#jigsaw apprentice adam au
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godlygivenanxiety · 1 year ago
not all of you (AKA, not a single soul probably) will see The Vision but i'm gonna be so real rn: chillin' like a villain from descendants but it's mark and amanda teaching adam how to be an evil jigsaw apprentice *mic drops*
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4lphaless · 1 year ago
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what if adam and amanda had a band?
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ostendird-oddie · 5 months ago
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Magma doodles with @littlesapphicraccoonguy ! Be sure to check their post when it's out ^^
First drawing is saw rehab. Mandy lives with jill during the mourning and adaptation period. She often wakes up from nightmares but jill is there for her.
Furry TappSing angst
Also i personally don't really subscribe to apprentice adam idea. I think if he survived he'd help Tapp investigate the case
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real-odark · 10 months ago
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strahm and adam at work
[ID: A digital drawing of Adam and Peter Strahm from the Saw movies. They are in Adam's red room, surrounded by photographs and vague shelves. Strahm, looking somewhat upset, says to Adam, "You didn't render literally the only photos John asked you for?" Adam is looking away from him and sweating. Holding a picture towards himself so Strahm doesn't see, he says, "Ummm. They. Didn't turn out." A fainter arrow points to the picture Adam is holding, and in a connected circle, suggests that the photo is 'Freaky..' with a small drawing of Adam winking with his tongue out. End ID.]
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them-bo-dacious · 1 year ago
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marc--chilton · 11 months ago
(mgv) god imagine lawrence and adam both in the hospital, having been bathed carefully with sterile hospital soaps that smell like the word Clean, but still having their scents intertwined from their moment in the bathroom. it's enough that when alison finally gets to see lawrence she recoils a little at first. when she visits again she can smell more of him. it puts something bitter on the back of her tongue like an expired pill. and it's just as tough to swallow
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williamschenk-banks · 1 year ago
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Previously incompatible interests:
John had never anticipated that the two men that he’d trapped into one of his earlier games would turn out like this. Would prove to be one of his most reliable allies. And mark no mistake, John considered them allies. Even if he would sometimes catch Adam giving him a speculative look - as if measuring his worth and finding John lacking. John took it in stride. He considered it one of his greatest accomplishments noting that the Doctor and his Photographer were so quickly surpassing his wildest hopes for them.
After their trial by fire in the warehouse bathroom Adam and Lawrence find themselves partnered together by their former captor John Kramer. Lawrence considered it luck that John had even allowed Adam to be retrieved from the bathroom in the first place. Adam knew better though. John Kramer had never accounted for Adam surviving his game in the first place. And if it weren’t for the fact that Lawrence would not let Adam’s fate go, or that Hoffman refused to let John betray the rules that he had set for Adam’s game, well - Adam knew that he would have been destined to become nothing so much as a pile of bones in that bathroom, if not for fate’s intervention.
Adam and Lawrence both did survive their game and the experience had linked them incontrovertibly - had turned them from two people who never would have pinged each others radar to two halves of a whole. Something that had been tempered into a weapon that was made to last. Made to outlast, in fact, John Kramer’s very long shadow.
I.e. Adam and Lawrence are not so secretly John’s favorites, and Hoffman can see which way the wind is blowing. He is not pulling an Amanda and trying to kill Dr. Lawrence’s partner anytime soon. (Amanda’s said she’s sorry, why wont Larry let it go?!)
…Yes, I do have plans to turn this into an actual story, but for now have this.
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amanda-youngs-slvt · 10 months ago
I literally have some drawings of this sort of thing with my ruby (saw oc) and the characters. I love humorous saw content because anyone outside of the fandom thinks we’re all fucking insane.
We are btw.
okay what if saw…. but mockumentary
john: I despise killers. killing is distasteful… to me
(camera zooms in on amanda standing next to him, shifting her feet and looking uncomfortably at the ground)
daniel: heyy
adam: sup kid
daniel and adam: (do an elaborate secret handshake)
daniel: aw yiss
adam: it sure is fun to have friends
mark, who is right there and has murdered all his friends: I hope you explode
amanda (to herself): I wonder what lynn is doing right now
mark: probably giving her deposition to the police about how you kidnapped her
amanda: yeah maybe she’s talking to agent strahm. unlike you
mark (snapping a pencil in his hand): kill yourself
amanda: do it yourself, coward
john (in the other room): kids please keep the fratricide down. I am trying to work on my torture therapy 10-step plan
lawrence: adam, may I have a screw please
adam (snickering): at least buy me dinner first, dr. gordon
lawrence (turning red): a SCREW, a METAL SCREW, the construction COMPONENT
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motheroftheantichrist · 1 year ago
Apprentence!Adam AUs always crack me up because people always write him as being useful to the cause. Ridiculous. That pathetic asshole is the most useless dude in existence. He takes pictures? They're blurry. He tries to capture a test subject? He gets snapped in half like a twig. No, Jigsaw didn't save him to be an apprentice, he saved him because he needed Lawrence to put a key in someones fucking eyeball, and he was refusing to until he got his favorite loser back. Adam has no relevance to the games, he's just there to smoke with Mandy and make fun of Hoffman while Lawrence is working.
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thoseguysfromthebathroom · 2 months ago
You're alive, and you're everything.
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Hello !! This is a chainshipping askblog by QuinngeFail, that is a mix of my art and writing :} Posts + responses will be in character, unless specified otherwise. The characterizations seen here will follow my headcanons for Adam and Lawrence.
Askbox is open :)
More info below cut:
Drive Folder for my Saw arts!
[Headcanon doc will be linked here, whenever that bitch is done 🗿 For now, a lot of my headcanons are under the Saw Thoughts tag on my QuinngeFail blog!!]
I also would like to incorporate my AUs into this blog, so if you'd like to have an ask answered within any specific AU, please include the following emoji in your ask:
👭 Fem AU, asks will be answered by Addie and/or Lorraine
🐞 Bug AU, not entirely sure what could come of this but I figure I'd leave the door open LMAO
...And more as they're added :)
Few general points of note:
-All ooc things will be {written in these brackets}.
-It's been about one year since the bathroom trap, which took place in October of 2004. Thus, answers wil reflect the time period of late 2005/early 2006.
-The two have been together for a little under half a year now, and share a deep bond. Though it was unfortunately born from a place of horrific trauma, they're in this messy aftermath together.
-Neither of them are involved in any Jigsaw apprentice shenanigans. They've escaped their ordeal, and are now navigating a whole web of complicated things together- ultimately just wanting to recover as best they can.
-Asks can be nsfw, but don't send anything that is overly explicit, please! All sexual content will be tagged as Suggestive, so heads up if you don't want to see those sorts of things.
HOPING TO HAVE FUN WITH THIS. I've been wanting to run an askblog since like 2014, so 👀 I MAY BE JUST A LITTLE BIT EXCITED THAT I'M FINALLY DOING IT...
-Both characters are cis men. Adam is bi, and Lawrence is gay.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a lovely day wherever you are :)
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lunameiii · 8 months ago
Adam as a Jigsaw apprentice au. something’s gone wrong during his mission i think.. he’s still learning…
i’m sure he’s questioning his occupation, he really wanted to be just a vet when was a child
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i really like his mullet here
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rollerskate2theface · 1 year ago
Love love love love love
Would love to think about Adam teaming up Officer Gibson specifically!!
Imagine Adam freshly free of the bathroom after gnawing off part of his own foot to fit through the chain (idk science, but I’m pretty sure biting off your heel wouldn’t kill you). Following some serious medical attention all he wants is revenge and Jigsaw’s downfall.
Adam knowing the metro police have been comprised because he looked further into his former employer, Detective Tapp. Figuring out that Jigsaw must have found him because one of Tapp’s coworkers on the force knew Tapp had hired him before the detective died (cough Hoffman cough). Knowing he can’t trust anyone at Metro Police he goes to who? The man that left that precinct because of corruption!!
Matt Gibson nowhere near involved with the Jigsaw case yet suddenly gets this frantic 20something year old bombarding him and screaming at him about a game and corruption and trusting no one. Matt hearing Adam out and deciding to team up. The two investigate the metro police, Adam tailing officers, collecting photo evidence, Matt using his badge to look into overlapping cases, making a timeline.
This brings them both to one person. Detective Mark Hoffman. Tracing him back to his first murder of Seth Baxter. Matt, obviously, is unsurprised given he’d seen the detective stone cold murder a man before. This is when Gibson quietly reopens the Baxter Homicide case and finds the evidence to bring Hoffman down (all the same evidence we see in Saw VI).
With Hoffman gone (presumably locked away in jail given he had no clue Gibson was investigating him and therefore wasn’t throwing him off every chance he got) that only left Amanda and Lawrence (and Logan ig but whatever he’s irrelevant here).
By this time, John and Mandy get back from Mexico and figure out why Mark hasn’t been replying, he’s in fucking prison. They obviously figure out this has something to do with Adam and John’s PISSED, Mark was a huge asset (epic bad luck).
This is when John sends in Lawrence. Given that Hoffman had no idea Lawrence was an apprentice yet and that’s who Adam had been collecting all his Jigsaw evidence from, Adam also had no clue about Lawrence’s allegiance. So, the two become this domestic pair, making dinner together, sharing a bed, going on dates…
That is until Adam notices how Lawrence will leave at odd hours of the night. How he’ll wash one suit, separately from their usual mixed bunch, using more bleach than typical. How he leaves the room when he gets some phone calls and yet will stay with Adam when he answers the hospital’s calls or Allison and Diana call to chat.
So next time he hears the doctor leave at 2am he follows him with his camera (looking back to times before all that bathroom shit hit the fan). Sadly for Adam’s love life but fortunately for Adam’s revenge plans he finds Lawrence enterting a building and limping out 2 hours later with a new brief case in hand and blood splattered across his gray button down.
Well, at least now he has the location of the warehouse. Around this time is right before saw III and IV were happening. So Lawrence was giving John the picture of Lynn and sewing up the mouths and eyes of those 2 guys in the mausoleum trap.
Adam calls up Gibson and swat rolls in to make the arrests. John, Amanda, and Lawrence all get arrested and John dies pretty soon after from pressure in his brain.
Adam goes and visits Lawrence in prison every time he leaves saying, “I’ll be back, I promise.”
Here’s a fic kinda like this with rouge Adam?? (Not really, but it reminded me of it):
Apprentice Adam au is cool, but what about a rogue Adam au? Where he somehow escapes not by anybody from the Jigsaw squad, either on his own or outside help and the experience really changed his life but not the way Jigsaw intended. I mean John asked Adam if he was going to take charge of his life, well he took his advice and is now disrupting and sabotaging his games. At first they’re like, “Okay he’s just being a nuisance” and he’s so hard to find these days. It’s until he somehow was able to expose Hoffman earlier on, got one of their latest hideouts swatted (they barley escaped) and pretty sure he was the driver who cut them off during traffic.
John is then forced to use Lawrence to try and seduce Adam (he sensed the tension between in the bathroom). It seems to work at first, but Adam already knew Lawrence was in League with Jigsaw and was just playing him from the start. As Adam’s exposing Jigsaw’s latest location, he mentions how hot Lawrence would look in orange.
I just wrote this out of fun. I can just imagine John’s face as he thinks, “How the f**** did my life’s work get wrecked by this insignificant twink?”
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mimicben · 1 year ago
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Bobby Dagens Jigsaw survivor meeting is one of the goofiest things in the Saw series, so obviously I love it.
also apprentice Adam au btw, cuz I think the idea of Bobby unintentionally inviting not one, but TWO Jigsaw apprentices to said survivor meetings is hilarious. for no reason other than them rocking up and having no fucking clue who this man is, like, "hold on a goddamn minute- i don't remember putting YOUR ass in a trap, that's for damn sure"
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phonydiaries · 3 months ago
See How Deep the Bullet Lies - Chainshipping - I, II, III
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continuation of my Jigsaw apprentice Adam AU; can be read as a standalone but makes the most sense in context, links up top!
Summary/Preview: “You know what’s funny?” Adam asked, his brows furrowed in mock-puzzlement. Gordon had a feeling he didn’t want to know. Adam dragged his finger across several torn-out articles, cross-referencing. “Not a single one of these articles mention the fact that I have you to thank for this weird little hole in my chest.”
The office was meticulously clean, organized. Little warm lights were placed with the intention of creating a relaxed and peaceful environment. Everything here was designed to encourage healing, which had the ironic side-effect of coming off as aggressively clinical. Lawrence should’ve felt right at home. Instead, he staved off a migraine, head in his hands, pinching the bridge of his nose as he struggled to explain himself. 
Be open. Be emotionally Available. Ali chided him in the back of his mind. She was right of course, but he was too stubborn to listen. Just one of the reasons she’d spent more and more time visiting her family out of state since the Jigsaw incident. 
“It’s not that I see him, per se.” Lawrence said hesitantly. Although, sometimes he did, out of the corner of his eye. “It’s just that sometimes when I come home, or I’m out for a walk.”
“Oh good, you’ve been walking.” The therapist cut in, scratching down a note in the margin of her clipboard. At least Lawrence’s PT would be happy about that. 
“But go on.” She urged him. By that time he already felt silly for saying it out loud. His recollection lost steam. 
“It just sort of feels like he’s there. Like if I turned around I’d see him.” Lawrence let out a long sigh. “I’m losing it aren’t I?” He muttered, the sound of his voice slightly muffled through his hands. His therapist, a sweet thirty-something year old woman, hummed thoughtfully. She was nice enough, even if Lawrence hadn’t picked her himself. He’d tried to rush headfirst back into his work almost as soon as the hospital cleared him for outpatient care. The hospital administrator, rightfully wary, let him back only on the strict condition that he see one of their resident psychotherapists once a week. 
“I don’t think you’re losing it, Larry.” She said, distractedly making another note. “What you’re describing sounds like bereavement hallucinations.” Lawrence looked up at her quizzically. 
“Is that common?” He asked. The therapist put on a practiced sympathetic expression and nodded. 
“More than you’d think, though it’s most common in people who have lost a spouse.” She’d tacked that on so casually. 
Realizing her mistake, a look of painfully earnest regret flashed across the poor woman’s face. She hurried to explain,
“But, I mean, given the extreme circumstances you met under, it makes perfect sense that-” 
Lawrence didn’t want to talk about this anymore. Based on what he’d told the authorities, the FBI had Adam presumed legally dead only weeks after the Jigsaw incident came to light. There was enough of a pattern established with the previous traps that they felt confident declaring him another victim that didn’t make it. 
Lawrence didn’t want to get into all the times he’d not seen, but felt Adam still looking over his shoulder or staring at him from across the street. The hallucinations weren’t quite visual, but he’d been plagued with the sense that the young man was always with him, just a few feet away, and always just out of reach. 
Lawrence knew before walking through the door that Ali (and by extension, Diana) wouldn’t be waiting for him inside. He hadn’t quite made up his mind yet on whether things were better or worse on days she spent away. He’d tried, really tried to be a better husband, a better father. He just couldn’t seem to give her what she needed and he didn’t blame her for getting air. Maybe space was what they needed- still, it hurt. 
He flipped the lightswitch in the foyer and rubbed his eyes as they adjusted. Exhaustion showed on his face and never seemed to leave him these days. Semi-dazed he passed the kitchen, not as obsessively clean as he used to keep it, and let himself linger on the family photos on the fridge. How depressingly prophetic that he was always the one holding the camera, just a few feet away and well out of the picture. 
“Oh, good. You’re home.”
Lawrence froze, immediately plunged back into reality. He’d never thought about how terrifying it would be to hear the sardonic whip-sharp voice of the man he’d shot casually greeting him in his kitchen. He felt himself slowly turning around to face him, against his will. Christ, nothing could’ve prepared him for looking back into those unerring eyes; relearning the uncanny feeling that there was nothing they didn’t see. Great waves of emotion crashed over Lawrence in rapid succession. Grief, shock, relief, sadness, fear. 
Adam couldn’t have looked more aloof. The young man sat at the kitchen table, his chair teetering on its back legs, a half eaten bowl of cheerios in front of him. Methodically, he sized up Lawrence, his gaze diligently working its way from head to prosthetic foot. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
Oh, ha ha. 
“Sorry.” Adam said, putting his hands up apologetically. “I know it’s rude to show up unannounced, but since we’re such good old friends I figured you wouldn’t mind.” Each word that left his mouth was coated in sugary sarcasm. Lawrence couldn’t even fathom where to start with him. He had a thousand questions to ask and a slew of accusations and apologies to rattle off. They all died behind his lips. All he could do was stare. Adam cleared his throat. 
“You’re wondering how I got in.” That hadn’t even cleared the top 15 questions. 
“How did you get out?” Lawrence hated the way that came out of his mouth. Demanding. Adam’s face darkened. 
“You tell me. You left to get help.” His voice was laced with bitterness. Lawrence grit his teeth and sucked in a measured breath. 
“Cut the bullshit.” He snapped. Adam, like the juvenile he was, rolled his eyes. 
“Does it matter? I’m here.” He said, throwing his hands up. He couldn’t resist tacking on an accusatory glare. “Despite your best efforts.”
He was exactly as hotheaded and infuriating as Lawrence remembered. Still, he couldn’t stop the building guilt in the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t know how long Adam had stayed in that awful room with two decaying corpses, waiting for help that would never arrive. However Adam made it out, however he’d gotten here, he was looking for an explanation. Lawrence owed him that much. He tried to still the shaking in his voice. 
“Look even before I-” Lawrence began, then stopped himself abruptly. He was already making excuses. He tried to walk it back. “I wasn’t in my right mind.” He said plainly, shaking his head. “All I could see once I’d… done it was Ali and Diana and then with the blood loss…” He trailed off. The fuzziness was genuine. The memories always went blurry here. As much as he’d tried to wring any detail from them, he always came up blank. Even after months of searching and questioning, the FBI was no closer to discovering the precise location of Lawrence and Adam’s trap. 
“Most days I can barely remember how I made it out. Things start melting together.” Lawrence finished quietly. It wasn’t quite an apology, or even an admission of guilt. Adam clearly thought as much, offering Lawrence an unimpressed slow blink. He sighed loudly, as if deeply disappointed, and pulled a crossbody bag out from under the kitchen table. 
“Well, that would explain all the interviews.” He said, rummaging around in the bag. Lawrence’s eyes narrowed. 
Adam pulled out a thick stack of newspaper clippings and sifted through them briefly. 
“Ah, there we go.” He said brightly, slapping a handful of scraps onto the table with a sharp smack. He generously allowed Lawrence a moment to take in the breadth of what he was looking at. Spread out in front of him was every mention of the bathroom trap that had ever made the news, every headline, every picture of Lawrence, every statement he’d ever given to the press. How typical of Adam to be such a diligent archivist. He’d never stopped watching Gordon after all this time. Suddenly Lawrence felt like a fool, questioning all his recent supposed hallucinations. 
“You know what’s funny?” Adam asked, his brows furrowed in mock-puzzlement. Gordon had a feeling he didn’t want to know. Adam dragged his finger across several torn-out articles, cross-referencing. “Not a single one of these articles mention the fact that I have you to thank for this weird little hole in my chest.” He said casually, gesturing to his right shoulder. 
“I thought the editors must’ve made a mistake, y’know because you’re such a stand-up guy. You wouldn’t lie to them.” He turned an expectant gaze on Lawrence and smirked when the doctor remained silent. It would’ve been kinder to stab him in the chest. Like those words hadn’t haunted him every night for months. 
“But then I checked the police reports.” Adam said, reaching for a paper hidden beneath all those surrounding it. He skimmed it thoughtfully before reading aloud. “And wouldn’t you know it; Dr. Gordon reports witnessing Shepherd “Zepp” Hindle, a former orderly at his place of work, fire a single round into Mr. Faulkner-Stanheight’s chest. Gordon says Faulkner-Stanheight was left unmoving on the ground showing no signs of life.” As Adam finished, he held up the little clipping and whistled in disbelief. 
Blackmail? Was that Adam’s game here? Lawrence stepped up to Adam, making a cheap grab for the police report. Whether he was moved by guilt or rage he couldn’t say. As if expecting it, Adam closed his hand around Lawrence’s arm and shoved him away. Lawrence sucked in a sharp breath as the back of his head collided with the wall. Adam planted his hand square in the middle of Lawrence’s chest, warning him to stay put. 
“What do you want from me? Money?” Lawrence hissed, holding his hands up. Now it was Adam’s turn to look surprised, his face twisting with genuine bafflement. He cocked his head to the side, looking up at Lawrence. 
“You think I want your money?” He asked, incredulous. 
“What the fuck else?” Lawrence snapped. He couldn’t parse the look in Adam’s eyes, severe and hungry and demanding. Adam’s free hand disappeared behind his back. When it returned Lawrence felt a steel muzzle press against the front of his shirt. His face went slack. Adam didn’t look away once, his searing gaze boring two holes into Gordon’s skull. 
“I want you to know what it felt like,” He breathed, “To be left for dead.” 
This isn’t happening. All the mess that would inevitably be left in Lawrence’s wake ran through his mind. His patients, his staff, Alison, Diana- she couldn’t grow up without her father, even if things were rocky with Alison he couldn’t leave her a widow. He felt his chest tighten, felt his head begin to swim. Is this really what it was like? Adam was younger. He had so much life ahead of him. Not for the first time, Lawrence wondered how much he would’ve robbed Adam of if the shot had really been fatal, how many years of love and life lost? Maybe he deserved it, but his family couldn’t suffer for his sins. 
“Adam-” He murmured. 
“Shut up.” The cylinder trembled against his chest. Adam’s hand was shaking. Lawrence wondered if the injury had left him with a tremor. 
“Please. My family, they can’t- my daughter-” He couldn’t collect himself enough to form full sentences. How quickly he was reduced to begging. Adam shook his head gravely. His brows furrowed and a look of earnest regret seemed to float in his eyes. It just wasn’t enough to stop what he’d already put in motion. In a moment of terrible deja vu Gordon placed his hand over Adam’s bad shoulder. 
It was the first time Adam looked shocked, closing his eyes following what Lawrence assumed was a sharp pain. The wound wasn’t fresh, but the nerve damage from an infected gunshot could take a lifetime to heal. He suppressed a gasp and Lawrence wondered if for a moment he saw it too; the cool fluorescent lights and the filthy tile floor. Adam blinked something away. He closed in, leaning into the pain, challenging. Only the fabric of his shirt kept Lawrence’s hand from touching the wound he’d inflicted himself. He heard the revolver click and squeezed his eyes shut. 
“You should’ve finished the fucking job, Doc.” Adam’s voice barely broke a whisper, his breath hot and heavy. Blindly, Lawrence felt the weight of Adam’s forehead against his, hair brushing against his face. They’d been this close before. Only once. He felt Adam take a breath. Hold it. Let out a long sigh. 
“Fuck.” Adam muttered under his breath. A second click. Lawrence could hear the smile in his voice and it made his fucking blood run cold. 
“I’m just not like you, Larry.” And he almost sounded relieved. Lawrence felt him back away as cold sweat seeped in to take his place. He opened his eyes. 
Adam was already packing up his table scraps, haphazardly showing papers back into his bag. The revolver was tucked away back into the waist of his jeans. Lawrence felt drunk, his head spinning with the aftermath of the hurricane that had just ripped through his kitchen. Calling anyone was thoroughly off the table- who was going to believe him? Adam rummaged around in his pocket for a moment and threw Lawrence his house keys. They hit him in the chest and clattered to the floor. Well. There was that mystery solved. He slung the crossbody bag over his shoulder and shot Lawrence an utterly incomprehensible look. Fondness attempted to bury itself in layers of resentment. He had a feeling this wasn’t the last they’d see of each other. 
“Don’t get too comfortable, Larry.” He warned, lingering like a specter in the doorway. “I’m good at hiding.”
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williamschenk-banks · 1 year ago
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Look: I’m a Hoffman is alive truth er myself, but we all know that as soon as Lawrence left Hoffman’s ass in that bathroom, he went home and railed his husband of 10 years. Adam doesn’t know what brought Larry’s neediness, but he has a strong feeling it has to do with that damn bathroom.
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jennilah · 11 months ago
i fucking love adore "avengers tower" aus where all of Jigsquad work closely together but the arm candy is there too, also hanging out
like Adam is usually given some apprentice duties as the group photographer, but i dont often see people knowing what to do with Strahm bc he still kind of has a sense of justice, so hes just in the bg seething like, "you're a freak, you're a freak, you're all freaks, but unfortunately Im kind of smitten with one of you so Im forced to be here too"
and in my head Strahm & Adam & Lynn would bond over being the only somewhat normal people at the hideout, wondering what life choices led them to this point, dragged into all of this because love makes u do crazy things.
theyre the gaggle of +1s at the jigsaw family bbq who escape to the kitchen while the in-laws are tearing each other apart in the other room over some bullshit drama theyre not privy enough to to intervene about. thats their problem, who wants a beer?
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