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dartalias · 3 days
There is a problem bothering me for a time whenever i wanna do fanarts of one of this characters, you see:
Kyoshi looks like Jesa, who looks like Yangchen
So logically Kyoshi probably also looks like Yangchen
But for the theory of the "reincarnation gets the past lovers face's" (that is cannon to me) Kyoshi's face looks like Ummi's
So Ummi looks like Yangchen???
[This would make Kuruk/Kyoshi messy love life much more messy]
And like... Jesa also looks like Ummi??
[Again, their weird love life mess, SOOOO more messier]
i made a graphic for illustrate this:
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Its not completed yet and Froget to put their names but its
Kyoshi -> Ummi
Jessa -> Yangchen
Ps: The orenge "???" Ones are the most confusing ones
Ps 2: im not so sure of Ummi tone skin, i try to get directly from a screenshot but turns out pink, she looks more ligth skin then Kuruk or Katara, like mester Paku, put i always thogth of her more towards princess Yue features that are like a in-between?? But that its just me trying to figure out fanart sorry
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pepper-ot · 2 months
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Kyoshi era week day 1 - Daofei
Jesa, Hark and Longyan
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myatlaramblings · 10 days
"Air Nomads aren't supposed to be in romantic relationships!"
Aang, Jinora, Jesa, and Gyatso:
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 24 days
Everyone: We need to find Avatar Kuruk's reincarnation! Hey, that one boy! He kinda looks like him! He even has his smile! He must be the Avatar. Kyoshi: *literal shiny variant of Yangchen roaming the streets of Yokoya*
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atla-milf-month · 2 months
ATLA MILF Month will happen in March 2025! This month will celebrate all the ATLA-verse moms and older women who... well, you know!
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fuzzykidney · 2 years
Take on airbending and how it relates to spiritual stuff.
I know Jesa supposedly lost some of her bending because of her choice in becoming a career criminal. And it interfered with the ideals of Air nomads. But so did Zaheer murdering people. I’m thinking the biggest difference would be their own guilt or connection to themselves. Zaheer was sure of himself. Meditated all the time. And centered on what he was doing. Jinpa is shown to be pretty strong but he still strays ideals from the Typical air nomad teachings. Part of being free like the wind I would think is accepting who you are, even if it’s slightly different or way different than who you are “supposed” to be. But maybe Jesa struggled with that. Got her tattoos early and was most likely dedicated to her cultures teachings until she found Hark. I’m sure it confused her and she wasn’t sure of who she was at that point or where she belonged. Like she didn’t know what was right or what she deserved. Almost like what one could consider a struggle of faith. That I think might have been more detrimental to her power.
Zuko lost his power in firebending and had to find it again. Within himself (with some help). Jesa just compensated instead. Dealing with anger and some hidden self hate for who she turned out to be.
Or it was just A rumor and she liked the fans as weapons.
My take.
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jp9639 · 7 months
just relized the reason the earth kingdom way of finding the avatar didn't work with kiyoshi was because jesa hark and her were traveling by skybison and not staying in one place
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purplea · 2 months
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A bit late to the party but here's my entry for Kyoshi Era Week Day #1: Daofeic (based on an AU I'm working on)
AU in which Jesa and Hark heard that the Gravedigger and the Typhoon would be the Avatar's sifus, and decided that even the daofei could do a better job at it than them
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earthravenclaw · 29 days
So, I think RoR left me more, not less, confused about Air Nomad family structure. Based on previous canon material, I had been imagining the following system:
Marriage and monogamy in general were not the norm, and were discouraged. (Several characters have broken this rule (Jesa, Yangchen (potentially), and Aang).)
Air Nomads are known to be sexually promiscuous, both with each other and people of other nations.
When children are born to Air Nomad mothers,* they're sent to either the opposite temple (if the baby is female), or to the South or North (if the father* is both known and an Air Nomad, the baby is sent to the other temple). This would probably be after a nursing period. (Although female babies could be nursed by people who had just given birth at the opposite temple. This might not be the system, though, since it wouldn't work for male babies (in most cases*). However, this also might just result in female babies often being nursed for longer, because they could be nursed after moving temples. This could strengthen community bonds, especially if babies are nursed by multiple mothers*
When babies are born from Air Nomad fathers,* the parent who gave birth can chose to send their baby with the Air Nomads, or keep them. This is probably usually influenced not only by personal preference, but also by culture. Most cultures probably see having an Air Nomad child as a blessing, but maybe in some the shame of having a child out of wedlock trumps this. And, if a child is born from an affair, it's be almost impossible to hide, since Airbending is canonically incredibly dominant. Logistically, it's also difficult enough to raise an Airbender, and it might be almost impossible if you're not one.
At sixteen, Air Nomads are told about how they came to be. This is the age when childhood is generally thought to be over, so it's both the ideal time to tell an Avatar about their status, and it's assumed that at this point they won't form stronger familial bonds with their biological relatives. Most chose to meet their parents, but some don't. Of course, no one calls anyone "Mom" or "Dad." Frequently, they're only told about their mother,* who may be able to tell them who their father* might be, but isn't sure.
Growing up, kids would probably make guesses about their own and others' ancestry, based on physical features. Those who don't have gray eyes, don't have black hair, or aren't tall are might be speculated about, and kids might try to compare features to guess if they're related. This would probably be (lightly) discouraged by elders trying to keep kids focused on spiritual, rather than physical, identity.
So, as I was saying, RoR confused me. What was up with Gyatso and Yama? Yangchen and Jetsun called themselves sisters. But, they grew up together. So, I figured Gyatso and Yama must have grown up together, leaving me to assume that one of them was transgender (probably Yama, since Gyatso later had a mustache). Then, Gyatso explains that they were biological siblings, which sort of threw my system out the window. He could have found out after turning sixteen, but then they almost certainly wouldn't have been as close as they were. How were they close at all, though, growing up separately?
It's worth noting that these cultural practices could of course change and evolve over time, and we do see several points up close over hundreds of years (plus Wan's time).
*Air Nomads believed (and presumably still do) in the fluidity of sex and gender, so when I say "mother" or "father" I mean it biologically, not socially.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 10 days
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(sloppy) Kyoshi and Yangchen edits I did to drive the point home that Kyoshi and Yangchen look similar in a headcanon/theory post about Kyoshi resembling Yangchen physically as well as maybe being related.
(Note: Kyo's skin color is lighter and lacks freckles because Yangchen does....I wanted to do an edit where I compare teen Kyo's appearance with Yangchen and thus giving Yangchen darker skin/freckles/bangs but I forgot ;"D ;w; Maybe I'll do that later tonight if I remember ;w;)
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foibles-fables · 24 days
abt ask game 8, 27 and 47 for Kyoshi
8. Unpopular opinion about them
Not really about her, but I have the (seemingly!) unpopular headcanon that Jesa and Hark truly did love her and did what THEY thought was best for her after, at some point, realizing she was the Avatar. (it wasn't the right thing, but it's a thing they realistically would have done.)
27. Their guilty pleasure
Stealing kisses on the crown of Rangi's head at every possible opportunity !!!!!
47. Their dream job
Proprieter of an safe, secure, trusted orphanage!
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Rise of kyoshi question. I dont understand why kyoshi's parents just left her but then took another kid? Did they know they basically replaced her
Y'know thats one of the things that frustrated me in the book.
If they didn't want their child to be a daofei why did they didn't do the same with lek after rescuing him for his sake? Maybe they knew kyoshi was the avatar and she can't live her life as a daofei, but I don't think they did know. Then she was left in the streets to starve cause the person they left Kyoshi threw her out.
I'm still searching for a valid-maybe canon- response to this topic but until then I will stand by Kyoshis side for being angry to her parents cause it was really traumatic to get abondoned and replaced ( yes not just Yun has this trauma even though as the fandom we just ignore this fact just because she didn't go mad)
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atla-milf-month · 1 month
ATLA MILF Month will happen in March 2025! This month will celebrate all the ATLA-verse moms and older women who... well, you know!
Click here to submit prompts! Click here to check the event guidelines! Do you have any questions? Do you want to be a mod? Please send us an ask.
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More about the archetypes under the cut!
Taken from "Writing 101: All the Different Types of Characters in Literature".
Characters in a work of fiction can usually be grouped into archetypes. These archetypes have been categorized by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, the American literary theorist Joseph Campbell, and generations of authors, screenwriters, and storytellers. Here are the 12 commonly discussed character archetypes:
1. The Lover: the romantic lead who’s guided by the heart. Their strengths include humanism, passion, and conviction. Their weaknesses include naivete and irrationality. Some famous lovers are Romeo, Juliet, and Scarlett O’Hara. 
2. The Hero: the protagonist who rises to meet a challenge and saves the day. Their strengths are courage, perseverance, and honor. Their weaknesses include overconfidence and hubris. Some famous heros are Achilles, Luke Skywalker, and Wonder Woman 
3. The Magician: a powerful figure who has harnessed the ways of the universe to achieve their goals. Their strengths may include omniscience, omnipotence, and discipline, while their weaknesses center on corruptibility and arrogance. Prospero, Gandalf, Morpheus, and Dumbledore are famous magician characters. 
4. The Outlaw: the rebel who won’t abide by society’s demands. The outlaw can be a bad guy, but not always. The outlaw’s strengths include independent thinking and skepticism. Their weaknesses may include self-involvement and criminality. Among the famous outlaws are Han Solo, Dean Moriarty, and Humbert Humbert. 
5. The Explorer: a character naturally driven to push boundaries and find what’s next. Their strengths: They are curious, driven, and motivated by self-improvement. They are weak in that they are restless, unreliable, and never satisfied. Famous explorers include Odysseus, Sal Paradise, and Huckleberry Finn. 
6. The Sage: a wise figure with knowledge for those who inquire. Strengths of the sage include wisdom, experience, and insight. In terms of weakness, the sage may be overly cautious and hesitant to actually join the action. A few famous sages: Athena, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Hannibal Lecter (an evil sage). 
7. The Innocent: a morally pure character, often a child, whose only intentions are good. Their strengths range from morality to kindness to sincerity. Their weaknesses start with being vulnerable, naive, and minimally skilled. Famous innocents are Tiny Tim, Lennie Small, Cio-Cio-San. 
8. The Creator: a motivated visionary who creates art or structures during the narrative. Their strengths include creativity, willpower, and conviction. Their weaknesses include self-involvement, single-mindedness, and lack of practical skills. Famous creators include Zeus, Dr. Emmett Brown, and Dr. Moreau. 
9. The Ruler: a character with legal or emotional power over others. The ruler’s strengths include omnipotence, status, and resources. Their weaknesses include aloofness, being disliked by others, and always seeming out of touch. Famous rulers include Creon, King Lear, and Huck Finn’s Aunt Sally. 
10. The Caregiver: a character who continually supports others and makes sacrifices on their behalf. Among their strengths, caregivers are honorable, selfless, and loyal. Among their weaknesses, they lack personal ambition or leadership. Sometimes they even lack self worth. Famous caregivers include Dolly Oblonsky, Calpurnia, and Samwell Tarly. 
11. The Everyman: a relatable character who feel recognizable from daily life. When it comes to strengths, they are grounded, salt-of-the-earth, and relatable. In terms of weaknesses, they typically lack special powers and are often unprepared for what’s to come. Famous everymen: Bilbo Baggins, Leopold Bloom, Leslie Knope. 
12. The Jester: an intentionally funny character who provides comic relief but may also speak important truths. Strengths include the ability to be funny, disarming, and insightful. Weaknesses include the capacity to be obnoxious and superficial. Famous jesters range from Sir John Falstaff to King Lear’s Fool to George’s parents in Seinfeld.
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kyoshi-lesbians · 2 months
*slaps this song* in my mind i can have this fit kuruks tragic too early death & the fallout of his team avatar; jesa & hark abandoning Kyoshi; jianzhu aborting his not-son yun; and the kyoshi-yun-rangi trio becoming kyoshi-rangi
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