#jesse dittley
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squash1 · 2 years ago
if blue had a nickel for every time the first comment a stranger made upon meeting her was about how short she was she’d have *at least* two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s HILARIOUS that it happened twice (in one book).
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a-dreamers-laboratory · 4 months ago
Jesse not offering anone but the dog a drink. Man has his priorities right
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wipbigbang · 2 years ago
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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dinnerthyme · 1 year ago
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juvinadelgreko · 1 month ago
piper and colin greenmantle are so fucking funny because what do you mean the death of niall lynch, a living god, and the subsequent torment of his son, was orchestrated by a fucking soccer mom and her harangued husband posing as said son’s latin teacher?
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mykelneedssleep · 12 days ago
One thing I truly love about the raven cycle is that Ronan begins as this cool, mysterious alt guy and then the farther you get into the books the more of a loser he becomes and it simultaneously becomes increasingly evident that he grew up on a farm in the middle of the country
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fromchaos · 8 months ago
while i do think bllb is just. the best paced book with the most interesting plot events and magic for me personally. (and the most blue sargent). i must admit it is probably my favorite in large part just bc it is The Side Character book.
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aidenwaites · 2 years ago
thinking about that post i saw last night about depictions of southerners and speaking of I AM a little bit in love with the way The Raven Cycle is in love with the regions and the people it's pulling from
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trolliworms · 2 months ago
Thinking about that scene in Blue Lily, Lily Blue where Blue spent hours at Jesse Dittleys house cleaning up his yard so they could explore the tunnel
And then Gansey and Calla showed up like Blue where the hell have you been why didn’t you call and Blue was so confused because she genuinely thought no one would miss her or even notice her being gone
And she described Gansey’s face as looking the same as when he was in the cave hole when he thought hornets, his biggest fear, were attacking him because he thought she might have been hurt or worse
So here’s Blue thinking that no one would care if she was gone, meanwhile just the thought of it terrified Gansey as much as the thing that literally killed him as a child someone sedate me please
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contrarianwitt · 2 months ago
rereading bllb part 1:
can i just say how much love i have for the fox way ladies and the gray man and how enjoyable it is to actually have adults in ya who care about what is going on in these teenagers lives like it’s so much more realistic
adam’s in extracurriculars?? imagine going from school, dead welsh hunting, boyds, debate team practice or whatever then a factory job??
gansey worrying that his friends don’t love him when adam and ronan are literally shit-talking a like 80 year old man just because they’re jealous that he knew gansey before they did
wait i didn’t realize adam’s magazine that he keeps for “inspiration” is literally a dark haired-guy standing by a grey luxury german car. uhhhh adam i thought you are observant!
woah gray man foreshadowing blue almost losing an eye
i love how little adam gave a shit about kavinsky dying (neil josten is that you)
justice for TJ, the guy who apparently flirts by drawing a dick on blues unicorn notebook (?) how is that not the weirdest method of flirting that happens in this book
ughhh we don’t talk enough about jesse dittley. the fact that he was cursed and was seen on st marks and couldn’t escape his fate which really shows how helpless blue id to save gansey
part 2 part 3
dream thieves reread
raven boys reread
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murphyismz · 11 months ago
the prt of bllb when gansey and calla show up when blue is at jesse dittley’s and gansey is just so relieved and so scared and calls ronan to tell him to stop looking and blue is like oh. i scared them.
i am ILL
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adambasilica · 1 year ago
ask and ye shall receive (sorry)
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from left to right, we have artemus, noah, and whelk (with his husband, not deserved btw)
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here we have aurora, the gray man, and my personal favorite: piper and colin greenmantle
conservative trc fancast ‼️
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starting off with our main four: adam, gansey, blue, and ronan lynch <3
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here we have: gansey (understudy), tad carruthers, and everybody’s favorite…. joseph kavinsky.
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seavoice · 2 years ago
blue was having SUCH a horrible time in bllb i keep forgetting she lost jesse dittley + persephone back to back, and all of this while maura was missing and she knew gansey was going to die 💀💀💀 im glad she got to have her mini outbursts and breakdowns throughout the last two books
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ashleshares · 10 months ago
It's over...?
What a series!! I read The Raven Boys when I was 13 from a local library and never got my hands on books 2,3 and 4. Throughout book 1, I kept having deja vu because I thought I'd read half of book 1, but I realize now that it was because it ends so abruptly.
Book 2 was definitely my favorite of the series, because I love the entire dream concept and Ronan's street racing and the entire dangerous vibe.
Book 3 was my least favorite with all the caves and Greenmantle and the woman in the cave who woke up.
Book 4 was good and I'm surprised how much Henry became a part of it even if he was introduced so late in the series.
I really didn't quite care for Neeve or the Grey Man or Orla. I did like Persephone and Jesse Dittley more than I thought I would.
Time to look at memes and fanart to fill the raven shaped hole in my heart ig...
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squash1 · 2 years ago
alright i have some thoughts that need to get out of my head so bear with me.
i’ve been thinking a lot about mirrors, and more importantly false mirrors, in the raven cycle/dreamer trilogy because of a a few specific moments in blue lily. which i find extremely interesting especially because of the mirror themes that are even evident in the title (blue lily, lily blue).
i’ve been obsessing over these two instances in bllb where gansey and adam, on separate occasions have these false mirror sentences in their internal monologue. first, gansey has this moment in the dittley cave where he’s reckoning with the idea of his hunt ending:
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and then adam has a moment where he is reckoning with the possibility of gansey’s death and what fully knowing about it would mean:
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and in both of these situations the second sentence is what aligns with what we believe to be true about these characters. gansey has been on this hunt for so long, desperate to find his king. by all accounts, he should be ready to find glendower. but his first thought is that he’s not ready for it to be over. adam has a need to know everything in every situation. he always wants to be in the loop. he should want to know everything about the possibility/inevitability of gansey’s death and yet his first thought is that he does not want to know. and this idea of a false mirror — which these sentences structurally are — is fascinating to me. it speaks to the constant contradictions of existing — of wanting to live out all possibly outcomes of a situation. and if you add to this analysis the idea of adam and gansey, in many ways, being false mirrors of each other, it just is like. wow. gansey and adam both want to be like the other. both are trying to mirror the other, but that isn’t how life works — you cannot become the perfect mirror of someone else, so they are a false mirror of one another, contradicting themselves and one another.
the second moment is with a literal mirror. when noah is first possessed by the third sleeper, jesse dittley holds up a mirror to noah to break the possession. noah being able to see his true form scares/startles him back into himself. as if seeing his real face reminded him of who he really was. in many ways jesse showed a false mirror — a reflection of who noah had become while possessed by the sleeper in an attempt to create a true mirror image of the real noah. this moment contrasted with the scene in mister impossible with the dreamt mirrors that show your true self is so interesting. in some ways those mirrors — the one ronan looks into and sees all his complexities & goodness, and hennessy looks into and sees jordan — are a false mirror, they are an idealized version of the looker. but in both moments, across books and characters, are intended to have a positive effect on the looker. for noah, a false mirror allows him to become his true self again, and with ronan and hennessy it allows them to see positive things about themselves they would have otherwise overlook.
so yeah mirrors ! i’m in awe of maggie’s genius !
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lizpaige · 1 year ago
okay but that moment when blue is “missing” aka hanging out with jesse dittley in bllb and calla finds her with gansey looking all shakey and nervous and calla says that they started to “assume you were just dead in a ditch somewhere” like in trb when ronan thought gansey was dead in a ditch when he missed world hist.
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