#jimmy's the one that got him sick
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fox-guardian · 11 days ago
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[ID: Drawings featuring a very sick Curly from Mouthwashing and also Jimmy. The first drawing shows him wrapped in a blanket, sweating and holding a steaming mug with a red and puffy face and teary eyes. He is unshaven and his hair is a mess. He is labelled "ill".
The second image is a comic showing Curly on a couch under a blanket with Jimmy in a nearby chair reading a newspaper.
Curly: uuuu.... my head huuuurts.... mmmmhuuuu.... Jimmy, lowering the paper: (all caps) Oh my god what the fuck do you want. Curly: no no it's fine I'm jus' complaining, I can take care of myse- Jimmy, standing up and leaning over to him, properly yelling: (all caps) I said what do you want, I'll get it for you. Curly, ducking and holding his head: oooowwww
The third image shows Curly on the couch again with his arm hanging off the edge, face still puffy and teary, with Jimmy on the floor next to him, leaning against the couch and looking at a thermometer.
Jimmy: You're lucky to have me here, you know. Curly: thangs jibby.... Jimmy: Yeah, yeah.
end ID]
i'm sick so i'm making it curly's problem. feat jimmy.
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citruslullabies · 5 months ago
Curly Mouthwashing headcannons
Pre-crash Curly:
He is just so sweet
Curly is a very nice guy, but with you it's just deadly how nice he is
He's not one for PDA. Captain and all, gotta keep a professional look, y'know?
But whenever you two are alone, I like to think he likes to have his arms loosely wrapped around your hips and his head resting on your stomach
His favorite places to rest his head are on your stomach and chest
Yes ladies, gentlemen, and lades, he doesn't mind those weird noises everyone's stomach makes. And he doesn't mind hearing your heartbeat hammer out of your chest
But I imagine that Curly has a big thing for smells
The captain woke up with a groan, sighing and taking his first conscious breath of the day. His senses are flooded with the smell of you all around him, making his brain numb as he smiled and leaned further into you to drown in the smell.
Smell like vanilla and this can will literally die
He seems like he loves smells like vanilla and lemon
But he loves the way you practically swallow him while with your eyes
The way you look at him with such love and adoration, and not just because he's the captain
It makes him swoon every time
Fantasizes about marrying you and starting a family, but wouldn't push for it first. He wants to wait for you to be ready
You're his sweetheart and he loves you so much
Post-crash curly:
He wishes you didn't have to see him like this.
He feels like the shell of who he once was
Not the strong captain you loved, but rather a failure who can't do anything to help anyone. Not even himself.
Whenever you come and spend time with him, his eye looks to you in yearning
He yearns to hold you like he once did. Yearns to talk to you like he once did
He wants nothing more than to call you beautiful and compliment the same outfit you wear every day
He wants to lay against your stomach or your chest
The only sense of familiarity in your dynamic is your scent flooding his senses and your eyes.
How can you still look at him that way??
How could you see a man and not a monster?
He was partially to blame for this, after all. He failed everyone and was paying the consequences.
But you looked at him with such love..
It killed him when he saw you at that table.
Pre-crash Curly:
Kind smiles and fist bumps all day long
He offers help whenever he can, wanting to make sure you were comfortable. You were friends after all and his responsibility
You got a problem? Hes there to listen
He just.. can't do anything about it
He doesn't have much of a backbone, and you learn that quick.
You two grew close. Maybe even closer than him and Jimmy were
But after what happened with Anya..
You couldn't even look at him anymore due to his negligence
Looking at him made you sick. He was a good friend but a horrible captain
"look, I just- I don't know what you expect me to do about this." He says with a tired sigh, exhausted from the work of a captain and the never ending piling issues. He watched as your eyes narrowed in his direction as if he was as awful as Jimmy, but before he could speak, you walked off with a scoff.
Post-crash curly:
He feels humiliated, same as with romantic
But your eyes don't feel welcoming.
He feels nothing but pity but a sense of the feeling that he deserved this in your eyes
Every time you see him, you're quiet
He wishes he could talk to break the ice
He always was the ice breaker.. but not anymore. Not unless you counted the noises of choking and gargling on your own blood and vomit.
But he always felt a sense of emptiness when you finally left
He failed you. And he failed everybody else.
He just hoped you would forgive him
And that this wouldn't hurt
Thanks for reading!!
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checkeredflagggs · 6 months ago
Three Hearts Left
Pairing: max verstappen x fem!gamer!reader
summary: fans (and friends) are shocked when they find max is married and to who
a/n: I’m only a casual gamer so take it with a grain of salt
a/n 2: sorry it’s a really late - the weather hates me personally (it is actually September and doesn’t need to be 85* 😡) and it drained my creativity also I got hella sick so 🤷🏻‍��️
a/n 3: I know I use the name Twitter when talking about that site. I’ll stop deadnaming it when musk rat does too
a/n 4: still not feeling 100% but I wanted to get this out for max’s bday!!
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Welcome to the CatTree with the paw prints 🐾 ! I’m just a cat 🐈 mom Lady™ who loves the gaming but not the camera 📷. I’ve been playing games all my life and have been streaming for 3 years — as a hobby, not a full time job. I love my 2 cats, my handsome man, and you 🫵 all my lovely fans. You most definitely make all this worthwhile so mwah mwah 💋💋 (video)
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catpawsgaming: here we go! Baldur’s Gate 3 has been highly highly requested — so I bought it! …yesterday and forgot about it cause curse of capitalism I still have my day job 😭 but away we go!
As always, if you didn’t manage to catch my livestream it’ll be on my page and I’ll be uploading it to my YouTube channel tomorrow! My YouTube will have the 3 usual versions (one unedited with my reactions, one with just the game play, and one with no sound at all but with closed captions)
Next stream date and game tbh announced but will probably be this Sunday with Animal Crossing (fingers crossed 🤞🤞 I finally get a good turnip price 😭😭 Daisy Mae hasn’t been kind to me lately…)
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user1: guuuurrrrrrrllll it’s about time you got bg3! We been waiting
↳ catpawsgaming: definitely worth the wait though! I had so much fun and it was so hard to stop for the night
↳ user2: for sure it was 🤣 your reactions to shadowheart and astarion were hilarious
↳ catpawsgaming: they clocked my type on point
user3: glad we convinced you to become a bard! You’ll rock it 💙
↳ catpawsgaming: ok but this the closest you will get me to actually performing so enjoy it while it lasts
↳ user3: not gonna sing along?
↳ catpawsgaming: 🤣🤣🤣 🫵 🤡
↳ catpawsgaming: absolutely not.
↳ catpawsgaming: also handsome just bust out laughing at the thought of me singing so…🙄🙄🙄 he’s lucky I love him
↳ handsome: I am very lucky liefje
↳ user3: ahhhh we were so close to her singing but also awwww cause handsome is here!!
handsome: liefje this was amazing
↳ catpawsgaming: thank you 🥰🥰
↳ catpawsgaming: but also you were laughing at me the entire night so…
↳ catpawsgaming: not sure how much I believe you
↳ handsome: well I didn’t say it was good…
↳ catpawsgaming: 🤨😒😔😢
↳ handsome: 🥰🥰🥰
user4: oh to have a man that will spend hours with you doing separate hobbies together…
↳ catpawsgaming: gotta admit it’s the dream
↳ handsome: you’re the dream liefje
↳ user4: ok there handsome, no need to get sappy here on MY comment thread
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mv1updates: Max was streaming today! Just a short one but highly entertaining. Jimmy (or Sassy? I’m honestly baffled and for the life of me can’t tell them apart 😢) caused a small disturbance in the middle of his stream then slept the rest away in Max’s lap 😍
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user5: that was sooooo adorable!! Love seeing more cat dad Max
↳ user6: same! And don’t feel bad admin - I can’t tell them apart either
user7: to be Jimmy…🥵
↳ user8: right? What I wouldn’t give to be sleeping away in his lap…
↳ user9: blessed be. His damn thighs man 😳
user10: ok but am I the only one that heard a female voice in the background?
↳ user11: I THOUGHT I WAS GOING INSANE?? Like there was definitely someone there
↳ user12: wait when?
↳ user10: when max turned the camera to show jimmy on top
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catpawsgaming: and Daisy Mae delivered this week! Sunday I got a price of 90 and today!! Selling price of turnips is 658 this evening!! Woohoo!
I've got my usual set up going to allow visitors to sell and I’ll be playing for about 4 or 5 hours so let’s make some cash today! I just ask you be respectful of my island.
As always, if you didn’t manage to catch my livestream it’ll be on my page and I’ll be uploading it to my YouTube channel tomorrow! My YouTube will have the 3 usual versions (one unedited with my reactions, one with just the game play, and one with no sound at all but with closed captions)
My week is looking pretty busy (a lot of traveling happening) so my next stream will probably be sometime next week and I’ll be playing Horizon: Zero Dawn! Its sequel will be coming out soon and I want to replay the first to refamiliarize myself with the game!
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user13: yeessssss! I’ve been holding out that someone would have some fantastic selling prices this week! New house upgrade here I come!
↳ user14: oh don’t I know it! It’s been a downward slump all week for me — the high was 105 😭😭
↳ user13: ouch 🤕
user15: did anyone else hear the cat meowing in the background!
↳ user16: yes! Catpaws has got a couple of cats — they’re almost never on stream (they don’t like staying in one place for long) but catpaws got them right before they started streaming!
↳ catpawsgaming: 2 of them! They’re my babies! 🐈🐈
↳ user15: awwwww 😍😍
user17: can I say something? Is this a safe place?
↳ user18: it is not but say it anyway
↳ user17: it totally looks like she’s got a wedding ring on in the beginning of this stream
↳ user18: nurse! She’s out again
↳ user19: no no no let her cook. I totally thought the same. It was literally just a glimpse but I swear that she had a ring on
↳ user17: thank you! I knew I wasn’t crazy
↳ user19: but! That does mean our catpaws is married!!!!!
↳ user17: 😱
↳ user18: 😱
↳ user19: 😱
↳ catpawsgaming: 😉
↳ handsome: 💙
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catpawsupdates: we’ve had a couple of requests lately asking about catpawsgaming and her cats! These are the first and last photo we’ve gotten — she’s incredibly secretive about them so we don’t know if this is the same cat in both photos or if she has 2 bengals (peep also handsome in the first photo. Catpaws was laughing when she posted that photo cause she’s usually the passenger princess)
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user20: I LOVE THEM
↳ user21: same! Insert that meme. “I’ve only had them for a day but if anything happened to them I kill everyone else then myself”
↳ user22: extreme but agreeable.
user23: that’s sassy - I’d bet money on it
↳ user24: sassy? What? Who?
↳ user23: sassy verstappen! F1 world champion max verstappen’s cat
↳ user24: ummm? This is a page for a small time gamer catpawsgaming
↳ user23: listen. Torture couldn’t get me to admit how long I’ve spent staring at pictures and videos of jimmy and sassy. But that is absolutely sassy!
↳ user17: I’m connecting the dots as I type
↳ user18: you’re not connecting shit
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catpawsgaming: tonight’s stream is gonna be a little late — I’m currently being held hostage by the cutest kidnapper ever
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user24: awwww
user25: your right. You simply can’t move!
↳ catpawsgaming: completely pinned down!
↳ user25: I don’t think anyone is gonna have a problem with your steam being late tonight
↳ user26: I’ve spoken to the council and we don’t! In fact we all vote for a stream of literally just the cat
↳ catpawsgaming:…you know that is an idea
↳ user26: omg. OMG. OH MY GOD!!
↳ user27: ok grandma. Let’s get you back to bed
handsome: so that’s where the little troublemaker is
↳ user28: omg hi handsome! Where’ve you been?
↳ catpawsgaming: ok I love all my fans but plz stop flirting with my man
↳ user28: can I flirt with you instead?
↳ catpawsgaming: 😳
↳ handsome: no
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↳ user30: ok but are we really gonna take a gossip page as the truth?
↳ catpawsgamingfan: I TOLD YOU. I TOLD YOOOOUUUUU
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tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: liefje I know this is not how we wanted to share our love with the world but a light in the darkness is now I get to talk about how much I love you and how you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. These past 5 years have been a dream come true — and it’s been a dream I never knew I had. Seeing you that first time, you took my breath away. Forget the trophies and the victories, the world championships and titles I’ve won — becoming your husband has topped every single one of them. I can’t imagine my life without you anymore and I wouldn’t ever want to
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yourusername: oh my handsome man…you are the light of my life, the moon in my night, the stars in the sky, the best husband ever and the most loving cat dad I could have ever wanted to spend my life with. Thank you thank you thank you for picking me and staying with me and fighting for me and with me 💋💋
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jellitchi · 8 months ago
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hello friends heres some more artist au ,,, i have A huge infodump under the cut ... u were warned
uhm mumbo is a tattoo artist in this au, hes the towns electrician primarily but he does tattoo work too. hes terrified of needles on his own skin but really enjoys the process of tattooing. i think he mostly does geometric stuff. probably hrm.
gem runs and owns the fishing dock/bait shop. shes born and raised in this town so shes been here her whole life. shes okay at painting but her real passion is with clay- specifically sculpting. shes taking a pottery workshop w grian but she like the freedom sculpting has that the wheel cant really give her...? if that makes sense.. she still likes it. when she paints she gravitates towards gouache and watercolors, she likes the fluidity she can achieve w em. also is very fond of how gouache lets u set it down then return and reactivate it w water again lol
pearl is a relatively successful artist, shes constantly traveling for art shows and also to host workshops/look for inspiration. she used to paint a lot, thats how she kinda got her fame... she used to paint this one girl a lot idk she has curly orange hair and freckles and shes always painted really beautifully. then stuff happened and now pearl mostly sculpts now. she still paints and her paintings are her most popular works but shes more into working w clay.
hm more abt this au, pearl and grian are siblings and both grew up learning oil painting. jimmy is also in this au im still figuring out a role but hes their cousin— basically brother— i was thinking pearls manager js coz i think itd b funny lol.
the setting is a small coastal town hrmm havent thought too much else abt it, was mostly pulling from coastal norcal ish...
in this au scar and grian are really really tight and have been living w each other for like 5/6 ish years. i dont think they officially get tgt... they think theyre woke asf n say they dont like labels (kinda kidding) the real reason is just timing. whenever grian is sick of running circles and works up the courage, scar usually has some complications hes working through and grian feels like hed just be another stressor added to his plate so he just wills it away... then when scar is like Im gonna do it. Im gonna tell him. Grian is experiencing sum kinda dilemma and is rly stressed so then scar is like well it can wait... (this goes on forEver.) whenever they do sync up, usually theyre far too scared about ruining their friendship and having to find a new roommate or something. they both r very important to each other and if bottling up their feelings means they can hold onto each other and keep each other around then thats what theyll do...! yeah theyre doomed🤦‍♂️.... they still basically do romantic activities tgt- they just think its normal coz its them.... also everyone around them thinks theyre secretly dating or smth anyways Yeah this is the au in a nutshell im such a sucker for long term pinning friends to lovers or whatever😭😭😭😭😭...
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acynicalsweetheart · 2 months ago
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pairing: dad!jimmy x fem!reader x uncle!curly
word count: 2.4k
dead dove do not eat: 18+, daddy-daughter incest, pseudo-incest, mild dub-con, coercion, daddy kink, breeding kink, age gap, double penetration, anal, sex, implied/referenced rape, very brief jimcurly cameo
author's note: wow this sucks LMFAO. umm first attempt at writing jimmy… assholes r not my typical area of expertise so. take it with a grain of salt. feel like he has an uncharacteristically big mouth here LOL. did not mean to make it this long it was originally a drabble… read cws + any interaction/feedback appreciated as always!!
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“Jim... isn’t she your daughter?”
Curly’s dumbfounded, jaw dropped to the floor, standing in the middle of the dank motel room not knowing where he should look to remain respectful—Jimmy or his own flesh and blood in a flimsy lingerie set. 
Not exactly what he had in mind when Jimmy said he had a gift for him. 
This is all too fucking wrong, Jimmy’s your dad, you’re one thin and translucent piece of underwear away from standing completely naked in front of both of them, he’s got his arm wrapped around your shoulder like he’s your pimp. He wants Curly to fuck you. 
It’s sick and twisted and morbid and Curly’s dick is hard. 
“Yeah, so?” Jimmy pinches your cheek and you flinch ever so slightly, put on your best forced smile. “Never once said no to taking daddy’s dick, did you, baby?” 
You shake your head. 
(It’s a blatant lie—Jimmy remembers the bloodfest on the sheets your first time, the way you screamed dad, no and dad, stop at the top of your lungs. The way your face contorted, ugly sobbing turning your eyes swollen and puffy like your cunt, his cock coated in all sorts of questionable fluids by the time he was done with you.)
“See? All good here, man.” He says, shaking you a little by the grip on your shoulder. 
“Jimmy, I...” Curly pinches the bridge of his nose, rubs his forehead like he’s trying to assess if this entire thing is a dream or not. Would help alleviate the guilty boner in his pants by a little if it were. 
He peeks at you through the cracks of his fingers. 
“Come on,” Jimmy’s scowl returns in a second, gesturing to your body. “You’re really gonna reject her when she’s right in front of you? Thought you were better than that, Curly.”
It’s so wrong—Curly’s known you almost as long as he’s known Jimmy. He’s watched you grow up, babysat you, let you crash at his place, showed up to every one of your graduations because Jimmy couldn’t. He hung out with you just last week, for God’s sake. 
Curly’s dick twitches like it’s trying to escape his pants and fuck you on its own. 
Jimmy shrugs, starts undoing your top and letting it drop to the floor. He gropes your tits and bile burns in the back of Curly’s throat like ethanol. “Well, if you don’t want a piece, then you’re free to watch. Shame you gotta break my girl’s heart like this.”
“Jim, I’m not trying to—“
Jimmy pinches your nipple mechanically and you whine, stand there and take it like it’s a daily occurrence. “She’s been asking for you, you know.”
Curly falters, his heart dropping straight down to his ass, “she has?” 
“Yeah, won’t shut up about Uncle Curly’s dick, how much she likes you,” Jimmy scoffs, “how she wants you to take her second virginity.” Second virginity? 
“Really?” He smooths his hair back, sheepishly playing with the curls at the nape of his neck like a schoolgirl. 
Jimmy whispers something to you, sends you off to where Curly’s standing with a tap on the ass. You reach out for his hand to place it on your breast and he cups it gently, sneaking glances at Jimmy from behind you in case he changes his mind.
You speak for the first time tonight, “Uncle Curly.”
“Sweetheart,” he lowers his voice, “are you sure you—“
The bottoms of your lingerie set fall to the floor silently, sheer fabric sticky with what is presumably your slick. Curly gawks like an idiot, cheeks flaming hot, eyes raking up your legs until they meet your pussy. 
He thinks he hears Jimmy snicker in the background. 
You keep your eyes on Curly as you saunter to the bed, getting on all fours and arching your back low, spreading yourself open for your dad and your proclaimed uncle to behold. 
“Uncle Curly...” he makes eye contact with your spread holes, your pussy drooling onto the sheets, leaking down your thighs. “It’s okay, I want this,” you say with the enthusiasm of a sex ring traffickee. 
Fuck it. 
He looks over at Jimmy, takes a deep breath and complies. 
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Stupid ol’ Curly. Falling for each and every one of his lies like he falls for gambling scams, and Jimmy’s the broke one here. 
Jimmy’s been in all of your holes. There isn’t a single square inch of your body that doesn’t have his fingerprints burned into it. What can he say? Jimmy made you so he owns you, simple as that. Took your anal virginity approximately a week after he took your actual one. The look on your face is welcomely ingrained into his mind, looked like you were one second away from biting the dust. 
You could be his sister, his mother, a clerk at the store or a street whore for all he cares—Jimmy would fuck you all the same. 
Curly should be grateful that Jimmy’s offering him a sweet piece of meat, his meat. It’s not every day somebody, let alone the grandiose Curly, gets an opportunity to stick his dick in Jimmy’s daughter. 
(More so every three days, when he needs some cash for a pack of smokes he’ll pimp you out to whoever. They pay higher when you’re dressed in white and wearing pigtails. Sick fucks.)
He lets Curly play with your pussy until enough’s enough, shedding his clothes and maneuvering you on top of him. Front to front with Jimmy ‘cause he doesn’t want you giving Curly your puppy eyes and making him all sappy, start feeling bad for you. Invoke some sort of saviour complex. 
The only saving you need is Jimmy’s dick—daddy knows best. Daddy fucks you the best. 
He’s simply being a good friend to Curly.
You shower Jimmy’s face in kisses and he whips his dick out, grabbing the fat of your cheeks till it spills past his fingertips. Gives you a couple spanks for good measure, makes you moan. 
“Such a filthy little slut, aren’t you? So wet for dad,” Jimmy slaps his tip against your entrance, sticky noises echoing throughout the room. You tilt your head as your breath hitches, looking at Jimmy like he forgot something. He resists the urge to roll his eyes, “and Uncle Curly.” 
Who is still fully fucking clothed by the way.
Wagging your ass at Curly, you giggle and look back at him, very likely giving him fuck-me eyes. It works, ‘cause he seems to get the hint that he should undress. This is exactly why Jimmy needs you facing himself and nobody else. 
Jimmy’s dick is harder than a rock, it’s not gonna sit there and watch you and Uncle Curly like some miserable third-wheel. The drop of pre running down the length of his shaft is all he needs to force himself into your tight cunt with a single push of his hips. 
“Daddy...” You whine like it hurts and Jimmy grins, makes him feel nostalgic.
The mattress dips when Curly gets on the bed, big ass fucking horse thighs trapping you and Jimmy beneath him. Nevermind the horse thighs, Curly has a fucking horse cock. Yeah, this is the first and last time he’s ever catering to your whims. 
Jimmy keeps thrusting up into you like he’s got something to prove. 
Curly’s cock pokes and prods at your tighter hole, takes a good minute for him to begin sliding inside and you yelp like you’re being impaled. Curly can’t be that big, you’re just putting on a show like Jimmy told you to. 
“Mm,” your teeth sink into your bottom lip, so pretty Jimmy’s grateful Curly can’t see your face right now. 
“Shh, it’s okay, baby.” Please. Curly wishes you were his baby. 
He feels Curly’s dick moving against his inside of you and it’s all very unsexy, but Jimmy will be damned if he’s gonna empty his balls elsewhere. Men have needs. Sometimes those needs happen to come in the form of fucking one’s daughter and Jimmy is completely fine with that. 
“Oh my,” your eyes flutter shut, pressing back against him, faking it till you’re making it. “Uncle Curly, you’re so big...”
Fondly, Curly chuckles, “I guess I am.”
You’re really laying it on thick, Jimmy didn’t tell you to do that. 
“Dad’s bigger, baby. Can’t you feel it?” He shoves your face into his neck, stretching you open with his pistoning hips like it’s the first time all over again. Your squeals come out muffled, voice vibrating against his skin. 
The way his tip bumps your fleshy cervix with every trust should be enough proof. Curly’s pace is slow and soft, he’s not even all the way in yet. Or maybe Jimmy really is bigger. 
“C’mon, Curls,” Jimmy pants, voice almost a growl as he tightens his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to his dampening body. “No time to be a pussy, you’re in her ass.” 
“Not a pussy, just... starting out slow.” Curly says calmly, gentlemanly—to no avail ‘cause you’re already cockdrunk. 
“Fuck her harder.” It’s a dare, a challenge, or a simple suggestion. He’s giving pointers to a significantly more well-adjusted peer. Jimmy says and Curly does nonetheless, he wonders if Curly would backflip off a building if Jimmy told him to. 
Finally, Curly picks up his pace, fucking your ass the way it’s meant to be fucked. The sound of skin slapping echoes throughout the room and for a moment, Jimmy is okay with this entire thing. 
“My girl likes it rough, dontcha, baby?” Jimmy asks, drilling himself as deep as he can go into your pussy. All you do is moan and whine—nonstop ‘cause they won’t let you have a second of air. “Yeah, you do.”
“Fuck, dirty girl,” Jimmy grunts into your hair, hand on the back of your head forcing your face deeper into his neck where you’re making a mess of spit and snot and tears. “You like dad’s cock that much, huh?”
He doesn’t ask about Curly’s cock, if Jimmy wants to know if you like Curly’s cock then Uncle Curly will have to ask you himself. Seems too preoccupied with holding back his moans, though. 
Your whines come out choppy, muffled by Jimmy’s neck, every jackhammer into your sloppy cunt and ass punching the wind right out of you.
“That’s right,” Jimmy makes eye contact with Curly, fucking you even harder to assert dominance, dick-to-dick and ball-to-ball with his best friend. Your walls clamp down around him, “so go on, cum on it. You know you wanna.”
You shake and thrash in his hold, legs twitching as you mumble incoherently. Jimmy feels your body go still, gushing bursts of squirt all over the place, soaking everyone and everything in sight—orgasm hitting you like a tsunami. 
He fucks you through it. 
You must’ve been squeezing real tight around Curly as well, ‘cause he falls on top of you and Jimmy, hands gripping the sheets next to Jimmy’s head like they’re the ones fucking. Curly’s mouth is hanging open, panting and moaning like a bitch in heat. A drop of his sweat lands on Jimmy. 
It’s disgusting how much he looks like a fucking playboy bunny, straight out of a raunchy magazine page. For a second, this intrusive image passes through Jimmy’s head—his dick buried to the hilt inside of Curly instead of you. 
He feels his balls tightening and he wants to kill himself right then and there. 
“Gonna take daddy’s cum?” 
“Such a good girl, sweetheart,” sunshine boy chimes in, like he’s been reading Dirty Talk 101 during the time they’ve been two-manning you, “take it, take both of our loads.” 
“Y’hear that? Gonna take Uncle Curly’s load deep in your ass, huh?” Jimmy keeps his noises down in his throat, struggling to not groan at the way you have a fucking death grip on his dick. “And daddy’s in your pussy?”
Yes, yes, yes—
Jimmy fucks you hard, rough, mean. He keeps going till he shoots his cum deep in your cunt, till he feels Curly stiffening up, following suit with his orgasm and a loud ass fucking moan while he’s at it. Grand exit. 
Curly presses a quick kiss to your head before pulling out of you with a sloppy pop! and flopping down next to you and Jimmy. 
Jimmy stays inside of you, feeling his own cum dripping down his length. You’re lying boneless on his chest, mascara ruined, staining your cheeks—face the perfect aftermath of a good, thorough fucking. 
You and Curly gaze at each other lovingly, reaching out your hands to intertwine your fingers like Jimmy isn’t right there. He’d cuck Curly here and now if his nicotine addiction wasn’t wearing him out. 
You all stay like that for a while, panting and wondering what you’re supposed to make of this. 
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You’re out like a light, naked and alone in bed with two thick, white creampies dripping out of your holes, soaking the sheets. 
They step outside, Curly shuts the door carefully and Jimmy lights a cigarette, shoe against the wall as he leans on it. 
Curly’s hands are shoved in his denim pockets, curls still damp and sweaty as his head hangs low. He tilts his head back then, watches Jimmy smoke for a minute.
“So,” Curly breaks the silence between them, speaking over the chirps of the cicadas in the night. “That was... uh...”
Is he going to acknowledge the fact that they fucked Jimmy’s daughter or the subtly homoerotic undertones of it? 
“Don’t talk,” he blows a cloud of smoke straight into Curly’s face when he opens his mouth, makes Curly stifle a cough and Jimmy a chuckle. “Gonna need some money to get out of town for a while.” It’s part true and partly ‘cause Jimmy let him have a go at you. 
“Yeah.” Curly rubs his chin thoughtfully, reaching for his wallet and plucking out a few bills, “yeah, of course.”
Jimmy grabs the cash, crumpling them with his sweaty hands as he walks off. He cranes his neck to salute Curly goodbye, gets a nod back and that’s that. 
Trucker cap on and pick-up engine revving, he takes off. To where? Jimmy doesn’t know. Away. Crawl out of one hole and into another. You’re Curly’s responsibility for the moment. Checked in on his behalf.
Jimmy knows Curly won’t tell. 
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birdyisthewordyy · 3 months ago
Hiyayaya, I leik ur work >< I hope it's alr if u can do my request ^^
An au where Pony Express shuts down and the crew finds better things to do with their life rather than being in that stupid shitty company— and then some random ass afternoon they randomly see the reader, doing the most mundane things like just shopping or eating food. And yk it's kinda weird seeing them after a few years!
Yes, I need some crew x readers
a/n: OH MY GODDDD I LOVE THIS ASK SO MUCHHH YES?? I’m literally foaming at the mouth
Tulpar Crew x Ex coworker! Reader
You were never exactly close with Curly on board
You were a little intimidated by him
He liked you though
He thought you were very competent
So when he sees you 3 years after Pony Express kicks the bucket, he’s more than happy
Walks in and shouts your name with no shame
Sits down across from you and chats it up
You talk about mundane things like life on the Tulpar, your families, life since Pony Express disbanded, and so on
He gets roped into the conversation
And your eyes
And the way you talk
“Let’s do this again sometime, yeah?”
Cue weekly meetings
Jimmy despised Pony Express
You were just another person who he had to deal with
So when he sees you walking down the street, he doesn’t try to get your attention by any means
Puts his head down and hands in his pockets
Doesn’t help
You see him
“Jimmy?! Hey!”
You run over and say hi enthusiastically
Like you missed him or some shit
He doesn’t hold up his end of the conversation…like at all
“Yeah, yeah. Uh huh.”
You talk about how you didn’t like Pony Express either
You hug him when you go
He doesn’t like how it makes his chest feel tight and weird
A lot like Jimmy, but this time he has an actual reason to hate Pony Express
He’s grown to hate it over the years and was thankful when it finally shut down
But it raises the question: where does he go from here?
Applies for a lot of bodyguards jobs and the like
Finds you working at a club he applied to be the bouncer for
In a less than ideal waitress uniform
Doesn’t stare though
He’s a gentleman
Or is he? Wink
He and you don’t talk but you recognize each other
And give each other “Good to see you” glances
He liked you on the ship
You were one of the few people who knew how to do anything
So it’s always to see a… you
He went back to living off his parents
Just for a bit, he swears
He finds himself going out more to fun places
Imagine his surprise when he sees you at this amusement park out of town he’s visiting
“(Name)? (Name)!”
Runs right up to you
You walk with him and talk about life
Actually you don’t really talk much about Pony Express
Despite that being how you met
He knew that you had more to you
He wanted to know!
Tries to win those rigged games to impress you
Buys you cotton candy
You come home with him and you watch a movie
End up crashing on the floor
He missed his buddy
Anya gets sick a lot (again I am projecting)
Funny enough she has to go to the doctor a lot
Nurse seeing a nurse
And that nurse happens to be you
You were both nurses in Pony Express’s crew, but while she was assigned to the Tulpar, you got a different ship
She knew your name though
You take her vitals and give good small talk
You have to draw her blood
She hates this
But you’re damn good with a butterfly needle
She doesn’t feel a thing
She likes how you talk her through it
Makes her feel safer
You exchange numbers and promise to get a coffee together sometime
She leaves with a smile on her face for once
And antibiotics because she’s got another virus
Poor Anya
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bunny-jpeg · 4 months ago
on top of the world
max verstappen
tags: smut/pwp, post-las vegas gp (2024), pregnancy/pregnant!reader, tender & gentle sex, established relationship,
a/n: congrats max for another wdc!
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max wrapped you up in his arms and held you tightly. he kissed you on the side of the face with such love. such affection, there was a fire to his kiss, the after burn of a heated race. he came in fifth this weekend, but he was just that good that he managed to get enough points to secure his fourth world champion!
and when max pulled away with misty eyes. the thrill of the wdc never damped. he smiled brightly at you and said, "i won the wdc."
you swallowed and in the heat of the moment replied, "and i'm pregnant." you wished you could've taken the words back, but instead max just kissed you once more. your legs felt like jelly as you clung to him. wrapped up in one another, but max's grip loosened on you. after all, you were pregnant.
"you're pregnant." he said as his hands trailed up your sides once you were in the privacy of the hotel room. during every interview with what felt like every news network in the world. not only did he want to talk about his win, but the growth of your family.
you traced your hands down the front of his red bull branded t-shirt, "remember why we were so curious why jimmy, sassy and donatello were always hanging around me?"
he nodded as he undid the buttons of your blouse.
"the entire weekend i felt sick in brazil and we chalked it up to something not agreeing with me." there was another nod from your boyfriend, "and then when you put your face between my breasts and i always yelled because they were so tender? yeah... i'm pregnant."
he looked at your face and then your middle. he patted a hand across the soft flesh and licked his lips, "you're serious, right? no joke?"
you held his face in your hands and looked into his blue eyes, "max... maxie... my love. i took five of them. i'm pretty sure it's impossible for all five to be false positives... when i head back home i will get the blood work done."
he beamed at you and pulled you in for another heated kiss. soon you were pulling at the shoulders of his t-shirt. his hat was flicked off onto the floor and with a bit of help you were both soon completely nude on the bed.
he looked amazing, even post-race. he was well showered and out of his driving clothes. but, he still looked flustered from the heat of the race, and even though it was so late into the evening. you both couldn't sleep, not while your brains were running a mile a minute. he admired you, loved you as his hands spread across your form.
"you and i made a baby, huh?" he said as leaned down and kissed your stomach, how much it would change while you carried his child. his kisses continued to trail across your body and you felt a shiver of euphoria through your system as he got between your legs. his cock stood at full attention and he wanted to map out every inch of you skin. as much as possible. he wanted to feel the love of his life as much as he could, to worship your body.
"yes, that's what happened." you giggled as your combed your fingers through his dirty blond hair, "that's usually what happens when you have unprotected sex." you smiled then kissed him when he rose his head.
"i hope you know, i'm here for you and our baby, okay? i'm not walking out, no, never." he nodded earnestly, even though there was no doubt in your bed. it was sweet for him to confirm it for you. you pulled him into a searing kiss and got him onto his back with you on top of him. you spread your hands across his broad chest, you could feel his racing heartbeat.
you rubbed your hands up and down his chest as you pulled away. you looked down at him before you slowly sank on his cock. before he could say anything you replied, "we'll go soft. no need to get too worried there, mister verstappen." you moved your hips slowly against him and he tensed up for a moment at the feeling.
max knew you were going to be his wife, he was certain anyone at the team could see that. the way max held you and kissed you. the infamous maxplaining about you and your own accomplishments. while you weren't a superstar driver, he wanted everyone to know that you got your master's degree. he simply hadn't popped the question so your last name could on every degree you earn. but that might have to change a little prematurely with the news that you two were expecting a child. he groaned a little as he felt the circulation of pleasure through his body. the rise and fall of your hips as you made love to him.
both of you still running off the high of the race and of the victorious news. you moved a little faster, but he slowed you down. he panted, "i want to feel you, all of you." he swallowed back a heavy moan as he moved against you. he admired every curve of your body. you were his, all his. the two of you were going start a family. be a family. one thought crossed his mind, he'd need to go ring shopping.
"i love you."
"i love you too."
you continued to work his body slowly, feeling every each of one another. max's hands tickled you a little and your giggles made his pulse leap. you could feel the circulation of pleasure in your brain as you moved against him with such affection and love. you loved max, you loved him more than you could put into words. there were no words in any language that could describe your affection towards the man. your man.
your bodies moved together. but it wasn't fucking, it was making love. you were enjoying each other's bodies with heated want while you moved against him lovingly. you moaned a little louder when the pleasure started to creep up through your body. you leaned in to kiss him once more as you moved your hips. you braced yourself on his toned chest and moaned deep into the kiss. that seemed to excite max as he held onto you a bit tighter. not tight enough to bruise. but, enough to be protective over you. over his beloved woman.
when you pulled away, you pressed your forehead against his and giggled, "soon we're going to have to find new ways to do this." then kissed him on the face.
"i'll take you anyway i can, my love. anyway you'll let me have you." he shuddered at the feeling of you. the two of you moved against one another during heated kisses and you could feel the pleasure spike in your body. when you broke the kiss, he said, "i won this all for you. but i think you upstaged me." he chuckled lightly, his cheeks dusted with pink, "i was going to come home with the world championship, but you were to come home with our child." he kissed you again, "i guess i'd rather be beaten by my wife than anyone else."
you felt a rise in you from his words, only to spur you on with slow but steadier movements. you raked your nails dwon his pale chest and whispered praise towards him. it wasn't erotic so much as intimate. how much you loved him, how much he meant to you. "when i see your eyes, i feel the future, max. and not just trophies and fast cars. i see a home, a life, a family." and he shuddered at your words. you knew how to make him feel so comfortable, safe and sound.
you marginally picked up speed and knew you weren't going to last much longer. you kissed him deeply as you rode him perfectly. your pussy fit perfectly, and he loved the feeling of you around him. cunt around his cock, hands on his chest,t he weight of you on his hips as you moved against him. everything oozed with perfection and made his heart stammer.
the two of you continued, the kisses only furthered. you held onto him tightly and with a few more movements of your hips. you clamped down around him and came. you moaned deeply into the kiss and let the pleasure wash over you.
max felt a similar feeling and while you rose through your orgasm. he finished inside of you as well. mindful not to be too rough with you. you two kissed more as you felt up his chest and he felt up your hips. you stayed seated on his cock for a few moments while you enjoyed the feeling of his lips on you.
but a night of euphoric highs led to emotional crashes that left you sleepy. soon you got yourself off of him and laid next to him on the king sized bed. you were panting heavily. max was playing with your left hand, especially your ring finger.
you smacked him on the chest with that hand while you laid out on the bed, "and no, max. we're not getting married in vegas." then looked at him, "we'll do it right... plus i'm certain your sister and my sister would kill you."
max just beamed and pulled you into a tight cuddle, "fair, fair, mrs. verstappen."
you told very few people about the pregnancy, especially not the press. people did notice the slow down of photos of you on max's social medias as you got further along.
one fan wrote online, "maybe they broke up?"
another said, "he better not embarrassed with her now or something stupid like that!"
you found the comments endearing while you were in your home in monaco, the cats still gravitated towards you. with the newest of the bunch always finding their way around your swollen middle. max did take photos of you, every chance he could. but, those were for his private collection as the following season started to wind up. while you would've loved to be there, the swell in your middle was only getting more obvious.
"you better facetime me." your lover wagged his finger at you.
"not if jimmy lies on top of my phone and i lose it for an hour." you giggled before you kissed max on the mouth. it was hard to see him go, especially when any updates about your child with him were over text and calls. it was hard.
he would eventually post a photo after a mysterious absence from social media around the summer break, "going to win a fifth world champion for you the way i won the previous four for your mama." and that answered every questions fans had. the photo was max holding his son with the stupidest grin on his face.
and by the end of the 2025 season, he had secured a fifth victory. for you, for him and for the son you both loved dearly <3
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astonmartinii · 1 year ago
i hope your finger’s ok!! please take all the time you need and remember you health comes first :) imma be selfish and send you a charles request cause ur writing makes me smile at my phone like an idiot and i can’t help it :p ok so!! charles x versteppen reader? shes max’s sister and drives for redbull (cause im delulu like that) and they’ve been fighting w each other since they were kids (no one knows why they started arguing they’re j petty and refuse to give it up even though they dk what they’re arguing abt anymore) and obvs they’re in love w each other - maybe another drivers flirting w her or smth and charles j snaps and hard launches the reader cause surprise they’ve been dating each other 🤭 holy shit this is long sorry for rambling 🙏🙏
angel baby, devil child | charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x verstappen!reader
enemies to lovers blah blah blah
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liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 1,743,200 others
yourusername: crazy, crazy race. sorry not sorry to the tifosi, tell ur girl @charles_leclerc to kiss my ass not my rear tyre xoxo
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user1: okay they're clearly still in the enemies phase... when can we skip to lovers
user2: i personally love that charles is the mortal enemy of both verstappen siblings that's so slay of him
maxverstappen1: crop me out again and say goodbye to a tow in qualifying
yourusername: sorry maxy, not my fault i got all the photogenic genes xx
maxverstappen1: erm rude @christianhorner tell her to stop bullying me
yourusername: two can play at that game @sebastianvettel tell max to stop being a baby
user3: the way neither christian or seb replied they really don't get paid enough to deal with them
charles_leclerc: what is it with verstappens and their love for pushing me off the track
yourusername: what is it with your front wing and my rear tyre
charles_leclerc: umm i asked you first
yourusername: stop deflecting babe, we all know you love my ass so much you wanted a touch
charles_leclerc: i'd rather deep fry my hands than touch your rear
maxverstappen1: that can be arranged
user4: can't wait for these three to all be in the same press conference next week 🍿
carlossainz55: my favourite person to share the podium with
yourusername: thanks chilli (@tifosi you heard it here sainz is against ferrari 1-2s)
carlossainz55: NO that's not what i meant
landonorris: i see how it is ... god all men are the same AM I NOT PRETTY ENOUGH FOR YOU?
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 1,204,809 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: happy birthday to my bestest friend, biggest rival and favourite roommate. though maybe now you're 23 you can get your own place so you can sneak out to meet up with your secret boyfriend on your own terms and can keep that massive ballsack away from jimmy and sassy. i love you and verstappen dominance 4 ever.
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user7: i love y/n but i think she should bring her cat to races as a scare tactic
yourusername: wrinkle doesn't appreciate your tone but it is duly noted
yourusername: awwwwwwwww i love you maxy !! and you're never getting rid of your little sister unless you get married and ur a big fat nerd so that's never happening xx
maxverstappen1: attacking me after i just bought you a whole ass car
yourusername: i JOKE. thank you soooo much and you'll never get rid of me you love me too much to anyway.
maxverstappen1: enough to finally introduce me to the mystery man?
yourusername: blocked.
user8: are we all just ignoring her doing her literal eyeliner with a knife?
user9: or the fact that max likely walked in and was like oh wait this is a sick shot
danielricciardo: oh no that was me, i'm still traumatised but it's probably the best photo i've ever taken
yourusername: easy to do with a model like me
charles_leclerc: wtf is that thing in the last one
yourusername: rude of you to think ur balls look any nicer
charles_leclerc: what?
yourusername: what?
user10: does anyone want to elaborate?
carlossainz55: happy birthday y/n !
yourusername: thanks carlos, thank you for the flowers 👍
user11: this is either their way of flirting or y/n really couldn't give a flying fuck about carlos' obvious crush on her
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 2,098,560 others
yourusername: another trip around the sun and still following my brother around, difference is now i beat him x
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user16: your honour i am so obsessed with her
maxverstappen1: can't even be angry about it, you deserve the world
yourusername: you softy, i love you
maxverstappen1: also dummy i know who your boyfriend is now did you guys forget that we LITERALLY LIVE TOGETHER
yourusername: i was intoxicated my bad but we bought you breakfast?
maxverstappen1: literally the only reason he hasn't gone over the balcony, he might want to be gone before this hangover wears off
yourusername: noted.
user17: yall want to share with the class?
user18: based on ^^ this reaction i'm going to say it's not carlos
user19: watch out he'll drop a shit pick-up line in a second and be rejected
carlossainz55: hope you enjoyed your birthday beautiful
user20: bro this guy STINKS
user19: i told yall
yourusername: thank you carlos
user21: i'm sorry this is dry as hell it can't be carlos
charles_leclerc: my shoes will never recover, i'll be sending an invoice your way
yourusername: you're a millionaire boo, you can replace those tacky white trainers yourself
charles_leclerc: is having no manners a verstappen trait?
yourusername: come for max all you want, but the birthday girl? low leclerc
charles_leclerc: when you go low i go lower
yourusername: oh believe me i know all about you and going down
user22: DO YALL MIND?
user23: do they think we're dumb?
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liked by pierregasly, lancestroll and 1,204,674 others
charles_leclerc: a weekend without racing?
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user24: what is biden doing about the soft launch pandemic?
user25: well this is oddly timed ...
yourusername: you look like you'd have sweaty hands
charles_leclerc: wouldn't you like to know
yourusername: unlike all ur fangirls i've actually smelt you sweaty after a race so you can keep your hands to yourself
maxverstappen1: you heard her 🤨
charles_leclerc: why are you here? is this a 2 for 1 deal on annoying dutch people
yourusername: you can call him annoying all you want, but you love me don't lie
charles_leclerc: my lawyer says i shouldn't comment on that ;)
sebastianvettel: when will you two stop?
yourusername: sorry seb :(
charles_leclerc: sorry seb :(
user26: i know carlos is sick reading this weird flirting when y/n never comments on his pics
user27: she comes here just to flirt cause she didn't even like the photo
user28: she doesn't even follow him 😭
pierregasly: i love a slow burn as much as the next person BUT NOT WHEN I DON'T KNOW WHO IT IS PICK UP THE PHONE
charles_leclerc: you're so dramatic, nobody knows calmar
maxverstappen1: he's lying i do
pierregasly: WHAT
charles_leclerc: by ACCIDENT i didn't tell him by choice
user29: so like, it's definitely y/n LOL
user30: oh no everyone get ready marca is going to run a story tomorrow about how charles leclerc is ruining carlos' career with psychological warfare by flirting with the girl he likes
user31: sainz sr about to wage war lol
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liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 2,304,889 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc: i don't share. i love you. please follow me on instagram now (and let me come on max's jet) x
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user35: HOLY FUCK
user36: they're so fucking sexy my lord
yourusername: you're so weak, one teammate flirts with me and you hard launch, i've had 12 year olds use me as a face claim to pretend they're pregnant with your child
charles_leclerc: they took your face? i happen to quite like it, can they give it back?
yourusername: quite?
charles_leclerc: don't make me look bad you know i positively LOVE YOUR FACE
yourusername: and my ass since it's all you look at on track
charles_leclerc: okay you can drop the act now people know we're in love stop being mean to me :(
yourusername: but it's true, no?
charles_leclerc: rest assured i love your actual ass much more
maxverstappen1: believe me the people she lives with know WAY too much about how much you love it
user37: carlos sainz really thought he had a chance when these fools have been together for TWO years
sebastianvettel: congratulations you two, glad we don't have to watch you two trying to be subtle now
maxverstappen1: so wait when did you find out?
sebastianvettel: about two weeks into the relationship, they were very obvious
yourusername: thank you for keeping our secret dad <3
user38: y/n really said you ARE my grid dad
yourusername: oh no that's my actual dad
charles_leclerc: he's literally going to walk y/n down the aisle
maxverstappen1: please don't tell me you're engaged? i only just got over you actually being together
charles_leclerc: i'm not your brother yet don't worry (i will be soon)
carlossainz55: congrats guys
user39: it's okay bro you can cry
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 2,301,541 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername: two years with the love of my life, still on max's side on val d'argenton x
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user40: they're disgusting (when will it happen to me)
charles_leclerc: we'll have to agree to disagree
yourusername: just admit it you love to push verstappens off the track
charles_leclerc: sorry babe as much as i love you, i'll never let you win x
yourusername: good thing i always beat you then x
charles_leclerc: either way victory sex still bangs
user41: yes, yes they're cute, but i need a full on play-by-play of how this relationship came to be
user42: i know these menaces were giggling and kicking their feet every time they had an argument in comment sections
yourusername: oh it was very fun
charles_leclerc: but the radio messaged are 100% real lol
maxverstappen1: thanks for having my back, you're welcome for all the gross pictures i've taken for you guys
yourusername: consider your payment like every meal i make us
maxverstappen1: well if i did it f1 would be down three drivers
user43: wait so does charles basically live with them now?
maxverstappen1: unfortunately yes. depressing music, even worse cooking than me and horrendously loud sex with my sister. i should kick him out
charles_leclerc: i literally bought you noise-cancelling headphones?
maxverstappen1: nothing you can say will save me from this trauma
yourusername: just shag daniel and get off of our case x
note: ahhhhh i am so sorry this request took so long, my inbox keeps moving stuff around lol. my finger is good thanks for asking, the human body is a wonder and i peeled off the last of my scab this week lol. i hope this was the kinda thing you were looking for !! xx
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Most people assume Grian hoards shiny objects because he's an avian. He hoards, yes, but no shiny objects.
He hoards many things, and these things are liable to change. He has hoarded:
-Chickens (no, it was the man in the chicken costume)
-Parrots (PESKY BIRB)
-Cats (the bird man is a cat person)
-Mumbo's clothes (he gave up on getting any of it back)
-Scar's clothes (Cuddles are offered to get the clothes back)
-Pearl's clothes (she hoarded Grian's clothes in retaliation)
-Impulse's clothes (Tango tried to fight him on this)
-Keralis' clothes (there is suspicion that Keralis has been encouraging it)
-Xisuma's clothes (at least 4 hermits were surprised that Xisuma had actual clothes)
-Xisuma's armour (somehow since he never takes it off)
-Everybody's comms (they got them back through yelling instead of texting)
-Boatem (Tango and Gem tried to fight him on this)
-Robots (I'm not counting how many robots Grian has created or helped create)
-Creatures from nightmares (Lizzie counts for some reason)
-Redstone (he then tried to copy Mumbo and eat it, that was one sick bird)
-Pearl's cooking stuff (he doesn't want anymore soup!)
-Jimmy (as in, he broke the server code just to do it, and Tango tried to fight him again)
-Eggs (no one was even mildly surprised by that, they were surprised by the vicious biting)
That's all I can think of but there was definitely more.
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daryltwdixon · 29 days ago
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
You’re not sure what to make of the gruff, rough-around-the-edges redneck who lurks the farm when the group arrives with a wounded boy. He’s mean, distant, and nothing like the boys you grew up around—but for some reason, you can’t seem to stay away.
soft/girly reader, gruff aloof daryl, light smut, virginity loss, s2. Hershel’s daughter. little bit of angst in there too. reader has a dog.
a/n: this sat in my drafts for weeks, aimlessly adding bullets here and there. so I finally edited it to be a little more like a story, but without so much filling in the gaps. thought this would be a fun format to try.
Maggie and Beth always made fun of you for refusing to change when the world fell apart, when people started getting sick and tearing into each other like rabid dogs. But you never gave in. You kept your dresses, your lacy things, your cute little skirts. If the world was gonna end, it could do it without taking that from you.
You got used to life, different as it was. You missed the little things—seeing your friends at school, splitting a milkshake at the diner, swearing you’d call them later after your chores. Missed the way your stepmom would huff at you to get off the damn phone and go to bed.
When the group arrived with the boy who’d been accidentally shot, it felt wrong—like your little bubble had been popped, the ugly reality of the outside world bleeding in.
Your dog hated men. Hated strangers. Bared his teeth at anyone who got too close, even Jimmy sometimes. He especially hated the one who bossed his own people around, the man in the baseball cap who strutted like this was his farm, not your daddy’s. But your dog never even showed his teeth at the redneck with the crossbow. That scruffy, sharp-eyed bastard could even scratch behind the mutt’s ears sometimes, rough fingers brushing through his patchy fur like it wasn’t any big deal. Like they had an understanding.
Everyone cringed when Daryl Dixon got too close—his dirt-smeared face, his permanent scowl, that gravel-thick drawl that made people shift uncomfortably in their boots. But you never pulled away. Never flinched when he stood too close, never wrinkled your nose at the scent of sweat and sun-baked leather. You never once made a joke about his bad grammar or the way he talked.
He was everywhere. In the barn when you mucked stalls, boots and skirts coated in dust. In the woods when you picked berries, fingers stained red. You’d turn around, and there he was—watching, muttering, shaking his head like you were a problem he couldn’t figure out. You followin’ me or somethin’? you teased once. You wish, he muttered.
He wasn’t nice to you. Actually, he was downright mean sometimes. Called you "Daddy’s girl" like it was a curse. Rolled his eyes at your skirts, at your soft hands, at the way you smiled too much. Scoffed whenever you talked about something that wasn’t hunting, food, or survival. "Priss," he’d mumble, shaking his head when you’d trip over a tree root or complain about the heat.
But for someone who wanted you gone, out of his way, off his back—he sure had a habit of sticking around.
One morning, you found a wildflower tucked into the strap of your saddle as you got ready for a ride. Small, a little crumpled. You didn’t say anything. Neither did he. But when you glanced at him, he was already looking away with a red tint to his ears.
Then your dog started following him around. Just a little. Enough that you noticed. Enough that your chest would tighten watching the mutt's tail wag when Daryl would talk to him.
The joke in the kitchen wasn’t even funny. Beth, dropping her voice into some exaggerated drawl, mimicking Daryl like he was some cartoon of himself. You hadn’t meant to laugh, weren’t even laughing at the joke—just at how ridiculous Beth sounded. But when you looked up, he was there in the archway, watching. Expression blank, but eyes of fire.
He was gone all day after that. Nelly was missing from her stall when you went to clean it, which only meant one thing—he’d taken her out to search. Your anxiety skyrocketed. Nelly wasn’t a trail horse, she wasn’t even a reliable pasture horse half the time. She spooked at her own damn shadow, and now she was out in the woods? What if she bolted? What if they ran into someone sick? What if neither of them came back?
When he finally did return—battered, stabbed, blood streaked—you barely heard the others talking over the rushing in your ears. He looked half-dead as they dragged him inside, face pale beneath all the grime, blood trickling from where that woman shot him. You sat at his bedside the entire time, jaw tight, hands clenched in your lap. Not praying, not talking. Just watching. Because if he woke up, you wanted him to see you were there. And if he didn’t—well. You didn’t want to think about that.
You stayed by his side as your daddy stitched him up, hands steady despite the deep gash along his side. You helped where you could—pressing a cloth to the worst of it, handing over supplies—but mostly, you just sat there. Watching. Listening. Daryl didn’t say much outside explaining about finding a doll out in the creek, barely even grunted in pain, but you could see it in the way his fingers twitched, the way his jaw clenched tight as the needle pulled through his skin.
It was late evening when you kissed him, the sun long gone and nothing but candlelight illuminating his pretty face. Just a quick, barely-there press of lips against his cheek, his skin still warm from fever. He didn’t react at first, just kept staring at the ceiling like he wasn’t sure it even happened. But when you pulled back, his eyes were on you, deep blue and swimming with uncertainty, his cheeks a deep flush of pink under the wrap he wore around his head. You didn’t say anything. Neither did he. But the air between you felt different.
Not long after, your daddy stood in the doorway, arms crossed. Come to dinner. You didn’t move. His voice hardened. Now. You knew it was coming the second you closed the door behind you, his face set like stone. No pleasantries. No warm-up. Just: What’s goin’ on with you and that hick boy? Your stomach twisted, but you kept your chin up. His name’s Daryl, daddy. / And? You shrugged. Your hands felt too warm. Your lips still burned from that barely-there kiss. He’s just a friend. he scoffed. I’d rather he wasn’t. You sighed through your nose. I'm not a baby anymore. He studied you, like he was trying to find the girl he raised somewhere beneath all that you’d become. Then, a slow exhale. No. I suppose you’re not.
The first time you kissed Daryl, you’d thought he’d push you away. Hell, you’d expected it—a sharp grunt, a muttered insult, maybe even a full-on retreat. But when you pressed up on your toes, hands against his chest, lightly pushing him back against the rough bark of a tree while out searching for the little girl, he didn’t move. Didn’t shove you off or scowl or tell you to quit it. His hands hesitated, hovering above your waist before they finally found your lower back, warm and steady through the thin fabric of your dress.
And then… the barn. You didn’t know. You swear you didn’t know. When that little girl came out of the barn that day, your heart felt like it had split in two when you saw his face, when you heard her mother’s cries. Daryl—please, I didn’t—Otis was the one who— But he wouldn’t look at you, wouldn’t stop walking as he gathered his things and took his own tent past the broken stone wall, far from everyone else, even his own people. You followed anyway. Daryl, I didn’t know. I swear to God, I didn’t. He stopped short, turned so fast you nearly tripped. Yeah? Or maybe you just didn’t wanna know. Maybe you liked pretendin’. His voice was sharp, but his eyes—his eyes were worse. Cold, unreadable. Guess that’s easy when you grow up on your little fairy tale farm. Playin’ house while the rest of us were out on the road, if not dying of starvation then dyin' by one of them dead assholes you were keepin’ all safe and cozy. You flinched, but he wasn’t done. You lock up walkers like they was just sick. Like they’d get better. But they don’t. And you—he scoffed, shaking his head—you're too stupid to get it.
You’d stormed off after his last words, tears blurring the steps back to the house, to your room where you flopped down, shaking, hollow. Your family—gone. Your world—a lie. He was right. You’d been living in a fairytale, pretending things weren’t as bad as they were. And now, with the barn empty and Daryl’s words still cutting through you, you weren’t sure what was left.
It had been days. Long enough that you started to think he meant it, every last word. But then, late that night, you heard it—soft at first, a knock against the window frame. You hesitated, heart hammering, before sliding it open. He stood there in the dark, hands shoved deep in his pockets, shifting his weight like he wasn’t sure if he should be here at all. Didn’t mean all that shit I said, he muttered, barely looking at you. Most of it, anyway. His voice was rough, gruff like always, but there was something else under it, something uneasy. You crossed your arms, watching him. Then why’d you say it? He exhaled sharply, rolling a tense shoulder. Dunno. Ain’t good at this shit. His eyes flicked up to meet yours, just for a second. He looked sorry.
You let him inside, and he crawled through your window. He hovered near the bed, stiff and awkward, like he didn’t know where to put himself. He wasn’t touching you, wasn’t saying much, but he wasn’t leaving either. You stepped closer first, fingers curling into the front of his shirt, pulling him down, pressing your lips to his. He went still—real still—like he was holding his breath. Then his hands came up, slow, hesitating at your waist before settling there, warm and steady. I’m sorry, you murmured against him. Me too. You kissed him again, and this time, he kissed you back, something messy and unpracticed but desperate all the same.
You pulled him onto the bed with you, and he didn’t resist. Just let himself be guided, let you press up against him, let your hands roam over warm skin and tense muscle. His breathing was uneven, fingers twitching at your waist like he wasn’t sure where to touch. You hesitated, heart hammering, then reached for the hem of your dress, fabric slipping through your fingers. His eyes snapped down, throat bobbing.
He was so, so gentle. You could tell it was the kind of man he was, though the others would never believe you. His hands, though calloused and rough, caressed you like he was mapping every inch of you, trying to memorize, trying to take his time. His lips brushed your shoulder, your collarbone, your ribs, slow and careful, like you might break beneath him.
Jesus, he muttered, voice wrecked as his palm splayed against your bare skin. He was so warm. His fingers flexed, hesitant, skimming over the curve of your waist, dragging over the softness of your thigh. Ain’t never— he swallowed, shaking his head like he was trying to clear it. Ain’t never done this before.
Me neither. Your voice was barely above a whisper, shaky, unsure. But you curled your fingers into his shirt, tugging, urging him closer, pressing your lips to his again, and he melted into you like he couldn't stop himself. But you're the only one I’d want to--I want you, Daryl, you'd said.
His hands moved lower, rough fingers trailing over delicate skin, a sharp contrast that made your breath hitch. He was so careful, like he thought he wasn’t allowed to touch you the way he wanted to. But when you arched into him, gasping as his thumb brushed between your legs, he groaned, forehead dropping into your neck.
Tell me to stop, he rasped, voice strained, breath coming heavy. You wouldn't dare. Instead, you reached for his hand, guided it exactly where you wanted it, and watched his resolve snap like a thread pulled too tight.
Through little gasps and murmured whimpers, Daryl brought you to the edge quickly despite all his talk of inexperience. The electricity coursed through you as you caught your breath, his mouth on yours to quiet any noises that could travel through the house. His fingers slowed, teasing, dragging you back from your high just enough to make you squirm beneath him. His breath was heavy against your throat, his body tense, like he was fighting some war with himself.
You sure ‘bout this? His voice was wrecked, hands still trembling slightly as they skimmed up your bare thighs, pressing them apart just enough to make you shiver. You nodded, pulling him down into another kiss, desperate, warm, needy.
He stripped off his shirt, and you ran your hands over the scars, the rough-hewn strength of him, the warmth radiating from his skin. He shuddered when you touched him, let out a ragged exhale when you rocked up against him, feeling how hard he was beneath his jeans. Fuck, he muttered, rolling his hips just slightly, just enough to make you gasp, make your nails dig into his shoulders.
His belt came undone with shaky hands, and when he finally pressed into you, he did it slow, painstakingly slow, stretching you inch by inch. His forehead pressed to yours, breath heavy, arms caging you in. Jesus, girl… his voice was a rasp, like he was barely holding on.
After some time adjusting, you were squirming beneath him, desperate for him. Move, Daryl, you whispered, please, breath hitching as he sank deeper, until he was fully seated inside you, until you were wrapped around him so tight he thought he might lose his mind. He pulled back just enough to look at you, searching, making sure you were okay, that you felt just as good as he did.
Then he moved--It started slow, every thrust dragging a soft gasp from your lips, his name barely forming between them. But when you wrapped your legs around his waist, when you arched into him, he lost whatever restraint he had left. His pace turned desperate, his grip tight on your hips, his groans buried in your neck as he drove into you again and again.
Your name slipped from his lips like a prayer, rough and broken, right before you clenched around him, back arching as pleasure ripped through you. The sound you made had him gripping your face with his large hand to quiet you, but it still sent him over the edge, his thrusts growing erratic, desperate, until he buried himself deep with a sharp, breathless groan, his body shuddering against yours.
He stayed there, arms trembling slightly as he held himself above you, catching his breath. You traced slow patterns along his back, your touch grounding, steady. He finally lifted his head, eyes flickering over your face, still dazed. Did I hurt you? / No, of course not, you murmured, breathless, still trying to catch up to everything that had just happened. It was— it was perfect, Dare.
Hours later, when your eyelids felt heavy and sinking, Daryl slipped out from under the covers, reaching for his clothes. You blinked up at him sleepily. Where are you goin’? / Don’t wanna get my ass kicked by your dad before sunrise. You smiled, a breathy laugh escaping you, but maybe he saw the sadness in your eyes at the thought of him leaving you alone in the quiet. He pulled his shirt over his head, slipping his legs over the windowsill. I’ll see you in the mornin’.
But before he swung outside, he paused, glancing back at you. For a moment, he didn’t move, like he was thinking too hard about something, like he wasn’t ready to go just yet. And then, in two long strides, he was back at your bedside, leaning down, hands cupping your face, kissing you hard. It stole the breath from your lungs, left your fingers gripping onto his arms just to keep yourself steady.
He pulled back, eyes dark, lingering for just a second longer. Goodnight, he whispered, and then he was gone.
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neeeooon · 6 days ago
What if reader invites boys (Nagi, Rin, Ness, Michael and Isagi) to the date of playing video game? Not regular game, but horror game called mouthwashing?
i’d been wanting to watch a mouthwashing gameplay but kept putting it off so TY FOR THE REQUEST i watched it for this lol </3
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when you play mouthwashing together
bf bllk x gn!reader. cw: mouthwashing game spoilers, horror, mentions of sa (in the game)
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nagi seishiro
-> he doesn’t get jump-scared and thinks horror games are dumb. the only way you were able to convince him to play with you is after telling him it wasn’t that kind of horror
-> though he doesn’t show any visible change in expression, nagi huffs in disgust when you’re introduced to your player. “i don’t like him.”
-> you already knew how the game would end, but you were surprised that nagi caught on so quickly. “why not? we’re only ten minutes in…” “i don’t know. i just don’t. he’s weird.” you’ve never been more proud
itoshi rin
-> “i don’t think he did it,” you announced five minutes into the game. there was no logical reason for your interruption, but you couldn’t hold it in as you watched rin play mouthwashing
-> he sighs, used to your antics by now. “how about we play the game and be surprised together?” “okay!”
-> rin wasn’t shocked when your early assumption was proved correct, but you still buzzed with excitement. “see! look, i told you! i knew it!” “never doubted you.” “we should have more gaming dates!”
alexis ness
-> 100% a pacifist when it comes to video games. if there’s a chance he can save everyone, he’s gonna find the way! imagine how devastated he was after playing mouthwashing, where you don’t have that kind of control
-> he was so upset when things started going wrong, because there was nothing he could do to fix it. more than that, ness was upset that he couldn’t add extra sweetener to the birthday cake for daisuke :(
-> “all he wants is a little extra sweetener. why won’t the game let me do it :(“ “i don’t know, lovely. i don’t think it matters.” “it matters to daisuke and it matters to me!” you had to take the controls after a certain someone didn’t make it…
michael kaiser
-> “i’m gonna be sick.” kaiser found the game immensely disturbing, even scenes that were meant to act as fluff or filler. you didn’t understand why he was so uncomfortable, since you were the one playing and only focusing on your tasks
-> things started clicking when you got to the scene between anya and curly, but it didn’t completely snap into place until the pregnancy was revealed
-> you paused the game and turned to your visibly uncomfortably boyfriend. “do you want me to turn it off?” he repeated the question back, asking if you still wanted to play, and when you shook your head, the two of you turned on super mario bros instead
isagi yoichi
-> he knows what’s up immediately after the first conversation between jimmy and anya
-> “y/n, i don’t think this is a date game…” he tries to explain, but you’re too invested in the story to listen. “i wanna see how they descend into chaos once the food runs out!”
-> … yeah, that wasn’t the case. by the time the end credits roll, you’re in tears. “how did you know?” you ask your boyfriend, who didn’t seem surprised at all by the plot twist. isagi just shrugs, “i just did. no good guy talks to people that way, especially not women.”
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xxstylefntsyxx · 1 month ago
Daisuke Darling, You're My Bestfriend
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A/N: Part 2, Yall a lot has been going on Jesus if I had a close friends I'd tell yall but just know I'm back for good and I'm sorry to stray! Now yall been clawing up the doors for this one so... TADAAAAAA!!!
Themes: NSFW, Fluff and Admitting feelings *sorry it took so long*
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Who's been pondering his feelings after that day and has been super awkward. You took notice and wondered if you did something that made him this way. Lots of are you okays and are you sures'; you just couldn't put your finger on it, and he was just being a major blocker about it. So you dropped it for some weeks, still worried about him, though.
Meanwhile, this boy was fighting the demons of hell. Your touch is too good for him now, and he felt so unworthy of your smile. He wanted to crumble and sob to you about how he got off with just the smell of you and that he was just wanting to hold you and touch you and! And!
"Daisuke! Pay attention!" Swansea yelled. He slipped up and fell off the small ladder, hitting his ass. "Ow!" He yelped. Swansea rolled his eyes, "Keep your head out yer' ass and keep going! You're not done!" He said, pointing back to a piece of the air shaft he told him to fix.
"Ah shit sorry! It just- like, have you ever been in love like super hard?" He asked. He wiped his knees and checked his ass for any dust. Swansea huffed, "Kid, I have a wife. Of course I've been in fuckin' love before! What do ya' want!?"
Daisuke set down the flame tool and leveled himself with Swansea, "I fell in love with my best friend. Look I'm not asking for a coach, I'm asking for a...dad."
Swansea stopped in his tracks. His face once was angry, and now was sullen and stern. He walked towards him, with his fist clenched around a singular wrench, "Look... I- what do you want to know? I'll tell you, but then you're back to work! Got it?"
Daisuke nodded happily, "Girls are complicated, and I recently found myself liking her. But like I don't know how to tell her."
Swansea grunted, "Son, you're grown. Other girls like her are a flirt away."
"But not like her! She's so nice to me and kind and comforting, and I love her smile. She makes me giggle, and I don't mind getting in trouble with her if it means that I can be with her every single day." He said, thinking about you and sighing in love. Swansea could almost see the hearts in his eyes as he thought about you.
Swansea let a little chuckle out, "Alright son, I see it, I see it. You're in love like I was. I asked my pops for the same advice and he told me the same thing. Guess I thought it would be okay to tell you too. I see you need Swansea Advice, not my dads..."
"Look, I'll be honest. Women are complex creatures that work on scales a bit higher than ours. Course being in love comes easier to them than to us. We wanna bawl up or just flirt it off our shoulders. But then she gives you those eyes of love, that touch that makes you feel alright. She gives you feelings that - yeah, I'd follow her. If that's the one, then you go to her and you tell her. Don't just wait. Never wait cause when you don't see her again, you'll wish you did."
He pondered about what to do for weeks. He decided he'd own up and tell you! Fuck how everyone else feels. He was sick of the constant running and hiding! You're that girl who can only come once in a life! Its only a matter of time before their back off this dump, and he never sees you again.
"Hell yeah! Fuck it! Time to find her and-"
"RUN!" He heard you yell from down the hall. He squinted hard to see what was behind you. As you got closer, so did the figure.
"What the-"
before he finished, you grabbed him. Then he realized, "Holy shit! Is that Jimmy!?"
He didn't have time before you were whisking him along with you. "Y/N! What did you do!?" He yelled. You laughed loudly, "Fuck that bitch! He yelled at me, so I tipped his coffee, and it fell on his feet! It burned him, and now he wants to kill me... and you because I involved you."
(Insert that meme of the dog with its eyes closed, poor daisuke)
You two ran around a corner before stopping and sliding into a small room. You hushed him until you couldn't hear jimmy. "It was a good prank! I fucking got em'" You were giggling and laughing quietly under the darkness of the room and not noticing just how close you and daisuke was.
Freak out? Now? Yes.
Shit! This isn't how he wanted to admit his feelings to you. Not in a- what the fuck is this!?
The space was too close, and he only had enough room to slightly move away, but you were pressed against him like a sandwich. He didn't understand what this room was for, but whatever it was for, it wasn't - He felt around, and then he sucked his teeth, sighing. It's a closet for the brooms... why the fucking closet room for the brooms of all places!?
When you were done, you turned somewhat around to face him. "What's wrong, Dai? Are you okay? We can find another hiding space!"
You were almost if it wasn't for the little bit of space granted from moving the brooms close to his chest. He breathed out a, "No! No, please, I'm just... really close to you, don't you think?"
He was flushed out. You were so sexy right there. So cute. He has to tell you, has to tell you how he feels. Before, he never sees this sexy beiw ever again, unless in his dreams. Or his horny flustered events in his room.
You pondered, "What's up with you? Afraid I'll give you cooties? Dick."
Your face turned sour, but he shook his head. "NO! please, no, that's not it! I swear!" He was stammering. You pressed closer, chest entirely too close to his, "Then what is it!?"
"I- I-!"
"Y/N! Fuck man I've been holding this for weeks okay! I like you! When you're close, you make me feel flustered and very confused, and I don't know if it's cause I like you or if I like you! I've even taken asking Swansea! I'm crazy! I know, but i-"
He stopped. Fuck, he just spilled like a can of beans to you. Poor daisuke, never could keep to himself. You were happy he did it first. Cause now you could tease him for being the loud mouth. Since he likes to call you one.
His face was a deep shade of red. He let go of your hands and wiped them off on his shirt. You did the same because he sweated so bad. "Well, now we know who the real loud mouth is." You tempted, still processing everything.
Even though you felt the same for the past weeks, his offness and blushing got to you. It made you slightly frustrated because of how cute he looked. Made you mad someone so handsome could look so cute when he was in love. But you weren't gonna admit it first. You just couldn't wait anymore.
"Dude, I like you. What's up?" He whispered. You jolted from thought, "Uh! I- I mean, yeah, me too!"
"That sounds so unconvincing!" He half yelled.
You scrunched your nose, "At least I don't sound like a fucking baby! Oh! Y/NN! I likeee youuu! Mwah mwah mwah!" You made fun of him. He scrunched his nose back at you.
He pinched your leg, which made you yelp and hit him. You and him caused a bit of noise, fussing and yelling. You hit his shoulder, and he pushed back against the broom, which scuffed against the floor.
"Ow! You pinch me one more time Daisuke! And I'll-!"
"You two are in... SO much fucking trouble."
"Jimmy." You two said in unison.
You two went to work, scrubbing and cleaning the walls of the tulper until Curly felt tired. That's what Jimmy said-
"I don't want you two to stop until curly walks down these halls to his room to sleep! Even then, you will clean behind him before you even think of escaping. Shitty brat, I should end your fucking life! And you! Daisuke!" He pointed at poor daisuke on his knees, shirt wrapped around his waist, crying and sniffling.
One thing you know about daisuke is that he hates cleaning even when Swansea makes him. Cries like a little bitch. Spoiled kid indeed. You've occasionally heard him whine and cry while Swansea yelled at him to clean his tools until they shine. Poor thing shaking and crying over tools, snot and drool I mean the whole diva works.
Looked like he went through the worst heartbreak ever when, it's just a snobby boy who never cleaned a dish a day in his life, but will climb in a capsule and fix whatever an old fart tells him to.
Choosy snobby fuck.
"I'm sorryyyy!" Here he was again. Poor daisuke, apologizing for something he didn't even fucking do and crying at the fact that he had to clean. Jimmy berated him, causing him to bend down and wipe his tears off the metal floor, sloppily and half-assed.
You were wiping some of the windows, looking out at the galaxy. You felt a hand around your neck, two quick squeezes, "I'll end you. Don't ever fuck with me!"
You winced but mustered a bastard smile, "Polle says-"
Jimmy growled, "Shut up!" His face was red.
Earning a sniffled snort from daisuke. Jimmy turned around and daisuke went back to sniffling and wiping the same spot.
"Polle says-"
After doing Jimmy's dauntless task, you two were tired. Yes, but now you two had each other.
You two were now sitting in his room, cuddled up, talking the day away. He asked you questions about your life at home, and you told him more than he already knew. That comfort you once felt was now filled. His laughter, his sadness, and loving nature showed straight. Why didn't you think of dating your best friend anytime sooner?
(Alright, I'm tired of the slow jams. We've established it... let's get dirty bitches.)
He turns the music high enough to drown you guys out. You two had fallen into kissing long into your 'Hangout.' He just wanted to make sure their was ambiance so that it could cover up what he was gonna do to you.
"You sure? You can tell me to stop anytime, you know?" He asked you in a low voice. You were breathless, jumpsuit opened, and shirt pulled up. He trailed hickeys down your neck and your collar. You were breathing heavily and nodding, pulling him closer for another heated kiss. He unzipped the rest of your suit to slip his hand underneath it.
Trailing over your cold thighs, he found the lace of your panties, groaning into the kiss. You gasped, swallowed by his tongue and mouth. Lightly his fingers danced over the fabric, warm with your slick and cunt. "Fuck you're hot." He moaned.
He pulled back, and you could see the hardon growing desperately hard in his shorts. "You wanna take it off for me? Give me a show?" He asked with a smirk. You were a bit dizzy from the kissing. Surprisingly, he was good at what he did.
You slowly started stripping, giving him a run for his money. You rubbed your clothed ass, shaking it slightly.
"You're so beautiful~ I never thought I'd see this view ever." He whipsered. Your face felt hot from his words. You turned around now in a shirt and underwear. Straddling his legs, he bounced them slightly., "You're really fucking pretty." Kissing the middle of your collar bone, making his way up with kisses to your neck.
You were moaning, rolling your hips in his firm hands. You gripped his hair when his teeth fond a peice of your neck to bite. He flipped you over on your back, kissing you cheek before winking, "Be back!"
You didn't know what that meant. Like, was he leaving the room? His face slowly disappeared, along with the feeling of your panties sliding down.
"See if I remember what I'm doing... tap me if you need to breathe♡"
Oh lord, that's what he meant. Shaking and moaning, he was working your cunt skillfully. Licking long prideful wet stripes up your folds. He circled your clit, sucking it slowly, earning whines from your jolting body. His hands found purchase in your thighs. Crescent moons left angry marks as he held you down with your legs on either side of his head.
"Dai- It's too! Much, fuck! Please!" You whined, trying to remove him. The tufts of his soft hair were delicious. Almost made you cum again, this would be the fifth or sixth? Who cared, it felt so good. Too good. Like crying good, stars in the eyes, you were overstimulated.
You tapped his veiny hand, and with that, he released you. He was panting, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
No shirt on, body glistening, eyes low with lust and plush lips wet with your juices. He looked so damn good. "I... want you. In me, okay?" You said breathless.
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ceratedfish24 · 4 months ago
I would like to start this post by saying that I am not villainizing Jimmy. In my headcanon, he took Scott for granted, and that is a mistake that people make. It is forgivable with time and effort. People learn and grow and prosper, and it makes our relationships all the more meaningful to us.
Every time I think of Flower Ranchers, I think of Jimmy breaking up with Scott seemingly out of nowhere (that is how I translate Jimmy suddenly acting like he and Scott were never together after Third Life and refusing to say “I love you too” in Limited Life because cmon bro) and Scott moving out of their apartment.
Some time later, Jimmy and Tango are together, and they ask Scott to join them. He agrees, because why wouldn’t he? He still loves Jimmy, and Tango is wonderful, and Scott’s heart could be broken all over again without so much as a warning, but he will take that risk as many times as it takes, and that’s not healthy of him, but he can’t bear it any longer. Maybe seeing Jimmy and Tango together more intimately will tell Scott what it was that he did wrong.
They invite him back to their house for dinner and a movie. Of course he says yes. He has an anxiety attack the night before. Why did he say yes? He’ll have to see it all, now. He’ll have to see all of the ways Jimmy eradicated any and all evidence of him. He’ll be a stranger in this place he used to call home. He’ll be a guest to the man who his ex left him for, but Tango is trying so hard to accommodate for Scott because he’s Scott. He’s wonderful, wonderful Scott, and Tango loves him and Jimmy loves him too, and none of them know how to go about the healing process to this but they’re trying, so Scott has to try too.
He shows up that night, but only after hours and hours of overthinking every little thing.
Jimmy had replaced the oven that they picked out together. Scott used to love that oven. He baked their 1 year anniversary cake in that oven. When Jimmy was sick, he would make soup on its stove.
Jimmy changed the wallpaper in the master bedroom. Scott had picked out that wallpaper. Had Jimmy hated it the whole time?
Jimmy had removed the desk Scott hadn’t been bothered to take with him when he moved out. Scott’s initials were carved under that desk.
Jimmy had new mugs. They were Tango’s mugs. Tango’s mugs were sitting where Scott’s used to be.
Jimmy had candles in the bathroom cabinet. Scott didn’t recognize them. They were Tango’s candles.
Tango likes Scott’s old spot on the couch. Loathing the thought of bothering Tango in his own home, let alone so early in their relationship, Scott doesn’t say anything about it. He finds a new favorite spot on the couch. He never tells Tango about this, nor does Jimmy ever bring it up.
The bedsheets are different. That wasn’t a surprise. Scott probably would’ve been a little more disturbed if they weren’t different. Will they change again now that he’s here, or will Scott force himself to sleep under sheets that Jimmy and Tango had bought without Scott in mind? Would he be called overdramatic if he got emotional about bedsheets? He was so grateful to have been invited back into this home and into this relationship, but he was a visitor. He felt like he was one misstep away from becoming an intruder, something unwanted again.
The fridge’s contents are very different. Tango has a different diet. Scott becomes set on learning new recipes. The grip of the cooking utensils aren’t the same as the ones he used to have here.
All of the photos of Scott had been taken down. Again, not a shocker, but it made Scott teary-eyed. When he noticed, Jimmy and Tango were making dinner for him. He had gone to use the bathroom. He noticed the wall of pictures that used to be of himself and Jimmy was now covered in pictures of Tango and Jimmy. He was immediately distraught, but, more so, he felt so ashamed that he was distraught, that he hadn’t mentally prepared himself to find every picture of himself having been replaced. He doesn’t know how long he must have stood there, just staring at every picture. It was long enough that Jimmy came to check on him, but Jimmy ended up just staring at Scott in that hallway, neither of them knowing what to say. Scott would have cried - out of embarrassment or grief, he still doesn’t know - if he wasn’t already so ashamed of himself just for being there, even though it had been Tango and Jimmy who had invited him over. Even though he still didn’t know what made Jimmy pick Tango over him. Even though he doesn’t know where else in the world he would’ve been remotely okay with being at that night. Even though he, in all honesty, would’ve been more upset to have seen the pictures of him and Jimmy. He only knew that he was intruding. He didn’t belong there anymore.
The kitchen floor had been renovated. Did Jimmy hate the way it was before, or did he hate it after he had broken up with Scott? Did he not hate it at all and just found something better? They used to dance in that kitchen. Since then, he’s danced with someone who Scott assumed must be better.
Scott can recognize that there’s a smell to the apartment. Not at all a bad smell. It’s just one he hadn’t smelled here before. He doesn’t know if it’s a new smell or if it’s always been there, and he’s just no longer accustomed to it.
Jimmy got a new laundry basket. Surprisingly, it looks like something Scott might’ve picked out. It’s blue and everything. Scott wonders if Jimmy thought of him at all when looking at it.
Scott had designed a bookcase himself, and he and Jimmy had put it together. It had been too big to be moved into Scott’s new apartment, so he had to leave it in Jimmy’s. It’s gone now. Scott’s terrified to ask what happened to it. (He asks about it a year and a half into their relationship, when he’s more confident in their relationship. Jimmy startles at the mention of it, recalling how having it in his home stirred up too many memories of Scott. He had had it moved into his parents’ house. He gives them a call to ask for it back and surprises Scott with it a couple days later.)
There were some small things that, when Jimmy and Tango had invited Scott to try being a part of their relationship, Scott had thought about moving back into Jimmy’s apartment. He finds that many of them had been replaced. That makes sense, but it doesn’t make the ache in his chest feel any better.
Tango’s towels are where Scott’s used to be.
Scott’s succulents don’t sit on the windowsills.
The curtains are different. They had been yellow, before. They’re red, now.
Scott has never felt so embarrassed. He has no reason to be. He had been told to pick a movie, but he’s been staring off into space for who knows how long. Something warm is on his arm. It’s Tango’s hand, and, suddenly, they’re making eye contact. Tango doesn’t know how things are different. He doesn’t remember how things looked when he moved in. However, his pretty new boyfriend is distraught, and that is unacceptable. He holds Scott close. Scott doesn’t cry. He can’t. Tango had worked so hard for this to be a nice night for the three of them, and Scott wasn’t about to ruin it. He already feels like he has, but Scott would never forgive himself if he let Tango get tangled in the grief of Scott and Jimmy’s past.
Jimmy just watches them. He doesn’t know why he ended things with Scott. Scott had been wonderful. Scott had been everything, and then he wasn’t. Jimmy had gotten distant. He thought that maybe being with Scott had been too wonderful. Maybe the brightest stars really did burn out the fastest. But then he left Scott, and the look on Scott’s face had torn his heart in two. He left Scott, and nothing filled the void in his home, not even Tango.
Tango doesn’t prefer the same side of the bed as Scott.
Tango likes to shower in much hotter water than Scott did.
Tango doesn’t watch movies or shows in his spare time. The background noise of Scott’s shows while Scott cooked or cleaned or worked was gone.
Scott was a neat freak. Tango is an organized mess.
Playfully, Tango and Jimmy always argue over whether cats or dogs are better pets. Scott had always agreed with Jimmy that cats were better and that had been that.
Like Jimmy, Tango rolls his eyes at romantic cliches. Jimmy finds himself missing looking over and seeing Scott all starry eyed during cheesy romance movies. He wonders if he should’ve set up more cliches for them.
Tango is just as awkward as Jimmy is. He giggles and shrugs when Jimmy trips over his words in front of people. He’s as oblivious to pop culture as Jimmy is. Scott was never that way. Scott could smooth social interactions over for Jimmy like butter on toast. Scott could list ten facts about every celebrity Jimmy couldn’t so much as name. Scott’s charm and charisma was unmatched.
Tango can’t keep a cactus alive for five minutes. Scott practically had a garden in their home.
Tango and Jimmy tend to be pretty equally matched at games. Scott was always good at games, which meant he would sometimes let Jimmy win. Jimmy aches for it. He enjoys competing against Tango, but he yearns to look up from winning and cheering and teasing to see Scott staring at him silently with so much fondness that Jimmy would stop immediately. You just can’t tease a pretty man when he’s looking at you like he just watched you rip the stars from the sky, even if you both know it was him who allowed you to do it.
Tango flirts with Jimmy. He calls him teasing nicknames and will take on any excuse to call him “handsome”, but he never touches Jimmy during it. Scott was handsy. He would call Jimmy “handsome” while he adjusts Jimmy’s already perfectly fine tie. He would joke that Jimmy’s “attention seeking” while his hands were all over Jimmy’s shoulders. He would ask if Jimmy finds him pretty while he runs his hand down Jimmy’s arm. He would call Jimmy “Petal” with his nose pressed up against Jimmy’s jaw.
Jimmy takes down all of the pictures of Scott and puts them in a box. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to bring himself to open it again. (He does, when Scott finally, and Jimmy means finally, moves back in. He opens it when Scott finds it during spring cleaning. Scott, voice breaking and eyes watery, admits that he never thought he’d get to see these pictures again, and Jimmy can’t say or do anything except press his lips to Scott’s temple and apologize for the millionth time. Some of the pictures get to fill frames again.)
Tango is fantastic. Tango is bright and fiery and loud and incredible, but Tango is his own person. He’s not Scott, and he’ll never fill the space that Jimmy had made in his own life. Tango just made more room for himself around the empty space in Jimmy’s heart. Tango is fire and Scott is ice and one can never do the job of the other and that’s how it always will be. Tango was energy and passion and warmth, and Scott was calm and soothing and refreshing. There was no comparing the two. There was no comparing anyone to Scott, because no one was Scott except for Scott. Why had Jimmy gotten so distracted?
He missed Scott. He missed his angel. He missed his snowflake so much.
Winter comes around, and it’s Scott’s favorite season. Tango comes home complaining about the cold, and Jimmy realizes that Scott was celebrating the season with no one that year for the first time in forever. He wants to throw up over the balcony.
Then, Tango mentioned that he might like Scott too, and it was an internal battle all over again, wondering when might be a good time to ask Scott out if there was any. Except, it was worse this time, because Jimmy had broken his heart. He couldn’t muster the courage to beg Scott to let him try again. Jimmy didn’t think he deserved a second chance.
But Scott did.
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xyfanficarchive · 3 months ago
returning the favour
Mouthwashing - Jimmy x reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Jimmy calls upon you to care for him after you infected him.
Content warnings: fluff, Jimmy, he’s too sick to be much of a bitch in this one.
i wrote this directly in the post editor because im still fucking sick. and sickness is just on my mind. i think he would be adorably pathetic if he were sick. anyways enjoy <3
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After the click of the deadbolt unlocking, you opened the door and met with Jimmy’s face- pale and colourless save for the feverish splotches across his cheeks, all chapped lips and puffy, watery eyes, scruffy beard even scruffier than usual. A ratty, well-worn comforter wrapped around his slumped shoulders. His hand retreated underneath to clutch the loose edge closed again as he turned away from the door, went back towards his couch, the slow shuffling gait of an old man with back pain.
“Look at wh-” He started, voice deep, clogged and croaky, but the words caught in his throat swiftly and he devolved into a deluge of coughs, dry and painful sounding. By the third time he tried catching his breath only to start hacking again, you dropped your bags and went to his side, rubbing his back as he doubled over, as his whole body heaved with each attempted expulsion. Though there was nothing to expel from his lungs, you knew that well enough, having gone through the same thing the week before.
“Relax, Jim, relax. Try to breathe slow. It’s that tickle in your throat, huh? It’s awful, I know.” Your own voice was still a little raspy, still recovering from your own week of hell. He caught hold of his breath, each respiration shaky. You felt him tense underneath your hand again but he stopped, wrestling down the autonomous instinct to cough.
“Look at what you’ve done to me…” He moaned at last, soft and weak, and gave a thick sniff through his nose as he stood up, turning his red-rimmed gaze to you. A look of betrayal playing on his face.
“Oh…” You intoned in mock insult, but softened. “Okay. I take full responsibility. But I’m here now to help. Go sit down.” You waved him over to the couch and he flopped down, slumped over on his side and curled up under the blanket, knees to his chest. You shed your outerwear, hanging your jacket on the hook and lining your boots up neatly on the tray. He groaned as you went to bring the bags closer to the couch.
“I’m freezing… I can’t get warm,” he mumbled. “And I’ve never ached so bad in my fuckin’ life…”
“I’ve got you some medicine, don’t worry.” You rifled through the bag, and placed a rattling bottle of Advil and the same bottle of NyQuil he had brought you, now half empty, side by side on the coffee table. “Advil will help with the aches, the NyQuil is for everything else. Let me go get you a glass of water.”
You got up and headed to his kitchen, bringing the crinkling brown paper bag with you, the savoury smell of fried food wafting about. “Are you hungry, Jimmy?”
“No… But I know I should eat. I haven’t really had anything today.”
“Okay, I’ll make you a little plate. You should have something if you’re taking ibuprofen anyways.” After placing the bag on the counter, you opened it, staples tearing strips out as you recalled his feeble voice over the phone: “…and could you go to the fried chicken place? With the good mac and cheese… And fries, and coleslaw.”
You smiled with warm affection, how cute he could be without even meaning it. This was definitely less nutritious than his soup he had so graciously made for you, but it was calorie dense, at least. You took a glass and a plate, and a fork from his cupboards and spooned out a small portion of everything, selecting a prime piece of chicken, and filled the glass with water from the tap. Then, brought both back to the living area, setting them down in front of him.
“Thanks,” Jimmy said. He was sat upright now, shivering under his blanket. He had poured himself a dose of the cough syrup and knocked it back with expert skill. Opened the Advil and shook out two little reddish brown pills, swallowed them down with a sip of water.
You went back to your bags, pulled out a big rolled up blanket, and unfurled it, the electric cord hanging from the corner falling to the ground with a plastic thud. “I went and dug my electric blanket out of storage, just for you,” you sang with a grin.
All folded in on himself, pale and clammy, with dark bags under his eyes, he looked so small sitting there, listlessly eating from his plate. It tugged at your heart. “Aww, you look terrible,” you kissed his messy hair as you wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, taking the cord and plugging it into the wall socket next to the couch.
“Thanks, babe. You looked fresh as a spring rose when you were all snotty, hacking your lungs out,” he muttered sarcastically through a mouthful of food, while he took the control for the blanket and clicked it up to high.
You just smiled, gently scratched his scalp with your fingers as you passed by on your way back to the kitchen. “I’m gonna make myself a plate. Hang in there, Jim.” He just hummed. You heard him flicking through channels on the TV behind you as you walked away. Coughed a little, though not as intense as he had when you came in.
When you came back, there was some documentary playing low, and Jimmy was laid down, curled and trembling under the heated blanket, eyes shut, shuddering breaths passing his lips. His plate was abandoned, half eaten on the coffee table, though he had drank the water down. The only free space was at the end of the couch by his feet, so that’s where you sat. Jimmy stretched his leg out, just enough to make contact with the sole of his foot to your thigh. You pulled the edge of the blanket over to cover him and keep his body heat in. Then you started eating, half-watching the documentary that you couldn’t really hear, time punctuated by the occasional cough or groan coming from him at the other end of the couch.
When you were finished, you got up, and Jimmy’s legs retreated back further under the blanket with a low whine. You took both plates and his glass and went to the kitchen, scraping the leftovers into the trash before leaving the plates in the sink. You refilled his glass and returned to the living area.
“…I’m really cold… and it hurts so bad…” Jimmy whimpered, eyes still closed, and you pouted, feeling so sorry for him as you looked down. You set the glass down, and pressed your palm to his forehead.
“Hopefully the meds kick in soon. You’re burning up.”
“Yeah I bet,” he murmured as your palm went from assessing his temperature to caressing his face. You moved to sit back down where you were before, but he stopped you. “Wait- c’mere,” he looked up at you with glassy, half-lidded eyes. “I want- I need your body warmth…” He pleaded. He sounded so sweet when he pleaded with you.
“You want me to cuddle with you?” You asked in clarification.
“Alright, Jim. Let me in then,” you agreed. It wasn’t a hard choice. “Sheesh, and the way you fought against cuddling me…” You teased in false hurt.
“I hadn’t been sick with what you had yet. But you’ve already been sick with what I got now, so it doesn’t matter,” he lifted the blanket with his one arm and hissed through his teeth, shuddering with the other arm pressed close to his chest while you crawled underneath. You pressed your body face to face with his. He dropped the blanket over you and drew that arm in close to him, crossing them between your bodies for as much warmth as he could. You moved your own arm, prompting him to lift his head so you could slip it underneath and cradle him in your arms. You rubbed soothing circles into his back and he sighed, still trembling slightly in your embrace.
You bent your neck down to kiss him on the forehead, giving little scratches on his scalp through his hair. “You’re gonna get all sweaty and then I’ll get sweaty,” you complained, light and unserious.
“Worth it.”
“How do you know?”
“Cause I’m always worth it, aren’t I, darlin’?” He mumbled, voice heavy with exhaustion.
You sighed. “Can’t argue with that.” Certainly it was worth it, at least to be the one holding him in your arms instead of the other way around. Jimmy didn’t like to feel weak, or small like that. It was a precious, rare moment for him to let himself be held, cradled and comforted so softly while he curled up and pressed himself close to your warmth. “You are worth it, Jimmy.” You kissed his forehead again, and he only hummed in response.
It was nice. He rubbed his leg against yours, up and down, and gradually his shivering stopped, all while you caressed his back and his hair. His body relaxed against yours, his breathing gradually slowing until you could tell he was asleep.
Your heart softened, an aching outpouring of love flooding through your chest. “I love you, Jim,” you whispered, and closed your eyes. Not much else to do here but sleep along with him, and wait for him to wake up, damp and scrambling to cool down in the open air. But you were perfectly content to lay with him until that moment came.
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acynicalsweetheart · 2 months ago
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pairing: pre-tulpar!curly x fem!reader
word count: 3.0k
content warning: 18+, age gap, established relationship, daddy kink, praise kink, breeding kink, sex, tummy bulge, mentions of pregnancy, mild obsession/dependency, sort of sappy and soft here and there… canon events of mouthwashing do take place after this
author's note: hi… still nervous to death about posting even if i already shared this on my ao3. i think i yapped enough there so yah. first fic + smut ever btw LOL that's why it's so.. lack lustre. supposed to be the last day before his tulpar departure. any interaction appreciated! inspired by softer softest from rimqueen on here .
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It’s the last day.
The last day, if your star-crossed streak strikes again, you’ll ever see your Curly. You don’t want him to leave, why would you? Most importantly, why would he? His job is proclaimed to be your full-time daddy, not up in the galaxy, not in the middle of spacefuck nowhere. 
It’s five minutes past seven pm. Five minutes past the time he was supposed to be home. Of course you’re worried sick, what if he left early? To the ship, that is. You’re just pacing, anxiously turning your engagement ring left and right, the one Curly got you. The one that sits painfully cold and tight around your finger, not pleasant the way it does when he’s home—a reminder of his promise. Right now, it’s your only comfort, worrying with you as you overthink, flipping through all the reasons of why he isn’t home yet. 
You don’t trust that strange guy he always hangs out with, that shady type. His name leaves a bad taste in your mouth every time you say it. Every time you hear someone else say it. What if Jimmy’s the one who took your Curly away? He looks like he would. You can’t stand the way he looks like a wet and grumpy street cat living amongst dumpster trash. Your daddy is nowhere near dumpster trash, you truly don’t understand what he sees in him. He’s fond of Jimmy in a way that makes this dark-black cloud of jealousy settle snugly in your heart. 
The fact that he’s going to be up there with him and not you, for twelve and a half months—more than a year, that isn’t right. If you got pregnant today, you’d have to raise your baby all alone. Curly says he’s going to marry you when he gets back. All you hope is just that he does get back. 
You’ve got a Curly-shaped itch between your legs that only his dick can reach. 
Seven minutes past seven pm is when you hear keys jingling outside the front door. Seven is certainly not your lucky number. You’re on him the second he steps in, jumping up into his lap, lips smashing onto his before he can even inhale. Curly grabs onto you like it’s his instinct to do so. Has it been seven minutes or seven years? 
“Daddy!” You cup his face in your hands, stubble grazing your palms, almost wanting to shake some sense into his head, eyes searching for his. “What took you so long?”
“Sorry, honey, I—“ Curly’s voice is quickly muffled by your lips again, you just couldn’t resist shutting him up with another kiss. 
In your defence, he shouldn’t have come home looking that kissable and that fuckable. 
“Thought I’d lost you...” it’s a breathy admission, thumbs stroking over his cheekbones like he’s the most precious porcelain doll. You hug him tightly, gripping onto the fabric of his clothes and hope that maybe, just maybe, you’ll both be frozen like this forever. 
“Don’t worry, baby,” he chuckles reassuringly, bouncing you up and down the way he should be doing on his cock. “Daddy was getting fitted for his new suit, took a few more minutes than expected.”
You hadn’t even noticed that he was wearing it. Frankly, you don’t care what he’s wearing—you need it off, and you need it off now. 
“Yeah?” You ask as you pull back, taking another moment to look at him. 
“Yeah, fits like a glove,” Curly replies, seemingly way too proud. 
Like he is completely oblivious to the fact that he’s a walking, talking, living and comically oversized sex doll. Makes your stomach pool with the most uncomfortable cocktail of worry and arousal. How many people are gonna see him in that? Either way, you need to fit him like a glove. Right now, as a matter of fact. 
“Well, I missed you.” You pout, absentmindedly smoothing down the collar of his uniform. 
“Missed you more,” Curly noses at your cheek, saying that like he’s sure of it. 
“Then take me to bed,” it’s but a simple phrase, yet it makes Curly blush all the same, even at his age. 
“Alright, baby. As you wish.”
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You drench Curly’s face and neck in kisses while he carries you to bed, hopefully getting him just as turned on as you are. Although you think you take the cake, you’ve been pining for twelve hours straight, since he left for work this morning. It’s hard, not being able to last one day without fucking the shit out of him. 
Curly sits on the edge of the bed, but you want him in the middle of it. You want it to be special, to honour the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that keeps telling you it might be the last time. You want it to be your very own, personal romance movie—starring nobody else aside from you and Curly. 
You straddle him, legs struggling a little to fit on each side of his, hovering over the spacious and sparsely golden-haired expanse of his thighs. You’d like to ride them sometime, feel what it’s like to get them sticky with your juices. There’s so many things you want to do with Curly, do to Curly. So many things you might never get the chance to do.
His hands settle on your hips for the moment.
You unbutton his uniform, actively working against your lack of self-control to not just rip it off. You unbutton it like there’s time, like Curly isn’t leaving tomorrow, like it isn’t fully probable that this is the last time you’ll ever see each other. 
Button after button, the blond tufts of ocean waves on his chest reveal, getting sparser and darker to the trail down to the marbles of his stomach. You can’t get enough of him, his majestic fucking stallion face, flushed cheeks, huge tits, ridiculously big dick; everything that makes Curly, Curly. 
You need him so badly you can almost taste it. Taste him. Somewhere in your reddening, quickening heart, you hope that he needs you just as badly. 
“Daddy,” you start, but he’s already undressing, tugging the uniform down his legs. 
“I know, baby.” Curly leans in to peck your cheek, makes quick work of taking off your nightie. 
He unclasps your bra the same way he’s done a million times before, leaving it on top of the pile of shed clothes. He pulls your panties off, helping you lift one of your legs after the other. Curly even takes off your fuzzy socks. 
Your pussy’s crying out for your daddy, leaking onto his boxers and darkening the fabric. You’re soaked to the bone, stripped to the bone, all for him. 
You’re the one who leans in to kiss him again, shivering when he moves a hand to the nape of your neck, keeping your hair from spilling onto your naked frame. Curly’s other hand smooths down your side before his roughened fingertips find your swollen clit.
If your pussy could talk, it’d be screaming how badly it needs daddy. 
Curly touches you gingerly, his kisses swallowing every noise you make. He never outruns the achingly slow and gentle way he touches you in, doing it all so softly as if you’d break if he did it in any other manner. 
He buries his face in your neck, peppering kisses up and down, lips lingering on the spots he knows feel good for you. But Curly doesn’t bite, doesn’t suck, doesn’t leave a mark like you want him to. He doesn’t leave anything to show that you’re his—that he’s yours. 
The circles against your bud are doing numbers even if his touch is nothing but ghosting, tickling the nerves. Your hips buck to meet his touch, craving the feel of his fingertips on every millimeter of your clit the same way anybody craves anything.
“Cum for me, baby,” he whispers knowingly, lips brushing against your ear. “Cum for daddy.”
It twitches under the pads of his fingers, eyes fluttering shut at the tingles starting in your toes and making their way up to your loins. Your blunt nails dig into his shoulders, leaving crescent moons. Something little to show that he belongs to you. 
You tense up, head hanging low as you cum with a needy whine, translucent stickiness dripping down your daddy’s fingers and your thighs. Your legs are trembling, but it’s not nearly enough. 
“Need you inside, daddy,” you state the obvious before Curly even has time to tell you how much of a good girl you are, movements a little clumsy as you start pawing at the giant bulge underneath you. 
You can’t really tell if the wet spot on the midnight fabric is caused by him or you. 
“Shh... I’ll give it to my baby.” Curly places a tender kiss to your temple, his bigger hand covering yours, pulling down his boxers and finally letting his cock spring free. 
He tugs them all the way off while you gawk at him as if it’s the first time you’ve seen him naked. It’s thick all the way around, sticky in a way only pussies are—pink like his lips, his nipples, his cheeks when you embarrass him or kiss him in all the right places. Curly’s tip is reddish in moments like this, the colour creating the most erotic opalescent transition to his base and patch of golden curls. 
You take Curly in your hand, smiling at the heaviness weighing it down. His breath hitches once you give it a few idle strokes, sliding his leaky head against your leaky slit before lining the perfect pair up. 
The stretch never gets old, it’s painful yet familiar—something you’re used to after all this time. Curly helps you slowly sink down onto his fat cock, guiding you inch by inch, grunt by grunt, with his hands on your waist until he’s all the way inside you. He’s so big that his tip nearly breaches your cervix.
You feel him all too well, every vein, every ridge, every shape no matter the size. Every pulse and heartbeat—consuming your love through the tightness enveloping him, milking him for all he’s worth. 
But you fit around him like you were made for him. 
You waste no time starting to move your hips, the slick, slick, slick already echoing throughout the room from your wetness, watching daddy’s dick bulging through your tummy. 
Curly’s hands shift around your body, keeping you close to him by your shoulders one moment, guiding your hips back and forth the other. It’s not long before he starts humping you back. 
“You’re taking me so well, princess,” he pants, voice whiny as he places open-mouthed kisses all over your chest. “Taking daddy’s cock so deep.”
You brush his hair back, the shorter curls falling onto his damp forehead, take in his kiss-bruised and red lips as he keeps panting—and you think Curly’s never looked prettier. Never looked more like your daddy, yours and only yours. 
Tilting his head up to meet your eyes, you can’t help yourself, “I need you, Curly.”
The only time you ever call him Curly is in public. The only eyes watching are his, taking in your expression—your brows that are pinched together and tears that are threatening to spill over your waterlines. 
“Baby, don’t cry, ‘m right here.” He pulls you impossibly closer, sweaty bodies sticking together in a naked and tangled lotus flower. 
“Don’t go,” it comes out shaky - unsure if it’s ‘cause of the way your clit keeps brushing against him for every hump, or if it’s the sadness that sits just as snugly in your throat the way his dick does in your pussy. 
“I’m sorry,” Curly’s moans leak into his voice, “I have to. You know I’d never leave you.”
“What if it’s the last time, Curly? What if you don’t come back?” 
“Fuck, baby,” his cock stirs inside you, rubbing against your sweet, spongy spot. “Don’t talk like that, won’t be the last time. I’ll come back, you know I will.”
It’s a momentary comfort, words he can’t even be sure he’ll keep, your pussy squeezing him tighter than ever at the thought. You feel your second orgasm slowly building up in the confines of your tummy, the white-hot rush you can’t be sure is adrenaline or neediness running through your body. 
“Promise me, Curly.” Your legs tense shut around him. 
“I promise,” from him is all it takes to send you over the edge, waves of pleasure washing over you like a tsunami, sucking him in deeper as the coil in you snaps. 
You whine in tandem, noises blending together in a pornographic orchestra. Only difference is that Curly’s desperate to cum. You’re desperate for him to stay. He moves his hips up, you move yours back and forth.
“Oh, baby...” he says under his breath, struggling to maintain a steady rhythm. “I love you.”
“I love you, Curly.” You press your clammy forehead against his, breaths mingling as you pant into each other’s mouths. 
It makes his thrusts stiffen momentarily, his dark blond lashes fluttering like butterfly wings as he tries his best to keep his eyes on yours. Curly’s moans are breathless, his cock twitching against your walls, followed by the sticky, long-awaited warmth of his cum spilling into you. 
You keep up your pace, not wanting to let a single drop go to waste, hips grinding against his like you’ve got something to prove—which you do. “Want your babies, Curly.”
He winces, holds back another whine, you kind of feel bad for wearing his dick out like this, wringing his balls of every single last drop of seed. But he doesn’t tell you no, not ever, he’d beat around the bush if it meant not seeing the look of a kicked puppy on your face after not getting what you want. Regarding everything apart from his work, from tomorrow. 
“You will, honey. We’ll have as many as you want, okay?” 
Curly holds you until your movements go slack, bonelessly slumping against him. He lays you down, pulls out with a quiet, sticky pop, his cum trickling out of you - much to your dismay. Your pussy feels empty without him inside you, like it’s missing a crucial part of its anatomy. 
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You’re both staring at the wall, his head resting against your chest, fingers tangled in his post-sex messy curls, massaging his scalp. You wonder what Curly’s thinking of, if he’s thinking of you. You wonder if there’s a certain spot that’d act like a key if you massaged it good enough, make him unlock and tell you all his secrets. All the things running through his mind. 
“Don’t leave me, Curly. Just another day, okay? Tell them you’re sick or something... don’t wanna lose you.” 
You stick out your pinky finger for him to grab, dwarfing it when he does. Curly doesn’t say anything, doesn’t make a promise, doesn’t look you in the eyes. Just holds onto it, silently—like he knows he’ll let you down just as well as you do. 
And so you get dressed together, cook dinner together, sit bunched up on the couch together watching a shitty vintage drama about the Civil War just to make him happy. The question is if it’s all enough. 
He’s so okay with everything. 
It’s probably light on Curly—not having to see your worried face, quivering lips, stressed-out state. You wonder if he’ll even call, if they’re even allowed to call, if he even wants to call. 
You have a bad feeling about all of it. Not just that he could get lost in space, floating amongst the junk up there like that’s all he’ll ever be. It’s not only jealousy that sears in you, it’s this inexplicable feeling that you’ll never see him again. Like he might die. Or like you might die. From Curly withdrawal.
Who could go more than a year without seeing the love of their life? 
You wait for Curly in bed, wait for him like he is a million miles away already, somewhere in the galaxy even if he’s just in the other room. 
Your gaze drifts to the pile of clothes on the floor, memories of you and him tangled right here, on this very bed, flooding your mind in a way that is all too welcome—mildly bothersome. Your panties, his suit. 
That stupid fucking pony and its Pony Express logo ironed to the chest of his uniform. 
You want to hide it, tear it, incinerate it. If you did, Curly wouldn’t have anything to wear to work tomorrow. Knowing him, he’d probably show up regardless, but you wish there was a sliver of hope that he wouldn’t. Wouldn’t put it on, leave you, show up. 
You just let it lie there, on the floor—where it belongs. 
But he holds you all the same, lets his big arms lull you to sleep when the room’s pitch black and the smell of sex lingers faintly in the air. 
“Sweet dreams, my darling girl,” is lazily murmured into your hair, the scent of Curly comfortably overbearing as his frame eclipses yours. Is that going to be the last you ever hear of him?
“Night, daddy.” 
You dream of him, not unlike every other night. You’re married, you have babies, Jimmy’s out of the picture. Curly’s a baker, brings you home stupid and puffy pastries, and he’s too good at it. Too good at being your husband, at making you feel loved, at being homely in the way that suits him so perfectly. You fall asleep with this empty feeling imprisoning your heart—keeping it locked up behind bars until he’s unconditionally yours. 
The entire thing is too good to be true. 
Curly’s gone in the morning, he left you with nothing besides a dull ache between your legs and a pink post-it stuck to the bedside table. The cold metal of your ring sits mockingly mean and tight around your finger, strangling it so tight it cuts off your blood circulation. It’s a brazen reminder of your Curly, his promises. The fact that he may never come back. You wonder if he’ll ever be your daddy again—if he’ll ever be anybody else’s daddy. 
Your pregnancy test lies face down, two stripes for positive in the trash. 
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kissracing · 3 months ago
Everyone’s favorite, carlos sainz jr,
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summary. various instagram posts from the goddess, beautiful, multi-talented, writer, yn ln &&. her husband carlos sainz jr.
featuring. carlos sainz jr x fem!poc!reader (faceclaim, orion carloto)
this fic includes the following. . . yn &&. carlos are married, google-translated spanish, read the end for more info!!
yourusername • instagram
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, carlossainz55, and others
yourusername Love life 🖼️🍒💍
♥︎ 764k 💬 65.8k ➢
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carlossainz55 📌 Cielo mío ❤️
⤷ yourusername Mi viejo 🤍
⤷ carlossainz55 VIEJO? Oh please 🙄😐 I’m 3 years older than you.
user mama y papa
landonorris Who took that photo of you two at the gallery..???
⤷ yourusername … No comment
⤷ landonorris It was the camera timer huh
⤷ yourusername Blocked.
user they’re so aesthetically pleasing
⤷ yourusername The clock & flower looking one are from a thrift store in spain! The other ones are from my wonderful in-laws 🫶🏼🤍
⤷ user AHHH you actually replied HEHE
user they compliment each other so well oh em gee
user the day they got married, lives were changed fr
user the beautiful, gorgeous, multi-talented, yn ln-sainz 😍😍 and carlos ig
alexandrasaintmleux The prettiest 💞💐 We must go to a gallery together!!
⤷ yourusername Says you??? 🤨😭🤍 And yes we must haha!
yourusername • instagram
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liked by landonorris, carmenmundt, and others
yourusername It’s a work in progress :) ☕️
♥︎ 802k 💬 78k ➢
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user 📌 one thing yn will do.. is make sure her feed matches LOL
carlossainz55 📌 Mi bella esposa 🫶🏼🌷
⤷ yourusername Mi guapo marido 🫶🏼💐
user the brown aesthetic >>>
user your handwriting is so gorgeous im so sick
user carlosyn supremacy
landonorris Oh so no photo credits 🤨⁉️
⤷ landonorris YES and it was the worst “hangout” of my life 😒 They were just on each other.. so gross. They have no compassion for single people
⤷ carlossainz55 ?? You tagged along after seeing us in the coffee shop, That’s your fault cabrón 😂
⤷ yourusername Plus, we paid for your food and shoes that you wanted !!
⤷ yourusername … Okay 😭?
user lando’s their son fr
alexandrasaintmleux Who’s the gorgeous girl in the first slide 💘
⤷ yourusername Love you Alexx 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼
text messages • yn &&. carlos
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yourusername • instagram
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, and others
yourusername Welcome my favorite addition to the Ln-Sainz family!! Milo Ln-Sainz. 💘🥺💌 Thank you Carlito
♥︎ 893k 💬 62.6k ➢
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carlossainz55 📌 As long as you’re happy, I’m happy Mi Corazon
⤷ yourusername Oh how did I get so lucky 🥹
⤷ carlossainz55 I ask myself that everyday ❤️
alex_albon All I’m hearing is… PLAYDATE!! 🗣️
⤷ maxverstappen1 NO I MEANT TO CALL DIBS FIRST!!
⤷ yourusername Gentlemen, no need to fight!! We’ll all have a playdate together 🥺🤍
user he’s so eepy oh my god 😭😭😭🤏🏽
⤷ yourusername Best napping partner 🥹
user please tell me yall are gonna make an instagram for him
maxverstappen1 Jimmy, Sassy and Donatello are extremely excited to meet their new friend Milo 🙂‍↕️
⤷ alex_albon Stan, Blue bear, Gigi, Hippo, Tiger, Duckie, Goosie, Frooky, MooMoo, Looky, Sasha, and Gucci are ALSO extremely excited to meet Milo 🙃!
⤷ maxverstappen1 Did you really name all of your cats to prove a point?
⤷ alex_albon …Yes
user max and alex fighting over milo is the best thing LMAO
user He’s so cute 🙁🙁
carlossainz55 • instagram
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liked by yourusername, lilymhe, and others
carlossainz55 Escapada con Mi esposa 🩷
♥︎ 1.1M 💬 72.6k ➢
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yourusername 📌 Best trip ever 🤍 Thank you Mi marido
⤷ carlossainz55 You’re welcome cariño 🩷
user MY SHAYLA 😖😖😫😫
user She’s everything.. and he’s ken
⤷ carlossainz55 Exactly
user literally how is she so perfect
user pinterest girlies finna go CRAZY
⤷ pinterest Can confirm, We’re going crazy!
user God.. it’s me again 😫
⤷ carlossainz55 Nope!
alexandrasaintmleux Bring her back! We (Milo, and I) miss her!!
⤷ lilymhe Count me too, quit holding her hostage Sainz!!
⤷ carlossainz55 Did I hear “extend our vacation to another week?” I mean if you say so!
⤷ lilymhe YNNN @yourusername
⤷ yourusername Ooh sorry Alex and Lils.. I’ll take that extended vacation.. Love you guys tho!! Kiss Milo for me!!
⤷ alexandrasaintmleux Carlos Sainz Jr, you will pay.
⤷ lilymhe I’ll see you in williams Sainz Jr.
user the first photo 😩>>
yourusername I love you Carlito 💘
⤷ carlossainz55 I love you so much more hermosa 💐💝
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amera speaks. 2ND FIC!! and first fic for the new year!! yippee :D. i really didn’t know wtf to title this LMAO. i searched the web a little bit to figure out what orion’s ethnicity is. i know she said that she’s half hondurian from her mothers side which would make her latina(?). i also read that she’s half italian & portuguese. i only say this because i have “poc!reader” and i just wanna make sure that orion herself is a poc. let me know if i should change it!! i wanna be accurate as possible <3. okay BYE!
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