I'm a sucker for the classic "My love" and "My lady" but I also like to think that after they're married, Callum and Rayla annoy each other affectionately by referring to each other by their actual titles aka My Prince, My Princess, Your Highness, and Your Mageliness which is purposefully wrong BC Rayla thinks it's funny
Knowing Rayla, she’d probably roll her eyes at My Princess while melting to goo inside.
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raayllum · 4 months
DVD commentary for:
“Was your love for my father just not a big enough motivation, then?” Ezran sneered, setting the box down. He was tired of the damn thing. “Cause I really don’t see how you love my father and betray him like that. Lie to him—steal from him!” He looked up, then, furious.
Viren blinked slowly in the dim light, and Ezran waited, glowering eyes demanding an answer.
Each time he said something like this or threw a barb Viren’s way, he expected the man to close off and ignore him. Tell him to get out. It wasn’t as though Viren had ever been particularly warm even in Ezran’s even younger youth (perhaps he had been when Callum was young, not that Ez would know) but he’d never been open, either. Most days Ezran didn’t even make Viren hold the truth crystal anymore.
Yet Viren always answered, eventually. Maybe dying and coming back to life really had done a number on him. Or living in the dungeons was just humbling in a way he’d desperately needed.
“Dark mages have a certain disposition to them,” Viren said, voice soft with recollection of his mentor perhaps. Another who’d been gone even before Ezran’s birth. “We are constantly weighing things. The sheen of a feather, the length of a bone, the heaviness of a heart, animal or otherwise. One life for another, or many. Or many lives for one. Sometimes our scales become lacking.” Viren smiled ruefully. “When Harrow told me he had chosen Lady Justice’s blindfold instead of the swords or the scales, I told him he was a fool. But I was the most foolish in the end.”
“You, a fool?” Ezran surmised. “That seems about right.”
“I weighed things incorrectly, each time,” Viren said. “It is not so easy to see the truth when it could tear apart all you hold dear. All that you’ve sacrificed. At a certain point, I had to prove that Harrow wasn’t right because I couldn’t bear to be wrong, or admit that I was too swept up in the past. I thought he had betrayed him first, so I thought I was right in betraying him. I did not see how you could move on without just ignoring it.”
Ezran picked up the box for something to do, keeping his eyes stubbornly on it as he went through the final steps. He refused to meet Viren’s quietly prying gaze. He was the king, the interrogator here. He wasn’t about to put up with whatever bullshit Viren was going to spew. The box clicked open. He didn’t want—
“Where is your brother, King Ezran?”
“He’s not here,” Ezran said roughly, snapping the box shut again. “Isn’t that enough? He’s—he’s off saving the stupid elf you imprisoned.”
It was Viren’s fault that the egg had been stolen and the assassins had come to the castle. It was the elf’s fault for slaughtering his father when he knew the egg lived. It was Viren’s fault for imprisoning the elf and setting this whole thing in motion.
If Ezran had found the elf in the castle dungeons, he might’ve bore his grief better, seeing a real person’s eyes. Rayla could’ve taken him away and Ezran never would’ve had to deal with it. Callum neither. Maybe Rayla never would’ve left.
But no. Viren and the Moonshadow elf just had to have his father’s blood on their hands, a red that Ezran couldn’t unsee no matter how hard he tried.
“No wonder you are so incensed,” Viren remarked.
Ezran got to his feet. “I am not—”
“It’s natural, Your Majesty, to feel angry. Especially when someone takes something from you. Or they break your trust.”
“Do not counsel me,” Ezran snapped, “you are not—”
“It’s hard,” Viren said, rising. His chains rattled around his wrists. “When someone makes a choice we cannot understand. To leave. When Soren left—”
“Callum is nothing like Soren!” Ezran burst, and he threw the empty box on the ground. One of the sides popped off. Viren’s eyebrows rose in alarm, but Ezran wished he looked more perturbed—scared, maybe, even—as Ezran glared at him. “He’s far too much like you, ” Ezran spat.
Then he turned on his heel and left, slamming the door behind him.
So there's a few different layers here:
Ezran has been wrestling with Callum's 'betrayal' and difference of opinion since Ch4 — the following scene in Ch10 — and having Viren at the castle exacerbates this, of course. Callum, like Viren, stole Ezran's seal, to free the elf (the problem) that Viren imprisoned (caused). This absence leaves the high mage position open, and Ezran needing Viren's help to open Kpp'Ar's box causes him to rely on Viren in ways he would've on Callum if Callum had been there. So the similarities between the two are already being heavily conflated in Ez's mind (if Viren could love and betray his father, then Callum can betray but still love him).
And in this way Viren is a very good outlet for Ezran's anger. Ezran has all the power in the situation (literally, physically, etc) and he has something Viren wants, so Viren has more inclination to be on his best behaviour / agreeable. Doesn't mean he's not snarky or frustrated, but that to me was why Viren is like being Honest about things he normally wouldn't be (+ all his character development in canon s4 and s5, particularly with Terry and reflecting on his own choices).
Viren's speech about weighing lives is also what Viren has consistently done in canon, and while it harkens back to Harrow (which is also supposed to put internal pressure on whether Ezran is being a Just king or not) it's also very evident set up for CHET in later chapters as well as the heart weighing ceremony Callum and Rayla participate in later this same chapter.
I also always like writing Viren and Ezran scenes in the fic because Ezran is a good embodiment of all of Viren's more grievous failures — this Ezran is angry and grieving largely the way Claudia (who Viren wants to save) is, he has the immense loyalty of Soren which of course stings, and Ezran is a stand in for Harrow for Viren as much as Viren is a stand in for Callum on Ezran's end of the things. They're both channeling and expressing a lot of their feelings towards other people in their dynamic with each other, but at the same time and largely with awareness that they're doing so, and it's a lot of fun to play around in.
That, and I'll never let my "Viren is Ezran's godfather" headcanon go, and he would've cared for the boys once upon a time, so him now being someone who can offer counsel / advice and it won't be terrible is also fun, even if Ezran doesn't want another high mage to tell him that he's wrong.
And while it wasn't intentional re: a comparison, thinking on it now, I think it says a lot that when Callum compares Terry to Ezran in Ch6:
Callum cursed under his breath and, patience suddenly snapping, Terry cried, “If you’re going to be so against our choices, then why give Claudia another tool, huh, by saving me? Why save me at all—” “Because you remind me of my brother!” Callum burst, chest heaving. “And we left on bad terms, and... I’ve had enough senseless violence and death to last me a lifetime. Is that a good enough answer for you?”
It's a reason for Callum to extend compassion / second chances and act very much like himself, but also very Ezran-y (the Ezran Callum loves and remembers most fiercely, but is confused about why that side of his little brother seems to be gone). Versus here, Ezran's assessment that Callum is like Viren is a reason to destroy things, leave, and express anger.
+ bonus Ezran's assessment of "fool seems about right" for Viren is a parallel to Rayla's assessment of Callum being a fool in 1x05 ("she might've called me a fool!" "yeah, fool seems about right") and a reference to Callum and Viren being The Fool in Tarot (to me).
Only time will tell where each of these bond / relationship threads go. It's not for a while now but the broyals reunion will be Interesting to say the least
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lovelysheree · 6 months
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@jelzorz peekaboo
Soren and Opeli~ bc they deserve fanart 😤
Just a cute walk through the garden. (Also more to come probs)
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Since you can't buy fanfiction as actual books I started a project of binding my favourites myself back in January. During my training to become a librarian I spent a few weeks in the library's bookbinder workshop and learned everything I needed for this project. The steps I didn't remember were helpfully provided by the internet.
So far I finished 5 books, with another 17 stories ready to be formatted and then printed.
If you're interested, the photos and details are under the cut. But: this is no manual on how to do it, just a post about a little bit of the progress and the finished products.
Alright, if you're still here, I guess you want to see the photos.
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The only picture I took of the sewing process. That part was honestly the most fun.
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Trying out the fitting of the cover before glueing it on.
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That's what the book looks like before I glue on the cover...
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... and after the glueing. (No, this is not the same book. As I mentioned, I made 5 😆)
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Since I don't have any other way to do it I wrote the title and, if the space was enough, the author on the spine.
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The same book finished. I'm in love with the paper I used for this 😍
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And here are all 5. The marble effect fabric was definitely worth the money. It looks even prettier irl 😍
Can't wait to continue with the others, but need to get a few more materials first.
If you're interested, here's the full list of the fics I bound so far, including links to the stories:
Out of Time by @zuppizup
A Snowfall Kind of Love by @jelzorz
Ichor and Blood by im_too_tired_for_this
A Dragon Kiss always ends in Ashes by purplejaguar326156
Looking for a Way to break in by @thosefiveadoraburrs and @raayllum
I'll update this whenever I'm working on the next one.
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sorinethemastermind · 10 days
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Is this a Sorpeli phone wallpaper? Yes... yes, maybe it is.
I blame @jelzorz and their fics.
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its-leethee · 3 months
Sorpeli fanart inspired by @jelzorz's absolutely gorgeous fic (and extended 'verse) The Fruit; because this ship and this fic deserve more attention:
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"There's plenty more, they won't miss out." Soren grins at her, handsome and easy and lopsided, the sun like gold in his hair. He's been taller than her for years, but it's still a shock sometimes. "Here." He tugs her hood down before she can argue and sets the flowers in her hair, petals soft against the silver of her circlet. "Pretty."
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thatartiststudios · 1 month
Sorpeli AMV | Love You in My Mind - Brynn Cartelli
Hallelujah, the day has come! Just wrapped this up in a few hours and I couldn’t be more happy, and it’s all thanks to 6x08 really. Without it, I wouldn’t have had anywhere near enough footage for this!
This is for @raayllum and @jelzorz, and any other Sorpeli fans out there!
Oh this makes me so happy you don’t even know
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I feel super-duper-duper mentally drained, so all of these lovely people can have a virtual hug!!
@blutopaz15 @zuppizup @jelzorz @jennazed @no-cinnamon-for-synonym @arnieb95 @ac0531 @shiramoonshadow @sapphofinch @heroesandmasterminds @iwillhaveamoonbase @acronymking4tdp @bleachfreak21 @imminent-danger-came @ripple-rapple
And anyone else who would like a hug, may have one as well~!!
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kazisgirlfriend · 8 months
Viren, TDP, and Narcissism
The Dragon Prince has never shied away from depicting mental health issues.
First we had trauma as manifested by magic.
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Then we had anxiety as manifested by magic.
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Then we had a look at PTSD and depression in Through the Moon.
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Which got me thinking, what sort of other mental health issues has TDP been portraying all this time?
Then it sorta hit me, after re-reading one of the show's novels and @jelzorz's rather brilliant fic here (seriously, go check it out), that the show had been exploring a mental disorder that is extremely popular as a character trait, but rarely discussed in fiction - narcissism.
Narcissism (or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is one of the more common personality disorders, so it's kind of surprising that it is so widely misunderstood. Usually, people don't seem to have a lot of interest in narcissists outside of demonizing them, and in shows they often make great antagonists (or even fun protagonists) without exploring this inner psyche much more beyond that. So it's natural that narcissism is also explored in TDP as well.
If the title wasn't a dead giveaway, what I'm trying to say is Lord Viren is a narcissist.
I should probably preface this with a couple things. First, I'm not saying that Viren is a psychopath. Psychopaths don't really care what other people think of them, while narcissists are constantly preoccupied with how other people see them. Narcissists deeply crave validation and respect from others to feed their egos and self-worth. Narcissists also don't have a problem telling right from wrong; quite the opposite, in some ways narcissists are not only able to tell right from wrong, they for the most part want to do right because of their desire to be liked or at least as seen as important.
Viren doesn't qualify as a psychopath, but in re-reading his POV and rewatching key scenes from the show, Viren quite easily meets the official definition of a narcissist. His desire for recognition, even and especially in high-stress situations, reaches alarming levels. His love for his children is genuine but it's clear he sees them mainly as an extension of himself.
More importantly, of the nine signs of narcissistic personality disorder, Viren meets a,uh, breathtaking number of them. Namely all of them.
A grandiose sense of self-importance
Viren kept his gaze steady. It seemed the other rulers had not doubted his lie. They accepted at face value not only that Ezran was alive, but that Viren had been made regent. And why wouldn’t they accept it? In a more rational world, it would be true, and the council would have entrusted me with the leadership of Katolis.
Book 2: Sky - Chapter 17 "Summit at the Pentarchy"
Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited power, influence, or success 
For once, can't these imbeciles treat me appropriately? Maybe when I save them all from Xadia I'll be greeted with greater respect. "I suppose 'Welcome Lord Viren' would have been too much to ask," Viren said.
Book 2: Sky - Chapter 17 "Summit at the Pentarchy"
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A belief that they are special and can only be around people who are important or special
They all want to meet with you. They think of you as the leader of Katolis. Viren could barely wait for the meeting. These leaders had only seen him on the sidelines. But he knew all about them.
Book 2: Sky - Chapter 17 "Summit at the Pentarchy"
A need for excessive admiration
Was he really ready to give his life for thousands of regular citizens? People he didn't know and would never meet? But on the other hand, he would be remembered forever as a hero. "I can help," Viren said to Harrow.
Book 2: Sky - Chapter 19 "Heart of the Titan"
A sense of entitlement
Viren’s face went white with rage. He’d come here with the best of intentions, prepared to give his life, and the king was too stubborn to even listen. He curled one lip up. “Oh, are you sure you wouldn’t prefer ‘Your Royal Highness’? Or ‘Your Esteemed Inimitable Majesty’ perhaps?” Harrow didn’t deserve the loyalty Viren had been prepared to offer.
Book 2: Sky - Chapter 9 "Viren's sacrifice"
Taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends
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A lack of empathy
“Ohhhh. Yes, who wouldn’t have a problem with dark magic?” Viren sneered. “It’s clever, it’s brilliant, it’s practical. You are too stubborn to make use of the tools that are available to you. It will save your life, just as it has saved the lives of countless others.” “It’s a shortcut,” King Harrow snapped back. “We may not pay now, but we will pay the blood price eventually.” “Now you’re starting to sound like her,” Viren said with a smirk.
Book 1: Sky - Chapter 5 "The Letter and the Serpent"
Envious of others or believe that others are envious of them
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Arrogance of otherwise haughty behavior
Viren laughed derisively. Such a question could only come from an ignoramus. He looked at the other council members and shook his head, trying to bring them into his confidence.
Book 2: Sky - Chapter 2 "The Breach"
Viren's narcissism drives his central flaws. His hunger for personal recognition eclipses his concern for collective welfare, even when Katolis faces catastrophe. His children become conduits projecting his ambitious legacy rather than cherished loves unto themselves.
However, unlike most shows, TDP doesn't use Viren's narcissism to demonize him. Instead, the show threads the needle by making Viren both villainous and sympathetic as a result of narcissism, since it's both the reason he does awful things but also his shield from the perception of vulnerability and worthlessness.
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It's important to remember that narcissists are not only capable of self-loathing, it is often a key part of their condition. That grandiose sense of important mentioned earlier is often a thin veneer hiding feelings of shame, self-doubt, and self-hatred. Obsessive self-loathing is a form of narcissism.
But the show lays bare these vulnerabilities, letting us see his internal struggles to do right constantly brush against his emotional needs that never seem to be met. He walks right up to the line of doing something noble...
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...and then shirks at the last minute.
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However, just because Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a chronic, lifelong condition doesn't mean that narcissists are incapable of change. And indeed, Viren hits a breakthrough in the most recent season.
One element of narcissism is that they love extremely conditionally, and see their loved ones (particularly their children) as an extension of themselves. Indeed, Viren does "love" his children in this way, particularly Claudia, who he sees as people he can mold into his own image. Unfortunately, for Claudia, this seems to have Gone Horribly Right.
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But in the end, Viren recognizes his own behavior and breaks out of it. He sees how pushing Claudia to be like him - to be an extension of himself - has brought her to ruin.
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While it's fun to watch characters who are blind to their own faults and lack of self awareness, it is equally rewarding watching Viren reach this moment of clarity. Most narcissists are oblivious to the harm they cause others (since hurtful behavior is just collateral damage to having their emotional needs met), but Viren now realizes the harm he has caused Claudia. Witnessing Claudia’s self-destruction, his conscience awakens to recognize his culpability for exploiting her for his own ego.
Treating her downfall as his personal failing is a real breakthrough for him. Which is why it makes sense that, once Viren reaches this level of awareness, taking a principled, noble stance against his own personal interests quickly follows.
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Anyway, those are just my takes on this deep, complex character. If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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jelzorz · 1 year
Also hey it's me jellyjay but in consolidating all my socials to jelzorz, hey y'all
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Starting a new thread.. thanks for the tag, @magicandmundane!
You're stuck in a room with the last character in your gallery how safe are you
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Star Rayla is an angel and would never hurt anyone. And Callum would only hurt you if you hurt Rayla, star or otherwise.
Tagging: @rayllurn (who made this beautiful gif!), @lawchan89, @consultingviking, @tategaminu, @blutopaz15, @zuppizup, @jedidragonwarriorqueen, @fandomsandflyingstingrays, and @jelzorz!
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raayllum · 3 months
for @jelzorz
Soren has never liked the high mage office much. It was too cramped and cluttered—a far cry from the wide open spaces of the courtyards he sparred in, or battlements he sought for freedom and a nice leg workout—nor does it have a tendency of bringing back any good memories. Just long buried notions, emotions, of Claudia and his father being shut away in here, discussing things Soren couldn't quite wrap his head around, holding jars full of gross creepy-crawlies or things Soren didn't want to know the name of.
The mirror, now shattered. Not that it matters.
But Soren stays once everyone else—even a worried Rayla, and a terse Opeli—has left as Callum tidies up his space.
The mage sets down another thick tome, white shock of hair falling in front of his eyes, and Soren wonders how long it'll take for all of them to get used to it. If Callum already has, or if he's stubbornly ignoring it the way he has with so much else—even the girl he got it for, once, the first week of her return.
"Spit it out, Soren," Callum grumbles, looking up with fresh bags under his eyes, too.
"What?" Soren feigns, stepping closer. "I can't just hang back."
"You never have before, and you clearly have something to say, so—"
"Callum." Soren steps in front of him. Places a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Callum softens, shoulders sagging with exhaustion. "I'm fine," he says, voice brittle and reedier than normal. "I just... Need to figure out how I'm going to fix this."
He hadn't gotten out, but it'd been a near thing, from Callum's bluntness around the topic—but Rayla's guilty eyes would've given it away even if she'd evaded saying it outright best she could. They were lucky in some ways that all that'd happened was Callum passing out. The white streak.
Callum nods. "There'll be an answer, somewhere. I just have to find it." His lips twitched. "But... thanks, for checking on me, I know I—"
Soren takes his hand away. "I'm not checking in on you."
"Oh? Okay, um—"
He meets his gaze levelly. They'd stood in this room once, in front of the mirror, having the same conversation of sorts. The familiarity makes everything in Soren ache, thrice fold. "I'm warning you. You're changing, Callum."
The shrewdness comes back up as Callum peels away, scoffing a little. He sets down his book. His blasted stupid Key of Aaravos. "You're going to have to be a little more specific."
"You know what I mean," Soren advances. "Claudia didn't want to listen to me either. Viren—"
"I'm not like them," Callum chokes out, though Soren can tell he doesn't quite believe it. It's more that he wants to. "If I was, Rayla would—"
"She loves you."
For all the strain they've had over the years, Callum's response is sure, if spitting. "And you don't?"
"I do," Soren affirms. "But don't pretend like you and her don't lose sight of other things when it comes to each other. I just want you to be careful, Callum. I don't want it to swallow you up the way it did them. The... The hair, the face—the justifications. That's always how it starts. That's always how it ends."
Callum turns away, pressing his lips together. He wipes at his burning eyes, clearly furious. At what, Soren can't say. Himself, maybe—or the world for what it was twisting him into, for the way it kept putting Ez and Rayla on the line, only for him to keep crossing it.
"You kill me, then," Callum says. "If Rayla won't, and you think I've gone too far. Possession or not. You stabbed Viren once, didn't you? I'm sure I'll be just as easy."
Which means not easy at all. Soren's heart clenches. "Callum—"
"I would do anything for them. I can't promise less than that. I don't—" Callum runs a hand through his hair, white lock between his fingers, throwing his distressed expression further into the light. "I don't like what I'm becoming either, I..."
He looks so young, and Soren takes a beat to remind himself that Callum is just seventeen, and wants to do the right thing, and maybe being unwilling to sacrifice people—But Dad, Soren could've died! That doesn't matter!—could be the way through. Maybe. Hopefully.
"I just don't want you to change too much," Soren ventures, stepping forward.
Callum lets him, the way he'd let the snake rattle stain his hands on Finnegrin's boat—the quasar diamonds and their dark magic turning his hair—and sighs. "I know," he quiets. "I—I'll try, at least."
Soren just hopes it'll be enough.
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manawari · 10 months
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thank you for the tag, @griddle-cakes 💕
1. The Dragon Rider And His Guardian
→ I know that there are a lot of people who ship Jack Frost from the "Rise Of The Guardians" and Hiccup Haddock from "How To Train Your Dragon", but then me and my aroace psyche decided that they'd look great as best friends who see each other as brothers. Plus, Jack Frost and Hiccup are two of my comfort characters! Another reason why I like this fic so much is that this is the longest fanfiction I have ever written — 22,449k words and still remained as my longest fic that I could call as my masterpiece. I made sure to focus on every character development, as well as Jack and Hiccup's development together as the main dynamic or pair, and I was satisfied (and still am) that I managed to go beyond and ended it the best way I knew.
2. Infinite Leveling in the Tombs
→ this is a multi/crossover fic between three manhwas: Pick Me Up (Infinite Gacha), Solo Leveling, and Tomb Raider King. Before, I used to imagine SL and TRK in one universe, but when I got into PMU(IG), that was when I knew I had to merge these three manhwas together. I saw a lot of similarities in Han, Jin-woo, and Joo-heon — I like the vibes they have with one another back when I was writing this one-shot. So, I dedicated days in writing this fic, more or less, it had somewhat become a self-indulgence. At first, I genuinely thought this will beat "The Dragon Rider and His Guardian" in its length, but I stand corrected and accepted that no other fic of mine can steal its place HAHA! Anyways, this fic had been a rollercoaster and seeing how the characters go well with one another like it's natural, it made me proud<3
3. Nurtured Flowers In The Fields Of Dolor
→ it started with a simple aesthetic and a small snippet, ended with a full fic. Even though it didn't follow the original myth, I focused the plot based on Jinhae's personalities. What I love about this fanfiction is that I get to witness how descriptive I can get with each paragraph and fit the dialogues into the atmosphere. From Jin-woo believing that he was only Death and "love" was never possessed by him, nor could he possess it, to him learning to love Hae-in as his wife and his Queen. I truly enjoyed writing when it came to death and life, the contrast between them and how they connect at the same time. Part of it felt like I had created my own lore too.
4. The Shadow Knight
→ the sole purpose of this fic is that I wanted to write fight scenes that's all 😂
5. Man. . . Or A Monster?
→ this is that one fic where it crushed me to the very bone. No other fic of mine had done that before until THIS ONE. I went all out and gave Jin-woo a bunch of traumas, even making him fall for Hae-in and learn how to love beyond the darkness within him — only to rip him away from her in a bittersweet way. Yes, Hae-in is his home, but what's a home if it is disastrous? Jin-woo left for the sake of everyone, especially for the sake of the person whom he loved the most, and for his own good too. I love that I made his character deep enough to make me feel strong emotions.
Tagging— @i-bring-crack @zuppizup @jelzorz @ everyone else who would like to participate!!
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bayalexison · 1 year
Tag Game
Tag 9 people you'd like to know more.
Tagged by the lovely @insomnikat-mused! Thanks so much! Also probably not going to tag 9 people fyi.
Last song: Pokemon Masters EX's version of the Pokemon Battle Tower music lol Currently watching: Pokemon Horizons weekly and slowly SpyxFamily whenever one of my friends stream it Currently reading: Going through fics for Dimileth Googgles. I haven't read a proper book in a while haha Current obsession: Persona 5 and FE Engage. I know I'm late into the Persona 5 scene, but I played P5 Royal the last couple months and had a blast. FE Engage I know it gets some bad rap for not having worldbuilding and characterization like FE3H, but to be honest I feel FE Engage has been criticized a bit too harshly by that comparison. Some of the FE Engage characters have hidden depths and ahhh Alfred!
Tagging (no pressure!): @sonjajade, @jelzorz, @dpsisquared, @slam-dunkrai, @dynadratina, @itsmoonpeaches, and anyone else that wants to do this!
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Sieh dir das an … 👀
Hey Sorpeli Shippers, look what Pinterest thought I might like 👍🏻
@raayllum @jelzorz
Yes, I did think of you two specifically 😆
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raayllum · 1 month
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Sorpeli icons for @jelzorz <3 like or reblog if you use
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