#mother daughter fluff
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Could you do a hotchniss x daughter reader where they have a teen daughter and she sneakily has a boy over and aaron and Emily come back from a case and they catch him leaving her room and aaron goes into protective dad mode
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Aaron Hotchner X Emily Prentiss X Teen Daughter reader
Request: Could you do a hotchniss x daughter reader where they have a teen daughter and she sneakily has a boy over and aaron and Emily come back from a case and they catch him leaving her room and aaron goes into protective dad mode 
Third person pov...
Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss had just returned from a particularly intense case in upstate New York. As they stepped off the plane, both agents were exhausted and eager to get back to their home in Virginia.
Little did they know, they were about to face one of their toughest challenges yet - parenting a teenage daughter.
Currently 16 year old Y/N was home alone, not entirely alone she had invited over her boyfriend, David to watch a movie knowing her parents would be on their way home.
They had already called to let her know they would be landing soon, the two had lots of fun spending the day together doing nothing but watching movies and raiding the kichen for snacks.
"Thank God we're back" Emily sighed as they made their way off the jet "I can't wait to sleep in my own bed."
Aaron chuckled, 'You and me both. I just hope our daughter hasn't wrecked the house while we were gone.'
Emily shot him a look, 'Our daughter is a responsible young lady. I'm sure she's been just fine without us.'
Say8ng goodbye to the rest of thw team they got into their car and drove home, but as they walked through the front door of their home.
They were met with a sight that made both of their hearts sink. In the living room, their 16-year-old daughter, Y/N, was cuddled up on the couch with a boy.
Aaron's eyes narrowed in an instant, and Emily could feel his protective instincts on high alert. The couple slowly made their way into the room, trying not to disturb the teenagers who were watching a movie.
As they got closer, they could see that the boy was not just any boy. It was David, a troublemaker from Y/N's school who they had explicitly told her to stay away from.
The teens where cuddled under a blanket, infront of them on thr coffee table were snacks and drinks, playing on the TV was (Favourite movie) Y/N never watches her favourite movie with just anyone.
The black haired woman looks at her husband and could reqd his mind, "Aaron" Emily whispered, trying to calm him down. 'Let's just talk to her." She took his hand in hers and held it.
This made the man relax slightly but a murderous look still on his face.
But before they could say anything, the movie ended and David stood up to leave, Y/N gave him a smile and stood up to hug and kiss him goodbye and sat back down on the sofa, neither teen had seen the two adults in the doorway.
The boy had a love sick grin on his face As he walked towards the door, Aaron stepped in front of him, blocking his path.
"What are you doing here?" Aaron's voice was low and menacing.
David, who previously exuded confidence, now looked like a deer caught in headlights. He mumbled something incoherent and quickly scrambled out of the house.
Emily took a deep breath and turned to her daughter, who was now standing, she had jumped up from the sofa when she hear heard her dad shout, she looked scared and guilty.
Emily crossed her arms and looked at her daughte "What were you thinking, Y/N?" She said, trying to keep her voice calm.
Y/N nervously played with her hands, not looling up at her parents and thwir disapointed look, "I'm sorry" Y/N replied, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I just really like him, and I knew you wouldn't approve" she sais tears running down her face.
Aaron let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "That doesn't change the fact that we specifically forbid you from seeing him. He's not a good influence, and you know that"
Y/N shook her head, surprising her parents. "But he's not! He's actually really sweet and not at all like he appears! You always told me not to judge people and here you are doing it!" The teen yells.
She collapses onto the sofa her head in her arms. The adults looked at each other before at their cryjng daughter, they had judged the boy by appearences like she said.
Emily sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry Honey, you arw right we did judge him but appearance, but it still doesn't make if okay for you to sneak boys inside" she explains to the girl gently.
"Really" Y/N sniffled, wiping at her tears. Aaron knelt in front of her and took her hands in his. "We love you, Y/N. We just want what's best for you" he says gently to the girl.
Y/N nodded, "I promise, he isn't all that bad, just meet him yourself and you'll see!" She insisted.
The two look at each other then back down at their daughter. She does have a point they don't know anything about the boy.
Aaron sighed at the look his wife gave him. "Okay, we will get to know him, but if he hurts you in anyway tell him I've got a gun and knkw how to use it" Says Aaron a not happy smile on his face.
This made the girl laugh, Emily shakes her head at her husband. The couple hugged their daughter and assured her that she was forgiven.
As they talked and cuddled on the couch, Aaron couldn't help but feel grateful for his daughter's honesty and decided to trust her.
'We're going to have to keep a closer eye on her,' Emily said, sipping her tea. 'She's still young, and we can't afford to let her make mistakes like this.'
Aaron nodded, 'I know. It's just hard to believe that our little girl is already sneaking boys into her room.'
Emily chuckled, 'We were teenagers once too, Aaron. We can't expect her to be perfect. We just have to guide her and hope that she learns from her mistakes.'
As they sat in comfortable silence, both agents were reminded of the challenges of being parents to a teenager. But they also knew that they were a strong team and would do anything to protect their daughter, even if it meant going into protective dad mode every now and then.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for thr wait on this request. As usual sorry for grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count : 1133
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snowbellsquiver · 2 years ago
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Modern 90’s AU: Saturday nights at the loft with Emma and Mary Margaret are for Cinnamon Cocoa, pillow forts, karaoke dance parties and so much laughter that noise complaints are always a gamble. Especially with all the practice for Emma’s upcoming talent show performance.
Very loosely inspired by one of the first Snow/Emma mother daughter fluffy fanfics I ever read ( we’re talking circa 2013) Andi88’s like no one’s watching. In which adult Emma and Snow dance around the loft in carefree fanfare while cleaning.
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snowbellsxquiver · 11 months ago
Shoot em’ in the eye - Snow x Emma
Circa season 4
Closed RP ~ @screwhope
“Hey.” Snow laid a gentle hand on Emma’s shoulder, offering a small smile to her daughter as she settled down next to her. “Your dad is taking Neal and Henry for some guy time later.” She began, keeping her tone light to not give away that it was all carefully orchestrated so she could get some alone time with Emma today. With everything they’d had going on, mother daughter time had fallen to the way side which snow really hated. So she aimed to fix that today. She missed Emma, her little girl she always would be, and so why not try some firsts. “I was thinking of trying out my new bow… My old one is still perfectly fine, the pull back is a little too loose for me now…” cringing internally she rubbed her fingers scores her forehead. She was horrible at beating around the bush. Small taken never had been her strong suit. “It should be perfect for you though. Would you like to give it a try? I could teach you the basics, just in case we ever run into ogres again.” A nervous giggle escaped as she glanced at where it was hanging by the door along with her quiver.
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snowbellsxquiver · 11 months ago
“I can be quite persuasive when I want really something, Emma. Just ask your father.” Snow smirked, chuckling as she fussed with the skirt, fluffing it out. She’d exhausted all her cherubic features in hopes Emma would allow her to do this.
“You look.. so beautiful.. like the princess you’ve always been. Your father is going to be beside himself when he sees you..” Snow felt the lump growing in her throat, tears of pride falling as she stepped back to admire her daughter.
“How you feel in it is what matters though. Do you like it? I know it isn’t your style, you put it on to humor me.” She felt the tears come on harder, grinning like the Cheshire cat as she hovered close to Emma, wanting to hug her daughter more than anything but resisting, not wanting to cross Emma’s boundaries.
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@snowbellsxquiver liked for a starter
"I can't believe I let you convince me to do this." A ball. Like an honest to god ball, with dancing and ball gowns and everything. That was what her parents had insisted on, she was too old to be a debutant, but hey this was how they wanted to show they cared.
"How do I look?"
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wandasreallover · 7 months ago
obsession! Auseries
wanda maximoff
she don't wanna be saved
Ceo!wanda drabble
Till the last breath
New beginnings
Elizabeth olsen
Golden Girl
Daily Dose Of lizzie
The Assistant
The reunion
Sweatest devotion
Leigh Shaw
-step-mother leigh
Grief Group
Mother!Wanda maximoff
I dont want your help
Maria hill
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years ago
Mom! Wandanat with a teen daughter reader who is going through her rebellious phase? Sneaking out, watching raunchy shows, ect but in reality she’s still a mama’s girl
Teenage phase
Summary: At the end of the day, nothing is more important than moms.
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 649
a/n: I’m slowly (but surely) working through my requests :)
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @emsmultiverse
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She glances behind her one last time, making sure the door is closed, before swinging her legs to the other side. She grabs the metal ladder next to her window, climbing on top of it. Closing the window, Y/N starts going down until she can jump down to the ground.
With a giggle, Y/N jogs to her friend’s car and gets inside the passenger seat. “Hi.” She grins widely, dropping her bag to her feet.
“Hey, girl.” Her friend starts the car. “You got out without being noticed?”
Y/N scoffs. “I don’t think I can do anything without my moms noticing, but, they didn’t stop me.”
“I guess that’s the best you can do with spy parents.” The friend puts the radio on. “What’d you bring?”
“Some movies, new season of the show we’re watching and snacks.” Y/N digs through her bag, showing them to her friend. “Your favorite candy.” She shakes the plastic bag of sweets with a grin on her face.
“That’s why you’re my favorite.”
For hours, Y/N and her friend have been watching movies their parents wouldn’t allow them to see. They’re staying at a third friend’s house, whose parents are a lot more laid back and doesn’t mind the extra people coming in and out of the house in the middle of the night.
A phone starts ringing, making all of them groan and complain as they try to find out which phone it is. “It’s mine!” Y/N shouts, holding up her phone. “Shit, it’s my mom. What’s the time?”
“Christ.” Y/N answers the phone. “Hey, mom.” Her voice is cheery, though tired from being up all night.
“Hey, where are you?” Natasha’s voice comes through the phone.
“In my room, of course.”
Natasha grins, staring at the empty room in front of her. “Okay. Mind bringing some milk on your way to the kitchen? We’re out and I’m feeling like pancakes for breakfast.”
“Got it.” Y/N ends the call and turns to her friends. “I have to go, will you drive me? We need to go to the store on the way.”
“Can’t you stay? Your mom has to know you’re not home, so what’s a few more hours?”
“I can’t stay, because my mom needs milk for pancakes.” Y/N grabs her bag, stuffing all her things in there. “We can continue later. Keep the movie until then.”
“You do everything your mom says.” The friend sighs, but stands up and gets ready to leave.
She giggles. “Of course, they’re my moms.”
Y/N jogs to the side of the house and starts climbing up the ladders. On top, she opens the window and jumps in. Quickly, she changes into her nightwear and grabs two cartons of milk from her backpack.
Humming, she walks down the stairs and straight to the kitchen. “Here’s the milk you asked for.” Y/N sets the cartons on the table, right in front of Natasha.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Natasha resta her elbows on the table, staring at Y/N. “Sleep well?”
Wanda slumps down the stairs, her eyes still half closed from tiredness. “Morning, baby.” She kisses the top of Y/N’s head. “Morning, honey.” She and Natasha kiss. “Why are you awake so early.”
Y/N yawns and points at Natasha. “I woke up when mom left for her run.”
“Natasha, you have to stop being so loud so early in the morning.” Wanda lectures with a shake of her head as she goes to get the ingredients for pancakes.
“Right, I’m so loud.” Natasha raises her brows and looks at Y/N, who only shrugs with a grin.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 1 month ago
“Do you like the snow?” Kokushibo asked, his three pairs of eyes gazing momentarily at Muzan before flicking back down to the floor. He sunk deeper into his bow, waiting silently. It was an odd question to follow up an order for a mission, yet it had slipped out nonetheless. Perhaps because he’d just been brought into the Infinity Castle after being out in the snow all evening, but it’d been the first thing on his mind.
“The snow?” Muzan repeated. His tone was surprisingly full of inquiry—and maybe he was holding back from reading Kokushibo’s mind, or was asking purely through courtesy (unlikely, but possible), but he sounded genuinely curious.
“Yes,” Kokushibo agreed.
“If I like it…” he mused, shaking his head. “No, I never cared for it. Is there a point to this question?”
“No. Apologies, Kibutsuji-sama.”
“Ah. Well, then—“ He signaled vaguely with a hand and, with the strum of a biwa, Kokushibo was teleported back outside. His steps sunk into the thick layers of snow as he began to walk towards the nearest village.
Meanwhile, Muzan had himself transported to a town where one of his crafted families were. As he walked idly down the streets, the snow crunched under his feet and seeped into the cuffs of his pants. He frowned down at the footsteps that walked in all directions. When he glanced up, he was met with a row of small snowmen, twigs sticking out as arms for the army of snowballs.
“Do I like snow?” he asked himself, gazing, confused, at the snowmen. “No, no I don’t.”
The sound of chattering brought his attention back up, drawn to the laughter. A little girl, whom he recognized as the one he was meant to be the father of, ran towards him, mindless of how the snow and mud splattered against the hem of her dress.
He crouched slightly, picking her up when she jumped onto him.
“It snowed!” she informed him, unnecessarily, a wide smile splitting her face. “Can we play outside before dinner? Can we? Please, Chichiue!”
“Mm? Did Kaa-chan say that was alright?” he asked, feigning excitement and patting her head.
“Yeah! She said ten minutes!”
“Ten minutes, it is,” he assured her, and placed her back down. She giggled, picking up a clump of snow and tossed it at him. Instinctively, he dodged it, and she pouted.
“You’re no fun!” she told him, then went off to play on her own, shouting something about making a forest for the snow people.
Muzan watched, conflicted. A memory, somewhere in the back of his mind, nudged him. Quietly bothering him, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. As he watched the daughter that wasn’t quite his begin to roll in the snow, he gave in, closing his eyes with a soft exhale. His breath was visible before him, but he didn’t see it, instead transported centuries into the past. Back when he had been his daughter’s age, equally elated over the concept of snow.
“But I want to see it—!” Muzan protested, his whining loud despite the frailness of his body. His nurse fretted over him, shaking her head.
“No, no, you’re not fit for it! You’ll catch a fever if you step out,” she told him, pushing him gently back into his bed. He was small, not just because he was a child, but even more than the average for his age. Recently, his appetite had been low, and with winter at its peak, his condition had worsened. Yet he was immediately awake at the mention of the snowy wonder he’d yet see for himself.
Grumbling, Muzan wiggled out of the covers, pushing the weight of them all off. The air outside the blankets was chilly, and he shivered, but persisted. “So? I’m always sick!” he all but yelled. “I’ll get sick either way! I wanna go!”
“Muzan-chan,” the nurse tried. She retrieved one of the blankets and draped it over his shoulders. “Your mother won’t be happy.”
“I don’t care!” he decided. “Okaa-san would understand!”
Muzan turned to her with wide eyes that were full of longing, a pout forming. “Just a couple minutes? I never get to do things.”
The nurse struggled with herself for a moment, then sighed, sagging. “Alright. Five minutes. I’ll find you some clothes, you can’t go out in that.”
A few moments later, Muzan stumbled outside, bundled up in scarves and several layers of haori. The nurse held his hand tightly, gently helping him step into his shoes and then onto the snow. Red eyes alight with wonder, Muzan gasped and prodded tentatively at the snow with his foot. When it formed a cavity in the bright white mound, he laughed and stomped down, the widest of smiles splitting his face when the snow went flying.
“Careful, Muzan-chan!” the nurse warned, not quite letting him go even when he began to waddle through the snow. His excitement was palpable, his breath visible in the air where he spoke.
“It’s so cold,” he remarked, his cheeks and nose bright red—a contrast to his pale skin. However he seemed unbothered by the temperature, even elated by it, uncaring for the sacrifice if it meant being outside. “Ne, can I play?”
“Ah… You’re not well, yet, so be cautious,” was his answer. But the nurse reluctantly let him go, keeping close as he giggled and spun in a slow circle.
Abruptly, he sank down, poking the snow with a finger. He sucked in a breath and pulled his hand back. “It’s so—“ he started, then plunged his hand in, laughing breathlessly at the iciness.
“Don’t do that!” the nurse chided, crouching and pulling his hand out, wrapping it in one of the scarves. “You’ll give yourself a frostbite.”
“But it feels funny!” he said, only to be distracted by something else. He stood, slowly, then hurried off to soothe his curiosity. His enthusiasm was ceaseless, smiles bright and full of life. They ended up staying out for ten minutes, until Muzan began getting dizzy from all the movement.
As he was ushered inside, shoes pulled off and tucked back onto bed, he began recounting his adventure. His mother listened patiently while the nurse made some tea, readjusting the blankets so they were up to his chin.
“It was so cold, and really mushy, and kept getting on my clothes, and then it melted and—and then I made people! Out of snow! And we got sticks and put them in the snow for arms, but then the people fell apart—but, but then we made even more, and then there was a bunch of footprints in the snow—“ he said, without even stopping for breath. His face was still tinged red where the air had bit his skin, and he seemed as if he’d run miles for hours. But his happiness was infectious, and his mother couldn’t resist the smile that followed her understanding hums.
“Is that so?” she asked, when he finally paused to catch up with himself.
The nurse returned with tea for all three of them, and they helped Muzan drink his first. When he finished a few sips, he nodded.
“It was super fun, I wanna go outside again tomorrow!”
“Maybe another day,” his mother suggested. “You rest well today and tomorrow, and we’ll consider. How about that?”
“…okay,” Muzan pouted, but agreed, burrowing into his blankets. “I’ll sleep now!”
“All right, then,” his mother said, amused, and patted him gently. “Sleep well, and you’ll see the snow in a bit.”
She and the nurse left the room once they were sure he’d sleep, taking the tea with them. Muzan tucked his face under the blankets, bringing his hands up to his cheeks and feeling how much colder they were.
“Like the snow,” he said to himself. “I love the snow!”
That night, his dreams consisted of snow in the summers when he was allowed out for small bits of time—the snowmen he’d made now with arms that stayed, relaxing in the shade beside him. Every year, he must go out when it snowed. He’d make sure that it happened. One way or another!
The whiny voice brought Muzan back to the present and he hummed, glancing down at the little girl that tugged on his pant leg.
“Yes, Teruko-chan?” he asked, pushing away his impatience to bend down.
“I’m cold!” she said with a huff. “I wanna go inside!”
“All right.” Muzan scooped her up into his arms, wandering towards their house. “Where’s your mother?”
“Kaa-chan’s making dinner, and she saw you outside so she said I could play with you,” his daughter informed him, wiggling in his grasp. She pressed her cheek to his, and he felt the coolness in her skin, reminding him of when he’d pressed his hands to his own face.
“Is that so? Then why don’t we go inside to eat?” he suggested, and pushed the door open. The little girl immediately squirmed from his arms and dashed off to the kitchen where, presumably, the food was being made. He tapped the snow from his shoes, then took them off as he entered. The door closed behind him, and he remained at the doorway for a moment, gazing aimlessly at the hall.
At dinner, he assured his wife that he’d eaten lunch late so he’d eat dinner later. He sat patiently at the table, glad for the clouded-over sky because it allowed him to walk freely in the snow today. As he waited, he gazed curiously at his daughter.
“Did you like playing in the snow?” he asked, stopping her from shoving too much food into her mouth.
“Yeah!” she said happily, batting his hand away. “But the snow was super cold, so I don’t wanna go tomorrow. One day is fine! Tomorrow, I can sit by the fire and have milk.”
Her mother laughed softly. “I thought you liked the snow?”
“Not for long times,” the girl said matter-of-factly, shaking her head. “I like making the snowmen and stuff, but then it’s too cold so I wanna go back in.”
“Ah, well, I like the snow,” Muzan piped up, as the dishes were collected to wash.
“Why?” his daughter asked almost judgmentally, a perplexed frown plastered on her face.
Why? Muzan paused. “It’s nice?”
“Boring!” The little girl ran off to her mother, shouting, “Kaa-chan! Chichiue’s boring!”
“Don’t say that about your father!” was the distant response from the kitchen, the clattering of dishes and the sound of water following.
Muzan’s previously pleasant expression dropped with the absence of company, and he murmured something about going to sleep early, trudging to the bedroom. He wasn’t sure if it had been the snow, exactly, that he’d loved as a child. Or maybe it had. It was hard to say. Such small things hardly mattered to him, now. Now, he could go out whenever he wanted. So maybe he didn’t care for snow. Such trivial things were unimportant—and liking it or not, it came only briefly each year. Ah, well, he’d avoid the snow tomorrow and have Nakime bring him where he needed to go, instead of going on foot. Perhaps the girl had a point—he should just stay inside; the snow was too cold to actually enjoy.
Goodness, such a bother for something like snow. What was he thinking? He had other things to worry about.
The thoughts were shoved aside as he entered his study room and picked a book from the shelf. He’d go to the library tomorrow and continue browsing through the books. The blue spider lily was at utmost importance now. Unless it thrived in the snow, he shouldn’t let himself get distracted again. He’d better tell Kokushibo to not ask such things anymore.
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idontplaytrack · 11 months ago
✧ First
Olivia Benson x teen!daughter reader
Warnings: none.
In which Olivia meets reader’s girlfriend for the first time.
“After school, are you coming straight home or are you going out?”
“Oh- uh, I have a date with Ramona.”
“A date? Okay, have a good time and be alert, yeah?”
“Of course, mama. I will.” You nodded, swinging your backpack over your shoulder.
You leave the house several minutes ahead of her to get to school- as usual. Your spirits were high since you'd get to see your girlfriend after school- it's been a hectic week.
Meanwhile, at SVU, Rollins knocks on Liv's office door to talk. "Liv, everything okay? I saw you through the window and you seem a little...worried?"
"Worried? Maybe a little, but mainly kind of happy? I mean, this morning I asked y/n what she was doing after school and she just tells me she has a date. She's never been one to be so open and tell me something like that."
"It seems like she's finally ready to let you know she's seeing someone. That's great, Liv."
"I know. It is, just a little shocked is all."
After class, you waited for Ramona at a nearby coffeehouse. She was coming from her school but it wasn't far away from the place so it didn't take her long. "Hey!" You waved and she saw you. "Hi, babe." She pecks your lips softly, "Did you wait for long?"
"No, just fifteen minutes. Ready to order?"
"Yep." She put her backpack down and two of you got up and joined the line. You've already gotten yourself a drink, but you decided to get some food now as well.
“So, a couple weeks ago you brought up meeting your Mom and I did give it some thought.”
“We don’t have to-”
“I know that. But I think now’s a pretty good time. We’re coming up to a year and if you feel ready, just know that I am too.”
“Okay. Shall we do that tonight? Mom promised to make her famous lasagna.”
“Ooh, yum.” Ramona nodded in agreement, “Can’t wait. Your Mom’s such a badass.”
“She is.” You agreed.
Later that evening, you took Ramona home with you. Your Mom was cooking and had just put the lasagna into the oven. “Mom, I’m home. I’m brought Ramona with me.”
“Oh, wow. Hello.” She shut the door of the oven and whipped her head around. “It’s great to finally meet you, Ramona.”
“It’s so nice to meet you too.” Ramona shook her hand, “How would you like me to address you?”
“Olivia’s fine.” She smiled.
“Alright.” Ramona nods, returning her smile.
While waiting for the lasagna to be ready, your Mom got the chance to get to know Ramona. “How’d you two meet?”
“A year ago at the away track meet.” You answered.
“Took me nearly two months to get the guts to ask her out.” Ramona admitted, “Now I know where she gets her beauty from. You two look so alike.”
Olivia chuckles. You blushed, nudging her playfully, “Stop.”
“You are gorgeous.” Ramona shrugged, rubbing your thigh soothingly.
“What are your plans for college?”
“Mom.” Your eyes widened in shock.
“It’s okay.” Ramona says, “I’m going to NYU in the fall. Early decision.”
“That’s really impressive. Congratulations.”
“Thanks.” Ramona smiled.
“I’m just glad my daughter’s met someone that loves her so much. It’s clear to me she feels the same way about you.” Olivia says, right as the oven dinged.
After dinner, Ramona said bye to your Mom, then you, alone. “I’ll see you Sunday?” You ask.
“Yeah.” She nods, giving you a sweet kiss on the lips, “We’ll hit a couple of bookstores then check out the new cafe.”
“Sounds great.”
“Night, baby.” Ramona runs her thumb over your knuckles.
“Good night.”
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kindred-spirit-93 · 4 months ago
back from the dead (snort)
asdfghjkl thank you! really glad u like her lol shes becoming my favouritest to doodle lol. also not at all! i really love that you kept the aspect of her grief that so many are keen to twist to villainise her or erase completely to invalidate her. both are awful imo
heres a quote from le ask (soon i promise 😭😂): "Demeter and Persephone share a strong bond compared to the other gods. After Persephones "death" Demeter was never really the same. Demeter relives the painful cycle annually, and carries a deep rooted bitterness toward the other gods for it."
i actually think its hilarious and awesome to see that demeter can be herself with those shes close with (one of my favourite things in characterisations is when you have what seems to be a stern and serious presenting person breaking character at a dumb or inappropriate joke or something to that affect, it kills me everytime its so funny!)
anyway demeter is NOT not be confused with gaia (my girl knows how to have fun lol). but much like the rest of us shes got issues to work with and experiences to heal and grow from *finger guns*. 10/10 i think u did her justice. so much so i drew this for u hehe
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under no cicumstances should she meet micheal scott lmao. humanity will never hear the end of "thats what _ said" jokes. ever.
her hair is lime green btw the light is making her blonde :/
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jennifer jareau x daughter reader. She is 12 and gets into a hostage situation on a school field trip. Jj, will, and the team have to save her and the others
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Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau X Daughter reader
Request: jennifer jareau x daughter reader. She is 12 and gets into a hostage situation on a school field trip. Jj, will, and the team have to save her and the others
Third person pov...
Y/N Jareau and her Best friend were almost jumping up and down in excitement like the rest of the class was as they neared the museum where they were going for their Field trip.
The little Jareau had been waiting for this day all year and was very excited to finally be going on it. "We have now arrived, please stay seated until we have stopped students!" Yelled Mr Tracy Y/Ns teacher.
This caused a commotion amongst the kids, they all started yelling excited and standing up in their sears as their teacher slouches in his seat, Mrs Hill just sighs at her companion and stands up facing the group of about 40 kids.
"He said QUIET!" She yells effectively making the bus silent not one student dared to speak after Mrs Hill shouted at them, she could be scary when she wanted.
A full 5 minutes if silence passes before the kids all start tlaking excitedly they could see the museum coming up, they all jumped in their seats as the coach finally parked and they could get out.
Once they were outside the teachers began getting the students into groups and paired with a buddy, Y/N and B/F/N where paired together which the two friends loved.
"Okay students, we are now going in stick with your group if you do go off take your buddy with you" called Mrs Hill over the noise, the large group began making their way into the museum.
Y/N and B/F/N instantly break away from the group and wonder off on their own, Y/N had lots of information about the exhibition ls they go into thanks to her Uncle Spencer.
As the two laugh and walk around, outside the building a large van is parked, 5 men all get out dressed in black holding duffle bags and guns
"Let's go" yells the leader.
Just two hours later all hell breaks loose, a group of about 5 men dressed in black storm the museum and puts it in lockdown pulling guns on the people inside including Y/Ns class.
"Shut up the lot of ya!" Yells the leader, over the incom making everyone in the museum hear him, Y/N and B/F/N quickly hide in on of the exhibitions, they hide in a small corner to small for an adult to get to but smaller enough to two teens to sit in.
B/F/N shakes with fear as the leader threatens everyone in the museum, anyone hiding will be taken to the rest fonthe group if they are found. "It's like a sick game of hide a seek" mutters Y/N, she was scared but couldn't let her friend see.
"What would mum do in this situation" mutters the teen trying to remember what her mum taught her, 'stay calm and don't do anything rash, listen and be submissive' thinks Y/N to herself.
They mostly likely have control over the cameras and door locks if they are seem then they will be killed. Y/N racks her brain before grabbing her phone she forgot about it.
B/F/N looks up from her crying as she felt Y/N rummaging around for something. "Ah ha! Found it" she exclaimed it was her phone, quickly the 12 year old pulls open contacts ans calls her Mum.
5 seconds later the woman picks up. "Mum help me!" Says Y/N.
Back in Quantico...
JJ had jsut said goodbye to her daughter she was super excited for her trip to the museum. "Have a great time sweetie!" Yells JJ waving to her excited Daughter the H/C girl waves back equally excited.
As the coach leaves the school JJ makes her way back to the car and drives herself to work. Once she arrives she sees the team gathered around the pull pen talking.
"Morning JJ, Y/N get on the coach okay?" Asks Emily turning the conversation onto Y/N, the whole team knew she was going on a field trip that day.
JJ smiles at them "yeah the coach jsut left, she'll have so much fun" smiles the Blonde, the team then syart Woking after they get a glare from Bossman.
Two hours later JJ is busy writing up a case they had two weeks ago when her phone rings, confused the woman answers wondering why her daughter is calling.
"Hey-Mum help me!" Yells the distressed voice of her daughter the girl sounded terrified. JJ instantly stood up phone next to her ear. "Mum! The museum has been taken over ! It's a hostage situation help us!" Yells Y/N sounding hysterical as she explains.
"Dont worry Honey, I'm on my way the team will be there soon stay put and don't been seen" she exclaims being running from her office ans into the bullpen.
This alarms the team making Hotch abd Rossi run out of their offices and the team surround JJ trying to calm the scared woman. "It's Y/N there's a hostage situation at the museum she's at!" She exclaims crying.
Hotch gets a phone call. "Yes ma'am, yes I understand, we will be there" he says then ends the call and turns to the team in front of him. "Looks like we arw the rapid response team wheels up, we meet with the police department there" he says, the team waste no time and rush out the doors.
While doing this JJ calls Will and explains tk him, being a detective he's apart of the department helping the FBI out. Once they arrive they arrange contact with the leader.
After 5 grueling hours later the snipers get a good shot at the group of men and take them out freeing the civilians trapped inside, The BAU rush in Hotch infront.
JJ is the one that finds her Daughter, they wee hiding in the dinosaur exhibition in between a Trex and display cabinet.
Y/N and B/F/N had been playing I spy while waiting, as the door opens they freeze, holding their hands over each others mouth to keep quiet.
As they door the footsteps get louder and JJ appears in their vision, suddenly Y/N was jumping at her Mum sobbing loudly as JJ holds her tightly.
She then talks into her radio. "I found them hotch, they are safe" she says sniffling and holding her arm out to Y/Ns best friend to instantly runs into her arms.
Both girls cry happy to be safe, JJ and her group walk the two girls out of the museum, B/F/N spots her parents runs off leaving JJ and Y/N to find Will.
The man had been pacing back nad forth waiting for his wife and daughter to come out, when he spots them he runs over almost knocking them over as he holds them kissing his wife and daughter on the head holding them.
"Your safe now darlin' don't worry we aren't letting you out of our sight for a while now" mutters the man getting a laugh out of his family.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the late I've been busy with a project fir class and haven't had time to write these oneshots.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1260
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snowbellsxquiver · 11 months ago
Celebrating a Savior - Snow x Emma
{ Closed Rp, @evilxqueen }
Snow was up before the dawn, restless, she watched the sunrise from the bay window of thier farm house, clad in her nightgown and robe, hair all a mess, she raised the up the window, welcoming the cool breeze, much like she had all those years ago. She’d gone into labor shortly after sunrise, and Emma had been born just before it set. Time moved differently in the enchanted forest, Emma had been born at the end of spring there.
The was air cool enough for the windows to be open in the palace, not frigid like the October chill of Maine Emma had been subjected through in the wardrobe. Today marked one of the best and worst times in her life. Though forgiveness had come, along with acceptance, she still felt a a mix of elation and dread in the pits of her stomach. Of what they lost, but also what they had gained, the last few years had been difficult, but she felt that she and Emma were slowly falling into a normalcy and she wanted so desperately to show her how much loved her, how wanted she was despite some mistakes she made along the way. All parents made them right? It was just normally the children were babies and didn’t remember. Emma was grown, and snow had made several missteps at first, trying to be the perfect mother. She’d learned thier was no such thing, and to stop fighting so hard for her ideals of family and motherhood, and just let it happen naturally. Emma would always be her first born, her baby, and today marked her becoming a mother. So, she was choosing joy. She got up and began to ice Emma’s birthday cake.
Once the sun was up, she dressed and gathered up everything she’d need then headed over to her house. David would be over in a bit once Neal was up to cook Emma a pancake breakfast fit for a princess. She debated knocking out of respect, or calling, she’d been seeing Archie and trying to work on not breaching Emma’s boundaries as much, but it was her birthday, and her inner yearning won out. So she let herself in, bandit style, and moved swiftly and quietly as she unpacked everything in the kitchen. She wanted to be there to wake Emma gently, just this once, and sing her happy birthday. Something she and David had dreamed of before she was born.
Gathering up the little homemade cake, chocolate with sprinkles, not much, snow wasn’t a baker, Mary Margaret was good though, also a good crafter, She should really thank Regina for those skills.
She made her way to Emma’s bedroom, pushing the door open slowly and approaching her side of the bed, sinking down on it, she put the cake on the bedside table, She watched her a moment, like most parents did, cataloguing how like David she was when she slept before she gently touched her arm. “Emma? Hey, sleepy head. It’s your birthday.”
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wittyvitale · 1 month ago
I am WAY too soft today, here’s another Fluffy Castlevania Nocturne Headcanon:
Toddler Maria looks very sleepy. Tera picks her up and holds her.
Tera: I think it’s time for a nap
Maria (mumbling): Not sleepy
Tera (chuckling): Oh, I see. How about we just cuddle then?
Maria: OK.
Maria falls asleep within seconds against Tera’s chest
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hotpinkrathian · 10 months ago
Well, as promised, I have posted the past EIGHT chapters of a United Front.
My total word count, after the epilogue, is 118 THOUSAND words... color me speechless.
Thank you to everyone that embarked on this little journey of mine with me, your comments and Kudos have meant the world while I was going through a tough time.
So, please allow me to pitch my fic to everyone following the #Kyalin tag one last time.
A completed, 100k + mystery Kyalin Slowburn. You have angst, you have pining, there is smut there is badass bending from both Lin AND Kya. There is sacrifice and reconciliation. Politics and relationships and morality.
This is a little piece of me and I think it says a lot about who I am and what my values are. So of you're bored, and looking for something to read, I hope you'll consider A United Front
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years ago
Still works
Summary: When the counting starts, you better run.
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 276
a/n: just a silly little thing
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | quidelines
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“Why do I have to do that?” Y/N groans, stomping her foot to the ground. “That’s not my job.”
Wanda sighs, rubbing her forehead, while Natasha gives her a look. “That’s how housework goes, you have to pitch in, and I mean in more ways that cleaning your room.” Wanda explains, her patience growing thinner every moment Y/N fights against her.
“But that’s not fair!” She whines. “I clean my room and go to school, those are my jobs.”
Biting the inside of her cheek, Wanda takes a moment to compose herself. ”5…” The moment Wanda starts counting, Y/N frowns. This hasn’t been used on her since she was eight years old. “4…”
“That isn’t going to work on me anymore.” Rolling her eyes, Y/N crosses her hands over her chest. From Natasha’s point of view, she and Wanda look identical.
Not caring, Wanda continues staring Y/N down, waiting for her to back down. “3..”
Her lips turn into a line, holding the eye contact to the best of her ability. She doesn’t want to back down, she’s a teenager now, that means she’s supposed to push her parents’ boundaries for once.
One of Wanda’s brows raise. “Two…” There’s a pause, everything is quiet. Natasha is grinning silently. “O-“
“Fine!” Y/N takes her eyes off of Wanda’s. “Fine, I’m on it. Already doing it.” She groans and starts stomping up the stairs.
Wanda smiles. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
Chuckling quietly, Natasha steps closer to Wanda. “That was something. Kinda hot.” She smirks.
“Oh, shut it.” Wanda shakes her head with a laugh. “But it’s good to know my tricks still work.”
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pandora writes letters to herself for her future... luna ends up reading them
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Emily Prentiss X Daughter Reader
Request: Can you do Emily comforting daughter who has panic attack?
Panic attacks are the worst.
Third person pov...
It had been a tough case, 5 girls had been kidnapped from the same bar and each day they were killed and their bodies dumped in a different area each time.
The only thing similar about then was how similar they looked, they all had dark hair and dark eyes and all looked alot like a certain Agent, Emily Prentiss.
Currently the Agent was calling her daughter and letting her know what was happening with the case.
"But Mum it's dangerous, you can't!" Exclaimed Y/N through the video call that she was on in Penelopes office, on the screen her mother smiles trying to reassure her daughter.
After days of not getting anywhere the team had decided to send in an agent to go undercover and make contact with the Unsub.
The only one who looked like the victims was Emily, she of course was willing to go and catch this son of a bitch. But her daughter hated the plan.
"Y/N this is the only way to catch this guy, I will be okay" Explained Emily but the 11 year old wasn't listening to her mum. "No mum I can't lose you" Says
Y/N turning her head so she couldn't see her mums expression.
Emily sighs and looks at Penelope who shrugs her shoudlers but motions for her to talk to her daughter ans moves out of the way and mutters something about calling her 'chocolate thunder'.
Emily smiles sadly at her daughter, of course she already lost her once she doesn't want to loose her mum again. "N/N, sweetie please look at me?"askes Emily gently she didn't have long left until she had to leave.
Sighing the girl turns around and faces her tears threatening to fall but she keeps them in, Emily smiles at her almost teenager daughter.
"I'm promise you sweetie I will come home safe and sound nothing will happen to me" she promises touching the screen with her hand.
Y/N thinks for a second before putting her hand on the screen covering her mums larger hand. She sniffs softly.
"Fine you better keep your promise mum" she said, Emily nods her head. "I will sweetie see you soon" the screen then turns black Y/N stares at it for a couple seconds before she thanks Penelope and runs to her mums desk and sits at it.
She wraps one of her mums large jackets around herself as she waits until Penelope is finished to take the girl home.
Late that afternoon Y/N is back at the apartment currently curled up in her mums bedroom with Sergio with her the black cat curled up on the end of the bed.
Y/N didn't like sleeping in the apartment alone, since her mum 'died' the 11 year old never slept without her mum anywhere near her apart from on cases of course.
But to Y/N this one felt different something bad was going tk happen, suddenly her phone rings frightening the child, she breathes deeply before answering.
It was Hotch her Mum's boss. "Hotch is everything okay?" She asks the man, it's silent for a couple seconds before he answered.
"Y/N, I'm sorry to have to tell you this but we were too late, your Mum was killed by the unsub before we got to her, I'm sorry" he says Y/N freezes, her breathing heavy and panicked.
Her hands shake as she holds the phone almost dropping it. "W-what do you mean d-dead?" She stutters, silence again.
"Y-you mean this isn't a joke she's actually dead" she says, as the phone drops onto her lap, in a trance she falls back against the pillow and closes her eyes.
Then she wakes up screaming bloody murder. Eyes wide she Shoots up from thr bed and land on the floor hard.
Hyperventilating and sobbing loudly as she relieves the nightmare over and over again, she pushes herself against a wall and into a corner trying to feel safe.
Nothing was working the child clutches her pyjama top tightly she couldn't breathe she felt suffocated. The grill tries to take the shirt off but in her haste gets stuck which makes her panic even more.
She couldn't remember what to do she wanted ber mum she needed her mum to be safe still sobbing thr girl manages to finally rip of the offending clothing and sits in a vest and her pyjamas pants on the floor.
Her panic attack still active, she rocks back and forth trying to comfort herself but nothing in happening all she can think about is the horrible nightmare.
As her panic attack continues she doesn't hear the door opening and her Mum walking in. From the front Emilt sighs and locks thr door behind her.
As she does she calls out for her daughter but doesn't hear the usual pitter patter of feet running up to her.
Worried she makes her way to Y/Ns room, the bed had hardly be slept in, suddenly she hears sobs coming from her bedroom. " N/N" she gasps ans sprints in the general direction of her room.
Once she kicked the door open she searched for her daughter, when she found her thr 11 year old was curled up in a corner so tightly Emily was worried she was stuck.
Emily saw her covers thrown off the bed and onto the floor and sported Y/N pyjama shirt thrown away.
Seeing the state of panic her daughter was in Emily set to work calming her daughter down.
She knelt down infront her hands held out making sure she didn't touch her scared daughter, she then encourages her to breathe slowly and deeply.
She knows not to touch her unless she reaches out first.
Y/N tries it making Emily smile at her daughter and praise her she would hear the breath evening out. "That's good Y/N, it's okay mummy's here" she whispers to her daughter.
Then remembers the 3 3 3 rule for panic attack. "N/N" this gets Y/N attention she nods her head Emily smiles.
"That's good, now look around your environment to identify three objects" she says, the girl then looks around and names three objects.
"Good girl, next three sounds"
Y/N takes a deep breath and holds out her shaking hands which Emily takes and strokes gently.
"...Your voice...Sergios bell...clock ticking..."
Emily's smiles stays on her face her daughter is doing great, Sergio rubs his face against his scares owner making the girl crack a smile.
"Now lastly move three body parts" Says Emily, Y/N then wriggles her fingers, stretches out her legs and moves her neck.
After that she had calmed down alot, before Emily can move Y/N is already in her arms hugging her mum tightly instanlty feeling safe enough to sleep.
Emily sighs in relief as her daughter relaxes after that she needs sleep. Carefully Emily stands up and walks towards her bed and crawls in her daughter holding her tightly.
As they get settles Sergio jumps up and curls up on the empty space next to the two, the family get comfy and sleep Emily kissing her daughters forehead before sleeping.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot woo three in one night hope this makes up for not updating forever.
Request are open!
Word count: 1260
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