#jk rowling could never lmao
I remember you once wrote a post about snape not being written how JK rowling thought she did, can you elaborate on that please perhaps? I also heard he is so much more of a dick in the books (never read the books, only watched the movies some time ago xd)
Anon. Sit down. I have shit to SAY. Okay, so, Snape is 100% worse in the fucking books. He insults hermione so viciously that she permanently alters her appearance. He threatens to poison Neville's toad and actually punishes Gryffindor house when Hermione prevents that from happening. He constantly goes out of his way to insult, belittle, and embarrass Harry. There is no reason why an eleven year old boy should feel as though a teacher hates him. There's no reason why he should be right. Let's get one thing straight: Snape does not like Harry. He only protects Harry because of his love for Lily. He straight up admits it. Dumbledore asks him "You've grown to care for the boy?" and Snape says "for HIM???" Like. If Harry was not the son of lily, would Snape care about him at all? If Harry was the exact same boy (same personality, same everything), except that his mother was not lily, would Snape give a shit about him? No, right? So how can anyone say that Snape likes *Harry*? He doesn't! People will say that Snape had to be cruel to Harry to keep up his facade, but I call bullshit. Snape did not have to go as far as he did. When Snape catches Harry alone with the mauraders map, he insults Harry even though there is no one else alone. Tell me who he is putting on a show for? Harry already thinks Snape hates him, so why did Snape take that opportunity to viciously dig into him? Also, why does nobody talk about the fact that Snape chose to become a death eater in the first place? "He had to put on an act" Why join the play in the first place?? In my opinion, JKR gives him too many irredeemable characteristics and/or choices. Also wouldn't it have been a more sensible decision for him to be a good teacher to everyone? For someone who was trying to keep his secret identity under wraps, he does a poor job. Harry and his friends suspect him CONSTANTLY. Harry goes to Dumbledore multiple times about Snape still being in allegiance with the dark lord. If Snape's reasoning for being cruel to Harry and the non-Slytherins was so he would not draw suspicion to himself, he does an absolute shit job at it lmao.
Snape isn't an awful person as a facade. He's awful because that's who he genuinely is. Don't believe me? Well, we get a look at him outside of school, before he has any death eaters to impress. My beef with JKR is that we're supposed to forgive Snape after one chapter. The chapter "The Prince's Tale" is supposed to redeem Snape.
One. Singular. Chapter. In the final book of a 7 book series is supposed to undo every single thing we've seen so far. I'm not saying that's impossible, but I am saying it's not the chapter JKR seems to think it is. We're supposed to believe that Snape is so redeemed after this chapter that Harry deadass names his son after him. It absolutely KILLS me that in the chapter JKR uses to prove that Snape is a good person, he does more bad shit! It's not filled with cute Snape moments; it's filled with moments where he's a creepy ass young adult. He enters the potters' house after they die and you know what he does? He rips a photo containing Harry, James, and lily, and keeps the portion containing lily. That's fucking creepy! That photo could have been given to Harry, but no! Snape just had to keep the portion containing Lily.
When he's a teenager, he tells lily he won't "let" her do something (I forget exactly what it was). Lily accuses him of wanting to be a death eater and he not only doesn't deny it, but lily CALLS him out for not denying it. That is something that canonically happens. Snape DOES become a death eater! He is friends with people who do dark magic. He calles Lily a slur in front of a crowd of people. He's shown to have blood purist beliefs as a child; Lily asks him if her being muggleborn makes any difference and he hesitates before answering. It's clear he DOES think being a muggleborn makes someone less. I can forgive Snape for being a weirdo as a kid. Everything is more acceptable when you're a small child, but he never changes. In the chapter JKR uses to justify everything Snape has done so far, she shows him STILL being a bad person even outside of school!! She seems to think she wrote some tortured hero who was kind deep down, but she wrote a bully who was so obsessive over one woman that he didn't care about whether her husband and child died so long as she remained alive. Snape loved Harry? Snape was okay with him dying as a baby lmao. Once again, Snape only cared about Lily. JKR wrote Snape as obsessive when she clearly meant to write him as deeply in love. That's what I mean when I say she didn't write him how she seems to think.
Also, as an aside, I truly feel like Draco and Snape are kind of the same, but jkr HATES Draco, and that makes no sense to me lmao. Like, the series would have been better tied together if Draco was redeemed as well. I'm not saying Draco is a good person, but to call Snape a good person despite him being a cruel grown man, and in the same breath condemn Draco who is literally just a child who grew up in a racist family? What sense does that make.
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((This originally comes as my response to someone saying that ppl don’t like The Sun and The Star because it’s a middle school book and we were expecting the series to grow along with us.))
Valid point I keep finding BUT I recently read the PJO series again in preparation for TSATS and those books still slap!! They’re so good even tho I’m reading them as an adult even though they're meant for kids. (Also I recently read ToA because of course I’m gonna keep reading Rick’s middle school books until the day I die or they stop coming out lol. And that series while more goofy at points I still really liked) I also read one of Mark Oshiro's other books in prep for this book because I was excited for The Sun and Star to be released and I just COULD NOT get through it 😭 the writing was just giving me the ick and the characters where all kind of samie like that sassy talking wit. Which was a bummer because I liked the premise of the book “Anger is a Gift”, which was about underfunded schools mainly facing ppl of color and immigrants which leads to the school-to-prison pipeline because of the defunct way America funds public schools that keeps the poor poor and the rich getting richer & it was ACAB & had a lot of queer representation & etc. So I thought I’d really like it but I just couldn’t get through it because of the writing and I noticed this same writing style showing up in TSATS. Just because it’s for kids doesn’t excuse it from being bad. Like early Pixar and Studio Ghibli is still so good to watch back again and my 50+ yrs old parents like it. Book examples would be Harry Potter (screw JK Rowling tho fr) & the The Little Prince
Not to bash on ppl who say this is the main reason ppl don’t like the book but it feels like a straw man argument to say that the books not growing with us is the main reason ppl didnt like it. All tho I’m sure ppl have argued this but that is definitely their fault because Rick is staying in middle-grade fiction forever like that’s his thing! Why would ppl expect different 🤣 You think he wants to write a sex scene?! LMAO
(Here’s my review, it’s unhinged and not great because I should be doing productive stuff but am distracted until I can at least write down some of my thoughts on my disappointing experience)
Here are some things I didn’t like about it from a piece of art standpoint:
The pacing was bad
This book was filled with the first thing they teach you about writing which is: SHOW don’t TELL
It made me not ship Solangelo surprisingly like how??! I used to love Solangelo but I think this mainly is because of the collective consciousness of the fandom and because we wanted Nico to find happiness with someone. But if you really look back on their moments canonically from the books Will is a background character (who honestly kind of gaslights Nico by invalidating that ppl treated him differently as a son of Hades and that he didn't feel welcome at camp) and they kind of have a quick meet cute in the last book of The Last Olympian. They get together without us seeing their developing relationship and we now know they’re dating in The Trials of Apollo where we see them briefly in the first book and then more so in the last book. Honestly, this canonically alone doesn’t give me enough information or examples to really know or care about their relationship in comparison to Percy and Annabeth who we get to see develop. So TSATS just kind of felt hollow to me because I’m supposed to believe they’d die for each other but I DONT KNOW THE POWER OF THEIR LOVE?? This could just be a first love fling type thing like I was never shown the depth of their romance just told constantly in the book how much they love each other so it just felt kind of empty and emotionally unsatisfying to me.
Solangelo's relationship has always been in the background and the fans are what really made it cause we love Nico and want him to be happy. So when Will and Nico are fighting in this book all I can think is that this is just their relationship period.
So the reason it made me not like Solangelo was because Tarturus was supposed to bring out the worst in them and strain their relationship but, like, I haven’t really seen much of their relationship so I don’t have a “control group” to base this off of. So Will just seemed rude when he was so mean about Nico’s underworld home and about Nico's darkness which I also didn’t understand wtf he was talking about because Nico has killed just as many monsters as other campers and what else was his darknes based off of. cause he’s emo/goth?? Cause he can raise the dead?? Like guys we’ve discussed this just because a character wears black doesn't automatically make them the bad guy. I honestly thought Will just thought that was hot and they’d have that normie x alt relationship dynamic (that meme of: My hot witch wife. Me doing whatever she wants) I thought THAT was Solangelo not Will constantly trying to bring this light side to him and trying to change him. I agree that Nico needs help w his trauma and PTSD and things like that but this felt like if someone tried to “cure” a goth person, like actually screw you
I thought Will was supposed to look like a normie but be secretly a freak (in a good way lol) / goth interest. Cause this is meee I thought I was like Will as someone who looks like a normie and has a sunny disposition but I have a lot of alt/goth interests and I would let an alt girlie step all over me tbh lol. So does he like Nico for who he is or not?!
This is more in line w what I thought their relationship was like lol:
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The flashbacks and forwards I thought were ok even if they took you out of the story a bit but this device is supposed to be used for an IMPORTANT event not just as a way to quickly give context to their relationship and when we got to the scene this was taking place in I was like that’s it?? He what? fell down and is suffering from sun withdrawals and this is the book's big moment to justify jarring flashback scenes?
Mark Oshiro is not a fantasy adventure or horror writer and it shows. Maybe it’s just me but their depiction of Tarturus and the nightmare and the journey were just not up to snuff with good horror and fantasy books I’ve read. (And if your gonna say something about how it’s for kids then I raise you the book series “Goosbumps”) So as a genre in itself, it was just disappointing. It was mainly a relationship guidebook book but I didn’t really like that or feel like it was done well, It felt lectury and also idk if that's the genre middle schoolers really like?? 😅
It had too many references which really dates a book, A lot of professional writers say not to use too much slang or modernreferences (unless you’re trying to make a book expressly about a time period) because it really dates a book and doesn’t make a story feel timeless for future generations if you use too many references (this doesn’t include political novels tho which are very much based in that time when the events happening) Anyways for future writers keep this in mind, you don't need to keep in touch with the youth through urban dictionary you can just write about the emotions of being young or whatever. If you’ve tried to read a comic book aimed at teens from the 50s like I have you’ll realise how funny that is.
(Also the carebear reference that I didn’t even understand and I watched carebear as a kid & Lil Nas video which if this was written for kids that music video feels a bit inappropriate for them 😂 it had a reference both too old and too young for middle schoolers AND how in the world would 1930s born, dropped out of elementary school, can’t use the internet or phones half blood, NICO DI ANGELO know these references???)
The writings giving:
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Bad alt representation. (This is my most out-of-pocket opinionated bullet point rant so if you don't agree that’s a-okay :D ) This could be a whole post in itself but although I know ppl joke about Nico as the Emo kid I would really like to get into how Nico is actually, or it would be cool, as having some goth subculture inclinations. And ppl probably think of Trad Goths with the whole makeup and teased hair look but it’s mainly a music-based subculture and/or it just has a different idealogy around the ideas of death and what is deemed beautiful while most ppl see it as ugly. (Like listen to “Gallows Dance” or the Bauhaus's “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” & “The Passion of Lovers”, to name songs off the top of my head) This bullet point is definitely MY OPINION and doesn’t contribute exactly to the book being bad but aren’t those songs the vibe of an underworld kid like Nico?? Embracing the darkness and dancing in graveyard vibes fr!! Anyways most alt subcultures and especially emo are seen as a phase in life that you grow out of and then become normal. This book just really gives the energy of being written by a normie who would be confused by the choices of alt ppl and just doesn’t get it because it’s not their personal interest, which isn’t exactly bad even tho I want more philosophy from Nico on the chillness and acceptance of death (all tho greek mythologies view on the afterlife sucks fr and THAT is a whole other post haha) So this isn’t exactly a problem BUT what gives me the ick is WILL NOT ACCEPTING THESE THINGS LIKE SIR STOP BASHING YOUR BOYFRIENDS LIFE!! Will asking Persephonee, “How do you love someone from the underworld” SHUT UP!! 😤
Will was useless and I know what they were trying to go for but if I had a girlfriend (oh I’m a lesbian btw just in case ppl think I’m going harder on this book more than the other books because I’m homophobic bruh I swear I’m not I’m only disappointed in the art itself, NOT the representation which I actually liked) and if I was super good at fighting and they weren’t, I’m sorry but I wouldn’t take them BECAUSE of my love for them. If they were going to be useless on a mission of such life-threatening danger and importance I WOULD NOT TAKE THEM OUT OF KINDNESS. Like skills in medicine and art and music are great and there’s of course nothing wrong w not being a badass fighter (lmao this is me and most readers) but then DONT GO TO SUPER HELL!!! Especially if you have something that makes you more pathetic than being a normal human in Tarturus, his suffering from no sunlight is out of pocket and just makes the story draggg and makes him seem boring and the story more boring. I know they were trying to go for a fish out of water storyline and roll reversal but I think it wasn’t done well enough and overall hurt the story
Also, I’ve heard ppl talk about how it would have been nice to have a book focus on their relationship while at Camp Half-Blood. Like maybe it takes place pre Jason's death and we can just see them living at camp. It’d be chill and we can actually see them as a couple & It would give the energy of readers wanting to go to camp half-blood again like how everyone wanted to go to Hogwarts. Cause we haven’t seen the camp as a fun home since the very early PJO books ;-; (this is just a fun idea I like and I think would have been more manageable for an author but this is FR my opinion on a fun book idea i’d like to read) ALSO this would have been so nostalgic for the older readers who have been here since middle school gobbling up this universe 😌
I know ppl get mad at ppl making fun of Will for being pathetic in tarturous. As saying he’s a child and no one can be happy and sunny and doing well 24/7 which is valid but that’s not really my argument. I like watching characters put in situations where we watch them bend against what we thought they were when put in a hard situation (the masochist in me lol jkjjk). But this I think didn’t work for me because as I’ve said before he’s mainly a background character at the end of one book thrown together with Nico and we as a fandom have mainly made him up. Also, Tarturus was just not as scary or adventure-filled as like any of the other missions from previous PJO books, It didn’t feel as trauma-inducing as everyone in the series tried to explain it as. (again show not tell from the book) Also, I would have liked to have seen Will cool at least once or one reason for me to like him with Nico but I saw him as pretty bland as a character
The writing style felt bad to me because of the show don’t tell part for example telling as “it made him sad and traumatized” when showing would be, you know, actually showing the scenes and this book just felt like 80% telling what they were feeling instead of letting the reader feel the emotions of the scene for themselves
I think that’s another thing I really didn’t like related to the Show Don't Tell. And another hallmark of bad writing was this book was really telling the audience how to feel instead of allowing the story to be powerful enough to do that for itself. This book follows a trend I’ve seen a lot in TV shows where everything kind of feels like detached irony from being on Twitter where you hear everyone’s opinions so the story is written as a wink and a nod like we know what we’re doing and we know what your thinking and how twitter will react to it. Like it’s hard to describe this trend I’ve mainly seen in TV shows and movies recently which always gives me the ick cause it doesn’t feel funny it feels like I’m in a response piece that is breaking the fourth wall and reminds me that I’m in reality watching or reading something instead of actually feeling like I’m in the story. It’s like pseudo-wittiness or something. Tell me if you guys feel this way about some modern tv shows or books, I can't be alone please 😭!!
The stupid toast scene at the end lol The book is like: Do you get it? Did you get it?? They’re opposites! And they attract!! We did the trope you guys!! Also, the stupid Darth Vader scene to start off the book 💀
This whole book made me cringe where I had to constantly get up walk around and lie on the floor before I could continue, only to constantly repeat the cycle 😅
Anyway, idk how to end this review/rant I just had such strong emotions I had to get out probably because I was so excited for this book to come out for like over a year and got back into PJO for a bit and read some of Mark Oshiro’s books and greek mythology and stuff, so I think it wasn’t just me reading any random bad book it disappointed me more that it was poor quality because I wanted to love it so much.
It did have some actually good parts, the troglodytes were cute … I can’t remember the other stuff but it was there I swear lol! If you enjoyed it I’m happy for you! Don’t let me ruin a book you like, you deserve to feel joy 😘💐
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papirouge · 2 months
2022(?): radfem defend Kiwifarm, a Website known to be a nest of racists, islamophobe and antisemitic a#sholes (respectively calling them nigger, sand niggers and "glowies") closing down after a TRA activists campaigned for its closure, in the name of "freedom of speech".
2023: radfem stand with Israel, shill for the #metoounlessyourajew campaign while both dismissing the rape victims on the Palestinians side and acting like the reasons (the left) "doesn't care" about Israel women is because they're antisemitic and misogynist (and probably not because Israel was already granted a MASSIVE support from the "international community" that Palestinians struggle to get and that only people of the world thrived to provide. "not caring for the already catered victim" was translated as "not caring " & "antisemitism ". I wonder why radfem weren't shouting #alllivesmatters in 2017 at that point.... (Maybe one day I'll make an essay about how whitefem are terrified of Black women turning on them bc they know we are the only leverage saving them from being labeled as a "white woman's right movement" they know we have the power to "culturally" destroy this movement)
2024 : Kiwifarm (who's back from the dead) moids shit on radfem they accuse of ruining the website (after allegedly after they flocked over as to support them against that TRA censorship) and blame on them the transsexualist movement (LMAO)
2024 : radfem, who for years swore up and down they were NOT white supremacist, aligned with the left and divested from male attention, start to make statements about how White men are actually the "more humane" type of men
2024: radfem defend JK Rowling terminally online ass getting shit (again) on xitter for saying shit about transpeople. Oh and also Taylor Swift - for whatever reason. We never see them show such much zeal to defend Palestinians women who've already been carpet bombed for months at that time.
2024: radfem dunk down on Imane Khelif, an Algerian GNC athlete literally rehashing crooked far right news outlets fake news talking point. Act like higher levels of testosterone make someone a man after swearing up and up down for YEARS what made up female were our sexual organs (hopefully they accept men with lower testosterone levels are women then ☺️). Rehash the "Imane is a man/has WXY chromosome" which only source is a butthurt Russia boxing federation top exec that pulled it out of his ass bc imane beat their champion + grasping at straw posting screenshot of "twitter expert" - that don't have access to Imane genetic record, because this document doesn't exist - as evidence..
Keep in mind those feminists literally took the words of a MAN to dogpile & call "man" what could possibly be a woman victim a genetic disorder (some argue it's Swyer syndrome) presenting female genetic organs while having Y chromosome.
Radfem were the one pretending to approach with respect the discourse or intersexuality and being oh so much more educated than everyone else about it, but look at them going full on Alzheimer about it and dedicated to prove Imane is a MAN and not a complex configuration of genetics making her GNC.
Radfem were also those bragging about acknowledging woman for having feminine organ regardless of her behavior or looks - and there they are, screaming with the conservatives gender enforcing wolves saying Imane couldn't be a woman BECAUSE she didn't look like one
The way radfem constantly proved throughout the last few years they became the monster they swore up and down they'll never become ("we'll never ally with conservatives" "we'll never support white supremacists" "we'll always support GNC women" "we'll never consider news from right/conservatives aligning outlets) needs to be clinically studied.
Such irony has to be kept on the record.
RIP to all the non white/radfem who stood against that fringe of the moment, but unfortunately that's what you've become to the eyes of people foreign to your movement. Especially people of color. I'll personally never take radfemistan seriously ever again. Most likely when they weaponize the fate of Middle East women abused by Islamic culture when you've proven again and again actually had no issue letting them be brutalized and killed by White supremacist culture and Zionism. No words about the men signing up bombs that will shred their flesh apart, or making merch bragging about killed pregnant Palestinian women, calling them mothers of "the next terrorist generation. We all know you hate children. Especially when they're brown & poor. Elon Musk would be proud of you. Useful idiots. All of you.
Go back reading Dworking and delude yourself thinking you're gonna save women. In the real world you've exposed yourself to be nothing more than the armed hand of White supremacy. Shame on all of you.
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powdeeee · 5 months
JK Rowling fan and a swiftie at once? fucking embarrassing. you should have to pay for every gram of oxygen you use lmao
Ok this is crazy. First of all, not a JK Rowling fan. As a leftist part of the trans community, I will 100% trash her at every opportunity. Fuck JKR. My feelings about the series are complicated. As an autistic kid, the Harry Potter series was my first special interest. Reading the series as a kid is what got me interested in reading and the fantasy genre. It wasn't until I was older that I realized all the problems and bigotry within the series. However, at this point it had already had a big hand in shaping who I am. It wasn't as simple as just deciding that I hated everything about it and completely abandoning it. The Marauders fandom is a way for me to engage in the world that I grew up loving without engaging in the bigotry that JKR wrote into her story. I understand that a lot of the bigotry, especially the anti-semitism is incorporated into the world itself. I work hard to understand and recognize all of it, and to actively fight against it. The Marauders fandom is all about taking the parts that we love and are important to us, and rejecting the parts we recognize to be harmful. We all make our own canon, and if we can say that in our canon Peter never did that stuff, we can reject the inherently bigoted stuff as part of our canon. I work to not support JKR, only supporting independent creators. The official Harry Potter canon is only a suggestion to us, one that we often refuse.
As for the swiftie thing, idk man. I love her music. She is not nearly as actively harmful as lots of people. If you ever order from places like amazon, then you're no better than me. Just cause it's harder to think about that as having blame for one person doesn't mean it's better. We're all just trying to make our way in the world. There are much worse things we could be mad about.
Lastly, seriously what the fuck? Why the fuck do you think you should choose who lives and who dies? (cause honestly that's what it is. I couldn't spend forever paying for oxygen) Why do you think you should play God? That isn't funny. When we start thinking that we should decide which people deserve basic human rights, we lose our humanity. I bet you would agree with me that people deserve access to food, housing, etc. And yet, you say this. This isn't just some funny, harmless thing to say. Saying these things seem like it wouldn't have much of an effect, but it can be a stepping stone to more extreme, inhumane ideas. This can also really have an effect on people. I'm lucky that I'm in a relatively good place mentally right now, but there are times when this could have sent me spiraling into a really dark place. Think about what you say before you say it. If you weren't online and anonymous, would you say this? Would you say this to my face?
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thr3eguess3s · 2 years
Lmao several days late seeing this but better late than never I suppose
@belbeten tagged me so blame them for this
3 Ships: Ooh, okay, so I should probably go for the one I’m actually currently writing a fic for, which is Pansy x Hermione (Harry Potter, fuck jk rowling), and of course the one I used to write for; Kara x Lena (Supergirl), then idk really, probably Wednesday x Enid (Wednesday)? I’m not really involved much in fandom anymore so I barely have any ships at the moment, which is kinda strange.
First Ever Ship: KiGo (Kim Possible x Shego). We didn’t have Disney channel in my house when I was little so I only ever got to see snippets of shows at other people’s houses (we never sat down and actually watched anything because me and my friends were very weird children who hung out in graveyards and tried to commune with spirits instead of watching tv). But my family did go on holiday to somewhere with a telly that got Disney once, and I saw Kim Possible and Shego and there was absolutely no going back from there.
The first ship that ever lead me to fucking around on the internet actively looking for content for it though was Draco x Hermione, in that brief period of time where I was trying to convince myself I was straight. Never was really that into it, but I did read a hell of a lot of it.
Last Song: Dancing With Myself by Billy Idol. It’s an absolute banger.
Last Movie: I don’t remember. I really don’t watch much television; I don’t have the attention span for it. I think it might have been Spider Man; No Way Home, which I do enjoy very much, but I can’t be too sure.
Currently Reading: Book-wise, I’ve just finished Seven Wonders; The Colossus Rises by Peter Lerangis. I can’t say I recommend it. My mum got it for my brother nearly a decade ago and I’ve been meaning to read it pretty much ever since he finished with it, but just never got around to it. It was not worth the wait.
The next thing I’ve got lines up though is The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman, which is about a dimension-hopping librarian and is a lot of fun. It’s the 4th book in the Invisible Library series, and I’ve enjoyed all the others so I’m looking forward to this one.
Fic-wise, I’m ... okay so I really enjoy reading cringey, bad fanfiction, like My Immortal and ‘this is my OC, she’s Hiccup’s twin sister in HTTYD and she got taken away by dragons with her mum and now she’s a badass and is gonna save the world’ type stuff. Idk why, I just derive a lot of enjoyment from it. I like seeing people’s pure, unfiltered creativity on show. That being said to explain exactly why I’m reading something called ‘Weasley Magic’, in which Hermione Granger is magically married to all of the Weasley siblings and the poor story can’t decide if it wants to be a porno, or a serious breakdown and reconstruction of the magical world’s government and educational system. Every chapter gives you tonal whiplash. David Bowie is namedropped as a Muggleborn. Ginny and Harry manage to accidentally become ‘magcially bound as brother and sister’ (don’t ask, I can’t explain) and yet Ginny still ends up pregnant with his child. It’s a wild ride. I strongly recommend it.
Currently Watching: Again, I don’t really watch things. I mostly just stick youtube videos on in the background whilst I’m playing video games or doing housework. Last tv thing I watched was Vienna Blood, I think. It was pretty good.
Currently Consuming: Not currently consuming anything as I am between meals right now, but I did have a bagel with marmite for breakfast a few hours ago and am going to have a sausage roll for lunch.
Currently Craving: Cherries. God I love those things. Could consume them for days.
Uuuhh I’m supposed to tag people at this point but I’m not hopeless at doing that so... if you fancy doing this then consider yourself tagged? Sorry I’m so hopeless at this.
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What are the Hogwarts Houses of the Young Royals characters?
Ok... here's the thing. Not a single character in the Young Royals Universe would support JK Rowling. Not even August. Even the most evil of them looks at JK Rowling and thinks "really?" So, none of them would attend Hogwarts if given the chance. Also, I do not support JK Rowling. At all.
That being said, I am going to put a stupid amount of time and analysis into this question with our major players:
Simon is absolutely a Gryffindor. He is the most courageous in the show. He kissed the Prince of Sweden. He isn't afraid to stand up for himself or others. He's willing to take blows to protect the people he loves. On the flip side of that, he's stubborn. He's hot headed. He's impulsive. Gryffindor.
Wilhelm I found myself having trouble with. Because he's not really any of them. He's not particularly brave. He's not ambitious. He's not super invested in his intelligence. And I thought that he didn't really fit into Hufflepuff, either. I thought that he wasn't very loyal, considering what he did to Simon. But the thing is: Wilhelm is loyal. He's just loyal to the wrong people. He's loyal to the monarchy to a fault. So that's why I'd put him into Hufflepuff. But if I really could, I'd send him to a different school. He doesn't really fit into these houses.
Sara is a Slytherin. Through and through. An argument could be made that she's a Ravenclaw because of how smart and creative she is, but that's never really been her main goal, has it? Self-improvement has always been her end goal. She's ambitious. She sees the life she wants, and she goes after it. Even if it hurts the people around her.
Felice is a Hufflepuff. If she is anything, it is loyal. She's also kind and hardworking. She takes Sara back as a friend even though Sara embarrassed her. She figures out who made the video to make sure that not only could Wille have closure, but Sara would be able to stay at Hillerska. She is the biggest Hufflepuff of them all.
August is a Slytherin. I don't need to explain that, right? He's way too ambitious for his own good. Icarus flew too close to the sun type of thing. He's prideful like a Gryffindor, but he's not brave. Instead, he's cunning, and he sees himself as important. Both traits of Slytherin.
Ok, those are the five mains. That's all I'm going to do. I already spent too long thinking about this lmao.
Unhinged Zee Hours
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ransprang · 3 years
Hii! My name is Angel and I was wondering if I could request a male romantic NSFW + SFW matchup for Harry Potter and Community :)? When it comes to personality, i fluctuate between being an introvert and extrovert, it really depends on my mood, but im mostly an extrovert. Im creative and enjoy finding new hobbies. I rarley ever get mad, im a very chill person. My hobbies are video editing and drawing! I like guys who are super possessive, jealous, and protective, and I dislike guys who are very needy/lovey dovey. I like someone who allows me my space from time to time :)
Im an aquarius XNTP, I have short chin length brown hair which im kinda insecure about, 5’3 and more of a skinny body type. I have brown eyes but i normally wear my gray eye contacts! My clothing style is sort of fairy grunge meets bella swan vibes if that makes sense! My love language is quality time and im a ravenclaw. I have a crippling phobia of moths, so anyone willing to kill a moth for me would be nice 💪🥲
Thank you so much for this opportunity!💕
hii Angel thanks for the request. Your type is literally the same as admin sav and the opposite of admin sar lmao. Also.. we're so sorry we got a bit carried away and had too much fun with this one. Hope you still like it!
The moths to your flame,
Admins sav, san & sar
(harry potter & community match ups are under the cut)
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Since you're a Ravenclaw it's not offensive to him. Slytherins and Ravenclaws go well together. He'd respect your intelligence
If you slick your hair back you can look just like Snape since your hair length is the same as his. You can also dye your hair red if you want to remind him of Lily for fun.
Snape doesn't understand muggle contact lenses. So he thinks you're doing witchcraft to make your eyes turn from brown to gray and back.
Other teachers try to hit on you and he tells them to fuck right off. He makes sure they know you're his woman. His toy. To do so he sends certain consensual tapes to persistent teachers.
He appreciates that you don't get angry because he's quite short tempered.
He likes putting on your fairy grunge dresses because he thinks they're cute. And you can't keep your hands off of him.
When Voldemort comes over for a sleepover Snape makes sure you're protected and hidden from his sight. Snape let's you hide in his expansive robe :)
Hes going to use the oil he uses to slick back his hair on your body and massage your bare skin with his body.
He will be so passionate when he has sex, those nasally moans will make you cum even faster than you expect.
Back shots for days he will want to imagine Lily Potter anyways (Jk (rowling))
This man spends his days being so stern and upright he would want to vent and release his frustrations at night. He likes spanking and hair pulling (his hair that is)
Snape is a dom. He'd slap your ass and stick his 'wand' up there from time to time.
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Leonard is the bad boy of Greendale. The man has ear piercings, would totally be protective, jealous and possessive. You are his girl now, no one in Greendale messes with you.
Nothing scares this man so he will gladly kill moths for you with his bare hands.
He is a very confident man, but if a young attractive man like Jeff tries to hit on you Leonard will put his arm around you and maybe lower it to cop a feel, while making eye contact with Jeff. He truly is a top tier alpha male.
Even though Leonard is a bit of a video editing god himself. He would still love they you can edit videos too. You could teach him about latest technology and editing tricks to grow his YouTube channel.
He loves pranking the students of Greendale with his gang and would love it if you joined them to relive their youth. Your creativity would come in handy to come up with new pranks.
He would love to ravish you in his Honda Civic. So lots of car sex.
He would film a review of your pussy. If would never be below 6/5 stars :)
While he is a dom, most of the time you need to be on top because of his hip and limited stamina.
Old people are notorious for their viagra, so he can really get his engine revving.
He enjoys moaning good girl into your ear. He hates it when you call him grand daddy.
Leonard's unlimited years at community college gave him tons of experience. Thus, he has plenty of sexual experience and knows how to pleasure women.
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nimonaaaa · 2 years
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EYY WELCOME TO THE CULT:D darren criss is so talented its a crime he isn't in any of the other starkid shows except the potter ones(though that was because of glee lmao)- but he did write the music for a couple others! and yess avpm is soo stupidly funny and heartwarming( the "okay is wonderful" scene is literally suchh a nice ending like??) that jk rowling could never. full offence or whatever.
also did you watch all three?
ps just lauren lopez. that's it. i love her.
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cloudywitchh · 4 years
Hurricane-- James Potter song fic
James Potter x Fem!Ravenclaw!Reader
WordCount: 592 words. sorry thats really short hahah
So ok this is my first oneshot lol i know its bad :(
Please give tips bc i know it sucks hahah
Basically, im whipped for James Potter and so I was like why not have my first fan fic be about him. And also, I'm kinda a huge country music fan, and lately, I've really been enjoying Luke Combs music.
So this is a song fic based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoZWTEXRgKo&ab_channel=LukeCombs
All song and some character credit is to Luke Combs and JK Rowling (even though I dont support her lol)
I will say tho, the end is a bit different haha
Warnings! Kinda angsty but not really lmao i think thats it but lmk if I'm missing anything
Hadn't had a good time Since you know when
James Potter knew that he broke up with Y/N Y/L/N for one reason and one reason only. Lily Evans.
His longtime crush of 6 years finally showed some interest in him. To him, it was the only option. Sure he was in love with Y/N, but he believed that he loved the firey Gryffindor more than the perfect Ravenclaw he already had.
When Lily Evans broke up with him, he became lost. And who wouldn’t loose themselves? He had broken up with the girl of his dreams, and the girl he had been infatuated with since first year had broken up with him. He locked himself in his dorm, only coming out for classes. He really hadn't gone out and had fun since his breakup with Y/N. With Lily it was always study.
Got talked into goin' out With hopes you were stayin' in
"Come on Prongs," Sirius groaned, "You haven't gone out in like 2 months."
"You know, he's rights Prongs. I think you'll just be happier having gone out. Besides, doesn't she normally study on Saturdays and goes to Hogsmeade on Sundays?"
"Well yeah, I guess," James mumbled, face still buried in the pillow. He guessed all he could do was hope that you stayed back in the castle and studied like you always did when you were together.
I was feeling like myself for the first time In a long time
For the first time in a while, he felt good. He felt happy.
Laughing with his friends, just enjoying the day.
"Prongs, can you go get the next round of butterbeer? I'll buy you some treacle tarts."
"Yeah, sure. I'll be right back boys" James replied as he got up and begun to head over to the counter.
'Til I bumped into some of your friends Over there talkin' to mine
"Thanks, Rosmerta! Sirius says he's still open to date once he graduates"
"No problem James, anytime. and tell Black I'm alright." The beautiful barmaid said to James as he started back to his booth. Of course, with his luck, the three boys he had left, had become three boys and four very familiar Ravenclaws.
Katy Peirce, Y/N's best friend.
Sophia Maren, Y/N's childhood best friend.
Aralyn Vance. Y/N's other best friend.
Then you rolled in with your hair in the wind Baby, without warning I was doin' alright but just your sight Had my heart stormin'
But of course, of the four, James' eyes weren't on Katy, Sophia, or Aralyn, but on Y/N Y/L/N.
Everything stopped the moment you looked back at him.
Your Y/E/C eyes bright and happy, your Y/H/C hair in a cute messy-type of bun, your Y/S/C skin tan and glowing.
Every laugh, every kiss, every late-night conversation rolled back.
The moon went hiding Stars quit shining Rain was dropping Thunder 'n lightning
He still loved you and everyone knew it.
But when Micheal Patil came up behind the group of girls, and pulled your gaze away from James to him, from uncomfortable to the most loving look, he realized he'd lost you.
When Micheal Patil sat you down in the corner booth, he realized he'd lost you.
When you kissed Micheal Patil, it hit him, he'd lost you.
You wrecked my whole world when you came And hit me like a hurricane
The boys turned their attention from the couple in the corner, to their broken best friend. But he didn't care, it hit him like a hurricane.
You would never be his again.
Ok, so I know that wasn't the best but I'm kinda proud I actually finished one for once hahah.
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geminixevans-stan · 3 years
"the girl who lived" lmao bitch who do you think you are jk rowling? stop plagiarizing
Well… I know I’m not JK Rowling. I could never be a transphobic cum cricket 🤷🏾‍♀️.
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sapphiclizziebennet · 2 years
sometimes i wish i could view gender in a heteronormative way and only that because that would make it so much more simple. in a heteronormative society, i know for sure that i am not a woman and do not want to be seen as a woman. i don't connect with that at all. but outside of that? where anything is everything? am i a woman? i kind of hate the idea, i don't want to wear that label and man it would exhaust me being a woman all the time even outside of that, but there is still that blip in my mind that worries that i'm faking it. that i'm only this way because i'm just internally misogynistic, or hate what heteronormativity tells women they should be, or whatever.
i fucking hate the idea that you have to be trans only in one way. gender dysphoria does exist for me but i still question whether it's from inside or whether it's from outer sources, even though i was binding my chest as a young teenager and loving how i was perceived when i cosplayed men. there is still. that. voice. not because i'm not trans, but because heteronormativity and subsequently that lack of it is something my brain is trying so hard to hold onto like a tether but it just won't let go.
admittedly, i've been doomscrolling a lot of trans hate recently. been rooting around on r/detrans (which is not intrinsically trans hate but man a lot of former trans men detransition and become terfs), reading terf threads on twitter from teenagers who think being a radical feminist is edgy, the replies on jk rowling's posts, libs of tiktok, the list goes on and on. it's just really scary to be anything but the norm right now. i'm really scared. i think this gender thing goes down far deeper than i ever anticipated it to. i don't know how to ask people to sometimes use "he" pronouns for me, or what it means that i still wear dresses and supposedly act feminine to others when i do it (although via the aforementioned heteronormativity anything i do is feminine, even when i basically often see myself as a man in a dress of sorts. it's a masculine dress lmao). friends irl, newer ones who have only known me with they/them pronouns, still mess them up and god it does hurt every time. it cuts so deep.
i also was looking at some artists on twitter that i had to unfollow a while ago, both of whom recently came out as transmasc and still present rather femininely, they're dating and living the life i want. i want to be them and the jealousy boils in me like a fever i can't sweat out. i wish i was thin, so people would see me differently, i wish my voice was deeper, so people would see me differently, i wish i was beautiful or handsome or cool or coordinated or nice, so people would see me differently. all of those things. i am not handsome i am not pretty i am not anything and that still makes me question all of this. who would i be if i did not hate my body? i think i've done okay separating it from dysphoria, but i still question things.
my mother hates everything queer about me. when i try to say something about it she goes silent. the other day i referred to an old friend with their pronouns, they/them, and she said "oh, (name) is a they now?" and the conversation ended with "well that's one way to confuse people." and yeah, she'd never kick me out for being gay or trans, but i feel it. i know it. i am not the thing you made in your womb to you. i am something else entirely and i wish i could figure it out.
some people would say this turmoil is a sign that i'm not trans and that terrifies me to my core. but this is what being trans in a world that doesn't like it looks like. i only hate it because of what is being served to me. i love gender so much but god everything sucks in the world right now. i wish people would fucking believe me. i wish people who meant well didn't mess up my pronouns. i know they see me as a woman. i just know it. i hate it.
sorry i wrote this much i just have a lot of thoughts tonight. thanks if you read this far i guess
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blazestarninja13 · 3 years
I had this crazy dream that started off as a complete clusterfuck and slowly transitioned into being an episode of Agent Carter.
Strap yourselves in because this is a wild ride...
I dreamt that I was in a cinema that was modern yet had a 1940s vibe to it and I was with my mum and dad watching Nightmare Alley. There was a whole bunch of famous people there. It was after 9pm and my parents and I were sitting down in cool 18+ bar like area in the cinema though I could barely see the screen when some guy from the cinema came and said that I wasn’t old enough to be there despite the fact that I had my ID on me.
He said that I needed to know one of the famous people there even though it never said that on the rules of the place. I told him that I knew Millie Bobby Brown and so my mum brought her into the room but he still didn’t believe us so he put me and my parents in the normal cinema area so I went down there to meet my parents and as I was walking down there, some 20-something offered me $100 but I knew there was a catch so his elderly parents told me to give the money to them because they had made a bet on something and he didn’t wanna give the money to them.
The movie started and was really good because Cate Blanchett and then there was an intermission. I was in the cinema lobby when I was pulled aside by Agent Peggy Carter. She was telling me that she needed me to help her, Jarvis and Howard on a mission to take down JK Rowling and the Transphobes so obviously I agreed to go with her and my parents never noticed that I was gone. I walked outside of the movie theatre (the outside was all 1940s like) and got in a car with Peggy, Howard and Jarvis (both from Agent Carter). As we were driving, I asked what the plan was. Peggy explained that the plan was to take down JK Rowling at this fancy fashion show that we could get into thanks to Howard being rich and knowing famous people and then Peggy and I would attend the show in disguise whilst Howard was talking to was talking to famous people with Jarvis at his side to keep up appearances.
During the intermission, JK Rowling deliberately bumped into me to plant something in my pocket. After she was out of site, I took out what she had planted in my pocket and it was a nasty letter saying about how “demigirls are just tr**nys but even more confused” along with application form to get a “trans vaccine”. That made me feel like total shit and so I went aside and cried because I felt awful and dysphoric about it. Then Peggy found me and told me that “no matter what, Rowling says, no matter what you identify as, to me, you’ll always be brilliant” and she gave me a really nice hug and also kissed me so then I felt much better.
We then left the place with Howard and Jarvis and went to this motel where apparently one of Rowling’s evil henchmen had managed to get ahold of some of Peggy’s cool spy gadget stuff and her gun so whilst Howard (with Jarvis at his side) distracted the receptionist because Howard being Howard and so Peggy in disguise as a housekeeper and I, being her second pair of eyes snuck into the room and tried to get as many things as possible but then the henchman saw Peggy but didn’t know it was actually her and thought it was a legit housekeeper doing her job so she had to leave and told me that she’d go back to the car whilst I got the stuff.
The stuff included a cool hidden pocket knife, an automatic lockpick disguised as a lipstick, a gun and a bigger hand knife. I was grabbing the stuff when the henchman came in and started attacking me and I fought back and gave him a nice hook in the face, Peggy style but then he got back up and cornered me when all of a sudden someone punched him from behind and it was Angie (from Agent Carter) who Peggy had called as backup for the mission. I then swiftly slit the henchman’s throat and both Angie and I jumped out of the window and onto the roof of Howard’s car where we got in a drive away whilst Peggy told us that we both did an excellent job (apparently at this point, Angie, Peggy and I were GFs) and so we then parked the car near where the movie theatre was and JK Rowling was there so we took her down and Peggy gave me her gun so I could shoot her down which I did and I felt like such a badass and so proud.
The last thing we had to do was get back to the cinema without being detected by the cops of the SSR and so we got back to the cinema where the intermission was just about to finish and the five of us sat in the front row of the cinema before Peggy hugged and kissed both Angie and I thanked us for being amazing in the mission and then we watched the movie. During the last few seconds of the credits of the movie I snuck back to the spot where I had been with my parents and they never realised that I had left and my dad asked me “So how was the movie?” And I said “It was the best movie ever” whilst smiling at Team Carter and giving them a thumbs up to them.
Bonus: A pal’s reaction to this and her new headcanon
(Because marvel better make Blaze x Peggy x Angie canon lmao /j)
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eph-em-era · 3 years
If you hear women are a female and reduce us to our genitals, that was your choice. Nobody else did that. Women are female. Whole bodied individuals. It's because women don't share anything else except female biology. There's no universal female personality trait or interest. You're reducing womanhood to stereotypes, just like misogynists.
Enough trans men have spoken up about how much it sucks to be reduced to an egg producer or uterus owner when the same never happens to men or trans women that I'm surprised you're still mindlessly reducing people to the organs or functions they're dysphoric about.
lmao im not personally doing that
i call people what they want to be called, by the gender they identify as, by the pronouns they want and the terms they want because unlike you folks who think that trans people and gender-diverse people are one amorphous mass to be terrified of I actually get to know people as individuals
you are saying that people who identify as one gender but don't have the genitalia to match that gender don't count. that's reducing people to their genitalia, don't you think?
in general.
it's easier to say 'pregnant people' than 'pregnant women'/'afab' then?
perhaps we could say 'women' when we're referring to cis women and trans women, and 'men' when we're referring to cis men and trans men
but whenever we do that you folks kick up a stink and say that 'dOING THAT mINIMISES tHE sTRUGGLES of 'REAL WOMEN aND rEAL eXPERIENCES'"
not everything is your gender critical glinner jk rowling twitter space. trans rights marches get ten times the amount of support that radfem/gender crit/terf rallies do, and so they should. they're full of joy and understanding and recognisation that expression of life on earth is more than the binary.
you folks are on the losing side of history.
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supertransural · 4 years
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i got bored, made up a scene where dean wakes up really late and cranky and has a black eye cause he got in a fight in a bar and cas got worried so now that he’s up, he’s on the defensive, (still he does choose the cas cup yes i made that up but i feel like that’s such a present sam would get dean in a “lmao look it’s your crush” kinda way and thinks dean is never gonna use it and just glare at him but in the end dean uses it every day yes i think abt this show too often), and he’s definitely not gonna tell cas the fight started because someone trashtalked a gay couple just having a fun time at the bar.
anyways i didn’t intend for this to be trans!dean but my dad started talking abt how jk rowling’s right about everything regarding that “trans bs” while i was drawing in the same room so i added the scars and furthered the story and made it abt the gay couple just as in a quiet fuck you and also emotional support. so anywho. it’s pretty shitty but eh made me feel better so hope it might have the same effect on someone else :)
(oh and also i like the idea of trans!dean i just didn’t think i’d be drawing him at that point in time, i’m not saying i just “fixed it up like that cause my dad got transphobic around me”, i’m just sayin i got the idea that i could make more content abt trans!dean which i already love, and that it would make me feel better, which it did.)
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transsexualhamlet · 4 years
the many sins of tokyo ghoul :re
or: 13 reasons why :re is fucking terrible not clickbait
Disclaimer: I think no matter how long this post gets I’m missing something, so let’s just outline the worst ones. And I mean to be transparent, the only reason I actually read :re was so I could make this post... (and bc i wanted to see the what, five panels of hide) Well, I couldn’t stand hating it without evidence beyond hearsay and General Vibes. But I knew it was gonna be bad, I knew it was going to ruin me jesus christ. Obviously I’m not hating on people that like it, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with genuinely enjoying it (I do genuinely enjoy parts of it, and by parts i mean chapters 1-50 with exceptions and 75) I think it’s wonderful if you can derive joy from it (lmao) but I can say that through my lens in life, there’s so much fucking wrong with this goddamn fucking piece of shit manga and I feel the need to yell about it because i am ✨autism✨ so let’s get going (this is r e a l l y long just a warning)
tl;dr Ishida stay in your fucking lane
1. Transphobia and Homophobia:
alright here we are first off with the big one and if I had to choose, one of Ishida’s greatest sins here. It’s quite unusual in mangas like these to have any sort of representation for such things in and of itself, and yeah of course that annoys me, but having no represntation at all is like so much better than getting actively harmful representation. Most manga that aren’t specifically about those things shy away from those topics, and it’s tiring but it’s normal. You wouldn’t want a mangaka to try to write about something like that without experience or informed opinions. So I say if you can’t write something correct, just don’t write something like that in at all. Ishida clearly,,, does not get this.
And it’s not just the case of Mutsuki, who, well, gets it bad enough, there are three full fucking trans characters Ishida made like, just to shit on. 
Big Madame- god, made like that specifically to perpetuate the predatory trans woman trope jesus christ is Ishida friends with JK fuckface Rowling. Ah yes the ugly, human trafficking, predatory, pedophilic killer that tried to make their male child more feminine? Has a dick. Really? Could you be a single bit more transparent about your fucking agenda here? I really don’t have to say much here.
Kanae von Fuckwald- Technically Ishida says here that basically this bitch was just like??? Pretending to be a guy for years just to what?? I don’t even know?? Get together with Tsukiyama? Cause he’s fucking gay or something? I don’t even get it but like i read this post yesterday and that’s a whole ass thermian argument. It’s like “oh well this is fine because well this person’s not actually trans and therefore the representation thing doesn’t apply”... it’s useless. You created the character that way and you made it intentionally to for whatever way promote this idea that people would “pretend” to be a different gender and that eventually they’ll realize that it’s a “lie” and they never really wanted it. This is what you’re saying about the real people who are,,, actually trans? Jesus christ. Also thinking that a twink like that would be trans? God yeah trans guys can be feminine but buddy that’s clearly not what you’re going for here.
And of course, Mutsuki- There’s just... so much wrong here. I mean like. Before we even get into anything about his character and what they did to him let me just discuss his entire design. Buddy like if you had to choose one person in that show to be trans that’s the least likely one. Ah yes, the feminine one. With the androgynous haircut and the shy disposition and the physical weakness compared to the others. God that’s like, a fujoshi’s take on ao3 of what character should be trans. As much as yeah of course, trans guys can be feminine, they are in no way obligated to be such and you shouldn’t make them more so to be more “believably” so. Ask any actual trans person ever. A character like that is just perpetuating the notion of trans guys being inherently more feminine or trying to pretend to be otherwise.ThEn, of course, there’s the ridiculous sexualization, infantilization and fetishization of this character, going through a thousand plot hurdles to make him constantly stripped, put in girls clothing, chased by perverts, assaulted, ET FUCKING CETERA. Give him a fUCKING BREAK. Creating this character the way he’s portrayed in canon (including so called backstory of murdering parents because of sexual and physical abuse) is perpetuating a notion that someone would be a trans guy because of internalized misogyny and/or trauma instead of because they’re just... a guy. It’s just it’s just it’s just Really bad. Plus taking his character, demonizing him and making him like, supposedly love haise (which i Really hate for a thousand reasons, god that’s like, a parent and child type relationship they have there not romantic,,, god,,,) try to like fucking murder touka and stop seeing sense, and then just... return him to being infantalized. God. Jesus christ fucking goddamn it I love Mutsuki and he deserves better.
Oh yeah and then the homophobia, this one’s smaller because... most of the trans people are here to go “it’s gay... wait it’s not Really gay so it’s ok” but I would like to leave a small note here for all the gay characters who got thrown under the bus not just in re but in the original, like, you know, Nico and shit? I really do not know shit about Nico but all the things about Jason? God if I had a thing for one person that you shouldn’t try to portray as representation it’s Jason. IDK what’s up with him and Naki but god it wasn’t healthy. (i’d like to say here that i love naki and i think naki deserves the world but honey there are better heroes than yamori) Anyway yeah I think that’s also bullshit and Ishida should stay in his fucking lane. (or her i guess, i just feel like it’s probably a guy bc of just... so much sexism)
Ok, now that we have the big one out of the way-
2. The mishandling of portrayals of various mental illnesses:
I’m not an expert on this one like I can say about the gays TM but just like in general, the whole manga’s very messy and portrays a lot of gritty stuff, and Ishida clearly attempts to throw in some mental illness for fun, but god fUcking damn it they’re bad. I couldn’t really even give you examples bc it’s pretty widespread and i’m stupid, but it was really like trump throwing paper towels “and you get a demonization, and you get an infantalization, and you get a butchered character, and you get a fetishization-”
3. Ishida having no fucking clue how science works
This particular factoid led me to have a very hard time reading this manga because it went from being about like, yknow, torture and fights and crying and stuff to weird experimentation bullshit and mutated whatever and everyone’s a hybrid now I guess. When I heard this thing about the quinxes, I thought that made no sense, because I was like “yeah but wait,,, how tf does that work didn’t Ishida say earlier that kagune literally were fueled by human meat isn’t that like the entire point the ccg is against?” and then Ishida’s explanation of how they’re not just exactly like Kaneki is that “oh yeah well there’s like, metal around it, so it’s different.” OH YEAH OK THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE NOW, THANKS.
The thing is... there’s no way of actually regulating that. You couldn’t move a kagune unless it was attached to your cells, and if it’s attached man, it’s attached and it’s part of you. Also yelling “frame two” won’t like make it any bigger lmao, either you’re gonna have it based on theoretical science in this universe or you’re going to have a dumb supernatural magic pokemon fight deal. The whole thing makes no sense. The science issue isn’t just about this either, it’s also about how the entire thing basically undermines the point of the whole story. When you blur the lines between human and ghoul with little to no real rules or basis in real science, every rule kind of just becomes cheap plot convenience.
So the Quinxes can eat human food unless they use their kagune too much, alright, but Kaneki couldn’t eat human food before he’d even ever used his though the only difference between their bodies was this,,, theoretical metal thing?? And Haise... was never really covered, before he went black hair emo bastard and like vored Eto, did he eat human food like the rest of the CCG? He certainly cooked it. And the squad that lived with him wasn’t aware he was a ghoul until he pulled out the kagune. So I’d assume so, but then how could he have a kagune, how could he survive when his body still was like that?
Is it the RC suppressents? Then couldn’t he just have taken those and lived as a human the entire time? Is that all he fucking needed, is that the only difference between human and ghoul? It doesn’t make sense and the rules are bent so much they don’t function anymore. Ishida like write down your rules somewhere even if they’re bullshit, they shouldn’t contradict each other.
Damn man I’m not even going to go into the dumbass rules of the half humans or the special fast aging thing or the fucking,,, folded up cells deal,,, or the Imagination Kagune, or the fucking,,, Dragon, or the zombie ghoul apocalypse or the “whole new species made of just kagune” i don’t even have the time it is fucking ridiculous and I can’t even with it. Physics. Laws of physics. If not biology, at least follow physics Ishida??? Please???? And if you’re not you need to do that consistently??
4. character glow ups actually being character glow downs 
(with the exception of nishiki, he baby now, and akira, i think her development was valid af)
God, this one gets me every time. Touka was cool. Touka was fucking badass, she had a complex character with many motivations and wants, and in the original having her eventually kind of soften bc of Kaneki is valid. But taking her and turning her into like literally nothing but Pretty Housewife Yearning For Husband At War? God, kill me. She’s a strong person. She can like Kaneki without the guy being her only character trait. Also uh, Touka and Kaneki being a couple was valid before this change, now I honestly can’t stomach it. Like they were the kind of “both bisexual” m/f couple that we stan. No longer I guess.
She’s the most egregious example, but I’d also like to point out Juuzou, not everything they changed about him is bad, honestly we fucking stan his knife legs, but he’s kind of like a rip off L now? You got rid of his ~unhinged~, we do not stan. I’m on the fence about him bc i think that kind of is a valid transition to adulthood and I guess he’s grown up, but again, why change his fucking hair color? What is the explanation for this?
Also Hinami. I mean, I don’t really care about her a lot in general, but it’s weird to see her as like an adult when Ayato emo boy looks like exactly the fucking same and they’re like,,, supposedly the same age. 
There are definitely more I’m missing here. Honestly, Hide was valid. God him with his fucking burlap sack. With a fucking lenny face on it. I can’t with him. That’s so Hide. But there were some bad ones.
5. one hair color change was my limit, enough said
black white black and white black white more white god bitch get some variety
6. Showing me great new characters and then promptly ruining them
And you can tell this one’s about quinx squad, my favorite bastard children. God, I love them. They’re the only good things about Re other than Hide and Haise and like everything else, Ishida took them and went “what if i *guts*” god why. I love these kids with all my heart. Why. Why. Why did you do that to Mutsuki. Why as soon as Haise isn’t in the room they all get themselves tangled up with pedos. Why they gotta break up the squad. Why make all of them lose all the wholesomeness and lessons they learned from Haise. Why do you ruin them all with weird unreciprocated random crushes on each other when they’re like basically siblings. Why fuckinG KILL SHIRAZU HE IS THE APPOINTED CHIEF DUMBASS OF THE SQUAD WHY HIM. WHY. WITH SO LITTLE IMPACT. YOU COULD FUCKING MISS IT SO EASILY. THAT’S NOT RIGHT. AND KANEKI JUST FUCKING ABANDONS THEM BC HE HAS HIS MEMORIES AGAIN N O ? NO ACTUALLY NO.
7. the casual racism and sexism :)
i just :) can you stop having girls constantly bring themselves down for being female :) and making them be oversexualized, less full characters :) always in some way connected to a guy :) more weak and hurt more often :) my fucking god :) also yeah it’s way less prevalent but there were a few racist caricatures thrown in there for taste if you don’t know how to draw lips just don’t
8. Ishida being too much of a pissbaby for a real death scene
Basically: undermining the impact of “deaths” fom the first series while also randomly and badly killing off new characters. Oh that character that died in the original in a really cinematic way that made you cry and think about the meaning of life and how beautifully tragic this story was? Oh lol they’re not Actually dead. (x10) Doing that with Hide (at least in the manga, not the anime, god root A really did it with him but we’re not talking about that) was valid, seeing as I love him your honor and in the manga one of the lessons that his character hinges on was like in chapter 75 to live on instead of giving up even if it hurts and all that... (this is obviously kind of the opposite from root A where his character was like more about sacrificing for kaneki since kaneki had already done so much, i think both are valid but we’re Talking About The Manga) he was done well. That was right (even though i think they should have done More of it) but there were so many characters this kind of thing was done to without the proper adjustment in the handling of the messages given here. 
Like with Koma and Irimi, who,,, honestly should have stayed dead because their entire character arc kinda ended there and showed how they were sorry for their actions and this was how they were making it up. And then they just like... come back. And fight more. Really? This wasn’t the only instance either, same deal with Shinohara (though him coming back made me cry) it like, kind of undermines it if you’re going to have Juuzou derive his character development from that. Either Juuzou gets to keep his unhinged and his dad, or he loses his dad for real and he also grows up. God guys choose. What’s the message you’re playing here. (at least they kept Yoshimura dead, his death made me cry and I would have stabbed something if it wasn’t real, probably Ishida.) And even with Kaneki himself, god, if he can’t die from being stabbed straight through the fucking eye, what COULD kill him? It really diminishes the anxiety you feel about “omg is this person gonna die i want them to be ok” if they basically evade the laws of physics and their own previous character arcs 70 times. I’m definitely forgetting more of the same, Ishida can’t write a good death, he needed the anime writers to do it for him.
9. Kaneki. Just. Kaneki. 
God they fucking butchered this man. I could go on about his character is weird and confusing in the manga from the beginning, but we’re focusing on mostly all his weird :re character development, the bad handling of Haise and his memories, and all his iterations.
Before I read :re, what I could glean from fanart and the occasional fic that wasn’t tagged properly was really confusing and kind of a mixed bag. I knew Haise was Kaneki but without his memories, now in the ccg trying to be a pacifist and going :DDDDD a lot yknow. And what I came up with in my own mind for that change was a deal of (this makes more sense with the anime canon tbh, the manga honestly doesn’t do any of this well) like Kaneki after The Shit Went Down With Hide (whichever canon you’d like to interpret that as) he basically realized that he really couldn’t be a ghoul, he didn’t want to be, he didn’t want to hurt people and he wanted to be happy and make other people happy instead of what he thought was right before (trying to fight to protect others on his own etc) because that mentality had gotten people he loved hurt, and well subconsciously I guess that kind of factored into his development into Haise and maybe caused his memory loss (along with the, yknow, shanked eye.) So when I started to read it that kind of checked out, this is what he’s trying so hard to be now. But then this whole bullshit of the whole other like, 37 different versions of kaneki complicated things. 
Haise was scared that when he got his memories back he would cease to be, well, Haise, and he would just like revert back to what he was before everything. Which I can understand him being scared of and I think was a good point in the plot for him to worry about that, but I was like “oh honey don’t worry that’s not how it works” and was kind of vying for him to eventually get his memories back, come to terms with the fact that those were his memories, he did do those things, he was half a ghoul, and maybe come back to his original fight of wanting to bring the humans and ghouls together, still caring about his human people in the ccg and all. That development was real, and it wouldn’t just go away if he got his memories back, he learned a lot and grew a lot and he has a different outlook on life now. Right?
Fucking wrong I guess. Dude gets his memories back (very ambiguously, it was really hard to tell when that even happened tbh) and like. Turns into a flaming ass looking like ebony darkness dementia raven way. Haise gone. Fucking completely. No trace left. Doesn’t care about his kids anymore. When he’s done with that and goes white again he’s just Kaneki again and there’s really not enough left of things that like, really wouldn’t go away? He loses the flair? The dumbass? The :D? The Extra? WHY? Why would those things go away? Haise shouldn’t have been right that he would disappear when he got back his memories. That killed me. I love Kaneki and all but H a i s e. He is my b o y. H i m. With his e n e r g y  s h o r t s. And his m o m. And his c o o k i n g. And his k i d s, I l o v e him. And Ishida doesn’t seem to realize that they’re... literally the same person. Haise isn’t just some stupid bastard occupying Kaneki’s body, he’s a valid part of Kaneki himself and to be honest, peak Kaneki. Should have stayed that way. Would have been great for Hide tbh. Not just having him pretty much revert to his old self, but basically respond equally to both names and balance the world between human and ghoul. I would have loved that. What happened for real? It doesn’t make sense and it breaks my heart.
Some people on the interwebz try to kind of even that whole deal out by trying to say he like, has DID, which although is obviously a valid thing, like, so does not apply to him. God I’m like so not an expert on this but I feel like it’s not that hard to tell. His 87 little Kanekis in his head aren’t separate personas, they’re metaphorical representations of his past morals, experiences, and ideologies that all conflict. Again Haise here is peak conflict because when he gets his memories back, he has all these different conflicting ideas that were all previously separate. They’re all him. Tortured Kaneki constantly yelling at him in Jason’s chamber is basically again, a metaphor for how he’s denying his ghoulhood and the trauma that he’s been dealt. It’s not that this dude still exists just the way he is ready to show up at any moment lmao. Ishida kind of dealt with that badly too because Haise really said
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after his memories happened so I can see why people might, but it’s... not right, and it’s Ishida’s fault about that which is Incorrect
Also just blanket statement, black reaper Kaneki? Fuck him and all he stands for. 0% valid. I can excuse literally every other version of him. But wh y. God he leaves the room and Urie starts misusing his power and getting groomed by a pedo, Saiko is just, left behind and sad, Mutsuki gets captured by a perv and mentally destroyed again, Shirazu dies and the bitch is like like “lol it’s your fault” yeah helpful, die
10. P- the- the porn chapter-
Idk about you but that was so fucking unecessary??? Not even going off of how terribly awkward and weird it was to have it there when the opening was “i’m sad about my best friend who’s gonna get executed what do you do when you’re sad about your best friend” “i simply do not think of him or i might actually just curl up and die” “yo lmao same” “wanna fuck” Like ok um I’m biased bc i’m not straight but I like, really hated that. Even just flipping through the pages as fast as I could to get to the end of it like. God. It’s not a fucking hentai. I’m here for the plot. If you’re not gonna release the director’s cut of kaneki fucking voring hide, i don’t think i need to see 20 pages of straight fucking sex. And if you absolutely must have porn, kaneki is a fucking bottom. That man gets pegged do not try to prove otherwise. You started it out that way god I love how they’re like “oh god wait that looks kind of gay, the woman being dominant, better stop that right now” god Ishida not having a single iota of knowlege about his own characters aND THEN SHE GETS PREGNANT? NO. Excuse me. No. I just. I. Why. This isn’t. A fucking porno. This isn’t tentacle porn i swear oh my god kill me
11. Giving the wrong characters attention
Basically, redeeming characters that should have been redeemed and not going into/discussing characters that should have been redeemed/had more backstory. For example, Tsukiyama can go fucking die. I like, do not even care rich boy. I don’t understand how anyone could think he needed to be redeemed he’s just a gay attention whore who really needs to let this kid get on with his merry fucking life. I don’t care. I literally did not need to read three whole books about his dumbass hangup over eating Kaneki. Kaneki doesn’t fucking want you bitch move on. He didn’t need to be redeemed or seen to be in any way sympathetic, no one wanted it. Same with that bitch ass Furuta, he wasn’t really redeemed but he was given w a y too much time to play out his sob story. God man Rize doesn’t fucking want you. These gross ass simps. I swear.
On the other hand, I kind of liked Eto even though she’s a pile of shit, and I got mad when they didn’t really go into much about her. And you know who could have gotten much more screen time/development? TOUKA. God, I love her and she was just sitting around in the background being straight. Let her have some spicy development. Also obviously, Hide. He was... so underappreciated and underexplained? What happened with him? He didn’t just pick himself off the ground in the sewers and go ‘well i’d better get back to the ccg now’ we have a whole two years which are completely unexplained, most of which he was off mysteriously being involved in things but completely missing the eye of Haise and other major players. Where tf was he? How did he get around? What was he even doing??? I wanna know about that! Not all the characters I hate’s tragic backstories that make me feel 0% more sympathetic towards them :)
Ok like i know i say “the entire reason I read :re was __” but like to be honest this was the turning point, I saw pictures of hide’s vore face and went like
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So I was like “god fucking damn it ok, Ishida would you care to explain this to me” *cracks open re*
And then they DIDN’T.
Like. It’s actually laughable how much that entire situation was just glossed over. They gave that maybe like two pages. Like what. I. This manga has more sex scene than no homoing that. They just don’t even bother to. I feel like Ishida had that as a plot point but realized halfway in how it looked (i.e., really fucking gay) and decided that was something that he was just gonna, not deal with. Just act like that’s a completely normal heterosexual bro thing to do. Like of course anywhere would be pretty gay but Kaneki chose his face. His face. Like his face and his wholeass neck and his shoulders and nowhere else. (and assumedly like, his tongue, seeing as how the dude can’t talk... bruh) Dude really said extreme hickey. French kiss to the max. Ishida clearly did realize that generally, you can only get a bitten off face by,,, having your face bitten off, which is just inherently really fucking gay. Like, I’m just at a loss as to how it even makes sense. You wouldn’t think that the skin off his face, and specifically around his mouth, would really be the most nutritious thing to consume? I can get like the shoulders but generally you’d think something like his arm or leg would be 1.less inconvenient, and 2.much more logical and nutritious? But NO, Kaneki was like “you know what i’m gonna do? eat your Face” and hide’s like “lmao sounds cool”
(not to mention, wasn’t there another guy with a vore face somewhere? like that old guy in the ccg with the bigass turtleneck, i wanna know about him) But like... my bro Ishida went “yeah this happened but i’m going to cover it up with speech bubbles and the ends of panels guys they clearly had their socks on” Dude didn’t even TRY to explain otherwise. Like hey man, that’s pretty damn gay, you are kind of at liberty to either tell me why otherwise, or accept those implications and acknowledge them?? It’s really hilarious when you ignore it cause it’s like
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kind of
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pretty damn
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WEAK of you to leave it at that fucking pissbaby
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hmmmmmmmmm however could this happen i guess we’ll never know
13. What the fuck was even the plot omg
God I’ve been writing this post for like five hours so like, I’ll keep it short but like it made sense in the original, not to be like an anime fan but the anime made fucking sense (not re i mean like the original) this lore is so fucking stupid god, the horrors of the entire fucking dragon arc bleach my eyes, unresolved plotlines who???? (the whole ‘oh yeah also ur dying of old age’ thing etc, is kaneki like??? still doing that?? or was that randomly resolved with the whole spewing ovary bullshit i’m going to fucking kill myself) and to top it off, good job Ishida at a real fucking cheap ending. 
You gave them. Fake human. Really? They just come up with artificial human at the end. Kind of undermines the entire fucking story my guy. Ah yes throw out our whole plot. That was the whole tragedy. You gotta eat human. The ghouls have to eat human and that’s tragic bc they have to kill people or whatever. Or i guess they fucking don’t well fucking ok. God you could have just had them negotiate a kind of peace where the ghouls can get dead humans and such, there are plenty of them and no one has to kill anyone then, there could be a rule system for it, it would be messy but eventually everyone would be ok with it, and I think that would work a lot better than “quick fix i made some hamburger helper human you can eat it fine” guys wtf. It’s like Ishida started plotting out the ending for re approximately 2 hours before his deadline. Anyway yes I hate re and I love yelling about it thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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harrowscore · 3 years
Just read the new Snk leaks and... guys.
I had finally made peace with chapter 139. Yes, it was super rushed and mediocre at best. Yes, the dialogs were... off and all the characters were kinda OOC - except for Levi (my beloved ♥️) who says basically nothing over ~50 pages and therefore is the only one who's left unscathed by the general weirdness. Nonetheless, some of the basic concepts were solid; the real issue was the execution.
But if these leaks are true... ch139 was a fucking masterpiece in comparison jklsdfghjlsf
Eren "what a man you are" Jaeger may have turned out to be Walmart Lelouch, but at least he achieved something. If Paradis gets nuked, his friends are killed and the Titan powers come back (?)... then it was all completely pointless. The whole story has been an exercise in sadism and nihilism since Day 1.
I still don't understand how the fuck Mikasa goes to visit Eren's grave if the island is destroyed...?? Like?? Unless it gets nuked decades after the Rumbling, when Mikasa&co. are all elderly/dead.
And the first King Fritz actually dying...? How is that even possible? If he doesn't feed Ymir to their children, Ymir's bloodline doesn't even get the Titan powers in the first place (unless she changes their DNA in some other way? Maybe with the Founder Titan’s powers?). The same goes for the Ackerman clan, and Paradis, and therefore Eren, Mikasa, and Armin never even meet. Hell, even the Rumbling has no reason to be enacted.
..... Right? Like, that would change the entire history of the world and the Eldian people. How does it even make sense with the canon timeline/events? It must be an AU. Please, tell me it's an AU* 🙏🙏
One little silver lining: Mikasa moves the fuck on, has a family, etc. If the Mysterious Husband is really Jean, then congratulations to the shippers! I don't ship them, but good for you in any case. (Although it's getting increasingly obvious that Yams has a thing for one-sided underdeveloped romances... except maybe Armin/Annie.)
I'm also having a lot of fun reading all the comments on Reddit (and I usually loathe the Reddit bros). This shit is hilarious. It's simultaneously the worst and best thing ever. Like, Yams pulled a JK Rowling and Rumbled his own series, and don't even let me start about all the super passive aggressive references to the fandom's unhappiness with Ch139 in the Junior High AU strips GHJLSDGJSKHF
* There’s the huge possibility that the leaks are heavily decontextualized and the whole “Titan Powers AGAIN??/Ymir doesn’t sacrifice herself for her p*do king/Paradis gets nuked” thing is an AU (or better, multiple AUs) that Mikasa sees in the Paths when she talks to the abovementioned Founder. In that case, it’d all make sense. It could even be very interesting! But if it’s not an AU and just the True Ending.......... 🤡🤡🤡🤡
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