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rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[Found Chatlog] The Hacker.
This interview originally took place on January 28th, 2023.
The phone screen whirs to life to reveal… quite a peculiar place. Darkness creeps at the corners of your vision, and everything in the room is tinted slightly green with the night vision feature of the camera. One by one, some notable features become clear as the camera slowly adjusts to the dim light.
One- a stack of takeout boxes and bags that teeters ever so slightly to the side, but balanced with enough precision to remain standing for… who knows how long.
Two- a cat tree with various tattered felt rats and strings with bells on the end hanging from the ballasts of the fortress, obviously well used.
Three- an electric keyboard in the corner of the room, dusty with manila folders propped up where sheet music should be.
Four- a desk with two monitors and a high-backed swivel chair (what’s on the monitors is unclear, as they’re too blindingly bright to be picked up by the camera.) It’s facing away from the computer. It’s also occupied! She has picked up on the camera recording her a while ago, curiously following the lens with a catlike quirk to her lips.
[HACKER]: what's this all about? gonna interview me or something ? :3
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Cat tree…… cats
CATS !!! i luvluvluv cats
ok first of all what your pronouns
oh!!! haven't had to give them out in a while
i'm going to assume YOUR pronouns are pee/pee
I have question….. is green your favourite colour by chance
oh noooooo how could you tellllll
hrmmmmm what was the last piece of media you watched/read/consumed
last not fav? i replayed kirby and the forgotten land recently
. . .
ur pee pee now
i said so
Favourite kirby character go!!
well what is your fav media? i like. old animated movies
just any old movie ??? i have a penchant for those cringy scifi ones with special effects that you can tell aged horribly
as for the question, video game music is my jam :3
what kind of music do you listen to anon
OSTs and a bit of vocaloid mostly
. . .
i can't bear to lose the respect of someone whos pronouns are peepee....
if the world could hear you say one thing, what would you say
When do we get to see ur assumably there cat hMMMMM :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
i wish i could show you, but a friend is watching over him for me !!!
caught me at a bad time ... 3:
OMG I HAVE A RLLY GOOD ONE ok you remmeber that jesus guy and how he had a body and blood which were bread and wine
omg like the tibble
what would your body and blood be?
my brain hurts.... uhhhhh
ig my headphones and cat??,,
hold on hold on wait
i can show you a gif that he looks like
What kind of cat is it ….): at least
tabby :3
what do you do for work?
hmmmmm currently ???? im a bit between jobs
i was working at this chinese takeout place, but i had to drop that to work on the app !!! call it a passion project
part time now im delivering pizzas for this parlor down the street
. . .
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he’s a bit bigger and more gremliny but that’s the best one i have !!!
what’s the app you’re talking about?
oh !!!! i don’t get to talk about this often yippee
i, the GREAT AND BENEVOLENT PERSON I AM, coded a whole new app for my friends and i to talk to each other !!!
a little debugging here and there, but for the most part it works pretty smoothly and i get to establish my dominion :33
What would you ………sing at Karaoke night?
[ There’s a bit of pounding on the floor, which quiets her down quickly enough. ]
[ Distantly ]
https://tenor.com/view/maxwell-maxwell-spin-spinning-cat-maxwell-spinning-gif-27234188 Opinions on maxwell
i like the cut of his jib
he's committed many crimes
Dumb floor banger party pooper :AUGH:
i don't know what the proble, was !!! im SUCH a good singer
... i won't do it again tho
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do you think anyone else will get to use it?
as much as i’d like to open it up to the public, we have a strict closed circle !! only people we trust can join :3
what are you...
one of those gay people ????
Am i
you tell me ...
who was that floor banger party pooper!!
my landlady 3:
apparently there’s ‘nighttime restrictions’ or something
sounds boring to me !!!
ALSO IF THE PUBLIC ISNT ALLOWED TO USE THE APP WHO IS.. who is this inner circle you have
i WISH we were the illuminati
just me and a couple'a buds! childhood friends
do you ever worry that someone could possibly infiltrate what you’ve made? like a leak or something?
someone breaking through MY security system? HA!
i'm a master programmer, so i'd never let that happen on my watch !!
Is that pizza place secretly a government hangout????
... id prefer not to answer this one
agent papa john? someone's caught on
take the shot
... nobody tell them
i hate to break it to you
they're all in on it...
….even pizza express ): ?
they're cool
Pizzas vs burgers
i’m contractually obligated to give one answer
if i don’t, i’ll be fired on the spot and blacklisted from every pizza place ever :(
… except pizza express
Im gonna go eat a burger out of spite now
Detective work is real tiring!!
i guess you deserve a break, after busting my super secret pizza agent cover…
[ There’s banging from the floor below again, along with a muffled female voice yelling back up at the hacker. ]
.... oh
guess i gotta go :(
she doesn't like all the yelling... heh
[HACKER]: i should be getting back to my work anyways !! was nice to have some company for a bit, tho
The hacker turns back around in her chair, and the rhythmic clicking of keys fills the room once more. With that, the phone screen shuts off.
Transcript provided by [UNKNOWN].
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rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[New Recording] The Gamer
This interview originally took place on May 7th, 2023.
Once looking at the screen - you've begun to take notice to a messy apartment, yet a little neat at the same time. It gives off the aura of someplace at least kept up, and lived in at the same time. Especially considering the person sitting infront of it, peering towards the screen with an intent curiosity, shuffling around for another fleeting moment to fix up anything last minute. ..he seems to be the one living in it. Finally, though - he stops and pays his full attention in your direction with a playful grin on his face. He seems to move around when he sits, whether it's a chosen of shifting how he's sat, or just glancing around, before finally waving to greet you.
[GAMER]: "I think it's good to go now- Hii! This is Cayden Emberbloom! What's up?"
CAYDEN: "HI!!!!"
HI CAYDEN!! just a lil question,,,,, can you tell me whos the guitarist from the popular band Queen? :)
"Oh my God! Wait I love Queen, it's, like, uhhhh.." He leans back in his seat, kicking his feet a little bit. "..Brian May!"
Where’d u get the shirt
"Uhhh, ..Hm. I think I thrifted it from somewhere ,, dunno if I remember, oops—"
do you like the sky?
"I mean, it's like always around us - or, ..well, like, above us — how could I not?"
Cayden do you slay
"Everyday." ok pal.
cayden how many european countries can you name?
"Ummmmm.." .. He shrugs, and seems to count on his fingers, ..as if that's any help. But sadly, he just .. shrugs again. "I dunno. Like maybe two??"
Cayden thoughts on detectives/investigators
"Like, in the movies? Sherlock Holmes and stuff? That's cool. ..I don't actually think I've watched Sherlock Holmes."
What is your ideal pet, basic or exotic or whatever? Any animal. Maybe even all the animal!!
"..I want a dog. Like, any kind. Maybe those really tiny fluffy ones. ..I forgot their names." :]!
Cayden what is your home address and mother's maiden name
"oh em gee." He actually said that . ".. jokes on you, I have an apartment -" There's still an address to that. he's trying. it's the thought that counts.
Cayden how do you feel about red heads
"Like- red red hair cause like, some people call people with ginger hair red heads but- Red hair's a cool color." ' '..
Do you have any siblings?
"Two sisters!"
would you rather save 20 people from a volcano or get a kiss from a man
... "Uhhhhh." he's thinking on it. "It'd be funny if I chose the second option - but, I'll save the twenty people cause that's cool."
Cayden what's your opinion on men assigning u flowers I've met two so far that do this and it doesn't seem to be stopping
".. I've like, never met someone who does that, but I think it's cool if someone wants to! I don't like, actually know a lot of flowers.. unless they're like the really basic ones."
Cayden, do you think you're normal
"I'd hope so," ^^? "I think I am!"
CAYDEN! what do you think made a person good
"Ooh, um, this sounds like a deep question. I guess if they aren't like .. uh, ..evil they're good? Or, like, people who are kind and stuff. I don't think I'm being specific enough here, ..or actually getting a point across."
"I think people that are like good are people who don't go out of their way to hurt others and, stuff, - ..maybe that's basic, though!"
Cayden are you pro hater behavior
"Umm, maybe! Depends."
cayden whats your favourite urban dictionary definition
"I literally cannot remember a time where I willingly looked for a definition on that website."
Hey Cyaden.... Cayden...... Ur mom
Favourite song :)? One that youd say “ oh yeah THIS is my THEME SONG for SURE !!”
"Dunno if I've got like a theme song, but I like any songs really too, ..'specially any old rock music. I think that stuff's cool. I could never choose a favorite.." ;;
hey cayden whats your opinion about the emoji below
"I like it. It's funny ....."
"wait wouldn't i hear it break in my apartment I thought those things were big???" Still, hes turning around. ufo is not in sight . He's been bamboozled..
Hey Cayden if Katy is Perry than who parodies the platypus
"..its me.. I parody the platypus... I make the hit platypus paradoy music...."
sending you prayers cayden. the aliens have mastered the art of invisibility. good luck.
"The prayers are in my thoughts... thank you so much..."
Cayden if you could have a superpower what would it be :3
"Hmm .. Maybe like, flying or something - that'd be cool to do. Or, like, ..teleporting? I'd wanna know what that's like. Sounds cool."
hey cayden who would be your doofenshmirtz
"Hm.. I dunno if anyone really reminds me of that guy, ..maybe I'll just work with the dude myself. Real deal and stuff."
cayden,,,, i love you but. he's fictional.
Cayden, any shows/series/movies you like?
"Ah, off the top of my head? I like Pokémon. I always thought that was cool."
CAYDEN: [After a moment, he leans forward, to say goodbye.]
"I've had a lot of fun talking with you guys! You're all really cool, but, I should probably get going..."
[With that, Cayden flashes one more smile at the screen with a wave - before it shuts off!]
Recording and audio provided by [UNKNOWN]: do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now do i have your attention now
0 notes
rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[New Recording] The Heir
This interview originally took place on April 21st, 2023.
From your screen, the view of an empty office flickers onto the screen accompanied by the muffled sound of employees rushing through the hallway as they pass and chatter. From your angle, you are met with the sight of a long desk, bookshelves, and filing cabinets all pressed to the very back of the wall. There’s even a few items littered on these things … organization baskets labeled accordingly, bouquets of roses in glass vases, and picture frames with people who are unrecognizable right now.
A woman takes her seat, and she releases a light sigh of exhaust as she fidgets with her rings. Smoothly gliding into view from her rolling chair. She plasters a smile on her face.
[HEIR]: "Oh my gosh, you're here! Hi. My name is Hoshiko de la Noval-Watanabe, the heir to Marium Corporations. How may I assist you today?"
Hello!!! How are you today?
HOSHIKO: “Hello! I’m doing fine. How about you all? I’m excited to get to talk to you.”
MY FUCKIJBGGWIFE I fucking explode
“Please don’t explode.” ^^;
Omg HIII,, do you have a favourite flower? :0
“I do! There’s so many flowers that I love, to be honest. I consider myself a bit of a flower expert … but roses will always have my heart.”
Do you like your job
“I love my job! I think it’s quite nice.”
Are those tattoos on your knuckles? Also can you date me please I'm free
“They’re rings actually! I like wearing jewelry.”
“.. Also, we just met …? And quite frankly, I’m a bit too busy to go out on a date right now.”
What do you think of your assistant?
“I love Valentin!” She clasps her hands together, “He has a really great work ethic and also is really great company. I’m glad to have him here."
If you had a theme song that would play when you walk into a room, what would you think would play?
“This is a really great question, actually.” She taps her nail against her chin. “I’d like to think … maybe one of the themes associated with Sweetheart from Omori. Or something similar … I consider myself quite regal.”
Do you like your job? What’s the biggest work perk?
“Yes! I love my job.” She grins, “Biggest work perk … Not entirely sure. The occasional wine samples are fun though … also generally working with people? Everything is quite lively here …”
omg you'se an omori fan? What's your favorite character?
“You can’t make me just choose one.” She giggles, “I think I’m most torn between Sweetheart, Basil and Hero.”
OMORI?!? What do you think of kel
“He’s so admirable .. and quite silly. I think he’s quite lovely.”
What are you hoping to see from the volunteers?
“Volunteers?” Her expression contorts into one of confusion, before tensing slightly, “Well, presuming you’re talking about the RFA … we’re not really accepting volunteer applications right now. But I mean, if we were to open them, then I just hope for cooperation and all fun times!!”
So nobody knows about the emails?
“how do you know about the emails…?” She mumbles, before shaking her head slightly. “We’re ... aware of the emails.”
We know about the emails because we’re getting emails that are applications for people who want to volunteer for the rfa
Hoshiko leans back in her chair, crossing her arms. “..Is that so?” Her gaze keeps darting around.
Though she sits back up, putting on her smile. “We’ll investigate! Don’t even worry about it. Just … don’t click on suspicious links or anything.”
WAIT CAN I ASK ABT VAL EATING MY SON hi ok pls explain ur assistant and why he eats sons thx
She looks shocked, “He would never … Where did such a rumor even come about !?”
“You guys are crazy.” She giggles.
im starting to think he didnt eat my son /j
“Don’t spread senseless rumors about my assistant!!”
HOSHIKO: "How silly ..— Oh! My break’s over. I have to go. I have a meeting soon. Bye-bye~ Have a great day!"
[She blows a kiss to the screen before everything goes dark.]
Recording and audio provided by [UNKNOWN]: rika's fundinG aSsociation (oR tHe "Rfa" for sHort) is a private, non-profit organiZation whose priMaRy objective is to MakE the woRld a safer and kinder place for everyone. orGaniZation shmorGanization, does this woRk now? does this feeL good? i hope iM findinG you in an adequate pLace and i hope you can hear me loud and clear now. i need your help but you'll have to be patient for it.
0 notes
rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[New Recording] The Assistant
This interview originally took place on April 14th, 2023.
The office you see now is pristine in appearance and illuminated solely by the large floor to ceiling windows. In front of them sits a desk, sleek in design and painted a deep black. A top it sits a computer, several boxes of files labelled "finances", and a clock that makes a tick noise each second. Jazz softly reverberates from the computer just enough to send this drab and grey office into a space slightly more inviting. What does quickly catch your eye, however, is the man that sits at it. With a sigh he silently rises from his seat and takes a stand at the edge of the desk. He fidgets for a moment, as to adjust himself properly for the meeting, then tugs at the hem of his gloves. Finally, with a clearing of his throat, he speaks.
[ASSISTANT]: "Valentin Purishkevich with Marium Corporations, how may I assist you today?"
So, uh. what does your company do exactly?
VALENTIN: "Ah, Marium Corp. is mostly known for it's wine manufacturing. Admittedly, I don't know much about wine myself but we are head of our competitors as of current." He says with a small nod of approval.
He visibly pauses with a shake of the head. "Excuse me?"
What exactly do you do?
Taking a moment to recover from the prior statement, he clears his throat.
"Yes- well, personally I'm the assistant to [HEIR] who is the currently next line to inherit the corporation from her mother. As of right now I primarily handle their finances."
where'd you get your gloves
"Calvin Klein."
I don't think I've heard of [HEIR]? Who is she?
"My... boss?" He seems confused by the question slightly, as if it was obvious. "And friend, I suppose. But no worries, you'll be meeting her next. You'll have more than enough time to get acquainted."
if you were to be forced to donate to a charity what amount of money would you give
"I wouldn't need to be forced-" In fact, he seems appalled by such an assumption. "I work with one, after all."
Are the current allegations of your company attempting to host a Digital World Wide Murder Party with actual Murder true?
"...?" He looks so confused. "We haven't hosted anything in several years, nor would we ever host something so heinous."
You like Jazz? I hear Jazz playing.
"Yes." He smiles a little bit. :)
what’s your favourite murder method from a book/series/movie you’ve seen?
"???" Blink Blink "What is with you people and you fascination with something so vile- Perhaps I should recommend you all to my sister, she's a therapist."
most important question of all: milk before cereal or cereal before milk
"I don't eat cereal." He says, expression flat. "However anyone who pours in their milk before their cereal has probably committed several offenses."
Does your sister work for this company?
"No, she's back home in Russia. She has her own Foundation to be running."
How come the charity hasn’t hosted things in years?
"...Admittedly, the reason is a bit personal. While I know the reasoning, I was only hired after the incident that resulted in the RFA's hiatus."
"I won't go into detail on the matter for the sake of my coworkers, I hope you can respect that."
It’s ok, I was just curious! I’m glad the rfa is back to hosting charity events. What does the money go to?
"We're not... quite back to hosting yet. But we aim to be able to in the near future."
"The money raised from the parties in the past would be distributed to other charities, we don't exactly have one specific charity we donated to regularly. At least, not what I saw from the records..."
do you have access to ALL the records? or are some of ‘em forbidden for you?
"Anything that doesn't apply to my job, I have access to. Marium Corp has in no way attempted to hide any information that I may have needed or wanted, nor have I snooped around where I shouldn't have been."
Do you like working at marium corp?
He shrugs. "I wouldn't work here if I didn't. I can easily find employment elsewhere."
Do you have any advice for people who want to help plan the next rfa event?
He pauses for a moment as if thinking about something. "I... We don't have applications for the RFA open at this time, I'm sorry. But... to answer your question, what I would tell hypothetical new hires is that it's ideal to be cooperative. We don't need dead weight."
Is there anyone in the rfa you don’t get along with?
"... [HACKER] and I do not see eye to eye very often. She is vastly different than I in priorities and interest. Of course, this doesn't stop me from getting my job done."
VALENTIN: [With a sigh, he readjusts his gloves as he did before. With one last glance at you he nods his head, body filled with the rigid professionalism.]
"Well, then. I'll be taking my leave. I hope you all have a good evening."
[With that, he departs and everything goes black.]
Recording and audio provided by [UNKNOWN.] rika's funding association (or the "rfa" for short) is a private, non-profit organization whose primary objective is to make the world a safer and kinder place for everyone. are you getting them? did you finally get them?
0 notes
rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[Found Chatlog] The Actor.
This interview originally took place on February 10th, 2023.
As always, the screen quickly illuminates, revealing quite the sight to you. The room shown is one decorated in various plants that tangle themselves all around, yet despite that, don't make the scenery appear cluttered or messy. A vanity mirror rests in the center and the light from the large window behind it illuminates the room in a bright, natural glow. A soft mix of piano and lofi plays in the background, encapsulating the peaceful atmosphere that encompasses the entirety of the room. A slim figure dances alone by themself to the music, soft laughter falling from their lips. Their clothes are well put together in an upcycled amalgamation that feels both comfortable and stylish.
They do a small spin, turning around to finally face you. When they notice you finally, a small gasp sounds from their throat. A hand raises to their lips, brushing over them as they turn up in a joyous smile.
[ACTOR]: oh my gosh !!! I didnt even see you come in- Hi there!!
hello actor! how are you
i'm doing great !!! <3 its been such a beautiful day today, the plants love it
Plants? :0
yes!! have all sorts... I got into taking care of them when I started living on my own.
she/they!! would like it if you use both <3
we should kiss
Oh my... how forward! very cute ^^ i'm flattered
what things do you like to do
first date ?! oh how endearing. as for things I like to do... stargazing and designing clothing...
what genre of movies do you usually act in?
acting-? Oh! i'm sorry. I don't actually act
holds your hand
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do you have any kins and if so who’s the highest
kins...? i think i've heard [HACKER] talk about those..? i'm not completely sure what that is though^^
what flowers do you want at our wedding
flowers... i've always had a fondness for lillies, I suppose
based as always my dear
based! Oh I know that one... thank you very much, darling <3
whats your job then?
welll, I used to model!!! butt I tend to just stick to designing clothes... nothing big but i've still retained a lot of my follow base
is there anything you have been enjoying recently
,,,is it silly of me to say cartoons? I have been really enjoying a few series lately
oh, nicee! what type of cartoons? puppy and cat? insider job? etc?
I enjoy cartoons that are more fitting for "children" ,, like the owl house..
is there any nickname we can? or can we make something up like daisy?
A nickname..? i guess... Actor works, but given what I said thats a bit dishonest, right? So you may call me what you like ^^
how do you like your work ?? does it ever get stressful?
it would be very dishonest to say no ^^ It does, sometimes, but i think all things do at a point. sometimes I just have bad days I suppose. Although I've been much happier after moving away from modelling. the work itself is quite nice... I get to help people feel pretty
Actor, who do you like best out of your group? Like hacker or the gamer? Any you’d call your bff of sorts?
It's hard to pick a favorite of friends, love them all... but best friend? ...Maybe [HEIR] ... we have some history together ^^ at least in my eyes
Do you kiss girls
I'm not kissing any at the moment... but yes, i kiss them^^ pretty exclusively, too
Do you have a favourite place to go to? Somewhere where you feel super comfortable or just like the things available there?
hm... is it plain to say I like the park? It's very calming to sit around the greenery...
What about outside whatever country you live? Like your go-to fav vacation spot? Do you like visiting the parks there too :)?
i haven't travelled in some time, but I enjoyed rome while I was there... parks aside, the architecture was beautiful..
Messages beyond this point were lost. Transcript provided by [UNKNOWN].
0 notes
rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[New Recording] The Hacker
This interview originally took place on May 14th, 2023.
With a buzz of your mobile device, a new tab opens up without any prompting! A black screen fills your monitor, and a lime green cursor taps out the lines:
A laptop-style webcam flicks on, and you see a tuft of ginger hair fill the frame of the screen, half-obscuring the various game posters and glow in the dark decals that decorate the room the video is capturing. Behind the gaming chair propped in front of the camera, you see a messy apartment bedroom with a half-ajar bathroom door in the far corner, an electric keyboard pushed against the back wall, stacks of speakers and electronic equipment, and two food bowls by the door.
The redhead who seemed to be fiddling with the computer out of view finally leans back in her chair, humming to herself contentedly before fixating her eyes on the red light of the webcam. At that, she perks up immediately.
[HACKER]: "Riiiight- I should introduce myself! Master hacker Cady MacNider at your service!"
hi!! how’ve you been ‘ ‘
CADY: "Today??? Pretty damn good, I'll say so myself! Just put the finishing touches on the new maintenance update !!"
best question ever: What colour is an orange :)
"Uhhhh pretty sure you asked the question wrong, duderino. Orange! That's, like, the easiest answer I've ever given ever!"
Favourite Pokémon??
"Snorlax... I vibe with him on a personal level ..!"
HELLO CADY!! How do you pass the time? :smile:
"Well now you just wan' me to talk about myself, dontcha? I do a lot of coding, but I also 'ave a penchant for gaming, playing with Kirby, and making music when I got the chance!"
hello cady :) what are your computer specs :smooch:
"I've got this baby loaded up with all the fancy shmancy stuff--! High power graphics card, processor, the whole shebang !!"
As she says that, she gives the PC a good ol' smack. Bang bang!
"It's like my child... or the closest I can get to my own flesh an' blood!"
HI CADY!! when we were talking to cayden there was this big ufo behind him but he didnt notice it. did it take him or is he still alive??
She takes off her headphones and gives a solemn shake of her head.
"We miss him every day..."
Favorite drink ever ?(Cady is such a cute name oml)
"Dr. Pepper all the way! Only the best gamer fuel for a high-maintenance machine like myself !!" :3
Are you sure its orange
"Is it? I mean, I don't eat much fruit, but I'm preeettyyyy sure..."
hey cady, i heard somewhere that if you add 10 to your age and then substract 5 and then another 5 you get your age, but i cant wrap my head around this. could you help me with an example with your age, pretty please? begging? please?
"I'd be chuffed to help! Okay okay okay so if you take 22 and add 10 that's 32 minus 5 that's 17.. then add 5 that's 22! You were right!!!" :D
What was the first video game you ever played?
"Oooohhh, you're takin' me back down memory lane! Methinks it was prob-ly Wii Sports Resort, honestly...
I was cracked with the tennis racket :3."
Hi Cady!! What’s the craziest hack you’ve managed to pull off?
She taps her chin. "Well, there was that one time I managed to leak the FBI flight watchlist..."
"Jokes! I joke! I actually don't do much fancy hacking, ashully. 'm more of a white hat hacker!"
If we're allowed multiple questions: favourite song to play on just dance?
"Bangarang duh dununah BRANG WOO-WOO DUNUNUN--"
Insert a poorly executed attempt to mimic rave synths.
favourite mii game?
"I've always liked the bowling one.. you just need the right flick of the wrist and it's an auto-strike every time! Just gotta game th' system !!"
Did you ever play the swordplay or airplane games on Wii sports resort?
"When they did the anime transformation poses when the people linked up with each other I peaked in life."
Cady what.
"But I never was able to get good at the sword one, sadly... It's all about spamming and my poor fingies can't take that..."
Any favourite cat breeds ? :)
At that, she takes a deep inhale. "Okay so first of all I gotta give a shoutout to the longhairs, they're sososo fluffy but ALSO Maine Coons are soooo cute--" Quick break to catch her breath.
"But of course, whatever breed Kirby is is the one I love the most !!! (She has no idea what breed he is.)"
Do u think ur a lover or a fighter (:<
"Hmmmm... I mean of cours' I'm a lover! I love my friends and everyone else... how could I not be !!! I'm just sooo lovable..."
"Unless someone hurts the people I care 'bout-- then we're gonna have a problem!!!" She throws some air punches.
Do you have a favourite soup?
"Uhhhhh soup flavor?? Give me a sec, I don't 'ave these things memorized... oh! Tomato bisque... that's one of 'em right?"
Is it true that all fast food restaurants have been secretly taken over by the people who fooled everyone that oranges are orange?
"WHAT !!!! Not... not that I know of????" :WBAT:
whats a story that happened to you that sounds like something you'd see on r/thathappened, despite being very real?
"Oh!!!! Oh oh oh! I've got the PERFECT story for y' folks!"
"So, according to my ma' when I was a mere babe... my nametag got switch'd up with another kid's and the wrong parents ended up taking me home !!! Crazy, right? In the end though, I raised up such a fuss and made their lives so miserable they ended up coming back because they knew they hadn't created this hellspawn! ... and I'm glad they did, because my old folks actually knew how to raise said hellspawn!!" Double finger guns !!
Im telling u dude its 100% truth!!!
"I don't believe you, I'm sorryyy!!! You gotta show me somethin' concrete, some proof! Scientific method and all of that!"
What's your favorite color combo?
"Lime green and purple !! Don't think I have any clothes that aren't in either of those colors..."
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You just gotta get rid of the orange wax!!! Yk like what they put on supermarket apples
There are no words for a moment. ".... YOU JUST PEEL THE ORANGE OFF????" She totally believes you.
"I need to lie down..."
What is your vehicle of choice? :smilee:
"Well... Shiko says I shouldn't be trusted around a car, so my handy dandy bicycle is the next best thing !!"
What do you do when you're not hacking?
"Everyone's gotta have a healthy work-life balance, y'know? Unless you work at Marium Corp, I guess..."
"I take break days to spend over 10 hours playing video games, touching grass, and maybe even renting a movie!! Sure, there are more break days than regular days, but I didn't say it was a GOOD work-life balance..."
did you know that if you peel an orange with a nokia you have a 0.00008% to get a shiny orange?
"Like a rare collectible orange !!! What !! " There are stars in her eyes. "You've piqued my interest, magic man!"
If you dip the true form of an orange into lemon juice, it turns purple! Like the butterfly pea tea (?) !!
legend says.............. opening it with a wii remote has the low low low rate of getting a :THISMAN: orange :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:
"That's so coollll ! I gotta try that out--
... Hold on where did you get that picture of Val--?!"
The blood orange must be sacrificed!! Dont forget that part!
"Got it, boss !!!" She salutes.
CADY: [The hacker quickly glances up above the screen, widening her eyes slightly before stretching her arms above her head.]
"Well, think that's all the time I have to talk... gotta push this update out to the others!! They're gonna be so impressed! ... was nice meeting you all, see ya 'round!"
[Cady beams at the screen and waves to you, before closing the call.]
0 notes
rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[Found Chatlog] The Gamer.
This interview originally took place on February 4th, 2023.
Just as before, the phone in front of you powers on once again, a bright screen shining back to life, with someone else off in their own world this time. Whoever is in front this time seems preoccupied for a while, minding their own business absentmindedly. They seem to be sat in a well-kept, yet room on the messier side. It seems to be a comfortable apartment, with a few sweaters scattered across a chair, or the bed, and a couple of small trinkets, or inanimate objects out of place. It isn't until long before they *do* eventually take notice of whoever's there to greet them, and when they finally do.. you can make out a smile being offered in your direction, with a curious gaze made your way, before they lean in to greet you.
[GAMER]: omg. hello?? :0?!
HI give me your pronouns NOW RAHHHH
RAHHH!!!!! straight to the point ig!! lol he/they^^
what are your thoughts on this
that was actually me who commented
not on my watch
anon….can i call you anon…….anon we should hold hands
yea... u can... and we can..... omg.....
Wanna play fortnite
....... get away from me !
but no
anything but that game lol
can we play mine craf...
...we can......yes.....!
have you ever heard of that one monkey who really wanted oranges and signed "give orange me eat you you eat orange give orange eat"
OH MY GOD I HAVE one of my favorite things ever tbh! ! !!!!
whats ur favorite flower if u have one
...hmmmm i like daisies. like, they come in super cute colors lol<3 or tulips. maybe that's basic!! lmao
wha abt fav food
omg. idk if I can choose. i like a lot of sweet foods though .. does cotton candy count ..?!
do you prefer the sun or the moon?
the sun!! nighttime feels too quiet .. it's always better when the sun's out imo
what's your thoughts on the heir?
i think were cool!!! :]
.Favourite game go!!!! ( time pressuring all the ppls /j)
hmm. idk id play Minecraft w u all..!! so I think that'd be my favorite.. :]
Whats your fav mob or aspect of it?
..i like the sheep. they're cute...
we should play Minecraft together anon
WE SHOULD!!!!!!!
If games never existed then what would u do?
ohh! well I've got plenty of things to keep me busy... they're a fun way to pass the time though^^ Finally , he seems to glance away for a moment, and realizes the time.
Your opinion on stardew valley?
hmmm.. it's cute. :] I like it ..!!!
do you have any hobbies other than gaming?
mhm! i have a lotta stuff.. you should try taking a guess , ..I bet I probably do it>:)
are you introverted or extroverted?
id like to say I'm extroverted! suprise!! I touch grass and play video games ...
do you have any opinions on the other groupchat members (ex hacker, actress, etc)
..in particular?? hm.. idk. I think they're all great ppl 2 be around, so, do with that what you will!!!!!
You can faintly make out somebody waving goodbye, before he resumes typing.
[GAMER]: ive like, totally gotta go now..<3.. it's so much later than I expected! hope we can talk again soon though .. I'll make sure we play 2gether.. cya!!<3
Transcript provided by [UNKNOWN].
0 notes
rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[Found Chatlog] The Heir and The Assistant.
This interview originally took place on March 18th, 2023.
From your screen, the view of an empty office flickers onto the screen accompanied by the sound of employees rushing through an office as they pass and chatter, all muffled. From your angle, you are met with the sight of a long desk, bookshelves, and filing cabinets all pressed to the very back of the wall. There’s even a few items littered on these things … organization baskets labeled accordingly, bouquets of flowers in glass vases, even picture frames eclipsed by the moon overhead as the vast window sheds the only bit of light in this office. Until the lights flicker on, and you hear the chatter of a woman and a man as they round the front desk that the camera seems to be seated on. Their conversation doesn’t really render of much importance. A talk of work, exhaust .. perhaps a certain photographer … but meh. That’s when your call comes in, and they’re on high alert. Though [HEIR]’s expression seems to liven up with a smile.
[HEIR]: Ohhh, I think they want both of us for a questionnaire, [ASSISTANT] ... How polite of them.
[ASSISTANT]: Ah. Would have liked more of a warning, I suppose. But oh well.
How are you?
[HEIR]: I’m personally doing fine, a little tired from the long work day … but I’m still ready for what ever could be thrown at me at any given moment!!!
[ASSISTANT]: As am I. Work has been equal parts taxing and rewarding... So I suppose they cancel out.
If you had to become aaaany animal in the world, what would you choose and why :)?
[HEIR]: Hmm,, probably .. a rabbit!! I’d be able to run super fast and jump fairly high... They’re also one of my favorite animals in general.
[ASSISTANT]: ... A cat, I suppose. I have no reason for it other than my enjoyment of them.
What's your favorite plant?
[HEIR]: AAAAA I simply adore flowers. Of all forms .. but especially roses— oh my gosh. I could go on and on and on.
[ASSISTANT]: I don't... have one. Though I order some for the office sometimes, seeing as [HEIR] does like them so much. She's very passionate.
forgiveness or revenge
[ASSISTANT]: Forgiveness is the far more mature option. I don't dabble in petty revenge, it's a waste of my time.
[HEIR]: .. For me, it depends on the situation.
What's your favorite kind of rose? I recently learned of the guelder rose and its rather interesting, though I mostly mean color wise other types beyond the standard rose would be interesting to know
[HEIR]: Also, generally any kind of rose piques my interest. Though a classic red rose is a forever favorite. Love, romance … and red is my favorite color. >;3c
we should kiss
[HEIR]: So forward ... !
[ASSISTANT]: Please refrain from hitting on my boss.
it’s not just them bbg you too
[ASSISTANT]: In that case I will have to reject your advances, then.
How does this image make you two feel [image of a capybara]
[HEIR]: hehe coconut doggy
[ASSISTANT]: I suppose it's cute.
What about this image [Image of a snake screaming]
[ASSISTANT]: ...Slimy.
[HEIR]: Why is it screaming? :0 He’s distressed!!! Give him space.
[ASSISTANT]: ...You know, [HEIR] when they called, I didn't think it would just be to show us pictures.
[HEIR]: Surprises are always nice.
[ASSISTANT]: I suppose..
what do you guys do for a living?
[ASSISTANT]: Well, this is sort of my living... I work as [HEIR]'s assistant. However, before this I was a medical student.
[HEIR]: I’m the future heir to my mother’s company! >:3 I suppose this also qualifies as my living .. I’ve been working in this position for as long as I can remember!
oh so you don’t like pictures what about videos then
[HEIR]: This call is so strange . . .
[ASSISTANT]: Don't piss on either of our shoes.
how do you feel about ice skating?
[ASSISTANT]: It's... nice? I'm not one for the arts.
[HEIR]: I’ve never tried it before. Is it fun?
also i forgot to ask, what are your pronouns?
[HEIR]: I go by she/her! Thank you..
[ASSISTANT]: He/him works just fine for me.
Favorite color, go
[HEIR]: Red ..
[ASSISTANT]: Brown would be mine, I guess. Don't have one exactly.
Favorite song !?
[HEIR]: I have too many loved songs to pick a favorite … However, I think any song by Marina is a good song.
[ASSISTANT]: I agree- I do have many favorites... Frank Sinatra is particularly appealing.
Do you guys like,,,, frogs,,,,
[HEIR]: Only in the storybooks, to be honest …
[ASSISTANT]: I am not a fan. They're... slimy. Cats are far superior.
[HEIR]: I wouldn’t go that far, but they are a good contender …
Okay, do you like clouds.
[ASSISTANT]: They're alright. I much prefer the rain that comes from them.
[HEIR]: Clouds are pretty.
[HEIR]: Strawberries are quite lovely.
[ASSISTANT]: Blueberries.
gay or european ?
[HEIR]: Whichever could it be? ♪
[ASSISTANT]: ...What are you singing?
[HEIR]: You don’t know Legally Blonde?!
[ASSISTANT]: Is this another musical thing?
[HEIR]: Precisely.
[ASSISTANT]: Ah, then forgive me [HEIR]. Perhaps you can tell me more about this one some other time.
[HEIR]: Will do. :33
What's y'alls least fave color (there is a wrong answer)
[HEIR]: Certain shades of orange or yellow are simply too much!!
[ASSISTANT]: Yellow is okay, I think. [ACTOR] wears it quite well. But as for myself... Anything neon is an eyesore.
[HEIR]: [ACTOR] makes yellow look so good …
would you rather fight 50 chicken sized horses or 1 horse sized chicken
[HEIR]: You will never see my fight in a battle this frivolous ... probably the horse sized chicken. Though, I think I’m unequipped for either situation.
[ASSISTANT]: ...I think I will be agreeing with you on your choice. This question is strange.
If you could get rid of 1 animal, what would it be
[HEIR]: …….. maybe, cats. But!!! Also I!! don’t really know. iamallergic..
[ASSISTANT]: ... Your allergies get you out of this one. For I it is... Snakes... They are a bit frightening.
What r your thoughts on the Arabian sand boa
[HEIR]: Very pretty... Very silly... I don't think [ASSISTANT] would share the same sentiment, though ..
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[ASSISTANT]: Unsure. I find that I am most often compared to birds. Specifically crows.
Messages beyond this point were lost. Transcript provided by [UNKNOWN].
0 notes
rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[Found Chatroom] Reminiscence
This chatroom originally took place on December 31st, 2022.
Wherever you may be in this very moment - whether it's preparing for the new year . . . creating new opportunities, you find yourself drawn to this bizarre application that rests on your device.
You've downloaded it, but you've never actually opened it.
A messenger app, but who to even message on it?
there is a new notification.
Someone wants to meet you.
Do you wanna meet them?
Mmm, that was rhetorical, actually. They don't really care much for formality. Say hi to-
--- [You have been connected to a new chatroom: RFA Heads !!]
[HACKER]: ....
[HACKER]: today feels like,,
[HACKER]: one of those days you PARTY ON!!
[HACKER]: .... im not though :(
[HACKER]: im on here!!
--- [ASSISTANT has entered the chatroom.]
[ASSISTANT]: You are blowing up my phone. Do you mind?
[HACKER]: what are you doing tonight???
[ASSISTANT]: Paperwork. I want to get things done before the new year.
--- [HEIR has entered the chatroom.]
[HEIR]: I think a break is deserved.
[HACKER]: YEAH!!! its new years eve!!
[HEIR]: You've been at it all day...
[HACKER]: you can just let yourself go.... change stuff up and be someone new!!
[ASSISTANT]: ? Why would I want to be someone new.
--- [GAMER has entered the chatroom.]
[GAMER]: oh my gosh!! the year ended so fast..
--- [ACTOR has entered the chatroom.]
[ACTOR]: Being someone new isn't bad [ASSISTANT] !!!!!! live a little, darling
[HACKER]: to be honest 2022 you is pretty uptight L O L
[HEIR]: It did end really fast, hm? Feels like it was just yesterday that January started.
[ASSISTANT]: I am not uptight, I'm trying to get my work done.
[GAMER]: new year new you!!!
[ASSISTANT]: But... if [HEIR] insists. Then I will take a break.
[HACKER]: how about you guys give your new years resolutions...
[HACKER]: what you want to change next year!!
[HEIR]: I think [HACKER] coming around was a sign to take a break anyway.
[HEIR]: My eyes are going cross-eyed from reading so much fine print...
[HACKER]: tonight is no night to be doing paperwork!!! we have a good time here in the RFA
[HEIR]: New Years Resolutions... I don't think I have any yet?
[GAMER]: the paper will be there next year.. get it?^^ taking a break is good for you !
[ACTOR]: Ohhh resolutions :UWAH: ...... I hadn't even though of mine!!!!!!
[ACTOR]: mmmaybeee.... Oh!
[ACTOR]: A change in style would be nice... maybe try some more masculine clothing...
[HEIR]: That'll look so lovely ^^
[HACKER]: of course you'll rock anything you try, [ACTOR] !!!
[GAMER]: hmmm
[GAMER]: resolutions...
[GAMER]: I don't think I've thought of any either! maybe I'll try and travel some?;; sounds fun to see new things !
[ASSISTANT]: Fine. No more paperwork, I've put the pen down. And I already came up with mine. My resolution is to learn how to bake.
[ACTOR]: Oh!
[ACTOR]: That is... oddly nice for you.
[HEIR]: I think . . . I've thought of one. ^^
[GAMER]: baking!!!!! oh my gosh.. you should totally give me your recipies when you learn!!! :]]
[HEIR]: This is a little bit ambitious, I know.
[HEIR]: But my New Years Resolution may be to find more time to speak with you all. I almost forgot how lovely it was to speak in here with you all in one space.
[ACTOR]: ,,,,aw [HEIR],,,,,
[HACKER]: maybe once you start showing up on here more often!!!
[HACKER]: i know you're busy and all, but...
[GAMER]: oh my gosh!!! That's so sweet.. I think I should do the same :].. it's been a bit since we've all talked so much!!
[HEIR]: It would be a nice change of pace for all of us! I think so, at least.
[ASSISTANT]: ...And talking to you all isn't the worst thing. Maybe I will try it if I have time.
[HEIR]: Okay, that's exciting.
[ACTOR]: It's like getting us all back together :UWAH:
[HACKER]: yeah!!!
[GAMER]: we are missing someone though!! :( not all of us are together right now are we?
[HEIR]: Yes. . . you're right.
[HEIR]: [PHOTOGRAPHER] isn't here right now. ;;
[GAMER]: yeah..
[ACTOR]: ;;;
[HACKER]: he's been offline for a while now... makes you kind of start to miss the guy
[HACKER]: i wonder what he's up to?
[ASSISTANT]: We've all been busy, I'm sure it's nothing but work.
[GAMER]: that's a lot of work to be so distant,,.. but I guess we've all kind of been a little distant too
[HACKER]: now that he's rich and famous he can't spend time with his lowly friends anymore...
[HEIR]: Yeah, that is quite a lot of work. It's been a bit.
[ACTOR]: Don't say that, [PHOTOGRAPHER] deserves a little time away
[GAMER]: I don't think we're lowly,!!!!!
[ASSISTANT]: I'm certainly not.
[HEIR]: I think [HACKER] was just being silly.
[HACKER]: i work at a pizza place on minimum wage.
[HEIR]: That too.
[HACKER]: i'm just coping through lashing out!!! i wish [PHOTOGRAPHER] was here...
[GAMER]: well
[GAMER]: ...that's,
[GAMER]: you provide food for people!!! That's totally not lowly... :] Kudos!!!!!!!
[ACTOR]: ^^ !!! Thank you for your service :UWAH:
[HACKER]: am i a war hero or something ???
[ACTOR] ;; no
[GAMER]: respect for the pizza workers!! I'll start the movement.. :cmere: !
[HACKER]: i appreciate it though, guys!!! my heart is filled with love right now....
[GAMER]: aw
[GAMER]: I'm so glad..
[HEIR]: I'm thinking about reaching out.
[HEIR]: To [PHOTOGRAPHER] that is... It feels like it's been too long.
[GAMER]: that sounds like a good idea!!
[ACTOR]: I've been meaning to contact him but... oh, I'd just hate to be a bother...
[HEIR]: I will be the bother for you!
[HEIR]: I am off. Goodnight.
--- [HEIR has left the chatroom.]
[HACKER]: that was fast
[GAMER]: oh! goodnight [HEIR]!!! good luck..
[ASSISTANT]: She is a woman of determination for sure. I admire her ability to get things done in a timely manner.
[HACKER]: and i thought we just convinced you two to take a load off for tonight...
[HACKER]: now we've given you more work!!!
[ASSISTANT]: It's no worry. It won't take long. Probably. Perhaps efficiency should be my resolution instead...
[GAMER]: if you guys need help with anything you can always lmk.. I don't mind lending a hand :]
[HACKER]: you can't change your resolution now that you've said it!!! it's a legally binding thing!
[GAMER]: omg. i signed myself away to travel.. like a deal with the devil..
[ASSISTANT]: Then where is the contract.
[ACTOR]: :hehe:
[HACKER]: in your mother
[GAMER]: in your heart...<3333
[HACKER]: jinx!
[GAMER]: huh!!!
[HACKER]: i can't believe [GAMER] is going to disappear to hawaii forever... or at least until 2024
[ACTOR]: banished to the islands...
[GAMER]: omg.... Maybe that doesn't sound too bad!! beaches are so pretty.. but not for banishment!!!! :headinhands:
[HACKER]: total seclusion from other people and pina coladas... what a nightmare...
[GAMER]: noo!!!!!! :c_sobbing:
[ASSISTANT]: When I send my paperwork over for you to do, don't get sand in it.
[HACKER]: better start packing your bags... and make sure to bring sunscreen :evil_laughter:
[GAMER]: I'll try :(... I'll send you some seashells.. :)
[ACTOR]: and be sure to take lots of photos!!! :UWAH:
[GAMER]: I'll mail them back!! scenery of selfies..:0.. ?
[ACTOR]: Any will do !!!!
[GAMER]: I'll send a little bit of both for you guys!!! so you don't miss me too much..:]<3...
[ACTOR]: So kind :revolving_hearts:
[ACTOR]: I think I will be retiring for the night however... I plan to watch some fireworks !!!
[ASSISTANT]: Have fun.
[HACKER]: happy new year's, [ACTOR]!!
[ACTOR]: Oh! [ASSISTANT] darling, you might want to get dressed, I'm taking you with!!!! ^-^
[GAMER]: now I'm all excited!!! :cmere:
[GAMER]: bye [ACTOR] !! see you next year..!!!!!
[ACTOR]: And you as well [HACKER] :UWAH: and [GAMER]
[ACTOR]: have a wonderful new year!!
--- [ACTOR has left the chatroom.]
[HACKER]: oh, to be rich and extroverted....
[GAMER]: lol.. I wish.;;
[GAMER]: maybe I should see if there's any fireworks nearby!! I'll head out too.. :]
[HACKER]: there should be plenty!! i heard there's a big display over at the main hall
[HACKER]: have fun, [GAMER]!!
[ASSISTANT]: Goodbye.
[GAMER]: omg!! :D ill be on my way then.. happy new years;<3
--- [GAMER has left the chatroom.]
[ASSISTANT]: I will be heading out too, seeing as [ACTOR] is taking me out.
[ASSISTANT]: I guess you got what you wanted, [HACKER].
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[HACKER]: all according to plan.
--- [HACKER has left the chatroom.]
[ASSISTANT]: Happy new year.
--- [ASSISTANT has left the chatroom.]
Transcript provided by [UNKNOWN]: such an array of personalities. this organization has such a colorful cast of characters! i think they're fit for what lies ahead. don't'cha think? :3
0 notes
rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
[New Chatroom] A Sparkling Surprise.
This chatroom originally took place on April 1st, 2023.
--- [ACTOR has entered the chatroom.]
[ACTOR]: hmm... so quiet!
[ACTOR]: you people are so busy.... certainly you could spend some time to keep me company, hm?
--- [HEIR has entered the chatroom.]
[HEIR]: I'll put a bookmark in my work just for you. ^^
[HEIR]: It is really quiet today, though. I wonder why ...
[ACTOR]: [HEIR]! oh darling it's so lovely seeing you ^^
[ACTOR]: I wonder if it's because of the holidays... so much to do this time of the year
[HEIR]: That's true too ... I guess spring around this time does get quite hectic.
[ACTOR]: Any big plans✨ or just the same old same old?
[HEIR]: Nothing that I'm aware of ... I'm only looking forward to Easter because of a close friend, but that's really it. I'd love to plan something more worthwhile though ... Lately, I've only ever around after work. T T
[HEIR]: What about you? Do you have anything coming up? :0
[ACTOR]: ohhh just the usual! Well- aside from all the seasonal stuff! It's fun being able to be on the opposite end of the runway this time of year for sure...
[ACTOR]: I know I'm one to insist but I'd love to have you model some of my clothes sometime! ^_^ You'd look dashing in anything
[HEIR]: I've never done anything like that before .. but I appreciate the offer!
[HEIR]: Perhaps one day, I can.
[ACTOR]: Lovely
--- [ASSISTANT has entered the chatroom.]
[ASSISTANT]: Notifications.
[ACTOR]: 😅
[HEIR]: We apologize ...
[HEIR]: But it's simply too quiet!! :(
--- [GAMER has entered the chatroom.]
[GAMER]: omg!!!.. u have a good point!
[GAMER]: it is kinda quiet... not anymore though ^^!
[HEIR]: Not anymore indeed!! >:) Hello, [GAMER].
[ASSISTANT]: It's fine, I suppose.
[ACTOR]: aw... come on [ASSISTANT] cheer up where's the pep in your step darling?
[ACTOR]: And yes! hello [GAMER]
[GAMER]: :]! helloo..
[GAMER]: u should totally cheer up !
[GAMER]: it's the first of the month!! new month new u..?!
[ACTOR]: I quite like that motto
[ASSISTANT]: It's nothing special, really. But fine, I will refrain from being annoyed. I just find it to be unprofessional for my phone to be buzzing while at work.
[ACTOR]: ... you're still at work?
[ASSISTANT]: No, but I'm doing work at home and it's the principle that matters.
[HEIR]: So productive!
[HEIR]: But I fear the stress ...
[HEIR]: .. If you insist.
[ACTOR]: work, shmerk, I get a little tired hearing about it...
[ACTOR]: so happy to see you all in one place again
[ACTOR]: at least... almost all of us
[GAMER]: awwww...
[HEIR]: It is fun to see most of us here together. I miss this kind of thing...
[ACTOR]: I miss the days we would put on those parties...
[HEIR]: I MISS THOSE DAYS TOO!!! They were so much fun ..
[HEIR]: We need to get out heads back in the game!! We mustn't stall any longer!!! One of these days will be the right day. I know it. I am ... confident.
[HEIR]: .. ^^;
[GAMER]: this is so!! nostalgic!! omg..:]
[ACTOR]: it certainly is... just like the good old days now isn't it?
[ASSISTANT]: You all are in quite the reminiscing mood.
[ASSISTANT]: But... I suppose that this isn't too bad. I've only hear stories of the parties you used to throw, and I would like to see what you all can do one day.
[ASSISTANT]: With my help, of course.
[HEIR]: Of course ..
[GAMER]: YEAH!!! ofc ..<3
[GAMER]: i think reminising is nice sometimes. its always fun aswell^^!
[ACTOR]: I am hopeful of the future call it wishful of me, but I can feel it in my bones. There will be another party I swear by it
[HEIR]: Well if that's wishful, then I'll be wishful with you!!
[ASSISTANT]: Ah. Speaking of.
[ASSISTANT]: It seems I have received a... few strange emails.
[ACTOR]: hm?
[HEIR]: ?!
[HEIR]: Strange emails?
[GAMER]: whatt?? do u have any idea who it's from?
[ASSISTANT]: Perhaps I am being a bit jumpy, but it's almost as if they're applications.
[ASSISTANT]: Applications to join the RFA.
[ASSISTANT]: Which I do not remember sending out.
[HEIR]: We haven't hosted a party in a year, who's sending out applications now? Did any of you guys call for volunteers?
[ACTOR]: i haven't no...
[GAMER]: ?!! not that I remember ;;;..
[ASSISTANT]: None of them are from anyone I'm familiar with either.
[ASSISTANT]: We've gotten 6 so far. Which is... very strange.
[ASSISTANT]: Nothing in common from what I see either, at least, what I can find googling their names.
[ACTOR]: ,,, maybe it's a prank 😅 April fools?
[HEIR]: If that's the case, what a cruel prank that is...
[ASSISTANT]: I doubt it, this has been over the past week, not just today.
[GAMER]: maybe..!? what if we like... got hacked....;;
[GAMER]: that'd be a super planned out prank..
[ASSISTANT]: Hacked? Don't we have measures for that?
[GAMER]: YEA!! thats why it'd be crazy if it happened..
[HEIR]: This is so weird.
[ACTOR]: I hope it's just... nothing
[ACTOR]: it's so very strange
[ASSISTANT]: Indeed.
--- [HACKER has entered the chatroom.]
[ACTOR]: oh my- is everything alright?!
[HEIR]: ??!
[ACTOR]: dear heavens...
[HEIR]: What are you on about???
[HACKER]: imagine !!!
[HACKER]: no wait i need to properly conceptualize my experience
>be me
>its a hot day and i want to browse the tube !!
>i got for a good old reliable, dr. pepper
[HACKER]: i know one of you recognizes that story now...
[ACTOR]: ...buzzing????
[ACTOR]: isn't that just the carbonation..?
[ASSISTANT]: How dramatic.
[GAMER]: how many fingers am i holding up
[HACKER]: seventeen
[HACKER]: anyways did you do it
[GAMER]: oh my god....
[GAMER]: :dove:
[HACKER]: please avenge me..,..,.
[HEIR]: Pardon me for laughing but ... that sounds really silly, [HACKER], I can't help but giggle.
[ACTOR]: This is a bit entertaining^^ you always manage to make me laugh [HACKER]
[HACKER]: i know it's april fools and all... but this is a new low for even me
[ASSISTANT]: Who's not to say you're pranking us right now?
[GAMER]: it's ok [HACKER].. it's ok. im here....
[HEIR]: Gasp ...
[HEIR]: The plot thickens
[GAMER]: no :(
[GAMER]: pls do not
[HACKER]: thank you, [GAMER]... at least someone understands ...
[GAMER]: i do ....
[HACKER]: i still continue to struggle to understand how anyone could ever enjoy sparkling water
[HACKER]: what is there to like about it !!! its the antithesis of everything fun and cool and good
[HACKER]: it looks like water .... but it HURTS
[ACTOR]: sure, why not^^ send the receipts if you wish I'm a little curious
[ACTOR]: wouldn't you have noticed your dr pepper was in fact not that?
[HACKER]: i don't know !!!! it was in the regular can and everything
[HACKER]: the lovely logo was there as always to greet me
[ACTOR]: oh my.... this all sounds so elaborate...
[GAMER]: that's a lot of effort to prank u... seems personal... ;;
[HACKER]: that's why i KNEW it had to be one of you !!
[HACKER]: only someone who knew my deepest weakness could hoodwink me so well
[ACTOR]: what a silly case of who dunnit....
[GAMER]: bamboozle
[HEIR]: Sounds like dedication, really
[ASSISTANT]: And a lot of free time, which I don't have.
[HACKER]: evil genius and pure diabolicaness !!!
[GAMER]: i could never be that evil.. wasn't me :broken_heart:
[HACKER]: who could ever have it out for poor me...
[ACTOR]: I don't really have much of an alibi outside of me just knowing I did not do it
[ACTOR]: I guess my innocence comes down to trust
[HEIR]: Yeah.. I didn't do it either :(
[HACKER]: i trust you, [ACTOR]
[HACKER]: the others, not so much...
[ACTOR]: :adore: how sweet, [HACKER]
[HEIR]: You don't trust me ?!
[GAMER]: omg
[GAMER]: this is getting intense...
[HEIR]: I'm wounded ... T T
[HACKER]: forgive me [HEIR], but you're like the peak stereotype of a sparkling water enjoyer
[GAMER]: am i not trustworthy!! i comforted you during this hard time... </3..
[HACKER]: filled with what, you might ask?
[ASSISTANT]: Not to point fingers but anyone who aims to appear more innocent would instantly comfort the victim, especially if they were the culprit.
[HEIR]: For the record, my fancy glasses are typically filled with RED WINE. AND!!! EVEN IF I WAS A SPARKLING WATER ENJOYER (Which I am not.) ... What could have possibly possessed me to have even an ounce of dedication to impose such a prank on you?!
[HACKER]: joyous whimsy
[HEIR]: I'm wrongfully accused. :crycry:
[GAMER]: oh my god ive set myself up...
[GAMER]: it's just us , [HEIR]
[GAMER]: watch my back ill watch yours...
[ACTOR]: how intense!
[HEIR]: nuh uh ... I think [ASSISTANT] has a point ... You're more suspicious than me!!!
[HACKER]: be honest with me
[HACKER]: .... did you do it ?
[GAMER]: i wouldn't dream of it :(:(
[ASSISTANT]: You people and your theatrics...
[ACTOR]: it's almost like a soap opera...
[ACTOR]: hm...
[ACTOR]: oh i hate choosing between friends >.<
[HACKER]: one of these people ISN'T a friend
[ACTOR]: :hehe:
[HACKER]: i was never good at mystery games ...
[ACTOR]: nor was I!
[ACTOR]: does this make me the watson to your sherlock?
[HACKER]: it's merely elementary ...
[ASSISTANT]: And juvenile. You all have a very funny way of going about this.
[HEIR]: :rose_giggle:
[HACKER]: don't you see how life or death this matter is ???
[GAMER]: :broken_heart:
[ACTOR]: come on now [ASSISTANT]... this situation is very dire...
[ASSISTANT]: :raised_eyebrow:
[HACKER]: don't you care about the security of the RFA !!! if there's a rogue prankster in our midst theres no telling what else might happen !!
[ASSISTANT]: :jaeheesigh:
[ACTOR]: i think.... the culprit should confess... and if they do we will forgive them <3
[HEIR]: Well, it wasn't me. That's for sure.
[HACKER]: i won't.
[ACTOR]: then who WAS it??!
[HEIR]: What a cliffhanger ...
[HEIR]: Perhaps, we will never know. :(
[ACTOR]: ... :SCsorry:
[GAMER]: omg...
[HACKER]: i guess a prankster can never reveal their ways :"
[ASSISTANT]: Certainly. That would spoil his fun.
[HACKER]: yeah .... that IS true ...
[ACTOR]: ...
[HEIR]: Hm
[ACTOR]: [ASSISTANT] darling, that is a funny choice of pronouns ^^
[ASSISTANT]: I know.
[GAMER]: ....omg........
[ACTOR]: is there... something you want to tell us?
[ASSISTANT]: Oh, I suppose.
[ASSISTANT]: Sparkling water isn't that bad.
[HACKER]: ………. … .. .. .
[HEIR]: No. Way.
[HEIR]: NO WAY?????
[ASSISTANT]: What it is is spending several hours replacing the doctor pepper.
[ASSISTANT]: April Fools.
[ACTOR]: Oh my :hehe:
[HEIR]: That is a plot twist
[ASSISTANT]: You have been, as they say, played.
[HACKER]: i guess you really do learn from the best !!! :3
[ASSISTANT]: Yes, let's say that.
[HACKER]: i’m dropping off Kirby at your house btw
[HACKER]: and he's not leaving
[HACKER]: :3
[ASSISTANT]: If you insist.
[HACKER]: enjoy litter box duty, funny guy
[HACKER]: gotta go wash out my mouth, peace !!
-- [HACKER has left the chatroom.]
[HEIR]: :rose_giggle:
[ACTOR]: :adore:
[HEIR]: That was a good laugh :cmere:
[GAMER]: im still processing it... omg...
[ASSISTANT]: I am glad it was enjoyed by all. I spent very long on it. :)
[HEIR]: I would have never expected such a prank from you, [ASSISTANT]
[HEIR]: I applaud you ...
[GAMER]: TOTALLY!!! kudos<3
[ASSISTANT]: I thought it would be nice to step out of my comfort zone as many suggest.
[ACTOR]: Yes yes!!! :UWAH: this was done so well... the commitment...
[ASSISTANT]: I do have to go now, however. I still have work to make up after spending so much time replacing soda.
[ASSISTANT]: Thank you all for your time.
-- [ASSISTANT has left the chatroom.]
[ACTOR]: bye bye :adore:!
[HEIR]: Bye!!!
-- [HACKER has entered the chatroom.]
[HACKER]: im really impressed
[GAMER]: fool u twelve times...
[HEIR]: Fool you twelve times ..
[HEIR]: :rose_giggle:
[HACKER]: no way im throwing the rest of these out
[HACKER]: no... wait...
[HACKER]: that was 10 dollars
[ACTOR]: welll... maybe drop them off with Kirby? he did say he didn't mind it :hehe:
[HACKER]: maybe if i just close my eyes... and pretend ....?
[GAMER]: robbery..
[ACTOR]: no... don't do it !!!
[HACKER]: perhaps i will give him the rest
[GAMER]: im so sorry for ur loss.....
[HACKER]: he's probably the only one of us that could make use of them
[HACKER]: thank you ....
[HACKER]: he'll pay dearly one day
[GAMER]: i believe in u ..
[GAMER]: ive gotta like totally process this...
[GAMER]: ill see u guys around though!!^^
-- [GAMER] left the chatroom.
[ACTOR]: Goodbye!! :UWAH:
[ACTOR]: perhaps we can plan something in the future...
[HACKER]: seeya [GAMER] !!!
[HACKER]: you think we can give it another try ??
[HEIR]: I think so. I kind of ,, hope so.
[HACKER]: ... :)
[HACKER]: i'd like that
[HEIR]: ^^
[HACKER]: . crap boss is calling
[HACKER]: see you guys around !! :3
-- [HACKER has left the chatroom.]
[HEIR]: Seeya !!!
[ACTOR]: bye... :cmere:
[ACTOR]: I suppose you'll be off too, then?
[HEIR]: Yeah ... it's getting late.
[HEIR]: I'm still so nervous though. :nervy:
[ACTOR]: Over the applications?
[HEIR]: Yes...
[ACTOR]: me too...
[HEIR]: Getting applications is so lovely and my optimistic side wants to see it as a sign to get things going but it's also so bizarre and weirdly timed.
[HEIR]: And peculiar in general
[ACTOR]: It's not like we'd be looking for people either...
[HEIR]: Right ...
[ACTOR]: Hm...
[ACTOR]: I just hope [ASSISTANT] will be able to handle it.
[HEIR]: I'm sure he will. He's capable!! And generally great! >:0
[HEIR]: I might ask him to forward them to me ... I'm curious.
[HEIR]: But I also want to keep all hopes up! Good energy! Positivity! So if we do end up hosting a party again, it will be smooth. :adore:
[ACTOR]: fingers crossed for all good things then!!
[HEIR]: Crossing my fingers as we speak!!!
[HEIR]: Goodnight, [ACTOR] ^^
-- [HEIR has left the chatroom.]
[ACTOR]: And good to you as well^^
-- [ACTOR has left the chatroom.]
Transcript provided by [UNKNOWN]. rika's funding association (or the "rfa" for short) is a private, non-profit organization whose primary objective is to make the world a safer and kinder place for everyone. they will pay for what they did to me. can you hear me?
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rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
Welcome To The RFA!
"Finally connected. I'm sure you're surprised." "It's not everyday you get a text from a stranger."
Welcome to Rika's Funding Association, otherwise known as the RFA. Upon being randomly added to a group chat alongside 21 other strangers, you and the group are tasked with helping the RFA plan a party by inviting various guests.
Once the party goes astray, you all find yourself locked within the confides of the banquet hall, many questions begin to arise. Who's 'Unknown'? What happened to the other members? And most pressing of all:
Why do you have to kill each other to escape? ┈ㆍ✉ㆍ┈
Mysterious Messenger is a 15+ user-interactive killing game roleplay heavily inspired by the 2016 otome “Mystic Messenger.” Follow 22 RFA volunteers as they charge through chat logs, calls, and chapel after being abruptly tasked to aid in reviving Rika’s Funding Association after a year of grief and radio silence. All the while, players are able to get to know 6 solemn souls and unlock the legacy of the person who founded this organization long ago.
The game will offer:
Half body art for all accepted players
Varying in game perks depending on host route
In game currency system
Spectator NPC involvement
Flexible Power Roles
BDA && Killer reveal art
Two week chapter system
In game lore for players to explore
[Warning: MysMes deals with the following topics: RELIGION, CULTS, GORE, AND DEREALIZATION]
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✦ Welcome to Mysterious Messenger. A 15+, user-interactive killing game roleplay inspired by the 2016 otome "Mystic Messenger"! The game will be hosted on Discord, so make sure to join our server to submit in an application! Applications are due on May 20th.
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rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
Meet the Mods ! [4/4]
Erosi | 16 (soon to be 17) | They/He/Rad
HAIII!!! Welcome to the Mysterious Messenger blog and welcome to the game! When I first pitched this idea to a small group of friends, I thought it might've been a little too crazy or odd!! But since then, it's been a ride and a pleasure to develop this game into what it is now! I would've never expected to reach this point with my friends!! ^_^ WAHOOO It's crazy being able to see what was an "Upcoming Project" finally be not so out of reach. It's literally in our palms bro!!!
Though I've been partaking in KGRPs since 2020 and participated in competitive KGRP a year following, my experiencing in hosting competitive games is still fairly new. Taking what I know from hosting and co-hosting two competitive games, (and participating/spectating many others,) I've gotten a grip on how to make things smooth sailing and I'm happy to embark on this adventure with you! :D
As one of your head mods, I'll be working more behind the scenes until the actual game begins! Once the game begins you'll be seeing more of me guiding the game around. :3 That doesn't mean I'm not open to questions during the application period, though! Feel free to shoot me a DM anytime!! Enjoy Mysterious Messenger. <3
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rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
Meet The Mods ! [3/4]
Vynix | 15 ( soon to be 16 ?!! ) | She/Him
!! HII!! It's so amazing to see everyone here^^! I'm so insanely excited for this game, and I hope you are too! It's been so awesome to participate in helping the game grow, and I'm so ready to take a part in sharing it, too!
I'm pretty recent to more competitive based KGS — but in general I've been following the flow for about 2 or so years! And I'm so glad I'm apart of this!!!
I'm here for any questions that need to be asked, so feel free to shoot me a DM whenever. (i bite …../j…)
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rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
Meet The Mods ! [2/4]
Obby | 17 (soon to be 18!) | She/they/any
Hi hi hellooo! Welcome to the RFA and hope you enjoy the experience we’ve got in store for you!
Whether you’ve played Mystic Messenger, have no idea what is mystic and who is messaging, or gave up after you got the bad ending before even starting your favorite character’s route (totally vague and nonspecific), I hope that everyone can find enjoyment in this silly little project!
It’s been so fun to work on lore and ideas with the rest of the gang, and I’m so excited to see this get brought to life! You’ll mainly see me talking and joking around in the server, as well as working behind the scenes to make this the best experience possible.
With all that out of the way, have fun and don’t forget to check your messages… :>
0 notes
rikasfundingassociates · 2 years ago
Meet The Mods ! [1/4]
Azzy | 18 | Any/all
Hi there! So very awesome to have you all here! This started out as a random idea the group of us had a few months back, and it's super awesome to see how things have grown since then.
I've been around in the KGRP community for three years now, and have hosted a game myself last year. Taking that experience, I hope to make this game an enjoyable experience for all those involved!
As one of your head mods, I will be around to help answer questions that you may have, as well as just monitoring the server. Feel free to message me at your leisure, I promise I'm friendly! :]
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