#jnpr family
albion-93 · 9 months
RWBY Fanfic - Midwinter Solstice Eve
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, y’all.
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superiorsturgeon · 7 months
Jaune: …so we’ve got some big news…! 😁
Pyrrha: We’re having a baby! 😊
Oscar: *gasp* Congratulations! 😃
Emerald: You guys are going to be parents?! 🫢
Ren: We’re all so happy for you both! You’re going to be wonderful parents! 😌
Nora: …
Pyrrha: …Nora…? 😕
Nora: *sighs* Pyrrha…you’ve been my best friend since we were teenagers…but know this:
Nora: You may have gotten pregnant first, but I’m gonna get pregnant HARDER! 😤
Ren: *concerned for several reasons* You know what…? No! We are not going any further until you explain to me exactly what you mean by that! 😨
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maripr · 6 months
Extremely interesting and delicious dynamic I didn't know I needed: Oscar and Ozpin being on good terms but that very bond means they are torturing each other without even MEANING TO.
Also Ren calling them both YOU TWO and being sweet and supportive of the both of them. Best boi after Oscar and Ozpin tbh. Ozpin being a de facto team member of JNPR makes me really happy, even if it's because of unfortunate circumstances.
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thatorigamiguy · 2 years
Jaune: “So when I was a little kid, my second older sister became really addicted to oxytocin. She went from getting A’s to D’s and she looked horrible all the time, but mom and dad just thought that she was under a lot of stress and that the classes were just harder than she originally thought. But her habits ended up getting worse and worse, to the point that she was spending all of her savings and whatever pitiful amount she could get her hands on to support her habit. One day while everyone was out of the house, she grabbed me by the hand and said we were going on a “Field Trip.” I didn’t question it, I was a kid and I had thought that she had come back to her old self even though she looked like absolute hell.”
“So, we ended up taking a bullhead into Vale and went to what I still consider to this very day to be the shadiest looking apartment building, up several flights of stairs to the third floor and she knocks on the door. After a moment, the door opens up and she ushers me inside we’re a I see a really messy room attended by two guys: A super jacked up Tiger Faunus and a scrawny looking human guy. the human guy has a bag in his hand and he askes her with a dubious look “So, how you gonna pay for it this time?”
She immediately responds “I’m paying with him.”
“Him,” being me. That’s right, my sister tried to sell me to the what I now realize were her dealers in exchange for more Oxy. The silence that followed after was deafening and both her dealers could only stare at her in complete disbelief. Angered at their hesitance, she asks them “Don’t you assholes do trafficking or some shit like that? I’ll just tell my parents that he was kidnapped, just give me the damn oxy!”
Another awkward pause of silence as the dealers both share a wary glance at each other, before the Tiger Faunus mutters “It’s a deal” as the human tosses her the bag and she hightails it out of that shithole slamming the door behind her and not even giving me a second look. The tiger Faunus shakes his head muttering about how my sister was a “Crazy Bitch,” before looking down at me with an apologetic look.
“Listen, I’m really sorry about this kid.” He said as he pulled out his scroll, “Here, give me your home phone and I’ll have your parents pick you up. Were do you live anyways?”
I hesitantly tell them that I live in Ansel, causing them to both give me shocked look before the scrawny guy all but shouts “She dragged you on a two hour bullhead ride for this? For fucks sakes, I told you we should’ve stopped dealing to her the moment she started paying us in bags of quarters!”
The two dealers bickered with one another for moment, before the Tiger Faunus called up my mom and the Scrawny guys was kind enough to lend me his DS with Mario on it to pass the time. My parents come and grab me and man I thought they were going to grease the dealers then and there but they let them slide after putting the fear of brothers into the two of them and then took me home. They, quite obviously, learned of what my sister had done from me and the sheer unbridled rage from my mom and the absolute ice cold vitriol my dad expressed to my sister was something I’ll always remember to this day and they pretty much gave her two options: go to rehab and get cleaned up, or not only get kicked out of our home but to have her name banished off the Arc family name to forever be an exile and pariah of the Arc family for the rest of her miserable days in abject shame.
She chose to go to rehab, kicked her drug habit, and managed to get sober after two years and has remained sober since. My parents bought me Pokemon Black and Chrono Trigger for what I went through as compensation.”
Jaune took a drink of his water, a little parched from his rather long story only to take note of the horrified slack jawed looks of both his team and team RWBY. Both Pyrrha and Ruby had tears in their eyes and he swore he heard Weiss muttering under her breath something about “mistreating him to much,” whatever that meant. The awkward silence was broken when Yang, who Jaune had noticed her eyes were red and also a little teary eyed, finally broke the silence.”
Yang: “...Jaune?”
Jaune: “Yes Yang?”
Yang: “...What in the actual fuck?”
Jaune: “Oh you think that was bad? That pales in comparison to this one time-”
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rwac96 · 1 year
Type: Prompt
RWBY: Original AU
Fandom: RWBY
Summary: Based on this video; Another day where Jaune and Ren had to deal with Nora on drugs again.
Theme: Funny, Nora is fantastic, Ren and Jaune are done with Nora, Pyrrha is a good innocent girl
Nora: *giggling, high on Ecstacy* Oh, my Gods. This feels amazing! *caresses her face* Everything feels so amazing.
Jaune: *deadpan, attempting to ignore his teammate* Uh-Huh.
Ren: *hands together, biting his lower lip* ...
Nora: *giggles, caressing the rest of her body* Ooh, my Brothers, yes! *leans against her leader* Jaune-Jaune, you feel so muscular. You really bulked up.
Jaune: *exhales deeply, doing his best not to acknowledge her* Mhmm...
Nora: *laughs, pulling away from him* Oooh, Renny. *leans against her long-time friend, partner & crush* Renny, Renny, Renny. Handsome Ren.
Ren: *blushes, lowering his head slightly as Nora began to feel up his body*
Nora: How ya do that, Renny? Being so feminine yet masculine? Mhmm, so sexy~.
*The Intoxicated Hammer-Wielder slides off of the couch, beginning to strip out of her clothes*
Nora: *laughs, as she was now in her bra & panties* Everything feels so fantastic. So amazing~.
Pyrrha: *enters the Team JNPR Dorm* Nora? Oh, my. Is everything alright?
Nora: Pyr-Pyr. *rolls around to face her bestie* Pyr, you're a wonderful person. Please, don't leave like my mama did. Pinky Promise, Pyrrha?
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pedanticat · 2 years
Oh god, I cannot even begin to imagine how Nora, Ren and Oscar, are going to react to seeing Jaune again when he comes back from the Ever After!
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jjr1971 · 2 years
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Some Kumoricon highlights….Robbie Daymond and yours truly, an extended Spy x Family, a Nora Valkyrie (RWBY) cosplayer, and cool Arcane Cosplay featuring Powder and Violet. That’s definitely Powder, not Jinx. Either a slightly happier AU where Powder got to grow up as just Powder, or Jinx after a shit-ton of therapy and probably answers “it’s just Powder now.” if someone calls her Jinx.
Much praise to the Violet cosplayer and especially the detailed work she did on the eye makeup….she was a dead ringer for Vi.
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juanarc-thethird · 3 months
The Hidden Ones.
The beginning
Beacon Academy, all students and guests are preparing for the grand dance of the Vytal festival tournament tonight. The boys wear their respective tuxedos, and the girls their elegant dresses. In the JNPR team room was Jaune fighting with his bowtie.
Jaune: I never understood how to put this… thing! Arg! I give up, I'm not going.
Pyrrha: *Smiling* Calm down, Jaune. Come, let me lend you a hand.
Jaune approaches her and Pyrrha begins to work on his bowtie.
Jaune: I don't know Pyrrha, it's a hard thing to do.
Pyrrha: Done.
Jaune: What?! How?!
Pyrrha: I've seen how my mom helps my dad put it on many times. So I memorized it.
Jaune: Wow, just like that?
Pyrrha: Yep.
Jaune: Damn, you never cease to amaze me.
Pyrrha: *Chuckles* You are the only one who is surprised by these little things about me.
Jaune: *Chuckles back* You may be right. Well, I'll just put on my jacket and we'll go, ok?
Pyrrha: Ok
Jaune goes to his closet to take out his jacket and Pyrrha just watches him.
Pyrrha: Um... Jaune...
Jaune: *Putting on his jacket* Yes?
Pyrrha: You know,... I wouldn't mind helping you in the future with things like this.
Jaune: Thanks Pyrrha, I can let you do that. I need to learn one day. I can't rely on you until we graduate.
Pyrrha: No... I mean help you in the sense-
At that moment Pyrrha is interrupter by the door being open. Letting in Nora and Ren with a package in hand.
Nora: Are you two ready for the dance?!
Jaune: Of course we are, right Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: S-Sure
Ren: By the way, Jaune. This package was outside the door. It's in your name.
He says while showing said package. Jaune takes it and thanks him.
Jaune: Thank you.
He reads the return address on the package and it just says "Uncle Mario." For a moment Jaune's expression changed to one of sadness. It was almost unnoticeable but Pyrrha could tell.
Pyrrha: Jaune?
Jaune: Huh? Oh! Sorry. I just need a minute to check my package.
He goes to his desk, turning his back on his team. As if trying to stop them from seeing. He takes his small box-cutting knife, and opens his package. Pyrrha, try to see what it is without drawing his attention. But I only noticed a piece of paper and a feather from a somewhat large white bird. Jaune looks at the paper carefully and puts it inside his tuxedo jacket along with the feather.
Jaune: Hey, why don't you go ahead to the dance without me? I'll catch up with you guys later. I just have to make call to my uncle.
Ren: Is everything okay?
Jaune: Yes, everything is fine, it's just a family matter. Nothing serious, I promise.
Normally a group of friends had more questions. But they know that when Jaune promises something he says, his word is worth gold. So satisfied with his answer they accept his request and leave without him. The four left the room with Jaune accompanying them to the door.
Nora: See you on the dance floor!
Jaune: Yeah, see you guys there.
Jaune watches as they get further and further away. And when he lost sight of them in the hall corner, he left his room and walk in the opposite way. But he fail to realize that Pyrrha was in the corner looking at him.
Pyrrha: Where are you going Jaune?
She told herself quietly
Nora: Pyrrha, come on! The dance is this way!
Nora shouts, getting her attention.
Pyrrha: I'm coming!
Pyrrha returns with the rest of her team on the way to the dance, but unable to stop worrying about Jaune.
Pyrrha: (Why do I feel uneasy? Why do I feel like I have to stop him?)
These were the questions she asked herself. But the only thing she can do is trust him. And trust that he would return with them to dance.
That night Jaune never came back.
---------------------- This is a new idea that I've had in my head for a long time. For some of you, you already realized that is this about just by the title. For the rest, I hope you like it.
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ryuto12 · 3 months
My New V10 Predictions
Cause like it’s not if it’s when, this is VIZ we’re talkin about
Yang is going to hit Raven with enough backhanded comments to make absentee bird mom take damage
Coco is either going to insult the shit out of Emerald or just hardcore flirt with her
Carmine Esclados and her new employment found under a witch trying to end the world
And some point Yang and Raven have some really peaceful quiet moment where things are okay and Raven attempts to inquire about her and Blake, and Yang either basically tells her we’re to stick it or they actually have a small bonding moment
Qrow and Raven tag team fight scene
Anxious Nora hug, not a fast one. Not quite believing her eyes and being so scared seeing her found family again that it might be a dream
Weiss having some complicated feelings realizing Jacques is dead cause like, she hated him and he was pathetic but fuck he was still her father
Sun bouncing off the walls with the need to show Blake around since she showed him the cool spots in Menagerie so now it’s his turn
The Summer Maiden either fits in perfectly with Raven and Winter or is this glowing ball of sunshine next to the cold as her namesake specialist and deadbeat bandit filled with plot secrets
Ruby yoinks Raven and is like “yoooooo drop my tragic backstory”
Whitley character growth (if crwby gives him raggedy ass ripped jeans my prayers worked he deserves to finally break away from the perfect Schnee look like Winter and Weiss already did)
JNPR dorm scene
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craziechwiv · 2 months
Confronting the Blonds
Yang was whistling a small tune as she made her way towards Team JNPR's dorm room, as she and Jaune would be having a nice movie date. But once she entered the room, she was met with not only Team JNPR but also her team as well. They were sitting down in chairs in a circular motion, talking with Jaune as he looked annoyed about something.
Yang: Uh...am I interrupting something?
As Yang spoke, everyone turned to look at her with Ruby speaking first.
Ruby: Hey sis, we were just starting without you. Come, sit down. It's really important that you and Jaune are here to hear this.
Yang: What's this about?
Yang sat down in an empty seat next to Jaune, who she could see was agitated for something.
Ruby: So, we're all here today because we wanna confront you both on your...noisy nature.
Yang looked at Jaune confused who only shrugged his shoulders in response.
Yang: Yeah...we got no clue what you mean Rubes.
Weiss: Oh please, everyone can hear your muffled screams and how the walls shake from god knows what!
Ren: We can endure most of your stuff together since you keep it at a moderately low volume, but your alone time has to be private for us to endure that too.
Nora: Yeah! As much as I wanna be an Aunt, I don't wanna hear it daily!
Yang and Jaune were more confused on what their friends were getting at before the thought finally clicked in both their brains, then came the horrifying realization on what they were talking about. And it wasn't even close to what they were doing.
Jaune: OH gods- You guys got it all wrong! So, so, far off!!
Yang: Yeah! I mean, we're both still young for crying out loud! Not that I wouldn't mind having a family with Jaune, but it's not that!
Pyrrha: Then mind telling us what you do are doing alone together to make such a racket?
Yang: Uh...
Jaune: Er...
~Flash back~
Jaune and Yang are in a heated sparring match in RWBY's dorm room, which Yang trying to pin Jaune towards the wall but Jaune moving out of the way quick enough for Yang to bang against it, leaving a dent from the impact.
Yang: Hah! You're getting better at dodging Lover Boy, now show me what you're made of and try to hit me!
Jaune: Oh, believe me, You'll see just how much I've improved!
Jaune then charges at Yang as she held her arms out wide, grabbing a hold of the blitzing Jaune as they both were sent to the floor, making the room shake.
~End of Flash back~
Yang: ...
Jaune: ...yeah. That's what we were doing...
As they both explained their situation to their friends, they were all left appalled and embarrassed on what their first thought was to them being so aggressive and loud.
After this, not even one person spoke about it as one after another, they fled the room. Leaving the blond couple alone together.
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howlingday · 1 day
Jaune: We did it! We won! Ha ha! Don't get too comfortable, Team RWBY, because we're still in this to win this~!
Ruby: H-Hey!
Papa Arc: (In the stands, Surrounded by kin) Ha ha! Now THAT is an Arc right there! GO, JAUNE! (Family cheers)
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: Um, Jaune? Is that... your father?
Nora: Is that your FAMILY?!
Ren: They're taking up half of the balcony seats, and your dad is taking up more seats than any of them.
Mama Arc: Jaune~! Good luck~!
Yang: Whoa! Jaune's mom is a total babe~!
Blake: Hm... There's a lot more women than men in his family.
Weiss: That explains a lot.
Ruby: Aw~! Jaune's family came to support him! Isn't that nice of them? I'm happy for him!
Weiss: Did you completely ignore his declaration of war on you?
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Ruby: Huh?! Why did you freeze him instead of me?!
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fanstuffrantings · 2 months
Thinking about JNPR so have some fun headcanons (canon will be coasted but not fully adhered to):
Ren is the best cook in the group and periodically gets woken up by his peers for midnight snacks
Jaune is a mediocre cook most of the time but has one specific dish he cooks so insanely well that everyone is actually baffled
Pyrrha cooks mainly high protein/healthy foods and doesn't care about flavors of things. Though she doesn't enjoy sweets much.
Nora isn't allowed within 10 feet of a stove anymore.
Pyrrha is considered one of the most terrifying leaders in Beacon due to her rigorous schedule and bootcamp like training. Over time she does start to learn that everyone should he focused on as an individual and given training that works for them.
Pyrrha is very good at slipping away and getting alone time because her popularity and status as a cultural icon means she rarely gets any peace.
Nora takes bets from classmates that entail her sticking forks/metal items in electronic ports to see if she can handle the charges. She has gotten detention several times for blacking out a classroom.
Ren is top of the class next to Weiss and Pyrrha. People do try to track him down for notes or study sessions but he's always miraculously gone when the bell rings.
Jaune may not be super smart or skilled at fighting but he has an insanely high level of strength and stamina from working manual labor jobs for his family and neighbors.
Jaune is the only one of the group who has ever gone on fun outings with friends and even though he doesn't instantly know what everyone would enjoy he does help pyrrha plan team bonding field trips.
Ren keeps a window garden in their room at beacon and spends a lot of his free time with Professor Peach learning about other plants and how to care for them.
Nora enjoys pulling heists on teachers. She's managed to steal things and will bring them to class like a smug cat. Professor Oobleck thinks it's hilarious.
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pilot-boi · 3 months
How is it when Jaunper and the group arrive in Argus? I want to know reactions from Maria, Cordovin, Saffron, Terra, and Adrian please.
Maria takes it all in stride. She’s fresh off being a rando and then getting dumped head first into The Plot, so she just takes one look at Jaune and is like “This isn’t even the strangest thing I’ve seen TODAY.”
Adrian is too young to really get what’s going on. After the initial freak out because “My uncle! This is my uncle but it isn’t!” he mostly just just wants rides on Jaune’s back, which Jaune is more than happy to provide
Cordovin is Cordovin. She thinks he’s an abomination and shows him the same racism and disdain as she shows Blake, but to a MUCH greater degree. I wouldn’t be shocked if she uses it/its when referring to him, which would ABSOLUTELY set off NPR
Terra is holding it together, she’s staying strong for Saphron. She’s more than a little disturbed and freaked out by Jaune, she mourned him just like her wife. Her brother-in-law is supposed to be dead, so dead they didn’t even have a body to bury. And now here he is as some kind of beast
She’s taking it better than Saphron, but she’s still VERY shaken. She mostly deals with it by focusing on the practicalities of the situation, like working with JNPR to make sure there’s a “nest” set up for Jaune to sleep. He can’t really use beds after all. Also helps that she’s at work most of the time where she can focus on the CCT relay
Saphron, of course, is beside herself. She hen JNPR first arrive, she thinks she’s going crazy. There’s a giant rabbit here wearing her brother’s face and speaking with his voice. Her brother who was burned into ash a year and a half ago is standing here but he’s WRONG, he’s not her brother, he’s a BEAST
She recognizes his teammates from when they visited the family homestead after the Fall. They treat this creature like he’s real, so he’s not a hallucination. But they call him Jaune, ask if she’s his sister. And they’re feeding into her madness. Why would they be so cruel as to bring an amalgamation doppelgänger of her brother to HER HOME and flaunt him in front of her?!
The CCT is barely functioning over short distances, but she just can’t do this on her own. She calls the other Arcs and she doesn’t know how much of her message gets through, but she begs them to come to Argus
It’s not Jaune, it can’t actually be Jaune. He’s dead. She mourned him, she’s STILL mourning him. But his face pinches in the same way she knows when she says he isn’t real, and his hands still have the scars from when he burnt them taking pizza out of the oven, and his voice still cracks when he rushes to comfort her when reason abandons her
It can’t be Jaune. But it is. And if it IS him, then she can’t let him go or he’ll dissolve into ash again. So she clings to him, her little brother who is bigger than her and died before her
And for a few hours she allows herself to indulge in the madness that her brother is alive
It takes a day or so, but Saphron eventually comes around to the fact that this is actually Jaune. Terra’s connections with the Atlas military are able to get him in to run tests (DNA, Aura matching, lie detectors, the whole nine yards) and they determine that against all reason this IS Jaune
It’s impossible, but the science says it’s true. And Terra believes the science. And Saphron believes Terra
Her brother is alive
The siblings spend the next few hours holed up in the spare bedroom in the nest JNPR constructed, just holding each other and crying and laughing. And when they emerge, Saphron looks more whole than she’s been since the Fall
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neopoliitan · 4 months
RWBY Evermorrow Ep.7 Director's Commentary (or something)
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The newscast segment was a late addition, we decided it was best to move a scene to a later episode for a better sense of narrative. I even already animated that whole scene so we don't need to worry about it!
We were gonna use Lisa Lavender here, but decided it was better to use Cyril due to availability of existing cast members as the scene was kind of last minute. We see it as Cyril being the guy in the studio, and Lisa being the reporter in the field.
Khaki's prison number is funny if you can decipher it.
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Originally this episode was a big ol scene of RWBYCRDL recounting the mission to Oz and Glynda, then the punishments being dished out, but I was having such a dull time writing it that we decided it was best to cut the recap of the immediate previous episode and hope the teams' reactions did the work. I think it was for the best, a glorified recap episode seems like it would've been a waste of production; if it wasn't fun to write it wouldn't have been fun to watch.
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It was a good time to bring in Glynda as she's always been Beacon's voice of reason around Oz's more whimsical tendencies. She's to-the-point and will make no excuses, which sells the teams being reprimanded more. Plus the added questioning of what exactly Ozpin is saying to Cardin offscreen is an interesting question in the viewer's mind.
(Also our Ozpin VA was kinda unavailable but for a very good reason lol)
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Let's talk Dove. You've probably noticed he's very much the reasonable one on EM CRDL at this point, which is very intentional as going in I wanted to make them more interesting than Cardin and the Cardins. CRWBY once said Dove was the most skilled of CRDL, which is an interesting angle, and Doves are a symbol of peace which inspired me to make him the """nicer""" one, albeit a bit embittered by his lot in life. This episode has a montage of the moments in ep5-6 that really lay it all out that he's a little better than the others on his team, which is why Ruby vouched for him.
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There was going to be a decent focus on family in this episode, but eventually we whittled it down to just Russel's and Dove's. Being like "oh and here's a character's parent being funny and mad" worked twice, but three to eight times might have gotten old lmao
Why did I pick Bertilak for Russel's guardian? Green. Mohawk. Moody. Not a big Faunus fan.
Okay so that's only part of it. Russel has been consistently portrayed as a bit of a doormat in EM, following Cardin's orders or deferring to the next biggest fish if he's not around. His actions around Bertilak imply that the latter is the source of all that behaviour.
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Dove offers Ruby an "Olive Branch". I don't know if I can get more unsubtle than this.
Don't ship them they literally feel nothing about each other. That's canon.
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Why did I pick Shopkeep for Dove's grandpa? Closed eyes, and Shopkeep is everywhere. That's literally the joke.
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Pyke Rite from The Grimm Campaign.
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There were a few characters I really wanted to get involved sooner. Can you believe it took us till Ep7 for Ren or Nora to say anything? It felt good to have all of JNPR and OP(A)L fully animated in the same scene, and was fun to set up dynamics like Oscar being a fanboy, Alyx being a little shit and the two teams generally getting along.
In comparison to 6 this episode was a lot calmer and a lot more talk-y, but hopefully we managed to make it fun. The animators and VAs did amazing as always (the former has basically eclipsed my efforts at this point), and I'm looking forward to ep8 very much! Bigger and better!
If you have extra questions about this ep you can shoot me an ask, I'm always down to self-indulge lmao
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Jaune: *wearing a suit and standing in front of a whiteboard* …and that’s why I think you should invest in the JNPR Jackalope ranch!
Whitley: 🤨
Whitley: …you want me to invest the few assets my family has left in a farm for…
Whitley: *checks his notes*
Whitley: …a giant antlered rabbit that you claim to have met in a fairy-tale world?
Jaune: …yes…? 😅
Whitley: 😑
Whitley: …leaving aside everything else that’s wrong with this…
Whitley: …you said you only found this giant rabbit by accident from inside a Kingdom Vault holding a secret relic, which can’t be accessed without some kind of special magic powers!
Whitley: How exactly would you even get your first…jackalope…?
Jaune: Actually, I’m glad you asked…!
Nora: *opens boardroom door* Hey, fearless leader? The police are starting to ask questions about a break-in at Shade Academy, so we’d better wrap this up!
Somewhat: Rusted Knight, the police in your world don’t have any sense of humor!
Juniper: *giant bunny noises*
Whitley: …
Whitley: *extends his hand* You know what? I’ve changed my mind! If you can evade the authorities, give me a call and we’ll get something set up!
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riku-izanami · 8 days
(Que festive music)
In the team JNPR dorm, Lie Ren just so happen to walk in as jaune was trying on his costume.
Ren stared at his brother/team leader with disbelief.
Ren: Jaune, my brother from another family, what the hell are you wearing?
The boy in question simply stared back at him like nothing was wrong
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(Credit to @Grayson_Fin o twitter for the image)
Jaune: My costume for Halloween this year
Ren: *deadpaning* Don't you think it's a bit......girly
Nora: *from her bed* I think he looks fabulous
Jaune: *beaming brightly* Thank you, Nora
Nora: Any time
Ren: *still in disbelief* But why sailor moon of all people?
Jaune: Well... because she's the best girl for the show, I have blonde hair, and I make these heels look good. *showing off his leg to prove his point, earning a wolf whistle from Nora*
Ren:........*cocks an eyebrow*
Jaune: also I lost a bet to Nora.....
Ren: figures
Nora chimed up once more
Nora: Why do you care so much Renny? *her eyes widen* Are secret a exist?
Ren: *rolling his eyes* no....
Nora: *clasping his hands on the sides of her face*Do you secretly have feelings for me beyond that of a brother?!
Ren: *scoffed and rolled his eyes* No, Nora....Now put the shive down
On que, she lowers the make-shift weapon from Jaune's throat and back away from the blonde apologizing, but still glaring at the blonde accusingly.
Jaune: So what is it then?
Ren: *held up a twovfingers* Simple. 1, Everyone knows Sailor Moon is basic after, and 2, Sailor Pluto is the best girl
Jaune: *staring at Ren like he's scum* Oh, you mother fucker *with that he charge tackled Ren to the ground*
Nora watched the scuffle from the side. Recording it for future use.
Nora: *shaking her head* Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Silly boys, everyone knows it's Jupiter, who's best girl
Another installment of costume chaos added to my short as catalog of stuff here. If yall have any costumes you'd like any of the rwby cast we're, please send it in.
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