#jellybean jones x sweet pea
jugpea · 5 years
tough, kid | sp + jb
req: Can you make a Halloween oneshot? With Jughead and Jellybean supposedly going to trick or treat, but something came up with Jughead. So, Jellybean instead drags Sweat Pea with her (BTW, she doesn’t like Sweats at the start), Jughead thinks this is a chance for his Bf and sister to get to know each other and JB gives SW a hard time along the way, while Sweats is trying to get a long with her because she’s his bf’s sister. But at the end of the night JB and SW are close that Jughead is regretful of leaving the two if them together because he knows chaos will erupt A/N: this is unedited, super rough but I had this idea and went with it. Managed to get it done in one sitting (which is actually the first time that’s happened in a long time). enjoy -- and remember, sharing is caring. If you liked this, consider reblogging it for your friends! 
“But he promised he would come with me.” 
Sweet Pea wasn’t entirely sure how this became a him problem. A little over a week ago, Jughead promised to make good on his word to go trick-or-treating with Jellybean Halloween night. Unsurprisingly, the duties of being a King called, and he was nowhere to be found. That wasn’t atypical of the teen, but it wasn’t currently working in Sweet Pea’s favour. 
“That’s too bad.” 
“But dad won’t let me go alone!” 
Sweet Pea looked up from his binder, shooting her a dark look. This was the first time the girl had ever made an effort to talk to him. Usually she ignored his presence, which was something he didn’t mind given that he was god awful with kids. Not that Jellybean reminded him of a kid. Sometimes she seemed brighter than half the kids in his class. 
“Tough, kid.”
JB gave a humph, leaving him alone in his trailer to sit on one of the logs outside. After listening to her sigh into the quiet for the umpteenth time, he finally swung his legs off the side of his mattress with a low growl and shoved his feet into his boots. Did he really want to go out? No. Would he do it so she’d give him some peace? Reluctantly, yes. 
He searched through his small stack of clothing for a pair of black jeans and a plain black shirt. He would be supervising, and didn’t really intend to enjoy it. Shrugging into his leather, he stomped his way out of the trailer and slammed the door. 
JB looked up from her place; despite his furrowed brow and blatant annoyance, her cheeks lifted in a smile and she shot upright. “Knew it.” 
“Yeah, whatever.” 
He waited while she unlocked her bike, following behind her slow pedaling easily with his long stride. The walk to the Northside sucked, but even more so with Jughead’s little sister incessantly chirping up to ask him questions. 
“Have you always lived in a trailer?” 
“Me, too.” She lamented, standing to pedal instead of sitting -- it made her feel taller in comparison to his towering frame. “Well, until now.” 
He didn’t dignify her with a response, instead chose to shove his hands into the pockets of his jacket and continued forward towards the tracks. 
“When did you meet my brother?” 
“When he showed up at Southside High.” Formally, at least. Sweet Pea knew about Jughead long before his arrival at Southside. 
Growing tired of his uninterest, she sped up and stopped in front of him, nearly tripping him over her rear tire. 
“What the f--” he caught himself, bracing a hand on the tire with a deep sigh. “Don’t do that.” 
“I’m trying to make conversation.” 
Sweet Pea’s nostrils flared the slightest bit, letting his eyes slip closed. “Less talking, more biking.” 
Uninterested in arguing, she rolled her eyes and continued home, no longer caring if he fell behind. He would catch up, even if it meant he had to jog. It was a solid twenty minute trek to the Jones’ home, one Sweet Pea made regularly during midnight visits. FP’s ignorance to the teen slipping through his sons window was better left that way, and his bike would only draw attention. 
He waited in the living room, pulling his phone out to connect to the WiFi and text his significant other. What business did he have that Sweet Pea wasn’t involved in? There was almost next to nothing that Jughead didn’t include him in. One part because he was Jughead’s second in command, one part because Jughead liked having him there.
After some time, JB came bounding down the stairs in a flurry holding up something in her left hand and some sort of pump in her right. She dropped the pump at his feet, and quickly shoved her legs into the costume. 
“Quick,” she panted, pulling it up over her body. “Fill it.” 
“Fill it?” 
Exasperated, she grabbed the hose belonging to the pump and stuck it inside, using her foot to turn the pump on -- air immediately began rushing in, inflating the costume around her. It wasn’t until the head began filling that Sweet Pea knew exactly what she was going as.
“Are you shitting me?” 
“Find better words,” JB chided, but her smile remained intact. “Yes. I’m a T-Rex.” 
Momentarily stunned, he watched as the rest of it filled until the plastic was tight and in place; she shut the pump off, carefully trying to keep as much air in as she could while removing the hose. 
The only other person that knew he thoroughly enjoyed this stupid costume was Fogarty. Sweet Pea couldn’t help but break into a laugh, watching his boyfriend's little sister parade around the living room with her head bobbing this way and that. 
“Oh, Jughead is so gonna be pissed he missed this,” Sweet Pea muttered, holding his phone up while JB posed with a goofy expression. 
After they went through a mini photoshoot with JB’s approval of all photos, she then shot him a glare. “Post these anywhere and you’re dead.” He stood stunned as she walked away towards the door, grabbing the polka dotted pillowcase from the staircase. “Sometime this century, old man.” 
Sweet Pea fell back into his previous annoyance, “I resent that.” 
“I resent you, but here we are.” 
They walked the entirety of the Northside; JB continued her questions, Sweet Pea kept himself distracted by people watching. He wasn’t the only teen from Riverdale walking around with a kid, but this kid wasn’t his blood so he did receive a few lingering stares. 
It wasn’t until they reached the last house near Fox Forest that they slowed their pace. A group of kids hung around the forest's edge, whispering back and forth to each other. JB recognized them immediately.
“That’s Sammy!” She hissed, immediately diving behind a bush.
Her reaction confused Sweet Pea, leaving him standing upright and relatively alone as she attempted to hide herself. “What in the ever loving fuck are you doing?” 
“Language.” She growled, glaring up at him again before she sighed, “Sammy’s in my class.” 
Curious, he shoved his hands into his pockets and looked back towards the group, “You got a problem with Sammy?” When she refused to respond, he grabbed the head of the T-Rex and pulled it up until it was visible over the top of the bush. 
“Stop!” She pleaded quietly, grabbing it from his hands. “I don’t want him to see me.” 
“Why not?” 
Jellybean’s features collapsed; Sweet Pea was the last person she wanted to talk to about this. But given that her brother and dad were no better, she figured someone was better than just her diary. “I like him.” 
“Oh, I get it,” he nodded, nonchalantly shrugging, “You look stupid so you don’t want him to see you.” 
Rolling her eyes, she kicked his shin and folded her arms. After a moment of silence, she looked up at him again and sighed, “Do boys really …” she struggled to find the words, “I mean, if a boy is mean to you does that really mean he likes you? Because Jessie said --”
Sweet Pea was already shaking his head, “If that’s what he does, it’s the wrong way to go about it. And at your age, you shouldn’t be worried about boys.” 
“You sound like my dad.” She grumbled.
“Yeah, well,” well nothing. He could only shrug. 
“They all laugh at me,” she continued, voice growing quieter with each word. “When he does it, the rest of them laugh. Even the girls.” 
In his day, Sweet Pea had been one of those people. It wasn’t something he was proud about, but growing up without much of a parental figure meant he had to learn normal mannerisms himself. It was only when he was fourteen that he realized he was the world's biggest jackass. 
JB peered around the leaves, nervous to move with them still lurking in the dark. “Can you help me out of this?” 
“What?” He looked down at her, then shook his head, “No. No way. This is the coolest costume we’ve seen all night --”
“You just said I looked stupid!” 
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, “I was being facetious.” When her brows furrowed, he tried again, “Sarcastic.” 
“That’s Jughead’s thing.”
The Serpent sighed, glancing back towards the group that was slowly disappearing into the underbrush; as an idea began to form in his mind, he held his hand out towards JB, “Do you have your slingshot?”
“Yeah.” She stated as though it were the most obvious thing. That didn’t surprise him, she hardly went anywhere without it. “Why?” 
“Give it to me,” he took it from her hand, scaling the opening to where the children disappeared. He started trekking towards a gathering of trees on the left side, listening to JB following along behind him; when they were concealed inside the darkness, he continued forward until the voices of the group picked up. The closer they ventured, the easier it was to make out the frames. 
JB whispered which one was Sammy. He was the shortest out of the group, with dark hair and a mole on his chin. Sweet Pea shook his head, hoping his face didn’t show just how laughable the boy was. 
“Get your phone out.” He mused. Then, he reached for a few pebbled on the ground, lining them up with the slingshot before pelletting it forward; it hit the tree just next to the teens, the snap against the bark bringing their attention together. The conversation stopped. They looked around. 
“What as that?”
“Shh! Listen.” 
Perfect, he thought to himself, lining up another before sending it just above their heads. Now that it was a closer sound, their faces began to fill with worry. They were nervous. Kids still believed that things went bump in the night, that made this all the more fun. 
Was he a sick, twisted individual? Yes. But, his boyfriends little brat sister was being bullied and well, Sweet Pea didn’t really care for bullies. 
The more he shot at them, the darker their features became. The girls started screaming, taking off in the direction they hoped they came from. It was the boys, however, Sammy in particular, that he wanted to have lose their shit. 
And lose their shit they did. It took him ten minutes to get them going, but once they did, JB could still hear them yelling at each other from up the street, and she had gotten the entire thing on recording. Her brother would be so proud. 
Jughead didn’t get home until sometime after midnight; FP was passed out on the couch in the living room, JB and Sweet Pea seated at the kitchen table with her pillowcase of candy spread between them; he ate whatever she didn’t like, and thankfully she hated everything sour. They were on their third glass of milk, JB ripping open the last of her mini Twix bars when Jug came to stand at the head of the table, looking between the two of them in confusion. They were in their own bubble, chatting back and forth, sharing knowing glances, giggling deviously about something only the two of them could know about. 
A knot began to wind in his stomach. He hadn’t expected Jellybean to actually go ask his boyfriend to supervise her Halloween. He was more surprised that Sweet Pea obviously agreed to go -- if all else failed, he thought for sure he could rely on his boyfriend to keep up his tough guy facade and stay home for the night. 
Obviously, he thought wrong. And he was going to pay for that later. 
“Am I going blind, or are you two actually sitting in each others presence and … laughing.”
Jellybean looked up at her brother, casting a sideways glance at Sweet Pea before she shrugged, “Dunno. He’s alright I guess.” 
“Alright? We kicked ass, kid.”  
“Yeah.” She smiled, looking up at her brother again, “We kicked ass!” 
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wolviecore · 3 years
Jughead: Betty left me, Archie left me, there's no one out there who cares about me. I'm just,, a little vagabond,, with no one to call my own,,
Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni, Charles, FP, all the serpents, Tabitha, Jellybean, and Pop:
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Not For Him
Request: Yes / No  Hi please can I have a sweetpea x jones reader where I'm jughead & bettys little sister and I have an eating disorder and they all start picking up on it (jughead, betty, sweetpea, fangs, fp, alice, toni, cheryl,veronica and archie) and my excuses of not eating & one day my mum (alice) asks me to eat breakfast with them all & I get upset about it and start to cry and I tell them its be cause of my boyfriend & how hes horrible to me and then sweetpea confesses his love for me & we get together Anon
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Fem!Jones!Reader
Word count: 1301
Warnings: ANOREXIA (Will not be tagging anyone because of the possible triggering content) 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your NickName
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My family was a little weird. It started with my Dad, FP Jones and my Mom, Gladys Jones, my older brother, Jughead Jones, my little sister Jellybean Jones, and me. Then my Mother and sister left us and it was just me, my Dad, and my brother. But then they came back and we tried being a family again, it didn’t work out. Now my dad was married to Alice Cooper. So my sister was now Betty Cooper, my brother’s girlfriend, like I said weird family. But everyone was happy and no one in town really seemed to care. We all lived together and everything was pretty great actually, well all except my boyfriend. When we started dating he was so sweet to me, but then he started criticizing me and comparing me to other girls. He was always telling me how he wishes I was skinner like them. It got to me and now I have anorexia. It wasn’t that hard to hide from my family because we never really ate together anyway. They always assumed I ate before they got home and I didn’t need to deal with it. My friends were a different story, I was always making up excuses for not eating and they haven’t caught on yet. 
I woke up in the morning and got ready for school. My stomach ached from not eating, but I pushed through the pain. I walked downstairs to see everyone getting ready to eat breakfast and my heart started beating faster. 
“Y/N, come sit. We were just about to eat.” Alice said with a smile. 
“I’m not really very hungry…” I lied. 
“Come on honey, you need to eat breakfast.” My dad said. 
“Yeah, don’t you know it’s the most important meal of the day?” Jughead said with a laugh and tears started blurring my vision. I can’t give into the hunger that’s screaming at me. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Betty asked, concerned. 
“I-I’m fine. I’m just not hungry!” I insisted. 
“What’s up with you?” Jellybean asked confused. 
“I just said! I’m not hungry!” I said a little louder than needed. I felt tears fall down my face and I turned to run back up to my room, but someone grabbed my arm and stopped me. The person pulled me into them and I looked up to see my Dad looked down at me with worry in his eyes. 
“What’s wrong honey?” He asked and I just shook my head. I was crying hard now and I couldn’t speak. It felt like everything was crashing down on me and I didn’t know what to do. He took me over to the couch and Betty came to sit on my other side. Everyone was in the living room now, all staring at me with concern and confusion. 
“Just relax Y/N/N.” Jughead said as Betty rubbed my back. My Dad grabbed my hand and gently squeezed. I took a few deep breaths and managed to get myself under control. 
“Tell us what’s wrong.” Alice said and I tried blinking away my tears. 
“I-I just don’t want to eat…” I said. 
“We got that, why?” Jellybean asked. 
“JB!” My dad scolded her for her slight attitude. 
“Sorry.” She said and I looked down at my hands. 
“Leo is always comparing me to other girls…” I whispered. 
“What?” Betty asked shocked. 
“He’s always saying how he wishes I was skinner like them…” I said. 
“I’m gonna kill him.” Jughead growled. 
“You’re breaking up with that boy right now.” Alice said and took my phone. She sent him a text and broke up with him for me. 
“But he’s right! I’m not like them.” I cried and my Dad pulled me close to him. 
“Princess, you’re perfect. But if you want to lose weight you can’t do this to yourself, it’s dangerous. And you should only lose weight if you want to, not because someone else says you should.” He said and kissed my head. 
“When was the last time you actually ate a real meal?” JB asked. 
“I-I don’t know… Maybe a few months ago…” I answered. 
“Get your ass to that table right now.” My Dad said, pulling me up with him. He sat me at the table and started piling my plate with food. 
“Dad, you can’t expect her to eat all that right away…” Jughead said taking some off. 
“He’s right, we need to ease her into eating normally again.” Betty said sitting down next to me. I looked at the food and my stomach felt like it hurt more. 
“You’re not going to school today, I will be making you a doctors appointment.” Alice said and I sighed. 
“Eat up.” Dad said. 
As promised, Alice took me to the doctor. They measured my height and weight, checked my vital signs, some blood tests, they brought in a mental health specialist to talk to me for a bit, and finally did an x-ray just to be safe. Luckily they didn’t think I was bad enough to require hospitalization, but I did have to go to therapy until they thought I was better. It took most of the day and when we got home Jughead, Betty and JellyBean, were home with Sweet Pea. They all looked at me with such pity and I hated it. I just ran up to my room and shut my door. 
After an hour someone knocked on my door. I ignored them, but they wouldn’t stop. 
“Go away!” I called. I wasn’t in the mood to see anyone. 
“Y/N, please open the door.” Sweet Pea’s voice rang from the other side and I sighed. I got up and opened the door. He gently pushed his way inside and shut the door. 
“I heard what happened, why didn’t you tell me?” He asked and tears sprang to my eyes. 
“Because I didn’t want anyone to know! I stopped loving Leo a long time ago, but I just couldn’t leave.” I said with a few tears falling down my cheeks. Sweet Pea pulled me into a hug and he gently stroked my hair. 
“You deserve someone so much better than that asshole. Jughead and Fangs had to keep me from kicking his ass all day.” He said and I looked up at him confused. 
“Why would you care so much?” I asked. 
“He hurt you, of course I’m gonna care!” He said, confused. 
“But I knew why Jughead would want to kick his ass, but why you?” I asked. 
“I always hated him, because he was with you and I wasn’t.” He answered and my eyes widened. 
“W-what?” I asked. 
“Y/N, I’ve always been so hopelessly in love with you, I just never said anything because you seemed so happy with that dickhead. Now I wish I did, then you wouldn’t have to go through all this shit.” He said and I just stared at him. My best friend was in love with me? But he’s a player! He always said he would never fall in love and that’s why I gave up hope that he would ever love me back. 
“I love you too…” I whispered and a smile grew on his face. He leaned down and captured my lips in a sweet loving kiss, something I never got from Leo. This kiss actually had love in it. With Leo there was never love, I was just too naive to see it. 
“I’ll help you through all of this, because you’ve always been perfect, Y/N.” He said resting his forehead on mine. It was that moment that I knew I’d be able to get through anything that life threw at me. That I would be able to overcome this dark time in my life and it would be replaced by light. 
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theangriestpea · 4 years
In the Shadows : Eleven
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Summary: Jughead Jones, resident werewolf, just wants to protect his family and his pack from the incoming doom of The Red Circle. Sweet Pea and Lily join him to help keep the Southside safe from human tyranny. Meanwhile a demon princess named Myra and succubus named Lavender had a plan to bring on the apocalypse. <ao3> <masterlist> <playlist>
Rating: Mature // Explicit
Pairings: Jughead Jones x OC, Sweet Pea x OC, Kurtz x OC
Warnings: None for this chapter
Word Count: 5k+
A/N: This took me four days to write and I feel so bad about that. I just couldn't concentrate much on this chapter. And then I broke my own heart with the ending??? Sometimes writing be like that. No chapter warnings this time around!
Chapter Eleven : A Deal with the Devil   
Lavender awoke feeling as if her entire chest cavity were on fire. She huffed as the memories from the previous day flooded her head. How could she have walked into a trap like that? He could have killed her...would Myra have let her just simply die? Then the prophecy couldn’t possibly come to fruition. So then, was she truly ever in mortal danger? Or was this some sort of plot to make her crawl back into servitude?
“Hey,” A deep voice came from beside her and she turned her head to see a very sleepy Sweet Pea. “How do you feel?”
“Like I’ve been dipped in gasoline and had a match thrown on me.” She answered honestly, trying to sit up. A bolt of pain shot through her like lightning. “Oh fuck me, that hurts.” She groaned, laying back down in defeat.
“I should have gone with you.” Sweet Pea muttered as he pulled the blanket away to look over her shoulder. “That’s going to be one nasty scar.”
Lavender didn’t have the strength to cover it with her shifting magic. “Fucking humans.” She cursed, “That bitch Archie has hell to pay.”
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, “let me deal with him. You’re on bed rest until you can move without making that face.
“What face?” Lavender asked as she shifted and grimaced.
“That one.” He pointed to her as he stood up. “I’m going to go make us breakfast. I’ll get you something for the pain that won’t hurt the baby.”
She pouted as she laid in bed. “Fine. Jerk.” Sweet Pea shook his head at her as he walked out to take care of Daisy and make food for them.
Down the street, Lily had slept in Jughead’s bed with his furry form to keep her warm. His little sister Jellybean had helped patch her up, though Lily insisted that she could heal herself once she got her strength back. FP had also had a talk with her about formally joining the pack. He explained that they weren’t exclusive to werewolves. He had just inducted a vampire a week prior and even had a few humans married in. It was all inclusive, though there would always be an alpha wolf to lead. He never foresaw that changing.
He made sure that Lily knew that being his soulmate meant she would also help lead the pack. There wasn’t much choice otherwise unless he stepped down as heir, which FP absolutely did not want him to do. Lily had been faced with the decision to either do the dance ritual and be inducted or to force Jughead to outcast himself from his own family. In the end, it wasn’t hard to decide.
“Juggie, we need to get you back to Lav’s.” She mumbled to him as he began to stir from his sleep. “Sweet Pea can help get you back. And I’m worried about her. They know where she lives, so what if they try to attack her there too?”
“I know, we should have gone back last night.” He murmured telepathically with the use of their physical touch. Something seemed off about him. His words were somehow less coherent. She couldn’t quite put a finger on it exactly, but she knew it had something to do with him turning.
She got dressed in some clothes she kept in his dresser and walked out with him. His father was sipping coffee at the kitchen table. “Boy, find a way out of this sooner and not later. You need to be out of that form by the rise of the next full moon. Six days, that’s all you got or there’s no going back.”
Lily hadn’t realized how little time she had. Her face grew more pale as she looked down at the black wolf. He said something to his father that she could not understand as she was not actively touching him. FP let out a disappointed sigh before waving him off. Jughead pushed her with his massive head towards the door, and she took the hint to go.
They walked to the double-wide, receiving a lot of weary glances from fellow pack members that were neighbors. Word spread like wildfire about what had happened, and many were enamored by the fact that Jughead risked his humanity to save the love of his life and the woman that saved them all last moonrise. Almost all of them felt incredibly indebted to Lily and already accepted her as one of their own. She wouldn’t have any trouble in pairing with their alpha as the majority were pleased at the thought of her helping lead them.
Lily felt awkward to be the center of their attention. She hadn’t realized how important of a role she had begun to play in all of their lives. Jughead didn’t prep her for any of this, mostly because he was oblivious to it all. The only thing he ever seemed to pay attention to was her, which though it was endearing it could also be a little irritating.
She knocked on the door to the double-wide and Sweet Pea answered it. He let them inside, seeing Jughead still in her beast form and sighed. “Guess it was too much to hope for that he’d change back after rescuing you.”
“This is your fault.” She said, poking his firm chest. “You gave him that potion. You allowed him to talk you into letting him do this to himself! We have six days to turn him back or he’ll never be human again, Pea!”
Sweet Pea frowned, “I didn’t have much of a choice. He would have never found you in time had he not turned. The locating spell wasn’t working. The sleet washed your scent away so he had no trail to follow. Don’t think for a second that I wanted for him to have to turn, because I didn’t. I know how much he means to you and I knew the risk it carried. I couldn’t leave Daisy without a mother.”
Lily deflated, her shoulders slumping as a sad look crossed her face. “Oh…” She murmured, having not known all of the facts of what had occurred the previous evening.
Daisy ran in, “puppy!” She screamed in the highest pitch she could manage, making all three of them flinch. Jughead crouched down so that she could crawl on top of him to ride him like a horse. She grabbed onto the fur around his neck, “Go! Go!” She chimed as he began to trot around the house as if he were a show pony.
A look of jealousy crossed Sweet Pea’s face, “I wish I could turn into a wolf.” He grumbled.
“Sorry, Sweets, you got stuck with the raven.” She said with a smirk before going to check on her best friend. Sweet Pea just groaned in response before going back to cooking.
Lily walked into the bedroom to see Lavender pouting as she played on her phone. She looked up, “Lily!” She said excitedly, trying to sit up before remembering that it hurt to move around too much. “You look like hell, what happened?”
“The Red Circle kidnapped me and tortured me...Jughead and Charlie had to save me.” She said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “How do you feel?”
“Like a crispy shish kabob,” Lav replied as she resumed her pouting. “Sweet Pea was supposed to make me something for the pain, but he must have forgotten.”
Lily smiled, placing a hand over the scar and feeding a tiny bit of her magic into her. She had recharged a bit last night, not enough to do any major healing but enough to take the pain away. The right side of her chest began to ache dully, the pain transferring into her. “Better?”
“Yeah, thanks.” The succubus said quietly. “Are you okay? After all that, I mean.”
The witch frowned, “Sweet Pea gave Jughead a potion to turn in order to find me. He’s stuck...I have to figure out a way to get him back into his human body. But, honestly I don’t know where to even start. It’s not like there’s a library I could go to to figure it out.”
Lavender, finally able to sit up now that Lily had taken the majority of her pain, sat up in the bed so her back was against the headboard. “I know how.” She said. “But it will be a stupidly hard plan to execute.”
Lily’s face contorted with confusion, “What? You know how to get him back?”
“Myra made a potion for Kurtz. In case she needed him to turn back. She probably has some stashed somewhere, I think in that shithole in Greendale we used to stay at. Getting it from her would be the hard part. But, if we do have it then it’ll work. We just need one of his human hairs to activate it.” Lavender explained, “It would be incredibly dangerous to go against her in your state. You can’t use sex magic right now, unless you want to go down that really disturbing road of bestiality-”
Lily gave her a disgusted look, “That’s not happening.”
“Then we’ll have to work with what we’ve got.” Lav continued. “And we have to be incredibly careful.”
“Food’s ready!” Sweet Pea called out. Lily stood and offered a hand of Lavender who took it.
Lily helped her up, realizing that she had been totally naked under the blanket. She couldn’t help but look her body over. Lavender smirked at her, “Like what you see, little witch?”
She blushed, letting go of her hand. “Shut up and get dressed.” She turned her back to her and Lavender shrugged as she put on a silk robe and that’s it.
She put a hand on Lily’s shoulder when she was done. Lily glanced back at her and let out a breath when she realized she was covered. The two girls walked out to join Sweet Pea and the wolf that was Jughead Jones.
Lavender stared at Jughead and shook her head, “Poor thing.” He simply barked at her in response as he crouched down Daisy could get down and toddle to the table. Lily put her in her booster seat as Sweet Pea put the food on the table. “What about Jug?” Lav asked, seeing he hadn’t made a place for him.
“He doesn’t have hands, Shanna, what am I supposed to do?” He asked, irritated. “He can have the leftover scraps.”
Lily narrowed her eyes at him before making her soulmate a plate and setting it on the floor for him to eat. “Sorry, Jug.” She whispered to him and he shrugged the best he could in his current form. She sat down at the table, still giving her ex the evil eye. Sweet Pea simply ignored her.
“I’m surprised you could get out of bed.” he said to her as he began to eat the scrambled eggs on his plate. “You couldn’t even sit up this morning.”
“Lily took some of the pain away.” Lav said as she picked at her food, not having much appetite as her nausea kicked in. It hadn’t been quite as bad the past couple days but that was mostly because she had hardly eaten anything. She knew whatever she ate now would be back up in half an hour or less.
Sweet Pea finally acknowledged Lily again, “you need to stop. You healed her enough yesterday, it’s going to start affecting you.”
Lily grumbled to herself as she pushed the eggs around on her plate, “I’m fine. She was hurting and needed my help.”
“And your chest doesn’t hurt at all?” He asked, his anger starting to show. “Because I bet if you took your shirt off, there would be an identical mark there where her scar is.”
“Just drop it, Sweet Pea, I’m fine.” She snapped at him hard enough for him to back off just a fraction.
Lavender looked between them, suspicious that this looked more like a lovers quarrel than a friendly fight. “She won’t heal me any more, Pea. I’ll just go hide in my bed the rest of the day.” She pushed her plate away, unable to eat anything and he frowned at her.
“You need to eat. You’re growing a baby.” He said sternly.
She rolled her eyes at him, “am I? Is that why the thought of taking a bite of this bacon is making me want to hurl? I would have never guessed.” She stood up. “I’m going back to bed.” She muttered darkly before going back to her room.
Sweet Pea and Lily looked at each other, not understanding what just happened. Jughead got up from his spot on the floor and went into the bedroom to join Lavender to speak with her. He knew what was going through her head somehow better than they did. Perhaps it was his animal instincts making him more empathetic
He jumped onto her bed, resting his large head on the exposed part of her leg. “They do that sometimes.” He said softly, “They sound like an old married couple. It bothered me the first few times too but it doesn’t mean anything.”
Lav petted his head slowly as she let out an annoyed grumble. “I’m very hormonal right now and it’s just not helping my natural possessive tendencies. Normally I’m overconfident in what I can make men do. With him, it’s just like...I don’t want to have to control him. I haven’t felt this way since before my soul was taken. I don’t think I like having it back very much.”
“You will get used to it.” He assured her. “You have a better range of human emotion now. It will take some adjustment.”
“I don’t want to be a jealous idiot over my soulmate.” She murmured, hoping the other two couldn’t hear her. “But I can’t just turn the emotion off.”
“You don’t have to turn it off.” Jughead said back, “just rationalize the destructive thoughts you’re having. Soulmates rarely cheat on one another, the sex is too good. The only reason you have sex with other men is because you need to feed off of them.”
Lavender went silent, not having anything else to say to him. She wasn’t sure what she should do. He had sound advice but it was easier said than done. She knew the idea of Sweet Pea going back to Lily was completely ridiculous. It would be unheard of. It was just like there was a worm inside of her ear that just kept whispering terrible things to her. She was powerless against it. She found herself wishing to tear her soul from her physical body and hide it somewhere safe, somewhere where it couldn’t be hurt like this. She felt like such a child sometimes, and then she reminded herself that she died at the age of nineteen. She was, in all honesty, forever a teenager and never a full fledged adult in human terms.
Jughead lifted his head off of her when he heard Sweet Pea approaching. The warlock entered the room and the wolf hopped off the bed and trotted back into the living room to continue to play with Daisy who had begun to call for him.
“I made you some tea.” Sweet Pea said, handing her the mug as a peace offering. “It’ll help your stomach and maybe you can eat.”
Lavender sat up and took the cup with a sigh. “I’m sorry. I can’t really deal with human emotions right now. I haven’t had them in twenty years and they just seem to jumble all together sometimes that it's overwhelming.”
He took a seat next to her, “Lily told me about your plan. It’s too dangerous for you to go so I’m leaving you here with Jughead and Daisy. Lily and I will find it.”
She frowned, feeling another pang of jealousy inside her rib cage. “Okay….”
Sweet Pea grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at him. A small pout formed on her lips at him doing this. “Stop.” He said in a gentle tone. “I would never do that to you. You know I understand why you have to fuck random men off the street. I don’t care about that because they will never make you feel as good as I do. I don’t want anyone else, I want you.”
Lavender blinked back the prickling tears. “I’m sorry,” She muttered, “I know that.”
Sweet Pea kissed her lightly on the lips, then the tip of her nose, and then on the middle of her forehead. This was something he did any time he was being particularly tender with her and it made her heart flutter in her chest. “Drink up and rest. If anything happens, call me and I’ll be here in no time.”
She nodded her head, forcing a small smile, “Okay, Pea. Be safe.”
He got up and gave her a proud smirk. “Safe? Doll, I’m powered to the brim with sex magic. Nothing can touch me unless I want it to.”
Lavender gave him an annoyed look but said nothing else. He kissed her on the lips one last time before turning to leave. “Call me if you need anything. This hopefully won’t take long.” He said, waiting for her sigh of a response before leaving once more.
She listened to him and Lily gather any supplies they would need before they walked out of the house. She assumed they were using her car since it was the only one at the house. Lily’s Saturn was at the cottage though the walk wasn’t too far. It didn’t really matter, she let Sweet Pea use her car whenever he needed to pick something up that was too big to fit on his bike.
The familiar engine outside roared to life and she heard the car pull out the gravel driveway and take off down the street. In the other room, Jughead was still entertaining Daisy by being her miniature pony. He seemed to be having fun too by the sounds of it. The demon let out another sigh as she turned onto her side, her forgotten tea growing cold on the nightstand. She was getting hungry, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to leave any time soon lest she wanted to take Jughead’s offer back and feast on his soul instead.
Sweet Pea and Lily drove to Greendale where Lavender stated the concoction they needed may be. Lavender had told them of this particular hide out before and Sweet Pea kept a raven outside of it to keep watch. It reported to him every few days about her comings and goings. He knew from the last report that she hadn’t been there since Lavender got her soul back. Hopefully what they were looking for was still there.
It took them about an hour and a half. They parked a mile away to avoid detection and once they were closer to the ramshackle building they took to their animal forms. Sweet Pea flew above the black cat on the ground as a raven. They were moving quickly, not wanting to waste any time.
Sweet Pea’s familiar appeared beside him and the two spoke through a nonverbal language Lily could not understand. It seemed as though Myra still hadn’t returned. He began to doubt their luck.
He landed on the ground at the edge of the wood to look into the clearing. His raven circled around top to double check the perimeter and Lily sniffed the air to try and gauge if anyone was nearby. When nothing turned up, they returned to their human bodies.
“What if it’s not here?” Lily asked, worried. “What if she destroyed it when I healed him?”
“Don’t freak out before we even go inside.” He said back almost apathetically. “She probably left it here with the rest of her things.”
Sweet Pea led the way, opting to go first in case it was a trap. Lily reluctantly followed behind him, a bad feeling arising from the bottom of her stomach. Something didn’t feel quite right but she couldn’t quite get a grasp of what her senses were trying to tell her.
He was able to break down the door with relative ease and step inside. It was quiet, the sunlight filtering through the dirty windows illuminated the cloud of dust that the dark witch had just unsettled. He held back a sneeze as he inspected further. When nothing stirred he motioned for Lily to come in.
The two searched the small house, checking every crack and crevice. Nothing was there. No clothes, no books, no equipment of any kind. The entire place was barren of any signs of life. Outside, Sweet Pea’s familiar let out a low croak of warning. They stopped in their places, glancing at one another before quickly joining hands as a loud pop rebounded off the crumbling walls.
“Looking for this?” A sickly sweet voice asked as a curtain of smoke and dust cleared. Myra appeared when it settled to the floor holding a glass mason jar in her hand full of a viscous green liquid. Her eyes scanned over the two of them, “Oh my, what do we have here? Old lovers entwined once more. How will my little succubus feel if she were to find out.”
They dropped their grasp on one another. It wasn’t as it had appeared to be. Sweet Pea had just fed in as much of his magic as he could spare into her in order for her to be able to cast protective white magic. His black would be of little use against a demon in terms of defense. He had to be careful with his reserve.
Lily was trying to formulate some kind of deal she could strike, however nothing came to mind. It was totally blank at the mere thought of being at the demon princess’ mercy. Jughead’s fate was in her hands now and the thought made her want to scream with rage.
“I’ll give it to you, little witch.” Myra cooed as she stepped closer to them. They stood rigidly, bracing themselves for an attack. “You just have to promise me something in return.” She circled around them, clicking her long fingernail against the glass body of the jar.
“What do you want, Myra?” Lily asked, regretting the words before they even spilled from her lips. Being indebted to a demon was perhaps the worst possible thing you could do. They played dirty and the odds were never in your favor unless you found a way to outsmart them. Clearly that was not going to happen this go around.
She stopped once she had made a full circle around the two. “The second the child is free from my little slut’s womb, you are to deliver her to me.” She said, a wicked grin playing upon her face. “If you don’t, then I will do to dear Jughead what I did to Kurtz and this time I’ll make the curse unbreakable. No potion, no amount of white magic, no lunar phenomenon will change him back. He will remain that sad mangy little dog for the rest of his life.”
Sweet Pea’s teeth clenched together so hard that pain rattled his jaw. Lily was looking at him, wondering if it was even okay for her to bargain away his daughter in such a way. His hands were balled into fists, knuckles white with tension. The demon wanted his child and there seemed to be no way around it. If he made this deal then he would break his own mate’s heart. He had no idea how she would react.
Lily’s eyes moved back to Myra who was still clicking the glass. “Time’s running out, Lilian. You only have six more days. Who knows if you’ll be able to find me again in time. The deal is only on the table for this moment, if I leave here today without a decision then it’ll be gone forever. And don’t worry, you won’t be able to wiggle your way out of payment. I will have that child one way or another. At least this way your lover doesn’t go mad.”
“It’s a deal.” Lily said, waving her hand at Sweet Pea to silence him with her magic. “You can have her the moment the cord is cut. If this potion doesn’t work then the deal is off. If something goes wrong with his change then it’s off. If he is anything less than healthy then its-”
“Off.” Myra finished for her, rolling her eyes. “It will work. Have a little faith in me, would you?” She asked, her disappointing tone nothing but a ruse. “One strand of his human hair added, let it sit for thirty seconds and stir. Every drop down that canine throat of his and it’ll be done. He’ll return to what nature intended.”
The demoness handed the jar to Lily who grasped it tightly in her hands, afraid that it would disappear she didn’t. It felt oddly light in her hands, as if she had expected it to weigh twice as much. Myra disappeared with a cruel grin and silence surrounded them.
Lily undid her spell on Sweet Pea and her heart hurt enough for the both of them. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes, angry hot saline that didn’t dare to fall down his face. “What have you done?” He asked, his voice so dangerously low that she took a few steps back. Fear raced through her at the lethal glare on his face before she could say anything he turned back into a raven and flew out the open door.
Lily arrived back at the trailer park ninety minutes later. After getting a hair from his comb within his room, she walked into the double-wide with the necessary ingredients. She found that Daisy was taking a nap on the couch while Jughead was pacing between the living room and Lavender’s room in order to keep an eye on both of them.
When he saw her, he gave her a quizzical look. She shook her head, not wanting to talk about what had transpired with Sweet Pea. She was worried that if she said his name then he’d suddenly reappear to rip her to shreds with his words. She already hurt too much from the deal she made. She didn’t need to feel any worse.
She followed Myra’s directions, adding the hair and waiting before stirring it. She poured the mixture into a bowl and sat it down on the linoleum of the kitchen floor so he could drink it. She had to brace herself for what she was about to watch. Jughead had never let her watch him change before and she knew that it was going to be incredibly painful for him.
Jughead drank it, hesitating after the first sip before greedily drinking it up. It tasted leagues better than the potion to make him shift into a wolf. It was sweet like berries and citrus with some sour notes hidden somewhere in the aftertaste. He licked the bowl clean.
Lily watched as he back arched painfully, bones snapping and reforming. His mouth opened wide, impossibly wide. His lower jaw unhinged and two human hands were forced out from his throat. More cracking, more breaking, more sounds of pain as he used his freed hands to rip the fur from his body to make the mouth large enough for his human form to shoulder through.
It was actually a strange mix of horrifying and fascinating. Watching the eyes, teeth, and claws of the wolf body fall and decay. When finished, Jughead lay curled up on the floor totally naked in a puddle of deflated fur. He was breathing heavily, red faced from the physical strain and the tears of pain that had fallen.
Lily knew she couldn’t take his pain away. Not after having used so much healing magic the past two days. She crouched down to pull his shaking body into her arms in order to hold him lovingly. “Jug…” She whispered, her voice riddled with distraught. “I’ve done something terrible. Sweet Pea and Lavender are never going to forgive me.”
He felt like he couldn’t breathe as his mind was still spinning from the transformation. He looked up at her and was pained by the expression on her face. “What did you do?” He managed to gasp between staccato intakes of air.
“I had to make a deal with Myra, she was waiting for us.” Lily said. “I had to agree to give her the baby in order to save you. I wouldn’t let Sweet Pea speak up and ruin my chance of saving you. It was so stupidly selfish but I couldn’t bear the thought of you being driven mad by the moon.
Lavender walked out, having been woken up from her nap and feeling ever the more hungry. Her drive for a soul was getting worse but she worried about leaving without Sweet Pea there to protect her. Upon seeing the two on the floor, she let out a sigh of relief. “Good you got it. I need to feed, where is Pea?”
Lily chewed on her lip nervously, not knowing what to tell her. “He took off without me. I’m not sure where he is. I can locate him for you.”
She frowned, not understanding or liking what may have happened between them. Her jealousy spiking out of nowhere. “Why would he do that?”
“Lavie, listen.” Lily stood as Jughead sat up on his own. “Myra had the potion, she wouldn’t give it to us without a deal.”
Lavender’s brow furrowed, a sinking feeling growing within her stomach. “What kind of deal?”
Lily was about to break down, knowing that she was about to lose the woman who had quickly become her best friend. “The baby...the baby for the potion...I’m so sorry, Lavender, I had no choice-”
The hybrid’s eyes flashed black, the sclera no longer present. “Get out of my house.” She seethed angrily as an unknown force whipped her hair around her. “And don’t you ever come back.”
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Tag List: @the-gargoyle-queen​, @lilhemmo​, @wayward-river​, @southside-vixen, @princesweetpea​, @redhairdontcare732​  (comment/ask/message if you want to be added or subscribe to AO3)
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riverdale-events · 5 years
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Southside Showcase has officially started! Bring on the content from now until June 1st!
This Southside focused event is back for 2019, presented by @riverdale-events​ and @serpentcentral​. There are 5 themes for content that focuses on our highlighted characters, Fangs, FP, Gladys, Jellybean, Joaquin, Jughead, Sweet Pea, and/or Toni (solo or in their ship of choice), and 1 free for all theme for content celebrating any of your Southside favs! Make sure to tag #riverdaleevents in the first five tags of all your posts. Any kind of creative content is welcome during the event window of May 21st - June 1st. Make sure to indicate which theme you filled!
Theme 1: Fox Forest, for all the summer fun - camping, vacations, days at the lake, etc
Theme 2: Tent City, home of the Serpents - from domestic to business
Theme 3: La Bonne Nuit and Pop’s, dating - build up the summer love
Theme 4: The Bunker, smut and nothing but - with or without plot, bunker not required
Theme 5: Southside Boxing Gym, AU’s - change up the setting in an alternate universe, boxing, office, coffee shop, etc
Theme 6: Southside Pride - anything Southside goes - this is the theme to show your love for any of your favorite Southside characters (including OC’s, Ghoulies, Pretty Poisons, Gargoyles, etc)
The location listed on a theme name does NOT have to be used in your content unless you want to use it! For example, theme 3 is for dates and dating, at any place you’d like the characters to go, not just the one/ones listed. Any concept, idea, or specific prompt that is applicable to a day’s theme is accepted! If you’ve got clarification questions, just ask us!
Remember!: Tag  #riverdaleevents (in the first 5 tags), indicate what theme your post is for, tag your ships, and don’t forget to add your fics to the SOUTHSIDE SHOWCASE collection on AO3 . If we miss reblogging your content, please send us an ask or DM @bettysnooper, @jughead-jones, or @theheavycrown! We will be posting a masterlist on June 2nd!
Check out our post for full details, FAQs, how-to’s, and the event’s themes.
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
To Riverdale, with love
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What is Christmas to the stranger next to you? Is it a time to sing joyous carols door to door in the freezing cold? Is it a time to curl up next to a fire with a cup of hot cocoa while surrounded by loved ones? Is it a time to bury beneath blankets to hide from the sorrow of what a Christmas without that special someone feels like?
Follow along in this seasonal treat as nine stories weave in and out like holiday tinsel in this “Love Actually” inspired fanfic, including the romance and friendships of nine different pairings in Riverdale, the town where one might just find that love truly is all around.
Read all 13 chapters here and I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season!!!
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madebyleftovermuses · 6 years
Chapter Forty-Seven: Bizarrodale
Starting with Jug having a full plate yet steals food off Betty’s plate
And pan to the McKellers!
Wouldn’t have been a second marriage if you both fucking waited like you promised!!
Sibling already
Moose’s dad is sort of sketchy
Bitch break Blossom traditions!!
Everyone in Riverdale is fucking unhinged!!
When Hermione said Veronica is in the big leagues now the first thing that popped in my head was “Playing with the Big Boys” from Prince of Egypt
Moose and Kevin are at it
This asshole over here trying to get them red handed
I’m here for Sweet Pea calling Josie out
At least it’s confirmed that Sweet Pea is a ride or die type of boyfriend
So, Penelope is blocking Cheryl from attending a college she’s had her sights on because she’s a lesbian. That’s fucked up
That letter isn’t ominous or anything
“There’s this guy” really Kevin? Just say it’s Moose
If Moose doesn’t want to go public, it’s about time someone tells Kevin to just move on
Loving Cheryl and her interaction with Kevin ❤️
Shit Cheryl that was horrible way of calling Moose out
When Kevin said bulldozer, I don’t think that’s what he meant
Thank you, Toni for yelling at Cheryl
Aw, poor Toni 😭😭
Yes, call Cheryl out!
Of course, Josie will be attending Julliard
Archie being a hero to Josie
Josie and Archie, I feel like make more sense than Josie and Sweet Pea
Reggie asking the hard-hitting questions “does that really happen?” Regarding breaking kneecaps
Love Reggie asking if robbing banks was still a thing
Idea! Let’s rob my dad!
So, the black eye was not an isolated incident. How the hell did Reggie’s mom not say anything?!
Bonnie and Clyde. Ronnie and Reggie
“We all have to play” can Hiram even be out of the hospital? How long has it been since he was shot?
I feel like FP would throw together some Fred Jones type trap for the Gargoyle King. Alice would be the damsel in distress. Fred would bring Vegas and raid the cafeteria. Sierra will tell everyone who it is.
Don’t ask questions! Drive!
Cheryl with the whip is a bit creepy
Aw, poor Josie 😭😭
Reggie was shot and he’s happy about it
Dye pack
Aw!! Moose kissing Kevin without the shame
The bunker!
Aw! Cheryl trying the help Toni
Gladys! ❤️❤️
Gladys taking Reggie’s car, Bella ❤️
Cheryl really is standing by her word and making it all up to Toni
Moose’s face when Cheryl told him about the bunker ❤️
Why sheriff jones are you wearing your serpent jacket?
Of course, Penelope would have the fucking antidote.
Moose and Kevin have two very different styles of the way they dress
All the kids are planning on having sex decide to answer their phones? Okay 👌🏻
Aw, soft boys ❤️
Reservations on the sex bunker
Time for a little kidnapping
Got my Scooby doo moment
The Gargoyle King is…. moose’s dad
That’s fuck up!
Moose’s dad needs help
Let’s pass the Gargoyle King costume
“Daddy?” Oh, now she wants to hug FP
Mommy’s home!
Cute little Jellybean ❤️❤️
Archie and Josie going back to season 1
Moose just came out of the closet and he’s fucking moving?! Are you fucking shitting me?!
Holy fuck! Kevin called him Marmaduke! His real name has been said!!
My heart didn’t break in two! It fucking shattered when they broke up!
Kevin can’t catch a break! He was hooking up with Moose and the Joaquin showed up and now he’s dead and Moose is leaving to live with his aunt
Gladys showed up. Well that’s new.
FYI Gladys is in town
Damn, using Jellybean against FP, that’s ice cold
Consent is key, y’all!!
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fandomtrash713 · 6 years
New Girl In Town - Part Two
Part One
Summary: You just moved into the Southside, kicked out of your home. Now it’s time to join Southside High and find your place. Suddenly, you’re thrust into the world of Serpents, Ghoulies, and Riverdale drama.
Pairings: Fem!Reader x Sweet Pea, Brother!Jughead, Father!FP
Warnings: Swearing, violence, fighting, blood
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The bell finally rang and it was lunchtime—a break from the hell that was this school. You swung your bag up over your shoulder and slid your bone-brass knuckles. You followed the crowd to the cafeteria, where Jughead promised he would meet you. The flow of students slowed as you passed a group of druggies who traded money for jingle jangle and pot.
The hallway opened up into the cafeteria and you looked around for Jug, but he was nowhere in sight. You noticed a door propped open and decided to go outside and leave the claustrophobic halls behind. On your way out, you passed a table with several kids wearing black studded clothing and eyeliner. One of them watched you walk past and even licked his lips.
“What are you looking at?” You snapped at him, glaring. You turned and continued to the door, but someone pulled on your arm, stopping you. You yanked your arm back, dropped your bag, and spun around, facing the kid from before.
“Nobody talks to me like that, sweetheart,” he balled his fists. “You better apologize.” He punched first, his knuckles smacking against my cheekbone. You stumbled, but quickly regained your posture and balled your own fists. You punched forward and caught him in the teeth with the bone knuckles, chipping one of his teeth and another bent back.
He wiped his mouth and spat blood onto the floor. “You’re gonna get it now, bitch.”
“Touch me one more time and I’ll rip your arm off,” you snarled at him, cracking your knuckles.
He punched against, catching your lip and jaw before you grabbed his arm and twisted it. You kicked your leg up, pressed it against his rib cage and yanked on it. With a loud pop and a scream, his arm dangled at an odd angle and he started to scream in pain.
“That’s enough!” A teacher yelled, two others starting to pull us apart. One of the teachers dragged off the guy, his arm hanging from his body.
“You are dead!” He screamed at me. “You are dead, Princess!”
Another teacher came up to me and looked me up and down. “You need to come with me,” she said.
“No, it was out of self-defense.” Jughead pushed past you. “Even you could have seen that.”
The teacher sighed and walked away, leaving us alone. He turned to me. “What did you not understand about ‘laying low’?” He asked as you walked back outside, picking up your bag. “That was a Ghoulie!”
“Y/n, there are people to protect you, the Serpents-“
“I don’t need any goddamn protection, Jughead,” you snapped. He put his hands up and looked at you wide-eyed. He sighed and said, “come meet some of the gang.”
You walked over to a table with five Serpents sitting at it. “This is Fang, Toni, Sweet Pea, and Betty—my girlfriend.”
You nodded to them and sat down on the table, crossing your legs.
“You’re bleeding,” Betty said. You shrugged.
“It’s not too bad,” you said, wiping your face.
“Good punch,” the taller one, Sweet Pea, said. “And nice brass knuckles.”
“Thanks,” you said, “I carved it out of bone.”
“Shit,” he said. You smiled.
*      *      *
Jughead pushed the door open and motioned you inside. You heard someone clanking around in the kitchen. “Dad?” Jughead called, walking past you.
“Hey Jug, how was school-“ FP broke off his sentence when he saw you.
“Hi, Dad,” you said, dropping your bag.
“Y/n,” he breathed. “What are you doing here?”
“Mom kicked me out and told me to come here.”
FP stepped forward and paused before pulling you into a tight hug. “I haven’t seen you in years,” he said as you carefully wrapped your own arms around him. “God, I’ve missed you kid.”
When he pulled away he asked, “How is Mom? How is Jellybean?”
“Jellybean is good. She’s a good kid, really smart.” You avoided eye contact as you looked around your backpack for your phone.
“And Mom?” FP asked, crossing his arms. Jughead stared at you.
“She’s fine,” you lied. “Everyone is fine. It was just time for me to go.”
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peachybrook · 6 years
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I made this a few days ago for no reason and I don't know what to do with it, so here it is.
Also, I don't ship Falice. I just thought it would look better this way.
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Little Jones 15
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Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Fandom: Riverdale
Warning: Language, Violence, Talk about Attempted Rape, Gun Violence
Tagged: @aframeofbones  @sithskywalkers  @sleepylunarwolf  @fangirlbitch02  @savannah-m-99   @mrs-sarcasmm   @laralarryv   @deanilostmyshoe   @sgarrett49   @amikml   @ego-allie-bap   @outerxorbit   @aristocracy-y   @southsidemistress   @natalieroseg​
001   002   003   004   005   006   007   008   009   010   011   012   013   014
“Mom, what are you doing here?” Jughead asked.
“I still have friends here in Riverdale,” Gladys replied.
The three boys just stared at her. She sighed.
“So I know about the attacks, Penny, and that your sister is in trouble as usual,” Gladys explained.
Turning away from her son, Gladys returned her attention back to FP.
“How could you let this happen?” Glady demanded to know.
“It’s not just dad’s fault,” Jughead interrupted.
“Stay out of this Jughead,” Gladys ordered.
“No,” Jughead snapped. “This is on all of us,”
“Jughead,” FP coldly hissed.
His son let out a frustrating sigh.
“She can’t come in here after months,” Jughead began.
“Jug,” FP said a little sterner.
“Come on dad, mom hasn’t been apart of this family for months, she’s the one who gave up on Y/n,” Jughead hissed.
“Jughead,” Gladys said in a warning tone.
“I’m not afraid of you or what you think you could do to me,” Jughead shot back.
“Jughead! That’s enough!” FP roared.
Jughead crossed his arms over his chest.
“I can handle this and your mother,” FP began.
Jughead rolled his eyes. Jughead gave up for now out of respect for his father. The three teens squeezed into the small living room and took a seat on the couch. FP and Gladys returned their attention back towards each other.
“Sending Y/n here was your decision. You’re the one who no longer could control her,” FP pointed out.
“I wanted her back here with her father and her brother. I thought two strong male influences might help her,” Gladys replied.
“You wanted her away from gang affiliated stuff, but you know that the Serpents are my life,” FP argued.
“I believed that you would have been more strict with her,” Gladys said.
“I tried Gladys, but our daughter is meant for this life. She’s meant to take over from me when it’s my time to step down,” FP said.
Gladys shook her head.
“I needed you to be there for our daughter,” Gladys said.
“I was!” FP shouted. “She’s in school top of her class, she’s made friends, is in a healthy relationship, and is extremely happy,”
Gladys clucked her tongue.
“Our daughter has been kidnapped, beaten, and almost raped,” Gladys snarled.
“I’m doing my best, Gladys! Our children are happy shouldn’t that be enough?” FP replied.
“No, it isn’t,” Glady’s hissed.
FP sighed an ran a hand through his hair.
“So what now, Gladys?” FP asked.
“I think it’s for the best if the twins return with me,” Gladys said.
“Hell no!”
“Fuck that!”
“You’ve got to be out of your mind, lady!”
FP and Gladys both gave the three teens a look.
“I’m not leaving here and I’m sure not going to let you fucking take my sister either,” Jughead snarled.
“Jug,” FP sighed.
Fangs pulled his friend back down.
“I understand that you’re upset and angry, Gladys, but you’re not taking my kids away from me,” FP replied.
“Wanna bet?” Gladys hissed.
“You know maybe instead, I’ll take Jellybean off your hands. You saw how happy she was to be reunited with me earlier,” FP said.
“Jellybean is here?” Jughead asked.
FP only nodded.
“You are not going to subject our youngest to this mess!” Gladys exclaimed.
“Then if I were you I’d back off on taking the twins from me,” FP said.
“It seems that we are not at the same understanding,” Gladys said.
“The twins are old enough to make up their own minds. Why don’t you treat them like actual human beings and ask them what they want,” FP said.
Gladys sighed. She looked over at her son.
“Jughead would want you to come back to Toledo with me?” Gladys asked.
“No, Riverdale is my home,” Jughead replied.
“You might as well go and wake Y/n so we can talk,” Gladys said.
The four boys looked at each other.
“Y/n isn’t here,” FP said.
“Then where is my daughter?” Gladys asked.
“Somewhere safe,” FP replied.
“We can bring her back in the morning,” Jughead said.
“That’s a good plan, Jug,” FP replied.
Gladys rolled her eyes.
“Might as well crash here tonight then,” Gladys said.
FP lead Gladys down to his room. Sweet Pea, Jughead, and Fangs leaned in real close.
“What the hell are we going to do?” Sweet Pea asked.
“Well we already know that Y/n won’t go back with mom,” Jughead said.
“Yeah, but it still sounds like your mom isn’t going to go down without a fight,” Fangs replied.
“In the morning, we’ll need to go get Y/n, hopefully, the girls can help us come up with something,” Jughead replied.
Sweet Pea sat back in a sigh.
“Trust me, Pea, you’re not going to lose her,” Jughead said.
Sweet Pea nodded, but he was starting to grow worried about what Mrs. Jones could end up doing.
The next morning found Y/n and Betty waking up to Toni shaking them gently.
“Hey sleepyheads,” Toni grinned.
“What time is it?” Betty asked.
“Breakfast time! Come on!” Toni said pulling the girls out of the bed.
Rubbing her eyes, Y/n climbed out of the bed. Betty and Y/n followed Toni downstairs. Cheryl was already in the kitchen cooking. The table was already full of food.
“Jesus, Cheryl, are you feeding an army?” Y/n asked.
“Just us four and three very hungry boys,” Cheryl said.
Betty and Y/n turned to see Jughead, Sweet Pea, and Fangs round the corner. Betty went straight for her boyfriend. Smiling, Sweet Pea came over to Y/n. She wrapped her arms around his chest and he pulled her in close.
“What are you three doing here?” Betty asked.
“Let’s talk over breakfast because I’m starved,” Sweet Pea said.
“You ate two donuts on the way over here,” Fangs pointed out.
“Shut up,” Sweet Pea hissed.
The seven friends filled around the table. Fangs and Sweet Pea looked at Cheryl when her Nana Rose came to join them.
“Relax, she can hardly hear, and if she does it’s not like she’s going to tell anyone,” Cheryl said.
“So why are you guys here?” Betty asked.
“We have a little bit of a problem,” Jughead said.
Y/n cocked her eyebrow.
“More than we already have?” Y/n asked.
“Y/n, mom showed up last night,” Jughead said.
Y/n choked on her orange juice. Sweet Pea was quick to pound on her back.
“What!” She gasped.
“Yeah, and she’s pissed,” Fangs added.
“Please fill us all in on what’s going on,” Toni said.
“Gladys wants to take away the twins,” Fangs blurted.
Y/n dropped her fork.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Y/n said.
“Unfortunately not, she feels that dad isn’t doing a good job at keeping us safe,” Jughead explained.
Y/n sat back with a huff.
“So now what?” Y/n asked.
“Mom is going to ask if you want to stay here with dad or go with her,” Jughead said.
“Well it’s obvious, I’m going to want to stay,” Y/n replied.
“You’ll have to tell mom that, but we still feel like she’s not going to give up on it,” Jughead said.
“She can try arguing about it all she wants, but I’m not leaving here,” Y/n said.
“So then what do we do?” Y/n asked.
“Prove to mom that we are perfectly fine with dad,” Jughead replied.
The group continued to discuss future plans over breakfast. Everyone worked together to clean up their breakfast mess.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Y/n asked.
“We’ll be your backup, your place of solitude if something goes wrong,” Cheryl replied.
“If anything changes and you need me,” Toni began.
“We’ll get ahold of you,” Jughead said.
Cheryl and Toni watched their friends leave.
“None of this isn’t going to end well, is it?” Cheryl asked.
Toni leaned against her girlfriend.
“Any of us make one wrong move and it can ruin everything,” Toni answered.
“So what you’re saying is that this could end up going into world war three,” Cheryl said.
Toni nodded.
“Pretty much,” Toni said.
Cheryl sighed.
Toni kissed her temple.
“Don’t worry, okay?” Toni said.
“I’m not worried about myself, but we are pretty much sending my friends out there into a war zone,” Cheryl explained.
“Just trust us,” Toni said.
Cheryl grabbed Toni by the hand and pulled her girlfriend back inside. She needed to have a little distraction to keep herself from worrying about her friends.
Y/n and Jughead stood outside of their trailer. Y/n took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“You okay?” Jug asked.
Y/n nodded. She wished that Sweet Pea was here, but the group decided it was smarter to just have the twins deal with their mom alone for now. Together, the twins headed up the stairs and into the trailer. Their parents were sitting at the table.
“Hi, honey!” Gladys greeted as she got to her feet.
Y/n took a few steps back from her mom. Gladys froze in her spot.
“What are you doing here mom?” Y/n asked.
Gladys sighed. “I’ve heard about what’s going on,”
Y/n crossed her arms over her chest.
“So what you had to come running to the rescue?” Y/n asked.
“You were almost raped!” Gladys shrieked.
Y/n cringed.
“Alright, the two of you need to calm down,” FP said.
“Mom, you wanted me to be here to be raised by dad. So let dad do his job,” Y/n said.
“You’ve been kidnapped and beaten,” Gladys pointed out.
“Which the Serpents and I have handled,” Y/n shot back.
Gladys rolled her eyes.
“Just so you know I absolutely refuse to go back with you. I belong here,” Y/n said.
“You’re not safe here!” Gladys shouted.
“Girls, come down,” FP said.
“Fine, neither of you want to come home?” Gladys asked.
“This is our home,” The twins said in unison.
“Okay, then I’m not leaving here until I know that Y/n is safe,” Gladys said.
“What does that mean?” FP asked.
“I want to help take down Penny,” Gladys said.
Y/n and Jughead looked at one another.
“What?” They both said in confusion.
“If you two don’t want to come with me that’s fine, but I want to leave knowing that she’s taken care of no longer a threat to my children,” Gladys explained.
The twins looked at their father unsure of what to say.
“Are you sure about this Gladys? Your hands are going to get dirty,” FP asked.
Gladys nodded.
“Jughead! Y/n!” A voice shouted.
The twins whirled around to see their younger sister running towards them.
“Jellybean!” Y/n grinned as she scooped up her sister in a giant hug.
“I’ve missed you guys,” Jellybean said hugging her siblings.
“Why don’t we head on down to Pops for lunch?” FP suggested.
The Jones’ made their way to Pops.
“You wanna meet Betty?” Jughead asked.
“And Sweet Pea?” Y/n added.
The Jones siblings hurried into Pops. The twins lead their younger sister over to the back where their friends and significant others were sitting. The twins introduced their sister to their friends.
FP dragged a table over to put at the end of the booth so everyone could sit together. As everyone got settled in, the door chimed and Alice walked in. FP jumped to his feet and waved her over. Y/n gave her brother a knowing smile.
“Hey kiddos,” Alice greeted as she hugged the teens.
“Everyone’s usuals?” Pops asked.
The adults nodded, but the teens started tossing out extra orders. Cheryl and Toni came swinging into the shop and came to join their friends. FP made room for their last two additions. Sweet Pea kissed Y/n’s temple before leaning forward to tug on Jellybean’s hair.
Jellybean swatted Sweet Pea’s hands away from her hair.
“You’ll regret that,” Jellybean growled.
Sweet Pea only laughed at Jellybean’s threats.
As the group continued to laugh and joke around their were unaware of the car pulling up in front of Pops.
Y/n happened to glance up just as the black car was rolling down the window. Her eyes widened as she began to get to her feet drawing everyone’s attention to her.
“Everyone get down!” FP shouted.
People began screaming and running. Just as Y/n saw a familiar face in the window, Sweet Pea was there tackling her to the ground as the diner was being riddled with bullets.
The echoes of their screams died off as the black car sped away from the diner.
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Fallon + 6, 11, 14
Let me preface this with the fact that Fallon is legit obsessed with Taylor Swift so these will all be Taylor songs to honour that.
6 - Sibling(s)
Jughead Jones: Innocent, Taylor Swift (who you are is not where you’ve been & I hope you remember today is never too late to be brand new)
Jellybean Jones: Never Grow Up, Taylor Swift (I won’t let nobody hurt you, won’t let no one break your heart & oh darling, don’t you ever grow up)
(bonus) Charlotte Jones: The Best Day, Taylor Swift (don’t know how long it’s gonna take to feel okay, but I know I had the best day with you today)
11 - Love Interest (Reggie)
Fallon’s Feelings: State Of Grace, Taylor Swift (soyou were never a saint and I’ve loved in shades of wrong, we learn to live withthe pain, mosaic broken hearts)
Relationship: You Are In Love, Taylor Swift (you keep his shirt, he keeps his word, and foronce, you let go of your fears and your ghosts)
14 - Ex(es)
Toni Topaz - when dating: Dress, Taylor Swift (I don’t want you like a best friend & Our secret moments in a crowded room, they’ve got no idea about me and you)
Toni Topaz - post breakup: I Almost Do, Taylor Swift (And I just wanna tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you)
Sweet Pea - when dating: Style, Taylor Swift (You’ve got that long hair slick back, white t-shirt and I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt)
Sweet Pea - post breakup: All Too Well, Taylor Swift (you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest)
Send me an OC and a number and I’ll give you a song
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thebetterjonesboy · 6 years
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request 4 @saremillerr ♥ moodboard; sweet pea x similar aged jones sister - ‘we are the hungry ones, on a lightning raid. just like a river runs, like a fire needs flame. oh i burn for you’
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riverdale-events · 5 years
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Home is where the Serpent is!
This theme features your favorite Southside ships/characters on their day to day — domestic stories of those days spent at home, the characters as kids, gang business, or just displaying your love for your a Serpent character or scene. Show your favorite Serpents some appreciation for who they are!
Theme 2 focuses on our highlighted characters, Fangs, FP, Gladys, Jellybean, Joaquin, Jughead, Sweet Pea, and/or Toni (solo or in their ship of choice, with any partner). Theme 6 is our free for all day for any Southside character.  Solo, slash, het, OC, reader insert, and ot3s are all welcome on every theme!
Remember!: Tag  #riverdaleevents (in the first 5 tags), indicate what theme your post is for, tag your ships, and don’t forget to add your fics to the Southside Showcase collection on Ao3. All creative content (fics, ficlets, multichapters, gifs, aesthetics, art, video, graphics, etc) is included in this event!
This event runs through June 1st! We welcome any content from any of our six themes until then! If we miss reblogging your content, please send us an ask! We will be posting the masterlist on the 2nd!
Check out our post for full details, FAQs, how-to’s, and all of the event’s themes.
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tailsbeth-writes · 7 years
Riverdale Writing Challenge Masterlist
Here you’ll find every entry to my Riverdale Writing Challenge, go give them some love! If you’re interested in entering yourself, find details here. Deadline for entries in January 31st. [Challenge is now closed]
Electric Love by @yourjughead (Jughead x Reader)
S is for Serpents, not Slut by @sweetimagines (Sweet Pea x Reader)
Serpent’s Blood by @serpent-jugheadjones (Jughead and Jellybean)
Chaos by @ju-gg (Sweet Pea x Reader)
Little Did You know by @idontknowhatiwant168393 (Fangs x Reader)
We’re in This Together by @joanna2187 (Bughead)
The One That Got Away by @svenjafangirlt (Fangs x Reader)
Lovebug by @imaginesbabe (Archie x Reader)
Well Endings by @runestones-and-starlight (Archie and Jughead)
Plan B  by @cinderelles (Barchie)
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
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Coming soon this Christmas Day...
To Riverdale, with love
A “Love Actually” inspired fic set in our favorite little town of Riverdale with nine different pairings of love, friendship, and family!
Stay tuned!
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madebyleftovermuses · 5 years
The one where we try spying on a cult
  Chapter Fifty-Two: The Raid
Well, Sweet Pea is looking fine in the trainee outfit
Aw, Tom ❤️
I understand why Betty hates Evelyn she blames her for the loss of her mom, but she seems so nice!
A pool table of course the Jones would have a pool table
Saturday cartoons is still a thing?
Alice looks great
That prison only took what three year or is it a year and half?
“You did try killing him, twice” the look Hermione gave her 👌
I’m pretty sure Jughead raids the Andrews kitchen long before being neighbors
Mad Dog is ALIVE!!
Why is visiting hours at night? Like that’s fucking shady
Ouch! Ex-Boyfriend
Why haven’t we seen Auntie Cheryl? We’ve seen Auntie Betty and Uncle Jughead
Using Jason against Cheryl harsh
Why you acting shady, Sweet Pea?
Why put Cheryl through this again?
Finally, a normal name! James the Serpent
Ruined a sting nice going.
Gladys smirking in the background
Go die, Elio
“How many times have you tried to kill Archie?” To many damn times
Veronica is really fighting for her ship
“Move my family into a gym?” Sure, Or or we get rid of the drug cooks
Yes, let’s open the weird red package on the desk and not call for security
Sleeping with the fishies
Hermione is totally a wine mom
Cheryl is in danger
Another family member taken by the Farm
Can we appreciate the fact that Jughead hasn’t made any changes to his room? Like he knows that was Betty’s room and keeps it the way she left it even though it’s now his.
Crime fighting turns them on 👌
Wow, Hiram. “My wife, the love of my life” sounded so fake
A crowbar, Jughead?
So, Jughead brought a crowbar to a gun fight
Get it Mad Dog!!
Got you, motherfucker!
Right out the window
Ok, so we know how Jughead got to the ground floor so fast but how did Archie?
So, no divorce after what 18 years of marriage just an annulment 👌
Ok so these are the reasons for an annulment:
The marriage was incestuous.
The marriage was bigamous.
The marriage was the result of force, fraud, or physical or mental incapacity.
The marriage took place when one or both spouses were below the legal age for marriage.
The marriage took place when one or both spouses were already married or in a registered domestic partnership.
The marriage took place when one or both spouses were under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
My guess is they went with maybe the drugs or alcohol.
Wow, threatening your own mother sounds like a Lodge
Gladys is fucking amazing for not killing Jughead
Hold on! Cheryl joined the Farm and the Farm loves the color white, but Cheryl is all about the red what is she going to wear?
She’s stealing Cheryl’s tape as well
Elio can go choke on a thousand dicks
That’s sweet that Cheryl saw her brother but like does she expect to keep seeing him?
So, necromancy?
“Looks like a tooth” like a baby tooth?
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