#jefferson fan fiction
peculiarparasol · 5 months
The Fanfic Writer in Me Stirring
Oh lawd, my educated Dom Jefferson is stirring a little bit. I might have to write some heavily kink friendly fanfic to get it out of my head soon. Being here is not helping the dirty Jamilton plot bunnies.
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
6, 17, and 18 for the writer's ask? :3
Full list of questions here!
#6 What topic would you love to explore in your writing?
I would love to explore more nature, honestly. Precisely how, I’m not sure but nature is fascinating, beautiful, and strange, and I love it. Kinda funny how I’m writing fics set in a urban dystopian future though. But maybe it’s because nature has a very punk ethos in that setting.
#17 Tell us a fun fact about your current WIP.
So It Goes is hands down the longest thing I’ve ever written. I knew it was going to be a long fic when I started it, but being a fan fic noob at the time, I didn’t fully comprehend how much of an undertaking this was going to be. Like I thought maybe 100k max. Dead fucking wrong. Starting this fic has been simultaneously the best and worst decision I’ve ever made. I love it, but it’s incredibly exhausting. 
Also, I started this fic because of a theory I have about V surviving the endings - and I do mean plural, all six of them - which I have been sitting on for a year and half now and have not uttered to a soul. I've been dying about it this whole time. I want to tell people but I can't spoil it either. It’s awful.
(And we'll see what CDPR ends up adding with Phantom Liberty. May render my theory null and void, but that's the game I signed up to play.)
#18 Show us a piece of dialogue you really like.
Speaking of conspiracy theories... There's a lot of subtleties in this snippet on a bunch of different levels. I have no clue if anyone is picking up on what I've been putting down, but it's been fun sneaking things in. This is from Ch. 34.
“Can’t complain, though the fun’s just gettin’ started now that I’m mayor. Which sounds strange to say... Been a dog’s age since I last saw you, River.” Jefferson snapped his fingers. “What was that last case we worked on together, right before I joined city council… The Torrence case?” River’s face furrowed as he recollected, jaw tightening and shoulders tensing along with the memory. “No, it was, uh, the Boettcher and DTR case. With the murders in the shipping containers…” Jefferson’s face turned abashed at the reminder. “Right, right, that was it. I’m gettin’ my details mixed up, my mistake. Shame we didn’t manage to nail all of the bastards…” Leaning back into the sofa, he rested an ankle on his knee. “V mentioned you left the force though, think congratulations are in order. How long were you on for?” River rested his elbows on his knees. “Thank you. Fourteen years. Thought it was past time for a career change.” “Leaving mostly in one piece too, good for you. What with NCPD’s budget cuts and the fiasco going on with their funding from Night Corp… But, don’t get me started on politics, that’s not why we’re here.” The politician waved that thread of conversation away. “V, you unraveled the mystery behind Rhyne’s death. I trust you’ll be able to crack this one as well.”
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crypticpawpoems · 8 months
Regina's Introduction to Magic
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Regina was hurt. She had nowhere to go. All she could think of Was her revenge on Snow.
She couldn’t stay with her mother For another day. She decided then and there That she would run away.
On her trusty steed, She galloped down the dirt path In hopes to escape Her mother’s wrath.
Then without warning, Like unexpected mines, Something reached out and grabbed Regina, A tangle of mossy vines.
The vines turned her Around to view Her mother, Cora, Who resembled a shrew.
“You cannot leave, Regina. I’ve cast a barrier spell. You cannot leave without the king. He serves our family well.”
Regina saw the magic book in Cora’s hands And struggled against the spell. She knew that the strong undergrowth Had become her prison cell.
“Don’t struggle against the vines, dear. They’ll only grow tighter. I knew from the beginning That you were quite a fighter.”
Cora released her And the vines fell loose. If they were holding Regina any longer, They would have become her noose.
Regina fell upon the ground With a small bruise on her fore. The hatred she felt towards Cora Grew even more.
The next day, They all rode out to the castle. With the king, Regina, Cora, and her father, It was quite the hassle.
Even though Regina Would’ve liked to detain her, She had Snow White Come to her new chamber.
You see, Regina had to keep up This good reputation Or surely, the king Would give her a deadly proclamation.
Snow White and Regina Were simply bonding. Something caught Snow White’s eyes And sent her pondering.
Snow White reached Towards a box And opened it While bouncing her black locks.
She reached in her hand For she was seeking. Out she pulled a necklace With a golden ring.
Then Snow White asked Without hesitation, “Where did you get this? What was the occasion?”
She slipped the necklace Around her neck To keep her curiosity In check.
Regina grasped the back of the chain And pulled with all her might. She started to choke Little Snow White.
“It came from Daniel, Who, thanks to you, is dead! You’re very lucky That you still have your head.
It’s all because You couldn’t keep your promise, Snow!” Snow gasped out, “I didn’t know! I didn’t know!”
But, alas, killing Snow Was all in Regina’s head. Here is what She said instead,
“I don’t remember.” And she left it at that. Snow quietly put The necklace back.
Later, Regina paced in her courtyard. She thought she was a bother. But come to give her advice Was her loyal father.
“I know you want to be rid of Cora. I’m here to help you out. The magic book your mother carries Will surely help without a doubt.”
The book holds the name of the person Who gave it to your mother. Perhaps he can help you. I hear he’s like no other.”
Regina took her father’s advice And that very night She took the book from under Cora’s pillow For she saw it was right.
Back in her chamber, she flipped through the pages In hopes to find a name. She found one inside the front cover And it wasn’t lame.
“R-Rumpelshtilkskin,” pronounced Regina. “That’s Rumpelstiltskin, dearie.” A shadowy figure appeared in the chair. His looks could kill a fairy.
It was Rumpelstiltskin, The Dark One. He answered to his summons. He had magical powers And in deals, he was common.
“Greetings, Regina,” he said. “How do you know my name? Do you know my mother? I’ve been told we look somewhat the same.”
Rumpelstiltskin looked her over. “No, you look nothing like her. I met you when you were a baby. For you, it was a blur.
I know what you want. You know why I’m here. I’m going to help rid you Of your mother, dear.”
“Yes! I want her gone! I don’t care if it’s tragic. I just have one condition. I don’t want to use magic.”
A large, white, wrapped box Appeared in the center of the room. It had a certain Aura of doom.
“You won’t have to use magic. What’s inside will do it for you. There’s all but one simple thing That you’ll have to do.
There’s a portal inside the box, You see, That can transport Cora far away. I’m sure that’ll bring you glee.
If this is a goal That you really love, All you have to do Is give her a little shove.
Can you do it? I know that you can. That’s only if you want things To go according to plan.”
Rumpelstiltskin vanished And early the next day, Cora came to Regina’s chamber A while to stay.
She saw the box In the middle of the room. “Ah. A wedding gift, I presume?”
Cora was standing Right in front of the box Which didn’t appear To have a lock.
A magical force Uncovered it from the rear And inside Was a tall mirror.
Regina was facing towards it And Cora was facing away. She decided to get this over Right away.
Regina lunged forward to push her Into the mirror’s open space But before she could, Cora used magic To freeze her in place.
“Do you think you can rid of me that easily?” Her mother said with a sneer. “Have you forgotten? I’m your mother And you don’t need me far, but near.”
Rumpelstiltskin’s image appeared in the mirror And made a motion to push Cora well. Regina saw this And fought fiercely against the spell.
Regina’s face was Filled with rage And the unexpected happened On the next page.
She broke free of the spell And she reached out her hands. An invisible force pushed her mother Into the mirror’s wonderland.
Regina’s face showed shock And she looked at her hands. Did she use magic She did not understand?
“Job well done, dearie. You’ve whisked Cora away. I’m certain I’ll see you Another day.”
In fact, It was the very next day That Regina, yet again, Decided to run away.
Miles from the castle, Though it was still in sight, Regina was on her horse, Low with might.
But then Who should appear But Rumpelstiltskin, Who was quite near.
“Dearie,” said Rumpelstiltskin, “Magic…why do you shun it?” “I’m never using magic again Because I loved it!”
A devilish grin spread Across his face. “Dearie, I think that You’ve found your place.
Come and be my apprentice. I’ll help you reach your full potential. No need to fret. These lessons Will be confidential.”
Regina smiled And without a doubt Soon she would let Her true self out.
Into the woods They did go To a small clearing With Regina’s horse in tow.
Her horse stood before her. It was looking rather swell. “Now we will begin working On the immobilization spell.”
The steed reared back. Regina held out her hand towards the horse. A shining blue aura trapped it, Stopping it in its course.
Her mother had used this spell On her before And she would remember it Forevermore.
“Congratulations, dearie. You’ve passed the simplest test. In the lessons to come, I’ll teach you the rest.”
Regina practiced very hard. Rumpelstiltskin was aware. Sometimes she would practice In Rumpelstiltskin’s lair.
Regina became more skilled As each day passed Although there was no one That she had yet harassed.
One day at lessons, It didn’t seem like the rest. “Today,” said Rumpelstiltskin, “You’ll be put to the ultimate test.”
Before Regina Stood her steed. She wondered if she had All the skills she would need.
“Perform the immobilization spell To make its motion stalled.” Regina performed it perfectly With no effort at all.
“Now, dearie, Comes the tested part. All you have to do Is reach in and take its heart.”
Regina hesitated. This horse was her friend. She didn’t want today To be its life’s end.
Regina reached in and took its heart. She held it glistening in her hand. “Now you must crush it And send the horse to no-man’s land.”
Regina looked deeply Into the horse’s eyes. Killing it would just be Something more she would despise.
“I can’t do it! I can’t even try! I can’t let my only Faithful friend die!”
Rumpelstiltskin took the heart And he actually tried. The horse collapsed on the ground, Gave a final whinny, then died.
There were tears in Regina’s eyes. She had just lost her pal. She cried tears of sorrow And had low morale.
Later that afternoon, They went to Rumpelstiltskin’s lair. No one else But a customer was there.
The customer handed Rumpelstiltskin A white crystal ball. The man said, “Here it is. I don’t care what you use it for at all.”
Rumpelstiltskin said, “Excellent! Over there is your pay. Take the amount you see fit Of gold I have spun from hay.”
The man walked over to the loom And through the gold, he fingered. A few moments more He lingered.
Upon the glass windows, There was some condensation. Regina and Rumpel Started a conversation.
“Dearie, do tell. Why did you Start an apprenticeship with me?” “I hoped that if I learned magic, I could bring back someone who’s dear to me.”
“Using magic to Bring people back from the dead?! That thought is so ridiculous! I just might lose my head!
Magic can do Many things, dearie, But it can’t revive the dead! It’s impossible, you see.
I won’t have a student Whose thoughts are so unrefined. From now on, You’re no apprentice of mine!”
Rumpelstiltskin left her In the room. The man from earlier Was still by the loom.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help But overhear That you’re wanting to bring back A loved one you held near.
I am a hatter. My name is Jefferson And I, too, know what it’s like To lose a loved one.”
“Can you really help me? Apparently, magic will not do. Right now, I really Have no clue.”
“I know a man. Magic is not of his appliance. He uses a force not of this world. This man uses science.”
“Where is this man? I must know. If not, I will regret it so.”
“Like I said, He is not of this world. His world is grey. Color is not hurled.
To bring him here, We’ll need to use my hat. It has traveling properties, To put it at that.”
“But to do that, Wouldn’t you need permission? After all, it’s a Very complex mission.”
“Well, aren’t you The Queen, ma’am?” Regina realized her newfound power. “Yes. Yes, I am.”
Later that night in the castle In Regina’s courtyard, Jefferson stood with the other man. “The journey wasn’t hard.
This man is A good friend of mine. His name is Doctor Victor Frankenstein.”
Frankenstein was dressed In a white lab coat. From his appearance, It seemed that he liked to gloat.
Regina asked, “Can you really bring people Back from the dead?” “Yes. My abilities are something That you should not dread.
Now, where is the body? You must show it to me. I must determine if it Can be raised easily.”
Regina led them To her vault. Whatever happens Would not be her fault.
Daniel’s body was encased In a glass casket, Which is definitely better Than a woven basket.
“I’ve kept Daniel here And I’ve cared for him well. I’ve kept him with A preservation spell.”
Frankenstein opened the lid And slit Daniel’s hand. Fresh blood fell On the Doc’s finger, it did land.
“Simply astounding!” said Frankenstein. “You’ve done much effort in his stead. His condition is that Of the recently dead.
To raise him, however, I’ll need a powerful sacrifice. A magical heart of this world Would surely suffice.”
“I know where we can get one,” said Regina. “We’ll need to go to my old home. It is there that an abundance of hearts Do roam.”
They traveled to Regina’s old home And entered the hearth. Not far beyond the fireplace Was Cora’s turf.
“Be silent. Do you hear the beating?” It was quiet, then loud Like one thousand goats bleating.
They all looked towards The fireplace wall. Regina said, “Her vault is right through there. It’s not far at all.”
Regina used magic To open the wall. The wall had a slow And quiet fall.
Down the stairs into the vault There were thousands of beating hearts. Each one was held in a box. It was hard to tell them apart.
Frankenstein went over to a box And held up his hand. The box, in reply, came out of the wall Like it could understand.
He reached in the box and held the heart. “Extraordinary!” he said. “This should be a powerful enough component In raising the dead.”
Then, they all went to a field A little distance out. This is so they would not be Discovered or found if they were to shout.
The night was young And black clouds started to form. In a few minutes, There would be a horrific storm.
Frankenstein set up a tent With all of his equipment inside. He draped a sheet over the open end For his process was a secret that must hide.
Regina and Jefferson stood outside the tent. They could see Frankenstein’s silhouette. He got his equipment running. Regina hoped she would not be upset.
Electricity started to build Up in the air. Regina didn’t want this night To end in despair.
Frankenstein took the heart And held it up high. As he shoved it into Daniel’s body, A bolt of lightning came down from the sky.
The body jolted on the table. The wind was raging wildly. Nature wasn’t taking its toll On the experiment mildly.
The storm stopped And the wind died down. Frankenstein came out of the tent slowly Wearing a frown.
The little light that was left Came to a dim. The news Frankenstein gave Would surely be grim.
“I’m afraid to report That the experiment was a failure.” Regina was distraught And in tears, for sure.
Frankenstein returned to his land After the tragic incident. Regina had nothing left. In magic, she became persistent.
Many days passed. The kingdom became dark. Regina decided to visit Rumpelstiltskin In the field where she first made her mark.
She was sure Rumpelstiltskin would be there. That much, she did know. He seemed to follow her around Wherever she did go.
Regina arrived at the field All dressed in black. “My, my, dearie! You’ve taken on a new appearance. You look as sharp as a tack!
If you’ve come for an apprenticeship again, I cannot be of help. I’ve found a new apprentice here Who is stronger than a miniscule whelp.”
To the left of Rumpelstiltskin Stood a beautiful girl. Her blonde hair was held back All in curls.
And as if Rewinding the clock, She was where Regina had been at the start of training, Levitating rocks.
“This young girl Actually has dedication, Which is one of willpower’ s Strongest sensations.”
Regina walked over to the girl, And without hesitation, She took the girl’s heart and crushed it. “How’s that for dedication?”
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stories-me · 1 year
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Potential Character for Mrs. Kelsey and Tumblr 4/12/2023: 
TJ “Doc” Jefferson, the Mad Scientist Who Went From Crime to Cure: 
Appearance: (See above). 
What he’s from: Everyday Heroes. 
Affiliation: Redemption. 
TJ “Doc” Jefferson grew up in the harsh streets of Chicago. He lived in a run-down trailer with his mother and brother, and they struggled to make ends meet. At the age of thirteen, he started cooking meth for a local gang, the Rolling 98s. It wasn’t much, but it was a way to make money and survive. 
As time passed, Doc’s reputation grew. He was smart, and he had a talent for chemistry. He moved up the ranks of the Rolling 98s, and by the time he was sixteen, he was refining heroin in an almost factory-like setting. They were using him, and he knew it. But what else did a poor boy from Chicago do? You smartened up and got the hell out of there, that’s what. 
One day, a school counselor caught Doc’s attention. She saw something in him, and she believed he had potential. She encouraged him to apply for a scholarship to Caltech, a prestigious university in California. Doc was hesitant at first, but he eventually took the counselor’s advice and applied. He was accepted into the program, and it was the opportunity of a lifetime. 
He ghosted the Rolling 98s, running to California with a new name and identity. He attended college, got a job, and eventually forgot all about his earlier life. From California, Doc moved to Miami. He made new friends. He started a life filled with sunshine and the feel of sand on his feet. 
But the past had a way of catching up, and old ghosts sometimes returned. One day, a close friend from Doc’s new life overdosed. The autopsy report said heroin, and the newspapers said it was the purest they’d ever seen. It was Doc’s own formula, and it almost broke him. 
As a kid, it had seemed like a game, but years later it had become all too real. And all too tragic. 
From his beachfront laboratory, he experimented, working frantically and tirelessly until he found a path to atonement in a simple chemical formula. He’d found a way to neutralize opioids and cancel the addictive response. This is when he truly realized that his brilliance had consequences. 
Doc’s breakthrough formula quickly caught the attention of the medical community. He was invited to present his findings at a conference in New York City, and it was there that he met Dr. Samantha Patel, a renowned addiction specialist. She was fascinated by Doc’s work and invited him to collaborate on a project to develop a non-addictive painkiller. 
Doc was hesitant at first, but he eventually agreed to work with Dr. Patel. They spent months in the lab, experimenting and refining their formula. It was a grueling process, but Doc was determined to make a difference. He knew that his past mistakes had caused so much pain, and he wanted to make amends. 
Finally, after months of hard work, Doc and Dr. Patel succeeded. They had created a non-addictive painkiller that was just as effective as traditional opioids. It was a game-changer, and the medical community hailed it as a breakthrough in the fight against addiction. 
Doc had finally found a way to use his talent for good. He had turned his life around and made a positive impact on the world. He knew that he could never erase the mistakes of his past, but he hoped that his work would serve as a beacon of hope for those struggling with addiction. 
Years later, Doc sat on the beach in Miami, watching the waves crash against the shore. He thought about his journey and all that he had overcome. He knew that he had been given a second chance, and he vowed not to take it for granted. 
Three days later, several well-dressed men and women turned up and brought him into a group called “Redemption”, where he could help even more people. 
How he is like me: 
We both are on a journey to change our lives. In addition, we both want to turn our lives around. Him by creating an addiction-free painkiller, and me by becoming less defensive. I suppose I might do this by trying to stay calm and not get as frustrated as I could. 
Kelsey’s Notes: 
His new life became who he was, his past was just that- the past-a memory. 
Sometimes the only way to cure a bad memory is for time to pass, and in that time making good choices makes those memories seem even more distant.   
He realized that consequences can be good OR bad.  
He helped make drugs and, in some way, might of thought this is the only way he can help people overcome their pain, he just wasn’t impacted by the addictive consequences.  
           Until it hit close to home 
He mostly wanted to survive, and sometimes we get looped into finding an easy way out when it comes to our family’s survival. 
Getting a real job, the right way doesn’t always make you the money you want, and life can get expensive.  Not everyone can hold a 9-5 job with health benefits or a way to build savings for the future. 
His character is a good reminder of persevering through whatever might be difficult or holding us down in life.  
The tough part is persevering through it all when life gets tough.  That’s where our support system and having people we can relate to comes in handy.  They serve as reminders to keep going and moving our life in a positive way (esp. when it requires hard work that we aren’t always willing to do) 
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lizzobetumblin · 6 months
Melissa hated her feelings. 
She buried them in a chest in the 5th grade (along with her ability to express them). Other peoples' feelings on the other hand was her forte. She could process, decipher and regurgitate other peoples emotions effortlessly. This gift could’ve taken her through college, all the way to a degree in psychology. Distinguished Dr. Jefferson with a PhD and a cozy office and impressive roster of high-profile, weallthy clients was a shiny idea. Fate would have a different hand for Melissa her talents were exhausted on mediating family fights, friend group drama, and charming her way out of confronting her own feelings. 
“Feelings.” Even saying it out loud to herself seemed silly. Something reserved for ‘cry babies’ and water signs. Typical Sunday nights started tame, reading or writing fan-fiction and drinking cranapple juice. And then like clock work her father would yell her name, 
‘MELISSA!!!’ Emotionless, she’d get up dust off her Winnie the Pooh shorts and make her way downstairs. On the long walk down the hall to the stairs leading to the living room brawl, she’d go through her check list: 
1.) Don’t cry.   
 2.) Stay neutral; Deescalate
3.)Don’t take anything personal. This isn’t about you
She padded down the carpeted stairs in her old soft socks to see her mother tightlipped and tear streaked thinking, 
‘she broke rule number 1’. Her father, Michael was proud and angry, his big belly filled with self righteousness. She knew he would be unyielding in his resolve and at this point her only option was to deescalate.
 ‘Rule number 2’. Then her sister the water sign and calamity for the evening sat on the floor nearly fetal, face red and raw with emotion. 
‘Its not your fault’ Melissa wanted to say ‘You just didn’t follow the rules… you’re loved.’ But she couldn’t say that because she’d be breaking rule number 3. It wasn’t about how Melissa felt. Even though she felt like screaming,
Instead, she decide to hear every one out. She decided to help. To calm her dragon of a father down. To be a translator for her emotional sister. To not take it personal. To stay neutral. To not cry. 
9 years later, at her fathers funeral she still never broke the rules. She played her flute and spoke at his memorial. She was present for her mother because it wasn’t about her. When other peoples' emotions bubbled up she stayed neutral. She sat through both services and she did not cry. It wasn’t until she excused herself to make a phone call outside did she collapse onto the stairs of the funeral home and weep alone in the cold Detroit snow. 
It’s okay to break the rules sometimes, she reminded herself. As long as no one else sees it.
Traumas began to compact on Melissa, as they do. Humans tend to collect traumas like pebbles on a long hike. We toss them into our backpacks and keep moving forward. Some hikers would falter, but Melissa was built for this. She’d carried the stones of her family’s traumas uphill for years. She was strong. 
When men began to befriend and reject her, saying ‘you’re too good for me’ but not too good to make them feel good. She carried that. 
When childhood friends began to cut off the strings of her heart, saying ‘We can’t be friends anymore’. She carried that.
When her family separated like dandelion seeds, it seemed like they’d never be together again. Melissa slept on so many couches, floors and car seats sometimes she didn’t know if she’d see them again. 
She carried that. 
Dying was never an option though sometimes she didn’t mind the thought of it. Peace and warmth were two things she’d desperately yearned and hadn’t felt fully since the womb. Then one night in the pitch black of the hot, sweaty, roach-infested studio in southeast Houston she slept in she wondered:
‘Why can’t I break the rules?’ She’d seen everyone else in her life break them like popsicle sticks. And she didn’t just want to break the rules, she wanted to break them boldly and loudly and annoyingly and honestly and sloppily like every one else gets to do. It was in that moment, tucked in a thin jacket inside of an 8-foot high instrument cubby in the inky darkness—it hit her. 
‘Is my suffering for a high purpose? Or is my suffering trying to kill me?’ 
She cried. 
She escalated. 
She took it personal. 
But it wasn’t enough. She wanted to scream in a microphone in a sea of shadowy faces. She drank whiskey and wove her pain into rock music. 
‘Music is my boyfriend’ she declared. The only man that kept his baggage to hisself. And it healed her. It gave her voice reason and purpose. 
The pebble-laden hike became lighter with time. The incline eventually evened out to flat, beautiful landscapes where the breeze finally met her back. She knew it wasn’t gonna be easy or sunshine but even the rain cleansed her and it was beautiful too. 
Somewhere in the rain she decided rules were meant to be built and broken. Like trust and love and friendships and families. Because every thing deserves the opportunity to change and grow. 
So... She broke rule number 1 on stage while singing a beautiful song. Dr. Jefferson (PhD) screamed for her to stop but she didn’t listen and the tears flowed like rivers of emotion down her cheeks. 
Rule number 2 was broken when she grew older and saw the injustices of the world. Marching with hundreds in protest she realized not everything needs to be pacified. 
And one day when she finally fell in love, she broke rule number 3. No matter how much training she’d done she couldn't help but take every thing her lover said and did personal. But it was ok. Because in all her resistance she realized breaking rules was her power. 
Melissa began to fall for her feelings. Her feelings gave life purpose. They weren’t always logical, as feelings seldom are. They were sloppy and embarrassing and rude and so fucking uncomfortable. But they were hers. And they were real. And when she sat alone sipping wine, staring at the moon…They were the only ones still by her side. Ready to break the rules for her because they loved her. 
And she finally loved them back. 
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holdoncallfailed · 1 year
rpf tier ranking
tier 0: actors. too easy. actors fall in love all the time due to proximity and amount of time spent together, especially if they are playing characters who are themselves in a relationship.
tier 1: bands (post-80s). writing songs together is incredibly intimate and requires emotional vulnerability. tours are great opportunities to spend a lot of time in an enclosed space together. sometimes they will sing into the same microphone at the same time so their mouths are close together which is basically making out if you think about it.
tier 2: bands (pre-80s). see above. however this requires slightly more mental fortitude because a lot of their fans will insist on their heterosexuality and get really mad when you say simon and garfunkel were kissing on each other or whatever.
tier 3: contact sports team. sports can be emotionally intense if you care about that sort of thing and obviously there are a lot of opportunities for intricate rituals wrt touching another's skin and locker rooms and all that. but this requires more imagination because there is less text (i.e. songs or correspondence) to use as evidence.
tier 4: solo artists. this is where things can fall apart. you have to choose both figures in the ship wisely and exercise a decent amount of creativity because they are not compelled to be together all the time (see above). you can cast a wider net but that lack of specificity may hurt those with weaker imaginations. also they don't always write their own songs.
tier 5: historical figures. this varies a lot both in terms of plausibility and social acceptability. depending on how old the figures are you could legitimately turn this into an academic dissertation if you wanted to commit that hard to it. however you may also come up against a lot of opposition among your colleagues. one must be intellectually prepared to present concrete evidence and argue one's point. (however, you are also more likely to convince people b/c the figures are old and dead and can't deny it. and probably didn't know what rpf is.)
tier 5.5: historical figures who have been fictionalized in media. this depends on the tone you take but unfortunately you will always be up against thomas jefferson hatsune miku binder as the starting point for the general public's thoughts on your hobby. so good luck.
tier 6: racecar drivers. if you are into racecar rpf i assume you are capable of seeing colors that are not visible to the ordinary human eye. they are literally in cars. the creativity required to wring a [romantic] narrative from people driving cars around a track is beyond my comprehension.
tier π: living politicians. you are a pariah among even your most deranged peers. no one respects you. you are categorically a weirdo and beyond help.
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avonne-writes · 5 days
Happy birthday! I just wanted to tell you that you're the best fan fiction writer I've come across in 20+ years ♥️
Can I ask for the [coffee] prompt? Gale manages to get hold of some coffee beans in the stalag and makes a cup of real coffee for John. Even better if he has to hide it from all the other inmates ☺️
My dear, this has been in my inbox for months, waiting for me to finally get to it! I'm sorry that it took me this long, especially because this was an original prompt. Thank you so much for your sweet message, I appreciate it so much! 🩷❤️ The drabble I'm posting below is part of a longer fic which will be posted on AO3 when it’s finished. It’s set in my a/b/o au (core idea here, drabble here).
The last fading rays of summer warmth are pushed away by the deepening chill of the night when the sun sets. It’s only September, but the walls of their prison seem to grow colder with each night, and the barbed wire fence looks taller every miserable morning. How long can a bird stay alive with its wings clipped, locked inside a cage that only lets it see the light, never feel it? And is it life at all?
It's been almost a year, and there's no end in sight. Only the mindless, final darkness, the one that beckons Bucky persistently every time the pains of his body and soul grow too heavy to bear without howling. If he and Gale hadn't bonded before their capture, he would've given in to that call already.
But they had, so here Bucky is. Still hungry, still cold, curled up in his bunk because Gale fussed the whole night and pushed him away every time Bucky touched him. Not even his own mate wants Bucky anymore.
“John.” He hears Gale's voice, quiet and warm, close to his ear as Gale leans over him. A hand shakes Bucky's shoulder, then slides down to his elbow in a caress. “The weather is so nice outside.”
“So what?” Bucky grunts, fed up with the morning sunshine that streams in through the flimsy curtains. How dare it tempt him with joy when he can’t even take a breath deep enough to remember freedom.
Gale shakes him again. His scent is so sweet that if Bucky closes his eyes, he can imagine that this is just another morning at Thorpe, and his mate is in a good mood. “Come, walk with me.”
Illusion shattered, Bucky shrugs Gale's grip off. “I'm not your dog.”
There's a pause, then a sigh. Gale squeezes Bucky's arm, then Bucky hears the thud of his boots as he walks away. The door opens and closes with a click.
“You should get it together, man. You're still mates, are you not?” Jefferson's voice rings from behind him, and it pisses Bucky off. What fucking business of his is it if he and Gale are still mates or not? He shouldn't say shit about things he doesn’t understand.
His irritation is enough fire to make Bucky turn around and rise from the bed, but Jefferson is already halfway out the door, scoffing at him, and Bucky isn’t quite angry enough to chase after him. He growls and drops into a chair at their small table, dealing a pack of cards to play imaginary poker against himself. From the corner of his eye, he notices the stares Crank and DeMarco shoot him, but they also go out after a few minutes, leaving him blessedly alone in silence.
For a while, it feels good. Time is beyond his perception, has been for who knows how long now. It's just one of those things that doesn’t seem to matter anymore. He plays and loses against himself, always loses, then just drops the cards and stares at the strip of light crawling across the wooden floorboards. Guilt starts to tickle at the corners of his eyes and throbs at his temples like a headache. He didn’t mean to be so rude to Gale, but last night left him in a mood even worse than usual. He should probably find the strength to go out, join the others and apologize to him. Touch the mark on Gale’s neck if he's still willing to let him. 
Bucky's just about to push himself to his feet when the door swings open and Gale comes back inside. He looks frazzled and pale as a sheet, although it's hard to tell if that's the general effect of the stalag or something new. He puts his hands on his hips and paces around a bit, shooting Bucky quick glances as if gearing himself up to speak.
“What happened?” Bucky asks, frowning.
“Nothing.” Gale licks his lips, then stills for a moment before he walks over to the table with confident steps, all of that sudden unsettled energy swallowed up by his self-control. Maybe, he’s nervous that Bucky will gnash his teeth at him like a feral animal again. When he sits down and meets Bucky's eyes, Bucky sighs.
“Look.” Bucky starts, leaning forward and holding his hand out. He leaves it there even though Gale doesn’t take it. “I'm sorry for this morning. Didn’t mean to lash out like that.”
Gale considers him for a beat of silence, then nods, somber. “Apology accepted.”
He glances down at his lap, then pulls something out of the pocket of his trousers. When he looks at Bucky again, his eyes are soft and loving like they used to be before they learned how fragile the good things in life are. “Do you know what day it is?”
Bucky puffs his cheeks out, his eyebrows quirking up in a way that clearly amuses Gale. “Haven't a clue, doll. I'm wearing my Sunday best though, just in case.”
Gale huffs, shaking his head with a fond twist to his mouth. Something about the movement makes him wince, but he composes himself quickly. “It’s the 8th, John.”
A dull pain starts in Bucky's chest and radiates out into the rest of his body. He can’t believe he forgot. He can’t believe that this moment came. The first time he spends 8 September as a prisoner of war, instead of laughing and celebrating with the love of his life.
Gale puts the small package he pulled out of pocket on the table between them. “I couldn’t get you any whiskey.” He says with wry humor that pulls a joyless smile out of Bucky. “But I got you this.”
When Bucky opens the package, the scent of ground coffee hits him like the sweet promise of heaven. It’s the real stuff, he can tell instantly, not the sand and ash concoction they mix up for them on most days. If they brew this, one sip of it will give Bucky enough life for a week. Oh, just the mere thought of its taste, the faint memories still not overwritten by the bland, permeating monotone of the stalag… 
The grin pulling at Bucky’s lips isn’t tainted by manic delusions for once. It’s purely happy, devoid of the shadows that have been haunting Bucky's mind lately, and it seems to make Gale flush in an echo of joy. This small bag of coffee must have cost Gale a lot of rations, but it’s such a perfect gift that Bucky doesn’t have the heart to ruin it by asking to know its price. 
"Happy birthday." Gale says with a small smile, but when Bucky reaches for his hand, he flinches.
It's a telltale reaction that they both know well. Bucky pauses, breathes in deep, takes stock of Gale's wide pupils and the clamminess of his fingers when he touches them. There’s sweat gathering at Gale’s hairline and his cheeks look blotchy. Bucky sees him pulling his other hand back into the sleeve of his fraying sweater, one of the few comforts he has in this wretched place. The gesture makes Bucky's chest go tight.
"Are you in heat?”
The muscles around Gale's jaw clench. He doesn’t need to say a word. The look in his eyes tells Bucky everything.
“Shit.” Bucky says, his voice like a ghost’s. Departing his body as dread creeps down his throat, cold and slimy fear around his heart. His brain, the last to admit defeat, still tries to deny it. It's impossible. God can’t curse them with this now. Their fate can’t be this cruel. “But you haven't had one in a year.”
“I know.” Gale's nostrils flare.
“But -”
“You know I've run out of the goddamn pills.” He snaps, harsh and aggressive in a way he wouldn’t be in his right mind.
There's no denying it any longer. It can't be just a cold or the bitterness of captivity. They have to face this here, now, and somehow make it through.
Bucky lowers his voice placatingly. “I know, Buck, I know.” He squeezes Gale's hand. It’s a relief when Gale squeezes back. “But that was six months ago.”
Tucked inside his sleeve, Gale’s fingers clench around the fabric. His eyes stare at his boots, and he looks so frail and small that Bucky has to look away to compose himself. They're both at the end of their ropes.
“Better weather, more food…” Gale mutters, pulling his shoulders up in a helpless gesture. “I guess my body figured it was enough.”
Bucky strokes the back of Gale's hand with his thumb, feels Gale’s racing pulse at his wrist. “We're gonna get through this.”
Gale nods, but he stares at the far wall. After a moment, Bucky realizes that he’s holding his breath, as if to keep himself forcefully calm and grounded. 
“Promise me -” He starts quietly. “- that if the guards find out, you won’t get yourself killed.”
Bucky's chest tightens. He hears the fear Gale is stomping down on with all his iron willpower. “I can’t.”
Bucky’s hand is yanked forward so suddenly and with such force that Bucky hisses. Gale fists his other hand in Bucky's shirt and snarls at him from an inch away. “Promise.”
The nasty, instinctual part of Bucky aches to fight, to force Gale to back down using his alpha nature to his advantage. But, even with all the things chipping at his sanity, Bucky doesn’t want to do that to him. It wouldn’t work anyway. Not with Gale, especially not when he's in heat.
“They won't find out.” He tells Gale, cupping his scarred cheek and giving him a firm look. “I promise I'll keep you safe.”
The scent in the air turns cloyingly sweet as gratitude washes over Gale, but then he shudders, and the sweetness turns into sour fear. Gale lets go of Bucky's shirt and stands up, gripping the edge of the table until his knuckles turn white. When he speaks, the calm tone of his voice is frightening. 
“Don’t worry about me, John. Whatever happens, I can take it.”
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musicalmoritz · 16 days
Funniest headcanons?
Okay wow I have so many crack headcanons so prepare yourself. Take every negative thing I’ve ever said abt fanon and throw it out the window, this is about to get so unserious
• Hanako is a fudanshi. This applies to the whole Toilet Gang (except Nene would be called a fujoshi), they’ve got a little book club. Hanako is the most insane about it tho
• Aoi and Akane are a himejoshi/himedanshi couple
• Lemon and Akane smoke weed together on a regular basis (throw back to the time I looked up “slang words for marijuana” for my Terukaneaoi fic and ended up sounding like Skyler White)
• I feel like an average conversation between the Toilet Gang is the most insufferable, out of pocket middle school humor you’ve ever heard in your life. Those four make South Park look like a kids show
• Akane has a random lock of Aoi’s hair on a shelf in his room
• Since the Minamoto father is absent and the mother is dead, Tiara just kind of assumes Teru and Akane are her parents. Instead of correcting her on this, Akane decides to be the dad who stepped up
• Akane is one of those filmbros who does NOT play abt Pulp Fiction (me) (that’s the second time I’ve mentioned that movie in relation to Akane today)
• He’s also the type to ask you to name three Nirvana songs if he catches you wearing one of their shirts and if you even so much as think about saying Smells Like Teen Spirit, he’ll shoot you in the head
• Hanako is lowkey mad Kou and Mitsuba started dating without him
• In the TBHK universe, Mei is the one who drew the Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson image
• Nene writes reader insert fan fiction
• She’s also a BookTok girlie (not one of the really bad ones, just cringy. As in she would unironically love the book boyfriend audio)
• Sakura is rly into disturbing movies and they make Natsuhiko watch them with them just to make him nauseous
• Hanako and Kou jokingly flirt with each other and it makes Mitsuba and Nene genuinely mad. Like Hanako can ruin Mitsuba’s day with a single “I can take your man”
• Yk that one image of Cheryl Blossom wearing an “I ❤️ Boys” shirt? Teru owns that shirt
• Akane is the type of dude to raise his hand during a class discussion and say “I’d like to play the Devil’s Advocate”
• Aoi flirts with waitresses very poorly and it gives Nene severe secondhand embarrassment
• Once a week, Natsuhiko challenges Teru to a fight. She loses every single time
• Nene has one of those traumatic hamster death stories
• Mitsuba’s hair is dyed so whenever he’s being particularly annoying, Tsukasa tells him his roots are showing
• Kou and Nene have had one of those awkward “I have a crush on someone🤭 And it’s someone you know veryyyy well👀” moments
• Sumire used to climb to the highest places she could find to get Hakubo’s attention, and it gave him a mini heart attack each time
• OG Mei had a fursona. It was a dragon
• Yk in Spongebob when Squidward was confirmed to be the most miserable person in all of the Bikini Bottom?? In the TBHK universe that’s Akane except it’s for all of Japan
• Teru has given the “I’m vengeance, I am the knight” speech while exorcizing supernaturals AT LEAST once
• The Minamotos frequently watch Cinderella together bcuz Tiara is obsessed with it, to the point that it’s become Teru and Kou’s favorite movie as well. Teru drags his friends to watch it with him too but Kou refuses to admit he likes it
• Kou chews with his mouth open
• Mitsuba has cheesy romantic fantasies about Kou the same way Nene does about her crushes (I credit this one to one of my TikTok mutuals @/mads)
• Natsuhiko has an ASMR account (just like they do in the Monster Nursery au)
• Tiara doesn’t quite understand the premise of being gay or coming out so every day she congratulates Kou on being bi
• Kou straight up lies to Tiara about things, it’s an older sibling canon event. Teru does the same to Kou. For example I once told my sister you could dilute chocolate milk into regular milk by pouring water in it. And she believed me.
• Despite the fact that Kou’s been friends with them for many years, Teru regularly forgets Yokoo and Satou’s names
• Aoi and Nene’s mothers have a bet on when the two of them will reveal they’re secretly dating
• Mei is one of those ppl who’s allergic to almost everything. You order a plate of shrimp beside her and before it even hits the table she’s like “Keep that FAR away from me”
• Kako was homophobic until meeting Akane. A “I don’t support that lifestyle” kind of homophobe. Before meeting Akane’s baseball bat
• It’s okay tho he supports his bisexual son now!! He goes to pride parades and everything
• Mirai braids Akane’s hair when she’s bored
• Tsuchigomori has never felt the touch of a man
• If you say one bad word about Teru around Kou, you better be prepared for a full monologue. Stan Twitter wishes they could be as dedicated as Kou (Yokoo: I want to kms / Kou: Wait until the next student council election we can’t lose votes)
• To avoid tarnishing her popular girl image by coming off as rude, whenever Aoi wants to leave a conversation with someone she doesn’t like she pretends to faint
• Mitsuba breaks up with Kou every other day
• When Aoi and Nene are having trouble communicating their feelings verbally, they find a wrestling ring and box their feelings out
• Aoi and Nene apply to every job together, they are a package deal
• Kou is the designated bug killer for the Toilet Gang
• Yako can talk to other foxes. But only foxes, no other animals so the power isn’t all that exciting
• Natsuhiko hasn’t picked up on Mitsuba being gay yet so he keeps offering to set him up with girls
• Sakura has been involved in at least (1) unethical psychology experiment in the past. They administered those shocks for Milgram with a completely straight face
• The hands in Mitsuba’s boundary reflect his feelings so every time Kou comes to visit, they jump around him like overexcited dogs
• Tsukasa had a very intense Alvin and the Chipmunks phase
Okay I have homework that’s due in like 2 hours so I’m gonna have to end it there. I hope my terrible sense of humor amused some of you
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myths-tournaments · 1 year
Awful Characters Round 1 Part 2 (8/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
He's genuinely (unfortunately) a really cool character and good villain imo, and his character design SLAPS!! He's very entertaining onscreen and even though he's REALLY weird and creepy and I don't condone anything he does I can't help but love his character. I also love his voice and his REALLY GOOD character song. In a character tournament I saw some people saying in the tags that people who like him are "not to be trusted" and kinda saying people who like him are bad. That made me feel kinda not great tbh. I must keep reminding myself that HE IS NOT REAL and it is OKAY TO LIKE HIM!!!! I can like the guy while also understanding that he sucks and his actions are bad!
Why I like this character: He’s a fantastic villain, his character design rocks, his theme song is excellent, he’s funny, he’s unhinged, he has hips for days, and he has a glowing boner. Why he deserves to be in this tournament: He’s, uh, like, kind of an actual pedophile. Like, he’s specifically aroused by powerful opponents, but one of the sources of that is the protagonist who’s like 12. So. Yeah. …Also he regularly kills people, I guess. Have you seen twitter users calling their fans bad people: No but I’ve seen tumblr users do it, if that counts.
He's popular in the fandom but also you WILL get called problematic by tiktok teens for liking him. Like yeah,, I get it,, but liking his character doesn't mean I condone his… less than savory behaviors. This clown is still hot and charismatic and very skilled with nen how can I Not enjoy when he's on screen?
He manipulates the main character consistently, makes a character cry by telling him how much he looks like his dad, forces the knowledge of her father's dearh into a different characters head and ends the world through aformentioned manipulation of the main character
(this is about jonah!elias to be clear, og!elias is a different character) i love him so much he's so much fun but i'm not very open about it because he's the main villain and some people are very weird about it,,,, i have seen people say he's a personification of capitalism and if you like him you support capitalism or you didn't get the point of tma (which is just wrong, tma is vaguely a metaphor for capitalism yes but also for a lot of other things and elias isn't even a capitalist he runs a non-profit?) so many people call him homophobic or racist (because he's technically from the 1800s) and say if you like him you're a bad person but there are literally no canon basis for that at all (plus. he's literally a fictional character) i have actually seen a parody of the miku binder thing with elias to say that people who like him are just like people who woobify jefferson. which. what. you'd think people would latch on to the brutal pipe murder or the eye gouging that lead to body possession for his quest to be immortal or the constant manipulation to call him a terrible person but no apparently?? (or the. y'know. literally ending the world)
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peculiarparasol · 4 months
Little writer hiatus, but chapter 3 of Child Safety Locks is up!
Snippet: "If the wind up in his office had been like stepping into a sauna fully clothed, the drive afterwards to Jefferson’s apartment was like an ice cold shower in comparison. "
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catrawoods · 4 months
Symbiote Jefferson Morales AU Earth 1610 short Headcanons ( So hear me out guys )
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( pic not mine it belongs to the right owner)
-Unlike the day after Miles got bitten by the earth 42 spider, Jeff has discovered that the venom symbiote was from nowhere but a lost experiment from the other school ( NOT the visions academy of course) and has been "forced" bonded by trying to touch it with his hand before he freaked out that the symbiote is a living creature. than it went inside of his body
-He doesn't know how to be a hero like Spider Man 'cause the symbiote powers might be dangerous but has the greater responsibility, although he hated the old spider man for short because of his vigilantism but not only that saving the world everyday after crime ended before the new spider man came.
-Jeff begin to try his best to swing building to building but unfortunately he struggling to jump off and almost fall down. (well speaking of that because he's 40+ but it doesn't mean that he's clumsy to be honest especially climbing of course )
-he thought that he was supposed to be just a police officer and a caption of the PDNY but the symbiote abilities he used, he needs to know about the important of using the great responsibility like his son did ( even he didn't know his son's identity that he ended up being hero). but after the death of his brother, Aaron Davis, he didn't want to expose his strong emotion to release the venom symbiote, so he needs to stay calm
-in one night came of being in command he control the powers and transformed into the other version of the other symbiote variants and has been given the new code name called "Spider Venom"
without the other PDNY officers knowing, he needs to make sure that no one discovers his identity before he left out. his version of spider venom has being published in the news. even though his wife, Rio was been strangely having a judgement of that symbiote man and the voice being similar to the other person. he hates to lie to her but has to pretend like he's lying but not all the time ( just like Miles, he didn't want his parents to know that him and spider man were the same person, so he just lied for a bit of course)
-he and spider miles were the opposite humor of their powers even without knowing their identities they've used to be less rivals when they met each other in every situation (even they saw each other in the inside but not that)
-(BTSV Fan fiction) after spider miles returned to earth 1610. jeff has been out of mind and started to take damage from a far and gets controlled by the symbiote ( that was venom i can say ) but spider miles tried to tell him to stop what he's doing however jeff didn't listen but almost hurt miles. before he finished him spider miles slowly reveals his identity to him and made him realizing that spider man was Miles Morales, he run up to him and apologize about what he has almost scared him in the first place
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kierrasreads · 10 months
A Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes #1) by Arthur Conan Doyle Review
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Our first meeting with Sherlock Holmes. And John Watson's too! The young doctor is astonished by Holmes' many idiosyncrasies, including his talents on the violin.
But it's not long before Sherlock Holmes, with Watson in tow, is working with Scotland Yard investigating the murder of two Americans whose deaths have some mysterious connection to sinister groups gathering power in both Britain and America.
Here's where it all began, 'A Study in Scarlet.' Meet Sherlock Holmes, one of the world's leading consulting detectives - fictional of course!
We meet again, Mr. Holmes! Like many fans of this iconic detective, my first introduction to him was through the BBC adaptation of the series, starring Benedict Cumberbatch. I was obsessed with this show! Then, my interests shifted and I left this British character in the past. My interest in the series got ignited again fairly recently. One day after work, I was browsing the Roku channel and saw that the platform had many Sherlock Holmes films from 1939, with Basil Rathbone portraying Sherlock Holmes and Nigel Bruce portraying Dr. John Watson (I believe all 14 films from this series are available on Roku). Anyway, the point is that I decided to read the Sherlock Holmes novels again and stick to them this time. This first Sherlock Holmes story totally captured my interest. The first part of this novel (Dr. Watson's reminiscences) proved to be fairly interesting and I was surprised at how fast Sherlock Holmes was able to solve the case.
The second part of the book focused on Jefferson Hope's past and took place in Utah (I'm sure some of you can see where this is going). I was utterly shocked at the portrayal of the Mormons, especially Brigham Young. I'll admit, I know next to nothing about Mormonism, its history, etc., but the whole second part of the novel read as..well..anti-Mormon. I couldn't help but wonder if Doyle had a grudge against the religion/group in general, or used this as an opportunity to let his grievances be known, but let's just say that I was relieved when Jefferson Hope finished his story and the focus shifted to the trail/conclusion. I'll have to research to see why he chose this particular lighting to portray the Mormons (of course, I realize that every story with revenge and murder must have a villain, otherwise it would be a completely different type of novel).
That's all I have to say about that! It was a good, brief read that got me back into the Sherlock Holmes fandom.
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5eraphim · 2 years
eras of tumblr i could give hour-long Ted Talks about
(only including eras i participated in, not what i’ve lived through second-handedly. these are what i personally remember seeing on my dash, i’m sure there’s plenty i missed. This is an ongoing list/not fixed/subject to future edits.)
2015 gravity falls 
the rise of sexyman bill cipher 
depravity falls and putting 12 yr old characters in violent guro situations 
alex hirsch worship
billdip discourse
the diehard thirst for Gruncle Ford 
“i want to fuck that dorito”
2015/16 Black Butler
SebaCiel discourse
Grelle discourse (like, i don’t even know how to elaborate, but if you were there you would remember how people were fighting over her characterization in all different directions. Which is funny because, love her or hate her, she is barely even in the show lol)
The needlessly intense sjw vs anti-sjw/ fiction doesn’t effect reality/ shipping fighting
can’t quantify this, but i swear 80% of the fans were ex-hetalia fans 
Black butler 2 being either loved or hated, while book of circus was almost unanimously loved
the Scott Freeman incident...
no one giving a fuck about the female characters
Yana/Jay Michael Tatum worship
2016 Undertale
Sans undertale sexyman rise
the most raw video game soundtrack of all time
no one agrees how to draw undyne, but we all agree that she’s gay as fuck
(This is a personal anecdote, but i actually made a friend in highschool bc i drew undertale fanart on the board at latin class nd she added to it the next day, i added to it the next day and eventually we met up and it was so adorable)
“get dunked on”
2016-17 hamilton, heathers, great comet, dear evan hansen, be more chill musical theater insanity
rip tumblr user galactibun
The Hamilton craze breathing new life into the 1776 musical fandom
Most bizarre fanfic aus seen on tumblr thus far (hamilton)
The great comet Tony snubs
BMC and DEH blowing up, despite most fans only caring about the characters, totally ignoring the plot.
“Miku binder Thomas Jefferson”
No one giving a fuck about “The Hamilton Mixtape”
Gatekeeping fans who didn’t read war and peace or the ron chernow biography (i don’t think anyone ever gave a shit about the BMC orginal book which is SO FUNNY)
lin manuel miranda worship
real people fanfictions of actors/shipping them (especially hamilton!)
Key Figures include: Lin Manuel Miranda, Ron Chernow, Philipa Soo, Daveed Diggs, Ben Platt, George Salazar, Barette Wilbert Weed, and Mike Faist
2016-2017 the yuri on ice, killing stalking, kaikyu yaoi trifecta 
Yaoi take over
The anime fans collective salt over YOI winning anime of the year 2016
Not in this time period, but the Killing Stalking fans despising the ending en mass several years later.
Free! was also huge as the second season concluded not long before, but wasn’t receiving new updated in Realtime like the other three.
honestly? i mostly just remember people drawing some of the most beautiful fan art of the characters and not bothering to follow the plots
2015-2016 steven universe discourse peak craziness 
There are no words, looking back this all feels like a fever dream
Insane fan-theories (as in- even for Tumblr, these theories were very out there)
Pink diamond character derailment
“watching steven universe is the opposite of eating pussy” 
fusion = sex???
“it’s over isn’t it” single-handedly inspiring some of the most beautiful fan art to come out of the show; "Stronger than you” def inspired much more fan-creations, but they were nowhere near as good imo
That terrible lily peet video that sent a tidal wave of fandom-fighting 
Nicki Minaj guest appearance 
the porn avalanche predating the 2018 nsfw ban
My OG account got banned >:( (i never posted porn, tried to email support to no avail, I DID NOT DEVERVE THIS YOU NARCS)
50-50 mix of people posting lewd art and people posting links to find them as they migrated to twitter
“Female presenting nipples”
The return of the citrus scale (orange: PG/G, Lime: PG-13, Lemon: R, Grapefruit: X)
“Too Spicy for Tumblr”
Didn’t even stop the porn bots, mostly just screwed over artists and writers
IMO the peak of user v staff animosity
2020 hannibal
The small but loyal anthony hopkins defenders
Some of the most beautiful creative gore art
The moodboard to web-weaving pipeline
People being surprisingly respectful of fans who only watched the show, or who didn’t read Red Dragon/Silence of the Lambs, or where otherwise not invested in the greater overall Hannibal canon.
Manipulate, mansplain, malewife
Key Figures Include: Madds Mikkelson, Hugh Dancy, Anthony Hopkins
november 5, 2020
You just had to be there man, i don’t know what to tell you.
Key Figures include: Donald Trump, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin and debatably Sherlock season 5
the 2021 coquette girl blogger era
Lana del rey worship
The ungodly amount of softcore porn
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
Glorification of eating disorders, benzos, trailer parks, predatory men, age gap relationships, and so much more!
Teenagers blogging about Russian lit you know they never read
Still not sure to this day how much of this was ironic and how much wasn’t?? Or if any of this was self-aware???
Yes babe you’re so bambi, kate moss, diet coke, wellbutrin, dasha nekrosova, ballet, klonopin, trad cath, fawn, dior, sofia coppela, can you please shut the fuck up now?
key figures include: Lana del Rey, Daisy Randone, Dasha Nekrosova, Nina Sayers, Fiona Apple, Anya Taylor Joy, Sylvia Plath, Kate Moss, Kirsten Dunst (probably so many more, but this is just off the top of my head)
2015/16- My personal earliest memories of really getting into tumblr, and witnessing the tail-end of the Hetalia reign
2016- the end of Homestuck
2016- the epidemic of overwatch porn
2016- Does Jumin Han is gay?
2017- RWBY’s nosedive in quality from season 3 to 4, losing the majority of the fanbase
2018 Boyfriend to Death civil war (Gatobob v ElectricPuke)
2018- Detroit become Human drops and the robot-fucking gatekeeping 
2018- the Game of thrones/Endgame joint disaster ending melt down
2019- Sub-par Omens
2020- the Dead by Daylight community rioting when Pyramid Head’s ass got nerfed
2020- Cyberpunk 2077 is released and is torn apart almost instantly. Looking back by my approximations post were made up of- 10% people who were actually playing the games and enjoying themselves, 20% people who were playing the game and WEREN’T having fun, 55% People who never bought/played the game who were making up crazy glitches for clout, 15% hardcore pornography of characters you’d never seen before. (I’m quite salty about this bc I worked at GameStop at this time and had people constantly talking about glitches in casual conversation and I just know most of these bitches were LYING.)
20??- don’t remember the exact dates, but phase 3 marvel was un-escapable at this time
2020/21- Succession blows up
2022 Ghost bc blows up on tiktok, the fandom already sizable on tumblr only goes up from here
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ghnosis · 4 months
page 1 of dissertation prospectus bibliography is done
ALDERSLADE, Merlin. 2019. “How Ghost became the face of the new generation of heavy metal.” Metal Hammer. May 29 [online] Available at: https://www.loudersound.com/features/how-ghost-became-the-face-of-the-new-generation-of-heavy-metal 
ANZALDÚA, Gloria. 2021. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza.  (The Critical Edition, edited by Ricard F. Vivancos-Pérez and Normal Elia Cantú) San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books. 
ARROW, V. 2013 ‘Real person(a) fiction’, in JAMIESON, A.(ed.). Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World, Dallas: Smart Pop, 323–32.  
BAKHTIN, Mikhail. 1984. Rabelais and His World. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 
BENNETT, J. 2013. 'Receive the Beast’. Decibel, Issue 100/February, 75-84. 
BENSHOFF, Harry M. 2015. 'The Monster and the Homosexual.' In GRANT, Barry Keith, The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film, Austin: University of Texas Press, 16-41. 
BUSSE, Kristina. 2006. ‘My life is a WIP on my LJ: Slashing the slasher and the reality of celebrity and Internet performances.’ In HELLEKSON, Karen and BUSSE, Kristina (eds.). Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays. Jefferson: McFarland and Company, 207-224. 
BUSSE, Kristina. 2005. ‘Digital Get Down: Postmodern Boy Band Slash and the Queer Female Space.’ In MALCOLM, Cheryl Alexander and NYMAN, Jopi, eros.usa: essays on the culture and literature of desire. Gdańsk: Gdańsk University Press, 103-125. 
BUTLER, Judith. 1990. Gender Trouble. New York: Routledge. 
CHANEY, Keidra and LIEBLER, Raizel. 2006. ‘Me, myself and I: Fan fiction and the art of self-insertion' Bitch. 31, 52-57. 
CHARMAZ, Kathy. 2006. Constructing Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide Through Qualitative Analysis. (2011 reprint) London: SAGE Publications. 
CIXOUS, Hélène. 1976. ‘The Laugh of the Medusa’. Signs, 1(4), 875-893.  
CLIFFORD-NAPOLEONE, Amanda. 2015. 'Living in the margins: Metal’s self-in-reflection.’ Metal Music Studies 1(3), 379-384. 
CLIFFORD-NAPOLEONE, Amanda. 2015. Queerness in Heavy Metal Music: Metal Bent. New York: Routledge. 
COHEN, Cathy J. 1997. 'Punks, Bulldaggers and Welfare Queens: The Radical Potential of Queer Politics?’ GLQ. 3, 437-465. 
DAWES, Laina. 2013. What Are You Doing Here? A Black Woman’s Life and Liberation in Heavy Metal. Brooklyn: Bazillion Points. 
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ravenishishtrash · 1 year
Okay so ✨Hamilton fanficion✨
Back in 2018 I was a big Hamilton (and other musicals like BMC, DEH, Heathers) fan, and I'm talking like a having amino (and a semi decent following on it), drawing silly fanart of the characters in maid suits, reading fanfiction fan
And sometimes I just go by my day and I randomly remember something from a Hamilton fanfiction that makes me stop in my tracks
And so, I decided to come onto here and provide a list of things I remember, that I want to forget, and am afraid that I'll forget at the same time, about Hamilton fanficion
(this being said, if you're still a hamilton fanfiction writer, you do you, this post does not mean to offend you)
I think like 80% of the fics if not more were college AU fics, and 15% were just different AUs but I don't think I've actually read a fic that wasn't a random one-shot taking place in canon timeline (I do believe it was because all of the hamilton ff writers just like me were 16 back then, and just simply did not know how to write historical fiction)
Most of the fics were LAMS (which is Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens) and it was practically canon in fandom eyes, and before anyone says anything, I've seen the letters, of course I've seen them but guyz, I think we were just a little bit delulu with how firmly we believed this (and I'm including myself in this!)
Still on shipping, the second most popular one was Jamilton (Thomas Jefferson x Alexander Hamilton) and I'm gonna be honest, this was my shit, I enjoyed this dynamic a lot more (I always found friends to lovers a bit boring), but man, were the ship wars brutal, I remember when amino mods tried to actually do some sort of a debate lams vs jamilton in which there were actual teams that wrote whole essays about which ship is more valid, but they ended up insulting each other after maybe two rounds
The last ship with its own point is Hamburr (Alexander Hamilton x Aaron Burr), I've always perceived this one as a cool kids ship, I think people who shipped this were the most chill about it
Background ships included Mulette (Muligan x Lafayette), which was one of those ships that were always in the background some sort of "if you don't ship this as your side ship i don't trust you" kind of ship, the same goes to Jeffmads (Jefferson x Madison) in lams fics, and in a lesser degree, and i don't remember its name, Eliza Schuler x Maria Lewis Reynolds (if you don't remember her from her name, is the woman Hamilton cheats on Eliza with), which is always fun, we love seeing some wlw
And now, the random facts that were just headcanons that people very often included, Jefferson and Lafayette were almost always in some sort related (especially in Jamilton fics) and that's because of the double cast, but I don't really think the same was true for any other character it was just them
Hamilton was always a caffeine addict with a bad sleep schedule who was way too engaged in whatever topic the fic made him and I remember one fic (it was a college au, of course) where the whole point was that it was actively ruining his relationships around him (it was a hamburr fic)
John Laurens loved turtles bc of some historical letters in which he mentioned he liked turtles and fandom did its thing and you couldn't read a lams fic where turtles weren't mentioned at least once
Charles Lee and Samuel Seabury were always minor villains/mean college students and the latter was sometimes in a weird unhealthy relationship with (king) George
There was no Eliza slander! I know it's a weird point, but now seeing how fandoms like spn or 911 reacted to female love interest I’m actually suprised there wasn't any, she was always just a good friend (or, in one Soulmate AU I think it was Jamilton, Eliza had Hamilton's name on her wrist but he didn't have hers and that was just brutal)
There was this fic that I won't mention by its whole name (it's off the internet anyway, I don't think the author wants to be reminded of it nor associated with it), that was a hanahaki AU Jamilton that nearing the end of its run had 300k+ words; it was about Alex having a mean spirited rivalry with Jefferson at their corpo lawyer job but hearing he has hanahaki so deciding he wants to be nice to him now, but little does he know that the hanahaki in question is *for* him and later he himself develops hanahaki for Jefferson and they even live together at one point so they have this situation where both of them are willing to die in order to keep the other one happy and cure them by being their rebounds but they actively making each other worse, it's probably not as good as I remember it to be but godDAMN was it a cult classic it really was one of the kind, ALSO a girl on a plane asked me what fic I was reading bc she was peeking over my shoulder because it looked good and it's just one of the interactions I will *never* forget
This fandom was also my first impression of A/B/O dynamic and it wasn't a good one, one of the fics with it that I remember was Jamilton, in which Hamilton was some sort of Omega activist (there was a scene where he was annoyed that romantic comedies in universe pushed the agenda of omega leaving their omegaxomega relationship for an alpha when oxo can be fully normally sufficient) and Jefferson was an alpha and there was a scene at a diner where Jefferson was spreading his pheromones so the other alphas would stop looking at Hamilton? yeah thanks, no thanks
Washington was 95% of the time Hamilton's father in one way or another but what did you expect, in one fic he was even Hamilton's mother soulmate but she died before he met her which I didn't know was possible in soulmates aus
I read one Jamilton fic on wattpad (even then I rarely used wattpad) that I think was (a college au) about how madison and jefferson were in abusive relationship and hamilton "rescued" jefferson out of it? (it feaured a truly iconic quote in a scene that i still remember where jefferson was having a panic attack in the dorm's bathroom and madison didn't want hamilton to think he was an abuser so he said something along the lines of "Don't listen to this whore" and Hamilton responded "I won't listen to a whore" and Jefferson was like no he also hates me no one loves me and then Hamilton added "But Thomas isn't a whore." and I kid you not, I think about this scene every time I see that stupid "do you think im pretty?" "no." ":(" "you're beautiful" meme) and my art was featured in one of the chapters! it wasn't a good art, but it was one of my biggest achievements back then (I drew the most art during my hamilton phase, I wish I kept that passion for drawing in the years to come)
And... I think that's all that I can think of off top of my head
Despite many peoples' opinion now, I don't think the fandom was wrong in how they perceived the source material, any who was in the fandom at that time can tell you that sometimes it felt like it's own entity, those were our characters and what they did in the musical and the historical context didn't really matter in the long run, besides some limited posts about lams or just funfacts about the real lives of the characters (i have so many funfacts about inaccuracies in hamilton stored in my head), just what the dynamic between them was
But, as have many, I grew out of hamilton fanfiction, it shaped how I moved around fanfiction and fandom spaces for years and no matter how much "cringe" that fandom was (and it was cringe in every way possible) I probably won't forget the fun parts (for example how I joined judges guild on amino that was supposed to host contests regularly and then we did one contest and 90% of the members stopped responding so I pretty much single-handedly picked the winners when we had like I think about 20-30 entries? contests were a big deal on amino) and I won't regret it, I think it was one of the if not best then funniest places to be on the Internet in 2018
I have recently rewatched Hamilton now that it is available on streaming and one) I found out that I didn't really know all the lyrics and certainly not what some parts mean (english as you probably already have noticed is not my first language) and two) I actually found myself thinking, man, i would like to read some good fanfiction about this, but not a single one Hamilton fanfiction on ao3 can be separated from how the fandom perceived the characters and that's okay, it's just the way it is
If you truly want to know the grasp of what was normal or not in this fandom, let me tell you this: I saw Jefferson Miku Binder before it was a meme, and it really wasn't that weird, I was seeing art and headcanons like these on the regular, that just how the fandom looked like
and with that, I'm signing off
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Maddie’s fan fiction recommendations <3
includes: Hunger Games, Criminal Minds, Marvel, Harry Potter, Stranger Things, Hamilton,
Key: 💋 - Smut, 🫂 - angst, 🧸 - fluff
Hunger Games
Finnick Odair -
Coriolanus Snow -
backwards reflection - 🫂
dirty secret - 💋
Peeta Mallark -
Katniss Everdeen -
nothing yet
Joanna Mason -
nothing yet
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid -
queen of hearts - 💋
sub!spencer - 💋
oh no - 🧸
Aaron Hotchner -
Emily Prentiss -
Bucky Barnes -
Wanda Maximoff -
Peter Parker 3 -
Couldn’t help myself - 💋
Harry Potter
Theodore Nott -
Lorenzo Berkshire -
Mattheo Riddle -
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington -
Robin Buckley -
Marquis de Lafayette -
Thomas Jefferson -
Alexander Hamilton
I’m aware my tastes are slightly odd but here’s different stories that I read and was like woah. Anyway, here’s a playlist (mostly Taylor Swift) of different songs I think you could listen to while reading. You can look at my about me page to see my other tastes :)
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