#jobs for pakistani
wiafm · 2 years
HR Assistant, Auditor, Mason, Carpenter, Steel Fixer, Plumber, Painter & few others are required for Seychelles- All Free work visa.
HR Assistant, Auditor, Mason, Carpenter, Steel Fixer, Plumber, Painter & few others are required for Seychelles- All Free work visa.
Note:-These work permits are free, so don’t ever pay anything to anyone. All nationalities can apply. Job descriptions and all necessary details such as company contact number Email Id, website etc you can find in this video:- https://youtu.be/WuvV0mQoeN0
WIAFM- Real time global jobs, Subscribe to access free ocean of opportunities: -
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fazcinatingblog · 8 months
When my boss listed the people coming to the Christmas lunch, she's like "there's five downstairs, two upstairs, Simon (IT guy), Simon's wife...." and I just had a thought that if Colleen was repeating that list, she'd add the dog and the cat as well plus anyone walking past
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satiresale · 2 years
Bhai Teri Salary Toh Mast Hogi | #SatireSale
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prideprejudce · 1 year
There was only 1 billionaire on the submersible. The Pakistani guy with his son are millionaires who have much less money than most American celebrities for example. But people just lying and saying they’re billionaires so they can get excited they died. Touch grass ma’am
are you telling me that your ‘gotcha!’ is the fact that the one guy from Pakistan might have been a millionaire and not a billionaire? even though he likely paid 500k (250k each) for two tickets to the bottom of the ocean? when Pakistan is currently going through an economic meltdown that is so bad that the citizens are fleeing to Europe by the dozens and risking their lives because inflation is at an all time high and there’s literally no jobs anymore?
And this millionaire/billionaire buys a half a million dollar trip down to the bottom of the ocean so he can gawk at the grave sight of poor people who lost their lives over a hundred years ago? that’s the hill you want to die on? that sounds like a fair trade of money to you? that’s your trump card argument? hello??? is there any sign of intelligent life out there???
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radwitchhh · 2 months
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Pakistani and Indian misogynists are fighting over cultural accuracy of Heeramandi; while thousands of girls and women are being kidnapped, trafficked, forced and coerced into these brothels in Pakistan and other regions in South Asia, where m3n from all backgrounds rape them.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali, a m@n makes a mockery out of women's oppression in prostitution and people validate him by mass glorifying a whole misogynist institution involved in the commodification of the female body for thousands of years.
Prostitution seems like a fun game to both right and liberal left, where girls and women are cosplaying because they like being raped by stranger m3n. The m3n; who are fathers, brothers, sons, government officials, religious scholars, politicians, labourers even the disable ones - each one of them gets free access to abuse the female body.
"But the women consent to it, they find it empowering."
Performing coerced sexual acts which the m@les want you to do, so that you can earn money to feed yourself and survive financially is not free consent.
Being abused as a piece of flesh with no soul for the m@le pleasure is not empowering.
It is not a regular job like working at a retail shop. Risking your health and life by getting raped by m3n because there are no other means of earning and that your pimps can k!ll you if you try to escape is patriarchal oppression.
And if prostitution was actually empowering, we would see mass trafficking of m@les into the same institution. There is a reason why its only females and why prostitution has never benefitted any woman but m@les.
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mahoutoons · 11 days
i've been reading about the case of asia bibi and it got me thinking how pakistani christians' oppression is also rooted in casteism in addition to religious discrimination.
christians make up roughly 1.6% of pakistan's population. 90% of christians are also dalit. despite having a small population, pakistani christians make up 80% of sanitation workers. this is rooted in the belief that lower castes such as dalits should perform "unclean" jobs.
these sanitation workers are paid meagre wages with no benefits. on top of that they also face abuse from people who look down on them as "unclean". which is again, rooted in casteist beliefs that dalits are "polluted". like the case of shafique masih, who was cast out by even his own relatives for his job as a sanitation worker. he's only one of the many sanitation workers who face discrimination on the basis of both religion and caste in pakistan.
the case of asia bibi, one of the most famous blasphemy cases in pakistan, started after she stopped to take a drink of water with a cup she found lying near the well. this angered a neighbour of hers who told her that it was "forbidden" for christians and muslims to drink from the same cup and that by touching the cup, she had made it "unclean".
this echoes the notion of untouchability, that lower castes and upper castes mustn't use the same utensils lest those utensils become "unclean" or "polluted". i'm going to quote the below article which summarizes perfectly the casteism aspect of the asia bibi case
In fact, even the case of Asia Bibi – the Christian woman who was accused of blasphemy, sentenced to death and then acquitted by the Supreme Court on October 31, resulting in protests across Pakistan – has at its essence the continuation of caste hierarchy. In Punjab, Christianity is frequently referred to as a caste as well as a religion, and many Muslims refuse to share utensils with Christians. It was Asia Bibi’s use of a utensil that led to an altercation with her Muslim neighbours, which eventually resulted in the alleged blasphemy. While the case led to a global discussion about Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, the caste hierarchy and discrimination based on it received no attention.
there is a misconception that casteism is purely a hindu concept and other religions are free of it. however casteism is deep rooted in both indian and pakistani societies, regardless of religion. whether it be hindu, muslim, christian, or even atheist, the caste system is alive and manifests in violent ways, infused with these religions. for example, upper caste pakistani muslims argue that lower caste hindu and christian minorities eat "haram" food to justify their oppression of them
so denying the existence of casteism in modern times or painting it as a hindu only aspect does a disservice to lower caste these lower caste minorities in pakistan oppressed by upper caste muslims, both on the basis of religion and caste.
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i-cant-sing · 10 months
Would you ever do a yandere oc based on an urdu male lead? Maybe even with a foreigner reader learning his culture as an overseas worker?
-Thank you for reading!
OFCCCCC!!! Okay so I'm thinking of 2 Pakistani men, and these guys are bffs. OC #1 is a handsome dude that was born with a silver spoon, lives in a big ass haveli (or mansion. Just Google it) with his family- his parents and 3 brothers and he's the youngest and most loved of them all. This OC (I can't decide what job he has, so I'll leave it to u guys to vote on) is either going to be a business man who inherits his father's company, OR he can be a lawyer (very successful). OC #1 appears to be a cocky and overconfident, PLAYER who has the best luck but he's actually really hardworking and smart and was on the Dean's valedictorian list, he just doesn't take life too seriously. Hes very charming and charismatic and everyone wants to either be with him or BE HIM. His carefree attitude is often mistaken as him not being serious in any aspect of his life- be it love or career. But that's totally not true. He's worked hard for everything in life, and he may date a lot of people but he always makes sure that his dates know from day 1 that he's not serious about them. That it's just a fling.
OC #2 is a guy who's dark and brooding, completely opposite of sunshine OC #1. It's a mystery how the two ended up as best friends (OC#1 met OC#2 in kindergarten and demanded to be friends with him. #2 said no at first, but quickly came to realise that #1 was a true friend when he'd always share his lunch with him because #2 was dirt poor). This oc was basically very poor and had to work very hard from a very young age if he ever hoped to support his single mother(who he loves very much). His IQ? ITS 192. He's very intelligent, but still sort of keeps to himself, low key comes off as rude because of how quiet he is, seems and sometimes is least interested in other people (but that doesn't mean he doesn't notice them. He remembers everything). Growing up, his only friend has been OC #1, who he likes to pretend is a nuisance but he actually cares about him, especially because OC #1's family even treated him as their own. The two of them always did everything together, even applied to the same schools and would always have a friendly competition among themselves (no one else could even imagine to compete wuth them because theyd 1000% lose). OC #2 is very prideful and he never accepted charities, not even from his bff, was the valedictorian of his college (he was the top student in every institute he ever went to, and always got the first position in every exam he took). Not only is he academically very smart, but he's also very good in sports. So he's an all rounder. His job (again u guys have to decide) could be either business man (he started his own tech company.) Or he could be a lawyer (to fight injustice with his bff) OR he could be a SPY!
So basically, the story would go like Y/n coming into their life and yknow the basics- she's not fawning over them, is smart and independent, feminine and just like best girl everr. Anyways, the of them fall for her simultaneously, but you are the one thing that neither of them will ever compromise on, AND DONT BRING UP "SHARING YOU" they will actually murder whoever brings up the idea because monogamy is a big thing among these men (unless ur a Muslim guy, u can technically marry 4 women, but most don't opt to because they're very possessive and also the INFLATION???) Both of them are very possessive and are keeping tabs on you at all times.
Names for OC #1: Zulfiqar, Halim, Ibrahim, Ali Asghar, Haroon
Names for OC #2: Hashim, Mahir, Mehmet
Okay so help me choose their careers and names! And feel free to send asks for them. I'll answer them.
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My Nan, who was born just after WWI in Wales to Welsh parents, used to tell us stories of how kids caught speaking Welsh were made to hold a rubber band in their teeth which was then stretched and let go. Curiously, this made her very anti-Welsh. She married a navy lad at sixteen to rid herself of her Welsh name and get out of the country, and never spoke to her parents again. This wasn't a 'horrors of colonialism' story, but rather a proposed solution when she found out there were Pakistani kids in my class that spoke A Foreign Language and had taught me some words of Urdu. We didn't see her often, probably for lots of good reasons, but at least partly because she held my mother in complete contempt for not only leaving a good steady job to go to university, but doing it in Aberystwyth. I only knew her as a mean old lady and maybe she always would have been but I'd be interested to know how she might have grown up to be if she hasn't been taught to be ashamed of where she came from.
...huh. I've never heard the rubber band trick. The cane for the Welsh Not, but not this one.
God, it's depressing though, isn't it? We all react to trauma in different ways. My mother's step-mother sounds very similar; technically from North Wales, but Jesus you wouldn't know it, and she's a screaming asshole. My grandfather was as English as they come, and tried to pay my father to leave my mother after my sister was born because "No grand-daughter of mine is growing up Welsh." (I would have been a tremendous disappointment if he'd lived to see me grow up, lol.) The wicked step-mother was fully in agreement.
We lost so many people to the whole thing
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yourlovermumu · 2 months
so i was thinkingggg
should i do a bakugo and reader fanfic where its set in a desi setting? like indian, Pakistani, or bangladeshi setting.
and like the trope is slow burn and marriage of convenience. AND CHILDHOOD FRIENDS.
basically bakugo and your parents happen to be in the same social circle and so basically you and bakugo often saw each other at several parties and events such as weddings and family gatherings.
you guys were particularly close but werent exactly strangers to each other. growing up you, bakugo, and izuku would run off somewhere alone to play around at these events. but as you all grew older you both stopped showing up to these events as often. well...mostly bakugo. you and izuku would show up to these family events and such with your parents quite alot more then bakugo would.
you and bakugo stopped seeing each other as often eventually and drifted apart. the friendship and joy you two shared together as kids are now distant memories. especially with bakugo moving to japan to chase his ambition.
but soon enough after your twentieth birthday you hear his coming back and his parents are arranging a friendly gathering with close family and friends and that they are back in their motherland. and of course, your family is also invited.
you dont think much of it, really. its such another one of those events and family gatherings you have grown customed to growing up where you did.
it isnt odd in the slightest to get invited someone's home in occasions such as this.
but what is odd is the way your dupatta gets stuck in his watch and suddenly your not looking at anyone but him. but its not like he is in any better condition then you. he is also frozen. just staring. staring at you.
your eyes are locked with his and suddenly you dont seem to remember why you looked behind your back. why? because you felt a tug on your dupatta? thats not what matters to you right now. because with the air getting knocked out of you with the way his so far but...feels so close. you can see all the features of his face so clearly. he has certainly grown much, much more handsome in the time you two were apart for the past 7 years.
but did his eyes always look at you like? no...not when you two were kids, no.
and that fact only makes you all the more aware that you two arent just two kids sneaking away from your parents to play in a abandoned room in the far corner where no one will bother you both.
his a man. and your a women.
a soft chuckle from him breaks you out of your trance. its a intoxicating sound. his voice is deep, you note.
''not gonna untangle your dupatta, chutki?'' theres that sexy smug smile on his lips when he says that.
you cant help but roll your eyes at the nickname. its the same exact one he called you ages ago. but thats when you didnt even know where babies come from.
if it werent for his handsome face, he best bet you'd slap his face one way or another. just like old times.
but that lighthearted air that surrounded you both is now far gone with you sitting across from him. your parents at your side and his mother and father right by his.
the air is filled with grim air that only you and bakugo can sense. your parents seem to be in their little world.
their beating around the bush is obvious enough. you can already tell what this is about. and so can bakugo.
and non of you know how to feel about it. but one thing is clear, your both not kin on the idea.
''you two have grown of age. its time for marriage isnt that right?'' your mother says with a friendly smile on her face. and you so wish you could just bury yourself into a hole right then and there. sure you knew it would happen. your parents have been quite open about getting you married, saying its high time you give them a grandchild before they bite the dust. because apparently your elder sister and brother wouldnt. your brother is too focused with his multimillionaire company while your sister claims her job as a lawyer is much too demanding to spare time for marriage of all things. so now the pressure of marriage is upon you. but him? bakugo of all people? why?
you and bakugo both eye each other at your mother's words. surely...she cant be..?
''we think you two should get married. you two are a good match for each other.''
and all hell breaks loose. thats the sentence you were anticipating. bakugo is the first to express his disapproval.
''hell no! old hag are ya outta your mind?'' he shouts.
''you have to get married eventually. isnt it better to marry someone who your familiar with rather then a stranger? maybe there would have been more options open if only you didnt chase off girls by the mere sight of you, boy!'' his mother voiced. the volume of her words matching her voice.
bakugo grumbles at his mother's words, shooting her a glare.
you wanna escape. of course you do. because hell no were you gonna marry bakugo katsuki. no offense but that guy is NOT capable of being a good husband. you'd rather marry a beggar on the street then him. but its not like you can say that outright with several eyes on you.
''....abba, mami, is this...necessary?'' you gave both your parents an uncertain look. definitely trying to some how talk them out of this conversation and just go home. you cant bear to sit here and listen to this any longer.
''well...its already settled.''
you frown.
''its settled. its not like you two would ever get married on your own record to begin with. so...your father and i as well as katsuki's parents decided that we set it up before you to can back out.''
what was to come now in your future married life?
(just a little thought lmfao lemme know if yall want me to write it <3)
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wiafm · 1 year
Chef, Baker, Accountant, Sales Manager & few others are required for Ireland- All Free work visa.
Note:-These work permits are free, so don’t ever pay anything to anyone. All nationalities can apply. Job descriptions and all necessary details such as company contact number Email Id, website etc you can find in this video:- https://youtu.be/xitS4TQoFow
WIAFM- Real time global jobs in 2023, Subscribe WIAFM for career boost-up in 2023 :-
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degenerate-otaku · 17 days
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Name: Otaku (real name unlocked at LV.5 of friendship)
Age: 18
I'm Muslim! (...not a great Muslim but still)
I'm from England! (But I'm Pakistani)
I'm a fanfiction writer, but I write original works too! It's my dream to create and write cartoons.
I'm a traditional and digital artist who specialises in retro anime styles.
My current interests:
The Powerpuff Girls
Metal Gear
Horrid Henry
(But I'm a fan of loads of things!)
My DMs are always open!
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Bigots (racist, transphobes, homophobes, N*zis)
If you're the type of person who threatens people over fiction/fandom
People who believe in "Narc abuse" and stigmatise mental illnesses in general
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My Ao3:
My tiktok:
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samwise1548 · 9 months
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Some potential interactions between Sam and Alice. First is right after the interview, second might be later on, like s2 or something
[ID: Two pen on paper drawings of Samama Khalid and Alice Dyre from the Magnus Protocol. Sam is a Pakistani-Welsh man with short hair and a moustache. Alice is a black nonbinary person with a buzz cut and round glasses.
Image one: Drawn in blue ink, Sam says "Thanks for helping me land this job." Alice responds with a playful punch and says "Told you they'd love ya!" They're both smiling.
Image two: This one is done in red ink. Alice is turned away from Sam ashamedly when Sam asks them, "Why did you make me take this job, Alice?" Alice is shaking slightly at Sam's heavy tone.
\End ID]
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lqtraintracks · 10 months
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Title: Take You Home
Author: lqt
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 26,333
Warnings/Tags: down-and-out Draco; leather pants Draco; long-haired Draco; Harry has a serious crush on Draco’s man-bun; clubbing; drinking; smoking; implied dubcon (past Draco/other); mention of minor character suicide; mention of minor character drug addiction; Draco might have a drinking problem (he gets blackout drunk); Everyone Is Fucked Up From the War; except Ginny; she’s good; odd jobs; transfem character; trans rights activism; enemies to lovers; hate sex; angry sex; falling in love; Pakistani ethnicity Harry Potter; bisexual Harry Potter; switching; dirty talk; one (1) endearment; anal sex; anal fingering; hand jobs; blow jobs; snowballing; wall sex; background Hermione/Ron; POV Harry Potter
Song prompt: Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches / Take You Home by Dido (While I definitely used both, for the purposes of the playlist… well, see title.)
Link to YouTube: https://youtu.be/rjO6wliPXXk
Summary: Everybody’s a little fucked up after the war, Draco especially. What starts as hate sex after a night out, eventually turns into something else, something more like comfort. And even though his friends all tell Harry he’s just being used, all Harry’s doing is making sure Draco gets home in one piece. He’s not falling helplessly in love. Author's Note: I had a wonderful time writing this fic! Immense gratitude and big, squeezy hugs go to my betas, @nv-md and @maesterchill!!! <3 So much love to the @hd-wireless mods for running this incredible fest again! Read on AO3!
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regenderate · 2 years
i just realized i've never posted my rant about what yaz could've been on here
basically i think the show gives yaz a bunch of different traits/experiences/etc as vehicles for messages to the audience and then never actually connects those traits/experiences/etc or lets them build up into a properly nuanced character. like when the show wants to Talk About Racism she talks about her experiences with racism and when the show wants to Talk About Mental Health we see a single crisis from her teenage years but those things don't come up outside of their respective episodes/scenes/messages
like. okay. here are some things we know about yaz. yaz:
quickly corrects gendered language
doesn't have a lot of friends
was/is the target of racist harassment
was bullied in school
ran away from home/is implied to have been suicidal or attempted suicide
celebrates the anniversary of her not-suicide with her sister but not her parents
is into women
all of these things so clearly connect into a full and complex character. but they're all so isolated! we never see how yaz running away and her sister being worried affects her once she starts traveling with the doctor (thereby disappearing from her family again). when her family isn't onscreen, we don't really hear about them-- we don't hear about whether sonya's worried about her, or what her parents think. she seems to have a good relationship with her grandmother but we mostly only see that when the episode is about it. we never hear about whether her race and orientation play into the bullying she got at school. we never hear about whether any of that is part of why she needed the tardis as an escape. the show somehow acts like her being suicidal is a one-time thing and fixed with a single pep talk, which anyone who's ever been suicidal knows is not how that works. if the scene isn't About the life event or struggle in question, it's like it doesn't exist.
and like... yaz as a character is so interesting if you connect these traits. if you think about her as a young pakistani muslim (closeted/repressed) wlw trying to get by in school, and then the trauma she incurred at the hands of others, and the bond she might've had with her sister, and the arguments she might've had with her parents, and then how all of that might've contributed to her running away/being suicidal, and then joining the police force thinking it'll help people because the one cop helped her when she ran away, and then realizing that she's not helping people/that the job isn't what she wants but she doesn't know how to get out, and then, after all of that, meeting the doctor and getting to travel time and space, and finally recognizing her love for what it is, and struggling with being away from her sister and with unpacking some of her childhood/her family stuff now she's finally separated from it-- if you think about all of that, you create such a beautiful and authentic character. but in the show, all of these traits and experiences seem to exist in isolation, and you don't see how they all come together to affect and create yaz's character.
i don't know. it bothers me that she has so much potential to be a really grounded character who i think a lot of people her age (also my age! i was 19 when twwfte came out!) could relate to. i always really wanted to see a scene in ghost monument where she has a moment of panic and realizes she's basically disappeared from her family again and has already almost died at least once and might not get back to them. it's just stuff like that that would have made her feel a lot more coherent and complete to me.
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pascalscoffin · 6 months
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Bad Idea
Full Pedro Masterlist
No this is not inspired by Olivia Rodrigo’s song
Warnings: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In The Forehead. Smut: unprotected p in v sex (do what you want, heathens); oral (f receiving); biting; Dieter gives a pussy she/her pronouns; “choking”; Dieters a menace. Reader works at the hotel and just can’t follow literally one of the only rules DONT FUCK THEM
You never really fawned over celebrities before, you never really understood the hype, they were just normal people that made it onto tv more often than most normal people. Anyway, that’s what you used to think, but being the concierge of a fancy ass hotel in England quickly taught you otherwise.
Sure, celebrities wanted you to think they were normal, just regular people milling through their day with an annoying boss- their bosses were in fact annoying- but these people were far from normal, most of them had absolutely insane views, or requested absolutely ridiculous things from you or the other hotel workers. And they never fucking tipped. Ever.
So, the ‘do not fuck them’ rule was never really a problem for you, sure your favorite celebrity would come in, you’d get the butterflies and the nervous feelings- and then they opened their mouth and they were just… horrible, and any infatuation you’d had for them would be gone immediately.
When you heard a whole slew of them would be bubbling in the hotel you worked at, you seriously considered completely resigning from the job altogether and finding a new one, you didn’t want to be stuck in a hotel with those people for three months! Filling their ridiculous requests and making them feel good about themselves when they inevitably crash, because they always do.
Ronjon, though, had somehow managed to convince you not to, and now here you were, standing at the front desk of the hotel as the actors got taken care of outside before coming in. It was the Cliffbeasts cast and crew, Cliffbeasts, while it was an okay movie, ultimately did… nothing for you because you really would rather just go watch Jurassic Park.
Not to mention the cast of the Cliffbeasts movies made you want to shoot yourself in the face. Sean Knox was a “wellness guru” though something felt fishy there to you, like maybe he didn’t believe in it or something, or maybe like it was a cult. Carol Cobb.. you weren’t sure why you didn’t like her, she was a decent actress.. well despite that half-Pakistani half-Israeli role she’d recently done but you couldn’t really blame her for that… could you? Lauren Van Champ… you really really didn’t like Lauren, her nasally cry thing was annoying, her Cliffbeasts accent was just… too harsh, and her all around… everything just made you not like her. Her husband Dustin Mulray was a class A fucking asshole, drunk and disorderlies, screaming at old ladies, he was even seen flipping off a seven year old one time.
Krystal Kris was a new face to the movies, a young girl famous on TikTok for her choreography.. if you can call swaying your ass back and forth choreography. Howie Frangopolous was a good actor with some truly comedic gold lines, though a bit hot headed according to tabloids.
And then there was Dieter Bravo. Dieter was probably the only one that didn’t put on a show for people, didn’t try to make his life seem more or less fabulous, he didn’t dress up for anything that wasn’t a tv interview or an award show, though you figured if he could dress like a hobo to those things he probably would.
You’d heard Dieter was a man whore, giving himself over to any woman or guy that was willing to lay under or on top of him. So, you expected him to be.. less than appropriate. Maybe a scandalous comment here and there, or sultry looks, you didn’t know, but you were determined to stick your ground and not fall into any traps.
That proved difficult, though, because it seemed like every time you went to Dieter’s room to collect a service tray, or bring him food or clean towels, he wanted a serving platter once and hasn’t returned it yet, he was pretty much fucking naked, door flung all the way open with his arms stretched out, sometimes in a bathrobe, other times in a wool brown robe you often thought about feeling anywhere on your skin that wasn’t your fingertips. Always with a cheeky, sexual grin as he tried to coax you into his chamber of pleasure, you’d decline with a comment about him having a fist and internet before practically sprinting away from him.
You’d tried not to be around him too much if you didn’t have to go to his room, feeling your resolve crack each time he’d flash you that stupid fucking smile that made your heart palpitate. The stars were having dinner together tonight though so you wouldn’t be able to avoid him like you’d hoped.
You walked over to him and Carol when you noticed he didn’t have any water and motioned to his water class with the pitcher in your hand. “Would you like some more?” Dieter looked over at you quickly and grinned over the top of his sunglasses. “Yes. Please.” He reached for his water quickly and extended it out to you, gazing up at you with those big brown eyes.
God you had to get away from him, away from this room, before your resolve completely shattered and you were begging him to just take you right then and there. Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea. Repeated in your head like a mantra as you poured his water and then rushed away from him, feeling your face start to warm up under his heated gaze.
Dieter stared at you like that all night, like he knew something you didn’t know and it was driving you crazy. At the end of the dinner you rushed to help clean everything up as the actors started to file out of the room. Dieter, though, hung by the entry way, watching you as you scampered around the dining area.
When you made your way out you stopped in front of Dieter and put on your most professional smile. “What can I get for you, Dieter.” Dieter looked down at you and tilted his head a little.
“Do you wanna have sex with me?” Your eyes widened and you jerked your head behind you to make sure your coworkers hadn’t heard, opening and closing your mouth before looking at Dieter. “That’s unprofessional, Dieter.” You stuttered, trying to move past him.
He followed you, though, and continued. “That wasn’t a no.” He looked at you and you sighed, shaking your head. “It’s a bad idea.” “Again, that’s not a no.” You sighed harder this time and stopped, turning to face him. “Do you actually want to have sex with me or just sex with something?” Dieter opened and closed his mouth and you raised a brow. “Find me with an answer and I’ll give you mine.” “Yours?” Dieter perked up and his eyes fell to your crotch. You scoffed and slapped under his chin. “My answer.” You rolled your eyes. “Now go to your room and take a cold shower or something.”
“Cold showers don’t work.” Dieter grumbled as he slouched away, bath robe swinging side to side with a big pout on his face. You shook your head and went back to doing your work, rubbing your wrist against your forehead.
Two days later Dieter was asking for chocolate strawberries and rosé to be brought to his room- by you specifically. When you got to his room you tapped your knuckles against it and hummed as you waited for him to open the door.
When he opened it, he actually had pants on this time, well not pants, more like those dress shorts you usually hated on men but… they looked good on Dieter. And of course, he had on that brown robe again. He looked godly, really.
“Hi. Come in.” Dieter stepped to the side quickly and you raised a brow before stepping into the room a when he motioned you in before closing the door. You looked at the door, and then Dieter.
“I thought about what you said.” He nodded and sat on the sofa, patting the cushion next to him. This is a bad idea. Echoed in your head as you slowly set the strawberries and rosé down, sitting down next to him even slower as you pressed your hands into your skirt. “Okay…”
You didn’t actually expect him to think about it. You thought maybe he’d give up the chase and try to find someone else in the hotel or maybe finally cave in and just fuck his god damn fist- no such luck, though.
“I thought about it a lot. Like a lot. I haven’t slept. Well I slept but only for like thirty minutes and then I dreamt about it.” You blinked and motioned for him to continue. “Okay…” he nodded. “I wanna have sex with you. Anybody else is just confident. Around.” He shrugged. “Besides… I’ve wanted to taste you since the second I walked into the hotel.”
You widened your eyes a little and let out a little scoff. “What?” “That’s why I keep asking people if they wanna have sex. I keep thinking about you. About how your pussy would taste. How she looks. Fuck I bet she’s pretty.” His eyes are glued to your skirt now, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as you looked anywhere but at him because you had one sliver of resolve left and you could already feel it starting to slip away right into Dieter’s thick fingers for him to just completely obliterate.
“Dieter you can’t-“ Dieter was in your personal space now, practically sitting on you but not necessarily in your face or anything. “Bet she glitters like fucking gold when she’s all wet and waiting for somebody’s cock.” And then his hand is sliding under your skirt and his lips are on your neck. “I bet she’s soft and warm and tight. I bet she’ll flutter like a fucking butterfly when I finally let her cum.” And that was it.
You whined and grabbed Dieter’s wrist to push his hand under your skirt, taking a deep breath when his large warm hand settled over your panties, already wet with your arousal. Dieter groaned low in his chest before slipping his hand into your panties and resuming his assault on your neck, getting more aggressive.
“Need you to say it.” He shifted so he was turned towards you better. “Tell me what you want, pretty girl.” He nipped at your jawline lightly, causing you to shudder as your eyelids fluttered, moaning softly. “Dieter- need you to fuck me. Please.” You scratched his forearm lightly. “Please.”
Dieter pulled away and was quickly tugging your blouse of your skirt and started yanking it over your head before kissing your chest, biting down on the flesh of your left breast. You yelped a little and looked down at him as he slid his tongue over the bite and grinned before lifting you up so he could unzip your skirt before tugging it down.
Once he had your clothes off and you were sitting there in your bra and panties, he stood up and put his hands on his hips, getting a good at you. “Fuck you look gorgeous.” He mumbled, licking his lips before leaning down and slamming his lips against yours.
You pushed into the kiss eagerly and let out a soft moan, grabbing his robe and pulling him down on top of you, pressing up against him. Dieter moaned happily and pressed his hips down into yours eagerly, letting out a shuttery breath.
“Gotta taste you. Fuck. I’ve been wanting to taste you.” He reached behind you to unhook your bra, nipping lightly at your nipples before trailing down your torso and to where he really wanted to be.
“She’s crying for me, baby. You shouldn’t deprive a lady of what she wants.” Dieter shook his head and pulled your panties down, groaning happily and closing his eyes before pressing his face deep into your pussy.
You gasped and looked down at him with wide eyes, moaning loudly and gripping the couch cushions tightly, trembling a little. “Dieter- fuck.” You pushed your hips up into his mouth and whined softly, looking down at him.
Dieter peered up at you through his lashes, humming happily and sucking on your clit like a pacifier. Your back arched as you gasped loudly, moaning as your eyelids fell shut, dropping your head back as you rocked your hips up into his mouth eagerly, your hands moving from the cushions to his hair when he slid his tongue into you and started fucking you with it.
You’d never really enjoyed oral before, most guys that tried were rushing so they could get to their prize, bury themselves in you and then never call you again. Dieter, though, Dieter ate pussy like his life absolutely depended on whether or not you came. His tongue massaged every inch eagerly but not too eager to the point where he was rushed and sloppy.
His movements were calculated, lips moving like he was having the most intense make out session, sloppy wet sounds mixing with his moans and groans, fingernails dug deep into your skin. He was actually enjoying it, his own hips pushing against the air as he looked up at you with those big brown eyes, whining and begging you to cum on his tongue.
It wasn’t long before your brows furrowed and your mouth fell open, her legs shaking and closing around his head as you came with a loud cry of his name, trembling a little and tangling your fingers tightly in the hair on the back of his head, keeping him in place even if he made no movements to pull away.
After a moment, though, he tapped your thigh and you felt your cheeks warm up more than they already. Your skin was practically on fire, already a little damp from the exertion. You slowly opened your legs and Dieter pulled up with a small gasp, panting softly as he grinned cheekily, face shiny with your juices.
You blinked rapidly as you looked at him and shifted a little. “Knew she tasted good. Taste.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours tightly, pulling you closer to him as he pushed his tongue into your mouth. You moaned happily and tangled your tongue with his. Dieter wasn’t really the type to wipe his face, instead opting for leaving your juices there, sliding his tongue wherever he could get it on his face before he was picking you up and carrying you over to his bed.
You yelped when he threw you down on it and laughed as you looked up at him. “Keep it on.” You said quickly when he went to take off the coat, raising a brow at you. “What?”
“I…” you huffed. “You come to the door naked in the coat constantly and you’re not gonna fuck me in it?” You pouted. “A little lack-luster if you ask me, Dieter.”
Dieter blinked and slowly let go of the coat with a grin, humming. “Alright.” He moved down to his shorts and undid them before pushing them down- commando- you expected nothing less from him.
“God I’ve been dreaming about this since I got here. Been wanting to bury myself in this warm pussy.” Dieter purred and kissed you deeply as he pushed your legs apart and slotted himself between them, grinding against you but not quite sliding in yet.
“Please, Dieter. Need you.” You begged, grabbing his shoulders under the jacket as you peered up at him, trying to tug him closer. “Can’t stop thinking about it. Please.”
Dieter grinned and chuckled a little as he started kissing your neck. “So impatient.” “Says the guys who’s been begging me to fuck him for three weeks.” Dieter laughed again and lifted up so he could watch as he grabbed the base of his dick and guided it into you slowly, groaning happily.
“Look at how hungry she is.” He mumbled softly, sliding his thumb over your clit slowly. “Swallowing me up so good. Didn’t even need to stretch her out.” He ran his hands over you slowly, pulling out and then sliding back in, groaning. “God it looks so pretty. Fuck. Got me all soaked already.” He dropped his head back as he bottomed out, eyelids fluttering as he closed them.
“Dieter~” you whimpered, you were honestly surprised you hadn’t needed any stretching, Dieter was definitely the biggest guy you’d been with, not in just one aspect but individually you’ve been with men that compared either girth wise or length wise. But you’d never been with someone as long and as girthy as Dieter, your legs shook as you hooked them around his waist, sliding under the coat as you whined.
“Fuck you feel so good.” Dieter groaned into your neck, starting to bite and suck on your neck. “Harder- Dieter, harder. Please.” You begged him, tugging him closer and leaning up to kiss him eagerly as he started fucking into you harder, huffing softly.
“Listen to you, baby. You sound so fucking pretty- fuck- gonna have to keep you around huh?” He kissed your jaw lightly, nudging his nose against your cheek lightly. “Would you like that? You can come live with me in Sherman Oaks, have your own room- fuck- your own house if you want one. Never have to work again just be my little play thing- fuuuck.” Dieter whimpered when your nails dug into his shoulders, a gasp falling from your lips when he brushed your gspot.
“Dieter-“ “aww I know, sweet girl.” Dieter purred, kissing your cheek gently. “Feels good, huh?” He angled his hips to hit your gspot with each thrust, groaning with the way you were fluttering around him, shuddering as you nodded your head rapidly. “Yes. Fuck it feels so good, Dieter.” You whined, rocking your hips with his before gasping when he shoved your hips down into the mattress.
“Stay still, sweet girl. You just sit there, look pretty, and feel good.” Dieter hummed, nipping lightly at your jawline as you nodded eagerly, not even sure what you were agreeing to as you felt his thumb press into your clit, the rest of his hand splayed over your mons pubis, his fingertips grazing your midriff as your head fell back, the pressure of his hand pressing down caused everything to feel ten times stronger than it already did.
You looked up at Dieter and saw him watching his hand with an astonished look on his face. “W-why are you making that face?” You whimpered softly as Dieter chuckled. “Can feel my dick through your stomach, gorgeous.” He licked his lips. “Fuck. Let me keep you, baby. Please.” He begged, looking from your stomach to your eyes.
“Wanna be able to fuck this pretty pussy whenever I want to. God.” He dropped his head back for a second and snapped his hips harder into you. “Gonna let me? Please, please, please.” He moaned and pressed his hand harder against your stomach, making you whimper and scream his name as that coil in your stomach snapped and heat spread across your body, legs tightening around Dieter to pull him closer.
“Fuck- yes, Dieter. Don’t ever wanna stop doing this.” You whined and arched your back. Dieter gasped softly and moaned before leaning down and kissing you eagerly, moaning and pushing his tongue into your mouth as he came, pushing deep inside you as his muscles shook.
You slid your arms through the jacket and wrapped them tightly around Dieter’s middle to keep him close, nudging his nose against your cheek before covering you in kisses and little licks like he was a kitten.
You laid like that for a while, Dieter keeping himself hovered over you as he smothered you in kisses. Slowly, he moved off of you and laid next to you, laying on his side so he can look at you, a dopey smile on his face.
You felt a little awkward under his stare, slowly starting to fold your arms over your chest until he stopped you, grabbing your arms and pulling you close to him, kissing your knuckles. “Did you mean it?” He asked curiously and you looked at him, furrowing your brows. “About moving to Sherman Oaks with me.” He lifted on his elbow, looking down at you a little giddy as his fingertips drew patterns on your stomach, trailing up your chest and to your neck before grabbing it lightly at the sides.
“Want you to move in with me. Be my little housewife.” He bit his lip as he ran his eyes over your face, he looked a little nervous. You swallowed thickly, opening and closing your mouth before you nodded slowly.
“Okay.” You said softly. The idea of living with Dieter did seem nice, especially if this was something that was going to happen on any kind of basis, day to day or otherwise. “I wanna live with you.”
He perked up and grinned widely. “Yeah?” He shifted so he was sitting up now, his hand pressed down against your collarbone as you laughed softly and nodded, cheeks warm. “Yeah.”
Dieter grinned and leaned in to kiss you deeply, you yelped a little and giggled as you kissed him back, closing his eyes and laying your hands on his cheeks. “Good.” He laid beside you again, pulling you tight against his side as he nuzzled your neck, slinging his other arm around you and hugging you tightly.
You didn’t peg him for the cuddling type, though now that you were wrapped up in the octopus-like limbs of Dieter Bravo, it made sense he would cling to you like this, physical touch seemed to be a big thing for him, something he was always craving.
On some sort of sub-level you understood, being an only child with parents that would rather work and drop you with nannies you knew all about not getting the love and affection children craved and required.
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Maybe you and Dieter could be good for eachother.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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hd-wireless · 1 year
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻 Take You Home 
🎵 Explicit, 26,333 ❗ Warnings/Tags: down-and-out Draco, leather pants Draco, long-haired Draco, Harry has a serious crush on Draco’s man-bun, clubbing, drinking, smoking, implied dubcon (past Draco/other), mention of minor character suicide, mention of minor character drug addiction, Everyone Is Fucked Up From the War, except Ginny, she’s good, odd jobs, trans female character, trans rights activism, enemies to lovers, hate sex, angry sex, falling in love, Pakistani Harry Potter, bisexual Harry Potter, switching, dirty talk, one (1) endearment, anal sex, anal fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, snowballing, wall sex, background Hermione/Ron, POV Harry Potter 🎵 Song Prompt: Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches and Take You Home by Dido 
🎵 Summary 
Everybody’s a little fucked up after the war, Draco especially. What starts as hate sex after a night out, eventually turns into something else, something more like comfort. And even though his friends all tell Harry he’s just being used, all Harry’s doing is making sure Draco gets home in one piece. He’s not falling helplessly in love.
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