#jess IS planning it
a11eya · 7 days
sneakily, while bakugou’s taking a nap at your place, you change his phone background to a picture of the both of you from your last date.
he shows up to your place earlier than planned, put together and handsome in an outfit that isn’t the usual athleisure you often find him in after work.
“get dressed,” bakugou tells you, standing in your doorway.
you stare at him. glance down at yourself in your ratty t-shirt and shorts, ready for a lazy night in and some takeout. look back up again. “what?”
“we’re going out.”
placing his hands on your waist, he walks you backwards, into your apartment. he leans down and kisses you—once, twice.
“move it,” he says, turning you around and giving you a little push towards your bedroom.
he takes you to your favorite restaurant, then the dessert cafe you told him about the week prior, having seen it be recommended over and over again on social media.
when you first started dating, he had little pat ience for places like these. his idea of a date was anything low effort and lowkey, like hanging out at his place. it’d resulted in several arguments until the both of you learned compromise—that after long days at the agency, the last thing he wanted was to go out and be surrounded by people again, and that you wanted to feel like you were the effort of doing something beyond what was convenient.
at the end of the night, feeling sentimental and warm, you snap a picture of the both of you.
you’re smiling brightly in it, focused on taking the picture without him noticing. so it’s not until after you’ve taken the photo that you see bakugou’s expression in it.
his mouth’s a neutral line, steady gaze focused on you. if someone who didn’t know him as well saw him, they’d wouldn’t notice anything special.
but you know that face. he’s looking at you like no one else exists, like you’re the only thing he can see.
after you change his phone background, you know it’ll take him a while to see it. he rarely uses his phone except to answer calls and messages. even then, he uses the notifications to open the apps directly (when he can be bothered to reply.)
it’s coincidence, then, when you overhear kaminari and kirishima teasing him about it when you’re all gathered at bakugou’s place for dinner.
“didn’t know you’d get all soft and fluffy in a relationship,” kaminari says, and you can hear the big grin on his face.
“aww, you know bakugou’s a really sweet guy!” kirishima says.
“shut up, both of you,” bakugou grumbles, and the two laugh.
later that night, when everyone’s gone and bakugou’s in the shower, you check his phone to see if your friends’ teasing made him change his background back. you know he gets super annoyed when they poke fun at him, even innocently.
but when you tap his screen to wake his phone up, you find the same picture is now his lock screen too.
“hey, nosy.”
startled, you nearly drop his phone, just managing to catch it and regain your grip.
bakugou’s arms, still damp from the shower, wrap around you from behind. he rests his chin on top of one of your shoulders and turns his head so his face is pressed against your neck.
“hey,” you tell him. “i like you a lot.”
he snorts. grazes his teeth against your skin, kisses the sharp away. slides his hand up under the hem of your shirt, gliding across the skin of your abdomen.
“let’s go to bed,” he says.
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ato-dato · 1 year
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Cartoon character lookin ass
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owlcracker · 7 months
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drew up some ships for valentines day :3 srry if its kinda shitty its rushed n stuff
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rq-producerperson · 2 months
Thoughts on The Magnus Protocol people going to DashCon 2, if it starts really coming together?
I did not know there was a DashCon 2 coming. I felt like the OG DashCon was an attempt at a Stranger ritual, foiled by the Lonely…
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guys how we feel if
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mint-ty · 2 months
a tiny snip of backstage
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bibannana · 1 year
Fives *pops up infront of a squad of B-1 battle droids waving*: Hi! I'm here to talk about your models extended warranty.
B-1 droid *confused*: Huh? We have warranty?
Echo *blasting a hole through the droids head from behind*: Not anymore.
Rex *shoots another B-1*: How did that work?
Jesse *shrugs, blasting right through another droids chest*: Well the fake delivery from the Separatist's plan worked that one time so....
Kix *shaking his head*: One of these days these plans will backfire on us.
Taglist: @soliloquy-of-nemo @staycalmandhugaclone @nekotaetae @jiabeewrites
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smimon · 1 year
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Nice sleep pile you got there. Would be a shame if someone woke them up
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nevermoorsource · 2 months
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The first half of the Nevermoor graphic novel adaptation will be released in German in November 2024. If you find out that it's being translated into any other languages, please share!
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 2 months
hey you know what else looks like it has a possible planet-destroying comet on it??
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the mystreet s7 banner
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masterjedilenawrites · 7 months
Howdy!!! I was wondering if you could write about S/O asking their clone lover if they would get a vasectomy? I've never felt comfortable with birth control, with it having side effects and the chance of not working. But vasectomys seem very effective and are reversible! If you dont feel like doing all of the clones, you can just do the bad batch! Or just Crosshair, he's my favorite 😍. If you're not comfortable writing this, I totally get it! Thanks for reading my ask anyway! I love your writing!
Crosshair's my favorite too 😊
But let's throw all the bois and batch into this one... Except for Echo, who I headcanon to not have a fertile/working *ehem* member, so no worries on that front if he's your partner. Let's sub him out for... Gregor? Howzer? Ooh, wait, how about Bacara!
[18+ only below the cut, please and thank you]
Cody, Rex, and Kix are totally fine with this plan. Whether you don't want kids yet, ever, or any more, they will always defer to you in these matters. They don't have strong preferences and simply want you to be happy. If you're more comfortable with them getting sterilized over the alternatives, then your wish is their command.
Tup, Dogma, and Tech will want to do some research first, and discuss what your goals are with birth control as a couple. Permanent solution or temporary? Short and long term side effects? Cost? Etc. Once you're on the same page and decide a vasectomy is the right thing for your relationship, then they'll gladly do their part.
Jesse, Hunter, and Wrecker will blanch at the idea of getting snipped. They're very, um, sensitive over anything regarding their genital area. Don't get them wrong, they'll still do it for you, of course. But the thought kinda sorta really freaks them out, despite it being a routine, safe procedure. They'll need a pep talk and lots of aftercare to get them through it.
Wolffe, Fox, and Crosshair are actually thrilled at the idea. Maybe not about the process itself, but at the idea of having an effective way of preventing an unplanned pregnancy. The thought always secretly stressed them out. But if all it takes is a simple procedure and then you two can get intimate in whatever way you want with few to no consequences? Deal. Sold. Done.
Fives, Hardcase, and Bacara are also okay with getting the ol' snip-snip, though they will put it off for as long as you'll let them. They don't like the idea of having to take it easy for a while afterward - in their daily life as well as in the bedroom. When they do get it done, you'll have to keep a close eye on them so they follow the recovery plan properly.
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NSFW Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully, @cw80831
NSFW Bois & Batch Tags: @kaijusplotch, @rebel-finn, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @nekotaetae, @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @foodmoneyandcats, @nahoney22, @dangraccoon, @mishakoon, @aconstructofamind, @skellymom
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Friendly reminder: This blog and its posts will remain spoiler-free for The Bad Batch Season 3 until the entirety of the season has aired. Please do not comment or reblog with spoilers until after 5/1/24. Thank you!
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notsocooljess · 2 months
why wasn’t katniss told about peeta losing his leg before the interview?
i can see an argument that they wanted to get her true reaction to the news on camera, but i feel like this is a weak train of thought at best because (1) to me, it makes them seem not as close/inseparable as they were in the arena, which if they’re trying to convince people of their love story, this is absolutely something you’d want to give off and (2) katniss tries to recoil from big emotions, which at this point i’m sure haymitch has picked up on, so i’m not sure having her hide during the interview for 10 minutes was really ideal.
maybe haymitch wanted her to talk less? but that’s not super convincing for me either. and i very very very highly doubt it somehow was missed to tell her. what’s the intention?
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the tlh gang pretending to miss the portal to Idris from dark London because they were chasing after a dog that runs away at the very last crucial moment is so typically childish shenanigans of them
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😈 - reluctant roommates merthur
“You barely spend any time in here, Arthur, I don’t see why you can’t make yourself scarce this one time,” Merlin groaned, rubbing his forehead as he felt the rumblings of a headache begin.
“Maybe I would spend more time in here if you were nicer to me,” Arthur muttered, pretending not to notice the way Merlin’s head snapped up or the death glare Merlin sent him.
“You are such a….clotpole,” Merlin said, the random insult bursting out before he could stop it.
Arthur raised a brow. “Clotpole? Seriously?”
Merlin huffed. “Shut up. Just shut up and go bother Lancelot or Gwen or Morgana or I don’t care who! Just someone who isn’t me!”
👑 - raven's plan
Clarke was struggling. It all felt so domestic, she could almost imagine that this was just one of their usual nights where her boyfriend had cooked her dinner and now they were chilling in front of the TV. In her imagination, though, when the documentary was over they would get up and go to the same room, fall asleep next to each other, sharing each other’s warmth. In reality, Clarke knew that she would be falling asleep in an empty bed, all by herself, with who was likely the love of her life just one room away. So close, yet so far.
^ i know that's more than 3 sentences but i liked the whole paragraph :3
make me write!
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aliusfrater · 3 months
realising how fucking messed up the canon timeline for how much college sam actually did is
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fras-redacted-shapes · 7 months
Alright let's go - Ramblings regarding Saga, in comparison to Jesse and "The World"
if anyone feels like expanding on any point please do, I'm gonna leave this text as it is because otherwise it's gonna torment me for weeks
I don't recall in which interview, a couple writers said Casey was developed because Saga needed someone to bounce ideas off of and/or because she needed something to externalize her personality without relying on awkward exposition (or something along those lines).
And that's kind of noticeable if you compare Saga's and Jesse's treatment from a writing/presentation stand point:
Jesse as a character is far more obscure and details about her inner life are limited, while Saga is established and very detailed without relying on exposition.
Jesse, from a technical standpoint, suffers the "new character introducing an audience to a new IP" syndrome if you will.
Jesse's past is presented in vague details and a general sense of direction: finding Dylan who is a stranger to the audience. Her inner monologue is to Polaris and it works as exposition but by Polaris' nature there's no back and forth.
When Jesse talks to a character it is always a one-to-one conversation, and an important portion those are about the history of the FBC, asking questions that require exposition. Not to mention there's no interaction between the main cast other than with Jesse.
Some information can be inferred from Jesse's "epilogue" lines after the end of the game. But that's about it regarding the main text.
And that goes in line with the thematic difference I feel between Control and Alan Wake games - the former (heh) is about The World, the later, about the people in it.
Overall it can feel quite isolated and lonely, or well, mechanical. You have to fill in a lot of info yourself. And I believe the writers identified this and tried to change where they could with Foundation and AWE - with the way Jesse and Emily are far more comfortable with each other as they joke and tease during their dialogue, and getting a deeper look into my beloved Langston's personality (which is quite self-aware because lmao, finally it's Jesse who's at the end of a one-way "conversation").
But Saga's has an already established and rich life before the story and details bleed all through the text.
A partner and friend she's known for years and their history is spoken and written, there's no need to infer and fill in details yourself that much.
Their relationship is detailed enough in "side tidbits" (all of her Mind Place stuffs) and in actual conversations, which often enough involve a third party.
Casey works as exposition for Saga's character but, by virtue of Casey being character apart from Saga, the information is introduced far more organically (and arguably, in a more detailed way).
Remedy also gave Saga a huge advantage Jesse didn't have: The Collectible and Missions menus are hers.
So not only we get to hear Saga's thoughts on the current situation, we also get a sneak peek into her mind and inner life.
Some people in Saga's life also have a detailed enough history that they stand on their own rather than solely working as Saga's motivation because the story requires them to be at stakes.
Dylan is, technically, a stranger to Jesse, she's clinging to the past idea of him: we are motivated to find Dylan because we're told to care about him. While Logan and Casey are present in Saga's life and we get more details upfront to care for them.
Saga got curious, shit started to go down and we want them to be safe because otherwise it'd be painful for Saga.
Unlike the ghosts that Trench and Darling were to Jesse, Saga gets to actually talk to Tor and Odin. And well, the entire plot of the game is her undoing and confronting Alan's work on her life, rather than cleaning the mess done by the previous administration that are now gone and cannot be held accountable for.
And I suppose that's another improvement in the writing: the Hiss as the antagonist force is basic (and if you've played Mass Effect they're nothing new, and to me they're the least interesting part of the wolrdbuilding). There's not much room to maneuver, so Jesse's got one way to fight them (so far).
Saga could've gone several ways in dealing with Wake, and we see her struggle when she's about to give the Clicker to Alan/Scratch, she didn't mince her words in that confrontation and she had all the right to go even further. And yet she kept it together, unwilling to fully give herself to despair.
She chose compassion in the end!
And, honestly? Their final conversation is such a good and rich detail.
Saga's motherhood could've remained as basic reminders to the player that she has a daughter who's the victim and that's your motivation girl! As well as her silly jokes because parents do that sometimes teehee.
Saga's compassion is informed by her motherhood but not limited to it. As a mother she knows that everyone needs someone who believes in them unconditionally, as a daughter she knows how good a reminder of your good qualities can be, and as a detective she knows how to gather, read and act on information.
So when she reminds Alan that he had defeated the Dark Presence before and that he can do it again, she's not saying it because she's desperate, and she's not being patronizing due to Alan's loneliness and isolation.
She's saying because it's true.
And she doesn't rub his missteps and mistakes on his face. She knows how to get the point across without being mean.
She needed very little guidance: information to fill in the blanks of her life from Tor and Odin, short and vague phone calls from Alice, and a portal to the Writer's Room from Ahti. (Rose's lunchboxes were technically not necessary but she gets a honorable mention.) I don't know if there's enough information to conclude whether the reminders that helped her find a way out of the Mind Place were sent by someone else or came solely from her own resilience, and either would be neat, but I would like to think there's someone who's been looking out for her the same way she's been looking out for other characters.
And she's not flawless, but in working her flaws I believe the writers treated her with well deserved respect. She's not a caricature and the story has enough characters being tortured, any more and it'd feel cruel and it'd be permission granted by the horror genre anyways (although, to be honest, I believe Cynthia's treatment was a tiny bit too cruel and that's mostly due the last stage of her boss fight).
I love her first conversation with Norman because she's being a bit patronizing (I believe that's the correct word?), but he's like, nope! No dementia here! Not cool you brought it up :]
Her Nightmare Mind Place is as explicit as it gets. And the few times she loses it are not unearned. I love it when she gets frustrated with Rose and her "Oh fuck this", as well as her pained "My daughter is dead because of you. What is wrong with you?" to Alan in the holding cells.
Her biggest flaw is being a fed.
She's an extremely well put together person and integral, rich character. Her pain and suffering are palpable and the developers did an excellent job in showing it without being cruel (or well, knowing where to place the cruelty *cough* the white man *cough*).
And that's, in general, where I'd call attention to the leaps in improvement to Remedy's writing, right alongside the development and treatment Alice got, and the departure that is from Marshall in Control (the one character of color of any sort of relevance to the story, who got the least dialogue or details about her life and involvement despite being part of the old guard, and that gets killed in the end).
I have the same criticism (affectionate) with Control and Quantum Break: the world, its history and other characters are more interesting (to me) than their protagonists.
I wanted to get far deeper into the inner lives of Beth Wilder, Paul Serene, William Joyce and Martin Hatch than Jack's. William's and Beth's specifically, the one who ruined everything and the one who's struggling with the fact it can't be fixed, respectively. Sure I got my fix from the novel, but that is not part of the main text, so my comment still stands.
Ahti and Polaris/Hedron's goals, The Oldest House and all the places and events and phenomenon it connects to is what makes my mind wander. Jesse's involvement with all of them and her relationships with other characters remain only as possibilities at the end of the game.
I would feel far less affection or attachment to either Jesse and Jack if it weren't because of the sibling element. That's my huge bias/weakness there I'll admit.
But with Saga, I do care about her entire world, everything and everyone that surround her. She likes weird, morbid stuffs and romance stories, she's extremely curious which got her in trouble but was responsible enough to go deal with it.
As a new protagonist character that stands right next to a well established one as Alan Wake, I think there's very little Remedy could've done to make her better.
She's just amazing, Remedy and Melanie Liburd deserve so much praise for her.
The only gripe I have about her treatment is extremely petty and it's the same I've had in previous games, which is technical - she could've had more animations that showed her body language given she didn't have as many live action scenes (and also watching some of previous Melanie's work, she's got an incredible voice range for certain emotions that weren't explored in the game). But that's a matter of presentation and technical development.
Remedy flexed the leaps in improvement they've gone through already! I mean, Saga's animation of picking up things anyone???.
So here's hoping they got more plans for her and they include more live action.
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