#john axton
joofie404 · 9 months
FREAKS are malicious entities from who knows where with the ability to latch onto objects, feelings, elements and ideas and gain forms and powers based off of their choice. With these forms and abilities they wreak havoc on society. While an easy way to power might be to take a form based off of a weapon or dangerous element, the trickiest freaks think outside the box.
FREAK HUNTERS are an organization of highly talented, dangerous, and slightly insane people that are sent to destroy Freaks in the event of a threat to the public, functioning similarly to a fire department or police force.
   DIVISION 047 is the 047th division of the Freak Hunters, and the division the series focuses on.
In the vast expanse of the unknown, the origins of the enigmatic beings known as the Freaks remain shrouded in mystery. Their arrival upon our world was sudden and unexpected, and it quickly became apparent that they harbored a deep disdain for humanity. Possessing an uncanny ability to attach themselves to objects, emotions, elements, and ideas, the Freaks could assume various forms and wield powers derived from their chosen manifestations. With these formidable abilities at their disposal, they unleashed chaos and devastation upon the unsuspecting world.
As the havoc wreaked by the Freaks escalated, law enforcement agencies valiantly attempted to quell the rising tide of crime and destruction. However, the combined forces of the Freaks and the escalating criminal activities proved to be an insurmountable challenge. It was during these dark times that a man named Argie Brutus and his loyal friend, Bill Morgan, recognized the urgent need for action.
Driven by a burning desire to protect the innocent and restore order, Argie and Bill conceived a daring plan. They established the Freak Hunters, an organization comprised of individuals possessing exceptional talents, a touch of madness, and an unwavering commitment to safeguarding the public. Functioning akin to a fire department or police force, these highly skilled hunters were dispatched to eliminate the Freaks whenever they posed a threat to society.
Argie assumed the mantle of leadership, guiding the organization with unwavering determination, while Bill became the first hunter, leading the charge against the malevolent entities. Together, they forged an organization that achieved remarkable success, with hunters sent to neutralize Freaks before they could inflict harm upon innocent lives and valuable property.
However, fate dealt a cruel blow to Bill when tragedy struck his own family. In a heart-wrenching incident at a bustling subway station, stray fire from a fellow Freak Hunter claimed the lives of Bill's beloved wife and daughter. Consumed by grief and anger, Bill withdrew from the ranks of the Hunters, severing ties with Argie and disappearing into the shadows.
Years passed, and the world continued to grapple with the ever-present threat of the Freaks. Meanwhile, three ordinary individuals named John, Cassandra, and Ted were diligently training to fulfill their dreams of becoming police officers. Their exceptional skills and unwavering dedication set them apart, and their futures seemed bright. However, their lives took an unexpected turn when chaos descended upon their training academy. The notorious Saw Freak launched a sudden and brutal attack, catching everyone off guard.
Panic ensued as most of the officers fled in fear for their lives, seeking safety from the menacing threat. Yet, amidst the chaos and terror, The three stood their ground. Driven by an unyielding sense of duty and armed with remarkable skill, they fearlessly confronted the Saw Freak. With astonishing coordination and unwavering teamwork, the trio managed to subdue the formidable Freak, neutralizing the threat that had sent others running.
Unbeknownst to them, their heroic act had not gone unnoticed. Argie happened to witness their remarkable display of courage and expertise. Impressed by their exceptional performance, he wasted no time in approaching the three aspiring officers.
Recognizing their immense potential and the invaluable skills they possessed, Argie swiftly extended an offer that would forever alter the course of their lives. He proposed that they join the specialized ranks of Freak Hunting. Eager to continue their pursuit of justice, violence and the protection of innocent lives, John, Cassandra, and Ted wholeheartedly accepted the proposition.
And so, Division 047 was born, a formidable force composed of exceptional individuals who had proven themselves in the face of adversity. United by their shared commitment to safeguarding society from the weird, wild and disturbing, they embarked on a new chapter in their lives, ready to confront any unfathomable horror and blast it to bits with no hesitation.
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The creators of the Freak Hunters, Argie Brutus and Bill Morgan.
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Left to Right: John Axton, Cassandra Bardot, Ted Whitmore
John Axton
The snarky, caffeine addicted captain of Division 047.
Aliases/nicknames: Captain, Caffeine-addict
Abilities: Strength, versatility, firearms expertise, leadership skills
Age: 30
Birthday: September 14
Bio: John, with his snarky comments and arrogant attitude, often rubs people the wrong way. He has a knack for making sarcastic remarks and crude jokes, earning him a reputation as someone who is difficult to work with. However, beneath his rough exterior lies a surprising depth of compassion and understanding. Despite his crude behavior, John is fiercely loyal to his teammates. He goes above and beyond to support them, always willing to lend a helping hand or offer words of encouragement. When a teammate is struggling, he is the first to offer guidance and assistance, even if it means putting his own needs aside. His unwavering support is a testament to his proud role as captain of Division 047.
Cassandra Bardot
The tough as nails tank of Division 047.
Aliases/nicknames: Tank, Cass, Scary lady
Abilities: Strength, versatility, advanced firearms expertise, melee combat expertise
Age: 26
Birthday: October 21
Bio: Cassandra, a battle-hardened member of division 047, is known for her short temper and extensive experience. As the team's tank, she remains composed and efficient, fearlessly overpowering and neutralizing any Freak she comes across. Cassandra's dedication to her job is unwavering, and she spends most of her free time training and honing her skills. Or sleeping. She is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and is proficient in the use of various weapons, including firearms and explosives. Cassandra tends to have somewhat of a pessimistic worldview, which stems from witnessing the sudden deaths of multiple teammates, reinforcing her burning hatred for Freaks. Due to this she tends to be blunt and straightforward in her communication, along with prioritizing the safety of her teammates, with little tolerance for reckless behavior.
Ted Whitmore
The chillaxed technical guy of Division 047.
Aliases/nicknames: Tech, Teddy
Abilities: Strength, versatility, firearms expertise, genius-level intellect, excellent inventing Skills, Amplified strength/versatility in robotic arm
Age: 28
Birthday: February 5
Bio: Ted is a chill and collected individual who likes to enjoy his time, particularly after forming strong bonds with his Division 047 teammates. Despite losing his arm to the Saw Freak on his very first day, Ted decided to stay when he was presented with the opportunity to have a robotic limb as a replacement. Although he can be stubborn and has had intense disagreements with John in the past, Ted proves to be a competent second-in-command when John is not around, and his exceptional skills in technology and computers make him a valuable asset to the team. During periods when they are not actively pursuing Freaks, Ted expresses a more humorous and occasionally playful side.
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The rest of Division 047, from left to right: Marcy, Frank, Tess, Gary
Marcy Freeman
The upbeat speedster of Division 047.
Aliases/nicknames: Speedy, Motormouth
Abilities: Strength, versatility, firearms expertise, speed, agility, melee combat expertise
Age: 23
Birthday: June 19
Bio: Marcy Freeman is a highly skilled member of Division 047, renowned for her exceptional speed and agility in close combat situations. Her expertise lies in her ability to move with lightning-fast speed, making it nearly impossible for her opponents to keep up with her. Her agility is equally impressive, allowing her to dodge and weave through obstacles with ease. Despite her impressive physical abilities, Marcy has a tendency to talk excessively, earning her the nickname "Motormouth" among her teammates. Her eccentric personality is characterized by a childlike naivety and innocence, which often endears her to those around her. She is known for her unwavering loyalty to John, whom she holds in high regard as the division leader no matter how crazy his plans.
The pyrotechnics expert of Division 047
Aliases/nicknames: Pyro, Mr. Toasty
Abilities: Strength, versatility, firearms expertise, pyrotechnic expertise, forklift license
Age: 30
Birthday: January 21
Bio: Meet Frank, the coolest guy in Division 047. He's so polite and straightforward, you'd think he was raised by a pack of Canadian geese. But don't let his good manners fool you, this guy knows how to party. And by party, I mean turn any Freak into a pile of ash faster than you can say "hot tamale." As the pyrotechnics expert, Frank's got all the toys you need to make things go boom. Flamethrowers? Check. Explosives? Check. Anything that can light a fire? You bet. And let me tell you, everyone loves Frank. Sure, nobody has ever seen his face or heard his last name, but who cares? He's awesome. Plus, the man can drive a forklift like nobody's business. That's right people, he's a double threat. So if you need something burnt to a crisp, Frank's your guy. Just don't ask him to make you a sandwich, unless you like your bread extra crispy.
Tessa Minch
The one and only one-eyed markswoman of Division 047.
Aliases/nicknames: Crosshairs, One-eye
Abilities: Strength, versatility, firearms expertise, incredible aim
Age: 29
Birthday: August 30
Bio: Tess is a seasoned and skilled marksman, serving as the long-range specialist for Division 047. Her demeanor is typically upbeat, and she exudes confidence even in the most high-pressure situations. Despite only having one functioning eye, Tess possesses an uncanny ability to hit targets from incredible distances - even those concealed in tall grass - without the aid of a scope. Her proficiency as a Freak Hunter is unmatched, and she favors engaging her targets from afar whenever possible. However, she is equally capable in close-quarters combat if the need arises. Tess tends to approach her work with a relaxed and carefree attitude, but those who cross her when she's angry may find her even more intimidating than Cassandra.
Gary Cooper
The wannabe leader of Division 047 with a lot to prove.
Aliases/nicknames: Prick
Abilities: Strength, versatility, firearms expertise
Age: 29
Birthday: April 1
Bio: Gary is a Freak Hunter who is often perceived as unsociable and prefers to keep to himself, but he is not afraid to challenge others when it comes to proving them wrong. Gary is the type of person who will always find an opportunity to showcase his skills and demonstrate that he is better than most people, especially John. Despite his confidence, Gary is plagued by a deep-seated sense of insecurity and envy towards John. He believes that he should be the leader of their team and is constantly vying for control over missions. However, whenever he is given a leading role, he tends to mess things up due to his impulsive nature and lack of foresight. Gary's envy towards John stems from his admiration of John's exceptional skills as a Freak Hunter. He often doubts his own abilities and feels inferior to John, which only fuels his desire to prove himself. Despite his flaws, Gary is a valuable member of the team and is always willing to put himself in harm's way to protect others.
> FREAKS (so far)
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The Gun Freak (AKA “Gunter”)
Bio: The Gun Freak is a Freak with the ability to transform his arms into a wide array of ranged weapons. However, this extraordinary power comes with a peculiar requirement - the Gun Freak must consume the weapons he wishes to manifest. This strange ritual allows him to harness their capabilities and utilize them in combat. Alongside this ability, the Gun Freak possesses exceptional speed and durability, making him a formidable opponent.
Abilities: The most striking aspect of the Gun Freak’s abilities lies in his armament transformation. By consuming various weapons, the Gun Freak can channel their essence and manifest them as extensions of his own limbs. This unique power allows him to wield an assortment of ranged weapons, including but not limited to firearms, bows, and even futuristic energy-based armaments. The versatility of his arsenal grants the Gun Freak a wide range of offensive capabilities, making him a formidable opponent in any confrontation.
Furthermore, the Gun Freak possesses exceptional speed and durability, enabling him to swiftly maneuver through the battlefield while withstanding substantial amounts of damage. His agility and resilience make it challenging for adversaries to land decisive blows, further enhancing his survival instincts during combat encounters.
Despite his formidable physical attributes and arsenal of weapons, The Gun Freak’s mental capacity poses a significant hindrance to his overall effectiveness. To quote Division 047 leader John Axton, “He has the mental capacity of a psychopathic toddler on meth”. His mental state renders him incapable of strategic planning or coherent decision-making. This mental deficiency severely limits the Gun Freak’s potential as a tactician, often leading to impulsive and unpredictable behavior during confrontations.
Confrontation Advice:
The Gun Freak’s impaired mental capacity can be used against him. Engage him in psychological warfare or employ tactics that exploit his unpredictable behavior to gain an advantage. Due to his enhanced speed and durability, the Gun Freak excels in one-on-one combat. To counter this, confront him with a team or group of skilled hunters to overwhelm him and limit his ability to focus on individual opponents. As the Gun Freak relies on consuming weapons to transform his arms, disarming him or preventing him from accessing firearms can significantly weaken his offensive capabilities. Utilize tactics that target his weapon consumption process to gain the upper hand.
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The Doll Freak
Bio: Doll Freak is a horrifying abomination that came into existence when a Freak entity decided to attach itself to a little girl's cherished doll. Despite the girl's refusal to part with her beloved toy, the fusion of the three entities occurred, resulting in a nightmarish being with enhanced powers. The doll now holds control over the entire entity, while the girl remains unconscious, trapped within the amalgamation.
The Doll Freak possesses the uncanny ability to manipulate people as if they were mere dolls. With the power of its strings, it can exert control over individuals, bending them to its will and making them act according to its desires. The Doll Freak also has the power to summon sharp needles at will. These needles can be used as weapons or for various other purposes, providing an additional means of defense or attack. Lastly, the Doll Freak possesses the ability to vanish from sight, allowing it to move undetected or escape from dangerous situations. This power grants it a significant advantage in confrontations.
The Doll Freak's powers are intrinsically linked to the doll it fused with. If the doll is separated or destroyed, the Freak will cease to exist. It is unknown if the girl is still alive. Additionally, the Doll Freak's existence is tied to the emotional bond between the little girl and her doll. Any attempt to sever this bond or harm the girl emotionally may weaken the entity, making it more susceptible to defeat. The morality of this technique is questionable. Although the Doll Freak possesses enhanced powers, the girl's consciousness remains dormant within the amalgamation. This lack of awareness may hinder decision-making and strategic thinking. Additionally, the Doll Freak can only control one person at a time.
Confrontation Advice:
To weaken the Doll Freak, focus on separating or destroying the doll it is fused with. This will make the Freak cease to exist. The Doll Freak's strength lies in the emotional bond with the little girl. Exploiting this weakness by harming or threatening the girl may diminish the entity's abilities and give you an advantage. The morality of this technique is highly questionable, however. The Doll Freak can vanish at will, making it difficult to track or anticipate its movements. Stay vigilant and be prepared for surprise attacks. Engaging the Doll Freak with a team can help divide its attention and create opportunities for attack. Utilize distractions and exploit its weaknesses to emerge victorious.
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The Computer Freak
Bio: The Computer Freak is the result of a fortuitous incident where a Freak managed to infiltrate a highly advanced computer lab. This entity possesses extraordinary abilities that revolve around its affinity for technology. With the power to teleport, create clones, and manipulate technology, the Computer Freak is a formidable force to reckon with. Additionally, it possesses the ability to warp and glitch the world around it, causing chaos and confusion.
Abilities: The Computer Freak can instantaneously transport itself from one location to another, making it difficult to track or anticipate its movements.
It also has the capability to generate multiple clones of itself, overwhelming its opponents and creating diversions. Additionally, the Computer Freak can control and manipulate technology at will, granting it the ability to hack into systems, disable security measures, or even weaponize electronic devices. Lastly, by warping and glitching the world around it, the Computer Freak can create disorienting and unpredictable environments, making it challenging for adversaries to navigate or mount an effective offense.
Limitations: Despite its formidable technological powers, the Computer Freak remains physically vulnerable. Direct physical attacks can harm or incapacitate it. While the Computer Freak is virtually omnipotent within its digital realm, it heavily relies on the target's lack of coding or programming knowledge. Those with expertise in these areas can potentially exploit its weaknesses and counter its abilities. It's movement is limited due to being tethered to its computer.
Confrontation Advice: The Computer Freak's teleportation and clone creation abilities make it a highly elusive opponent. Maintain constant awareness of your surroundings to avoid being caught off guard. Engage the Computer Freak with physical attacks whenever possible. Its technological prowess does not grant it immunity to physical harm. Additionally, the Computer Freak is limited in its movement due to being tethered to its computer. If confronted within its digital realm, having knowledge of coding or programming can be a significant advantage. Utilize this expertise to counter its virtual omnipotence and gain an upper hand. The Computer Freak's ability to manipulate technology can be neutralized by disabling or shielding electronic devices. This can limit its ability to hack or weaponize technology against you.
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oldshowbiz · 11 months
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David Letterman interviews Hoyt Axton and John Ritter on the Tonight Show.
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mmmitchmmmarner · 6 months
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jt has two 🇨🇦 flags in his backyard
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duranduratulsa · 12 days
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Up next on my 80's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...Gremlins (1984) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #comedy #gremlins #joedante #Mogwai #gizmo #zachgalligan #phoebecates #HoytAxton #riphoytaxton #coreyfeldman #dickmiller #ripdickmiller #judgereinhold #FrancesLeeMcCain #johnlouie #PollyHolliday #howiemandel #harrycareyjr #hulkhogan #ChristopherLee #RIPChristopherLee #JohnGlover #TomBergeron #kennethtobey #ripkennethtobey #havilandmorris #MichaelWinslow #robertprosky #riprobertprosky #jasonpresson #vintage #vhs #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
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pisswizzardrequiem · 1 year
All of my favorite musical artists and bands I can think of in no order
The Hu
Amadeus Mozart
Colter Wall
Corb Lund
Hoyt Axton
John Hartford
Sturgill Simpson
Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen
Cream (the 60s band cus I think there's a new band with the same name)
Jimi Hendrix
The Aquabats
Graham Kartna
Carpenter Brut
Guilhem Desq
Tally Hall
The White Stripes
Oingo Boingo
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
Shakey Graves
Hasil Adkins
Isle of Klezbos
Benji Hughes
The Murlocs
Joey Valence
Led Zeppelin
Lemon Demon
Charles Berthoud
Søren Madsen
Well that's way more than I can tag so I'll do what I can
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polkadotmotmot · 1 year
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John Axton - Companion, 2022
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morhath · 11 months
Oh I’m very very interested in your nonfiction book recs 👀
EDIT: ykw I'm gonna make this a little more organized
I listed a bunch in this post (the last question) but lemme see if I have any additions because I know I was kinda trying to keep it short when I wrote that. (But that being said, that post is the Top Faves Of All Time, so go for those first.)
Freaky medical shit I also liked:
The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years by Sonia Shah
The Barbary Plague: The Black Death in Victorian San Francisco by Marilyn Chase (I just read this a few weeks ago and OOUUUGGHHHHHH IT'S LITERALLY JUST. LIKE THE RESPONSE TO COVID.)
The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic—and How It Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World by Steven Johnson
Political shit I also liked:
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century edited by Alice Wong
The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide by Steven W. Thrasher
Immigrants, Evangelicals, and Politics in an Era of Demographic Change by Janelle S. Wong
History I also liked:
Triangle: The Fire That Changed America by David Von Drehle
The Hamlet Fire: A Tragic Story of Cheap Food, Cheap Government, and Cheap Lives by Bryant Simon (between those two you can tell I was on a bit of a "workplace tragedies caused by lax regulations and bad management" kick)
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women by Kate Moore (I think everyone knows about this book, including it for completeness)
Promised the Moon: The Untold Story Of The First Women In The Space Race by Stephanie Nolen
The Women's House of Detention: A Queer History of a Forgotten Prison by Hugh Ryan
Butts: A Backstory by Heather Radke (this is nowhere near as fun and cute as you'd assume from the title)
Memoirs I also liked:
The Less People Know About Us: A Mystery of Betrayal, Family Secrets, and Stolen Identity by Axton Betz-Hamilton (I read this before I really got into nonfiction and it was WILD, I tell people about it all the time)
The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui (this one is a graphic not-novel-I-guess-memoir)
Know My Name by Chanel Miller
Playing Dead: A Journey Through the World of Death Fraud by Elizabeth Greenwood
A False Report: A True Story of Rape in America by Ken Armstrong, T. Christian Miller
Lost Feast: Culinary Extinction and the Future of Food by Lenore Newman
It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror by Joe Vallese
AND here are a few on my TBR that I'm really excited for! I decided not to categorize them because they're almost all history:
Silk and Potatoes: Contemporary Arthurian Fantasy by Adam Roberts
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown
All the Young Men by Ruth Coker Burks
The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara by David I. Kertzer (I am actually partway through this right now but in a bit of a dry/confusing section)
The Broadcast 41: Women and the Anti-Communist Blacklist by Carol A. Stabile
The Golden Thread: How Fabric Changed History by Kassia St Clair
A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purnell (have just barely started this)
Time to Dance, a Time to Die: The Extraordinary Story of the Dancing Plague of 1518 by John Waller
The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyŏng: The Autobiographical Writings of a Crown Princess of Eighteenth-Century Korea by Lady Hyegyeong
Miss Major Speaks: The Life and Times of a Black Trans Revolutionary by Miss Major Griffin-Gracy
Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-Level Nuclear Waste by William M. Alley, Rosemarie Alley (I'm in the middle of this but it's surprisingly, um. not exciting.)
Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan's Workplaces to Clinton's Columbine and Beyond by Mark Ames
Pressure Cooker: Why Home Cooking Won't Solve Our Problems and What We Can Do About It by Joslyn Brenton, Sinikka Elliott, Sarah Bowen
Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder
The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World by Virginia Postrel
Women's Work: The First 20,000 Years Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times by Elizabeth Wayland Barber
Medieval Gentlewoman: Life in a Gentry Household in the Later Middle Ages by Ffiona Swabey
Hitler's First Victims: The Beginning of the Holocaust and One Man's Fight to End It by Timothy W. Ryback
I am soso normal and have very normal interests that are not at all grim :)
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slafkovskys · 5 months
no bc i imagine babysitter reader has such a good relationship with the tavares family (and john would be so protective, especially when knies joins the household). and i need to know she meets jw for the first time and what the interaction is like 😭
loela smiles down at her phone screen as she scans over the text from aryne. it was a picture of a picture drawn by jace on green construction paper and it was apparently meant to showcase the two of them playing at the park. she doesn’t have time to type out a response before arms are thrown around her shoulders, “it’s baby free night, remember?”
“do you think that i forgot that you tried to turn my phone off in the uber,” the nineteen year old rolls her eyes as she hearts the image before placing her phone in her bag. “what are we doing now? shots?”
“you my girl,” celeste reaches across the table to boop her friend’s nose, “are going to walk up to the bar and talk to that man who has been staring at you since we walked in.”
“oh c’mon loe. get a drink out of him at least,” jenna croons from behind her, “for you or for me.”
“why don’t you go and talk to him then?”
“because i am engaged and i don’t think that your brother would like that very much,” jenna claps her shoulders, “you’ll be amazing. just swing the hips, smile like i taught you, and we’ll be getting you down the aisle next.”
“unlikely,” loela mumbles as she finishes off the last of her cocktail that was already in front of her. the girls make a show of cheering her on as she pushes away from the table and grabs her bag, crossing the room to lean against the bar just a couple of spaces away from her target. she gets the bartenders attention, “cosmopolitan, please.”
“never had that before. is it good?” she turns her head to the side to find the man in question suddenly a lot closer than he had been. she hums and he raises two fingers, “make that a double.”
“trusting a stranger?”
“you seem to know what you’re talking about,” the guy shrugs nonchalantly before reaching a hand over the empty seat between them, “i’m joseph.”
“have we met before, joseph?” she raises a curious eyebrow, not being able to shake the feeling that she had seen this man before. he shakes his head and she places her small hand in his abnormally large one, “‘m loela with an e.”
“loela with an e?” he chuckles, “any particular reason for that e?”
“my mom had never seen it spelled that way and she also wanted to make sure that my name was misspelled every single time,” she shrugs her shoulders, sending the bartender a smile when he sets their drinks down in front of them, “most of my friends just call me loe.”
“have i earned that privilege?”
“i’ll let you know in a little while, joseph.”
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“loela, you gotta be faster!” axton calls as he darts down the hallway. she bounces a sleeping rae in her arms as she rolls her eyes at the boy, “c’mon!”
“i’m holding your sister, ax. come back here please,” loela calls out. her eyes go wide as the boy crashes into the back of a pair of legs which puts her into overdrive to get to the little boy. she bends down, carefully cradling the baby’s head as she helps axton to his feet, “are you okay, dude? you need to watch where you’re going.”
“but i was watching you,” axton pouts as she dusts off his pants.
“and i was behind you, wasn’t i?” she quirks up an eyebrow and his frown deepens. “it’s okay, ax. you just need to apologize-”
“loe?” the voice is vaguely familiar. she looks up just in time to see the eyes of the man she had fallen into bed with the night before staring back down at her. she notices the hoodie adorning his upper body, looking eerily similar to the issued one that she had seen matthew and john wear on multiple occasions, “what are you doing here?”
oh, well this is just great.
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lennysfridge · 8 months
at the sight of her opening eyes, aryne and john’s shoulders sag in relief, tears of relief accumulating in their eyes. meanwhile matthew, still posted by the door, stood frozen, unsure if his desperate mind was playing tricks on him.
after a few beats, matthew let out a soft “baby,” voice hesitant in asking. and while he didn’t get a verbal answer, the hum he got in an affirmative tone made sobs of relief bubble in his chest. “baby,” he said again, voice a lot more sure. yet again, no verbal response, but this time her eyes were drawn towards matthew, a sleepy, still half-drugged up grin making its way to her face.
yet before he could make a move towards her bedside, the door came bursting open, dr.smith, nurse johnston, and another professional the three people in the room (bar bear and bug) didn’t know rushing in the room.
upon seeing bear awake and conscious on the bed, smiles overtook their faces. “hello ms.tavares, glad to have you back with us. do you know what happened?”
bear noticeably gulped, pausing, and then gestured towards her throat.
matthew, an expert at reading his girlfriend, states, “she needs water, her throats too dry.” at his words, nurse johnston’s eyes widened, uttering, “oh, right,” before quickly shoving a glass of water in bear’s direction.
after bear had a few sips, she gained a thigh full look on her face, before replying, “i remember making another drink and then sitting on the couch in the suite. after that, everything is dark.”
“you said another drink. about how many did you drink?” dr.smith questions, wanting to ensure the assumption they had made about her alcohol intake was correct.
“three- but my second one might has well have been two. i went a little heavy,” bear stated. her statement made the unknown medical professional’s presence light up, instantly writing down notes on his clipboard.
“and just for assistance purposes, please state your full name, where you live, your parents and siblings names, and what your father’s occupation is,” dr.smith inquires, the unknown male seemingly awaiting bear’s responses eagerly.
“my name’s barret aryne tavares, i live in toronto, my dad’s name is john, my mom’s name is aryne, my siblings are axton, jace and bug. and my dad plays hockey for the maple leafs,” bear responds with ease.
at her responses, the man quietly converses with dr.smith, before making his way out of the room. “that was dr.allar- he’s one of the neurology specialists on site. he was just in here to monitor you for any immediate signs of memory issues. however, you aced it. he’ll likely drop in one more time before you leave, but otherwise you shouldn’t see him,” nurse johnston pipes up from her place beside dr.smith.
“may i ask for your names? i would know them, but i was kinda unconscious when we first met,” bear joked, being met with silence from her parents and matty, even bug giving her a little look. on the other hand, dr.smith and nurse johnston let controlled smiles bleed onto their faces.
“i’m nurse johnston, and i administered your hemodialysis treatment. this is dr.smith, and she’s overseeing your case,” nurse johnston replied, tone giving the effect this wasn’t the first time she gave an introductory like that.
dr.smith spoke now, from her place next to bear’s vital machine. “your vitals look very improved. we were able to take you off hemodialysis in about. 10 minutes. you’ve been on fluids ever since. however we’re going to start you on an iv, to help lower your BAC, and also remove any traces of your medication that still may be interacting with the alcohol. but after tonight, as long as everything looks good tomorrow morning, we should be able to discharge you,” and with that, she gestured towards nurse johnston, who took that as her que to take a few quick steps towards the floating desk connected to her iv, and made quick work to prepare another one to go into her arm.
once she was done preparing the iv, dr.smith took a step back to give nurse
johnston some room, who made quick work to prepare any area on her vein, she took one glance towards bear, as well as matty who had taken refuge in a chair directly on this other side during this interaction and said, “you may want something to hold on to. patients sometimes feel various levels of discomfort,” and at her words, matthew’s hand found a home on the arm rest of her hospital bed, and bear’s hand wandered up the rest to grasp his. at the minimal connection, they both let small grins make their way on to their faces.
seeing bear grasp kniesy’s hand, nurse johnston quickly inserted the iv, and bear gripped matty’s hand a little harder, before letting go once the discomforting feeling was over with.
“well you look to be set. nurse johnston will probably come back before night fall to change your iv if your BAC hasn’t lowered. however in the morning, you should be good to go, and should be discharged by 11am,” dr.smith chirped, and then glanced at nurse johnston, and gestured for the other woman to follow her.
once the door shut behind the two women, it was as if the silence became a thousand times heavier.
best glanced nervously between her parents, who were sat in chairs close to the door, and her boyfriend sat next to her, and then quickly broke eye contact once she locked eyes with matthew, and resorted to glueing her eyes to the hand in her lap with two iv’s attached.
finally, matthew had enough, and he broke. “what were you thinking bear? that was so stupid. i get aryne usually reads your meds and their requirements to you, but why wouldn’t you do it yourself? and i know i like to read them off to you as you take them, but do you understand how utterly stupid you were today? had you made another one, you could’ve died bear! you could’ve died…” his voice broke towards the end as he trailed off, phone grasped limply in his hand, with a google search of, “how much alcohol can mix with prescription drugs before you die?”
the longer his rant went on, the faster tears fell from bears eyes. she knows she was stupid- at least now. and all she wanted to do was get to the arena quicker. that’s it. she didn’t mean anything by it.
at her thought process, she quietly spoke up, “i just wanted to get to the arena quicker. i know i was taking forever to get ready, so i just grabbed my pills and took them before we left. i swear i would’ve read them. i should’ve read them…,” her voice broke now, distressed by the amount of worry she knows she caused the people in the room, and probably many more.
at the thought of other people, her head whipped up, distress taking over, “where are the boys? are they okay? did they have to see me like this?” she asked in a panicked manner. her daughters distress made aryne remember she had never gotten an answer from john in the lobby about the boys, and her head turned quickly to him.
“mitch and steph got them home. steph said she remembered their night time routine, and me and matty jumped at the opportunity to get here faster,” john’s voice spoke up in a soothing manner, bringing a hand to grasp his wife’s, and making eye contact with his oldest.
unexpectedly, the door creaked open, nurse johnston peaking her head in. “i went to go search for a blanket, as most hemodialysis patients, along with people with multiple iv’s usually complain of the chills. however it looks like we’re running short, so i apologize,” and she quickly flashed a smile and shut the door again.
once again, as she shut the door, silence overtook the room.
finally john spoke up, with a sleeping bug in his arms. “im going to hand you bug, and me and mom are going to run to the restroom, grab a few snacks and drinks to bring back here, and then i think we’re going to head out. mom’s about to join bug in lala land,” he joked towards the end, raising the hand attached to his wife’s, and promptly shaking her out of her sleep filled haze.
and doing as he said he said he would, he adjusted bug into the crook of her big sisters neck and took a step back to ensure she stayed asleep. at the loss of weight, john shook his arm out, and then questioned, ”what snacks do you guys want?”
both young adults in the room answered harmoniously, “cheetos and blue gatorade,” and then shyly glanced towards eachother, before looking away.
the adults in the room smiled at one another, reminiscent of how they sued to be. after their rapid reminiscing, they quickly made their way to the door, shutting it softly behind them.
at their absence, matthew looked towards bear, and simply took her in. he was so thankful she was alive. and in reality- he didn’t mean what he said earlier. he was just scared of the idea that he possibly could’ve had to continue on in life without her.
“i’m sorry for how i said what i said earlier baby,” matty paused, ensuring bear’s attention was on him. “it’s everything i wanted to say, but in the wrong way. today just scared the shit out of me bear. it made me realize just how quickly things can happen that can change your life. i; at this point in time, have no clue how i’d go on without you,” at the conclusion of his emotional confession, bear was worked to tears.
“oh baby, no don’t cry i-“ bear cut him off quickly, “please kiss me idiot. you don’t just tell me you can’t live without and don’t give me a little kiss,” she jokingly spoke, quickly leaning up to meet him in the middle.
however in the middle of their lip-lock, the door cracked open agan, john and aryne coming back through the door.
aryne spoke up jokingly to break their embrace, “just because we finally let you two have the door shut doesn’t mean you jump in her bed,” aryne teased the knies boy, coming close to the boy and messing with his hair.
once she neared matthew, she set their snacks on the bed, and then reached for her babygirl, who had begun just barely waking up.
when she had bug securely in her arms, she made her way to stand by john at the door, both parents turning around one last time before they departed.
“bear, we’re happy you’re okay. mom’s gotta run the boys to school, so i’ll drop by in the morning to sign you out. we called off morning skate before we left, so we’ll probably just head home after,” john spoke with the confidence of a leader.
“anyway,” aryne chirped up after her husband, “goodnight to the both of you. we love you guys, sleep tight!”
and with that, the tavares parents, along with the littlest tavares, were out the door.
once it was just matthew and barrett in the room, there was a long pause. but then suddenly, bear spoke up in between her now chattering teeth.
“fuck did they- they turn the temp down in here?” bear questioned, arms covered in goosebumps.
at her reaction, matthew got up to check the temperature first, before answering, “no babe- its only 67 in here. are you okay?” he questioned, concern building in his chest for his girl.
that concern was suddenly washed away when he remembered what nurse johnston had poked her head in about earlier. “they said you’d get cold baby- but they don’t have any blankets. what do you want me to do?” he questioned, placing his warm hands on her arms in an effort to help warm her up.
“please cuddle with me”, bear said rapidly, grasping matty’s arm with the hand closest to him.
“your like a heater at night bubba, and you should do the trick,” she spoke in a mix of seriousness and teasing.
matty took her statement at face value. “alright, then move over, and i’ll lay on your right,” matthew said, as he got up to lay down in his usual place beside bear.
just as he went to lay down though, bear got a timid look on her face. “you- ah- you usually don’t wear a shirt at night bubba. can you uh- take it off now?” she questioned, prepared to say it was a joke depending on his reaction.
at her question though, he simply reached for the bottom of his shirt, and yanked it off of his body, showcasing his athletic build.
“even in a hospital bed you just want to see me naked,” he teased, before laying down next to his girl and getting comfortable.
with her one good hand, bear jokingly hit his shoulder. “nuh-uh,” she said in childish manner. “you’re just warmer this way, that’s why,” she said, a grin on her face alluding to a different meaning.
after their teasing interaction, matty got bear settled in his chest, her head laying on his heart to listen to the rhythmic beat. the duo went silent, before bear spoke up in a tone of voice that showed just how worn out she really was. “thank you for loving me matty, regardless of how stupid the decisions i sometimes make are, the girl said while tilting her head to look her boyfriend in the eyes.
quickly he responded, “baby, i wouldn’t have you any other way. let’s not make this a weekly thing though, okay?” at his teasing words, bear nodded her head and said, “agreed. i’m a little tired of it too ya know,” making the duo for some reason break out into sleep deprived giggles.
“in all seriousness, i love you to the moon matthew knies,” bear said after the fact, all remnants of joking gone. “and i love you to the stars barrett tavares,” and with their loving words, the couple locked lips one more time for a kiss that said everything they couldn’t.
once bear finally lays her head back on matty’s bare chest, a few beats of silence pass.
“hey ba-“ he attempts, before quickly realizing she was asleep. with that realization, he slowly angled his head down to place one more kiss on her hairline, and then wrapped one of his arms securely around his girl to keep her safe where she belonged- with him.
the next morning, nurse johnston opens the door quietly to begin making patient rounds, and smiles at the sight of the two lovesick teenagers embracing eachother.
she could come back later- they could use the rest.
this is so good
i love you gray
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shinakazami1 · 3 months
Give me a 12, 13 and 22 for rhys, soldier 🫵
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
I have in total, three AUs I have to finally write anything for fhasfsa (I do plan on posting Tales AU first chapter this week tho!!). 1) RHYS AI AU is something you saw me post snippets of - in general, it's an alternative version of Borderlands 2, where Jack kills Lilith and Roland very quickly and survives. Due to mourning for Nisha, Wilhelm and Angel, he one day writes code for a companion based on an imaginary friend he had but also, gives him some trait of each one of those he misses. While Rhys was going to slowly become the silly personality we know and love, this was my typical 'give the character therapy when they don't want it, and end up with them hurting someone else and trying to change'. 2) JUST WING IT AU is my Tales AU that starts with changes in ep 5, with how Rhys handles the news about Jack wanting to get that exoskeleton in him and focusing on exploring Jack's loneliness and adding him as the third character, making sort of second season for the game. The additional driving point would be that Loader Bot would be able to grab Gortys and run off with her, so the search for Vault would become longer Yet the AU I really hope to start exploring in the future, is this one: 3) Loss of what once happened but never before AU. It's a Borderlands 3 Rhack au that would focus on Rhys finding out he is a siren with huge time-travelling powers and the costs that come with it. He would turn back in time, when Jack was still known as John during the nights, and watch some of the consequences happen in the present during the day. He doesn't know though just how strong the butterfly effect will be...
13. What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to someday?
Characters: Timothy, Angel, Nisha, Zer0, Katagawa, Axton, Moxxi, Lilith, Roland
Ships: Rhysothy, Rhack, JackxNisha, MoxxixTimothy, Rhysagawa, Axton x Turret (cus she is my wife I luv her)
(The list prob isn't finished cus I still have to finish playing the second game and play the third one oifhaiof)
22. Give us headcanons for Rhys
He actually likes fashion and likes casual official style in general.
He has a sweet tooth but pretends to like spicy food in college.
He actually had a heterochromia before the echo eye and decided to keep it.
He admired Jack a bit but he laughed at psycho fans, as he has some critical thinking.
Even a few years after getting Atlas running again, he still tries to make some guns himself, even if he doesn't have as much time.
He was the one dumped by his ex girlfriend even if he didn't like their dynamic because he was actually scared nobody else would be into him.
He spends a lot of time in the morning preparing his hair. It's quite wavy which gets visible in wetter climates but fortunately for him, he lives mostly in dry ones.
He met Katagawa and at first, couldn't believe he had a fan even if he had some boosted ego but felt something off about him. He turned off an invitation to Zanara because he still thinks about his talk with Vaughn about being good at faking cool. That's why he is even more awkward in future games, since while chasing the younger years, he wants to show he matured, hoping that maybe that will bring Sasha back. That's also why he got the moustache - to show he is becoming more serious. Which fails miserably.
He seemed the most confident in his new Atlas CEO stage because he had to look like it. There was nobody else to help him at the time, so he tried his best to do what he had done - acted the plan out.
He still imagines his plans the same way he did in Tales - with fantasies.
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princesssarisa · 1 month
"Faerie Tale Theatre" Posthumous Reunion: The Stars' Final Resting Places
Some people might think I'm obsessed with death. A minor hobby of mine is to research celebrities' final resting places, via the website Find a Grave and the YouTube channel Hollywood Graveyard. And I like perusing themed guides to famous graves. For example, Hollywood Graveyard's videos themed to Christmas, Halloween, the cast and crew of The Wizard of Oz, cast and crew members of The Twilight Zone, etc., or Find A Grave's "Posthumous Reunion" pages for famous movie and TV show casts, sports teams, etc.
I decided to create a similar guide for the cast of Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre. Sadly, all too many stars of that cult classic series are no longer with us. Here's a guide (with links to Find a Grave pages) to the various places where those stars are buried, in case anyone here might like to visit a few someday.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @thealmightyemprex
Aughaval Cemetery – Westport, Ireland
*Joseph Maher (Narrator, Cinderella/Sultan, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
Blue Grass Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum – Nicholasville, Kentucky, USA
*Harry Dean Stanton (Rip van Winkle, Rip van Winkle)
Eternal Hills Memorial Park – Oceanside, California, USA
*Karen Black (The Sea Witch, The Little Mermaid)
Fairview Cemetery – Linden, Michigan, USA
*Max Wright (Prince Heinrick, The Dancing Princesses)
Fir Grove Cemetery – Ada, Oregon, USA
*Bridgette Andersen (Gretel, Hansel and Gretel)
Forest Cemetery – Circleville, Ohio, USA
*Conchita Ferrell (Mother, Thumbelina)
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Carrie Fisher (Thumbelina, Thumbelina)
*Fred Willard (Paul Pig, The Three Little Pigs)
*Brock Peters (The Ogre, Puss in Boots)
*Pat McCormick (King Fredrico, The Princess and the Pea)
Genola Rural Cemetery – Los Angeles, California, USA
John P. Ryan (Hendrick Hudson, Rip Van Winkle)
Green Hill Cemetery – Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA
*James Noble (King Rupert, Cinderella)
Hillside Memorial Park – Culver City, California, USA
*Leonard Nimoy (The Evil Magician, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
*Dick Shawn (The Emperor, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Hollywood Forever Cemetery – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Paul Reubens (Pinocchio, Pinocchio)
Holy Cross Cemetery – Culver City, California, USA
*Chris Penn (Will Tussenbrook, Rip Van Winkle)
Lake Lawn Park Cemetery and Mausoleum – New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
*Severn Darden (Farmer Silas, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
Lincoln Cemetery – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
*Jean Stapleton (The Giantess, Jack and the Beanstalk/The Fairy Godmother, Cinderella)
Mount Shasta Memorial Park – Mount Shasta, California, USA
*Brandis Kemp (Mama Bear, Goldilocks and the Three Bears/voice of Nadine Wolf, The Three Little Pigs)
Mount Sinai Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Frances Bay (Granny, Little Red Riding Hood)
*Georgia Brown (Maggie, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Mountain View Cemetery – Oakland, California, USA
*Jack Fletcher (The Wizard, Rumpelstiltskin)
Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery – Hillside, Illinois, USA
*George Kirby (The King, Puss in Boots)
Polizzi Generosa Cemetery – Palermo, Sicily, Italy
*Vincent Sciavelli (The Priest, Pinocchio)
Riverside Cemetery – Old Saybrook, Connecticut, USA
*Art Carney (Morty, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Riverview Cemetery – Hamilton, Montana, USA
*Hoyt Axton (The Ranger, Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
Rose Hills Memorial Park – Whittier, California, USA
*Keye Luke (Imperial Doctor, The Nightingale)
Saint Charles Cemetery – East Farmingdale, New York, USA
*Ray Sharkey (Grand Vizier, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
Saint Peter Churchyard – Blackland, Wiltshire, England
*David Hemmings (Narrator, Thumbelina/The Reindeer, The Snow Queen)
Saint Voldoldymyr Ukrainian Cemetery – Oakville, Ontario, Canada
*Gregory Hines (Edgar, Puss in Boots)
Valley Oaks Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Stephen Furst (Peter Pig, The Three Little Pigs)
Westwood Village Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Eve Arden (The Stepmother, Cinderella)
*James Coburn (The G**sy, Pinocchio)
*Doris Roberts (Mother Pig, The Three Little Pigs)
*Tim Conway (The Mayoral Candidate, Rip Van Winkle)
*Frank Zappa (Attila, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Lu Leonard (Mrs. Toad, Thumbelina)
William Henry Lee Memorial Cemetery – Los Angeles, California, USA
*Beatrice Straight (Queen Veronica, The Princess and the Pea)
Cremated, Ashes Held Privately or Scattered
*Robin Williams (Prince Robin, The Tale of the Frog Prince)
*Hervé Villechaize (Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin)
*Christopher Reeve (The Prince, Sleeping Beauty)
*Treat Williams (Prince Andrew, The Little Mermaid)
*Brian Dennehy (King Neptune, The Little Mermaid)
*Klaus Kinski (The Beast, Beauty and the Beast)
*Roddy McDowell (Narrator, Rapunzel)
*Christopher Lee (King Vladimir, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Dana Hill (Princess Amanda, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Vincent Price (The Magic Mirror, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs/Narrator, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*David Warner (The Innkeeper, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Jeff Corey (Father, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Jack Riley (Sexton, The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers)
*Ned Beatty (The King, Rumpelstiltskin)
*Roy Dotrice (Peter Vanderdonk, Rip Van Winkle/The King, The Dancing Princesses)
*Zelda Rubinstein (Old Woman, The Dancing Princesses)
*Burgess Meredith (Mr. Mole, Thumbelina)
*Lee Remick (The Snow Queen, The Snow Queen)
*Lance Kerwin (Kai, The Snow Queen)
*Linda Manz (The Robber Girl, The Snow Queen)
*René Auberjonois (King Ulrich, The Tale of the Frog Prince/King Boris, Sleeping Beauty)
*Sally Kellerman (Queen Natasha, Sleeping Beauty)
*Barrie Ingham (Finance Minister, The Emperor’s New Clothes/Tutor, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
*Richard Libertini (King Murray, Sleeping Beauty)
*Alex Karras (Papa Bear, Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
*Katherine Helmond (Jack’s Mother, Jack and the Beanstalk)
*John Vernon (Father, Little Red Riding Hood)
*Mako (Gardener/Minister, The Nightingale)
*Billy Curtis (Barnaby, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
*Rae Allen (Aladdin’s Mother, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp)
*Howard Hesseman (The King, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
*Jackie Vernon (Phlegmatic Jack, The Princess Who Had Never Laughed)
*Albert Hague (Nicholas Vedder, Rip Van Winkle)
Donated to Medical Science
*Ian Abercrombie (The Royal Cobbler, The Dancing Princesses)
Unknown (Not Publicly Revealed or No Information Online)
*Carl Reiner (Geppetto, Pinocchio)
*Alan Arkin (Bo, The Emperor’s New Clothes)
*Peter Risch (Bruno, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs/Herald, Puss in Boots)
*Lou Carry (Bertram, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
*Stephen Elliott (Father, Beauty and the Beast)
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joofie404 · 8 months
some freak hunters 047 redesigns
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the main 3, now with some naming and design updates. John is the same, Cassandra is now Cassidy due to conflicting names with a certain alcoholic cat, and Ted's last name is now his first, because I wanna call him Whitty (His last name is Weston). their personalities are somewhat different too, but i'll share those once i remake the info post.
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Gunter!!! So, a bit of an update to freaks. No longer are they referred to as [blank] freaks and such, now they have proper names. Don't wanna rip off chainsaw man too much, y'know. Anyways Gunter is now a lot more animalistic, foaming at the mouth with hind legs and all that. gave him a free hand, now he can scamper >:) also SCORPION GUN TAIL IS THAT NOT AWESOME
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doll freak is now Kontororu. this kitty from hell gave a kid at my church nightmares. her main weak point is now her hands. They are her main source of fighting (besides the pins) and also allow her to control emily, so if you shoot at the cracks enough the hands will shatter, significantly weakening Konto (it can still use it's tail like a mace tho).
also i literally never say this but my friends do it so reblogs appreciated :)
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docrotten · 6 months
GREMLINS (1984) – Episode 250 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“Ai-yah. You teach him to watch TV?” Do you mean there was a fourth rule? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr, along with guest host Ralph Miller – as they take an effects-focused dive into Joe Dante’s Gremlins (1984).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 250 – Gremlins (1984)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1980s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
A young man inadvertently breaks three important rules concerning his new pet and unleashes a horde of malevolently mischievous monsters on a small town.
  Director: Joe Dante
Writer: Chris Columbus
Produced by:
Michael Finnell (producer) (produced by)
Kathleen Kennedy (executive producer)
Frank Marshall (executive producer)
Steven Spielberg (executive producer)
Music by: Jerry Goldsmith
Cinematography by: John Hora (director of photography)
Editing by: Tina Hirsch
Casting By: Susan Arnold
Production Design by: James H. Spencer
Special Effects:
Chris Walas (creator: Gremlins) 
Bob MacDonald Jr. (special effects foreman)
R.A. MacDonald (special effects supervisor) (as Bob MacDonald Sr.)
Selected Cast:
Hoyt Axton as Randall Peltzer
John Louie as Chinese Boy
Keye Luke as Grandfather
Don Steele as Rockin’ Ricky Rialto (voice)
Susan Burgess as Little Girl
Scott Brady as Sheriff Frank
Arnie Moore as Pete’s Father
Corey Feldman as Pete
Harry Carey Jr. as Mr. Anderson
Zach Galligan as Billy
Dick Miller as Mr. Futterman
Phoebe Cates as Kate
Polly Holliday as Mrs. Deagle
Belinda Balaski as Mrs. Harris
Edward Andrews as Mr. Corben
Judge Reinhold as Gerald Hopkins
Chuck Jones as Mr. Jones
Glynn Turman as Roy Hanson
Tracy Wells as Schoolchild
Jonathan Banks as Deputy Brent
Frank Welker as Stripe / Mogwai / Gremlins (voice)
Howie Mandel as Gizmo (voice)
Fred Newman as Mogwai / Gremlins (voice)
Mark Dodson as Mogwai / Gremlins (voice)
Michael Winslow as Mogwai / Gremlins (voice)
Peter Cullen as Mogwai / Gremlins (voice)
Bob Bergen as Mogwai / Gremlins (voice) (as Bob Berger)
Michael Sheehan as Mogwai / Gremlins (voice) (as Mike Sheehan)
Bob Holt as Mogwai / Gremlins (voice)
Richard Carlson as Dr. Research (archive footage) (uncredited)
Jerry Goldsmith as Man in Telephone Booth Glancing at Camera (uncredited)
William Schallert as Father Bartlett (uncredited)
Steven Spielberg as Man in Electric Wheelchair (uncredited)
Kenneth Tobey as Mobil Gas Station Attendant (uncredited)
Effects artist Ralph Miller joins the Grue-Crew to add his experience working on Gremlin’s creature crew, led by Chris Walas, the designer of Mogwai and the gremlins. Though the crew focuses on the film’s effects, they also delve into the cast, cameos, crew, and behind-the-scenes stories. 
In July 2014, Doc Rotten and Thomas Mariani covered Gremlins before the Monster Movie Podcast became Decades of Horror 1980s. Check it what they had to say at this link: 
Monster Movie Podcast Episode 68 – Gremlins 1984
As of 21 January 2024, Gremlins is available for streaming from many PPV sites and on physical media in 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray formats. 
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Jeff, will be Slaughterhouse (1987). They may need a shower after this one.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Endangered Species will be released on Blu-ray on April 18 via Scream Factory. The 1982 science fiction thriller is inspired by actual events.
Alan Rudolph (Mortal Thoughts) directs from a script he co-wrote with John Binder (Honeysuckle Rose). Robert Urich, JoBeth Williams, Paul Dooley, Hoyt Axton, Peter Coyote, and Marin Kanter star.
Special features will be announced a later date.
The Colorado prairie has become a graveyard. Mutilated cattle, their organs surgically removed, litter the high country. Is this the gruesome work of a Satanic cult? Of extraterrestrials? Of conspirators who arrive and leave in mysterious black helicopters? The locals are terrified – and it falls to their new sheriff (JoBeth Williams) and a troubled cop (Robert Urich) to unravel an eerie skein of deception and danger to discover the stunning truth.
Pre-order Endangered Species.
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fundiepredictions · 1 year
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I saw this and thought we could figure out the Bontrager family missing grandbaby's. But apparently the new grandkids aren't added yet
If I zoom in January says: ???, Taylor, John, Axton, Chelsy missing Praise (so maybe she is the ???)
February: Bryn
March: Micah, Josh, Marlin Missing Denver&Praise weddingday
April: Carolina, Winston
May: Jeremiah, Allison
June: Malachi, Elliot Missing Brynleigh
July: Mitchell, Cassidy, Madeline, ??? (weddingday), ???, ??? The two last ones are hard to read with the letters going over them. Missing are Jubilee and Wallace. I think maybe Marlin&Becky have their weddingday in july since I don't have their weddingday, only a year.
August: ??? (weddingday) and Jemima Allison&Jeremiah got married in august so it's probably them
September: Joshua&Cassidy, Carson&Carolina, Mitchell&Bryn, Rebecca
October: Someone starting with a m, Hudson Missing matriach Becky, so it's probably mom or something like that
November: Carson Missing Gemma who was just born in 2022
December: Denver, Tucker, Elizabeth, Chelsy&John
So, no more clues on who the missing two grandbaby's are
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fundieshaderoom · 11 months
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Bontrager
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Marlin Joe Bontrager- March 30, 1967
Rebecca Marie "Becky"- October 14, 1967
The couple married on July 8, 1989. They share 10 children, 7 children-in-law, and 15 grandchildren.
Chelsy Renee- January 29, 1991
Mitchell Joe- July 2, 1992
Allison Nicole- May 13, 1994
Carson Wayne- November 5, 1995
Joshua Maxwell- March 24, 1997
Denver Elliot- December 5, 1999
Lincoln Taylor- January 13, 2002
Elizabeth Caresse- December 18, 2003
Hudson Reed- October 16, 2005
Rebecca Shania- September 9, 2007
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Chelsy married John Steven Maxwell (January 13, 1991) on December 30, 2017, both at ages 26. They share 3 children.
Axton John- January 26, 2019
Elliot Rex- June 19, 2020
Madeline Sue- July 9, 2021
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Mitchell married Bryn Leppert (February 17, 1994) on September 2, 2017, at ages 25 and 23. They share 3 children.
Micah Joe- March 12, 2019
Tucker Allen- December 7, 2020
Brynleigh Noelle- June 25, 2022
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Allison married Jeremiah Helferich (May 4, 1996) on August 15, 2020, at ages 26 and 24. They share 3 children.
Malachi Seth- June 4, 2021
Gemma Nicole- November 2022
Baby- 2024
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Carson married Carolina Bowers on September 1, 2017, at ages 21 and 22. They share 3 children.
Jubilee Katherine- July 15, 2018
Jemima Virtue- August 27, 2020
Spurgeon- Summer 2022
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Joshua married Cassidy Bowers on September 1, 2017, both at ages 20. They share 3 children.
Wallace Bradford- July 16, 2018
Winston- April 22, 2020
Lillian- Summer 2022
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Denver married Praise Helferich (January 6, 1995) on March 20, 2021, at ages 21 and 26.
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Lincoln married Susanna Helferich (December 25, 1997) on August 12, 2023, at ages 21 and 25.
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