#jedi feels
captain-mozzarella · 6 months
I headcanon that all of Yoda's finest teacups were made by younglings
In fact most masters of the order's finest teacups were made during crèche crafting time when the kids were learning pottery.
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tesb · 5 months
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@SWSOURCE STAR WARS WEEK Day 2: Trilogy Wars – Favourite Trilogy THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY (1977-1983)
Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
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milkcioccolato · 10 months
Big Brother Maul is back!
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Big Brother Maul is, probably, the worst role model you could have. But lil ‘Soka still thinks he’s the coolest!
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drawnbythestream · 5 months
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Obi-wan and his friend Bant Eerin having a sad moment after certain events
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threebea · 6 months
Plo: whoops, how clumsy of me I have dropped some inappropriate (wink) literature in the workplace, but zounds! I am needed in the next room. I hope no one accidentally picks it up and reads it! (Hurries off leaving suspicious pamphlet on the ground)
Fox: is your General trying to sneak you porn? (Takes nonplussed sip of caf)
Wolffe: no he's trying to get us to unionize.
Fox: (spits out caf)
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peanuttoffee · 8 months
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played Fallen Order for the first time and, guys, my heart
everything was so… beautiful *sobs*
here’s baby Cal to celebrate✨
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the-pineapple-cake · 2 months
I hate when you’re reading an interesting fic and then they through in some stupid subtle anti Jedi thing like ‘Oh the Jedi don’t have mattress because comfort leads to the dark side’ and it’s just like. no the Jedi didn’t do that, don’t be stupid, and so now you just can’t enjoy the fic.
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kaxtwenty · 2 months
I feel like a solid 75% of discourse around the Jedi wouldn’t exist if people just factored in that they’re monks.
It feels like half of y’all don’t consider that maybe being a Jedi really is just incompatible with a lot of things that are a normal part of other people’s lives… Because they are monks.
We had a whole trilogy showing how Anakin wanting to have his cake and eat it too led to disaster and people really came out thinking, “the Jedi should’ve just let Anakin be married,” not, “Anakin was a selfish moron who ruined literally everyone’s lives because he couldn’t accept that he had to make a choice.”
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intermundia · 9 months
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to me this is one of the most important passages of the revenge of the sith novelization, as it contains a fundamental thesis of the prequels. the clone wars were designed to kill jedi. sidious put the order in checkmate before they'd even begun fighting. he used their compassion and trust against them by leveraging their sense of duty to push them into fighting a morally dubious war to protect innocent lives, tarnishing their galactic reputation. he gave them friends in the clones that were crafted to become their assassins. he spread the jedi out, thinned their numbers in years of brutal combat, and then when they were sufficiently weak, wiped them out.
the revenge of the sith required so much planning and moving from the shadows over decades to arrange the galaxy into a trap. the prequel jedi did not have the knowledge that we the audience have, they were operating out of a place of partial understanding and with the best of intentions. to hold them to a standard of omniscience and omnipotence instead of appreciating the genius and patience of the sith is unfair and missing the point. they're not perfect, but they are good. it is tragic that being good is not always enough, it is tragic to know that our best of intentions can come up short. it is tragic that evil can gain power and harm the innocent without repercussions.
this book is heartbreaking on a personal level, but also on a political and ideological one. it reflects the very real world when greed and fear hold sway over a population, where exploitation and oppression win. the jedi are slain and it is brutal to read, and a generation afterward struggling in the dark without them. however, star wars ultimately carries a message of hope: you can kill jedi, but you cannot kill compassion and community. wherever people love each other, there is light. the empire fell and the jedi returned because you cannot kill their ideas. so there is hope, but that doesn't change that it is an egregious crime in the prequels that they were slaughtered.
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furious-blueberry0 · 3 months
Saw a post a few days ago that said the Sith could lead the Jedi to the dark side by using lust alone.
That's just bullshit.
Ma'am the Jedi ain't catholic priests and they sure are not celibate, they are in far more polycules than a person can physically keep track of, to them nudity is just another aspect of a someone's being that's neither a taboo nor something shameful to be hidden away, and physical touch is just a way to show love (of any type) to others.
Yes they fuck nasty, they would have an impassible face while looking at the Sith undressing themselves, and then would look at those dark side titties and say "Saw and had far better last Thursday, can I go home now?"
And those who don't fuck by choice you say? They'd look the Sith in the eyes and say "You really think you're that special uh?"
I don't care what you allos say, Jedi would not be led to the dark side with a fuck, come on.
Yes this is a hill I'm ready to die on.
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strawbieoeo · 4 months
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Ka’hara through the years
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drawnbythestream · 4 months
A “quick” doodle storyboard of one of my favorite moments from the JA series
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sketchupnfries · 6 months
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Guess who got inspired to draw some Cal Kestis Jedi Survivor fanart because of stuff haha
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animatedjen · 5 months
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Cal Kestis | Jedi Survivor
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justjettithings · 6 months
jedi gifting each other river rocks and sea shells because they can feel the living force through these objects and sense the beauty and life flowing through the environment it once inhabited
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copalcetic · 3 months
“We asked for a chance to defeat the Sith, and we failed."
This is what Kanan tells Ezra when Ezra asks why Yoda sent them to Malachor, and it haunts me. They asked for a chance, and Yoda gives them one, and they fail. And after that, as far as I can tell? Yoda writes them off. Yoda never appears to them after Malachor; Obi-Wan, when Ezra turns up on Tatooine, tells him "You're in the wrong place," refuses to help the Rebellion, and sends him home. All Yoda and Obi-Wan's eggs are in one basket, and that basket is labeled "Luke." Kanan and Ezra are on their own.
It would be so easy for them to give up. They're not the chosen ones; they failed their test. Who could blame them?
But they don't. Kanan works through his depression, Ezra comes back from the dark, and they keep fighting. It doesn't matter that they'll never defeat the Sith. It doesn't matter that the battles they fight are insignificant on the galaxy-wide scale, that no one really cares about Lothal except them and their friends. It doesn't matter that the structure of the Star Wars franchise means they'll never even be a footnote to history; by A New Hope, no one will remember them.
What matters is that the fight is worth fighting, so they're going to give it all they have.
This is why I love Rebels, and all the other bits of Star Wars sandwiched between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. We have lots of stories, as a culture, about people who vanquish evil; we don't have nearly as many that valorize people who fight battles they can't win. We watch these shows and play these games knowing that the protagonists won't defeat Vader or the Empire, knowing they're living in the wrong place and the wrong time, and we learn to care anyway. We learn that even impossible fights are worth fighting, that every skirmish matters even when they're not what wins the war.
We need more media like that. Because most of us are never going to be the ones who strike the final blow (if a final blow even exists) against climate change, or bigotry, or whatever battle we're fighting. And it is so easy to give up hope, and so important to remember that the struggle matters, even when you fail.
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