#joseph bear graves
fanartist666 · 27 days
Whiskey and Lead
Joseph 'Bear' Graves x Original Female Character fanfic TAGS/WARNINGS: Hurt/comfort, fix it, slow burn, angst, mentions of: PTSD, child death, canon character death, serious injury, poor mental health, divorce/separation MDNI Summary: Joe Graves is told by his wife, Lena, that maybe it's time to see other people. The biggest problem with that was the when and where, given that Joe's surrogate father figure, mentor and previous team leader, Richard Taggart, had just died, and Lena had said this at his wake. Just before things get too much, an unlikely friend of Rip's knocks him from his trance.
Part 1 wordcount: 1.6k | Part 2: will go here
A/N: just a fun little part one set up, when I started this I hadn't written anything for like two weeks, so I do apologise if this sucks lol, trying to understand writing Joe is a challenge but I like him - also if you like this version of Anubis and want more of her and also like Game of Thrones, I have a long fic called 'A Court of Dragons and Lions' on A03 where she's married to Tywin Lannister bc I'm a sucker for Charles Dance lol, anyway enjoy! Sorry for any typos too I tried but I could still have missed some
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Joe’s chest heaved with rage, despair and hurt, all his emotions swirling without a way out on top of the grief he was battling through. Hadn’t he tried hard enough? Tried in enough ways? Love languages, he’d learned what they were and what they meant and fucking tried to show Lena he loved her in all of them.
“Or maybe see other people.”
Lena told him that, then of all times? At Rip’s- At Rip’s fucking funeral? Lena couldn’t have come to him with that at any other point? They were already living apart, wasn’t that enough? Apparently not.
He felt it all swell up inside him as Lena walked away and he stared, talking to this fucked up apparition of Rip telling him it was only there because he wanted it there. It was all too much, Rip had been murdered, and died alone after everything he said on that video and everything fucking else and now he was seeing shit and Joe felt like he was going to explode- suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder. He flinched and turned around to see who had tapped him.
He didn’t know the woman before him, but he recognised the concern in her eyes and the posture of a soldier when he saw it. Her mouth was moving, but he couldn’t tell what she was saying.
“What’d you say?” He asked sharply, desperately shaking his head.
“I said ‘are you okay’, but I think you’ve just answered that for me.” She repeated, and somewhere in his head, Graves registered that her accent was British. “You wanna come for a walk with me?”
The woman jerked her thumb in the direction of an exit, and Joe nodded before following her dumbly. Walking helped. His blue eyes scanned his surroundings but didn’t really take anything in, to be honest, he couldn’t even remember what the woman he was walking with looked like. He could focus on her voice, though. She was well-spoken, with a sweet-sounding voice, slightly roughened by what he assumed was tobacco.
“So, you want to tell me about what’s going on?” She asked, her tone not too gentle and not too commanding, perfectly disarming. Although he couldn’t tell if that was just because he really did need to talk about it. But something stopped him. It needed to come out, but she was a stranger. He couldn’t just unload that.
In the end, Joe shook his head. “No, no you don’t need to hear that.”
“Come on now, I know a C.O. when I see one.” She nudged him in the arm gently with her elbow, and he couldn’t not smile a little and raise his hands in surrender.
“Yeah, I guess you got me there.” He chuckled softly, vision expanding from mere tunnels.
“Alright then, tell me about that instead, there’s a good lad.” Joe’s attention was slowly turning to her words.
“Okay...” he had to shrug off the flush rising in his face at how easily he’d obeyed her order, however gentle. He didn’t want to admit how much ‘there’s a good lad’ had encouraged him, either. “my name’s Joseph Graves, n’ I’m a senior chief Navy SEAL. I’ve got my team that I inherited from Rip when he got out. That’s Buddha, Fishbait, Caulder, Chase... Buck, until a little bit ago.” He felt his voice catch on Buck’s name.
“So you’re the famous Bear, eh? Good on you, Rip spoke very highly of you.” The woman said, and the warm reception to his introduction made him perk up a little. “And I was sorry to hear about Buckley. He was a good man.”
“He did?” Joe looked down at his shoes. “Yeah. Buck was the best of us. I miss him.”
“Oh god yeah, Rip loved the shit out of you. All of you guys, but he spoke about you most.” The woman told him, and he craned his neck to look at her curiously, finally taking in her features. She was pretty, by all accounts. Warm brown skin like caramel, inky black hair and startling scarlet eyes behind a pair of aviator sunglasses. She was dressed relatively normally in a green t-shirt and black jeans. The cool of the night air didn’t seem to affect her, and he could see that she was decently muscled.
“You knew him well? How come I never met you before?” Joe asked, an eyebrow raised.
“Could be any reason, knowing Rip. And with our schedules in special forces, things can be hectic.” She shrugged softly. “Would’ve liked to meet you under nicer circumstances. I’m Anubis Demonium, by the way. Teammates liked to call me Jackal, which is exceedingly clever, and the story stupidly embarrassing, drill me for details after a few pints. Rip and I go way back. Or I suppose we did, hey?” she huffed a bitter laugh. Joe was sensing a rusty command on her, just as she’d identified on him like a hound after a rabbit. “I met Rip on a co-op, SAS and SEAL. We wanted the same target, our governments wanted to get along, it’s a long story I could be put in prison for telling you.” Anubis waved a hand impatiently as they walked along together. Bear finally registered then, as she was explaining the story, just how tall she was, because there wasn’t that much difference between the two of them, she must have been six feet, easily.
“Rip was on his last mission before becoming team leader himself and I was already a Captain of my own squad. I remember him telling me about the guys he had lined up while we had downtime. He was my buddy on that trip, his own leader told him to take note from the two of us. We got to know each other, and he kept me filled in on you guys. He was proud of you, especially. In a way I was proud of you all too. Silly to admit, isn’t it?”
“I wouldn’t call it silly,” Joe huffed a laugh through his nose. “He always had my back, didn’t he? I’m glad to have made him proud.. he didn’t deserve to go out the way he did.”
“Nobody does.. He was a good friend to me, I can imagine he was a good leader to you guys. Everything that happened to him was an injustice.” Anubis said softly as they walked along the street.
“Yeah, he was.” Joe hesitated. “Thank you, for... Uh, walkin’ with me. There’s a lot goin’ on and it’s helped more than you’d think.”
“S’alright. Leaders have it hard, you know?” Joe raised a brow at her, and she elaborated. “Think about it, if you’re in a team, you talk to the leader about what’s troubling you. Who does the leader talk to? Can’t talk to the team, they’ll think you’re weak. Can’t talk to your civilian friends and partners, what if they think differently of you for what you do? If we’re lucky, our own mentors are still breathing, and we can talk to them. And lucky is putting it lightly.”
Joe was floored. He stared at Anubis in disbelief; it was as though she had taken all his thoughts, his fears, his loneliness as a team leader, and put them out in the air. He could hardly find the words to agree with her, just nodding dumbly at her instead.
“Y-yeah,” he stuttered after a moment. “Yeah, you’re right. I appreciate it.”
“It really is no problem, I was in the same position as you not so long ago. After today if you ever want to talk to someone who... You know, gets it like you, or you want to go for a drink, give me a ring.” She put a scrap of paper with a number scrawled on it into his slowly relaxing hand.
“Thank you... I’ll try not to darken your door too often.” Joe chuckled, pocketing the paper.
“Nonsense,” Anubis snorted, waving a hand. “I’d be glad for the company too. I’m retired now, none of the action anymore.” She explained, correcting her expression into a smile.
“Retired? How come?” Joe asked, hardly watching where he was walking now, his eyes fixed on her like a vision from God. He watched her walk, finally taking in more and more detail, and noticing a subtle unevenness to her gait.
“Injury,” she gestured to her left side, where the unevenness was. “I’m covered in scars this side, took a decent hit from an Mk 46, lucky to be alive so I suppose the stiffness and scars are a decent trade for breathing. The rehab was hell, though.”
Joe’s breath caught in his throat. Buck used one of those. He’d seen people blown to pieces by it, and some not. Hearing that would be a story and a half, he thought.
“Jesus, that sounds like a gnarly story…” he trailed off with a breath, and felt her elbow nudge him gently. Blue eyes landed on the weird blood-red ones belonging to his new acquaintance.
“Maybe I’ll tell you it sometime.” She smiled, and Joe realised they’d circled back to the gathering. “See you around, Joe.”
“See you…” He realised that he’d completely blanked what she told him her name was, only a few minutes ago, but they’d already split up, and when he looked back, she had melted into the crowd and firelight. Looking down at the number and his phone, he thought of something that would’ve made Rip laugh, and probably her, if they really had been friends.
‘Hobbles’ Joe typed, and pocketed his phone.
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bopeepss · 9 months
that scene where he knocks the lamp over when trying to get into his wife's pants IM ILL IM SO SO VERY ILL
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twoheartedfool · 2 months
Here’s a small blurb with Joe Graves. I apologize for how grossly self indulgent it is. Something more uplifting will come soon. CW: cancer
The house was quiet when Joe came home. Not completely unusual, the two of you kept your home simple and peaceful compared to the outside world. Still, his brow furrowed as he threw his keys in the dish and slipped off his boots. His voice ready to call out, he stopped at the appearance of you standing at the edge of the living room as if you had been waiting. Your eyes red and tired. Your fingers shaking as you tightly wound the tie of your, well, Joe’s hoodie around your thumb nervously.
“Baby?” He rushed to you, hands finding your shoulders then cheeks. His eyes instinctively scanned your body then the room for physical threats. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“My sister,” your throat became too tight. You clawed at the collar of his t-shirt to ground you. “My sister’s cancer is back.”
“C’mere,” he sighed. His hand finding the back of your head to burrow it in his chest. But it wasn’t enough. He needed you closer. Like nothing, he lifted your thighs to the sides of his waist. You clung to him instantly.
You hadn’t cried when you first found out, probably out of shock. But it also felt that your body waited until you were with him, to know that it was safe to release any tears.
“I fucking hate cancer,” you sobbed.
His voice was soft as he comforted you, a low timbre that soothed you like a lullaby. A melody that you alone got to hear. One that filled the nooks and crannies of your home and kept it warm when Joe had to go away.
When your eyes finally dried and your lids drooped dangerously low to closing, you whispered against his chest, “I was selfish today.”
“What do you mean?” his fingers paused in your hair and his head tilted down towards yours.
“When I got the news, I couldn’t help but think how relieved I was that this is happening while you’re home. That I have you here and someone else doesn’t.”
Joe nodded slowly, lips grazing against your hairline. He squeezed you closer, breathing you in.
“It’s alright to be selfish sometimes,” his voice dropped into its low timbre again. The comforting tone wasn’t always possible when the topic of his job and being away broached its way into your conversations. He was glad it could tonight.
“I’m right here, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
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kentstoji · 28 days
joseph "bear" graves who is hot as a furnace and loves to sleep wrapped around you, with his face resting on your shoulder, and his strong arms around your hips.
joe graves hates it when you push him away because you can't stand the heat he gives off anymore. in the mornings, you held back from laughing at the frown that was present on his face.
"you don't love me" was his answer, simple and dramatic. and you, after rolling your eyes, with a subtle hint of good humor, would simply kiss his cheek.
and, as if by magic, his mood improved significantly. he would spend the rest of the day smiling, presumptuously. until night comes, and you kick him away with your feet, outraged by his natural warmth.
"i hate you." you murmured to your husband.
"i know." he responds, ignoring your protests and bringing you closer.
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Would you mind doing headcannons for being bears younger gf/wife after he and Lena divorce? Maybe he's shocked at how well you treat him bc of how long he's been with her?
Also I hope you enjoy six!
"You're Such A Sweet Little Thing"
A/N: I'm not quite done with the show, but I think I got a basic gist of Bear (he's so hot I can't. Barry can't do an American accent for shit, but I don't care lol).
Warnings: Cursing/suggestive language/innuendos, fluff, younger reader
Senior Chief Petty Officer Joseph "Bear" Graves x Younger!AFAB Reader (SIX)
Master List (Link for Tag List)
Safe For Work:
He still doesn't understand how he was able to get with you, his divorce with Lena was rough, messy, he barely gets to see his daughter, Sarah.
You met him at a grocery store when he saw your cart with lots of fresh ingredients compared to his very bare to the bones basket with a lot of pre-packaged food, microwaveable food.
You asked him if the food was for a dog and he laughed (he was secretly hurt, poor baby)
Let me tell you, he was *rough* looking.
After you exchanged numbers (and sent him simple recipes for food, y'all started getting to know each other).
Was actually surprised and somewhat ashamed that you were a lot younger than him, younger than Lena.
Loves when you call him "Your Big Bear" while rubbing his stomach, especially after you've cooked him a nice, hot meal.
Very insecure when showing you off at first, because (a), you're at least 10+ years younger than him, and (b), he's low-key worried about what Lena thinks.
He needs lots of reassurance, via food or other ways
It's not that he can't take care of himself, he most certainly can, but he's so appreciative when you cook for him and take care of him - like it's a form of re-assurance for him.
Once he gets more confident in your relationship, he gets really touchy, he's gotta touch you.
Hand on thigh at all times.
Not Safe For Work:
Secretly loves seeing you in skimpy outfits
One Halloween, you wore a cheerleading outfit and he almost had a nosebleed
LOVES being called "Sir" - you called him sir for the first time and he was actually a little flustered, but he ended up really liking it.
Slaps your ass if he walks by.
Again, surprised he actually bagged you
You had to explain to him what "DILF" meant - he was very confused at first, but ended up liking it
"Who's your DILF? Huh?"
Yes, he said that one time when y'all was wrangling on the couch
Y'all giggled too much and had to take a break before continuing.
Keeps a boudoir polaroid in his uniform at some capacity when he's away
He has shown it to the others lol
Loves missionary because he loves seeing your facial expressions when he bottoms out
"God, you're so fucking tight- tightest pussy I've ever had."
Will fuck you in the kitchen - does not care if you're cooking.
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numbuh-72 · 23 days
Mourning AU Mini Comic/Scenario??
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Despite being warned multiple times by Numbuh 362 to not approach Sector PHP, Gianna decided to go anyways, in an attempt to give it her all to try and help out her friends move on from their loss slowly but surely. Before arriving though, Gianna brought along some flowers, and her teddy bear, Joseph. This bear was made to help Gianna push through her own loss of her brother, and to hopefully give her the strength to help the sector out...After all, she has been through those stages before.
Once she arrived, Gianna cautiously made her way to the graveyard and approached the two stones. After seeing the area not guarded, Gianna decided to kneel down and take the time to mourn herself...
Gianna: "Hey guys....I hope you two...have been doing ok. I brought some gifts to give you guys some....decorating...but to also express my sadness and....how much I miss you two."
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Gianna: "..I know that...we haven't been hanging out much...but, you two have been amazing and caring. You guys...have done a lot for me up til this point. I wish...we could've had more fun together..."
Gianna then sets down the flowers on their graves and hugs Joseph close to her, shutting her eyes and tears fall from her face.
Though right on schedule....someone was standing behind her, ready to strike.
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Gianna: "Your friends...and families...miss you a lot. I can't bare to see them like this...I...have a good feeling that you two can't bare it either."
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Phoebe pulls out her weapon while Gianna was in the zone and began to swing at her....Until...
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Gianna: "...Am I wrong...Phoebe?"
Just as Gianna spoke to her...Phoebe...stopped her attack? Gianna then slowly turns to her, facing one of her best friends with a sad, yet...all knowing expression.
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Despite the anger taking over Phoebe, she was hesitating hard in finishing her strike. Gianna only continues to stare at her...expecting to finish the job. However...It felt like, there was a presence...or two in the area that prevented the attack to be finished. The only thing that stopped Phoebe was that behind Gianna...the presence of two spirits, looked like they were protecting Gianna from her demise...and the peace offers she had brought for the two. To be continued....?
I wanted to do a sort of mini comic/scenario with the lovely @artsygirl0315 in the Mourning AU she had made that caught my eye- sdfvsdfvf (Plus, wanted to try and do some interacting as well- XDDD)
In the AU, Gianna was fully aware of what happened to Evan and Mella and was in sorrows and grief herself. However, because of the advice she was given by them before the "Incident", this made Gianna try and move forward for their sake...just like how she is doing for her brother.
Given the circumstances and of course wanting to return the favor they did for her...Gianna decided to vow to herself and give everything she's got to help Sector PHP get back on their feet.
It won't be an easy journey for her yes...but this is gonna be one of those journeys...she won't back down on.
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mogai-headcanons · 3 months
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icon id: 26 icons in 13 pairs. in each pair, both icons have the listed flags in order in the background and the left icon has an image of the listed character with a white outline and a black shadow. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
Knives Chau from Scott Pilgrim is a nonbinary arospec lesbian with hyperromanticism who is dating Tamara!
Tamara Chen is a polysexual agender girl!
Envy Adams is an aroace abrosexual transfeminine person who is dating Lynette!
Lynette Guycott is a trans lesbian!
Ramona Flowers is a borderromantic bisexual transfeminine person who is dating Scott and Kim!
Scott Pilgrim is bisexual and trans!
Kim Pine is a lesbian who is also dating Lisa!
Lisa Miller is homoflexible lesbian!
Giden Graves is a bi straight acespec person!
Hollie Hawkes is an intersex trans lesbian!
Jimmy is bicurious and questioning!
Joseph is a gay otter who is dating Stephen!
Stephen Stills is a gay bear!
Julie Powers is heteroflexible and aroacespec!
Kyle Katayanagi is a straight aroace man!
His twin Ken Katayanagi is an aromantic bisexual trans man!
Crash Wilson is a bi nonbinary guy who is dating Young Neil!
Young Neil is a heteroflexible transhet guy!
Lucas Lee is a bicurious guy!
Matthew Patel is a homoflexible bi veldian who has a crush on Neil!
Mobile is a trans gay guy who is dating Wallace!
Wallace Wells is gay!
Other Scott is unlabeled and queer!
Roxie Richter is a futch lesbian!
Stacey Pilgrim is a trans bi bennetian!
Todd Ingram is bisexual!
dni link
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h-a-unted · 1 month
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There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair. And we will never go back to that bloodshed, crimson clover. The worst was over. My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the great war.
Indie Semi-Selective Slice of Life Multi-Muse featuring Joseph "Bear" Graves from SIX (2017) as portrayed by Kuroki.
template by calisources
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princesssarisa · 4 months
"Faerie Tale Theatre" Posthumous Reunion: The Stars' Final Resting Places
Some people might think I'm obsessed with death. A minor hobby of mine is to research celebrities' final resting places, via the website Find a Grave and the YouTube channel Hollywood Graveyard. And I like perusing themed guides to famous graves. For example, Hollywood Graveyard's videos themed to Christmas, Halloween, the cast and crew of The Wizard of Oz, cast and crew members of The Twilight Zone, etc., or Find A Grave's "Posthumous Reunion" pages for famous movie and TV show casts, sports teams, etc.
I decided to create a similar guide for the cast of Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre. Sadly, all too many stars of that cult classic series are no longer with us. Here's a guide (with links to Find a Grave pages) to the various places where those stars are buried, in case anyone here might like to visit a few someday.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @thealmightyemprex
Aughaval Cemetery – Westport, Ireland
*Joseph Maher (Narrator, Cinderella/Sultan, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
Blue Grass Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum – Nicholasville, Kentucky, USA
*Harry Dean Stanton (Rip van Winkle, Rip van Winkle)
Eternal Hills Memorial Park – Oceanside, California, USA
*Karen Black (The Sea Witch, The Little Mermaid)
Fairview Cemetery – Linden, Michigan, USA
*Max Wright (Prince Heinrick, The Dancing Princesses)
Fir Grove Cemetery – Ada, Oregon, USA
*Bridgette Andersen (Gretel, Hansel and Gretel)
Forest Cemetery – Circleville, Ohio, USA
*Conchata Ferrell (Mother, Thumbelina)
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Carrie Fisher (Thumbelina, Thumbelina)
*Fred Willard (Paul Pig, The Three Little Pigs)
*Brock Peters (The Ogre, Puss in Boots)
*Pat McCormick (King Fredrico, The Princess and the Pea)
Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery – Houston, Texas, USA
*Shelley Duvall (series creator and hostess/The Miller's Daughter, Rumpelstiltskin/Rapunzel, Rapunzel/voice of the Nightingale, The Nightingale/Snow White's Mother, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Genola Rural Cemetery – Los Angeles, California, USA
John P. Ryan (Hendrick Hudson, Rip Van Winkle)
Green Hill Cemetery – Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA
*James Noble (King Rupert, Cinderella)
Hillside Memorial Park – Culver City, California, USA
*Leonard Nimoy (The Evil Magician, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
*Dick Shawn (The Emperor, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Hollywood Forever Cemetery – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Paul Reubens (Pinocchio, Pinocchio)
Holy Cross Cemetery – Culver City, California, USA
*Chris Penn (Will Tussenbrook, Rip Van Winkle)
Lake Lawn Park Cemetery and Mausoleum – New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
*Severn Darden (Farmer Silas, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
Lincoln Cemetery – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
*Jean Stapleton (The Giantess, Jack and the Beanstalk/The Fairy Godmother, Cinderella)
Mount Shasta Memorial Park – Mount Shasta, California, USA
*Brandis Kemp (Mama Bear, Goldilocks and the Three Bears/voice of Nadine Wolf, The Three Little Pigs)
Mount Sinai Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Frances Bay (Granny, Little Red Riding Hood)
*Georgia Brown (Maggie, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Mountain View Cemetery – Oakland, California, USA
*Jack Fletcher (The Wizard, Rumpelstiltskin)
Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery – Hillside, Illinois, USA
*George Kirby (The King, Puss in Boots)
Polizzi Generosa Cemetery – Palermo, Sicily, Italy
*Vincent Sciavelli (The Priest, Pinocchio)
Riverside Cemetery – Old Saybrook, Connecticut, USA
*Art Carney (Morty, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Riverview Cemetery – Hamilton, Montana, USA
*Hoyt Axton (The Ranger, Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
Rose Hills Memorial Park – Whittier, California, USA
*Keye Luke (Imperial Doctor, The Nightingale)
Saint Charles Cemetery – East Farmingdale, New York, USA
*Ray Sharkey (Grand Vizier, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
Saint Peter Churchyard – Blackland, Wiltshire, England
*David Hemmings (Narrator, Thumbelina/The Reindeer, The Snow Queen)
Saint Voldoldymyr Ukrainian Cemetery – Oakville, Ontario, Canada
*Gregory Hines (Edgar, Puss in Boots)
Valley Oaks Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Stephen Furst (Peter Pig, The Three Little Pigs)
Westwood Village Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Eve Arden (The Stepmother, Cinderella)
*James Coburn (The G**sy, Pinocchio)
*Doris Roberts (Mother Pig, The Three Little Pigs)
*Tim Conway (The Mayoral Candidate, Rip Van Winkle)
*Frank Zappa (Attila, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Lu Leonard (Mrs. Toad, Thumbelina)
*Gena Rowlands (The Witch, Rapunzel)
William Henry Lee Memorial Cemetery – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Beatrice Straight (Queen Veronica, The Princess and the Pea)
Cremated, Ashes Held Privately or Scattered
*Robin Williams (Prince Robin, The Tale of the Frog Prince)
*Hervé Villechaize (Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin)
*Christopher Reeve (The Prince, Sleeping Beauty)
*Treat Williams (Prince Andrew, The Little Mermaid)
*Brian Dennehy (King Neptune, The Little Mermaid)
*Klaus Kinski (The Beast, Beauty and the Beast)
*Roddy McDowell (Narrator, Rapunzel)
*Christopher Lee (King Vladimir, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Dana Hill (Princess Amanda, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Vincent Price (The Magic Mirror, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs/Narrator, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*David Warner (The Innkeeper, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Jeff Corey (Father, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Jack Riley (Sexton, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Ned Beatty (The King, Rumpelstiltskin)
*Roy Dotrice (Peter Vanderdonk, Rip Van Winkle/The King, The Dancing Princesses)
*Zelda Rubinstein (Old Woman, The Dancing Princesses)
*Burgess Meredith (Mr. Mole, Thumbelina)
*Lee Remick (The Snow Queen, The Snow Queen)
*Lance Kerwin (Kai, The Snow Queen)
*Linda Manz (The Robber Girl, The Snow Queen)
*René Auberjonois (King Ulrich, The Tale of the Frog Prince/King Boris, Sleeping Beauty)
*Sally Kellerman (Queen Natasha, Sleeping Beauty)
*Barrie Ingham (Finance Minister, The Emperor’s New Clothes/Tutor, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
*Richard Libertini (King Murray, Sleeping Beauty)
*Alex Karras (Papa Bear, Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
*Katherine Helmond (Jack’s Mother, Jack and the Beanstalk)
*John Vernon (Father, Little Red Riding Hood)
*Mako (Gardener/Minister, The Nightingale)
*Billy Curtis (Barnaby, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
*Rae Allen (Aladdin’s Mother, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
*Howard Hesseman (The King, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
*Jackie Vernon (Phlegmatic Jack, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
*Albert Hague (Nicholas Vedder, Rip Van Winkle)
*James Earl Jones (Genies of the Lamp and the Ring, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
Donated to Medical Science
*Ian Abercrombie (The Royal Cobbler, The Dancing Princesses)
Unknown (Not Publicly Revealed or No Information Online)
*Carl Reiner (Geppetto, Pinocchio)
*Alan Arkin (Bo, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
*Peter Risch (Bruno, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs/Herald, Puss in Boots)
*Lou Carry (Bertram, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
*Stephen Elliott (Father, Beauty and the Beast)
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fanartist666 · 2 months
Last bit I wrote/a sneaky peek for you all:
'Bear stared at her in disbelief; it was as though she had taken all his thoughts, his fears, his loneliness as a team leader, and put them out in the air. He could hardly find the words to agree with her, just nodding dumbly at her instead.'
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losergendered · 4 months
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ID: a set of 68 images in 34 pairs. each has one image of the listed scott pilgrim character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Scott Pilgrim might be bisexual, might be a trans lesbian, but currently just thinks of himself as a straight guy!
He's dating Ramona Flowers, a bisexual trans girl!
Ramona also has a slight crush on Scott's ex, Kim Pine, who's a closeted lesbian and into Lisa Miller, who's a closeted femme ply lesbian!
Scott's roommate, Wallace Wells, is gay, polyamorous and arospec and has a crush on Stephen Stills, who's a closeted gay bear! Wallace's boyfriend, Mobile, is gay, and so is his best friend, Other Scott, who's specifically a femme otter!
Stephen's boyfriend, Joseph, is a gay bearish otter, and his roommate, Hollie Hawkes, is currently bicurious and will later realize she's a bi lesbian!
Stephen's roommate, Neil Nordegraf, is a transheteroflexible autistic guy who has a crush on Scott's sister, Stacey Pilgrim, who's bi! Her ex-boyfriend, Jimmy, recently realized he's gay!
Crash Wilson is a bisexual guy who has a crush on Young Neil! His friends, Joel MacMillan and Trasha Ha, are straight and autistic respectively!
Julie Powers is a mostly straight girl, though she also considers herself heteroflexible, because she used to have feelings for Envy Adams, an aroace bi lesbian!
Julie's friends, Sandra and Monique, are both closeted and secretly dating! Sandra is bi and Monique is a lesbian!
Jason Kim and Simon Lee are both bisexual, though Jason has a female preference and Simon's bi gay!
Stephen and Kim are close friends with Knives Chau, who hasn't yet realized that she's a nonbinary lesbian! Her best friend, Tamara Chen, is sapphic!
Matthew Patel, is a bi gay guy!
Lucas Lee, is unlabeled!
Todd Ingram hasn't yet realized that he's gay! His former bandmate, Lynette Guycott, is a transfem homoflexible lesbian!
Roxie Richter is a lesbian!
Ken Katayanagi is arohet and his brother, Kyle Katayanagi, is gracehet!
Gideon Graves is bisexual, but he doesn't like to think about it!
Stephen and Scott's coworker, Dominique, is bisexual and their other coworker, Crystal, is a closeted nonbinary gay guy!
Everyone's friend, Michael Comeau is pretty much straight, but he has occasional bisexual tendencies!
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twoheartedfool · 2 months
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Would people be interested in Joseph “Bear” Graves stories?? I followed the Call of Duty to SIX pipeline and now I can’t stop thinking about this man.
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drinking-with-cupid · 2 months
⚠️❤️f/o alert❤️⚠️
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I know y'all saw it coming
I'm adding Joseph 'Bear' Graves from Six as a romantic f/o ❤️
Our ship tag: 🐻×🐍
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Favourite parts of Robin Hood season 2
1. Sisterhood - Guy is cruel to Marian and burns Knighton Hall, Robin saves himself without help from the snake pit
2. The Booby and the Beast - the strategic strongroom heist, Guy is jealous of the Count wooing Marian, the whole Sheriff-Guy-Marian-Count dynamics in the games room
3. Childhood - actually a top tier episode, Guy catches kids but won't kill them, Marian walks in on Guy undressed but he's not charmed, the gang's plans are foiled by Allan's secret pub nights with Guy, the Sheriff takes the rocks out of the box, Guy fights in a ridiculous suit of armour, Guy cries like a baby as Robin tries to drown him, Marian threatens the armour-maker's life, Guy is dirty with wet hair but slightly less spiteful to Marian
4. The Angel of Death - Will turns pale and evil, Joseph poses as the Nightwatchman, almost poisons the gang with soup, Guy and Marian talk through the door, Robin pretends to poison himself to break Will, they give the Sheriff the antidote because they love him so much
5. Ducking and Diving - Robin can't trust anyone, the messenger speaks nonsense ('pork!'), Matilda is saved when being ducked by an underwater tube, John forms a bond with the birthing daughter, Robin hits Will to draw out the traitor and is ruthless in attacking Allan
6. For England...! - Guy gives Marian pretty dresses, the gang masquerade as musicians, Allan nags Guy while he's dressing and gets his own costume, Robin's ready to die and thinks he killed all the Black Knights for a second, Lord Winchester is no one's ally, Guy did not agree to the Sheriff selling Marian, Guy almost helps Marian escape but can't resist the Sheriff's persuasion, Robin and Allan battle it out over the cauldron, Guy and the Sheriff save Marian before Robin and Marian rides on Guy's (beautiful) horse
7. Show Me the Money - Marian stops Robin killing Allan and gains Allan's allegiance, Edward gets some courage and the Pact, Marian grieves and Guy tries to comfort her, she runs to Robin instead
8. Get Carter! - Guy is desperate to find Marian, the gang pretend Carter has killed Robin, Guy almost stabs Robin to make sure, Guy confesses his desires and Marian her sympathy, Marian gives him a good kiss and Guy thinks he's won in life
9. Lardner's Ring - which fool told the King's messenger about Robin's exile? The Fool, the Fool annoys Guy and the Sheriff over dinner, Marian is dangled from the tree as a hostage and Guy gets her down ('you're coming home with me' à la Thornton), the Sheriff gets a hawk to kill the pigeon
10. Walkabout - the Sheriff out and about in his silk pyjamas, Guy is left in charge of scrabbling to find the Sheriff, Marian is too headstrong to leave with Guy, the army closes in as the sun sets, Guy finds nobility and stays for Marian, the Sheriff thinks everyone incapable
11. Treasure of the Nation - Marian rebukes Guy for his changes in character, Guy unmasks the Nightwatchman and sees the stab wound, Marian pleads for Guy to spare her, Allan poses as the Nightwatchman, Guy bears the Sheriff's knife on his throat, Marian is thankful and stays for Guy
12. A Good Day to Die - Marian tries to kill the Sheriff, Robin and Much address their bromantic issues, an awkward roadtrip to the Holy Land, the Sheriff calls Guy Gizzy, Marian sleeps in the barn, Guy tries to ask Allan if Marian's single, the Sheriff, Guy and Allan share a dorm and Allan's bed is empty in the morning
13. We Are Robin Hood - Marian gives Guy a chance to be a good man and her husband, Guy won't kill the Sheriff, the King believes Robin is against him, the gang are left to die in the heat, the Sheriff leaves Marian with them without telling Guy, Saladin's phony messenger confronts Robin the phony King, Marian crushes Guy's heart, Guy runs her through with his sword, Marian and Robin wed last minute, Marian pulls the sword out herself, Robin carries Marian to her desert grave, Will and Djaq stay to be homemakers
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walker33961 · 1 year
15 JULY, 2022 1600
Graves :
Gold Eagle Actual, Shadow -1 is weapons hot.
.....We're burning daylight here...
Shepherd :
Copy, Graves. Stand by.
.....Laswell, do we have confirmation?
Laswell :
Watcher - 1 to Bravo 0-7 , you in position?
Ghost :
Nearly there.
Lavender what's your visual?
Lavender :
Got a heli incoming.
Laswell :
That's General Ghorbrani
Shepherd :
Right on time.
..... Now let's see what he's up to in the middle o' nowhere
Ghost :
I'm eyes on.
Lavender :
Vision all clear
Laswell :
What do you see?
*Ghost takes out his normal binocular , Lavender pulls down her thermal binoculars and checks over , giving intel*
Ghost :
Armed personnel..
Lavender :
Armour and hardware..
Ghost & Lavender :
All Russian.
Shepherd :
What the hell are the Russians doin' with Ghorbrani?
Laswell :
Supplying Iran . It's an arms deal.
Shepherd :
You copying this, Shadow - 1?
Graves :
Affirmative - two birds one stone...
Laswell :
We need positive ID on Ghorbrani before we kick this off, boys.
Shepherd :
Lavender , can you identify the General?
Lavender :
Armed escorts around VIP.
Russians are very happy to see him Actual.
Shepherd :
It'll be the last time they do...
Lavender :
That's for sure , Actual.
Ghost :
Visual on General Ghorbrani.
Laswell :
All stations - target confirmed.
Shepherd :
Shadow-1- You are cleared hot for launch.
Graves :
Roger that, Actual.
...... Ghost, Lavender..your danger close to the zone. This arrow's gonna pack a punch.
Lavender :
Ghost :
Copy. Approved.
..... Send it.
Graves :
All stations , Shadow -1 Missile is ready for immediate delivery , standby for launch
Coordinates in...
Target designated...
Shot out.
Missile is loose.
Link is good, target acquired.
This will take some manual guidance to hold her.
.. Missile bearing northeast at 0-6-5 degrees at Mach 3 ... Altitude 500 meters.
Shepherd :
You're right in the pocket, stay with it.
Graves :
Check, comin' in hot...
... Brace for impact...
Time to target in 5 seconds.
Termination 3..2..1.
Ghost :
Direct... Target destroyed.
Lavender :
A big boom for sure.
*Fist bumps with Ghost.
- Both Simon and Lavender didn't go to their house. They go there less since there's no one to welcome them, once in a month they visit...just to memories how the home was, how it used to be when everything was alright.
They made the base their home , living in the same room, it was small but enough, had 2 separate beds bcz both move a lot in sleep.
One night...
Simon :
*sees y/n sleeping like a baby in ther bed......
Her hair was all messy, fell on the bed right after stepping into the room, didn't even open her tactical vest, all tired and a bit messed up with the smell of gunpowder and soil.
He goes close to her, Sees her beautiful face... His worries pain got lifted all in seconds, He sees their mom's face in her..
Yn's smile, soil brown eyes, little freckles around her nose area, long hair , heaven glow skin which got tiny scars bcz of wars and missions.. Symbolises that she's strong like his brother and her kindness and sweetness towards all reflects their Mom's positivity & her love, care for all , an enemy can turn good by her voice, a dead might come to alive , the smell she always carried was "Lavenders".. It was their Mom's favorite and even Joseph liked them a lot...
The reason behind of her callsign "Lavender"
But why no home ? Why less beautiful memories? Their story can make the most happiest person in this world have sleepless nights..
Simon's father was really - really abusive and tortured both mercilessly, and didn't want to accept Y/n when she was born...
Their Dad brought fear to them every second, once he took both to a concert, killed a hooker, and told Simon & Y/n to look at the dead and laugh... Their mom always tried to save them from his torture...
Both of their life was changed a bit more in extreme.
Simon's changed even more after the "Manuel Roba" mission ...Mexico...
The mission turned totally upside down...
Simon unexpectedly got caught by one of the Roba's men.. The guy was wearing a ghost mask..torturing him ...* He was Roba actually*
Simon was even buried alive with his dead fellow soldier, He escaped from it but the trauma always stayed...
That's when he started to see ghost faces everywhere... Facing traumas even more
Roba got to know his existence, got his soldier to follow him, and kill when the chance is at hand...
But instead, the guy killed all of his family members after knowing his location in Manchester - United Kingdom..
Dad, Brother and his wife, even the poor little soul..Y/n & Simon's beloved only nephew Joseph.....Their blood.. Spilling out ... Some dried, some fresh..
All that was left of Simon was a ghost after this. But the moment also changes y/n's life. She also turned Ghost after this... But the Lavender in her didn't let her turn all ghost...
Time stopped when he saw his little sister ..y/n..trembling, walking up to him in slow but steady steps....lavenders on her hand & the little teddy bear of Joseph's, hair messed up as if she tried her best to hide and run over to be safe, she was successful...
fell on her knees, down in front of the bodies and Simon...
She rolled front their Mom's body , unlocking the lavender locket from her neck and tied it in her jackets zipper...
Getting up ,
All she said was " Kill that bastardized Soldier" before she fainted..
He took her in his arms,set fire to the house..leaving his dog tags & y?n's earrings behind ..to show that they also got burned by the fire..
Ran away far away to be safe from them,..to keep her safe. He took care of her and brought her back to her senses in an unknown spot...
He promised himself to keep her safe till his last breath..
Later he signed at Task Force 141, Under Shepherd and Price.....
Y/n was treated with care and love to be fine again with strength... in the base.
She grew up with the trauma alone...but the members of 141 of her age at that time helped her to improve her mental state,
Except for Simon.... He was never able to get up from it...
Since Y/n never got the love of a father and the way Price took care of her and even cried while she was in a simple fever... She started calling Price "Dad"...
Price felt bit more alive... He got a reason to live...
A daughter..
Memories were playing in his mind, he came in his sense after y/n woke up all of a sudden and hissed in pain on her hand...
Simon :
What happened my little butterfly?
Where is it hurting?
*Ghost using sweet nickname ? ... Well, That's Simon for y/n , also for the girl he loves a lot, Charlotte "Jade" Le Jardin... Calls her "Lottie" The only girl who was equal a bit to his strength and loved him as both Ghost .. & Simon*
Y/n :
Ah it's not that serious Brother .
Just a little *ahuh* ...
The painkillers will help ..
Simon :
We both had nothing to take medicines remember... Just water won't help.
Y/n :
Let me go make somethi....
Simon :
Sit down, Miss Bossy Riley.. I'm managing something..
*Simon comes back after making a meal*
- He made that just like their mum used to make when they were sick or hurt...well, comfort food as it's called, also brought some other important meds from Jade alongside painkillers...Luckily she was awake at that time...
She always kept a good stock knowing that her love and his little sweet sister might need it...Charlotte is loved by y/n a lot, she adores y/n like her own sister too.
After all.. Y/n's brother Simon's Wife she'll be.....
*cought * cough*
Y/n :
Always taking the load brother...?!
Simon :
It's nothin' much Y/n'iee ..
*pats on her head, muffled her hair gently*
Y/n :
*hugs Simon*
- You're carrying my freak childish ass since I was born, you do so many things for me... Cooked even after getting shot in the arm..you do this all the time when I'm just in a light fever, brushing my hair while I'm injured, saving my life from all threats.. A lot more
I love you always brother . Your the sweetest best big brother a sister can ask for. I'm lucky to have you as my own blood Big brother...
*y/n feels tears on her shoulder*
Simon :
- Your my everything, can't imagine a life without you my little Lavender ..
* y/n pats his shoulder ..feeds him the food with her hand, since he's shot in the right hand and arm, can only work with Rifel with the left... Doesn't feel good using the left hand for eating*
Y/n almost forgot that she was hungry too...
After all, Her brother comes first over everything*
[ Writer's note -
As I said.. A dead might also come alive by her nature and words .. Simon's a "Ghost" .. But for Y/n...his her big sweet Brother Simo.... Simon Riley......& Beanpole for Jade * **]
Shepherd :
Come in.
Laswell :
General Shepherd..
Shepherd :
Boy, I know that look. Are we at war ?
Laswell :
You would be the first to know, sir.
Shepherd :
Damn right I would...Talk to me.
*turns on and swipes in her tab to show intel over Hassan*
Laswell :
We have a hit on Ghorbrani's second - in - command.
Shepherd :
Hassan Zyani. Quds Force Major...
Laswell :
He's taken up the mantle for Iran.
Shepherd :
Supplying Terrorists.
Laswell :
Money, weapons, intel.
Shepherd :
Well, he's ambitious.
Laswell :
He's dangerous, sir. He wants retaliation for the Ghorbrani strike.
.....He's planning something...
Shepherd :
We can't take him in Iran.
*Laswell swipes the screen*
Laswell :
He's not in Iran, sir...
He's on the ground in Al Mazrah.
Shepherd :
What the hell is he doing in Al Mazrah?
Laswell :
There's only one way to find out, sir.
Shepherd :
Well, Let's get him.
Laswell :
Shepherd :
What time is it now?
Laswell :
Who do we send?
Shepherd :
wheels - up in 5
Ghost :
Shepherd :
Marines are loading in now.
You, Lavender and the Sergeant are leading the way on this?
Ghost :
The Sergeant?
Shepherd :
Soap MacTavish.
*Soap gets down from the back of the big jeep with others, comes to Ghost & Lavender*
Soap :
Let's get ourselves a win, yeah, Lt.?
*exciting action filled smirk over Ghost, punches over his chest lightly*
...Save ya a seat, sir.
Ghost :
Fucking hell...
- When soap turned back to look at y/n..Soap notices a skull & a lavender charm on the edge side of her tactical vest...Doesn't know that she's his best mate L.T.'s younger sister.
Well, He saw her for the first time in base , joined after 5 year long mission which was in UAE . He had no gap in between to be back.. So he stayed there for straight years..
& , that time Lavender was out to duty with König and Horangi & Alex in Scotland - Russia - Spain to prevent invade of a drug Lord.. It was a 4 year long but 2 Or 1 month gap in between..
It was their first meet after getting back to their home - main base.
Soap's an extremely extroverted bomb blastic person who can bring laughter to cool down nerves..sometimes blabbers Scottish which can't be understood that much.. only Simon gets the vibe of his words...bff goals for sure.....
He's Respected and feared by all...
Same for y/n, her death stare made enemies piss in their pants... Just like her Brother's stare..
But had less courage to ask Lav about anything... He doesn't know why..
Something inside his heart sparked the moment He noticed her..
Her hair locks swinging with the hot air, face paint stroked, scars visible even in the low light around the base .. Proving that she'd been fighting the good fight for a very long time. Her smile made him fall for her on the spot..he gave out his heart...
Finally he's getting to feel the air of love , it was a love at first sight....
Well, Keeping in mind to be careful with her....
Y/n :
Looks like one crazy man , *giggling*
Ghost :
*smiles under the mask*
Shepherd :
Lavender , Ghost - You copy?
Ghost :
Yes sir.
Shepherd :
..Any issues?
Ghost & Lavender :
Negative Sir.
Ghost :
Out here
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Sacred Vigil
CW: Religious Trauma/Themes, Death, Blood
There’s a corpse in the graveyard.
It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, one Dad would tell at the table and chuckle at heartily while everyone else groaned.
Of course there’s a corpse in the graveyard. Graveyards are where corpses go. Where else would it be? The morgue, perhaps. A crematorium. Maybe the body farm, or a medical student’s lab, ready to be torn to pieces for the greater good. A police station, if the owner of the body was particularly unfortunate.
In general, a corpse should not be out of place in a graveyard.
The corpses that belong in the graveyard are sleeping, a heavy layer of dirt blanketing them. And snug they will sleep until they rise again on the Promised Day, or so the priests tell me.
But this corpse is wide awake.
Its lifeless eyes reflect the sky above it, asking heaven why? Its arms make an x over its chest, curled into claws, like it’s clutching at a soul long gone (who would cross its arms, but leave it to rot in the open?). The ground beneath it is wet, consecrated by blood instead of holy water, pouring from a hole in the dead man’s chest, instead of sprinkled from a bowl,  though the rest of the graveyard is as dry as the bones it holds in waiting.
There’s a schoolmate buried in this graveyard. Taken too young, they said. Everyone cared because he was a football player (Yaaaaayyyy, go Bears), and because a tumor killed him. I doubt anyone but my two friends would have looked twice if it were me who’d been in the coffin. They wouldn’t have bussed the whole school out to the funeral. They wouldn’t have gotten special permission to bury me in St. Joseph’s historic graveyard, where no one dead any sooner than two centuries ago is allowed to rest.
I wonder if he hates that he’s buried here, in a little graveyard a road down from the school. The road is paved with potholes, and I could probably count the number of tombstones on my fingers and toes. Does he like his closeness to the fields he played on? Or does he wish he were buried somewhere more convenient to visit? Does he wish he was resting somewhere his family would one day be buried?
Not that where he’s buried will matter on Judgement Day, or so the priests tell me.
Still. I wonder if he’s lonely out here. Maybe that’s why I made my way out here in the hour between my arrival at school and when the bell actually rings, down the road full of potholes that are hell to navigate and make the trip seem much longer than the mile it is. To visit a kid who didn’t even know who I was when he was still alive, let alone now he’s asleep under a layer of dirt and scraggly grass. Sure. Sounds like an excellent reason.
Really, why am I here? Because I feel bad for him? Because, whatever our stations were in life, I now have the triumph of standing above the earth’s surface while he’s buried below?
No, I wouldn’t have made the effort to push past the brush overtaking the pothole road just to be petty.
I’m not like that, I think.
I hope.
No, it’s because I feel bad for him, I decide.
But when I saw the new, unburied body from the half-closed cemetery gates, I passed by my schoolmate’s grave on my way to investigate without a moment’s hesitation. Sorry, but the visit you don’t even care about will have to wait.
Treetops are swaying and whispering around the graveyard, closing us off from outside view. I pull a ponytail holder off my wrist, twisting my hair up. My fingers hover over the “call” button, dialed to the police station, but the phone isn’t ringing yet.
The corpse isn’t staring at the sky anymore. Instead, my face is reflected in those glassy eyes, staring up at me and asking what he did to deserve this. Why there’s a hole in his chest (why is there a hole in his chest?) and why his clothes are soaked with blood.
As if I have an answer for him.
Actions have consequences, but what the set of actions leading up to this consequence were, I have no idea.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” I whisper to the corpse. It’s a ridiculous thing to say. “sorry for your loss.” As if the corpse is its own grieving family. “sorry for your loss.” It’s a stupid thing to say, even if it WAS to a grieving family. Cold, impersonal, the thing the person from the morgue says as they zip your grandpa up in a black bag after his heart stops but before they make a joke about what a big man he was.
“Sorry for your loss.” Colder than the corpse in the graveyard. And without warning, I feel the urge to poke it. To see if the corpse is cold, the way people claim death is. Is it limp and fleshy or has rigor mortis has set in? I slap my own hand, backing away. Disrespect on disrespect. Poking at human remains, like they’re roadkill. I’d probably regret it if I did anyway. I’d never be able to get the sensation off, wouldn’t be able to confess the sin away no matter what priest absolved me.
Out, out, damned spot, as Miss Hathaway the English teacher would say. I’m not particularly interested in obsessively washing my hands to get rid of the sacrilege. Besides, this man has suffered enough in life, hasn’t he? A series of events leading to a murder in a lonely graveyard couldn’t have been pleasant, not to mention the murder itself.
Right.  Murder. I should get to calling the police right about now. There’s a corpse in the graveyard that doesn’t belong. And every second is a delay in finding out who put it there.
But then, maybe he’d like a bit of silence. Before men in white coats cut him open to determine the very obvious cause of death. A moment of silence in a quiet graveyard, enjoying the last time he’ll be above its soil. Before the people from the morgue zip him up in a black bag and take him away from the outside world  forever. I hope they won’t make a joke about it, but maybe that’s how they cope with constantly being around the aftereffects of death. Do they have a better grasp on mortality than the rest of us, I wonder? Or do they look at every corpse and lie to themselves, saying it will never be them on the slab.
This could be me one day
Lying in a graveyard, murdered. Only to be found by a high schooler.
And she won’t even call the police.
I hit the “talk” button.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“I found a corpse in a graveyard.”
There’s a heavy pause. Maybe the person on the other end of the phone doesn’t know how to respond. “Is this a joke?”
“No, I mean, a fresh one. It’s not in a grave or anything. Like, he’s got a hole in his chest, and he’s not buried.”
What am I saying? I should have rehearsed this beforehand, I’m rambling. Why are these things always so coherent in my head, and then gibberish when I try to say them out loud? This is why no one would have come to my funeral. Deep breaths, deep breaths.
“Sorry. Let me start over. I think I found a murder site. Or maybe a dumping site. There is a dead guy here.”
I give the receptionist the address, hit the “end call” button without thinking even as she asks me to stay on the line, and am left alone again with the corpse.
Oh, god. I’m alone with a corpse.
I back away, the calm of morbid curiosity vanishing in a heartbeat that’s pounding louder by the second, and then I’m tripping over a tombstone and tumbling backwards. My hand squelches into dirt.
The ground was dry
Except for…
I scramble backwards before I can finish the thought, wiping my hand on a tombstone to get the dirt off (It’s just dirt, nothing else, just dirt. Nothing staining my hand permanently, nothing that would make my classmates finally sit up and take a second look at me, just regular, plain dirt).
Do I leave?
But what if someone comes back to move the body? Then the police won’t find it.
Oh god.
What if someone comes back to move the body while I’m here?!
But I’m not running. I’m not bolting back towards the safety of the school (and a sink to scrub the dirt, just dirt, off my hands). There’s a corpse in the graveyard, and for some reason unknown to everyone, including myself, I need to stay here with it until someone else can come to take my watch.
Whoever that someone might be.
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