#jennifer stolzer
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Love Jennifer's little dragons!
Such a fan.

Masterharper Robinton and his Bronze firelizard Zair. For you dragon fans out there if you're really into modern dragon riders books, check out Pern. It's the place most your fave lore bits started!
Robinton here is my favorite character! Not only is he an incredible musician and composer, he's also a really stand up human being. Great teacher, good friend, my husband ... Oops did I say that aloud lol.
Dragonriders of Pern won my fanart poll for this month! Check my page for future polls and have a say in what I draw next!
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Geartree: The Airdrainium Adventures Book Two When dragonriders go missing, an iron-bound book leads to an ancient city in the clouds, but a mysterious new enemy darkens the horizon.
Middle Grade Fantasy Ebook and Paperback are illustrated by the amazing Jennifer Stolzer
The sequel to Steamtree and my 8th published book will be available in October!
#book cover#cover art#steampunk#books#fiction#fantasy#reading#brad r cook#dragons#middle grade#kidlit
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(based on a drawing by @jennifer stolzer; video by a friend of mine, taken at St Zotique Beach, Quebec)
Note: Originally I called this story "Beached Beej", but I was never very happy with that title, so I renamed it.
"What are you guys doing?" Beej asked.
"It's Labour Day weekend," Lydia replied as she Charles and Delia packed a couple of bags. "We're going to the beach."
"The beach?" Beej echoed. "Why? What's there to do at the beach?"
"Well, there's swimming, of course --" Delia told him.
"Too much like bathing," the demon said, scowling. "What else you got?"
"We can play volleyball," Lydia suggested.
"There's a number of nesting sites for sea birds," offered Charles.
Beej grinned. "Sure, okay -- that sounds good. Anything else?"
"There's lots of food trucks," Lydia told him.
Beej's ears perked up at that. "What kind of food trucks?"
"Hot dogs, hamburgers, lobster rolls, fried clams, falafel, tacos, ice cream -- you name it."
"Plus I've got a picnic basket," Delia added.
"Well, what're we waitin' for?" Beej said. "Come on -- let's get going already!"
"You can't go to the beach dressed like that," Lydia told him. "You need swimming trunks, sandals, a summer shirt ..."
"Like this?" he asked. He snapped his fingers and instantly his tattered and mouldy striped suit was replaced with a black-and-white striped short-sleeved shirt, a pair of bright green swimming trunks with a black beetle motif and a pair of flip-flops. And to complete the outfit, he had on a pair of slatted hot pink sunglasses. He looked adorably ridiculous.
"Perfect," Lydia said -- as usual, the joke was lost on the demon.
"Now can we go?" he asked impatiently.
"Where's the food?" Beej asked when they arrived at the beach and got out of the car.
"Beej!" Lydia chided. "Give us a minute, will you?"
"Well, hurry up -- I'm hungry!" he grumbled.
Lydia opened the picnic basket and pulled out a sandwich in a Ziploc bag. She waved it in front of his face. He made a grab for it, but she was quicker.
"Ah, come on!"
"Fetch!" Lydia said, and threw it out of the car as far as she could. Beej tore off after it.
"Lydia," Delia said. "He's not a dog!"
Beej returned, munching happily on the sandwich. "It's okay, Mom," he said, and Delia's heart, as always, skipped a beat to hear him call her that. "I don't mind -- Lydia's my best friend."
"Where should we set ourselves up?" Charles asked, looking around.
"There's a nice spot over there," Delia replied, pointing to an unoccupied stretch of sand near the north end, just in front of a cluster of trees. "Some sun, some shade ..."
After lunch, Lydia tried to persuade Beej to go swimming. "You can't go to the beach and not get in the water!"
"Nuh-uh," he said, crossing his arms defiantly. "Nothin' doin', kid. This demon doesn't go in the water for anyone!"
"Why not?" she asked. "Are you gonna melt or something?"
"No," he said petulantly. "I just don't like water, that's all."
"I bet you can't swim," she said. "You're afraid, aren't you?"
"I'm not afraid!" he scowled.
"Yes, you are -- you're a big, fat scaredy cat!" She put her hands on her hips and stuck out her tongue. "Scaredy cat, scaredy cat, scaredy cat!"
He glared at her, his hair turning magenta as he started huffing and puffing angrily. "I'll show you who's a scaredy cat!"
He hastily removed his shirt. Lydia got her phone out to capture the moment on video.
"RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Beej yelled as he made a mad dash for the water. He was waist deep in the frigid Atlantic when he dove in headfirst.
Lydia and the others expected him to surface immediately, sputtering and coughing -- but he didn't.
"Beej?" Lydia called. "Beej! Are you okay?"
No answer. Lydia began to worry about her friend.
"BEEJ!" she screamed.
"Do you think he's all right?" Delia asked.
"I don't know," Charles replied, holding her. "Maybe there's a good reason he doesn't like water."
"BEEEEEJ!" Lydia, frantic now, ran into the water just as the demon had done, heading towards the spot where he'd disappeared.
Just as she got there, the demon erupted from the waves, grinning happily. He gave her two thumbs up. "I sure showed you, didn't I?" he said.
"You ... you rotten sonofa--" she wailed, half in anger and half in relief, tears flowing as she began beating her fists against his chest.
Beej grabbed her and held her tight. "Hey," he said quietly. "Hey -- I'm okay! It was just a joke." He grinned mischievously. "Who's the scaredy cat now?"
"You big jerk!" she replied. "I thought .. I didn't know --" She pulled away from him and smacked his shoulder. "What were you doing under there all that time, anyway?"
In reply, the demon reached into the pocket of his trunks, holding a tiny crab in the palm of his hand.
"Oh, he's so cute!" Lydia said, smiling at the little creature. "Hi there!"
The crab raised its claws in a defensive gesture.
"I think he likes you."
"We should put him back," Lydia told him.
"Okay," Beej replied, and he gently lowered his hand into the water and released the crustacean. "I just thought you'd like to meet him."
"Let's head back to the beach," Lydia said.
(Rare footage of a demon voluntarily entering the water)
#beetlejuice#bjtmtmtm#bjtm#beetlejuice the broadway musical#beetlejuice the musical#a day at the beach#bjfinn writing
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Liebe Leser, von Herzen möchte ich Sylvia Barth gratulieren! Manchmal sind stille Wasser tief, so durfte ich Sylvia kennen lernen und ihre Entwicklung während der Ausbildung konnte ich tatsächlich schwierig einschätzen, dennoch sah ich wie sie immer mehr in die Tiefe mit ihren Fragen ging.
Es ist für mich wirklich bei jedem einzelnen Schüler so spannend, wie sich jeder ganz individuell entwickelt und zu versuchen jeden möglichst persönlich abzuholen, wo sie oder er mich braucht - lieb es euch auf eurem Weg begleiten zu dürfen. Manche Schüler sind ruhig, trauen sich während der Ausbildung wenig zu fragen & lesen, vor allem viel mit und dann bei der Fallarbeit liefern sie sowas von ab, dass es mich aus den Socken haut. Auch sie hat sich ein hervorragend in ihrer Fallarbeit abgeholt, einmal mehr wurde die Höchstpunktzahl geknackt und die Latte noch höher angesetzt – unglaublich. Ganz ehrlich, ich liebe es wenn ihr in den anonymen Praxisfällen mich übertrifft & gibt nichts was mich stolzer macht – dann weiss ich, das ich was richtig gemacht habe in der Ausbildung! Ich weiss, dass ich mit gutem Gewissen jeden Fall in Deine Hände legen kann und Du das bestmögliche für die Vierbeiner ganz individuell raus holst – Danke Dir vielmals. Mach weiter so, meine Gute & Du wirst vielen Vierbeiner Gesundheit bringen!
Lieber Pfotendruck Eure Jennifer-Joanne
Perfect Pawfood, Sylvia Barth, DE-04618 Langenleuba-Niederhain, +49 (0)17 49 90 45 36, [email protected], https://perfect-paw-food.de
(Schwerpunkt: Hund – Katze – Ernährung – Vitalpilze – Aromaöle – Labor - Deutsch)
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ESS 2015
Duna - Gura: Adulthood (future Hitomi mini doujin) fanart Gura - Smidge: V&H animated sprites fanart Smidge - Pethics: FxE fanart Pethics - Jennifer Stolzer: The Mermaid’s Gifts (DxM) fanfic Jennifer Stolzer - sewingyoukai: Sleeping Dragonslayers fanart Sewingyoukai - Devussie: VH cuteness fanart Devussie - Fruitso: Feral (Jajuka & Dilandau) fanfic Fruitso - luminescent rebirths: Celena & Jajuka fanart Luminescent rebirths Rad - drkstars: Siblings (Celena & Allen) fanfic drkstars art - Duna: Dear Brother (Allen & Dilandau) fanfic wiredclover - Rad: The Face We Show fanfic Rad - soji-chan: Dilandau tests the invisibility cloak fanfic soji-chan - geattsf: Folken fanart geatsf - wiredclover: Millerna thinking of Dryden fanart
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I admit, I have not too many but Subnormality and Scoob & Shag worked damn well for me
Subnormality, the comic with too many words, has had more moments than I can recall offhand that have touched me. I regret not making enough time for it but it is a commitment to read...
Scoob & Shag, a webcomic which may never get finished (we can only hope the creator will pull through and return to form)
I remember reading Atomic Robo a long time ago but never finished it. Maybe I should go back to it...
Does What Football Will Look Like in the Future count as a webcomic? It was certainly a bizarre journey but the absurdity of it all kept me going despite having zero interest in football :-)
And there's Jennifer Stolzer's "season 6" of Babylon 5 (which I also should really make time for...I blame having to work for a living...having to do so takes so much of the joy - what I still have remaining - that being alive can bring from me)
And, of course, Alice Hancock's Sweary She-Ra. Get into it! It was must-log-in reading for me for a couple years!
'i want a story that has x in it, but mainstream media doesn't have it' Read webcomics
'I wish that i could have this niche thing in stories'
Read webcomics
'there's too many x things in shows now, i wish there was something different'
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New books out in the Threadcaster universe!
Linecaster is a middlegrade adventure about Cat and Peter before they leave on their adventure. Their small town of Mason Forge is facing a water issue and the superstitious members of town blame Peter's curse for the misfortune. Cat can't sit idly by and watch her best friend get punished for something that isn't his fault, so she dedicates herself to learning new magic and solve the mystery of what's really happening to the water pump.
Joshua the Magic Boy is a beginner-reader book for elementary school kids just learning to read chapter books, but now it's also a Picture Book with 24 full-color illustrations telling the same story. When your young reader is ready to move up to the next reading level, they can get a copy of the story as a beginning reader as well OR continue Joshua's adventure on to Joshua and the Magic Day!

#jen blogs life#threadcaster#art#jenstoart#middle school#picture book#middlegrade#fantasy#book#story#literature#jennifer stolzer
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Va-ca-tion! Threadcaster says hello from Myrtle Beach!
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Hey howdy! There’s something really cool I would like to share today!
That my friend @jenniferstolzer store now also has fish! :D Which I think it’s a great adition to the already great collection. I couldn’t miss to let you know about that!
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Thank youuuu!!! <3
Platonic ot3 Hitlmi, Van, and Allen.
Anyone you want from Beetlejuice!
(I want to see the mannequin. I'm kidding. :P)
you threw a Beetlejuice request in there that maybe I’ll do a bit later, I feel like these guys deserve their own posting
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Scaper Art by Jennifer Stolzer
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Liebe Leser,
von ❤️gratuliere ich meine/ ehemaligen Schülern, denn sie haben es sich mehr als verdient!
Alle haben die Abschlussprüfung zur "Ganzheitlichen Ernährungsberaterin natürliche Fütterung - Hund & Katze" nicht nur bestanden, sondern auch alle samt eine hervorragende Fallarbeit in den letzten Monaten abgeliefert. 💪
Die anonymisierten Fälle aus der Praxis in der Fallarbeit sind kein «Zuckerschlecken», enthalten immer gesundheitlichen Probleme oder Erkrankungen und auch natürlich eine Magen-Darm-Sanierung im Fokus – auch seid ihr daran nochmals gewachsen, was wundervoll ist zu sehen. 😍
Ihr findet natürliche Wege für die Vierbeiner um Gesundheit wieder zu bringen; ganz ohne Pülverchen mit isolierten bzw synthetischen Nährstoffen, könnt gesundheitliche Probleme oder Erkrankungen priorisieren gar wenn solche kontraindiziert sind & versteht physiologische Zusammenhänge, besonders mit Fokus auf das Mikrobiom – ihr sieht den Vierbeiner ganzheitlich. 🙏
Mit Hoffnung für die zukünftigen Vierbeiner in euren Ernährungsberatungen, Gewissheit dass ihr euch auf euer Wissen & Erfahrung verlassen könnt und ganz stolz auf euch, empfehle ich euch zukünftig auf meiner Liste der Ernährungsberater. Ich würde euch jeden schwierigen Fall anvertrauen, ihr Lieben – könnte nicht stolzer auf euch sein, Annika, Fabienne, Kristin & Yolanda. 💯
Wünsche euch viele wundervolle Erfolgsfälle in den Ernährungsberatungen, welche ihr auf den Weg zurück zur Gesundheit begleiten dürft & macht weiter so! 🍀
Lieber Pfotendruck Eure Jennifer-Joanne
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Steamtree The Airdrainium Adventures Brad R. Cook Anderax Grayvenhorn has spent his whole life traveling to the aircities in his parent’s dirigible, with one dream… to climb a real tree. When his father, an aircity inspector, is sent to learn why these floating towers are starting to slip through the clouds, Anderax discovers the dark truth of their power source, and is pursued by the soul-stealing Archangels. As tensions rise, he finds the key to saving the aircities and the dragons is not a destiny of war, but to become one of the legendary Peacecrafters. A new middle grade series (for ages 9 and up), from the author of The Iron Chronicles. Find discussion questions at bradrcook.com Both the paperback and ebook are illustrated! Thank you Jennifer Stolzer who also did the cover illustration! Order online or from a bookstore near you!
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Look out! Something cool is coming very soon!
#threadcaster#ya fantasy#ya#fantasy#writing#amwriting#jenniferstolzer#jennifer stolzer#self publishing
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Its the Glen of Imaal terrier! #dogs #dogart #cartoon #drawing #glenofimaal #glennie #jensdogscustom #jenstoart www.jensdogscustom.com
Find products featuring this lucky pup at the store! Www.jensdogscustom.com
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@jenniferstolzer :D
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