#jeremy ho
pickletrip · 1 year
When I started watching Stay Still I had my doubts because episode 0 was quite confusing. But as I kept watching this tiny little beautiful show I was mesmerized by its beauty, the atmosphere, the love, and the characters. As the show ended today, I felt sad that it's over, but happy with how things turned out
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We learn about Hayden and Damien and Kelvin and Archie from a story narrated by this woman. She's getting married the next day, but clearly it's not something that would make her happy because he's not the one she's marrying but here she is with him the night before her big day. As they talk and smoke we slowly see how their dynamic changes as the story progresses. I really thought she would leave and he didn't seem like the type to hold on to someone. But things turned out otherwise. The lighting for their scenes was always warm and comforting even if the atmosphere seemed dense and sorrowful in a way. But we see how the light breaks through that invisible barrier to bring them together and to the realisation that they belong together.
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Hayden and Damien met in the most unusual way but there was nothing unusual about the way their relationship develops. They both clearly have feelings for each other even though they were at different points in their life - Hayden moving on from his ex, Damien dealing with his grandmother's death. Through the rough patches they were there for each other, even though the gestures were small (Damien taking care of drunk Hayden and keeping him company on his birthday; Hayden buying food and leaving notes for Damien to help him deal with his loss). These are very real situations and experiences and the actors did a fabulous job showing that to us.
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Now Kelvin and Archie faced such an unfortunate tragedy as high school lovers torn apart by this woman's jealousy. She outed them to the whole school (or class, I'm not sure which) forcing Archie to leave the school because he became the root of all jokes and verbal (maybe physical, not sure) bullying. Does she get what she wants? In a sense, yes. We see that they are married and they have a son. Are they happy? Well, that's a whole other situation. After Archie returns we see that Kelvin really lights up and becomes a whole different person. But of course that doesn't last long, because the ever meddling witch has come to threaten Kelvin with their son. So Kelvin does what is expected of him, he pushes Archie away. Only after losing him the second time does he finally realise what he really wanted.
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Finding love in this ever broken world is hard. And we see how these stories depict the reality of these experiences we go through every day.
What a beautiful and touching show. I look forward to more from Jupiter Entertainment. This show is their inaugural production under the "Love Spread" program. So, I have hope that there's more to come in the future.
I highly recommend this show and it's freely available on YouTube. So, why not give it a shot?
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babyangelsky · 6 months
Rose's Day of Asks
From your faves, which ones get the biggest heart eyes? Like top 5
Have a great Day💜
Omg @my-rose-tinted-glasses this question was so mean I had to take one entire business day to think about my answer. But you did give me an excuse to go through my camera roll and my saved posts on insta so thank you for that.
The degree of my insanity Heart Eyes varies depending on how often someone posts and whether or not they currently have a show airing but there are a few who remain steady all the time.
*proceeds to smoothly finesse my way into more than five faves*
Also, because I spend so much of my time being deranged about him on a regular basis, I'm not including Fluke Pusit in the official list.
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Ditto for Furuya Robin.
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It also wouldn't be fair to include Jimmy and Sea, who seem to possess the magical ability to get prettier every time I look at them.
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Okay okay, now the for realsies top 5:
JJ Chalach, who absolutely deserves to be in @respectthepetty's dream gym bro BL because he is THE gym bro
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Perth Tanapon, whom I love with my entire heart and soul and several of my vital organs
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Jeremy Ho, who bewitched me body and soul when I saw him in Stay Still which everyone should absolutely watch because it is a beautiful show
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Aou Thanaboon, who enchanted me with his cute lil lip mole and who is going to be on my screen for the next four months because We Are the series was made just for me so I could see him
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Mile Phakphum and Apo Nattawin, who count as one entry and who I love beyond words and have done more for me by simply existing than I can possibly say
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imminentinertia · 1 year
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conscbgb · 10 months
In preparation of Jeremy Ho and Louis Lam's comeback project 'Eyes on You', check out their impeccable chemistry and tensions built up on their first Cantonese BL : Stay Still ( now streaming on GagaOOLala for free)
The story takes place in an old-style tenement building in Hong Kong. Hayden, a new tenant, encounters Damien after helping his grandmother, and their relationship becomes entangled after an unexpected kiss. Additionally, it tells the story of Kelvin and Archie, who reunite after losing contact in high school.
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I really liked this series and I'm sorry is so underrated: now that you can watch it for free you don't have any excuses 😉
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hylianane · 1 month
The most homoerotically charged scene in the Death Note franchise is not the feet washing scene you guys, you freaks and fools, it’s this moment from the musical
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bringbackwendellvaughn · 10 months
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ladynamie · 6 months
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Burning Flames 烈焰 (2024) | Episode 2
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dangermousie · 7 months
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The visuals on Jeremy!!!!! And as he appears on that battlefield, floating barefoot, mmmmm, you totally get the sense he's the Big Bad and way OP.
But this, this was glorious:
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Honestly, Peter Ho's character, having the balls and guts to go toe to toe with the supreme deity and just refusing to give up is !!!
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He even dies standing up!
PS Is this like sexy, muscular Jesus who died for our sins? (And sinful thoughts! Look at those ARMS!!!!)
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thornilee013 · 3 months
also Etienne?
prev | Etienne | WW 3.7.2024
Jeremy's hug was strong and warm, and with him came the comforting scent of his laundry detergent, his cologne, his shampoo, and all the other ways that Jeremy had started to smell like home.
Etienne shoved her head between them, even happier than before due to the additional person giving her attention.
"Being able to regret the choices you've made in the past," Jeremy started, "is a sign that you've grown. A sign that you survived long enough to reflect on your actions. And I'm grateful that you're still here, despite everything that tried to stop you."
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babyangelsky · 3 months
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Happy Pride to me, my beloved is going to be on my screen again! 🥰🌈
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evilhorse · 2 years
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That sounds…ominous.
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conscbgb · 1 year
Following 'Stay Still,' Jupiter Entertainment announced their upcoming Cantonese BL 'EyesOnYou': the spy-themed drama stars Jeremy Ho and Louis Lam and consists of 10 episodes with approximately 45 minutes runtime each.
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It's a big yes for me 🙌🙌🙌🙌 I really liked them in Stay Still 😉
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tenpixelsusie · 2 years
ok we need peace and love everyone. peace and fucking love on the dashboard. i hate hearing about bigots i want to be able to contain my bloodlust alright.
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quartergremlin · 11 months
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the real danger of april trying to cheer leo up.
Ho-kay! Now that everyone’s been un-gooped, tonight’s entertainment is brought to you by Donnie!
It’s a short little Diddy! A choreographed jazzy dance, made to impress Akendra and/or Jeremy (ew)!
I showed you that in confidence!
But its so cute!!
C’mon guys
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miintsprigz · 7 months
Hello!! What would Spy, Scout, and Engie be like with a s/o who is startlingly good at voice impressions?
Dang, Anon, kept ya waitin’ long enough?
Thank you for your patience! I hope that this brightens your day.
Gonna do bullet points for this one just because I think it’ll work better. Apologies that this one isn’t as long, this is a really creative prompt! I just didn’t want to keep you waiting any longer. 💚
Mercs With A S/O Who Does Voice Impressions
Characters: Spy, Scout, Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
Warnings: none come to mind
Spy 🥖
•Spy discovered your hidden talent one day when you were asking him if he wanted to accompany you out for a quick grocery store run…on what happened to be a rather rainy day.
• “(Y/N), mon bijou, as much as I love being around you, the rain will—”
• “… ‘ruin the new shoes I just got, and I can’t have this suit getting wet either’.” You’d been working on that one for a while. Spy stared at you, actually slightly slack-jawed.
• “…pardon?” “Didn’t know I could do that, did you?” “…no, no I did not.”
•Honestly? He’s just a little jealous. That was kind of his thing? I dunno, man just wants to be a bit special.
•That being said, as you start implementing this into your talks with him more and more, he finds it to be yet another quality that makes you lovely.
•He’ll tease you at times. “How can I be sure you aren’t an enemy spy?” You laughed at this, resting your hands on his shoulders. “I dunno, do these feel like the hands of an enemy spy?”
•Biting back a laugh, he shakes his head and pulls you closer, dipping you into a kiss. As he draws back, he smirks. “And those feel like the lips of my love…very well. You must be the real one.”
Scout ⚾️
•You actually first utilized this ability of yours as a hail-mary during a fight. Scout was close to bringing the briefcase to safety when the enemy Scout suddenly charged.
•Seeing this, you looked over at Heavy, hoping he would be okay with this. “‘GOOD TIME TO RUN, COWARD!’”, you mimicked. Instinctually, the enemy Scout flinched in terror. Giving yourself just enough time…
• “Heavy! Thanks for the help, man.” “Scout, I was not over there…” “But I heard you right behind me…” The gears in his head visibly turned.
• “Oh! That would be (Y/N). They are very good at that.” Jeremy’s mouth dropped open, only to immediately curve into a huge grin. “(Y/N)…for real??? Do it again!”
• With a proud grin, you obliged. “‘(Y/N) can sound like giant man!’ See?” Scout howled with delighted laughter.
• “Whoa-ho-ho, that’s freakin’ SICK, (Y/N)! Why didn’t you ever show me you could do dat?” “I dunno, it never really came up in conversation.”
•From that point on, he’d ask if you could “do the thing” all the time. You almost always agreed, his reactions were the cutest. He’d actively show it off, with your permission.
• “Yo, my baby here, watch ‘em. …ain’t that cool?!”
•Scout was actually pretty decent at impressions himself (you already know where he got that from), and sometimes the two of you would go back and forth for a while, cracking yourselves up.
•There came a time where you rolled your eyes at one of his requests. That seemed to make him a little nervous.
• “Hey uh…(Y/N)…do you want me to stop askin’ you to do the voices?” “Huh? Oh…I mean, if I’m tired, maybe.” “Arright…I know you’re probably sick of doin’ it, but I just think it’s so cool.”
•You giggled. He looked all lovestruck even now. “I’m glad you think so~” “You really are the coolest, babe, you know that? All around. I’m the luckiest guy in this whole place.” “Awww~”
Engineer ⚙️
•The first time you did this, it was to try and mess with Dell just a little.
• “‘Needa dispenser here!’” “Scout? Where’d you need that dispenser?” “I have no idea whatcha talkin’ about.” “What? But I just heard ya!” “Hardhat, I wasn’t even over there!”
•You only got away with this a few more times before he caught you midway through. His head turned quick enough to see your mouth moving.
•With the way his goggles and hardhat covered up some of the more expressive parts of his face, you couldn’t tell if he was genuinely mad or not. “(Y/N), that’s you doin’ that, ain’t it?”
• “Yeah…” Your face flushed slightly with embarrassment. “…sorry. Got carried away.” Shaking his head, the serious expression began to break somewhat, chuckling. “Ah, no harm no foul, I s’pose. Just uh…not while I’m workin’, maybe?”
•With a smirk, you mimicked him perfectly. “‘Alrighty, partner.’” “Hoo, that really is uncanny, ain’t it? How do you do that?” Holding a finger to your lips, you snickered, and you could tell he was rolling his eyes at you.
•A week or two later, while you were on break, you heard him calling you. “Engie?” Following his voice to his workshop, you looked for him. He was nowhere to be seen in here…but you’d sworn his voice had come from here.
•Looking down, you saw a new machine on his desk. Looking closer, you saw a speaker.
• “Checkmate, darlin’!” With a hearty laugh, Engie leaned in through the doorway. “Okay, you got me…” It was your turn to roll your eyes, but you couldn’t help but laugh.
•The two of you actually would utilize this on the battlefield if you had the energy for it, getting the other team mixed up. Both of you got quite the laugh out of it.
•He never really asked you to do any of that on your own time though.
•One night, he even took you on the side after using that technique. “Hey, (Y/N)…you know I love hearin’ you as yourself more than any of your impressions, right?” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
•Laughing, you rested your head against him. “Yeah, don’t worry, I know.”
• “Alright. Just wanted to make sure.”
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babyangelsky · 3 hours
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More information about Jeremy Ho’s new project! There’s no air date, no platform announcement, no confirmation that it’s a BL, and I’m pretty sure it’s a short form series.
I would watch paint dry for this man and I’m one day closer to finally getting him back 😭
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