#jill the ripper
cloudrifto · 1 year
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I'm saying the weak, insecure Sumire is back!
That name I used to hate so much -- wanna know how did she turned into like this? Actually, why don't I give you a demonstration? I think it's time for Sumire… TO LET 'ER RIP! (cw: blood)
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scholarofgloom · 20 days
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moldy-pasta · 10 months
Laughing Jack is from the 1800's, he's a murderer, his name is Jack. You know who else was a murderer in the 1800's named Jack? Jack the Ripper. Laughing Jack could've been Jack the Ripper. I rest my case.
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
New season of Unsolved Mysteries is really opening up strong with Jack the Ripper, huh?
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theboost · 3 months
Men love to go on podcasts and lie. They’ll say things like “Dolph Lundgren was so good. He should’ve been much bigger than he was” I promise you he was operating right at his level
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Kathline: Make sure to eat your veggies, kids.
Daniel: Alright then.
Jill: But what if I don't?
Kathline: Then the plants will come to life with sentience and wage war with humanity.
Jill: But that sounds like fun.
Jack: Eat the fucking greens, kiddo.
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auntymatter · 2 years
The first of my Halloween listening. Highly recommended.
BTW this title I available on Audible *but* it has a different reader. This from Speaking Volumes is read by the late, great Roger Zalazny himself. He has the perfect low key, deadpan voice for Snuff.
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Highly recommended! Read the book if you don't have access to the audio. Great read aloud as a family.
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fght-ff-yr-dmns · 2 years
True Crime/Mystery Question
You have the ability to go back in time and witness ONE true crime/mystery event.  You cannot interfere, but will be able to return with an answer and hopefully some justice. 
What event are you going to choose and why?
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stainlesssteellocust · 3 months
good thing I ran out of space or I’d have been tempted to put Them in here
These range from single-episode tragedies and things which barely have content in their own books to the main plots of their ongoing series, and everything in between. I’m fully expecting a few to get flattened bc nobody on tumblr knows them, but heaven only knows who the victor’s going to be
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skywarpie · 1 month
Yea I could put this on my history blog but I'm too lazy to switch to that blog.
Anyway, as a historian the jack the ripper tale and people's obsession with it is so weird to me? Like yea it's like "Ah man why don't we know who that is?!" But in the process of doing that people have focused more on an unknown killer than the 5 women. Like there's literally books upon books about someone we don't even know their identity? While the women described as common prostitutes when in really there is very LITTLE evidence that 3 out of 5 of them were sex workers they were just poor.
Also chances are "jack" was more than likely "jill" the ripper. A midwife could easily slip through the streets at night and no one would think anything of it simply because midwives are always going places 24/7. That accompanied with how the killer had extensive knowledge about women reproduction organs would symbolize that too seeing as those were removed. There's also several instances that the same woman was seen leaving several of those women's homes/where they had last been
Idk it just doesn't intrigue me as an "unsolved" mystery when there's all these links
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nathantheauthor · 4 months
While I'm working on Ann... I want to put this out, it's kind of something modern X-Men inspired me to do.
I'm going to run an occasional poll to see who you want to join the members of Ripper Inc, to see which Creepypastas you personally believe deserve redemption and to join this found family!
This is going to be devious. The winners will get dedicated posts next week.
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What kind of jack is in the box?
Those toys that are worse than legos to step on?
Jill's ex bf?
A car jack?
Mr statefarm?
first of all the only thing worse than stepping on a lego is stepping on a D4… d&d nerds assemble (I’m here)
and second of all… for all you know it could be Jack the Ripper… though wouldn’t you like to know^^
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hvbris · 11 months
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𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 . 𝐉𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐒 (aka Jill the Ripper)
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This is kind of a very specific dynamic call, maybe it's more of a wishlist? I'd love to explore a family dynamic with Jill, specifically with Jill as a mother. I'm happy with her being the adoptive mom or the birth mom of your muse. Jill is a psychiatrist (and secretly a serial killer who kills abusive men/husbands), so if you'd like your muse to have a psychiatrist/serial killer mom, like or comment on this post and I'll message you to plot!
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theboost · 11 months
Last night I did a double feature of what I can only call jack-the-rippersploitation movies. And I have to ask you, the audience, to pick which one you think sounds better. The first one, Jack’s Back, is about James Spader investigating the murder of his doctor twin, played by James Spader, after he experiences a psychic vision of it happening in a nightmare (nothing else supernatural happens even a little bit). The second one, Jill Rips (aka Jill the Ripper), is about Dolph Lundgren going undercover into the world of hardcore bdsm to track down his brother’s murderer who is, you guessed it, a bdsm lady Jack the Ripper. Kind of.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
The Cresswell Family
Jack the Ripper doesn't seem like the type to start a family but he eventually settles down with a woman named Kathline. They end up having two kids: Daniel and Jill.
Kathline Cresswell
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An alternate spelling of the name Katherine which is derived from a Greek word meaning "pure."
Age (at the beginning of the events of BC): 25 (making her three years younger than Jack)
Birthday: September4
Magic Attribute: Steel
Appearance: Kathline has mousy brown hair which is long enough to reach her shoulder blades and somewhat unruly. Around the house, she leaves it loose and ties it up mostly when she works. Her eyes are a deep green color.
Personality: An unassuming woman most of the time. She cares about liking the things she does rather and other people approving of her actions. She's upfront about nearly everything in her life. Assertive nearly to the point of being aggressive, she rarely lets herself be taken advantage of by others. She has a hidden rage that can awaken in her when faced with her worst enemy: plants. Perhaps it was due to growing up near a forest and wildlife repeatedly overgrowing her home throughout childhood. Some chalk it up to her awful hay fever. Or maybe it was because she ate a few poisonous berries by accident and took that as an attack. Either way, Kathline hates plants and people with plant-based attributes with a burning passion. She even sees gardening as plants brainwashing humans into servitude. It's kinda ridiculous how much hate she has for plants. Kathline actually became a vegetarian at a young age to exact revenge against all plant life, killing them and using them as the fuel to drive more of her destruction.
Kathline works as a furniture maker. She constructs the frames and legs and other parts of furniture, usually out of wood. She utilizes her magic to make metal fixtures/fastenings on some of her works.
Kathline and Jack met as teens (Kathline was 16 and Jack was 19). Kathline's house became overgrown with plants, a common occurrence throughout her life, and so Kathline hired a Magic Knight to handle the situation. Jack was the knight to cut away all the plants. Kathline joyfully cheered on Jack's "massacre" of the plants. Jack was happy to hear someone appreciate his work. They saw each other again four years later when Jack ordered new furniture for the Green Mantis' base and Kathline was the one to deliver it. During the interaction, she talked of sadistically taking joy in turning the corpses of trees into tools for humans (like I said before, she's ridiculous). Jack continued ordering furniture from Kathline's workplace to keep seeing her. He found her vitriol amusing and Kathline appreciated Jack's own aggressive way of life. They slowly but surely fell in love. After the elf incident, they began to date. They eventually married. ... Only after Daniel was conceived and Kathline nearly killed Jack to get him to propose.
Kathline adores Daniel and Jill very much, and reminds them to take pride in themselves (which Jill does more successfully than Daniel). She's well known to the Green Mantis, especially to older Knights who seen her visiting since Jack became captain.
Charlotte and William have had the "pleasure" of meeting Kathline and both agree that they'd rather not spend more time with her than necessary. Being invited to Jack and Kathy's wedding gave them chills.
Daniel Cresswell
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Daniel's name means "God is my judge" in Hebrew.
Age: 18
Birthday: April 27
Magic Attribute: Steel.
Appearance: Pitch black hair like his father which he keeps cut short and doesn't even bother trying to style it. His eyes are a deep green color, inherited from his mother.
Personality: Daniel is someone who is absolutely done with the world. As a little kid, he was peaceful and was one of those kids that just walked up to others in hopes of being friends. However, when other kids found out who his dad was, they called him "violent" and "crazy" which bothered Daniel. He tried to ignore them but eventually the bullying got to him and he lashed out. Playing into people's expectations despite not wanting to got to Daniel and he drew into himself. Despite his dislike of being judged, he's judgmental himself and tends to call out people he thinks are rude or dumb. Daniel can keep a level head in small groups; it's crowds make him irritable. Because of how he isolates himself, Daniel is bad with social cues and usually needs Jill's help when talking to people. Daniel is an avid reader as it allows him to escape reality. He's got a good imagination and can come up with scenarios off the top of his head. He usually does it to tell scary stories or what-if scenarios to make people worry. His habit for telling tales has also turned him into a good liar with only ki readers able to tell when he's making things up. Not the type to genuinely poke his nose into people's business, only to make snide remarks but it takes someone else dragging him along to disrupt what a person is doing.
He meets and befriends Saki through a book club. He's friendly with Aecor since Ace is so kind and understanding. They don't get many chances to meet though. He will mock Dawn's spirited nature or Caelum's chivalry but he accepts that they're good people. He understands Dusk and Silver not liking being around people but doesn't like how spineless they act. He's okay with Skylar and Soleil since they make Jill happy but if Skylar even thinks of flirting with Jill, Daniel will throw hands.
Drinks and smokes to pass the time despite finding the flavors of most alcohols and cigarettes offensive.
He refuses to be a Magic Knight on principle. Instead, he pursues a career in metal-working, specifically making figurines and decorative pieces from metal.
He did his own piercings (and it was very painful since he had no clue what he was doing).
He used to not care for literary analysis, more drawn to the way good writing got his imagination flowing and evoked strong emotions. The more he read though, the better he became at picking up writing devices and become deeply invested on theorizing on what happened in books before he finished.
Jill Cresswell
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Her name means "child of the gods" or "youthful."
Age: 15
Birthday: February 7
Magic Attribute: Severing.
Appearance: Jill has mousy brown hair just like her mother. As a little girl, she kept her hair cut short but later decided to grow it out and tends to wear it in messy buns. Her eyes are yellow like her father's.
Personality: Jill is a mischief maker. She likes sneaking salt into people's water or tying doorknobs to stable fixtures so the doors can't be opened or sending letters in fancy envelopes only for the message inside to be insulting (or a spray of magic sneezing powder). The way Jill sees it, the world is naturally boring and she has to make it entertaining with her own two hands. If people are upset with her actions, it's their fault for being uninspired. She’s also daddy’s little girl and will go feral on someone’s ass if need be. Unlike Daniel who didn't want to be compared to his father, Jill wholeheartedly accepts it and challenges anyone who thinks they can shame her for her parentage. Her father is strong and so is Jill, and she's ready to prove it. Also, this girl can't be scared by anything. Jack laughs while Daniel wishes Jill "good luck and don't die" when she goes off to do something dangerous. Jill's big flaw is her desire to always challenge people. She thinks "competing against yourself" is a cop out and prefers getting the chance to outdo others.
Thanks to their shared love of pranking, Jill became friends with Skylar and Soleil. Ann and Raphael are basically Jill's rivals. She enjoys setting them off and seeing them try to stop the chaos she leaves in her wake. Has met most of the other Silva children and while she’s fine with most with a dislike towards Solid’s kids, she downright fears Aimee. That child is freakishly strong for her age and her anti-magic weapons are formidable.
Despite being so close with Jack, Jill ultimately doesn't follow in his footsteps. She tried being a Magic Knight for a few months but decided it wasn't for her. Instead, she becomes a hunter like her grandfather. Her on a hunting job is one of the few scenarios wherein she's calm.
Her favorite rhyme starts with “Jack and Jill went up the hill to beat up the weakling Black Bulls.” She brings it up more once Skylar joins the Black Bulls.
Girl hates her cowlicks. She has no idea why those few clumps of hair refuse to stay close to her scalp. She's considered cutting them but Daniel always stops her because he thinks they're cute.
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brokehorrorfan · 7 months
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Jill Rips has been released on Blu-ray via Scream Factory. Limited to 1,620, the 2000 thriller is available for $29.98 exclusively from Shout Factory. It's also known as Jill the Ripper and Tied Up.
Anthony Hickox (Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, Waxwork) directs from a script by Kevin Bernhardt (Peaceful Warrior) and Gareth Wardell, based on the 1987 novel by Frederic Lindsay. Dolph Lundgren stars.
Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by Anthony Hickox
Former boxer and cop Matt Sorenson (Dolph Lundgren) now makes a living collecting debts for small businesses … but the brutal death of his high-powered younger brother throws his life into turmoil. Intent on finding his brother's killer, Sorenson infiltrates a twisted underworld of politics, intrigue, and sex. Rejecting the police and media theory that the murder is the work of a female prostitute, Sorensen's focus falls on the corrupt big city businessman, Jim Conway. As a series of other men are found murdered in a similar fashion to his brother, Sorenson's obsession to discover the killer's identity mounts and his own sense of right and wrong becomes blurred, drawing him deeper and deeper into a darkness from which he may never return.
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