#jikook sus
mrs-monaghan · 14 hours
Bros and their bro behaviour
He he heee.
The thing is though anon, Korean men and I believe many Asian countries do this ass crack thing to eo... no homo. Its a thing that they do and don't associate it with being gay.
Jikook didn't do it just once or twice, ha haa, funny. No. Jimin did that to JK over and over and over. It's the consistency for me 🤭🤭 It's like, yes, Jikook do things that are normalised between friends, but then they take it a step further. You know? And that's what sets them apart from other BTS ships. There is Bangtan skinship. Then there is Jikook skinship. You know what I mean?
But, if people see it just here and there they don't think much of it. Which i believe is Jikook's aim. But if there was a compilation between Jikook Vs between them and other members doing the same thing, somehow their videos can end up being like 30 minutes long or something 😂😂
It's that hiding in plain sight thing. Smart.
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always-is-always · 27 days
Okay..... "shower theory".... Episode 4
I've been on the road today for work, and just came back home.... Click on Tumblr and it's 99+ new posts in the feed.... I have not scrolled all the way through, yet.
So with that being said, someone may have already called out or tossed out this theory.... ?? Maybe I'm alone on this hill? 🧐
After Jungkook and Jimin head indoors after the pool-play and warm-up next to the fire, there is mention of taking a shower before bed. "A shower". Not plural "showers", as in each taking a shower....
Then, the camera suspiciously sits alone, out on the patio, focused on the FLOOR and not on Jungkook and Jimin who are inside, having the short discussion about the shower...
There is an edit, and we suddenly see Jungkook as he has stepped into the bathroom about to close the door... Jimin is no where to be seen.
Then, there is another edit where we suddenly see both Jimin and Jungkook again, post-shower.....
My bets are placed on the high probability that they took that little shower together.... sneaky, they are. Yet, not quite sneaky enough...
I'll die on this hill.
I'm sticking to this theory... 😁
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
Hi storm! So in celebration of the upcoming ARS episodes I was wondering if you could do a Gif/Pic compilation of "that's not bro behavior" of jikook? 😁🤭
Just bros..... Bro
Just some bro kisses...
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Just bro butt squeezes
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Just bro pets
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Just bro roleplay things...
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(gifs from @gimbapchefs)
Just staring into bros soul
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roo-bastmoon · 11 months
Fanservice Couple Sucks at Fanservicing
Jimin's Album: Here's a super secret hidden song "for the fans" with lyrics that mimic things Jimin said before specifically about Jungkook, with Jungkook providing background vocals that were never discussed when marketing the album, and listeners have to wait through dead air to get to hear the song and shine a light on the invisible lyrics engraved in the album and it's not uploaded onto Spotify or for digital sale because.... fanservice.
Jimin's Documentary: Here's less than two minutes of footage of Jungkook singing Letter; the film cuts away from Jikook's hug and doesn't interview Jungkook about it at all, and practically his entire face is covered when he's singing it; also, the paper he's holding is shaking like a leaf, unlike earlier in the day when he was recording for the World Cup, which was the biggest solo performance of his career at that time, because.... fanservice.
Jimin's Live Reaction: Here's Jimin lighting up like a Christmas tree when Jungkook quietly sneaks in the room to watch his live recording before going home; now watch as they awkwardly interact for two minutes--including a tiddy grab and butt smacking, on top of "I love you" and "have fun with ARMY!" but notice Jimin sends Jungkook away, instead of letting him mic up and sit on the chair and react with him, because... fanservice.
Jimin's Commentary: Here's Team Jimin reacting to every remote detail of the making of the documentary, except when it comes to Letter, in which case no one breathes the name Jungkook and he is never heard nor appears on screen, because... fanservice. gosh that sure is odd.
The fanservice isn't fanservicing.
It's almost how like, in their real lives when they aren't working, Jungkook watched all of Jimin's content, or Jungkook mumbled about how Jimin moved his lamp or mentioned Jimin kept coming up to him to say "periri," or how Jimin traveled to NYC and CT for Jungkook's debut and they filmed something but all Jungkook would say about it is "Yeah, he's in.... New York," and then Jimin posted a shirtless picture on Jungkook's birthday but never spoke on it, or how both Jimin and Jungkook just happened to find time to watch the same random anime, or how they went to Jeju together but we wouldn't have known if Tae hadn't posted photos, or how it is heavily implied that they spent Chuseok together based on the whale drawing that Jimin posted and the way Jungkook was quick to tell us that Jimin drew half of it.
Golly gosh, for a Fanservice Couple, it's almost like a bunch of stuff isn't being shared with us on purpose. But why?
Doxxed info? Tampered mail? Death threats? Press scandals? Global debut? Conservative homophobia? Military service?
Who knows, but "lack of genuine closeness" doesn't seem to be the driving reason.
I'm not gonna sit here and scream conspiracy theories about a "private couple." Jimin lives like a hermit much of the time and Jungkook is running around with his same-age friends quite a bit these days.
So as I always say--I cannot tell you that Jikook are dating. I can only tell you we have solid evidence of unique, charged chemistry between them--and tons of hints that they spend more time together than they let us in on. That's it. If there's more, we aren't getting to see it.
And I don't blame anyone who takes the stance "I'll believe it when I see it." I think a fair amount of skepticism and a dedication to the just the facts is a healthy mindset.
But it really makes my teeth itch when Jikook are accused of doing fanservice for the cameras, cause...
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Where the hell is all my fanservice?? *grabby hands* WHERE?
Why is it that even TWO SECONDS of them interacting is so charged and fraught that it gets the entire fandom frothing at the mouth?
Jikook DO spend time together but they aren't running onto WeVerse to share it with us all the time, ya know? It leeks out little by little. And that makes it even MORE suspicious than just two bros hanging out in broville doing bro things.
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In summary: This Fanservice Couple *sucks* at fanservice in solo era for sure.
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aricastmblr · 1 month
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JiminxJungKook Are You Sure?! Jeju Disney+ Season2 Episode 3
Inicio viaje el 26 Sept 2023
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btstulip · 2 months
Is Bighit pulling a Rose Bowl?
New theory... Bighit wants the Jikook travel show to look as GAY as possible!
I was so shocked at the last trailer for Are You Sure?! You can read my post about that here. I mean come on...
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That is how they STARTED the damn trailer?!? 🤯And then playing Jimin's "Who" and Jungkook's "Seven". 😵 And those aren't even the only moments I was surprise didn't end up on the cutting room floor. This is not something you would do if you're trying to make this show look like two friends just being good bros on vacation together.
That's when it hit me, they are doing with Are You Sure?! what they did with the unforgettable Rose Bowl moment.
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Bighit had to decide how to handle 👆that very public moment of affection witnessed and recorded. So they put it in the official memories. If it were truly what it looked like, surely Bighit would try to bury it right? But the figured out how to repackage it as fanservice and hide it in plain sight.
I'm starting to be convinced that is what they are doing with Are You Sure?! They knew this show would raise eyebrows. And they knew jikook were going to jikook. They could have removed almost everything and we would still be left with cute moments where their chemistry and bond would be obvious for all to see. So why not make the show look over the top gay? It feeds right into the fanservice narrative so many already believe.
I'm starting to think they are going to put the most suspicious moments in the trailers/promotions to make the show look tame in comparison. Which is fine with me because those of us that know will still get to witness and enjoy so many warm and love filled moments. I can't wait to see them free to have fun together. 💜💛
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jkjmbtsarmy · 7 months
Can we talk about this very SUS Jikook moment from Bon Voyage Season 2 ep 2 please?
So the boys are playing Hide in Seek in the dark (aka with blindfolds and all that inside their first accommodation) to win money for spending on their first full day in Hawaii.
They have been split into three teams. A) Namjin B)Sope C)VMinKook
While trying to find our glorious leader, Namjoon, who keeps slipping by all of them, THIS ⤵️ (the SUS Jikook moment in question)
Happens (Ignore the crap quality from my cell phone)
🐥 -Touches Jungkook on his butt- “feels like Jungkook’s butt”
Feels like Jungkook’s butt!? Park Jimin please explain to me how you KNOW that’s Jungkook’s butt just by feeling/touching it?
Especially when this ⤵️
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Happened less than two minutes prior.
Jin was trying to maneuver and climb from where he was in the window to the bed and both Jungkook and Taehyung find him. Jungkook ends up putting his hands on Jin’s backside and goes “whose butt is this? Who are you?”
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beautifulpersonpeach · 7 months
Hi BPP, i noticed in one of your asks about Jikook, you mentioned paying attention to their Vlives and i swear to you that one of the biggest reasons i think Jikook are not just platonic is because of their Lives especially the ones when it’s just two of them. There is this different air around them and you can literally always feel how thick the air is with tension.
I know this might sound a little delulu but i 100% trust my guts when it comes to certain things. I’m usually not very great at catching things at first glance but when someone else catches those things and brings them to my attention, I’m exceptionally good at paying more attention and catching those things many people will miss. There is nothing in the world that can convince me that Jimin wasn’t with Jk in his room during that famous “naked bread Live” where Tae surprised Jk in his room. There is also Hobi’s Live from 2016 where Armys kept asking for Jimin and Hobi went to Jimin’s room and it was clear that they were hiding something or someone. Now this one is debatable as to who it was in Jimin’s room but there was 100% someone there with him as we could literally see a shadow pass by in the tv screen. Another Live that was very telling was the New Jersey Live of May 2019. That Live where Jk started a live and later panned to Jimin. That Live is a goldmine and minus all the analysis, anybody who has a little bit of a brain could immediately tell that something fishy was going on with Jikook. I always laugh when tkkrs also use that exact same Live as proof that taekook were sharing a room because of that statement Tae made about “weren’t we sharing a room”, i mean he came into the room and the first question he asked was, “whose room is this” he literally didn’t even know it was Jk’s room in the first place lol and if they were indeed sharing a room, why the hell will he feel the need to ask Jk “weren’t we sharing a room” outta nowhere? If you live in the same house as someone, do u just wake up outta the blue and ask them “aren’t we living in the same house?” How does it even make sense? If you paid attention you would notice that, just b4 tae said that, there was a cough sound that came from maybe the bathroom or something and Jk immediately asked Tae to stay put while he went to the bathroom and while he was there, you could hear him mumble something offscreen and that is when Tae said that. I always thought maybe tae said that to cover things up or he was just being his chaotic adorable self idk but that Live pretty michconfirmed alot of things for me. Not forgetting how Jk was literally kicking tae outta the room lol.
Almost all of the lives with Jimin and Jk in them pretty much give them away and the lives are my biggest reason for thinking Jikook are/were more than friends. I honestly can’t tell what kind if relationship they have with each other these days but nothing can convince me that those two have always just been platonic. Even if they have never actually dated each other or been in a relationship, i know that they have felt sexual attraction towards eo and have probably acted on it. I mean lets be serious here, why else do you think Jk would visit Jimin’s room multiple times a day, goes there really late at night and remains in there for abt 4 hours at a time “doing nothing” as Jimin said? Especially when he has 5 other hyungs he could visit and hang out with when he is bored. We know he is really close to Tae too so why wouldn’t he even spend some of that time hanging out with him? What is so interesting about any room Jimin is in that he has continued to be obsessed with those rooms for years BPP? Since b4 their debut, we they have always liked spending their nights together. Jk would pile clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed, when Jihope were roomates, it was the same time taekook shared their big living space together yet we found out from Jimin and Hobi that Jk came into their room every single night to sleep there. The one time staff hid cameras in their hotels rooms without telling them, what happened? Didn’t we all see Jimin and Jk getting into Jk’s hotel room together even though all the other members got into their rooms together? Let’s not even talk about Hobi’s bday Live in 2019 when Jimin had to come back to get Jk cuz it seemed like he couldn’t get into his room without him or how during the Live itself he mentioned telling Jk he wouldn’t be able to get which suggested that they were together in the same room before joining the Live.
I dunno combing through footage of all these years, it is crystal clear that there was/is something up with those two. They are just too sus.
Sorry for the extremely long ask.
I agree.
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markbumjinson · 2 years
Lemme get this for a hot minute: JK's mom made seaweed soup on Jimin’s birthday. Interestinggg...
FYI: the Korean "birthday soup" is a seaweed soup that is given to the birthday celebrant. JK's mom must've really love JM for her to cook that soup on specifically on his birthday. I mean, we really cannot blame her!😌
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irishhorse-blog · 2 years
Well. Alrighty, then.
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mrs-monaghan · 4 days
Heyyy!! I haven’t had the chance to rewatch all the episodes yet, but I was wondering about jk turning the cameras off in some of the episodes for privacy ofc, and as far as my memory serves me, I only remember him doing it in the US and Sapporo episodes, I can’t recall him turning off any cameras in the jeju episode? Would you know if he did do it in the jeju episodes and I just missed it?
If he did in fact turn off the camera in the episodes where it was just him and jm well… 👀
Thank youu xx
Wait a damn minute!
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You're right. You're absolutely right. The cameras are getting turned off when it's just them. Anon, what is this suspicious discovery??
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wiinterchiild · 2 years
forever is a long time
Reincarnation AU
Vampire JK & Human JM
Open Eding
Explicit Content / Smut
Jeongguk loved one man, and one only. His whole world shattered when he lost Yonseo centuries ago, arriving late to his love, only to see his corpse. He has resolved himself into solidarity after that, barricading himself from the world. Until Seokjin finally had enough and dragged him out into the world, what he hated so much for taking away his love. However, when Yonseo's face looks back at him for a huge billboard he freezes. This man looks like his Yonseo, but acts so differently, speaking in a tone his Jimin would have never. Jimin's sassy and strong and fierce and everything in between, and somehow Jeongguk can't get enough.
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kanmom51 · 13 days
Are you sure?! Episode 6 - Sapporo
Lessons in how to start an episode right here.
Jikook being all sentimental.
This is not the first time they were in Sapporo. JM was talking about six or seven years ago, while this came to mind straight away:
Sapporo snow festival February 2016.
One of those probably memorable moments.
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This is such a young Jikook, this being one of the first louder JK moments at the time.
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I'm sure they created some beautiful memories there. None as beautiful as the ones they created in Tokyo though.
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That was theirs, and that is also why we don't get to share any of their Tokyo time in 2024. That is theirs and theirs alone. And yes, I know that JK was working part of their time in Tokyo, but see, if they weren't intending on spending time together, JM could easily have joined him a few days later. But he didn't.
Them sitting there on that sofa and talking about the show, btw, was filmed most likely at the end of their trip, just before leaving for the airport and home.
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This is them leaving Sapporo.
28 November 2023. Basically 2 weeks before they enlisted. Them sitting down, at the very end of their last trip before enlistment. Understandably emotions would be heightened. And that trademarked move of JK's...
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Moving on to their arrival in Sapporo.
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Ok, so as I mentioned in my Jeju posts, I saw a clear shift in JK in Jeju. Lighter. A weight lifted off his shoulders. He was the same here, even more so. But the one I wanted to talk about was JM. Because I felt like here, in Sapporo, is where we see that same shift in him. In CT he was sick but content to be with JK. In Jeju he was happy but still felt a little distant (not from JK but not allowing himself to fully let go), less touchy feely with JK, like he was holding back (with all of the shifty cheeky behaviour that was going on he still felt like he was holding back). But here, he's just all in. He's handsy and touchy feely, and talkative. So so talkative. I won't lie, I was a little shocked. In the best way possible. This was a side of JM we didn't get to see for such a long time. Free. Open. Some of the conversations they had, and some of the things JM talked about, never in 100 years would I have thought he would bring them up on his own accord and share his thoughts with us about them.
This one for example:
JM talking about this so openly. JK's reaction or lack thereof makes me feel like this wasn't the first time the subject came up with the two of them.
Not to say that I don't think that JK was taken aback by JM bringing it up there and then. His initial reaction was not stressed but maybe a little worried?
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But with saying that, imo this is not the first time he's heard this. And the maybe a little worry is not about the subject and more about the timing of the convo.
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That is what I see.
Even when having this conversation, which is not an easy one to have for the two of them.
Remember how the subject of being married with children came up during Festa 2020? Remember how the two stayed conspicuously silent on the matter?
And yet, JM brought it up there and then, openly, with a smile on his face, his hand not leaving JK's shoulder for one second during this whole convo.
All and all it was just so heartwarming to see them throughout the whole episode. Like I said, they just looked happy. To be there, together, with each other, making new memories to take with them for the next couple of years.
Back to them arriving in Hokkaido, can someone please explain to me why JK found the need to change that camera angle to show us JM's hand on him?
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JM well aware and letting go pretty much immediately.
Next we had them in the car/van/whatever it was. Doing this:
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Ok then, what to say here?
What indeed?
Truly, I'm seriously asking here, because I'm kind of at a loss for words, lol.
Just another one of those super sus super "nothing platonic going on here" moments.
Kind of like this one.
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But the eye squint, that smile, lip pucker and shoulder lift...
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This sequence:
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Really JK?
Can you be any more obvious?
Just two dudes going on a dude vacay, right?
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And JK once again when hungry... looking for his food is he?
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Oh, and last but not least:
This is how 2 people enter a room when they are well aware of the camera in the room:
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And this is how 2 people are caught off guard by a candid camera placed in a room they weren't supposed to be entering together...
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Well my friends, that is how you start off an episode. We have emotional, we have cheeky, we have sus as shit, we have happiness and fun, and we have an audience that is now glued to the screen screaming for more!!!
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myobsessionsspace · 1 month
Cameras & People
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Reality Check.
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The show is for ARMY, for anyone and everyone to watch. That’s it, that’s all.
For watching Jikook and guest(s) partaking in activities, eating, drinking and a hell of a lot of laughter.
People need to BFFR with their expectations on things for real.
And be disappointed in yourselves NOT Jikook, they didn’t lie about a damn thing, nor tell you to make your own assumptions, inferences, speculations etc. That’s on us, not them.
Enjoy the content for what it is, fun, happy Jikook. They’re currently enlisted in a companion program together. They currently bustin their asses in the DMZ.
They weathered exhaustion, colds, stomach viruses, doing 101 activities for our enjoyment in between international promotions, album recordings, dance rehearsals, MV shoots, choreography learning and practices, birthdays, music show performances I could go on.
This is not content for gotcha moments, for one upping anyone, for proving or disproving how close or not close they’ve been since 2019 or 2020 or 2021 or 2022 or 2023.
From the inception of the group people are always trying to gauge if they’re close or not close.
FFS a duo show isn’t enough
tattoos from the same tattoo artist isn’t enough
them saying they were the last to leave the dorms isn’t enough
them being the only two having their segment on the monuments show isn’t enough
them having their section in their 10 year autobiography book isn’t enough
the members constantly mistaking Jimin for Jungkook and vice versa isn’t enough
years upon years of them being documented attached at the hip isn’t enough, being spotted out for white day
all their sus selfies just the two of them isn’t enough
Jungkook’s lives of 2023 isn’t enough, this show isn’t enough
their companion enlistment isn’t enough.
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Leave the picking apart of their closeness, if they are or aren’t, if they did or didn’t see each other or speak to each other outta the show, real talk.
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aricastmblr · 1 month
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thoughtsonkm · 1 month
Jeju pt.1 in a nutshell
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(more than that, I just love this pretty aesthetic shot)
The vibe was definitely different because logically two people (especially jm&jk) are gonna behave differently than a three person group. Just a matter of numbers, synergies and the need to deliver a specific product to the audience. Nonetheless it was so entertaining to me. I realize I kinda missed these three together sharing 2 braincells (1 for jimin and 1 for tae&jk). The first two episodes were so chill and they felt like they almost had a lowkey underground vibe as if they were in their own bubble away from everyone just living life in their little part of the world accompanied by a moody scene and dim lights while this episode was like a action packed manic episode, so bright so cheerful with childlike wonder. I'm glad they can still have fun together and always enjoy the moment.
Plus let's be honest jikook are gonna jikook no matter the place, time and people around.
Some of the funniest parts of the ep to me were: The contrast of Jimin yapping about Aewol and Tae&Jk eating like there's no tomorrow. The drive through ordeal. The perfect comedic scenario of Jimin chasing Tae to make him eat like it was the last thing he would do.
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Favourite reaction meme/face of the day. The betrayal, the suspense, the drama.
LOOK at this little bean stopping and collecting Jimin's 1930 shoes and going after his shenanigans like the dependable banryeo he is 😭 (remember back in 2019 when jimin called jk that and everyone went crazy and rolled with it for MONTHS? Good times)
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On another note it's actually very interesting how you can feel and see how in every second Jimin tries to be in control of the situation and always on top of everything, every angle and every concern. He also always looks so deep in thoughts during these episodes, it's like he's given himself the task to be the artist, entertainer, manager,producer and everything all at once in this show. I'm sure it also has to do with his own personality and being someone who looks at every minor detail, a perfectionist who tries to curate everyone and everything.
The way Jk's life flashed before his eyes when he saw blood on Jimin's lips ~ so fuckin cute
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And after Jimin's lip incident happened, Jungkook could not stop licking his own lips for the rest of the episode and probably day, I see you
THAT scene was so thought inducing, so ao3 ff coded it was insane. Just Jk silently staring at a dazzling and sleeping jimin in the ground. 37292 scenarios could've been played and then.. just walked away to take a shower (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
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Not okay seriously! The concern, the adoration, the yearning.
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Blaming Jk for his actions was never an option. LOOK AT HIM
I LOVE the constant little comedic improvs Jikook do together, they're so fun!! You can tell that it's part of their usual daily thing (it's actually smth i also do with my friends and it always gets hysterical)
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The idea that they went on a private trip to Jeju in August and then went again for the show in September, fills me with joy. Love that they had the opportunity. Seems like they keep on going to the same locations twice, just so they can get that full experience with each other.
I kid you not, this is one of my top3 fav things they do together. JIMINSSIII - JUNGKOOKSSIII
The editing being almost backwards and all over the place really is a little off-putting sometimes, jarring even. Not keeping events in a chronological order is sus on it's own, like they're scraping for footage at this point..
And yes it is also kinda bothering me that it's been years and years of content creation and they still can't do a good job at translating and coordinating what everyone says, is it really that hard? is it??
Imma put her on blast just out of pettiness 😆
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