad music because I don’t feel depressed enough 😝
But yeah thanks for coming to my red talk and I hope you have a merry Christmas 🎁🎄
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THE SHIA INTRO. I’m laughing sm.
Welcome back Jovin, I think you can’t imagine the smile you’ve put on my face when I saw that you posted a new episode of Red Talks in my inbox.
1) I Hope you’re feeling better right now, COVID and periods is such a shitty combination. That must have been extra painful, babe. You’re super brave for going through it. Also Im sending love and positive vibes for your life, hoping things will settle down soon. I am honored my works helped you a little bit during this harsh period of your life.
2) Thank you so so much for your nice compliment about the next chapter of Heaven in Your Eyes. I’m so relieved it’s out after almost two months of struggle! I surely don’t deserve your heartwarming compliment about my writings, but thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart. You and the other mutuals are what motivates me. You sincerely help me too. 🖤 And pretty sure you are a fantastic person too, would love to chat around a coffee with you.
3) LMAO!! Sorry for traumatizing your with The Woods Whisper. And to think it was supposed to be far more graphic and disturbing than it already is! This is a AU I’m super proud of even thought it isn’t popular. (Still have to reply to comment though, but I didn’t cause I posted it when my anxiety was at its worst IRL)
4) And finally, your dream of watching Heaven’s breaking at Arthur’s death will soon come true… My advice is to already prep the saddest playlist you can find. 😈
Arthur is unhappy tho
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Off with his head
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(Cont.) I am currently upside down inside one of the acedemia tunnels trying to assassin the grand sage of Sumeru who currently made nahida cry.
I will have my vengeance
We got what? 4 more days before the update!! Soon soon, I just wish the sages would suffer more, Scaramouche shouldn't be the bbeg here gdi
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melanatedmedia2 · 14 days
Hey everyone, it's Trackback Thursday, and today, I want to share Jovin Webb's incredible song, "The Dirty South." This soulful track pays homage to the rich musical heritage of the South and is a must-listen for all music lovers. Let's spread the love for this amazing artist and his powerful tribute to the South! #TrackbackThursday #JovinWebb #TheDirtySouth 🎵🎶
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png-of-a-bat · 1 month
i cant have shit. i cant have shit, i cannot have shit
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photoarchive · 7 days
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Naomieh Jovin, Untitled, 2021
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st-just · 1 month
do the qualities they'd hate thing in a separate post instead
si tu veux, I'm avoiding prepping a D&D session anyway.
Verity: Stupid. They're absolutely one of those people who acts a bit cynical and above-it-all to minimize the possibility of looking like a rube/says things they're really unsure of in a state of Schrodinger's Sarcasm depending on the reception. Also absolutely adores hearing gossip about other people's fuckups and bad decisions while preferring to gnaw off their arm than admit their own (serious ones, anyway). (<- one I have put the most thought into)
Yekeoul: A failure or a burden, in a fairly prosaic sense - someone who can't pull his own weight and is reliant on the charity and condescension of others. Bristles violently at anything that feels like slacking off in a way that anyone might hold against him, finds the performance of humbly begging favors mortifyingly humiliating.
Lei: Impulsive or uncontrolled. Not even so much violent specifically as just someone who doesn't have his emotions in order and can't be relied upon to keep his head and handle things sensibly and professionally.
Renata: A mark. Someone you can pull one over on or take advantage of without her ever being the wiser. She's the sort of person who gets into really impressive numbers of petty feuds but in the end can forgive just about anything except lying to her face and laughing at her behind her back.
Abhari (which I have put much less thought into the characters of)
Hira: Selfish/corrupt Iren: Foolish/imprudent Hayy: no single word, but complacent or comfortable with ignorance? Credulous of mysteries?
Valeria: possessed of delusions of grandeur? An embarrassment, someone who is humored but not respected. Jovin: A useless fop of a courtier, a relic whose time has passed Isidore: Mercenary, a man you can buy and sell
Adrien: Impious, less than perfectly devout Lionel: Dishonorable, in the sense of disgracing his inheritance and family Astrid: Ignorant, provincial, clueless of what's happening around her Dasra: Cowardly, especially in terms of superstition Patience: [answer unclear, ask again later]
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electricvinyls · 5 months
I dreamt about me and marvin and it was really sweet,...and we KISSED 💥💥💥💥💥
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gregor-samsung · 9 months
“ Il tempo si manteneva bello; nei monti lontani il solicello dell'antivigilia di Natale scioglieva le liste di neve che rigavano le macchie scure di querce e di faggi. Nel piano la terra fumigava umida, sgombra fin dalle ultime tracce della recente, leggera nevicata. Lo spirito di Don Matteo era stato lieto tutta la mattina: aveva in tasca cinque ducati di messe che Monsignor Vescovo gli aveva dati insieme con la lettera quando era andato a congedarsi. Gli aveva detto molte buone parole Monsignor de Risio: gli aveva mostrato tanta benevolenza che Don Matteo fu lí lí per parlare male di tutti i preti di Guardialfiera. Ma era riuscito a scacciare il cattivo pensiero che per un attimo gli era passato nella mente, e aveva taciuto. Ora ripensava a quello che gli era capitato e tutto gli pareva giusto, armonioso, rispondente pienamente a quello che doveva accadere. – Bel sole, buona gente, – disse Don Matteo passando per il Tratturo, che in quel momento era attraversato da porcari che si dirigevano verso la Puglia. – Tieni, – disse a un porcarello, – e gli porse un pugno di castagne bollite che trasse dalla bisaccia. Il porcarello gli baciò la mano e chiamò con un fischio tre compagni che lo precedevano. Don Matteo diede a tutti un pugno di castagne e una pedata a un maiale che gli sporcava col grifo sudicio la sottana. Continuò allegro la marcia. Ad un tratto fu percosso da un pensiero: quarantacinque ducati e cinque fanno cinquanta ducati. Don Matteo non era mai stato tanto ricco: cinquanta ducati in una volta poteva averli solo per merito di Don Girolamo Fabiano curato-arciprete di Palata che per un anno intero l'aveva tenuto senza un tornese portandolo a spasso con promesse e rinvii. «Cinquanta ducati, – pensava Don Matteo, – sono una bella somma: con cinquanta ducati si comprano cinque maiali, oppure si fanno una sottana e una zimarra nuova e si comprano tre maiali solamente. Ma cosa me ne farei dei maiali? Meglio venti pecore, forse anche venticinque. Matteo può dare le venticinque pecore a mezzadria e avere tanto formaggio, latte, e agnelli a Pasqua». Tastò nella tasca interna del panciotto la preziosa lettera di Monsignor Vescovo. Lo faceva per la cinquantesima volta dal mattino e un sorriso furbesco gli disegnò profondamente le rughe agli angoli della bocca. “
Francesco Jovine, Signora Ava, Einaudi, 1958; pp. 130-131.
[1ª edizione originale: 1942]
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raizxpz · 2 years
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Jovin Higashitakaka
The first time i saw Jobin's canon colors was when i was planning to draw this but the 2nd one is how i head cannoned his colors while i was reading the manga 😭 at least he's blonde in EOH but I'm already getting used to his jacksepticeye scheme
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Hey Shark just wanted to tell you I made my first moodboord of my oc and yours to celebrate your 1k followers celebration
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This one is where heaven and cosmos (my ocs name) are on a train wearing expensive dresses and whatching lanterns fly in the sky as they pass
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OH GOSH JOVIN!!! Thank you so much — I don’t even know what to say, like, I’m beyond grateful for this magnificent gift. Is this really your first moodboard? Because it is absolutely gorgeous, I am impress. I must say that I adore the scene: the royal tea party in a train while lanterns fly in the sky? This is a dream-like landscape 🥺🖤
Thank you so so much for this wonderful moodboard, I am so grateful right now. Also I wanna know more about Cosmos because, damn, I am IN LOVE with her name!! These two girls are having fun, might join them in this awesome party. 🖤
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
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Hello?! This suddenly popped in my submissions and omaygahdh??! Why did you do this to me aakxjxhcndnkjrjd I'M BEING CONVERTED
/Cyno /Alhaitham
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raskolnikoffnbksawyer · 10 months
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Fabrizio Jovine as Father William Thomas and Daniela Doria as Rosie Kelvin in Lucio Fulci's Paura nella città dei morti viventi (1980)
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