#jfc what even is this timeline
abovethesmokestacks · 10 months
It has been a MORNING, and my watch fucking knows what's up:
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Last 0:30 h"
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asgardian--angels · 10 months
hoo boy the number of baaaad takes on twitter since that con o'neill interview came out lmao
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littlerosetrove · 4 months
Full acknowledgement that this is a first initial reaction, and I am in my Feelings about it. I may change my mind on some of this later, as I’m allowed, but as it stands right now? …..Do these writers even like Eddie? A bit of hyperbole, but hear me out. 
What. Was the POINT. of Eddie cheating with a doppelgänger of his dead wife when, I’m sorry, but it amounted to nothing. Not for Eddie at least. I THOUGHT the point of this soap opera stuff was that Eddie was going to start learning and healing from his trauma surrounding Shannon, but after this episode? That’s not what we got, not that I could tell. Honestly, I feel like Eddie is in the same place with his issues with Shannon if not potentially worse. Like jfc will these writers not allow Eddie, after five years, to move on from Shannon in any way? 
This is TV land, not reality. Things will not play out as they do in the real world. As a viewer this is super frustrating to see this issue be dragged out for five seasons, and what will now be beyond that. I’m sorry, but I’m So Tired of Shannon and Eddie being perpetually on this hamster wheel with her. Unless I’m sorely mistaken, but Eddie has learned nothing and dealt with nothing when it comes to Shannon, and now this show is going to drag it out into a SIXTH season of this particular issue.
The ONLY thing we got from the doppelgänger stuff was a traumatized Chris who, frankly, while he’s allowed to be upset, didn’t talk about WHY he’s even upset, not really. He at the very least said to Buck that he thought his mom was back, but she wasn’t. That’s something, but even that was not relayed to Eddie from Buck. 
So Chris is mad and called his grandparents and is going to stay with them indefinitely??? The writers had No One really communicating when it came to Chris, Eddie, his parents, or even Buck. There was some acknowledgment that Chris needs space, but idk…. Right now this feels like drama for drama's sake. I could have understood Chris wanting space for the summer, but there being no timeline to this??? That’s just unnecessarily cruel to Eddie. 
Bringing Eddie’s parents into this. I’ve seen people say “but Eddie has worked on rebuilding things with his parents, and now it’s all regressing.” That’s only partly true. Eddie has never started to work on his issues with his mom. He only worked on rebuilding something with his dad in season 5. There has been zero work to reconcile with his mom. So Helena was in character for being perfectly fine (happy) to take Chris. She may have not meant it cruelly, but her saying “if Chris forgets anything we’ll buy it for him or replace it” was mean. To me anyway.
The two good things for Eddie this season have been his new friendship with Tommy, and a consistent and strong relationship/friendship with Buck. Other that that this season has just: → made Eddie feel like he’s perpetually failing as a father → Eddie has been given no real closure or growth when it comes to Shannon, not that I could tell → continual mother issues, because Helena was happy to take Chris away from Eddie for an undisclosed amount of time
To break it all down even further, this season gave Eddie a relationship with a woman that, let’s be so for real, was pointless. Marisol was never a character. Eddie may at the very beginning gone into this relationship looking for the “magic” he had with Shannon, but that fizzled real fucking quick. There was nothing to this relationship. More than once Eddie “joked” about breaking up with Marisol, and he clearly showed disinterest in her early on. Then she was kept around to In The Background be cheated on. To tie it up the nothing burger of a relationship, there was a less than 10 second mention of an off screen breakup. Marisol had no weight in all this. Was the point of Marisol to show Chris, again, that “people don’t stick around”? Chris’s commitment issues come from his mom. Perhaps Ana leaving didn’t help matters (although we never got any insight into what Chris felt about that), but so what. We needed a third woman to leave to just compound Chris’s abandonment/commitment issues?? Nah. Just like Buck’s abandonment issues always come back to his parents, so do Chris’s (his mom). That’s the root of the issue, which means that Chris needs to go to therapy about it and Talk to his dad (although Eddie needs a ton of his own therapy first, since Eddie has Still not dealt with his Shannon issues). 
We got Chris in 7x1 maybe starting to work through his issues with his mom. Then we jump to the last episode where now Chris is angry and traumatized at seeing a clone of his mom…. For what purpose? Really. Eddie doesn’t seem to have gotten anything remotely positive out of the doppelgänger stuff, and clearly neither has Chris. So… So what was the point? To just create a rift between Eddie and Chris? To make Chris not trust his dad? Idk, pick a different method, ‘cause this was not it for me. 
When it comes to Eddie the only thing that the mess of the doppelgänger stuff has, apparently, taught Eddie is that when he does anything for himself, it will hurt Chris. Eddie, as far as I can tell, didn’t really get any kind of closure when it comes to Shannon, not based on this episode (7x10). No, instead we just have the recurring theme of Eddie feeling like he’s a failure of a father, and that all he does is hurt Chris. That’s what we’ve been given is Eddie feeling really fucking low, feeling like all his worst fears about himself are true, and now his son is gone for an indefinite amount of time. 
Eddie is left miserable, and for what? Well it damn well better be to build him back up in season 8. I know this is a drama, but come on.  Season 8 better give Eddie the time and respect he deserves. He has so many unresolved issues to work on and work through. - His issues with Shannon because apparently this show is still not fucking done with it. At this point I may accept season 8 starting with Eddie saying he went to therapy (off screen) and has worked through his Shannon issues just so that can be finally put to rest. - Eddie’s massive self worth issues especially when it comes to him being a father. His constant thought - compounded by his mom who has only ever seen Eddie as a failure - that he’s failing as a dad. - Eddie and his mom issues. Will those ever be addressed? - Eddie and Chris will need to rebuild a bridge together and heal. - Eddie is having an identity crisis because he does not even know what he wants (brought up in 7x9). He’s never been given the time or space to think about who he, just Eddie, even is. - Here’s to hoping this show sticks with the hints they’ve given, and that is Eddie going on his own queer journey. It clearly won’t be as smooth sailing as Buck because nothing is ever easy for Eddie.
EDIT: Some will miss this because it's been reblogged, but in short? Um. Eddie had no growth this season... Superb.
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odinsblog · 2 months
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Do not read this if you don’t want to hear straight talk.
Let’s get this straight up front: I am NOT a fan of Joe Biden. I don’t believe that he’s “the greatest most progressive president since FDR,” and I do not buy any of the other hype that DNC sycophants are selling. Biden has a lot of problems. On the border; and on immigration for Haitians and other non-white non-European immigrants; he fundamentally changed (for the worse) how and where asylum seekers can apply; he is absolutely positively deadass wrong on Israel, and he has even more issues than I’m willing to go into on this “short” post. A lot more.
That all said, I fucking hate Donald Trump and I do not want to see him in office again. Anything you can say about Biden you can say 100x worse about Trump. Everything gets worse with Trump. Everything.
If Democrats wanted another candidate, the 2020 primaries was the time for doing it. So now, less than four months before the election, we stick with the person who the DNC crammed down our throats when we very obviously had other viable options. It’s not only too late for changing horses midstream, but it’s just plain old stupid. Like the video said, what’s the fucking plan?
In contrast, look at how united Republicans are:
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And all of those white nationalist, Christofascists are not only strongly united, they are all voting for Trump.
Meanwhile, Democrats are l i t e r a l l y out there using Trump’s biggest argument against Biden and arguing for a replacement as we approach the finish line. There is a reason the primaries are held so long before the general election - to give the public time to unite behind the candidate. Who is the public supposed to unite behind in less than 100 days? Because the Democrats can’t even agree on that all-important issue. Many DNC insiders don’t seem too keen on nominating a Black woman named Kamala Harris (and I’ve got issues with her too), but if not her, then who???
(SN: no, this isn’t the part where your favorite third or fourth party candidate with zero name recognition shows up and saves the day)
Not to mention, there’s a long ass list of legal challenges over who gets Biden’s war chest if he drops out now. Those challenges will not be resolved in 100 days.
So yeah, as far as I’m concerned the DNC didn’t listen to their base and stuck us with a clunker in 2020, and now they wanna get a new car? NO! What the hell happened to “be pragmatic”? What happened to “better than Trump”??
Look, I’ll wrap this up. I don’t like Biden very much. He IS too old and everyone knew he was too old in 2020, but right now, at this particular moment in time in this timeline, he’s what we got to beat Trump. And if Biden’s doctor pronounced him braindead and gave him five months to live, I’m exactly just petty enough to still vote for him anyway. My only motivation is to stop Trump, and if Biden is the last worst option for doing that, then so be it.
Finally, please try not to reblog this by adding, “Vote Blue”. That’s the annoyingly vapid rhetorical equivalent of saying, “shall not be infringed,” and it isn’t even an argument, it’s a slogan specifically tailored for people in your echo chamber who already agree with you — not something you would say if you wanted to convince people or to change their minds.
JFC, I can’t believe y’all really got me outchea actively advocating for Joe Biden.
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epitomereally · 9 months
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H/D Erised 2023 fic claim: True Love Gave To Me for @bicholsdrarrysideblog
It’s the first of December, and all Draco wants to do is make Christmas lovely for Scorpius. But then Harry Potter shows up, asking him to save the world, and it turns out they’ve almost saved the world a couple of times before. One-hundred and forty-four times, to be exact. Or: what happens after the time loop?
BICHOL, I had the absolute best time writing this fic for you. I spent about five million years trolling your bookmarks (which are hilarious & you have the best taste jfc), and lovedlovedloved pining Harry + doesn’t-believe-he-deserves-good-things Draco. Add in Scorpius and just a pinch of a plot and voila: this fic was born! Thank you so much again for pinch-hitting for Erised this year ♡
This fic took a gaggle of Christmas elves, angels, ghouls, and Krampus to drag over the finish line—@citrusses and @mallstars for their incredible alpha work, and @queenie-jinny and @sleepstxtic for pushing me to fix my tenses, catching all my typos, and generally betaing this fic on a timeline that I cannot even comprehend for myself. All of you are so so so appreciated.
a little Christmas snippet ♡
It’s only as he’s pounding on the door, Scorpius holding his hand in his most darling emerald wool cloak, that Draco begins to question his actions.
It’s too late though. Harry Potter answers it.
“Draco?” He’s still in pyjamas, red and covered in tiny fluttering Snitches. They look like childrens’ pyjamas magically sized up, with how Potter’s knobbly ankles show. “How’d you get past the Fidelius?”
Draco waggles his fingers, and says, “Loop magic?” Then he immediately remembers how absolutely idiotic Pansy looks when she does that and drops his hands to his side, lickety-split.
“Hi, Potter!” Scorpius waves.
Potter’s face lights up instantly, and the gnawing ache grows inside Draco. It’s just—how can anyone just wear their feelings on their face like that? It’s not fair: not fair to Draco, not fair to Scorpius, not fair to Potter. Not fair to Draco’s heart—144 days sounds like an eternity, but it doesn’t feel like enough for Potter to—for whatever Potter’s feeling, right there on his face, for the world to see. For Draco to see.
But Draco knows he made the right choice as soon as Potter squats onto his knees and starts chattering to Scorpius. Scorpius is unusually gregarious with Potter, and Draco wonders if perhaps the finger-waggly loop magic may actually have something to do with it—the easy way Scorpius takes Potter’s hand when it took him ages to warm up to Blaise when he’d returned from abroad. Or maybe it’s just Potter: his palpable warmth, the way he acts genuinely interested in what Scorpius has to say, how his smile lights up his whole face and his eyes say I could love you; let me love you.
for those who care: fonts are aquiline two and alegraya. painting is by bruno liljefors, vintervita trädtoppar med orrar
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lowkeyrobin · 29 days
could you just do some Wyatt oleff hcs abt him being reader's bf? famous uni pleasee
okay yeah sure, I can do that! ; very excited to have a wyatt request lol ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
WYATT OLEFF ; dating shenanigans
summary ; dating stuff w wyatt
warnings ; language
word count ; 403
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jfc there's sooo many edits
theyre adorable tho
you both love being stupid and funny
you share a playlist of just meme/unserious songs for the bit
you have a comedy yt channel where you act out dumb shit and talk about funny things / look at old files/notes of yours that are awfully horrendous
you both love taking hikes in the fall
it's so hozier core (take this lightly hozier stans I'm one of you)
Deadpool is on the TV 24/7
your Instagrams are just mountains of pics of each other lmfao
and you're always hyping up each other's projects, whether ur working together or not
you met on the set of IT and were just friends for a while
what I'd give to go back to IT prime omfg
then you, him, and sophia moved to ianowt (it wasn't canceled just for this bit so welcome to another timeline)
you played stans love interest in the weird love square thing
lemme tell u those editors can WORKKKK
after the first season you guys lowkey started dating
after you confirmed ur relationship, ppl started shipping stan (uris) and ur character in it a lot more
they were always around but even more now since u made it canon for shits and giggles
you were the first to confess
he's oblivious tbh
after the first season of ianowt ended, you had to just get it off yr chest cause you couldn't function anymore u just needed an answer
you took him to a bakery he'd never been to, got food, and drove around for a while and took in the scenery
you stopped at a park and hung out before you just asked him
and he said yes 🙏🙏
he's not big on pda like a 3/10
he'll hold ur hand and stuff but that's it
he's not all that jealous either, like a 1/10
he couldn't care less
unless he needs to step in when someone's being weird
just ask for an autograph don't be freaky 😭
but there's a soft blanket of trust covering your relationship, there's nthn to worry about
and finally some songs to fit the vibe
into your eyes ; secret wonder
sunlight ; hozier
would that i ; hozier
home ; good neighbors
dreams ; fleetwood mac
silver springs ; fleetwood mac
somewhere in my heart ; aztec camera
poison ; bell biv devoe
cloudbusting ; kate bush
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amethystfairy1 · 1 month
Hi there! Just wanted to pop in and say that I absolutely loved your Call Me Hetalia series on ffnet as a kid (cough 12 years old jfc cough). I read it when I was still extremely new to the fandom (I had to google what the Nordics and East Asian personifications looked like!) and I'm so unbelievably fond of that series for introducing me to most of the side characters besides the G8. I absolutely loved your worldbuilding, from how the school was set up to the codenames and even Rome and Carthage's backstory!
Long appreciative rambling aside, it's amazing to stumble upon your tumblr after all this time, and even more amazing that you write for mcyt now! I'll definitely have to check them out some time!❤️❤️❤️
It’s been sooooooo long since I heard that name…Call us Hetalia!!! YES! Oh what a time we had with those stories, I’m so glad you enjoyed them so much, thank you! Those stories were my first real stab at writing an extended timeline the way I tend to do for most of work now! My MCYT series actually have a lot in common with that early work of mine!
I’m still on my “Someone has a big secret oh wait actually everyone has a big secret that we’re all collectively keeping” bullshit don’t worry 😆 thank you so much for coming by! I’m so happy to stumbled over me in the wilds of tumblr!!! I do hope you enjoy my MCYT stories if you ever check them out!!! 💖
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empressofmankind · 10 months
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Things I enjoyed about writing my Crocodile/female!OC smut, in no particular order:
If you had to imagine the walking, talking embodiment of all Buggy's insecurities (imo), I feel like you'd get Sir Crocodile, and that's pretty much how I went into writing him. I set out to absolutely maximize Buggy's: "Oh no, her ex is (insert self-deprecating qualifier) than me". You know, tall(er), confident, masculine, accomplished, infamous, intimidating, actually scary, redundantly rich, pretty conventionally attractive and the scar just adds to the sex appeal. He has a voice like that, and no doubt a way with women? He's even near perfected his control over his devil fruit powers! Absolutely aces the whole Bounty Hunting business thing. Rolls in and out the Grand Line like it's his backyard. He's even better at being Disney-levels of evil! Complete with a better villain laugh. How dare. How dare he absolutely nail most of everything Bugs covets? Poor Buggy. The fact that his girlfriend is technically still married to the jackass is just an extra kick in the gut while he's down, tbh. Basically, if Bugs were a piniata, this is currently my stick of choice to go at him with. I just keep finding new aspects for Bugs to be insecure about and it doesn't matter how often Shivs tells him not to worry about it.
As you know, I wrote the whole thing first in three sits, ignoring most of the limb logistics. And then I went in and revoked hand privileges. That sucked? But it was also kind of fun to then try and either make it work with one hand and/or integrate his hook. Some of the instances actually got far better with it: neck pulling, ahoy! is a big one, hitching up clothing for a close second, but also being casually threatening for no apparent reason (and then for a really apparent reason, omg). Croc seems to lean towards preferring to use his hand, and sometimes he misses having two of them for this and I tried to show that. I mean, I get it - hands have tactile sensation. Plus, we wouldn't want to kill her. Not at this point in the timeline.
God tier banter, if I may say so myself. I specifically enjoy writing (sexual) banter, but I feel like I've outdone myself here. Their beats are also pretty even-handed and so well attuned to eachother, like this isn't their first verbal rodeo, this is the end stage mega evolution of years of practise.
The way Shivs walked into her ex's office with the intention of manipulating him with sex, but did so while explicitly and recognisably wearing her current boyfriend's clothes. Balls of steel, this girl. But, she knew who she was confronting. If he turned out at all amenable to her scheme, he'd want her out of these rags stat. And that was five free steps in the direction she was meaning to go. In addition, I am a firm believer of him being a high-key closeted bisexual and we all know what they say when boys excessively pick on you. All it takes is squinting just right and imagining her with a different hair colour, and that just made me chortle. I am probably the whole target audience for this, but yolo.
The way his pet name use corresponds to his emotional headspace, apparently. I wasn't doing this intentionally, but I noticed during editing. He says 'doll' a lot (a grand total of 14 times, jfc), uses it the way guys tend to use 'babe'. I felt doll suited him, perhaps because I strongly associate it with Noir films, older Bond & Mafia movies, and crime bosses in general. Showing my age there, maybe. Then he also uses 'sweetheart' quite a few times (9 iirc), and I am pretty sure he does so in an endearing manner. Lowering those emotional walls a teeny tiny bit as fondness seeps through. And then, like, once or twice, he uses 'honey'. And, again, I feel like he uses it in an older manner, the way stereotypically a husband fondly refers to his wife. It feels intimate. Like he briefly forgets all of this is dust? I think about that a lot.
Did you notice how she doesn't use any terms of endearment? I did wonder if she had any, but I felt like she wouldn't use them. Not at this point. Not any more. She loves Bugs. She did slip up once though, did you notice? She is the queen of mildly awkward nicknames.
It may not seem so at first pass, and it's certainly not super obvious, but it seems to me like he's trying pretty hard to put Shivs' relationship goals bar somewhere on the roof. He wants nothing and no one to be able to even remotely compare to him, especially not the clown. So he throws everything at this that he can? Which, arguably, is mostly material because that's in his nature and fundamentally how he interacts with and relates to the world and people around him. But you saw how fast he was to gtfo that couch the minute she alluded to any part of this being cheap (Mediocre? Sub-standard? Blasé?). Does he genuinely not want to cheapen the whole thing? Or can he just not stand the idea of her thinking this whole thing is cheap? Or both? I suppose these aren't mutually exclusive.
I like that she can make him laugh, and vice versa. They've got really solid chemistry, dammit.
Two people that just really enjoy smoking. Like, they are Smokers with a capital S. That's a whole relationship dynamic unto itself. I am really pleased with how I managed to actively integrate it into their shenanigans. It was a lot of fun and something unique to them.
The way he just repeatedly fails at trying to engage her in a little girl dynamic. Was that a thing in the past? They had (and have) a fairly notable age difference (7-8 years, give or take). And he takes it so well when she just, doesn't play along or only does so for like five entire seconds, or blatantly wields it against him. Poor guy. Just spank her already, I know you want to.
The way Shivs goes from being mildly nervous and quite determined to: 'Oh fuck, I'd forgotten how good this actually used to be'. Like, been there, done that, didn't end well. But man, it's a mood.
Press F in the chat for the fact that she only had one orgasm in this whole thing, and it barely took the edge off. Jerk knew what he was doing. It's a power play, of course.
Sneaking in background information and then doing absolutely nothing with it. Like the comment he makes regarding both their facial scars. But also every time either of them alludes to their past relationship but doesn't actually tell us anything.
Mihawk is a wine aunt. Even Crocodile seems to think so. I am sorry, I don't make the rules.
The part where he just happens to have things on hand that she either likes (i.e. that specific brand of cigarillo's his company makes) or that fit her way too precisely (i.e. that outrageously swaggy negligee). This dude is not OK. My man, if you still know your ex' dress sizes this well after several years, you need to do some introspection. And maybe see a therapist.
The infamous fancy panties were originally a gift from him, and she evidently kept them these past years? I am not sure what makes me frown deeper: the fact that she still has them, or the fact that he immediately recognised them. I don't think she was necessarily wearing them on purpose? She does really like them and wears them often. RIP those undies. I think she's way more upset about losing them than she lets on. I wonder if she'll accept new one(s)? I suspect she may, something about gift horses. Maybe he figures? Maybe that's the point. A renewal of something. A visual reminder of the casual control he can exert over her when he wants to. It may seem insignificant (she will definitely not overthink it), but underwear is very private and intimate. He's staking a claim even without particularly saying so. But I am sure every other man in the room will figure that one out. (Counting on Mihawk to say it out loud in that bored drawl of his. The Bisexuals Straights Are At It Again.) Doubly so if they're particularly prone to feeling insecure. Poor Bugs. Just take this one lying down, you silly clown. She wants them because she thinks you'll like them and she knows neither of you can gdamn afford anything remotely like it.
Did you notice she isn't truly naked at any point? Partially undressed, yes. A little exposed, also. But not naked. Meanwhile, he's stomping around in his bare ass half the fic. I like how he gave her something nice to wear and then didn't take it off.
At this point, I feel like he gets pants problems the minute she calls him 'sir', no matter the context. Some things just get sexy tainted forever, and there's no going back, lmao.
The unnecessarily expensive details. I had so much fun with those? The layout and details of his office and bedroom, for one. Both their smokes are implied to be well out of Shivs paygrade. Any brands come to mind? Or take the wine, for example. Can you guess which one I am referencing? And the lace - I am from a traditional lace-making area. Handmade lace was and is hella expensive. Don't even start about lace featuring custom tailored designs. There was absolutely no need to throw this much Beli at the nearest wall. But he did it anyway, because he does it all the time.
The way he keeps verbally reminding her of how different things used to be. For the better, in his opinion, of course. Like, are we casually trading favours here, or are you trying something?
On that count, did you notice how often Shivs is actually thinking about Buggy in this? At no point is he far from her thoughts, it seems.
I didn't set out with this mindset, but based on how the whole thing came out - I think Crocodile might miss her (or the idea of her) ? At any rate, I don't think he's OK. You stupid dick. You self-marooned on this island of misery and now it's too late. No changies, no takebacksies.
I came up with the title post-fact. Maybe it's his thoughts, not hers?
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poisonedspider · 2 months
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HEAD CANON DROP because I think too much when talking to the SQUAD lol. This is going to seem all over the place because I'm trying to remember as I go along so. Also some of these might be repeats because my brain just goes oooo yeah that. And some of these pertain to other muses and you absolutely do NOT have to go along with them. If they go with other muses, it's up to that mun's discretion. This is just for if I'm NOT writing with that muse.
Anthony absolutely went to Catholic school. Italian New Yorker in the early 1900s? Come on. It's definitely also where he got a lot of his religious guilt from (see all my notes of his internalized homophobia). He didn't retain a lot of it because Henroin would pull him and Aracniss out of school consistently, most likely when Anthony was around 13 years old (that's a teenager and therefore an adult, right?) in order to train them in the mafia lifestyle. Molly continued with school and honestly that's probably a huge reason she got to Heaven (minus the fact she's a literal sweet fucking angel).
SPEAKING OF MOLLY. Because this is a huge part of my storyline with the squad. Molly is the MAIN reason that Angel wants to be redeemed. After seeing how the angels are, he really doesn't think Heaven is all that great (stfu I'm ignoring their finale about filling the hotel with sinners to be redeemed because if I saw Adam and his dick waffles coming to kill my friends I'd be like...fuck this Hell is better). He also still doesn't fully believe he CAN be redeemed (since Val owns his soul). But he wants to get to Heaven to see Molly. To at least apologize to her, because he knows his overdose impacted his twin and it was devastating for her to have to bury him when they were so close and for her to be left with their shitty dad and brother and he just...wants to own up to that.
Angel Dust does not want to be an Overlord. Ever. Period. I'll do a good Overlord AU (what can I say, he's hot like that), but in my canon timeline there's no way. Other than Husk (which I fucking hope we get Overlord Husk flashbacks or maybe it leads to some FEELINGS between them both because I know damn well Husker was a dick), Angel has never met a GOOD Overlord. He does not trust them. He does not want to be in that position of power. He does not want to own anyone's soul, because he's felt how awful it is to be on the receiving end. He did not ever actively choose to be in the mafia, so being the Mafia Overlord that everyone does in fanon just makes no sense to me. Angel has the MAKINGS of an Overlord. He is so much more powerful than he looks. But all he has ever wanted is to genuinely be able to be himself - power was never on his list.
Showers. Random head canon is random. But if Angel Dust showers with you, that means he has INTENSE trust for you. Because that boy hates his feet. He wears his boots everywhere, including while filming porn. BUT he is not wearing those in the shower (first off do you know what happens to pleather if it gets wet jfc). So he HAS to have his little spider feeties out. He doesn't allow ANYONE to see them, so consider yourself lucky if you do. This is also why I hc that he is super paranoid of Vox's cameras in his room and dressing room. Not only bc it means Vox gets to watch all his break downs (that asshole), but because it's when he's at his most vulnerable and has to actually strip fully (boots included) to change. Even in his own room he's still always wearing like knee high stockings or little fluffy sockies. Just in case.
Angel Dust has intense bits of mania. I'm throwing this in there as a psychologist. Honestly in that sort of lifestyle, it's hard NOT to have manic episodes. Elaborate spending habits. High drug addiction. Sexual rebellion. And then the crashes hit, which is when we see the extreme breaks in depression, the irritability, the tantrums. He will get fucking bouts of energizer bunny energy if he is in a panicked state and do the most chaotic fucking stuff that if he looked back on while he was stable he would probably be embarassed by.
Here's the whole DEPENDS ON THE MUN (I'm looking at you Plum lol) but my Angel Dust has purchased a lot of Valentino's guns for him. Maybe because he felt he needed to get even about Nuggets, idk. I love the fanon thought that Angel, who is incredibly skilled with guns, is who actually trained Val how to shoot. I think it would be a cute af bonding activity (back when they were an item not item). And that Angel would probably have bought him a gun once he thought Val knew how to handle it properly. (I'm going to debate if it was Money Shot specifically because I also agree with my bb Plum that Vox probably bought Val that but also like Val is incredibly protective/possessive over anything to do with Angel so....I could see both. Depending on my mood lol.)
Angel Dust doesn't eat pork. That's it, that's the post.
Angel Dust writes a lot of his own songs. I will forever and always HC that Poison was a legit song that played through Hell (maybe NOT including the last verse) because you can't tell me that black fit wasn't a music video. I also know Paranoid DJ is not remotely canon but Use Me Up is a fucking bop so. Angel writes a lot of his music, and uses it as a way to express himself and his feelings.
Angel learned a lot of his speaking patterns from Valentino. Notice that both Val and Angel have a 'voice' that they put on for the public (which sorry to both but is arguably fairly loud and obnoxious). But when they're being themselves, have pretty different voices. Not only does Val sound way different in the finale song, but we see how different he is when he's talking directly to Angel rather than his 'public persona'. Angel is the same. And I bet he learned that from Val, that a good celebrity is a complete act, voice included.
Angel Dust doesn't know how to read. I said what I said. Well, he does NOW, but he didn't when he first died. As mentioned, he went to Catholic school, which not only doesn't teach too much about reading directly, but he was pulled out constantly. I THOROUGHLY BELIEVE that he did not read the contract, not only because he trusted Valentino to protect him, but because he was unable to. Honestly Angel also strikes me as the type with undiagnosed dyslexia, so. He learned how to read over time, but he didn't fully know what he was signing. (And don't tell me it's because he is too dumb to sit and read that whole thing. He's an incredibly smart boy. He knows how to manipulate things. He wouldn't just sign his soul over without knowing what the fine print said).
Contrary to popular belief, I don't think Angel would initiate anything with Husk. He took the hint, he backed off. It's so obvious he's head over heels, but since their talk in Loser Baby, he hasn't really hit on him much by his standards. Kind of a ball is in his court thing. And then when they finally get together, Angel is so timid to initiate sex because he doesn't want to come off as 'fake' or just in it for that, so he just goes insane (see manic episode) until Husk feels ready.
If you disrespect the Italian language at all, he is so going to hit you in the face. This includes comparing Italian to other languages. He doesn't care how close it is to Spanish - they are different languages with different dialects and he gets fussy.
I've mentioned this before, but Angel is actually incredibly good at respecting boundaries. He pushes them, but he also knows when no means no. It's why we stop seeing him hitting on Alastor after Episode 1. As someone who has had his boundaries crossed and pummeled and consent taken away, he isn't going to do that to others. He knows when to back off.
Angel hates Travis. That's it, that's the post. We know per the pilot that Travis uses Angel off the clock (yes, per Angel's consent, but I'm getting there) for sex 'under the table.' You're telling me that fuckass works at the studio and hasn't tried to get with Angel multiple times? Thinks that because he works for Val that he also has access to Hell's hottest porn star? Yeah, fuck that guy.
Okay I thiiiiiiiiink that's all for now. Will more come up? I am guaranteed they will. But it's been awhile since I've done a good HC drop.
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stitching-in-time · 3 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep21: Before and After
Ah, the one where Kes travels through the extremely cursed future timeline. I have a hard time forming an objective opinion about it's merits as an episode, because I'm just like 'nope! do not want!!' the whole time. But godawful cursed timeline aside, there were a few nice things in it here and there that saved it from being totally awful.
For one thing, it's nice to get a Kes episode that isn't about some old man being creepily obsessed with her, so that's a win right there. (The bar is so fucking low, lmao). Jennifer Lien does a terrific job as an elderly version of Kes, especially considering she was only 20 or 21 at the time. She's very believable, and the makeup was pretty good too. But everything else about the future timeline she experiences is just like, what??
First of all, the Doctor randomly has hair in the future?? Okay. But tbh, having him keep choosing names for himself like Mozart and Van Gogh is actually hilariously on brand given the Doctor's penchant for self-aggrandisement.
Then we meet Kes's future family, which is a whole other level of yikes. She's married to Tom (I thought they finally let that die, jfc!!) and they have a daughter, who's married to Harry, and they have a son. I know the Ocampa nine year lifespan is kind of an extenuating circumstance, but still, marrying your best friend's kid is just weird!! It's gross!! Do not want!! I love Tom and Harry's friendship so much, don't make it weird like that!!
We find out Neelix becomes a security officer, which is, yet again, wtf?? Neelix has no expertise that would suit him to that, and more importantly, Tuvok can't stand him. Stop forcing them together!! It's yet again weird and gross how they will not let them just agree to be acquaintances. Stop forcing them to be best friends when Tuvok clearly doesn't want it!!
Worst of all, we find out that Chakotay is the captain, because Captain Janeway and B'Elanna both died during an attack by the Krenim during the year of hell. Wow, no thank you!! cursed timeline cursed timeline cursed timeline!!!! It felt so weird and empty not having them there for most of the episode. Please let us out of this nightmare!!
At the very least, they conceded that B'Elanna would have to die for Tom to look at anyone else. Tom is certainly one of the least objectionable suitors they've ever thrown at Kes, since he's a good person, who's somewhat close to her in age, but I'm just tired of Kes being given romantic subplots every single episode. Plus, after they finally stopped giving Tom shallow crushes and let him really fall for B'Elanna, it feels really weird and wrong to go back to a pairing from his shallow crush era.
It's hard to not look at the whole thing through my shipper glasses, since I'm Team Paris/Torres for life, but I can still appreciate the idea that in any timeline, Tom is 100% a wife guy. Tom actually had a lot to do in this one, and a lot of really sweet scenes of just being a super devoted husband. While he and Kes have no romantic chemistry at all, and make the absolute blandest, most boring couple I've ever seen, it still tracks that Tom would always devote himself to being a good husband and dad, even though his relationship with Kes here has an undertone of being a desperate 'any port in a storm' situation. (He's totally still not over B'Elanna here- it's years later, and he's married to someone else, with a kid, and he still gets super emotional talking about her. She's the love of his life in every timeline!! Fight me!!)
There's several nice little moments here and there- Tom and Kes's cursed timeline daughter Linnis talking about how her husband Harry is so good with their baby son, and sings to him all the time (awww!), and Neelix affectionately calling Kes 'Kessie' at one point. (I'm 100% here for Kes and Neelix staying friends. I didn't like them romantically, but I thought they had a sweet chemistry when they let Neelix actually be nice to her. And the idea that ending a romance doesn't have to end a friendship is so important to show.) Also, I noticed Harry had two pips in the future scenes! Which tracks tbh- Chakotay would promote him if he were captain, because unlike Janeway, he doesn't think of Harry as a precious baby son who's never allowed to grow up, lol.
Some very un-nice moments were Tom and Chakotay having to see B'Elanna and Janeway die in front of them (trying to give all the shippers angst today, are we?), and Tom being there for his fake daughter's birth, while knowing in retrospect that he doesn't get to be with B'Elanna during his real daughter's birth later on. (I know, flying Voyager home was important, but it absolutely rips my heart out that he didn't get to have that.)
While this episode, yet again, reminds me of the Next Gen episode 'Future Imperfect', with a crewmember waking up to a future timeline and a family they don't remember, it was different enough that I wouldn't quite call it a rip off of that. Kes's shifting backwards in time through her life reminded me a lot of Picard's time-shifting in 'All Good Things' though, even though the situations were different, but this is nowhere near as good a story as that was. It was at least well paced, and never boring. While I personally didn't enjoy most of the choices made in this episode, at the very least, it all got reversed in the end when they shifted Kes back to her rightful place in the timeline.
The scene at the end, with everyone on the holodeck together having a little party, was very cute, and we see Kes wearing her new longer hairstyle from here on out. (I can't help but feel like they were trying to make her more attractive to the guys in the audience with the longer hair, but at least she's in a regular dress this time, and not a catsuit or a little jumper dress.)
While I liked that we got a scene of Kes heroically climbing through a jeffries tube to get a reading on an unexploded torpedo, and that she became a doctor in the future timeline (yes!!!) I'm still disappointed that nearly all of Kes's episodes focus so heavily on romantic relationships with men. It wasn't creepy this time, at least, but still, 'not creepy' is the lowest bar imaginable, and Kes, and the audience, deserved better.
Tl;dr: A less offensive storyline than most Kes episodes, and well acted by Jennifer Lien, but the alternate timeline in this one is so cursed that it's not a lot of fun to watch, especially if you're a Paris/Torres shipper.
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
HI I'M ALIVE i swear this is a pattern at this point, i post a new fic/chapter and disappear for a phat day (or two) lmaoo i literally get The Fear and i have to avoid notifs/comments for a bit <33
that being said, wept reading the comments on TAS, i'm so so thankful y'all are vibing with it because i was NERVOUS about posting my first ever modern au and i wanted to make sure it still felt true to the characters but everyone's been so unbelievably kind i'm so wahhahhhh :')) i appreciate the sweet words SO so much, it's so reassuring and so motivating <33
so motivating actually that i'm already halfway done ch2... whoops? litch rally buzzing with how excited i am to write, i don't think i've ever experienced this which sounds strange but like. okay hold i can already tell i'm gonna go on a tangent so let me cut myself off with a read more lmaoo
idk, does anyone else ever sometimes feel like even though obviously we all write fic for enjoyment because we do it for free, sometimes it feels like a chore? not in the sense that i feel obligated to write, but just that even though i feel passionately about what i want to write, it's just hard to get my brain into gear (adhd aside) even when i really want to. i'm just thinking out loudddd now but my concerta just kicked in so it's inevitable LOL word vomit and thought processing is apparently a necessary part of my writing process smh
writing yad(iym) has honestly been so helpful with this because one of the biggest things that i struggle with when writing is that i have a super vivid imagination and can picture exactly what i want to portray/convey, but sometimes i don't know how to get there, but with the dog coded fic i have the timeline of the actual show to follow, so it takes a lot of pressure off in that sense! it's sorta like filling in the gaps because i have something base level to work with.
but 99% of the time when writing, i don't have that, so i end up avoiding my docs often because i feel stuck in terms of progressing the storyline, and my writing process drags on so longgg. i'm finding too now that i'm writing my first (and second oops) actual long fic that oneshots are actually more difficult for me to finish for some reason despite most of mine being shorter than a singular chapter in my fics, which is funny because i was so terrified of commitment starting a chaptered fic but i've ended up being more consistent.
anyway point is, i adore writing yad(iym) and it's been the most fun experience i've had fic writing, but now that i've sorted out the world building aspects for tough and sweet, everything is just flowing and instead of having to sit myself down at my desk and kinda just force myself into the zone, i cannot drag myself out of my docs?? and i've never had that happen but i'm definitely trying to take advantage of it while it lasts and get as much written as possible!
i think it also helps that it's so lighthearted compared to the angst of yadiym (tho i've got some angst planned for tas too lol sry) so i don't have to think as much about the weight behind certain dialogue, or carefully plan out the progression of the relationship dynamic the way the time period/setting of yadiym requires. it's a nice breather from the constraints of the mota–verse (as much as it's still my favourite thing to read/write with these boys), but i also enjoy getting to sink back into that doc when i want something deeper than the little biker boys.
i'm still very much working away on yadiym tho to be clear!! i was scared to start tas before i finished it in case i hyperfixated on tas and my updates got slow on yadiym, but it's genuinely helped me find a balance because i'm always working on one if i'm not working on the other <3 i'm about half done ch6 too for yadiym (how many times can i type that in one post jfc), i'm just at an internal emotions heavy part which i Hate. writing lmaooo give me dialogue or smut and i can type away for hrs but introspection?? internal conflict? hell
ok that's all my fic related rambling thank uuuu/apologies if u sat thru all of that LOL lmk if your writing process/mindset is similar or not bc i'm always curious about how other people's brains work with this stuff!! also how does one get over feeling obnoxious about rambling on their own acc like. this is my acc. i could post 100 times a day if i wanted. i need to Relax good god
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peachym00 · 2 months
Stream of 4 minutes consciousness…
*sighs deeply like an old man weathered by life*
I’ve been through three different VPNs and three different countries on VIU to try and watch the uncut version of 4Minutes ep 2 and jfc I have finally succeeded
the effort I have gone to just so I can legally watch the series is honestly embarrassing (and I am fully unashamed about it lmao)
spoilers below for another post of my stupid thoughts while watching ep2…
?????? Who is this hooded figure??????? Who is BEATING someone to DEATH may I ask?????????
I rly wonder who this woman is???? And who her dead son is?????? Does it have something to do with Tonkla????? WHO KNOWS NOT ME
Tyme is so straight faced and serious in doctor mode
Ah GREAT MY BABY I will defend him with my life I’ve decided that rn
lol at the nurses gossiping abt tymes love life
Is that Greats friend arguing with his girlfriend??????
Great sitting in class all cute and distressed about his little seeing into the future problem
Ohh Dome…I fear you witnessed something you shouldn’t have
Title what the fuck have you done with your girlfriend?????? God he’s such a creepy dude
I love that all Great cares about is that someone might file a missing persons report about titles girlfriend even though his friend is a LITERAL KIDNAPPER
omfg Dome in the BOOT?????
Oh the 4 mins thing is happening
Oohhhhh Tyme does boxing
Okay domes in the hospital and great has somehow hurt his head
PAHAHAHAH Tyme checking himself out in the mirror so he can go and treat the patient he has a crush on
omfg this interaction is so awkwardly tension filled AND I OOP
Greats like: FUCK this is the beautiful man I’ve been having SEX VISIONS ABOUT
omg Tyme subtly flirting with Great as he treats his wound is killing me
PAHAHAHAH YEAH GREAT YOU STARE AT THAT WAIST … Tyme is a v sexy doctor I have to say
🥹…the way he held greats chin
you have good memory YEAH THATS BC HE FANCIES YOU GREAT jfc Tyme is so flirty I would fold so easily if he were my doctor
Idk if you should be asking people that Great it makes you sound crazy bby
Okay whose body have the police found?????TONKLAS BROTHER??????? poor bby😭😭😭😭 but WHO is Tonklas brother??
Again Greats outfit choices are impeccable
OMFG TITLE YOU ARE A PSYCHO why are you literally fighting Great?!?? Omfg don’t kill him Title
WHERE DID TYME COME FROM??????????? okay there must be two different timelines playing I don’t know how else that would happen
oh and we’re back at that weird gambling den that Korn has been so graciously given
Oh poor Tonkla😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Korn you have no idea you just hung up on your grieving lover😭 ugh this is messy😭
I feel like having a violin player in that tiny office is so unnecessary lmao
Ooohhhhhh Korn you really are in some deep shit aren’t you
Why is Korn in Fahs BEDROOM?? what is going on here? WHY ARE YOU NAKED????? Are you lovers?? Is this an agreement?????? Friends with benefits???? ….the slurp
Tonkla the nice policeman is checking on you bc he thinks you’re pretty!!!!!
but FOR WHY?????????????
Jesus that was another amazing episode
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genericpuff · 1 year
It really grosses me out that the whole scene where Hades and Persephone met took place years before the comic. (Aka when she was underage as if her current age/characterization isn't bad enough.) The entire encounter was framed as very "romantic" and she was literally on top of a thousands of years old man naked and she was like 15 or 16 according to the timeline. It's grosses me out. (Not to mention what happened between her and Ares all happened when she was underage as well.)
I mean shit, not just Hades and Persephone, don't forget Persephone and Ares as well. It's left kinda ambiguous as to when exactly Ares met her and shortly after tricked her into thinking he was illiterate so they could spend time together/make out/etc, but it was definitely before she left for college which was when she was 19, almost 20. So unless that happened shortly before she left for Olympus (which it very well could have) she could have been just barely over the age of 18.
There's also Rachel's "canon" information that Persephone and Hermes used to make out behind Demeter's back which went even FURTHER back than Ares and Persephone meeting. Like, jfc. I've heard somewhere that it was confirmed she would have been like 15 when that happened, but I'm taking that as rumor for now because I don't have the source on it. Still, we know for a fact RS did state she and Hermes used to make out and it was before Ares and Hades showed up. So she was definitely youuungggerrrr.
Sigh. I hate it. I really genuinely hate it.
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ca-suffit · 5 months
Will never forget how when TCA photo shoots dropped and ppl were rightfully wanting to see more Jacob/Assad pairings for the promos, Virginia was getting asks saying that they were glad loumand shippers and those who wanted to see more jassad were “getting humbled” because they were getting “too cocky”, she was very much agreeing and adding on to these asks. It’s just really funny to me how she is always like “you should read the books and listen to the cast and crew, because then you’d know loumand is not the main couple this season!!” followed w that Sam gif she always hilariously misuses when like… the book and the show literally say the opposite… Reading the s2 reviews obviously confirms this lol but it reminded me of that moment and I had to laugh. So crazy, imagine seeing ppl excited for non-white queer rep and being glad they didn’t get what they wanted (and supposedly were never going to get it)… wanting to “humble” them… and saying you’re not racist…
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I remembered this and here's the actual post :)
I also found some interesting things I never knew about while looking for this post so let's share those too :) :)
This was happening when I first made this account, so I remember it rly well. I was replying directly to all these ppl as long as I could. They're always saying stuff happens on anon bts so I was making it clear from the start that they could "finally" respond in public. Isn't that what they wanted? lol ig not.
Here's the only direct contact I had with virginia.
I *just* saw she replied to it, but take a wild guess why I wasn't notified of it. cuz u know I'd have responded if I had been. These ppl only get loud when they know there's no real "threat" of an interaction.
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do u see how she didn't speak back to the things I was talking about in the post tho? she had to deflect again to "u hate lestat," "read the books," "ur speaking over jacob, A BLACK MAN" (their favorite shit to say like it's such a slam dunk?)
She also posted this
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she was on a mission then to "prove" the bullying was real because this is the time when nalyra got caught doing all of this and they needed a distraction from that. she reblogged that showmey0urfangs PSA from the previous november too and aimed the fandom at black fans again, saying this was all part of an ongoing bts bullying issue. if it is then why tf can't u all ever have better receipts? why are these PSAs literally untagged shit from ppl's personal accounts or in direct reblogs to u and yet ur claiming it's all happening on anon. which one is it and why aren't u posting those things then? jfc they think we're all stupid.......
what I think is crazy too is the PSA caps reminded me of the timeline of stuff more. there used to be louder white ppl in the fandom about racism (and I remember this even more because showmey0urfangs got so mad about that in this post, trying to defend white fandom by screaming "I'M BLACK AND U HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME" at white ppl who pointed out she was doing racist shit) and it's funny how nalyra and virginia and them didn't start to be more openly racist like this until *after* those ppl weren't here anymore? crazy how u suddenly grew extra racist courage when u felt u wouldn't have as much pushback now. I don't remember them ever going after any users who they *knew* were white and saying this stuff either. if they feel any hint like ur prbly not white *and* not a book reader then look how the big voice comes out. but this isn't motivated by racism right lol?
look at this too
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she answered so many asks back then to get sympathy and frame herself as a victim (to again distract from the nalyra shit), which is classic white woman / fandom manipulation.
idek how u write something like this tho and believe it makes sense? ppl speaking up about fandom racism is *always* going to be about fandom racism. u go in any fandom and it's there. it's never a cover up for something else. that's what white fandom *wants* u to think because they want to get as much support as possible. they know if they soothe white feelings about race and say "this isn't a real issue, it's about shipping / it's because I'm being unfairly targeted / it's because they're jealous" then most ppl *will* choose to believe that and defend them because it's the better feeling choice for them. talking about racism sucks. being on the side of loudly talking about racism sucks. you don't get to exist in fandom and "just have fun" when you do this. that's why most ppl stop doing it and either become white fandom themselves or leave public spaces for it.
look at this recent thing too
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this is a manipulation attempt. she's aware of fans being upset at amc catering to white ppl for this and this is her way to cover up more for white fandom and say "I'm not an ANGRY BITCH about it (unlike some ppl), come support me, I'm better and nicer and treat ppl fairly."
anyway, fuck this racist bitch and her weird fucking ego over gatekeeping garbage ass anne rice books.
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juanabaloo · 8 months
So without getting into what a garbage bag of a human Elon Musk is, and also how he isn't smart, doesn't have an engineering degree, isn't an inventor, etc etc...
i see the headline that his neuralink brain chip has been implanted into the first human brain. (NPR) (Al Jazeera)
OK and without getting into the dodgy ethics of this even apart from all the dead monkeys, like a LOT of dead monkeys... (like holy shit it's at least 12 monkeys and over 1,500 animals including sheep, pigs, and monkeys) (like OMG HOLY SHIT they don't even keep precise records on the numbers of animals tested and killed?? this is monstrously immoral) (source)
left unchecked i worry this is going to end like Dollhouse. (a 15 year old TV series you should watch, which doesn't have any monkeys) and why is Musk doing all this? that answer is in The Fall of the House of Usher (a recent streaming series you should watch, although there are definitely monkeys in it).
(semi related on the recommendation of my dentist i bought an electric toothbrush. damn thing wants to be bluetooth paired to its app. an app!! it's a fucking toothbrush it doesn't need to be connected to jack shit.)
anyways, everything Musk touches goes to shit (or goes up in flames) so even if there was some timeline where this is a good use of technology and it helps people - he's going to run the company poorly and it will hurt people. just like it's already hurt a ton of animals. where is the independent verification of their claims that the human is "recovering well?" where is the oversight? JFC
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arsenalgbt · 2 months
What are some of your fav fanfictions?
Who is your OTP?
What's your 3 biggest pet peeves about reading fanfiction?
What is your fav fic that you've written?
What fandom and pairing was your first uploaded story?
What is your most hated and most loved genre to read/write?
Any tips on how a non-writer can write their first fic?
get ur tea biscuits and other snacks ready cuz y’all know i’m gonna yap………..
lemme tell ya again n again; OFF-SCHEDULE my no. 1 fic of 2024 and i found it in february. we’re still in july now. idc. it’s the best fic of the year for me. i didn’t even know lance’s face had to google/tumblr him to get it. jfc. this fic. i’ve talked abt this fic multiple times hahahahahah it’s THAT good. go read it!! give kudos!! this roy kent/jamie tartt fic also lives rent-free. a glimpse of the kind of kink i want to put my OTP into; some consensual dubcon.
my current OTP would be deckai (declan rice/kai havertz of arsenal)
HOOO BOIIIIIIIIIII yo listen… when instead of the usual quotation marks “…” for dialogue, they use -…. LIKE sorry i can’t understand what your characters are saying if you’re using -I think I’m in love with you. Person A says. LIKE. my brain goes ???????? and i can’t enjoy the fic T_T there’s this F1 fic that is hard to follow because the author doesn’t differentiate who is saying what, who is doing what, who’s feeling what. they use continuous ‘he does’ ‘he says’ ‘he feels’ for two different characters PLUS they don’t use  recognisable breaks in timeline, not even a long horizontal line or whatever like *** or anything T____T i get so lost when reading lol (but i keep on reading cuz i like the story - don’t worry i gave it a kudos!) hmm what else? i think that’s it. i’m not fussy. if i don’t like it i just leave LOL
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