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Viv I need you to know that every time I see you on the dash or in my notifs or in my dms or literally ANYWHERE my day gets a million times brighter, I love reading your writing and your hcs regardless of which muse/chara you're talking about and honestly going back and forth with you about kemoji has made me love this series x10 times more than I initially did. I'm also SOOO very grateful to you for helping me find the new ch translations whenever they drop & it warms my heart to see your passion for Romanian culture and the way you've made Mioara into SUCH a compelling chara that she's practically tied to my Mihai. like you genuinely couldn't tear her out of my hands if you tried. ANYWAY ILYSM AND I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON!! xoxoxo
CHRISSSSSSSSS you have no idea how much this means to me... ;^;/ .... i dont have the words for it and i dont have my emotes on this computer but rest assured im doing some WUAHGHGH shit
it's been so fun going back and forth with you on things too!!!! ive definitely come to like mihai so much more as a character and its been fun exploring dynamics that never could happen in the series and i love hearing your headcanons and im being 100% serious when i say i absolute love how unabashed you are with writing your muses. i feel like theres a struggle myself and a lot of other writers have when it comes to writing characters like mihai or mikito where we wanna sand off some of the rougher edges but there's so much more life and voice when someone (you) can keep them true to form because thats the appeal of characters like that in the first place!!!
AND IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MIOARA..... <3 i always get a little worried that when i write characters like her that i may slip into "weird weeby territory" but genuinely i love writing her and drawing him and reading deep dives and articles and journals and everything else that ive been led to on the journey!!! the decision to make him romanian actually came about as the result of an existing passion for learning about the culture because of an exhibit my job hosted of contemporary works from the cluj-napoca school and the information document i put together for it since i have another romanian friend that i knew would be really excited for it and i wanted to make her proud 💪💪💪 almost a year later and now im working on learning the language and trying my best to do right by such a rich and interesting history & culture
LOLLL okay that got corny sorry i didnt mean to get on a soap box there but it just makes me really happy to hear that if nothing else my effort is shining through <3 ok ily chris im gonna stop typing before i make myself look goofy on here
#also this reminds me i need to do the kj chapter for this month and get it out but eekkkkkkkkk thats for after homework#that exhibit makes me really want to consider aiming for contemporary romanian art as a focus if i get accepted into#the school i was applying for#PURE MUSTELID CRAZY://OOC#SNIFFLING AND CRYING
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Striking teachers, healthcare workers and police officers took to the streets of Romania's two biggest cities, demanding better salaries and improved working conditions. Striking teachers, healthcare workers and police officers demonstrated in the cities of Bucharest and Cluj on Thursday, calling for higher salaries and better working conditions. Healthcare employees began their strike on Thursday and around 2,500 of them marched from the government headquarters to the parliament building in Bucharest. Their main grievances relate to the poor salaries paid to nurses and auxiliary staff, which range from 2,500 to 3,000 lei (500 to 600 euros). They are also aggrieved at the freeze on new employment in the healthcare sector after the adoption of austerity measures by the government last month. “The staff deficit [because of the employment freeze] poses a huge problem. We cannot cover the extra hours,” one of the protesters told the G4Media.ro news website.
Union leaders argue that auxiliary staff should get salary increases, as doctors and nurses have done. Employees from over 400 healthcare facilities throughout Romania also began a protest action on Thursday, wearing white armbands at work as a symbol of discontent. Health Minister Alexandru Rafila said on Wednesday that the authorities are trying to find solutions to avert a general strike in the healthcare sector. Teachers who have been striking for three weeks already staged protests in Bucharest and Cluj. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca asked the teachers on Thursday to stop the strike, saying that a pay rise is on its way as soon as a memorandum on the salary legislation is published in the Official Gazette. “We all support the transformation and modernisation of education because it is the only way to ensure our children’s and this country’s future,” Ciuca said.
“Today we approved this public policy decision, this memorandum, and I am convinced that once it is published, our teachers will understand the seriousness of our commitment and decide to return to classes,” he added. Striking union members from the police force and the prison service also protested in front of the European Commission Representation in Bucharest on Thursday. The police unions said they are concerned about the “unprecedented shortage of personnel in the Interior Ministry, when, for the first time, at police training schools, after the knowledge verification stage, there were 0.57 candidates per place”. They also argue that the medical examinations to see if potential officers are physically and mentally prepared for the job will further reduce the number of candidates for police training schools.
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Peste jumătate din populația lumii trăiește în cercul ăsta din Asia. 4 miliarde. Europa în sine e încet încet irelevantă (țări mici, în stagnare, îmbătrânite) - per total nu e nici la 10% din populația din cercul asiatic. Nu interesează prea mult pe nimeni din afara Europei ce se întâmplă aici, dacă nu v-ați prins deja. Și - cum Europa nici măcar nu e în stare să devina un stat federal și să aibă o armată măcar funcțională - e de râsul lumii. (De ce sunt așa mulți acolo în Asia ? 2 motive - orezul (cel mai hrănitor aliment) + râuri care permit comerțul) ---
Consecințele imbatranirii populatiei : Romania ca țara parțial asiatica
Sa fie clar. Este IMPOSIBIL in parametrii actuali (nivel de taxe, trenduri demografice) sa poata fi plătite pensiile pentru decreței, in 10-15 ani. Absolut imposibil.
Deci ce se poate face ? Câteva scenarii.
- Utopia : ținute taxele in continuare jos, pensiile sa scadă ca putere de cumpărare si/sau crescută vârsta de pensionare. E imposibil pentru ca votanții vor fi majoritar in vârsta si politicul face pana la urma ce vor votanții
- Taxe mărite pana la cer : asta ar fi absolut dezastruos pentru ca ar scădea economia si ar creste evaziunea, deci nu ar rezolva nimic, ar fi si mai rău, bani si mai puțini pentru pensii. Colaps sigur
- inflatie : bugetul rămâne pe deficit din ce in ce mai mare si banii pentru pensii sunt imprimati fara acoperire. Adica toată lumea sărăcește, din ce in ce mai mult pana ajungem la colaps
Singura soluție de fapt este importul masiv de forța de munca din strainatate, din Asia de sud-est. Acum intra cam 80-100’000 pe an, trebuie mărit ritmul la 150’000 pe an timp de 15 ani. e nevoie - matematic - de 2 milioane de salariati de acolo in maxim 15 ani. (Sa fie clar - e imposibil sa speram ca diaspora sa se întoarcă, tot ce putem spera e sa se plece din ce in ce mai puțin si sa compensam mai mult cu importul de forța de munca).
e la limita - dar e fezabil. Dacă mai si crestem cu câțiva ani vârsta de pensionare se poate evita colapsul total.
Evident - România nu va mai fi dacica ortodoxa unitara si tradiționala. e singura soluție si e mai bine . Plus astia de acolo muncesc si sunt serioși, nu ca mulți de pe aici. Deci e pozitiv.
Însă asta înseamnă ca 1/3 din Rezidentii orașelor mari o sa fie oameni din Asia in 15-20 de ani maxim. Unul din 3. In orașele mari vestice procentul de imigranți e mai mare, deci am fi in parametrii. --------
A apărut o statistica OCDE care confirma ca Diaspora are 3.5 milioane de oameni.
Ce se va întâmpla in următorii 15-20 ani (lumea in care vor trăi copiii nostri), dacă tendințele anuale continuă:
- Zonele metropolitane universitare vor continua sa crească. Bucuresti cu peste 4 milioane de oameni. Cluj cu 1.5. Timișoara, Iași cu creșteri mari
- jumătate din tineri vor pleca, in special cei din zone defavorizate
- zonele rurale (sud, Moldova), cele care continua sa voteze cu PSD și care sunt îmbătrânite deja, vor disparea demografic. Bătrânii vor muri, tinerii vor pleca toți (sau in diaspora sau in orașele mari din România). Efectiv se vor Închide sate și orașe. O sa devină zone fantomă
- vor fi probabil 500’000-1 milion de imigranți in special din Asia, concentrați in orașele mari. --
De ce sunt atât de multi imigranți in orașele vestice? Ca asta deranjează pe multi înțeleg - deși o buna parte a acestora sunt și români.
E simplu. Familia tipica dintr-un oraș face un singur copil. Multi oameni nu sunt căsătoriți. Deci - fără imigranți - populația ar scădea vertiginos. La fiecare generație cu 50% (2 părinți fac un singur copil). Ori numărul de job-uri creste tocmai in orașe - astea sunt centrele economice ale lumii.
Și atunci ce se întâmplă? Mai vin oameni din restul țării, dar in multe orașe mult prea puțini. Si atunci e inevitabil ca in timp sa vina foarte multi imigranți. E o situație demografica și economică. Imposibil de oprit. Decât dacă cumva prin magie familiile ar face multi copii. E improbabil. --
O singura cifră explică valul de emigranți : 1.6.
Este numărul de copii născuți, in medie, de o femeie in mediul urban. Pentru a menține populația la aceeași nivel e nevoie de aproximativ 2.1. Nu se întâmplă și nu se va întâmpla ca aceasta cifra sa crească - natalitatea scade odată cu creșterea veniturilor - până și in Africa, sau Iran sau în familii profund religioase.
Dar orașele cresc ca populație, nu scad. Urbanizarea e o tendința clară și masivă peste tot.
Ce înseamnă asta? Ca 1.6 adulți sunt născuți in oraș, și încă 1 vine din afara orașului (sau de la țară sau din străinătate). Adică - intr-o singura generație, aproape jumătate din adulții din orașe vin din familii care au emigrat acolo.
In Occident - oamenii nu prea vor sa se mute de la sat la oraș (migrația internă este scăzută). Așa ca - in orașe - peste probabil 10-20 de ani jumătate din populație va fi de origini străine.
La noi - sa nu credeți ca nu se va întâmpla. Odată ce nu o sa mai fie suficienți de multi tineri in Moldova sau Muntenia sa se mute in Bucuresti, Cluj sau Timișoara, o sa vedem numere din ce in ce mai mari de asiatici, ucrainieni, sârbi etc. pe la noi. Lumea în care copiii nostri va trăi va fi foarte diferită. O lume urbană și profund multi-culturală. --
La cum arată acum România, in 10 ani intram in implozie.
- Decrețeii ies la pensie (si sunt enorm de mulți).
- Numărul de tineri care o sa lucreze scade accelerat (mulți pleacă dar problema fundamentala e ca prea puțini s-au născut - chiar dacă nu ar mai emigra nici unul tot ajungem la dezastru).
Ce înseamnă asta? Este extrem de previzibil ce se va întâmpla :
- 1) pensiile vor rămâne extrem de mici, de fapt VOR SCĂDEA (ca valoare reală).
- 2) taxele VOR CRESTE
- 3) va trebui sa aducem vreo 2 milioane de imigranți din afara UE sa lucreze aici ca sa compensam lipsa de forța de munca (nu e doar vina emigratiei - e si numărul foarte scăzut de copii pe care ii facem). De anul viitor guvernul a mărit - oficial - cota la 100’000 de imigranți pe an. Vor fi mai mulți . Eu mizez ca ajungem la 2 milioane in 15 ani. Toti vor fi in orașele mari - care vor deveni multiculturale si multiconfesionale. Rapid de tot. Cei din diaspora nu se vor întoarce decât puțini (când ai casa si familie acolo de ani, nu te mai întorci, orice li s-ar oferi; mai si vin mulți din orase si sate pulverizate - unde sa se întoarcă si de ce???)
- 4) satele mici si orașele mono-industriale vor dispărea, vor arata ca zona părăsită din jurul Cernobîl-ului. Puținii tineri de acolo vor pleca toti (la orase sau in diaspora). Nu va veni nici un investor acolo. Bătrânii vor dispărea, chestie demografica simpla.
Nu conteaza dacă va place poza de mai sus sau nu. Nu conteaza pe cine votați sau cine va fi la putere. Chestiile astea se vor întâmpla pentru ca nu exista alternativa, si forțele economice sunt mult mai puternice decât orice altceva.
PS: va explic si mai simplu. In orașele mari, la 2 Adulți se naște un copil, in medie (mulți nu sunt căsătoriți, si cei căsătoriți fac poate 1 sau maxim 2 copii). Deci - intr-o generație ar scădea populația la jumătate (2 adulti dispar si sunt înlocuiți de un copil care a crescut). Însă orașele mari - structural - cresc (business-ul are nevoie de oameni, acolo sunt banii si oportunitățile). Deci intr-o generație trebuie sa vina CEL PUȚIN jumătate din afara (orase mici si sate - pana se golesc; după - străini). De asta orașele mari din vest au 40-50% străini, practic toate. La fel va si la noi.
Multi ma întreabă - pe ce se bazează economiile SUA, UE, China și România? Ce înseamnă asta pentru viitor?
Haideti sa vedem. Contează ce piețe domini, unde ești ultra-competitiv. Asta e cheia.
- SUA domină in industriile viitorului - digitale, high-tech. Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Netflix etc. Industria mașinilor electrice (Tesla). Dar și in industria armamentului (care este de fapt tot high-tech) și unde au o putere armată aproape cât tot restul lumii combinat. Sunt independenți energetic și în agricultură.
- UE domină in mod real doar două piețe: automobile (pe diesel/benzină) și industria luxului (Louis Vuitton, Gucci etc). Sunt competitivi și in transportul aerian (Airbus) unde se lupta cu SUA/Boeing. Au independență in agricultură dar NU in energie (depind de importuri) și nici nu au independență militară.
- China e puternică in anumite zone din industria high-tech (in special in inteligenta artificiala plus infrastructura pentru 4G/5G) dar nu au microprocesoarele - asta slăbește mult situația. Au armata puternica dar nu sunt independenți energetic. Nu mai sunt atât de competitivi pe costul muncii (salariile sunt relativ mari deja, multe tari stau mai bine acum)
- in România - suntem foarte buni in producția de software, in auto și producția de nave, in serviciile de transport, servicii avansate de outsourcing și producția de grâne. Suntem aproape independenți energetic, stam mai bine decât majoritatea țărilor din UE. Per total - zonele de competitivitate sunt foarte bune, stam mai bine decât de exemplu Grecia sau Portugalia pe care ar trebui sa le depășim ușor.
De asta - concluzia generală este că SUA va continua sa domine economia globală pentru mult timp de acum înainte. UE sta mult mai prost de fapt chiar comparat cu China pe termen mediu. Noi avem potențial mare de tot (toți expertii o spun) - doar ca avem coruptie și PSD care ne distrug. Dacă am reuși sa ne organizam, sa avem o majoritate inteligentă, sa menținem un parteneriat apropiat cu SUA și sa profitam de piața comună din UE - am putea ajunge foarte departe. ---
Cultura chineza, de milenii, e clară. Numele China înseamnă “Regatul din mijoc”. Situat între ceruri și pământ. Toate celelalte nații sunt dedesubt, pe pământ. Nu pot exista decât ca vasali supuși.
Vârful regatului, Împăratul și acum partidul comunist si șeful lui, sunt reprezentarea statului și au putere absoluta.
Acum, după o perioada de 150 de ani in care ei o văd ca “marea umiliță”, ordinea lumii trebuie restabilita. Toți ceilalți - absolut toți - trebuie sa se plece și sa fie vasali. Cu orice risc, cu orice sacrificiu.
Restul vieții noastre va sta sub aceasta Amenințare. China e de o mie de ori mai puternica decât a fost URSS la vârful puterii lor. Grele timpuri.
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Pursue Your Dream: MBBS in Romania—Affordable, World-Class Education for Indian Students
MBBS in Romania carries a bright future for you. It is a preferable destination for many Indian MBBS aspirants wishing to join MBBS overseas. MBBS in Romania offers you with high quality education at affordable price. It offers education with an aim that you get ample job opportunities across the globe. MBBS in Romania is available to all categories of Indian medical students. Private medical institutes in India not only charge exorbitant annual fees, but also need a large contribution or capitation fee in order to give admission under the management quota. Most students in India cannot afford the exorbitant donations required by private colleges for an MBBS seat. In such situations, international medical colleges emerge as an attractive choice for Indian medical students. Many universities in other nations provide MBBS and other medical programs at reasonable prices, which is not the case in Indian medical institutes.
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Name of the University/College Annual Tuition Fee (Euro) Living Cost / Month (Euro)
Cluj Napoca Medical University 4350 350 Euro
Arad University 4195 350 Euro
Ovidius University Constanta 5400 350 Euro
Carol Davila University of medicine 5000 350 Euro
Victor Babes University of medicine 5000 350 Euro
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love is dangerous and cruel. at least that's what my experience with this deadly innate trait of human beings keeps teaching me. when in love, you're supposed to give yourself to someone else, to let them see you and within you, to let them know how and why you are the way you are. how can i do that when all love has brought me was shame?
i was thirteen when I gave my body away to men triple my age who looked at me like a piece of plastic ready to feast on whatever they could get out of me. i was fourteen when i was raped for the first time. I couldn't understand this though. living in a society in which my love didn't exist, in which my identity was a taboo subject, all i understood is that my love is about sex and that it happens in the bedroom. i had no models of good healthy relationships between men. actually, all the gay men i met were explaining to me how the gay world is about giving your body away, how you're supposed to feed other men's desires in order to get some sort of fucked up connection. how love is nowhere to be found because it is not accepted.
i was falling in love though. with people i couldn't have. the person i've loved the most yet was himself in a journey of self discovery and couldn't discern between sexual desire and feelings. i thought he loved me. i thought he loved me but he just couldn't be himself. i lived on that narrative for years only to discover in the end that it is not my job to heal people and it is not my bussiness to bring to light parts of people that they themselves are not ready to show. i loved him with all my heart and i still do, i think i will forever do. the flame died and we cut contact, but sometimes i still think of him smiling, wishing he is now in a happier place than when we were part of eachother's lives.
because he couldn't love me and because i could not find a place for my identity in the society i was living in, here came addiction. i filled the gaps left by him and by feeling like I don't belong with drugs and alcohol. lots of drugs and lots of alcohol. and sex. lots of sex as well. i didn't care who i was fucking or who was fucking me as long as we had the crystals and the drinks. i couldn't live through a party without ending up crawling on the floor. everytime i found myself almost dead i would call him. to swear at him or tell him i loved him, it didn't matter. i always knew his voice would calm me down.
by the time i finished high school i was a true addict. i didn't care about myself. I wasn't a person. being gay was something even my friends only tolerated. my existence was so irrelevant where i grew up and my problems were so taboo that i didn't even think of bringing them up. after all that's what all the gays ended up doing in cluj - sex on drugs and losing themselves.
somehow i made it out. i left. more like ran away. i found myself in a strange land with strange people speaking a weird language. but they did one thing that made me feel more at home than anywhere else. they understood me. i was a person. for the first time in my life. i was a person in the eyes of the society, government, law, university, everything. i mattered. i will never forget how calmly i was first asked at thr GGD if i am involved in the chemsex scene - a thing they are fully aware of and ready to help you cope or leave it for free. in romania i'm pretty sure the only people who know the term are people who are in the scene.
but this feeling of belonging led to a deep shame of my past. and that's when i did it. for the very first time in my life i actually tried to kill myself. i was so sure i would do it. i even called him to come clean with everything, to tell him how he hurt me, and that i forgive him and love him. selfish move, i know. but i wanted to die, i wanted to die for so long i can't even remember when i didnt.
but it didn't happen. my friends saved my life. i was brought into the psychward, evaluated, and sent to see a psychiatrist. that's when chapter 2 of my life began for real: bipolar.
i always knew there was something wrong with my head. i was always up or down, never normal, but always bad. my friends also knew it that's why they sent me to therapy when i was in 11th grade. couldn't afford a real therapist so i went to the school counselor who was not qualified to deal with my suicidal thoughts and mood swings.
the first year of university is when it got bad. i always had depressive episodes but never had real intense manic states. yes, i went through a lot of hypomanias throughout high school, but never full blown mania. my first psychotic mania was me believing i am in a relationship with ian gallagher. it was weird, i actually thought that, and I wouldn't understand why my friends were not agreeing with be, but either way i didn't have the time to think about it, since a million thoughts were racing in my head either way. i scared them, i scared them all. scared and scarred. i will never forgive myself for the way aprilia was banging on the toilet door begging me to take my meds. or how i ran away to selen's and obsessively told her the others want to kill me because they are jealous of ian. i know this sounds insane, cause it is.
but they stuck around after that. somehow i always had that luck, no matter what i did, my friends never left me alone. they always stood by my side. the period that followed was a terrifying one, but a powerful transition. i kept doing drugs and drinking. I didn't necessarily care. when i was told i can stop taking medication i took that as a green flag to sniffing as much coke as i can before i feel like i need to call an ambulance.
i went to barcelona to an old guy i met in another drugged sex date in maastricht during an arts fair. he paid for everything, i stayed at his place. we did meth the first night and he had people come over and fuck me and then i left to go to another guy's where multiple guys came again to fuck me. i liked it. I don't know. my stomach is turning as i am writing this. the guy didn't like that i spent a whole day at the other guy so when i got back he called me names and told me i am a sex crazed animal that just can't get enough. that hurt me. i was very hungover and on a huge comedown and he just kept having people over to fuck while i was in the other room and he kept inviting me to join. i wanted to cry and go home.
then i stopped with drugs for like a month. i got to romania and was feeling again psychotic and manic, though i had it under control. after a couple weeks home, i found myself again high, having sex with a man i dont know, leaving his place looking for more. it hurts to think about this.
then i met razvan. we met at a party, incredibly drunk. first thing i told him was that i am bipolar, a drug and alcohol addict and i destroy everything around me. he liked that. we started dating and we dated for about a month, though our relationship had an expiration date due to my departure for the netherlands. he was in love with me. i still don't understand why. he was so patient, so considerate, so careful with me. he cared about my trauma and was taking care not to rock it around. he shared himself to me and i liked him so much i thought i would marry him. i wanted to do it long distance, he didn't. that's how we ended, i left. he is happy now, has a cute boyfriend and they do netflix valentine's dates and wine which is cute as fuck. i am happy for him and i thank him for showing me that i matter.
back in the netherlands i didn't know where i belonged. I didn't know who i was anymore, where i'm supposed to be, who i'm supposed to be with. and the mania was getting out of control. too little hours of sleep, too much stress, it was about to explode. and so it did.
this time i was talking to jesus. convinced that he is communicating with me through ethel cain's preacher's daughter. it felt real, i felt a connection to god, one i had when i was a child but lost later in life. i was constantly listening to that album as a form of prayer, of an offering. i was ready to give myself to god, whatever that meant. what was happening in the meanwhile is that i was preaching in vrijthof while my friends were trying to get me to a hospital. i ran, they chased me around, even involved the police, but i was too fast.
later i understood Cioran's famous quoute "The premonition of madness is complicated by the fear of lucidity in madness, the fear of the moments of return and reunion when the intuition of disaster is so painful that it almost provokes a greater madness… One would welcome chaos if one were not afraid of lights in it." - what is worse than being insane? the moments of lucidity in which you realise you are insane. and that's what happened for a short moment when i found myself in a taxi on the way to the hospital, where i switched back to insane mode and yelled at the doctor that he's going to hell for trying to institutionalise the literal Messiah.
then i turned my life around. the damage i have done to my friends this time was incredible. they were visibly traumatised by my actions and i was so ashamed of what i'd done. unfortunately for me, the psychosis fades away and comes back instead of being constant. so i found myself ina lucidity moment completely destroyed by what i've done, back on antipsychotics and ready to fight this fucking disease once and for all.
i quit drugs. i quit drinking. lithium came into play. i finally felt the clinic was taking me seriously. i turned my life around. i am better now and stronger and so much more on my feet and ready to face this fucking world. i am not living in my head anymore and i am not overwhelmed by existence. i see the light, i fight my demons and i do shit. i do great quality shit, from my job as a bartender to my research at uni, i am fucking awesome. i still struggle with my physical image, but i am sure i will be able to get better at loving my physique as well. i am so fucking strong, i overcame so much fucking trauma, i am so fucking worth it and so fucking cool. i care so much about people, i love so strongly, i want to help the world through my field, i am smart, funny, have a sense for the arts, and am great at storytelling and making conversation. i deserve to be fucking loved and i deserve someone who will love me for who i am and who will understand my past and who i am right now and who will be there to support me while i support them. i deserve someone who wants me for who i am and who is willing to build something together with me that will last and will be beautiful. i am not unlovable and i am not awful. i am such a fucking great person.
so this was supposed to be a post about you jakub. but somehow through writing this post i realised that you are not my biggest issue. and also, ure not the only guy in the world. frankly, if u don't do something soon, i don't even think you'll get a chance with me. you're awesome, but i am not your ex, and i deserve someone who can commit to me and who actively shows that they like me. i get that u are anxious and maybe kinda autistic, but over the last days i was the only one putting in the effort, and guess what, a relationship is not a one way street. so act up, if u want me.
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Aaliyah Rose is a vampire that currently resides in Celestial Hills and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 7 years.
DATE OF BIRTH: April 21, 1480
OCCUPATION: Fence/Owner of Eclipse
FACECLAIM: Lyndsy Fonseca
SPECIES: Vampire
WELCOME TO LUNAR COVE, AALIYAH ROSE Trigger Warnings: Fire, death, violence
Aaliyah Rose is a lie, and she’s okay with that.
Born a long time ago in a town with a new name in a country that no longer truly exists, Anastasia Rodrigo was born as the result of an interesting union of two individuals, the Portuguese merchant Gaspar Rodrigo de Mello and Ilona Kovach, a Hungarian woman who’s family had a foothold in Cluj, Transylvania. Gaspar only needed a foothold, a way to establish himself in this new land and make his trade. While Gaspar would never achieve nobility, he, at least, would rise to become a prominent merchant. The two had their first child, Anastasia, in 1480. While a girl was disappointing, it mattered little. A son soon followed, along with two more girls, and, finally, another son. Anastasia was the oldest of a litter, it seemed, a wealthy one at that. She grew up comfortably, and she was married off at the age of twenty-one to a man named Jakab, a young partner of her father’s. Thus, she became Anastasia Rodrigo Jakabne, though, to the men of the time, the Jakabne was really all that mattered.
Her dowry was substantial, allowing her husband to grow his own business, and the two lived in great wealth, along with the heir and spare that she provided him with, a daughter shoved in between. No more, she told him. Her job was done. She would give him no more children. That suited Jakab just fine. With no love lost between her and her husband, she was allowed to do as she pleased, even if that wasn’t much. She attended social events. She languished in her home. Perhaps, in her youth, she’d dreamed of being a warrior, like that of Cecília Rozgony, who had commandeered a ship to save a king. But that was not to be Anastasia’s lot in life.he occasionally saw to her children. She paid no mind to the goings on of the people beneath her. It was all so droll. Her life was so droll, endlessly unexciting. She did not know of the quiet rage building in the world. She did not know of the quiet rage building within herself. She had no words for the discontentment in her life. She wouldn’t have those words for a very long time.
There was a fire. Whether it was set on purpose or on accident is anyone’s guess, but it overtook her husband’s estate quickly, and Anastasia couldn’t find her way through the smoke. She choked on it, succumbed to it, until she felt something sharp along her wrist, something cold in her throat. The next time she woke, Anastasia was dead. At least, she had died and had risen. The woman with her was a face that she’d only seen in passing, she thought. Perhaps a servant, perhaps someone in town. Someone who stuck to the shadows, the corners of eyes. This woman had turned Anastasia on a whim, and now she was stuck with a rather useless progeny. And useless Anastasia was. For all her childhood dreams of bravery, she had no talents, no life skills. She’d been raised to look pretty, to provide a beautiful portrait, and little else.
That ended up being no matter. Anastasia took to being undead in ways that she had never taken to her life before. She’d not been suited for marriage, for motherhood, but she was an excellent vampire, bloodthirsty and selfish. Her sire wasn’t that much older than her, and yet she was still one of the oldest, those who had come before being eradicated. She reinvented herself everywhere that she went, leaving behind bodies and broken hearts like a trail. They were careful, though; they had to be. Her name changed frequently, and Anastasia Rodrigo was a woman in the past, buried under ashes. A forgotten name in history, likely never properly written down. She met people, had fun, learned, growing to be an expert at tastefully dabbing away blood from the corner of her lips after a long night faded into a red dawn. She would go down in legends as being the inspiration for several notorious vampires throughout history and literature, often providing an up close and personal experience with some of the authors of such tales. But that, I’m afraid, is a story for another time.
Years faded into decades, into centuries. The monotony came back, the ennui. She felt again like a young woman in an estate, except now she could see the world and do whatever she wanted, and none of it had any real meaning. She was a ghost with a body. She drifted around without cause or care.
Aaliyah Rose woke up in 1993. She was walking through an alley in Chicago when she saw a mugging in process. She didn’t know why she stopped it, only that she did, and it felt good. All those years, all that strength and speed and power, and she’d never truly used it. God, it felt so good to use it. She became something of an avenging angel, though there was nothing angelic about her. Aaliyah Rose was the embodiment of 90s grunge and post punk rock, bruised knuckles that healed by the end of the night, a cigarette between her teeth, a cracked baseball bat in her hands. She learned to feed off of criminals, the worst that society had to offer, and she learned that she didn’t actually want to fight the good fight; Aaliyah just liked fighting. So, when feeding off of criminals was not enough, she became one. Gone was the bride trapped in the country estate. Gone was the languishing vampire wiping away blood with silk.
Claiming to have been turned in the mid-90s in Seattle, Aaliyah traveled with open eyes, getting her hands dirty in ways that she never had before. She started getting more involved with less than legal activity, telling herself that the best ways to feed off the scum of the earth was to work with them. She started out running jobs and providing extra, supernatural muscle, her frame deceptively dangerous. She worked her way up, becoming a rather reputable fence. After all, she’d been around for a long time, even if she was pretending not to be. At some point, Aaliyah ended up making her way to Lunar Cove, joining the clan under her new name and lifestyle, though she kept traveling, returning to town sparingly. She forged new connections and ended up getting involved with several different crime families, going so far as to meet a pair of pixies and thieves who weren’t half bad at their job.
Aaliyah started to realize that the town was a decent place to set up base, taking ownership of Eclipse and making the club into a “reputable” supernatural black market. Aaliyah Rose had a reputation of being one of the best fences on the east coast, able to buy and sell stolen goods, counterfeits, and other illicit materials with a quick turnaround. Her business was fair, or as fair as it could be, but Aaliyah loved when things went wrong. She loved when tensions got high, when fights broke out, and, more than that, she loved breaking fights up. She continued traveling, coming back to town frequently, and, when needed, recommending the town for the occasional supernaturals that she met that needed a place to go. About seven years ago, when some former associates needed a place to go, Aaliyah told them about Lunar Cove and ended up just sticking around. She had plenty of business, plenty of things to get into, and, in the end, she could always leave again if she wanted. Except… it no longer seemed to be something she wanted. After all these years, she was a master of reinvention, but now it seemed she was planting roots. In December of 2023, she ended up taking the Clan’s advisor position, much to her grumbling and gruffness. She might complain about it, but Aaliyah has developed a certain fondness for this place she now calls home. After centuries of living, it’s the closest she’s ever gotten to one.
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Medical Science Liaison Cardiology - Cluj Novartis ÖSterreich See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/medical-science-liaison-cardiology-cluj/?feed_id=54577 #ScienceJobs #hiring #research Cluj-Napoca #Romania #Marketing #Sales #Scientist #Writer
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Binance Looking to Hire Developers, Support Staff in Romania
Global crypto exchange Binance is now hiring IT specialists and customer service representatives for its operations in Romania. The leading coin trading platform is also engaged in a number of educational initiatives in collaboration with Romanian universities and authorities.
Cryptocurrency Exchange Binance Recruiting Personnel for Romania Offices
Binance, the largest crypto exchange by trading volume, intends to hire a number of professionals this year for its technology hub in Iași, Romania’s third largest city. The hub was established in 2022 and the company is now recruiting its staff. Job openings are already available for IT specialists, including in backend, quality assurance, frontend, and mobile, the Romania Insider portal reported. Expertise is needed in Java, typescript, iOS and Android, automation, and framework. Binance Country Manager for Romania Ilie Pușcaș stated: Binance is constantly hiring and developing around the world, and Romania, recognized for its high skills in IT and technology, is an important point on our map. “Last year, we opened our first technology hub in the country, in Iași, after consistent discussions with the Romanian government, and this year we are entering a natural stage of growth, in which we want to attract many talents to our new center,” the executive added. Binance is also hiring customer support staff for its offices in Bucharest. The vacant positions for both the tech hub in Iași and the Bucharest branch have been listed on its global website. Binance founder and CEO Changpeng Zhao announced the opening of the Romanian office during a visit to Bucharest in September. While in the country, he met with high-ranking officials and highlighted Binance’s plans to expand direct operations in Eastern Europe. Besides the recruitment efforts, Binance is also behind a number of educational initiatives in Romania. These are realized in collaboration with other platforms, universities, and government institutions, in order to organize courses, webinars, and training in finance and crypto for Romanians. The company has already held meet-ups in Bucharest, Iași, and Cluj-Napoca. The global exchange is engaged in similar projects in several other countries in the region and the former-Soviet space. Earlier in February, Binance agreed to support Georgia in developing its crypto sector through education and crypto-focused events. In December, it launched a blockchain education program in Kazakhstan and offered to help Azerbaijan with crypto regulation. Do you think Romania can become a regional hub for major crypto companies like Binance? Tell us in the comments section below. Read the full article
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Working and Getting a Job in Romania
If you want to switch your job to Romania, you should have certain information about the Romanian job market. With nearly 20 million in population, Romania is fast growing economy in Eastern Europe. A European Union member country Romania a have booming job market, with very some plus points like low living cost, interesting historical heritage & very amazing people. GDP is increasing by 3 to 4 percent/year, resulting in businesses developing smoothly. Romania is a great labor force market with different types of jobs available according to skills and expertise. Find jobs in Europe through Cadima You See
Romanian is the official language of Romania, and Hungarian is also spoken in some of its regions. Some people don’t regard Romania as a highly popular destination but now the situation is changing rapidly at a fast pace. Multinational companies are flocking to Romania because the labor is not high costed, and it is part of the European Union. Another factor of rapid job market growth is that the Romanian economy is growing rapidly with a good percentage. After the pandemic, the world market is recovering slowly & steadily. One can easily find jobs in Romania
Graduates with multiple language speaking skills have great opportunities in major cities like Lasi, Cluj, Bucharest & Timisoara, etc. The IT sector has a great chance of career growth for graduates & it is producing a high level of jobs.
Wages are not as high as in Western Europe but highly skilled graduates like software developers & or English language as a first language have more chances to get high paid jobs. IT diplomas or degrees are necessary for getting a good job easily.
The labor market is looking for Asian countries with multiple languages, Philippine is one of the top Asian men’s power providers to Romania. Recently Romanian embassy started working in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi, Nepali, Siri Lankans, Indian & Pakistani laborers are getting jobs in the Romanian market through Romanian Renowned Global Recruitment Agency CADIMA YOU SEE.
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Worked in this really old pharmacy and couldn't stop admiring this gorgeous furniture.
#old#vintage#pharmacy#work#job#pharmacies/drug stores#museum#pharmacist#beautiful#cluj napoca#romanian#romania
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Resido - Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System
Resido – Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System
Resido is a top-class actual property associated website construct on Laravel. With a complicated admin dashboard to help you create a nearby or international actual-property listing site. download also: Deprixa Pro Resido – Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System Perfectly appropriate for any agency, agent, property, actual property, rental, corporate, apartment, house, hotels, and all sorts…
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Happy birthday! Because I know I’m fantasizing about travel and far off places: 2. “Are you traveling alone?” For Garcy if it suits your fancy?
There aren't many more liminal, eerie places than a strange airport at two o'clock in the morning, when you're sleeping (or rather, trying and failing to sleep) on the hard terminal floor, backpack tucked uncomfortably under your neck and trying not to check your phone every two seconds to see if they've rebooked you onto a new flight yet. Lucy always has anxiety about traveling, and being marooned in the badlands of Ferenc Lizst International Airport, Budapest, is just what she gets for flying something called WizzAir. Her onward flight to Târgu Mureș in Romania -- well, it will at least theoretically happen. Sometime. When you're a broke academic who's already feeling guilty about taking this long away from your terminally ill mother and start-of-semester preparations, it's always a crapshoot.
Lucy shifts in vain hope of finding a more comfortable patch of floor, trying to avoid the censorious gazes of the night custodians, who are probably wondering why the crazy American didn't just get an airport hotel like a sensible person. That would indeed be the smart thing to do, but Lucy can't afford it. Or rather, she could, if she took something from the trust fund that Carol's set up, but she keeps reminding herself that that money is for their future, once Carol is gone. Amy was the one who insisted on the idea of a mini-European vacation for Lucy anyway, since it was supposed to relax her before the big fall 2016 semester, where she knows that her tenure meeting has finally been scheduled and Stanford University is -- again, at least in theory -- planning to make her a permanent, no-take-backs member of the history faculty. So now Lucy's here, trotting across whatever scenic European cities she can get to on Ryanair, absorbing the history and culture, shutting down a thousand come-ons from hopeful-to-obnoxious European guys who think that an attractive American woman traveling alone must just be desperate for some of that, and constantly, neurotically checking her budget to make sure that she can afford to fly back home to California without sleeping under a bridge. (She'd say an airport floor, but that is already out the window.)
Lucy stares at the ceiling, listening to distant bilingual airport announcements droning in Hungarian and English, as a few harried uber-late-night passengers dash past her in search of their gates. She isn't sure how much relaxation she's really getting out of this. The hospice nurses have been in touch about Carol -- she's probably not going to die before Lucy gets back, that's always good -- and Amy has assured her that they have things under control, but does she? Not to sound like Carol, but Amy can be... flighty. Lucy is the older sister. It's Lucy's job to be there. Not gallivanting around here, so far away.
She isn't sure if she actually falls asleep, or just drifts off in a maelstrom of troubled thoughts, but either way, she is started awake with an utterly disorienting feeling that several hours have suddenly slipped away, as if she's lost track of time and space. The airport is starting to stir with red-eye business travelers, and she lifts her head groggily, fumbling for her phone. There's an email from WizzAir apologizing for the inconvenience and offering to rebook her on a flight to Cluj-Napoca, which is also in Transylvania, so technically, they feel that it counts. Lucy groans, sits up, tries to get the foul morning taste out of her mouth, and wonders if any of the concourse coffee places are open yet. She could really do with some caffeine, or --
It's just then when she spots the man sitting by himself a few feet away, in one of the otherwise-empty chairs by the gate. He's tall, dark-haired, and has that generic Eastern European look that could mean he's from anywhere in this general geographic region, but something about him catches her attention anyway. He's reading a small brown leather book like it contains the secrets of life, flipping the pages intently and frowning to himself, and no matter all of the previous come-ons that Lucy has shot down, she finds herself oddly intrigued. She doesn't even know why. He is very handsome, in a rugged-lone-wolf kind of way, but she's not about to chat up random strangers at -- she checks her phone -- 4:08 am CEST. It's just... that book. She has no idea why on earth it would, but it seems almost... familiar.
Catching her gaze, the man looks up. "What?" he says, in English. His voice is gravelly, deep and unfriendly. "Do you want something?"
"I... no." Lucy flushes. "I'm sorry. I just... nothing."
He continues staring at her with an intensity that borders almost on the rude. He puts the book back in his bag, as if he doesn't want to be caught with it in public, and Lucy catches a glimpse of the gilded initials stamped on the corner: LP. Those, of course, happen to be her initials, but that obviously doesn't mean anything. He stands up; he's tall, probably a good foot more than her, and powerfully built. She would almost be afraid of him, because he seems like one of those people that you see in a crowd, or in an empty airport at four in the morning, who aren't there when you look back and don't cast a shadow. But there's something else as well, which Lucy can feel as if through a red thread tying them together. Grief. Anger. Steely determination. Like he's getting ready to do something momentous, and can't let himself get distracted now. She wonders where he's going. It feels like somewhere a lot further away than here.
"I'm sorry," she says awkwardly. "I didn't mean -- I didn't mean to stare. I'm just... waiting for my flight."
She doesn't need to justify herself to him. He's the one who's acting grumpy and standoffish to a perfect stranger for no reason, and she was here first, anyway. But he keeps looking at her. All at once, abruptly, he says, "Are you traveling alone?"
Lucy hesitates. That's not the kind of information you want to give out to a creepy large man when you are, in fact, alone, and she doesn't know how long he's been sitting here, watching her sleep. "My sister," she lies. "She'll be along soon."
The man absorbs that with a grunt. He grabs his things off the seat and turns to go, then stops. "Be careful," he says, with absolutely no hint of why or what this might mean. "You never know what's out there. You never know if the world is a lot stranger than it looks."
Lucy frowns. He's said that as if he thinks -- almost as if they've met before, when she definitely knows they haven't. He's still gazing at her with something hungry, something desperate, as if he isn't quite sure if she is who he thinks she is, but God, he hopes that it is. Maybe a lookalike stranger, or.... something? She doesn't know, she doesn't understand. She's relieved when he shoulders his backpack and vanishes down the concourse without looking back.
She doesn't get a name, of course. She doesn't think anything more of it. She completes her trip and gets home to California, to Carol, to Amy, to whatever she expects to come next.
(It isn't until she's standing in the violent firelight of the burning Hindenburg in the year 19-goddamn-37, staring at the face of Garcia Flynn, wanted time terrorist and the man who knew her from the start, who was reading her journal before they had even technically met -- then she understands.)
(Are you traveling alone?)
(He is, though. He is.)
[it's my birthday send me a prompt]
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Project Mens | Chapter 1: Human Trials
Chapter summary: Your cover is blown and Hydra locks you up. It seems like rescue is on its way.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Agent!Reader
W/C: 1.4k
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, Hydra, brief mentions of torture.
A/N: This chapter gives a bit of necessary background story for the next chapters to come. Big thanks to @lunarbuck for beta reading! Any and all reblogs/likes/comments are appreciated.
Series masterlist // Main masterlist // AO3
It was a cold evening—you presumed—in the middle of November, and somewhere in the distance, you could hear the faint sounds of a heavy rainstorm. Was it Thursday today? Or was it Saturday? You’d been locked up in the same cold and dingy cell for what seemed like forever. Realistically speaking, you knew that it had only been a few days, max two weeks, but the torture and pain your body had endured during the last couple of days had rendered you unaware of your surroundings. Everything had been going fine until your cover had been blown.
You had been on a mission to disband a newfound Hydra base located in an underground location in Cluj-Napoca in Romania. Tony had put you, Steve, Natasha, and Bucky on the team, knowing that the four of you had the most experience with the terrorist organization. You’d started working with the Avengers after your internship and subsequent job with S.H.I.E.L.D. After the events of 2014, you’d left S.H.I.E.L.D. and had followed Maria and applied for a similar position with Stark Industries. Because of your background in criminal justice, you’d often found yourself working on projects involving Hydra.
Your task had been to go undercover, posing as a neuroscientist specializing in cognitive psychology. Alongside the other scientists and doctors hired by Hydra, you worked on a project called “Project Mens”. General Wright, leader of the base, had commissioned engineers and scientists to create a machine capable of transferring one person’s memories to another person’s mind. If feasible, this machine could change the whole game; Hydra would be able to get intel by just flipping a switch. There would be no need to wait for a victim to break down during one of the many torture sessions and hope that they would tell the truth. No, this would be easy; sedate the victim, hook them up to the machine, flip the switch, and immediately get to know all their thoughts and deepest secrets. Straight from the source.
Your cover had been solid for about three months before it had been blown. The team of scientists had been on the brink of finalizing the machine that would make this very thing possible when they had discovered that you were a secret agent.
It had surprised you that they hadn’t immediately killed you. Instead, they’d put you in one of their isolated cells and had tortured you. It had started off with soft tissue injuries, a few cuts, and bruises here and there, but had quickly escalated to waterboarding, starvation, and stripping you from your clothes, leaving you exposed to the cold and wet elements of the cell. At first, you’d tried to fight them, legs and arms kicking and punching everyone and everything in sight, but soon you’d given up on resisting. Your body felt weak; your eyes were glassy, and dark spots danced in front of your vision when you opened them. The mere task of breathing left your lungs burning and your heart racing.
Your focus shifted from the sound of the rain to an alarm blaring, the sound of footsteps filling the hallways and guards yelling. You could hear a voice over the loudspeaker yelling that the bunker had been breached. Two individuals had been spotted on the grounds outside, and one had successfully infiltrated the base. “Зимний Солдат! (Winter Soldier!)” you heard the speaker’s voice call out. With considerable effort, you sat up in your cell, grasping the iron bars next to you for support. You heard the sound of a fight getting closer, and the next thing you knew, Bucky was in front of your cell fighting off some guards. His eyes briefly flickered over towards you, a pained expression covering his face. You could hear him asking for backup via his earpiece. You knew Bucky was strong, but he was outnumbered seven to one and things weren’t looking too good for him. You saw one of the guards push a needle into Bucky’s neck, presumably filled with some kind of tranquilizer, because the next thing you knew Bucky was on the floor, eyes wide open and his lips trembling in fear. The same guard opened your cell door and looked down at you. His hand reached for a second syringe in his pocket and before you could try to resist, your vision turned black.
You slowly woke up strapped down onto a metal gurney. Pain coursed through your body and a sawing sound filled your head. A throbbing pain filled your body as you became aware of a sawing sound filling your head. You looked down at your body and noticed that besides all the bruises and cuts, there was blood coming from your upper right thigh. In the corner of your eyes, you spotted someone next to you, seemingly in the same situation as you were. Your brain slowly started to process sounds again as you heard Bucky calling out your name. Your head turned to look at him and you saw him lying flat on a stretcher; arms and legs strapped down to the table and a metal device attached to his skull. Being too tired and not finding the willpower to form any words, you turned your head back to face the cement ceiling. The sound of footsteps and voices entered the room and you felt a hand move over your forehead, touching something attached to it.
“Sir, the machine isn’t finished yet. We haven’t done any human trials and—” you heard a distant voice say. You recognized the voice belonging to Doctor Brown, one of the scientists you had been working with on the project.
“Doctor, the machine is finished. This is the human trial,” General Wright interrupted.
“But, Sir, so far, we have only been able to transfer the memories stored in the temporal lobe. We haven’t been able to transfer behavioral and emotional responses stored in the limbic system, let alone—” Doctor Brown is right, you thought. The machine had only been tested on a couple of orangutans, and the conclusion had been that the device had not yet been ready to safely transfer memories from subject A to subject B’s brain. Ape A had been non-responsive after the procedure, but to everyone’s surprise, ape B had been able to recognize a toy only ape A had previously been given. This had, apparently, given General Wright enough reason to continue the trials onto human participants.
Sure, it was impressive that ape B had been able to recognize the object, but they had been in the process of testing whether that was the only memory the subject retained or if any other memories had been transferred. Ape A being non-responsive had, evidently, not been a big deal, according to them. You felt a slight panic building up deep down in your chest.
“Doctor, we will continue whether you are willing to be a part of it or not. Besides, Doctor Nelson changed a few things since the last trials. Flip the goddamn switch,” the now aggravated General said. Doctor Nelson changed a few things? This must’ve happened while you had been held captive because you had no prior knowledge of this. None of the scientists you had worked with on the project were trustworthy, but Doctor Nelson was someone you wouldn’t even trust to keep a simple houseplant alive.
Blocking out the conversation between the two men, you registered Bucky’s persistent screaming. As much as you didn’t like the guy, you realized how immensely horrifying it probably was for him to yet again be strapped to a machine created by Hydra. You had heard the stories of Bucky being a part of The Winter Soldier Program and about him having been subjected to electroconvulsive therapy through the Memory Suppressing Machine. You felt bad for the guy. He has every reason to panic, you thought. There is no knowing how the human brain will react to the device. If the trials of ape A were anything to go by, the future wasn’t looking too bright for at least one of you. It surprised you that Hydra would use their prized asset for this experiment. You also knew that Hydra wasn’t fond of people betraying them. In their eyes, this probably served as a fitting punishment.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of murmuring and the machine’s engine firing up. Before you knew it the voices faded away and darkness consumed you.
Taglist: @maladaptivexxdaydreamingfavs
#bucky barnes x reader#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x ofc#bucky x ofc#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky x y/n#bucky fic#bucky barnes fic#bucky barnes imagine#sebastian stan fic#project mens#📝 finn writes
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Seventeen People, Seventeen questions
Thank you for tagging me, @giuliaisstudying!
Nickname: Martita, Marts, Marti
Sign: Cancer
Last thing I googled: "superlínea Santander" (my bank won't let me send money to people using Bizum, so I had to call them, but they're not working because it's Sunday 🙃)
Song stuck in my head: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas by Michael Bublé (It snowed a lot in Berlin yesterday and everything was set up for Christmas, but many Christmas markets were unfortunately not open yet.)
No. of followers: 4,020
Amount of sleep: 9 hours (The first time I've slept more than 8 hours this week 🙃 I had to get up at 3:30 am yesterday to catch a flight.)
Lucky number: 2
Dream job: something that allows me to use multiple languages in an international setting
Wearing: an evergreen blue-green sweater, gray jeans, white socks, and black booties
Movies/books that summarize you: All the Bright Places, Rubinrot, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Favorite song: Anti-Hero (right now)
Aesthetic: dark clothing in winter
Favorite authors: Laura Gallego and Rick Riordan
Favorite animal noise: cat purring
Random: I'm currently on board a flight from Berlin to Cluj-Napoca, Romania, for a 1h layover and then on to Madrid. (The direct flight was much more expensive and I had to get home today instead of tomorrow as planned because I have work tomorrow—which I didn't know I'd have when I bought the flights, so I had to buy an additional ticket and lose the money from the original return ticket because I'm cheap and didn't buy cancellation insurance.)
I tag (no pressure) @fluencylevelfrench, @guillemelgat, @lang0weilig, @tealingual, and anyone else who wants to do it.
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