#jatp secret valentine
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calamitykaty · 4 years ago
Homesick Valentine
Luke Patterson x Reader 
word count: 3300 
Warnings: mention of alcohol (wine) 
@echocharm17618, my love! I can’t tell you how excited I was to find out I was your secret valentine! I wrote this specifically for you and I hope that you love it! It’s FULL of fluff! I love you so much! 
Also, huge shout out to @screwunsaidemily / @jatpsecretvalentine for organizing this!!
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Eight weeks. That’s how long it had been since you’d seen your boyfriend, Luke. You were proud of him. Immensely proud. But, that didn’t stop you from missing him beyond belief. You clicked on the side button of your phone, drawing the home screen to pop up onto the previously black screen. You bit your bottom lip as you calculated the time difference in your head, a task that you had gotten very good at. 8 pm, which meant it was 2 am where Luke was on the other side of the world. You sighed and picked up your wine glass from the coffee table and let the last bit of merlot slide down your throat. 
You could feel the heat of the tears that had started to prick behind your eyes. You hadn’t dared to tell Luke on any of your phone calls, but crying at this time of the night had also become something that you had gotten used to. You knew he would feel guilty and that was the last thing that you had wanted. You grabbed the bottle of wine and poured another glass of wine, not even bothering with a proper pour. The self-pity was in full effect and you weren’t gonna try to stop it. 
You woke up to the chirping of your phone and a pounding headache from the overindulgence of wine. You squeezed your eyes shut and groaned, smooshing your face further into the pillow on the couch before letting your hand wander around the cushions to find the phone. The frown on your face deepened when you saw that you had missed four call requests from Luke. You sat up and immediately tried to call him back only to have a sorry can’t talk right now message kicked back at you. You tossed the phone onto the coffee table out of frustration, not even caring when it slid too far and hit the ground. 
You pulled yourself up from the couch and grabbed the empty bottle of wine along with the wine glass and carried both to the kitchen and sat them into the sink. You turned around, your back pressed into the counter as you tilted your head up and stared at the ceiling. You jumped at the sound of knocking at your front door and pushed yourself forward. Your eyebrows were pulled forward, creating a wrinkle in the middle of your forehead. 
Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of a certain 5’8” brown haired guitarist standing on your front porch with a bouquet of wildflowers in his hands. Your bottom lip quivered and you flung yourself forward. Luke held the flowers out to the left to save them from being squished by you as you wrapped your arms tightly around his body. Luke wrapped his arms around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head. 
“What are you doing here? How are you here? Is everything okay? The band--” you rambled off, your voice muffled by your face being pressed into Luke’s chest. You felt the tears make their return to your eyes at the sound of Luke’s laugh. Your favorite sound in the world. 
You pulled back just a smidge and stared up at the boy just in time for the tears to push their way over your eyelids and down your cheeks. 
“Babe…” Luke lifted his right hand and wiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb, “why are you crying?” 
“I just...I've been homesick for you.” You admitted through the quiver of your bottom lip and tucked your head back into his chest. The soft beating of his heart reassured you that he was actually there with you, that you weren’t just dreaming. 
“But really, what are you doing here?” You asked again once you decided he wasn’t going anywhere. You pulled away from him and grabbed his hand to lead him inside. 
Luke handed over the flowers and you made a mental note that you would need to find a vase as you set them down on the small table by the front door. 
“You really thought I’d let you spend Valentine’s day alone?” 
Luke could tell by the confusion written on your face paired with the stark silence that you hadn’t even realized what day it was. He stepped forward and placed his hands on your shoulders as he stared at you with a playful glint in his eyes. 
“Why do I feel like you just found out that today is Valentine’s day?” 
You could feel the rush of heat rise under your skin at your embarrassment but you truly had been too preoccupied with just counting down the days until you were going to see Luke again. There were eighteen days left and you hadn’t paid a second glance to the actual dates as you marked each day off of your calendar. 
You half shrugged at his question and ducked your head, your hair falling into your face as you maneuvered around the boy and grabbed the flowers. Luke followed closely behind you while you walked to the kitchen and pulled a small glass vase from underneath the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind you and kissed your temple as you filled the vase with an appropriate amount of water and delicately put the flowers into the vase before setting it on the counter. 
“You know what I missed?” Luke mused. 
“Hmmm?” You hummed in response as you turned around in his arms. 
Luke slid his right hand up from where it rested on your hip and let it rest gently on your right cheek. You leaned into his touch and kissed his palm before he leaned down and connected his lips to yours. 
His hand fell from your face and instead took your right hand. You smiled into the kiss as you realized what he was doing when he took a step back. You pulled your lips back from his and laughed as he twirled you around. A smile was plastered to your face as he pulled you back into his arms and gently swayed with you to whatever beat he had playing in his head. 
“I missed dancing in the kitchen with you.” He answered his question from five minutes prior. 
“How long are you here for?” You closed your eyes as Luke rested his forehead against yours. 
“Just til the mornin’” 
“Oh…” you sighed. 
“Hey…’ Luke cupped your face with both of his hands and pulled his forehead away from yours. He pecked your forehead with several kisses. You willed away the sinking feeling that settled into your chest and mustered a smile for him. 
“I guess we better make good use of your time then, yeah?” 
Luke nodded his head enthusiastically and this time the smile that tugged at your lips was completely genuine. 
“I’ve got a whole day planned!” Luke began pulling you by your hand back across the living room and towards the front door before he abruptly stopped causing you to run straight into his back.
“Oof…” you groaned as you collided with him. 
Luke quickly turned around and looked you up and down “...maybe you should change out of your pajamas first?” 
You looked down at your Llama Christmas pants that you had paired with blue fuzzy socks and an oversized jumper, “yeah...okay.” 
Twenty minutes later and you were bouncing back down the stairs where your boyfriend was mindlessly scrolling through his phone while he waited for you. You were dressed in a pair of high waisted jeans paired with a black cable knit sweater and your favorite black boots. Your hair was piled on top of your head in a  messy bun and you had managed to swipe on some mascara as well. 
“So, where are we going?” You asked once you were by his side again and he was taking your hand in his. 
Your eyes lit up as Luke pulled into the parking lot of your favorite place in the world, the aquarium. You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and got out of the car. Luke had barely made it to your side before you tangled your hands together and pulled him across the parking lot towards the entrance. 
Luke pulled the two tickets up on his phone for the receptionist to scan before you entered the building. You stood just inside the doorway and inhaled the scent of salt and chlorine filled your nostrils. 
“Lead the way, my love!” Luke gestured, he was more than happy to follow you around. 
You let your eyes scan the map as if you didn’t already have the placement of every exhibit memorized. 
Luke followed closely behind you as you made your way to the shark wall. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder as you smiled contentedly at the large glass wall that separated several species of sharks, octopuses, stingrays, and eels. You immediately felt at ease watching the ocean life swimming around. You weren’t sure how long you had spent staring at the wall, completely mesmerized by the scene in front of you but it was Luke’s lips on your temple that brought you back to him. 
The moon jellies were your last stop in the aquarium after the two of you have visited the sea turtles, the moray eels, and the sea horses. 
You smiled up at Luke as you watched him be entranced by the blue fluorescent jellyfish that ebbed mindlessly around the tank. Your heart swelled at your shared love for the ocean and how he understood you so well. A soft smile played on your lips as you sat in the car with Luke’s right hand intertwined with your left hand while he drove to the next stop. 
Luke had refused to tell you where the two of you were headed and normally you would have pestered him but not this time. Instead, you watched the world pass by through the passenger window. You were so happy to just have him for the day that Luke could tell you that he was taking you to an empty parking lot and you would be happy because you were there with him. 
“You’re awfully quiet,” Luke commented after 15 minutes of silence. 
You tore your eyes from the window and looked over at Luke with a smile and shrugged, “just thinkin’” 
“Mhmm, about how much I love you.” 
Luke lifted your intertwined hands and pressed a kiss to the top of your hand while you averted your eyes back to the window as the heat began to rush to your cheeks. You usually weren’t so blatantly honest about your thoughts but if missing Luke had taught you one thing, it was that you never wanted there to be a second where he didn’t know how much you loved him. 
It was when you caught sight of a familiar ice cream shop that you suddenly knew where Luke was taking you. A gasp left your mouth as soon as you saw the wooden cutout of an animated ice cream cone with a hole where you could stick your face. You had made Luke do it once and just as he smiled for the picture you had shoved your vanilla ice cream cone into his face.You began to laugh at the memory, almost as hard as you had laughed when it had actually happened. 
“What’s so funny?” Luke looked over at you with an amused smile. 
“We’re going to Echo Park Lake!” You said matter of factly once your giggles died down. 
‘What?! How did you know?” Luke jutted his bottom lip out into a pout. 
“An ice cream cone told me,” you leaned over the center console and pressed a kiss to his cheek before falling back into your seat. 
You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt as Luke parked the car, you were seconds away from opening the door when Luke reached across your body and removed your hand from the car door handle. 
“What are you doing?” You furrowed your brows at your boyfriend. 
“You gotta stay here so I can do...stuff….” Luke stated before getting out of the car. 
You playfully rolled your eyes at your boyfriend and watched him move around the car until he got to the trunk to get out the “stuff” that he needed to set up. You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and scrolled through TikTok for what seemed like an eternity until Luke had finally returned with an accomplished smile on his face. He pressed the button on his car keys to unlock the door before opening the door for you. 
“How’d doing the stuff go?” You nudged your shoulder into his,. 
“I dunno, I think you’re gonna have to be the judge of that…” 
Luke took your left hand and began leading you through the park until the two of you reached your destination. 
“Oh, Luke….” You breathed out as your eyes took in the scene in front of you. He had set up a blanket right next to the water’s edge on a small area of grass that was mostly secluded from the rest of the park.  On the blanket there was a picnic basket filled with both of your favorite foods, a bottle of merlot and two stemless wine glasses.
Luke poured a glass of wine for both of you while you unwrapped the makeshift charcuterie board that he most definitely had someone else prepare for him. The two of you laughed as you watched other couples paddle the swan paddle boats across the water and three of them nearly collided into each other. You watched on as ducks glided across the glassy looking water and kids stood on the banks of the lake with cups of bird seed, tossing it to the ducks.
“I can’t believe you did all of this for me,” you looked up at Luke through your eyelashes and carefully sat your wine glass down before scooting closer to Luke. Luke wrapped his right arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. 
“I missed you so much, y/n,” Luke kissed your temple, “I want you to know that as much as I love the band, touring, our fans...I love you the most.” 
You tilted your head up and lifted your right hand to Luke’s face, your fingers grazed across his cheek and Luke closed his eyes at the feeling before his lips met yours. A smile was plastered to your face as you pulled back and resumed your position of leaning into Luke’s side with your head on his chest. 
The two of you stayed put, drinking wine and eating a variety of meats and cheeses until the sun had finally set behind the city scape in the distance and the park's lights began to flicker to life. 
“We should get going, love.” Luke kissed your head and you nodded in agreement. You packed everything back into the picnic basket while Luke folded the blanket back up before he took the basket from your hands. He held everything in his right hand and took your right hand into his left, intertwining your fingers with his while you walked back to the car in blissful silence. 
It was nearly an hour later when Luke was pulling back into your driveway and you pushed back the sadness that was bubbling up at the realization that the day was ending. You walked into the house with Luke and grabbed the flowers that you had absentmindedly sat on the door side table. 
You headed to the kitchen and grabbed a vase from underneath the sink and filled it with water before placing the flowers into the vase. Luke stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist with his chin propped up on your shoulder. 
“I’m gonna go shower and get ready for bed,” Luke pressed a kiss to your neck. 
“Yeah...yeah, that’s a good idea.” You nodded in agreement. 
“Hi,” you whispered to Luke as you crawled into bed beside him.You snuggled into his chest while his arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer into him. 
“Hi,” he whispered back as he pressed his lips to the top of your head. 
“You have to go soon…” you stated the obvious. 
“I know.” Luke agreed, “but I’ll be back before you know it and you’ll hardly remember that I had even left at all.”
You could feel the tears building behind your eyes and stayed silent, knowing that if you dared to respond you would begin to fall apart. Luke leaving was always hard on you. Of course you knew he would always come back but the nights spent alone never got easier. 
“Hey,” Luke ran his fingers up your spine, “we still have until the morning and I have a song I’ve been working on if you wanna--” 
He could even finish his question before you were rolling out of the bed and making your way across the bedroom to the acoustic guitar that was placed sitting in the guitar stand in the corner of the room. You returned to the bed and handed the guitar over to Luke before perching yourself at the foot of the bed in front of him. 
Luke pulled the orange guitar pick from that was held to the fret board by the guitar strings. You watched patiently as he quickly tuned the guitar and began strumming to check for accuracy. 
“I don’t have very much…” Luke said, the guitar pick held between his lips. You smiled at him and leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Okay...here goes.” He began to strum the guitar.
Within a minute I was all packed up I've got a ticket to another world I don't wanna go I don't wanna go Suddenly words are hard to speak When your thoughts are all I see Don't ever leave, she said to me
You could feel the breath hitch in your throat as Luke sang out the first verse. His eyes were closed as he sang but the emotion his face still managed to portray let you know that his words came straight from his heart. 
When we both fall asleep, underneath the same sky To the beat of our hearts at the same time So close but so far away Can you hear me?   She sleeps alone My heart wants to come home I wish I was, I wish I was Beside you She lies awake I'm trying to find the words to say I wish I was, I wish I was Beside you
 You rapidly blinked your eyes, trying to will away the tears that were welling up. You weren’t sure how Luke knew exactly what you had been going through, what you had desperately tried to hide from him on your phone calls. 
Another day, and I'm somewhere new I made a promise that I'll come home soon Bring me back, bring me back to you
“That’s all I have so far…” Luke trailed off as he sat the guitar down on the bed next to him. You wiped the tears from your cheeks and scooted across the bed until you were in Luke’s lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your face into the crook of his neck. Luke wrapped his arms around your waist and silently held you until you pulled back and pressed your forehead to his. 
“I love you…” you whispered, “I am so in love with you.”
Luke’s hands traveled up from your waist to cradle your cheeks as he connected his lips to yours. 
“I am so in love with you too, my dear.” 
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@straywonpil​ @siennanoelle01​ @choppedhoundsludgeclod​ @cool-ultra-nerd @hxney-bunches-x @crybabyddl​ @sorryyoureoutofmyleague​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x @kcd15 @all-in-fangirl​ @ifilwtmfc​ @onlygetaway​ @iainttakingshitfromnobody​ @angryknighttreeprune​  @bathtimejish​ @lanasfandoms​ @miranda0102​ @emotionalbruv​ @aliandthephantoms​ @multifandombabies @kinda-really-lost @5sosmukefan​  @mo-d3ans​ @hannahhistorian92​ @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve​ @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic @sunflowerbecca​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​ @n0wornever​ @tefilovesreading​ @bebudaful​ @cherrymaybank​ @meanergreener @yelyahryan @emeliii1 @phantompogues @flower-name @littlemissaddict​ @fangirlangioma​ @random1dstuff​ @onetoomanyfilms​ @yung-dumb-punk-barbie​ @rachmmb​ @mysticmolina​   
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echocharm17618 · 4 years ago
Merry Valentine’s Day
Luke Patterson X Julie Molina
word count: 2268
Read it HERE
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Happy valentines day @happinessinthedarkesttimes I’m your secret valentine! This one’s for you!
 Shoutout to @screwunsaidemily and @jatpsecretvalentine for organizing this event! It has been so much fun.
It was Friday, February 12th and Luke walked into the classroom with a Tupperware container full of chocolate chip cookies.
The cookies were for the Valentine’s day party in the afternoon. One of the cookies was set aside specifically for Julie. It had extra chocolate chips and it was wrapped in a pretty cellophane bag with hearts on it because she was extra special.
The one where Luke and Julie are extra special friends and valentines day is a big deal in kindergarten.
Taglist: @knitsessed @link-102 @jandthephantoms @sapphireamethystvsco @willowsbendtothewind-blog
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I Didn't Know If You'd Care If I Came Back (I Have A Lot Of Regrets About That)
Carrie has a conversation with Flynn after Julie and the Phantoms perform at the Orpheum.
for @juliemolinaisanangelonearth.hey! i’m your secret valentine!!
thanks to @screwunsaidemily and @jatpsecretvalentine
it's not much, but i really enjoyed writing it, i hope you enjoy reading it! :)
To see Julie sing at the Orpheum made Carrie feel a lot of things. It took her back to the pep rally, she heard a piano play when they were leaving, when she looked around she saw Julie on the stage playing, singing for the first time in a year. She’d missed hearing her friend play.
Friend. Something stung her when she thought of that word, as much as she wished they were, Carrie, Julie and Flynn were no longer friends.
Much like that day at the pep rally, Carrie was so happy to see Julie up on that stage, owning the spotlight and enchanting the audience with her voice. Like that day, she also felt sad. That day Carrie was upset because the routine she worked so hard on got overshadowed by Julie’s performance. Today she was remorseful. She missed her friends and she regretted that she was the reason she missed them. 
Carrie stood up and clapped with all the love and energy she had. When Julie’s holograms disappeared and she got off the stage, she excused herself from her dad.
He looked preoccupied, but asked anyway, “Where are you going, baby?”
“I want to talk to Julie. I’ll be back soon.” She said with a smile, wiping up her cheeks  as she left her dad and made her way towards the green rooms.
She saw Julie run into one of the rooms and her eyes stopped on Flynn, standing right outside, waiting for her friend.
“Flynn!” Carrie called out to her.
Flynn spotted Carrie and the expression on her face suddenly went from pure joy to indifference.
“Carrie.” She said in a tone Carrie wishes she could get used to, but the hint of hostility in her voice stung her every time she heard it.
“Flynn-” Carrie said, trying to stop her tears from bleeding into her voice, failing at it. The tears already drying on her cheeks gave her away.
“Carrie?” Flynn’s voice became softer when she realised Carrie was fighting back tears, “Are you, okay?” she asked, rushing towards her to take hold of her arm.
“I’m- I’m so sorry,” Carrie started crying as soon as she felt Flynn’s hand, “I have been so rude and awful to you and Julie, I am so sorry!”
Flynn led Carrie a few steps towards the stairs and sat down beside her, her hand still holding onto the other’s arm comfortingly.
“I know I was the one who stopped hanging out with you, but I still really missed you. Both of you.” Carrie said, her voice now clearer, “I wish I could go back and change that.”
“I can never justify my actions and words. I don’t know how I could ever make up for it. I do know how much I miss you both and wish I could change that.”
“I miss hanging out with you too. I miss us being friends. I am sorry too, I guess.” Flynn’s voice started trembling, letting out things she hadn’t given words to before that moment. I just couldn’t handle the idea of you hating me, I hate being used to your scathing remarks, and I absolutely hate hating you for them because I never could!” 
Carrie took Flynn’s hands in hers and looked at her through the tears blurring her vision, “Can we be friends again, can you give me a chance to be better?”
Flynn pulled her into a hug and tears started streaming down her cheeks. When Flynn pulled away and gave her a soft smile, Carrie wiped away her tears and smiled back at the other girl.
“Do you want to talk to Julie?” Flynn asked her.
“Today was a big day for Julie, she must be tired. I don’t want to get her down, I haven’t exactly been the best friend when she needed me to. I’ll talk to her tomorrow, there is a lot to be said there, a lot to make up for.”
“Our girl really killed it tonight on that stage!” Flynn said with a chuckle, giving her a shoulder nudge.
“She was so amazing!” Carrie agreed with a big smile.
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Reggie Peters x female!eader
Summary: You have a crush on a certain ghostie boy.
Warnings: sibling arguments because why not. not proof read
This is for Valentine secret gift thing that @screwunsaidemily hosted! So this story is for @wdwmarveldisney They said you wanted either Luke or Reggie so I chose Reggie I hope you like it! Also this shiz is probably cringy I wrote most of it at 3 am.
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You were the only lifer besides Julie who could see the phantoms when they weren't playing. You are Julie's next-door neighbor and close friends with both Julie and Flynn. You slowly gained feelings for a certain leather-wearing ghost. He also gained feelings for you, but he was a lot more on the fence about falling in love than you because of his parents.
"Hey y/n." He teleported into your room when you were doing homework making you jump.
"Reggie! Hey! How was practice?" You asked giving him a quick smile before looking back down at your notebook. He always came over after the band practiced.
"It was good! What are you doing?"
"Algebra." You shrugging.
"Sounds boring can we hang out." He begged flopping backwards on the bed.
"You can watch tv while I do this... Have you seen any of the new toy stories?" You asked reaching for the remote to your tv.
"I haven't seen any? What's toy story?" You gasped, though it made a bit of sense, you didn't know the exact month he died in but you do know that he coulda died before it came out.
"Your watching all four!" You said quickly going onto Disney plus to find the first one.
"There's four of them?" He asked. You nodded giggling before you started the movie, he sat up getting comfortable next to you on you bed as you kept working on the movie.
Those movie dates became a regular thing, though neither of you would admit they were a date. "Hi! I brought snack! I stole it from Julie's kitchen." Reggie said when he poofed in holding a bag of chips.
"Reg! You can't steal their food!" You said laughing. "Take that back! I have snacks here. But thank you." He smiled happy he made you laugh, before he took the chips back. You went down stairs and grabbed your own chips.
"I'm back!" He said smiling when he teleported into your kitchen. "What are we watching today!"
"I was thinking a romcom since Valentines is next week." You said grabbing a soda from the fridge.
"Okay." He nodded smiling.
Soon the movie was over and you had fallen asleep during it, he sighed. He wanted you to be his Valentine but he was scared. He poofed back into the garage where Luke and Alex were waiting smirking.
"How did the date go?" Luke asked.
"It wasn't a date." Reggie said.
"Lies. So did you ask her to be your Valentine like you said you would?" Alex asked.
"No. I chickened out."
"Come on man! She clearly likes you!" Luke said.
"No she doesn't." Reggie denied.
You looked through your locker for a hair tie not noticing your best friends coming up behind you.
"Hey girl!" Flynn said leaning on one side of your locket while Julie leaned on the other side.
"Hey." You smiled at them real quick before looking back in your locker and pulling the hair tie out of it.
"How was the date?"
"It wasn't a date! I'm not dating a ghost." You said.
"Yeah, your just friends who cuddle up and watch movies together every week." Flynn smirked at you. You rolled your eyes.
"Does it even matter he's dead. I kinda have to get over him." You sighed shutting your locker.
"If it makes you feel better he likes you back I hear him talking to Luke and Alex about you." Julie gave you a reassuring smile.
"Jules your also in love with a ghost you can't be giving me advice."
"Ah my friends falling for hot ghosts." Flynn said putting her arms around your shoulder, and Julie's shoulder.
"Okay tonight you gotta ask her." Luke said to Reggie.
"And you have to ask Julie to be yours." Alex said smirking at his best friends.
"Now go there and ask her!" Alex said to Reggie giving him a gentle push before Reggie teleported to your room.
"Jake get outta my room!" You said pushing a boy that Reggie didn't recognize, seemingly not noticing him behind you.
"Come on Sis im home from college and you don't wanna hang out! Why you going to call your boyfriend." The man teased before noticing someone standing behind you. "Or invite him over." You looked at him confused before looking behind where Reggie was watching confused, yet relieved as he hear the boy call you sis.
"You can see him?"
"You can see me?" You and Reggie asked your questions at the same time.
"Yeah weirdos." You pulled him into the room shutting the door. "He's a ghost. And he isn't my boyfriend."
"You gotta be kidding me. I won't tell mom if you have a boyfriend but you can't expect me to believe he's a ghost."
"Oh my God." You mutter. You walked over to Reggie and waved a hand through him. "See ghost now get out of my room and don't tell mom."
"Your dating a ghost. Haha loser!" Your brother laughed before leaving.
"Sorry bout him he's visiting from college for the weekend something about a breakup and hating valentines. I don't know. Anyway what movie do you want to watch today?" You asked Reggie jumping on your bed.
"Uh I don't know... Y/n can I asked you something?" He asked his voice going quieter as he spoke. You nodded. "Can we be valentines?" He asked gaining a small bit of confidence to look up at you.
"Yeah!" You exclaimed maybe a bit too quickly. "I mean sure that'd be cool."
"Yeah." Reggie smiled before your door was busted open.
"I knew it your dating a ghost!" Jake said smirking at you. You glared at him for ruining the moment. "Mom!! Y/n has a-" Jake began to shout before you tackled him. "Ow."
"Shut the heck up." You glared at him before giving Reggie a apologetic smile. "Jake you ruined the moment."
"Fine sorry at least introduce me to your ghost boyfriend."
"Fine." You stood up helping him up. "Jake, Reggie. Reggie, Jake. Now Jake get out."
"Eyo ghost dude I'll kill you again if you hurt my sister." Jake said making the I'm watching you motion as he walked backwards.
"I'm scared." Reggie whispered.
"He's kidding. Besides your already dead he can't do anything." You said. You sat back down on your bed Reggie joining you. You slowly leaned to lay your head on his shoulder not thinking it would work but you didn't fall through him. He instinctively put his head on yours smiling.
"I can touch you!" You said looking up at him smiling.
"Cool!" He smiled at you. You realized how close your faces were but didn't make an effort to move away from him, instead you slowly leaned forward giving him time to pull away if he wanted to but instead he met you in the middle kissing you back.
A/n: hope you like it! even if it is a bit cringy.
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ace-with--a-mace · 4 years ago
happy valentine's day @finally-free-phantoms! 💛💛 i was your secret valentine :)
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adorethedistance · 2 years ago
Julie and The Phantoms Cast Masterlist
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Julie and The Phantoms Characters Masterlist
New masterlist to split up the cast versus character fics that I’ve written because there’s so many oh my gosh.
✮ - personal fave
Charlie Gillespie - sfw
Rose Garden ✧ Charlie is your suitor, and if he gets his way, soon to be your betrothed. However, he won’t be if you have any say in the matter.
Down For the Count ✧ After a hard fall resulting in a bad injury, your boyfriend Charlie comes to the rescue to be your care taker at the same time as he has a Live with Owen.
Lucky Charm ✧ Meeting Charlie at the rink after hockey practice for date night leads him to take you to his favorite pizza spot, and gifts you an honor you can’t refuse.
Costume Department ✧ Your aunt is the JATP costume designer and one day whilst working on set, your talking with the girls of the cast makes you realize just how strong your feelings for Charlie are.
Tough Competition ✧ Savannah simulates a dance competition for you after learning you’ve never been in one, and your secret relationship with Charlie slowly surfaces to your cast mates.
Betrothed ✧ Evading love for so long has its consequences, but the resistance just might have paid off when you meet a certain prince who’s searching for his princess.
✮ Winners and Losers ✧ Charlie’s day off consists of spending time with his favorite girl, and making bets that he’s seemingly destined to lose.
Charlie Gillespie - nsfw
A Helping Hand ✧ Your best friend Charlie is shocked to hear you’ve been deprived of a certain sexual experience, and is more than willing to help fix that. (18+)
All Day Affair ✧ A rough night before leads to a slow morning after, causing you and Charlie to be late to Valentine’s brunch plans. All is forgiven and all is forgotten when he makes it up to you in the best way he can. (18+)
Everlasting Crushes ✧ Charlie has been your best friend since high school, and secret crush for just as long. When a drunken night in the club results in you getting friendly with strangers, Charlie steps in to claim his girl. (18+)
✮ Impressive ✧ Renowned hockey all-star Charlie Gillespie is a pleasant disaster on his own, but once he asks you to tutor him, you learn he might not be so bad after all. (18+)
Tempting ✧ Coming to an agreement on how your friends with benefits arrangement will work, Charlie invites you over for another study session that doesn’t isn’t very productive. (18+ sequel to Impressive.)
✵ - ✵ - ✵ - ✵ - ✵ - ✵
Owen Patrick Joyner - sfw
Dating Owen Joyner Would Include… ✧  Bullet points of boyfriend!Owen headcanons.
✮ Hey Princess ✧ Dating a Netflix star can be tough in the way of getting recognized in public, but being a Disney Princess just may give Owen a run for his money.
Party Hard ✧ Going from tipsy to full on drunk is a terrible idea, but especially when you’ve got a secret to hide that could mean the difference between preserving and ruining your relationship with your best friend.
Reading My Boyfriend’s Fanfiction?? ✧ Being an influencer meant this day was a long time coming: it was time to put Owen on your channel.
A Pretty Good Bad Idea ✧ Touring with the Julie and The Phantoms cast as a dancer has been the best time of your life, and the only thing that could make it better is the reciprocated affections of a cute, blond drummer.
They’re Not You ✧ You’ve been successful in avoiding and ignoring your romantic feelings for your best friend… so far.
Doomsayers ✧ Owen had to practically harass you to get you to relax on your mutual day off, but the quality time together takes an unexpected turn when you exhibit a small sense of self-doubt.
New Neighbors ✧ Whilst your two best friends are helping you move into your new place, you find out that your next door neighbor is a major cutie who is totally into you, too.
✮ Baby Fever ✧ You and Owen spend a day at the zoo babysitting Baby Shada, and her presence sparks conversation about adding a new presence of your very own.
✮ City Slicker, Cowboyfriend ✧ You’re starting to have doubts about moving all the way to Norman until a shopping trip to Ikea turns into the meet-cute you’ve been waiting for.
Mesmerizing ✧ Crashing at your best friend’s place after a shitty date for the third time causes some sexual tension to bubble to the surface.
Chocolate Cake ✧ Owen’s new place is finally mold free, and he’s invited you over to stay the night. Being petite has more disadvantages than advantages, two of which are a teasing boyfriend and large dog breeds.
Only Need Five ✧ Breaking up with your boyfriend proves difficult when he follows you to your after-breakup plans. Owen puts you at ease and performs a less than innocent song he wrote about your chemistry together. (Indirect sequel to Tell Me Your Favorite Song.)
Wrap Party ✧ Unconvinced Owen is crushing on you, you show up to the cast party ready to let loose with the girls. The night takes an unexpected turn the Owen claims to be the expert on date-nights.
✮ Lazy Day, Stupid Question ✧ You and Owen take a well-deserved lazy day nap together, before movie night in the Joyner-Gillespie household. After recalling a certain reddit post, you make a discovery about the ways of men.
Owen Patrick Joyner - nsfw
Pity Prom? ✧ After learning you’ve never attended a prom, Owen takes it upon himself to recreate the most magical dance you’ve ever had. (18+)
Tell Me Your Favorite Song ✧ Your inattentive boyfriend is falling inferior to a certain drummer from your AP Lit class, who gets to know you better inside and out. (18+)
Say No to This + Unbiased Source ✧ Being cast as Mariah Reynolds means you’ve got your work cut out for you, and to add to the pressure, Owen, your Alexander is exuding a sexual tension you’ve never seen before. Hopefully, no one notices.
✵ - ✵ - ✵ - ✵ - ✵ - ✵
✮ Sculpin and White Claws ✧ Your ‘not-quite girlfriend’ has come over to yours, Charlie’s, and Owen’s shared apartment; your evening is disrupted by the energetic antics of two idiot boys in the other room.
The Best-Worst Day ✧ Bad days are manageable when Charlie and Owen are the best roommates a girl could ask for.
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beanomatica · 3 years ago
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JATP Valentine's Week Day 5 | Rare Pairs / LukeBobby | Secret Relationships + Love Letters
In which the only people not aware that Luke and Bobby are in a relationship are... Luke and Bobby. No one has bothered to let them in on the secret.
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silent-silver-slip · 3 years ago
here’s to us (here’s to love)
Okay, so originally I was planning on writing daily for the JATP Valentine Week, but this one fic turned into a monster so instead I’m going to have one entry. This works for Day 5 of @jatp-valentine-week for both secret relationships and love letters.
This 14k monster is technically Willex focussed, but also has QPR Sunset Curve because that’s always my jam.
Sometimes people hide their romantic relationships from their friends, but that isn't this. No, Alex and Willie are quite clear that they're in a relationship - the challenge is that Alex's bandmates have yet to realise. They might be... more than a little oblivious, but that's okay. Alex and Willie have a number of plans and with prom right around the corner, it's time to enact them.
-and,” Willie continues over the top of Alex speaking, giving him a grin that has Alex rolling his eyes, “the ghost then prevents the door from shutting entirely. And so we were able to quickly get out!”
The story of the school’s ghost isn’t a new one—just an old and familiar story. A helpful ghost haunts the school, an old teacher who passed away and came back to the school in the afterlife to guide new students through their school years. Of course, there are much darker tales, horror stories, but Alex has made sure to steer clear of that, and has ensured that his friends do the same. None of them need to hear horror stories of ghosts, especially not when the outcome would likely involve all of them combing back at night to see if they could find the truth.
One haunted house, and attempted exorcism, is more than enough in Alex’s opinion.
“Oh wow,” Bobby says, deadpan, flicking a piece of his orange peel at Reggie with a half-grin on his face. “You guys are idiots.”
Before Alex can respond to that, Luke grins. “Are we doing more pet names today? Willie called you ‘Honeybunches,’ Alex, in case you didn’t notice. And I’ve got a bunch of pet names I want to try out! We should definitely use them today, I think. Reg, what’d you think about quiver-quaver?” The fury of words has Alex blinking in confusion, and it takes him a second to actually understand what Luke has actually said.
Reggie flutters his eyebrows at Luke, leaning in. “I think I love it. Bobs, do you want to be Sugar Crush? I’ve always wanted to use that pet name!”
“I’d rather die,” Bobby replies, but notably doesn’t actually say no. Reggie cheers, because really that’s an answer in and of itself.
Meanwhile, Alex and Willie exchange looks. Attempt one, clearly, is a fail.
Perhaps they should have expected that. But that’s not a problem. After all, everyone knows that no first plan survives contact with the enemy.
You can find the AO3 fic here!
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evermoreholland · 4 years ago
Charlie Gillespie Masterlist
One Shots:
Kiss Me
Charlie tells you he loves you for the first time.
Show’s Over
Tonight’s the wrap party for JATP and you didn’t want to say goodbye to Charlie.
Secret Santa
It’s secret Santa week on set of Julie and the Phantoms and you have to pick out gifts for your best friend and crush.
Screw Mistletoe
Charlie has a huge crush on you. During a Christmas party you and Owen end up under a mistletoe and Charlie becomes jealous. 
I Do
You and Charlie get married on Christmas without much planning.
Be Alright
In your eyes, Charlie had the perfect family and you often got overwhelmed by it. Charlie shows you that you mean a lot to him too.
You’re afraid of motherhood due to your own personal issues with your mother.
Daddy’s girl
Daddy’s girl blurb masterlist
The journey of your pregnancy until the birth of your baby girl.
One Dumb Fight
You’re a homebody, but Charlie is extremely active. Sometimes that could be quite overwhelming.
The Birthday Girl
Charlie wanted to make your birthday unforgettable.
you don’t like valentine’s day. charlie plans something special for you.
You were excited to spend your honeymoon with Charlie in Hawaii.
Perfect Harmony
You and Charlie have a moment dancing in the kitchen.
Bad Day
You have a bad day and all you want is Charlie to hold you.
Doctor Girlfriend
You take care of Charlie when he is sick.
You go through loss and Charlie is your shoulder to lean on.
Stressed Out
Charlie was stressed out and he knows he can go to you for affection.
You’re Stunning
Charlie helps you feel better after you look through harsh Instagram comments.
Merry Christmas
You and Charlie watch snow fall on Christmas morning.
Showers of Blessings
A lazy day with Charlie... and rain.
Falling for You
Charlie worries about you, so when you fell off your bike he couldn’t help but be scared.
Instagram Live
Charlie’s fans find out that he’s married.
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unholyobsessions · 4 years ago
Oblivious Memories
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Pairing: Julie x Luke
Description: The Universe is in charge of soulmates and making sure they meet. They have never met anyone as oblivious as Julie and Luke. 
Read on ao3
Warnings: none 
Word Count: 2.3k 
For my jatp secret valentine @vividblues262 I hope you enjoy this and you have a as good of a time reading it as I had writing it. thank you to @screwunsaidemily for organizing this! @jatpsecretvalentine​
The Universe is a powerful being. They create many great and beautiful things but the one they are revered most for, is soulmates. Each person is assigned someone who they are meant to be with. One just isn’t complete without their other half. 
According to everyone, you just know who your soulmate is. There is no specific experience. Some claim to see a string connect their wrists, others say it’s like seeing color for the first time, and others say it feels like your heart stops beating only for it to start again with the same beat as their person. 
Each soulmate meeting is unique, and the Universe admits, each pair is different. Some more stubborn than others to meet their person. So getting some people together is harder than others. 
But the Universe has never had a harder, more oblivious pair than Julie Molina and Luke Patterson. 
. . .
Julie Molina hasn’t met her soulmate but she doesn’t worry, she knows it will happen when the time is right. She traces the tattoo on her forearm, the black music notes that stand out against her white t-shirt, as she lets her mind drift on the topic.  
Julie doesn’t know what she’ll experience but she hopes it will be memorable. 
Lost in thought, she doesn’t hear the footsteps echoing down the hall and toward her room until the door slams open. 
Flynn stomps in, fingers plugging her ears and Carrie follows behind her, clearly annoyed at her girlfriend’s antics. 
“Damn it Flynn just listen to me!” Carrie exclaims. “Julie tell her to listen to me!” 
Julie simply stares at her two best friends, rolling her eyes and shrugging her shoulders. Flynn won’t listen to her and whatever Carrie did to get her to act childish is not her problem. 
“La la la la la,” Flynn chants, getting louder with each word. And Julie had promised herself a long time ago that she would not get involved in their fights. They’re soulmates and should know how to figure it out themselves, but Flynn hasn’t been in her room for two minutes and she’s already getting on her nerves. 
Julie stands with a sigh, walking over to Flynn and yanking her arms apart. “Flynn! Stop yelling,” she commands. Flynn immediately pouts and starts mumbling about Julie being unfair and taking sides. 
Julie ignores her best friend and turns to Carrie, who has already made herself comfortable on the beanbag next to her desk. “What’s going on?” Carrie starts explaining what happened between her and Flynn but Julie shakes her head to stop her. “No not that. I mean why are you here? I thought you guys were busy today.” 
Flynn pulls her arms from Julie’s grip and goes to sit next to Carrie, seemingly forgetting that they were arguing not five minutes ago. “We were busy, but then the museum got boring so we decided to come here to drag you out of your room. We’re getting coffee.” Flynn isn’t asking, and Julie has learned to recognize when she won’t win. So, she pushes her feet into a pair of sneakers, too lazy to untie and retie the shoe laces, and slips on a cardigan over her dress. 
Julie shouts a goodbye to her dad and linking her arms with her friends’, they all make their way to their favorite coffee shop a few streets away. It’s crowded, as it usually is on Saturday afternoons. The tables are filled with students typing away at their computers, attempting to finish essays at the last minute. The booths are filled with friends, gossiping and laughing together. Julie is dragged to the counter, where she orders her usual vanilla iced latte, smiling politely at the barista. 
Leaning against Carrie’s side, Julie looks around the shop as she waits for her drink. She finds herself looking at the corner booth, crowded with four boys discussing something she couldn’t quite hear. One of them is hunched over a notebook, lip between his teeth and pencil tight in his hands. Julie stares, intrigued by the brunette. He lifts his head, eyes closed and mumbles something under his breath. When he opens his eyes, they stare right at Julie and she feels her stomach twist with embarrassment. Before she can turn away and try to forget the interaction ever happened, he smiles at her and goes back to writing in his notebook. 
Julie’s stomach twists again, but with a completely different feeling. Flynn snaps her out of her daze by placing her iced latte in her hands. Julie thanks her and allows herself to be dragged outside, rolling her eyes when Flynn says that she wants a new jean jacket. Conversation distracts her as she walks away, not allowing her to dwell on the foreign feeling. 
The Universe frowns down at them. What just happened? They’ve been putting both of them in the same rooms for years and they never even acknowledged each other’s presence. And when they do, they ignore each other? Did they not feel it? The pull toward their soulmate? 
The Universe sighs, frustrated. They will have to work a little harder on this pair. 
. . .
A week later, Julie is at the mall with Flynn, helping her find a pair of sneakers to match the jacket she bought the week before. The store they’re in is small, with white walls and red accents. It’s inviting, so it’s no wonder this is the first one they visit. Julie makes a beeline for the benches, and tells Flynn where to find her when she is ready to model the shoes she’s chosen, if she finds any that ‘call to her.’ 
She scrolls through her phone, mindlessly liking posts on instagram, leaving a comment here and there and entering a couple of giveaways. A loud laugh makes her head snap up and her heart flutter. She doesn’t recognize the voice but there is a yearning within her that she doesn’t recognize. Twisting her head, trying to find the source of the beautiful noise she sees the guy from the coffee shop with an arm slung over his leather jacket clad friend.
His smile is blinding and Julie doesn’t want to look away, no matter how much she knows she should. He says something back to his friend that causes the dark haired male to push the brunette away. The push lands him in Julie’s way as he stumbles into the bench. 
On instinct, Julie grasps his arm in order to stop him from hitting the floor. Their eyes meet and Julie’s heart screams, but neither attempt to make a move, or even speak to each other. 
The Universe smiles. Finally. Nothing can get in between them now. They’re in front of each other. They’re touching. They have to know. But then. 
Flynn’s voice reverberates across the store as she says that nothing spoke to her. Willing herself to stand up, Julie averts her gaze and walks away, not understanding why her chest feels like it will burst open with every step she takes.
The Universe could scream. Just how hard will they have to try to get these two idiots together. They didn’t make a mistake. There is no such thing as soulmates who aren’t meant to be, whether they be platonic or romantic. No, these two are just too dense and oblivious for their own good. 
Time for plan C, the Universe decides.  
. . .
The club is packed. Sweaty bodies push against her and Julie crinkles her nose. She doesn’t normally frequent clubs, especially places as packed as this one, but Flynn and Carrie dragged her out tonight (as they do every weekend) because apparently this up and coming band is playing tonight and they are sure that she will love them. 
Julie doesn’t doubt that she will, there is hardly a genre of music that she doesn’t enjoy, but she much prefers to listen to them from the comfort of her room, or anywhere else that doesn’t require her to interact with drunk people who keep pushing her. 
She is not really listening to Flynn and Carrie’s conversation, only nodding whenever it seems appropriate. It isn’t long till the lights dim even more than before and a spotlight lights up the stage. Four guys jog up the steps and the crowd screams joyfully. 
They all get ready and as soon as the drummer counts them in, the song starts. The lead singer looks up and Julie stops breathing. He starts singing and her sight goes black. Suddenly, memories that she is sure aren’t hers start flashing before her. 
A young boy getting his first guitar. 
Him meeting his friends and making a pact with them.
The same boy, older now, writing his first song. 
The boy laying on his bed, fingers brushing against the tattoo on his forearm, identical to hers.
Starting a band with his best friends, his brothers. 
She sees him fight with his mom, loose a relationship so important to him.
She sees him breakdown as he pedals down the street.
He’s there at the mall, the record store, the ice cream parlor, the bowling alley. 
He’s always there. Moments she’s shared with the people in her life, he’s always there. So close but just out of reach. 
Then it’s him meeting her eyes at the coffee shop. Their moment at the shoe store. 
The pictures start flashing faster now and it’s harder for Julie to make out what they are but what is clear to her is that it’s her, growing old with the brunette. With Luke. 
His name is Luke, and he is her soulmate. 
And even though she has never heard their music before, she starts singing. The lyrics of the song written by Luke coming naturally to her. It’s the first time she’s sang in over a year and it feels like a breath of fresh air. 
Luke suddenly can’t hear anything. His bandmate’s instruments fade out and all he seems to be able to hear is an angel-like voice, coming from somewhere in the crowd. 
His eyes search for the source and once he locks eyes with the girl his vision goes black. 
He sees a girl, sitting next to her mother on a piano bench as she makes an attempt to play. 
Then he sees her again, sitting with another girl on the playground, and as all the other kids are playing, they’re performing a song. 
The girl is older now, playing the piano keys in a perfect melody. Her mom is still sitting next to her and she’s smiling down at her. 
She’s in the hospital, carrying her little brother for the first time.
The girl is sitting on the piano again, this time alone and there are tears streaming down her face. 
He sees her loose her mom and therefore her music. He sees her not even hum for over a year. 
Then he sees himself, walking past her, not noticing her. She’s everywhere. That time at the beach with Reggie, she was there, playing with her family. 
His walks down sunset boulevard with her only a few feet away. How could he not notice her? How could he possibly miss her when she shines brighter than anything in the world?
But he notices her now, and he will keep noticing her in the future, as images of her growing old with him and making music together flash before him. 
He comes back to reality to see her still looking at him, singing, and he realizes that he missed his cue, but he doesn’t care, because nothing matters more than the beautiful girl, Julie, who has taken his breath away. 
Julie, his soulmate. 
His tattoo stings and he winces, finally breaking eye contact with Julie to look down. The music notes are glowing and when he looks back up he notices Julie’s are too. 
The music continues and he wonders if everyone is witnessing the moment or if only him and Julie can see. His next verse is coming up and he knows he can’t miss another one so he leans forward to his mic and starts singing, not taking his eyes off of Julie. 
She stares right back, singing the lyrics loudly and passionately. The show continues much the same and if he were to ask anyone, they would say it is the damn best he has ever played. Once it’s over he runs off stage and out the back door, planning to make his way to the front of the bar. He runs down the alleyway and crashes hard into another body. 
Lifting his arms to steady the person, his heart stops. She’s there, standing in front of him, looking up through her lashes and he does the most drastic and impulsive thing he has ever done. 
He kisses her. He kisses her because he is so sure that he would die on the spot if he didn’t. And Julie kisses him back.
Luke cups the back of her neck as she tangles her fingers in his hair. After a couple of seconds, or maybe years, they pull away. 
“Hi,” he whispers. 
“Hi,” Julie responds. 
“I’m Luke,” his voice is much too breathy, and he is still attempting to get his lungs to work properly. 
“Julie,” she doesn’t sound much better. 
They both smile and then burst out laughing. 
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say,” Luke admits once he has calmed down. 
Julie shakes her head. “I would say that we should get to know each other but I just saw your whole life played out, which by the way I have never heard of it happening.” 
Luke’s smile widens. “Well I have also never heard of soulmates meeting and not realizing they are soulmates so I think we’re just special.” 
“Yeah,” Julie says resting her head against his chest and listening to the beat of his heart matching hers. “I think we’re special too.” 
The Universe leans back, smiling down at the pair. They were a hard one, possibly the hardest they’ve ever had to do. But as they study them, already falling in love with each other without having to even say much, they know that it was worth it. The Universe wasn’t ready for Julie Molina and Luke Patterson, but they are now and the whole world better get ready. 
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we-are-all-flynn · 4 years ago
yall know when you have an idea for an au and you just cant get it out of your head? anyways,
jatp tmi/shadowhunters au
(its a mix between the show and the books because yeah)
okay here we go
julie as clary - obviously. artistic? curly hair? can see people others cant? short? it just fits. moms dead/missing for most of the narrative. has a hardcore bestie who stays w/ them through everything.
flynn as simon - the iconic best friend. has always had a crush on bestie and even dated them for a bit? ngl i would love to see it with julynn. sort of hates besties s/o and discourages hanging out with them, but eventually has a good relationship. jace and simons relationship is everything and i would love to see it w/ flynn and luke. which brings me to our next point.
luke as jace - now, we are not doing the sibling bit. i simply will not include that because no. anyways, cocky, musical, main love interest, yeah. obviously hes not as narcissistic as jace because that would be mean. but hes still sometime ignorant to others feelings and can be self centered because thats canon anyways.
alex as alec - gay. alex is a stickler for the rules but just because hes anxious. was in love w/ best friend for a while, but got over it when he found his mans. also hes nicer to julie than alex is to clary at first because i said so. doesnt mean hes not still kinda stiff tho.
carrie as izzy - badass girl. falls in love w/ mains best friend. im sorry but i would love to see that one scene in idris with flarrie and alex it would be so funny
willie as magnus - rn im imagining willie in magnus' clothes and makeup and screaming inside. anyways willex as malec is something that can be so personal
rose as jocelyn - julie/clary's mom, absent for a while. idk id rather rose doesn't die like in jatp and shadowhunters so ig we're goin w/ book canon on this one. rose doesnt really hide her past from julie in jatp she just never mentions the boys (which she really had no reason to) but we can relate that to jocelyn hiding her life easily enough.
ray as luke - okay there is no way in hell that im having rose be calebs ex, so we're just gonna say that ray and rose were in the circle sorta like robert and maryse were, ray was one of calebs right hands, realized he was messed up, they planned to leave, ray got turned, rose fled pregnant w/ the cup, they found each other again, raised julie and had carlos, everything was good up until you know when.
victoria as dot - victoria as a warlock is something that can just be so personal. dot was already sorta like a cool aunt to clary, so why not. worked at roses shop.
trevor as robert - carrie and alex's dad. was part of the circle w wifey (who should be maryse? should she be absent like carries mom?) and ray and rose. stayed longer but ultimately left, kept secret from kids. although i like trevor i dont want him to die so he can just be a good inquisitor who supports gays and retires at some point to jia(ms harrison ? 👀), who then retires to alex later on
caleb as valentine - honestly who else would it be. sure its not exact, and i feel like he shouldnt be adoptive dad to luke cause that seems weird, but hes the kind to kidnap someone for what he wants. totally charismatic enough to have a cult following, basically already does.
anyways. i have many more ideas. maybe ill add to this later. also i know i didnt include reggie i just have no idea who he'd be. maybe maya? idk.
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echocharm17618 · 4 years ago
Fanfic Masterlist
Started Nov/23/2020
Last Updated October/23/2021
Total Works 18
* = Most Recent Work
Click here to be added to my taglist
Julie and the Phantoms
To Cry and Eat Ice Cream
Hallmark Movies and Tea
What are you doing here?
The Five Times Luke Patterson was Sick
Someone Like You
Are you dying?
Come here often
My Heart is Yours  - Written for the JatP Songfic Feb Event
Merry Valentine’s Day  - Written for the JatP Secret Valentine Event
Live it Like it’s Now or Never
Slow Dancing
Julie Molina
Grief is a Five Letter Word
Your Ghost
One Love
Secret Santa
How Sunset Curve was Born
So that’s how it happens - Soulmate AU - Complete
*A Bakers Dozen - New Chapter posted October 23!!
What Baking Can Do - Jatp BigBang 2021 Complete *Contains mature topics*
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saladbroth · 4 years ago
Hi car! (Ily) For the trope thing, Soulmate Au and Text/Letter Fic for willex if possible!
You’re amazing, hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
hi gracie!!! thank you and ily2!
so. soulmate (college( au where you have something signifcant your soulmate says to you written across your skin in their handwriting. it can be the first thing you say to each other, or wedding vows, something fun they say to you everyday - it varies from person to person.  so does the handwriting, which makes it fairly easy for some people because julie saw a song title once and immediately knew the chicken scratch fuckery on her arm was luke. alex has no idea who would say ‘i’d do anything for you’ to him, and he also doesn’t recognize the handwriting from anywhere. HOWEVER alex is stupid as fuck and does not realize that the writing in his skin is the same as in the little notes he exchanges every day. because look, alex knows soulmates are a thing but he considers his boys his platonic soulmates, and also there’s this really cute person with long hair and warm eyes and a kind smile in one of his classes, and he once slipped a little note into his backpack and now they exchange small letters every day, and have a spot where they put them down and its a cute secret admirer kinda thing except alex knows who willie is and he has a soulmate.
thing is, they’re each other’s soulmates (obviously), and while both alex & willie tend to be a bit smarter than the rest of the sunset curve collective, that doesn’t mean much. they’re still dense. so alex spends a good 7 months exchanging letters with willie, handwritten letters, and does not realize that’s the same writing as his soulmark, until julie reads a letter over his shoulder and is like ‘is this a joke or are you actually this dumb?’ (he is) alex decides to wait in the letter exchange spot for willie to show up, to be honest, and willie had the same idea so they finally meet and actually talk and laugh about being idiots. at their wedding the rest of their friends makes this into a 30 minute story and dramatic reenactment
(this is a rough outline of a fic based on this  prompt list, where you give me a (jatp) ship and two tropes and i see what i can do :)) )
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miriammaisel · 3 years ago
2021: a year in review through gifsets
i was tagged by @kellyabbott to share my most popular & favorite sets of the year!! 🖤
popular: this barchie set (974 notes)
favorite: this julie set (430 notes)
popular: barchie once again lol (755 notes)
favorite: this juke valentine’s day set (346 notes)
popular: another barchie set (1,041 notes)
favorite: this carrie set (366 notes)
popular: this malina set (965 notes)
favorite: this luke week set (421 notes)
popular: this mal set (634 notes)
favorite: this malina set (558 notes)
popular: this icarly set (5,500 notes)
favorite: this malina week set (414 notes)
popular: this jatp but it’s just the memes set (1,065 notes)
favorite: this barchie love languages set (231 notes)
popular: this luke set (1,007 notes)
favorite: this alina set (573 notes)
popular: this jatp anniversary set (890 notes)
favorite: same as above tbh
popular: this barchie set (1,274 notes)
favorite: this barchie falloween set (163 notes)
popular: this barchie set (826 notes)
favorite: this jatp screenshots of despair set (326 notes)
popular: this malina set (339 notes)
favorite: this malina secret santa set (124 notes)
i’ll tag @dani-clayton, @gwenspendragons, @madeline-kahn, @amandaseyfried, @concepts, and anyone one else who wants to do this!! 
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unsaidjulie · 4 years ago
happy valentine’s day, michelle ( @phantom-sunset ), your secret valentine is here!! it’s a bit early so you can read this as many times until actual valentine’s day as you want x
here’s your fic, titled friends don’t kiss me like you do, because this is some major friends-to-lovers undefined-thing type of feels. i heard you like some angst with a happy ending so there’s a bit of that, a lot of fluff, and i hope you enjoy it!
shoutout to @screwunsaidemily for organising the jatp gift exchange. i’m really glad i hope to participate, and i hope you’re having a lovely day, too!
 ‘Please,’ scoffs Flynn as Julie confesses her worries during a school lunch, during a slightly cooler February noon. ‘You and Luke have never been just friends.’
 ‘Okay, maybe not just friends, but having a crush doesn’t count.’
 ‘I’m pretty sure the term you’re looking for is mutual pining.’
— in which a slight miscommunication issue causes julie and luke's undefined non-relationship (but also more-than-friends) status to finally get cleared, with a lot of talking to other people, some slow dancing, and definitely some valentine's day atmosphere.
read on archive of our own
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captain--sif · 4 years ago
Object Impermanence for Beginners
Words: 1.3k Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julie Molina & Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer & Julie Molina & Luke Patterson & Reggie Peters Characters: Julie Molina, Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms) Additional Tags: Object Impermanence, Ghost Shenanigans, Dumbasses (affectionate), Forgetting that they're ghosts, Hanging Out, Inside jokes Summary:
Being in a band that's three fourth ghosts can be pretty fun, Julie has to admit.
Sure,  there's the whole object impermanence thing they still struggle with, but for the most part, once you get used to having them around, it becomes surprisingly easy to forget that her bandmates are not, in fact, human.
Julie tries not to let it become a problem. A/N: for @unholyobsessions as part of the JATP Secret Valentine Exchange. I’m so sorry I’ve only been able to post this now. I had a mental health episode that I did not see coming and kept me from being able to post. I hope you still enjoy this. It’s mainly Julie & Reggie, but some other characters have smaller or bigger appearances. Thanks go to @the-sneering-menagerie  for beta reading this! <3 Read on AO3, on wattpad, or below:
Being in a band that’s three fourth ghosts can be pretty fun, Julie has to admit.
Sure, it’s taken all of them a while to get used to everything that comes along with it, especially her, but Julie thinks that they’re doing a pretty great job by now.
And yeah, there’s the whole object impermanence thing they still struggle with, but for the most part, once you get used to having them around (constantly, as Julie sometimes mourns, but always in good humor), it becomes surprisingly easy to forget that her bandmates are not, in fact, human.
Julie feels like, as the token human member of the band, she’s the only one slipping up on that account. Considering Flynn has been the first and so far only person to point it out to her, it’s safe to assume that the boys haven’t even noticed. For the sake of all of their sanity, she promises Flynn to work on it, but, even though Julie has always preferred music to maths, she still knows that the odds of her succeeding converge to zero.
In Julie’s defense: When she’s lounging on the couch in the music room, essentially mirroring Reggie’s position next to her, both of them listening to what Luke and Alex are working on while Reggie browses through a magazine and Julie scrolls through her Instagram feed, it’s easy to forget that they’re not the same. It’s very easy to get fooled by the mundanity they fell into.
Once Julie registers what just happened, she doesn’t even remember what Reggie said, only that it was funny, and that she had offered him a high five in response, as well as the tingling sensation going through her arm when he’d tried to reciprocate her gesture. The two of them keep staring at their hands and the point in the air where they failed to connect, wondering where their high five went wrong.
“Well, that was unexpected,” Reggie says drily and Julie bursts into laughter.
It’s not that funny, but Reggie joins in after a beat and they don’t stop laughing until long after Alex and Luke stopped playing and share a worried look over the state of their friends.
When she’s thinking about it later, the failed high five serves as a calming reminder that Julie’s not alone in this.
It also helps that it keeps happening.
The day is windy and cold, clouds slowly darkening overhead and making Julie believe it’ll probably start raining soon.
All in all, not the best weather conditions. For a human, that is. Reggie next to her doesn’t seem bothered in the least.
Which is good, Julie thinks to herself, as he may have decided against keeping her company otherwise, quickly poofing back into the warmth of the studio, leaving her cold and alone, instead of just cold.
“What’s wrong?” Reggie asks then, causing her to subconsciously wrap her thin cardigan more tightly around her shoulders.
“Oh you’re cold,” he realizes, stripping off his leather jacket, “you can have my jacket if you want.”
Julie furrows her brows as he proceeds to cautiously drape it over her shoulders, only for it to softly float down towards the ground, as if Julie was made of air. Well, no. It’s the jacket that’s made of air.
“That was unexpected,” Julie quips, lacing her words with teasing irony, startling a laugh out of Reggie.
Picking his jacket off the ground, he crosses his arm defensively.
“How was I supposed to know that my jacket is a ghost too?”
This time, it is kind of funny.
Her dad only lifts an eyebrow in question when he comes to retrieve her, soaked through but giddy with laughter. Reggie responds with a smug smile, for once both of them aware that Ray won’t be able to see it.
Other times, it isn’t quite as funny.
Like the time when they’re backstage at one of the bigger venues (those that Julie is afraid to ask how Flynn got them to play at), where there’s a lot of people, but the corridors are still empty.
Julie’s been making music her whole life, been backstage more times than she can count, but the bigger venues never stopped being a little terrifying.
The boys are poofing in and out of rooms and corridors, their curiosity knowing no bounds, their movements not limited by having to be granted access to pass. It’s fun hearing what they discover, small and big practice rooms, signed posters on the walls, rare instruments collecting dust under protective coverings. She wishes she could see it herself.
But mostly, she wishes that Flynn were walking with her to keep her company in these dimly lit corridors with the sickly artificial lights while the boys disappeared in discovery. Still, she wasn’t about to ask them not to. She wants that info of what’s hiding behind the closed doors just as much as them. She can handle some weirdly lit concert hall hallways on her own.
But then Reggie poofs back in next to her with the words, “Alex thinks we should take turns staying with you because you seem uncomfortable.” and Julie exhales.
“The hallways are a little creepy,” she admits, shrugging.
Reggie nods. “Don’t be scared. I’m right here,” he says, and Julie has to admit that she feels better having someone by her side.
Then he adds: “I’m gonna protect you.”
Julie says nothing, just clears her throat, careful not to make him self-conscious.
“I did it again, didn’t I?”
“Yeah.” She smiles at him. “For what it’s worth, I do feel safer with you here. Even if you can’t protect me.”
They stay quiet for a while, just walking past the doors that lead to the other practice and storage rooms, listening to the echo of their steps on the linoleum floor.
“It’s weird, isn’t it?” Reggie asks, and Julie gets the feeling that he’s been stewing on that for a while.
“The ghost thing?” she says, “Uh, yeah.”
“That too.” He shrugs. “But I don’t really mind it. Of all the supernatural beings that could exist and that we could be, ghosts are kinda chill.” There’s a small smile playing around his lips now. Julie nods along.
“We’re still together, and we met you, so that’s cool. We adapted quickly, and so have you, but…”
She turns her head to a surprisingly quiet Reggie, a contemplative look on his face.
“Sometimes you still slip up and forget what it means to be a ghost?” Julie prompts, searching. Finally, she sighs. “Me too.”
Reggie sways in her direction. Julie draws her eyebrows together, then laughs.
“Was that supposed to be a shoulder bump?”
Reggie covers his face with his hands a little too forcefully for it not to have hurt. If ghosts feel that kind of pain.
“Yes, it was.” He sighs exasperatedly. “Why does that happen to us?”
“I think,” Julie says, “that it happens to remind us that you still have unfinished business you have to get to.” More quietly, “And to remind me that I won’t be able to keep you forever.”
“That’s sad,” Reggie says.
Julie shrugs noncommittally. “It’s life, I guess.”
“And death, in our case,” Reggie adds.
That puts a reluctant smile on Julie’s face. “And death, in your case.”
“Do you think that if we just never do our unfinished business, the four of us could stay together?”
“That would be nice.” Julie sways towards Reggie, imitating his earlier shoulder bump.
Reggie answers with a grin.
That’s when a tingling sensation through her whole body causes Julie to stumble. Once she’s caught herself, she looks towards Reggie, who fell a few steps back, now half-obscured by the body he ran into. She recognizes the pink sweater.
“We didn’t aim well,” Alex apologizes.
Julie concludes that she must have walked through Luke then, turning in the direction she expects him to be in.
“You okay?” She finds herself looking up to worry etched onto his face and a hand outstretched to steady her.
A hand outstretched to steady her.
Her gaze flits to Reggie, only to see that his eyes have caught it too. He lifts his eyes to meet hers and god, does she wish they had a better reason to burst into laughter.
AO3. Wattpad.
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