#jinjae scenario
lycoric3 · 5 months
Jinjae and eyes
some spoilers up to chp 316~ish
Han Yoojin and Sung Hyunjae keep on having this recurring situation where the eyesight of the other is at risk of being harmed and the other just worries.
Like, it starts off with Hyunjae betting his eye (and leg) with the contract.
Then you have when Yoojin's eyesight gets blurry after he goes into Hyunjae's mind. And Hyunjae does the "how many fingers am I holding up" thing which pisses off Yoojin because he makes him doubt his answer to confirm his suspicions that his eyes are off.
THEN, Yoojin holds onto both the bet and the eyetest scenario so strongly, that when he temporarily dies and meets Hyunjae he immediately checks that he has both his eyes working, doing the "how many fingers?" just as he did to him.
And then, when Hyunjae gets hurt right after the Changeling-stabbing situation, Yoojin checks his eyes AGAIN. He even tries the exact same trick Hyunjae pulled to see if he was lying- like.
And now, Yoojin is (temporarily) blind and Hyunjae tries to reach for his eyes but stops at the last moment , saying that he'll give his own eyes as repayment?????
Like, well and truly, 'you are the only thing worth seeing in this world but I'd give up even that if it helps just the tiniest bit'
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rikan-oo · 7 months
>*auction jinjae scene with chains*
>“If you want to rescue the princess, I’d be happy to prepare a tall tower and a dragon for you. Oh, and he prefers dungeons and shackles.”
“I don’t have any preference for those.”
So, uhuh, how many jinjae fics with chains and shackles do we have?
And just how much do these two roleplay? They just continue to change scenarios and flirt so shamelessly ☠️
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Also, last bakugan reboot which ended right before this one started, had proper scenario for series simmilar to original ones in case we have main villian in each of season and big problems and we are solving it all. But now, we do not. As with monsuno. I mean, I really didn't expect any really proper scenario from people who made monsuno, but what I expected is child abuse, violence, and gay things. And I kinda see it. And Hargrave, it's... weird they gave us exacly him. Maybe Klipse or any from Core tech had more chances to be spotted in "I saw that shit somewhere". But I'm happy, I guess. And Dom, he's kinda gives Klipse vibes with all "Jeredy/Dan, we're friends, join me in gone ape shit".
Well, if it’s just the first season, give the show writers time and maybe they’ll give it a good ending. I’ve seen worse show endings and while Monsuno’s series ending wasn’t great, it’s not the worst. We’ll just have to wait and see if Bakugan 2023 has a shot at a proper ending. And really, it should because if they want another Bakugan show, they can’t mess up the ending that badly.
At least until the ending of Monsuno, we got some good storylines and saw some of Team Core Tech’s lives and their past outside of some major Monsuno stuff (Except for Jinja, she only got a birthday episode and that’s it). And then there’s the Klipse side of things and they know how to bring in the drama, even if season three limited them too. But, yeah season three should’ve have more episodes because they like wasted some of the characters and left some plot holes concerning some characters since Hargrave, Dom and others are still running around and Droog has things that could’ve benefited Core Tech and STORM. Also, if they were going to give an episode explaining Tango’s backstory and showed the Alpha imagines himself as a knight, why not give the rest of the STRIKE SQUAD their own story? We need either a reboot of our own or a sequel because there was so many things Monsuno didn’t answer or give.
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JinJae AU/ Worse than Hell! (Part One)
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Park Jinyoung Plot: Jaebum and Jinyoung are arch enemies and that for centuries. When heaven and hell’s war comes to a pause, both of them are expelled to live on earth, for different reasons. With only a minimum of their powers, they have to survive a human’s everyday life. And according to Jinyoung earth is even worse than hell. (Heaven/Hell!AU) Warnings: War (mentioned), Blood, Swearing, Blasphemy (In a way, or maybe not, idk), Smut (later parts!) Words: 1935
(Succubus=female demons that seduce men to get pregnant. Asmodeus= one of the seven deadly sins, especially demon of lust)
A/N: Yeah why not? A Heaven/ Hell AU with Demon Jinyoung and Angel Jaebum. Hope you all like it!
  Jinyoung entered their apartment, slamming the door shut, to make sure the other man knew he was back. He put the groceries, manly containing instant noodles and other stuff that didn’t need that much cooking skills, which he definitely didn’t have. Looking for Jaebum, he gazed the room, spotting the “older” laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling. “Get up, I brought food.” He ordered not intending to be polite. Everyone probably thought an angel would be the caring one, being nice and friendly, taking care of others, but Im Jaebum was nothing like that. He was one of those angels born in war, raised to be a good soldier, obeying orders, killing demons. Jinyoung nearly felt sorry for him, it had to be terrible to live with a demon, the angels worst enemies. But Jinyoung was a demon they didn’t feel sorry, especially not for their enemies. “I don’t need food,” Jaebum growled, looking at Jiyoung as if this was all his fault. “Especially not made by a filthy demon.” He spat out the last word like it’s some super bad curse word. Sometimes the angel was cute in a way. “Look, Jae.” Jinyoung used the nickname for the angel on purpose because it got the other mad. “I don’t like this either, but you’re not trapped here. Leave..!” He pointed at the door, for the effect.  “Look for another home, life on the streets I don't care!” “Why should I be the one leaving.” Jinyoung groaned already tired of arguing. “Because you’re the one complaining!” “Whatever, you can eat on your own.” Jaebum staid stubborn, one of the things Jinyoung hated. Angels were so close-minded, it was frustrating! “You know you have to eat!” the demon still tried, but it was probably for nothing. “I’m an angel.” Again a thing Jinyoung hated about the other, he always acted like angels were something better. “You grace is damaged and they took away most of your power like they did with me! Which means eat or die, like a human!” The last words seemed to do the trick because Jaebum stood up and went straight into the kitchen, bumping the demon's shoulder on purpose. Jinyoung tried to get back on him, hitting the other on the back. The angel instantly groaned in pain, before turning around his eyes burning blue, showing his grace. Drama Queen! “If you ever dare to touch me again I won't mind using the last bit of what is left of my grace, to burn you filthy vermin in the ground!” Frightened by the others treat, Jinyoung took a step back, just to be sure, the other was still a freaking angel and Jinyoung didn’t want to die that soon. Only six centuries of a life wasn’t enough! With a last angry look, Jaebum took some food and disappeared into the bedroom. The only freaking bedroom, which meant Jinyoung had to sleep on the couch and that was anything but comfortable. Because besides needing to eat, pee, they also had to sleep. Other things had also changed. Feelings got a lot of stronger andJinyoung had literally no control over his area down there. One moment it was up then down. According to that “Google guy,” he was experiencing puberty, where his hormones were going crazy and especially young men were always horny. But actually, he was way too old to be in this phase. And it was also not like he was a virgin or anything, he was a demon, what means he did like human pleasures, but his last time was a few hundred years ago. During the war between heaven and hell, he hadn’t had many opportunities’. Maybe he could do it now, during his time on earth, maybe he even had to stay here for the rest of his life. But he can’t really do so if Jaebum watched all of his steps. Every time the younger tried to leave, the angel suddenly appeared wanting to know where he was. When he didn’t insist on tagging along he ordered Jinyoung to be home soon. Jinyoung didn’t even know why he was mostly obeying the others orders. Whatever he was spending too much time, thinking about Im Jaebum, a freaking annoying angel. Clearing his mind, Jinyoung used his left demon powers to heat his instant noodles up. He laid down on the couch enjoying them while turning the TV on, switching through the channels. At least one good invention by humans and it was also really nice of the angels and demons to give them one. It really made living on earth a little less bad. But still, Jinyoung was sure that it was worse than in Hell! It was not that late, so Jinyoung decided to go out! Go for a drink, maybe pick up some hot human, just having fun. Like he did many years ago before the 20th war started. Of course, times had changed and going out to get wasted was definitely still fun! So why not? Jinyoung quickly changed into skinny leather pants, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. At last also a little makeup. But the second he wanted to leave, a tall figure appeared, blocking the way. “Where do you think you’re going?” the angel asked, annoyance clear in his voice. “Out!” He answered shortly, trying to go around Jaebum, but the other was faster and pinned the younger against the wall, slowly taking in the demon's appearance. “Wait, why did you dress up?” “Because I want to get laid, now get your hands off me!” Jinyung said pushing the angel off, flashing his red eyes. “Why?” Was he serious? He was an angel after all, so maybe he didn’t know how it was to have sex. Poor thing. “Because it’s nice.” “Yeah I know, but...”  So no virgin! That was actually a surprise to Jinyoung. He never thought the angel, would have experience with that. “...We aren’t here for fun or pleasure.” The way Jae said that word, was definitely too hot. “That’s your opinion,” Jinyoung said, turning around, attempting a second time to leave. “Then I’ll come with you!” “What? Why? Do you want to get laid too?” Jinyoung joked, but Jaebums serious face made him shut up. “No. But your mother was a Succubus, right?” Was he really bringing that up now? “Yeah, so? Do you think I want to get any woman pregnant? Seriously?” Jaebum only shrugged. So he really thought so! Jinyoung rolled his eyes, annoyed by the older. “You see...” Jinyoung said moving closer to the other. “I come more after my father.” “Your father?” “Yeah...he was one of Asmodeus demons.” The demon enjoyed the surprised and shocked expression on the others face. “I still accompany you!” Jaebum stayed stubborn. Jinyoung quickly looked at Jaebums outfit and sighed in frustration. He definitely won’t take the other with him looking like that. “Okay but you have to change your outfit!” “Why?” The angel asked confused. “You’re dressed completely in white! Wait...” Jinyoung quickly went to his wardrobe taking out an outfit similar to his throwing it at the angel. “Change!” “I won't wear this pants. You can see the outlines of my boxers through them.” The angel immediately complained, suddenly worried about his looks. “Then don’t wear boxers!” Jinyoung answered unimpressed by the others whines. “Oh and also...put this on.” He handed Jaebum an ear piercing and the eyeliner. “Should I help you?” Jaebum only shook his hand before disappearing into the bedroom. Jinyoung had never regretted a decision more than this when the angel walked out of the room. Biting his lip, to suppress any compliments that he got on his tongue, Jinyoung dared to check the older out. And he hated how much he liked it. Jaebum looked to badass and...to say he looked hot! “Why are you staring?” The angel said through gritted teeth. “You look okay,” Jinyoung answered. “Only okay...? Your expression says something else.” Okay, what? Since when was the older so cheeky and did he just try to flirt with Jinyoung? That’ was not okay! What also was NOT okay was how clearly Jinyong can make out e v e r y t h i n g in this pants, because the angel did take his advice. Clearing his thoughts, to think straight again, Jinyoung took the keys and left the apartment first, not daring to look at the other again. And there again were his teen hormones. They were not that long at the bar and Jinyoung was already flirting with a cute blond guy, taking his mind of a certain angel, that watched him the whole time with a pissed expression. The man, whose name was Jackson was moving closer through the conversation and Jinyoung had to smile at how easy this night went. “Hey, I live in the apartment above the bar, do you want to go somewhere more private?” Jackson smirked. Jinyoung was about to respond when someone suddenly grasps his hand yanking him away so that he collides against a hard chest. “He has a boyfriend!” Jinyoung wanted to protest and tell Jackson that this was a lie, but he wasn’t able to bring out any word, his whole concentration on the man in front of him. Jaebum was so close. Jackson was about to say something, but Jaebum only glared at the shorter, shortly flashing his blue eyes, truly looking like an angel of revenge. “Sorry, didn’t know he is taken.” Was what Jackson mumbled before backing away, disappearing into the crowd. Jinyoung was still trying to proceed what just had happened. Was the angel serious? What was that jerks problem? The demon realized that he was still in the embrace of the other, quickly he yanked his body away and he could swear that Jaebum growled when he did so. “What is your problem?” He hissed at the other, making Jaebum flinch. “You’re unbelievable!” Angry he pushed Jaebum away, who lost his balance and stumbled backwards, right into a guy. “Hey, idiot, watch where you go!” The man immediately screamed at Jae. “What did you just call me?” “Idiot!” Before the guy knew what happened Jaebum had punched him in the jaw, making the guy fall backwards. but as soon as that happened more people got aware of the fight and the man’s friends immediately came to help. Jinyoung knew he could leave, this was the angel's fault not his and he was here to get laid not to fight. But he wasn’t able to leave the angel on his own. There were two possible outcomes of the fight. Jaebum lost it and uses his last bits of grace killing humans or he would get hurt even worse. And therefore he would have to use the last bits of his grace to heal himself. But without grace, an angel can’t survive. So he had to help, right?
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Daily Dad Discussions 2
( Bands present - BTS, EXO, SVT, NCT and GOT7)
Seokjin : yes namjoon is great leader, but at the house I have to take care of the children all on my own all the time. With such a hyper bunch the fact that the house isn't on fire is an achievement really.
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Suho : atleast you have a husband. And my lowkey boyfriend is stuck in China. Also have you met the beagle line ? And the brats that are sekai and I don't know if kyungsoo is planning to murder us all in our sleep or is he just too shy to ask for glasses !!!
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Taeyoung : Johnny is a very good dad, but there are 16 of them. 16. And I have no idea when I might get more. There are too many of them. How do I handle 16 children !!!
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Jinyoung : at this point I've started using the ignorance is bliss technique. I ignore them and hope they don't manage to get themselves killed.
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Seungcheol : yes being a parent is so hard. I have 11 children an-
Seokjin: wait what are you doing here ? Where is jeonghan?
Seungcheol : * chokes * he's napping so he send me instead. I guess that explains my situation very well.
All : * gulp down a glass of wine *
Guys I'm thinking of turning this into a series which will show interactions of the mothers/ father's/ different lines ( especially 97line group chat ) of different groups.
If this is something you would like. Pls let me know through comment or ask or message me whatever :)
Also you're free to give me your suggestions If you wanna add some other groups or want a specific interaction or setting. My ask box is open.
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xuijia · 7 years
MTL to be into cuddling before bed
1. Mark
2. Youngjae
3. Jinyoung
4. Jaebum
5. Jackson
6. Yugyeom
7. BamBam
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chenlelesdream · 3 years
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— bulleted!NCT DREAM members comforting you when you’re down
ok so i feel like mark is jus they type to be good at listening to anyones problems
so he’s jus sittin there and listening to you rant or yk just be there while you let it all out
hes also jus SO HUGGABLE !1?1?1?
lets gosh he’s so cute and you jus wanna hug him becAuSe whO wouLdnT wanT thAt
so you do hug him and he juS UGH HUGS YOU
and mind you... It’s so comforting?
idk why but i feel like he’d smell rlly sweet oK moVinG oN
i feel like if you’re crying while hugging him he’d be the type to be caressing your head
“It’s ok i’m here everything’s gonna be okay”
imagine if he also sings “because i love you” with his guitar or humming it to make you feel better tHats SoCuTe oHmYgosh
and when you’re all better he jus suggest to cuddle cuz deep down he’s tired but he’s never too tired for you
there’s jus really chill music in the bg while you enjoy each others warmth
i had a little help from @y0ngs95candy
can i just say i get softboyfriend!renjun vibes?
ok so i feel like renjun would be doing sum artsy stuff while chilling with you
painting together UGH OMG CUTE
but then he notices how awfully quiet you are
then he looks at you tryna figure out what’s wrong and what’s going thru ur head
then when you do look back he gives you that :] smile of his
I honestly think renjun would just be the type to listen while looking down and nod
like he’s probs jus intently listening to you
then after he jus scoots towards you and hugs you and tucks your hair behind your ear
and you jus sit in such comfortable silence
then he jus gets your hand and interlocks it with his and his thumb caresses the back of your hand making your heart bUrSt
then after a while you just look up at him and he just gives you his :] smile again and you just laugh
which makes him laugh so the mood just becomes even lighter
then to make you feel better he asks “Can I sing you a song?”
And you nod because you just love hearing his voice uH who doesnT?
but to your surprise he sings....
and you both just burst out laughing
but after that the atmosphere goes back and you both jus go back to hugging
and he hums “My Everything” by NCT U and you just sigh because it’s so calming
Idk why but I get the vibes you guys jus walk late a night together hand in hand
so you guys were jus casually walking and your head was down the whole time
then jeno obvs notices because you’re usually talking about how your day went
so he squeezes your hand and smiles
“hey babe i know a convenience store nearby”
so he dragged you there and made you a full convenience store meal (ramen with your fave sides)
then you ate together in the tables outside
“I hope it makes you feel better” ( ◠‿◠ )
I swear his smile is so cute oHmYgOsh uR heart always jus BOOMBOOMBOOM
and there and then you just opened up
but deep down you felt better bec he made sure that you were always comfortable first
then after he jus listened and caressed your cheek and you jus closed your eyes and enjoyed his touch
after he took your hand and brought you to a mini claw machine and tried his best to win you a mini stuffed toy
Which he did and he was PROUD that jus was jus jumping around happily
then you just continued walking hand in hand and you kissed his cheek as a thank u
and his eye jus went wide while his ears turned red and he jus look at you back and forth while touching his cheek
for this gamer!hyuck jus popped into my head
so he’s gaming and you were kinda down and unlike with the other members scenario you are clingy af with hyuck
so when you were down you decided to slip into his arms and sit on his lap
Because you jus love the comforts of his hugs especially during these times
he doesn’t push you away instead he kisses your temple and says “hey baby”
and even though he was playing his warmth and hugs jus made you feel so safe that you broke down
then he felt the tears on his shoulder and neck and his heart jus broke
he immediately paused his game and started caressing your back
you could hear the members yelling through his earphones asking why he paused but at that moment he jus cared about you
he showered you in kisses and pulled you away from his chest to wipe your tears and to tuck your hair behind your ear
then he jus connected your heads anD you couLdnT hElp bUt smiLe CUZ UGH HES AMAZING
then he asked you what was wrong and you jus told him everything
he then quit his game and carried you onto the bed and immediately cuddled you
you jus listened to him humming and you were engulfed by his warmth
and you jus fell asleep in his arms
i feel as though jaemin came over to grill sum bbq because he was craving it and wanted to eat it with you
so as he was cooking the meat he realized you were jus poking at your food
at first he asked if his cooking sucked you jus shook you head no
“If my baby doesn’t eat then I’m gonna be sad and we don’t want that..”
but then before he could continue he realized you were really down
so he turned off the electric grill and sat down beside you
“Why is my baby sad” he said as he cupped your face in his hands
and then the tears started to appear in your eyes
and he immediately wiped it dragging you out of the kitchen to the living room
he then went to grab a blanket from the room and put it over both your shoulders
and just let you lean your head on his shoulder
he took your hand and intertwined it with his
and you took a deep breath and jus let it all out
these were rare moments where jaemin would actually be serious and listened to you
once you finished you both jus sat there in comfortable silence
until he stood up and you gave him a look that screamed WhAt wHere Are yOu gOinG?1!1?
he jus smiled and came back with your bag full of skin care supplies wearing his bunny facewash headband
and then you both just laughed and sat there doing each others masks and skincare
Chenle really loves daegal so we shall include Daegal here
so you visited chenle’s apartment because you knew being around him always made you feel better
you both played with daegal until he noticed something off about you
you were’t really being obvs but he jus knows
then he jus gets up and sits beside you putting his head on your shoulder
and you both jus sat there holding daegal until he chose to run away
that’s when it was so silent and chenle jus goes fine fine if you won’t tell me that’s ok
Then he turns away fake crying and after pretending to be asleep
then you were laughing so hard until you finally decided
BOOM you open up
at that moment chenle gets up to sit on the couch and places your head on his lap while he plays with your hair while listening
and even if you’re letting everything out your heart was jus meLtiNg
then he jus listening and understood you
afterwards he jus put you on his lap your back facing him
and hugged you while placing his chin in your shoulder and started singing your fave song
you both jus sat there in his living room both wrapped around under one blanket with chenle’s voice filling the room
Then daegal felt left out and decided to run up and sit on your lap
after struggling to get up the couch
I feel like he would’ve called you outta nowhere saying to open your door because he has something to show you
so at first when you open the door looking all down and something
i don’t think he notices
he’ll jus continue to be showing you all happy and excited
and ngl that lowkey made you feel better cuz he looks so proud and cute
so when he finishes you let him inside
and while walking in he’s like asking you all questions like
“Hey babe what did you do today..”
“Hey babe what did you eat today..”
“Hey babe....”
and after a few questions he realizes you seem really off
and he has a look of realization and jus
“Are you okay?”
and you nod yes because you didn’t want him to worry
but he’s like
“AniYa aniYa” and walks to the couch and jus signals you to go to him with his *im tryna be helpful and serious face*
and you laugh and while you walk there he welcomes you with open arms and you jus open up to him and he gave you the cutest reactions
“AH JINJA?” “Omo omo”
and those little things jus helped you feel better
afterwards you jus suggested to watch a movie together to make you feel better
then he jus tried to cheer you up by being all cute but he kept scolding himself
so you jus stood up and hugged him and gave him a peck and he jus turned red
after you jus hugged while watching the movie and him questioning everything happening on the screen
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chibichibisha · 3 years
Introducing: Masayuki Jinja! (and me rambling about what I think he'd think about Yuusa after seeing previous posts and stuff you've made abdbajhdka)
Now this can go one of two ways depending on first impressions, so I'll see how much energy I got and write as much as my brain can come up with if that's cool with ya!
Quick summary - Masayuki has had his fair share of horrible experiences regarding cosmic horrors, cordyceps zombie mushrooms, mishmash tentacle demons of the undead etc. As a result of him being my version of Yuu if they were pulled from the 'World of Horror' game universe. How fun! :D
1 - Good first impressions!
Yuusa definitely has a far better first impression compared to most... Beings... That Masayuki has encountered (if you ignore the lack of lips, but I wouldn't be surprised if he shrugged it off)
And if Introductions go well without revelations of less shrug-off-able traits (cuthulu tentacles or what-have-you) then I can see Masayuki being fairly amicable and calm around Yuusa until he catches wind of what they can sorta do (like with the sandwich). He'll treat them like any of his friends - likely minus the bear hugs and hair ruffles if they're not fond of them the first time he does them.
And with the revelation of the ~wrigglers~, while Masayuki would be significantly more on edge around Yuusa, it would be far less likely that Masayuki will lash out with a swing of his crowbar (a fate bestowed upon those who tried to maim, murder, or possess my favourite man in the past) - although this would only be the case if he's befriended Yuusa since it's a habit born from self preservation at this point,,,
He'll be jumpy around Yuusa at times - but is able to coexist with them if this is the case. And hey, maybe being pals with them could help him with the hypervigilance. Or make it worse. I'm not too sure.
2 - Bad first impressions...
This can happen any number of ways. I doubt that their attitude would lead to them not getting along with Masayuki on meeting - especially given the fact that I get the impression that they could be anarchist buddies (correct me if I'm wrong) - But I'm not sure how they tend to really act when in a bad mood, so I could be wrong. The biggest way I can see this happening, though, is if he sees something like the sandwich incident before meeting Yuusa.
Masayuki's general disposition towards Yuusa would be extremely cautious, and I doubt that he'd be able to sleep, relax, or potentially eat in their presence given how he tends to react to similar presences. It's a 50/50 chance of him picking fight or flight, but if he sees that others get along with Yuusa then chances are hell opt for flight and just keep his distance while being on guard in case anything were to happen.
Given the fact that they're both in the MC/Yuu/Magicless squad (yell at me if I'm wrong my memory is terrible) if we're going off of the game then they'd probably get dumped at Ramshackle together. In this scenario, Masayuki will not sleep until he passes out (don't worry, he can sleep standing up)
Along with that, idk much about Yuusa's eating habits, but I am curious as to what they'd think if they witnessed Masayuki eating a mask made out of pumpkin rind imbued with protective magical energy because he was hungry (I was able to do it in the game he's based off of so, naturally, Masayuki can and will do it as well)
(sorry this is so long/if I made mistakes - I checked through any mentions of Yuusa to make sure I wasn't completely messing up on something that I should/would know, but chances are I may have messed up somewhere so feel free to delete this/correct me if this is too long/if I've made mistakes I hope you have a nice day sjavsisnsosi bye)
OMG I DIDN'T EXPECT SUCH A LONG ASK, HONESTLY DFHFHFG but it's okay, it's okay!! I always like more context than nothing at all!! So this is good, don't worry.
And I think you got it pretty well? As I said, I do not treat Yuusa as my other twst oc's, because Yuusa is not a serious character. The concept and idea in Yuusa is to have them doing weird things in the story, and making the characters uncomfortable about this, because they should treat as a normal magicless human that came from other world, but they are not notmal at all, and it's very hard to overlook or ignore this. They comment things breaking the 4th wall like mentioning why they are designed different than them, or how they are able to appear and reappear like nothing, and yet Yuusa seems to be unfit and without any magic skill at all, and not knowing anything at all. So I think it's very normal that Masayuki would find them unsettling, it's what Yuusa is meant to be.
They would think Masayuki is weird, and jufging him because of this, and be very ironic because Yuusa is the most weird person there after all, somehow this weirdo is not aware of his own aura.
So yeah, I think they wouldn't be enemies or something, they both lean to the more chaotic side so that would help, but I like to picture that they would be horror survivor/inhuman horror spawn dynamic in a not serious context (Because Yuusa is not serious, they do not have a backstory not a reason to be there, they just are there, they exist there even if sometimes they dont want to be aknowledged by the rest). So yeah, maybe not super friends, but they could live under the same roof!
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thelanternwielder · 4 years
I’m putting this ask under a “read more” link. It’s a little weird (but not suggestive or horrifying). Just weird ówò;
In short: Anon suggests a soap opera au for Monsuno
Get ready, I'm gona say the most fucked up au what could be. 1...2...3... Monsuno, but as weird tv series with "brazilian" scenarios, I mean all in love some body, some people find out their neighbor or old friends is their relaative, who gone missing, this scenario. Chase will be still trying to find his parents. Six will be thinking he has Hargrave and Klipse as family (and "uncle" Dom) *actually in all this scenario should be a scene, where Hargrave doing weird last times, Klipse asking what is wrong with him, and he answers what he's pregnant, it's one of tropes of such tv series*, and Chase after finding out about Six's origin will be arguing about it with Klipse, like family drama or something like that, about other TCT, Beyal and his sis already fitting for that, and so Dax too,and Bren. Jinja's trope is love Beyal and Dax, and this is love triangle.
Huh, what you’re describing to me is what English speakers would normally refer to as a soap opera (or if you’re Australian, a soapie). That’s fascinating to me that in Russian, they’re “brazilian”
Now to stop beating around the bush and address the ask
Honestly, it would be kinda funny if Monsuno was reimagined as a soap opera. There is enough tension between characters for that to happen (especially among TCT, when written correctly)
And if Strike Squad are part of this (which they should be), Jinja’s love triangle becomes a love quadrangle (thanks Alpha you bisexual mess)
And I’m guessing that Hargrave is trans in this? I mean, it’s not unheard of for some guys choosing to fall pregnant (I’ve heard of one case being reported in the news). But, at that age, he would’ve gone through menopause and thus be unable to fall pregnant
Unless, you’re actually suggesting that Hargrave’s response to Klipse’s questioning is very sarcastic and isn’t actually pregnant
Overall, your au is not that...”fucked up” (as you phrased it), but you had to throw in that curveball didn’t you?
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shinidamachu · 5 years
InuYasha Themed Asks
Shikon no Tama: if you could change anything about the manga/anime/movies what would that be?
Osuwari: favorite "sit, boy" moment?
Tessaiga: a character you would like to kill?
Tenseiga: a character you would bring back from death?
Hi Nezumi no Kawagoromo: a character you would like to protect?
Honekui no Ido: favorite moment in Kagome's time.
Hiraikotsu: who is your favorite demon?
Kazaana: what is your favorite power/skill/weapon?
Higurashi-jinja: what is your favorite scenario?
Shinidamachū: who/what is your favorite sidekick/pet
Saimyōshō: what is your least favorite comic/episode/movie?
Kotodama no Nenju: aside of InuYasha, what character would you put the Beads of Subjugation on?
Shichinintai: which one is your favorite friendship?
WcDonald's: favorite running joke?
Goshinboku: how did you get into InuYasha?
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eternalnight8806-3 · 5 years
Higurashi-jinja: what is your favorite scenario?
I'm not 100% sure what this is asking, but I'm gonna go with what's my favorite scene.
I adore the scene where InuYasha cries after Kagome almost dies from Mukotsu's poison. This scene showed how much he truly loved her at this point.
Appreciate the ask, dear!
Send me an InuYasha Themed Ask!
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rktingyan-blog · 5 years
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scenario: tingyan is forcibly convinced decides to sign up for the mgas. time & place: july 1st, resturaunt in gangnam  word count: 1,563 notes: in case anyone was curious, jinjae is just a npc i placed in to help further her development! ofc this isn’t an official part of the event but this is a pretty big shift for her so i thought it deserved an explanation!  
it all started with a drink.
the same as any other she had in seoul, sipped in the comfort of a booth at the restaurant near her home. the food was alright, the service a little slow, but it was a minute's walk from her apartment and it meant she could get home as late as she wanted (or as drunk as she wanted), all without the worry of meeting trouble on the way. in front of her sat choi jaejin, her endearingly nerdy friend and computer science major. while they attended the same school, they'd coincidentally met through dance classes, and from there hung out outside of practice and around campus. though the atmosphere was more of a hideout for blind dates and couples who wouldn't last past two weeks, the pair used it as their way to cram for impending exams.  
"can i have a drink?" the female asked desperately, reaching for the red bottle to satisfy her craving. with a quickness, her hand was swatted away, jaejin's eyes alone doing the job to scold her. "no, noona! we've got an exam in 2 days, and you're stress drinking again. we can't study properly when you're drunk, you know."
and she did. a whine of frustration signals her to lay her head on the table, downturned lips resembling a child's pout. they were in hour 3 of studying already, and the food they had been enjoying was long gone - all that was remaining were straw wrappers and a bill they'd still been arguing over. tingyan's eyes wander from the table, to the customers, to jaejin - anywhere but the books in front of her. it wasn't that she wasn't willing to learn, but the whole process had been incredibly frustrating. she had her korean in a few short days, and she couldn't be more lost. she had the basics - evident in her extensive conversations with jaejin - but she swore she was being made to learn things even natives got lost on.
"break?" jaejin proposes, looking pitifully down at the girl who, upon observing, was blowing the hair in front of her eyes with a frown. she couldn't have been any more eager, popping up from her position to give a smile and yes! as confirmation. call her lazy, but she'd had enough - and wasn't just talking to him practice in itself? in sync, the two pull out their phones, which they'd hesitantly vowed not to use during studying unless needed for the lesson. tingyan immediately jumped to tap instagram, an app she'd grown obsessed with since it'd become readily available in korea. just as she was about to make mention of jaejin not liking her recent photo of them together, his giddy ohs! fill her ears.
"tingyan-noona, oh my gosh! look!" still gasping, the younger slid the phone across the table to her viewpoint. as soon as the familiar naver colors came to view, she shielded her eyes, losing interest immediately. "don't care," she noted nonchalantly, turning her focus to an attractive customer passing the table. sure, she had an interest in korean entertainment - it stemmed from a yearning for something more, something exciting, all the way back in china. she liked the music - but it stopped at that. while she admired many artists, she simply wasn't interested in the drama these types of blogs had to deliver. why should she care who was dating who and what happened where? they were fully functioning adults - and it wasn't her business, anyway.
"no, no, it's not a gossip post! look closer." if it wasn't for the fact that rejecting his proposal would mean a shorter break, she would have dismissed him quicker than she had the first time around.  but tingyan wanted a break, so, giving the most irritated sigh she can muster, brings her face closer to the screen. in bold, almost mocking her distaste for viewing the article, reads -
mnet? mga? both names were very familiar to her, her teenage years, as well as her college ones, spent stressing over eliminations and winners of the popular show. nowadays, between work and intense study sessions such as these, tingyan just couldn't find time to do many leisure activities. but why was he so excited?
"yeah, and?" she asked, sneaking a sip of his wine before he could catch her in the act. sure, she was surprised the new season had came around this quick without her noticing, but was it worth him getting so excited? they were in their 5th season now, and every year they had practically become apart of the regular tv routine.
"don't you see?" a frustrated jaejin rushed to retrieve his phone, and only upon looking at the screen did he understand her confusion. "oh! my bad - look!" scrolling down, the final words are revealed -
okay. so maybe she did get a little excited, but she took a sip of the neglected water beside her so he wouldn't see her grin. "no, no," she says firmly, waving the thought away with her hand. "i'm not even going there with you, jaejin." her hands clap together, as if they've smacked away the idea. "come on, let's study." that's a sentence she hadn't expected to say.
"no! i don't want to, you need to see this." how the roles have reversed! adamantly, he brings the device forward, looking so deeply into her eyes that even tingyan can't look away.
"noona. listen to me." the typically meek younger's stern behavior surprised her, and with an eyebrow raised tingyan silently challenges his attitude. "sorry, i mean....noona, please. you - you'e gotta do it, okay? i knw you can! i see you at the studio, you're really good."
"that's not all it takes to become an idol, jaejin!" she argues. "people who join the mjas have lots of talents - not just one. and they're really good at them. look at me. i can barely pass this korean exam! how do you think i'd have a conversation on line tv?"
"i know that! in fact, you probably won't win!" tingyan would be offended, but, taking the reality of the situation she knows her fate well. "it's not about that. it's about gaining experiences! and i know you know korean, for how easily you're yelling at me now." his attitude was still there, but it's a little tamed, learning from his first mistake that giving sass wasn't going to help get his point across.
no words are said by tingyan; her manicured fingertips are too busy tapping on the glass to drown out the words she knows are true but doesn't want to hear.
"....didn't you say you wanted to feel fulfilled? that you wanted to give music a shot and see if it was something you wanted to do? this could be your chance." it was true, she'd confessed that just weeks prior when she'd had a breakdown following poor feedback from her modeling agency. modeling was fun, and for now it made money, but it was one thing to her - a hobby. it didn't leave her with the same lingering excitement a successful day at dance did, something jaejin knew well from her rare bubbliness after walking home from dance class.he knew better than anyone else, so although she's trying to conjure up some possible excuse she knows there's none that will give her a true pass.
"okay. so say i did do this....mga audition thing. what else am i supposed to do? i just dance."
jaejin cheered in victory, knowing this was the closest to a yes as he'd gotten all night. "well..." he didn't even know, evident in the way he puffs his cheeks out, pondering - a quirk linked to jaejin's confusion she'd caught onto long ago. "you can sing good enough! and...what if you do something that's not necessarily performing for your special skill? that's the whole point! you're super tingyan, i know you've got it."
even the iced over woman can't help the smile that reveals itself at the sound of the familiar nickname, eyes furrowing as she genuinely thinks it over. was could it hurt? her job had flexible hours, so she would be able to make it to auditions. she was turning 20 this year, and knew that both the modeling and entertainment industry waited for no one - she'd have to make a choice. sooner or later, time would catch up with her and she'd be forced to give up on her true dream if she didn't live it out now.
but before she makes a real decision, her hand reached to the bottle of wine - just one more sip would help her think clearly. but no, the opportunity was gone before it even truly presents itself, as her younger friend moved the bottle from her grasp.
"i said no! you want alcohol? fine. but you're not getting a drop until you make a decision."
giving the meanest death glare she can muster, the woman crosses her arms, hhoping for a compromise. nothing. when it's clear jaejin's not budging, tingyan cocks her head to the side in agitation.
"fine. i'll do it."
the words are mumbled as grudgingly as possible, but they're there, and before she had time to process her promise, the future auditioner drowns her thoughts with the wine she's quick to grab ahold of.
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Also, monsuno next to other cartoon from that time looks more depressing and kinda more realistic..? Klipse is not exacly villian, but just mad dude who thinks can rule world but later just became tired, look like dud with problems, and he doesnt really look like a threat cause his plans are even ruining by himself, and of course if someone is messing it wont work too. There is more like dark family and moral issues than threat like in bakugan or other. Not exacly adventures but fillers with main characters being brats to anyone, or even to themselves is case of Dax, Chase and Jinja being main brats, or just suffering from attacks on them from militaries and Klipse. I couldnt see it as a kid then, since it really was a depression, or I was falling asleep. Then it was kinda torture for me. Now, I understand some shit here and kinda enjoy it's darkness. When after ten years I found that Klipse had son, and with Chase, I was like o_0.
Other cartoons had better made scenario, and interesting, and here is like I was wantching some weird bandits/mafia VS Police/investigator series for old people. Both making bad things, but one is better by scenario.
I can’t blame you for thinking that Monsuno is a realist and depressing show. Monsuno aired on 2012 and ran until 2014. The early to mid 2010s animated shows and animes were getting rather edgy and more mature. Monsuno was another show that followed that trend and survived for more than two seasons when some of its competitors from Disney were getting axed on their first season. That’s a huge deal since even Nickelodeon was willing to axe some of its own shows on the first season. And while Monsuno had some cringy or bad episodes since shows can’t be perfect, Monsuno managed to keep a coherent narrative during its run. So kudos for you to watch it again even if it’s been a decade!
I loved the early to mid 2010s in terms of shows and storylines kinda out of bias. They’re the reason I wanted to be better in writing when I can’t even write well in middle school. I loved how shows weren’t scared of either being cringe or being too edgy and just showed what they can to viewers without upping their age range of viewership.
I also agree that both Klipse and STORM have suffered from Team Core Tech being brats, and despite their designation of being villains and antagonists, you can help but feel bad for them on some episodes because they’re being brats. It’s understandable why Chase and Dax would be sassy brats who run their mouths since their family life isn’t that great with Chase having an absentee father and Dax losing his family at a young age, but Jinja is on thin ice. I get your family doesn’t care about you, but Bren has done nothing to deserve the 24/7 verbal abuse you put him through, and then we find out about Brent’s family situation and her actions towards him are much worse since Bren possibly has depression from all the bullying in his life and can still be that strong. Beyal is 100% the least problematic of their group since he’s just a naive monk who never got out of his home and still learning about the world.
Klipse dealing with them probably made his delusions of being a king to Monsunos and mankind worse since he’s so tired of dealing with those kids after dealing with Charlemagne and STORM. He’s sleep deprived and raising children who want his attention, he’s wanting to rule so he can get his peace and quiet.
Also, sorry that you had to find out about Six after ten years. Anyone would have been shocked and concerned about that fact that Six is a clone of Klipse and Chase. Like I still talk to my sister about Six and she’s shocked about his situation after we got a better understanding of Six’s situation.
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JinJae AU / Worse than Hell! (Part Three)
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Park Jinyoung Plot: Jaebum and Jinyoung are arch enemies and that for centuries. When heaven and hell’s war comes to a pause, both of them are expelled to live on earth, for different reasons. With only a minimum of there powers, they have to survive a human’s everyday life. And according to Jinyoung earth is even worse than hell. (Heaven/Hell!AU) Warnings: Blood, Swearing, Blasphemy (In a way, or maybe not, idk), Smut, Masturbation, dirty thoughts… Words:  Part One/Two
A/N: So I’m like just a quick build up for the smut, oh… already over thousand words, let’s continue in the next chapter. I just got carried away. But smut in the next part!!!
The whole thing between Jinyoung and Jaebum didn’t get any better, the next few days. Jaebum was still weak and in pain, while the demon couldn’t stop all those thoughts about the other. Which means Jinyoung had to deal with boner’s in the most awkward situations. It’s a miracle that the angel hasn’t noticed it yet. That’s also why Jinyoung finds himself in this situation again. He is in the bathroom a moaning mess, and he just wants to cum with Jaebums name on his lips. A name that he has moaned way too often the past days. But those damn teenager hormones always leave him unsatisfied and horn, especially when he is in the angel’s presence. Okay, to be fair the other is fucking hot, but still, Jinyoung has seen many attractive creaturs in his life, but Jaebum somehow is special. “Jaebum!” That word rolled so easily over his lips, and he wasn’t even quite because the other should be taking a nap.  Jinyoung strokes got quicker and he thrust into his hand, seeking release. “Hey, is ever…"  Jinyoung shrieked at the sudden interruption, quickly grabbing a towel to cover himself, looking at a bewildered Angel, that was standing in the door his mouth a gab. "I’m sorry…I…” It wasn’t usual for the angel to stutter, but seeing the other in this situation, even for a small moment, was…how to put it…weird?…but not bad…it’s just confusing. The angel could swear that he had heard the other say his name, which happens a lot lately, but it seemed to be imaginations. “I’m sorry, maybe you should lock the door when you…” He vaguely pointed to the other’s crotch and one look was enough to see that the demon was still erected. Quickly Jaebum takes a step back, closing the door before hurrying away, grabbing a bag deciding to get food.  But the angel couldn’t get rid of the image that had burned himself in his vision. It’s not like Jaebum is a virgin, his last time might be ages ago, but during the most awful times of war, wasn’t that much time for stuff like this, but seeing the demon in this state, definitely brought feelings back. Jinyoung was still burning from embarrassment and he was sure that he will never be able to look the angel in his exes. How could he have been som mindless, and forget to lock the door? Has the angel heard him moaning? Only the thought of it made Jinyoung sighed in frustration. Now Jaebum thinks even lower of him. Just great. The other was in the kitchen preparing a meal, literally acting like Jinyoung wasn’t laying on the couch watching him. To the demon’s surprise, Jaebum knew how to cook and was even willing to do so, for both of their sake. Whatever he was preparing it smelled delicious and what’s also delicious is the sight Jinyoung has on the angel. Jaebum’s broad shoulder’s and fine ass, are just a view, Jinyoung appreciated. And there are the thoughts again. Jinyoung sighted, getting the other’s attention. “Don’t worry, I’m finished soon.” He told the younger. And he didn’t lie after a few minutes they were both seated at the small table, opposite to each other, silently eating their meal. It was pretty awkward and none of them knew what to say, because after the incident earlier, both were only blushing when looking at the other. After finishing their meals, Jinyoung did the dishes, while Jaebum decided to watch something. The whole day Jaebum’s back had arched terrible and the pain had only gotten worse. He knew the reason for it, but he couldn’t do anything about it. “You alright?” Jinoung who had finished and joined the older had noticed the constant shifting and the painful expression. “Yeah, I’m fine!” Jaebum lied to embarrassed to admit, what was going on. But of course, Jinyoung wouldn’t let it go. “Are you still in pain. Is it because of the bar fight. Let me see!” He shifted closer, reaching for the other’s shirt. Quickly Jaebum backed away, startling the demon. “What?” “I just…” The angel trailed off, not knowing how to put it. “Come on tell me how bad can it be?” Jinyoung urged him to answer. “My wings.” Was all Jaebum could say, never breaking the eye contact. “What’s with them?” “They were hurt from the fall and when the guy in the bar hit me with the chair it only mad it worse…” “Let me see!” Jinyoung demanded, being genuinely concern about the other’s well being because he knows how sensitive wings are. “I…” but Jaebum knew that Jinyoung wouldn’t take a no for an answer, slowly he pulled the shirt over his head, standing up. “Okay you should move away and close your eyes, I don’t want to burn your eyes out!” Jinyoung obeyed, taking a few steps away from the shirtless angel, trying to look anywhere else. When he was far away he closed his eyes, waiting for what will come. Even through his closed eyes, he could make out a bright light and he heard Jaebum groan in pain. “You can look now,” Jaebum informed him, a little out of breath. Slowly Jinyoung opened his eyes, being completely astonished at the sight in front of him. He might be a demon, but still, this is the first time he sees an angel’s wings. They were utterly beautiful. Pitch black feathers! Automatically Jinyoung reached forward brushing his fingertips over one of the wings. Jaebum shuttered at the contact. “They are…breathtaking!” Jiynyoung mumbled, taking in the sight. “Really?"Jaebum was confused. "Look at their state, it’s horrible!” Jinyoung looked at them closer and yes he could see the many feathers that were missing the dried blood, but still, they were the most beautiful thing he ever saw. “Should I help you?” He asked. “Do you really want to?” The demon nodded, reaching for a few feather, brushing through them, a few fell off, dropping to the ground. Quickly Jinyoung got a wet towel starting to clean the wings, getting rid of the blood and dead feathers. The younger was too caught up in his work to notice the impact his actions had on the other. Jaebum took all his left energy to compose himself. Jiynoung’s touches were doing things to him. Not able to hold it in, he groaned, when the demon brushed over his sensitive wing. “Did I hurt you!” Jinyoung immediately stopped, looking anxious, not wanting to hurt the other. “No, no keep going."  He didn’t want the other to stop. Gently the younger went back to work, making Jaebum moan again because he wasn’t able to keep them in anymore. "I’m hurting you, right? I’m so sorry!” Jinyoung apologized. “No that’s not it…” Jaebum felt embarrassed, but to be honest it’s already too late. “What?” “I…” Jae bums eyes travelled, down and the demon followed, gasping at the sight. “Oh…” Jaebum was about to tun away, feeling like he was invading the other’s privacy. Quickly Jinyoung grabbed his wrist keeping the other in place. He reached out, letting his fingertips travel over the sensitive wings, making Jaebum shutter in bliss. “So you like when I touch your wings?” Jaebum nodded, stifling a moan. “Does it make you want to fuck me?” Jinyoung asked bluntly, being turned on himself. “Yes!”
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Daily Dad Discussions
( Bands present- BTS, EXO, SVT, NCT, GOT7 )
Seokjin : I see the glass as half full and yoongi sees it as half empty . That's why we make a good team. Jungkook, on the other hand just drinks right out of the bottle. Namjoon wonders why it has to be glass and Taehyung usually breaks the glass by putting his feet up on the table.
Suho : how does your house even manage to function ?
Seokjin : Are you really gonna judge divorced mother of 8 with one son stuck in China ?
Jeonghan :
Taeyong :
Jinyoung : * slowly sips wine *
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codehunter · 2 years
passing a variable into a jinja import or include from a parent html file
The scenario would be:
"you have a variable called person which contains a number of fields like name, address, etc which you want to pass to a partial piece of html" - this solution could be results from a search for customers for example
<div id="item"> <ul> <li> <span>{{name}}</span> <span>{{address}}</span> <li> </ul></div>
<div id="result"> {% include "snippet.html" passing {{person}} %}</div>
What is the best way to achieve this. In the documentation it talks about passing context around everywhere, but that seems to me to be a rather large object when rendering templates. surely it is easier to pass specific objects into each template?
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