#arthur x eliza
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say-hwaet · 6 months ago
The Dynamic Between Arthur and the Marstons (long post )
I guess I should say there are spoilers, just in case…
After playing the story through several times, I have to say, that Arthur Morgan is one of the best characters ever written. Aside from his development, there is so much depth to him, and regardless of his honor, there is so much to unravel.
I’ve been thinking about the relationship that he has between the Marstons, meaning John, Abigail, and Jack, and it really makes sense as to how Arthur acts the way he does around them in the beginning and all the way to the end.
A lot of his behavior, I think, stems from the loss of Eliza and Isaac. It is my opinion that he himself was torn between living a full life with them and remaining loyal to his gang, and before or by the time he had made a choice, it was too late, as they were killed in a robbery. This had haunted him since and it made him extremely bitter. Later in the game, he tells Rains Fall that he realized that he didn’t get to live a bad life and have good things happen to him. I also think that he was with Eliza after Mary had broken their engagement. I can get into my support for this later, but that isn’t what this post is about.
I think that Arthur was angry with John out of jealousy. He is the “golden boy” and clearly was Dutch’s favorite at one point. Not only that but after Arthur loses his own son and lover, John and Abigail get pregnant and he takes off for a year. He abandons his family, which Arthur takes personally. Arthur had tried to do right by Eliza and Isaac and still failed. So when John has Jack and is within the circle of the gang to help and support him, he takes off. Arthur gives up a potential life with Eliza and Isaac for Loyalty to the gang and John throws it all away. When John comes back, Dutch welcomes him with open arms, and Arthur believes that he would have been held to a different standard if he had come back after being with Eliza and Isaac for a long time. And it doesn’t help that John treats Jack like crap in the beginning of RDR2.
Arthur, imo, was a good father to Isaac when he was present. We can see this in how he treats Jack. In Arthur’s journal, he writes how he should have married Abigail, but due to his feelings for Mary, he didn’t. I’m not sure why after years of not hearing from Mary he would say this, but meh. Perhaps, the hope of starting over, or that she did pop in again at some point (which is how Abigail might have met her?). Anyways. I think he says he should have married her so that she would have someone to rely on and that he could be the father Jack needed. He cares about Abigail, but I don’t think it is anything beyond that. Arthur seemed to me not to be one to be with a woman without some sort of relationship, based upon how he treats women and the prostitutes in Valentine, so I don’t think he was ever with Abigail. Even so, Abigail relies on Arthur, and while he puts up a front, he gives her money for clothing and spends time with Jack. Heck, he even tells John to step up and be a dad. In some of Arthur’s conversations with John, he tells him that he can’t be two people at once. He’s speaking from experience. I think he’s subtly telling John he needs to make a choice as to what life he’s going to live. Hosea and Arthur both tell Abigail and John to leave at parts of the game.
When Jack is kidnapped, and eventually rescued, I think it is one of the most heart-wrenching missions and scenes. I can see it in Arthur’s body language that he longs for the family that he once had. He’s alone in his pain and when everyone is celebrating, Arthur doesn’t sing with the gang; there isn’t even the option to do it like it does other times. Even in my first playthrough, it seemed so sad to me. Everyone was drinking and singing, but Arthur just looked so sad.
So, it is at this point that John starts to step up, and Arthur starts to show symptoms of his illness. When he learns of his diagnosis, Arthur’s eyes open to the reality of the gang’s downfall, and he acknowledges the doubts/reservations he has about Dutch’s plans and schemes. He isn’t blindly loyal anymore. He tries to get John, Abigail, and Jack out, so that they can have the life that he had lost due to loyalty to the gang. He continually tells John to get out and that it would mean a lot to him. In his journal, after rescuing John from prison, he writes in his journal “…We’ve argued over the years, but I’ve grown to care a little for [John]. He’s less of a fool than he was, and maybe he can have the luck that has eluded me. Jack is an innocent little boy. In him, I see what I missed [meaning Isaac]. We did it.” This speaks volumes to me about how he feels about them in the end. He sacrifices himself to let John live. And though it isn’t forever, Arthur dies believing that he made it, and that matters. And hopefully, he could finally be at peace and see Eliza and Isaac again.
I could keep going, but I think I am too long-winded. I guess that helps when writing fleshed-out fanfiction stories, but not for posts. LOL
Would love to hear other thoughts or opinions, I’m always keen for a discussion.
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opha-the-awesome · 1 year ago
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eliza, isaac and young john marston.
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dalekofchaos · 6 months ago
Scenario 1. We take Landon Rickets in Blackwater more serious and Landon saw what Dutch did and when he has the opening, Landon shoots Dutch dead. Hosea and Arthur gather everyone and lead them on a path to get lost in the west, gather their strength. Hosea makes the complete opposite of Dutch's decisions throughout the game and the gang is better off for it.
Scenario 2. Arthur arrives very late and sees Thomas Downes is having a coughing fit and collapses and figures that this debt isn't worth it. So Arthur never catches TB. He has his same character arc because he sees that Dutch is losing it and Micah is...Micah. Differences is. Arthur easily overpowers Milton and Arthur kills Micah.
Scenario 3. Arthur takes it upon himself to take responsibility and care for Eliza and Isaac. Turns out Eliza can contribute to the gang. She has a history of pickpocketing when tips as a waitress were low or nonexistent and under Hosea's tutelage, she's a damned good con artist. Isaac takes a liking to "Grandpa Hosea" and "Ol Dutch" the girls adore Isaac and the gang are protective of him. When Jack comes around, Isaac is like an older brother to Jack and Abigail adores him and when the Braithewaites try to steal Jack, Isaac fires a warning shot and everyone comes running to Jack's aid. Because of his family, Arthur chooses not to go after Downes and doesn't get TB. One day, Micah makes a pass at Eliza and makes an offhand comment about Isaac. And Arthur proceeds to beat the shit out of him "You come near my family again, and I'll kill you" Arthur puts his family first and chooses to get out when the writing is on the wall. When they go to free John from Piska, Abigail, Jack, Eliza and Isaac are all waiting and they leave and never look back,
Scenario 4. I know timeline wise this can't work, but it's a fun thought. Basically after Blackwater, Red is on the hunt. He is the "super bounty hunter" Trelawny warned the gang about. The Gang at first doesn't take the threat seriously, but suddenly members of the gang go missing and are delivered to the Pinkertons. Near the end, he sees the humanity in Arthur, John and his family, Charles and Sadie and helps them. Red shoots Micah dead and takes Dutch in. Arthur and John split the money and live in peace
Scenario 5.
Sadie (after chapter 3), Kieran (with his head intact), Charles Smith and Lenny. Josiah Trelawny as the heist leader.
Send the team to Blackwater, their mission is to retrieve the money.
Sadie, new member of the team, no one know her as VDL gang, no big bounty yet, able to do Gun Fight.
Kieran, Horse gateaway duty. No one know him, he can be the spy to make sure that Colm team doesn't interrupt at all.
Charles, Bodyguard, gunsmith, considered safe bet, he was not in the big heist. Charles is also natural for stealth approach
Lenny, Sniper. Watching the team from the distance (from the camping spot where Arthur and co preparing to save Sean). He is also the one who can run quick back to main camp if anything happen
Josiah. The magician, the mastermind. He can safely travel anywhere, to make it a great decoy in Blackwater.
Arthur + Dutch + The rest of the gang can camping safely outside the border waiting for Lenny to come back
Scenario 6. Just a thought I had. What if Mac returned instead of Milton. But completely changed. After Blackwater and Davey's death, Mac goes through a similar journey as Arthur had and sacrifices himself so Arthur and John can escape
Scenario 7. Just had to include the absolute worst scenario possible. Micah orders Cleet and Joe to go back for Tilly and Jack. When Arthur and John are on the run, Micah yells out that he has Abigail and Jack and if the two of them don't show up to Beaver's Hollow in the next 10 minutes, then he'll kill them both. At first they don't believe him until he hears Abigail yell out for John. John rushes towards his family and is shot dead. And Arthur fights him to the death. The TB kills him and John's family is left at Micah's mercy. The trauma Jack witnesses causes amnesia. And Micah sees the opportunity to do what his father did to him. Take him under his wing and make Jack the deadliest outlaw in the world and as a final insult to Arthur and John. Jack Marston, is now Micah Bell IV
Scenario 8. After seeing how far Dutch has fallen with Micah poisoning his mind. Arthur contacts Mary and leaves with her. He asks Sadie and Charles to help John and his family and to help the girls, Pearson and Uncle leave. Mary takes Arthur away to the right climate and makes a full recovery. Eventually John, Abigail and Jack contact him. Charles and Sadie would join them shortly after helping the Wapiti tribe escape. Arthur advises them all. "Leave Micah. Revenge is a fool's game. All he did was reveal who Dutch truly is, eventually they'll both be caught or killed. Leave it all behind and don't look back." Arthur and Mary build a farm for themselves and a family and get the life Arthur always wanted with Mary. They help John and his family on Beecher's hope and all is well with the Morgans and the Marstons.
Scenario 9.
During the year that John left the gang. What if John somehow found his way to New Austin. He finds himself drifting and just thinking Abigail and the kid would be better off without him. One day he finds himself on the MacFarlane ranch. Bonnie asks for his help stopping some rustlers stealing their horses. John decides to stay and help the MacFarlanes out and somehow he finds the peace he's never had with Abigail. One thing leads to another and John falls in love with Bonnie and marries her. Meanwhile, Arthur helps Abigail take care of Jack and John's absence brings them together and they leave the gang after Molly is killed.
Scenario 10.
Hosea, Lenny, Kieran and Sean survive. Arthur convinces Molly to leave during the Saint Denis chapter and that Dutch doesn't love her and it's best if she left. Sadie and Charles return in time. Everyone stands with Arthur and they end Dutch, Micah. With half the gang against Dutch, Bill and Javier see sense and side with Arthur and John. Everyone splits the money and separates.
Scenario 11.
Arthur lives and helps John set everything up. He leaves with Sadie and kills Micah. Arthur chooses to hunt down Bill, Javier and Dutch in exchange for the Marstons freedom.
Arthur kills Bill at Fort Mercer. Arthur stealthily infiltrates Fort Mercer just like Fort Wallace. Kills Bill's gang one by one, until all that's left is Bill. "Hello Bill" "Arthur??" "I'll give you a choice come quietly or we can end this the good old fashioned way" Bill grabs his gun and Arthur shoots him dead “You were always a weak minded fool.”
Arthur hunts down Javier in Mexico. However, Arthur does not play both sides. He sees how desperate the people of Nuevo Paraíso have become. He even meets an old friend, Sister Calderon, now Mother Superior. He asks what side is right and she tells him to help Luisa and Mr Ricketts, they will help him in return.
One conversation with Reyes and Arthur sees right through him. He's nothing but a self-absorbed coward who uses the people of Mexico for his own ambitions. Instead of helping Reyes, Arthur is helping Luisa see sense and one day, Arthur and Luisa catches Reyes having an affair and Luisa kills him. The official story is Javier snuck into Reye's quarters and killed him and his mistress. Reyes Rebellion, now becomes Luisa's Rebellion.
Luisa fulfills her promise and helps Arthur find Javier.
"Well, well, well. Hello old friend." "Hello brother." "Oh, I'm your brother now, am I? "Arthur, I always loved you. I was always on your side." "Loyalty never meant that much when you stood by Dutch's side." "So what, you're taking the governments orders now?" "Look who's talking. From a revolutionary to Allende's lapdog." “Colonel Allende promised me a full pardon, all that mattered was returning home.” Arthur gets the best of Javier, lasso's him and delivers him to Ross and Fordham. Javier condemns Arthur and John. Arthur parts Javier telling him he was nothing more than a blind fool clinging to one master to another.
Arthur kills Dutch. He looks at him with disgust. “Hello Arthur, my son.” “Oh, I’m your son, am I? That didn’t mean a damned thing to you all those years ago when you chose the rat over me.” “I….I did no such thing, you and John BETRAYED ME and now you’re working for them.” “It’s either work with them to kill you or I die” and look at you, using another tribe of Indians like you used Eagle Flies. You’re pathetic.“ "If it’s all the same to you,I’d rather kill you Dutch.” During the shootout on the mountains, Arthur is mocking him for allowing the once great man to be reduced to his shell of his former self. Dutch telling Arthur he should have left him on the streets to die. Arthur mocking his lack of plan and just telling Dutch to “have some goddamn faith” When he has him on the cliff of Coachinay, Arthur just mocks him. “The great Dutch van der Linde, the man with a plan!” For the first time in his life, Dutch shows an ounce of humility and takes responsibility. “Arthur, I let him damn us all. If I had just listened to you, Hosea and John, we would’ve made it.” “If I had just let him hang, we would be in Tahiti” and Dutch falls to his death. At the end of the mountain, Arthur and Ross are by Dutch’s corpse. Arthur demanding to know if he’s finally free. Ross tells him one more mission. Kill John Marston and before Ross can say anything more, Arthur grabs Dutch’s gun and kills Ross. Fordham sees what transpires and mocks Ross “Oh trust me, it’ll look better in the report” Fordham telling Arthur what makes him think they won’t kill him. “You know why? I know too much. See, I know why you used me. Your governor Nate Johns election is coming up and he needed you and you needed me to clean up the state. Lets just say I told some folk and if word gets out I’m dead, then mr Johns won’t get reelected. You leave me and John Marston and his family alone and no one talks." And just like that, Arthur and John live.
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photo1030 · 6 months ago
Oh dang, it never occurred to me that their paths may have crossed!
Arthur's love stories and the overlap
I need a cannon story line pre game, specifically because I want to know how Eliza and Mary connects since their timeline makes little sense... Unless.
When Arthur talks about Eliza he says "he was such a sweet kid, she was too I guess," hinting at the fact that he did not see her as a kid when they were together, meaning he was either around those 19 years as well or younger.
There is also a dialouge where Arthur compares issac to Jack so we can assume Isaac was around four years old as well when he died.
I can follow this far. That would mean they met sometime around 1882, five years later 1887, they die, that would place Arthur at 24 years old.
But now I question when Mary comes in, because they met at "an early age," the majority of people even say when they were teenagers. I would definately say that compared to the fact Arthur is 36 in 1899, 24 years old is not that early.
Also he does not look 24 years old.
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Now we could go ahead and maybe say Mary was first, it would match with the fact that he was young and it would match with the fact that they hadn't seen each other for a bit, but now we face another problem.
Abigail knows Mary, all the camp girls does (except Sadie) and Abigail joined in 1894. Jamie also knows Annabelle and Bessie whom have been dead a while.
(Added!) Abigail does not just seem to have heard about Mary, but also seen her from this dialogue she can have with Arthur "I remember you and Mary used to play dominos together" "Yeah" "I always liked her."
Isaac and Eliza has also been dead a while, meaning it couldn't have just happened withinthe last couple of years.
Now with none of the time lines matching up, I do think he slept with Eliza while "courting" Mary. Back then courtship took forever and it was a process that included parental agreement and with the heavy purity culture and the fact that loyality was only really seen as something after marriage, I don't see why he should not.
(Tags: @pinescent-and-gingerbread @photo1030)
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elizaisdunn · 10 months ago
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merthur are both so dumb this is exactly how a love confession scene would go
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hihomeghere · 1 year ago
Dreams | Arthur Morgan/Reader
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Word Count : 1.1k Summary : Arthur starts having dreams of starting a family with you Warnings/tags : Cursing, fluff, mention of infidelity, just Arthur being a sweet guy <3
He knows he shouldn’t feel like this. Shouldn’t be having these thoughts, because all they are just dreams. They’re never going to become a reality. Not when they’re constantly on the move, running from place to place. He sees the way it affects Jack, poor kid, not knowing what the hell is going on. And his daddy doesn’t exactly help him understand. 
He can’t even say he would be a better father, he wasn’t before. 
Hell you two ain’t even married yet, and he’s not that much of a fool. Not anymore. His regret for not marrying Eliza weighs heavily on him most days, even if he didn’t love her in that way. Now you on the other hand, he loves you more than anything. More than this stupid gang, more than life itself. He would happily lay down his life if he knew you would be happy, safe. 
When these thoughts enter his head, he can’t say. His days sort of blend together, making it hard to pinpoint. Although seeing you interact with Jack doesn’t help. 
You are so sweet, so motherly, hell you even mother the younger folks in the gang. Soft touches, kind words, but internally strong. You have all the qualities he finds attractive in a woman. Somehow you fell for him just as hard as he fell for you. 
But he ain’t a fool, he knows this ain’t the right time or place. So instead he writes down all these dreams in his journal, his safe place. The place where he can say anything without being judged. He dreams of little girls, he didn’t know how to interact with Isaac. Too afraid of being his own father. Girls seem less daunting, and a little you would be perfect. He already has one angel, what’s one more?
He comes up with the name while north of Brandywine Drop. The bright purple flowers caught his eye just off the trail.
Violet Beatrice Morgan.
His heart sings, scribbling the name down in the margins of his journal. He finds himself writing VM in his journal, smiling foolishly to himself. It’s beautiful, his precious flower. 
It’s not like you meant to snoop. You were looking for Arthur, since he was nowhere to be found. You entered his tent, which in reality wasn’t much of a tent at all, finding his journal open. You walked over to it, looking over the worn page. There were the normal doodles he drew, along with his flowing hand writing. But one thing stood out to you, a pair of initials circled by hearts. VM.
You furrowed your brows, you couldn’t think of anyone you knew with the initials VM. Those definitely weren’t your initials either. 
With your curiosity peaked you flipped through a couple more pages. VM was written everywhere, along with those damn little hearts. 
You felt that little green monster grow inside you the further you looked into his journal. Biting your cheek so hard you could taste blood. It did nothing to quench the fire inside of you. 
“Darlin?” Arthur called walking into the so-called tent. You dropped the journal back onto the table, turning to face him. “There you are.” He grinned walking towards you.
“Here I am.” You said forcing a smile.
“Hosea said you were looking for me.” He said softly, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, "Anything you need?”
“Must have forgot.” You said with a noncommittal shrug, “I ought to get back to work.” You nod walking past him. Arthur furrowed his brow at your attitude. Did he say something to offend you?
Then his eyes fall onto his open journal. His stomach drops at the sight. Jesus, you saw. You saw all of it. You were probably thinking the worst, seeing the initial surrounded by hearts. How was he gonna fix this?
You stomped off to the edge of camp, trying to wrack your brain as to who this VM could be. And why was Arthur drawing hearts beside the initials? Maybe you had this all wrong, Arthur would never do anything to hurt you. He was a good man, a man you could trust. Wasn't he?
“Y/n!” He called trailing behind you, a crestfallen expression on his face. You stopped at the tree lining, biting your lip as you turned to face him. “I can explain.”
“I’m sure you can.” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I-“ He sighed looking down, pinching the bridge of his nose as he let out a low curse. 
“Who is she?” You asked clenching your jaw. He furrowed his brows looking up at you.
“What?” He asked, his hands settling on his hips.
“VM, the girl you keep drawing hearts around. Who is she?” You were blunt, something he loved so much. Always telling it like it is, never leaving him to guess your feelings. A small smile spread on his face, which only made you more mad. “Seriously, you think this is funny?” You hissed, taking a step towards him. Arthur only had one choice, to tell you the truth. 
“Violet.” He said softly, reaching for you. “Violet Morgan.” You let him wrap his hand around your forearm, pulling you close to his chest.
“Who is Violet Morgan?” You asked, swallowing thickly. He sighed, looking off to the side, wetting his lips.
“She’s uh-“ He shook his head, a nervous smile on his lips. “She’s not exactly real, not yet at least.” He said. 
You shook your head, brows knitted together, “Not real? The hell you mean, not real?”
“I-“ He rubbed the back of his neck looking down, “It’s uh- shit.”
“Spit it out Morgan.” You huff throwing your arms up. 
“I thought of a name,” He explained, “A name for a girl if we- if we have one some day.” He said with a shrug, his cheeks flushed, almost as though he had been in a scuffle. 
If we have one some day. 
“Oh Arthur.” You said softly, a smile spreading across your face. Feeling suddenly very foolish for doubting your man. “That's so sweet.” You took a step forward, tilting his face up to look at you. 
“Yeah?” He asked, looping his fingers in his gun belt. 
“Yeah.” You repeated, nodding. “Jesus you had me scared you were gonna tell me you found someone else.” You chuckled, shaking your head.
“Never. There ain’t no one else in this goddamn world that could replace you.” He said his hand reached up to cup your face. “You’re uh- you’re it for me darlin.” His bright blue eyes peered into yours, love and affection pouring out in his expression. 
“When we have our girl.” You said brushing away a stray strand of honey brown hair, “Violet will be a perfect name.” He grinned, wrapping a hand around your waist.
“Guess it’s settled then.” He said as he leaned down to press his lips against yours.
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rottencecil · 10 months ago
When I tried to explain their relationship, I discovered they had suspicious things in common…
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I'm sorry…
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r3vok3d · 3 months ago
here is a fanfic for anyone who is interested, it’s pre-game/ pre-canon rdr2 and about the gang
it’s very long but such a good read! it took me forever to read it all as i only read it here and there and had a lot of other fanfic on my plate but nonetheless this has to be one of my favourites!
if you have time to read it, do it! and if you want more fanfics ask away because i have a list 🫡
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anonymousqualities · 11 months ago
Rdr2 AU: Arthur met charles before the events of rdr2.
I'm conflicted if I want them meeting before and didn't realize it (they both forgot, arthur more so, lol) or Arthur is the one to recruit charles or just a mixture of both lol
They would meet 8 years prior, so arthur is 28 & charles is 18/19
I also HC Charles had selective mutism when he was younger so that applies here.
-when Arthur find Isaac and Eliza's graves he finds out Charles dug them. Charles had just began getting to know Eliza as a friend before the incident.
-Arthur runs into him while saying a last goodbye to the graves at the same time charles is bringing flowers.
-Not sure If I'd want Arthur to be hostile or kind. If he's drunk, probably alil hostile. It would also explain him forgetting the encounter.
-At this point in time, Charles can't stand drunks. The wounds from having to leave his dad still fresh.
-Not sure what I see happening between them (nothing sexual) but the short encounter stays with charles for a while. Arthur has a vague memory of Charles' appearance and often tried to recreate his like-ness in his journal whenever he thought about the "young man he ran into that day"
(In this AU, arthur nevers metions eliza and isaac by name. Some of the gang just know he had a son that no one feels comfortable mentioning)
-Fast-forward to rdr2 events with established charthur. Charles admits partly why he accepted Dutch's offer to join was something about arthur being familiar.
-At another time, arthur casually shares that charles reminds him of someone he use to sketch often. Never knowing if the man was real or from a dream. He shares his old sketch journal and charles is suprised to see what looks like a younger him.
Arthur: *shell-shocked after the revelation*
Charles: *intensely examining a particular sketch* "You think I should cut my hair this short again?"
Charles: ....arthur?
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thatwriterchick222 · 1 year ago
we loved once and true (arthur morgan/mary gillis)
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summary: It begins on the ranch owned by Mr. Gillis, where the eighteen-year-old Arthur Morgan is hired as a ranch hand. He is caught off guard when he meets the sixteen-year-old Mary Gillis and they hit it off despite their differences. Travel through the years as Arthur and Mary's relationship begins to grow, going through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, learning time and time again that the world they live in isn't as romantic as it may seem.
a/n: hey y'all!! so this one is a lot more in depth and ambitious than my usual stuff, because i randomly became hyperfixated on arthur and mary's relationship throughout the years. i liked that the game provided us with some good insight into their relationship but i wanted to go through and create a timeline of events and add details like when and how they met, and also elaborating on arthur's relationship with eliza. while a lot of this most likely isn't cannon, and i did take some creative liberties, i tried to stay as close to the game's timeline and kept everything within the bounds of what the game does tell us. ***disclaimer: towards the end where it actually starts tying in with with the game (1899 and 1907), i used the letters and some of the dialogue provided in the game and built off of it, so all credits go to Rockstar of course.***
**the links to each chapter are available on my masterlist**
see below for an excerpt from chapter 1 (1881):
July 12th, 1881
One day, while Arthur was repairing a fence that had been blown over in a storm the night before, he looked up to wipe the sweat from his brow and noticed someone sitting on the back steps of the large ranch house. 
It was a girl. Arthur squinted in the bright sun, adjusting his leather hat on his head. She was wearing a fancy-looking dress and had a book in her hand. 
She was awfully pretty, too.
When Arthur was done with his work, he put his tools away and made his way over to the girl on the steps. She looked up and noticed him approaching, but quickly averted her eyes and looked down at her book.
When he reached her, he cleared his throat. “Miss… Have we met?” He asked casually, taking off his hat with one hand to nod to her. She was young… perhaps Mr. Gillis’s daughter?
She looked up from her book as if pretending that she hadn’t noticed him from afar, but he knew she had. Her eyes were a deep shade of brown, her skin smooth and clean-looking. She had a beauty mark on her cheek that moved when she smiled politely at him.
“I’m Mary.” She closed her book. “Mr. Gillis’s daughter.”
Arthur placed his hat back on his head and smiled before she continued.
“You’re the new ranch hand?”
Arthur wanted to laugh at her question because it seemed obvious that he was. Had she not seen him fixing the fence just before? “Arthur. And, yes.”
“God, I hope my father hasn’t been driving you crazy.” She looked down, shaking her head. 
Arthur shifted awkwardly, placing his hands on his belt. “No… not yet.” He chuckled, lying.
“Good.” The girl looked up at him again, her expression calm. 
Arthur could feel the sun beading down on his back, and his head pound with exhaustion. “Say, could I bother you for a glass of water?”
Mary’s eyes widened, and she practically jumped up, putting her book down on the step. “Of course! You must be parched.”
Arthur smiled, amused by her enthusiasm. “Yeah. If it’s not too much trouble–”
“It’s not.” She began to climb the steps, “I’ll be right back.”
Before he could even thank her, she darted inside, the door closing behind her. Arthur chuckled to himself, pacing slightly on the stone path. She liked how she didn't look at him like some degenerate like everyone else did. She talked to him with honesty, no secret meanings behind kind words.
He looked down at her book that was sitting on the step. He was thankful Bessie and Hosea had taught him how to read because he was able to make out the title: Pride and Prejudice. 
He had never heard of it. Arthur picked up the book, flipping it over in his hand. The cover was rather ornate, dark navy with gold writing and complex designs along the spine. As he opened the cover, he realized that there was some writing inside. Notes, it looked like. Before he could read any of the neat cursive handwriting, the door swung open, and the young woman walked out with a large glass of water.
Arthur quickly closed the book, placing it back down on the step as she noticed him reading it. 
“Sorry,” Arthur said. “I was just curious about what you were readin’.”
Mary smiled, approaching the edge of the step and passing the water down to him. “It’s just a silly romance.”
Arthur took a few large gulps of water as Mary sat back down, placing the book on her lap. “Do you read?” She asked.
Arthur shook his head, wiping his lip with the back of his hand. “No, not really. I’d like to… but I don’t really…”
“I can lend you some.” She stared up at him. 
Arthur paused, wanting to accept her kindness, but also embarrassed that he couldn’t read books like that... yet, at least. He could read basic things, but books? That was a whole other story. He was a ranch hand, not a scholar.
When Mary saw his hesitance, she continued. “It’s no trouble.”
“I… Um–”
“Mary Gillis!” A loud, booming voice interrupted him, and Arthur turned to see Mr. Gillis coming around the side of the house. “There you are.” He looked at her, then at Arthur, and then back at her.
“Yes?” Mary answered, standing up. She clutched her book tightly to her body, and Arthur backed away.
“What are you doing?” The fat man approached them, looking Arthur up and down.
Mary stepped down the stairs, inserting herself between her father and Arthur. She was much shorter than both of them, Arthur felt his cheeks flush at the sight of her so close to him.
“I was reading. And then Arthur needed a glass of water, so I got him one.” Her voice was stern, yet quiet.
The man looked up at Arthur, his eyes angry. “Get back to work.”
Someday, he was going to either kill this man or rob him blind. “Alright.”
“Daddy, don’t be rude–”
The man suddenly grabbed her arm roughly, pulling her with him as he began to leave. Mary made eye contact with Arthur as she was dragged away, and Arthur's heart leapt in his chest.
check out the completed story here on ao3!
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say-hwaet · 3 months ago
If I Had to Do it All Again
Chapter One: Find Your Place Previous: Prologue Next Chapter: II Summary: You try to adjust to your new life with Arthur's gang, and learn some information about his past. Meanwhile, Arthur opens up to the only one who will really listen. Word Count: ~7,300 Warnings: Mature Themes, sexual harassment, language
The steam envelops your face as you pour the hot water from a wooden pail into a wash basin. You hold your breath a minute, as the heat mists your face, and once the water is poured out, you set the pail onto the ground. 
You then look at the pile of dishes beside you on the table and after swishing the suds around, you take a handful of stew plates and dip them in. 
Kitchen duty, nothing that you aren't a stranger to. This used to be second nature. After all, a waitress doesn’t just wait on tables. 
Wow. It’s been a long time since you’ve thought back that far. You were so very young, then. Eighteen. Working as a waitress since you were orphaned at 16. You had companions in Bethy, the sassy middle-aged woman who you looked up to,  Clarence, the cook who you thought of as a brother, and Joe, the soft-hearted boss with a sand-paper exterior. They were like family in their own way. 
Oh, it’s been years. 
“Once you’re done with all those, I’ll have you wash the stew pot,” Pearson, the swashbuckling personal chef of the gang, tells you as he walks behind you. “It’s been due for a good cleanin’ and your fine work has got me inspired.”
He isn’t rude to you, by any means, and you’re grateful, but you still feel so out of place. It’s only been four days since you’ve, for lack of a better word, joined, the gang, but you feel more of a stranger now than when Arthur was telling you stories about all of them. 
Arthur. You miss him. Every moment he’s out of your sight you long for him. He’s all you know. 
He’s gone off with Hosea on a job. You question the pairing of people when Dutch sends his boys off. John and Bill, the rising stars, with their brazenness and energy as they run off and come back as they were bid. Arthur and Hosea, the two fading lights, who are suspected to take longer and to keep sounding off their hums of dissent or supposed doubt. 
You can’t help but feel protective. Hosea stood up for you and already knowing enough about him, you trust him, just like Arthur does. 
Whenever he comes back from a job or a hunting trip, you are the first to race out into the field, baby in your arms. You always find yourself stopping short of ramming into Boadicea and standing awkwardly while he dismounts and then takes Alice from you to hold her. 
He has hardly touched you or even kissed you. It almost seems impolite, to dare in the presence of the other men and women. You’re back in that limbo again…just like you were years ago…just right after Isaac was born. 
You lift your head to keep an eye on your son. He’s close by, on some flattened grass, keeping an eye on his baby sister as she soaks in some sunshine. You have her laying on her tummy and will soon put her back in the fabric carrier you had fashioned years ago for when you gardened with Isaac. You’ve always liked working with your hands free and have grown to be quite creative over the years. 
“I knew a cook once,” you start to say, but then realize that Simon probably doesn’t want to hear your stories. You exhale sharply and rinse off the plate before setting it down on a nearby towel. 
“Well, are you gonna keep me in suspense?” Pearson’s raspy chortle startles you and you stand straight and look over your shoulder. He brings down a meat cleaver on some deer leg, looking at you expectantly. “Was he a navy man?”
Still stunned, you softly shake your head. “No…” You swallow. “We worked together at a restaurant. Back in what is now Utah.”
His eyebrows lift, his forehead moving his balding scalp. “Utah, huh?” He points the blade of his cleaver in the direction of where Arthur and Hosea left four hours ago. “I thought here is where, uh, you and him met?”
He’s curious? You don’t know enough of the deeper dynamics of the gang to know if he’s a vocal piece for everyone else’s inner thoughts, but you don’t see any harm in answering his question. “It isn’t. He came to the restaurant one day.” You look down and smile, the memory painting a picture in your head. You were so captivated by the tall figure sitting at the table, his dark hat shading his eyes. Your small frame was frozen until Bethy shoved you in his direction. “Wanted some pie.”
Pearson chuckles. “Didn’t think him the type. Always seems to gnaw on jerky all the time.”
You manage a smile as you speak with a soft, but prideful tone. “Not my cooking. He’ll lick the plate clean.” Your eyes widen at your sudden openness as your face loses its color. “Erm…”
But Pearson doesn’t seem to mind, laughing heartily at the thought of Arthur actually doing that. “I find that hard to believe…!”
Not pushing your luck, you decide to drop it. “Anyway, Clarence, our cook, he always had better ideas and recipes than our boss did. He wanted to save enough to open his own restaurant someday.” You lift your eyes. “I hope he made it.”
Pearson sees the thoughtful look on your face. He knows that you are like a fish out of water here, or rather, a mermaid out of the sea. He studies your long, chestnut tresses, the sun-kissed face, and freckles that scatter across your cheeks. If you were resting on a rock near the cape, all bare and singing, he could very well mistake you for a siren. He shakes it out of his mind. While it is not crystal clear, there is something between you and the newly outcast enforcer. “Do you know any of his recipes?” He asks, hoping to remove his thoughts. 
You nod, completely oblivious to his musings. “I remember how he cooked turkey and a couple of stew recipes. They were delicious.”
Pearson smiles. “Maybe you could write them down for me sometime.”
You turn to meet his gaze. “Maybe.”
You continue with the dishes in silence, listening to Pearson as he chops more of the deer leg and disposes of the bone. You hear Isaac giggle as he plays with his sister, talking nonsense to her as she tries to look around. She’s already starting to hold up her head, and her smile is one of the few things that bring joy to you, outside of Arthur’s homecoming each day.
After finishing the dishes and putting them back in the chuck wagon, you go over to your children before moving on to your next chore. Chores are something to help keep you busy when you aren’t reading to Isaac or feeding your daughter.
Isaac sees your shadow cast over him and his sister and he lifts his head as he lays on the grass. He smiles at you. “Hi, Mommy.”
You beam. “Hi, darling.”
He looks back at Alice. “I think she wants to talk.”
You decide to pause and enjoy this moment with them, so you motion to sit down. “She’s too young to say words, but she does try.”
Isaac doesn’t seem too concerned. “What was my first word?”
You pause to think about it. You had been much to busy to record every milestone. It wasn’t until two years ago that you started writing in a journal. You wish that you had done it much sooner.
“It was Mama, I think.”
He almost seems to frown, but it is clear that he tries to hide it. “Not Daddy?”
You aren’t sure how that would be possible. He was only ever around every few months. Isaac was too little to discern the difference between coming and going. “I don’t think so, sweetheart.” You reach a hand and card your fingers through Isaac’s hair. “Your hair is getting longer, I’ll have to get out the scissors and trim it.”
Isaac shakes his head. “No, I like it like this.” His hair sweeps over his eyes and he giggles. “See?”
“I think the problem is that you can’t.” You chuckle and reach over to pick up your baby. Alice squirms in your arms, batting her tiny hands at the air with a gurgle of delight. The sun in the sky, warm against your back, makes the red in your hair reveal itself, and in its light, you see it cast a similar shade in your daughter's fine wisps. “You have my hair,” you say softly and you bring her close to kiss the top of her head. You love the smell of her skin, her sweetness, and how she has hardly given you any grief. 
Isaac gets up and leans against you, watching his little sister. “She likes it here.”
You can’t help but pinch your brow, do you really want to hear your son say that? “Is it because Daddy is here?”
He pauses before answering. “I don’t know.” The melancholy in his answer gives away a hint that that is the reason why and before you can ask him to clarify, he walks away, the distant call of a coyote mixing with the rustling of grass in each of his steps.
In the waves of the grass, you turn your head, scanning the horizon where the sky meets the earth in a line so thin it almost slices the world in two. You imagine yourself like a doe with her fawn, exposed to anything and anyone that could be hiding beneath the grassy waves. Your heart tightens with a pang of worry for Isaac. His small figure seems so vulnerable against the vast, untamed wilderness.
You nearly jump and notice the shadow over you. Looking up, you see the soft, round face of Annabelle. You feel yourself relax, but your hold on your baby doesn’t lessen.
She must sense your unease and so she crouches down to your level. “Isaac is following Susan around. She doesn’t mind.”
You look back at your daughter and she coos with a gummy smile. “I don’t want to be a burden.”
Annabelle clicks her tongue. “No one's a burden here, Eliza. This is family, this is what we do. We look out for each other.” Her voice holds a firm conviction that soothes you momentarily. She looks over your shoulder, her eyes tracing the path Isaac took. “He’s just curious, and Susan loves the company.”
Your gaze doesn’t lift from your daughter, and you let her words sink in. “I thought this was a gang of outlaws. A family hardly seems to fit in around here.”
Annabelle could reply quickly to that, but what you need is a guiding hand. Patience. She has faith that you will come around, as she did when she met Dutch. She looks at your baby and wrestles with whether or not to share something in the hopes of removing some of your doubts. “I…I had a child…once.”
You lift your eyes and look at her, dumbfounded. “Was Dutch…?”
She shakes her head softly. “No. I was…in bad circumstances.” Annabelle looks away, eyeing Isaac as he tries to grip onto Susan’s skirt. She quickly turns around, chuckling, and gives chase as he tries to flee from her. Their laughter carries over to them. Annabelle continues, “I had lost my husband and baby to cholera. I was a widow, trying my best to make ends meet.” Her green eyes look back into yours. “When I met Dutch, I had hope again.”
You shake your head. “I wanted to come here, once, like in a fairytale storybook.” You chortle bitterly. “I guess I got what I wished for.”
Annabelle, unsure how you feel about her, takes the risk to put her hand on your shoulder. You don’t flinch and with a feeling of relief, she offers some thought-provoking words. “Is it truly all bad? Being with the one you love so dearly?” Your eyes widen and you feel your face grow hot. And she smiles. “It’s only been a few days, but I see the way you look at him.”
Your throat tightens, the weight of her words hanging heavily between you. You glance back at your daughter, her bright eyes oblivious to the complexities swirling around her. You swallow hard, the reality of your situation pressing in. "It's not him, Annabelle. It’s this life... this uncertainty.” You haven’t cried in days, and you wanted to make a habit of it, but now you feel them well up in your eyes. “I had a home. A place of my own.” You tuck your chin and let Alice grab your finger as she lays against your bent knees. “I’ve ruined things for Arthur, just being here.”
Annabelle’s lips flatten to a thin line. She can’t deny things are bad between Arthur and Dutch right now, even Hosea. But they are the dynamic trio, the old guard. About 15 years they’ve been together, surely things will work themselves out. She rubs your shoulder with her thumb in compassionate sweeps. “Don’t worry, Eliza. things have a way of resolving themselves. You’ve not ruined anything. Believe it or not, we are as close to family as Arthur has ever had, and families fight. They also face hardships, but they endure. It’s what makes them a family.” Her voice is soft yet firm, carrying a certainty that you desperately want to believe. And seeing her words sink in, she rises to her feet. “Let Isaac explore a little. He’s got more people to watch him, now.”
After what happened four days ago, you have been more cautious than ever, but you so desperately want to relax. You want to go a few minutes without looking over your shoulder. You nod at Annabelle with a feigned smile and she turns to leave you with your daughter.
Arthur pulls back on the reins and Boadicea skids to a stop on the top of the hill. He hears Hosea and Silver Dollar slide up beside them.
Down below into a grassy valley is a herd of antelope. Food. Another way to help his family not starve.
Dutch is being petty, bitter. Not letting him go on bigger jobs to bring in money, so he isn’t deserving of any praise at all. Sure, food keeps bellies full, but there’s nothing like the shine of coin to stir Dutch’s heart.
Arthur knows that it isn’t like the old days, when they took gold bars from banks and offered them to the poor and orphaned. Since that first clipping, the stakes have been higher and the money box needed to be kept full.
Even so, he knows that it isn’t Hosea’s way. Hosea has always taken on tasks that involve little to no violence. Just some good fun to keep things interesting. Arthur has begun to like those jobs more. It makes him use his brain, though he would never say that out loud.
“Just look at them,” Hosea sighs. “Beautiful, aren’t they?”
Arthur nods softly, his mind still somewhere else. “Shoah.”
“What’s say we take down a couple? If we get decent enough pelts, we could sell ‘em, or have Pearson craft something.”
Now, that is a thought. He could craft a gift. A gift for you, perhaps?
Hosea sees the soft smile on his son’s face and forms a glint in his own eye. “I see that look. You thinkin’ of something good?”
“Don’t begrudge an old man his pleasures, what is it?”
Arthur turns to look at his mentor and father figure, and leans back. “Old? I’d hardly think at your age you’d be callin’ yourself old.”
Hosea shakes his head. “Never stick with flattery when you do con work, son,” he chuckles. “It doesn’t suit you.”
Arthur lets out a low laugh, the tension easing from his shoulders as they both look down at the valley again. The antelope graze peacefully, unaware of the hungry eyes scrutinizing them from above.
"Alright," Arthur finally says, his voice firm yet still carrying a hint of warmth from the exchange. "Let's do this.” and he readies himself to spur Boadicea on.
But Hosea stops him. “No, not just yet!” And he takes Arthur’s wrist. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”
This has been the most conversant Arthur has seen of Hosea since Bessie died. Something has changed, or healed, for him to want to talk at all. There isn’t a bottle in his hand and he is actually smiling for once. He didn’t quite feel as guilty for wanting to leave the gang and go to you and Isaac, but now, he feels the pang of it. What would Hosea have done if he wasn’t there to support him? It seems that nobody cares about Bessie anymore, or they’re so quick to pack up and go, that they have begun to do that with their feelings, too.
Hosea can feel his eyes intensely looking at him. “What is it?”
Arthur shrugs. “How do I begin?”
Hosea grins. “From the beginning, of course.”
Arthur chuckles. “That could take forever.”
Hosea pats Arthur’s wrist before letting it go. “So, get started.” But he then decides to offer a little help. “Tell me about Eliza.”
Oh, that. That’s what he wants to know. But if he were to tell anyone, it would be Hosea. Arthur swallows. “Well, she’s a waitress I met.”
And Hosea seems to be ready with questions, he isn’t about to let Arthur leave out any details. “Where?”
“A settlement in Utah.”
Hosea thinks on this, and remembers that they had been out that way. He thinks of you, your face, your hair, and suddenly he remembers.
That thin, young lady with the pencil and tablet, taking down orders of flapjacks and coffee. Dutch sat beside him.
“Ah,” Hosea sighs. “I remember now.” And he smiles. “She was a young thing, wasn’t she?”
Arthur nods. “She was eighteen when I met her.”
Hosea nudges Arthur’s arm. “And a strapping buck like you somehow swept her off her feet?”
Arthur feels his face grow hot. “Not exactly.”
“What, got too fresh?” Hosea teases.
Arthur leans back. “No!”
“What then?”
Arthur begins to feel embarrassed talking about this. He only ever had written thoughts like these in his journal. He pauses, searching for the right words. "It... it weren’t like that. She was different, Hosea. Sweet, but curious about everythin’. She always talked about Rome and her eyes always…just…” He runs a hand over his face to cloak his bashfulness. “Not just a girl to pass the time with. She... she mattered."
Hosea's teasing smile softens into something more understanding. "I can see that," he says gently. "Tell me when you knew she did.”
He blinks, thinking it through. “When…when someone else saw it, too.”
Hosea furrows his brow. “Who?”
The memories begin to flood back to that time. When he had heard a ruckus at the edge of town. It was dark, and he was going to scope out new leads, as usually all towns have their dark crevices to look into. That’s when he heard the low tones, the sheepish threats.
It was trouble.
With each calculated step, Arthur closes in on the source of the commotion, carefully avoiding the bright lights and staying hidden in the shadows. He sees you, the waitress from earlier today, pressed against the bank wall with a man looming over you like a predator ready to strike. The man's back is turned towards Arthur, but his expression is unmistakable - one of sadistic pleasure.
"Why do you always try to run from me?" The man taunts, his hand reaching out towards your face. But before he can touch you, you slap it away with a fierce strength that even surprises you.
The man, now revealed as Willy, takes a step closer and snarls,"Oh, the little doe fights back, huh?" He then leans in close to your trembling form. 
"Leave me alone, Willy," you manage to choke out in a feeble attempt at defiance.
Willy tilts his head and leers,"And why would I do that?" His eyes gleam with malice as he prepares to unleash his full intent on you.
Arthur's patience snaps like a brittle twig. Without hesitation, his hand instinctively reaches for his gleaming revolver, fingers wrapping tightly around the grip as he takes determined steps toward the glowing light on the ground.
You desperately try to scare off Willy with another empty threat, but your voice quivers with fear. "If you lay a finger on me, I-I'll scream."
Willy's response is slick and slimy, dripping with wicked intentions. "That's what I was hoping for." His hand inches closer to your face, leering at you as his mind continues to wander, his eyes traveling your body with hunger.
But before he can touch you, Arthur's gun is out and aimed at him, his arm extending into the light while his face remains shrouded in darkness. He speaks through gritted teeth, a low growl of warning. "Touch her and you're dead." The tension in the air is palpable as both men stare each other down, ready for a deadly showdown.
As you turn your head, you catch a glimpse of him and your eyes narrow with suspicion. But when you try to follow your gaze, all you see is darkness. Willy slowly lowers his hands, a sly smirk spreading across his face. "We were just having a little fun," he says with a shrug, his tone dripping with suggestions. “Heck, you could’ve—”
But Arthur takes a step closer, staying hidden in the shadows cast by the street lantern. "How about I end you before you finish that sentence?" he growls, his voice low and dangerous.
Willy's expression turns from smug to contemptuous. It is clear to Arthur that this chump doesn't understand the meaning of no. "You wouldn't dare," he spits out defiantly, but there is a hint of fear in his eyes.
With a cold, calculated movement, Arthur closes the distance between them until the barrel of his revolver is pressed firmly against Willy's temple. He relishes in the sound of the hammer being pulled back, a satisfying click that echoes through the tense air.
"Try me," he challenges with a deadly calmness. 
Like a coward, Willy raises his hands in surrender. But as he begins to back away, he makes one last desperate move, reaching for your face. You instinctively turn your head just in time to narrowly avoid his grasping fingers. With a smirk of false bravado, Willy taunts, "Catch you later, doe." But there's a hint of fear in his voice that betrays his false confidence.
You quickly avert your gaze, feeling your chest tighten as you inhale sharply. Willy doesn't even acknowledge the shadowy figure who saved you, instead disappearing into the darkness behind the partially constructed bank.
Silence envelopes the two of you for a moment, broken only by your heavy panting and the frantic beating of Arthur's heart. He slowly holsters his gun and approaches you, his voice gentle and concerned. "Are you alright?"
You nod, still in shock from the adrenaline rush. Your eyes flicker with recognition, but it’s clear to him that you try to play it cool.
But Arthur can see through your facade and he steps into the light, revealing those piercing marine eyes that seem to hold all the secrets of the ocean. As soon as you see him fully, your breath catches in your throat. "It's you!" you gasp.
A soft smile spreads across his face as he takes in the sight of you. "Hi, brown eyes."
“And so I walked her home,” Arthur's voice carries on the gentle breeze as he finishes his story. The graceful antelope have moved on, but both men remain seated, still captivated by the conversation unfolding between them.
Hosea nods, content with the tale he has just heard. He knows it a privilege to hear much more than he ever would have gotten if he wasn’t sitting here on his mount beside Arthur. "And the rest is simply history?" he asks inquisitively.
Arthur's boisterous laughter echoes through the open plain. Far from it, but he’ll keep that to himself for now. “I guess so.”
It won’t be long before you have to put Alice down for bed. She will be awake in the middle of the night for a feeding, and the sooner that gets started, the more sleep later into the night you and Arthur will get.
Alice is in the wrap you fashioned as you feed the four chickens that the gang appears to own. You’re grateful for a little piece that reminds you of home. Aside from Farm Boy, you didn’t get the opportunity to take Little Maid, your dairy cow, with you. You miss her, as cumbersome and stubborn as she was. If anything, she got you to get outside when you didn’t feel up to it. Lord knows, you needed fresh air.
“It’s nice having someone who knows how to work.”
You turn your body to see Susan Grimshaw approach you. She hasn’t spoken much to you, but you can tell she has some holding power on the gang. When Dutch and the leading men aren’t around, most seem to respect and listen to her. Arthur hasn’t spoken to you much on her history, and it really isn’t your business.
But by golly, if you aren’t curious.
“Yes,” you say, then remembering what she was just talking about. “I mean, I am certainly trying.”
Susan crosses her arms and studies you. “Arthur said you had a homestead?”
“Yes, we did.” You rarely have ever included Arthur in that topic, given that you are the one who had done all the work yourself, but it only seems fit and proper to include him for the sake of showing his worth and accomplishments. Maybe, eventually, they will reach Dutch’s ear just like everything else around here. “He’s good at building things.”
Susan doesn’t seem too enthralled, as she crosses her arms. “Uh-huh.” And she goes quiet for a moment before speaking again. “Does…uh…Isaac take after his daddy?”
You narrow your eyes, your brown eyes piercing. “Of course, he does.” You only hope that she asked out of curiosity, not in the spirit of the Spanish Inquisition. Arthur is the only man you’ve had, or ever will have, and you aren’t about to encourage rumors being spread about anything otherwise. "Alice does, too. I don’t doubt that she has his eyes.”
Susan looks at you long and hard, almost sizing you up. You remain still, your expression unflinching as you toss out another handful of corn. Her gaze lingers a bit longer before she nods, a small, almost imperceptible movement. Then, just as quickly as the moment of tension had arrived, it dissipates as she turns her attention to the chickens pecking at the ground.
"Well," Susan starts, shifting her stance slightly, "it's good to have young ones around again. Keeps everyone on their toes, and gives us all something to fight for." Her voice softens just a touch, a rare hint of warmth in the typically stern woman.
“Again?” you ask.
Susan actually lets out a smile. “Well, Arthur and John weren’t as young as your little ones, but they could sure keep me, Dutch, and Hosea on our toes.” She looks at Alice, contently pressed to your breast in her wrap. “Like yours do, no doubt.”
You nod, feeling the tightness in your shoulders loosen slightly. "They certainly do."
The moment of understanding between you and Susan is cut short by a distant thunder of hooves. Susan's head snaps up, her eyes narrowing as she peers into the distance. “Riders,” she mutters, her voice hardening.
You feel your heart skip a beat. Riders could mean trouble—bandits, lawmen, or…
Instinctively, you set the pail of feed on a lone tree branch, and hoist your skirts as you break into a jog, careful not to jostle your baby too much.
You hear Isaac calling out to you, clearly aware of the oncoming sound. “Mommy…!”
Your curiosity lets you stick your neck out most times, and with this chance, you are rewarded.
It’s Arthur, riding in with Hosea.
They have several ducks tied to their saddles, the corpses dangling near Boadicea and Silver Dollar’s legs.
Your heart beats even faster, and not for the short jog. Arthur stops his horse near the others that are grazing, and they seem unperturbed. He dismounts, leaving the ducks tied to the saddle, and walks in your direction. 
You stand there motionless, your eyes never leaving his as he draws closer and closer to you. 
Suddenly, something brushes up past your skirt and you look down to see Isaac running in the space between you and his father, arms outstretched. “Daddy…!”
He wears a warm smile at his son, and that makes you happy.  Arthur sweeps Isaac into his arms, lifting him high above his head before setting him down with a gentle roughness that only a father possesses. He then looks over at you, his eyes crinkling at the edges. "Miss me?" he asks, a playful tilt to his voice that you hadn't realized how much you'd missed until now. His presence, strong and reassuring, washes over you like the first rains after a long drought.
"Yes," you reply, your own voice a mix of relief and nervousness. "But what about those ducks? Looks like trouble followed you home."
Arthur's smile grows at your tease and he nods toward Hosea. “Ask him.”
Hosea dismounts and waggles a finger. “Don’t you go blaming me, son. We would have had those antelope if you didn’t stop to chat.”
Arthur whips around, scoffing. “Me? You talked my ear off the whole ride.”
You haven’t seen Arthur this happy in a good while.
The light-hearted banter fades as the dust settles behind the returned riders. Hosea slaps Arthur on the back, then walks over to join you. His eyebrows knit together under the brim of his hat, casting his eyes in shadow. "We need to talk," he says quietly, just loud enough for you to hear.
Hosea? Talk to you? Why on earth for? You look for Arthur to return his gaze at you once he sets Isaac down. He does and seeing your confused gaze, he only shrugs his shoulders.
Well, that isn’t much help.
“Keep an eye on Isaac. Dinner will be done soon.” You turn and follow Hosea as he walks to a more secluded spot on the other side of camp. You fold your arms and feel the silence unbearable. Is he going to bear the bad news? Dutch has finally decided to kick you and your children out?
You need to prepare yourself for the worst.
So, you give yourself the opportunity to say something first. “Hosea, before you say anything, I just want to—”
“Please, Eliza, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I have something very important to say.”
You blink, caught off guard by his forwardness. But if you thought about it longer, it wouldn’t really be that surprising. “Oh.”
He takes off his hat, his blonde turning silver hair shining like wheat in the fall, and he looks softly in your eyes. “I know who you are.”
Your brows pinch, trying to read his calm expression. “I wasn’t hiding anything.”
Hosea then lets out a smile. “Of course not, but I know where I’ve seen you before.” He lets there be a pause before saying it, “The restaurant. Joe’s Place.”
You let out an exhale and nod. “Yes. You and Dutch came for breakfast.”
Hosea nods, letting out a chuckle. “Did you buy into our stories? No doubt Arthur told you we were gold prospectors.”
You nod. “Yes, but he acted like he was alone.”
Hosea’s smile falls. “I could see why. He wanted you all to himself.”
This untoward comment shocks you. “What?!”
Hosea quickly raises his hands. “Oh! Please don’t mistake me, Eliza. I only mean that he didn’t want anyone to know you. It is clear to me that he did that for good reason…on account of Mary and all.”
Your eyes widen and you feel your heart plummets to your stomach. Mary? You’ve never heard that name before. Ever. 
As you struggle to process this new information, Hosea sees the fear in your widened eyes and senses the tightening of your chest. He realizes his grave error, but it's too late to take back his words now. His voice trembles as he speaks again, "He never told you about her, did he?"
Your response is sharp and cold, laced with betrayal, "No."
He tries to reassure you, his voice hesitant and filled with longing. But deep down, he hopes that Arthur will be the one to tell you. It isn't his place to speak of something so personal and heartbreaking from his past. “It was a long time ago, before he met you. We…we knew it wouldn’t end well.”
Now your curiosity is piqued. You can't help but wonder why this news has suddenly come to light. If you had been with another man, you would have told Arthur without hesitation. You were always open and honest with him about everything that mattered, at least in your mind.  
You fold your arms, hoping to shield yourself from the feelings welling up inside you. “Oh…”
Hosea touches your arm. “Let him tell you. I’m sure he has healed by now.”
Was it all a convenient coincidence? Had he been pining for Mary while out at camp, only to return to you when it was convenient? Were you just a temporary escape for him when you first met years ago? Just a naive young girl, easily charmed by a knight in shining armor? The thought makes your brow furrow and your breaths come sharp with anger and hurt. 
“Eliza?” Hosea asks, concern in his voice. Your gaze hardens, steeling against the churn of betrayal and confusion. "I’m fine," you say, your voice barely above a whisper but slicing through the tense air like a knife.
Hosea hesitates before speaking again, his eyes darting left and right as if searching for a way to salvage this moment. "He told me how you met.” And then his eyes return to yours. “Back in Utah.”
You snort. “I’m sure he did.” It seems he will tell everyone about himself except you. Most of it you had to figure out on your own.
He shakes his head. “It was also what he thought of you.”
You find the intensity in your eyes lessening, and your desire to know daring to push out your hurt, if but for just a moment. “What did he say?”
Hosea smiles again, sensing his chance to make things better again. “He said that you mattered.”
You feel conflicted at this. Love was what you were looking for, and while you normally would have settled for such vague, empty words, you aren’t sure you’re willing to buy into it this time. “I’ve mattered for the last five years.” And you motion to walk away. “But that isn’t good enough anymore.”
You begin to head back into camp and Hosea calls out to you. “Eliza!” You stop, looking over your shoulder. “He’s only a man and you’re only a woman. You both have a place with each other, even if you don’t see that.”
You feel your heart soaking in his words. You feel yourself leaning into them, but just as quickly as the feeling appears, it leaves, the bitterness cloaking it all.
You walk away.
After dishes are cleaned and put back into the chuck wagon once again, everyone beside those on guard duty retires for the night. Dutch had been quiet all evening, and only chose to talk to those who were in his good graces for the time being. The charismatic savior that Arthur praised in his stories looks less than the heroes in the fables you read to your son. Fictional, unreal. You can't make sense of him, and you aren’t sure you want to.
You finish tucking in Alice after feeding and changing her and you begin to hum the melody of the Scout’s Lament. You used it with Isaac when he was fussy of has had a nightmare, and it still seems to work on her.
You hear the tent flap open, and turning, you see Arthur come in. For the past four days, he has continued to sleep on the ground beside the cot, and now, after what Hosea told you, you aren’t sure how you feel about it. On one hand, you still desire him, need him, his presence a mere symbol of safety and care. On the other, you want to push him back, resist the temptations that you have wrestled with, and snuff out the flames for good. Your focus should be on your son and daughter. If anything, you can keep the peace for them.
Arthur regards your position as you kneel beside the cradle. You’re in your nightgown, your figure hidden beneath the straight cotton and ruffled cuffs. Your hair is in a loose braid, and it drapes over your right shoulder like a long rope. He wants to touch it, maybe lure you closer to him.
The look in your eyes when he came home, it brought a heat into his belly. Maybe he can tell you now, now that some things have settled. He can tell you the reason why he had come back that day, and why he’s carried a small box in his pocket for the last month.
He smiles at you. “Hey.”
You don’t look up at him as you reply. “Hi.”
Instantly he feels something is wrong. Your words, the sound that came from your lips, was a dullness without any feeling at all. Your hand is in the cradle, Alice clutching onto your forefinger. He swallows and decides to try to lighten your mood. “Pearson said you helped cook the supper tonight. Shoulda known, it was too good.”
You don’t smile.
Then, he decides to not beat around it. “What’s wrong?”
And you, still looking at Alice, speak three words that cause him to freeze. “Who is Mary?”
His eyes search you, his heart beginning to thrum. “Who told you?”
“Why shouldn’t I know?”
His voice tenses up. He doesn’t want you to be concerned over something that has nothing to do with you. “‘Cause it was a long time ago. It don’t matter no more.”
That’s when you turn to look at him. From the lantern hanging, he can see the shine in your eyes. “It matters to me.”
His nose wrinkles and his brow pinches. “Why? She ain’t here now, is she?”
“Would she have been?”
His breath hitches. Would Mary have been here if things went how he had planned? If she did agree to marry him and run away with the gang? Would her lavish ways and upstanding manners have lasted, or would she have adapted and grown to love the wind in her hair, and the sound of a firing gun? How does he answer that?
And since he doesn’t answer, you ask another hard question. “Did you love her?” You blink. “Be honest.”
Hell, you had to ask that question.
He shifts on his feet, the dead grass crunching under the weight of his hesitation. His gaze drifts away from yours, out toward the flickering shadows cast by the small lantern. "Yeah," he admits, the word barely more than a whisper. "Yeah, I did. Once."
Your eyes narrow slightly, and he can see the hurt flicker across your face, quick as a prairie storm. "And now?" you ask, your voice steady but low, carrying a weight that makes his stomach twist.
He turns back to you, sees Alice's small hand in yours, and feels the crushing weight of his past decisions.
But I love you, he thinks. Say it, you fool!
But he can’t find the words. Just like last time. Like a fool. How long can this go on? “I don’t anymore. Mary…Mary’s just a ghost from my past.”
The room goes quiet aside from the steady breathing of your two children. Two living examples of something that was more real to you than anything else. And now, a stranger, a name, has entered in it, and Arthur’s answer has only made it more concrete. You look away. “Okay.”
What? That’s it? The tears? The quivering lips? And all you can say is okay?
Arthur doesn’t want it to be like this. If you are mad, say it. Do it. Tell him why.
“That ain’t just it.”
Your voice is still calm and you rock the cradle absentmindedly. “It is.”
“It’s fine, Arthur.” And you won’t let him say anything more. Not tonight. “We should get to bed.”
Like this? No.
Hastily, Arthur bends over, reaching below his cot to grab his sleeping roll. He makes his way out of the tent. “I have guard duty in a couple hours. Don’t wanna wake you.”
And he leaves you alone with the children.
The wind picks up outside, howling like a lone wolf on the prairie, shivering its way through the canvas of the tent. Arthur quickly glances back to make sure the flap is secure, and satisfied that you’re safe, he continues on, tucking the roll under his arm. 
He makes his way to the edge of camp, to one of the few scattered trees. Standing a few feet away from the tree is John, gun ready and eyes watching. 
“My turn, Marston,” Arthur states, holding out his hand for the gun. “Go now.”
John, not realizing who was behind him, whips around. “Arthur?” And in the moonlight, he sees the gloomy expression on his brother’s face. “What’s eatin’ you?”
Arthur takes the gun right out of John’s hands and points back to camp with the barrel. “Go now.”
John knows things are uneasy right now, and while they haven’t always gotten along, they always seem to be there for each other. John has never admitted it, but he’s looked up to Arthur, the closest to a brother he’s ever known. He’s never made above-and-beyond attempts to get sentimental, but knowing now that Arthur has the capacity to father and love children, he’s been questioning what else is Arthur holding out on?
“Arthur,” John begins, unable to remove the raspiness from his voice, but managing a softness that shows compassion. “What’s wrong?”
Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. Except I found out a heart can be broken twice. 
But that isn’t what he says. He lowers his head to where the brim of his hat covers his eyes. “Go to sleep, John.”
John, realizing that his attempt to be open is futile, quietly leaves Arthur to the howling wind and moon. 
Alone, you sit in the tent, the weight of the conversation anchoring your heart to the cold ground. Alice stirs slightly in her sleep, and you gently rub her tummy, soothing her into sleep.
If only Arthur's presence could soothe the turmoil churning inside you as easily. But even if he were next to you, you know it wouldn’t be so. It’s better this way, he’s out there now, under the vast expanse of starlit sky, wrestling his own demons in the silence of the night.
You don’t know his thoughts, and he doesn’t know yours. That’s the trouble. If only you both could just get over the fear of losing one another and speak what you ought to have said, maybe things would be better. 
But just like Hosea said, you both have a place with one another, even though you don’t see it. 
Thank you so much for reading! Leave a like if you want the next chapter!
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opha-the-awesome · 1 year ago
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Young Arthur and Eliza with their son.
I hope nothing bad happens to them.
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dalekofchaos · 1 year ago
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pinescent-and-gingerbread · 6 months ago
✧ Fantasies in the dark - I
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✦ Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Female!Reader ✦ Summary: In which Arthur catches a glimpse of your intimacy, the vision driving him into madness until he finally decides to give in to his urges. ✦ Warnings: SMUT 18+, MDNI! Masturbation, nudity, voyeurism (reader not aware he's staring), self-depreciation, and lots of shame from this poor man. Arthur's pov. ✦ Words: 2,7k Arthur's pic is mine, others are from Pinterest. And as always, as English isn't my first language, prepare for some possible misspellings. Read on AO3
Part I - Part II
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Lately, Arthur had a problem. An incessant, disturbing, haunting problem.
He couldn’t sleep at night.
This could have been related to the gang’s precarious situation, being hunted down by the Pinkertons and surrounded by enemy gangs, O’Driscolls and Lemoyne raiders everywhere. Or even because of some older wounds, the loss of Eliza and Isaac amongst others, reminded almost every day by the complicated family portrait John painted with Abigail and Jack. Or the hurtful thought of the life he never had with Mary that was always following him since he had seen her again near Valentine. Life doomed from the start by his inherent violence and the mountain of corpses he was responsible for.
Arthur had plenty of reasons not to sleep at night. But this wasn’t because of any of that.
He couldn’t sleep because of you. 
Not that it was your fault. In fact, you didn’t even know about any of that and Lord have mercy, he was praying that you’ll never find out; because he would never be able to look at you in the eyes then.
A few weeks ago, the gang had settled at Clemen’s Point. A rather pretty spot just near the lake, and not so far from town. But it wasn’t exactly the place that was causing him trouble. It was the unexpected view he was having from his tent.
For some unknown, mystical reasons, Miss Grimshaw while deciding the camp’s ajancement had decided to place your tent right next to his. Not so big of a problem at first sight, right?
Except that you were a night owl combined with the suffocating warmth of the place. Making you get to bed naked.
Oh, Arthur knew you do, because every night, every single one, you let a candle lit to read, or write, or God knows what before sleeping. The light casts your shadow against the tent’s canvas. The shadow of your very much nude body.
The first night Arthur had noticed, he had come back exhausted from a job in the middle of the night and laid on his cot without even taking the time to remove his boots or hat. A very usual and typical slice of his life, which lately felt more and more like a terribly used one. As if all these slices were repeating again and again. An accumulation of jobs and missions and robberies and fights; deceiving, lying, stealing, killing. Over and over again, going round and round. At night, he was reduced to a slumbered mind in a spent body, that was definitely becoming old and rusty. Already half asleep, mud and twigs surrounding his tired limbs, his thoughts all tangled up like a ball of wool, he had turned his head to his left, reaching from instinct for his pack of cigarettes on the little table next to his bed. Another slice of bad habits from a bad life.
That’s how his eyes had met with this quite erotic shape displayed on your tent.
Said eyes had grown so big that it had fully woken him up all of a sudden, as quickly as if someone had dumped a bucket of iced water on his shocked face. After half of a second of pure stabbing surprise and incomprehension with his hand hanged in the air, his breath stuck in his throat as if really being punched in the gut, he instantly turned his eyes back to the ceiling of his own tent. Cheeks burning red, heart pounding, as if someone had caught him in the act of doing a terribly shameful thing. Exactly as if he had really seen you naked.
He had feverishly grabbed the cigarette pack without looking at it, gaze refusing to turn again, these two blue diamonds locked on the ceiling of his tent, and had messily pulled one out of it, his shaky fingers fumbling, almost spilling everything on the ground.
He must have looked so damn ridiculous.
The smoke helped him to calm down, its soothing and comforting feeling spreading and burning through his lungs. He had fallen asleep, turned to the other side facing the wagon, trying not to think too much about the peek of your intimacy he had witnessed, telling himself it probably was going to be an isolated incident. 
But of course, of course the Lord had to torment him even in the rare moments of peace he could have enjoyed.
Turns out this was apparently a habit of yours. 
To be honest, he probably deserved to be tormented. But this was years from what he had in mind when it came to the Lord's punishment for his life of crimes.
And Arthur, even though a hardened man in many ways, able to lock lips during torture, kill men with bare hands, and stay emotionally strong in any kind of situation, was still only, after all, a man. A man with needs.
Filthy, disgusting needs.
He had tried to resist. Had tried not to let his eyes slip in your direction like that first night. Sometimes he would allow himself a quick glance, just to check if you were wearing any clothes for once, like a normal person. And maybe the night after would be different? Every evening spent at camp, his pupils would end up brushing the sinful silhouette in just a soft, slight sight, as if not to scare you, as if not to feel too bad about it.
But it was getting harder and harder not to stare. The easy lies about just checking on you or looking at anything else in the same area as your tent to have the chance of winning a glimpse of you would soon not be enough.
Just the mere fact that he knew you were completely bare, only a few meters away from him, singly the thin and superficial fabric of the tent between the both of you, was getting him hard and sweaty, and making his blood boil as a virgin teenage boy would. He could almost physically feel it, like a burning presence in his back when he was sleeping head against the wagon's wall.
The Human mind may be well designed for a lot of things; it forgets an event too hard to carry or can trick you into thinking you're not experiencing any physical pain in extreme situations. But Arthur had learned that it was extremely poorly made when it came to ignoring something. The more he was trying to not think about his unholy urges, the more he ended up being plagued with them. As sure as the seasons always turned in circles, you would come back to his effusive psyche.
And Oh, he was ashamed. Ashamed and revolted by himself. This was absolutely not in his habits, all the contrary. Yes, he was an old miserable bastard who had killed and plundered. But for God's sake, he had never acted obscene towards a lady before.
But the shame wasn't enough for him to stop. On the nights when the guilt was at its lowest —when the tediousness of his days was nibbling at his patience, he had let his eyes wander to your sinful figure, telling himself that maybe if he did, he could just go on with his night and finally rest. Just a quick taste, not too long.
But it only made things worse. It made him dream of you. 
Dream of you stripped, his imagination taking the lead of what the tent’s fabric was preventing him from seeing. Dream of you moaning, taking him so tightly, welcoming him in your warm body and into your arms. Dream of the feeling of your skin under his fingertips, of the sight of your naked body squirming with pleasure. He would now often wake up frustrated and angry, if he had succeeded in sleeping at all, his member hard and throbbing on its own, his heart beating powerfully in his chest as if it had been real. His pants and blanket had even been damped one or two times. 
What was he, a fifteen-year-old boy again? He was so angry and mortified by the physical obsession his body was having with you that he was constantly in a foul and fiery mood;  bitter with everyone, his tension leaking into every movement and every word he spoke. He started missing targets when shooting, getting even more reckless and hot-headed during jobs, jobs often ending up missed or taken care of negligently, yelling at people when they weren’t fast enough, or clever enough, or silent enough, breaking things, breaking rules. The lack of sleep was making his deadly efficiency fade away, replaced by sloppy and messy gestures, stopping enemies from falling dead at his feet like his lethal skills always did, castrating the only thing that was left of his masculinity.
And yet, he couldn’t stop watching you from afar during the time he was at camp, telling himself he knew, or at least had an idea, of what you looked like without these clothes on; feeling a twisted sensation of pride imagining he was the only one who did. On top of that, your sweet personality and beautiful face weren’t helping him at all with his addiction. Filthy old bastard, stop it- he had to mentally slap himself to prevent staring at you for too long, especially staring at your chest that this goddamn dress you had chosen to wear wasn’t covering at all; or your ass these goddamn pants were fitting way too well.
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Tonight, Arthur is avoiding going to bed too early. He knows he would just lay in it waiting for you anyway. Instead, he goes for a walk along Flat Iron Lake’s shores, bringing his journal with him. Two entire pages are already dedicated to your shadow. He had no idea a picture exclusively made of black and white flats on a sheet could have such a powerful erotic effect. Or maybe he is a complete degenerate —which, he is sure, is more and more true.
He has to be honest with himself, he could just go to a hotel, or out of camp for a few days to sleep under the stars, and the matter would be settled.
But he doesn’t want to. Because deep down inside, his urges are winning, making him feel like the most foolish and weakest man alive. He enjoys watching you. He enjoys seeing those forbidden plumped curves cast on this canvas. He feels like you're not leaving him any mercy, pitiless, his days dictated by the wait for his taboo rendez-vous, his nights by your sensual apparitions in his dreams.
He is trapped, you have completely tamed him, and irony of it all, have absolutely no idea you are making him feel like this.
This woman is drivin' me insane.
After a few hours on the cold shore's sand, his fingers only capable of creating quick little sketches and scribbles, his feet lead him back to camp. What a surprise. He finds most of the gang's members already asleep, apart from the ones on guard duty and some late campfire enjoyers talking about life, about love, grief, the future, the past. He briefly nods at them without a word and walks to his private space. He already knows what’s waiting for him there, your tent looking like it’s still illuminated, his thoughts and body avid for it.
No, don’t be a fool, Morgan.
He sits down on his cot. Mumbles to himself orders and curses to try and stay reasonable. Takes off his hat, runs a hand through his hair, sticky with sweat and dirt from his busy day, as all the other ones, as always. Scratches his beard and his ears with a sniff, tells himself he needs to take a swim into that lake. That he’s as dirty on the inside as he’s on the outside. Pulls down his suspenders before stretching his shoulders, a pained groan escaping him. A cigarette joins his lips, a match lights it, and he breathes in slowly. He tries to calm down, focusing once again on this homey feeling it brings him. 
But his brows furrows. His lips tighten. He knows he won’t be able to hold on much longer. He needs to sleep properly. Even being the all-mighty Titan he is, he still needs a good night of sleep from time to time to keep the engine of his body turning, and you have kept it from him for days.
He lies to himself promising this is only for his health.
That this is the only way for him to stay focused during the day; the only way to rest properly and be at his best again tomorrow.
That this will be the only time he’ll do that.
His only moment of weakness. 
The still-lit cigarette and his good conscience fall to the ground as he lies on his cot, settled on his left side, his right hand already roaming on his lower belly. 
His eyes drop on the scene he had fantasized about for what seems like years to him at this point.
Lord have mercy…
Your shadow looks so perfect. He takes his sweet time to notice every detail of it, enjoying to the maximum his sinful behavior, now that he had succumbed to it. How you’re laying on your back, reading your book with your legs crossed. The curvaceous shape of your body looks divine to his insatiable gaze. Your hair messily tangled around your head. The silhouette of your chin and throat making him hungrier than any feast he could have attended. Your belly, rising and falling with your chest and breasts, gives the shadow an organic appearance. Your delicate legs, from the base of your thighs to your calves, to your feet, your toes mindlessly curling as you get lost in your story. And of course, the blurry outline of what was between them…
Damn it.
His hand quickly reaches his belt, unbuckles it,  fiddles with his pants, opens them carelessly in an urgent grip. He spits in his palm, lashes out at himself when the desire of it being your wetness instead crosses his mind, and slips it between the buttons of his union suit. It finally wraps around his desperate shaft, gorged with blood, and he wonders if he already had been this hard before.
The moment he feels the pressure of his own fingers around it, he can’t help but sigh deeply through his nose, and has to physically block the groan he was about to let out.
Make no noise, moron.
He bites his lips to stop any other immoral sound from crossing through his mouth. Last thing he needs right now is to get caught. He slowly rubs one languorous time from up to down, then up again, his fingers brushing his swollen head right where he needs to. He instantly knows he won’t last. He had dreamed about this, about you, both during days and nights. His eyes are locked on your tantalizing silhouette, this deiform delicious flesh. Goddess of the night, Queen of his desires.
His hand rubs once again and his muscles tighten. He starts to stroke in a rhythmic pace, his moves are efficient, messy, careless. He masturbates the same way he takes care of himself —quickly, roughly, as if matching his disgust towards his own self. The exact opposite of what he would do to you if he could. This is pure physical relief.
Yes, God, yes…
Your name turns in his mind between blasphemous curses as he pleasures himself, stroking faster and faster, delightful warm sensations spreading through him. Finally. The burning is no longer in his back or mind; it's right there around his erection, flames licking all around it.
He wants to be able to join you there, so badly. He wants to discover the tone of your bare skin in those places you never show to anyone. He wants to whisper sweet things in your ear and you to sigh back, your voice high and softly shaking from pleasure. He wants the lewd intimacy, the shared tension and the electric, exciting touch of two foreign skins discovering each other for the first time. He wants to see your hardening nipples he can only have a glimpse of through the fabric. 
He wants to have you, to take you, consume you, all to himself. He wants you to think about him the same way he is now, wants you to come while thinking of him, only him, your mouth to moan, whimper, scream even, all thanks to him. 
He wants your hand instead of his, around his cock right now, pressing harder, moving faster.
Yes, yes, jus’ a bit more darlin’… -
A movement from you, a real one, makes his pace slow down and his heart stops, afraid you might have by some sort of divine knowledge understood what was happening. But you’re just shifting in your bed, positioning yourself on your belly with your book open against your pillow, and Arthur’s balls spasm; he now has the most perfect view of your ass, its gorgeous, decadent round and plumped contour making his member twitch in his fist.
Ahh, shit… So god damn perfect… 
Pearls of sweat leak from his forehead to his neck. His ears shut close to the outside world, his surroundings completely disappearing. Now, there’s only you and your perfect back beautifully arched ending with your perfect bottom and him, and no one else’s on Earth. His breath is jerky, his entire face completely crimson, his fingers pumping so hard and fast he’s basically fucking his hand —your hand, with those wet and unmistakable noises filling the air.
His breath speeds up as Arthur feels his deliverance coming, blood rushing in his veins. He sees himself behind you grabbing fistfuls of your cheeks, he sees his erection diving deep between them. And it's the last straw. His brows are crunched in an exquisite expression of pure sexual delight, jaws so tensed he’s about to break his teeth, your pleasure-filled voice screaming his name in his head, dragging every sensation out of him. His orgasm hit him with the strength and speed of a thunderstorm, lightning bolts of satisfaction striking every fiber of his body.
 Yes! Yesss  —Damnit! 
He comes hard with a low and throaty growl he forgot to —or couldn't repress, silently repeating your name again and again, his lower lip almost cut open from how hard he had bit himself, an enormous vein on his forehead where sweat covers his skin. His thick, hot cum spills messily in an indecently large amount, the aftermath of having held himself back for so long, leaking on his pants and fingers and staining his cot; a dash of white contrasting with the darkness of what he just did.
He’s praying to the Lord and the Devil, any mystical forces known to man, that nobody had heard his final relief sound, especially not you. It was louder than what he would like to admit.
Shit, so damn good…
Using his black bandana, he roughly cleans himself then tosses it somewhere on the floor, his cock finally softening as he shoves it back under his clothes, balls empty. And it feels good. So good a wave of shame and guilt crashes onto him once more. What a pig he was for jerking off while ogling you. What an old bastard he was to mingle you and his filth. But at the same time, he feels like his muscles are thanking him, his restless flesh satisfied, even though he almost hurt himself with how fast he had stroked, lost in his haze.
His bittersweet and contradictory feelings accompanied him as he took a last glance at your tent before drifting off to sleep, his breathing still a bit raspy as if he had run for hours. You had closed your book and taken the candle between your hands to blow on it, the little flame flickering before fading. And then, darkness.
The curtains falling on the stage at the end of this private decadent act.
Eyelids heavy, Arthur knows he will finally sleep tonight.
But he also knows this isn’t the end of his torments at all; the conflicting thoughts paint his mind just as the sun pierces through the dark ebony clouds of a thunderstorm, creating those abruptly dazing shapes and color, pitch black laced with blinding light.
Never in this life or the Other he will forget the form of your naked body, no matter how wicked he feels. Because when it comes to you and only you, Arthur Morgan is, indeed, a very weak man.
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Part II
tagging : @a-court-of-valkyries and @zae-heeyyy
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say-hwaet · 8 months ago
Honestly, it was questions like these that really had me stumped when working on my headcanon fic Red Dead Revelation. How would it all work?!
After doing some thinking, digging, and pulling out my hair, I came to some conclusions.
Arthur met Mary when he was young, around 19 to his early twenties. They were together for a bit, until it became apparent that he was a “bad boy” and after much disapproval, Mary broke of their engagement.
Arthur was a sad sap for a while, and after robbing their first bank, when he was 24, they left the state (I assume California or Nevada) and he meets Eliza. I assume she’d be 18, as they have some sort of relationship (I don’t think Arthur is the one night stand type) and she gets pregnant at 19. They have a 6 year age gap, so he still thinks she’s a kid, but not too young, in the schemes of the time period.
Isaac lives to be about four years old, and both Eliza and Isaac are killed in 1893, shortly before Abigail joins the gang in 1894, and has Jack in 1895.
How does this explain the gang’s personal knowledge of Mary? That could be either a plot hole or the fact that Mary popped back in once in a while, as she seems to just appear out of nowhere in the game. I mean, c’mon, stalker, much? (Sorry, not sorry). It is easy for anyone to form an opinion of someone they’ve never met, but I think the only two women at camp who actually could have met her were Abigail and Susan. After Jack was born, I think Mary just stopped showing up, if that would be the case at all. Since Abigail mentioning Mary is only if you get the chance to play dominoes, I think it’s more of a plot hole.
On the other hand, I think that if anyone knew about Eliza, they’d definitely say something about it, either as a way to get to Arthur or bring up reasons for why they think he should do a certain thing or behave a certain way. Either way, Eliza and Isaac’s death was the final straw for him and you don’t see him pursue any new relationships, aside from Mary, but that could be the flip of a coin depending on your choices in game.
But this is just my long-winded opinion. 🤠
Rockstar I am BEGGING you
PLEASE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE I need a cannon timeline over who did what when and where because I AM FUCKING CONFUSED SOMETIMES.
Firstly, Arthur Morgan's love life, did when Arthur talks about Eliza saying she was "just a kid" at nineteen, meaning he was most likely around that age too because he didn't think of her as a kid then. So he is 19 when he meets Eliza and from the dialogue you can have with Jack where Arthur compares jack and Isaac, we can assume Isaac was about 4 years old when he died.
So, does that mean they met in 1882? And then five years later they die, meaning 1887 and Arthur is 24? Cool, I can follow that far, BUT WHERE DOES MARY COME IN?? Listen he sounded like he fucking loved at least Isaac and I think man has a mourning period, I mean yes it was a one night stand but look at how respectful he is towards Mary, he wouldn't get over Eliza and Isaac in one night.
Now okay, let's give him a year or two to mourn and also to ya know, meet Mary and fall in love with her. So he is 26 now, cool, however-
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Okay, so let's turn it around, maybe he met Mary first, cool! It matches with the fact that he looks young in the picture, it matches with the fact that they didn't see one another for a long ass time, it matches with a lot! Oh maybe this is- NOPE! THIS IS NOT IT! Why? Well literally all of the girls (except Sadie) have an opinion on her!
Let's take Abigail who is 22 in rdr2 and joined the gang at around 1994, that means Arthur brought Mary to camp at least within the last five years?? But they hadn't talked since Mary got married?? Did Arthur just have a one night stand with Eliza while also being with Mary or something?? Is that it??
Also this picture??
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I mean if this is the whole gang at that time does it mean Abigail was the first of the girls to join and Tilly did in fact not join when 12??
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bitin-and-barkin · 9 months ago
Loving Someone
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What would the healing process be like after your so-called death?
Warnings: Arthur Morgan x Reader, Gender neutral reader, mostly just filler and going into the mind of Arthur, he's so goddamned anxious, paranoid too, tw: talks of suicide, execution, death, and other bad stuff, no smut, mostly just arthur having a mental break, probably out of character, he's starting to go yandere, tw: yandere-esque behaviour
READ MORE UNDER THE CUT + Pt 3 to another story, Pt 1 here, Pt 2 here
Arthur had lost people before.
When Eliza and Isaac had first died, he was only able to ever see their graves. Already buried, a cross put up. One moment they were there, and the next? 
They were gone. 
When he lost his Pa, he was young. Small and feeble. Sitting in the crowd, silently attending his own father's execution.
His Pa hanged him in front of him.
He wasn't sure how to react when it happened. Whenever someone was hanged there was always someone crying at the stands or nobody there who knew them well enough to weep for them.  
But when he looked at his dad, there wasn't much of a father there to mourn. Just bits and pieces of one.
When his Mama died, he wasn't there to see it. Only the aftermath. Her throat leaking red, and her eyes glossed over.  A certain shade of purple on her neck and face. The sun shone off her blood like something holy was done.  
He was much younger at that time, so he didn't really understand what happened. Death, that is. Nobody had ever bothered to explain it to him. It had always been a part of his life. 
In the wolves howling at night, mauling a buck, leaving its insides on its outsides and in the sunlight to rot. 
In the knobby, motionless, dogs on the side of the streets and in the quiet, grey toned graveyard in town.
So he could tell that something was wrong. He just didn't have a name for it.
He could see it though.
That there was some sort of new emptiness inside of her.
He had always carried that emptiness with him. An unspoken thing, it was the burden he bore.
People had come and gone. As time passed, it grew bigger and bigger. 
And so he filled it with money, and heists, and grand plans and demands from others. 
Alcohol and blood, his own and others among other things.
As he got older whenever he thought back to his mother he wondered if she really birthed a baby boy and not just a hole that would never fill. 
Always wanting more and more.
Always hungry, swallowing everything down. Every complaint and request, finishing them. Handing it to them on a silver platter. 
Never spitting anything out, but always coming back when others' plates are full. 
Nobody ever really said anything. It was convenient. Having a yes man, a loyal one, a Johnny on the spot. 
You had realized this behavior a long time ago. He's always choking on his food but saying he could handle more.
But when you walked in, for once he was full. 
For once he was loved.
And although he wasn't made for intimacy, nothing was able to take that away from him.
During the day he could feel your love underneath his fingernails and in the clothes that you sewed up for him and in the bird songs you'd always stop to listen to.
You were always a constant for him. He loved you like a fire loved its hearth. With enough love to make it home.
You gave him life.
And he knew he didn't deserve his.
He knew he wasn’t a good man. 
There was always a hope that some way the bad inside of him would be able to serve the good inside of you.
And that maybe one day he could make himself worthy of being in love with you. 
He always cared for you in the only way he knew how.
With bruised knuckles and busted lips, 
Slow dancing into the night with you and the blood in his mouth.
Acting and your sweet darling and as your perfect killer and as your rotten soldier. 
Doing it all if it all meant you would still smile at him in the mornings and nights.
Doing it all if it meant you would fill that void inside of him and stop it from swallowing him whole.
You had grown used to it.
He was protective, that was it.
He was the protector. Doing the sinned slaughter that would save the people.
And you couldn't say you didn't appreciate being prized by him.
Prized more than anything else in the world.
But this? This was something entirely new.
You didn't know much about loving others, your life hadn't afforded you it, and neither did Arthur.
But you knew this wasn't what love was supposed to be like.
Acting like a wild animal in a way. Backed into a corner by life itself.
1 week in and Arthur had practically snarled at Sean when he tried to drag him away from your bedside to a job.
2 weeks in and he had bashed a couple of Bill's teeth in for making a joke about you.
Commenting about how your love seemed to be one only made so you could lick each other's wounds.
He called it unsightly. The blood on his face afterwards wasn't too pretty either.
The way he was acting proved his point, though. Like everyone was your enemy and the entire world was too, too much.
He was finding his vices in you.
Only you.
Not in the normal way, the way a woman would look for her wife at the end of the day.
It wasn't in the sex or the looks or the meaningless chatter or even the comforting familiarity.
It was the edges of your fingertips, and in the rasp in your voice.
It seemed to be just you in its entirety.
Like a breath of fresh air.
The point is, a month had passed since you came back. You were healing. Arthur wasn't.
And now you had a problem.
You wanted to get back to jobs. Sure, it was a bit early. There was a odd ache in your arms here and there and when you bent over, you swear there would still be a phantom feeling of blood and Guarma Rum dripping down your back.
It was the O'Driscolls favorite after all.
But mostly, you were healed. Dutch had even cleared you for the smaller jobs. You knew, he knew, everybody in camp knew.
Except Arthur. Except him.
Approachable wasn't the way to describe him.
At least for anybody but you.
He had killed hundreds over the years in the name of Dutch's ideals.
But you were always so soft in his arms despite it all.
You trusted him.
But you're not sure if he trusted you.
With this, in specific. With your life.
You weren't sure how he'd react when you approached.
It was nearing 11 PM when you finally came.
Wolves howling at the moon miles away, people singing and swaying at the campfire after a long day.
Arthur was among them.
You told him you wanted to meet him there, that you needed to finish something up.
In reality you just needed a moment to think of a way to do something impossible.
To convince him that you were okay.
He was sitting there waiting for you.
You quietly walked over.
He was drinking at the campfire, his leg bouncing up and down. Trying to play it cool, but you could see through it. He was getting antsy.
Best not to keep him waiting.
Sitting next to him, he softly smiled the moment he saw you.
A quiet smile, one that only you could fish out of him.
Only you.
Placing his hand on and over yours.
Carving his fingers between yours.
He didn't say anything as he did. It was second nature.
His eyes flicked towards yours, turning away from the campfire.
You breathed out.
The smog from the campfire still dancing in the air.
"How are you?"
"I feel fine." He hummed. He seemed satisfied with you by his side.
You smiled.
"Good." He slung his arm over your shoulder, pulling you in just a little bit closer.
You guys talked for a little bit. About your days, what you did.
It was nothing exciting, but it meant the world to him.
His head was filled with honey. You words lazily coating his brain, sinking him into the ground as everything else faded into background noise.
Just you and him.
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going on jobs again."
Now? His thoughts ran silent.
His lips pursed, cutting off his breath. He looked around camp.
It was such a quick difference, like lightning and thunder. A crackle through the air. Nervous electricity still coursing around.
Scanning the area with his eyes for he didn't know what. A reason, maybe.
Everybody was still laughing at little nothings, but it felt like they were jeering at him.
He turned his eyes back to you. He was nervous, that was to be expected. Just tell him you would be fine, and he would be fine too.
Except it wasn't that simple.
You raised your eyebrows at this. He kept talking, never meeting your gaze.
"You don't need to go out, especially not so early after you got back,"
He nervously chuckled.
"I mean, is Dutch really nagging you that much?"
You weren't sure how to tell him you brought it up to Dutch.
Stuttering over his words, he kept talking.
"Do we really need money that much?"
"I heard of this stagecoach up near Flatneck Station, from what I've seen it's always something expensive they're carrying. Could make an easy pretty penny for us, real easy."
"Just yesterday you were tellin' me that your back hurts, and we're still changin' out your bandages every single day."
"You really oughta just stay here. Really."
His head was turned away. He has stopped talking after he kept stumbling over his words. His voice changing into meaningless hums.
Thoughts running through his head like an electrical current. Or maybe more like a bullet in the barrel of a frictionless gun.
You placed your hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
At any other time he would've muttered something sweet but clever or placed his hand back on yours and pulled you forward into his arms.
But now his head shot back like it was an order.
Looking at you, his face was indescribable.
Wild eyed. Ashamed of something.
Afraid even.
You were scared. You were both scared.
Was something more or less scary if you were next to someone who was equally as afraid walking into it?
You couldn't imagine all the bad things that could happen. Having to walk into a town of Raiders and Outlaws.
You weren't fragile.
You were scared, but..
It was like an open wound for you at this point. Painful and gaping, but slowly healing.
You still suffered for it every day, an ache at the back of your head. But you were healing, making good, no great process.
You were talking and walking and had come so far from before.
He had pushed you to stay home while healing, tearing others a new one for trying to even just put you on guard. Looked like he was gonna have a heart attack when you were "straining your back" by just carrying hay.
Looking into his eyes now, there was something new in them. Confusion. Abandonment. Hurt.
He didn't understand why you were doing this.
You were moving past it.
You knew he loved you but,
Why did it still seem like the entire world to him?
You brushed your hands against his stock-still face as he stared far past your gaze.
Was he okay?
"Are you okay?"
He didn't say anything.
There was a certain ringing in his ears as you spoke. More like a flatline than anything.
He was silent. Didn't respond.
But what was he supposed to tell you?
He knew he was overreacting, that he was being dramatic and controlling but he couldn't shake the feeling that...
How was he supposed to tell a knife there was nothing funny about spilling blood?
He didn't see any blood but he could feel himself bleeding.
His grip on his pants tightened. He tried to drag the conversation away, simply saying you guys could talk about it in the morning. That you were both tired. That you could discuss it with a clear head later.
You seemed hesitant at best. You said there was nothing to talk about later. Almost seeming confused.
For 6 months he couldn't bear the idea of you being dead. And so many times he woke up he prayed this day would be the last. So many times he stared at the gun, the knife, the rope. Sitting by your tent waiting for you to show up like old times.
You were going to be fine. You were going to be fine on your own. Weren't you?
Were you?
It was irrational, really. Overdramatic, stupid, a million other labels. Primal, even.
He could not make you understand. He couldn't make anybody else understand what he was feeling whenever he saw you. He couldn't even understand it himself.
What was he supposed to say? That he never could've done anything he did without you? That he'd never forsake you? That he needed you to support him? That you were the only person in his entire life that loved him? That you were his only friend? That he only loved you? That he didn't know how to love you in a way that mattered? That he didn't know how to love you in a way that made sense? That he didn't love himself?
How was he supposed to say he never understood intimacy or lust until he met you? That he had never felt want like how he wanted your skin against his?
Like how he had never felt fear like he did now, now that you were pulling away from him?
What was he supposed to say to you?
It was stupid, only a fool, a real fool would feel like this.
But all his insecurities were swallowing him whole and it felt like you were proving every wrong thing about him right.
You were the dull blade that he twisted inside himself. Keeping a wound from closing but keeping it clogged at the same time.
The only thing stopping his guts from spilling onto the ground.
But his guts were already contained in that cabin where he found your finger, when you first went to that stupid parley, when he cried in Hosea's arms after you left him.
He didn't understand why he was so afraid. It was fear then anger then bared teeth at anybody who approached.
Like a body hitting the ground, like a rat running a maze.
It all had to end eventually. You were gonna leave him eventually.
All alone again, with a dying father and a killing leader and a lucky brother who he hated yet loved.
Alone again.
He knew time had to pass. That his time was long gone, that yours was going down with his soon.
Hand in hand.
So soon.
But why did it have to be so soon?
And why did it have to be you?
He sharply swallowed. He was looking at the floor now. He doesn't remember himself turning his head down.
Dipping down, almost as if to cry.
Your hand was still on his shoulder. You quietly repeated your question.
He silently nodded.
Patting him on the shoulder, you stood and walked away. Telling him to get some sleep.
As you stepped and staggered, he could see a limp in your walk.
He desperately wanted to get up. To tell you something, anything that'd get you to change your mind.
But he was frozen in place. People were still talking and laughing like the world hadn't just collapsed in on him.
Classical music wafted out of Dutch's tent. He turned his gaze to it. It was still lit up, the flaps still open.
He silently stood up and began walking towards it, almost as if in a trance.
You weren't going on any jobs.
You weren't well enough.
He knew that. And he was going to make sure Dutch knew of that too.
So the results on my last poll were pretty split down the middle, so I'm doing both of them. He'll run away with you soon, dw. Prolly kill Colm while he's at it. Sorry for taking so long, I was buzy🙏 rise and grind brothers
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