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clarasogatsby · 8 months ago
Hello! Just discoreved your blog, such a heaven for Jalice stans!! So, my question is soo random, but, like, I've been into a lot of Jalice content lately, reading about them in all universes and what caught me the most was them as parents (coming from a very old and kinda bad fic on ff.net). Do you picture them as parents in any universe? Maybe human? Justify your answer. (lol just kidding but seriously I'd like to know because you seem to appreciate them as much as me and I just like to picture them in every universe possible)
Hello Anon and welcome!
Thank you so much for your kind words - although if you're looking for more active Jalice stans and Twilight blogs in general, I'd recommend: @flowerslut, @jessicanjpa, @volturialice, @panlight, @goldeneyedgirl
^^^ these guys know their stuff and are absolute gems in this fandom ⭐ Do I see Alice and Jasper as parents? As vampires - no. I say this with love, but they are both too manipulative, stubborn and selfish, in the sense that I don't think they'd be able to put their own child above their need to make each other safe and happy. There's evidence throughout BD book that even Edward and Bella cannot do this with Renesmee. The child will come second, or third.
As humans? Probably not. Maybe, and this is a stretch for me, maybe if they became parents at an older age (late 30s, early 40s). I think for me their "physical" age in Twilight comes with a lot of emotional immaturity. I'm not saying that young parents aren't mature or don't mature for their children but Alice and Jasper's character traits do not scream parental to me. Jasper will always put Alice's safety above anything else and Alice will do the same. And I don't actually think they want to change that or develop that need into something slightly healthier. They both have dark pasts, a lot of unspoken trauma and I just don't see their love extending to a child.
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 2 years ago
What are some things you think Alice could be forced to do post breaking dawn that’d be deemed “too spicy” for Jasper? Could some of the things she’s already done cross a line for him if he knew all the details? Im just curious if he has a line and if she’s capable of crossing it if she’s forced to.
Anon's referring to this post.
Honestly? I don't know. If they leave the Cullens that's most of the catalyst factors right there. Figuring out what could happen is coming up with a fic in and of itself.
As for things that have already happened, I don't think so. Jasper likes to think of himself (and to be fair he is) as a heartless and pragmatic person who knows how to do unenviable things. That Alice also has to take roads she otherwise wouldn't wish is something he'd empathize with.
He might wonder at why she keeps throwing Bella at Edward, but he knows that ultimately Alice wants her to be turned and Edward's the one throwing a fit.
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miss-morgans-lover · 1 year ago
Twilight Advent Day 7: Ship +Arguement+ Resolution
Ship: Jalice (Jasper/Alice)
They have argued multiple times on how Jasper dresses. Jasper prefers loose blue jeans and button ups, commonly dressed like a stereotypical cowboy (hat and boots included) but Alice isn't so keen. In the end they decided that Jasper dressed that way when they visit Peter and Charlotte and occasionally otherwise but never at school. They don't need humans questioning it.
(yes I am a cowboy dressed!Jasper person)
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beebeedibapbeediboop · 6 months ago
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Did you know Twilight was getting an animated series on Netflix? Anyway, I had to make my own take on character designs for an animated show
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ohmovie · 7 months ago
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The little dark-haired girl's Alice. She's really weird, and she's with Jasper, the blond one who looks like he's in pain.
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s9fti3 · 8 months ago
“You’re doing so good.” Alice praises to you, holding onto you as your eyes roll back. She keeps her legs over yours so you can’t close them as Jasper pushes the rest of himself into you. “Almost there, just- hold on.” Jasper say, closing his eyes and taking in a breath he knew he didn’t need. But he needed to compose himself or else he could risk hurting you. “It’s alright, Jas, you won’t hurt her.” Alice says as she takes her attention off of you for a moment to look at Jasper. With those words, he pushes himself into you completely without any warning. He watched you cry out and arch your back, clinging onto Alice’s arm for support. For a moment he thought he hurt you, until he felt the pure bliss you were in.
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aliensies · 5 months ago
What is Stephanie Myers's problem making her background characters more interesting than the mains. How am I supposed to pay attention to the guy who died from the Spanish Influenza when twins who were burned at the stake for witch accusations are there. Or the 1920s queen who killed her rapists one by one. Or the guy whose father was a vampire hunter. Or the
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verkomy · 2 months ago
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favorite vampire couple
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gaypirate420 · 2 months ago
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Getting the answers we needed.
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twilightluv · 6 months ago
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"She looked pale, mysterious, like a lily, drowned, under water."
- Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway
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ohyoudosmellgood · 5 months ago
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who tf is bella playing twister with? 😭
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volturissideslut · 2 months ago
Hi! How do you think Jasper would behave if his human girlfriend caught a cold or an influenza? 💐
𝕵𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
Jasper strokes the sweaty top of you head as you lie in his bed, bundled in layers of his jumpers and blankets. Your face is flushed from the heat but you still shiver. He looks on with worry at the still full glass of water on his bedroom side, only a sip having been taken to help swallow some pain killers for your splitting headache.
In other words, he hates this. His gift is torn between being a nuisance and his guiding saviour right now as he can feel every bit of your pain and discomfort. He knows when to help you, yes, when you need another blanket, or a hot meal, or something. But for the most part? He's powerless. Sat here and watching his mate in pain with no real way to help other that watching you sweat it out.
He climbs into beed with you, silent and watchful, as icy lips press themself to your forehead. It cools your burning fever down some and unconsciously your body chases that. Half asleep you shuffle towards him.
Jasper chuckles and takes the outermost layer of your blanket burrito into his arms as an almost faux cuddle. You whine, waking up a bit now, and try and undo some layers so he can hold you.
He tuts, making your stop, and gives a gentle "you gotta keep warm darlin'". You disagree, but manage to find a comprimise.
Bundled up in several blankets, you lay on top of Jasper. At this point he becomes one with the burrito. One day, youll laygh at this, but for now he's just hoping that the mint cologne he's wearing is helping you breathe a bit better.
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darkmold · 1 year ago
Thinking about casual dominance with the Cullens
Carlisle makes sure you bring a jacket whenever you go out. You both could be halfway out the door and he’ll turn around just to go get one for you (not without a gentle scolding, of course)
Esme never lets you cook for yourself. She’s so excited to have someone to cook for. Plus, it allows her to make sure you’ve eaten well that day.
Edward keeps track of all your likes and dislikes. He can order for you at restaurants flawlessly and is not afraid to send the dish back if it’s not up to standards. It also lets him keep Alice’s party plans in check (after all, you can’t enjoy yourself if things are subpar)
Jasper has a hand on your waist at almost all times. He guides you through crowds and away from people he deems threatening. He’d also kneel and tie your shoelaces for you if they came undone. He doesn’t want you to trip!
Emmett is not about to let people disrespect you. If someone gets a little too passive aggressive in history class, he’s gonna call them out on it. Holds you close and glares at them in the cafeteria.
Alice picks your outfits. She insists she knows more about fashion than you and that you should listen to her expertise, but it’s usually just so you two can match. She’d even help you get dressed if you let her.
Rosalie helps take care of you. Makes sure you drink lots of water and brush your teeth every morning/night. She’d definitely give you a little “excuse me?” look if you say the routines aren’t that important (because taking care of you is important)
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vigilante-3073 · 18 days ago
Daddy's Credit Card
Cullen Family x Female Vampire Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Bella endures her transition to a Vampire while Y/N's condition continues to worsen.
TW: Mentions of death/injury/illness, lack of regard for the feelings of others, medical testing, needles, blood.
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The Cullen family was left unscathed after Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. The Wolves were forced to abandon their quest to kill the child, but tensions were still high. Y/N had been released from her quarantine and had finally been allowed to move about the house freely.
She took full advantage of her newfound freedom, but there were some things that Carlisle still wouldn't allow. Y/N was not to step foot outside the house unless someone was with her. She became quickly exhausted after any kind of physical activity and her heart beat would become irregular. Carlisle was strict about her having a companion in case something were to happen.
Y/N walked along the road with Jacob Black by her side. He had been focused on Renesmee since he had imprinted, Bella was still in transition and he felt responsible for the baby girl. Jacob had been incredibly tense as he watched over Renesmee and Carlisle encouraged him to take a moment away. Jacob went reluctantly and the pair walked in silence until he looked over at her.
"Why exactly do you need a babysitter?" Jacob asked.
"I'm dying," Y/N stated simply.
"What? I thought that Vampires couldn't die unless they're torn apart," Jacob said.
"Apparently they can... I bleed, I cry, I eat and my body is falling apart for no apparent reason," Y/N said.
"That sucks," Jacob said.
Y/N huffed a laugh, "Yeah, it does," She replied.
"Still doesn't really explain why I'm following you around though," Jacob said.
"Carlisle said that my heart beat is irregular. He's worried that something could happen to me while I'm alone," Y/N stated.
"Have you left your house at all since you started becoming human?" Jacob asked.
She glared at him, "I am not a human," She corrected quickly.
"Well, whatever you are then," He amended.
"No, you and your wolf friends had my house surrounded. Remember?" Y/N questioned.
"So, you're pretty new to not being a bloodsucker then, huh?" He asked.
"I guess you could say that," She replied.
"Do you want to go into town for a bit? Maybe we can get some actual food," He offered.
"I would do anything to leave that place right now. Since Bella died, Carlisle has devoted the entirety of his time to testing me for anything he can possibly think of. Then I have to sit there and watch Edward stay by his wife as she magically comes back from the dead. Don't even get me started on that rapidly growing demon that they produced... It's like my own personal hell," Y/N said.
Jacob laughed and Y/N shot him a serious look, "I didn't realize that I said something funny," Y/N said.
"It may not be funny, but it is ironic because I was in love with Bella and I was ready to kill Edward when she died. Then I went to get the baby to hand over to the pack and in some ridiculous twist of fate, I actually imprinted on her. Now I practically live in the house with the guy I hate, the girl I used to love and their daughter," Jacob said.
"If I weren't going to die horrifically, I might actually say that you have it worse," Y/N replied.
"We're just two of the luckiest people around, huh?" He questioned, she nodded.
"Where are you taking me then?" Y/N asked.
"A diner. I'm going to get you the biggest and most greasy burger they offer along with fries and a milkshake," Jacob listed.
"All of that sounds absolutely repulsive, but I'm excited to try it," She said.
"Good," Jacob nodded.
The pair returned to the house and Y/N went up to tell Carlisle that she was leaving. She returned after a few minutes with a pair of car keys dangling from her finger.
"He said no to the motorcycle," She stated.
"Maybe another day," Jacob replied, holding out his hand.
Y/N placed the keys into his palm, "I'm definitely riding on a motorcycle before I die. I'm trusting you to make that happen," She said.
"I can definitely do that for you," Jacob assured.
They made their way down to the garage and got into one of the cars. Jacob started the car and opened the garage before driving out onto the road.
Y/N settled back into her seat as she looked out the window, "Just for my own curiosity, how long does it usually take for someone to come back from the dead?" Jacob questioned.
"Usually takes about three days. The morphine that Bella had in her system could definitely have an effect on it though," Y/N stated.
"Three days of waiting," Jacob huffed.
"At least she's not awake and screaming like the rest of us were," Y/N said.
"It hurt that badly?" Jacob asked, glancing over at her.
"The worst pain I've ever felt. It was like every nerve being scorched and having your skin peeled from your body. It was misery," She said.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," He said.
"It gave me a lifetime of pain and loneliness like I have never known before. I would have chosen death a thousand times over," Y/N replied.
"Who was it?" Jacob asked.
"I don't know what you mean," Y/N said, looking over at him.
"Who was it that broke your heart?" Jacob clarified.
Y/N hesitated, "Carlisle first and Edward second," She answered.
Jacob scoffed, "Well, with that information, you definitely earned the title of having the worst situation possible," Jacob said.
"I've always been an overachiever," She deadpanned with a smirk.
Jacob smiled as he pulled into the parking lot of the diner, "Ready to eat?" He asked.
"I'm absolutely ravenous," She replied.
The pair got out of the car and made their way into the restaurant, they were sat in a booth and given a moment to look over the menu.
Y/N stared at the laminated sheet with wide eyes, finding herself overwhelmed by the options as she slowly opened the menu.
"Wow, this is a lot of stuff," She mumbled.
"Do you want me to just order for you?" Jacob questioned.
"That would be lovely," Y/N replied.
"Do you have any preference on milkshake flavor?" He asked.
"The last meal that I had as a living person was probably boiled cabbage and stale bread. You can pick whatever you want and I'm sure it will be better than anything I've ever eaten," She replied, closing the menu and sliding it to the edge of the table.
"Point taken," He nodded.
The waitress returned to their table with her notepad and pen in hand, "What can I get for you two today?" She questioned.
"For drinks, we'd like one chocolate and one vanilla milkshake. And for food, we'll get two of the bacon cheeseburgers with fries," Jacob listed.
"Perfect, I'll get that going for you," The waitress nodded, collecting the menus and moving off to the kitchen.
"Why did you get two different flavor drinks?" Y/N asked.
"So you can try both and keep whichever one you like best," Jacob shrugged.
"That's very kind of you," She said.
"It's no big deal," He replied.
"It is to me," Y/N stated.
The drinks came out quickly and the food followed shortly after. Jacob put two plastic straws into the milkshakes and slid them across the table to her.
Y/N leaned forward, taking a sip of the vanilla milkshake before moving over to the chocolate and taking another sip.
"What's the verdict?" He questioned.
"I like the lighter one more," She said, tapping a finger against the side of the first glass.
Jacob slid the chocolate milkshake back over to his side of the table, "Good choice. The vanilla one is my personal favorite," He said, taking a sip from the same straw.
"You can have it if you like it more," Y/N said, moving to slide it over to him.
"You're the one who's new to human food. You get to keep the milkshake that you like best," Jacob said, resting his hand over hers and pushing it back over to her side of the table.
They ate and chatted about their lives before reluctantly returning to the Cullen house.
"I had fun tonight. You're pretty cool for an ex-bloodsucker," Jacob said.
"I had fun too and I suppose I should say thank you," Y/N replied.
"It was definitely meant as a compliment," Jacob assured, "And you can feel free to come find me whenever you want to go on another nature walk or do something ridiculously stupid just to cross it off your bucket list," He continued.
"I will definitely take you up on that," Y/N nodded.
"I'll see you tomorrow... Sleep well," He said.
"You too," Y/N replied, making her way up the stairs to her bedroom.
Y/N stood in the shower, lathering the shampoo into her hair before stepping under the water. She washed the soap from her scalp, allowing the warm water to run over her skin. Y/N lowered her arms as her heart began to race in her chest, she let out a shaky exhale and leaned into the wall.
Y/N suddenly felt lightheaded and exhausted, breathing heavily as she slid down the wall weakly. Her arms fell in front of her body limply as she leaned into the wall, eyelids fluttering as she struggled to remain conscious.
"Carlisle," She called softly, her voice was barely audible over the sound of the water.
The shower curtain was pulled back suddenly before Carlisle reached in and turned off the water. He stepped away, grabbing her robe before kneeling down next to the bathtub.
Carlisle maneuvered her body around easily, slipping her arms through the sleeves and wrapping the robe around her body. He tied the belt at her waist before slipping his arms underneath her and lifting her into his arms.
Y/N's head rested on his shoulder as she closed her eyes, head pounding as her heart raced in her chest. He carried her into her bedroom before carefully setting her down on her bed.
Carlisle brought over the vitals machine, wrapping the blood pressure cuff around her arm and placing the probe on her finger. Y/N grimaced as the cuff began to inflate, but she was far too exhausted to say anything.
"Your blood pressure is incredibly low," Carlisle stated, reaching over and resting his hand on the side of her neck.
His fingers found her pulse point easily, feeling the rapid pulsation of her heart against his fingertips.
"I don't feel good," She mumbled shakily.
"I'll get you on fluids and we'll see if that helps," Carlisle said.
Y/N closed her eyes, unable to do anything besides breathe as her body began to shiver. Carlisle returned with a bag of fluids and a primed line, hanging it up on the pole beside her bed.
"Are you cold?" He questioned, noticing the way her body trembled.
She nodded silently and Carlisle stepped into her closet, he returned with a long sleeved shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants.
"Not mine," Y/N mumbled.
"Alice thought that you should have something comfortable and warm to wear," Carlisle said, setting the items on the edge of her bed.
He helped her dry off and get dressed before getting her settled in the bed. Carlisle sat down on the edge of the bed beside her, tying the tourniquet around her arm and flexing her wrist as his eyes scanned her skin.
Carlisle cleaned her skin with an alcohol wipe before opening his needle and removing the cap. Y/N turned her head away as he pushed the needle into her vein, he held the cannula in place as he retracted the needle. He connected the tubing to the cannula quickly before laying a clear dressing on top of it.
Carlisle pressed the edges against her skin carefully before reaching up to grab his IV tubing and connecting it to her. Y/N looked over as he stood up, programming the machine and opening the roller clamps.
The fluid slowly began to drip as the infusion started, "You should try and get some rest. I'll be back to check on you in a bit," Carlisle said, she nodded.
Y/N drifted off into a dreamless sleep before Carlisle had even stepped foot into the hallway. She slept for hours, body shivering silently as she struggled to retain her warmth. Carlisle added a few more blankets on top of her, but nothing seemed to help with the icy chill that had come over her.
Carlisle slowly made his way into the living room where the family was sitting. Esme held Renesmee in her arms while Rosalie watched them with a fond smile.
"Jacob, could I borrow you for a moment?" Carlisle asked.
"Sure," He nodded, standing up from his seat and following Carlisle down the hallway.
"I have a bit of an odd request and you can refuse if it makes you uncomfortable," Carlisle said.
"What is it?" Jacob asked.
"Y/N had a bit of a medical episode tonight," Carlisle started.
"Is she okay?" Jacob questioned.
"She's fine, but she's incredibly cold and I can't seem to get her temperature up," Carlisle said.
"I can definitely help with that," Jacob nodded.
"Thank you," Carlisle replied, leading Jacob down the hallway to her bedroom.
He opened the door and stepped inside, allowing Jacob to make his way into the room before closing the door gently.
"Jeez, how many blankets do you have her buried under?" Jacob asked with a smile.
"Five, I believe," Carlisle stated.
Jacob moved around to the other side of the bed, stepping out of his boots before lifting the blankets and laying down beside her.
Jacob shifted closer to her and she turned towards him in her sleep, immediately drawn in by the heat he gave off. Jacob wrapped his arms around her and guided her body into his side.
Y/N let out a soft breath, her head resting on his chest as she soaked up his warmth, "She's freezing," Jacob muttered, rubbing his hand over her back gently.
"I'm not much help in that department, unfortunately," Carlisle said.
"Well, I got it from here," Jacob assured.
"Just be conscious of the IV and call for me if something happens," Carlisle said, Jacob nodded.
Carlisle made his way out of the bedroom, closing the door behind himself carefully. Jacob settled back into the pillows, brushing his hand over her back until he eventually drifted off to sleep beside her.
Jacob awoke when the sky was dark, he turned his head to see Carlisle standing at the bedside. He hung a new bag of fluids on the IV pole before connecting it and pressing a few buttons on the machine to restart the infusion.
Y/N stirred slightly in his arms as Carlisle programmed the pump, eyes fluttering open slowly. Her brows furrowed as she pulled away from him slightly.
"What's going on?" She mumbled.
"You were cold," Jacob replied.
"How are you feeling?" Carlisle questioned.
"I'm fine," Y/N replied, laying back down on her back beside Jacob.
"I can go if you want," Jacob offered.
"No, it's too cold in this place," She huffed, lifting the blankets up higher over her body as her teeth chattered slightly.
"Here," Jacob smiled, reaching out and pulling her closer to his side.
He wrapped his arm around her and she leaned her head back against his shoulder as his hand settled on her arm, "Better?" He questioned, she nodded and closed her eyes. Carlisle smiled softly to himself, quietly exiting the room and closing the door.
"I know you're not here for me, but I still appreciate it," Y/N said softly.
"You're probably one of the best living people in this house right now. Us humans need to stick together," Jacob said.
"Still not human," Y/N mumbled tiredly.
"Whatever you say," Jacob replied, rubbing his hand over her arm gently.
Carlisle opened the door to Y/N's bedroom and paused when he realized that the bed was empty. Jacob had stayed with her for a few hours before returning to the living room to be with Renesmee. She had been asleep when he last checked on her and the empty bed made him nervous.
"Y/N," Carlisle called.
"In here," Y/N replied softly.
He stepped over to the bathroom and pushed the door open, finding her sitting on the floor in front of the toilet with her back leaned against the wall. Y/N was incredibly pale with dark bags under her eyes, exhausted and weak as she looked up at him.
"Are you alright?" He questioned.
"I can't stop throwing up," Y/N mumbled.
"How long have you been in here?" Carlisle asked.
"An hour," She replied.
"Why didn't you call for me? I could've given you something to help with the nausea," He said gently.
"Feels like someone shoved a hot branding iron down my throat," She muttered.
"I could get you some water or tea to help," Carlisle offered.
"Just want to sleep," Y/N stated.
"Can you stand?" He questioned, looking down at her.
"No, everything hurts," She grumbled.
Carlisle nodded, kneeling down and sliding his arm underneath her body before lifting her up into his arms. Y/N let out a soft whimper, grimacing in pain and gripping onto him as he picked her up.
Carlisle turned around and set her down on the countertop. He prepared her toothbrush before passing it to her, wetting a cloth under some warm water as she brushed her teeth.
Y/N leaned over and spit into the sink, Carlisle took the toothbrush from her hand and offered her the cloth. Y/N wiped the cloth over her skin, arms falling limply in her lap as she breathed heavily, utterly exhausted from the simple act of wiping her face.
"Are you alright?" Carlisle asked.
"No, I'm not and I wish you'd stop asking me that," She snapped.
Carlisle didn't reply, giving her a moment to rest as he put everything away. He stepped back over to her when her breathing rate had returned to normal.
"Ready?" He asked, she nodded.
Carlisle lifted her into his arms carefully before he carried her into her room and placed her down on her bed. Y/N grimaced as she laid back, closing her eyes as she took a few shaky breaths.
"How bad is the pain?" Carlisle questioned.
"Terrible," She stated, growing irritated with his questions as she struggled to get comfortable.
"I'll get you something for the pain and the nausea," Carlisle said, standing up from the edge of the bed.
"Or you could just snap my neck now and put me out of my misery," Y/N offered.
"That's not an option and you know that," Carlisle replied gently.
"What quality of life do I have, Carlisle? My teeth are falling out, my body aches like I have broken glass flowing through my veins and I can't do simple tasks without feeling completely exhausted. I am miserable and it isn't going to get any better," She stated.
"There are still things we can try, Y/N. You were doing incredibly well a few days ago, we don't have to jump to extremes just yet. Pain medications, sedatives and anti-nausea drugs can drastically improve your comfort level," Carlisle said.
Y/N scoffed, "I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a narcotic haze as my body shuts down," She snapped.
"Dosages can be adjusted. It doesn't have to be that way," Carlisle assured.
"You've done as much as you can for me. It's time to give up," Y/N stated.
"That's not what you really want," He said.
"How would you know what I want? You haven't cared enough to know me for an incredibly long time, Carlisle," She said.
"You're right... I haven't been there for you in the way that you wanted, but I'm here now and I want to help you," Carlisle pressed.
"You can't help me," Y/N stated firmly, "But you can let me go," She continued.
"We can talk about our options tomorrow. You should try and get some rest," Carlisle advised.
Y/N shook her head, looking away as Carlisle made his way out of her bedroom and closed the door.
Edward stood in the hallway, "She wants to die?" He questioned.
"She does," Carlisle replied.
"We can't let that happen," Edward stated.
"I'm going to try and convince her to pursue alternative treatment options, but she doesn't seem optimistic," Carlisle said.
"I'll talk to her," Edward said, Carlisle shook his head.
"Bella could be waking up any moment now, she's going to need you. I can deal with Y/N for the time being," Carlisle assured.
"When Bella wakes up, Y/N is going to need someone with her at all times. The bloodlust could overwhelm Bella and Y/N wouldn't stand a chance," Edward said.
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Carlisle replied.
"Agreed," Edward nodded.
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flippinpancakes64 · 8 months ago
cullens w/ a reader who lovesss to cuddle?
The Cullens with a Cuddly S/O
Currently fighting the sleep demons rn so Idk if this will even make sense but whatever full send
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like this
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We already know he's down
I mean like half of the first book/movie is him watching Bella sleep
He just likes to be nearby
So cuddling up to your side is no burden to him
He'll ask a lot if you're too cold or if you want him to move
He just wants you to be comfortable
After you've established that you do, indeed, like his cuddles, expect them all the time
If the time or place allows him to be right by your side, he is there
"Hey I just rented a new movie, do you wanna come over and watch it?"
"What movie?"
"I'm on my way, have my blankets ready."
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She's a pretty energetic person
So I feel like she'd need to either be doing something or talking
So yes she will cuddle, but she needs the TV on
Or she needs to be talking your ear off
She loves being so close though
She's like a lizard she loves the warmth
She doesn't mind if you fall asleep, she'll keep talking
But especially if it's late at night, she loves being so close to you
Btw she's the little spoon or literally laying on top of you
I would recommend investing in a nice heated blanket
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I have a feeling he'd love it
He strikes me as the type to be able to stare at a wall for hours on end and not get bored
So he doesn't mind laying with you the whole night
He would lay in one spot for days if you wanted him to
He would be so happy when you asked him the first time though
He has a bit of a hard time grasping that you actually do love him, so small reminders like this go a long way
Is another one who's hyper-aware
Constantly making sure you're comfortable
He would find your even breaths and calm mind soothing
It's his new favorite couples activity btw
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I've mentioned it before but I think she's active at all hours
Either she's at school, hunting, or working on her cars
She just doesn't like to be bored
So cuddling isn't her favorite
Not to say she won't do it
Just that she won't do it for super long stretches of time
She'll cuddle for a movie, or until you go to sleep
But then she likes to get back to doing something
It's understandable, you can go to sleep, she can't
If you ask her to, though, she will stay the whole night
And she won't complain
She also doesn't have a preference on cuddling position
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He's definitely more into like casual cuddling
Does that make sense?
Like he loves holding you close on the couch while he's watching a game
And he loves sitting you in his lap when he's playing a card game or doing homework
But he doesn't really like laying in bed for hours
So sort of similar to Rosalie
He just gets restless
He's squirmy too
He wakes you up throughout the night because he moves so much
Cruel injustice
But on the bright side, if he was able to sleep he'd be a loud ass snorer so at least you don't have to deal with that
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She would be another snuggle enjoyer
She loves the closeness of it
It makes her feel so connected to you
And she has no qualms about when or where
It's the middle of the day and she's outside working on the garden but you want to cuddle?
Okay just let her shower first
She would prefer to be the little spoon
Idk why that's just how it is
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Carlisle "Cuddle" Cullen
Anytime, anywhere
He just misses you a lot when he's at work
So he loves to make up for lost time by having you right there with him
Loves doing paperwork with you in his lap
Or having his arms around you at all times
And of course he will lay with you for the whole night
He tends to lay on his back
But that's just his natural
He will move however you need him to
He only cuddles fully clothed tho
He knows he's cold
So he knows you will need the extra layers between you two
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Vampire! Bella:
She's always down
Sleeping is one of the things she misses the most about being human
So laying there with you while you sleep is the closest she can get to the real thing
She likes to cuddle while facing you
Face to face yk
But her one bad habit is that she forgets that she is freezing
Chronically puts her hands under your shirt or her toes behind your knees
"Ah! Cold!"
"Shit, sorry"
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s9fti3 · 11 months ago
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‘And you’re still hungry for her’- Jasper Hale Headcannons!!
• A southern gentleman through and through. He greets those he likes (and who he can control himself around) with a smile and a ‘Well, Hello there.’ while tipping his imaginary cowboy hat.
• He says ma’am and sir even if he is 10x older than the person he is talking too.
• Did I say he was a gentleman? Jasper likes to hold the door for those behind him, waits for the person who is tying their shoe, listen to the person who was cut off in the middle of a conversation, offers his friends to stand under the umbrella with him while it pours down rain, offer to pay sometimes.
• When first being with you, he had to keep a distance for a long while. He wasn’t sure that he could handle himself and was scared of hurting you on accident. But with the help of Edward, Bella and Alice, he was able to spend more time with you and realize he won’t hurt you.
• One of his hobbies is playing baseball and he loves to have you watch him play, but he loves it more when he gets to teach you. His cold hands over your warm ones on the bat as Alice tosses the ball in your direction. Teaching you how to throw the ball with enough force to get it to hit hard.
• His body is absolutely freezing, so please bare with him when he touches you with his cold hands. The worst thing is when your cooking with Bella and he comes over with his cold hands offering to help, placing his hand on your shoulder.
• He smells like a lot of things, but the ones I can pick up on the most are pine wood, blood, rain, and old spice.
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