#admin sar
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pandemichub · 1 year ago
For the sake of guidance, I hope people will follow the highest precautions possible. The worst of SARS-CoV-2 is not limited to 2020, despite what is stated by politicians, media outlets and other public figures and professionals to whom it applies.
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I want to inform readers the CDC has officially ended the 5 day isolation period for SARS-CoV-2 and this does not suddenly mean it is not contagious or that our protocols should be lapsed or relaxed. Spread is more rampant than ever. So please do not let this announcement and decision give a false sense of security.
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Piece by the incredible Lucky Tran.
Note, please do not use the Washington Post as a source for quality coverage of the ongoing pandemic.
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As others have said, if SARS-CoV-2 cannot be eradicated (I still hold out hope and think it imperative in fact), it means adjusting and adapting, not ignoring it, treating this virus and disease as harmless or of little harm and create hostile untenable conditions and daily situations for any efforts of prevention and control of it.
Of what I've read over the course of 4 years, SARS-CoV-2 continues to mutate, kill and disable. This cannot last and will end in an ever escalating disaster if we continue to allow it. - Admin and mod
Additional: Immunity rates are a concern as are vaccination rates. The boast of vaccines administered does not often enough include a breakdown based on how many in the series per person (e.g. 1 dose, primary series, x number of boosters and how recently).
Vaccine rates vary by country, but in regard to the U.S. rates have been on a decline, thus compromising effectiveness on a population level.
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of-his-dragoon-ways · 1 year ago
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ransprang · 1 year ago
yes YES i have ghost brainrot without even playing the game...go ahead... laugh..
ghost x fem! reader - random hcs
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huge doberman bf energy.
gives you his credit card bc he doesn’t really spend on much, and he’d like to provide for you and spoil you
makes his silly little girliepop jokes in public just to see you laugh eventhough they may get weird looks from strangers
he secretly enjoys chick flicks and dramas. they’re just easy to watch distracting him from his grueling work
if you guilt him enough you could get him to make a build-a-bear of him with his voice. it’s pretty easy, just mention how often he gets deployed and he’ll give in. he does find it cute when he sees you snuggling it
ghost makes sure that you live share your location with him at all times. mostly for your protection, since he gets worried that his personal life may get compromise one day
he enjoys it when you sit on his lap and smear black eyeshadow on his eyes. he holds onto your waist while your fingers dab your eyeshadow palette. sometimes you can get away with putting black glitter on him hehe
uncut, 7-8 inches and girthy. since you know.. he's a big fella it's all gotta be proportionate
absolutely loves sticking his fingers in your mouth and watching all the spit that's connected to them when he takes them out
yes, he will spit in your mouth. no, you don’t have to ask for it
bends you over his desk in his office with no fear of anyone walking in. and if they do he'll stare them down
being a possessive man he marks his territory, you, with hickies on your neck and tells you to remove high neck clothing from your wardrobe
he likes taking off his shirt and watching you stare at his muscles, drooling over them like a slut
as much as he may say he doesn’t like brats, he does love being a brat tamer. he’ll spank the obedience into you
gets you a collar with "ghost" or "S.R." on it just so people know who you belong to
due to being deployed often he appreciates you entertaining his sexting and teasing him with intimate pictures
yours ghostly,
admin sar
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deityoftherain · 5 months ago
Tonetag Masterlist
/aff - affectionate
/anx - anxious
/c - curious
/cp - copypasta/copy-paste
/der - derogatory
/dra - dramatic (typically in a joking, silly, or non-serious way)
/fond - fond (functions a lot like /aff)
/gen or /g - genuine
/gn - gender neutral
/gq - genuine question
/hj - half-joking
/hsrs - half-serious
/hyp - hyperbole
/ij - inside joke
/info - information
/ir - ironic
/irre - irrelevant
/j - joking
/lh - lighthearted
/ly or /lyr - lyric
/mnp - maybe not platonic
/mod - modding or doing admin duties
/nao - not an order
/nav - not a vent
/nay - not at you
/nbh - nobody here (used mostly in vents)
/nbr - not being rude
/neg - negative connotation
/neu - neutral connotation
/nf - not forced
/ng - non-gendered (don't mistake the g with genuine here)
/nm - not mean/mad
/npa - not passive aggressive
/nsrs - not serious
/nsx - not sexual intent
/ogj - ongoing joke
/ooc - out of context (out of oc in rp/cosplaying)
/op - optional
/ot - off topic
/p - platonic
/pa - passive aggressive
/pos - positive connotation
/q - quote
/qp - queerplatonic
/r - romantic
/ref - reference
/rh or /rhet - rhetorical question
/s or /sar - sarcastic
/silly - silly (typically in a joking, non-serious, or dramatic way)
/srs - serious
/sx - sexual intent
/sys - system/plurality related comment
/t - teasing
/th - threat
/vneg - very negative
/vpos - very positive
/vsilly - very silly
Note: I’ve been maintaining this list for myself and the discord servers I’m in for years now, and I figured I should also post it on tumblr. I will try to remember to update it when I update my own list. Feel free to submit any tonetags I’m missing, reblog it, and share the link to anyone who is confused about what the tonetags mean. Also, this is meant to be a masterlist, not a list of only the most common ones, so don’t get intimidated because you don’t have everything memorized- that’s what this is for!
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covid-safer-hotties · 4 months ago
Also preserved in our archive
1. In this randomized clinical trial, the safety profile, including reactogenicity, was similar between the simultaneous or sequential administration of the quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV4) and COVID-19 vaccine.
Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent)
Getting vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19 have been associated with a decreased number of hospitalizations and deaths due to respective infections. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) it is recommended that these vaccines be given simultaneously at different anatomic sites. Due to a lack of evidence from previous studies, this study sought to provide further proof of the safety of the simultaneous vaccination recommendation. Individuals were deemed eligible to participate if they were 5 years or older getting the primary 2-dose vaccine series, or 12 years or older receiving a booster vaccine, and intended on receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and the influenza vaccine. Individuals were excluded if they were pregnant or planned on getting pregnant within the next 3 months, and immunosuppressed individuals. All participants gave a blood sample to determine their SARS-CoV-2 serostatus. On the first visit, the participants received the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine intramuscularly. Participants were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to either receive the FDA approved inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV4) or a saline placebo vaccine. During the second visit, the individuals previously administered the IIV4 vaccine received the placebo, and the placebo group received the IIV4 vaccine. Until day 121, the study assessed serious adverse events (SAEs) and adverse events of special interest (AESIs) along with corresponding medication change. Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) was assessed pre-vaccination and daily for 7 days. After primary assessment, 335 participants (mean [SD] age, 33.4 [15.1] years) received bivalent BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. After randomizing the participants, 169 were assigned to the simultaneous group, and 166 to the sequential group. Compared to the simultaneous group, the proportion of participants in the sequential group [52 participants [31.3%]) that experienced the primary reactogenicity outcome was noninferior (43 participants [25.6%]) (site-adjusted difference, -5.6 percentage points [pp]; 95% CI, -15.2 to 4.0 pp). Between the simultaneous and sequential groups, there was no significant difference in the proportion of participants that had SAEs (1 [0.6%] vs 1 [0.6%] respectively; difference, -0.01 pp [95% CI, -1.66 to -1.64 pp]) ad AESIs (19 [11.2%] vs 9 [5.4%], respectively; difference, 5.8 pp [95% CI, -0.1 to 11.7 pp]). Overall, in this randomized clinical trial comparing simultaneous versus sequential administration of the COVID-19, and influenza vaccine, safety was comparable between the two methods.
Study link: jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2825813
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moonlight-taylor · 9 months ago
i know that's just a phrase people say but is that a pun in this case? i don't usually like puns, but it's you so i'll make an exception.
i am in need of my husband in my ARMS
- @t8yl0r-8
yeah yeah yeah, c'mere
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keopihaus · 4 months ago
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admins: Booki || Lux || Nox - Booki handles all customer service - Lux is in charge of the barista staff - Nox heads the curator staff
curators: Tara || Ves curators keep the bookshelves lined and tidy
baristas: Ness || Sky || Alaska baristas handle all the cafe side of things, from serving to cleaning
Jackie || @mint-yooxgi Sar || @kpop-stories-21 Raven || @shadowkoo Haru || @galaxystardragoness Queenie || @wooyoungqueen
Ivy || @c-oupsie Lexi || @heechwe Sky || @yoonguurt Michi || @cybrsan Kat || @hee0soo
Chee || @nothoughtsjustfic Maren || @wooahaeproductions Mitchie || @seokgyuu Altair || @haologram Star || @iridescentxstars
June || @junkissed Den || @throughthebluesea Aren || @sweetinsaniiity Jessi || @gyuhanniescarat Ally || @lovetaroandtaemin
Kae || @studioeisa Ro || @shinysobi Cherry || @shuadotcom Rie || @okiedokrie Ema || @hannieoftheyear
Jina || @facethesunflower Aeris || @beomcoups Linda || @xomakara Dawn || @unholywriters Viv || @heartepub
A || @chugging-antiseptic-dye Alicia || @sluttyminghao Yuki || @hisnowbie2 Dreamie || @straylightdream
Interested in joining our establishment? Click here!
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iatrophilosophos · 4 months ago
Ppl i know are getting positive anecdotal results using 7 or 7.5mg nicotine patches for 14-20 days to relieve long covid symptoms
If you try nicotine patches and don't have xp with nicotine REMOVE the patch as soon as you feel queasy for the first & possibly 2nd day, otherwise you will barf
A bad idea to double up smoking/vaping and patches 4 safety. Chainsmokers probably also have the benefits here but maybe not if only smoke a little.
Not medical advice/do ur own research just posting as food 4 thought
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republicsecurity · 1 year ago
Tactical Paramedics
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Q1: Are all paramedics considered tactical paramedics? No, not all paramedics are designated as tactical paramedics. Tactical paramedics undergo specialized training and are equipped to perform their duties in high-risk and combat situations, often wearing armor suits and helmets. General paramedics, on the other hand, primarily focus on medical care and are not typically involved in tactical operations.
Q2: Do all tactical paramedics receive training in self-defense and the use of weapons? No, not every tactical paramedic is trained in self-defense or the use of weapons. Tactical training can encompass a range of skills, and not all tactical paramedics are equipped with self-defense weapons. Some may receive training in firearms, but this depends on their specific role and assignment.
Q3: How does the training of tactical paramedics differ from that of general paramedics? Tactical paramedics receive additional training beyond the standard 3-month basic medical training that all paramedic conscripts undergo. This specialized training includes tactical combat casualty care, self-defense, and other skills necessary for performing medical duties in high-risk environments. After basic training, paramedics are sorted into various specialties, including general paramedics, tactical paramedics, SAR specialists, drone pilots, admin specialists, and more.
Q4: Can tactical paramedics be exclusively assigned to medical duties? Yes, tactical paramedics can be assigned exclusively to medical duties, particularly in situations where their specialized medical skills are needed but not their tactical abilities. Their primary responsibility remains providing medical care, but they are prepared to operate in challenging environments.
Q5: What kind of weapons are tactical paramedics trained to use? Tactical paramedics trained in self-defense may be equipped with light individual weapons for the purpose of defending themselves, their patients, or their team against acts of violence. These weapons can include pistols, submachine guns, and rifles, depending on the specific training and role.
Q6: Is tactical training mandatory for all paramedics? Tactical training is not mandatory for all paramedics. It is a voluntary program, and conscripts may choose to opt out of it, often for reasons of conscience or personal preference.
Q7: What is Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)? Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) is a specific set of medical protocols and techniques tailored for use in high-stress combat situations. Tactical paramedics are trained in TCCC to provide effective medical care in the field, often under fire or in hostile environments.
Q8: What are the primary duties of tactical paramedics? The primary duties of tactical paramedics include the protection of patients and other paramedics, safeguarding medical facilities, and self-defense. They are trained to operate in challenging and potentially dangerous situations to ensure that medical care can be delivered in high-risk environments.
Q9: Against which dangers does the armor suit protect? The armor suit worn by tactical paramedics is designed to protect against a range of dangers commonly encountered in high-risk situations, including:
a. Ballistic Protection: The armor provides protection against ballistic threats such as bullets and shrapnel, enhancing the paramedic's safety in situations involving firearms or explosive devices.
b. Blunt Force: It offers protection against blunt force trauma, reducing the risk of injury from physical impacts or falls.
c. Chemical and Biological Hazards: Most armor suits are equipped with features to safeguard against chemical and biological agents, providing a barrier against these types of threats.
d. Environmental Hazards: The suits include climate control systems, enabling paramedics to operate in extreme temperatures or hazardous environments.
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Q10: How does tactical training work for paramedics?
Tactical training for paramedics is a specialized program designed to prepare them for high-risk situations where they may need to operate in hostile or dangerous environments. Here's how it typically works:
1. Eligibility and Selection: Paramedics interested in tactical training must meet specific eligibility criteria.
2. Training Curriculum: Tactical training programs cover a range of topics, including:
Tactical Medicine: Paramedics learn how to provide medical care in tactical environments, addressing injuries common in combat or hostile situations.
Firearms Training: For those who are trained in the use of weapons, there is extensive firearms training, focusing on safety, accuracy, and marksmanship.
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC): This specialized form of medical training emphasizes treating traumatic injuries under fire, prioritizing interventions to save lives.
Survival Skills: Tactical paramedics learn survival techniques, evasion, and how to respond to ambushes or threats.
Tactical Communication: Effective communication and coordination during high-stress situations are vital components of tactical training.
Physical Conditioning: Physical fitness and endurance are crucial, as tactical paramedics may need to perform in challenging conditions.
3. Duration: The duration of tactical training is typically a three month course.
4. Scenario-Based Training: Much of the training is scenario-based, with paramedics practicing in simulated environments that mimic real-world situations. This includes mock combat situations, disaster response exercises, and live-fire drills for those trained in the use of weapons.
5. Certification: Tactical paramedics may receive certifications upon completing their training. These certifications validate their skills and readiness for tactical roles.
6. Ongoing Training: Tactical paramedics undergo regular and ongoing training to maintain their skills and adapt to evolving threats and techniques.
It's important to note that tactical training is physically and mentally demanding, and paramedics who pursue this path do so with a commitment to serving in challenging and often dangerous roles where they provide vital medical care while under extreme conditions.
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Q11: Can paramedics control their HUD during tactical operations?
Yes, paramedics in tactical mode have a higher degree of control over their Heads-Up Display (HUD). When they are engaged in tactical operations, they can give or withhold consent for supervisors or AI systems to access and manipulate their visual and audio inputs.
In tactical mode, paramedics need to maintain a heightened sense of awareness and responsiveness to effectively carry out their duties. Having control over their HUD allows them to focus on the immediate demands of the situation without any unwanted distractions or interventions from AI systems or supervisors.
This control also ensures that paramedics can maintain a clear understanding of their surroundings and make rapid decisions based on real-time information.
Q12: What kind of relationship do paramedics have with their weapons?
Well, let's just say that paramedics and their weapons have a special bond. It's not uncommon for a paramedic to give their trusty rifle a nickname. After all, when you're out there in the field, your weapon is your constant companion. It's there to protect you, your patients, and your fellow paramedics.
Q13: Do tactical paramedics wear chastity cages when on duty?
Absolutely. Just like all members of the paramedic corps, tactical paramedics are required by regulations to wear chastity cages while on duty. It's considered standard equipment for them. The Corps takes discipline seriously, and the chastity cages are a symbol of their commitment to their mission and the rules they uphold. So, when they're in the red suits and tactical gear, those chastity cages are part of the uniform.
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gary-goldstein-law · 1 year ago
Absolutely not! Aren’t you one of Richie’s friends? Tell him his uncle Gary says hi!
okay I’m fine now.
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pandemichub · 2 years ago
I have not returned but wanted to quickly write an update. If anyone was unaware, based off of rising numbers and community circulation we have or are entering another wave. Please adjust your mitigations accordingly. I'd also like to note our lulls are elevated, so waves are not the only concern.
Do not have a false sense of security or drop your guard. Until the situation is acknowledged (especially officially (SARS-CoV-2 is still spreading, largely unmitigated now, disabling and killing people at alarming rates and timeline), well tracked and properly handled, understand this remains a dangerous matter for most if not all.
Also I encourage familiarizing with terms such as pandemic, epidemic, outbreak and endemic. These are distinct words with specific definitions. None of the following should be used or taken to mean "mild," "less deadly," "safe," or a reason to end/reduce precautions.
Given the harm and pathology of SARS-CoV-2 a new normal means changing our societies and behavior. Not "ignore it, and engage in normalcy bias." This is not effective disease control and has, as it can and will lead to much worse outcomes.
There is also no grounds to assert or theorize SARS-CoV-2 will peter out as this is not consistent with SARS-CoV-2 's trends. The trend is it is highly mutagenic among other things (oncogenic, documented effects strongly posit it crosses the blood brain barrier, and causes damage and or suppression of the immune system, autonomic system, biochemical mechanisms, blood vessel lining and clotting, and more).
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wonderlandnet · 1 year ago
♤♡◇♧ Members
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@nebulousbrainsoup ♤ Lux, Monarch of Spades
@pyeonghongrie ♡ Rie, King of Hearts
@twisted-tales-of-all ◇ Jay, Monarch of Diamonds
@kwanisms ♧ Booki, Empress of Clubs
@nateezfics || Nat
@yuyusuyu || Dea/Drea
@tinyidle || Ti/Una
@stardragongalaxy || Haru
@staytiny-ville || Kay
@thesolarplanetarysystem || Dani
@pocketjoong || Sky
@yuncheoligans || Nox
@yourlocaljonghoe || Minerva
@wooyoungqueen || Queenie
@mingispelvis || May
@ad0rechuu || Zero
@kitten4sannie || Alyssa
@kpop-stories-21 || Sar
@hee0soo || Kat
@binniebeams || Ness
@seonghwaddict || Lilo
@cybrsan || Michi
@samiiy20 || Samiiy
@ja3hwa || Jae
@seulrinnie-rinrin || Linda
@shocymer || Cy
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eva-cfo · 4 hours ago
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Smartest Tax Strategies for Doctors Running a medical practice or earning income as a doctor in South Africa comes with its own unique financial challenges — and opportunities. While your focus is on patient care, it's important to ensure that your tax affairs are structured in a way that protects your income and helps you build long-term wealth. Here are some practical, Smartest Tax Strategies for Doctors, whether they’re running their practice through a company or working as an associate or contractor. ✅ 1. Structure Your Practice Through a Company If you're earning income independently (outside of a salary from a hospital or employer), consider operating through a private company (Pty) Ltd. The corporate tax rate is 27%, which may be lower than your personal marginal tax rate. You can claim business-related expenses and retain earnings within the company. You gain flexibility in how and when to withdraw profits (salary, dividends, or retained earnings). ✅ 2. Claim Legitimate Business Expenses Doctors often miss out on deductions simply because they don’t keep track. As a company or sole proprietor, you can deduct: Office rent or room hire Medical supplies and consumables Reception/admin staff salaries Software, licensing & billing platforms (e.g., Medemass, Healthbridge) Professional indemnity insurance CPD costs, course fees, and HPCSA/SAMA memberships Marketing costs and website hosting 📌 Tip: Keep all invoices and ensure expenses are directly related to your practice. Also, ensure the invoices are compliant with the VAT Act ✅ 3. Use a Company-Owned Vehicle Strategically If you drive between locations or do house calls, a company-owned vehicle can be a useful tool: The company claims depreciation, fuel, insurance, and maintenance. SARS will impose a fringe benefit tax if there's personal use, but you can reduce it with a logbook and proper structure. ✅ 4. Pay Yourself a Balanced Salary + Dividends Rather than taking everything as salary, consider: A reasonable and optimum monthly salary (subject to PAYE). Declaring dividends on retained profits (subject to 20% Dividend Tax).There must be a sweet spot (balance) between salary and dividends. This hybrid structure can be more tax-efficient than taking a large salary alone. ✅ 5. Maximise Retirement Contributions You can contribute up to 27.5% of taxable income (capped at R350,000/year) to retirement funds and claim a tax deduction.This includes: Pension or provident funds Retirement annuities (RA) ✅ Bonus: The company can contribute on your behalf and deduct it as an expense. SARS will impose a fringe benefit tax if the company payr the RA. ✅ 6. Use a Holding Company (for Growth-Oriented Doctors) If you own multiple practices, want to invest in property, or plan to expand your income streams, a holding company structure can offer: Asset protection from risk in your operating practice Tax-free dividend movement between companies Centralised wealth building and future succession planning ✅ 7. VAT Registration: Yes or No? If your medical practice earns more than R1 million in 12 months, VAT registration is compulsory. But even below that, voluntary registration may help if: You incur high VAT on expenses Your clients (e.g. medical aids or companies) are VAT vendors ⚠️ General medical services to individuals are exempt from VAT, so assess carefully. ✅ 8. Hire Family Members (Properly!) If your spouse or adult child helps with admin, marketing, or bookkeeping, the company can pay them a reasonable salary, which: Is a tax-deductible expense Helps spread the tax load (as they might fall in a lower tax bracket) Must be legitimate and justifiable to SARS ⚖️ A Word on Compliance All these strategies must be implemented legally and with proper documentation. SARS is tightening enforcement and expects: Clear records and supporting documents Proper payroll and PAYE compliance Logbooks for travel claims and benefit tracking 👩‍⚕️ Final Thoughts The key to the Smartest Tax Strategies for Doctors and reducing tax liability as a doctor is not tax avoidance but tax efficiency. With proper planning, structure, and guidance, you can:✅ Keep more of what you earn✅ Build long-term wealth✅ Stay fully compliant If you’re unsure whether your current setup is working for you or you’d like to explore smarter options, we’d be happy to assist. 📩 Contact us today for a personalised tax planning session — especially if you’re a growing practice or considering a structural change. Read the full article
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ransprang · 1 year ago
thank you @qlassicc for supporting our kofi <3 here is your first boi hehe :3
if anyone else wants personalised hcs this is our ko-fi
Interview with the vampire - Lestat de lioncourt - SFW HCs
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How you meet: You caught Lestat’s eye from across the ballroom floor, and he knew he had to taste you. You liked the way he looked at you, the way he exuded power. You followed him to his chambers but were enraged when you realized he had another woman waiting there who began pawing at Lestat. You saw red and next thing you knew, the woman was dead and Lestat was looking at you like you were the greatest thing he had ever seen.
Lestat would be down to spoil you, especially with gifts. He’d buy you lavish jewelry, like necklaces and ballroom gown dresses. 
Absolutely LOVES your clinginess. He is clingy himself putting his arms around you, cuddling with you, and stealing kisses throughout the day. 
Since he plays the violin and piano, he’d be down to have a music collab. You can write him some rap and rnb sheets, and he’ll go wild on those instruments bringing dope ass music to that victorian era. 
Lestat is totally okay with you sleeping a ton. If you fall asleep he’ll read some of his books and stroke your hair gently every now and then. Cat-energy.
Being a free spirit and a bit of a man-whore, Lestat would occasionally act out, trying to get your yandere side out. He would relish in the bloodlust he saw in your eyes, knowing that you were getting jealous seeing his flirty actions. He'd laugh and reassure you at the end of the day he loves you
Lestat would turn you into a vampire, and you both would terrorize the neighborhood together.
Lestat can mold himself to suit whichever personality you have on for the day. He is a man with years of experience and a lot of knowledge. He will show you a new side of him everyday. 
He loves it when you are clingy, he enjoys your attention, your devotion. Every bit of it, he feeds off your blood and love. You are Lestat’s favourite.
Lestat would love to take you by the sea side, perhaps a graveyard beside it. A peaceful bliss for a few moments as you both watch the waves crash and the silence of the dead. It is truly his most romantic escape.
your rap lyrics,
admins sar, san & sav
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ofw-job-orders · 6 months ago
How Post-SARS Hong Kong's Tech Boom Relied on Filipino Network Admins, Remittances, & Brain Gain (OFWJobs.org)
The exodus of skilled workers from the Philippines, particularly to destinations like Hong Kong, has been a complex and evolving narrative for decades. While the economic benefits of remittances are undeniable, the impact on the Philippines’ own development, particularly in specialized fields like network administration, demands closer scrutiny. This examination becomes especially pertinent when viewed through the lens of post-SARS preparedness and the ongoing struggle to retain and repatriate valuable talent through "brain gain" initiatives. This article will explore the intricacies of this situation, focusing on Filipino network administrators in Hong Kong, the legal framework surrounding their remittances, and the ongoing efforts to create a more sustainable future for Filipino talent.
The SARS outbreak of 2003 served as a stark wake-up call for many countries, highlighting vulnerabilities in public health infrastructure and the interconnectedness of the global landscape. For Hong Kong, a major financial hub with a dense population and significant reliance on migrant workers, the impact was profound. The post-SARS period saw a renewed focus on strengthening healthcare systems and bolstering emergency preparedness. This included a growing demand for robust IT infrastructure to support contact tracing, data analysis, and communication networks. Network administrators, therefore, became crucial players in this rebuilding and preparedness effort. For Filipino network administrators in Hong Kong, this presented both opportunities and challenges. The demand for their skills increased, but so did the pressure to perform in a high-stakes environment.
The Philippines has long been a source of skilled IT professionals, with many choosing to seek opportunities abroad due to higher salaries and perceived better prospects. Hong Kong, with its proximity and established Filipino community, became a natural destination for many. The post-SARS period saw a surge in demand for IT professionals, attracting even more Filipino network administrators to the region. This influx of talent contributed significantly to Hong Kong's recovery and ongoing efforts to enhance its digital infrastructure. However, this brain drain also posed a significant challenge for the Philippines. Losing skilled professionals in a rapidly evolving field like network administration hampered the country's own technological advancement and competitiveness.
Recognizing the long-term implications of this outward migration, the Philippine government has implemented various "brain gain" initiatives. These programs aim to attract skilled Filipinos back to the country by offering competitive salaries, research opportunities, and improved working conditions. Some initiatives specifically target IT professionals, recognizing the importance of this sector for national development. However, these initiatives face significant hurdles. Competing with the lucrative salaries and benefits offered in places like Hong Kong remains a challenge. Moreover, creating a conducive environment for innovation and professional growth within the Philippines requires sustained investment and systemic reforms.
A crucial aspect of the OFW experience is the remittance system, the lifeline that connects these workers to their families back home. Remittances play a vital role in the Philippine economy, contributing significantly to the country's GDP. For Filipino network administrators in Hong Kong, sending money home is not just a financial transaction; it's a deeply personal commitment to their families’ well-being and future. Understanding the legal framework surrounding remittances is crucial for both the senders and recipients.
Several laws and regulations govern the remittance process, both in the Philippines and Hong Kong. These laws are designed to protect the rights of OFWs, ensure transparency in transactions, and prevent money laundering and other illicit activities. Key aspects of these regulations include:
* **Anti-Money Laundering Laws:** Both the Philippines and Hong Kong have stringent anti-money laundering laws that require financial institutions to monitor and report suspicious transactions. This is to prevent the use of remittance channels for illegal activities.
* **Foreign Exchange Regulations:** Regulations govern the conversion of currencies and the transfer of funds across borders. Understanding these regulations is essential for OFWs to maximize the value of their remittances.
* **Consumer Protection Laws:** These laws protect OFWs from unfair practices by remittance service providers, ensuring transparency in fees and exchange rates.
* **Taxation:** While remittances themselves are generally not taxed in the Philippines, OFWs may be subject to income tax in Hong Kong depending on their earnings and residency status.
Navigating these legal complexities can be challenging for OFWs. Therefore, access to reliable information and legal assistance is crucial. Organizations like OFWJobs.org (https://www.ofwjobs.org/) provide valuable resources and support for OFWs, including information on employment opportunities, legal rights, and financial literacy.
Beyond the legal aspects, understanding the employment landscape for Filipino network administrators in Hong Kong is essential. The competition for these positions can be intense, requiring individuals to possess not only strong technical skills but also soft skills like communication and adaptability. The working environment in Hong Kong is often fast-paced and demanding, requiring professionals to stay updated with the latest technologies and industry trends.
The ongoing debate surrounding brain drain versus brain gain requires a nuanced approach. While the departure of skilled workers presents challenges for the Philippines, it also creates opportunities for knowledge transfer and diaspora networks. Returning OFWs often bring with them valuable experience and expertise, which can contribute to the development of the local IT sector. Furthermore, remittances injected into the Philippine economy can fuel entrepreneurship and investment, creating new opportunities for economic growth.
The challenge lies in creating a sustainable cycle of development where the benefits of outward migration can be harnessed to strengthen the domestic economy and attract talent back to the Philippines. This requires a multi-pronged approach involving government initiatives, private sector engagement, and the active participation of the OFW community.
Investing in education and training programs that equip Filipinos with the skills needed for the global job market is crucial. This includes strengthening STEM education and promoting specialized training in areas like network administration and cybersecurity. Furthermore, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the Philippines is essential for attracting and retaining talent. This requires creating a supportive regulatory environment, promoting access to funding, and encouraging collaboration between academia and industry.
The role of the private sector in this equation is also significant. Companies can contribute to brain gain initiatives by offering competitive salaries and benefits, investing in employee development, and creating opportunities for research and innovation within the Philippines. Furthermore, fostering partnerships with universities and training institutions can help bridge the gap between education and industry needs.
The Filipino diaspora, including network administrators in Hong Kong, represents a valuable asset for the Philippines. Engaging with this community and leveraging their expertise is crucial for promoting brain gain. This can involve creating mentorship programs, facilitating knowledge sharing platforms, and supporting returning OFWs in their reintegration into the Philippine workforce.
The story of Filipino network administrators in Hong Kong is a microcosm of the larger narrative of OFW migration. It highlights the complexities of brain drain, the importance of remittances, and the ongoing efforts to achieve brain gain. The post-SARS period underscored the critical role of IT professionals in building resilient infrastructure and ensuring preparedness for future challenges. Moving forward, a collaborative approach involving government, the private sector, and the OFW community is essential for creating a sustainable future for Filipino talent and harnessing the full potential of the diaspora for national development.
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didanawisgi · 2 years ago
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