#john x eliza
hihomeghere · 6 months
Dreams | Arthur Morgan/Reader
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Word Count : 1.1k Summary : Arthur starts having dreams of starting a family with you Warnings/tags : Cursing, fluff, mention of infidelity, just Arthur being a sweet guy <3
He knows he shouldn’t feel like this. Shouldn’t be having these thoughts, because all they are just dreams. They’re never going to become a reality. Not when they’re constantly on the move, running from place to place. He sees the way it affects Jack, poor kid, not knowing what the hell is going on. And his daddy doesn’t exactly help him understand. 
He can’t even say he would be a better father, he wasn’t before. 
Hell you two ain’t even married yet, and he’s not that much of a fool. Not anymore. His regret for not marrying Eliza weighs heavily on him most days, even if he didn’t love her in that way. Now you on the other hand, he loves you more than anything. More than this stupid gang, more than life itself. He would happily lay down his life if he knew you would be happy, safe. 
When these thoughts enter his head, he can’t say. His days sort of blend together, making it hard to pinpoint. Although seeing you interact with Jack doesn’t help. 
You are so sweet, so motherly, hell you even mother the younger folks in the gang. Soft touches, kind words, but internally strong. You have all the qualities he finds attractive in a woman. Somehow you fell for him just as hard as he fell for you. 
But he ain’t a fool, he knows this ain’t the right time or place. So instead he writes down all these dreams in his journal, his safe place. The place where he can say anything without being judged. He dreams of little girls, he didn’t know how to interact with Isaac. Too afraid of being his own father. Girls seem less daunting, and a little you would be perfect. He already has one angel, what’s one more?
He comes up with the name while north of Brandywine Drop. The bright purple flowers caught his eye just off the trail.
Violet Beatrice Morgan.
His heart sings, scribbling the name down in the margins of his journal. He finds himself writing VM in his journal, smiling foolishly to himself. It’s beautiful, his precious flower. 
It’s not like you meant to snoop. You were looking for Arthur, since he was nowhere to be found. You entered his tent, which in reality wasn’t much of a tent at all, finding his journal open. You walked over to it, looking over the worn page. There were the normal doodles he drew, along with his flowing hand writing. But one thing stood out to you, a pair of initials circled by hearts. VM.
You furrowed your brows, you couldn’t think of anyone you knew with the initials VM. Those definitely weren’t your initials either. 
With your curiosity peaked you flipped through a couple more pages. VM was written everywhere, along with those damn little hearts. 
You felt that little green monster grow inside you the further you looked into his journal. Biting your cheek so hard you could taste blood. It did nothing to quench the fire inside of you. 
“Darlin?” Arthur called walking into the so-called tent. You dropped the journal back onto the table, turning to face him. “There you are.” He grinned walking towards you.
“Here I am.” You said forcing a smile.
“Hosea said you were looking for me.” He said softly, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, "Anything you need?”
“Must have forgot.” You said with a noncommittal shrug, “I ought to get back to work.” You nod walking past him. Arthur furrowed his brow at your attitude. Did he say something to offend you?
Then his eyes fall onto his open journal. His stomach drops at the sight. Jesus, you saw. You saw all of it. You were probably thinking the worst, seeing the initial surrounded by hearts. How was he gonna fix this?
You stomped off to the edge of camp, trying to wrack your brain as to who this VM could be. And why was Arthur drawing hearts beside the initials? Maybe you had this all wrong, Arthur would never do anything to hurt you. He was a good man, a man you could trust. Wasn't he?
“Y/n!” He called trailing behind you, a crestfallen expression on his face. You stopped at the tree lining, biting your lip as you turned to face him. “I can explain.”
“I’m sure you can.” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I-“ He sighed looking down, pinching the bridge of his nose as he let out a low curse. 
“Who is she?” You asked clenching your jaw. He furrowed his brows looking up at you.
“What?” He asked, his hands settling on his hips.
“VM, the girl you keep drawing hearts around. Who is she?” You were blunt, something he loved so much. Always telling it like it is, never leaving him to guess your feelings. A small smile spread on his face, which only made you more mad. “Seriously, you think this is funny?” You hissed, taking a step towards him. Arthur only had one choice, to tell you the truth. 
“Violet.” He said softly, reaching for you. “Violet Morgan.” You let him wrap his hand around your forearm, pulling you close to his chest.
“Who is Violet Morgan?” You asked, swallowing thickly. He sighed, looking off to the side, wetting his lips.
“She’s uh-“ He shook his head, a nervous smile on his lips. “She’s not exactly real, not yet at least.” He said. 
You shook your head, brows knitted together, “Not real? The hell you mean, not real?”
“I-“ He rubbed the back of his neck looking down, “It’s uh- shit.”
“Spit it out Morgan.” You huff throwing your arms up. 
“I thought of a name,” He explained, “A name for a girl if we- if we have one some day.” He said with a shrug, his cheeks flushed, almost as though he had been in a scuffle. 
If we have one some day. 
“Oh Arthur.” You said softly, a smile spreading across your face. Feeling suddenly very foolish for doubting your man. “That's so sweet.” You took a step forward, tilting his face up to look at you. 
“Yeah?” He asked, looping his fingers in his gun belt. 
“Yeah.” You repeated, nodding. “Jesus you had me scared you were gonna tell me you found someone else.” You chuckled, shaking your head.
“Never. There ain’t no one else in this goddamn world that could replace you.” He said his hand reached up to cup your face. “You’re uh- you’re it for me darlin.” His bright blue eyes peered into yours, love and affection pouring out in his expression. 
“When we have our girl.” You said brushing away a stray strand of honey brown hair, “Violet will be a perfect name.” He grinned, wrapping a hand around your waist.
“Guess it’s settled then.” He said as he leaned down to press his lips against yours.
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phantomstatistician · 7 months
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Fandom: Hamilton
Sample Size: 20,757 stories
Source: AO3
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kyleetryme · 2 months
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the schyler sisters in my #weeksauhamilton </3
the weeks au is where all the characters;alex,john,herc,laf,schyler sisters,charles,jamesR,james,thomas,maria,aaron, are lawyers, working at a detective police firm--washington's the boss and are investigating the Levi weeks case!
king george lll is still king in this, and sam is his right hand man ( see what i did there)
this a modern au as well! by modern I mean the 2000s, so there's flip phones an stuff
I will post a whole explanation of the au soon!
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alexeishostakoff · 1 year
Before there’s Gideon the First, there’s a man called G--. G-- has this best friend, has had him since they were both broke brown boys trying to make it out of the deadends they were drowning in, has been had by him since the very first day. G-- has this best friend, and he loves him, and his friend asks him to take a suitcase nuke to Melbourne, and G-- doesn’t say Anything for you, John, G-- just does it.
G-- is atomized and Gideon is resurrected. John rebuilds him from memory and an arm he cut off of G-- before he left, not that Gideon knows that. This body is the only one Gideon’s ever known, so it shouldn’t feel so wrong, but it. Does. A stretched out thing of muscle mass, at times too bulky or too frail, bits soldered together in a clunky mess. Gideon’s soul is awkwardly shoved into his skin, and he hones the whole of it into the finest weapon this galaxy’s ever seen, and it hurts every time he swallows for ten thousand years.
Gideon’s lips are not his own. His cavalier - no, he’s hers, before she’s his. Her necromancer, her Gideon. They say John and Pyrrha are the only two people Gideon listens to, the only two people to get him to do something he wouldn’t do himself. Augustine and Mercymorn ascended hours before, and Pyrrha hands Gideon his spear with one untrembling motion, and tells him to kiss her before he plunges it into her chest. He does, and it leaves his mouth bloody and numb, and he sits there for hours until she is cold in him, and they call him the Saint of Duty.
The thing is that. Sometimes, Gideon forgets. He wakes in a room with no memory of walking there. Cassiopeia references a conversation he doesn’t remember having. When he blinks once, Cyrus’ funeral passes him by. He finds himself terrified to sleep lest he miss another moment, and he knows then that he is insane. He cannot trust his mind, and so he hands over every last scrap of his faith to John instead, and it is from him that he takes all direction.
This body is a horror show. It is a constant cave in. He is not invulnerable; he breaks and he mends again. Flesh knits together, bones clatter into place, neck twists one hundred and eighty degrees to right itself. It is detached. It is not himself, but he is not himself, there is something else rattling around in this husk of him, and he does not know what it is. He puts his faith in John. He puts his faith in John. Salvation, to fight and die for him. He fucks him once, bruisegrip on his hips in John’s flagship, and he does not kiss him.
This, then, is to be Gideon: a string of orders, a constant motion. A love, an utter terror. He believed in something once, he did. He’s never been a fool, though he’s always been a landmine, always waiting for the right time to detonate. Hard way to live. Good way to die.
He finds a little moon once, a solid place to farm, twist his everunbroken fingers around a plow instead of a spear. He thinks about it whenever he comes to, cold and unsure of how he got there. He wonders if this thing inside him knows about it too. Wonders if one day, he’ll just wake up there, knuckle deep in the soil, and if he’d ever walk away for anything else.
He doesn’t know that he could. He doesn’t know that he wants to. They die like this: CyrusUlyssesCassiopeiaCytherea, and he hopes John’ll forgive him if he’s next on the list.
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opha-the-awesome · 7 months
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eliza, isaac and young john marston.
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schnitzelsemmerl · 3 months
Hamilton: (standing) oh, i don't have a chair! wait, ill go get one! (walks away to get a chair)
Eliza: and why are YOU standing? theres literally no need for you to stand you have a chair go sit
Laurens: but the mlm solidarity.....
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ask-chubby-hamilton · 2 months
Alexander: you know if you think about the science behind bees they shouldn't be able to fly because- *Blah blah blah, nerdy stuff*
John and Eliza: *infatuatedly listening to every word.*
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aiakosm · 2 months
The funniest thing about the ship MariEliza(Maria Reynolds x Eliza Hamilton) is that in the few fics I’ve read, Alexander either saw it coming or is just not surprised.
It doesn’t matter the plot (I.e: Eliza helping Maria out of her relationship with James, Eliza and Alex have a big fight and she meets the woman at a bar, Alex cheats and Eliza gets closure with Maria, etc) and it doesn’t matter the time period (I.e; Modern or historical) the moment Eliza comes out that she’s in a relationship with Alexander, he is simply not surprised.
And it’s really funny when you consider everyone else’s reaction. Angelica is all like ‘I didn’t know you like girls?’ The hamilsquad(which is a very funny name) are all shocked and like ‘Congrats?’ Because they genuinely thought Alex and Eliza were to last forever.
And Alex is just like: ‘Cool 👍’ 
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youdontneedhenry · 6 months
How it started
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How it's going
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2x4 > 4x6
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say-hwaet · 30 days
High Sierra: A Red Dead Redemption Story
Chapter Six: The Outlaws and the In-laws
Arthur finishes shaving his face and washes his razor in the bathroom sink. Looking at himself in the mirror, he does see that he has aged. Perhaps it was being out in the sun for many hours of the day, the stress of the last three years, or a combination of both. He wonders why any woman would be interested in him.
"You're not fooling anyone," he says out loud to himself. He backs away from the sink and turns to grab his shirt hanging on the door knob. Putting it on, he hears a knock on the door. "Yeah?"
"Grampy wants to know if you're ready to go, Daddy." It’s Isaac, his voice somewhat muffled from behind the door.
"Yep, I'll be right out." He straightens out his shirt collar and opens the door. Isaac stands in the doorway in green shorts and a buttoned shirt with parrots on it. "Well, you clean up nicely, son!"
"Grammie helped me pick it out!"
"Shoah," he smiles. "Let's head out to the car."
As Arthur plans to take Isaac home after the cookout, Arthur is taking his car separately. Given the option, Isaac decides to ride with his grandparents, leaving Arthur to ride alone with Copper. So much for loyalty.
Following Hosea, they begin the long drive back to the city, where the Marstons live. They live in a nice suburb, with barbecues, pool parties, and a nearby golf course. Truly the life of luxury.
Arthur never liked being in the city. When he went to college, he had to reside in the dorms his first year and absolutely detested it. The small quarters weren’t the problem, but the noise and endless parties. Arthur preferred a whiskey in the corner of a room while reading his textbooks. Regardless, the city and the dorms gave him the same feeling: dirty and crowded.
Without having Isaac in the car with him, he can be alone with his thoughts. He begins to think about where he is in life and where he wants to be. He started to think about what Hosea said. Why hasn't he married Eliza? Is it commitment issues, fear, the desire for independence, or a combination of all three? Maybe if Mary had never re-entered his social circle, he would have eventually asked Eliza to marry him, but now it's not so straightforward. Not anymore.
And now he has different obstacles in his way. His job and Isaac's cancer. He couldn't possibly think about marriage, at least, not yet.
Pulling up into the driveway, Arthur steps out of his SUV and feels the heat of the sun. There are no trees nearby to cast their shade, and he squints his eyes. Once his eyes adjust, he sees the rest of his family get out of Hosea's truck. He turns for a moment to open the back passenger door of his SUV and Copper jumps out. He energetically turns around and as Arthur begins to meet up with his family, Copper follows closely.
Music can be heard from behind the house, but it sounds fresher than a stereo...live music?
"Looks like the band is playing," Hosea calls to Arthur, as he catches up to them.
Arthur nods, smiling softly. "It sure sounds like it. They sound pretty good!"
"Of course, they do," Bessie says matter-of-factly and she takes her grand baby’s hand. "Let's go in.”
As they head up the front steps, the gate to the backyard swings open. A tall man in a red dress shirt and black slacks approaches them. The many rings on his fingers glimmer in the sun.
"Hosea!" Dutch calls, waving.
"Dutch!" Hosea turns to go back down the steps to embrace his long-time friend. "I almost didn't recognize you without being in a suit!"
"Oh, this is a casual gathering, my good friend. I'd hate to get mustard on a thousand-dollar piece of Italian art."
They hug each other, laughing. Dutch steps aside from Hosea and sees who has accompanied him to the cookout. "And Bessie, how nice to see you."
Bessie smiles. "Hello, Dutch.” And then she looks down at Isaac. “Do you remember my grandson?"
Dutch squats down to look at the young boy standing in front of her. "This couldn't be Isaac? You were such a string bean when I last saw you." Isaac smiles shyly. "You look so much like your mother."
Isaac’s eyes light up, that curiosity proving Dutch’s observation. Every time Arthur and Eliza have talked about it, she’s always insisted that he looks mostly like his father. But Arthur can’t deny the resemblance in their eyes, their curiosity, and softness of spirit. Isaac is like his mother. "You know my mom?"
"Of course, I do! Lovely woman." He stands and looks at Arthur. "I know everyone."
"Somehow, that don't surprise me," Arthur comments, extending a hand to Dutch. Dutch shakes it and uses his other hand to clap Arthur's shoulder.
"Good to see you, son."
Arthur feels somewhat awkward, as Dutch was one of the three people that witnessed the event at the last party. "Hi, Dutch."
"How have you been?"
Arthur shrugs and answers vaguely. "Oh, fine. Glad to see you're doing well."
Dutch grins from ear to ear. "Never better! I've got big plans for this group, big plans! We've got advertising, we've got PR, we have a bodyguard, and we have a makeup artiste." The look he gives Arthur indicates there's something special about the makeup artist, meaning it has a feminine shape.
Arthur snorts. Dutch will never cease to do something new, or spare no expense. "Bodyguard? Really?"
"Why sure! I'd ask you, but you're all caught up in protecting baby bunnies and little birdies."
Arthur rolls his eyes. "It's more than that, Dutch."
Dutch replies with a hint of sarcasm and condemnation. "Oh-oh of course it is! Now, let's go back to the shindig, shall we? John's been talking about nothing but you boys since this morning!"
Dutch leads the way as Hosea catches up to walk aside his friend. "How's Annabelle, Dutch?"
Dutch gives his friend a bitter look. "Annabelle's off to see her sister."
"Is that so...?" Hosea's voice drifts off, already knowing why she isn't here to celebrate the band's first tour.
Arthur, too, knows. Perhaps the makeup artiste has something to do with it. Dutch has always been one for the ladies. They just can't seem to resist the fashion sense and ol' Dutch charm. Regardless of age, he has always seemed to charm his way in and out of anything. Poor Annabelle loved him to a fault, and Arthur can never see her leaving him. She would be back, like always.
Arthur begins to look around. There is a good amount of people here, some have gathered in groups and are socializing. There are some children who are running around with balloons, so it is safe to assume that these people are family to the band members. As a group of children run by, Arthur recognizes one of them as the four-year-old John "Jack" Marston. Jack glances at them as he passes then quickly stops, recognizing them.
"Uncle Arthur!" he cheers and runs to him.
"Hiya, Jack!" Arthur greets, as he picks the boy up to give him a hug.
Isaac looks up at Jack and smiles. Jack sees him and waves. "Isaac, hi!"
"Hi,” Isaac replies softly. He isn’t as outgoing as Jack is. That is something he gets from both Eliza and Arthur. In fact, it is by chance that they ever met. A simple accident and happenstance. Like as though fate couldn’t have planned it any better.
Jack studies his friend and sees Isaac's scar. He frowns and points a small finger. "What happened to your head?"
Arthur quickly clears his throat. "Uh, Jack, why don't you and Isaac go play, huh?" Arthur puts Jack down, who seems to forget he had asked a question.
"Okay!" Jack sings.
Isaac points a finger at the balloon floating above Jack’s head. "Hey, Jack, where did you get that balloon?"
"Mama was making them,” Jack says as he turns, already on the move again. I can show you!"
"Sure," Isaac smiles and follows Jack as they run off in a different direction. Copper watches for a moment and looks up at Arthur. Arthur nods and Copper takes off after the children.
Dutch and the rest have already moved on, and Arthur walks quickly to catch up to them. Passing by someone manning the grill, they stop in front of the band which is finishing a set. They have a simple setup, but it is clear that they are a full band. Sean McGuire mans the drums, Javier Escuella with guitar, and John plays the bass as he sings into the microphone. Two women that Arthur doesn't recognize are doing background vocals, while one plays the violin. Together, they make a fine country rock band.
Javier plays a quick riff on his guitar and leaps into the microphone.
"Dejé mi corazón contigo en St. Denis,
pero si me llamas te digo que "¡Si!"
botella tras botella,
que no pudieron reemplazar,
¡las estrellas, las estrellas,
en tus hermosos ojos...!"
Then John comes back in again, with the vocalists joining in:
"But you were a tame queen,
I was a wild thing,
You were of the city,
I was the country
And we could never be!"
Another musical riff and both Javier and John join the microphone.
"'Cause I am an outlaw!
An outlaw
On the run!"
Sean hits hard on the drums and John strums one time and lets it ring until it fades. Those who are gathered applaud and cheer. John bows and gestures to the rest of his band, who all take a bow.
"I guess they're done?" Arthur asks out loud.
"Oh, they'll be playing again," Dutch reassures him. "But they've gotta mingle with the fans." Dutch approaches the band, who are gently setting their instruments aside. "Well done, gentlemen! And oh, ladies." He looks over at the backup singers who giggle.
"Thanks, Dutch." John says. John never called Dutch "Dad" like Arthur had called his adoptive parents. Dutch and Annabelle adopted John when he was twelve, but it seems that their relationship has always been more like a business transaction. Deep down, Dutch has a good heart, but he is always about image. And money.
Dutch walks off to greet some other guests, leaving them to their own devices.
John sees Arthur and eagerly steps off the stage to greet his brother from another mother.
"Arthur!" They take each other by the arm and hug. "Good to see you, brother."
"Good to see you too, John.” When they break away, he gestures to the bandstand with a swing of his arm. “Looks like you got yourself quite the group!"
"Oh yeah, all part of Dutch's plan," he scoffs, his voice more raspy than usual. "It was his idea to sing the whole album for this get-together. My voice better hang on, otherwise, I'm gonna lose it."
"You could just tell him no," Arthur chuckles.
John shakes his head. "I can fire a manager, but I can't fire a manager who happens to be my dad."
"I could see how that would be difficult," Arthur nods.
John comes beside Arthur and wraps an arm around his shoulder. "So how's Isaac doing?"
The tone of the conversation shifting, Arthur’s smile falls. "I wish I had good news…”He pauses, swallowing hard. “His cancer's back."
John removes his arm and swears under his breath. "Then what was all that treatment for?" he asks, his brow furrowed. They both continue to walk about the yard, the sounds of other conversations and laughter filling the property.
Arthur appreciates John’s empathy, someone why shares in the anguish he’s been holding inside his chest. He rolls his shoulders, tucking his chin. "That's what I thought, but Eliza has hope that this new treatment will work."
"Eliza, huh?" John gives Arthur an inquisitive look. "So...how's that going? Heh, or should I even ask?"
Arthur sighs, might as well tell him, given he saw the exchange that started this mess. "It's...better than I thought. But I'm taking a step away from everything. I don't want anyone hurt."
John nods his head, clapping Arthur on the shoulder. "Hey, that's a good plan, Arthur. I've always known that you were a sensitive type."
Arthur gives him a look, but it fails to conceal his smirk. "Hey—"
John then leans in and lowers his voice a tad. "But I need to warn you, Dutch has hired on some new people to represent the band."
Arthur thinks about the bodyguard and beautiful woman that Dutch hired. "Yeah, he did mention that."
"Sure, but did he say who?"
Arthur shrugs, lifting a brow. "Some makeup artist?"
"Yeah, but that's not—"
Arthur doesn't need John to finish that sentence. A few feet away, Dutch is working his charm on a lady, a woman with black hair, in a turquoise party dress and pearls, and little black heels.
It's Mary.
Arthur feels himself freeze in his stride, turning away from her. "Why did he bring her here?"
"She's our advertising,” John explains with a regrettable sigh.
Arthur places a palm on his forehead, eyes wide. "You've got to be kidding me, since when?"
"A week ago?"
He looks at John sharply and points his thumb behind him, in her direction. "He saw what happened!"
John shrugs his shoulders, narrowing his eyes. "You think my dad cares about drama? He creates it for a living!" Arthur quickly walks in the opposite direction and tries to avoid being seen. John follows. "I'm sorry, Arthur."
Arthur shakes his head. He doesn’t want John to feel bad about it. He wasn’t the one kissing her. "It ain't your fault."
"Sure, but that doesn't mean I'm happy for you."
"Do you think she saw me?"
John looks back and after a moment he shakes his head. "She was talking to Dutch, and she was looking right at him."
Arthur looks at John with half lidded eyes and lips forming a flat line, unimpressed. "It's called peripheral vision, John."
John waves off the correction dismissively. "Whatever.” Then suddenly, his eye brightens and he lightly smacks Arthur’s arm. “Hey, have you said hi to my wife?”
"Nope, we just got here."
He points to the house. "She's probably inside. Let's go see."
John leads Arthur past another group, under the patio, and through the sliding doors. It has been a while since Arthur has been here. Going through the back, they pass the living room, down a hallway, and into the kitchen. It is no surprise to see Abigail, hard at work, cutting watermelon. She brushes away her bangs and looks up. "Oh! Arthur! When did you get here?"
Arthur waves at her. "Not too long ago. Isaac is running around with Jack."
Abigail smiles, smoothening her hair with a swipe of her palm. "Oh, that's great, how is the boy?"
"They say his cancer is back," John answers, coming up to her and taking a slice of watermelon.
Abigail clicks her tongue, her smile instantly disappearing. “Oh no. Arthur, I'm so sorry. You know I don't work in the cancer unit, but if I did, he would be my favorite patient," she reaches over and squeezes his arm empathetically.
Arthur feels a lump in his throat and quickly swallows it, nodding his head. He has to keep it in, like he does everything else. "Yeah, he's a good kid."
"How is Eliza taking all this?"
Arthur catches the side-eye from John before answering Abigail. She also had the pleasure to see the exchange and Arthur’s sure she and John have talked about it. "She's taking it hard, we both are."
Abigail nods, understanding. "I'm sure. I haven't heard from her in a couple of days, so I was starting to worry. Now I can see why."
"Yeah, well, at least she talked to you."
Abigail gives John a nervous look, then looks back at Arthur and smiles. "Well, I am glad that you and Isaac could make it. Jack has been so excited! He needed something to be happy about, on account of John leaving on tour."
Arthur puts his hands in his Jean pockets, turning to John. "How long are you going to be gone, John?"
"Three months. We are going eastward, stopping in a few cities, finally landing in NYC."
Arthur lifts his brow, impressed. "Sounds like quite the trip."
"I'll say," Abigail says under her breath, as she aggressively chops at the watermelon.
"It'll go by fast." John's attempt to reassure her doesn't appear to be working, as she taps his hand when he reaches for another slice.
"But it won't be long before Dutch has you go on another tour." She adjusts her posture and voice to mimic her father-in-law, "'Just one more tour and we're in! Just. One. More. Album and we're in, son!" She chops the watermelon again. "It never ends!"
John draws closer to his wife, lowering his voice. "Hey, we've talked about this already, Abigail, do we need to rehash it in front of Arthur?"
"Well, we got to see them fight, now it's our turn!"
Abigail goes to speak, then stops herself. She looks to Arthur and her expression softens. "I'm sorry, Arthur. Please forget I said anything."
Arthur waves it off. "I think I'm going to see what Isaac is up to. Hopefully, he isn't getting into something he shouldn't." Arthur steps back and turns around, soon hearing John and Abigail muttering to each other.
He feels his phone in his pocket vibrating and quickly pulls it out. His caller ID says it's Charles.
He answers. "Charles?"
"Arthur, are you at home?"
"No, I'm at a party...or something. What's going on?"
"Can you get to a TV?"
Arthur looks back and sees Abigail and John busy talking, so he goes to their family room where he last remembered the TV sat.
"Yeah, hang on." He enters the family room and turns on the TV. "It's on."
Charles’ tone still remains calm, but there is a budding urgency in his voice. "Go to the local news channel."
Arthur doesn't have cable TV at home, so it takes him a minute to use the remote. "Yeah, give me a sec."
Using the menu, he searches for the local news channel and selects it.
On the TV screen, a young woman stands in front of what looks like orange tape bordering a selected area of woods. He recognizes it to be a campground at a state park where he has patrolled. There are several people in the background. Upon further inspection, he sees Charles on the phone!
Arthur nearly spits and he takes another step toward the television. "Charles?!"
On the screen, he sees Charles’ mouth move, matching the words as he speaks to him over the phone. "I'm hanging up now. I don't want them to know I called you."
The call ends, but Arthur continues to watch as the scene unfolds.
A nameplate appears on the screen underneath the news reporter. It reads, Tilly Jackson, High Sierra News Reporter.
"We are here now in the northern region of Redwood Falls, where another hunting accident has been reported. It was found by a game warden, who chooses to remain anonymous, on one of their routine patrols. The identity of the body has not been disclosed at this time, to allow time to contact the family, but we do now have the identity of the first victim of a hunting accident. His name is Thomas Downes, and he is known in the community for philanthropic work at homeless shelters and church functions. He was out on a boar hunting trip and had accidentally shot himself while at camp.
"Now, this recent accident has similar circumstances, so to ensure that precautions are being taken, this area of the park is being temporarily closed. Parks and recreational areas that permit more checkpoints and security will remain open until a new procedure can be in place.
"I have here with me Special Operations Warden Michael Barnes, who has been leading this investigation. Warden Barnes, what can you tell us about the incident?" She points her microphone at him. The smug look on his face clearly shows that he is enjoying the attention.
"Well, Ms. Jackson, this is again another typical case where a hunter does not take necessary precautions in gun safety. It is important to follow all safety guidelines that the Department of Conservation provides. In order to receive your permit, you need to be schooled in gun safety. This victim did not have a permit, and was most likely not properly trained."
Ms. Jackson pauses for but a few seconds, before asking another question. "Is it true that this victim was alone?"
Michael nods his head slowly, a smug grin on his face as he eyes the young reporter. "Yes, and I thank you for asking that question," his attempt at flattery makes Arthur cringe. "You should never go hunting alone. You never know what dangers you may come across."
Ms. Jackson looks unimpressed, moving on to her next question, "Could any of these indicate suicide?"
"Certainly not! With the first accident, there was no suicide note, and after speaking to his family, there was no indication that the victim would commit suicide. Mr. Downes was just a happy-go-lucky dude--er man."
"Is there a coincidence to these accidents happening so closely in succession?"
Michael shakes his head. "Of course not, they are accidents. The only thing they have in common is that they are both so tragic."
The reporter nods. "Understood. Thank you, Mr. Barnes."
"That's Special Agent Barnes."
Ms. Jackson does not respond but turns back to the camera. “Back to you, Tim."
Arthur has heard enough, he can get more details from Charles later. He turns the TV off.
Another victim. The fact that Charles called him suggests there was something that wasn't right. An accident was an accident, and it was all paperwork, but to have another one so quickly...It was another murder.
And that meant something darker was lurking.
There could be a serial killer, ready to kill again.
And Arthur wants to do something about it.
Sorry this one took so long! Been kinda busy with other things, but I hope to get back and post chapters.
Tag Requests:
@photo1030 @moeitsu @cassietrn
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cozycofics · 7 months
[LINK EXPIRED!! PLEASE CHECK REBLOG FOR FRESH ONE] For anyone interested I made a Hamilton centered discord!! An easily accessible community sounds like a good time!
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imobsessedwiththeatre · 9 months
Hey @my-dear-gal I drawed ur Hamilton friendships ideas!
Laurens & Eliza
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Peggy & Hercules!
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Wdym u told them to have sibling dynamic-
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kyleetryme · 1 month
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background information
Washington leads a corporate law firm specializing in police detective work, where a team comprising Alex, John, Laf, Herc, Aaron, Eliza, Angelica, Peggy, Charles, James, Thomas, James R, and Maria is engaged in the investigation of the Levi Weeks case, who stands accused of murdering a woman. Unbeknownst to them, this solitary suspect, is connected to a vast mafia organization that they could not have anticipated. Alex and Aaron serve as his defense attorneys, while Thomas and James take on the role of prosecutors. The remaining team members are tasked with various detective and espionage duties across different sectors, collaborating effectively to apprehend the perpetrator. The ensemble experiences emotional turmoil, financial struggles, and a series of unexpected developments that significantly alter their circumstances. Samuel serves as King George's chief aide and assistant, tasked with traveling to the United States to provide George Washington with documents concerning Levi, who is under suspicion for multiple crimes and significant fraud in England. King George retains his royal authority in this matter, and both he and Samuel arrive in the US to collaborate with Washington and the ham cast, as the situation has implications for Britain as well as the United States.
Eliza and Alex were in a relationship until Eliza became pregnant at the age of 14, which led to their breakup due to parental pressures, and eventually, they lost their feelings for each other. They remain good friends and are on phenomenal terms. And Phillip goes to Eliza' and Alex's place equally. After finding out what Alex did to Aaron(scroll to the other ones you'll find out) she immediately finds hatred and finds out GeorgeE shot Phillip after Alex told Phillip to be a man and yell at Eackcer. After Phillip's coma ends, she sees Alex's true intentions and saw how misunderstood he was and how he ulitimately caught Weeks and his organization she forgives him (past hamliza and hamliza friendship)
The situation was similar for Aaron and Theo Sr., who had Theodosia when they were 14. Their relationship ended due to Theodosia Sr. having a boyfriend at that time, a fact that Aaron was unaware of. They are currently not on good terms and Theo's mostly with Theo sr since Aaron's working most of the time. (past theoburr)
Dolley and James maintained a romantic relationship throughout their college years and briefly at the law firm during the case. However, James discovers that Dolley is employed at the Levi organization after their breakup and has consistently displayed rudeness towards Thomas, so he immediately breaks up with her.
Eliza developed an immediate fondness for Sam upon his arrival in the United States; however, Samuel initially had feelings for Angelica. Over time, he recognizes that Eliza is a more suitable match for him, appreciating her kind nature and their shared intelligence and interests. (samliza!) WARNING; rairpair
Angelica despised Charles during their high school years due to his constant confrontations with the hamilsquad, whom she regarded as her own children. However, as they collaborated on the case, she began to recognize his misunderstood nature, and some things unfolded about him, leading to the development of mutual feelings between them. (changelica!)
John and Peggy have had limited conversations, yet John has harbored feelings for her since elementary school. The hamilsquad often teased him about this, particularly in light of Alex's previous relationship with Eliza. However, during the recent case, Peggy begins to reciprocate his feelings. Washington subsequently assigns them to collaborate on various aspects of the investigation, leading to their eventual romantic involvement. (jeggy!)
Aaron and Alex have consistently been academic rivals, all throughout school and harboring mutual hatred for one another. However, circumstances in Washington made them to serve as co-defensive attorneys for the Weeks case, the two men Initially resistant to the situation, they eventually confide in each other about their struggles to be exemplary fathers. This shared vulnerability fosters a connection between them, leading to a romantic relationship. However, Maria manipulates Alex into cheating on Aaron with her, and since everyone in this firm are famous and substantial members in the economy and government, Alex publishes the affair, titled the 'Reynolds pamplet' which brings severe hurt and loss of money and sales at the law firm. Leaving Aaron helpless and devastated. As he realizes what Maria did and the surrounding events. He eventually forgives Alex and Alex treats him how he should be treated! (hamburr!!!)<3
George and Washington have been acquainted for some time through governmental duties, yet their relationship did not flourish until George and Sam arrived in the United States. George often teases Washington as a means of concealing his true feelings, which initially frustrates Washington; however, he eventually develops an affection for George. Despite George's obliviousness to this change, they ultimately engage in a heartfelt conversation that leads to love. Washington's rare gentle demeanor is primarily reserved for George, his students, particularly the Hamilsquad, and mostly Alex! (cause they have this father-son relationship!) (georgesquared!)
James and Thomas have maintained a close friendship since childhood, with Thomas harboring deeper feelings for James while dating others to conceal them. Throughout high school, James was in a relationship with Dolley, which ended due to her disrespectful behavior towards Thomas. This incident intensified Thomas's feelings for James. Recently, James has observed unusual behavior from Thomas and finds himself developing reciprocal feelings during their time together while assisting their jobs as the prosecuting attorneys. Their emotional tension culminates in an unexpected romantic encounter(hookup) at a party, which blossoms into a deeper connection. (jeffmads!!!!!)<3
James Reynolds and Maria have long been regarded as the OG power couple, having been together since their middle school years. However, during the AU, Maria has an affair with Alex, whom she had manipulated following weeks of harassment from Weeks.(levi basically forced her to manipulate alex for his own gain) which caused significant distress and devastation for James during when Alex writes and published the affair to save himself. Initially devastated by her betrayal, James eventually comes to understand the circumstances surrounding it, and why Maria did what she did. Once the firm becomes aware of the situation, Maria reassures James of her deep affection for him, leading to their reconciliation.
Lafayette and Hercules have been a couple since their high school days, experiencing occasional conflicts yet consistently demonstrating resilience in their relationship. Their attractiveness and romantic involvement often evoke envy among their peers. Additionally, they work as detective partners, and during the case, Laf is shot, prompting Herc to heroically rescue him, which further highlights the depth of their bond.
Ariana"Bullet" and George Eacker share an established relationship and no one knows that they have been working for Weeks' organization the entire time. During a park hangout with Theo, Phillip overhears George disparaging Alex and the firm, prompting him to inform Alex. Misinterpreting George as just another kid troublemaker, Alex encourages Phillip to be a man and yell at him. This confrontation leads to a tragic outcome when George shoots Phillip, leaving him in a coma. Ariana, who holds a deep affection for children, is furious with Eacker, and both ultimately recognize the gravity of their actions, especially after their arrest.
Theodisa and Phillip, who are best friends, eventually enter into a romantic relationship as they grow older. Theo was present with Phillip at the park when he overheard George Packer disparaging the company, and she is heartbroken upon learning that George shot Phillip. Throughout his coma, she remains steadfastly by his side, and once he recovers, their bond deepens significantly.
Alex and Phillip have consistently shared a strong bond, and upon learning that Phillip had been shot due to his own actions, Alex fell into a profound depression, unable to forgive himself. However, once Phillip recovered, he comforted his father by affirming that the incident was not his fault and expressing his admiration for him, stating that Alex's parenting was more than sufficient for him. (Alex and Phillip bond)
Burr and Theo have maintained a strong bond, yet their interactions have been very limited due to Burr's work commitments. And he is unaware of the extent of Theo Sr.'s mistreatment towards Theo JR., Burr provides comfort to Theo during her emotional devastating regarding Phillip. As Burr uncovers the troubling things which have been happening between Theo and Theo SR., he successfully advocates for her, ultimately securing full custody. This victory deepens their relationship, as Theo holds a profound affection for her father.
John and Alex have maintained a close friendship since their elementary school days, with John consistently serving as Alex's steadfast companion through various experiences, including the pamphlet incident and matters concerning Phillip. Throughout their journey together, John has been an unwavering support for Alex, who, in turn, holds a profound affection for his best friend. (platonic best friends lams)
this is everything I've got so far! and please everyone,
ASK QUESTIONS!!! and I am open for suggestions as well!!!
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alannacouture · 1 year
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…Yeah, I have no way to link this to Halloween, I just think it’s fun: the picture of the picture vs the picture (& a strong reminder that Richard needs to go through prop weapons training again)
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strawbrry-fields · 2 years
John Laurens x reader, Cpt. 5
Word count~ 1,727 words
Pairing~ John Laurens x reader
Warning~ mention of blood, just a few drops tho. Accidental finger prick.
Note~ Hello! It’s been a minute, but I actually wrote a really long chapter this time which I am super proud of. Also, I am deciding on what the title should be and these are a few I came up with: A Red Gardenia, Red Gardenia, Pale Gardenia, Red Tinted Gardenia, Blood Tinted Petals, A Blood Tinted Gardenia. Please let me know if you like a specific one a lot, and again, thank you for the support! (f/c) = favorite color
•Chapter 5•
It was the day of the Winter’s Ball and you were in Peggy Schuyler’s room doing her hair. You pinned a lock of hair into place, then looked at Peggy in the mirror. “Why do you want me to do your hair and not Elizabeth? She has more profound talent for hair than I do.” Your friend glanced at your face as you rested your head on her shoulder.
“Because it’s much more fun doing each others hair than asking Elizabeth to do it,” she turned her head to face you, “besides, it’s a bonding experience.” You grasped her hand and pulled her up out of the chair, quickly sitting down before Peggy could protest.
“In that case, it is my turn to be made beautiful,” You sat up straight and turned your face to the side, upturning your nose, “I am, after all, meeting someone important.” Peggy giggled at your antics, causing you to slouch back to your normal composure, giggling with her.
Playing with your hair, Peggy asked “Now what to do with these unruly locks?”
“Excuse you, miss but they are not unruly. They are perfect.” You gave Peggy the side eye through the mirror while crossing your arms, a slight hint of a smile appearing. “Regardless, I was hoping to do a twist of some kind with overlapping pieces.”
“Well that sounds manageable. I think I can do that.” As Peggy began to work on your hair, she tugged and twisted, making it extremely difficult to not yelp from the pain. There were a few times where she abruptly pulled so hard, a squeak would manage to slip past your lips. Peggy at long last announced that she was done. “Here, take a look.” She grabbed a hand mirror and put it behind your head, angling it so you could see the hairstyle in the large mirror in front of you. You only needed to observe it for a few seconds to fall in love with how she had transformed your hair.
“Oh Peggy I love it!” You exclaimed as you got up and threw your arms around her, squeezing tightly. “Thank you so very much! I hope you like yours just as much as I like mine.” You backed out of the hug just enough to see her face, her doing the same.
“Oh I do, I love the pearls,” she said while grinning from ear to ear, “now you just need something to put in your hair.” You didn’t quite hear her as you had walked over to her bed, letting your fingers run along the blankets until they reached the fabric of your dress. You examined it, the fabric flowers along the neckline, the (f/c) silk of the skirt, the delicate, golden embroidery on the corset. It was the most beautiful dress you ever had the pleasure of wearing.
“Y/N, did you hear what I said?” You whipped your head to look at Peggy, who was sat at her vanity powdering her face.
You glanced down at the dress and replied with a meek “No.”
“Well I said we need to find something to put in your hair. Something that will compliment your dress well,” Peggy turned to you with a smile, “but let’s put it on you before we figure that out.”
You spun in front of the vanity mirror, watching the skirts of your dress billow and twirl. Unable to contain your happiness and excitement, you laughed, stretching your arms to the ceiling. You slowly lowered your arms, continuing to spin until they reached your hips. Stopping and examining yourself, you felt absolutely beautiful. The layered ruffles by your wrist and the thin pearled necklace that sat on your chest added to your enthusiasm.
A knocking against the door snapped you out of your trance. You turned, seeing Eliza peeking her head inside the room. “Oh my goodness, you look so pretty!” She opened the door further and came to hold your hand. “If all the men are not looking at you by the end of the night, I am no judge of beauty.”
You smiled and grew embarrassed. “Thank you Eliza, but you are truly just as, if not more, beautiful.” Eliza laughed and reached for your other hand.
“Thank you Y/N,” she said while squeezing your hands, “However, I did come to tell you that it’s almost time to go.” With a quick glance towards the door, you hefted your skirts as you both hurried as fast as you could with heels on. The both of you weaved through the sisters’ house, finding your way to the garden where the carriage was waiting for you. When the carriage was in your line of sight, you slowed a bit, a bush with little white flowers caught your eye.
You stopped and asked “Eliza, may I borrow these?” While pointing to the flowers.
“Of course. We have plenty of those flowers I’m sure mother won’t mind it if a few are missing.” Turning back towards the bush, you plucked a few with just long enough stems that they would be able to stay in your hair for the night. While picking the last one, a thorn pricked your finger causing a tiny drop of blood to spill onto the petal. Quickly lifting your finger to your mouth, you sucked to make sure you didn’t get any drops on your dress. Glancing back towards the flower, you noticed that the drop of blood had pooled in the center of the petals. Hearing the Schuylers calling for you, you turned your head away from the bloodied flower and quickly made your way to the carriage.
As you sat next to Peggy, you gestured to the small flowers in your arms and asked “would you mind placing them in my hair?” Peggy nodded and took the flowers one by one out of your arms, delicately placing them in the twist she had made. After all the flowers were arranged, you turned around and gave her a small hug, thanking her while not wanting to ruin the both of yours’ outfits or hair.
The ride to the venue of the ball was short due to it being held close to the Schuyler’s residence. You had told your father and mother that you would meet them at the ball, wanting to get ready with your friends. Your father and mother found it acceptable due to them trusting in the Schuylers to get you to the ball safe. They had, however, asked that as soon as you arrived to come and find them so they knew you were there.
The carriage jostled to a stop, with the door of the carriage to your right opening. A gloved hand reached out to you, leading you down the steps of the carriage and onto the stone walkway. As you waited for the others to be helped out, you glanced around the courtyard. The driveway went around a fountain in the middle, with shrubs lining the road. The building was tall and beautiful, yellow lights peeking out of the windows and streaming onto the darkly lit stone of the stairs. Grabbing Peggy’s hand, you walked towards the steps of the building with your heels clacking and the swishing of your dress being the only things you hear, too distracted by your exhilaration.
You reach the top of the steps, the doors open with hundreds of people socializing and dancing. Grasping Peggy’s arm tightly, you quickly squeeze through the crowd starting the search for your parents. As you walk about the room between the dancers and the people resting, you see your father over by the stairs to the second floor. You quickly rush over to him with Peggy by your side.
“Ah, my lovely Y/N. You look beautiful, darling.” Your father reached for your hand, squeezing it as he pulled you along. “Your mother is just over this way. She’s talking with her friends.” You quickly saw your mother, talking with the women she invited often for tea.
Tapping her on the arm, you made your presence known. “Hello mother.”
Your mother’s face broke into a smile as she turned around and saw you were standing there. Reaching for both of your hands, she pulled you into a gentle hug. “My dear, you look marvelous.” Lifting your head from the hug, you smile slightly at the compliment.
“Thank you, mother, but I cannot take all of the praise. Peggy did my hair.” You turned to your right and linked arms with your companion. Your mother congratulated Peggy on her dress, with the topic of conversation drifting away into chatter. Your attention was slowly moving elsewhere.
Your eyes drifted through the crowds of dancers looking for John. You had hoped to see him here, anticipating to dance with him. Suddenly your eyes caught sight of Hercules, the polite tailor who you knew was friends with John. Turning towards Peggy, you gave her a look and gestured away from your mother. Understanding your body language, Peggy said goodbye to your mother while curtsying. You kissed your mother on the cheek while saying goodbye, then linked arms with your friend as you pulled her in the direction of the tailor.
Meandering through the sea of attendees, you got close enough to Hercules that he had seen you coming his way. Reaching him, you smiled and curtsied with Peggy following suite.
“It’s so nice to see you again Y/N, and in better circumstances,” Hercules bowed with a cheerful grin, “how has your head been?”
“Oh thank you Hercules, it is doing much better.”
“Thankfully, otherwise I would have had to drive you to the hospital in our carriage,” piped up Peggy while gently nudging you. You chuckled, then turned back to the shopkeeper.
“Hercules, would you happen to know where John Laurens is? I know he is your friend so I thought you might know.” As you spoke, you turned your head about the room with Peggy joining you, still searching for him.
Hercules followed your line of direction, while he answered with “I don’t quite know, however he said he was planning on coming. He specifically said that he wouldn’t miss it for the world.” As you slowly took in what your new friend had said, your eyes drifted across the entrance to the building and graced a familiar figure.
~~THIS FAN FICTION IS DISCONTINUED!!! I AM NO LONGER WORKING ON THIS WORK!~~ I deeply apologize for this because I fully understand how frustrating it is to read a fanfic then find out that it is discontinued; but I am rebranding to be able to post more consistently.
~~please let me know through asks, messaging, or comments if you want to be in the Taglist, and thank you for the support~~
Taglist: @froggydobegaytho @disneyanddisneyships @short-potato @lilithizhere @baobao0505 @yourfavstalker25789
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eliza dooley and henry higgs had the potential to be one of the best television couples in history, but were not given the appropriate amount of time to develop their relationship thoroughly due to selfie's early cancelation. in this essay, i will–
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