#jennifer jareau x daughter
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jenniferjareauwife · 1 day ago
Double Lines
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pairing: jennifer jareau x daughter reader
category: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: teen pregnancy
word count: 603
age: 16
summary: you get pregnant on accident and tell your mom
Two lines. This was going to be the end of me. She would kick me out, surely. And there was no way I could hide it, how do you hide a giant baby bump from your mother?
"Y/n I'm home!"
"Fuck." I cursed and threw the test into the toilet. I thought I at least had another three hours. Guess she got off early.
"Yeah mom I'm coming." I buried the test under a bunch of random shit in the trash can before washing my hands and practically running down the stairs.
"How was school?" She leaned against the marble countertop, looking at me with a smile.
"It was alright?" It came out as a question. "Got an essay due a midnight. Need to work on that...a lot." I laughed nervously.
"Want some coffee?"
"Sure! Actually no." I furrowed my brows. Was I allowed to?
"Is everything ok?" She started making some coffee for herself.
"Yup." She raised her brows and let out a soft laugh. "Okay...just dealing with a bit of anxiety right now." That was part of the truth.
"About what?" I hesitated for a second too long. "Ok talk to me." She was leaning against the counter again, her arms crossed. My heart hammered against my chest.
"It's not...important." That was a fucking lie.
"Honey I think you forget I can always tell when you're lying." I looked down at the ground, not being able to meet her eyes.
"Can you promise not to hate me?" My voice cracked a bit and I mentally scolded myself.
"Y/n...I could never hate you." Her voice softened tenfold and a few seconds later I felt her soft hand on my back. "You're my daughter, I could never hate you. What's going on?" I couldn't get myself to face her.
"Just um...look in the trashcan of my bathroom."
"Sweetheart just tell me what's going on. I'd rather hear it from you instead of whatever's in your bathroom trashcan."
I took a beat, feeling my heart stop. "I'm pregnant."
She didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Honey can you look at me?" I turned around to face her slowly, my heart feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest. "I'm not mad. It's important to me that you know that I'm not mad." I nodded.
"What do I...do?"
"That's not for me to decide honey. I can help you in making your decision but I can't be the only to actually make it for you."
"We used protection and everything I just don't understand how this happened." I sob shook my body and my mom pulled me in for a hug, her hand on the back of my head while she pulled me against her chest.
"Sometimes we try everything we can and that still doesn't work and that's ok. Have you told your boyfriend?" I shook my head while sniffling quietly.
"Not yet. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do in this situation." I let out an awkward laugh.
"That's okay honey, no one really knows. But I want you to know that I'm here for you. And if you want more support from Em or Garcia, they're gonna be here for you too. They love you so much and just wanna see you be happy." I teared up at that. "Whatever happens, it's going to be okay. I promise you, ok?" She waited for a nod and when I gave her one she kissed the top of my head. "I love you honey."
"I love you too mom."
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veeluvss · 3 months ago
Through the Seasons
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In which Elle and JJ are married and have a daughter and spend Summer vacation, Halloween, Christmas and Easter together. (really fluffy)
word count: 5k
tags: fluff, jelle, wlw, bisexual, lesbian, summer vacation, holiday, bali, swimming with dolphins halloween, autumn, fall, candy, dressing up, christmas, winter, snow, snowman, hot chocolate, presents, easter, spring, easter bunny, chocolate eggs, easter egg hunt, cookies, baking, flirting, marriage, criminal minds, fbi, lesbian elle greenaway, bisexual jennifer jareau, love, parenting, mom elle greenaway, mom jennifer jareau, fluff.
notes: will be posting on ao3 I hope you enjoy!
Elle laid back on the sand with her sunglasses covering her eyes. She propped herself up on her elbows when she heard a little screech and a giggle knowing exactly who it came from. She lifted her sunglasses to get a better view of the scene in front of her.
Down by the ocean blue sea her wife and daughter were building sandcastles. She had met Jennifer Jareau through work almost four years ago when her daughter was just 5 months old and in her opinion, she couldn’t have found a better person to raise her child with.
JJ had treated Lyra as if she was her own right from the start.
The two of them had only taken Lyra on two vacations abroad and on both occasions, JJ would insist on Elle relaxing in the sun while she entertained the young girl.
She watched as JJ pulled Lyra onto her lap hugging her tightly as Lyra’s damp brunette curls stuck to the blonde’s skin. She loved them both so much.
Elle rested her sunglasses on top of her head before getting up and going over to her family, “What are my babies building?”
“Mommy! Mama and me build castles!” Lyra looked up at her with her big brown eyes.
“It looks really good baby,” Elle said looking at JJ with a smile that the blonde woman could read as her heart melting over her daughter.
Lyra climbed from JJ’s lap and reached her hands up to Elle making a grabbing motion indicating she wanted to be picked up.
Elle immediately lifted her up resting her on her hip, “I love you my princess you’re so adorable aren’t you?” she kissed the tip of her nose making her giggle.
“I wanna swim in the pool at the hotel,” Lyra pouted blinking her long eyelashes at her mommy.
“You need more sunscreen before we do anything, baby,” Elle looked at JJ, “And so do you my love you’re going pink.”
JJ groaned, “Why do you always pick such hot places we aren’t all blessed with golden skin.”
“Well I love you the way you are,” Elle kissed her cheek once she was standing.
Lyra started to whine with a frown on her face.
“What’s wrong Ly?” Elle twirled her finger in her daughter’s hair.
“Who’s gonna look after my sandcastles when we go back?” Her eyes were wet like she was about to cry.
“The mermaid will look after these ones and you can build new ones when we come back,” Elle told her.
Lyra’s small hands gripped onto a piece of Elle’s hair, the little girl was very clingy with her and JJ she never wanted them to not be with her, “But I made them they mine.”
“I took a picture sweetheart,” JJ rubbed Lyra’s back.
A young woman sat not too far away and listened to some of their conversation smiling before deciding to speak up, “Would you like me to watch your sand castles for you?”
Both Elle and JJ turned to see the woman talking and Lyra nodded her head, “Yes please!”
The woman smiled, “No problem.”
“What do you say, honey?” JJ prompted.
“Thank you,” Lyra smiled widely, her dimples showing. They were one of JJ’s favourite things, they were exactly like Elle’s.
“It’s no problem, you’re a beautiful family. You and your mommy are similar,” The woman complimented.
“Thank you so much,” Elle smiled.
“You’re welcome, I hope I have kids as cute as her one day.”
“Do you wanna be friends?” Lyra asked wriggling in her mom’s arms to be put down.
The woman laughed, “Of course!”
Elle let Lyra down and the small girl ran the small distance towards the raven-haired woman, “My name is Lyra!”
“My name is Emily,” She shook the girl’s hand.
“I’m Jennifer and that’s my wife, Elle,” JJ smiled as she laced her fingers with Elle’s.
“Who you come with Emily?” Lyra asked.
“I came here with a friend of mine and my girlfriend they both stayed by the pool at the resort though.”
“You come back with us,” Lyra turned to Elle, “We can make more friends Mommy.”
“Who will look after your sandcastles though? Emily asked.
“The mermaids! They have pretty wavy pink hair and magic tails!”
“Okay if you’re sure I’ll come back with you,” Emily laughed.
“Can you carry me?” Lyra gave her puppy dog eyes.
“No Ly,” Elle shook her head, “If you want to be carried Mama or I will carry you.”
“Fineeee,” She pouts, stomping her feet a little.
“Lyra none of that or we won’t be able to go to the play area later,” JJ said.
“Okay, mama I do as I told.”
Elle helped Lyra up onto JJ’s back for a piggyback ride.
“How did you guys meet?” Emily asked Elle once they began walking back to the hotel.
“At work, I was working with the sex crimes unit of the FBI before I had Lyra and while I was off there was an opening in the department where JJ was working, she’s a media liaison and that’s where we met when I got the job there, Lyra was 5 months old,” Elle told her smiling the entire time.
“Oh, it’s like fate you got the job then. I’ve actually been working for Interpol, some of my friends work for the FBI,” Emily replied.
“Oh wow, that’s… Small world huh but also an awesome job, what about your girlfriend?”
“She's a cardiologist.”
“Wow, that must be stressful.”
“Mommy! Are we still swimming with dolphins tomorrow?” Lyra interrupted because she felt left out of the conversation.
“Yes baby,” Elle laughs.
“I’m guessing she’s your only child?” Emily says.
“Mhm, we want more but Lyra is enough for us now honestly I couldn’t even imagine trying to share my love for her with another child, she’s my entire world,” Elle gushed as she watched her daughter pulling on her wife’s hair.
“It would be easy once you had more than one but I can see what you mean she’s perfect.”
“Oh, she really is I couldn’t imagine her being any other way.”
“There’s my friend and my girlfriend,” Emily pointed to the other side of the pool where a blonde girl was sitting with someone who looked familiar to Elle.
“Isn’t that Derek?” JJ asked pointing to where Emily had just pointed.
“Uncle Derek?!” Lyra shouted pretty loudly.
“Wow this really is a small world,” Emily laughed.
“Hi pumpkin, What are you doing here?” Derek asked Lyra taking her off JJ’s back.
“Mommy’s took me on holiday!” The girl squealed at the end of her sentence, “I build castles in the sand.”
“Wow did you? You’re so clever,” Derek sat on the sun lounge with her.
“Will you come swimming with me and Mommy, Mama does not want to come in now and someone needs to look after Mommy in case she is not able to swim,” Lyra asked.
“Baby, I know how to swim,” Elle laughed.
“Just in case I said.”
“Yeah I’ll come in with you why don’t you Mommy and Mama stay here we can handle the pool can’t we?” Derek said tickling her.
“Stop!” she giggled loudly, “Yeah we be fine on our own.”
“You don’t have to Derek,” Elle said.
“Are you kidding I want to hang out with my favourite girl you guys relax.”
“I would kiss you right now if,” JJ started before earning a glare from Elle, “… If you were my wife.”
Derek laughed, “Get acquainted with Em and Marissa, we won’t be in there too long and we will stay at the end closest to here.”
Elle nodded, “Okay thank you, If you ever want her for a sleepover let us know,” She winked.
“Sorry, a three-year-old crying all night isn’t exactly a chick magnet.”
“Worth a try to get some alone time with my wife,” Elle shrugged.
JJ rolled her eyes at Elle asking Derek to take their daughter for the night, “You’ll just have to wait until we are home.”
The next morning Lyra woke her moms by trying to wiggle her way into the middle of them in bed despite the fact there was barely a gap due to how they were cuddling.
JJ was the first to wake up and realise, “Hi honey.”
“Hi Mama, let me in,” Lyra gave her puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, but it’s only 6 am so you need to be super quiet and let Mommy sleep,” JJ helped her into the middle.
Lyra touched her mom’s face lightly, “Mommy is really pretty,” she whispered.
“She is, isn’t she?” JJ said stroking Lyra’s hair.
“Do you think I’m pretty because Mommy made meee?”
“I think you’re gorgeous honey but try to sleep for a little longer so you have lots of energy for the dolphins,” JJ placed a kiss on the little girl's head.
Elle woke up first the next time as she could feel little feet kicking around, the clock said 8:30 am. Deciding that was a good time to get up she quietly climbed out of bed and went to the small kitchenette in their room to make a cup of coffee.
Once it was ready she stood in the doorway of the bedroom sipping on it while she watched her wife and daughter sleeping but JJ quickly felt her stare which awakened her from her slumber.
“What are you doing? You’re so creepy,” JJ groaned sleepily.
“It’s not creepy you’re my wife and she’s my daughter I love you both, do you want some coffee?” Elle said approaching her with her lips pouted ready for a kiss.
“Yes please my love,” JJ said before kissing her lips.
Elle and JJ held hands while Lyra skipped in front of them on the way to the dolphin pool, the small girl had already asked her mom's countless questions that neither of them really had the answer to.
Lyra abruptly stopped in front of them, “Wait! What do they eat?”
“Fish probably sweetheart,” Elle answered.
“Oh… Okay!” She continued skipping.
“She’s so strange sometimes,” Elle whispered to JJ.
“Hm she gets it from you you’re a little weird sometimes,” JJ kissed her cheek.
Lyra gasped seeing the dolphins swimming in the pool, “Can you believe we are really swimming with dolphins?!”
“Honestly… not really that thought actually makes me feel rather sick,” JJ answered.
“Honey you don’t have to, she and I can just do it together, you can watch?”
“Oh yeah, I want pictures Mama!” Lyra whined.
“Well I guess it’s decided then, but you have to be a good girl and listen to Mommy I know you don’t like it but she’s just trying to keep you safe okay?” JJ told the girl.
“Got it!” Lyra said pulling off her pink Hello Kitty tank top and blue hibiscus print skirt to reveal her bathing suit covered in flowers, “Armbands please.”
JJ took the armbands from the bag while Elle slipped her cream crochet dress off to reveal her low cut halter neck black swimsuit, “You’re wearing that?” JJ's eyes widened.
“What’s wrong with it?” Elle said looking down.
“You look beautiful but honey it’s a bit revealing, and you’re swimming with dolphins your boob could easily pop out of the side of that they barely fit in there as it is.”
“I don’t know why you’re complaining you love them and you loved this swimsuit on our honeymoon,” Elle smirked.
“You weren’t in a pool swimming with dolphins, children and other children’s parents on our honeymoon,” JJ raised an eyebrow.
“Oh come on it’s fine,” Elle dragged out the ‘e’ before taking Lyra’s hand, “Come on baby let’s go.”
Elle and Lyra spent an hour swimming with the dolphins while JJ took way too many pictures but she wanted to take as many as possible to put in a scrapbook to show Lyra when she was older.
Lyra dramatically dropped her marker pens on her colouring table with a loud sigh.
“What's wrong princess?” Elle asked from the sofa.
“It’s Halloween I need to get trick or treating!”
“It’s only 3 pm we are going as soon as Mama is home from work,” Elle said getting up and standing behind Lyra stroking her wavy hair.
“I hate waiting can I get dressed now!” Lyra kicked her legs around.
“I suppose but Mama wanted to see you.”
“Film it and we can go visit her at work when I am ready,” Lyra giggled getting up from the pink plastic chair.
“Well I’ll have to check with Mama first, baby,” Elle took out her phone and texted JJ.
Elle: hey honey, any confirmation on the time you’re going to be home?
JJ: Not yet, we aren’t too busy though so 6:30?
Elle: Ly wants to get in her costume now and come to the bureau
JJ: Aww Spence would love to see her dressed up as would I of course.
Elle: So that’s fine with you?
JJ: Depends are you dressing up too?
Elle: I will put the witch hat on for you
JJ: And the black dress please, you look gorgeous.
Elle: I’ll consider it.
JJ: 😏 I can’t wait to see you, and our little monster.
Elle followed Lyra into her bedroom, “Mama said that’s fine, do you know where your costume is?”
Lyra nodded and pointed at the closet.
“And the pink boots?”
“Ummm, in your shoe room maybe, I played dress up in there.”
“Okay see if you can find them love,” Elle said opening the closet to find the Monsters Inc. costume.
Elle helped Lyra into her costume, she looked adorable. After a few pictures she put on the long black tight-fitting velvet dress with her witch hat, “How does Mommy look?” she asked finishing putting on her deep wine-red lipstick.
Lyra gasped, “So pretty, Mama is gonna love it.”
Elle and Lyra walked out of the elevator hand in hand. JJ was already waiting by the glass door for them. When she saw them she pushed the door open.
“Mama, Am I cute?” Lyra asked, letting go of Elle’s hand and running to JJ.
JJ picked her up and kissed her nose, “The cutest monster I’ve ever seen.”
“What about Mommy, she cute too?” Lyra pointed at Elle.
“Oh your Mommy is the most beautiful,” JJ told her putting her down and taking Elle’s hand.
“Lyra! Don’t you look adorable wow,” Spencer said from his desk.
“I’m Sully!” Lyra said running towards him.
“I can see that, I’m a huge Monsters Inc. fan.”
“Really? It’s my favouriteeee.”
Across the room, Elle had taken her hat off her head placing it on JJ.
“You look sexy,” JJ smirked and placed a hand on Elle’s ass while they were in each other’s arms.
“You look sexy,” Elle said looking down at JJ’s tight shirt that she was sure was hers before kissing her.
“Ew gross!” Lyra shouted from Spencer’s arms.
The two women pulled back and made their way over to their daughter and Spencer.
“Honey you need to be quiet people are working,” Elle told her.
“When trick or treat? It's already 5 pm Spencer said,” Lyra pouted.
“How about we go now?” JJ said.
“Yeah! Now now now,” Lyra wriggled in Spencer’s arms.
“Okay let me go get my things,” JJ said before leaving them.
Lyra ran up to the first house on their street with Elle and JJ not far behind. She had a pumpkin-shaped basket in her small hand as she used the other hand to knock on the door.
“Trick or TREAT!” Lyra said yelling ‘treat’ rather loudly clearly showing her intentions of why she was at the house earning a laugh from the man and the door and the two women.
“Aren’t you a super cute monster,” he said bending down.
“Yeah candy please,” Lyra grinned.
“Honey that’s rude, you wait until you are given candy,” Elle told her.
“It’s fine,” the man laughs putting a couple of pieces of candy in Lyra’s bucket before returning to his usual height and looking at Elle, “I haven’t seen you around here.”
“We don’t live far just up the road!” Lyra answered.
“Well your Mommy is very beautiful I wouldn’t mind seeing her more often,” the man had a small smirk on his face when he was looking at Elle.
“Which one?” Lyra asked.
The man raised an eyebrow, “What one?”
“Yeah? They are both my mommies. Kiss,” Lyra ordered turning to her moms.
JJ put her arm around Elle, “We aren’t kissing honey come on go to the next house.”
“Sorry, I didn’t realise…”
“It’s fine,” Elle offered a small smile until Lyra took the lead running off to the next house.
Christmas Eve was a pretty big deal in their house, it wasn’t before Elle met JJ but ever since she had Christmas Eve was just as important as Christmas Day.
One of JJ’s favourite things about Christmas was getting to make Christmas Eve boxes for them all. She enjoyed having a day off work with Elle and going to department stores to find cute matching pyjamas for the three of them, movies they could watch together and mugs for their hot chocolates. Elle just loved to see her this happy.
The family of three sat on the sofa snuggled into each other with many pillows and blankets watching the nightmare before Christmas.
“So Mommy, Santa Claus is definitely coming tonight yeah?” Lyra asked looking up at Elle with her sparkling brown eyes.
“Yes baby, you’ll have lots and lots of presents to open,” Elle stroked her head.
“What? More than today’s box?!” Lyra gasped with a grin on her face.
“Yes you’ll have more presents than today, the Christmas Eve box is a few things I picked out for you they aren’t from Santa,” JJ explained.
“Thank you, Mama, I love us being matchy in comfy pyjamas,” Lyra cuddled into the side of her.
“I love it too princess,” JJ kissed the side of her head and smiled at Elle.
“When are you going to get married together?” Lyra asked playing with the edge of her blanket but also still focusing on the TV.
“Honey, we are married. We got married last year, you were our flower girl,” Elle told her.
“Really? When I was two?”
Elle nodded, “Yeah baby you don’t remember?”
“Not really,” Lyra pouted.
“That’s okay, me and Mommy can show you pictures sweetie,” JJ said.
“Hm kay, not now I getting sweepy and Santa Claus might be here soon,” Lyra spoke her eyes closing every couple of seconds.
“Who do you want to take you to bed?”
“Both you please,” Lyra gave both her mom’s cute wide puppy dog eyes.
“Of course sweetheart,” Elle stood from the sofa picking Lyra up. The small girl immediately threw her arms around her and clung to her like a koala.
The two women sat beside Lyra’s bed as she curled up in her princess duvet before they started their ‘goodnight routine’ which was saying I love you lots of times and big cuddles and kisses.
Once she was drifting off they turned on her night light and left the room with JJ’s arm around Elle’s waist and her hand resting on her hip.
“Excited for Christmas my love?” Elle asked after kissing JJ.
“I think it’s going to be snowing. Should we wrap the presents?”
“Probably if you want our daughter to have presents to open,” Elle laughed.
JJ looked into Elle’s eyes and placed her hands on her cheeks before leaning in a little, “I love you so much and I love it when you call her our daughter, I love spending my favourite holiday with you both,” JJ finished her mini speech with a small peck on Elles's lips.
“We both love you so much Jay even if you make us put the Christmas tree up in November,” Elle said before going to get the wrapping paper and tape.
At 6 am Lyra ran into her mom’s room and jumped onto the bed waking them up.
“It’s snowing, it’s snowing! Let's go outside!” She kept repeating until she got an answer.
“Honey, it’s only six in the morning, don’t you want to open your presents and have breakfast first?” Elle asked still with her eyes closed.
“No outside first please Mommy it’s going to melt,” the small girl pouted.
“We will go, give Mommy a couple more minutes I’m sure she’ll meet us outside with hot chocolate. Right, babe?” JJ said kissing Elle’s cheek.
“Mhm sounds like a plan, my love,” Elle curled back up in the duvet.
“That means you’ll have to get out of bed,” JJ ran her blunt fingernails up and down Elle’s back.
“Come onnnn,” Lyra whined.
“I’m coming sweetheart,” JJ slipped out of bed, “Go put your warmest coat on and don’t forget to get your hat, gloves and scarf we don’t want you getting sick.”
“Yes Mama, going,” Lyra said while running out of the room.
JJ went over to Elle’s side of the bed and kneeled next to her so they were at the same height, “You can have five minutes because you need to make the drinks and I know you won’t her out there longer than half an hour,” the blonde kissed her lips.
“Yes ma’am,” Elle mumbled.
JJ put on her warmest clothes with her coat and gloves before going to check that Lyra was ready.
The brunette girl was waiting by the door in her pink sparkly snow boots, purple hat with a Hello Kitty logo, black coat and pastel multicoloured scarf. She looked so adorable JJ had to take pictures of her.
The two had been building a snowman for 15 minutes when Elle finally appeared on the porch with 3 mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles on top.
“Oh don’t you both look adorable,” she said placing the drinks down.
“Put a coat on babe! You’re going to get ill,” JJ said looking at Elle in her dressing gown.
“I’m fine, the robe is fluffy,” She smiled sitting down and taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
“Look at my snowman Mommy,” Lyra pointed at the snowman that was around her height.
“Wow, honey did you do that yourself?”
“Uh huh Mama just helped shape him, he needs a scarf he gonna be cold,” Lyra frowned.
“He has to be cold Ly so he lives longer.”
“Oh, kayyy,” Lyra shivered, “I am cold now.”
“Do you want to go inside and open your presents,” JJ asked picking her up.
“Hmm, but I don’t want to leave Mr snow.”
“That’s okay we can look from the window.”
Lyra nodded, snuggling into JJ and closing her eyes until they reached the porch. Since it was cold out they decided to finish their hot chocolates inside.
After opening their presents, Elle and JJ helped Lyra set up her Barbie dream house she got and watched her play for most of the day. It was the perfect Christmas.
Easter wasn’t much of an important holiday to them but after hearing about it from her Nursery Lyra decided she wanted the family to go all out with taking part.
Elle had gone into the bureau early to finish up a piece of work and create a small easter egg hunt for Lyra. She knew her daughter would love doing it around their friends and she had approval from Hotch who had decided on doing the same for Jack.
Once the purple and green wrapped chocolate eggs were hidden around the office Elle texted JJ telling her that everything was set up.
Lyra and JJ arrived at the office and Elle was surprised to see Lyra was dressed up as a pink bunny.
“Oh, what’s this baby?” Elle laughed, her daughter looked adorable.
“I wanted to be a bunny! Cute?” Lyra grinned scrunching her nose.
Elle picked her up and kissed her nose, “The cutest bunny I’ve ever seen.”
“Do I get chocolate now?” Lyra asked grabbing strands of the waves in Elles's hair.
“I made you an easter egg hunt,” Elle told her.
“What that?”
“I’ve hidden eight purple eggs around the office do you think you can find them? Not the green ones you have to leave them.”
“Are they chocolate eggs?” Lyra’s eyes lit up.
“Mhm,” Elle hummed, “See if you can find them, if you can’t you can ask one of us to help you.”
Elle sat on her desk as Lyra ran off to find the eggs. JJ perched next to her, “She’s perfect.”
“I know, where did you find that bunny costume?” Elle laughed.
“In the back of the closet, I have no idea where it came from.”
Within a few minutes, Penelope appeared in front of the couple, “Lyra is wearing the easter costume I got her! Isn’t she the most perfect adorable squishy bunny in the world?!”
“Ah I should have known it was from you,” JJ laughed.
“Well duh! I’m the fun one,” Garcia motioned to herself with a little spin.
“She does look pretty cute,” Spencer said.
“We are amazing godparents!” Garcia said to him.
“Well I had no part in the costume but we sure are.”
“Spencie, can you help I can’t find some,” Lyra pouted.
“Your mommy hid them wouldn’t she be the best to ask?”
“But moms say you’re super smarttttt, You’ll know!”
Spencer blushes, “Oh well, yeah I can help, sure.”
“You should let her have a sleepover at mine, I’ll invite Spencer over she’d love it!” Penelope exclaimed.
“Sold, I want a night alone with my wife,” Elle said.
JJ rolled her eyes, “We will think about it, she’s still quite young for sleepovers.”
“They are her godparents what could go wrong?” Elle shrugged.
“Mommy I found them!” Lyra ran back with the eggs in her basket.
“Let’s count them,” JJ said.
“1…2…3,4…5,6… and 7,” Lyra said as JJ picked them out.
“You still have one more to find honey.”
“But I looked everywhere,” Lyra pouted with a little frown.
“Have you checked Mommy’s desk?” JJ asked.
“Not yet!” Lyra climbed under Elle’s desk.
“Darling please be careful you don’t hit your head,” Elle said.
“I found it!” she said climbing out from under the table and showing her moms and Penelope proudly.
“Well done baby,” Elle said in a baby voice.
Lyra giggled, “Wait! We lost Spencie.”
“Oh no, where did you leave him?” JJ asked.
“Ummm coffee machine I think,” the small brunette began to unwrap one of her chocolate eggs, “Can we go home soon? I wanna make bunny cookies.”
Elle nodded, “Yeah honey, just give me like 10 minutes okay? Jack will be here soon if you want to see him.”
“Not today. COOKIES!”
“I’ll take her to the car, you finish up,” JJ kissed Elle’s lips softly before picking Lyra up, “Come on princess.”
“No! I’m a bunny today not a princess,” Lyra whined putting her thumb in her mouth and resting her head on the blonde's shoulder.
“I think you’re a sleepy bunny,” Elle said stroking her hand down her daughter's back.
“If you wanted to be a bit longer I could take her home now. She could have a nap,” JJ asked Elle.
Elle looked at the pile of papers on her desk, “Yeah, I have my car here anyways. I’ll be about an hour.”
“Okay, I love you see you soon,” JJ leaned closer to her wife.
“I love you too,” Elle closed the gap kissing her.
“I’m home,” The brunette woman whispered but loud enough so JJ would be able to hear if she was downstairs and placed her keys on the table near the front door.
“Hi beautiful,” JJ wrapped her arms around her in the hallway.
They stayed hugging for a few moments but the conversation didn’t stop, “Is Ly still sleeping?”
“Yeah, she was so tired she fell asleep in the car on the way back.”
“Any reason why you’re so cuddly today?” Elle asked remembering how she woke up with JJ attached to her side cuddling her then as well.
“I just love you so much and I want to spend every second of every day loving you and cuddling you and kissing you,” JJ pulled back from the hug and looked into Elle’s eyes.
“I love you too Jay, more than you know. Did you get started on those cookies?”
“Kind of? Do you think she’ll be mad?”
Elle shook her head, “Doubtful she just wants to decorate them.”
“Wanna help finish making them?” JJ asked taking Elle’s hand in hers.
“Always,” Elle let her drag her into the kitchen.
Their baking was sidetracked after Elle flicked some of the flour out of the bowl that went over JJ’s clothes. At first, the younger woman was not exactly impressed nor happy but once Elle allowed her to do it back and it turned into a little food fight they were both laughing with each other which resulted in a make-out session with JJ on the kitchen counter until they heard on the baby monitor they still had that Lyra had woken up.
Elle helped JJ fix her shirt that she had started unbuttoning to get to her collarbone a few minutes ago and quickly wiped her lipstick that had smudged on both of their mouths as they heard little feet on the stairs.
Both of them were presentable by the time their daughter wandered into the kitchen with her thumb in her mouth and her blanket in her other hand.
“Did you sleep well, baby?” Elle said.
The child nodded, “Ready to do cookies.”
JJ looked at the timer on her phone, “They have five more minutes sweetheart.”
Once the timer went off and the cookies had cooled down the three of them all took a few cookies each other using small icing tubes to create patterns on easter eggs and easter bunnies.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 8 months ago
Hii! Could you write something about reader being JJ’s teenage daughter and is in a school shooting. Just for some dramatics and more hurt, she gets shot in the shoulder when she tries to help her friend who’s already shot. (Lots and lots of hurt and then comfort pretty pleeeease <3)
Hey, anon! This is my first time writing something like this, so I hope it's what you're looking for! 💖 –illdowhatiwantthanks
Fight or Flight
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Jennifer Jareau x daughter!reader Warnings: HUGE BIG WARNINGS for gun violence, school/active shooter situation, descriptions of injuries/blood, general anxiety/trauma/fear, hurt/comfort (please let me know if I've left something out!) Word count: 2.1k
Summary: You're in the cafeteria, when another student opens fire. When your friend is injured, you have to decide whether to take your mom's advice–"GET OUT"–or stay to keep your friend safe.
You didn’t know it could be so quiet and so loud at the same time. The blood pounding in your ears drowning out everything else so that each scream, each squeak of a tennis shoe against the cafeteria tile, each gunshot, is muffled.
You can’t tell who has the gun, can’t tell where the shots are coming from. The moment you heard the first shot, you were scrambling under the table, so fast, so frantic that you slammed your head on the seat going down and felt blood start to drip down past your brow bone.
You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t settle your eyes anywhere–the whole room just a blur of sound and color. Shaking, you turned to your right to squeeze further under the table and noticed your best friend, Colin, gasping beside you, blood spurting from his lower leg.
He was crying–that was all you could focus on at first. Not the blood, not the sound, not the chaos around you. It was Colin, crying.
You crawled over to him, pressing your hands against the wound and pushing down the bile that rose in your throat at how warm it was. You wanted to say something, wanted to tell him it was going to be okay, or that you were there for him, but you couldn’t manage anything at all. Couldn’t cry or scream or speak or anything. But you met his teary eyes and knew that he knew you weren’t going to leave him.
Your hands weren’t doing much to stop the blood, and the growing pool scared you. You wanted your mom and dad, you needed your mom and dad. Surely, they would have been contacted by now? Surely, the BAU was on their way? This was the kind of thing your mom would get called in for.
The sounds of the bullets grew fainter–the shooter was moving away from the cafeteria. Leaving one hand pressed against Colin’s leg and using the other to pull your phone from your back pocket, you tried to text your mom:
There’s a shooter. Colin shot in leg. So much blood. What to do? I love you
Your mom texted back immediately, and you’d never been more relieved that your go-to was to have your phone on silent for texting during class. Your mom got so mad at you for it. Wanted you to keep it in your locker. Maybe not anymore.
You sighed, blood seeping through your fingers as tears streamed down Colin’s cheeks.
No bc Colin.
He will be ok. If you can run, RUN. Local police is there. BAU on the way. 
You stared at the text, trying to ignore the pained screams of other students around you, the frantic footsteps of those trying to flee the building. It could be you. You could flee the building. But Colin couldn’t. And you couldn’t leave him, you just couldn’t. It wasn’t who you were. So even though you knew your mom would kill you later, you sent the text anyway:
No. Staying with Colin. He’s bleeding bad. What do I do?
The three dots seemed to last forever. You were sure she was going to yell at you, berate you, order you out of the building. Instead:
Take your hoodie off and wrap it around his leg. 2-3 inches above the wound. Tight as you can.
Then play dead. DO NOT MOVE until police say so. And follow their directions exactly.
You did as she said, using your body weight to pull the hoodie tight around Colin’s leg. You shoved his sleeve into his mouth when he screamed, but it was too late.
Lost in the texts, lost in taking care of Colin, you hadn’t noticed the students running back this way, the gunshots growing louder again. And all of a sudden, a searing, tearing pain shot through your shoulder, and it exploded into a bloody mess. When you saw bone, you thought you might vomit, but every other thought in your head disappeared as a pair of tattered Converse stopped in front of you and Colin. You could see the long end of the rifle trailing at his shins.
You jumped a little when he bent down to look at you, and in that moment you were sure you were going to die. And you wished you’d texted your dad, too, wondered if it would haunt him that you hadn’t. You wished you’d listened a little closer this morning when Henry told you about his latest comic book. Wished that you hadn’t been so quick to wipe the spittle from Michael’s sloppy kiss off your cheek. Wished that you hadn’t gotten on the bus this morning pissed at your mom because she wouldn’t let you go to the beach with your friends this summer. You almost wished you’d done what she said–that’d you’d run–but you’d never have been able to forgive yourself for leaving Colin.
The biggest surprise of all: you recognized the shooter’s face. It was Daniel. From band. Seventh chair trombone. Greasy hair. Pimply face. Even quieter than you. He always wore AC/DC t-shirts. You weren’t friends exactly, but you said hi to him when it was appropriate. You knew he didn’t really have any friends, tried to be nice to him, but you didn’t have much in common, didn’t know what to talk to him about.
“Ugh. Jareau,” he said, as if he was disappointed to see you. “You could’ve left, you know?”
You were shaking so bad your vision was nearly blurry, and your voice felt thick in your throat, like syrup.
“H-hey, Daniel,” you whispered, trembling.
You watched him pull a box of bullets out of his sweatshirt pocket, and open up the gun to reload it. You could run. You could run now. But if you did… well, you couldn’t leave Colin. And you could try to get the gun away from him, but he seemed too alert right now. And the fact of the matter was, Daniel was bigger and stronger than you.
“Honestly, Y/N? Kind of wish you weren’t here. You were kind of nice sometimes.”
“Y-you don’t have to do this,” you told him, inching forward a bit, trying to get close enough to the gun that you could wrest it from his grasp.
“Well, I mean, there’s not really any going back at this point, you know?” he said, clicking the gun back into place and cocking it.
You were frantic now, head spinning. “Wait!” you stuttered. “My m-mom. She’s an FBI agent. She can get you out of here. A-alive.”
You were so close. So close to being able to grab the gun. You turned slightly so that your good arm was closest to Daniel and thanked the universe it was your non-dominant arm that had been hit.
“Hmm,” Daniel said, and you could tell he was faking it. That he was being sarcastic. “Yeah, somehow, I don’t believe you.”
And it was then, as he moved to put the extra ammunition back in his pocket, when his grip would be the least firm, that you lunged forward to grab the gun. You tried your best to keep it pointed to the floor, so that if he pulled the trigger, it’d hit your lower extremities or, better yet, nothing at all. You were scared. You were so, so scared. You didn’t think you’d ever been so scared. Daniel was bigger than you. He was stronger.
But he didn’t have two law enforcement agents as parents. Parents that had put you in self-defense and martial arts classes from the time you could walk. Parents that had taught you how to handle a gun by your tenth birthday.
You kneed Daniel in the groin as hard as you could then, hands shaking, wrestled the gun out of his grip, holding it with ease–or as much ease as you could manage given the circumstances and the searing, throbbing pain in your shoulder–and turning it on Daniel.
You scrambled to your feet, chest heaving, and tried to channel your mom. What would she do? How would she make sure she didn’t lose control of the situation?
Your voice shook, even as you tried to be forceful, assured.
“Get on your knees!” you yelled, pointing the gun at him. “Put your hands behind your head!”
Daniel laughed, and it unnerved you. It scared you.
“Damn, Jareau,” he chuckled. “Didn’t see this coming.”
But you were both caught off-guard by the cafeteria doors slamming open and a flood of armed and armored officers storming through the doors. But their guns weren’t trained on Daniel. They were pointing at you.
“FBI!” they shouted. “On the ground! On the ground!”
You weren’t sure how to put your hands up without moving the gun, and you were afraid if you moved the gun, they’d shoot you. Your knees shook, and you were terrified you were going to fall down.
“Hold your fire!” And this time, your knees really did buckle. You knew that voice.
Your mom shot through the line of arm red officers, sprinting toward you and shoving her gun back into its holster.
“She’s not the shooter!” your mom yelled.
“It’s him,” you called weakly, pointing at Daniel who sat slumped next to you.
“She’s my daughter!” And this time, her voice broke. She collided with you, wrapping you so tightly in her arms, holding you up as all the tears you hadn’t been able to cry came pouring out of you. She had never felt so solid, so warm, so safe. Your mom. You wanted your mom, you needed your mom, and she was here.
“Take it,” you sobbed, shoving the gun away from you toward the other officers, who cuffed Daniel. “Please, take it.”
Your mom ripped off her bulletproof vest to hold you closer to her chest, rocking you on her lap. And she smelled like home. She smelled like the lavender shampoo that you both used, like baby food, like mom.
“I’m here, honey,” she said, pressing kisses into your head and examining your body. “I’m right here. You’re safe. You did so good.”
As paramedics moved in, you waved one down and pointed to Colin, who shook on the floor next to you. “Please!” you cried, sucking in shaky breaths. “My friend needs help!”
“You need help, too, honey,” your mom said, gently, brushing hair off your shoulder to examine the bullet wound. “You think you can stand and walk?”
You nodded, thankful for your mom’s steadiness, her strength, and she wrapped her arms around your body and heaved you to your feet. The rest of her team–your BAU family–stood at a distance, watching, and you knew you’d thank them later, that they’d hug you. Bring you food. Make sure you felt safe again. But you didn’t know how you’d ever feel safe again.
In the ambulance (they let you and your mom ride to the hospital with Colin), you leaned against your mom and she held you tight, so tight, as if she’d never let you go again.
You’d stopped crying for a bit, but the tears started streaming all over again a few minutes later.
“Hey,” your mom cooed, rubbing your good shoulder. “It’s gonna be okay.”
“I’m so sorry, Mom,” you cried, shaking.
“Oh, sweetheart.” She turned your head toward her, so that you had to look her in the eye. “Sorry for what?”
“You told me to run, and I didn’t. And–and I was mad at you this morning! I’m so sorry. I was so scared and I thought… I thought I might not get to tell you I love you.”
If you’d looked up, you would have seen your mom blink away tears. You would have seen her struggle to keep her composure, seen her face scrunch up as she pressed her lips to the top of your head.
“Y/N,” she said. “You don’t need to be sorry. Honey, I’m so proud of you. What you did today? Baby, that was brave. You were so, so brave. You saved Colin’s life. I never thought I could be angry and proud at the same time, but here we are.”
You both laughed a little and sniffed.
“I love you, Mom,” you whispered, burying your face in her.
She pulled you even closer into her, wrapping you in her arms, and you knew that no matter what–no matter what happened, no matter how scary things got–she would keep you safe. She would never let you go again.
“I love you too, honey. I love you so much.” And you could feel her tears drip down onto your head, feel them washing away the blood.
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elizabethsnuts · 8 months ago
What about Jemily missing their daughters first soccer game bc they are called away on a case. They have never missed one before and they all have to navigate the outcomes of not only the game, but the feelings of them missing it it from both parent and daughter perspective.
Missed Game
Jemily x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Emily and JJ were helping you get ready for your very first soccer game, though they called out on a case at the last minute.
A/N: I like to think that Elle stayed in touch with JJ and was able to meet Emily. Live Laugh Love Auntie Elle 💗
It was the early morning, sunlight filtering softly through the curtains of the windows, casting a warm glow over the interior. It was your first soccer game and the excitement was through the roof. Emily and JJ were busy preparing for the day, ensuring everything was perfect for your big game.
In the living room, you were already dressed in your tiny soccer uniform, your face a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Your hair was done up neatly and out of your face, and your eyes were sparkling with excitement. You were kicking a small soccer ball around, your little legs moving with surprising agility for a five-year-old.
"Mummy! Mama! Are you ready yet?" You called out, your voice echoing with enthusiasm.
Emily emerged from the bedroom, holding a camera. "Almost, sweetheart. Just making sure the camera is working!"
JJ followed, carrying a small cooler filled with cut-up oranges. "I’ve got the cooler. We’re all set!"
Just as they were about to leave, Emily’s phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and her face fell slightly. It was work. She answered, exchanging a few terse words before hanging up.
“What’s wrong?” JJ asked, noticing Emily’s expression.
“We’ve got a case,” Emily replied, her voice tinged with frustration. “They need us in immediately.”
JJ’s face mirrored Emily’s disappointment. “Today of all days,” she muttered, glancing over at you, still happily kicking your ball around, unaware of the news.
Emily took a deep breath. “We’ll explain it to her together.”
They walked over to you, and you stopped playing to look up at them expectantly. “Is it time to go?” you asked, eyes shining with excitement.
JJ knelt down to your level. “Sweetie, Mama and I have to go to work. There’s an important case we need to take care of.”
Your face fell instantly, your little heart shattering with every word they spoke. “But… my game…”
Emily joined the two of you on the floor, taking your small hands in hers. “We’re so sorry, Y/N. We really wanted to be there, but sometimes our job makes it hard. We promise we’ll make it up to you. Trust me when I say we’d drop everything and come to your game if we could… but we can’t, honey..”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “But you’ve never missed my practice. Not once. And today’s my first game. You promised you’d be there!”
The pain in your voice cut deeply. JJ wrapped you in a tight hug. “I know, baby. We’re so sorry. We love you so much, and we’re so proud of you. We’ll ask Auntie Elle to record the game for us, okay?”
You pulled away, your little face red with anger and sadness. “I don’t care about a video! I wanted you there! I don’t want you to go!”
Emily and JJ exchanged a helpless look. “We’ll be back as soon as we can, okay? And we’ll have a big celebration when we get home,” Emily promised, but the words felt hollow even to her.
You turned away from them, your small shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Emily’s heart broke seeing you like this, but there was nothing they could do. Duty called, and they had to go.
Elle arrived shortly after to take you to the game. She tried to cheer you up on the way, but you remained withdrawn, your disappointment evident.
Emily and JJ threw themselves into the case, but their thoughts frequently drifted back to you. Images of you being upset and angry just before they left flashed through their minds, the last thing they wanted to do was hurt you but they needed to be there for the case.
It was late at night when the case was finally wrapped up, Emily and JJ rushed home, their hearts heavy with a mixture of relief and apprehension. They knew they had to face your disappointment and try to make amends with you.
When they walked in the door, you were sitting on the couch, clutching a small trophy. Elle was in the kitchen clearing up dinner.
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ said softly, sitting down next to you. “We heard you played really well.”
You didn’t look up, you were understandably angry. “It doesn’t even matter. You and Mama weren’t there. Everyone else’s mommies were there but you weren’t!”
Emily sat on your other side, her heart aching. “We’re so sorry, sweetheart. We didn’t want to miss it, people needed us, honey. But we’re so proud of you.”
You finally looked up, tears brimming in your eyes, your frown had noticeably deepened. “I needed you too! I wanted you there. It was my first game. It was important and you weren’t there!”
JJ pulled you into a tight hug. “We know, and we’re so sorry we missed it. We love you so much, Gigi. More than anything. We know that saying sorry won’t make it up to you but we really are sorry.”
Emily gently rubbed your back in slow circles. “We’re going to make it up to you, okay? We promise we’ll try and be at every game and if we can’t we’ll get Auntie Elle to record it or FaceTime us, alright?”
You sniffled, your small arms wrapping around both your mums. “Promise?”
“Promise,” they both said in unison, sealing it with a kiss on your forehead.
The rest of the evening was spent showering you with love and attention. All three of you watched the videos of your game, cheering at every goal you scored.
You giggled as the recording picked up Elle behind the camera muttering to herself about the coach and the other mums around. “Auntie Elle isn’t happy!”
JJ nodded and chuckled, whispering to Emily. “Well, I don’t blame her…” It was true, some of those soccer mums were really obnoxious.
Though the day had started negatively, having your mums back at home with you while you watched your game did cheer you up a bit. You knew they’d try their best to be to every game in the future and that today just was an unlucky day for them to get called into work. You hoped that they’d be there for your next game, cheering you on the sidelines in real-time.
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veeluvss · 7 months ago
could you write something about JJ and her kid getting into an argument about them getting into a fight at school context isn't important just something like that
I loved this ask! Thank you. Here's about 2k words :) Non-binary reader (they/them pronouns)
You're not listening.
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JJ pulled up outside your school in an angry fit. This was her third time being called in this month for your fighting and she was sick of it. Sick of your behaviour. They’d already suspended you for a few days after your first fight. Since you didn’t start the second one there was no disciplinary but your mum was made aware but now with the third one this month which had called her out of work - she was not happy. 
She marched through the glass doors, her blonde hair bounced behind her and she looked powerful in her suit. However, you didn’t see her as that. Sitting in the principal's waiting, your fear grew thicker. She was angry. Really angry. 
You watched the way she held herself, so assertive. You held the bloody gauze against your nose more and sniffed. The blood still hadn’t stopped but you didn’t even think she’d noticed.
She took a deep breath, not looking in your direction, before addressing the receptionist. “I’m here for Y/N - to see Principal Alex,” she said. Her voice was thin and sharp. “Of course, I’ll let him know you’re here. Thank you for coming so quickly,” the receptionist replied. “Just take a seat and he’ll call you in.” JJ nodded and turned to you. She looked you up and down. Your shirt was stained with crimson blood. Your hands were covered in blood too as no one had cleaned you up - you’d been sent straight to the principal. “Excuse me, can we have some wipes for their hands?” JJ asked the receptionist. The woman behind the desk quickly grabbed some wipes from her desk drawer and handed them over. 
In a huff, JJ came over and sat beside you. “Hand,” she ordered and held out her hand for yours. You swapped your hand holding the gauze against your nose and put the bloody one in hers. She quickly began wiping you down, making sure to get around your fingernails and in your knuckles. “Mum-” You tried to speak but she raised a finger. That meant it was not your turn to speak. “Save it,” she said, clearly upset with you. Once your hands were clean, she looked up at your face. “Let me see,” she said. Her voice was softer but still strict. You pulled the gauze away from your nose. It was bruised and very sore but you didn’t think it was broken. “They didn’t even give you ice? Goddamnit,” she whispered and stood back up to talk to the receptionist. You sat there, sullen. You hated that you’d made your mum this angry and that she wouldn’t listen to your side first. When your mum got angry, she went silent and that frustrated you. It was the easy JJ had always coped but you hated it. 
“I’m sorry but only the school nurse can administer that sort of medical care,” the receptionist said. “Well get the school nurse down here then. They need ice on their nose before it gets anymore swollen,” JJ replied, her anger rising. “I’m afraid we have to wait until after Principal Alex has spoken to them.” “No. Just because they broke a few school rules, doesn’t mean their needs are pushed aside. I want the nurse down here with a bag of ice for them before I even think about stepping into that office.” JJ’s tone was assertive and dominant. The receptionist didn’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call the nurse. 
After you had been given the ice for your nose, you and JJ were called into the principal's office. The person you fought walked out sheepishly with their father and took a seat. You hobbled behind your mum into the office and sat down in the large leather chair. Your mum shook the principal’s hand and sat in the chair adjacent to yours. 
“Now, Miss Jareau,” Principal Alex began, addressing your mum. “It’s unfortunate I have to see you here again but by my reports, Y/N started the fight this time and as we discussed previously, that means expulsion.” Shit. You gulped and looked at your mum. Her expression was serious and upset. Expulsion? This was never, ever discussed with you. “I understand however, I’d like to know what happened before we get to such extreme circumstances,” JJ said. “Y/N? I’ve heard the story from the other person's account - I’d like to hear yours.” The principal said, turning to you. You shuffled in your seat and removed the ice from your nose so you could be heard better. “I was sticking up for myself,” You began. Your mum had turned to you too and you felt sweat form on your brow. Her gaze was scary. “They were making fun of me again, Sir. Calling me a girl and throwing tampons at me,” you whispered. Your gender had always been something you struggled with and while a lot of people accepted you were non-binary – there were people at school who didn’t. “And why didn’t you walk away and report it like I told you to if it happens again?” Principal Alex asked. “Because they were surrounding me, just coming at me. All three of them. It was scary!” You said, growing angry again. No one understood the struggles you faced internally and externally. However, the principal shot you a stern look and you turned away. “Did you have to punch them?” your mum asked, breaking up the silence. You looked at her. Her blue eyes held a different kind of emotion you couldn’t quite figure out. “They were just coming closer to me, Mum. Calling me a freak and asking what was between my legs,” You explained. “But violence is never the answer,” The principal said. “Neither is targeting me for something I can’t control!” You spat. “Watch your tone, Y/N,” JJ said and you scoffed, turning away. “No one understands or listens or even thinks of me in these situations. I get expelled for retaliation - what do they get?” You addressed the question Alex and he sighed and shuffled the papers on his desk. “What do they get?” You asked again, raising your voice and standing up. “Suspension.” “Y/N sit down,” JJ said and grabbed your hand. You pushed her off but sat down in a huff. “Why do they get suspended for repeated bullying and I get expelled? How is that fair?” You asked, turning to your mum in hope she’d stick up for you. “This is the third fight you’ve been involved in this month and we’re only three weeks in, Y/N,” Principal Alex said. “Their alleged bullying hasn’t been reported and there’s no evidence of it.” “Oh so my broken nose isn’t evidence enough?”  You retorted, throwing up your arms. JJ shot you a ‘please calm down’ look but you ignored her. “You threw the first punch.” “They cornered me, it was my only way out!” You shouted, losing your patience. “Y/N, calm down, now.” JJ said. 
“No. No. No mum, I won't calm down because you’re sitting there, peaceful as anything whilst I’m trying to fight for my place in this school even though it’s a literal hell hole and I get bullied constantly. Although apparently none of my reports have been filed. I’m sick of all of this stupid bullshit!” You said and crossed your arms in a huff and kicked out your foot. “Curve your language right now. This behaviour is not acceptable, angry or not,” JJ said. “And you won’t even address the fact I’m being bullied. All you care about is your stupid FBI job and all those other hurt kids you save. You can’t even see that I’m struggling.” 
“That’s not true whatsoever, of course I care about you. I’m here - aren’t I?” “Because you have to be. You didn’t even ask if I was okay when you came in. You didn’t give me a chance to explain myself. When was the last time you checked in with me?” You shouted. JJ sighed and looked around the room, embarrassed. You scoffed. She knew you were right. “Can we save this conversation for some place else?” She asked. You felt a punch in your stomach from her words and turned away before the tears could form in your eyes. “Whatever, mum.” 
Silence fell upon the office and Principal Alex shuffled his papers again. “Y/N, Miss Jareau,” he sighed and addressed the two of you. “I’m going to cut the expulsion to a month’s suspension. In the meantime, I expect you to start therapy, Y/N - anger management or anything you seem fit. I think it will help you massively. The other girls involved in the incident are being dealt with accordingly as I understand their behaviour today was also unacceptable. How does that sound?” “I can come back in a month?” You asked, through gritted teeth, still overwhelmed and angry at your mum. “If you can prove you’ve started regular therapy appointments and keep up with your school work whilst you’re away, yes.” “Okay, that’s a good deal. Y/N?” Your mum said and turned to you. You only nodded and shrugged. “Okay, thank you, Sir,” JJ said and stood up to shake his hand. “Come on, you.” You followed her out the room with the ice back against your nose and out to the car. You climbed into the passenger seat and she made sure both belts were on before setting off home. No one spoke for the twenty minute drive. 
You pulled up on the driveway and noticed your dad’s car. You wanted your dad. He cared. But your mum's voice stopped you. “Wait,” She said. You stopped, with your back turned to her. “I’m sorry I made you feel like I didn’t care. I do care, Y/N. More than anyone or anything. I worry about you.” You didn’t know what to say so you let her continue. “I lie awake at night thinking about what goes on at school, about how you cope. You’re so strong and I just - I’m proud of you. I feel like I don’t need to check in when you’re always so smiley and happy and always on your best behaviour. When you act out, like you have been, I get worried I’m doing something wrong and it scares me.” “But you never tell me this,” You whispered. You sat back in your seat and turned to face her. She had tears in her eyes and you felt yours fill with tears too. “You’re growing up, it’s natural for a parent to be scared. You’re different from other kids at school, it worries me more. But you have your bubble. You don’t need your mum checking up on you everyday and making sure everything is okay - I thought it was. I didn’t see past the facade, I guess because it scared me.” “You’re an FBI agent who faces danger everyday but asking if I’m okay scares you?” You asked. She chuckled and sniffed, nodding. “It does. Because believe it or not, I care about you and Henry and Michael so much. You’re my babies and I’m sorry I failed you.” She looked up at you and quickly wiped a tear away. You felt your heart burst and leaned over, you wrapped your arms around her and she held you tight. “I’m sorry I shouted at you,” You whispered. “It’s okay, I deserved it. I wasn’t listening to you.” “I love you, no matter what,” You told her. “Oh you're too grown up,” she blubbered. “I love you so much my baby,” she replied.
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hyperfixatedoncrimminalminds · 11 months ago
ahhhh! i was the anon who requested the most recent hotch!daughter fic! tysm for writing that. the most adorable thing ever <3!!!
is it ok to have a sort of follow up on that fic? maybe reader comes back and forces hotch and all the bau members to play princess tea party with her during their lunch break haha?
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Aaron Hotchner X Young Daughter Reader Pt 2
Request : ahhhh! i was the anon who requested the most recent hotch!daughter fic! tysm for writing that. the most adorable thing ever <3!!!
is it ok to have a sort of follow up on that fic? maybe reader comes back and forces hotch and all the bau members to play princess tea party with her during their lunch break haha?
Start of recap...
Following his arm Hotch breathed a sigh off relief as he saw where Y/N had got to, smiling he watched his daughter laugh and play with the young doctors hair.
He was glad she was okay and made a new friend. Quickly taking a few pictures he sends them to Haily who messaged back just a quick. "Some one made a new friend" chuckling he responded. "I think they both made a new friend"
Putting his phone away he went back to his office, happy to leave his daughter in his agents capable hands.
End of recap...
Third person pov...
A couple months after Hotch and Haily get a divorce. Haley has the kids most of the time and Hotch gets visitation rights, little Y/N loves spending time with her Daddy.
It was a typical day at the FBI academy for Aaron Hotchner, the team's stoic leader.
As they were reviewing their case files and strategizing for their next case, Hotchner's phone rang. He picked it up and on the other end was his ex-wife, Haley.
Hotchner's heart skipped a beat as he heard the sound of his two-year-old daughter, laughing in the background.
The spending if her voice grew louder, she had come closer to the phone.
"Hi daddy!" She squeals as she sees his contact. Hotch let's a smile fall on his lips. "Hi baby, you want to spend the day with me and the team?" He asks the young girl.
Hotch immediately pulls the phone far away from his ears as his Daughter screams in joy shouting into the phone. "Yes yes yes!" Hotch laughs at how excited the little girl sounds.
After getting the phone back, Haley explained that their original babysitter had called in sick and she had an important meeting she couldn't miss, Jack had school so She asked if Aaron could take care of Y/N for the day.
Despite his busy schedule, Hotchner couldn't say no to spending time with his daughter. He quickly made arrangements for Y/N to come to the BAU office and inform the team that they would have a special guest for the day.
As the clock struck 12, Agent Hotchner was in his office, going through files when suddenly he heard a knock on his door.
"Come in" he called out, not looking up from his work.
To his surprise, it wasn't one of his team members, but his 2 year old Daughter
Y/N standing in front of him with a huge smile on her face.
"Daddy!" she exclaimed, running towards him.
"Hey, Princess have a safe trip" Hotch asked, lifting her up in his arms. The energetic girl smiled and hugged his neck. "Yep I did, can we play daddy?" she asks the man, giggling.
Hotch chuckled, "i'm sorry sweetie, but Daddy has to work right now. Maybe later, okay?" The H/C girl pouted, but before Hotch could say anything else.
she suddenly let out a loud giggle and ran out of his office. Hotch shrugged, thinking it was just a phase and went back to his work.
But 5 minutes later, he heard more giggling and the sound of his door opening again.
This time, it was the whole BAU team following Y/N who was dressed in a pink princess dress with a tiara on her head.
She was holding the young Dr's hand who was smiling, Y/N still loved Spencer the most apart from her Daddy of course
"Hotch, we have a problem" Rossi said, a serious look on his face but trying to hold back his laughter.
Hotch raised an eyebrow, "What's going on?" Everyone one of them after trying to keep a straight face.
"Morgan found this little princess wandering around the bullpen, claiming that she was here to play with you" JJ explained, trying not to laugh
Before he could say anything, Y/N ran towards him and tugged on his shirt. "Daddy, I wanna play tea party with you and your friends!"
Hotch looked at his team, trying to hide his amusement. But seeing their pleading faces, he knew there was no way he could deny his daughter's request.
"Okay, just for a little while" Hotch said, putting the little girl down and joining the others in the break room.
Y/N clapped her hands in excitement as she dragged Spencer out of her Daddies office and to the found table room.
She then passed out plastic tea cups and saucers to everyone. "You're the queen, Daddy!" She said, placing a tiara on Hotch's head.
The team couldn't help but laugh as they pretended to sip imaginary tea and have conversations with the little princess.
They even played make-believe with her, pretending to be princes and princesses in a magical kingdom.
Hotch was the Queen, Rossi was the King, Y/N of course was a Princess, Spencer the court magician, Penelope the fairy God Mother, Derek a Knight, JJ and Emily were princesses with Y/N.
For the next hour, the BAU team forgot about their stressful job and just enjoyed the innocent fun with their bosses daughter.
Hotch couldn't remember the last time he laughed this much, and seeing his team bonding with his daughter made his heart warm.
As the lunch break came to an end and they had to get back to work, Y/N hugged each team member tightly, thanking them for playing with her.
"Thanks for saving my princess, Hotch" Derek said, high-fiving him as they all left the break room.
Hotch smiled, feeling grateful for his team and their willingness to be a part of his daughter's little tea party adventure.
From that day on, whenever little Y/N would visit him at work, the team would always set aside some time to play with her.
Hotch couldn't be happier, knowing that his daughter was being raised in a loving and supportive environment.
The end!
I hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the wait. Finally got around to writing this. Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1100
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ynscrazylife · 1 year ago
I love that you’re going to try some writing for JJ! She’s one of my biggest comfort characters and youre like a comfort blog so like this is so perfect. I know it’s not quite a fic idea but do you think you would want to write some headcanons or something about JJ being your mom (assuming reader is a teen girl going through typical teen girl antics) thank you!!!
jj being your mom (jennifer jareau x daughter!reader hcs)
JJ would literally be the best mom ever. She’s so supportive and is always there for you no matter what. Even when she’s away with the BAU, she’ll stop whatever she’s doing to answer your phone calls, even if it’s over something trivial like you’re wondering where one of your books is. She definitely puts her family first. You’re the most important person in her life (along with her sons of course).
You and JJ often do a really bad country/southern accent to tease your dad, which often results in him finding a way to tease you back.
She is incredibly proud of anything that you do and will make sure everyone knows it. She does not care if it embarrasses you — she’ll tell everyone about your accomplishments.
Everyone in the BAU absolutely adores you. If JJ’s running late, she’ll often say that you needed help or something, and Hotch has a soft spot for you, so he won’t care (this leads to the others also trying to use you for excuses when they’re late/they mess up, then it doesn’t work as well).
JJ attends every one of your school events, sports games, concerts, etc. She’s always prepared when it comes to her children, so she’ll get there early and gets the best view.
She’s the type of mom to practically have a magical purse. It has everything you could need at any given moment. Water, snacks, tissues, a pen, advil, hand sanitizer, you name it.
JJ is also a big mama bear. She’ll do anything to protect you. Someone says something bad about you? She has it handled. Someone dares to lay a hand on you? Well . . . JJ becomes quite a scary sight. She won’t tolerate anyone mistreating you at all.
Her loyalties also always lie with you. If someone says that you’re lying about something, she’ll always believe you over them, no matter what.
Going through teenager-hood is hard! JJ’s not phased at all, though. She’s always around when you want to talk and when you need your space, she respects that and gives it to you. I think respect and boundaries would be a big thing for her.
If you need help with homework though . . . You might have to go to Uncle Spencer for that (which he’s more than happy to assist in).
JJ has a bit of a rough relationship with her own parents so she’s always making sure that you know that she loves you. She doesn’t care if saying “I love you” all the time is cheesy, it’s very important to her.
She tells you all about your aunt and eventually passes on to you the necklace that her sister gave to her <3 Although sometimes painful, JJ wants you to know about your aunt and she encourages you to ask any questions you have.
Going on BAU cases can be hard. She doesn’t like being away from you and will always call to check in. She also keeps a photo of her family with her at all times.
JJ loves to surprise you by coming home early. Seeing the look of sheer happiness on her face is everything to her.
You really can talk to her about anything. She’s very approachable and down to earth. The cool mom for sure.
Sometimes her patience can be tested, but JJ is more concerned about working things through with you and talking rather than immediately punishing you for something wrong you did. She wants to understand what happened and treat you respectfully, making sure you understand where she’s coming from too.
JJ tries not to spoil you a ton (Penelope seems to have that covered) and isn’t the type to give into puppy dog eyes, but sometimes she can’t help herself.
She’s also not obsessed with you getting the very best grades! As long as you’re doing well and trying your hardest, she’ll understand if something comes up.
I feel like she’d be the type of parent to want you to go to college but if you have a different plan in mind, she won’t immediately put you down for it. She’ll talk with you first to get the full picture.
You definitely inherent sarcasm from JJ too. It’s a battle of the wits, you give her a run for her money. She LOVES your jokes and hearing you laugh. She’ll often say that your laughter is her favorite sound.
Ultimately, JJ tries her hardest to be the best mom and role model for you :) and you make sure she knows she’s appreciated, just like she makes sure you know that you’re appreciated, too. The two of you are a team, you’re partners in crime. She’ll always be there, even if she’s mad, or not home, she’s by your side.
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years ago
happy father's day
to the rossi!child readers - he's away a lot, but he loves you more than anything. he makes sure to tell you every chance he gets. your favorite meal is ready for family dinner.
to the hotch!child readers - he sees the pain you hide so well. know that it's safe to fall apart sometimes. he wil be there to help you pick up the pieces. you don't have to hide anymore.
to the morgan!child readers - he tells you to follow your dreams and he means it. spread your wings and fly. he will catch you if you fall. you will always be safe with him looking out for you.
to the spencer!child readers - he knows it's hard to be different, and he's going to make sure you know how loved and understood you are. you'll always be enough for him. he hopes you know that.
(late) happy mothers day
to the garcia!child readers - she doesn't just tell you, but shows you how perfect you are. there's nothing she wants more than for you to always be the most authentic version of you.
to the JJ!child readers - she loves you in a way that would be impossible to describe with mere words. in every way, shape, and form, her love for you is truly unconditional.
to the prentiss!child readers - she knows the greatest gift she can give you is to raise you to survive on your own. stand up tall and strong and fearless; your mother raised a soldier.
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galaxysupreme17 · 9 months ago
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
Emily Prentiss x Daughter!Reader Former Emily Prentiss x JJ Based on the song "I Can Do It with a Broke. Heart" by Taylor Swift and the scene from Gilmore Girls where Luke and Lorelai break up for the first time after the wedding. Emily Age: 37 Y/n Age: 20
Emily Prentiss sat on the edge of her bed, staring blankly at the wall. JJ's words the night before echoed in her mind, each a dagger to her heart. "I'm going back to Will," JJ had said, her eyes filled with regret. "I'm so sorry, Emily."
Emily's world had shattered at that moment. JJ was the love of her life, her anchor in a stormy sea. And now, she was gone, leaving Emily to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. The pain was unbearable, a deep, gnawing ache that seemed to grow with each passing moment.
Y/n, her 20-year-old daughter, had come home from college for the weekend. She had heard the muffled sobs through the thin walls and quietly entered her mother's room. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around Emily, offering silent comfort. Y/n didn't need to ask what had happened; she could see the devastation in her mother's eyes. It was as if the light had gone out, leaving Emily in darkness, and she didn't know how to escape.
The next morning, Y/n tried to lift her mom's spirits. She made breakfast and sat with Emily, talking about anything and everything to keep her mind off JJ. "We should bake cookies today," Y/n suggested with a small smile. "Just like we used to."
Emily managed a weak smile. "That sounds nice, sweetheart." Her voice was fragile, like a delicate glass on the verge of shattering. But Y/n's presence was a balm to her wounded heart, and the idea of doing something normal and comforting seemed like a step towards healing.
Later, Y/n ran into JJ at the grocery store. She was standing in the cereal aisle, picking out her favorite brand, when she saw JJ a few feet away. JJ looked up, her eyes meeting Y/n's with sadness and guilt. "Y/n," she began, but Y/n turned away, her expression cold.
"I don't have anything to say to you," Y/n replied, her voice tight. She grabbed her cereal and walked away, leaving JJ standing there, the weight of her choices pressing down on her. Y/n's heart ached with a mix of anger and sorrow. She had looked up to JJ and admired her strength and compassion. But now, all she saw was the woman who had broken her mother's heart.
Back home, Emily was trying to stay busy. She cleaned the house, organized her closet, and even started a new book, but nothing could fill the void left by JJ. As she found JJ's things in drawers—an old sweater, a pair of socks—she felt her heart break all over again. Each piece of forgotten clothing was a reminder of what they had lost. Emily clutched the sweater to her chest, inhaling JJ's faint scent, tears streaming down her face.
Emily stood in front of the mirror, forcing a smile. "You can handle this," she whispered to herself. "You've been through worse." She thought of all the challenges she had faced and the battles she had fought professionally and personally. She had always found a way to survive, to push through the pain. This time would be no different.
She felt the tears welling up but held them back. She had to be strong for Y/n and herself. Emily took a deep breath and tried to focus on the positive. Y/n was home, and they were baking cookies together. It was a small comfort, but it was something. The aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the air in the kitchen, a small reminder of happier times.
The next day, Emily returned to work. She walked into the BAU with her head held high, determined to keep going despite the pain. Her colleagues noticed the change in her demeanor, but no one dared to ask. They knew better than to pry. They respected her resilience, even if they didn't fully understand the depths of her sorrow.
Throughout the day, Emily maintained her professionalism, handling cases and paperwork efficiently. She was grinning like she was winning, hitting her marks perfectly. "I can do this," she thought, the words becoming her mantra. She immersed herself in the work, using it as a shield against the heartbreak threatening to consume her.
When she was alone in her office, Emily allowed herself a brief moment of vulnerability. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her emotions. "One step at a time," she reminded herself. She thought about the cases she had solved and the lives she had saved. If she could face those horrors, she could face this, too.
Emily found solace in her work, channeling her pain into productivity. She cried in the privacy of her home, but at work, she was a pillar of strength. Her colleagues watched her with concern, but Emily brushed off their worries. She knew she was good at what she did, even with a broken heart. Each day was a battle, but she fought with everything she had.
That evening, when she returned home, Y/n greeted her mom with a warm hug. "How was work?" she asked, her eyes full of concern.
Emily managed a small smile. "It was okay," she replied. "I'm getting through it." She was grateful for Y/n's unwavering support. Her daughter's presence was a reminder that she wasn't alone and had someone who loved her unconditionally.
Y/n nodded, understanding more than she let on. "We're going to be okay, Mom. We're strong."
Emily hugged her daughter tightly, grateful for her support. "Yes, we are," she said, finding strength in Y/n's unwavering love. They sat down to dinner, the familiarity of their routine bringing a sense of normalcy to the chaos in Emily's heart.
As they sat down to dinner, Emily felt a glimmer of hope. She knew it would take time to heal, but she could face anything with Y/n by her side. And so, she continued to fake it, knowing that she would make it one day. She looked across the table at Y/n, her heart swelling with pride and love. They had each other, no matter how hard things got, which was enough to keep going.
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jenniferjareauwife · 4 months ago
Jennifer Jareau Masterlist
Cowgirl r!
Lazy Mornings
Anxiety Days
I Can't
Panic Attack
Pretty Please
Ice Cream
He Was Flirting?
Only If You Cuddle
I Still Love You
Stay On The Call Please
I Miss Her So Much
Couch Please
Out of All People
Sunday Morning
I'm Here Honey
You've Gotta Stop
She's My Girlfriend
Down The Stairs
Too Sweet
So Fucking Good
Passed Out
Socks & Mugs
You're Just Hot
House Hunting
Just Asking
Sprained Ankle
But You're Drunk
When I Was Young
You Never Have To Hide From Me
Bottled Up
Bad Grade
I Just Missed You
Pregnancy Scare
I Feel Like I Can't Eat
He Cornered Me (Party Pt 2)
Where The Hell Have You Been
What I Want
Nothing You Can't Get Through
Binge Eating
How Is That Relevant? (NYCGT Pt2)
You're Safe With Me
2 3 4
Breakup With Him (Pressure Pt2)
Waste Of Time
Love You Mama
Rumors (Pressure Pt3)
Rage Room (Pressure Pt4)
Approve Of It
Nerve (Pressure Pt5)
Double Lines
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emilyprentiss-ily · 1 year ago
A new shade of red
tw: severe self harm, implied suicide, so much crying (be careful reading this<3)
summary: the team find emily and aaron’s daughter at her worst
wc: 2k
chapter: one | two
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Emily couldn’t stop thinking about all the teams’ voices overlapping, their tones absolutely terrified as they panicked. In just a few short minutes, all their lives would be changed forever. Emily’s life as a mom would change, Aaron’s life as a dad would change. Their usual worries would be something else entirely.
“Hey, has anyone seen Lola?” Emily asked, her heart slightly racing as she looked at her team and her husband at the table, the volume in the room fading as they looked at Emily.
“I think she said she was going to the bathroom.” JJ answered, noticing Emily’s slightly wide eyes as she stood in front of them. The dark haired woman turned around, rushing down the hall to the bathroom, leaving the team looking at each other with frowns, confusion making it hard to resume talking about what they were just seconds ago.
JJ stood up, giving the team a small smile as she, too, walked down the hall, seeing Emily knocking rapidly on the bathroom door.
“Lola?” Four more knocks. Nothing. “Honey, you’ve been in there for a long time now.” JJ just watched as Emily breathed heavily, not being able to stand completely still. “Lola?” Two more knocks. Nothing.
Emily turned around, looking at JJ with a frown, her hands on her waist as she bit her lower lip. JJ looked at her with soft, slightly wide eyes. Emily exhaled. “JJ, I…” It sounded like she swallowed a cry. “I need you to get Aaron here.” JJ heard the desperation in her friend’s voice and she nodded, hurrying to get him.
Emily stayed there, continuing to knock, telling herself that her thoughts were wrong. That this wasn’t really happening.
After moments, that felt far too long, her husband was by her side, asking if she was okay.
“I’m fine, I just… you need to get in there.” Emily tried to open the door, mentally telling herself that maybe it would magically open. Aaron looked at his wife, seeing her eyes shining with slight tears. Her voice was laced with concern and her breaths were short. “Aaron, right now. Open the door. I don’t care how you do it, just get it open.” Her words were hurried and she got a glance of JJ fidgeting with her fingers, her eyes unsure.
Aaron grabbed the handle, crashing the side of his body to the door over and over again. It felt like forever until the door finally opened and Aaron was not at all nearly prepared for the sight he was exposed to. There she was, his 15 year old daughter, blood covering her whole arm, her clothes and the floor. He opened his mouth in a silent gasp as he rushed to her side, horrified by how pale she was.
Emily and JJ caught sight of the situation and their hearts hurt as they saw Aaron try to talk Lola back to consciousness. Emily covered her mouth, tears burning in her eyes the second her palm touched her skin. JJ was right behind her, tears watering in her eyes too as she fumbled to get her phone from her pocket. The seconds felt too many as her shaky hands failed her.
“One of you has to call an ambulance, right now.” Aaron called out, cupping his hands over Lola’s arm, trying desperately to stop the bleeding.
“I am. I am.” JJ’s voice trembled and she let out a relieved breath when she finally grabbed her phone, dialing 911. She grabbed Emily who had began depending on the wall as to not fall. Emily’s knees were weak and her body felt heavy as she felt an arm around her waist, pulling her away from the scene. Away from the image that was going to haunt her for years to come.
“How long, JJ?” The blonde heard Aaron ask.
“I don’t know. I’m trying to find out.” She inhaled, trying her best to comfort Emily who was seconds away from collapsing.
“Get me a first aid kit.” JJ didn’t know what to do. Her arm was beginning to hurt from trying to hold up Emily and her heart hurt as she couldn’t stop thinking about what was happening just a wall away. She couldn’t hear what the woman on the phone way saying, not clearly. She felt her lips move but she didn’t hear herself. She heard something that sounded like they were going to be there as fast as they could. JJ heard herself mutter a ‘thank you’ as she looked around for a first aid kit. She searched high up, seeing the green box she was looking for on a shelf. She reached up, her breaths uneven.
As soon as Aaron got a hold of the box, he immediately got to work, bandaging up his daughter’s arm, his chest hurting as he looked at his little girl, her face pale and head heavy.
“Lola, honey. I need you to look at me.” He said, slightly panicking as the blood seeped through the bandage. “Lola. Look at me.” His brown eyes met Lola’s dark ones. “Good. Keep looking at me.” He nodded, glancing at JJ who was barely visible behind the doorway. “JJ, get Rossi in here. You need to take care of Emily right now.” Aaron shouted, not sure if JJ even heard him through Emily’s sobs. There was no answer, but moments later, he heard hurrying footsteps and then David talking to the operator on JJ’s phone. Aaron exhaled, keeping light pressure on the bandage.
Without the phone in hand, JJ could finally keep her focus on Emily who was completely destroyed. In the corner of her eye, she saw Spencer rush in.
When Emily tried to go into the bathroom, JJ gripped her even tighter, keeping her away from the nightmare that was happening.
“No, no, no. Emily. Emily.” JJ softly spoke, her voice trembling as she lead the brunette out to the hall.
Emily leaned against the wall, hyperventilating as she slid down to the ground. JJ was right beside her, usually comforting words coming from her lips as her throat began to close up. They didn’t help much now. “Emily.” Her sobs were too loud. JJ placed her hands on Emily’s cheeks, caressing as she tried to initiate eye contact. “Emily, breathe. Emily. Emily. Look at me.” Emily looked up, her eyes carrying a certain heartbreak JJ had never seen before. Her feelings were overwhelming. “It’s going to be okay.” JJ nodded, Emily looked down, taking a short breath. “Look at me. Breathe.” Emily looked up again, her brown eyes staying on JJ’s blue ones.
“She looked like she was dead, JJ.” Emily was hysterical. The sentence made the blonde’s heart hurt.
“No, no, no. She’s not. She’s not dead. She’s not.” Emily just continued sobbing, placing her own hands over JJ’s.
“I can’t lose her. I ca—“ A sharp breath. “I can’t lose her, JJ. She’s my Lola. She’s my—“
“You won’t. They’re all helping her right now and an ambulance is coming. You will not lose her.” JJ heard her name being shouted and she panicked, not knowing what to focus on.
She quickly ran to the bathroom again, seeing Spencer in the doorway, looking at the scene with wide eyes. Quickly, she took a hold of his arms, looking into his eyes as she told him to go to Emily. He nodded, running out to the hall.
JJ exhaled as she rushed into the bathroom, seeing Lola’ scared eyes. JJ knew what the teenager needed.
Kneeling down, JJ placed her hands on Lola’s cheeks, looking into her misty eyes. The blonde tried her best to ignore just how much blood Lola was losing.
“Stay awake, Lola.” JJ chanted when she saw how Lola’s eyes began to slowly flutter closed. “Look at me. Stay awake.” JJ felt Lola grip her arm, blood smearing on her pale skin. There wasn’t much more they could do than internally pray that Lola was going to be okay.
Aaron had bandaged her arm and was keeping pressure on it. David had finished talking to the operator and now all they had to wait. It was the longest 10 minutes of her life. The longest 10 minutes of all their lives.
JJ’s eyes widened when Lola’s eyes closed completely. She lightly slapped her cheeks, chanting over and over again that she had to stay awake.
“No, no, no.” Her heart picked up speed for the thousandth time that night. “Lola. Lola. Lola. Open your eyes. Lola.” JJ teared up, she had never felt so hopeless and useless in her life. “Look at me.” The teenager suddenly opened her eyes, and JJ nodded in encouragement, never stopped looking into her eyes.
Lola’s vision was blurry when she opened her eyes. Her head was pounding and her ears were ringing. It took a while for her to realize who was in front of her. Her eyes finally focused after a while, seeing JJ looking at her with tears in her eyes. She felt the blonde’s hands on her cheeks, caressing lovingly, but Lola also felt how much they were trembling. Using all the little strength she had left, Lola weakly grabbed JJ’s hand, wanting her soft skin to be the last thing she felt, instead of her own blood, before she died.
A few beats and everything went black.
Now, as Emily sat in the hospital with the entire team there, no one speaking, she could not shake the thoughts of having to prepare to come home without her daughter. Having to tell Jack that his little sister had killed herself. She wouldn’t ever survive that. None of them would.
Emily closed her eyes, trying to get the thoughts to go away. She exhaled, gently squeezing JJ’s hand. The blonde hadn’t left Emily’s side since they arrived at the hospital.
Sitting in the waiting room was almost, selfishly, as bad as seeing her daughter on the floor. All the quiet, all the time to think about how long her daughter had been doing this. Emily didn’t miss the faint scars on her arms from what seemed like months prior to this. She didn’t know how they had missed it. Didn’t understand how Lola was in so much pain and they hadn’t seen it.
Emily felt a gentle squeeze back, but this time, it meant something more than comfort. Emily looked up, seeing a doctor walking towards her. She held her breath, putting her free hand where JJ and her were already holding hands, looking at the doctor with expectant eyes.
“Emily, is it?” Emily nodded, seeing Aaron come back from the bathroom. He hurried to Emily’s side when he saw the doctor. “We’ve moved your daughter to a ward.” The woman started. Aaron sat down next to his wife, Emily placing her head on his shoulder as they listened to the doctor, her hands still holding JJ’s tightly. “She’s just come out of surgery. She’ll need to be reviewed by psychiatry tomorrow morning.”
“Is she going to be okay, then?” Aaron asked, his voice hoarse and exhausted. Emily felt the way he sounded.
“We’ll know more tomorrow.” The doctor gave a comforting smile. “Do you want to see her?” Emily and Aaron both immediately nodded. Emily turned to JJ, giving her a small smile before she let go of her hand, feeling a small bit of emptiness at the loss of contact. Aaron placed his arm around Emily’s waist, both of them slightly shaking with nervousness as they followed the doctor down door after door.
Tears burned in Emily’s time again when she saw her daughter on the hospital bed. Seeing Lola so small and vulnerable, with a bandage covering her arm, made Emily quietly gasp. She was afraid she would never stop crying.
Aaron didn’t know what to feel. He didn’t know what to do. He was mad at himself for not noticing just how much his own daughter was suffering. He was sad for not noticing how much his own daughter was suffering. At the same time, he felt numb. The feeling of his daughter’s blood in his hands made him feel so many overwhelming feelings, but he felt numb at the same time.
Two chairs were placed next to the bed and the parents hesitantly sat down, looking at their daughter who was asleep. Emily grabbed her hand, caressing it and saw how many scars Lola had on her arms. Emily quietly whimpered and felt Aaron take Lola’s hand as well. She looked at him. The love of her life, and saw how much he was hurting too. She placed her free hand on his cheek, caressing it as a tear rolled down his cheek. Her thumb delicately brushed it away. She wanted to say something. But she didn’t know what. What are you supposed to say when your daughter slits her wrists?
“She’ll be okay.” Emily ended up saying. She wanted to take it back the second she began the sentence. Aaron said nothing, he just looked down at their hands. “Aaron, honey? Are you listening to me?” Her voice was gentle. “She’s going to be okay.” She didn’t know why she said it again. Aaron nodded, a slight, obviously unsure nod. “Honey… look at me.” He did and when he raised his head, Emily saw how much Aaron wanted to cry. Let it out. Emily prayed that he wouldn’t keep this in until he eventually broke.
Aaron stared at what could’ve been Emily’s face, but she was too good of a profiler to see that his eyes were resting at a spot just past her ear. Silence for a moment and Emily was afraid that she was going to have to beg him to talk.
“…I should have noticed.” The words came so unexpectedly that Emily barely registered what he said. She blinked.
“Aaron…” Emily cooed
“We’re profilers.” He scoffed, his shiny gaze slipping back to their hands. “We’re parents. I missed it.”
“We all did.” Emily spoke. It was true. It was most likely hopeful ignorance, denial. They had all noticed that something was off but they hadn’t given her more than invitations to talk. Aaron, at least, didn’t want to believe that it was anything too serious. He didn’t like to think of his children in pain, and he’d prefer to manipulate himself than to try and fix it. The guilt made him feel nauseous.
“I thought that after Reid, I would notice things like this. Notice if people weren’t okay and be able to keep a close eye on things.”
“She hid it well.” Emily spoke, voice unsure. The words were for her own benefit as well.
“Did she?” Aaron asked, his voice cracking in the slightest way as he looked up at his wife, seeing her hesitant facial expression. Emily didn’t know what to say, so she swallowed the thick feeling in her throat, looking at her daughter again.
Hours went by and the parents fell asleep. Emily was still holding her daughter’s hand, leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder. Aaron kept a hand around her as he leaned his head on hers.
Lola heard soft snores coming from somewhere. It took a moment for her eyes to relax at the harsh light that shone from the ceiling. She swallowed, her throat dry and sore. As soon as she noticed her parents, she felt claustrophobic in her body. She couldn’t quite move. She could wiggle her toes slightly and after a beat, she recognized her mother’s hand in her own. Mustering up strength, she squeezed slightly. The way her mother immediately woke up made Lola feel guilty.
“…Hi, baby.” Emily smiled, leaning closer to kiss Lola’s hand. Aaron also woke up when he heard Emily’s voice, looking at his daughter with so much sadness.
Lola looked at her parents for a moment before she turned her head as much as she could the other way, her feelings and memories catching up to her and she began to cry. Her face contorted into the most heartbreaking frown that made Emily’s heart hurt. She leaned closer, cooing.
“Hey…” She whispered, squeezing Lola’s hand tighter. “Hey, honey.” When Lola began quietly sobbing, Emily hushed her. Aaron placed his hand over Emily’s.
“I’m so sorry.” Lola whimpered, her chest hurting at all her family’s faces. The way JJ looked at her before she had passed out made its way to her mind.
“No, Lola. Don’t apologize.” Aaron spoke, voice gentle as he too, leaned closer.
“I’m so sorry.” Lola continued, feeling so utterly humiliated and embarrassed. She felt guilty for scaring everyone, and she did it all for nothing. It didn’t even work. She was still here. Still alive and with even more feelings of sadness.
“Sweetheart, listen to me.” Emily spoke. Lola turned her head, looking at her parents who seemed to do everything not to break down. “You have nothing to be sorry for. It is not your fault that you’re hurting, okay?” Lola still felt guilty, but she nodded, not wanting her parents to worry anymore. Although, she doubted they would ever stop worrying. They would never trust her to be alone again. She closed her eyes, wanting the ground to just swallow her whole. “We are here for you. Me, your dad, the entire team too. We love you so much, baby.” Lola swallowed her sobs, wanting to ask a question.
“Are you mad at me?” She whispered, her voice trembling. “Is the team mad at me?”
“No, no, no.” Emily shook her head, the concerned frown on her face that she so often had.
“No one is mad at you.” Aaron spoke. “No one. We’re worried, honey. We all love you and we care about you.”
“I’m sorry.” Lola spoke, she couldn’t ever apologize enough for hurting everyone like she did. Emily shook her head, her eyes soft.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
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elizabethsnuts · 10 months ago
Birthday Surprise
Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Emily and JJ help you and Jack put together a surprise birthday for your dad.
The kitchen was an absolute mess, with flour all around the counter, frosting sticking to every surface in the form of child handprints, and the very obvious one too many failed cracked eggs that you insisted you needed to crack.
You stood in the kitchen with Jack, JJ and Emily, the four of you very busy making a big birthday surprise for Hotch when he came back from work. You watched as JJ stirred the icing with her spoon, mesmerised as it moved around the bowl and smoothed out.
“I try?” You asked JJ with excitement in your voice, you loved being a big helper in the surprise birthday for your daddy.
JJ nodded and smiled. “Of course you can, honey.” She picked you up, setting you on the stepping stool so you could reach the counter and stir the icing.
Jack was helping Emily with the streamers and balloons, he was having the best time throwing them all everywhere while Emily did the hard work blowing the balloons up.
Emily looked over at Jack and smiled. “Hey, bud, why don’t you go and work on the banner? It needs its finishing touches!”
Jack nodded quickly in agreement. “Yeah! I’ll put more of N/Ns glitter!”
You quickly looked up at JJ when you heard the word glitter. You loved glitter, you had glitter covering you from your recent arts and crafts on the banner. “Glitter?” You asked with a smirky smile.
JJ laughed slightly, taking in the mess of you. The little apron covered in flour, your cute little face with icing smeared on it, and of course the glitter in your hair, your face and your clothes. “I don’t think we need any more glitter, I think we’ve got enough.”
You just sighed and continued stirring the icing. “Glitter.” No one could tell if you liked glitter because it was shiny and pretty or if you just loved making messes, the guess was usually both.
Eventually, the cake was done and Emily and JJ had to keep you away from the kitchen before you could dip your little fingers into it, they knew you wouldn’t be able to resist that urge.
“Cake lonely.” You pointed to the cake sitting in the kitchen, you wanted a way in there.
Emily shook her head and laughed. “The cake is not lonely, it’s got the icing and all the toppings there for friends. Your dad will be home soon and look! We’ve finished everything on time!” Emily smiled and ruffled your now glitter-free hair.
“Y/N you can’t eat the cake until Daddy gets home!” Jack laughed and chucked his stuffed bear at you which earned a laugh from your little mouth.
When Hotch arrived home, he definitely did get surprised. You all popped up in excitement, yelling Happy Birthday, the house littered with streamers and balloons, and a big banner that said ‘Happy Birthday Daddy!’ in big bold letters, hung from the ceiling.
“Happy birthday Daddy!” You squealed loudly and ran over, hugging him tight and showing him a card you’d made just for him. “For you, for you!”
Aaron smiled a little wider at the sight of the surprise. “You guys surprised me so well!” He chuckled and looked at your card. It was covered in paint, pen drawings, random buttons and tape but most of all, glitter. “Wow Y/N this is just an absolutely gorgeous card you’ve made for me.”
You smiled widely and nodded. “Daddy, you like, you like?” You jumped up and down excitedly, you were so excited to give him your card.
“Do I like it? Y/N I love it! I’m going to keep it for forever.” Aaron smiled and hugged you tightly.
By the time the cake rolled around, you were jumping around the place. You needed that cake in your belly right at that moment. You watched your daddy closely as he cut the cake and got the first slice.
You took this as your cue to get some now as Aaron had taken some. You quickly realised you couldn’t have the knife so you resorted to your hands, grabbing a chunk and shoving it in your mouth.
“Good cake!” You cheered and jumped around the house. Aaron knew the sugar rush he’d have to deal with later but he’d just enjoy the moment now.
Aaron hugged both you and Jack close, grateful for his two loving children. With Haley not around anymore, he couldn’t be more appreciative of Emily and JJ who stepped up and made sure that you and Jack could give him the best birthday ever.
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veeluvss · 7 months ago
Hey I really love your stuff abt jj having an autistic child. Could you please post more of that it’s amazing
Hii! Sorry this took so long, I was struggling for inspo but here you are! Just under 2k words. I've left CJ's age up for interpretation as it makes it more universal to insert yourself if you wanted. I hope you all enjoy !
Little Brother
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“Good morning, sunshine,” JJ said softly as CJ, her daughter, came down the stairs. CJ stopped mid-step and examined the room. It was past 9 am which meant Mom was meant to be at work. “Come on, kiddo. It’s just Mom,” Will said from behind her. CJ took a quick look up the stairs at her dad and then skipped down the rest of the stairs to get out of his way. However, she refused to enter the kitchen. Why was Mom in there?
“Don’t you want breakfast? Come on, slow coach,” JJ said. CJ examined the pancakes on the table. Pancakes were her favourite but it was Wednesday and that was cereal day. CJ looked up at the menu on the side of the wall and JJ followed her gaze. Sure enough, Wednesdays were cereal days. “Do you want me to make your cereal?” JJ asked and CJ instantly nodded, coming into the kitchen. JJ smiled and began making it. CJ explored the messy kitchen with her eyes. There were piles of clothes everywhere, and bowls of food for breakfast. There were also baby bottles all over the place for the new baby. CJ was unsure about the new addition to the family. He was going to change things. He already had changed things. Mom was meant to be at work. But instead she was here messing up her morning routine. “Sit down, sweetheart,” JJ said. She had the bowl of cereal in her hand. CJ looked at her chair and saw a baby’s car seat on it and huffed, crossing her arms. The mess was overwhelming and the whole morning was going wrong. Will noticed quickly and moved the car seat to another seat so CJ could sit down. CJ slid into her seat and didn’t say anything.  JJ set the cereal in front of her and kissed her head. CJ leaned her head back so JJ could kiss her nose and lips. JJ smiled at their little routine and kissed her nose and lips one after the other. “Eat up.” 
After breakfast, CJ went to her bedroom to do school work. Being the way she was, CJ didn’t fit in well at mainstream public school. JJ and Will had tried private school but CJ struggled there too. Instead, they settled on homeschooling. It meant CJ could work at her own pace, in her own routine without it being messed up by too many outside factors. She was busy working on algebra when she heard the baby cry for the fifth time that hour. How was she expected to concentrate in such a noisy environment? She covered her ears and screeched angrily. She kicked out her legs in frustration and waited for the crying to subside. It didn’t. Getting more and more frustrated with the incessant screaming, CJ marched from her bedroom and down the hall to the baby’s nursery. She hadn’t even been in the room yet, unsure about the new baby. She hated all the change. Although her parents had warned her and she had nine months to prepare, everyone knew she’d never be ready. 
CJ approached the bedroom door and hesitated as she touched the handle. The metal was cold under her hand but she pushed open the door nonetheless. Inside, JJ was sitting in the rocking chair with Henry in her lap. He was crying and it was louder now and CJ resisted covering her ears with her hands. She didn’t want to seem unbrave in front of her mum. Instead, she stood there motionless, in the doorway watching the screeching baby and struggling mum. It didn’t take long for JJ to notice her daughter in the doorway though. 
“Hey, baby. Can you do me a favour?” JJ asked, smiling slightly. CJ didn’t respond, only looked up from Henry to her mum. “Downstairs in the fridge, there’s two bottles. Can you grab the left one and bring it up to me? He’s not feeding and I’m sore.” “Why?” CJ asked, not moving from the doorway. “I’ll answer when you come back with the bottle. Please, Cee.” JJ was desperate. She’d been trying to get Henry to breastfeed for half an hour and he was only getting more hungry and JJ was getting more stressed and now Will had gone to work, it was even more stressful alone because she couldn’t just get up and go get the bottle from the fridge because she was in too much pain from the birth. Walking hurt, especially the stairs. 
Henry cried out louder and CJ covered her ears and stepped back. Why did she have to get a bottle? “It’ll make him be quiet, baby,” JJ explained. That made sense. Stick a bottle in his mouth and he’d stop crying. CJ sped down the stairs and to the fridge. She picked up the left one and took it up to her brother’s nursery but she stopped at the door. It wasn’t her bedroom to enter, she didn’t have permission, plus it smelt bad - like babies. “Bring it here, please, I can’t walk well,” JJ said. CJ shook her head and set the bottle on the floor. “CJ, I need you to hand it to me. You can come in, it’s okay,” JJ sighed. She didn’t want to get frustrated at her daughter but the crying was giving her a headache and it shouldn’t be this hard to have a baby. CJ looked around the room nervously. It was a light cream colour with a safari animal themed banner around it. The bottom of the room was light blue, like the blanket wrapped around the baby. JJ sighed again. “CJ, now, please,” JJ said, holding out her hand. CJ picked up the bottle, scurried across the room, handed it to her mum and ran back out again. She stood in the doorway with her hands over her ears. 
JJ thanked her daughter quickly and put the bottle in her son’s mouth. The crying subsided and the sobs turned to quick gurgles of milk. JJ sighed in relief and looked up at CJ who was still in the doorway. Her hands were at her sides, curled into angry fists. It had been three days since JJ had brought the baby home and CJ hadn’t interacted with him once. JJ knew it was going to take time but hoped it’d be quicker than this. 
“You want to come say hello?” JJ asked, trying to keep her voice calm. CJ shook her head quickly and ran back down the hallway to finish her homework now it was quiet. 
Soon after, Henry was fast asleep. JJ leaned over, wincing quietly in pain, and put him in his basket before heading to her daughter’s room. She knew she’d have to talk to her after the stress of the morning. She didn’t like the change herself. She went from being there for her daughter 24/7 to having to put her daughter aside for her newborn. Usually, understanding CJ’s needs, she was patient and if CJ expressed that she didn’t want to do something, for whatever reason, she was never forced. But the bottle was needed and she knew she couldn’t walk from one side of the room to pick it up off the floor to then walk and sit back down. She hated that Will had gone back to work and she hated that she wasn’t yet feeling her best. She wanted to help CJ but she knew CJ didn’t appreciate her being home at all. It messed with her routine, as had everything recently. She could understand how out of sorts CJ was feeling.
She knocked on her daughter’s door three times, their little code, before CJ granted her entry. “Come in,” came the small voice. “Hi, baby,” JJ replied. “Hi,” CJ said. She was playing on her nintendo switch, curled in her sensory corner. After the whole bottle and crying incident, she couldn’t focus on her work so packed it up, deciding to unwind with her game instead. JJ smiled at the cute sight and headed further into the room, she curled up beside her daughter, being careful of her stitches and watched CJ racing. The corner was JJ’s favourite part of their house. It had two beenbagds, lots of blankets and stuffies, a big teddy bear as well as books, sensory toys and fairy lights. Around it was a sheer canopy with more twinkly lights on. It was CJ’s unwind space but JJ often used it herself to unwind after a case. If it was bad, she’d sneak in after her daughter was asleep and just lay on the beanbags for ten or so minutes before heading to bed with Will or even sometimes sneaking in with CJ. “I’m sorry for snapping at you, baby,” JJ whispered and rested her head on CJ’s. Their blonde hair weaved together to make a seamless bundle. CJ shrugged. She was never very good with apologies. But JJ knew that was an acceptance. A shake of the head was a no but a shrug was a yes and she was grateful her daughter didn’t take it to heart. “You want to come see Henry now he’s sleeping?” JJ suggested. CJ looked up at her mum. She was interested in the tiny human occupying her home and her space but she also was weirded out by it. “He’s just asleep so we’d have to be quiet,” JJ smiled and ran her fingers through CJ’s hair. Not like CJ was ever particularly loud anyway. She was partially nonverbal and never spoke around strangers and rarely around family or friends. Only on really good days could her parents get good conversation out of her. CJ nodded and turned off her game, shocking JJ. She was expecting a no. “Come on, then,” JJ muttered and stood up slowly, using the bed as support. CJ watched her injured mum and sighed, she didn’t like that the baby had hurt her. She didn’t like seeing her mum hurt. “I’m okay, baby,” JJ reassured CJ and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Together, they walked down the hallway. 
CJ peered over the side of the basket, just about tall enough to see in. He was small, tiny even. He had a little button nose and long, blonde eyelashes. CJ looked up at her mum and then down at the baby boy. He looked a little like the dolls people used to buy her. She never played with them, she never understood how to play make believe. She used to just stare at them or shove them as far down her toy box as she could because she hated the noises they would make. No one bought her toys anymore. “What do you think, sunshine?” JJ asked. CJ thought for a moment, what did she think? “Pretty,” she muttered. “He is pretty. He’s your little brother.” CJ nodded, understanding. A brother. She still didn’t like the noises he made or the way he moved and wriggled or the way he smelt but maybe, just maybe, she could get used to the way he slept, silently and still. Maybe a new brother wasn’t so bad.
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beware-of-you-98 · 8 months ago
jj taking a moment to compose herself and her voice still cracking before she says “you” oh i’m thinking so much about this
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jennifer jareau x daughter reader. She is 12 and gets into a hostage situation on a school field trip. Jj, will, and the team have to save her and the others
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Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau X Daughter reader
Request: jennifer jareau x daughter reader. She is 12 and gets into a hostage situation on a school field trip. Jj, will, and the team have to save her and the others
Third person pov...
Y/N Jareau and her Best friend were almost jumping up and down in excitement like the rest of the class was as they neared the museum where they were going for their Field trip.
The little Jareau had been waiting for this day all year and was very excited to finally be going on it. "We have now arrived, please stay seated until we have stopped students!" Yelled Mr Tracy Y/Ns teacher.
This caused a commotion amongst the kids, they all started yelling excited and standing up in their sears as their teacher slouches in his seat, Mrs Hill just sighs at her companion and stands up facing the group of about 40 kids.
"He said QUIET!" She yells effectively making the bus silent not one student dared to speak after Mrs Hill shouted at them, she could be scary when she wanted.
A full 5 minutes if silence passes before the kids all start tlaking excitedly they could see the museum coming up, they all jumped in their seats as the coach finally parked and they could get out.
Once they were outside the teachers began getting the students into groups and paired with a buddy, Y/N and B/F/N where paired together which the two friends loved.
"Okay students, we are now going in stick with your group if you do go off take your buddy with you" called Mrs Hill over the noise, the large group began making their way into the museum.
Y/N and B/F/N instantly break away from the group and wonder off on their own, Y/N had lots of information about the exhibition ls they go into thanks to her Uncle Spencer.
As the two laugh and walk around, outside the building a large van is parked, 5 men all get out dressed in black holding duffle bags and guns
"Let's go" yells the leader.
Just two hours later all hell breaks loose, a group of about 5 men dressed in black storm the museum and puts it in lockdown pulling guns on the people inside including Y/Ns class.
"Shut up the lot of ya!" Yells the leader, over the incom making everyone in the museum hear him, Y/N and B/F/N quickly hide in on of the exhibitions, they hide in a small corner to small for an adult to get to but smaller enough to two teens to sit in.
B/F/N shakes with fear as the leader threatens everyone in the museum, anyone hiding will be taken to the rest fonthe group if they are found. "It's like a sick game of hide a seek" mutters Y/N, she was scared but couldn't let her friend see.
"What would mum do in this situation" mutters the teen trying to remember what her mum taught her, 'stay calm and don't do anything rash, listen and be submissive' thinks Y/N to herself.
They mostly likely have control over the cameras and door locks if they are seem then they will be killed. Y/N racks her brain before grabbing her phone she forgot about it.
B/F/N looks up from her crying as she felt Y/N rummaging around for something. "Ah ha! Found it" she exclaimed it was her phone, quickly the 12 year old pulls open contacts ans calls her Mum.
5 seconds later the woman picks up. "Mum help me!" Says Y/N.
Back in Quantico...
JJ had jsut said goodbye to her daughter she was super excited for her trip to the museum. "Have a great time sweetie!" Yells JJ waving to her excited Daughter the H/C girl waves back equally excited.
As the coach leaves the school JJ makes her way back to the car and drives herself to work. Once she arrives she sees the team gathered around the pull pen talking.
"Morning JJ, Y/N get on the coach okay?" Asks Emily turning the conversation onto Y/N, the whole team knew she was going on a field trip that day.
JJ smiles at them "yeah the coach jsut left, she'll have so much fun" smiles the Blonde, the team then syart Woking after they get a glare from Bossman.
Two hours later JJ is busy writing up a case they had two weeks ago when her phone rings, confused the woman answers wondering why her daughter is calling.
"Hey-Mum help me!" Yells the distressed voice of her daughter the girl sounded terrified. JJ instantly stood up phone next to her ear. "Mum! The museum has been taken over ! It's a hostage situation help us!" Yells Y/N sounding hysterical as she explains.
"Dont worry Honey, I'm on my way the team will be there soon stay put and don't been seen" she exclaims being running from her office ans into the bullpen.
This alarms the team making Hotch abd Rossi run out of their offices and the team surround JJ trying to calm the scared woman. "It's Y/N there's a hostage situation at the museum she's at!" She exclaims crying.
Hotch gets a phone call. "Yes ma'am, yes I understand, we will be there" he says then ends the call and turns to the team in front of him. "Looks like we arw the rapid response team wheels up, we meet with the police department there" he says, the team waste no time and rush out the doors.
While doing this JJ calls Will and explains tk him, being a detective he's apart of the department helping the FBI out. Once they arrive they arrange contact with the leader.
After 5 grueling hours later the snipers get a good shot at the group of men and take them out freeing the civilians trapped inside, The BAU rush in Hotch infront.
JJ is the one that finds her Daughter, they wee hiding in the dinosaur exhibition in between a Trex and display cabinet.
Y/N and B/F/N had been playing I spy while waiting, as the door opens they freeze, holding their hands over each others mouth to keep quiet.
As they door the footsteps get louder and JJ appears in their vision, suddenly Y/N was jumping at her Mum sobbing loudly as JJ holds her tightly.
She then talks into her radio. "I found them hotch, they are safe" she says sniffling and holding her arm out to Y/Ns best friend to instantly runs into her arms.
Both girls cry happy to be safe, JJ and her group walk the two girls out of the museum, B/F/N spots her parents runs off leaving JJ and Y/N to find Will.
The man had been pacing back nad forth waiting for his wife and daughter to come out, when he spots them he runs over almost knocking them over as he holds them kissing his wife and daughter on the head holding them.
"Your safe now darlin' don't worry we aren't letting you out of our sight for a while now" mutters the man getting a laugh out of his family.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the late I've been busy with a project fir class and haven't had time to write these oneshots.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1260
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bveckerswife · 2 years ago
hi! could you possibly write for jennifer jareau with daughter!reader where the reader is doing her final exams and is really stressed and tired?
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you heard your mom’s soft voice yelling for you downstairs, “y/n, are you gonna come down for dinner?”
“yeah after i finish this chapter!” you called back. just one more chapter has been your motto the past few days, and you didn’t know how many more it would take to make you snap.
when you finally did come down for dinner, you were too absorbed in your own thoughts to really make conversation.
“how’s studying going?” will asked, though it took a minute to even realize he was talking to you.
you ran sluggishly walked back to your room after dinner, knowing there was still tons of work to be done, notes to be taken, and pages to be read.
around midnight, a knock on your bedroom door pulled you out of your trance.
“y/n, what’s going on?” your mom asked.
“y/n, i know something’s wrong. you won’t talk, you aren’t asleep, and you’re doing too much work.”
you were either extremely sleep deprived or just too emotional because your mom expressing her concern for you made you break down into tears.
“i feel like i’m failing at this. i have finals all week and i still can’t make myself get it!” you sobbed.
jj hated to see you cry as any parent would. she gently pulled you over to sit on your bed and cradled your head as you cried into her chest.
“why don’t we take a break for the rest of the night, sleep in, and go to school a little late tomorrow?”
“i can’t mom, what if there’s a study guide? how will i ask questions?”
“i’ll call the school and let them know, it can all be dealt with later. for now i’m just proud of all the work you have put in so far.”
you couldn’t say no to a free morning off, so you and your mom had a sleepover in your room and let yourself sleep for the first time in what felt like weeks.
jj loves how hard you work to keep up in all of you classes by yourself, but for some reason, she’s never been more happy to watch you skip class.
this has not been proofread, i’m too tired to do that tonight so i’ll make edits in the morning. as always, feedback is appreciated and i hope you liked it!
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