#john calvert
gatutor · 3 months
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Ben Welden-John Calvert-Myrna Dell "Search for danger" 1949, de Jack Bernhard.
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lizzygrantarchives · 13 years
The Quietus, October 4, 2011
Even though her song ‘Video Games’ emerged a couple of months back, Lana Del Rey has already experienced equal parts adulation and suspicion. Here, John Calvert speaks to her about David Lynch, New York and the ghosts that hide behind her ‘white picket-fenced cheer’.
She talks like a dairy queen, like Britney Spears, like a cheerleader. 24 years old and exuding the hardy effervescence unique to healthy American girls, there is nothing in Del Rey’s manner that connects the voice at the end of the line to ‘Video Games’, the YouTube smash hit carried by a purring vocal performance so rich you can feel almost feel David Lynch’s velvet carpeting under your fingers.
That is until I hit playback on my telephone’s dictaphone. Slowly all the years of a weary, haunted youth spent in backwoods New York State unravel from under her bubbly facade, like furtive murmurings on the other side of a door. As per the many doomed chanteuses and dead movie idols she invokes in her cinematic music, it seems Del Rey is a good actress. In true Lynch fashion, beneath her white picket-fenced cheer hide the writhing earthworms that plague her heavy heart.
With increasing frequency, naysayers are testing the walls of Del Ray’s persona, in particular questioning exactly who should be credited for her perfectly realised Valley of the Dolls aesthetic. Amidst universal praise for ‘Video Games’, she’s nevertheless faced the incredulity of everyone from high profile bloggers to broadsheet columnists to disgruntled indie stars (Amy Klein of Titus Andronicus threw her oar in), some of whom are convinced she’s a kohl-eyed marketing ploy and as fake as those eyelash extensions. So in a delicious twist of dramatic irony, it’s precisely Del Rey’s persona – the artifice – that forms her only barrier of defence against the media’s worst advances.
Its a lie, however, to tell the truth. Because it seems her story up to now, if largely less glamorous, isn’t so different to that of the Marilyn Monroes or the Judy Garlands, or indeed Lynch’s own tragic starlet in Mulholland Drive. The story goes: smalltown girl moves to the big city, falls into dark waters, becomes forever imprisoned in the house of mirrors that is the media’s oppressive gaze.
Enter frame the Quietus, at hand to shoot the close-up she may or may not be ready for.
Have you always had a dark side, Lana?
When I was younger I felt lonely… In terms of my thought processes. I had the constant feeling that I thought differently to everyone around me. So, I suppose I felt lonely for a home. I didn’t know where I wanted to be, but I knew I wasn’t there yet. I think that this loneliness set a dark undertone for things to come.
Are you a David Lynch fan?
Yeah. When I was a kid playing in bars in Lake Placid, after every show somebody would come up to me and be like ‘You must be a David Lynch fan!’. At the time I wasn’t up on ‘all things cool’, but I looked into Lynch and quickly became a fan. Although I think the themes he explores are a step further into the extreme than I’m prepared to go.
If you can put it down to one scene, which Lynch moment do you return to most for inspiration when writing? I envisage something like the Mulholland Drive theatre sequence, crossed with the home video of a dead Laura Palmer dancing with Donna on the hill.
Have you ever seen Fire Walk With Me and the scenes where Laura Palmer is in the bar with the lumberjacks, sort of dancing and getting crazy? Well, it’s that frightening sensation of being out of control that really sticks in my mind.
Some of the music in your chosen field of expertise suggests love has more to do with obsession than companionship. For example ‘The End Of The World’ by Skeeter Davis has a creepy What Ever Happened To Baby Jane quality about it. And then there’s your line from ‘Video Games’: ‘It’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you / Everything I do’. Does this idea resonate with you?
I really love that [Davis] song, actually. And yeah, that idea resonates with me. Growing up I was always prone to obsession, partly because of the way I am, but partly because after feeling so lonely for such a long time, when I found someone or something that I liked, I felt helplessly drawn to it. I suppose that accounts for some of the creepiness in my music.
Like a fatal attraction?
Yeah. After I was sent away to school when I was 15, I had to start life on my own. So I began looking for that ‘someone’ to hang on to. And if it so happened that I found him, then there have been occasions in the past where I’ve been overtaken by my feelings. But with some of the bad things that come with love, there’s also a lot of good… For example that connection… which I struggle to have with most people. So although there’s a dark side to love, there’s also something really hopeful.
You moved to New York City at age 18. Were you at all inspired by New York’s noirish undertones?
Yeah. The way I experienced New York, for a long time after I moved, was alone and at night, walking the streets. I mean, there are thousands of streets in New York and I know them all. I’d go down to the tip of Manhattan, or even down to Coney Island, then travel all the way back up. Because I come from a place that, geographically, isn’t that stimulating. But New York’s architecture alone is enough to inspire a whole album. In fact, that’s what happened at first – my early stuff was mostly just interpretations of landscapes.
Do you feel yourself change when ‘in character’?
‘Lana’ and ‘Lizzy’ are the same person. I wish I could escape into some alter-ego, just so I could feel more comfortable onstage, but I feel the same as Lana as I do Lizzy.
How was it working with David Kahne [The Strokes, Regina Spector, Paul McCartney] on your debut? He has a background in replicating bygone eras.
It was validating when David asked to work with me, only a day after he got my demo. He has known as a producer with a lot integrity and who had an interest in making music that wasn’t just pop.
In terms of instruction, what was Kahne’s input?
He had a lot of things he wanted done. For example, he was interested in a more traditional vocal style and I wasn’t. He’s also a real scientist, so he had a very particular plan. The album ended up somewhere in between what he wanted and what I wanted.
There’s a theory that the archetype you portray plays to male sexual fantasies?
In the video for ‘Video Games’, I was trying to look smart and well turned-out, rather than ‘sexy’. Of course I wanted to look good, but ‘smart’ was the primary focus.
What inspired ‘Video Games’?
A boy. I think we came together because we were both outsiders. It was perfect. But I think with that contentment also comes sadness. There was something heavenly about that life – we’d go to work and he’d play his video games – but also it was maybe too regular. At the time I was becoming disillusioned with being a singer and was very happy to settle with a boyfriend who I loved, but in the end we both lost sight of our dreams. Maybe there’s something not-so-special about domestic life.
A popular American blog recently published a supposed exposé on you, with accusations of inauthenticity. Do you feel like you’ve had your eyes opened? [At the beginning of the interview tQ apologises in advance for ‘going on a bit’. Lizzy/Lana’s telling response is ‘Better a bore than an assassin…’]
I dunno. If I say anything they’ll just publish something like [speaks like an anchorman reading the headlines] ‘Lana Del Ray Gets Her Feelings Hurt!’. It just seemed that with that one article, they were particularly cruel. Not in a playground/indie/mean way, but in a personal vendetta sort of way. They really made it their mission to destroy me. I’m not a confrontational person, so if that’s going to be my life from here on, I’d honestly rather not sing or have a career.
In an interview with Pitchfork you said that people have offered you opportunities in exchange for sleeping with them. Is this true? At the corporate level?
[Laughs, then becomes tongue-tied]
I mean… uh… uh… I mean things get a little crazy, I guess.
Um… There are some situations when you kind of know.
… I mean, it’s sort of a loaded question.
It’s common knowledge that The Pretenders’ Chrissie Hynde was, by her own admittance, hopelessly drawn to the bad boys – damaged and dark men. Would that be the case with Lizzy?
Yeah, in the past that has been the case. I think with so-called ‘creative’ people, their particular strain of genius can cause the pendulum to swing too far – into self-destruction and what you could call ‘madness’, which is something I can relate to. So, yes, I was once attracted to that. But that was then. Now I’m looking for something more simple.
You also told Pitchfork that God has saved your life a million times, which strikes me as in opposition to your music. Because, in films based in small town America, religion is frequently a patriarchal, repressive and evil presence, with the archetype you portray acting as a force in subverting it.
I think there’s a division of organised religion similar to what you’ve described. But where I’m concerned, my understanding of God has come from my own personal experiences… because I was in trouble so many times in New York that if you were me, you would believe in God too. When things get bad enough, your only resort is to lie in bed and start praying. I dunno about congregating once a week in a church and all that, but when I heard there is a divine power you can call on, I did. I suppose my approach to religion is like my approach to music – I take what I want and leave the rest.
What kind of ‘trouble’?
Any and all. When I was in New York I had nowhere to live, and I was trying to find a way to be a musician… Just trying to survive, which is fucking hard by the way. So I got myself into a lot of situations I didn’t plan on. [Pauses] I think what I was going for was something beautiful, but I kinda got myself into trouble along the way. Sorry, that’s pretty vague.
But you live in London now?
No, not yet. I’ve been in London for most of the last two years, but I’ll book three months there then go home to New York for three weeks. However, when I’m not working I go see my friends in Glasgow, so I spend my time there when I want to have fun. I’m in Glasgow right now.
Any encounters with [notorious angry drink enjoyed especially in Celtic territories] Buckfast? I like the image of you stabbing someone in a car park.
[Laughs] No, I’m a good girl. I leave the drinking to the boys these days.
Do you feel that the ‘Femme Fatale’ archetype still has the power to tap into ‘male sexual anxieties’ or challenge a patriarchal society?
If I’m honest, no. Not as much as it used to. In the 50s it was a new premise, a new form of female power. I think that these days, plain old intellectualism is a more powerful force than the idea of the femme fatale.
Why is it, do you feel, that so much of ‘Golden Age’ pop placed love, and laterally eroticism, in such close proximity with notions of death? In particular the music of Roy Orbison.
I suppose because, sometimes, love feels like a life or death situation. I mean, losing true love is pretty much as bad as it gets, other than actually dying or losing good health. Most people know that. Most people can relate. As Davis says, it’s like the end of the world.
Originally published on thequietus.com with the headline Original Sin: An Interview With Lana Del Rey.
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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The Mark of the Whistler (The Marked Man) (1944) William Castle
September 5th 2023
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wetsocksinbed · 3 months
season 1: two boys hunt ghosts while looking for their dad. A classic tale of brotherly bonding with a splash of whimsy
season 15: a bisexual angel confesses his love for the worlds most straight white man in order to send the physical embodiment of death to super hell because the son of lucifer needs to find a way to kill god
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spn-fan-letter · 25 days
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dumb-zombie-girl · 5 months
If you think of different characters and actors/ actresses that I miss let me know and I'll make a part 2 or reblog the post and put it in the tags
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swallowedabug · 4 months
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"This three-tier communications base proudly offers you the best in cutting-edge Mili-tainment?" Is this a base or a goddamn theme park? Both.
KILLJOYS 5.07 (2019)
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avenirdelight · 2 years
A False Accusation
Anyone You Like
They have a heated argument where she drops an accusation on him. He claims that it’s a false accusation.
⚠️ Curse words
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“You don't love me.”
She voiced the words to the room, clearly and firmly. Strangely enough, saying it out loud didn’t make her chest feel lighter like she’d thought it would. It still felt as suffocating as it had been.
“Wow,” he scoffed, his shoulders shook when he did. “That’s a terrible accusation, that.”
She glanced at him, but she quickly dropped her gaze again after she noticed the hurt plastered all over his face. He couldn’t believe that she had the audacity to say such cruel words.
“And also,” he continued, leaning forward on the sofa, propping his body with his elbows on his knees. “It’s a false accusation. That’s terrible from you.”
She was sitting on the other sofa across from him, leaning back and folding her arms in front of her chest. She could feel his eyes boring into her and she couldn’t resist the temptation to stare back at him. So she did.
She gritted her teeth. Those eyes were angry, those eyes had used to look at her in the most special way. She refused to believe that it was just in her head, that she was just making it up, because she had used to easily fall in love all over again every time she looked at those eyes but at some point, she started to feel that they’d changed.
“Really?” She challenged him, giving him a sharp look that matched his.
He scoffed again, pinching the bridge of his nose in stress. He shook his head. He couldn’t quite believe that she truly believed that he didn’t love her. Where did it even come from?
“Are you telling me that I lie every time I tell you I love you? Mind you, I say that every single day,” he said. But she was silent, so he continued. “Don’t I always give you everything? Make sure that you have everything you need, that you’re safe?” He asked. If she forgot about that, he was ready to remind her of all the things he did for her. Everything that he needed to sacrifice. “I give you my world.”
“You give me your money.” Her voice was firm and certain. And it stabbed him right in his heart. 
It wasn’t that she was ungrateful for everything he’d given her. Moving her into his big house, constantly buying her expensive gifts, taking her to travel the world on holidays, giving her a luxury life—but that wasn’t the reason she’d fallen in love with him. She was never in it for the dime.
She had fallen in love with him for who he was. Or at least who he had used to be.
“I’m thankful that you gave me this wonderful life but I really don’t need the latest Prada release or to be on a yacht every holiday. I don’t need new jewellery every time you feel sorry, I don’t need you to surprise me with flowers in the morning just for you to go missing for the rest of the day.” 
“I thought you liked them. Have you been lying, then?”
“I do appreciate them but that’s not the point! The point is I need you!” She sounded so desperate. She honestly had been feeling this way for a while and she hoped that this time he was really listening to her. “I just need a little bit of your time, for you to be with me, and not just physically. You’re with me but your head is somewhere else. I need you to just look at me, I–”
“Well, I’m sorry, okay?!” He cut her off, the tone of his voice rising up. “I’m sorry that my work demands so much of my time, it asks so much from me, I’ve always told you that from the beginning. My career is my life and there would be rough bumps along the way. Things get hard, things–”
“Yeah, that’s the problem, don’t you see??” Her tone was as high now, it was only adding to the tension. “You run away from me when things get hard for you. You don’t even want to share anything with me. You give me gifts and temporary attention to ‘make up’ for it. Every time!” She stood up from the sofa. She frustratingly pointed a finger against her chest, giving him a piercing gaze. “Am I so untrustworthy or unreliable? Am I that insufferable to deal with so you don’t want to open up to me?”
“Don’t.” He shook his head, clenching his fists. “Don’t start making up things now. I never for a second think about you that way.”
“Well, you always make me wonder. Wonder why you shut me out.” She shrugged. “It’s the truth, you can’t deny it. You always leave me out of things.”
“I’m just protecting you!” He abruptly stood up. “I can’t– I’m sorry if it’s hard for me to share things that I know would just hurt you and stress you out!” He moved his hands animatedly and quite angrily. “Don’t you understand?! I am saving you the troubles and the pain!”
“I want the f*cking pain!!” 
Her voice pierced through his ears and he froze in his place, feeling shivers down his spine. He clenched his jaw and gulped. The anger, the desperation, the pain that she had been holding in, she’d just let it all out. She’d gotten so upset at this point, the tears quickly pooled in her eyes and threatened to fall. It pained him even more. He had never seen her like this.
“I’d rather feel the pain, suffer with you.” Her voice was small and timid this time, but there were so many emotions in it. “I’d choose that, rather than feeling left out and not appreciated. I promise you that’s the worst thing to feel. I hate it. I absolutely f*cking hate it.”
He sat back down, burying his face into his hands, trying to compose himself and find the right words to say. He felt her anger, her sadness, but he also needed her to understand that he did everything for a reason.
He let out a little sigh as he looked up to her. Her tears were already streaming down her cheeks. 
“I don't live a normal life and all I’m trying to do is to keep you out of the abnormalities and all the absurd things. The sh*t people say out there, it gets scary sometimes. People are actually willing to do foolish and crazy things to bring me down.” He spoke with a more gentle tone, trying to reason with her. “And if you’re hurt, if something bad happens to you, I won’t be able to forgive myself.”
She wiped her tears away with her shaky hands, before she hugged herself with arms, trying to provide herself some comfort. He didn’t only sound serious, he also sounded sorry.
“What do you want me to do, then?” He stared at her with tired eyes. The anger in his eyes had worn off, it even looked like he was going to cry. “I’m sorry. I really am.” His voice was a bit shaky. “I’ll do whatever makes you happy. Please. I can’t lose you. What am I going to be if I lose you?”
Her heart clenched painfully. She couldn’t deny that it was heartbreaking to see himself asking the question—like he was really scared to lose her, like his world would crumble down in an instant if he lost her. She had never seen him like this before. He’d always appeared strong in front of her, like nothing could ever bring him down, like no one could ever catch him looking weak.
“Every single thing that I’ve ever done is to protect you and to make you happy, to earn your love. Most of the time I don’t think I deserve you, you know. Because you deserve more than this f*cking fool,” he said pointing at himself. “Who apparently doesn’t know how to love. I’m sorry if I’ve done it the wrong way and made you feel the opposite way.”
Without her even realising it, what she’d been wishing to see was happening right in front of her—for him to open up to her and show his vulnerable side. Her tears fell again, but for a different reason this time. She felt his confusion, his sorrow, and she was hurting with him.
After a moment of deafening silence, he suddenly stood up. He approached her, who was just standing with her head down. He grabbed her by her waist and turned her to look at him. He fixed her dishevelled hair, tucking stray strands of hair to the back of her ears. He lifted her head up by her chin, before he continued to wipe her tears again. Every touch was so gentle, every touch felt gave her warmth and comfort that she’d been longing.
“Look at me, please,” he said. She finally shifted her gaze up and stared back at him. His eyes were looking at her fondly. “I love you so much. Please believe me.” He choked up, trying his best to convey his feelings through his voice. “I took you home to my mum and told her you’re the most special person in my life, I try to treat you like a queen, I see you and talk about you like you’re my prized possession, because you are.”
She listened to him. She tried to really listen to him. And honestly, this time it wasn’t so hard to believe him. She appreciated that he was finally opening up, even though it had taken them quite a long time to get there, not to mention all the struggle they had had to go through. But he finally found his courage to be fragile.
“Do you know what? You don’t have to be strong all the time,” she said as his hands fell to her waists and safely rested there. Her voice was almost a whisper. “I’m your girlfriend. You have a responsibility to protect me, but I also have a responsibility to be your partner. So let me do my part.” She held his face and stroked a thumb on his cheek. “We do this together. We’re supposed to go through happiness and sadness together, we go through all the troubles together. You hear me?”
“Yeah, I hear you.” He nodded. “I’m really sorry, okay? I love you,” he said again, before she pulled him into a hug.
“I love you too. I love you,” she mumbled against his shoulder. She heard him letting out a sob as his chest and shoulders shook. He held her tight, and it had been a while since it felt like this. She felt heard and seen. She felt loved. It was all she ever wanted.
And he couldn’t describe the wave of relief that washed over him. He really thought that his biggest fear, losing her, was really going to happen. He realised that he’d actually failed her. All this time he had loved her his own way which he thought was the best and the safest way but apparently, it didn’t give her the safety he wanted for her. She was right—they had to do this together, and it meant that he had to listen to her, count her thoughts and feelings.
He would try. He promised he would try his best to see her how she wanted to be seen, and love her how she wanted to be loved. Because she was the most important person in his life, and he’d do anything to make himself deserve her.
i had this sitting on my draft and i almost forgot about it! i kept switching between john and hendo when i wrote it. tell me who you imagined this! i hope you enjoyed it<3
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My Masterlist🤍
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sugar-rush-gang · 6 months
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A Halloweeny date
Anyone you like ❤️
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Word count: 2159
When you and your boyfriend were getting to know each other, he asked you about your hobbies. Your answer was anything horror related.
He thought it was cute. Dating a tough girl who wanted to watch scary movies. But he couldn't expect the extent of your obsession. However, he was about to really find out.
A couple of weeks before Halloween, you showed up at his house with a huge smile on your face.
"Someone is happy to see me", he said.
"Oh my God! I have the perfect Halloween plan for us!!"
"Halloween? I've never celebrated it. Do you want to watch horror movies or something?"
Watch horror movies or something? Lame.
"What? No, we could do that every other day. We are going on a trip!", you said, beaming. And then proceeded to show him the leaflet of the little town you had found and that was the perfect spooky escapade for the two of you.
"A ghost town? Are you serious?", he asked, eyebrow raised.
"Yes. I've always wanted to do something like this. But all my friends and exes thought it was a stupid idea. You don't think it's stupid, right?", you said, puppy eyes ready to convince him.
"Tell me the whole plan".
He really couldn’t say no to your puppy eyes.
And so you did. You had it all planned to the last detail. 
First, you'll be going on a ghost town tour. Some of the locations looked stunning, and perfect to turn your IG feed into spooky perfection. Then, you'll go to the cabin you had rented in the middle of the woods. That was the perfect place for all the other activities planned. But you didn’t share many of those details with him yet, wanting to surprise him. 
"And maybe we can add a sexy spooky game to the list", you said to him.
"Yeah? What kind of game?", he asked you. Hearing the words sexy and game probably made him forget everything else you mentioned.
"I'll think about it", you said, kissing him. "So, do you want to come?"
He sighed. "Ok, let's do this".
"Yes yes yes!!!", you yelled, jumping in his arms. “You are the best!”
“Where is this town? We've been driving for so long”, complained your boyfriend while you drove to your destination.
“Stop complaining! We're almost there”.
“Is it a ghost town because everyone that sets foot here gets killed?”, he said, looking outside at the scenery. “This looks a bit too creepy for my liking”.
“Of course it does. They make it look creepy to fit the theme. You really are terrible at spooky stuff”, you laughed.
When you arrived, you parked near the entrance of the tour. It all looked so good!
“Where are we staying? Near this area?”
“That’s a surprise!”, you said, kissing your boyfriend. “You won’t believe how amazing the place I rented is”.
And then took his hand so he would follow you.
“Ah!”, he screamed for the 10th time when a spiderweb touched his arm.
“Babe, you are overdoing it a bit”, you laughed.
“This is creepy. And I don’t like the feel of spiderwebs. It’s too dark and I can’t see them”.
“You are the one who said this was lame when we went to the first house and now you’re terrified”, you said with a smirk, you loved seeing him being such a baby. He was always the tough footballer. Well, it was your turn to be the tough one today. 
“That sexy game you promised me better be good”, he said, hugging you from behind and kissing your neck.
“You won’t be disappointed. Now take a photo of me in front of this. It's going to look so cool".
An hour later, you finally made it out of the last house and reached the shop.
“Should we buy each other Halloween presents?”, you suggested.
“That’s not a thing, love. No one buys Halloween presents”.
“We could make it our thing. Who cares about rules?”
So you ended up buying him a t-shirt, even though you knew it was you who’ll end up wearing it while you stayed at his place, and he bought you a skeleton necklace that you started to wear the moment you got out of the shop.
“Okay then. Time to go to our home for the day”, you winked.
“Should I be scared?”
“Of me? Never”, you said with an evil laugh.
"A cabin? In the middle of the woods?", he said when he finally saw your destination.
"Yes. Here no one will hear you scream".
"Ha ha".
But when you got inside he was actually impressed. The cabin was gorgeous and had a huge fireplace you were ready to use to set the mood and to help with the October chill.
"Aww, they bought everything I asked for", you said, checking the bags that were in the kitchen. “I’ll leave the best review when we leave”.
"What is that?"
"Ingredients for our cooking and some drinks for a game, maybe?", you said, wiggling your eyebrows.
"Oh, you are getting me drunk before killing me. So nice of you", he said, making you laugh. "This place is amazing. Slightly terrifying because we’re in the middle of nowhere, but amazing. Like you".
His compliment made you so happy. You put your arms around his neck to bring him closer so you could kiss him and let him know how much his words meant to you. 
"This is only sweets?", he asked, checking the bags.
"In the bags, yeah. There is real food in the fridge. Don't worry. I just thought we could make some homemade Halloweeny sweets. There are so many recipes online".
"Sounds fun. And I'm too far away from civilization for my coach to know".
"I'll help you burn the calories later", you winked.
You picked up a few recipes, including the marshmallow ghosts and some simple cookies also in the shape of a ghost that you could have fun decorating with the frosting. Kid's stuff but it's not as if you knew how to do much better when it came to baking.
"We can eat this while watching a movie".
"I thought watching a movie was a lame plan for today", he said.
"Just watching a movie is lame. But of course we have to watch one. I already picked the perfect one", you said, getting the DVD out of your bag and showing him the cover.
"Cabin in the woods? Really? Let me guess. It's about people in a cabin in the middle of the woods who get killed".
"Kinda. But it's not that great. Bit of a guilty pleasure, you know? And it's not that scary either. Oh, and it has Chris Hemsworth in it!"
"Really? Are we partially watching it because of him?"
"Nah, he doesn't even take his shirt off. That's the scariest part of the movie", you said, faking a shiver and making your boyfriend laugh.
"I'll take my shirt off for you", he said giving you a kiss.
"Much much better than Hemsworth".
Once you had your pizza and your sweets ready to be consumed, you moved to the sofa to watch the movie.
“Zombies? Really?”, said your boyfriend looking at you with a big smile. He told you many times before that the only movies he wasn’t scared of were zombie movies, so you picked that one as a thank you to him for playing along with all the other activities you had planned.
“Ok”, you said as the movie ended. “How about you get the fireplace going while I get everything ready for our game?”
You could notice his eyes following you. He was intrigued about what you had planned and you were really hoping he wouldn’t find it disappointing.
“So”, you started, putting all the things on the table. “I thought about doing a little quiz. And if we get the question wrong, we have to do something out of a few options”.
“I’m listening”.
“Well, just stripping was going to make the game end too quickly. We aren’t wearing much”, you laughed. “So that’s one of the options, which is highly encouraged if it’s you answering wrong. But also we could take a shot”, you said, showing him the tequila bottle. “Or we can do a little bit of drawing”.
“Drawing?”, he asked you, confused.
“Yes. I got this glow-in-the-dark body paint and thought we could paint each other. And then when we go to the dark for other types of playing…well, we’ll get to see our creations”.
“Only you could come up with that idea”, he laughed. “But I love it”.
Your smile was so big it almost occupied your entire face.
“But”, he said. “It can’t be a horror quiz because you’ll have a big advantage”.
“I thought about that too. I’ll ask you horror movie questions and you’ll ask me football questions”.
“You’re kidding”, he said, laughing so hard you frowned.
“I know. I know…I only know the name of your team and the stadium where you play. I’m the one at a disadvantage. That’s how much I love you. I could easily make it so I win and get to do whatever I want to you”.
“Oh, you’ll get to do whatever you want to me later”, he said, grabbing you by the waist and putting you in his lap before kissing you. “And I love you too. Should we start?”
You went back to your seat and put everything in front of you so it’d be easy to reach whenever you needed it.
“Ok, let’s start with an easy one”, he said, forcing you to make a face. “Kinda. Which team has won the most leagues in England?”
“Manchester City”, you said, remembering that was the team that won the last one. So they at least had one.
“No, Manchester United”.
“That’s what I said. Manchester”, you complained.
“City and United are not the same. It’s like…”, he thought of an example you could understand. “Like an original movie and a remake. Like the Nightmare on Elm Street one”.
That made you shudder. “And who’s the crappy horrible shouldn’t exist remake? City or United?”
“Depends who you ask”, he laughed.
“Ok, as a punishment for missing. Though I was very close, I must add. I’ll choose a shot!”
You licked the salt off your hand, took the shot and then saw your boyfriend with a lime wedge in his mouth. You laughed and crawled towards him to get the lime and then get a kiss too since you were already there.
“Your turn! Who’s the first character killed in the original Scream movie?”
“Oh, easy. Drew Barrymore’s”.
“What?”, he said, shocked. “It is her!”
“It’s her boyfriend Steve. Everyone forgets poor Steve. Your punishment?”
“I’ll take my shirt off”.
“Who won the last World Cup?”, was the next question for you.
“Eh…England? No, I would have noticed. Wait! Brazil!”
“Wrong, it was France”.
“Of course it was. Ok…how about you draw something on me?”
And so he moved you closer to him to try and draw a ghost on your thigh. The drawing itself wasn’t great, but he kept on tickling you with the brush and his fingers and made you laugh. He looked so cute all concentrated that you couldn’t help but give him little kisses. Even though he complained about you distracting him, you knew he didn’t mind at all. 
Forty minutes later, you were both sitting in just your underwear, slightly tipsy and with all types of drawings all over your body. After getting a Champions League question wrong, you asked for another glowy tattoo and so your boyfriend got to work. 
“Turn around”, he said.
“But I wanna see”.
“Turn around”.
And so you did. His cold hand moved from your neck all along your spine, making you shiver in the best way possible. When he got to your bum, he took advantage of you wearing a thong to draw on one of your bum cheeks. He gave it a little squeeze and a kiss when he was done.
When you turned back to face him, you stopped him from going back to his seat.
“You know. I’m tired of this game now, maybe we should move to the next one”.
“Should we go see how we glow in the dark?”, he laughed.
“Yeah…and to see how smudge-proof this paint really is”.
Hours later, you lay in each other’s arms and you couldn’t believe how happy you were at that moment. Today had really been the perfect day.
"Thank you for being such a good sport and putting up with all my weird tastes. No one has ever made me feel like I’m not a weirdo for liking what I like until I met you. It means so much to me", you said. 
"I have to love all of you, don’t I? Happy Halloween, my love".
“Happy Halloween”.
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zendasian · 9 months
My honest reaction after watching a group of furries gets eternally & brutally tormented by the devil
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[ Day 9 No Instagram ]
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phociian · 9 months
another lil history thing:
The Washingtons were well known for spoiling the children under their care. People in that time noted that. Their kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc. All the kids that lived with them were spoiled by them. Patsy and Jacky Parke Custis (Martha's children from her first marriage) were extremely loved, especially since George and Martha never had children of their own. George bought Jack a violin, and Patsy a spinnet (which was kinda like a predecessor to the harpsichord), and would buy Patsy a doll from London once a year that was updated with the latest fashions from Europe. He also bought Jack horses and Patsy a parrot (I think it was a parrot, it might have been another bird). One of his and Martha's granddaughters (I can't remember which) also had a spaniel named Frisky. Also George tended to spoil the girls and was stricter with the boys, and Martha tended to spoil the boys and was stricter with the girls (probably because she was the woman of the house from a very young age).
But they were strict too. George was strict about education (since he didn't have a chance to be formally educated like his older brothers). He was very strict about where he would send Wash Parke Custis to college (and I think someone recommended he ask Hamilton where he was sending Philip, since Philip was a few months younger). He was super strict with Jack, Wash's father, but both boys were lazy about schooling and just overall uninterested, and in the end deferred to Martha (in Jack's case) and Nelly Calvert and David Stuart (since they were Wash's mother and stepfather). Neither of them ended up finishing school. The girls were also tutored really well in dance (I think), music, embroidery, etc. They were well read and were able to read and write proficiently. Martha was more lax about the boys' education (I don't think she actually had a formal education and would often use secretaries to write her letters and then she'd copy them and sign them), but she was known to be pretty strict with the girl's education (since all that jazz was vital to them finding a husband and all that).
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mariocki · 1 month
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All Passion Spent: Episode 2 (1.2, BBC, 1986)
"You really must not speak as though my life has been a tragedy. I had everything that most women would envy; I had position, comfort, children, and a husband I loved. Truly loved, Mr. Fitzgeorge. I had nothing to complain of."
"Except that you were defrauded of the one thing that mattered, face it, Lady Slane: your children, your husband, your splendour... were nothing but obstacles that kept you from yourself. Perhaps you were too young to know any better, but when you chose that life, you know, you sinned against the light."
"You're right, of course."
"Course I'm right, old Fitz may be a comic figure, but he retains some sense of values."
"Don't scold me any more, Mr. Fitzgeorge. I assure you that if I did wrong, I paid for it. But you must not blame my husband."
"Oh, I don't. According to his lights, he gave you everything you could desire. He merely killed you, that's all. Men do kill women, and most women enjoy being killed - so I am told."
#all passion spent#bbc#classic tv#vita sackville west#martyn friend#peter buckman#wendy hiller#harry andrews#maurice denham#phyllis calvert#graham crowden#david waller#jane snowden#eileen way#geoffrey bayldon#faith brook#hilary mason#john franklyn robbins#antonia pemberton#patrick barlow#having spent most of the first episode introducing us to the fairly large cast of characters‚ this second part pushes the action#forwards a little‚ but this is still a fairly slow and subtle thing. most of the joy is in seeing an assembled cast of this quality; most#rewarding are Lady Slane's aged children who‚ being supporting characters and not having the plot rest on their shoulders‚ can be less#nuanced and more archetypal. they're all fairly wonderful: Crowden as the domineering and dictatorial eldest son‚ Calvert the unbearable#snob of an elder daughter‚ Bayldon a truly grotesque miser and Mason and Franklyn Robbins as the two younger children who are the only ones#to show any humanity (but are both also rather flighty and airheaded). they're some wonderful performances but this is Hiller's show#through and through (tho Harry Andrews gives her a run for her money). Virginia Woolf was apparently no great admirer of Vita's literary#efforts and it's not hard to see why; there is a gulf in style between the cerebral‚ postmodern work Woolf was producing and this rather#cozy and sweet comedy of manners with a light moral touch. but it is very charming and i do find myself enjoying my time spent with this#story. quite a sweet thing all told
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annawincestfan · 2 years
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prettylittletrent · 1 year
Currently taking requests ✨️😉
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hendolish · 1 year
sooo, here's who's out for the international break so far...
stones, mings, james, mount, dcl, shaw(?), maddison(?), maguire(?), trent(?)
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