#josh charles call me
everythingisawayoflife · 11 months
watching a movie just bc ur favorite little meow meow from another movie you’re obsessed with is peak girlhood
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
Sidewomen - Twitch Quartet x Youtuber/Streamer! Reader
Plot: Y/N started a youtube group with 5 friends from school, and they all got famous. They had one video with the Sidemen, which led to them jokingly being called the Sidewomen. What happens when she comes onto one of the F1 boys stream.
Credit to countingstars-17 for the GIF
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Back when you were younger you and your friends would make funny videos, it was a group of 5 of you. You guys always joked about how you were the off brand spice girls, all having majorly different looks and personalities but somehow made it work.
As you guys got older, and content wasn't just silly kid like videos your subscribers grew, as did your names in the community. You ended up getting lots of attention and ended up making a video with the Sidemen. It was one of their $200 dollar v $20,000 dollar holidays. Josh and one of your girls, y/f/n, were the people out of the challenge and prepared it for you.
On one team, it was you, y/bf/n, Tobi, Simon and Harry and on the other team it was your your other two friends with JJ, Ethan and Vik all on the other team.
You guys lucked out in the video and ended up getting the $20,000 holiday being sent to The Sands Hotel in Barbados. You guys spent the week there doing watersports, art, sightseeing and relaxing. After this video, people jokingly started referring to you as the Sidewomen. You guys did similar challenge videos on the joint account you all had, but on your individual accounts you all had different passions.
One of you big ones was gaming, as well as travel. One year in 2019, you'd done a Budget Travel with me around the world. Where you'd followed the F1 Grand Prix around the world, attending each race with the cheapest ticket you could get, and the cheapest flights and standard accommodation. You camped at Silverstone, which was difficult considering you had at this point 10 million subscribers and people had noticed you.
This got you a lot of traction and in Abu Dhabi the last race of the season you were given a paddock pass upgrade. You filmed around and showed what was offered at the different hospitalities and you met some of the pit crew, but out of respect you didn't haggle any of the drivers.
They noticed this. Of course they did.
There was a buzz when you'd come into the paddock. One majorly different from when different celebrities came in. You knew the sport and you knew the sport on a technical level. If you wanted to in a different life you'd be a commentator or an engineer.
The drivers were shocked that every time they saw you to try and say hello, you were busy talking to a mechanic from Aston Martin, or a Social Media Member from Red Bull, or the coffee girl in Ferrari hospitality... you were seemingly walking around and talking to everyone but the drivers.
Once the pandemic hit, in early 2020 and it was said that the Australian GP had been cancelled and the rest of the season seemingly had as well.
But this was fantastic for content creators, you were now pretty much what everyone was watching. So when you saw Lando, George, Alex and Charles all streaming on twitch sim racing against each other you took the opportunity to be a menace.
You subbed to each of them, tier 3 of course before gifting out a load of subs.
"Thank you so much y/t/h (your twitch handle) for the 50 gifted subs, that's insane" Charles said seeing the notification pop up. Everyone in chat started to go wild, realizing it was you.
"Thanks for the 50 gifted y/t/h, really appreciate it!" George had said before proceeding to crash into a wall and look at the camera in defeat before reversing his car and driving towards the pit lane.
"Ah thank you, how do you say that name... y/t/h? Thank you for the 50 gifted, I'm still new to this so I'm sorry if there was a message with that and it didn't pop up for whatever reason, mods ... let me know" he says, as sweet as ever making your heart warm.
"y/t/h ... what the hell is up!" Lando exclaims being the only one to actually recognize your twitch name and know who you were.
"Lando who are you talking too?" George asks hearing the boy not muted.
"Wait you guys know Y/N Y/L/N right?" Lando asks having made you a VIP in his chat so he could see your messages easier and seen that all of them didn't have the realization that it was you.
"Yeah, her videos have saved me in quarantine!" Alex exclaimed remembering that him and his girlfriend Lily often binge watched her videos, calling her their shared wife as a joke.
"Oh, yes she's the one that did the 'Not a rich man's sport series' right? Where she did every single GP but on an minimum wage workers affordable budget to show you can still do it! I love that series!" Charles exclaimed.
"Dude, who doesn't know Y/N, I grew up watching her because she was only like 3 years younger than me and she was incredibly relatable. I watch her whole groups videos" Alex admits before Lando bursts out laughing.
"Okay, so how haven't you realized she's in your guy's chat and is gifting subs to you!" Lando laughs, he starts DMing you on Instagram asking for you discord.
"SHE'S WHAT" Charles exclaims, before looking over into chat to see them spamming your name.
"No way" George says quietly.
"OMG Lily! Come here, our wife is in my twitch chat" Alex shouts out before everyone goes quite.
"Huh?" Lando asks with a little bit of a choke.
"Lily and I agreed we can have one genuine celebrity crush, but its gotta be mutual and its Y/N so she's our shared wife now" he explains making the rest of them all laugh.
"Hello everyone!" you say as you joined the discord call before all hell breaks loose.
"I cant believe this right now" George mutters to himself, Alex was yelling to trying to get Lily to come join him and to come on camera to say hi to you.
You launched up your own stream so the boys could also say hello to you properly.
"Hey stream! What's going on, yes you guys will be meeting some very cool people today. We have Williams Racing Driver George Russell, Red Bull Racing Driver Alexander Albon, Ferrari Racing Driver Charles Leclerc and lastly Mclaren Racing Driver Lando Norris joining us today" you introduce before they all say hello on discord. Your chat was half and half, either spamming that you were streaming with the zoom zoom car men, and the other half asking who the hell these people were.
"Holy shit, there's 30k people watching us online right now" Lando says looking at your view count going up.
"So, Lando suggested that you guys interview me, or like give me a quick fire quiz about 2019 considering i was there for all races!"
"Ohhh okay sounds interesting! I'm first!" Alex offers and you smile at the camera.
"Where was my first race with Red Bull?" Alex asks and you smile.
"Spa right?"
"Ding Ding" Lando shouts loudly making you flinch and laugh at the sound.
"Okay my turn! How many podiums did i have in 2019, and where were they" Charles asks.
"Oh come on, he wins in Spa, he wins in Monza ... you had two" you recite the quote of the year to him and see a big cheesy grin on his face.
"My turn how many points did i get in my rookie season of 2019" George asks and you sigh.
"Such potential there George but unfortunately you came out with 0 points!" you shake your head sadly.
"Okay me next hmmmm, my rookie season was wasn't great either... I don't know what to ask. Oooo what was my highest position?" he asks and you look stumped for a second.
"P6?" you ask more than answer him.
"Actually fella's i may have to check that myself" Lando pauses not quite sure.
"Why on earth would you ask a question you don't know the answer too..." you exclaim in outrage, looking to the camera with a 'wtf' look.
"Look, last year was ... well I don't even know how to describe last year!" Lando exclaims before he cheers.
"You were right it was in fact P6 i got that in Bahrain and Austria" he explains.
"Look, even though i had a weird and wacky year from staying in a hostel in Belgium to a Love Hotel in Japan ... I remembered everything from that year!" you say backing yourself up.
"Okay back to me, where was my highest place drive in Torro Rosso?" Alex asks.
"Oh fuck, in Torro Rosso, mmmmmm. Oh my gosh my mind has gone blank for any races higher than P8 for you. P8?" you ask sheepishly knowing its not but its the only race you could think off.
"Nope it was P6 in Germany!" he laughs and you sigh with an 'oh damn it' and a light smack on your desk.
"Okay me me! Who did i race for before i moved to Ferrari?" Charles questions and you role your eyes before looking over to chat who are spamming Tifosi.
"Alfa Romeo Sauber and lets be for real you slayed that rookie season pookie" you say, and everyone laughs.
"God what is this pandemic turning us into... slay ... what even is that?" Lando ask like one of those old middle aged mums who squint when you show her something on your phone.
"SLAYYYYY" you scream and chat start to spam the emote you made for it.
"Okay, well what was my lowest race finish?" George asks.
"Erm including DNF'S?" you ask and see him shake his head before saying no on his stream.
"P19, you avoiding that 20 like I avoid my ex-man boi" you chide making everyone laugh.
"France is not you friend" you admit, looking up to double check you were right, showing chat George's statistics from the 2019 races.
"Okay, and me what is the name of the new esports gaming org that I am going to launch soon"
"Quadrant, which chat... he wants me to leave to leave fnatic for them. Chat what do i do?" you ask and chat spams you with yes or no's and its funny to see the split and the argument. Twitter would have a field day over this later.
"Oh god Y/N why do you have to create chaos everywhere you go!" Alex laughs before he makes a weird noise.
You change tabs to check his screen, and see Lily. You gasp loudly making sure everyone can hear.
"What?" George asks.
"Alex who is that beautiful woman on your screen and is she single" you ask, knowing full well its Lily his girlfriend since last year. You'd seen their posts on instagram.
"No way, she didn't just say that. Your lying" you hear Lily mumble before looking unsurely at the camera and chat to see if they would tell her it was all a joke.
"Y/N this is Lily, she's my ..."
"Yeah i don't care about that lemme talk to her, cos she's gorgeous" you say and Alex hands Lily the headphones.
"Hey darling" you try and say in a seductive voice and you see Lily fold on stream, banging the desk lightly and biting her lip.
"Your hand in marriage please Y/N?" she asks and you nod enthusiastically to chat.
"Lily, we spoke about this... she's are shared wife" Alex admits making you stifle a laugh before returning serious.
"Alex, get away. You aren't involved here!" you say before everyone laughs, joking how they feel like they are interrupting your's and Lily's first date.
Afterwards you spent a lot of time streaming with them, you couldn't travel as much as you used to for your YouTube channel so you ventured out of your usual stuff, going as far as to start a podcast and join a gaming org.
It was even sadder, not streaming with Charles, George and Alex anymore. Sometimes Lando continued to stream, but after the pandemic you didn't get to see that silly and chilled out side of them as much.
You'd gained... and managed to save a lot of money in the pandemic. So come the 2022 season, you were offered a 'small' and 'unprofessional' job by Formula One, you were basically your own social media for them. You were given a paddock pass to every race, you were given podcast privileges with pretty much whoever you wanted and they paid you all to give them more traction.
You created the opposite of your first video where you went on the best flights and the snazziest hotels, even going on Max's private jet for one event.
Everyone loved it, and you still did your normal videos on the side, like day in the life, and those aesthetic travel videos that everyone secretly loves, lifestyle and beauty videos etc.
Apart from the fact that the pandemic was awful and harmed many and really created a rift between some of you friendships and family and had, at one point got you nervous about your income, had actually paid of and turned out to have one of the best outcomes for your future in content creation.
A/N: My heart really goes out to anyone and their families who were affected by the pandemic, it was an insane time for all of us and is shocking that it genuinely happened in our life time. But it taught everyone so much, and we all learned a lot while this was occuring!
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19
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kindestofkings · 5 months
dear john
elijah hewson x singer!reader
(ex!charles leclerc cause hes a hot red flag)
plot: its giving friends to strangers to friends again to lovers 🫶🏼
face claim: laufey <3
warning: spelling mistakes
authors note: this is for the lovely anon who requested a speak now inspired smau ! Hope this is okay?!? I was tempted by doing something on the vibe of speak now the song but imma think on it 🫡
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liked by charlesleclerc and others
yourusername wow last night on tour was something special 😢 to everyone who sangs my songs back to me and everyone who's supported my little dreams, I LOVE YOU.
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lucydacus killing it !
yourusername luv you <333
phoebebridgers voice of an ANGEL
yourusername ooh stop im blushinggg
charlesleclerc beautiful as always mon ange
ynfan1 post concert blues are toooo real
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liked by ynfan1 and others
wagsandstuff huh that doesn't look like yourusername to us.... did the couple of 3 years break up without telling us??
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ynfan1 nooooooo that girl on twitter was right ah
ynandcharlesshipper charlessss man don't do this
charlesfan she was always feeding off of him
ynfan2 she has her own career you do know that right? she a really popular singer
ynfan2 not charles cheating on our QUEEN
yourusername just unfollowed charlesleclerc
yourusername just added to their story!
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lol gonna go heal my heart I guess lol
yourmum awh my beautiful girl :( glad you're coming home 💘
↳ can't wait to see you mam
yourbestfriend men are literal pigs.
phoebebridgers he's an idiot, here for you if you need anything
elijahhewson hey I know it's been awhile since we last spoke, but the lads and I are always here for you. I should've been better at keeping in touch, but I'm so sorry this happened to you.
↳ hey E, missed you! I'm just as much at fault, guess we all just got so busy with tours (both so successful heheh). where abouts in the world are you? I'm heading home for awhie maybe we could all catch up?
↳ elijahhewson deadly! myself, ryan and josh are home and bobby is back next week, call around whenever
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
inhalerfanaccount did you guys know that yourusername is friends with inhaler??? I found all of these oldies while lurking her insta !
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inhalerfan1 bless they're so young, they all must of been friends during school !
inhalerfan2 crazy to think they've all become so successful
ynfan1 wow my two worlds colliding
ynfan2 I've always secretly hoped yn and eli would get together
inhalerfanaccount friends to strangers to friends to lovers hits soooo hard
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername time is a terrifying thing..
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yourmam I could probably find an even earlier pic...
bobbyskeetz I beg please no inhalerfan1 pleaseeeeee
elijahhewson smash x4
joshjenkinson_ the gang getting back together has 2024 winninggg
(liked by yourusername,ryanmcmahon_15 and others)
ynfan1 yesss bitch remind that silly boy who drives in circles of all the hot friends you have !!!
(liked by elijahhewson and others) ynfan2 hahahah eli woke up and choose chaos
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liked by phoebebridgers and others
yourusername turning all this heartbreak into something good ! dear john is the rawest I've ever been in my songwriting, treat her with love x
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ynfan1 so so incredibly beautiful, thank you for sharing
lucydarcus you're a wonder
ryanmcmahon_15 sobbing uncontrollably and ready to fight him
bobbyskeetz you good bro ?
charlesfan1 tough day to be a charles fan
ynfan2 omg those lyrics are HEARTBREAKING
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liked by eliswife and others
inhalerfanupdates WHO HAS THIS MAN SO SMILEY???
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inhalerfan1 FOR REAL?? hes usually so moody
elijahhewson posted to their close friends!
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replies yourusername pure stalker when did you take this pic??
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liked by yourusername and others
vogue with just days before the release of her highly anticipated spohmore album we chatted to yourusername about love, loss and all things in between;
" you dont realise how easy love can be until you're with the right person. its the most annoying thing to hear when you dont have it but some how I was fortunite enough to discover"
find out what else the singer told us at the link in our bio !
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ynfan1 shes so happy and in love
ynfan2 how can one person be so talented, smart AND intelligent
charlesfan1 eww cant believe charles used to date her!
ynfan3 love how shes not petty like the leclerc fangirlies clearly still are..
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername a year and a half ago I had my heartbroken, felt completed untethered and so so confused. today I give you my pride and joy!
this album features songs I wrote as a sobbing mess, some I wrote while I was healing and finally some I wrote after I opened my eyes and embraced what I had all along.
I love them all, I love everyone who worked on it with me and I escially love you.
comments have been restricted
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liked by lucydarcus and others
yourusername one single thread of gold tied me to you <3
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elijahhewson hell was the journey
yourusername but it brought me heaven. bobbyskeetz gross yourusername child
joshjenkinson_ my parents
yourmam my favourite pair !
evehewson sobbing it was always meant to be
phoebebridgers the sweetest love for the sweetest soul
(liked by elijahhewson and yourusername)
authors note: ahh im a broken record with the friends from home trope but its my favourite 🥲 hope you all enjoy, please as always let me know what you think!!
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spicyclover · 1 year
hey! can i request rough sex with danny bc he’s jealous that you’re getting attention from the other drivers cos they’re checking you out? :p
Her boyfriend, his girlfriend
Summary: "I'm not the jealous type, but what's mine is mine. End of story." - Daniel Ricciardo
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! And to support me by tipping me!
Little information, I will, for now, only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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Oh my! I love this request <3 Thank you to you, to give me this prompt
Danny loves having you around the track, but he can't help to be jealous of all the mechanics. Let me explain it: you get along with everybody, and everybody loves you.
So, of course, whenever you are at the track, all the boys and girls have your attention, and Daniel feels left out a bit. But this time, it's different. There is this new guy, Josh. He joins the crew not long ago, and he's handsome.
Charismatic, popular, beautiful and intelligent. Yes, Danny is jealous because you seem so amazed by this dude. Like, what does he have more than Danny? A Ph.D.? A beautiful smile? Blonde hair? Okay, he hates him.
He does his warm-ups when he sees you talking to stupid Josh again in the distance. But this time, you are not alone. Lando, Charles, Max and Pierre gather around you like vultures. Charles wrinkles your shoulder, Lando makes you laugh, Pierre makes you blush, and Max makes lame jokes that no one understands but make you laugh just as much.
Normally, Daniel isn’t jealous of the other guys in the Paddock, but since they came to your house and saw you in your most sexy bathing suit. Their looks have changed for you.
It must be said that that afternoon many had difficulty containing their boner. Like you are gorgeous, and Daniel knows it. But somethings he wishes you were a bit less beautiful so he will be the only one to have your attention.
It’s only when Charles' mouth approaches your ear and caresses your hair that it’s too much for him. He says nothing and leaves his coach and his PR in the hospitality. Furious, he goes towards you with a sure step.
It’s when he comes near you. He turns you around and kisses you with passion. Oh, you know he’s jealous. You feel it. This is not new, and it must be said that sometimes you play with his nerves while remaining respectful towards him because you love him, your beautiful Australian lover and insanely jealous.
You giggle a bit but respond with the same fervour. Taking his head in your hands, you feel him biting your lip. You make no resistance to letting him inside. His arms around you and his hands on your but. You know he's showing everyone that you are his. Squeezing it, you let out a little scream.
He ends the kiss a few moments later, taking care to keep you against him. You turn to the guys who are suddenly and strangely embarrassed to have found it so sexy that they dream it’s them kissing you.
Charles clears his throat while Lando giggles nervously, and Max pretends to be called. Only Pierre and Josh keep their attitude and remain as flirty as before.
"So, what's up?" Asks Daniel with "innocence."
"I gotta go," mumbles Lando and Charles nervously.
You smirked and rolled your eyes as you saw Daniel smiling with all his teeth. Josh is soon called by his hospitality to go to work while Pierre remains unbothered.
"Which position are you starting again? Question Pierre a little cocky.
"Hum," Pierre said before going away with a smirk. "See you at the track, man. Nice dress, Bella."
Daniel tenses, and you lock his eye in your.
"He's not worth it," You kiss him, take his hand and go to the hospitality. Once in his driver's room, you can't help but tease him.
"You're jealous..."
"Me? Jealous? He starts laughing his heart out. "Yes." Getting serious in a second.
"My eyes are only and only you. They all wish they were you. You know, they can't touch me where you touch me. They can't kiss me where you kiss me. They can't fuck me whenever you want to. So Fuck Em All." You whisper in his ear, kissing his jaw down to his underwear.
You're about to take them down when a knock on the door announces the end of your exchange.
"Shit, I have to go," mumbles Daniel, disappointed to not have enough time to calm his nerves and frustration.
You got to the Paddock club area and joined Isa and Carmen to watch the race together. Your panties are wet, and you can't wait to return to the hotel for Daniel to rip them off.
The race went well, and all the drivers decided to party at the most fantastic club in town. That's how you ended up drinking shots with Charles, Josh and Pierre, and that's why you ended up a bit drunk dancing with them.
Will dancing with the boys, your eyes were only on Daniel, who was talking with Max and Checo further back in a lounge. You wanted him to dance with you, but he was upset after the race he had, not getting any points and being frustrated all the time. He didn't want to party, but he went because you went.
You feel Pierre's hand getting a little more adventurous and back him off. Dancing a bit away from him, you ended up in the arms of Charles, who was more than drunk. "God, what a nightmare." You sigh and push him away. You don't have to do anything else that you get ejected off the dance floor. Someone grips your arm firmly and pulls you out.
You recognize the smell of Daniel, and you let him take you away.
"Let's go!" He screams going to the exist.
"Hey man, where having fun here." Exclaim Pierre coming forward.
"Don't fucking come closer, Gasly!" Oh, he's pissed. "Don't fucking grope my girlfriend."
"Oh, come on, mate!"
Daniel takes his jacket off and puts it on you while walking away. The car ride is in total silence and you know he’s pissed. Angry after himself, after Pierre and Charles and especially after his sickly jealousy.
You go back to the hotel. He holds your hand firmly and quickly leads you to the elevator to the room.
As soon as the doors close, he slams you against one of the walls and kisses you brutally. Crushing his body against his, you moan while feeling his tongue pass his tongue over your lips.
He turns around and slams himself on your back. His cock caresses your buttocks, his hands running through your body, giving you shivers, his mouth on your neck jealously biting your sensitive part.
You like it when Daniel gets tough. He’s firm, and he has total control of the situation. You know he’ll never do anything you don’t want, but he shows you who you’re with.
His hands roll up the skirt of your dress and touch your moisture. Your panties are wet with excitation, and you can’t help moaning his name. His ego is boosted to the max, and he sticks a finger in you without preparing or anything. He comes in without embarrassment and starts to stimulate you violently.
You’re all out of breath and filled with pleasure. The floors go up, and you know you will soon reach your floor when the doors open suddenly. "Fuck!" You thought, out of the elevator kissing him.
You’re not exactly sure how you got to the room, but once you’re out of sight, he pulls your tanga out of you, and he suddenly sinks in and makes you scream with pleasure. You cling to his neck, sticking nails in his flesh. You try to keep the pace, but his pool shots are fast and accurate, making you see stars.
He plows you for several minutes, even hours. You no longer have a sense of time. You whisper to him how much you love him, how much he does you good, how much he’s the best lover you’ve ever had.
You feel that the confidence in him gradually comes back, and his back and forth is done more tenderly, less aggressively. He licks your breasts by stimulating your clitoris to make you come a second time. Your already narrow walls, you imprison it in your den. Sinking it into you.
One of his hands holds you against the mattress, and he makes his last push into you. Taking care of becoming well in you. His hot liquid fills you, and you feel full, and so does he.
You’re trying to get up, but you can’t. You’re all numb, and your legs are cotton.
You take your breaths, and he kisses you quickly before going to the bathroom to get you a glass of water.
"What?" You ask, your eye close.
"I marked you as mine." He says, his fingers tracing the places your skin is bright red from his lips. "I'm sorry." He kisses you, swollen lips
"Don't be. I like it when you're dominant like that."
"You're gonna have bruised..." He says, after helping you in the bathroom.
"I can't even stand up, Dan. That's how fucking good you are." You whisper, going under the cover to sleep.
The next day, all the drivers took the same flight to go back to Monaco, and when you entered the aircraft, your hair was up, and everyone saw the bite mark Daniel left behind after your crazy night of sex.
Honestly, you did this just to see their faces; they are all jealously green.
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Trump’s anti-Ukraine view dates to the 1930s. America rejected it then. Will we now?
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(Illustration: Brian Stauffer for The Washington Post)
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This opinion column by Robert Kagan reminds us that history appears to be repeating itself. Trump's America First movement is an echo of the 1930s/1940s isolationist, neo-fascist America First movement that tried to keep the U.S. out of WWII. This is a gift🎁link, so you can read the entire article, even if you don't subscribe to The Washington Post. Below are some excerpts:
Many Americans seem shocked that Republicans would oppose helping Ukraine at this critical juncture in history....Clearly, people have not been taking Donald Trump’s resurrection of America First seriously. It’s time they did. The original America First Committee was founded in September 1940. Consider the global circumstances at the time. Two years earlier, Hitler had annexed Austria and invaded and occupied Czechoslovakia. One year earlier, he had invaded and conquered Poland. In the first months of 1940, he invaded and occupied Norway, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands. In early June 1940, British troops evacuated from Dunkirk, and France was overrun by the Nazi blitzkrieg. In September, the very month of the committee’s formation, German troops were in Paris and Edward R. Murrow was reporting from London under bombardment by the Luftwaffe. That was the moment the America First movement launched itself into the battle to block aid to Britain. [...] This “realism” meshed well with anti-interventionism. Americans had to respect “the right of an able and virile nation [i.e. Nazi Germany] to expand,” aviator Charles Lindbergh argued. [...] Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) has called for the immediate reduction of U.S. force levels in Europe and the abrogation of America’s common-defense Article 5 commitments. He wants the United States to declare publicly that in the event of a “direct conflict” between Russia and a NATO ally, America will “withhold forces.” The Europeans need to know they can no longer “count on us like they used to.”  [...] Can Republicans really be returning to a 1930s worldview in our 21st-century world? The answer is yes. Trump’s Republican Party wants to take the United States back to the triad of interwar conservatism: high tariffs, anti-immigrant xenophobia, isolationism. According to Russ Vought, who is often touted as Trump’s likely chief of staff in a second term, it is precisely this “older definition of conservatism,” the conservatism of the interwar years, that they hope to impose on the nation when Trump regains power. [...] Like those of their 1930s forbears, today’s Republicans��� views of foreign policy are heavily shaped by what they consider the more important domestic battle against liberalism. Foreign policy issues are primarily weapons to be wielded against domestic enemies. [...] The GOP devotion to America First is merely the flip side of Trump’s “poison the blood” campaign. It is about the ascendancy of White Christian America and the various un-American ethnic and racial groups allegedly conspiring against it. [emphasis added]  
Use the gift link above to read the entire article. It is worth reading.
____________ Illustration: The above illustration by Brian Stauffer originally drew me to this article. It does a great job of succinctly illustrating the Trump GOP's rightward march towards isolationism (and Putin-style dictatorship). [edited]
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aceofwhump · 7 months
Have you made a list or notes on whumpy Hallmark and if so where?🥺
You know what, I haven't yet! Let me do that for ya now. And if anyone wants to add their favs please do so!
A Gift To Remember: Darcy (Ali Liebert) hits Aiden (Peter Porte) while riding her bike and he gets knocked out and loses his memory. It’s pretty good.
Love on the Sidelines : Laurel (Emily Kinney) is a struggling fashion designer who finds herself with a job as a personal assistant for Danny (John Reardon), a quarterback sidelined with an broken ankle. Danny is on crutches for most of the movie and is recovery from his injury.
Spirit of Christmas: A young lawyer (Jen Lilley) finds romance with a spirit (Thomas Beaudoin) that takes the form of a human 12 days before Christmas. He was murdered and there are flashbacks to him being attacked and killed.
Christmas Homecoming: Stars Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson from SG1!!) as an Army Captain recovering from an injury in battle. He's got a broken leg and suffers from survivors guilt and ptsd.
Hailey Dean Mysteries: Deadly Estate for some good poisoning whump of a medical examiner. You want unconscious? medically induced coma? respirator? bedside vigils? worry? waking up with a twitching hand? walking down the hospital floor holding onto their iv pole? Then this is the movie for you!
Love Blossoms: one small part when the main guy, Declan, gets sick with a cold during the movie. It’s kind of cute but the rest of the movie's got nothing.
Second Chances: "A badly injured leg forces fireman Jeff, who lost his father in a fire as a young boy, to rent a ground floor room during his recovery. Thus he moves in with Jenny, a 911 emergency call center operator, and her two young children, Luke and Elsie, who soon dote on him as an ideal substitute father and try matching him with their mother."
My Gal Sunday: Henry (Cameron Mattheson) gets shot in the beginning of the movie.
Signed Sealed Delivered Lost Without You: Oliver goes on a hike with his father. His dad trips and gets a seemingly innocuous injury on his leg but the two of them get lost in the woods and the injury turns out to be life threatening.
A Godwink Christmas Miracle of Love: Eric (Alberto Frezza) is run over by a plow near the end of the film. There's lots of surgery, worry, hospital stuff.
Retreat to Paradise: "Jordan is recovering from a shoulder injury and his grumpiness tempts Ellie, his carer, to leave him to his misery. But will romance finally blossom?"
The Christmas Waltz: Roman (Will Kemp) hits his head due to slipping on an icy sidewalk and has to go to hospital
Taking a Shot at Love: "Sparks fly between a ballet instructor and a professional hockey player as she tries to help him recover from the same injury that sidelined her dancing career." It's not got a lot of whump but it is about a hockey player in rehab.
Martha's Vineyard Mysteries series: The whole series. Jesse Metcalfe's character Jeff was shot on a previous case and the bullet is still in lodged in his back and it causes him pain a lot AND he continually has nightmares about the incident. It's great.
Mystery 101: Killer Timing: Travis (Kristopher Polaha) gets blown up and even though the aftermath doesn't last long its still wonderful. He gets knocked out, there's an ambulance and hospital scene (kinda), worried family members.
Never Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater: Maggie O'Donnell (Ashley Williams) accidentally breaks Lucas Cavelli (Niall Matter)'s arm while carrying a Christmas Tree and offers him a room to stay in when he can't find a hotel room cause she feels guilty.
A Timeless Christmas: Charles Whitley (Ryan Paevey) passes out in 1903 and wakes up in 2020.
Aurora Teagarden A Bundle of Trouble: Martin Bartell (Yannick Bisson) gets shot in the shoulder
Christmas on the Range: Clint McCree (Nicholas Gonzalez) is attacked and beaten up pretty badly.
Mix Up in the Mediterranean: Josh (Jeremy Jordan)'s twin brother Julian gets hurt and can’t do a cooking competition so Josh takes over.
The Christmas Cure: Mitch (Steve Byers) falls off ladder and gets a concussion
Love's Christmas Journey: Sheriff Aaron Davis (Greg Vaughan) gets shot in the leg while chasing a robber. His injury is bad and gets infected. He gets a fever and is rescued by an old man who cares for him. The wound needs cauterizing and he suffers fever, chills, and more.
Hearts in the Game: Diego Vasquez (Marco Grazinni) is a hot shot baseball pitcher who has a panic attack during a game which costs the team the game. Turns out it was triggered by the anniversary of his moms death and he has another panic attack later in the movie as well.
Fourth Down in Love is about an athlete who is sidelined by an injury. Broken ribs I think? 
Rip in Time: Another fun time travel movie. Rip (Niall Mater) gets knocked out at least once. 
Three Wise Men and a Baby: Paul Campbell's character has social anxiety and has a sort of panic attack in the park at the beginning of the movie.
Jolly Good Christmas: Will Kemp's character falls into a frozen river and he comes out shaking and shivering and she gets him a blanket and tea and he needs a hot shower. 
That's all I've got for right now. The bolded ones have the best whump in my opinion so definitely check those out first :) Love's Christmas Journey and the Martha's Vineyard Mysteries are A+ whump hallmark movies. Do those first ;)
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queerism1969 · 2 years
What are some of the best LGBTQ books?
Carol / The Price Of Salt by Patricia Highsmith
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters
Call Me by Your Name by Andre Aciman (this was just turned into a film)
The Female Man by Joanna Russ
Valencia by Michelle Tea
The Slow Fix by Ivan E. Coyote
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg
Landing by Emma Donoghue
A Home at the End of the World by Michael Cunningham
The Kushiel's Legacy Series by Jacqueline Carey
The Nightrunner Series by Lynn Flewelling
Leave Myself Behind by Bart Yates
Now and Then by William Corlett
Dream Boy by Jim Grimsley
Les amitiés particulières (Special Friendships) by Roger Peyrefitte
Another Country by Julian Mitchell
Transgender History by Susan Stryker (good starting point into queer history in the United States)
All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M Johnson
Tr*nny: Confessions of Punk Rock’s Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout by Laura Jane Grace
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon (dark but very engaging—the USA antebellum south but set on a generation ship)
Dead Collections by Isaac Fellman (read it in one night—archivist vampires)
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki (very cute and kind of wacky at points—includes aliens running a donut shop and Faustian deals with demons)
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin
the song of Achilles has a special place in my heart
Middlesex - Eugenides
Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun by Johnny Garza Villa.
The Bucolic Plague by Josh Kilmer-Purcell
Insignificant Others by Stephen McCauley
Let There Be Light by AM Johnson.
When Everything Is Blue by Lauren Lascarso.
Boyfriend Material and Glitterland by Alexi Hall.
The Happy List by Briar Prescott.
The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun.
The Will Darling Adventures by KJ Charles.
Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid.
The Place Between by Kit Oliver.
The Hearts Invisible Furies by John Boyne.
Bear, Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune.
Fun Home by Allison Bechdel
The Mask of Apollo - Renault
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Random Thought of the day. (This actually could be a Short story, but I’ll label it as a headcannon) pre agggtm.
The Quiet Affections of Pippa Fitz Amobi (HeadCannons)
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Paring: Pippa Fitz Amobi x fem reader
Warnings: fluff, heart melting fluff, stomach inducing fluff🤭
Pippa Fitz Amobi is a cuddler. You wouldn’t think it just from knowing her, but as soon as you two become girlfriends, and she’s completely smitten by you, she lets her walls down. She’s always the first one to initiate physical contact. It first happened at one of Josh’s football games. You had been a favorite of his lately, he adored you. “To pieces” as Leanne put it. Growing up you had a lot of siblings, so you were use to children, and you had first met Pip when your mother had inadvertently signed you up to be Josh’s baby sister in grade 8.
“Oh just this once love! Please!! The Amboi’s would be just so appreciative if you did! And you can make some pocket money! How does a nice fiver sound?” Of course you didn’t care a whit for the money. So you had agreed, taking your homework with you. You had known the Amboi’s for years, had seen them around town. You knew Pip from school, but you never spoke. You were to shy, and your schedules were always busy. Never synchronized enough to have a chat. But you knew she was kind, studious, always getting the highest marks in her year.
Josh had been overjoyed to see you, taking you by the hand as soon as soon as you had darkened the door, books in hand. He simply eyed you with his brown eyes, his brow squinting, “oh not another homework girl!” He whined, “all my sister does is homework! Are you going to do that all night too?”.
You chuckled, putting your books on the Amboi’s kitchen table, you leaned down so you were eye level with Josh, your eyes serious, “I may not know your sister as well as her friends, or you, but I do know she’s very intelligent, especially at schoolwork. Don’t you want to be good at schoolwork?”. Josh seemed to think before shaking his head, “Miss says my homework is atrocious! What does that mean?”.
You hid your smile, “I think it means you need a little more work”. Pip had come home well into the evening, you noticed because you had seen Cara Ward’s big sister drop her of. You liked the Wards, they were comical and always made you laugh, even if not on purpose. Pip at first had been surprised to see you, stopping in her tracks as she opened the front door, “mum! Can Cara sleepover on Friday?” She announced into the air, cheeks red when she found you looking up at her from the Amboi’s couch. Your cheeks red, smile wide.
You lifted your book in your hands, “Not mum sorry to disappoint” you had joked. Pip’s cheeks had turned a shade of crimson, she had shaken her head, a few embarrassed laughs falling of her lips. “Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you to be here in my living room. Did Flora Cancel? Mum didn’t tell me she and dad were going out” Pippa stated, walking over and sitting across from you, blue watercolored eyes undoing her laces of her trainers. You shook your head, “I’m not sure about Flora, mum basically hired me for the job, apparently your mum thinks highly of me when it comes to children” you spoke, eyebrows lifted up as you turned the page on your book, “not sure why”.
You noticed Pip’s eyes had become trained on your book, a small smile perched on her lips. “Is that Great Expectations? I’ve tried to get Cara to read it with me but she just calls it “Newer Shakespeare”.
From then on you had been more accepting of babysitting Josh, Pipa would sit with you after you had put Josh to bed, eyes alight as you told her where you were in the book, how you felt about what was going on, how Charles Dickens had a way with words. She listened, attentively. At school you were more inclined to smile at her as you passed in the corridors. Pip had even gone so far as to find you in the library, “I just thought you’d like this book, it’s an Agatha Christie. It’s a first edition copy, took me ages to find. Dad had to go to ten second hand stores in London just to find it” she rambled, biting her lip. It was here where you first noticed how pretty she looked.
It hadn’t been this big earthshattering moment. It had been a small thought. But then that small thought became more. Until you didn’t think she was just pretty, you thought she was beautiful. With her soft defined cheekbones and her eyes. Which were different every time you saw her. At school they were bold, analytical, dare you say scholarly. At home in the comfort of her room, they were wild and magnetic. In the library they were radiant, and suddenly blue had a new meaning to you. It was the colour blue that made your heart race, made your tongue falter as she eyed you on her bed, waiting for your thoughts on the next classic she had leant you.
Then it was homework. You two had begun doing homework together, “a get together with a focus on scholarly matters” as Cara had put it. As Pippa worked alongside you, you noticed something, call it a earthshattering realization, but She was not the most objectively attractive girl in school, but her beauty was amplified because you admired her. Admired her for her absolutely angelic voice as she sang in the library, headphones in ears. Admired her when you sat opposite side of the room from her and watched her while she sang. She was confident enough and cool enough to have been one of the popular kids, but she didn't seem to care about that sort of thing. She was down to earth, and kind, and warm. And yes, pretty too. But that wasn't really the point. The point was, she understood you. And maybe just maybe, the way Pip would smile at you through the layers of books, might have made your heart ache in the best way.
Then it was pip herself who surprised you. She was more touchy with you, finding you at school and sitting so close your legs brushed. Holding your hand as you walked her to class. Letting you in her room, which you knew was special, only Cara and Lauren had been up here. You didn’t know what you were, best friends? But did best friends think about what her lips would feel like? How soft and warm they would be?
“Cara’s been my best friend since primary school. But you…you don’t feel like one to me. I’ve spent days reasoning with myself. Analyzing myself, trying to figure out why you feel different” Pippa had stated to you one day, out of the blue, her eyes seeming to shine, bold as the colour blue. “But I just realized. It’s because…your my person. You understand me. In ways nobody does. So when are you going to ask me out?”
So it was no surprise when you had asked her on an outing the next day, the book store of course. And she had said yes.
I just might do a actual story based on this. 🥺😭
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Please share your reasoning when you get a chance on why you don't believe Theresa Longo Fans. Granted, they have been wrong before.
So the TL;DR of it is:
They're anonymous journalists and that's suspicious.
They haven't updated their brag sheet in 6 years, which means they haven't had a good source in 6 years.
They plagiarize almost everything.
They use vague language and broad generalities in their scoops that lets them take credit no matter what happens.
Keep reading for the longer explanations.
1. I'm always immediately suspicious of anyone in journalism that doesn't use their name. When a journalist is anonymous, especially when they have no need to be like in TLF's case, it's not easy to hold them accountable to lies and mistakes. The two guys behind TLF like to brag about their journalism credentials, and that's huge because there's no way to follow up to make sure they are who they say they are. They rely on "just trust me" authority, and when has that ever worked out? Especially with blind gossip sites (in addition to TLF, this includes CDAN, Blind Gossip, DeuxMoi, and Exposing SMG), you can't verify the accuracy of what they post - especially when you consider that CDAN, Enty, and DeuxMoi all admitted they make stuff up.
(And also ExposingSMG rarely has new information when it comes to the BRF. (They might have sources for other celebs, but I don't pay attention close enough.) Specifically, they just repeat what was being discussed on the blogs and reddit, calling them "my source" so they don't have to cite. BTW, ExposingSMG has since rebranded as Scandalous.Media. They posted about the Sussexes recently and some of their quoted sources or "revelations" are things that have been around for awhile. This one in particular I think is a combination of info from CDAN and SMM.)
I saw somewhere once that the TLF guys don't share their names so they can protect the privacy and confidentiality of their sources. But I call BS. If journalists needed anonymity to protect their sources, then why aren't more journalists reporting anonymously? These two guys are the only people I know that calls themselves journalists who do this, and to me that is suspicious. (Exceptions only for reporters in war zones.)
2. Look at the scoops they take credit for in their pinned tweet: Sussex baby #1, Khloe Kardashian's pregnancy, Kylie Jenner's baby, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's divorce, Megxit, Wendy Williams's show demise, and the Pulse/Orlando nightclub shooting. What these all have in common is that they are events from 2016 - 2019. Meaning they had really good sources, contacts, and access 6-8 years ago. And that list not having anything more recent suggests they don't have the kind of sources, contacts, and access anymore. If they did, and if they were still getting the same sort of accurate scoops that they were 7 years ago, this list would be updated to inclde those more recent events. Why haven't they?
Now, that's not to say they never had good sources. They did have good sources, and whoever it was, their information was solid enough that it upset Meghan enough to get Bouzy to take TLF down. That doesn't really mean anything because a broken clock is still correct twice a day.
3. The tweets themselves are problematic. In fact, most of them are plagiarized.
If there's a direct quote in the tweet, it's plagiarized from some other source/news media and TLF never cites the source. For example, this TLF tweet from January 8th:
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It implies that they've interviewed Dominic himself. But they never spoke to Dominic. The quotes come, verbatim, from this January 6th article published by The Mirror.
And for tweets without a direct quote in it, they usually try to pass it off as their own scoop but nine times out of ten, it isn't. For example, this tweet:
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It looks like a good scoop. At face value, it is: they know someone who saw Shia at church and connected one plus one.
But #1, when you search "Actor Shia LaBeouf appears to have converted to Catholicism after being seen at a New Year's Eve Mass presided over by Capuchin Franciscan friars," this article from the Associated Press on December 31st comes up:
Almost everything they publish is like this. Go ahead - choose any tweet, copy the text into a search engine, and see what happens.
And #2, look at their verbiage. Specifically, the phrase appears to have in the Shia tweet above. This is how they get away with passing off their stories as scoops, with vague verbage that could go either way. That way, when an article is later published about it, they can grab the "original" tweet and claim credit with "as we told our followers back in..." or "no surprise to our followers..." tweets.
Now, specific to royal-watching: they completely and totally missed the ball on big stuff (like Platinum Jubilee and Coronation appearances), but they got it on the smaller stuff (Spare and Frogmore). But the kicker is that the smaller stuff is things that were either written about by royal reporters or was plausible gossip floating around the royal fandom.
The things they were wildly wrong on - for instance, the children being on the balcony at the Platinum Jubilee and the royals hosting a birthday party for Archie after the coronation - were things that came directly from Meghan's PR. So either they didn't realize it was Meghan's PR or they decided to hedge their bets and post it anyway on the off-chance it happened, which I think is in poor taste but it makes for very fun entertainment.
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equalv · 2 months
Australian tv shows with lgbt* characters
Deadloch (2023) (wlw, mlm) | Prime Video | trailer
Dulcie Collins (Kate Box)
Cath York (Alicia Gardener)
Sven Alderman (Tom Ballard)
Skye O'Dwyer (Holly Austin)
Nadiyah Zammit (Mia Morrissey)
Heartbreak High (2022) (wlw, mlm/nblm, ace, trans/nb) | Netflix | trailer
Darren Rivers (James Majoos)
Quinn "Quinni" Gallagher-Jones (Chloé Hayden)
Malakai Mitchell (Thomas Weatherall)
Douglas "Ca$h" Pigott (Will McDonald)
Dustin "Dusty" Reid (Joshua Heuston)
Sasha So (Gemma Chua-Tran)
Missy Beckett (Sherry-Lee Watson)
Anthony "Ant" Vaughn (Brodie Townsend)
Rowan Callaghan (Sam Rechner)
A Place To Call Home (2013-2018) (mlm) | (?) | trailer
James Bligh (David Berry)
Harry Polson (Dominic Allburn)
William Brackley (Michael Yore)
Please Like Me (2013-2016) (mlm, wlw) | Netflix | trailer
Josh (Josh Thomas)
Geoffrey (Wade Briggs)
Patrick (Charles Cottier)
Arnold (Keegan Joyce)
Hannah (Hannah Gadsby)
Ben (David Quirk)
Kyah (Freya Stafford)
The Heights (2019) (mlm) | (?) | trailer
Sully Tran (Koa Nuen)
Ash Jafari (Phoenix Raei)
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g-xix · 7 months
You mentioned f1 in your last post about Chris, who are your favorite drivers vs who do you think are the most attractive? 😳
Ayup Anaaye! (lmk what to call u cuz I see you in my notifs quite a bit :) )
Gonne be quite brutally honest, errrr
I know, guilty as hell, I've never really been into or watched the racing all that much. Recently I've seen either a massive rise in popularity amongst my demographic, or I've just been exposed to it more- basically- my Tumblr dashboard has just been flooded with F1 smuts and I don't understand who I'm reading them about, but gahdayuum they're some good smuts!
just gonna use this website to check out some of the current hottest f1 drivers (bc the only face and name I know atm is Lando Norris but he looks quite young, short and cute)
Okay, so my thoughts on which f1 drivers are proper sexy:
-Wtf is CHARLES LECLERC doing behind a wheel? Bro is uhm- HOT AS FUCK. Weirdly resembling Josh Hutcherson. I think it's the face shape.
-Oh Lando's mildly cute, but he's cute in the Tom-Holland-as-Peter-Parker way, ygm? Also he looks like he'd be a part of faze clan or some other Fortnite group
-OIIIIIII in certain pics, YUKI TSUNODA looks kinda FINE... His look greatly depends on the hair day he's having (it's mildly bowl-cut-esque)
-MAX VERSTAPPEN isn't very hot imo but he has a smile where I think I'd end up having a crush on him if I watched the F1.
-Whoyyyy, LANCE STROLL has a kinda crazy underbite, but nah he's fine as hell. Really pretty, dark features (dark as in dark eyes n hair) and the hair's pretty cute too tbf. Solid.
Cheers for asking, Anaaye, and who are your faves? Do keep me updated on any interesting F1 news and please lmk if I've said anything horridly controversial.
Peace and love!
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maddymoreau · 6 months
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Explanation Below:
✅ Banban & Bittergiggle banter/argue: Offscreen we learn Bittergiggle called him Banban instead of Uthman. Which made him erratic.
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✅ Player befriends Bittergiggle: WE DO!!! AND HE’S SO NICE!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!
✅ Slugs are the naughty ones: Yes!
✅ Slugs transform the characters: Yup!
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✅ Nabnab Lore: LOTS!!!
❌ Another Banbaleena Class.
❌ Stinger Flynn makes player get separated from Sheriff Toadster.
❌ Another collab like Choo-choo Charles.
❌ Bittergiggle Lore.
✅ Player and Banban Moment: YESSS!!!!! WE DID GET SOME MOMENTS AND I LOVED THEM ♡!!!!
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✅ Zolphius Appears:
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❓ Banban Transforms: It’s not clear if at the end when sacrificing himself for the player if he transforms to hold them off/fight them.
❌ Uthman & Beverly lore.
❌ Player rides in Queen Bouncelia pouch: To be honest I didn’t expect this to actually happen but a girl can dream!!
❌ Nabnab attacks Nabnaleena.
❌ Little beak reunites with Opila Bird: Little beak has returned to normal! Sadly no reunion (yet!)
✅ Banban saves player: YESSSS 😭💔!!!!!
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✅ New enemy is in charge of slugs: Yup!
❌ New enemy is Jumbo Josh transformed.
❌ Bittergiggle’s creations attack him.
❌ Stinger Flynn apologizes: LOL THE OPPOSITE ACTUALLY 😂😂!! To be fair I didn’t think he would but I wanted to put a few REALLY wild cards on here.
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❌ Player gets separated from Stinger Flynn & Sheriff Toadster by the slugs.
✅ Player gets letter from their child: Thank you @spyroid101 for letting me know there was one!!
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comiiical · 9 months
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In honor of Upload season 3 being out, like for a starter from:
Stephen (Robbie Amell, Froy Gutierrez, Oliver Stark, Rudy Pankow, Chris Evans, Casey Deidrick)
Luca (Max thieriot) - His Twin
Bellamy (Grant Gustinm Rome Flynn) - Younger brother
Preston (Matt Cornett, Ed Skrein, Grey Damon) - His younger brother (although he has his own starter call so for him that one may have priority)
Allen (Brant Daugherty) - His next younger brother
Eric (Chris Wood, Lucien Laviscount) - His babiest brother
Jace (Dominic Sherwood) - His adoptive brother
Phillip Halliwell-Ward (Paul Mescal) - His son
Eri Halliwell-Ward (Danny Griffin) - His son
TJ Halliwell-Ward (Will Poulter) - His son
Sebastian Halliwell-Montgomery (Jack Gillinsky) - His son
Roman (Luke Mitchell) - His best friend
Astor (Mason Gooding) - His best friend
Frey (Dacre Montgomery) - Past life’s lover
Colt (Ryan Reynolds) - His brother-in-law
Prue (Jensen Ackles) - His dad
Andy Jr (Chris Hemsworth) - His cousin from dad's side
Piper (Murray Bartley) - His uncle
David Nolan (Josh Dallas) - His uncle
Wyatt (Jeremy Allen White) - Cousin
Mel (Tom Holland) - Cousin
Phelan (Frank Grillo) - His uncle
Teddy (Max Riemelt, Joshua Orpin) - Cousin
Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) - Cousin
Phoenix (Matt Daddario, Joshua Bassett) - Cousin
Percy (Greg Sulkin) - Cousin
Parker (Brenton Thwaites) - Cousin
Peyton (Gavin Leatherwood) - Cousin
Page (Tahmoh Penikett) - Uncle
Owen (Tom Hardy, Pablo Schreiber) - Cousin
Joel (Glen Powell, Michael Provost) - son of Owen
Tanner (Jacob Elordi) - Cousin
Keith (Nico Greetham) - Cousin
Henry (Ronen Rubinstein,Karl Urban) - Cousin
Brendon (Leo Howard, Oliver Jackson Cohen) - Cousin
Kody Jr (Tanner Buchanan) - Son of Tanner
Piers (Christopher Meloni) - Gramps
Alan (Tom Welling) - Distant ancestor
Charles (Craig Parker) - son of alan
Ken (Wes Chatham) - Son of alan
Xander (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) - distant relative
Colt (Ryan Reynolds) - Brother in law
Clive (Jake Aunstin Walker) - Son of Dacre
Yorick (Ryan Gosling) - His familiar
Penn (Oliver Jackson Cohen) - Long distant relative direct descendant from his uncle's past life
Porter (Max Irons) - Long distant relative direct descendant from his uncle's past life
Pascal or Prescott (Robert Buckley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan) - direct descendants from his father's past life
Patrick (David Harbour) - ^^ and the uncle of the ones above
Xavier Johnson (John Krasinski) - second uncle once removed
Bruno Johnson (Charlie Cox) - second uncle once removed
Gerard Johnson (Derek Theler) - second uncle once removed
Dacre Ward-Johnson (Boyd Holbrook) - second uncle once removed
JJ Johnson (Dylan OBrien) - second uncle once removed
John Johnson (Drew Starkey) - second cousin once removed
George Johnson (Harris Dickinson) - second cousin once removed
Because It is impossible for me to have them all open, I will stick to the few first set that are chosen, and stop there, if someone else is chosen and I don't haev a back and forth reply, then I will close that and make the starters for those I haven't made. I may do exclusively one liners as my brain is not in the right place right now though.
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rebelwrites · 2 years
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Winner Takes It All || Twelve Take A Step Back From The Chaos
Charles Leclerc x Valentina Hendrix (OC)
Winner Takes It All Masterlist
Summary: Today was the start of the season, emotions were high as Vali receives a letter from one person she wishes could have been by her side
Warnings: mentions of wanting to beat someone up, letter from Jules 😭😭
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
Nothing could stop my heart from racing as I made my way through security. Today was my first official weekend as an F1 driver, my first race of the season would be on Sunday.
I didn’t admit this to anyone but I wasn’t sure what I was more nervous about, actually getting on the track with the boys in a completely different car or talking to the media regarding my past or seeing Charles.
After the night he broke up with Becky and I cried myself to sleep in his arms. I didn't speak to him, not that we were speaking prior to that but still I made sure to fully shut him out. Whether that was due to embarrassment or something else I would never know. Over the last month he had tried to reach out to me but every call and text went unanswered. I needed to get my head in the game, he had already made a name for himself whereas I still had a lot to prove.
Pushing the thoughts out of my head I saw Josh strolling towards me and Pierre with an extremely large grin on his face. The moment he was close to me he draped his arm around my shoulder, placing a kiss to the top of my head.
“How do you feel?” he asked as we walked towards the Alpha Tauri motorhome.
“Excited, nervous, sick.” I mumbled, pulling one of my arms out of the backpack straps leaving it hanging on one shoulder. I just needed to get this interview over and done with and then I could settle a bit. “What time is my press conference?” I asked as we walked into the motorhome, the moment we were behind the safety of closed doors I dumped my backpack on the sofa and kicked off my trainers, instantly feeling at home.
“You have an hour to chill out, wander around the place, basically do whatever you want before we need to head over to the press conference.” Josh nodded.
“Okay” I hummed, making a b-line for the coffee machine.
“Oh one more thing V,” Josh said, his voice dropping a little bit like he was reluctant to tell me. Raising my brow at him I silently told him to spit it out. “Charles will be in the same press conference along with Pierre. Apparently the organisers thought it would be a good thing to have the three childhood friends together for your first press conference.”
“Of course they did.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes as I turned back to making a much needed coffee.
Running my hands through my hair I took a deep breath, I could do this. I was Valentina Hendrix and I could take anything that came my way. It was time to focus on my career and not my love life.
Once I had a coffee in my hand, I wandered around the motorhome until I found my area, seeing my name on the door caused butterflies to erupt within my stomach, but it also caused tears that I refused to let roll down my cheeks, I wasn’t going to let people see me cry.
Pushing my way into the room I flopped down onto the sofa, placing the coffee on the small side table. I was alone and my thoughts were extremely loud with no way of calming them. Now I was in the safety of my own room silent tears rolled down my cheeks. This was a bittersweet moment.
Holding my head in my hands I let the tears fall, hoping if I got all of them out now then I wouldn’t embarrass myself in front of the press. However I wasn’t alone for long before there was a soft knock on the door.
“Nugget, it is only me.” Pierre’s voice appeared from the other side of the door. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah.” I breathed.
The moment he saw me in tears he rushed over to my side, dropping my backpack on the floor before engulfing me into a tight hug. He didn’t need to ask what all the tears were for, he knew. He knew how hard this was going to be for me, my first race as a Formula One driver without Jules cheering me on from the pits.
When I imagined this day I could see it so clearly, Jules and my Dad fighting with race engineers trying to take control of the radio and me fighting it out with Charles and Pierre on the track. At least one of those things would happen this weekend but once again I thought things would be completely different with me and Charles.
“Your Dad asked me to give you this.” Pierre whispered, taking my hand in his, pressing a kiss on my knuckles before passing me a small gift box and an envelope.
I choked on my breath as I saw my name written in the messy handwriting that belonged to Jules.
“I will leave you alone but you know where I am if you need me.” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
Once Pierre had left the room I let out a shaky breath as I slowly opened the envelope. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to read his words but I knew he would want me to read this before the race.
Ma douce fille, My Sweet Girl,
If you are reading this then unfortunately we both know that that means.
You know I would have done anything in my power to be there at your first race as a Formula One driver. Just like we both know that I would end up being kicked out of the garage for annoying everyone in the team.
I knew you would be able to do it, I remember when you never believed it but watching you grow up to find your confidence behind the wheel is something that I will always be proud of.
I don’t even have to be there to know that you are going to kick everyone’s asses out there. You have and always will be a force to be reckoned with when you put your mind to it.
Please remember to take a deep breath and slow down a little bit, I know that is ironic considering you will be driving at high speed but you only get your first race once so take a breath, maybe even a step back from the chaos that is a race weekend and take it all in.
This is a moment you will always remember so make it a special one.
When you get out there, forget everything, nothing else matters apart from you and the track. Just focus on that and you will do amazing. And if you don’t get a podium on your first race then so be it.
Remember I will always be there with you even if I’m not there. I will always be watching over you.
So go out there and drive like you have never driven before.
Tout mon amour. All my love
Uncle J xx
It was safe to say I couldn’t control the tears that were freely falling down my cheeks, feeling something drop into my lap. I placed the letter on my knee to investigate the item. The moment I picked it up more tears fell, I held the white and purple yarn bracelet between my fingers as a sad smile crossed my face. This was the bracelet that I made him when I was five years old, he never took it off, he wore it to every race.
Slipping the bracelet on my wrist I took a deep breath, wiping my cheeks with the sleeve of my hoodie I pushed myself to my feet, placing the letter in the front pocket of my back pack.
Quickly checking I had my phone on me I decided that it was time to go for a wander around the track. I had a routine when I was in the W-Series and I planned on carrying that on here. Grabbing my airpods from my backpack I pulled them out of the case, placing them in my ears before checking they were connected as I opened up spotify. Soon enough the sounds of my race playlist was filling my ears, I had no specific music that was in this playlist but it was all hype songs.
One thing I was sure of, I wasn’t looking forward to this press conference. No doubt they would start asking questions about mine and Charles’ relationship along with my past and the police record, so I needed to get my head in the game. The last thing I needed was to snap at the reporters at my first press conference.
Becky was true to her word and my mugshot and arrest record was making its way around the internet. I had read a couple of the articles that had appeared and I couldn’t help but laugh, they had stretched the truth out so much it was a joke. I had spotted her walking around the track with a smug grin on her face thinking she had won but in fact she wasn’t even close.
Luckily I hadn’t bumped into her yet this morning but that all changed when she walked past me, literally barging into me as she passed.
“You think you are so clever don’t you?” I shouted at her as I turned so I was facing her and walking backwards, I could feel Pierre cringe at my outburst. He knew I wasn’t going to be able to keep my cool around her now I had found out the truth.
“I’m not the one with an arrest record.” she smirked, walking closer to me.
“I will fucking wipe that smirk off your face.” I growled, taking one step closer, squaring up to her. “How's the nose by the way? Still broken?” I laughed coldly. “You are nothing but a fucking homewrecker and you time is fucking coming bitch.”
“Nugget, ce n'est ni le moment ni le lieu. Nugget, this is neither the time nor the place.” Pierre said as he wrapped his fingers around my arm dragging me away from Becky.
I decided to keep my mouth shut until we got far enough away.
“You have to spoil my fun, don’t you?” I pouted, as we came to a stop outside the press conference room.
“I want nothing more than to see you beating the living shit out of her but maybe not on trackside on your first race.” he said, running his hand over his face. “I get that you are angry, but you gotta be smart about this, hit her when she least expects it.”
Rolling my eyes at his comment, I knew he was right but that didn’t stop me from getting the urge to smack her around the face with a chair every chance I got.
Taking a deep breath, I fiddled with Jule’s bracelet before walking into the room, this was it. It felt like I was walking into the lion's den with no protection.
The moment I saw Charles it was like someone had lit my skin on fire.
Why couldn’t I just move on? Why did he have to have such a hold on me?
Pierre took his seat at the far end of the room leaving only one seat available between him and Charles. Whilst my back was turned to the reporters I quickly flipped Pierre off, rolling my eyes when he poked his tongue out at me. Silently I took my seat between both of them, it was now or never.
As everyone in the room fell silent I reminded myself of the words from Jules.
This is a moment you will always remember so make it a special one.
Looking up at the ceiling I ran my fingers over the bracelet, trying to focus on my breathing. This was my time to shine, my time to clear the air with the reports and most importantly my time to dominate this season and it all started right now.
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @miamedyu @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @micks-afterglow @livo67 @buendiabebeta @pleasedontfollowinlost @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungarian @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @sunf1owerrq @queenslife @panicforspec @inesramoss30 @justme2042 @liv67 @sessgjarg @derpinathebrave @idkiwantchocolatee @littleobsessionsandlifeslessons @alynoa @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @organasith @inchidentwithmax @raaaaabzzz @teamspideyman @marvelousmendess
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Spencer Reid
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock
Bobby Drake
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Hank McCoy
Scott Lang
Scott Summers
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Mobius M. Mobius
Pietro Maximoff
Matt Murdock
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Charles Xavier
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell
Soldier Boy
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Lee Everett
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
fortnight mv easter eggs i noticed !!!
the opening frame — the border is cats with a ball of yarn
the dress she wears at the beginning resembles the dress she wore at the grammys when she announced ttpd. it also could resemble a wedding dress, and she still is wearing the garter on her leg maybe to signify that the wedding was called off?
clock necklace set at 2 am
the bathtub on the ceiling (lwymmd mv reference??)
she’s handcuffed to the bed — “handcuffed to the spell i was under for just one hour of sunshine” (fresh out the slammer) 
the ceiling being the same as the ceiling at the british museum
‘forget him’ pills with the numbers 121389-041924 (her birthday, december 13 1989 and ttpd release day, april 19 2024. her birth and her rebirth maybe? she lived and died and lives again. could be playing into the frankenstein things happening in the video.) also — “i took the miracle move-on drug” (fortnight)
her makeup is done like clara bow
post malone tats! the frankenstein-esque one especially. 
victorian era (1830s!) mourning dress
“i love you it’s ruining my life” on the typewriter (blank space in ‘rui  ning’)
typewriter is missing ‘the 1’
also, typewriter! — “you left your typewriter at my apartment” (the tortured poets department)
posty with the fountain pen (fountain / quill / glitter gel pen reference)
some color(?) from taylor’s typewriter and blue from posty’s (so far the only color in the mv) — “you showed me colors you know i can’t see with anyone else” (illicit affairs) / “do you really beam me up in a cloud of sparkling dust” (down bad) / “losing him was blue like i’d never known” (red)
style mv reference!!!
taylor reading the story of US
the flying papers (story of us mv reference)
live laugh lobotomy! black dog in the operating room
the doctors (ethan hawke and josh charles from dead poets society!!!) ALSO their names are dr anderson and dr overstreet 
the heart monitor is spelling out “i love you it’s ruining my life”
“just to do experiments on, tell me im the chosen one” (down bad) / “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me” (who’s afraid of little old me?)
this scene feels very twilight zone to me 
rain (delicate mv reference??) also, clean reference?? “rain came pouring down when i was drowning that’s when i could finally breathe”
also, the dress she’s wearing and the way she’s sitting (karma mv reference??)
taylor burning the files “burn all the files desert all your past lives” (dear reader)
she’s wearing the ttpd bracelet from her shop
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