whitesinhistory · 3 months
Always remember oppressors never take a day off.
While we are focused on….
- Israel committing genocide and being antisemitic against the people of Palestine.
- Israel being antisemitic against Jews against genocide and war. “Not in my name!”
- The silent genocide in Congo and Sudan.
Our governments continue forward chipping away at the rights of their citizens.
Keep an eye on your local government & elections. Sometimes they start small and spread to like cancer.
Look at Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. It feels like they are competing to see who can be the worst.
Remember U.S. lobbyists (christian, conservative, and republican) go out of their way to help construct other countries' anti-LGBTQ+ coalitions and policies/laws.
History in real-time is being rewritten.
Jews across the world and their allies are saying they are anti-war, against Israel’s apartheid state, against Israel’s genocide, condemn Hamas’ attack on Oct 7, condemn Israel’s attack on April 1st, and want a ceasefire. A ceasefire for the exchange hostages taken by Israel and hostages taken by Hamas, but news media, propaganda rags, companies, and government officials are spewing lies about them. Twisting their stands.
If you want to know the difference between Judaism and Zionism please listen 👂 
Cedarhurst held a sale of West Bank land inside of a temple.
This is illegal by local housing law and international law.
The Hassidic group Neturei Karta is one of many that came to protest this.
Via @waltermasterson
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base5foto · 11 months
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Pro Palestinian March in London yesterday - 11 November 2023. #peacemarch #marchforpeace #freepalestine #jewsforpeace #stopbombinggaza #peace
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This @jewishvoiceforpeace supporter from Boston joins the international community demanding that the @idf #FreeAhed, stop their reign of terror against Palestinians and the theft of their ancestral land. I expected better of my people than this, and it sickens me that any of us are violating human rights when we know so well what it is to be persecuted. #NeverAgain means nothing if we don’t speak out against all human rights abuses, even if our own family is committing them. For Jews who think Israel is ours by right, does that excuse the imprisonment and disenfranchisement of an entire people? Are we not still expected to be ethical? What does Tikkun Olam mean to you? #freepalestine #jewsforpalestine #jewsforpeace #freeahedtamimi #palestinewillbefree #antizionismisnotantisemitism #jewishvoiceforpeace #tikkunolam
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isabelexx · 10 years
if anyone posts anything negative about Israel i’m unfollowing you idgaf. cant we all just live and coexist together? I do believe in a 2 state solution  end of story. they have right to live side by side  
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A moving act of solidarity, the letter begins: "As Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide we unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine. We further condemn the United States for providing Israel with the funding to carry out the attack, and Western states more generally for using their diplomatic muscle to protect Israel from condemnation. Genocide begins with the silence of the world."
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isabelexx · 10 years
being jewish
i had babysitter who was refugee from the former soviet union who was jewish & she told me all the horrible things they did to jews there. I'm only a half jew in the law of judaism because my mother isn't 1 even though she converted but back to my babysitter i haven't seen her in 10 years but she was like my 2nd mother & thinking about now she made me scared to tell anyone i was jewish in less someone else was but I'm slowly breaking my shell telling people I'm jewish sicilian american. but recently i told a girl my real nationally cause everyone thinks I'm either greek puerto rican or arab (even tho I'm pale as af) & all she could say to me "how can you be jewish? dint they all die in the gas chambers?" all i could say "their jews in the world" & walked away . i dint know what to say. i don't like to pull the anti semitic card . I'm proud of being a jew. i just wanted share my story even if no one reads this. & if anyone wants to talk about being jewish or having same problem as me coming about being jewish or anything else. I'm here :)
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