#jfc he’s so goddamn handsome
unhinged-nymph · 2 years
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Top Tier Rhett Looks from 2022
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ssreeder · 1 year
hey handsome ;)
I’m back bc you can’t get rid of me ever <3
katara is so real for finding comfort in arbitrary routine. like I’m not following the politeness rules for YOU I’m following the politeness rules for ME so that I feel better >:(
ALSO what I think is really important to remember and usually gets lots in fanon, the fact that zuko like.. literally IS the face of the fire nation in the war for katara. like she has nobody else to project on OF COURSE it’s going to be fucking Rough to overcome her hatred for zuko when he’s literally synonymous with genocide for her. unless there’s somebody else she can realistically focus on (ie. the fire lord is too abstract a concept for her rn), it’s never really gonna get better AND YOU CANT BLAME HER bc how else are you meant to process fear and anger if you have nowhere to direct it (does this line of thinking mean I need therapy sreedie?? answer honestly)
OHOHO look at that sreedie. I’ve gone an anticipated katara’s own musings. I’m so psychic today.
also really depressing that zuko actually does canonically look like his father so like… katara isn’t exactly Wrong to imagine his face
aaaaaand he’s back to normal with the monosyllabic responses !! and anger !! he’s healing so well.
trust zuko to argue about the semantics of life saving lmfao
not katara accidentally predicting the zukka relationship out of anger T-T
NOT THE “I will be back�� NOTE ZUKO PLS
ughhh FUCK OFF IROH just say you’re homophobic jfc
YES JEE I’m always in the I Love Jee camp so this is nothing new BUT YES CRITIQUE IROHS HANDLING OF ZUKO
jee is TOTALLY a literature nerd with all the analysis of implications of zukos outfit that he’s doing and I am so here for it
HAIR RUFFLES WIDNWLDNQPXBWFORN THE HAIR FRHDKWE AODKW I am completely calm and reasonable about this.
sokka is like “I’m so good at being subtle about being in love with zuko :D” and zuko is like WE JUST FUCKED IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY MAYDAYMAYDAY
LMAO jee is like FINALLY some drama to become invested in
I LOVE CULTURAL CUSTOMS AHHHHHH I’m such a goddamn nerd ohmygod
YAYYYY TOPH I love toph she’s a ride or die fr
nooooo now I’m emotional about jee. the whole being fire nation first and human being second is a really nice touch though, in terms of world building and reasoning behind why fire nation citizens are so committed to the war effort despite their own suffering bc of it
wait wait maybe I’m going insane rn but WAIT a moment please… so this is what I’m working with: when zukka got separated, sokka became like Both of them?? like they didn’t have each other to balance themselves out, so sokka adopted zukos personality (without the zuko skill set Unfortunately) and conversely, zuko like… Had Neither personality bc he was fucking Dying so he had other priorities. and now both of them are out of whack bc their personality divisions are fucked
OMG RASU telling sokka he groped zuko in front of everyone T-T he’s doing the lord’s work
ohohohoboho rasu knowssssss ʰᵉʰᵉʰᵉʰᵉʰᵉ
DADKODA AND CHANGGGGGGG oh I’m so happy rn. I’m genuinely going to squeal when chang and zuko reunite AND FUCK IROH HE CAN GET FUCKED JEE GET A BETTER LEADER TO DEDICATE YOURSELF TO
anyways :D
I’m expecting zuko and chang to have the most magical long awaited airport reunion imaginable, and if these two bitches DONT hug I’m going to cut all your electrical wires and clog your toilets
I have accepted I’ll never be rid of you, so I’ve stopped trying. <3
Haha, I think we could ALL use some therapy lol <3 but as for Katara I think she is allowed to be upset and dramatic because she is 15 and tired. So stop being an asshole Zuko.
I think both Zuko & Katara left that interaction feeling less than satisfied.
I love writing Jee as the man who notices shit. Haha. Why is his collar so high? IDK JEE WHAT DO YOU THINK?!
fucking love Jee
I’m a sucker for details, and unfortunately I can’t always get them all out into the writing but I wasn’t going to CUT (hahahaha GET IT??) the hair lore mwahaha.
Dude Chang and Zuko reunion is long over due but also I might be a dick and just bomb everything before Chang gets close
Why not right?
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illiana-mystery · 3 years
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Finally watched Hancock. It was as good as expected. 
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ohhellorula · 6 years
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
I Am Once Again Giving You London Gang!Jekyll Content
Okay but AU where Jekyll accidentally starts a gang though. He just helped people on the street way too often and then one day someone who opposes the Society just.. gets absolutely destroyed by a carriage out of nowhere. Jekyll gets a box with money and a note that refers to him as 'boss'. There are three routes this could then go.
Route 1: Jekyll is HORRIFIED, he did not want to start a GANG, he does not want to be a gang BOSS, but he can't tell them off because firstly, he doesn't know how he'd even do that, and secondly, they just KILLED SOMEONE, who's to say they won't kill him, too?? Jekyll must now try and figure out a way to solve this problem while Hyde has way too much fun (until he realizes the gang wants him dead for lighting their boss's building on fire).
Route 2: Jekyll is the most oblivious man on earth. He thinks one of the Lodgers gave him money as an apology. People who oppose the Society keep dropping dead and Jekyll keeps patching up the same people over and over who really like him for some reason, it is business as usual with how weird everything in his life already is. Someone (maybe your Crawford guy??) keeps trying to point out all the murders and link them to Jekyll but life hates this man specifically and nothing ever gets looked into because of the most ungodly amount of coincidences ever.
Route 3: Fuck it, he needs the money. He'll just wear a mask whenever he's duking it out in gang fights. He is surprisingly good at fighting, or maybe this could tie into the idea of Jekyll having been in a Scottish gang as a kid, but either way he mops the cobblestone streets with his opponents. He becomes one of the most feared and notorious gang leaders in London, and has a habit of targeting aristocracy that he knows are corrupt and abusive from meeting them as Dr. Jekyll at fancy events. Everything is all fine and well until Brokenshire approaches him saying they need to protect the doctor because clearly those in his social circles are being targeted. Sitcom level hijinks ensue.
(Bonus because I know you love your crackships: Jekyll gets challenged to a gang fight and meets a man in a tophat. He struggles a bit more than usual, but ultimately beats him. He is then held at gunpoint by this guy's sister demanding to know how he bested a trained assassin and whoa wait despite this guy having a bruised face now courtesy of himself he is actually very handsome haha ummm wait a minute did he just say that out loud and maybe invited him to get drinks as an apology for nearly kicking his teeth in uMMM- (bi disaster Dr. Jekyll strikes again!!))
Jeks. Jeks, my guy, thank you for making me laugh so hard, this is just... glorious. I love it all. Oh my god.
I don't know that route is best-- I honestly love the oblivious route bc of all the hijinx and Crawford wanting to rip his hair out in frustration and especially if it is a Syndicate au and it's the Crawford Starrick I based him off (which would make a lil less sense since he is gang leader tycoon and probably could have Jekyll killed but sssuuusshhhh) but I also love Henry just... Getting a goddamn Phantom Of The Opera-esque mask, deciding to go absolutely bonkers, painting entire alleyways red with the blood of his enemies, etc etc, and I absolutely love the idea of Brokenshire directly or indirectly approaching him asking him to protect himself, like they know that Jekyll's persona is well feared and a gang leader but they don't know that it is his gang that is targeting people so now Jekyll is the one sending assassins after abusive and corrupt aristocrats but also has a mission to protect himself from himself. Nice. I absolutely love it. I love it all. And I just... Hyde being do giddy until he realises that the gang wants him dead??? Fuck yes. Give me it all. I just love it so fucking much jfc i cant put it inTO WORDS.
Ok. Ok can we please combine the oblivious route with the masked gangleader phantom being the terror of london route??? Henry at first being completely oblivious, not realising why everyone that has ever insulted him and his work are suddenly disappearing one by one, Crawford wanting to rip his hair out in frustration bc "GUYS IT'S FUCKING JEKYLL HOW IS NO ONE SEEING IT" And jekyll just goes "ahah don't be silly Ricky, I'm not a gangleader lol". Henry being completely oblivious as the Lodgers suddenly get stalked by the gang members, only to be protected by them from other gangs or anti-sciences dudes, the Lodgers retelling the story to Jekyll who just goes like "oh wow man. Huh aren't those the people I have been patching up a lot lately. Strange. What a strange coincidence :)" but then a gang member gets really injured and Henry saves them from death and the gangmember is just... going like "wow, you are the best gang leader I have ever had, you are so much better than everyone else." and henry is just like "ahaha i'm a WHAT NOW"
Cue Henry deciding that, fuck it, if they already think of him as a gangleader why not take advantage of it. He has already been in gangs as a kid so he knows how they work. Quickly becomes a gangleader Tycoon, the lodgers/Rachel/Robert are all confused as to why people suddenly have stopped targeting them for robberies and shit and as to why Henry suddenly has a lot of money he spends on the Society and the bills. Henry telling them not to worry about it. He hears about a dude who suddenly has been swiping through all the ot her London gangs like a hot knife through butter, suddenly his gang is targeted so they are challenged to a gangfight. Henry beats the absolute shit out of him, he has him pinned to the ground when he hears a gun loading and he feels the hilt against his back. He is too busy staring into the beaten up guy's eyes to really care, wow he is so hot, the gangleaders demand that he takes off his mask or he gets shot. He instead lets go of the guy and just... Stands up, brushes himself off, tells them "ahaahh thanks but no thanks. also please stop destorying my gang we literally have not done anything provoking to you."
Anyways they agree to have their gangs work together (oh my god what would Henry's gang be called??? I imagine them wearing the colour blue bc the Rooks are green and the Blighters are red (since it's a specifically a syndicate au lol) but they probably would wear red if it's just tgs anyways off topic hehe). Henry invites them to a drink, his tab, they agree, they find out about all the accidental bullshit that Henry accidentally started and just... Yes pls. Also Jacob and Henry getting drunk and flirting like nobody's business, maybe Henry asking if Jacob likes guys and if he doesn't, is his sister single? Evie almost kicking his teeth in, Jacob laughing his ass off. Yes please.
ALso almost completely forgot the absolute scooby doo mystery of the twins trying to figure out who Henry is since he wears a mask and disguises his identity. Imagine them just being like... Who’s that pokemon? It’s dr. henry jekyll-- WAIT IT’S DR. HENRY JEKYLL????
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The sequel to Machiavelli that no one asked for xD Enjoy! Also found on my ao3 here. My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.
“Mmm I love your body,” Rhys purred as he laid half-atop Jack's chest in bed. The alpha made an amused noise as Rhys rubbed his cheeks into Jack’s skin, nuzzling at chest hair and keeping himself pressed tight against the older man. “So perfect, Jack.”
“Of course it is, it's me we're talking about here,” the alpha said with sleepy amusement, voice rumbling under Rhys’ warm hands.
The omega ran palms over and over Jack's torso, loving the slight belly the older man had, the lack of definition on what must have once been rock hard abs in his youth. His chest hair was greying in patches to match the streak in the alpha's hair, the CEO’s age showing in his body, and it just did it for the omega.
Rhys was in love with Jack's body. The alpha might have bitched about how quickly his pretzels seemed to go to his gut, and how he used to be able to eat whatever he wanted with no damn problem when he was Rhys’ age, but Rhys was in pure heaven. He wouldn't trade in the Jack now for a younger version even if given the chance. The older man might not realize it, but he was basically Rhys’ walking fetish.
Jack lightly startled in surprise as he felt teeth on his right ilium, looking down with a smirk in time to see Rhys’ pleased smile before he pressed lips against the older man's skin. The omega purred as Jack carded a hand through messy hair with fond amusement at the younger man’s idea of seduction.
“Again? You're a frisky thing sweetheart.”
“Well what do you expect me to do with you laying here all gorgeous, warm, and alpha, hmm?”
Jack snorted but offered him a smirk as the younger man continued to rub against him. “Feeling okay, sugar?”
Jack cocked a brow expectantly. “Your heat?”
“Heh, not yet. Not for some time more.” A wicked smile took the younger man's face. “Not that that means I don't plan to have you again, Jack.”
“You're going to kill me, kiddo.”
“I'm keeping you young, old man,” the omega teased, earning a laugh.
Jack stretched beneath him before pulling the younger man back up over his body to flutter kisses about his face. “Probably both, kitten.”
The first time Rhys told Jack he was pregnant, the alpha had had to take a seat lest his legs give out on him from sheer shock.
The omega couldn't have been more pleased, ecstatic even as he searched out approval from the alpha at this turn of events. Jack's shell-shocked silence turned into Rhys begging to keep it, touching the older man in urgent supplication before the alpha pulled him into his lap to cuddle and scent him.
Of course they'd keep it. It was Rhys’ after all. Of course he wanted it.
The omega liked to joke throughout the pregnancy about how Jack had told him earlier that year that he'd have a ton of pretty pups by some lucky bastard; so what did that make Jack now, hm?
Honestly, he was scared but unwilling to admit it, and a whole lot more pleased than he'd ever considered possible.
Dads were old guys. Only an old guy could be a dad. Which meant he was officially an old guy now. One foot in the grave. Serious dad type stuff ahead. Man with a family that came before himself.
If anything could have ever mellowed out Handsome Jack, this was the last thing anyone had seen coming. Bonded, mated, baby on the way. Jack threw himself fully into the role of family man, and Rhys had enjoyed a smooth, completely spoiled pregnancy by an almost over-attentive mate.
Jack was head over heels for their daughter, crazy for the tiny thing with the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. Rhys had loved being pregnant, loved the excessive attention and care the alpha gave him, loved knowing he carried Jack’s kid on him, and absolutely loved actually holding their baby with all his might. Jack had to admit that pregnancy really suited the omega.
It shouldn't have come as any surprise then when Rhys told Jack he was pregnant again, before their little Angel had even turned one. Jack didn't need to sit down this time, but he did grip the kitchen counter with nearly enough strength to break it, asking the omega to repeat himself.
Rhys’ pills had failed again. Or Jack's seed was just that strong. Or Rhys was just that fertile, the omega joked. But they had a second kid on the way.
It probably was the latter all considered, as the omega was reaching his prime breeding years, and he kept himself well acquainted with the older man’s cock. Jack was still in his prime, more than capable of putting a few pups inside the omega. They enjoyed a very healthy sex life even after the first baby.
Rhys was absolutely beside himself with excitement, stroking over his belly and telling the older man that he was going to have a proper succession to Hyperion’s throne. Jack had laughed, saying he was way too damn old to already be having another kid, and he'd kissed the daylights out of Rhys until Angel’s crying tore the omega away to give her a bottle and a cuddle.
The birth of a second daughter made Rhys relieved that Angel would have someone to play dress up and shoot targets with when she was older. Worry over integrating such high profile kids with the pups of other omegas had vanished, and Rhys knew Angel would never feel lonely.
It gave the alpha cause to think. Rhys was damn pretty, and Jack knew he was already old, not looking forward to the prospect of chasing off upstart pups sniffing around his pretty girls. He hoped they'd end up strong alphas; chase away idiots themselves until he taught them proper shooting techniques. But Jack told Rhys that he wasn't going to leave things up to chance, and so help him he'd stick a son in the omega to keep an eye on his older sisters and bite anyone that got too close. Rhys jumped on the proclamation, and subsequently Jack, to let the alpha knock him up again.
The sex had been good, like really good. Knowing that Jack was actively trying to impregnate him this time somehow just made it levels better to Rhys, and the omega was more thrilled than ever that they'd have another baby. It satisfied a deep urge in the omega to have a lovely big family, and here he was halfway to that goal-- not that he'd share his opinions on what done was or not with the big alpha plowing him every night. Rhys was living in an absolute dream.
They shouldn't have been so shocked that Rhys birthed a son nearly a year later. Jack laughed and claimed he did exactly what he'd set out to do because he was so damn perfect, and Rhys just rolled his eyes and thrilled with the new addition to the family.
Angel and Emma didn't fully understand what a brother was, though the two and a half year old pressed kisses to baby Deacon’s head and asked to take him home while Emma just sucked on a pacifier and clung to Jack with wide, curious eyes.
They had their hands full, but Jack was richer than god so it wasn't difficult to manage three babies. That's what money was for, and failing that, bribing Rhys’ friends with sweet talk and home cooked meals to lend a hand for the occasional date night.
Jack was happier than he'd thought possible, and Rhys ever-so-smugly liked to remind him-- and often- that they wouldn't even have babies if Rhys hadn't been so persistent over Jack’s old, old-- wow Jack you are seriously old did you know that?- old, geriatric old alpha ass. Which was also old.
Rhys had been spanked and fucked very well after that flattering epithet, the omega purring and cuddling the alpha with unapologetic, satisfied snickers afterwards. He took extra pleasure in telling Jack that he could give Deacon his evening bottle because Rhys couldn’t stand up with his sore ass. Jack placed a kiss to the stinging red flesh and promised he’d give the omega a back rub when he returned. Rhys was asleep by the time that happened, but he didn’t forget the next morning, and demanded Jack make good on his promise.
Life, as far as the alpha was concerned, was pretty damn good.
Jack smiled to himself as he watched Rhys. The omega had their two year-old son on his hip above his yet-again slightly-swollen belly. Angel and Emma played on the floor at Jack's feet while the omega told them to pack their toys up and get ready.
It made the alpha feel warm and fuzzy-- happy; loving- over his mate and children. He'd never seen himself as a family man, but here he was with three kids and a fourth on the way, his pretty pretty bond mate’s face in a frown as the omega told Angel to give Emma back her loaderbot toy, and the alpha had nothing but pleased, happy chuckles over his lot in life.
Rhys raised a brow at the older man and gave him an impatient expression, as if to ask what the hell the older man was staring at. Jack just gave him a one-sided smirk in response.
“You know, you can feel free to grab the girls’ bag so we can get them to Vaughn's on time,” Rhys huffed passive aggressively, breaking his judgmental look to tell Emma to put her shoes back on.
The alpha snorted with a laugh and hopped up. He pressed a kiss to the omega’s face and nuzzled him while placing an affectionate palm on his belly. Rhys sighed and rolled his eyes, though he luxuriated in his mate’s touch.
“You're so gorgeous, sweetheart. You know that?”
“You're not getting out of this, Jack.” Rhys moved Deacon to his other hip, giving Jack a suspicious glare that lacked any heat. “You promised me a nice night out and that you'd drop the kids off while I showered. Don’t even think of slinking off.”
“Me try and miss date night? Never in a million years, babe.” He pressed an overly sloppy kiss to the younger man’s face and scooped up both girls under each arm. Shrieks of “Daddy my shoe!” and pleased squeals met their ears as Jack launched them to the couch. He put Emma’s shoes back on at Rhys’ insistence, and hyped the girls up for a sleepover at Uncle Vaughn’s.
Rhys made a mental note to text the beta that their dad had them extra jazzed to see him. He sure hoped Vaughn had coffee in the pot at his apartment.
Laying together in the quiet of their bedroom, Rhys purred as he circled one of Jack's nipples with a finger, the alpha's knot snug in his body as they lay satisfied in the sheets at an odd angle.
“So I was thinking…” Rhys started, face happy and content from good food and sex both. “Once Angel starts school, we're going to have a lot of free time, handsome.”
“And after this one is born, Deacon will be going into preschool with Emma.”
Jack raised a suspicious brow, stopping Rhys’ finger and bringing the hand up to his mouth to kiss with a pleased growl. “Get to the point, sugar.”
Rhys snickered and nuzzled closer to the alpha, scenting up his neck with eyes closed in blissful pleasure. “I want another baby.”
The alpha pressed back into the bed as if to get away from Rhys, but the omega just smirked and pressed forward, stroking the CEO’s face with his reclaimed hand as he wiggled against the older man. Jack groaned.
“You've got one in there now, sugarpie. Kind of crowded.”
“Mm yeah… but once she's out…”
“Let's wait until we cross that bridge okay? And how do you know it's gonna be a girl anyways sweet pea? Maybe D will get a little brother.”
“I just have a feeling,” the omega purred. He stroked Jack’s chest, trying to convince him with kisses and pets alike. “Didn't you want two boys?”
“Rhysie, I can't even remember what you look like not pregnant.” The omega gave a supremely pleased purr at that, resting his face on the older man's chest and making Jack snort at his determined look. He brushed a hand through Rhys’ hair and then rested it on his lower back. “You're nuts.”
“We're almost halfway to start a new company if you give me a few more pups,” he purred, and Jack laughed as he settled large palms on Rhys’ plump hips.
“So that's your plan all along sweetheart? Breeding a new branch?”
“Ooh you found me out.” Rhys nipped at Jack's jaw, smiling as the older man's hands squeezed at his hips. “Come on handsome, every omega wants enough kids to fill their own sports team. I might be the only one to actually get that wish.”
The alpha chuckled, hands trailing over Rhys’ back to drag up into his hair. “I thought we were done. With Deacon.”
The younger man snickered wickedly, as much an admission to the opposite as Jack would ever get. Rhys stroked the side of his slightly swollen belly with a pleased curve to his smile.
“Every omega needs that perfect set of kids, Jack.”
“And just what kind of set we talkin’ here, Rhysie?”
“By my count? Baker’s dozen.”
The older man laughed long and hard, only because he knew the omega was teasing him with such an outrageous number. Otherwise he might've seriously considered sterilizing himself to keep the younger man from milking him dry. The way Rhys was always hungry for his cock was both a blessing and a curse-- one he relished in indulging.
“I know it's hard to believe here with how awesome I am, but I don't think I actually have it in me for that many, sugar.”
“I'll take them as they come.” Rhys grinned widely at the older man, poking him in the chest. “Get it?”
“Haha, real cute pumpkin. Leave the one-liners to me.” The CEO snatched up Rhys’ hand again to press another kiss to his palm. He gave a few nervous laughs as he contemplated his mate. “You don't really want that many kids, do you precious?”
The omega relaxed his chin against Jack’s chest, looking at the man with a thoughtful, pleased smile. “Not nearly that many, handsome, no. Thirteen is a bit much.” Jack chuckled at his pretty mate, groaning slightly as Rhys clenched his body around the alpha’s knot, giving a purr of contentment. “Maybe six or seven. I think I’d be done after that.”
Jack waited for Rhys to laugh or snicker, make some sort of joke, but it never came. The older man groaned, head back in the pillow and eyes closed. “You're not serious.” He was met with happy sounds accompanied by Rhys’ fingers playing in his chest hair again. “Baby, Jesus, wait until they're all in school maybe yeah? We’ll have crappy plays and sports and recitals or whatever other crap to keep us occupied.”
“And if it doesn't?”
Jack looked the younger man in the face to see Rhys watching him with bated breath, waiting for a serious answer. The alpha sighed out with resignation, patting the omega’s hand. “Then we'll just have to keep you barefoot and pregnant for the foreseeable future.” Rhys made a happy sound between a gasp and a growl, body clenching around the older man as Jack held him tight. “Just don't expect me to have energy to spare when you’re sucking my life essence dry, Rhysie.”
Rhys just snickered but cuddled closer to the alpha with happiness singing through the bond to the older man, accompanied by very vocal purrs. He held close to Jack, inhaling his alpha scent with a pleased smile on his face. “...you're not that old, Jack.”
The man in question laughed. “Yes I am.” He kissed Rhys’ forehead. “So we better have ‘em quick, sweetheart. I’m not getting any younger.” He moved to grab handfuls of Rhys’ ass while the omega just laughed and told Jack he was throwing his pills away for good after this kid was born.
Jack thanked his lucky stars that he was a rich as hell CEO with more resources than anyone could ever need, because if his pretty mate got his way, Rhys would indeed populate a whole space station with just their kids alone, lavishing in being the mother to what would essentially amount to an army.
Jack figured four was a good starting point.
...He was definitely getting a vasectomy if they reached seven, though.
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ficsforeren · 3 years
I’m sure you’ve heard this a hundred times already but chapter 4 was so bittersweet and you’re so talented. Your writing is amazing. I love reading all the little tidbits of what Eren is thinking and how strong he feels about you. And the way you set up the mutual pining. Just pure perfection.
Oh my god it just pisses me off how so many things could be resolved with communication! But it’s like that in real life too and my poor baby Eren has just been royally fucked over so many times that being vulnerable is just so terrifying of an option.
Ok just a few questions… to start off, where’s Armin? Are we going to see him later on? Is this where the chapter later on jealous sex comes in?
Also, it’s so cute how you included Moblit. He is so underappreciated. Sigh, I miss that bitch. We all need a friend like Moblit that reminds us to be careful and not do stupid shit. I mean, I guess after putting it like that… he’s basically the mom friend???
Two, girl the way you included Carla in this. It’s interesting to see a fic where Carla actually abandon Eren in a modern au! Fic. Is she still alive? Will we see her later on as part of Eren’s journey to learning how to express himself more freely and learning how to stop putting up walls?
Three, I FUCKING SAW ZEKE FRITZ IN THERE. Oh my god, does Grisha even know he has another son? Is that why Carla left? Because she found out that her husband had another family? Will we get a happy, non-toxic reunion between these two brothers? Who is Zeke married to? 🤭👀👀
Four, not really a question but Jean and Reiner even if they weren’t mentioned in this character. Oh Jean, you always break my heart you handsome, floozy son of a bitch. You too Reiner. Just in a different way. Such a good son wanting to make his mom proud and take care of her.
Five, my god Levi why haven’t you ever forced all three members of Empire into therapy? Low key feel like that would be a super funny crack chapter. Like Jean or something flirts with the reader and Eren gets PISSED to the point where he kicks the mf shit out of Jean. And the agency is like “ok anger management counseling time.”
Therapist: “can you tell me why you’re all here today.
Reiner: this isn’t fair! I didn’t do jackshit
Jean: you didn’t step in at all when eren was kicking the crap out of me
Reiner: it wouldn’t have helped you if Eren started beating the shit out of me too.
Eren to therapist: I’m here because of these two. if I wasn’t surrounded by idiots, you would be enjoying your afternoon.
Sorry for the rambling. I’m really loving your Last Song Series. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!!💕
OKAY FIRST OF ALL lemme just tell you how GIDDY I am to receive such long message from you. i don't know who you are or where you're from but
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second, and I think I speak for all the writers here when I say that it doesn't matter if I have received similar messages in the past that complimented my writings because BRO???? THIS IS WHAT KEEPS ME GOING!!! I love writing fics, but every time I have to put my stuff on my blog I get so worried like I have to re-check my stuff at least three times (so that's like reading 45k every week lol). even when I'm about to publish my story, I will always go to @justasketch so she can wish me good luck cause that's just how worried I am. So whenever I get this kind of message, these positive feedbacks from you all, it gets me so pumped up and I can write like 10k in one sitting no kidding. and also, please don't apologize for rambling or sending me long messages I LOVE IT AND I LOVE YOU FOR SENDING THIS TO ME BLESS YOU AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL SOUL GODDAMN I'M IN LOVE
okay to answer your questions (jfc how cute can you be, i can feel your enthusiasm for my fic and i'm crying thank you so much for loving my story 😭😭😭)
Armin will show up in chapter 8 or 9 (I haven't finished writing chapter 5 yet but I've made a draft so he'll probably appear around that chapter). Mikasa will appear in the same chapter too, I think, and that's near the end because these two are going to start so many conflicts in eren and y/n's relationship lol. as for the jealous sex? hmmm, maybe 😏
dude I LOVE moblit. i think he's so adorable like we all need a friend like moblit honestly. he's one of y/n's co-workers and he likes her a lot but he's too shy to approach her. he's precious.
carla is still alive but... well, you'll see later in the story. just a heads up though, i love her, i think she's beautiful and she's so pure but in this fic, she's a terrible, terrible mother figure. And it's sad because eren loves her so much. she'll appear in the story when eren opens up about his past.
zeke is not related to eren or grisha, that's why i'm using Fritz as his last name. he's just a random person I use to be Pieck's love interest lol. he's not gonna have anything to do with the story, unfortunately.
there will be a few fun scenes with jean and reiner in chapter 5 and 6, i'm having so much fun writing their banters
DUDE THESE BOYS REALLY NEED THERAPY I SWEAR BUT HAHAHAHHAHAHA OMG I'M LAUGHING AT THE SCENARIO YOU PUT THERE I LOVE EREN'S LINE i think jean tries to avoid getting into fight with eren 'cause he got pretty scared when eren threatened him back then in chapter 3. also if he pisses him off so much and Eren decides to leave the band, he's gonna be so fucking screwed.
i'm surprised that you didn't mention anything about pieck or porco but you noticed zeke and moblit haha cute
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ksbwnotes · 3 years
Chapter 2
1. Oof
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I’m sure, even after being told about this ‘relative’, Sangwoo kept it cool and didn’t tip off anything to the police, acting like “OH RIGHT MY RELATIVE THAT I HAVEN’T SEEN IN A FKKN DECADE”. It comes to show that he is incredibly calculating and intelligent, able to keep a facade on to an artform. This was probably something he has been able to do ever since he was a child, as we’ll later witness in his flashbacks.
Later Sangwoo says “you might as well have said you were my brother”, which is meaningful because Sangwoo doesn’t have one. So every relative Sangwoo knows is just as nonexistent as his nonexistent sibling.
2. I find this important to note
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Bum obviously is prone to putting people on pedestals, only seeing them through the rose tinted glass he wants to see them in.
3. Why this though?
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I find it very interesting that, because he doesn’t want to die, what he yells out is “I FELL IN LOVE!”  Why this? I’m sure he’s also used this an excuse for the others he has stalked (I wonder if Sangwoo ever realized that Bum also stalked women and how he felt about that), but it most likely never worked with them. 
Bum was just spouting whatever came to mind, so the fact that the word ‘love’ is what jumped out of him says a lot of how much it has been consuming his every being, even in the face of death.
4. s;jgio;sejro;gisejro;igerj wtf sangwoo
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...I...well. I mean, it’s a great parallel, I think. Bum’s desperation for love making him yell that as his last words, while Sangwoo’s desperation for that same love making him stop in his tracks and even...fucking pet Bum???  I dunno, lonely or not, that wouldn’t be the first response of a completely not-gay-straight-as-an-arrow man. But obviously, Bum is a cutie pie and can appear feminine, which is why Sangwoo didn’t automatically kill him. If Bum looked like a ‘man’, then there would seriously be no saving Bum. 
And I’m sure Koogi meant to emphasize Bum’s feminine attractiveness in that petting panel, maybe as a way to show what Sangwoo was seeing. I love how it’s purely white and blank behind Bum, as Bum is all Sangwoo is seeing. The fact that it’s white rather than black can suggest that Bum could be a new beginning, something pure and untainted.
I do kinda wonder if Koogi had Sangwoo as straight as a way to mitigate the stigma against homosexuality???  As a way for her to say “just because the story is between two men doesn’t mean this is supposed to be representative of homosexuality itself”.
5. Wow, the whiplash of mood and quick thinking
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Boy didn’t even fkkn hesitate to destroy Bum’s legs, goddamn. 
However, this does show that Sangwoo is very aware and his mental faculties are intact, even during times like these. You think he’d be fkkn furious and lose it, beating Bum to death automatically before Bum could even say anything. But Sangwoo doesn’t. The moment Bum says “love”, he stopped. He wasn’t in a haze of fury...maybe excitement (especially with that goddamn terrifying smile as Bum runs up the stairs), but even that was controlled. 
In away, Sangwoo just seems...tired. He’s moving only because he knows he has to. 
Also, the moment he says “not with your legs the way they are”, Sangwoo sees Bum the same way he has seen the women who’ve also been in the basement. The CEO daughter girl also had broken legs, so obviously the first thing he does is ruin their legs so they don’t run away...which...yeah, smart. I actually haven’t seen that even with Criminal Mind. xD
So that does show that Sangwoo seems really set in keeping his prey with him. Not to ‘chain’ them or anything, but to keep them from leaving him. 
6. Double homicide
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Ooooh 3 years ago?? Okay this is interesting...conscription age is 18 (or 17 since Koreans add that one year). I’m confused because, technically, Bum should’ve met Sangwoo first in the military, then in his college days. So did Sangwoo go to military later at age 20?  Could be since his mom is...yeah. And his dad...sure. 
Also, Bum and Sangwoo are four years apart. So say that Sangwoo went to college first, so Bum met Sangwoo when he was 22...then while Sangwoo was 20 and Bum was 24, they went into the military later. Since Sangwoo is 24 now (or 25 in Korean age jfc), that means he was 21 when his parents were killed. 
Sangwoo also seemed to have needed to be discharged early, most likely because of his sick mom, which would explain also why he was in no position to befriend Bum. 
Anyways, so that means Bum knew Sangwoo and was in love with him for about 6 years.
7. Wow
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No wonder Sungbae is like this. He sees the eyes of every person he chased in Sungwoo’s dead-eyed stare. But he’s actually wrong about this, lol. Sungwoo’s mom is the culprit, technically, even though she was also a vicitm.
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Oh my god, wait, was that really Bum’s underwear or did Sangwoo put that on him??
Also, wow, Bum’s hips. He seriously has a feminine body. Like...pear body shape lol. 
Also, seriously, Sangwoo is treating Bum right off the bat like the other women. Rather than completely heterosexual, Sangwoo is more demisexual. And rather than femininity, he more prefers ‘weaker’ bodies, so that he doesn’t feel threatened by them. That is automatic towards females. 
9. Hmmmmn....
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Ah, for this to be the first thing you fucking wake up to, jesus christ. xD
I wonder though, why did Sangwoo cut her hair short? There’s probably multiple reasons for it...but one theory I would find interesting is that it’s because he met Bum. 
Maybe he wanted to see how she looked like with a male haircut, how it would look like and compare how it felt like to see a pretty girl beside a pretty boy. He compared the two physically and made his decision that Bum was worth more than her.
I really do find it interesting that Sangwoo truly chose Bum over her, despite her being voluptuous and beautiful and actually a woman, which...you know...important for het men right. 
But Sangwoo chose Bum because even though Sangwoo went straight to beating him with a goddamn bat, Bum yelled “I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU”.
If the choice was between what’s between the person’s legs vs the person themselves, Sangwoo will choose the person.
10. Interesting insight
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Into why Sangwoo killed her and his thought process.  Again, interesting, the fact that he kept emphasizing how stupid she was. 
Her screaming for help and stuff is a very natural reaction and no one should ever blame her for that. But, for Sangwoo, it was ridiculous because she should’ve known that would piss him off more rather than make him feel guilty. 
Part of it is how he learned to survive growing up--by reading his parents’ moods and figuring out how to respond. And on a smaller scale, how to respond to other people so that they see nothing but a charming, handsome man. The fact that she can’t even do 1/100th of that is fucking infuriating...and on a personal level, I can understand that frustration.
The other part is that her begging for mercy is obviously NOT what he wants. He wants someone like Bum, who’ll respond to him with loyalty and desire. Who won’t be afraid of him and will still stay to ease his loneliness. 
11. Uh
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What kind of half-baked excuse was this, bro. You spared him only because of what he yelled out to you and you just don’t want to admit it to yourself...or maybe just don’t want to say it to Bum, so that you can control him better.
12. Women have hair too, asshole
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Sangwoo really does try to feminize Bum throughout the whole story. So obviously, yes, his instinct is more hetero. If Bum were burly like a guy rather than delicate like a girl, there would be no saving him. Sangwoo has his preferences. And Bum fits the most important aspect--and that most important part isn’t Bum’s genitalia.
I also do think it has to do with social construct. Sangwoo most likely grew up internalizing misogynistic and homophobic belief systems, whether or not those are what he truly agreed with.
13. The first time Sungwoo snaps
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Notable to mention that it’s because he sees Bum trembling in fear of him. Sangwoo doesn’t like being reminded of the monster he is. He doesn’t take pleasure in it. But because he knows that he’s unforgivable and can’t go back, he just makes the situation worse by further slipping into the skin of a monster.
Honestly, this might be more indicative towards what he witnessed with his father. He’s emulating his father’s qualities because he knows that he’s no better than him, and can’t handle that fact. He’s also locking up his women THE SAME WAY HIS FATHER DID TO HIS MOM. 
But, honestly, I think it’s because his mom is just as bad as his dad, that’s why he’s doing the same things as his dad.
14. You beat the girl
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This is indicative of the fact that Sangwoo would be willing to be with Bum despite being a guy. And also suggests that, again, he really was comparing them and decides that Bum, with all his ‘loser’ like qualities, is still worthier than her. Heterosexual first, but demisexual overall.
And again, I think he’s doing the same things he has seen his father has done, pouring the food over Bum’s face like that.
15. First reward
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Ah, here comes the training. 
Also, I can see how differently Bum responds compared to every single person he’s seen, including his mom. They all will feel humiliated and resentful, hateful towards Sangwoo, seeing him as a monster, or being completely defeated. But Bum, instead, responds exactly the opposite. This is exactly why I think Sangwoo decides to kiss Bum. 
Because, despite Sangwoo calling him a retard, that is exactly what Sangwoo wanted to see (but at the same time, not...Sangwoo doesn’t want someone as messed up as Bum, but he knows that only someone as messed up as Bum can be with him, and more than anything, he doesn’t want to be lonely). 
If Bum reacted with fear rather than desire, Sangwoo would’ve never kissed Bum.
This is also a huge catch-22 that will end up blowing up on both of them. Bum reacting like this will make Sangwoo feel better about his actions and like he was able to find the person who’ll be able to accept him for who he is. But in the long term, it will reinforce this behavior and truly make him into his father. It will also keep him from truly dealing with his past. 
16. Oh goddamn
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Great insight into Bum’s mentality.  It’s amazing, also, that he sees this as a sign of ‘dating’.
What I find telling is that Bum is thinking this DESPITE SEEING PROOF OF HIM BEING A MURDERER. I do get that it could be from his dissociation from real life, so he doesn’t quite understand what is going on. But at the same time, really, if Sangwoo treated Bum better, then Bum would’ve been absolutely fine with him being a serial killer and even join him. I honestly do believe Bum is more of a natural-born murderer than Sangwoo (though Sangwoo is probably more of a natural asshole lol).
17. Why are you also mentioning the word date!?!?
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And I’m not sure if Sangwoo senses that those are Bum’s thoughts, but he also is thinking about dating in this context??
I can see how Sangwoo could’ve ‘read’ his prey and responded in a way that would’ve messed with their heads, but at the same time, it could be that Sangwoo is looking at this situation in just as much a twisted way as Bum is. But rather than Bum’s “I’m disgusting, yet he’s kissing me” mentality, he’s more likely thinking “Kissing him isn’t disgusting, so he passes round 3″ (round 1 is the first time with the bat, round 2 is the one where he kills the girl instead of Bum).
The thing is, since Sangwoo didn’t find Bum’s kisses disgusting, it reinforces his desperation to keep Bum with him. If he didn’t like kissing Bum, then I truly believe Bum would’ve died right here and now.
Also, interesting: “You’ll be the only one that ends up hurt, you know?”  So, obviously, Bum having one working leg increases his chances of escape. So this is Sangwoo’s way of saying ‘if you escape, then I’ll make sure to hurt/kill you because of that’.
18. Here comes the sledgehammer
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This is an interesting parallel. Looking back at chapter 1, it also seems like only one of the girl’s legs are broken, like how Bum’s leg was after falling down the steps. 
So to keep the girl from escaping, Sangwoo just most likely tied her up. It’s not full-proof and it limits her movements, but Sangwoo probably doesn’t give a shit because with how she’s acting, she wasn’t going to live much longer. 
But for Bum...with Bum, he’s planning to let him live much longer. He doesn’t want to restrict Bum’s movements because that makes him less appealing. Instead, Sangwoo takes it personally--takes it upon himself--to actually break Bum’s legs. This is a much more permanent fixture, reflecting how he’s planning to keep Bum with him for a much longer time. 
Also, now that I’m looking at this, I think Sangwoo doesn’t actually rape his victims. Yeah, he has molested the girl’s dead body, but I think that’s more of a curiosity towards a dead body than actual sexual interest. It’s natural after seeing his mom’s corpse in front of him and all that...screwed up as fuck jazz lol. 
I think he has sex with them in the beginning and that’s probably when he snaps because...his mom raped him, so. After that, he tortures them according to their reaction to him. But he probably doesn’t actually touch them more than that. In the case of hypersexuality, Bum fits this much more than Sangwoo does at this point. Sangwoo seems to just use it as a weapon, while Bum does it because he wants to be fucked. 
This makes sense because it seems like Sangwoo was raped once by his mom and probably molested the other times, while Bum was frequently raped.
Furthermore, Bum--as we’ll later see--is most likely the only one he truly does rape. 
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Hey you! Ok how about Pedro’s characters and the first time they wink at you. ILY and thank you 🙈
Hey babes! I simultaneously love and hate you for this ask because jfc winking irl is so fucking skeezy but, as with a lot of things I previously thought I despised, when Pedro does it I get a little weak in the knees lol. So now I have an excuse to comb through every gif of him winking. You know. For research. For SCIENCE. (Under the cut, cause fucking HELL. This got loooooong.)
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(Gif made by @djjarindin )
Whiskey- On your very first day as a Statesman you make the dubious acquaintance of Agent Jack “Whiskey” Daniels. You’re standing at the window of your new office, flipping one of your knives in the air idly, when a handsome man in tight blue jeans and a black Stetson saunters in without so much as a by your leave. His grin is lazy, charming, and you acknowledge, in the deepest recesses of your hind brain, incredibly enticing.
“Well howdy there, darling,” he greets, thumbs hooked in the front of his belt, drawing your gaze to- is that a flask on his belt buckle? His mustache twitches up on one side as he notices that your eyes landed exactly where he had intended.
“Now what’s a pretty little thing like you doing playing with those pig stickers? You could hurt yourself with knives like that.” He steps closer to you, one hand leaving his belt to brace against the window next to your head so he can lean further into your space.
“Probably the same thing you’re doing playing with those pistols you’ve got under your jacket or that lasso at your hip,” you reply coolly, not backing away from his intrusion into your space. His raises his and he huffs a laugh through his nose.
“Well touché, kitten.” He bends a little at his knees to catch your eyes better and suggests softly in a voice that 90% of you demands you to listen to, “How’s about you and I get outta here and I can give you a tour of the place? Maybe, show you the ropes?” And he then winks at you.
That last 10% of your willpower has something to say to his blatant attempt at getting into your pants.
You slap him.
Javier Peña- You had been warned by more than one person that feminism hadn’t really made its way to Columbia yet when you accepted the portion to field agent and transferred down to the DEA office in Bogota. It was 1990 however, and you kind of expected the Americans you worked with to at least be a little more on board with the times.
That was on you, men were men it seemed, American or Columbian.
The tall blond who introduced himself as Murphy seemed nice enough, he was friendly and a little distracted, and he sounded almost apologetic as he led you further into the office to meet the other member of your team.
“Well hello there, sugar,” a man a couple of inches shorter than Steve greeted you from where he had been leaning on a desk by the door. He stood up straight and sauntered- there was really no other word for how pants that tight made a man walk- closer to the two of you, a wide smile stretched his mustache over his handsome face and showed off the dimples in his cheeks.
Oh lord. One of those men.
“Javi this is-“ Murphy started, clearly trying to diffuse a potential situation but the man interrupted him, and his hand reached for yours, holding it a little longer than necessary.
“A girl too pretty for your married ass to be talking to, Steve.” He still had your hand in between his two large warm ones and you filed that information away for use at a later, much more solitary time. He had the audacity to wink at you and you sighed and rolled your eyes. Ah well.
“I’m your new partner.” Guess feminism still has some strides to make no matter what the nationality of idiot male.
Ezra- You had been stuck on this interminably brown moon for a week and you were going stir crazy. You and your still new partner had landed in a manner that was less than gentle or correct on this nameless rock, and not only was your landing gear bent at an angle a university mathematician would have trouble describing, Ezra couldn’t get the damn thing to start again. 
You weren’t any sort of mechanic by nature, that was one of the things he brought to the table, so until Ezra managed to repair whatever was wrong with this hunk of junk the two of you were still paying off, you were stuck sitting on your hands doing nothing. You had no particular desire to go traipsing around this rock by yourself, protection was one of the other things the man added to your partnership, as you had learned early in your mining career that that generally did not end well for people like you.
So there you sat, bored, listening to the click and clank of Ezra’s tools as he did whatever it was that you needed to do to get an impulse engine working enough to take off and dock to an FTL vessel. And listening to Ezra’s constant talking.
He was currently telling you a rather long winded, even for him and that was saying something, story about how an old partner of his woke up every morning and sanitized the floor of their pod with antibac spray before he would let any of the other four men set foot on it.
“The gentleman in question was a rather odd duck, badger,” he called out to you from half way inside the pod. “Why, in all my years and in all my travels in the black, I must avow never having seen someone so resolved on keeping the extremities of his associates so unsullied. I never cognized if his time running the stars had finally fractured his wits and this was the inevitable concomitant of a life lived as we do, or if it was a tic peculiar to him for all of his life. Still and all, one advantage I did discover at the conclusion of that particular venture: the bottoms of my socks never have been cleaner.” 
An unexpectedly loud guffaw punched its way out of your mouth and you dropped the flat rock you had been attempting to balance on a piece of the aforementioned broken landing equipment. Unfortunately, Ezra decided at that exact time to shimmy his way out from under your craft and instead of falling harmlessly back to the ground where you had found it, it bounced off of his rather distracting ass on its way down. 
He stopped moving and you were about to apologize, you really hadn’t meant to basically throw a rock at him, no matter how much he annoyed you at times, when you heard his voice float up to you again, a little amused, and a little something else that you had had occasion to notice a few times before but had never thought to classify.
“Badger, did you just take your hand to my ass?” You felt your face flush and wondered if this planet’s atmosphere wasn’t as hospitable to humans as you had thought. 
“What?!” You squeaked, voice cracking when it hit a pitch normally very much out of your range.”No! I just dropped a rock!” You heard him chuckle from your feet and refused to look at him as he shuffled all the way out from under to pod and stood to his full height in front of you. He chucked you under the chin and finally you looked up into his eyes. 
“Because darling, I strongly advocate any physical contact that you might desire to have with any part of my body you so wish, at any time of your choosing,” he told you with a wink.
Catfish- You had moved to Texas to take up residence on the ranch your grandfather had left you, not out of any real desire to take up the cowboy life. You hated how hot it was, you hated how slowly everyone talked, you hated how big the entire goddamned state was, and if one more goddamned truck managed to take up three goddamned parking spaces at the grocery store one more time you were going to throw a temper tantrum that would make all their southern asses wish they had managed to secede. 
That was how you had met Catfish (”No that isn’t my real name; no one but my mama calls me Francisco”). He had been the next asshole in a truck to take up more than what your space conscious Yankee ass had deemed his due. 
“Listen ma’am-”
“Don’t you “ma’am” me, how old are you implying I look?!”
“Sorry, miss, if you’re gonna holler at me, could we step a little further away from the truck? I just got that baby to sleep, and if she wakes up starts cryin’ again, I think I’m gonna start too.”
After a meet cute like that, it was inevitable that the two of you would hit it off as well as you did, and so a year later saw you still in a state that you were convinced was trying to kill you (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, Republicans, and rattlesnakes???), stretched out on Catfish’s beat up couch, more than a little drunk, and a lot happier than when you had left New York to come here. 
Catfish set both new bottles of beer down on the coffee table in front of you and smiled down at you with that big grin that summoned both the dimples in his cheeks and made you feel like your heart was growing four sizes larger inside your chest. He took off his ever present beat up baseball cap and tossed it on your lap. His hair was simultaneously flattened and a mess and you were sure he couldn’t look more handsome in this moment if he had an army of Hollywood stylists attack him. 
He reached down to he hem of his grey Henley and started to pull it up. 
“Whoa there cowboy!” You exclaimed with a grin, sitting up and plopping his hat onto your head for safe keeping. “I didn’t realize I was getting a show when I came over here!” He stopped with his shirt half way off his torso and looked down at you with an eyebrow cocked. 
“It’s hot as goddamned balls in here, baby, and I’m wearin’ two of these things. One of ‘em at least is comin’ off.” He pulled it off the rest of the way and straightened his first layer that had attempted to escape with its compatriot before reaching down and grabbing his hat off of your head and flopping onto the couch next to you. 
“Hey Fish, how long do you think we have before the baby wakes up?” He shrugged, his head rolling on the back of the couch o face you. 
“I dunno, darlin’, why do you ask?” You bit your lip and smiled up at him, playing with the fingers of the hand he had settled on your thigh. 
“Oh, well, you know how watching you nearly get stuck in your shirts really does it for me.” He groaned and slapped your leg lightly as you laughed. 
“I think we’ve got time for whatever you want baby. Helicopter pilots can go straight up pretty fast you know.” He told you with a wink that you were sure was supposed to be alluring. 
Oberyn Martell- The first thing you consciously noticed about Dorne was that it was hot. This was a kind of inescapable heat that permeated your entire body and made you feel like you were cooking from the inside out. You had never before given much thought to what it would feel like to be put into an oven and roasted alive, but without a doubt this is was that feeling. When you went back home to White Harbor you weren’t ever going to complain about the cold ever again.
The second thing you noticed when you put into port in Sunspear- a city quite a bit smaller than most of the cities of the upper six kingdoms the Manderlys sent your father to trade with- was that no one seemed to be wearing a lot of clothes. Which you supposed made sense because you were positively dying in yours.
You quickly changed into a pair of your brother’s breeches and a loose shirt before practically running off the ship and into the dusty warrens of the Shadow City below the walls of the Martell’s castle, eager to stretch your legs after weeks at sea and eat something other than hard tac and salted meat and fish. You figured you had at least a few hours before you would be expected to accompany your father to the castle to haggle about prices for wood and iron and silks and citrus.
The air only got hotter the further from the sea breeze you walked, and as you meandered the twisting and winding bazaars all you could smell were foreign spices and perfumes. Your head was on a swivel trying to take in the sights and sounds of a market radically different from any you had seen before when you walked into a silk covered shoulder. The shoulder belonged to a man nearly a foot taller than you and you wouldn’t have stood a chance at remaining on your feet if two strong arms hadn’t shot out and wrapped around your waist, dragging you back from your rather embarrassing descent to the dusty street and into a warm solid chest.
“I normally have to put in at least some effort in order to sweep someone off their feet, it must be my lucky day that you seem to have decided to do all the hard work for me,” an amused, accented voice said from above you. You felt every word from where your ear was plastered to the bare skin of his chest, his yellow and orange robes belted loosely enough to leave most of his golden skin exposed. You felt your face flush as you shuffled your feet, trying to get them back under you in a way that would allow you to stand and not fall on your face. The man set you back from him gently and you finally looked up
Your savior was beautiful. There wasn’t any other word to describe a face with deep set, smiling eyes that were so deep a brown you really had to look to distinguish his pupils. His nose was curved and prominent, his jaw covered with the same black hair that was cropped closer to his head than you were used to seeing in the North. And his lips were too pretty for a man. They spread into a smile as his eyes met yours, dimples appearing in his cheeks and you were smiling back before you realized it.
“Now,” he said, eyes still laughing. “You are either the worst pick pocket I’ve ever encountered or clearly too taken with the sights around you to be trusted to walk unescorted.” You hoped he never stopped speaking. His voice was deep and rich and at the same time soft and musical and no one in the woods and wilds where you had grown up spoke like he did.
“Uh, yes,” you stuttered and felt your ears burn as he smiled wider, eyebrows in danger of disappearing into his hair. “I mean, no, I’m not a pick pocket! I just, sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going, my apologies.” You stuttered stepping further back from him, hoping maybe some more distance would restore your ability to not make an ass out of yourself in front of this handsome stranger. “Thanks for you know,” you featured vaguely at the ground.
“Oh, you’re very welcome for ‘you know’,” the man replied, somehow injecting a completely different meaning to your innocuous words than you had intended. Your face could have been used to light a campfire by now. You needed to get back and get changed before you did something truly stupid.
“Okay, well, um, sorry, again, for walking into you,” you said, backing away. “But uh, I’ve got to, uh, go...” You sort of waved and took off back the way you came, taking care not to run into any more handsome strangers.
You made it back to the ship in time for your father to lecture you about how dangerous it was to just run off in a “city full of wild Dornishmen! Don’t think that because you’re dressed like a man you’d be safe! That ‘sort of thing’ is common here, daughter!” while you dressed in clothes more suitable to both your station and a meeting with the ruling house of the kingdom.
It was somehow cooler within the sandstone walls of the castle, and you amused yourself on the walk up to the raised dais by listening to the different sounds your company’s boots made on the marble floor.
There was a woman sitting on a carved wooden seat and a tall dark haired man standing behind her, leaning indolently against her chair at the top of the steps you and your father stopped at. You listened to your father make the appropriate greetings, hoping that they could come to favorable terms of trade for items and goods they all wanted. And you felt someone staring at you. You looked up at the young woman in the chair as your father introduced you and you smiled and curtsied less gracefully than your mother would have liked. Your father turned his face to the man behind the chair and began to repeat the introduction when a familiar laughing voice interurrupted,
“Oh, I believe we’ve met already, haven’t we, little pick pocket?” Your eyes snapped up from the marble floor to lock onto those dancing brown eyes from earlier this morning. You felt your jaw drop and your face turn what you were sure was a very unattractive shade of crimson as Oberyn Martell, Prince of Dorne grinned and winked at you.
Din- You had been flying with the Mandalorian and his tiny green baby for about a month when you decided that hyperspace was boring and if you wanted any amusement you would have to take a page out of the little man’s book and make your own fun. You knew that stealing pieces of the ship and hiding them would not be as cute as when the baby did it, so that was out. You weren’t a tall person, but you were still bigger than the green terror so playing hide and seek was pretty close to useless. You were grasping at straws until suddenly it hit you like one of the utensils that the tiny monster liked to levitate around the cabin.
You were going to get Mando to laugh.
You had absolutely no idea how you were going to accomplish this, or even any idea at all what a near silent warrior monk that you were still not a hundred percent convinced wasn’t a droid would find funny, so you decided to just do what you did best; you opened your mouth and let the word vomit out. 
You didn’t shut up. If you were awake and not actively hunting someone, you were talking. The baby seemed to enjoy the new amount of noise and animation, but thus far you had only gotten a few sighs and what you thought were exasperated glares from your adult companion. At least, you figured they were glares. His helmet turned to face you and frankly, you were beginning to even get on your own nerves, so he was almost definitely glaring at you under that beskar. 
This went on for four days straight until one day the three of you were sitting in the cockpit, watching the stars zip by, and you decided to narrate yourself drinking a glass of water. You had just gotten to the swallowing part and were attempting to put into words what that felt like when he turned around to face you. 
“If one more word comes out of your mouth I will cut into into small enough pieces that the baby won’t notice it’s a human that he is eating for dinner tonight.”
You choked. And you definitely spat water all over the visor of his helmet. 
You coughed and stared at him, terrified, not sure if these were going to be your last few seconds as a breathing creature, but sure that if they were you at least had the image of the Mandalorian with water and spit sliding down the front of his helmet to console you. 
All three of you sat in silence for at least a minute before he leaned forward very slowly. You leaned as far back as your seat would allow. 
“That was a joke,” he told you, voice warm despite the crackle of his modulator. “You can’t see it, but I just winked.”
Screw making him mad. You were going to kill the Mandalorian. 
Tovar- This was officially one of the worst ways that you could think of to die. You sure that if you were given a few more minutes, and a few less spears pointed in your face to distract you, you could surely come up with at least five different ways that were, in fact, worse, but right now, this seemed pretty awful and didn’t seem likely to get any better. 
“I need you to trust me,” your companion murmured in your ear, his hand on your wrist, stopping you from drawing one of your long knives. You cut your eyes quickly to his normally laughing brown eyes and then back to the soldiers in front of you. 
“That never works out well for me, Tovar,” you remind him in a quiet hiss. He moves his arm from his side to around your shoulders and draws you close and tight against his much taller body. 
“Good day, gentlemen!” He calls jovially to the five armored men blocking their way on the road. You can hear the wide grin that must be plastered on his stupidly handsome face and you send up a fast prayer to God that he doesn’t manage to get you into worse trouble than you were in already. Or that at least William can manage to get you out of it again. 
“Halt,” the spear man in the middle orders, and Tovar stops walking, forcing you to as well, still tucked into his side. His left hand strokes your arm casually (you note its not his preferred sword hand which gives you some hope that he might actually have a plan), and he leans a bit more of his weight on you than you think is really called for. Is he pretending-
“Why whatever are you fine men doing in the middle of the road? Don’t you know there’s a war on! Shouldn’t you be off fighting that fierce some mercenary army?” You want to stab him. His entire left side is open and unguarded mere inches away from your favorite knife, you could slide the blade in right there between his ribs, you could have the pleasure of puncturing his lung and watching him slowly suffocate. Maybe he would finally stop talking. 
“No one is allowed past this point,” the spear man informed you, still glaring. “Who are you and what is your business here?” The other four soldiers inched closer and you stiffen. 
“Don’t,” Tovar ordered you through his clenched teeth, smile still in place. “I can get us out of this, I just need you to play along.”
“If we get out of this I am going to personally castrate you,” you inform him, a clenched tooth smile of your own on your face.
“Anything to get your hands on my cock, eh?” You elbowed him in that unprotected side you had been eyeing before he tried to bargain with the guardians of the road.
“Oh but surely sir, you wouldn’t hinder a poor man trying to get home to his farm?”The soldier looked extremely skeptical.
“If you’re a farmer, I’m the King of England.” Tovar shrugged.
“Alright, so I’m not a farmer. This rather attractive filly is, however, only paid for for another hour, and I had meant to have my way with her at least twice before my time was up. Surely you can understand my need to make all haste now?”
Nope, not castration. Castration and then you were going to make him watch as you fed his balls to goats.
“Don’t bite me please,” was all the warning you received before Tovar looked down at you, winked, and kissed you, lips surprisingly soft, and incredibly distracting. Maybe the castration could wait for a few hours.
Max Phillips- When the higher ups bring in a handsome new manager to boost sales and productivity you aren’t entirely surprised that every employee gets called one by one into his office for a “chat”. He’s new, it tracks that he’d want to get to know everybody.
You are both anticipating and dreading your own 2:30 appointment with the new boss man, you’re positive that out of all your coworkers your performance has been the most consistently decent since you were hired two years ago, but who knows. This was a new unknown element. His goal might be to shake things up to keep people on their toes.
You hear a ‘come in’ after you knock firmly on his closed door three minutes earlier than your scheduled time, and you find him working at his computer, jacket off, a pout on his lips that were frankly too pretty to be on such a distinctively masculine face, and his shirt sleeves artfully rolled up.
He doesn’t glance at you as he waves at a chair in front of his desk. You sit as instructed, and try as you might, are unable to help staring at him as he finishes whatever it is that requires such attention. You take in the tiny tattoo on his left hand with a little surprise. And you try very hard to ignore the shift and play of the muscles of his forearms under his lightly tanned skin. This is your new boss get a grip, you scold yourself, tearing your gaze away to rest on the shelves behind his head.
He sits back with a sigh and his palms hit his desk.
“I am sorry about that. I honestly hate computers, they’re just so impersonal, don’t you think?” He asks with a winning smile, eyes and attention totally on you now. You return his grin with a small, polite twitch of your own lips and raise your eyebrows questioningly at him.
“Anyways, I just wanted to get to know everybody here, you know? Know the real person behind your employee file! Find out what makes you tick, what gets you excited!” You’re only half paying attention to his spiel, but he garners your full and complete concentration when as he utters the word “excited” and he grins salaciously and winks at you.
You’re a little taken aback. You know you should call HR. At the very least that was thoughtless and at the worst, utterly inappropriate.
You are unfortunately intrigued. You know you won’t be calling anyone about this.
Maxwell Lord- You’d been working for Lord Enterprises for about a year before you were moved up to the top floor. You liked to think you were good at your job, you were a quick typist and resourceful, and you were excited about the bump in pay that accompanied your new position.
After a week of following one of the other girls around and learning the ins and out of the executive offices, you were turned loose and given your own duties and assignments. The very first of those were to take a pile of files from the desk of the most senior of the secretaries and make sure it ended up in the possession of Maxwell Lord himself. You hadn’t heard much about the the big boss one way or another, so you squared your shoulders and after knocking firmly, opened the door and entered his office.
Lord was seated behind a dark wood desk that you thought was probably a bit bigger than strictly necessary. He was in his shirt sleeves, waistcoat stretched over a bit of middle aged spread that he nonetheless wore well. His hair was thick, blond, and immaculately styled, and he was talking animatedly on the phone, gesturing with his free hand and you could see his body vibrating slightly as he bounced his leg up and down quickly.
He was a handsome man, and a lot younger than you had expected him to be. And when he looked up at you as you walked further into his office and smiled brightly at you his attractiveness only increased. His eyes were a deep, dark brown and they shone when two dimples appeared in his cheeks with his grin.
You held up the stack of folders in your hand and raised your eyebrows in a question. He gestured to the desk in front of him and you moved closer to set them gently down in front of the man. You observed him check you out from your hair down to you shoes as you walked closer and were a little surprised when no chauvinistic comment popped out of his mouth. This might have been the 80’s, but you were a secretary and knew that women’s rights only meant that you could earn your own paycheck now.
You nodded at him as you set them down and he mouthed ‘thank you’ as he continued to listen to the droning voice you could now hear over the telephone.
And then he winked at you.
Maybe this job would turn up some opportunities for you after all.
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theskyexists · 3 years
In this show they pretend that these men and women are IN THEIR TWENTIES. THEIR EARLY TWENTIES. THEY ARE ALL AT LEAST 35!!!!
it’s an incredibly crazy psyche that theyre characterising for the emperor - he can dote on his consorts but not love them...hm
E: don’t you want a nice life?
Y: you put me here so uhhhh -nah obviously what use is wishing hello
E: you could beg me
Y: lol nope
Emperor literally pulls out all the stops to get her to go through the process to give him an excuse to pardon her
fuheng is not at all handsome but he’s nice looking. love how you can see the mongol influences in the clothing
why is the wedding so insular
lol. double standards there. yingluo has to walk in a snowstorm for 24 hours and fuheng gets a promotion and a wife. lovely
they look enormously handsom in their winter clothes
literally tears in my eyes over fuheng saying: ‘she must be so cold. so cold’ AAAAAAA
damn yan - that umbrella’s really helpin. he probably told her: DONT DO IT. ITS NOT WORTH IT
erqing wanting to be free isn’t bad. but revelling in being able to admire the snow while yingluo is dying in it s abit much
the weird thing about the show now is - why isn’t the empress more upset??
lol emperor realises empress was right. poor fuheng...
he really elevated her to concubine status???? fuckin hell. she’s gonna hate him.
if this veers into ACTUAL romance between yingluo and the emperor ill be fuckin upset
YOUR MAJESTY, WHY FORCE OTHER PEOPLE? LOL she’s really talking around the fact that she IS unwilling
.............................................................uh. they did make the emperor a rapist! INTERESTING CHOICE with how the keep skirting around how much of a monster he is
but wei yingluo instantly adapts and uses what he said against him. wow fuckin hell. they won’t let the implications of how much of a piece of shit emperor is stick i spose. bc yingluo plays him like a fiddle. she perfectly replicates the horrible speech patterns of the harem women. she asks for AN INCREDIBLY INSANE RANK OF COURSE. the plaintive ‘your majesty!’ - the crying! oh my god - she’s so good. HE ACTUALLY BELIEVES HER. god he’s so dumb.
‘i will never want a woman with ulterior motives’ - WELL THEN, you’re out of luck with your harem dude
what. oh right. the empress was depressed or something. jfc. yingluo went through the fuck snow for her.
why is the empress so mad? what the fuck is up with this now. wHy??????? what the fuck is going on???? this empress doesn’t communicate honestly AT ALL.
‘if not for protecting me, you wouldn’t have become caught up in power struggles’ uhhhhhhhhhhh she was throwing her life away on revenge lady. and throwing her out of the palace won’t protect her at all. shes sending yingluo away bc she sees her whole household going down. well maybe you could have ARRANGED something for her in another palace maybe? OH WOW the empress can RELEASE PEOPLE FROM THE PALACE???
how did that one eunuch survive
i wonder if this is a convention for the drama of the series. i would have guests announced ALWAYS so they can’t overhear shit!
the DRAMATIC theme is used so much it’s getting annoying
they didn’t have budget for portraying the maids in the palace
it sure sucks when you have so little freedom and an ideal vision of married life bc that’s at best all you’re afforded
the wounds and disease on this show are always so shit
couldn’t you have given the girl some compensation for getting tortured???
married life does not agree with erqing. why does she write letters to her grandfather? because she wants to have just a little bit of power. why does she go MAD with bloodlust? because it’s what she feared to be the victim of - what she was taught.
oh Fuheng - you’re such a good man.
but terrible at marriage. she didn’t even kill the woman (yet).now you’ve ruined shit entirely between Erqing and you even though you’re kind of responsible for her paranoia and loneliness. oh patriarchy
‘what have i done wrong?’ - she really really doesn’t get it lol. her mind draws a blank even though fuheng told her. she’s like - all the other women in my position act like this! im trying to be a good wife! ya. he’s quite different
exaclty lol - you’re locked in marriage now so then you’re just
they’re casting erqing as a villain for not wanting to be sent into the KILLING FIELDS of the forbidden palace to serve some cruel mistress and delighting in no longer running the risk of being ground underfoot
feminism? Yes! anti-hierarchy/class system? NO!
fuheng really is quite shitty to his wife - a wife he chose and he thinks simply helped him preserve Yingluo’s life. He should be a lot nicer to her
Erqing doesnt want to talk about how she could learn from this - or say sorry - or make up for her mistake or reconcile. she just wants to run and hurt who’s hurt her. it’s really exceptional how they lampshade the absolutely bullshit character change they’ve given her lol
Erqing came here especially to harrass Yingluo and she’s getting SLAPPED. literally lol
‘all the citizens in this empire are my children’ - oh rlly. you dont treat them so good then.
and he does cry. look! the show says, look the emperor has a heart! he loved his son!!! but he’s too proper to cry!!!!
can’t believe im only halfway in this goddamn show
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hugispuso-archive · 4 years
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*bangs hands on table* THIS BITCH ISTG!!! thanks to another friend (@/sylvieselfships), they introduced me to this artist and HO BOY DID I SCREAM A LOT. i didn't expect him to look so good in blue wtf??? LIKE SJDNSNSNSNDNDN. i have this as my wallpaper and every time i open my phone i just die internally. HIS BODY STRUCTURE IS SO??? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT GODDAMN LOOK AT THAT BODY AANDJDN. 😤😤 ngl i really want to hold his prosthetic hand in this one bc it looks so nice. ALSO HIS HAIR, I WANNA RUN MY HANDS THROUGH IT 🥺🥺💗💗 !!
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this artist is really tryna kill me, ha. this is actually one of jose's first fanarts and JFC IT MADE ME RIOT. LIKE, JUST LOOK AT THE BOTTOM LEFT SKDNDBFKFNCNCNNG- THAT ONE PARTICULAR DRAWING GAVE ME ALL SORTS OF EMOTION BECAUSE HOLY SHIT HE LOOKS SO HANDSOME. that frikin hand to brush his hair over? NSDJDJNDND *explodes* and the drawing right next to it? DEPUTA BITCH I WANNA KISS HIM!!!! 😡😡😡 all the other drawings look nice and amazing ofc, but tbh jose just looks amazing to me in general-
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tahitianmangoes · 4 years
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time :( To take your mind off things: Top 5 sexiest rdr characters and why you think so 👀👀
Hi! I keep saying this but Idk what I'd do without you wonderful folk on here <3
1. Dutch, hands down. I'm massively into the daddy kink. I wanna be dommed so hard by him. Jfc. You've seen my posts - thirst isn't even the word anymore. He has big dick energy and I want it. His fucking voice cracks, his legs (ok, right, so I think his legs are hot? esp in the scene when he stands on the gun on the cliff - maybe it's just the angle?)  his han dsssss on my throat D: I love the idea of him like praising me when we're doing it or teasing when we're in public or in front of other people and just loving watching me squirm T^T whispering hotly what he’s gonna do to me when we’re on our own later... Ok, Imma stop bc I'm getting worked up over this again.
2. Arthur He's so beautiful. Who designed him? That person deserves a goddamned medal. He's just... perfect. He’s too handsome. Even when he got TB, he’s still hot. My favourite part of him is his lips, - anyone else? I like the cute soft boah stuff where he writes in his journal BUT it's when he's beating the ever loving shit out of people and choking them that does it for me. Is it weird that I want him to do that to me? (Whilst wearing his bandana, ofc) Rough Arthur is just hot, ok?
3. Epilogue John. He's kinda sassy and sarcastic and I love that. I think he'd talk dirty and I can be pretty shy in the bedroom (LOL, IKR?) so that would be kinda hot. I think he'd be into spanking and biting. Kinda feral.
4. Charles. Charles is thicc and I'm down for it. I wanna squeeze his muscles and juicy ass. I think Charles would be so tender and kinda loving. I can imagine it being steamy and slow and I think he'd be really good at oral.
5. This is a tough one because I like Javier but he kinda fancies himself too much? (another one I think would be good at oral though) But... I also kinda find Eagle Flies hot. He's so angry? and I think he'd fuck hard and fast and sometimes, that's what you need.
Thanks <3
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aviatrickss · 5 years
Vox Machina episode 29! Probably my favorite episode so far!!!
Vax is like 2 years older than Percy?? And I know they’re under the Seeming spell, but that’s still so funny when he goes “You’ll be my son” bc either they look like peasants who are exactly the same age and Vax is just Going With It or Scanlan/Vax consciously chose to make Vax look like an old geezer
I love them going through the graveyard when Vax is like “this is the way to your temple???” and Percy’s like “yeah :)”
“Wait did you get a four? FOUR????”
Percy and Scanlan nobly trying to lift the doorbar using a FUCKING SWORD while Vax only pretends bc it will mess up his nails
Bold of Vax “rolled a 4 for strength” ildan to assume he can lift it from inside
They are so fucking stupid and weak goddamn they really sent the three twinks to do this
(Percy: i’m a TWUNK)
A ghost!!!! You know Vax gonna get possessed
Oooh I know that it’s just dice throws, but the fact that Percy is the one who gets knocked out by the banshee and then hit by the nightmares is such good storytelling
Vax and Grog talking about protecting the others once the killing starts.... 💜
Dndjsjw the villain talking about how he’s gonna outfit the place with alarms and traps while all of Vox Machina is currently chilling in his basement
Percy: you die last
Everyone else: immediately aims for that villain
Vax doing 81 fucking points of damage and then DOING A VEX WINK
(Vex glaring at him the whole time)
The most peasant-looking direwolf ever
“He just looks angry at you” “I’m shooting him again”
Side note but every time something funky/cursed/WEIRD happens to Percy and Scanlan/Sam just goes “what?” with the most confused look ever is SO funny
“And let me say? You were the one I was least looking forward to.” JEEEEESUS
I love the idea of “rage-looting” a body jfc
They really do uh. Brutally torture a man huh.
Scalan suggesting they leave Trinket in the basement and burn the house down sjsnsjsns
Vax saying “YOUR soul doesn’t need to be forfeit Percieval.” The fact that these two never canonically got together.......... absolutely incredible (and by incredible I mean fucked up)
Grog throwing their prisoner out the window “RUN MOTHERFUCKER”
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xhaotixaesthetica · 6 years
College! Jaebum x Kinda Mad Genius! Reader
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Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
You are in: a genetic mutation of Gaia, the dwarf planet 
look at this cute ass idiot ugh my heart
so WE’RE GONNA SPICE HIS AU UP A BIT totally not because I’m already sick of the same reader inserts, just enjoy this as a story and don’t complain pls
in this au you’re an astrophysics and computer programming major, minoring in bioengineering
in other words, you’re smart af
like you’re one of those child prodigy kids
Graduated high school early and took a bunch of AP's and CLEP tests so you’re way ahead and somewhere in between a junior and a senior but since you’re so young, you just say you’re a junior
you literally have the IQ of a genius and a bunch of Ivy league schools got in a fight over you but you were like nah nah i want something fUn so you came to SEOUL WOO HOO
you get A's in everything without even trying but that's OK because it leaves more room for you to do more SCIENCE
currently in a polyamorous relationship between you, Math, and Science
you’re really fascinated by the complexity of the universe but at the same time really into physics and math so when you found out that astrophysics existed when you were like 12, you knew that was it for you
you barely have time to eat, much less be fashionable, so you wear pretty nothing but jeans, huge hoodies, Converse, and a super hero t-shirt underneath (same but just because i’m too broke to dress nice)
with good brains comes bad everything else and you’re a hot fucking mess
clumsy, notes scattered all over the place, writing astrophysics shit in the margins of all your papers and doodling constellations on them while the professor lectures, it’s bad
you’re actually kind of extroverted and hyper but you just focus all that energy into astrophysics so everyone thinks you’re a hermit
you’re not obsessed with video games and comic books specifically, you’re just obsessed with space
like Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Ender's Game, Prey, Alien, Dead Space, and even Halo, you love em all, cause fuCkinGH spACE MAN same i’m a space gay
always writing reminders on yourself but they only help 60% of the time because you’re a hot mess
you can play the harp and the sitar?? the most random ass instruments, you literally have your harp in your bedroom and your sitar in your lab and like they were gifts from one of your cousins and you’re really protective over them
whenever you have a mental block you sit cross-legged and start playing your harp/sitar and chanting OM or the lyrics to We Will Rock You and your roommates are like omg they really are a mad scientist
you don't mind relationships but like no one wants to be with you cause they think you’re kind of fucking insane so you try not to think about it and just blow stuff up in the chem lab
like you’re really excited, you’ll gladly talk to people and you’re really bubbly and happy and friendly but all you talk about is astrophysics??? and you’re not on like level one, no you started reading college level astrophysics books when you were 14, you’re like wayyyy past PhD level so it's like you’re speaking another language
and no one wants to hang out with you like they think it's cute how passionate you are and how fucking just warm and open you are but still no one wants to be around you cause you’re like some sort of mad scientist and they're not interested in what you’re talking about
but you keep a smile on your face and keep to your astrophysics even though you start to think something's wrong with you and start getting kinda sad
aw bby :’(
and tHEN THEY WERE ROOMMATES that's when Jaebum came along
Jaebum is majoring in Ancient Studies and minoring in Greek and he’s Captain of the Football Team
pretty much every male-attracted person likes him but ain't no one going near that boy cause he is T E R R I F Y I N G
wears all black and never says anything and then when you talk to him he just has this resting bitch face on with no expression and everyone's like I’ll I’ljust go now and he just continues reading
he’s always reading with his earbuds in, you bother him it's your funeral
and it's weird cause like he has friends a precious few and ppl know he's not cold with them so why’s he ALWAYS COLD AND APATHETIC TO EVERYONE ELSE LIKE YOU GOOD MATE???
knows he's terrifying and uses it to his advantage
has no problem glaring down people who reach for the same thing at the supermarket or try cutting in front of him at starbuck’s and they near shit themselves
does not give two shits about all the people staring at him all the time as long as they don't talk to him or interrupt his reading
stays at home unless he's at class, practice, or a game
on the Dean’s List, and a massive teacher’s pet
but still, people just like to admire him for his looks and gush about how mysterious he is and that really irks him cause no one wants to actually spend the time to get to know him he’s not even that mysterious, he’s actually a bit of a crackhead so he's like i don't need y'all i have the Gupta Dynasty to keep me company
youngjae and yugyeom rolling their eyes, like HeRe HyUnG GOES AGAIN
knows more about ancient worlds than the current world?? like sometimes mark catches him staring at technology like it's an alien concept and he's like dude you've had a cell phone since you were like 12, when was the last time you had a break from reading that, chill out for a second and come back to modern times
and jb just scoffs like i don't need your modern times and buries his head in the book again but he just wants someone who's able to talk about the present AND the past with him without ignoring one cause he thinks both are really important
anyways one day you were late to an 8am class and you were rushing and dropped some papers and Jaebum came across it and he was like what in ThE HELL IS THIS cause first of all it was almost completely illegible and then when he did manage to read it, he couldn't understand it cause it was real complex math and science shit and he looked at the name and he knew who you were cause you’re the campus genius and the campus crazy
so he hunts you down until he comes across your lab later on in the day and you’re frantically looking through your BILLIONS OF PILES of looseleaf paper and jb's just thinking about how much of a fit jinyoung would have if he saw this tomfoolery
and he handed you your stuff and you were so grateful and friendly and you reminded him of a crazier version of youngjae
he couldn't help but be curious when he saw the really complicated math and science going on on your paper and he was like what's that, how does it work, what's the history
for a full fifteen seconds, you looked at him like he was god incarnate and you like i'M gLaD yOu AsKeD
and you were talking really fast but the way your eyes lit up when you talked about astrophysics and the way the sun from the window illuminated your features jfc
jb didn't believe in love in first sight he swore he didn't
unless it was you
like even if you weren’t conventionally pretty and most people wouldn't even notice you, bummie didn’t care, it was like you were the goddamn sun or something
he stops you in the middle of explaining and he's like look you're going a bit too fast, so could you repeat what you said but just a lil bit . . . slower
and for a long moment, you were stunned jungshook because like this boi . . . this devastatingly handsome boy who blows everyone off and makes them wet their pants in fear wants to hear me rant to him about astrophysics
and he actually wants you to slow it down so he can understand instead of just pretending to listen
and like you may be a genius but JB just broke your brain for a second
but then you jump back into it like yeah sure
and jae honestly finds you fucking adorable like how excited you get about astrophysics and he actually finds himself interested in it and then he starts talking about ancient cultures and greek and you already kinda know everything he's talking about and enjoy the conversation and he's all heart eyes
gets protective over you after like 2 days???
you don't care, you’re just happy there's someone who thinks you’re interesting so you don't even notice him glaring at anyone who talks to you and always hanging around you to scare other guys off
tbh bummie doesn't really comprehend why people don't like being around you cause like??? you’re so fucking pretty and cute?? you took all his uwus reader
only takes like 10 days before JB finds out you’re really affectionate and you’re hugging and cuddling all the time but he actually???likes it
and soon he's the one begging you for cuddles and you’re like ( ^_^) ofc babe lemme just finish doing these calculations right quick and JB's like asdfghjkl did they just call me what i think they just called me
but like you guys are always hanging at your lab and since JB doesn't really talk except with you and his friends and you never talk about anything but astrophysics on the off chance she gets back to the dorm in time enough to talk at all no one knows that you guys are even hanging out
it's not long after that jae asks you out and he takes you to an amusement park and you have a FiElD dAy because sooooooo much math? and pretty colors? and cotton candy? and he's made you the happiest person ever and in that moment when he sees your face he just can't help himself like pls be my s/o and you’re like ASDFGHJKL ARE YOU PLAYING WITH ME RIGHT NOW JFC OFC
and he just drops a bomb on his friends like they're all going out to dinner and he brings you and he's got his arm around your waist and he's just like guys meet my s/o and everyone's choking like S/O We ThOuGhT YoU wErE aRo oR sMtHiNG and for a minute they're so confused because no one even knew jaebum was talking to someone much less the mad scientist person when did this happen
and like they can see all throughout dinner that you’re really fucking strange but it's kind of cute and it makes bummie happy so Welcome to the Family, we have cookies
lol friends? nope, say goodbye to those, everyone is so terrified of bummie and his resting bitch face and them muscles that they refuse to come near you cause you’ve basically got Jaebum stamped on your forehead but that's ok because somehow you became really good friends with his friends and like you have this group chat that jae's not in specifically so they can share embarrassing things for you to tease him about later
but bummie highkey encourages it because if he pretends to get mad, you’ll play your harp for him and he loves that shit
jaebum will knock the living daylights out of anyone who mistreats you or makes you feel bad
like one time yall were walking back after a date and this dude grabbed your ass and was about to open his mouth to say some vulgar shit but he didn’t even get the chance before jaebum LEAPED ON HIM LIKE A FUCKING INSECT AND MOWED HIS ASS D O W N
jae had like two scratches on him meanwhile the dude on the floor probably needed a goddamn ambulance and he just took your hand and continued walking like anyways, like i was saying, no one can give me a valid reason why I shouldn’t get a cat
yall will 10/10 adopt a cat together
well it was supposed to be one but yall were weak bitches, so it turned into 3 same
at first yall rotated the cats between y’all’s apartments but then you were both like let’s just fucking move in together omfg
bam bam constantly breaks into your apartment to play with your cats
you come and cheer jae on at his football games
the first time everyone was SHOOK 
for fuck’s sake, you just learned what a touchdown was when you infiltrated a superbowl party for the food sAME, why tf were you even here
but then they saw jae beam at you and they were like omfg, they’re these people
when they win, he runs up and scoops you into his arms and spins you around, pressing a bunch of kisses all over your face and calling ou his good luck charm and you’re screaming at him for hugging you while he’s sweaty and gross even though you’re laughing and kissing him back
when he loses, you and him go to McDonalds after he showers and you just sit at a table eating while he nuzzles his head in your neck and sulks
reader, i highkey advise you to get a couple tats or a body piercing and not tell him
just have your hoodie off one day so he happens to see the tat/piercing and you’ll see his eyes darken and he’s trying to keep calm like
“i didn’t know you had tattoos/piercings”
and he’s looking down at you so intensely he’s almost glaring
“i do, wanna try and find them all?”
you did it
you activated beast mode
whenever jae sees you upset or sad, he’ll just engulf you with his whole body and you can smell his aftershave and feel his warmth while he puts on calming music and tells you greek myths in that smooth, soothing voice
and when you have your head on his chest, half asleep, he’ll just kind of stop for a second because holy fuuck, you’re so gorgeous and you’re his? how did he land you?? he’s the luckiest guy in the world?
and when you look up, wondering why he stopped talking, you see him looking at you with just this really soft, mushy look of complete adoration and before you can even say anything, he’s like i fucking love you
Gaia, the dwarf planet 
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kamari333 · 6 years
What are the EMV skeletons' kinks?
Are you really asking me, in the year 2019 of our lord, to write out a list of sexual preferences for 14 fictitious skeleton monsters??
...because buddy chum friend pal I will DELIVER
...the first 9. I don’t know enough about the others to give a proper run down but I hope you likes this. Remind me to break down the others later.
Warning, this is both explicit and a bit disorganized.
Comic is into stuff that doesn’t require him to move all that much, but he slowly realizes he has a bit of a clothes fetish. Socks... lingerie... uniforms... he likes looking at his partner and appreciating how good they look. He also has a thing for his partner wearing his clothes, and wearing his partners in turn. He is honestly pretty vanilla otherwise (if you dont count the hand thing). He also likes public displays of affection.
Blue largely just likes being touched, and appreciated, the slower and more sensual the better. He might have a hand kink now too (thanks comic you pervert). But he also has a Roleplay kink. He especially likes taking on roles of high esteme or reverence, like Doctor or Pharaoh or Father (the religious kind not the parent). Its not about power for him, its about respect and recognition. He wants to be told he did a good job in the end. Sometimes he likes some really wacky roles though, like a giant squid or a tall building or a shiny bauble that is being admired or revered. If he can make his partner laugh in the process that just turns him on more because laughter is a big kink now too.
As you could probably guess, a game of D&D would probably be one big ass stint of foreplay for these two, especially if Blue went all out with a costume. As such, they aren’t allowed to sit next to each other on game nights because there is a risk of them starting a makeout session mid-game.
Stretch is into smoke play. And choking. And shower sex. He also really likes getting high or drunk or drugged and being "taken advantage of" by his partner (he puts a lot of faith in his mate ok he trusts pretty hard). He likes doing the choking too. And he likes pinning them down and degrading them. He also has a big scars kink and likes to lick and bite them (maybe leave a few of his own if they dont mind). Likes to take possession and play master for a bit, but thats left behind in the bedroom (despite almost never actually using a bedroom). He has an oral fixation.
Slim likes to tease, and taunt, and rile his partner up. He likes watching his partner go from zero to eighty as quickly as possible. He likes smoke play too, and choking, and public play. He’s into service and doesn’t mind being used like a toy. If he’s put into the position of the top he’s gonna get off making his partner come over and over and over, until he wears himself out and curls up around them. He’s a masochist, but thanks to his shitty fell type universe he’s super hesitant to trust anyone enough to indulge in that until they prove their loyalty. But once he’s comfortable he likes knife play and cigarette burns and anything except pain with his jaw or teeth. Although tongues and kisses and things that need licked are welcome. he is always up for some food play too.
These two are honestly a hot mess but there is some deep trust between them at the end of the day. Nobody can say they don’t wanna do their best for the other.
Lust is down with nearly anything, as long as he and his partner love each other. Its easier to list his No’s than his kinks. He definitely leans more towards being a sub but he occasionally gets a craving to dom, and when he does he wants to drive his partner crazy and watch them fall apart at the seams until they pass out under (or on top of) him. As a sub, Lust is especially partial to impact play, praise, degradation, multiple penetration, overstim, choking, rough sex in general, knife play, and sounding. He likes being filled and he likes being used. He likes being told he was good or bad so long as he knows its coming out of love. He wants to feel his partners hands, tongue, teeth (especially teeth, he loves being bitten~), anything on him hours later and he wants to show off to anyone he comes across. He’s big into exhibition. PDA. And commitment: a major turn on is his partner acting or looking domestic in any capacity. He has a voice kink. He likes being held. And being told or shown he’s loved or wanted. Its honestly not hard to turn him on.
Red’s biggest kink is praise. He lives to hear he did good. Hell, just being asked to do something by his partner is enough to fluster him. In pavlovic fashion, he developed a specific noise kink (jingle jingle bitch) because the very idea of his partner being aroused or happy or loved or taken care of is intoxicating to him. He loves to obey provide for his partner like a proper master. He loves to serve take care of his partner. He loves to be a comfort. He is the subbiest fucking sub to ever sub but he associates all these things with domination and being the dom in the relationship. He enjoys kissing and licking and biting his partner, but only if they like it when he does so. He loves it when his hands can bring his partner to orgasm. He gets off making his partner come, making them scream and shake with how good it feels (how good he is doing). He would never admit it even to himself but he likes being blindfolded and tied up and pet. He is weak for kisses, and petting, and gentle affection. And if his partner gives him head, them swallowing is a big turn on too. But even if it isn’t his kink, Red is willing to do just about anything (even if it should be a hard no for him, like pain play) for his partner, and he’ll probably find pleasure in it because he’s doing it for them and that is the biggest rush of all.
Dance is into control. He wants that high of knowing exactly how all the pieces fit, orchestrating every last detail and coming to the exact end result he was aiming for. Every scene must be a well planned rube goldburg machine. His partner moves when he says they can move, they scream when he says they can scream, they come when he says they can come. Dance wants full responsibility for every little detail in that room and he wants the satisfaction of knowing he made it a good experience for his partner, that he made them happy, that he made them come. Dance wants the power, and it drives him crazy when his partner obeys, when they like what he makes happen. The more unruly or powerful he perceives his partner to be, the more satisfaction Dance gets when they submit to his will. Dance is also a sadist, especially liking bondage, impact play, temperature play, edging, overstim, and asphyxiation. He isn’t into degradation, preferring positive reinforcement. On a related note, while he enjoys punishments as much as rewards, Dance prefers not to use pain as a punishment. He’ll use it to get his submissive’s attention, or just to keep them occupied while he talks, but not as an actual punishment (unless his submissive chooses it for themselves). On the few rare occasions he gives up his control, he likes feeling safe and warm and protected, being held, especially by someone he perceives as powerful. He has a secret masochistic streak and likes being bitten or scratched by his partner, either while trusting them to care for him or while he’s making them submit to his will. Dance also has a scent kink. He likes wearing his partners clothes because it smells like them. And he has a taste kink. He loves sucking his partner dry and having their flavor in the back of this throat hours later. The taste of watermelon and grape without any other context are now turn ons for him. He shares that domestic kink with Lust. He also has a thing for somno, for being trusted to take full control like that. Being the jealous type, and in direct opposition to his shy nature, Dance gets a visceral satisfaction from showing off in public to others that his submissive is his, although whether or not this is a kink or just an extention of his performer’s nature is up in the air.
These fucking dumpster fire boys fit so goddamn well together jfc. I just. I love them. So much. Look at how thise pieces fit. I love them.
Suave is a performer at heart. He wants to be admired. So a big thing for him is getting the opportunity to perform. He likes dancing and strip teases and being able to get his partner’s attention. He likes being on top. He likes touching his partner’s erogenous zones. He likes making his partner scream and shake and come, likes when he has proof that he is the one that they are deriving pleasure from. He eventually develops a scars kink for no particular reason. He has a uniform kink and likes a powerful partner with demanding tastes who still prefers him to anyone else. He wants that rush of being wanted. He likes seeing his partner get flustered. He especially enjoys when either the sight or sound of him is what turns his partner on without any physical stimulation, likes seeing them squirm, unable or unwilling to touch themselves but clearly wanting to be touched because he is just that damn alluring. He has an edging kink.
Razz likes being served. He likes when his partner does things for him. He likes being given a show and he likes being worshiped. Razz especially likes hearing his partner’s voice, no matter how much he might tell them to shut the hell up. He likes gentle touches and he likes being held safe by his partner. He has a thing for big tall handsome people. He also likes making his partner scream and come, likes to command them to come while he watches them masturbate, or ride his dick, or rut against his fingers or a toy he is holding. He likes it even more if they beg for his help to finish. He is into bondage, especially shibari both giving and receiving. He likes oral both giving and receiving. He is weak for massages and praise, especially when he’s called a title of command. He is partial to “master”.
God these two are fucking amazing too jfc look at them.
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
silsila badalte rishton ka s2 05.03.19 lb
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k let's do this shit.
should i have caught up and read some written updates before going into this? wikipedia didn't help me attttt alllll as to where the plot dropped off after the leap.
starting mein hi so much exercise. i don't relate with these girls at all.
ok already have michmichi about tejasswi's dialogue delivery.
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dang aneri's abs. *looks down at my tummy tum tum and sighs*
oh the dadi is still here. idek her name. imma just call her dadi.
who these other two dudes?
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this sismance about to go down the drain thanks to one handsome motherfucker. sigh. men ruin everythingggg.
didn't pari have green eyes as a kid tho?
the dadi hasn't aged a day in these 20 years.
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this one dude has a major case of the love eyes for pari.
his dialogue delivery sucks too. god imma really have to suffer through this damn show. 
and his name is arnav. oh boy, big shoes to fill, my man.
ok mishti has a stick up her ass about some vintage look nonsense. do your stuff on your own if you're soooooooooo particular.  
ok pari seems like a bully to poor lovesick arnav. is no one likable in this show?
arnav’s relatives are coming seedhe here to this house, coz he seems to live here at pari's thanks to his lil crush.
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heh. she cute.
bua is very hi-fi. and is suffering from a midlife crisis.
so mishti/pari have some kinda event company together?
yup. thanks for confirming, arnav.
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ugh whatever.
is mauli dead? god what's with all these shows just KILLING OFF the parents in the prime of their life?
oh god flashback into past. i really don't care about those characters.
fuck i hate this fucking manipulative dida. haaaaaaaate.
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these poor kids being dragged into this fucking shitshow that is their parents' lives. jfc. they'll need so much fucking therapy. so much. SO MUCH.
lol why's she giving this damn bhaashan in the middle of the damn airport tho. so cringey.
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lol in your face, dumbasssss didaaaaaaaa.
oh fuck off kunal. no one needs your congrats here.
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ishaan's honestly too good for this whole damn mess.
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oh they made aneri wear lenses.
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lol iska abhi bhi chalu hai. bhai dead parents ke saamne toh mat taad aise.
oh pari, bless your heart. but your life is gonna be as messy as your mom’s. may the lord give you the strength to get through this.
lol both girls bypassing dida's portrait for aashirwaad.
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oh ho, mauli aur ishaan ka beta. lo ji, all permutations and combinations of parents here.
“main spark aur attraction mein believe nahi karti” says the chick who's about to discover BOTH of those things when her bod slams up against a certain someone about to make an entry.
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mukhda toh dikha jaanemannnnnnnn.
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omfgggggg mishti you and your manhoos zabaaan do notttttttt be the one to take ruhan from pari SO HELP ME GODDDDDD
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ugh i’ve missed this smileeeeeeeeeeeeeee soooo muchhhhhh.
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lol what's with his bitchface? does he not like the kid, or the mom?
what's his problem with the mom? is she not supposed to feel good about herself since she has a kid?
so he's kinddddddddddddddd of a dick huh. that sucks.
but with that face, uff, sau khoon maaf.
precap: oh great, arnav's making his move on pari. back off creep!!!!!!! and pari and ruhan's (first) meeting? i thought they had a past together or something? and oh god he's gonna take pics of mishti.......... and fall for her?????????????????????????
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