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Pondering if I should add Jek-14 to the Forceful Intervention Verse.
Mostly because I think it'd be very interesting to have Fox, who's been tortured by a Sith Master, had his neck snapped by said Sith Master's pet project, been forsaken by the GAR for choosing the Guard's well being over Ahsoka's or Fives's (who he never met under better circumstances other than them being fugitives of the law), and is currently going through a purposeful vengeance arc where he searches for and rescues clones that were never taken in by Rex's rebellion (for this or that reason) to take them to Epifania where they can be free, only to come across this very strange anti-social clone with unnatural eyes, a lightsaber strapped to his belt, and a goddamn Force Lightening arm.
Now, Fox is (unsurprisingly and very understandably) suspicious and somewhat fearful of Force Sensitives. Especially ones that can zap him into oblivion. But this is a vod and, even if he doesn't act like it, Fox shouldn't just give up on him and carry on his merry way. So he won't. He's better than that. He has to be better than that if he hopes to save all of the renegades like himself and the Guard Remnant. It's both penance for his prior compliance and a vow to fuck Palpatine's shit up.
Meanwhile Jek-14 trusts literally no one because there's always some ulterior motive for everyone's vested interest in him (considering the circumstances of his creation). This strange clone showing up one day and insisting on dragging him somewhere where he can "live free among other clones", doesn't really strike him as a selfless endeavor. Especially considering Jek-14 doesn't see himself as a vod because he wasn't raised with other clones and has killed many in the past (he regrets it now that he's no longer Dooku's pet project, but there's no going back and he knows clones don't take kindly to outsiders who murder their kin even if they were just following orders/their life's purpose).
I'm not really putting it into words the way I want it because my brain is pretty fried from the current heat wave. But like...
This. This is what I see:
#star wars#the clone wars#forceful intervention au#commander fox#jek-14#Fox finds a strange brother with trust issues and decides to adopt him#even at risk of electrocution/dismemberment#meanwhile Jek-14 has never been shown brotherly love (or any love of any kind) and doesn't understand why Fox is being nice#surely this must be some kind of plan to use him as a weapon (again)
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All you people saying there’s never been a force sensitive clone clearly never watched the Lego stuff and saw Jek-14 🙄

#lego clone wars#Star Wars#clone troopers#Jek-14#clone wars#tbb#sort of#since everyone is talking abt omega being force sensitive#the bad batch
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hi friend!! for the WIP tag game, i cannot decide which one i want to ask about lol, so this is your excuse to talk abt whichever one u want to most! :D
@saturn-sends-hugs ;] the one that's calling out to me right now is one that's pretty far on the back burner, but it's still one I want to write. So there's this Lego clone character named Jek-14, and he's a clone who is given Force powers by Count Dooku. Since it's Lego, this isn't really explored in any meaningful way, but my brother and I thought it would be a killer fanfic, so we talked it out and outlined it. It had Count Dooku being terrible, some Quinlan Vos, and a whole lot of poor Jek having a terrible time with his prosthetic arm made to shoot Force lightning. Again, it's one that's pretty far on the back burner, but I really, really want to write it once I've gotten a few other projects completed.
I mean, look at him:
#Echo even (briefly) makes an appearance#gosh I forgot how much I want to write this one#ask#jek-14#lego star wars#I only discovered him through my brother's Lego Star Wars knowledge#I think he's neat
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Kaleesh week
Day 4 - Force

But technically pups can do too. I was very happy to draw this piece because it contains two of my three favorite parts of this fandom. This is our OC Pulpar jai Soraha from an AU. One of Grievous' youngest children, wounded by the war before he was even born. @koyato has already mentioned our headcanon on what caused the Great Hunger. Chemical weapon used by Huks in a desperate attempt to stifle a counterattack. Children of survivors of the influence of chemical weapons suffer from many chronic diseases, deformities of the body, delays in physical and mental development... Soraha was lucky enough not to have conditions incompatible with life and to become capable enough to fit into society. But of course he wasn't untouched.
His head is deformed, although this is almost invisible behind traditional clothes. The most noticeable are large bulging eyes. But its features are most clearly manifested in behavior. He is infantile and naive even for his age, he learns slower than his peers, it is more difficult for him to adapt to society and stressful situations. He is kinda in his own world. But this does not deprive him of a normal life, Kaleesh looks surprisingly tolerant and loving to those who have fewer opportunities or more difficulties than most. His family also cares about those who are much less fortunate than Soraha. But Soraha has another characteristic. He is force-sensitive. The force didn't have much impact on his life until a certain age, except that sometimes he had strange dreams about things that hadn't happened yet. Until the moment he met Jack.
Jack 14 is not canonical character from the lego cartoon "The Yoda Chronicles" and I LOVE him. You should check it out if you haven't watched it yet, it's a great show (and not thanks to the name in the title, Yoda literally feels like a minor character for some reason). But you can understand why I can't accept that Jack is not in the canon, a force-sensitive clone with a glowing cybernetic prosthesis and a power equal to the ancient Sith, and at the same time his only desire is to be left alone and not be part of all the bs that's going on in the galaxy. He is beautiful and I love him and I will show him to everyone.
But going back to Soraha. It is dangerous for a young force-sensitive being to remain without training. The force can be confusing, especially for a child who doesn't understand what's going on and can barely control it. But most of the teachers are Jedi... And Kaleesh won't let the Jedi get within rifle range of their children. But Jack is not a Jedi. Never was, for that matter, he was closer to the Sith. But he has been free for a long time and is ready to help the young Kaleesh master the basics of the force.A living force uniting all beings in the universe.
In this art, he probably explains to Soraha how cloning works, and there is no better way to explain something to a child with learning problems and lack of attention than through beautiful magical pictures.
#ok they turned out cute#kaleesh week#kaleesh week2023#Pulpar jai Soraha#Jek-14#star wars#tcw#star wars au#clone troopers#kaleesh#star wars oc
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A project I've been working on recently. The idea appeared at the beginning of June, but because of the exam season, I wasn't able to work on it back then. Now with the summer holidays, I finally managed to make that video. I didn't think I would make a whole animation/PMV for my fanfiction, but when I've heard „Me Against You" by Three Days Grace for the first time, almost instantly I thought about the whole conflict between Rowan and Naare in my Welcome to the Dark Side AU. And so I had to do something with it :] Link to fanfiction (just putting it here because why not): https://archiveofourown.org/works/43882089/chapters/110333634
#the freemaker adventures#freemaker adventures#lego#star wars#lego star wars#rowan freemaker#kordi freemaker#zander freemaker#naare#jek-14#art#fanart#animation#fan animation#fanfiction#Youtube
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Everything's fun and games until Lego Star Wars addresses the issue of the Clones' agency or lack therof
And their tendency to be treated as objects of use instead of living breathing human beings
#star wars#margin rambles#i have. thoughts. about jek-14#good thoughts but thoughts nonetheless#look at my guys
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Nominations are now open: Which villain would make the best companion?
This tournament is intended to be smaller than usual, so I may be aa little stricter about who qualifies (at least when i'm familiar with the character, which means the EU nominees are going to end up with a lot more leeway)
as some starting rules
You can only nominate actual villains, they must actually be evil, not just dislike/be disliked by the Doctor
They must be an individual (or possibly a small group of individuals), eg you cannot nominate 'a dalek' it must be a specific dalek or daleks you can point to and say that/those ones
No companions, I don't care if they were evil when they met the Doctor or became evil later or were evil the entire time, they cannot already be or have ever been a companion
If there are multiple versions of the same villain (eg because they can regenerate), they will only be included once, either as generically as can be acheived, or a specific one will be chosen through a group stage
If they don't have a name (or you can't remember it) I will do my best to figure it out but try to give me as much context as you can and bare in mind im not psychic
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind (we have now broken 64 so full sized tournament it is
The Master (this counts for any and all versions of the Master, a specific one will be chosen during the group stage, I'm preempting their nomination because duh)
Dalek Caan
Angel Bob
Beep the Meep
Family of Blood
Meddling Monk
Nobody No-One
Madeleine Issigri
JP Kettlewell
Sharaz Jek
Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen
Bonnie (Clara!Zygon)
The Rani
The Binary Apprentice
the Scream
Sabbath Dei
Black Guardian
Luke Rattigan
The UK government
Auton!Boris Johnson
The Statue of Liberty
President Arthur Winters
Dream Lord
The Axos
Great Intelligence
Not Donna
Captain Wrack
Pirate Sea Devil
The Dalek that offered the doctor tea in Victory of the Daleks
John Lumic
Miss Foster
Prisoner Zero
Cessair of Diplos
Miss Hartigan
Mr Finch
The Headhunter
Swarm and Azure
Reverend Golightly
Mr Clever
nominations will be open for at least the next 24 hours, that is until 14:00 BST (GMT/UTC+1), 10/04
after that there is no guarantee
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The Double Life Kids headcanons 3
A whole lot has happened since the last of these headcanon posts, like, a whole lot. The last post was before the kids even went to the Empires server
So, I thought I’d do one of these again, cause I like making headcanon posts
All the kids except Liana share the same birthday, since Liana spawned as an egg and hatched like, a month later. They wouldn’t usually celebrate their birthdays in anyway, especially after their parents deaths, but when they were separated it became a tradition on both ends to get a cake and blow out their candles, celebrating both them and the ones on the other server, counting down the years until they could see them again. Liana gets a cupcake on hers
Zee (The Lizzie + Skizz child) uses She/He pronouns
Skim uses They/Them
Liana, Jekiv, and Gertrude are girlbosses while Johnny, Novo, and Jassy are boylosers. Wes is somewhere in between
Johnny brought Lily the Warden with him to Empires, and later to Hermitcraft, and then back to Empires. She’s his little sister, and where he goes, she goes
Gertrude bites in her sleep. It’s not always aggressive, usually it’s just lil love bites, but if she’s having a particularly vivid dream or is very stressed out, then she can leave pretty extreme chomps. It’s usually just her pillow or blanket, but sometimes Novo falls victim to her sleep biting. He doesn’t mind
Johnny hates using a bed to sleep, and exclusively sleeps in a hammock.
Through trial and error, and many years of work, Wes, together with Jassy, BDubs and one of his many steeds, managed to overcome his fear of horses. He even got his own, an Ardennais named Dweller
Jekiv also got his own horse, but instead of breeding one he kinda, made one. Virgil was his first successful resurrection, that didn’t just crumble into dust immediately. He’s not very friendly and struggles with obeying him, but he’s (mostly) fully alive which is all that really counts
fWhip was the one who made Liana’s prosthetic, and Doc later made improvements to it so it would hold better and be more comfortable. She has many stickers on it, just for funsies
In the good ending, where the kids all got a happy ending together, Gertrude and Jekiv were finally able to meet their other dads. Jek was thrilled to get another chance to bond with his dad, and Gert was just happy to have her dad back
Jassy also got to reunite with her little brother, Hermes
Johnny is very face blind. It usually isn’t a problem since everyone around him dresses and look very distinctively, but in Empires where everyone he knows wore entirely different outfits in varying aesthetics, he struggled a lot. It just became a habit of the kids that if you wore something different than you usually wore around him, you’d immediately tell him who you are and let him inspect you for a bit
Wes has little control over his volume. It’s kinda strange for him, as he doesn’t really take notice of it himself. When talking to him, he can go from almost whispering to straight up yelling without even realizing it. The rest of the kids are used to it, but it’s usually a surprise to any new people
Liana drinks exclusively expensive whiskey, Jassy loves tequila, Novo is a huge fan of cheap wine, Gertrude likes rum cocktails, Jekiv drinks straight Vodka, Wes sticks to cider, and Johnny makes his own moonshine. Drink nights are a mess
Speaking of which, Liana is the messiest drunk to every messy. She has absolutely zero filter, and for some reason loves to spit out random pretty miserable and dark facts that she’s read about. She tends to clonk out after like two hours though, so it’s just to put up with it
Nobody ever calls Johnny Johnathan. Nobody, except Keralis
Liana and Jassy’s first wedding was less because of love and devotions, and more because they were 14 years into life on the double life server and everyone was fucking miserable, so they thought an event could help cheer people it. It did, but like barely
This is why they remarried, to have an honest chance to express their love for each other. Also an excuse to wear fancy clothes
Jekiv and Wes, in the good ending, got married shortly after reuniting with each other on their new server. It was a very quaint ceremony, but still lovely
Gertrude and Novo are still waiting for the other to propose, and they will just keep on waiting
Also, since this will be posted on the two year anniversary of my first ever post about the kids, I thought I’d share some scrapped ideas and other bts stuff. It’s not a lot since I’m one person using Hero Forge and posting stuff on Tumblr, but there’s some things lol
Jassy was first meant to be a set of twins. It was scrapped for many reasons, one of them being the “one child per couple”, but when I was still working on their first designs I had two wips. The original idea was that one of them was going to take inspiration from some other Naruto character, I think Hinata is who I settled for, and the other was going to have more of a fantasy vibe, to fit the theme of Shrek. This was another reason this was scrapped lol, but for a short while the idea of twin sisters Hinata and Princess Fiona excited
The kids were originally going to go to Hermitcraft. This was before we knew the portal led to Empires, so I was planning of having them enter the portal and exit in Grians base. The main reason this got scrapped was of course that we found out that the portal led to Empires, but also because I knew next to nothing about the Ren The King storyline during season nine, which I was planning to have be a big part of it, with Gertrude and Liana taking center stage as the main characters
To piggy back of the last one, I was planning to make a part two to Logbook, Jekiv’s fic where he wrote journal entries throughout their 20 year stay at the Double Life series. The premise of the sequel was that Liana was to have found the journal before he left it behind, and that she was going to keep on writing in it during their time on Hermitcraft. I even started a rough first draft of it, but as the Hermitcraft storyline was scrapped, so was the journal entry sequel.
Novo and Jekiv are both based off of dnd characters I’ve used in the past, a Bard who can’t play any instruments, and a character who picked up and slowly mastered necromancy halfway through a campaign. It wasn’t planned at the beginning, but it felt fun to pay homage to it, even if I would be the only one who understood the reference.
Some scrapped design ideas is that Liana was gonna be part Vex (Scrapped because it was too messy), Novo was gonna have more of a purple shade in his hair (Scrapped because it didn’t look right, but his signature colour is still purple), Johnny was gonna have a blue fire motif (Scrapped because I like the red fire vibe more, fit him better), Jekiv was gonna have red hair (Scrapped because he just looked exactly like Cleo that way), and Jassy was gonna be entirely green (Scrapped because it looked weird and didn’t fully fit since Joel isn’t green and like no one designs him like that, she does still have some green to her tho).
I mentioned this in a previous post but Liana went through many names before I settled on Liana (The first one I came up with lol, it just stuck). These names (Sharina Ace Sage Aurelia Francesca Octavia Monroe) along with Xelqua and Jellie became her middle names
Not a fucking day goes by where I don’t regret having Jassy constantly change her hairstyle. I painted myself into a corner for that one, and by god am I suffering
And, as a final little thing to celebrate my two year anniversary of not knowing peace because of these fucking kids, I thought I’d show you all a little comparison of the first ever hero forge design I made of the kids, and the most recent one, both to show how they’ve grown but also how I’ve gotten better at using the site lol

Ah, my babies
The funny thing is, that while yes they have changed and evolved over these two years, they canonically have not grown at all lol
Anyways, happy two year anniversary kids
#double life smp#dlsmp fankids#dlsmp children#double life fankids#Liana no last name given#Desert Duo#Scarian#Wes Double-SV#Impulsesv#bdoubleo100#Impdubs#Gertrude Statz-Diggity Dawg#Rendog#bigbst4tz2#Johnathan 'Johnny' Tek#Tango Tek#jimmy solidarity#team rancher#Solidaritek#Jassy Smallishbeans#Boat Boys#Smalletho#Jekiv Inthelittlewood#martyn inthelittlewood#Zombiecleo#Novo Major-Moon#scott smajor#pearlescentmoon#divorce quartet
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Realm of the Elderlings Ask Meme Thing
tagged by @tragediegh! \o/ Favorite RotE book: I'm also gonna have to say Fool's Fate though Ass Quest is a close second Why: Listen I will never forget the shrimp emotions I experienced in that tent or during the resurrection, and the reveal/healing of Fitz's forging re-contextualizing all his previous choices. This book pulls no punches. I don't think I would have survived it if I had read it back in 2003 with no guarantee of Beloved surviving. And the ending was devastating but honestly, upon reflection I accept it--not as a "happy" ending but as Fitz maladaptively retreating to his past and being unable to follow through on the character growth that was happening for him up to that point. It is NOT a happy ending for Molly. Top three favorite characters: Amber, Lord Golden, and the Fool. Haha ok no, favorite supporting characters: Patience, Paragon, and Chade, with honorable mention to Jek and Rapskal Top Three Least Favorite Characters: uhhh Tats "Friendzone" Last Name, and Lant--he had me at "poor terrorized kid," lost me at "mean to Bee," started winning me back a little, then lost me again at "dating the 14 year old (implicitly as part of her casting off her gender nonconformity)." Everyone else I was pretty much cool with Favorite Ship (of the floating kind): I already said Paragon so it's gonna have to be Ophelia, she was such a bawdy aunt and she got to slap some bad guys (I don't even remember who it was now but the slapping was important) Top Three Favorite Ships (of the people kind): I'm not really into shipping as like a recreational activity, I feel like Robin Hobb already put in all the work for me on the one I care about. That said: PATIENCE AND LACEY. ...Actually I also really love that one text post about how Chade and Jek definitely hooked up and were total bros about it. I'll try to find it after I post this Would you rather be Witted or Skilled? Witted 100% If you were Witted, what animal would you bond with? A cormorant, and I would regress into full Gollum mode just eating raw fish and wallowing in the sea as god intended Would you rather live in the Outislands, the Mountain Kingdom, the Six Duchies, Bingtown, The Rain Wilds, Kelsingra, Jamaillia, The Pirate Isles, or the Fool's Homeland? Hard not to choose the one of these locations that's presented only as an idealized memory. With NO WINTERS (I grew up in California). Mountain Kingdom might be nice but they need to work on their ableism How were you introduced to the books? A friend with good taste mentioned finishing Farseer and being obsessed with it, and I was like "Hey I like vintage fantasy, would like to get back into reading more, and am laid up with a fucked up shoulder that's keeping me from drawing." and now here we are Share a quote you love: there are so many beautiful profound quotes about changing the world and unconditional love but @tragediegh had those covered so I am gonna go with the only balm for my soul in the aftermath of Fitz eavesdropping on Jek and Amber:

get his ass my mind blanks when it's time to tag people but uhhh @everywaythatmatters and @cicide76536 if you haven't been tagged yet!
#tag game#realm of the elderlings#rote spoilers#tawny man spoilers#fitz and the fool spoilers#book quotes
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LEGO Star Wars Rebuild the Galaxy spoilers
So the Force Builders are people who use the light side to build right? Wasnt there a clone from LEGO Star Wars the Yoda Chronicles who did exactly that? Jek 14 right? Why is no one talking about him
(also the ending left me hollow)
#lego star wars#star wars#rebuild the galaxy#rebuild the galaxy spoilers#the yoda chronicles#jewel talks about stuff
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My mom on chapter 14 of Golden Fool: “poor Fitz learning about Jek and Amber”
Me, knowing what’s coming: “uhhh yeah poor Fitz sure”
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Clonetober #27 Clone Medics and Low Supplies part 16
Here’s 1-15 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 11 Bonus Part 12 Sneak Peak Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
After Jesse helped Kix calm the baby down, they heard Cody’s voice on the ship’s intercom informing them that they will be landing soon. Once the ship landed a few feet away from the Lawquane’s house (not too far for Kix to walk), Rex walked up to knock at the door.
Rex was greeted by Jek and Shaeeah Lawquane as they gave Rex a BIG hug that made Rex fall over.
Rex: (on the ground with the kids on him) Good to see you guys too. Have you been good to your Dad and Mom?
Jek & Shaeeah: YES UNCLE Rex!
Rex chuckles then hears a voice. Rex lifts his head up to Suu, standing in the door frame.
Suu: Good to see you Rex. (smiles) Alright kids. Go get your Father and tell him that one….
Suu was going to tell her kids to tell their Father that “one” of his Brothers is here but didn’t when she saw more Clones coming.
Suu: Umm….kids. Please go get your Father and tell him that we have some unexpected guests.
Jek and Shaeeah: (looked up at their Mother) OK!
Shaeeah: (looks at Jek) Race ya! (runs while laughing)
Jek: (runs after his sister) NO FAR! (jokingly saying)
Kix got so emotional when he saw Shaeeah & Jek jumping on Rex that he started crying. He couldn’t wait to see his little girl running around and laughing but at the same time he didn’t want their baby to grow up too fast.
Jesse helped Kix walk to the house while Cody helped Rex get off the ground.
Suu: Hello Jesse. Kix. How are you boys doing?
Jesse: We….(hears Kix starts sniffling) I’m doing well.
Suu: That’s good. (looks at Kix) Oh. Umm….Is Kix doing….Is he doing OK?
Jesse: Umm…Well….Umm….
Before Jesse could answer, Kix spoke for himself. Well…he spoke in an emotional way.
Kix: I’M PREGNANT!! (sobs so loud but not TOO loud that Cut, Shaeeah, and Jek could hear)
Jesse’s face turned bright red with EMBARRASSMENT. He didn’t know what to say to Suu. He didn’t know what to say to Suu but to his surprise, Suu just chuckled.
Suu: It’s OK Jesse. Kix isn’t the first guy I met before.
Jesse: You…Your…Hus…Husband…like us….
Suu: Oh no. My Husband didn’t give birth. I did.
After Jesse heard this, he felt EVEN MORE EMBARRASSED. He forgot that not EVERYBODY can get PREGNANT. The only reason why he thought that EVERYONE (mostly guys. He forgot that not ALL Men can get PREGNANT and forgot that Women were usually the ones who gave birth) was PREGNANT right was because Jesse has been spending more time with Obi Wan and Jesse’s loving Husband Kix when they did meditations and practicing breathing techniques so both of Obi Wan & Kix can be prepared when they go into labor. (I will write about Obi Wan’s labor later). Cody would sometimes join them in meditation and breathing techniques.
Anyways…Suu explained that they have a LGBTQ+ Newlyweds Couple who just moved in. The Couple just had a baby less than a couple of days ago. Since they didn’t have a clinic or a hospital nearby (also they wouldn’t make it to the clinic or the hospital because their water broke), Suu traveled to their house to deliver their baby.
Kix: (said in a calm voice like nothing ever happened) I’m glad that you were able to help deliver their baby but you don’t have to deliver anymore babies unless you still want to.
Suu: (looked at Kix with a curious face) Oh. How so?
Kix: (gave Suu a smile) There will be a new hospital about a mile (a kilometer) away from here and don’t worry. The hospital will be on someone else’s land so you guys don’t worry. Since you guys saved our Captain who is also our Brother after he got shot. The Medical Staff from the small clinic and I have decided on a name for the new hospital.
Suu: (tilts her head) Oh?
Kix: (smiles at Suu then chuckles) I’m happy to announce that the new hospital will be called the “Lawquane General Hospital” since you saved our Brother and for your new position as Chief Executive Officer or CEO.
Suu: (chuckles with a big smile on her face) Thank you.
Rex: (who was finally on his feet and dust himself off) I didn’t know you became a Medical CEO! No wonder you were so good with changing my bandages and helping me with putting my arm in a sling.
Suu chuckled with a big smile. She told them that she was going into Medical School to get her Master’s Degree before she met her Husband Cut and had kids. She also told them that with the help and support from her family, she was able to set and achieve her highest goal.
After Suu said that, her facial expression changed when she saw Cody.
Suu: (gives Cody the “Don’t Mess With Big Mama Exogroth” Death look) Who are you? Are you to take away my Husband?! Take him away from his WIFE?! From his KIDS?! HIS KIDS?!
After Suu said (“yelled”) that, EVERYONE’S face went pale. Rex, Kix, and Jesse have NEVER seen Suu this angry before.
Cody: (waves both his hands in defense) WOAH! Woah. Woah. (says in a calm voice) We aren’t here to take away your Husband from you, nor from your kids. You don’t need to worry since the old Chancellor was arrested for something horrendous crime.
After Cody said that, Suu was starting to calm down. She then asked Cody what horrendous crime the old Chancellor did. Everyone just said “Umm…” and either looked away or rubbed the back of their necks. Just as Cody was about to say something, they heard loud laughter coming from inside the house. Suu invited them in as she turned around and walked inside her house. Cody sighed in relief that he didn’t have to explain what that Old Fart Chancellor did as she entered the house.
Cut: Rex! Good to see you. How are you doing?
Rex: I’m doing well. How are you doing?
Cut: I’m doing well. (chuckles)
Rex: (looked confused) What’s so funny?
Cut: Remember when you said “My Family is elsewhere”.
Rex: Umm…Yes…?
Cut: (chuckles) Now I know what you meant by that since you have a very red kiss on your forehead.
Rex: (laughed) So that’s why my kids were laughing at me.
Cut: (smiled) You have kids?
Rex: (nods his head) Yes. I have twins. A girl named Jasmine Tano Fett and a boy named Jasper Rex Tano Fett. They are 10 yrs old.
Cut: (smiled then saw Jesse & Kix) Jesse! Kix! Good to see you guys too. How are you guys doing?
Jesse: We are doing well….ish.
Cut: (had a curious look on his face) Oh. Is everything OK? (looked at Kix) Hey Kix? Are you feeling alright? You look pale son.
Jesse: Kix is fine because Kix and I…..
Before Jesse could finish, Kix interrupted their conversation.
Kix: Sorry but where’s the bathroom?
Cut: (looked confused) Uhh….(points his finger) It’s right over there.
Kix said “Thank You” then ran to the bathroom. Even though the door was closed, everyone could hear Kix throwing up. Jesse sighed when he saw his Husband Kix run to the bathroom to throw up. Jesse turned his head when Cut called his name.
Cut: Are you sure that everything is alright?
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The cheese tax song in søłsiþe part 14
I can get really loud
Jek kun bliwe meket jøxi
1SG.NOM can.PRES become.INF very loud
/jɛg kun ˈbli.wɛ ˈmɛ.kɛð̠˕ˠ ˈjø.xi/
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Jek-14, my guy. They did you so dirty
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Dantooine Solstice Festival Under 18 height comparison
From 7-year-old Jek to 14-year-old Alejandro and Boba, these are the approximate heights of everyone under the age of 18 during this story.
Yes, Omega is tiny for her age. She doesn't have much growing to do if Keshia Castle Hughes portrays her in Live Action. (Keisha's only about 160cm tall). This also means that Omega is growth-stunted due to the medical abuse she endured at the hands of the Kaminoans.
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Sejarah Kanjeng Sepuh Sidayu

Lasem Gresik News, Sidayu - Kecamatan Sidayu hanyalah satu di antara 18 kecamatan di Kabupaten Gresik saat ini. Namun, kecamatan tersebut meninggalkan bukti-bukti sejarah kebesaran sebagai bekas sebuah Kadipaten. Sidayu merupakan Kota tua, jejak sejarah Kabupaten Gresik tertapak jelas dibekas Kadipaten Sedayu yang kini menjadi Kecamatan Sidayu. Berbagai peninggalan masih membekas sebagai ikon sebuah kadipaten di zaman penjajahan Belanda. Ada pintu gerbang dan pendapa keraton. Ada pula masjid dan alun-alun, telaga rambit dan sumur dahar sebagai sumber air Sedayu. Baca juga : Situs Lasem Gresik dan Kisah Mbah Jek, Tokoh Penarik Pajak di Zaman Majapahit Bangunan tersebut termasuk sebuah situs yang kini seperti onggokan bangunan tidak bermakna. Diperkirakan, situs itu berusia satu abad. Situs tersebut dibangun menjelang perpindahan Kadipaten Sedayu ke wilayah Kadipaten Jombang oleh penjajah Belanda pada sekitar 1910. Sejak berdiri pada 1675, Kadipaten Sedayu dipimpin oleh sedikitnya sepuluh adipati. Adipati yang paling dikenal adalah Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu. Meski hanya sebuah kecamatan, Sidayu memiliki alun-alun yang cukup luas dan bangunan-bangunan tua yang cukup megah. Itu merupakan pertanda bahwa Sedayu, atau yang sekarang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Kecamatan Sidayu, dulu merupakan kota tua yang pernah jaya. Sebelum akhirnya menjadi bagian yang terintegrasi dengan Kabupaten Gresik, Sedayu merupakan wilayah kadipaten tersendiri pada masa pemerintahan Mataram. Istimewanya, Kadipaten Sedayu saat itu mempunyai koneksitas kewilayahan secara langsung di bawah kekuasaan Raja Mataram Prabu Amangkurat I dengan adipati pertama bernama Raden Kromo Widjodjo. Nama-nama bupati yang pernah memerintah di kadipaten Sedayu adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Raden Kromo Widjojo 2. Adipati Probolinggo 3. Raden Kanjeng Soewargo 4. Raden Kanjeng Sido Ngawen 5. Raden Kanjeng Sido Banten 6. Kanjeng Kudus 7. Kanjeng Djoko 8. Kanjeng Sepuh 9. Kanjeng Pangeran 10. Ragen Badru Namun, sejarah Kadipaten Sedayu mencatat nama harum adipati ke-8, yaitu Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu. Kanjeng Sepuh dianggap sebagai aulia dan pemimpin besar Kadipaten Sedayu yang layak mendapatkan penghormatan. Kanjeng Sepuh tersohor lantaran beliau adalah seorang bupati yang ulama atau ulama yang menjadi seorang bupati (Rojo Pandito). Beliau sangat dicintai masyarakatnya karena beliau sangat memperhatikan nasib rakyat yang dipimpinnya terutama kawula alit. Kecintaan itu hingga kini tidak luntur. Riwayat Kanjeng Sepuh Kanjeng Sepuh Sidayu dilahirkan di Kudus tahun 1784 M. Ayahnya bernama K.G.B.R.M. Suryadi bergelar Sampeyan dalem hingkang sinuhun kanjeng susuhunan Paku Buwana senopati ing ngalaga Abdurrahman sayidin panata gama khalifatullah ing kang kaping III ing negari Surakarta Hadiningrat 1749-1788 M. bin K.G.B.R.M. Probosuyoso Paku Buwono II bin K.G.B.R.M.Suryoputro Prabu Hamangkurat Jawi bin K.G.B.R.M. Darajat Paku Bwono I bin K.G.B.R.M. Sayidin Hamangkurat Agung bin K.G.B.R.M. Jatmiko (Kanjeng Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo bin K.G. Ratu Mas Hadi (Permaisuri Kanjeng Panembahan Hanyokrowati) binti K. Sultan Prabuwijaya Benowo (Syaikh Abi Nawa) bin Ratu Mas Cempaka (Permaisuri Sultan Hadiwojoyo/Joko Tingkir) binti Sultan Trenggono, bin Sultan Syah Alam Akbar Al Fatah Demak Bintoro Sedangkan Ibunya bernama R. Ayu Paku Wati binti K. Ratu Maduretno binti K.G.B.R.M Suryoputro Prabu Hamngkurat Jawi. Nama asli Kanjeng Sepuh Sidayu sampai penulisan sejarah ini belum diketahui karena kebiasan orang jawa bila memberi nama anaknya itu dipengaruhi dari tingkatan kejadian misal nama kelahiran/asli, nama setelah nikah, nama setelah menerima jabatan, nama sesuai dengan keahliannya Ketika beliau di Kudus mendapat bimbingan oleh Kiyai Wajah dzuriyah s. Kudus mulai dari ilmu alat, al-Qur’an, al-Hadits, ibadah syariat, dan Tauhid Ketika usia 14 tahun berangkat haji dan belajar pada ulama’ Hijaz, tahun 1808 M. kembali ke Kudus serta dinikahkan oleh K.G.Ratu Timur dengan R.A. Pojowati putri R.M. Sulomo dikarunia 5 putra K.P.R. Ariyo Soro Hadiningrat/Bupati Sidayu, R.T.A. Tejo Kusumo/Bupati Kediri, R.T.A. Jayo Kusumo I/bupati kediri R.Soro Winoto/Bupati Gresik, R. Qimat/berdakwah di Solo sampai Yojakarta dengan media Gamelan Pernikahan dengan istri kedua R.A. Dewi Wardah dzuriyah s. Derajat setelah menuntut ilmu dengan Sayyid Kuning Lamongan dikarunia anak, R.A. Muji istri R.P. Tjakra Noto Hadi Negoro/Bupati Pamekasan, R. Jamilun/Berdakwah diwilayah Jombang sampai pesisir Utara pulau Jawa. Pernikahan dengan istri ketiga R.A. Bawon dari Bali setelah diangkat menjadi Bupati Sidayu dikarunia anak R. Badrun/Bupati Sidayu-Jombang Istri ketiga di angkat Gelar dan bernama R.A. Surti Kanti, beliau hijrah ke Sidayu tanggal 12 Muharam 1214 H./1814 M. mengikuti ayah tirinya menjadi Bupati Sidayu, oleh ayah tirinya didatangkan guru agama murid s. Ampel Surabaya untuk membimbing kakak, adik dan beliau berbagai ilmu, ilmu syariat, ilmu filsafat, ilmu thariqat, ilmu haqiqat Kanjeng Sepuh berkholwat dimakam selama 41 hari, dan 100 hari tidak tidur di pantai kacak Banyuurib Ujung Pangkah. ilmu ma’rifat, ilmu rasoh mulyo, dan beliau otodidak mempelajari kitab karya imam Ghazaili, karya Muthafa al-Ghalayain, karya ibnu Sina, karya Hajjaj bin Arthah, karya Wali Songo serta meneladani khalifah Umar bin Khattab dan Sunan Kali Jaga, Dimalam hari berkeliling wilayah Sidayu untuk memperhatikan dan memberi santunan masyarakatnya yang dibawa garis fakir-miskin serta setiap malam mengisi air tempat wudlu orang-orang yang selalu melaksanakan ibadah sholat tahajud, masyarakat baru tahu setelah beliau wafat, karena sifat kebiyasaan beliau itu mendapat nama R, Museng sebagi bukti di desa Tempuran Lamongan diperbatasan Tuban ada Kalibela yang dibuat pada malam hari oleh Kanjeng Sepuh untuk memisakan dua daerah yang selalu bertikai, setelah itu masyarakatnya hidup damai Kecintaan masyarakat pada Kanjeng Sepuh Sangatlah tinggi. Hal ini dibuktikan diantaranya dengan diabadikannya nama beliau sebagai nama Majid Besar Sidayu dan nama Lembaga Pendikan terbesar di kecamatan Sidayu yaitu Perkumpulan Kanjeng Sepuh Sidayu atau lebih dikenal dengan singkatan PKSS.

Pada masa hidupnya beliau mempunyai kegemaran memelihara kuda baik sebagai kuda tunggangan maupun kuda penarik kereta. Suatu saat beliau mendengar bahwa di Ujungpangkah ada seorang yang mempunyai kuda yang bagus. Orang itu bernama Kyai Jayeng Katon. Beliau ingin sekali mendatanginya untuk berguru cara merawat kuda. Beliau terkagum-kagum melihat kuda punya Kyai Jayeng Katon. Kuda itu badannya tinggi, tubuhnya ramping, kulitnya hitam, bulunya mengkilat. Kuda itu diberi nama kuda Sembrani. Kuda itu sangat penurut kepada majikannya. Meskipun tanpa ada seutas tali yang mengikatnya, kuda tidak mau pergi meninggalkan tempatnya. Kuda pintar sekali terhadap bahasa isyarat yang diberikan oleh majikannya. Kuda itu menuruti segala perintah tuannya. Kanjeng Sepuh sangat takjub dan tertarik terhadap kuda itu. Beliau ingin sekali mempunyai kuda-kuda seperti kuda yang dimiliki Kyai Jayeng Katon. Beliau lebih takjub lagi kepada pemilik kuda itu. Kyai Jayeng Katon ternyata seorang ulama yang alim, bersahaja, dan memiliki ilmu kanoragan yang tinggi. Kyai Jayeng Katon juga sebagai pemangku pondok Ujungpangkah Beliau bisa mengukur kedalaman ilmu seseorang karena beliau sendiri seorang ulama. Kanjeng Sepuh mengirimkan kuda-kuda beliau ke Ujungpangkah untuk dirawatkan kepada Jayeng Katon. Kuda-kuda itu ditempatkan di sebuah tanah lapang sekitar enam ratus meter ke timur dari pondok Ujungpangkah atau rumah Kyai Jayeng Katon. Kuda-kuda itu dibiarkan bebas di tanah lapang itu. Kyai Jayeng Katon menyediakan tempat berteduh kuda-kuda itu secara terbuka. Tidak ada pagar atau batas. Namun, kuda-kuda itu tidak meninggalkan area tanah lapang tempat merumput. Tempat itu dikenal dengan nama Monok karena di tempat itu banyak penekan atau tumpukan kotoran kuda. Di bagian selatan tanah lapang itu disediakan jambangan atau bejana yang selalu penuh diisi air untuk tempat minum kuda-kuda Kanjeng Sepuh. Tempat itu dikenal dengan sebutan Jambangan. Suatu ketika, Kanjeng Sepuh bersilaturrahim ke Pondok Ujungpangkah yang diasuh oleh Kyai Jayeng Katon sambil ingin melihat-melihat kuda-kuda yang telah dititipkan. Beliau sangat senang melihat kuda-kuda beliau. Beliau tidak menyangka kuda-kuda itu berubah jadi lebih gagah. Keberanian Kanjeng Sepuh menantang kebijakan Belanda Kiprahnya yang kritis terhadap kekuasaan dan kooptasi Belanda atau kerajaan lain waktu itu dikenang cukup positif. Di mata warga Sedayu maupun sekitar nya, hingga kini nama Kanjeng Sepuh tetap harum sebagai pemimpin yang berpihak kepada rakyat selama memerintah Sedayu pada 1816-1855. Catatan (alm) K. Ridwad Ahmad dari Djawatan Penerangan RI Kecamatan Sidayu tanggal 25 Februari 1957 menyebut, Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu seorang ahli strategi perang dan politik serta pemerintahan. Banyak jasa Kanjeng Sepuh untuk menenteramkan rakyatnya sekaligus melindungi mereka dari berbagai teror selama masa penjajahan Keberanian Kanjeng Sepuh menantang kebijakan Belanda tentang pajak juga menjadi catatan. Adipati dengan berani mengusulkan memberi nama sebuah pasar di Surabaya dengan nama Kabean, yang berarti untuk semua, dalam sebuah rapat dengan pemerintah Belanda waktu itu. Maksudnya, beliau menolak diskriminasi dan kenaikan pajak yang dikehendaki Belanda. Sebab, waktu itu Belanda punya iktikad untuk membeda-bedakan pedagang dengan maksud menaikkan pajak. Pasar tersebut saat ini dikenal dengan nama Pasar Pabean. Beliau juga dekat dengan rakyat. Diam-diam, di malam hari, beliau berkeliling ke seluruh wilayah Kadipaten, yang meliputi Sedayu,Lamongan, Babat, hingga Jombang, untuk melihat keseharian dan problem masyarakatnya. Itu seperti yang dilakukan Amirul Mukminin Khalifah Umar bin Khattab. Berbagai peninggalan sejarah Sidayu telah mendapatkan perhatian Dinas Purbakala Trowulan. Namun, yang terawat baru kompleks Masjid dan Makam. Sisa bangunan lain berupa situs. Status pertanahan sisa-sisa sejarah itu kini belum tersentuh. Salah satunya, reruntuhan asli bekas bangunan masjid di Desa Mriyunan, Sumur Dhahar di Desa Golokan, dan Telaga Rambit di Desa Purwodadi. Puing reruntuhan bangunan Masjid tersebut kini terletak di dalam kompleks SMPN Negeri I dan III Sidayu.

Tetapi terlepas dari semua itu, Sidayu yang kini menghadapi perkembangan modernitas masyarakat, ia bisa tetap eksis sebagai salah satu kecamatan yang begitu berkembang di wilayah Gresik utara. Bukanlah sesuatu yang istimewa, jika Sedayu saat ini bisa menjadi pusat peradaban masyarakat pesisir utara yang begitu berkembang, baik di wilayahGresik Utara (Sidayu ; Bungah, Dukun, Ujung Pangkah, dan Panceng), maupun wilayah Lamongan (Paciran, Brondong, Solokuro,Babat). Karena Sedayu sudah pernah mengalami masa kejayaan di masa lalu. Dengan bukti adanya ratusan Pondokan Cilik (pesantren anak-anak) yang tersebar di seantero Kota Sedayu, kota ini juga mampu mempertahankan sebutan kota santri yang telah melekat dan menjadi ikon Kabupaten Gresik. Karena secara kultural, kehidupan masyarakat Sedayu adalah kehidupan yang sangat islami, baik dalam bidang sosial-masyarakat, politik, hukum, dan ekonomi. Makam Kanjeng Sepuh Makam Kanjeng Sepuh adalah salah satu dari sejumlah makam tokoh besar yang ramai diziarahi oleh wisatawan dari berbagai daerah. Menurut cerita, Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu adalah gelar yang diberikan kepada Raden Adipati Suryodiningrat, putra Sayid Abdur Rohman Sinuwun Mataram Kartosuro. Gelar tersebut diperoleh saat dinobatkan menjadi bupati atau adipati ke-8 di Sidayu. Selain sebagai bupati, Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu juga dikenal sebagai ulama yang sakti dan ahli strategi. Semasa pemerintahannya, Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu juga dikenal sangat dekat dengan rakyat. Pada malam hari, ia kerap berkeliling ke seluruh wilayah kadipaten untuk mengetahui keseharian dan problem yang dihadapi rakyatnya. Ia juga berani menentang kebijakan Belanda tentang pajak dan melindungi rakyatnya dari berbagai penindasan Belanda. Atas kiprahnya sebagai bupati sekaligus ulama yang berpihak kepada rakyat, Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu pantas mendapat penghormatan. Hingga kini masyarakat Sedayu dan sekitarnya selalu berbondong-bondong menziarahi makamnya untuk memberi penghormatan. Hampir setiap hari, makam Kanjeng Sepuh dipenuhi peziarah. Kunjungan peziarah akan mencapai puncaknya setiap hari Jum’at Pahing. Untuk mengenang kebesaran Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu, masyarakat setiap tahun mengadakan haul dan istighotsah akbar di Masjid Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu. Acara ini sudah menjadi tradisi bagi masyarakat Sedayu.

Di Kompleks Makam Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu, ada sejumlah makam tokoh-tokoh masyarakat Sedayu yaitu makam para Bupati Sedayu dan keturunannya. Uniknya, bentuk jirat atau nisan makam tersebut ada yang berbentuk segi empat dan ada pula yang berbentuk segi delapan. Khusus untuk makam para bupati diberi cungkup dan inskripsi yang berbahasa Melayu, Jawa, dan Belanda dengan menggunakan huruf Arab, Jawa, dan Latin. Selain sebagai acuan periodesasi awal hingga masa kolonial, penggunaan ketiga bahasa tersebut juga sebagai wujud dari akulturasi beberapa unsur kebudayaan. Unsur kebudayaan pra Islam terlihat pada atap dan nisan makam yang menggunakan motif medolion, makutha, dan aksara Jawa Kuno. Adapun unsur kebudayaan Islam tampak jelas pada atap makam yang bermotif sayap, teratai, kekayon, dan huruf Arab-Jawa. Sementara pada kolom tulis dari setiap inskripsi dihiasi dengan rangkaian suluran, yaitu ranting atau dahan, daun, dan bunga. Keberadaan unsur-unsur tersebut adalah upaya untuk menjembatani agar kebudayaan Islam sebagai unsur yang baru dapat diterima oleh masyarakat Sedayu yang sebelumnya beragama Hindu-Buddha. Di Kawasan Kompleks Makam Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu juga terdapat masjid bersejarah, Masjid Agung Kanjeng Sepuh, yang merupakan peninggalan Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu. Seperti halnya bentuk hiasan pada makam, bentuk atap dan mimbar masjid ini juga dihiasi dengan motif dari unsur kebudayaan pra Islam maupun kebudayaan Islam. Selain masjid, Kanjeng Sepuh Sedayu juga meninggalkan beberapa situs penting lainnya seperti Telaga Rambit dan Sumur Dhahar. Kedua situs ini masing-masing berada di Desa Purwodadi dan Golokan, Sidayu. Menurut cerita masyarakat setempat, meskipun setiap hari digunakan untuk air minum dan kebutuhan sehari-hari (seperti mandi dan mencuci), air telaga dan sumur tersebut tidak pernah habis, bahkan pada saat musim kemarau sekalipun. Baca juga : Festival Qosidah dan Al Banjari Semarakkan HUT 49 Pemkab dan Hari Jadi 536 Kota Gresik Kompleks Makam Kanjeng Sedayu terletak di pusat Kota Sidayu, tepatnya di Desa Kauman, Kecamatan Sidayu, Kabupaten Gresik, Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Akses menuju Makam Desa Kauman di mana Kompleks Makam Kanjeng Sedayu berada berjarak sekitar 28 km dari Kota Gresik. Desa ini dapat dijangkau dengan menggunakan transportasi umum maupun pribadi. Untuk mencapai tempat ini Anda dapat mengambil jalur pantura Gresik – Tuban. Sumber : specialpengetahuan.blogspot.com Read the full article
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