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romanowork · 17 days ago
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mikucommunist · 1 year ago
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kinda going through a phase rn...
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jellyfish-scientist · 4 months ago
Hi!! So I have a news story about jellyfish in the same region of the US as myself!
In Oskaloosa, Iowa, a teenager found a freshwater jellyfish. Now that may sound not super interesting, but Iowa doesn't have freshwater jellyfish. This is the second sighting this month. He said he caught ~20 but his father let him only keep two, meaning there are more.
Kim Bogenschutz, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator for the Iowa DNR, says that this may be from improper dumping.
The most interesting part of this is that this freshwater jellyfish, the peach blossom jellyfish, is native to the Yangtze River in China, though they have been observed in the US since the early 1900's.
If you come across freshwater jellyfish (and they aren't Native), please alert your local DNR. They aren't dangerous to people or a threat to the native species, but scientists would like to prevent further spread!
Sources used and referenced:
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discardead · 2 months ago
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Â·Â·Â·ă€€âœ§âœŠâœ§ă€€Â·Â·Â·ă€€Shore, Ocean, and Jellyfish themed NPUT
Requested by @phantasyze
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Shore. Shorea. Shorean. Shoreen. Shorecia. Shoreia. Shoremi. Shorefi. Shoreli. Shoraline. Oceanus. Oceanide. Oceafine. Oceore. Coralief. Starcean. Aquane. Aquaine. Aquaint. Aquainth. Aquafid. Nautilus. Naurefin. Scyphozoa. Hydrozoa. Cnidaria. Aurelia. Aurita. Cubozoa. Chrysaora. Medusozoa. Meduzoa. Staurozoa. Jellita. Jellise. Jelliette. Jellidol. Jellyse. Jelline. Jellia. Jellyfie. Jellysth. Jellysea. Jellysh. Seabed. Seabeth. Seabelle. Seajelly. Sealace. Shelly. Shelby. Auriel. Aurielle. Aurifesse. Mareian. Mareise. Mareifyth. Marenie. Soulsea. Coasten. Mariselle. Selcove. Nautilys. Corallia. Marinith. Cnidara. Cnidarie. Lumisca. Lumanelle. Ephyrella. Shellsea. Cove. Coveia. Seanette. Seaniesth. Seasthe. Seamyne. Aqua. Aquor. Aquarine. Seasara. Marine. Marina. Sealune. Sealure. Seahymn. Aquielle. Oceanie. Ocean. Oceanica. Mareine. Mare. Marelie. Marelia. Marefie. Aequor. Aequora. Aeqourine. Nauticelle.
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je/jel. jel/ly. ly/lyr. ly/lym. aqu/aqua. oce/ocean. sea/seas. zo/zoa. sho/shore. she/shell. au/aur. aur/auri. scy/scyr. chry/chrys. med/medu. co/cor. cor/coral. nau/nauti. ma/mare. co/cove. se/ser. hy/hymn. shy/shymn. sie/sier. sie/siem. ti/tide. aqua/aquas. mare/mares. nau/nauts. ae/aequor. aq/aqua. aq/aqs. aq/aqr. sa/sand. san/sand. wa/wave. hy/hyr. hy/hyd/hydro. nau/naum. nau/naus. sti/sting. swi/swim. mer/mers. fi/fin.
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seabirth. birthofsea. jellifysh. [noun]zoa. stingedsy. auritazoa. scyrphozoa. hydrrzoa. underthsea. thysea. jellistinged. jellyzoan. jellaurita. seaflwrs. jwllygf. jwllybf. jwllygfie. jwllybfie. jellygirlf. jellyboyf. jellyfsh. jellypilled. jellyfshing. oceanfish. seafish. oceanielly. aquajlly. jellyfshsoul. corallyfish. shorecean. shoresyie. boyjelly. girljelly. boyjwlly. girljwlly. jelliesthing. shorefide. oceanswm. shellia. jelliacove. stauritha. chrysoarem. chrysism. jellyism. jellyfism. oceanlvr. oceanlovers. seasongs. oceanhrt. seahearts. coralhrt. seamine. seasidelove. aquafied. aqwuabf. aqwuagf. jelliegance. seathym. merjelly. merjellyfsh.
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The Jellyfish. [noun] born from the Sea/Ocean. Prn* as Graceful as a Jellyfish. The Ocean's Embrace. The Ocean Dancer. Prn* who Dances with the Waves. The Shoreline Dreamer. Prn* of the Deep Sea. The [noun] among the Jellyfishes. Prn* who was Drifted Away. Prn* who Swims with Jellyfishes. Prn* under the Sea. The Jelliest [noun]. The Ocean Dweller. Prn* with a Jellyfish companion. The Aquatic [noun]. Prn* who's beneath the Surface. The Jellyfish of the Deep Sea. The Ocean's Jellyfish. Prn* of the Deep Sea Swimmer. The Jellyfish by the Shoreline. Prn* who walks along the Shore.
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suckerforfluff · 1 year ago
bagi's speedrunning checking off every qsmp experience from dying to mines to encountering spiderbit and landduo
next on the list: getting jellyfied, getting pregnant at lucky ducks and getting attached to the eggs
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mare-ocean · 1 year ago
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*jellyfies your Fukase*
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wavetapper · 3 months ago
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her name is estelle she likes pastries. and is a jellyfis
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tia-amorosa · 3 months ago
Sunset Died - Bunch Family
New Hope
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While the children are at school, the parents take care of the household. Minka the cat doesn't really have to do with that. She enjoys the warmth in the house and occasionally makes sure that her humans clean up after her.
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After Jack had finished a few jobs around the house, he sat down at his laptop. But he didn't switch it on straight away. Because every time he did and checked his email, there was nothing there to help him. He would have liked to close the screen again, but a gut feeling led him not to do so this time.
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Jack worked with the PC almost as if in a trance. It was the same routine as every day. He took a quick look at what was happening in the other cities and then went to his e-mail inbox. And today, once again, there were lots of fake emails and supposed competitions promising the blue sky. But in the midst of all these unnecessary emails, there was one from a familiar sender. Subject: “Is this true?”.
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"/ ‘What, are they trying to sell us a car again or give us some weight loss tips?’/ ‘No
 Erin, she
 she answered me
’. It almost hit Judy like a blow, she couldn't breathe or speak for a moment. She almost forgot about the food in the oven until she came back to her senses
 And what did she write?”.
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“She writes
 'oh my God, Jack! I have to apologize for only being able to reply now. I've was macht on assignment with my team for a few months. What's more, your email didn't end up in my regular inbox, but in the spam folder, which I've coldly ignored until now.” Judy was too distracted by this message and took the precaution of getting the food out of the oven to continue cooking it later. “Unbelievable
 read on
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“'Never in my life would I have thought that I would get a sign of life from you. Of course, I'm all the more pleased to hear that you and your family are doing well. I swear to you, I didn't know there were any survivors. Some things have been kept under wraps and are only now gradually coming to light. Judy listened spellbound.
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“'I've only been back from my mission for two days and my team is pretty worn out. I'd like to give them a few more days to catch their breath, but then we'll be on our way to you straight away. Can you hold out that long? What about food? What else do you need? Please let me know'
 Wow, she's got a team.” Jack was filled with joy and excitement
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A huge knot that had been stuck in Judy's soul for what felt like an eternity loosened. “We're finally getting help. And she didn't even know anything?"/ ”Apparently not. I think we'll get an explanation for everything. Hhh, my God, in the spam folder
 Is my email address that dubious?”. Judy's emotions fluctuated between crying, laughing and being relieved.
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And Jack couldn't hold back his joy either. “haha, hey, don't cry, honey, they're going to help us."/ ”and sob how? Theyll have trouble getting here in a jeep
”. Jack couldn't help but grin mischievously “ooh, they have ways and means, believe me. Should I tell the others or let them stew a little longer?”. She saw a twinkle in his eye that she hadn't seen for a long time. But she just put her hands in front of her face, shook her head and cried the pressure of the last few months off her chest.
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The news from Erin stoked the long-awaited hope you had all along. An emotional moment where you think you're alone. You hadn't even heard the front door
 Why is mom crying?”/ “Arlo? You're home already?"/ ‘Yeah, today was just playing and talking, I didn't want to join in anymore’. For a brief moment, Jack and his wife didn't know whether to be angry with him or just laugh about it. They opted for the second.
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“And don't worry, your mother is fine. She
 she's just happy because we got good news"/ ‘good news, yes
 what kind of news?’/ ‘we'll talk about that when your siblings are home’.
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@greenplumbboblover ⭐
Poses by @poses-by-bee , miss adrienne & jellyfish (cry baby)
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romanowork · 1 month ago
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xxsweetxxsyndromexx · 1 year ago
I'm bored Jellyfies your Choco Bar
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Here's a bonus edit where Choco Bar got bit except for real
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qequalsmcat · 8 months ago
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my jellyfis oc!! i still gotta do more research on jellyfish, and im still thinking of a name and an actual full body design for him
does anyone have suggestions for cool names related to water??
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sleepinginmygrave · 9 months ago
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zangren-signal · 1 year ago
Howdy y'all. Voxong here. Now, I know times have been tough. Lotsa folks are in a bad way but adjustments are bein' made! Some changes are gonna have to be made to make room for new businesses, industries, and with it all, jobs.
Ascension Co reached out to the three families with a solution to our problems, and with Ascension Co's sponsorship, all three families agreed. The laws restrictin' robits and cybernetics have been abolished.
Now I know what yer thinkin', all worried and qihit, but Ascension Co assures us that the technology used to make these robits ain't like nothin' in Zangren history. No need for regular memory wipes, no arisin' self awareness, none of that junk. The cybernetics are safe too, no spyware or anythin' in 'em. I mean look at me, with my new implants and my new robit, all brand spankin' new, and flaw free.
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At the moment though, very few robits are in production. In fact, my robit is the only one outside Ascension Co right now. Ascension Co needs to grow a lil', and we're gonna give 'em the space to. But think about it folks, all the jobs that'll rise from this, the robit maintaince shops, the modifyin' shops, cybernetic parlors, the works.
If that ain't enough to convince ya to stop riotin'. And yeah I see ya, Section-B3, the environmental controls are gonna switch to tear gas if ya don't stop. Maybe this'll convince ya otherwise... Once production's in full swing, there's gonna be robit colonies, nice and safe and far away from y'all, and then they'll be floodin' the market with resources. The value of resources will go down to match the zie.
And once y'all get comfortable with the new reality of robits, and they're livin' among us, then guess what? Ya don't have to work the bad jobs no more. We'll make more room for better positions, no more breakin' ya back over some minerals. How's that sound? Nice and dandy? I'd fengin' hope so.
Riotin' stopped?
Not 'cause of anythin' I said? Well...
Yeah I bet the fengin' tear gas atmosphere got 'em runnin'.
Now, if ya don't mind, I got an appointment with a jellyfi-
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Woahly qihit yer suit's fengin' huge! No heads up about that, folks? By Qhong, ya bingun, ya gotta warn me about that, silly robit!
Uh... cut to commercial. We got a sensitive trade deal to hash out.
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vincells · 1 year ago
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jellyfish hair cut jellyfish haircut JELLYFI-
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haydenthewitch · 3 months ago
i though someone had jellyfied a can of coke. And my most relevent question was "H. How the fuck did they demold that jelly so perfectly. and still have the can intact."
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The way this entire can of coke fits exactly in this coke glass
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romanowork · 5 days ago
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