#jason was only in a coma for like a month
oifaaa · 4 months
If Tim was 13 when he became Robin and Jason was 15 when he died and spent 6 months dead then there’s maybe just over a year between them. And then two years comatose then Tim drake is actually older than Jason was mentally despite Jason being legally and physically older which means Tim drake got beat up by two of his younger brothers which is really lame of him. Can’t believe he’s been beaten up by his younger brothers twice and he still acts like he’s the baby victim.
I like your thought process here your math is a bit off but let's ignore that in favour of how funny it is for Tim to be beaten up by 2 younger siblings
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rin-may-1103 · 2 months
Just a Bite.
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Danny stared out at the busy street from behind his dumpster.
or well, not his dumpster, but it might as well be his considering how many nights he's spent sitting behind it like some rabid raccoon.
Two months ago, he would have been sleeping in his own bed. His glow-in-the-dark stars vaguely lighting up his room in soft luminescent colors. The sound of Jazz snoring in her sleep just a room over, his parents still milling around in the basement.
he would have just finished fighting the box ghost and collapsed onto his bed, the sound of his home lulling him to sleep.
Oh, how things can change in a blink of an eye.
No, instead of sleeping on his bed with his cartoon ghost sheets and NASA poster covered room, he's out here in some random dirty city, sleeping behind dumpsters.
dirty, grimy, rusty dumpsters.
"did you hear?" some lady dressed in a light blue summer dress asked, turning to look at her friend as they started to walk past. "Mr. Wayne donated another lump sum to that charity." she huffed, shaking her head like she had just said the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard.
her friend stopped in the middle of the alley opening, her graying hair splaying in an ark as she twisted to face the other women. "my word! again? what the hell is that man thinking?"
the woman huffed, then smirked in amusement. "it's like he's shouting for the world to hear how desperate he is for attention. he thinks if he donates enough money to those scoudrails they'll love him or something. With how he's acting lately, it's like he wants all the street rats to barge into his home asking for money, food, and clothes."
her friend clicked her tongue in disgust, "I'd believe it. he has so many kids now, it's like he's running an orphanage. someone, anyone really, with black hair and some tragic story could walk right in and not even be noticed. they'd blend right in with the others."
"I heard it's genetic, his father was the same way before he met Martha. Bruce's blood son, Damian I believe, acts just like his father. the boy's been spotted taking stray cats and dogs inside. It wouldn't surprise me if the paper posted about him convincing his father for another sibling at some point."
the women then turned and started to walk away, their conversation slowly bleeding into the surrounding city ruckus.
Danny leaned back, resting his head against the crumbling brick behind him.
walk right in and not be noticed? wouldn't that be grand. He had heard of Mr. wayne and his gaggle of black-haired children. What were their names again? he could have sworn Sam told him before, in one of her rants about rich society.
Richard Grayson was the first, Danny remembered because Tucker had been making none stop dick jokes for a few hours. Danny didn't understand why the man would willingly go by Dick, but then again, who was he to question someone's name when he fights ghosts like Skulker and Technis on a daily basis?
Next was... Jason? Sam had mentioned there was a whole conspiracy theory of how his death was a cover-up. how all the unsolved crime community swore it was Bruce who killed the kid, that or the kid had some terminal illness that Bruce didn't want the media to know about.
Danny glanced around, trying to dig through his memories of Sam's rant. Dick: the orphaned circus act taken in the night his parents died. he's romanie? maybe, Danny wasn't too sure on that one. Jason: taken off the streets, one of his parents was out of the picture and the other one died of a drug overdose.
and then there was..... Tim! Right, Tim, the one who was Mr. Wayne's neighbor before his mother died and his dad went into a coma, then died later on. right, right. he was the known tech genius, the one who took over the company while Mr. Wayne stepped back for a while.
there were others? like, four others? Damian, the lady said he was the blood son sooo, that would imply he was the only bio kid.
who else was there? hmmmm.
well, either way, Danny's tired brain agreed with the women. someone, anyone, who looked vaguely like the other kids could walk right into the house and no one would notice.
it was a bad idea. a terrible one really. but. Danny was hungry.
he's been sleeping behind dumpsters for a few weeks now, he hadn't had anything good to eat in forever, and he was tired. (not as exhausted as he was back home, but still tired. who would have guessed he'd sleep more while homeless?)
he wasn't going to steal from people, his core wouldn't allow him to. and well, he's pretty sure Dan would have stolen already, so there was no way Danny was going to. not unless his life was at risk, and well? it wasn't right now, so no stealing.
but this? walking right into a house and blatantly taking food? right in front of them?
it wouldn't be stealing if he just flat-out didn't try to hide it. they'd be able to stop him and send him away. heck, he doubted he'd even make it past the front gate before they turned him away.
was he really going to do this?
yes, yes he was.
standing up, Danny started making his way out of the alleyway and over to the tall building with Wayne's name on it. It was a good place to start, maybe he could even find one of the kids and walk with them. or, even better, he could find Mr. Wayne and walk with him. he liked that better than following some kid around.
suddenly, a car honked right next to him, the window rolling down to reveal a tired and disheveled man behind the wheel. glancing up, Danny made eye contact with the taxi driver.
the man yawned and gestured for him to get in, already speaking before Danny could decline. "Mr. Wayne! Your father," yawn, "Father already paid for me to take you home. just hop in."
Danny blinked then glanced around, looking to see if the Wayne the man was talking about was around. nope. turning back, Danny spotted a green sticky note on the back seat.
well, alright then. guess he was getting into the taxi and doing this after all. Clockwork obviously approved if he messed with the timing of things.
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shepherdsheart · 1 year
Dont Blame the Boy
DpxDc Prompt
Bruce was no stranger to taking in children into his home considering the many he called his own. So he was no stranger to the struggles of a new family member, each of his children had been different.
Dick had been out for blood when Bruce first took him into his home. The boy grieving for his parents was set on revenge and had promised to make there killer pay. How different he was now compared to the child he first brought home.
Then there was Jason who at first was angry and miss understood. But as time went he began to see the book loving boy who loved to learn. He was always enthusiastic to learn but he could be brash and hard headed at first. Jason still held a great love for learning but the young man was no loner as open with the family and he had developed quite a dark sense of humor.
Tim of course was a kind and smart young man with a love for knowledge. The boy was a natural genius though he did need some encouragement at first.
Bruce could go on and on about them and his other children. He was proud of how far they had all come with Damian the most recent addition before now.
Now though he was faced with a challenge, he was faced with young Daniel or Danny as the boy preferred. Danny had only lived in the manner for about 2 months now and still they had no progress of pulling the boy out of his shell.
Bruce had been reluctant at first to take in such an unstable child but when he met the boy he couldn’t say no. Seeing such pain and distrust in the boys eyes broke Bruce’s heart.
Danny had fallen victim to his parents over a year ago when they had decided he was something no longer human and as such needed to be researched. They had experimented on there own child for over a year before the boy finally broke. The boy had snapped after all the tournament they had put him through before he went on a rage filled massacre.
To put it lightly there wasn’t much left of the Fentons by the time the police arrived to investigate a call made by some concerned citizens.
With the state of the lab and Danny himself the police had called in the League for assistance where Danny was then rushed to the tower for emergency care.
Danny had been in a medically induced coma for over a month because of his violent reaction to anyone who approached him. And after he was put through intensive therapy mental and physical with several doctors.
It had been months sense then and the boy no longer acted like a caged animal but he was still very much an animal, lashing out when he felt threatened or cornered, retreating when things became to much and he didn’t blame him.
Bruce understood why the boy didn’t trust people, didn’t trust adults. After years of people failing him and the year of torment? He didn’t blame him.
Bruce didn’t blame the boy though and he was certain that with time and care Danny would come out of his shell and join the rest of the flock but till then they would work the best they could to make him feel safe and comfortable.
No he didn’t blame the boy at all
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azol-otl · 25 days
Just a silly little jaytim involving never died! Jason's big fat crush on his new friend.
Jason twirls in front of Babs again in case her Oracle eyes see something that he's missed. He worked hard on this, and he'd die of mortification if he there was a mistake he hadn't seen. He won't lie, he's kind of nervous about tonight. It's been...awhile since he's gone to do something social beyond school (and boy doesn't that make him sound like a loser) and he thinks he might have gotten a little too overenthusiastic about it. Well, Dick said it was fine but even after the coma Dick's only here every once in a blue moon and Jason isn't sure if he should take Dick's advice to heart when the man's been running around in tights since the day he was born. Plus Jason still remembers that Dick is a lying liar who lies when he thinks something would be funny or was trying to cover his ass. (Yes, he still holds that mask acne incident against him! Barbie laughed at him, Dick! Sure he now has photo evidence of Pizza Face Grayson, but still!) Everything fits him perfectly despite that last second growth spurt that finally started showing up. A tiny thing, barely an inch but it was enough to finally push him past 5ft so he's happy. His tunic fits perfectly and the stitching has an Alfred seal of approval. His armor is light, the leather looks good despite being made from old scraps of Bruce and Dick's outgrown clothes that have too much wear and tear to pass down. The cape swishes just the way he remembers, though a deep red instead of canary yellow. He decided against only tights by wearing some sturdy shorts over them, like an adventurer would, everything color matched for the time period. He looks up at Babs who's giving him a bemused look and he puffs out his chest indigently. "What?" he says tersely. "Nothing nothing," comes the amused sing song, the kind she gets when she's teasing Dick. "I just didn't expect this to be the result of introducing you to online gaming." Jason's cheeks warm but he has nothing to be ashamed of. Sure he's become...a geek after the accident. But he has friends, like actual friends close to his age that go to his school and not just co-workers six years older than him or a penpal from across the country. Plus Jason can admit he was a nerd before becoming a combo nerd/geek so it's not like his reputation took a hit. "Nothing wrong with immersion," he says. Babs gives him a wry grin. "Nothing wrong with impressing Tim you mean?"
And Jason couldn't even be mad at Barbie about that because she's absolutely right. Tabletop was Tim's thing, and Jason was excited to try it out, but it was absolutely a new thing for him. All of this was new to Jason. After being stuck with nothing but a computer for months on end any social skills Jason might have had have atrophied and what little that remains has made Jason the picture perfect geek. And he really didn't want to screw up this friendship when it was the lifeline that Jason used to actually talk to people in real life and not in front of a screen. Well, people that aren't maladjusted larpers punching criminals. "Seriously Barbie, does it look good? I don't wanna embarrass myself," Jason mumbles. This time Barbara does laugh and its just as embarrassing as the last time. "Ah, what's the world come to. Robin, the boy wonder himself, worried that he's going to embarrass his best friend in front of his Wizards and Warlocks group," she says wiping an imaginary tear from her eye. "It's Trailblazer," Jason says automatically, already having corrected Bruce, Dick, and Alfred about this for weeks. Barbara starts laughing again and Jason resists the urge to stomp out like a child. It wouldn't be dramatic anyhow, he isn't wearing shoes and he refuses to stomp in his fantasy footwear that's basically just a metal band around his arch for support. Once she stops laughing she finally takes pity on Jason. "You look fine Little Bird. I don't see anything sticking out, and the outfit looks amazing. Your little fey prince character is gonna knock it out of the park," she says and Jason feels warm enough that he doesn't even correct her that he's a halfling-changeling and not a fey anything, much less a prince.
 That warmth stays with him until he's in front of Tim's door. It's then that he thinks that maybe going all out was a terrible idea. He knows that some people dress up, but it isn't like a mandatory thing. And Tim didn't say anything about needing to dress up for Jason's first tabletop night. But Jason had been so excited. Tim didn't even finish his invitation before Jason already had a dozen designs scrambling in his head and started creating a character piece by piece. He was dragging out knowledge he hasn't touched since he was Robin. Fashion design, historical trends, and how to use them to create something tangible with the sewing lessons he had begged Alfred for back when he wanted to learn every practical skill he could. In case he got dropped like a sack of steaming shit. Crap what if they think Jason's a nerd? He had read that Traiblazer book cover to cover and made notes like it was a reading assignment! To be authentic to the setting! In case Tim's friend Ives wanted to "Um actually" Jason's meticulously created backstory and full lineage and npcs he built and sent to Tim weeks ago. Shit, maybe Jason's more of a loser than he thought if he thinks a wizards and warlocks group is too cool for him.
 He thinks about calling Alfred to pick him up and make a lie about the campaign being cancelled. Maybe he can persuade Bruce to send him back to public school instead of Gotham Academy. Then he can forget all about Tim and his goofy smile and how he puts his foot in his mouth and how cute he looked when he asked Jason to join in this game because he wanted to share something about himself with— Jason's thoughts are cut off when the door opens. He looks up, eyes wide with anxiety in his stupid changeling halfling outfit without any shoes because he wanted to be authentic. The guy across the doorway was tall, taller than Jason (but who isn't) and taller than Tim (also not an accomplishment), blonde with glasses. "Are you sure this guy's a senior, Tim," he says and Jason has to stop himself from punching out Tim's other friend.
Tim's head then pokes out of the door, funny wizard hat and all and just stares at Jason. For a full minute. It gets awkward fast but neither Jason or the other guy know what to say before Jason takes the plunge. "Hey, I'm Jason, you must be Ives?" he says forcing all his nerves as deep down as he can. Ives nods, "Sebastian Ives, don't call me by my first name." It isn't until introductions are done that Tim comes back online. "Hey! Jason! Wow! Your costume is really good! A changeling right?!" he says loudly, cheeks and ears a bright pink.
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space-dreams-world · 8 months
Inspired by this:
Except there's a twist: Danny adopts Dick, Jason, and maybe Tim.
Danny moved to Gotham (not bad end, but Vlad gets killed, trying to help Danny escape Amity Park, after de aging Dan and Ellie. Fentons, in their confusion and anger, make it even more unsafe for Danny to live there. Fortunately, Vlad made Danny his heir awhile ago, and in leaving, Amity closed their portal and Vlads. Vlad is a full ghost now. So now Danny is a runaway pregnant genderfluid teen that moves to Gotham, whether it be before the wayne murders or after. Jordan isn't born until a year into living in Gotham.)
He sets up a bakery/cafe near crime alley with his apartment on top of it and lab in the basement. He also owns a warehouse that he uses as a storage and training zone. He never makes homeless people pay, and if you can, it's a dollar. Even ghosts show up. He gets to know batman starting out and even maybe starts to court him as bats. They don't officially date until after catwoman reject his proposal, and Damian is permanently with Bruce.
Danny, while not at the circus prior to Graysons' murder, sees an escaped juvie grayson and is able to calm him down, even gets him to speak with his parents again and Danny with the help of Gotham threatens/scares Zucco into fearing for his life. He doesn't bring him back to Juvie but manages to save Dick's things and important paperwork. They declare him missing despite being needed in witness protection. Bruce wants to care for Dick but he doesn't have the same connection to Dick and sees Danny as his own Alfred, when B parents died. Danny raises Dick with a little help from Bruce.
Cannon events also happen, so Two-face and Joker get ahold of Dick for being near Batman and get beaten and shot. Danny brings Dick to the Far frozen and they heal him and he ensures to Two face/Joker that he will feel the same pain as what he has dealt to Dick and almost kills Joker but gets left with a warning.
Court of Owls actually loses Talons to Danny and are his and his kids' bodyguards now while trying to learn how heal them. Unfortunately, Bruce pulls back from the relationship with Danny, and this hurts them both.
Then,when Jason is on the streets, he sticks to near Danny's place and eventually gets adopted, too. Eleanor is born after. Jason loves his new family and is surprised that Bruce is back to dating Danny again. (Which hurts Dick because Bruce only came back for Jason)
In this scenario, Shelia reaches out to Jason for bribery reasons, and when Joker shows up, Danny is having none of it. He kills Mr. J crushes his soul and brings Jason to the Yeti, where he flatlines and gets to become a halfa instantly. This time, Danny is the one that pulls from Bruce as he never found out where Danny took Dick and now Jason to heal. So in the 6 months Jason was in the Zone practicing, Bruce took the worst of it and thought he was dead, but in reality Jason in the zone training with his powers and Dick helps out with his enhanced liminality. What seems like a death to Bruce is a coma or a loss of mobility for Jason. Bruce just assumes he's dead.
Dick grows up to be either a gymnast instructor or a social worker. Jason would be studying for literature or social or justice reform. Dan is a mechanic or security guard. He works part-time at the cafe and helps with branding and making the sweets. Jason, Jordan, and Ellie also help in the shop. Stephanie is a part timer.
Tim, during one of his photoscapedes, gets caught, and Danny and/or the kids save him and bring him to Danny. Tim, while dealing with years of parental neglect, stays with them, or Danny notifies Bruce of this. Either Tim stays with Danny, and despite Drakes having more money and power, Danny's otherness freaks them out and they decide fuck this or similar to cannon, Bruce adopts Tim.
Bruce, by the end of this, officially only has one or three kids: Damian, Cass, and/or Tim.
[I don't know if I want the boys into vigilante. It seems hypocritical for Danny to say no to vigilantism,but in another reality to this one, Danny says yes to the boys being vigilantes]
Hilariously, Danny and his kids show up to a Gala as Masters Heirs.
Jazz moves to Gotham after College to either be a doctor or work in Arkham.
Sam, while trying to leave her parents grasp, goes to Gotham for personal reasons and her parents threaten to cut her off from her inheritance unless she shows up at important events or Galas to support the Manson name.
Tucker is a tech fan and also moves to Gotham, but it is a bit of a recluse, but he takes an interest in teaching Babs, Dick and Tim in Hacking. He is an IT guy for Wayne Industries and an app creator.
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midsummer-semantics · 1 month
under the dancing lights
Small break while I do a million other things but here's *checks calendar* day 16 of @steddieangstyaugust.
Prompt: Halloween
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Underage Drinking, Cemeteries, Canon Complaint (question mark???), Ambiguous Ending
divider by @steddiecameraroll-graphics
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He isn’t sure why he’s out here. It’s not like there’s anything left, anything calling him to action. The kids are old enough to trick-or-treat without supervision, Robin is with Vicky at a party he didn’t want to third-wheel to, and everyone else…
The point is, traipsing through Roane County cemetery on Halloween night seemed like a good idea when Steve is three Jack and Coke’s deep and unsure of where he fits into the regular world. He bought a dozen flowers on the way here just before the shop closed for the evening, like he couldn’t risk showing up to the cemetery empty-handed for some reason. 
Barb’s grave is overrun with flowers 365 days a year, three years running. Steve leaves several of the carnations in the bundle he carries at the tombstone, begging forgiveness as he does every few months. He hasn’t told Nancy what he does, even when he’s accompanied her a few times. He simply stays silent, lets Nancy grieve, and returns a few weeks later to replace the dead ones when no one is paying attention.
Next is Bob Newby, whom he didn’t know, but the kids did, so he drops a couple of flowers off out of perfunctory expectation.
Billy is the one of the hardest, his grave near Steve’s dad’s grandparents’ joint plot. He tends to spend a little more time here, aware of how the plot feels under his knees, remembering how Max looked as she lifted in the air under Vecna’s influence. Sometimes, Steve comes just to sit, to stare at Billy’s name and curse his existence, even if it brought him Max. Other times, Steve sits and talks, tells his rival how his step-sister is doing, how Steve learned to plant his feet, how regardless of what a piece of shit he was, no one deserved to deal with the bullshit the Upside Down had to offer. He leaves one flower out of obligation, but he doesn’t linger like he normally would.
He leaves a few at Chrissy’s grave, not just because she died, but because he knew her, even vaguely because she was a cheerleader while he was still on the basketball team. And because Eddie would want him to.
He flips off Jason’s grave as he passes it.
Three years — less than, technically— since the first death. Almost three years since Steve took Jonathan’s nail bat and made it his weapon of choice against the monsters that lurk beneath their feet. 
Over half a year since Max went into a coma that doctors — UD connected or otherwise — or Eleven haven't been able to wake her up from. 
Seven months since Eddie Munson was added to the list of people Steve couldn’t save.
The sun has dipped well past the treeline on the edges of the cemetery by the time he reaches Eddie’s grave. There’s no one else around, thankfully, but Steve knows it’s only a matter of time before some idiot high school kids make their way to the cemetery to get trashed and try to see a ghost or fuck near one of the graves. He should know, he was one of those idiot kids not too long ago.
There’s writing on Eddie’s headstone, scrawling letters spelling out MURDERER in red spray paint. One of the R’s is backward, Steve notes, rolling his eyes, a gesture that makes his vision swim a little. It’s not the worst thing that’s been blasted across the headstone since it was placed, but it’s by far the dumbest. He sets the remaining flowers down at his feet as he crouches to examine the writing closer. It’s dry, but it can’t have been there for more than a few days considering he was just here for Eddie’s birthday and had cleaned the last slur himself. He should have brought a bucket and brush instead of the stupid flowers, but he’s a little wobbly from the alcohol and the idea of going back to his car for any reason other than to go home and pass out alone sounds terrible. He’ll come back tomorrow and clean it, plus whatever gets done to it tonight probably. Maybe he should have brought his nail bat. Camped out next to Eddie’s grave and waited to see who exactly is doing it so he can make sure they know never to do it again.
Steve loses his precarious balance, falling back on his ass in the cold, damp grass with a soft “oof!” The flask in his back pocket digs into one cheek, and he shuffles around until he can extract it, then leans back on one hand while the other holds the cool metal.
“Probably stupid to drink more, but I doubt you’d give me shit about it,” Steve says to the grave, holding the flask up like he’s making a toast before closing his eyes and taking a swig. He actually hates whiskey, but it was all that was in the house since it’s his dad’s favorite, and beggars can’t be choosers.
Still, he coughs a bit as the straight liquor burns a path down his throat — he really should have brought some kind of chaser with him, but hindsight and all that — and then lays back on the grass as soon as it clears.
He keeps his eyes closed, breathing through the slight roil in his stomach, and imagines what it would be like if he simply sank into the ground beneath him. Not like if vines were to spring up and drag him under, but if he just slowly melted into the earth the way one feels like they’re melting on a really plush mattress.
It’s only a slight comfort that the grave he’s lying on is empty. Otherwise, his vision of being swallowed by the earth might come with the extra twist of Eddie’s hands dragging him down Evil Dead-style. 
He snorts to himself, his head lolling back and forth a bit. Eddie would have loved that reference, he knows it. He may not have known him for long before. . . before, but he’s sure of it regardless.
After a moment, he brings his hands up to rub the heels into his eyes, waiting until he sees stars before he opens them. The stars continue to blink for a few seconds as his eyes adjust to the inky black sky.
There are stars dancing. Little lights swaying to and fro in front of his face, with more popping up around him. He turns his head in awkward directions against the grass, knowing he’s getting foliage in his hair the whole time, watching as more blink to life.
He shuts his eyes again as he sits up, but when he reopens them, they’re still there. It’s too late in the year for fireflies, too cold this late at night at the end of October, and yet the lights dance regardless. 
“Whoa,” he breathes, feeling a distinct sense of deja vu to when he was blitzed out of his mind on Russian truth serum and staring at the ceiling of Starcourt.
One of the stars comes close to him, wisping against his cheek like a tickling feather before flying away. Another does it to his left arm where he’s holding himself up, another to his hip where his shirt has ridden up slightly under his windbreaker. Steve giggles uncontrollably as another brushes his forehead and he turns his head to follow them. There’s another, and another, and another, and as he reaches out to catch one—
“Having a good night, big boy?”
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spidernuggets · 10 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"Thought I was gonna lose you"
"Oh, baby, you can't get rid of me that easily"
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You slammed into the hospital room where the nurse told you your boyfriend was at. You received a call from Dick almost 15 minutes ago while you were reading Jason's annotated Pride and Prejudice book, smiling at his little comments at the side. Once you heard "Jason" and "Hospital" in the same sentence, you quickly bookmarked the novel and ran out the door.
The four Titans accompanying Jason; Dick, Gar, Kori and Rachel, turn to you, but your main focus was on Jason. His eyes closed, bandages all over his torso, IV needles stuck all over and an oxygen mask over his face. Your heart beated faster, pushing the Titans out of the way to get a closer look of your lover, gently caressing his face.
"We were told he's in a coma," Dick immediately says. "There was a messy encounter with Deathstroke and-"
"And Jason jumps head in first like always," Kori interrupts, arms crossed, annoyed expression on her face, staring down at the boy.
"We don't know when he'll wake up," Gar says quietly.
You don't reply. All you can do is lean your forhead against his, praying that he'll wake.
You're not part of the Titans, but you've known Jason for years and he'd entrusted you with his identity, and soon after, neither of you could hide your feelings towards one another for long.
"He's going to wake up. He'll wake up soon," was all you could say, just barely above a whisper.
"C'mon," Dick quietly says, motioning for the Titans to leave the two of you alone. When the three members leave, Dick places his hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"He was knocked out but.. he was calling your name when he got out of the ER," Dick tells you. "He's strong. He'll wake up."
When Dick leaves, you pull a chair up beside the bed, sitting down and laying your head beside Jason's torso, holding his hand.
And that's how it remained for the next few weeks. Jason didn't show any signs of movement but you still stayed in that chair, only getting up to use the bathroom. Even with Dick's authoritative commands, telling you to go home and that he'll watch over Jason, you didn't move an inch.
Gar was the only other person to visit Jason, and occasionally dropping of some food for you, while the others focus on missions.
"He never stops talking about you, y'know," Gar suddenly says, placing a paper bag full of greasy food on the small table beside you. "Training, fighting, debriefing, he's always bringing you up. 'Do you think Y/n would be impressed with this move?', 'I have to go, I want to hang out with Y/n', 'Don't tell Y/n I got stabbed'. I don't remember the last time he talked about anything other than you," Gar tells you, repeating all the things Jason had told him about you.
Your eyebrows scrunched together and lifted your head up to look at Gar as he handed you a burger. "He got stabbed? When??" You asked, accepting the burger.
Gar lightly laughed at the fact that you know Jason can take a punch or a stab, but would still be concerned even if Jason stubbed his toe.
"It was a month ago. He's more than fine now- well. The wound, I mean," He corrects, knowing Jason's current situation is definitely not more than fine.
You sighed, looking back at your boyfriend. "Thanks, Gar," You say, a smile tugging at your lips as your grip tightened on Jason's hand.
"For...," Gar's head tilted, confused what you were thanking him for while quickly stealing one of your fries.
You shrugged one of your shoulders. "For being his friend. He's told me some of the stuff he's gone through. How some of the other guys treat him. Without a shadow of a doubt he's wreckless and impulsive. But he's smart. And strong and brave. So.. thanks.. I guess. For believing that he is all of those things."
Gar sighed and gave you a lopsided hug. "Of course. He's my teammate amd my friend."
You leaned into Gar's hold, hand on his arm, giving it an accepting and gentle squeeze.
You remained by Jason's side a month and two weeks later, only leaving the room to go back to your house, asking Gar to look after Jason while grabbing a pair of extra clothes, plus a hoodie and leather jacket you stole from Jason.
You fell asleep, hugging Jason's arm, not noticing how his other arm went over his body and rested on your head, stroking your hair.
"Wakey wakey, gorgeous," You heard a raspy, groggy voice call out to you. You blinked twice before processing that someone was calling out to you. Your eyes widen as you jolt up from you seat and saw Jason smiling up at you.
"Don't tell me you've been sleeping in that position for long, babe, that could not be comfortable," Jason tried to joke. You didn't even realised what he said. You were still processing that he's awake.
A few seconds of realisation later, you start breaking down, tears cascading down for face and sobs choking out your throat.
"Oh, mama, c'mere," He whispers, weakly holding his arms out. You lunge forward, but careful not to lean over his bandages. You sobbed in his bare shoulder as he shushed you, stroking your hair.
"You scared me," you whimpered.
"I know, baby. 'm sorry, shh it's okay, I'm okay." he assures, pressing a light kiss to the crown of your head.
"I missed you," you mumbled, your finger tracing shapes along his skin.
"Missed you too, doll," he responded. "I heard you, y'know. Rereading Pride and Prejudice, saying how stupid my comments were. Asking me to wake up. Talking to Gar 'n all," he quietly explains.
"Thought I was gonna lose you"
"Oh, baby, you can't get rid of me that easily," he tried joking once more, this time earning a skicker from you as you left a soft, lingering kiss on his collerbone.
Jason shifted to one side of his bed, leaving a wider space beside him. He patted the empty space next to him, telling you to lie with him.
"Jay, I can’t, your bandages-"
"They'll be fine, I promise," he interrupts you. "Just come here with me. I'll heal faster if I'm holding you," he says with a cheeky smile dancing across his face.
You roll your eyes, but as much as you wanted him to have space to heal properly, the selfish part of you took over and slid in beside him, craving his touch that had you starved for too long.
You lay your head on his arm and you gently wrap your arm over his waist as Jason's arm cradles your head, the other draping over your body, pulling you closer, leaning in and connecting his lips with yours. It was a deep and hungry kiss that you both missed as you tiredly nuzzle your fave against his arm.
"Get some sleep, beautiful," Jason says. "You need some proper sleep," he kisses your forhead.
You hummed in response, quickly falling into a quick, comforting slumber, Jason closing his eyes shortly after.
After what felt like eternity, you finally slept, better yet, in the arms of the love of your life, knowing he's okay.
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After finally getting a break from missions, the Titans made their way unto the hospital to see how Jason's doing.
"If Jason hadn't start the mission on his own, he wouldn't even be in this state," Rachel ranted to Dick, the two of them carrying plastic bags full of take away.
"Definitely taking a toll on Y/n," Kori says. "That kid's seen better days"
The group stopped in their tracks, looking through the window of Jason's room, seeing the couple in each other's embrace.
"Jason's awake!" Gar exclaims.
Dick smiled to himself and started shooing the Titans back.
"Alright, Jason's okay, we'll come back later when he and Y/n wake up". He said, smiling once more at the sight of the two.
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♡Might be an ass fic seeing as I tried not to fall asleep. So.... definitely spelling/grammar errors somewhere.. Anyways, Hope you enjoyed reading! ♡
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zahri-melitor · 7 months
Poking at timeline stuff again:
So Kon was ‘born’ in 1993, and hatched from his tube aged… 15ish? He turned 1 in Nov 1995 (Superboy Annual #2 of his series) – note Kon is STILL AGING here, and after this point he’s usually described as 16 physically. His age ‘froze’ in July 1997 (Superboy #41) and then started aging again after Sins of Youth in May 2000 (Superboy #74) Kon died in May 2006 (Infinite Crisis #6) Kon returned in June 2009 (Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #4)
2000-2006 is about a year in Comics Time. I think it’s 100% fair to say Kon was physically 17 year old, at his youngest, as at his death, and mentally 17-18.
Kon enrolled in Smallville High on his revival – he’s almost certainly in Year 12/a Senior – and 2009ish is known as the ‘start’ of a school year by a bunch of correlating factors (Steph starting college is one). Flashpoint interrupts and this school year likely never finished. He may or may not have celebrated his 18th birthday before Flashpoint but it either happened or was due imminently.
Known timegaps – Kon lost slightly over a year between Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis. His aging stopped either for over a year (if you use Bat timelines) or more like 6 months (given it was 3 years real time). In total I want to say Kon’s ‘age’ went backwards about 18 months to two years over this period. His mental age, however, probably only lost 15 months or so.
By Flashpoint, Kon probably was due to celebrate his 18th birthday in his personal timeline.
In comparison: Jason Todd died aged 15 (if you take canon at its word) or 14 years 9 months (if you use the canonical birthday and death day dates). He was officially dead for 6 months before getting resurrected (- 6 months) and then in a coma for a year (-12 months). He then had a fun amnesiac period which does not have a defined length of time before Talia got sick of it and pushed Jason into a Pit.
Using Bat timelines, 18 months after Jason’s death is probably some time around Contagion or Legacy. Legacy in particular makes a lot of sense for Talia to see Jason in Gotham and pick him up to take home with her. He probably had to go into a Lazarus Pit during No Man’s Land, given Bane and Bruce start the ‘destroy all the Lazarus Pits’ campaign post-NML, culminating in Death and the Maidens in 2003-2004.
Either way, Jason Todd is still mentally 15 years old as of 2000.
Jason’s not in a position to return to Gotham with Talia’s urging until AFTER the rebuild for the famous bomb the Batmobile moment (realistically probably 2000-2001), and from the rebuild process IN DC comics 2001 is a better call than 2000 if you don’t still want rubble everywhere (they didn’t manage to get Ivy out of Robinson Park until Jan 2001)
He then does his world travel training trip… but is back in Gotham for September 2003 and Hush (and Tim’s 16th birthday).
Given Tim’s birthday is canonically on 19 July, the longest Jason’s world training trip can be is 6 months, and is probably more like 3-4 months given the required futzing time either side.
Jason doesn’t legally turn 18 until March 2004 (Tec #790). He’s still almost certainly mentally 16 years old here. He’s arguably physically 17.5 here.
A set of preboot timeline facts from all of this that is hilarious (to me):-
Jason and Tim are mentally about the same age, given their canonical 23 month age gap by date of birth. Depending on how long a period Talia keeps Jason around as an amnesiac, Tim may actually be mentally older.
Yes. The Titans Tower fight was essentially two 16 year olds having a spat.
Kon, despite also having fun death times, is 100% mentally older than Jason for all periods, though they’re close to drawing even after Final Crisis. He’s probably close to physically the same age as Jason for a lot of the time up to Infinite Crisis.
Tim may actually have spent a similar amount of time training in Paris (between Robin I and some time during Legacy and the summer leading up to Cataclysm) as Jason did on his Lost Days world trip.
Anyone who questions how Tim can be one of the greatest bo staff fighters in the world when he’s working off the same time frame of intense training from masters as Jason is (and has a far more substantial training time with Bruce and Dick) is honestly discounting that Tim has more extensive vigilante experience than Jason does, particularly in terms of Gotham-focused skills.
Kon and Tim end up by Flashpoint as within a few months of each other in age.
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starry-eyed-steve · 1 year
Max taking the risk in season 2 is the reason she survived so long, and it will (hopefully) be the reason she gets saved in season 5.
I love the angsty lumax scenes comparisons/parallels like every other person, but it's not true that Max getting involved led to her being in a coma in s4. I think people want an angsty Lucas arc for the last season where he blames himself for everything, but I need someone to reassure him it's not because he got Max involved in s2. I believe his guilt will mostly stem from him not being able to stop Jason in time, letting Max go through with the half-baked plan and, in general, letting Max isolate in the months leading up to Vecna. (Which is already enough. Someone needs to give him a hug in s5)
Max being part of the group by accepting the risk, actually saved her life in multiple ways.
In s3, the chance of her dying due to Billy would have been significantly higher than it actually was. Billy would have gotten possessed either way. It was Karen's fault, not Max or the party, that he was at the wrong place at the right time. If Max hadn't known about the Mindflayer or El, she wouldn't have suspected anything, thus making her an easy target to get flayed as well.
If she were to survive s3 on her own, Vecna would have still targeted her because she felt guilty about Billy dying not because she witnessed it but because she wished that something would happen to him to make the abuse she suffered from him stop. And when something did happen, she blamed herself. Her complicated relationship with Billy is the reason why she got cursed. It was never because she took the risk. Her issues stem from outside of the supernatural things. Without Lucas and her friends, she wouldn't have survived the first attack. She would have been confused like Chrissy, Patrick, and Fred, not knowing what was going on and then dying a horrific death.
Taking the risk ensured her to live as long as she did because she had the opportunity to get information that were vitol for her physical well-being.
But taking the risk also gave her the opportunity to live a more fulfilled life. In the beginning of s2, Max was super closed off. She was scared to get close to anyone because of her brother. He was threatening to harm people if Max disobeyed him (aka him trying to run the party over as a scare tatic to get her back under control after the argument). So she pushed Dustin and Lucas away. It was easier and safer for everyone involved. If we take Runaway Max as canon, then Billy actually physically harmed one of her friends, so it's understandable that Max tries her hardest to stay away in the beginning. Only due to Lucas and Dustin constant persuading and pushing she opened up a bit more. And then when Lucas told her the huge secret she was suddenly a part of something so big she had to allow herself to trust others because her life was dependent on it. It gave her the opportunity to be honest and vulnerable to an outsider, which also then led her to free herself from her brother's control by the end of s2. Meeting Steve and the rest and seeing that someone was willing to protect her from her brother's abuse gave her the strength to set boundaries, which then allowed her to be happier and more open. She met El and found amazing friends in the party, which she wouldn't be close otherwise. It also allowed her to have a different relationship with Billy. In s3, they seemed to be more relaxed before everything went south.
Without getting involved, she probably would still be the closed off girl she was at the beginning of s2. She would still be under Billy's control until he died. And then she would be alone without anyone really looking out for her, which would lead to her definite death in s4.
Lucas saved her physically and emotionally by giving her the opportunity to take the risk. And because of that, she can still be saved in s5.
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jpeg-dot-jpeg · 3 months
jpeg my beloved!!! 3, 8, 11, 16 for fandom asks please? xoxo 💕
(only a small number of questions from bean??? wild...)
'a small number of questions' you say while still asking more than the average 😂🤭<3
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
Damian Wayne! As someone with a younger sibling with a similar age gap to what tim and damian have (in theory), everything about his character made me want to punt him like a football. cain instinct full throttle. However, lots of fantastic works surrounding him have helped me come to observe aspects of his character other than 'annoying younger sibling.'
8. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
Darling, I would be remiss not to acknowledge you and @bi-bats for being some of my very first friends within the fandom and encouraging me to become a bigger part of it <3<3<3
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
okay this might sound goofy but. im so proud of my little batblobs. they're just fun to make and they've brought a lot of people joy. i hope those silly doodles inspire people who feel like they cant contribute to fandom with creating expert level artwork <3
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
JASON TODD IS FUNCTIONALLY YOUNGER THAN TIM DRAKE. look i know we love the dynamic of jason being the older brother/more experienced partner because woobifying tim is fun, but i will never stop screaming about how Jason is mentally 3.5 years younger than his 'legal' age. After dying he spent 6 months being dead, 1 year in a coma, 1 year catatonic on the streets, and 1 year catatonic with the League before Talia dunked him in the lazarus pit. obviously canon is a tangled mess and people are free to explore whichever version of it they like best, but?? the angst potential?? jason coming back to gotham as an 'adult' but still only having the life experience of a 15 year old?? im SCREAMING. Give me a jason who's like 'actually, tim, im younger than you, so how about YOU be the bigger person here.' thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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arrowmaker15 · 2 years
Headcanon: Jason "I don't care about anyone and I hate everything" Todd threatens people that have any relation to his friends and family whatsoever. Whether it be a relationship, or hurting them, he has probably threatened them. Sort of a sequel to my last headcanon.
For example, Cass? Despite who her parents are, Jason has tracked both of them down, and had the balls to threaten them. Hell, for her dad he pulled out everything he knew and beat his ass to a pulp, just for the way he raised her. Shiva, all he said was that if she showed up in Gotham, it didn't matter where Jason was, he would be there within that week, and she would not like him.
Tim, oh Tim, Bernard got a visit not from vigilante Red Hood, he could handle that if it happened, but instead got a visit from overprotective big brother Jason Todd, and that guy was scarier than the vigilante.
Dick? You can fucking bet that Jason goes overboard with that one. Finding out what Tarantula did to that him sent him off the rails, and Tarantula paid the price dearly. Everyone took that as a warning to "stay the FUCK away from Nightwing."
For Duke all he does is send a picture of himself behind Duke who is looking at a street during the day, pointing a gun at the camera with it titled as "Hurt him, I will be out during the day regularly" to every corner of Gotham's underworld, everybody coming to an understanding.
Then there is Stephanie, problems with both parents. The first night he let Steph crash at his place, you can BET he went to her house and paid a visit to ol' Arthur Brown, aka Cluemaster. 9 broken ribs, a concussion, a fractured arm and 2 black eyes is how he returned to prison, the man walking down the road to where he was kept with a sign wrapped around his neck saying "Take me in, I escaped." When Steph heard the news, she knew who did it but never mentioned anything.
The way he handled talking to Jon after Jason got reintegrated was downright awful for Jon. Jason made it known he had kryptonite, and somehow managed to sneak it onto or into Jon without him knowing, Jason sharpening knives and cleaning guns in the same room he was in, always loading his gun with a lead encased clip, glaring at him the whole time.
Then there was Kate, the first person to reach out to him after he made his return, he obviously got protective considering she was "the cool aunt". Naturally, Maggie and Alice got a visit, not playing games.
He talked to Selina calmly about Bruce. They came to an understanding quickly, but only after he got reintegrated.
Finally, the unlikely friendship is Jason and one Harleen Quinzel. All he did was walk into Ivy's greenhouse and talk to her, making sure she knew exactly what would happen if she were to mistreat Harley, just like the Joker had. Ivy, for the first time in her life, just shut up and nodded.
The best part, nobody knew he was doing this. Shiva stopped showing up in Gotham without explanation and everyone was confused, David Cain was nowhere to be found (he was in a coma), Bernard got out of the same room as Jason as fast as possible and outright refused to go to the Manor for 3 months afterwards with nobody knowing why, Tarantula was never seen again (Dick was glad, though confused when people stopped hunting him down in Blüdhaven), Duke was at a loss for why crime was so much lower in the daytime than one would expect, Cluemaster served his sentence without complaint, Jon always got sweaty around Jason and Damian thought it was because of himself, Maggie was extra careful not to hurt Kate while Alice seemed more docile than one would think, Selina was normal, and Ivy made sure to check her actions and review them with thought sometimes right in front of Harley.
Absolutely nobody knew it was Jason (minus Steph with Cluemaster) and thought it was just weird occurrences. Jason proceeded like normal, and he would take what he did, and what he will continue to do in the future if necessary, to his second grave.
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afewnovelideas · 1 year
Dealing with insomnia part last night and this fic idea came to mind. It's a merging of several past fic ideas I've played withat one point or another.
Janet is/was secretly CIA officer and Jack was originally her handler who she fell in live with and married
The Haiti Incident wasn't an archaeological trip that got intercepted by terrorists. It was a CIA mission investigating the League of Assassins that fell apart due to a double cross
Janet didn't die. She was captured and presumed dead due to explosion. The explosion is also what caused Jack to be injured badly enough to be thrown into a coma
Ra's had Janet captured because he was obsessed with her as a new potential paramour, but she despises him
However Ra's manipulates her into obedience by threatening to go after Tim is she doesn't comply and work with the League (similar to how the League threatened their Administrator person's family in the Red Robin comics). If she won't serve him as a consort, she can serve him as a spy. In the CIA she was in black ops division.
Ra's reveals to Janet her son is a Robin, and because of that the League could easily take him out if they wanted because Batman sends him out alone on patrols and missions too often and he's always vulnerable to the League
Later Janet discovers she's pregnant with Jack's child. She was only a few weeks along when Haiti happened and it wasn't until midway through her second month with the League that she started feeling and showing signs. Ra's allows her to keep the child but only because of is another way to ensure her loyalty. The baby's name is Emily
Jack freaks out when he discovers Tim is Robin because he's always been afraid Tim would followed in his mother's footsteps one day. Being in the CIA, FBI, or some other aspect of the US government intelligence or military is a family legacy for Janet's side.
Janet's mother, Vanessa Grey, is actually still alive and is acting Director of the ARGUS. She is Amanda Waller's boss in this AU. Waller is the head of the Suicide Squad division and reports directly to Vanessa. Steve Trevor, also reports directly to Vanessa as head of his own spec ops team within ARGUS. He's at equal level to Amanda. They are Vanessa's left (Waller) and right (Trevor) hands respectively.
Vanessa knows her daughter has been captured by the League of Assassins, but their organization is so tight that an extraction has not been possible to organize safely. She is also aware that the League is likely threatening Tim to keep her daughter in line, as her spies have noted how League agents are always in distant but convenient orbit around her grandson.
Vanessa knows Tim is Robin and that Bruce is Batman. In ARGUS, only Waller and Trevor share this information with her. This information is kept top secret between the three of them. Trevor protects this secret because he was actually close friends with Janet and cares about her family. Waller protects this secret because she has "thoughts" on the value of knowing that Bruce Wayne is Batman.
Back to Janet... While in the League, she ends up in... something... with Talia. They aren't really "friends" but they do respect one another. Talia ensures Janet's baby is cared for and protected when she is forced to go on covert missions. In return, Janet acts as a double agent for Talia regarding what Ra's and White Ghost are up to at any given point in time. Because of this, Janet meets with and interacts with both Jason and Damian before they leave the League.
Janet recognizes Jason as Bruce Wayne's adopted son. Where Talia was trying to turn him into a League agent loyal only to her, Janet, while being forced to train Jason in espionage, couldn't help but care for him as a person... as a teenager not much older than her own son. Jason also started drifting towards Janet as a mother figure, and even grew fond and protective of Emily as a baby sister. Janet also spoke a lot about Tim.
Titans Tower and the Red Hood's interactions with Tim are different because of this. Talia kept it a secret that Jason met Janet. Ra's noticed Janet was becoming "comfortable" so decided to remind her of her place by ordering a threat on Tim. Talia heard of this and offered "manipulate" Jason into doing the deed, sweetening the pot by tempting Ra's with the idea of all the chaos Jason's return to Bruce's life will cause in Gotham (because Jason still hates Bruce in this AU).
Jason goes to Gotham with two things in mind: (1) Pretend to threaten Tim just enough to get the other League spies/assassins that are threatening Tim to back down. He goes in with a plan to injure Tim just enough to keep him off the streets and out of uniform for at least a few weeks, if not a couple of months. and (2) to go after Bruce for all the things he's angry at his adopted dad about involving the Joker.
Janet meets and bonds with Damian while he's under Talia's care in a similar way as she did Jason. Damian sees Janet almost like a favorite Aunt. However, Ra's ends up taking Damian away for long stretches at a time to reduce the influence of Talia on the boy as he "trains" Damian personally. But when the time comes that Talia sends Damian to his father, Janet tells him not to reveal anything to Tim about her. He's confused about that. Janet tells him it's because if Tim knew she was alive, he'd stop at nothing to find her... and Ra's would use that against her, both her children (who Damian views as cousins), and Damian's father Bruce, who had adopted Tim after Jack died. So when Damian goes to Gotham to join Bruce's family, he does not make any attacks against Tim, though he is distant to the teenager. Being around Tim makes him WANT to tell him about his mother, especially when he observes how much Timothy still misses her.
Tim doesn't reunite with Janet until BruceQuest. By then Janet and Talia are seperated. Ra's questions Talia's loyalty after she sends Damian out of his reach and sends her away in exile. Janet is sent to the Cradle along with her daughter, who is three years old, almost four at this point. Everything happens just as it does in canon during BruceQuest, except when Tim wakes up at the Cradle and Janet catches wind that he is there and was injured by the Spiders, which is a case she'd been assigned to figure out and stop, she goes to him.
Tim at first doesn't believe what he's seeing when he sees his mom alive and well. At first he thinks she's a fake or a hallucination. But then at the sight of Tim injured and surrounded by ninjas and assassins, Janet goes off, screaming at them to get away from her son. But then the White Ghost himself puts a blade at Tim's throat, and still being injured, Tim can't react fast enough to stop him. Janet freeze with terror as White Ghost reminds her of exactly what SHE has at stake. Just because Timothy is in the Cradle doesn't mean that the sword of Damocles isn't still hanging over his head. Then White Ghost orders a couple of the other assassins to turn their blades on Janet too, which sends a spike of alarm immediately through Tim. White Ghost is quite pleased with watching Tim's expression as he realizes that just as they can threaten him to keep his mother in line, now in addition to Tam they can threaten Janet to keep Tim in line.
Afterwards, when the three of them are finally able to be alone together in Janet's "suite" which is just a comfortably furnished prison cell with a couple of rooms, Janet explains everything to her son and Tam. After she's done talking, Tim asks her why she hasn't tried to leave, even when Ra's has her out in the field. It's at that time one of the side room doors open and little Emily warily peeks out. "Momma? Is it safe?"
Tim is frozen in shock at the child as this child with Jack's brown hair and Janet's blue eyes (the same as his own) is beckoned forward by his mom. "It's ok baby. It's safe. They're safe." The girl asks who they are. Janet smiles sadly. "Y'know the stories I told you about our home back in Gotham? This is your big brother." At that, Emily's eyes light up, fear blinked away and replaced by wonder and curiosity. "Tim?"
After that, Tim ends up working alongside his mother in order to figure out this whole deal with the Council of Spiders. He gets to see his mother in her element and sees a whole side of her that he never knew existed. He also realizes that a lot of his observational and investigational skills, the way his mind works to connect clues and solve cases are traits he inherited from his mom. While they work, Tam stays with Emily, who is happy for the company that isn't assassins. She misses her cousins Jason and Damian who she'd grown up with, but she loves getting to know Tim. When they are resting at the Cradle, she follows him around like a duckling.
Things happen as they do in the Cradle at the end of everything. While Ra's thinks Tim and Janet are under his thumb, what he doesn't realize is that now that the two are working together, Janet seizes the opportunity to activate several "contingencies" she's been quietly integrating into the Cradle for what she hoped would be her eventual escape. The only reason she hadn't activated any of them was she had no way to get Emily out safely with just her. But with Tim there now it's possible.
During the escape from the Cradle, Tim quickly learns that his mother has no limits when it comes to protecting him, his baby sister, or Tam. One of the first things Janet does when the Spiders attack is to get her hands on as many firearms and ammo clips as she can carry, and she's a crackshot with all of them. She's in full on black ops mode when the fighting starts, and her mission is to safely extract the hostages by any means necessary and cut off pursuit by any hostiles.
Oh, btw... Tim may have originally set up his virus to just blow up the Cradle, but while he was out in the field on earlier missions to locate the Spiders, Janet snuck in behind him and boosted the reach of the virus to go after nearly all the League bases that were on the same network. This was Janet's big FUCK YOU to Ra's for everything he put her through over all these years.
Once they're back in Gotham City, the final showdown with Ra's and his assassins happens, but Tim is not alone when he faces down Ra's, at least not completely. When everything started, Tim left Janet with Emily under Red Hood's protection. Tim wanted his family under the protection of someone who would DEFINITELY shoot to kill if someone threatened them. However, Janet had a feeling Tim was gonna run off and face Tim alone, so she followed after while leaving Emily with Jason, who promised to watch over his baby sister.
In the skyscraper office, just as Ra's is about to try and kick Tim through the window, he catches a glint in the reflection of the cracked glass window and barely turns around just in time to avoid being shot through the head, instead catching Janet's bullet through the shoulder. Janet doesn't hesitate, doesn't even give Ra's the chance to monologue, just stares him down with ice cold eyes as she empties half the clip from her Glock center mass into his chest before putting one last bullet between his eyes. Once she knows Ra's is down, she immediately starts mother henning Tim, checking on his injuries and fretting about infection because he still lost his spleen.
Afterwards, Ra's body disappears before it can be picked up by authorities, because of course it did.
Tim returns to live at the manor and delivers the evidence that Bruce is alive. Janet and Emily relocate there as well for the time being to rest and recuperate from their harrowing ordeal. Jason comes back as well because (1) he missed Janet and sees her as a second mom and (2) he wants to be there in case anyone from the League tries to retaliate again, which thankfully they don't. Janet made sure that the League was severely crippled by what they did at the Cradle. Damian is also a lot lighter now his Aunt Janet is back in his life again, along with Emily.
Eventually, about a week after everything settles down, Steve Trevor shows up at the front gate of Wayne Manor. He's come by to both say welcome home to his best friend and to extend an invitation. Tim asks what's going. "Oh, it's just an invite from your grandmother to have Sunday dinner with her. She wants to finally meet her grandchildren." Tim blinks at her. "Wait? GRANDMOTHER?! Since when did I have a grandmother?!"
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xerith-42 · 4 months
I really should've watched PDH season 2 and MyStreet Season 1 before working on a story that directly adapts/rewrites both of those plots, but I didn't so I keep forgetting shit
Like Ein's whole plotline with Kacey? Left my brain. Would I have known that if I watched canon Ein content instead of just watching Angelsville again? Probably. Do I know it now instead because a Tumblr post made me revisit the last episode to verify Ein got arrested only to see Katelyn beating his ass? Yes.
I'd argue that's a way funnier way to relearn this information and then incorporate it into your plot EDIT: I JUST CHECKED THE WIKI AND--
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Jessica, Jason, I mean this as sincerely as I possible can
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
Hey! How have you been doing? You've been quiet for a couple months, I hope you're hanging in there.
Choosing this out of the 26(!!) Asks left to me since I went ghost.
So short of it is, my health slowly and drastically went on a decline over the past 10 months. It got more severe over the past 4. I'm bedbound more often than not. I also only a few days ago discovered someone I loved died. So I'm not doing great, to be straight with everyone.
On top of that my hyperfixation for DPxDC died along with my health. As these things do. But I'm slowly getting back into it. I've written 3k words in the past two days or so(time is really weird for me at the moment as I fluctuate between staying awake for 30 hours and then falling into a coma like sleep that lasts at minimum 12 hours) for the next chapter. So the story isn't abandoned, I personally have not died yet.
So not doing great. But I'm more alive than Danny or Jason can claim so where there's life, there's always hope for a new chapter.
Thanks for the concern 💚
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disniq · 2 years
inspired by this ask and @benbamboozled 's post and the fact that I've been hoarding these moments for a few WIP ideas I have floating around;
Jason Todd and the very bad no good horrible things that he never tells anybody about!
What actually happened in Ethiopia. @romanticizingmurder has a great post about it here, but the only people who were there beginning to end were Jason and Sheila and Sheila's dead so.
How he came back to life. Now, it's extremely likely that even Jason doesn't know because ~cosmic reality punch~ isn't exactly standard even by comicbook standards. As far as Jason is concerned, he just woke up in a coffin.
That he was in Gotham with severe brain damage for months before Talia found him - first in a coma in hospital, and then living on the streets. Again, unclear how much of this Jason himself is aware of, but Talia's people pieced most of it together while figuring out who he was.
The confrontation with Bruce at the end of UTRH (BATARANG TO THE THROAT), and the fact that he likely died again.
Whatever secret Bruce was talking about in Battle for the Cowl, likely childhood sexual assault.
That time Bruce dragged Jason back to the exact warehouse he died in to idek, trigger some repressed memory of how he came back? to help resurrect Damian. (And instead drove Jason to mystically erase all his memories. Yeah.)
That time Jason hallucinated his own murder on repeat while being tortured.
That other other time he died, in Task Force Z
I feel like I'm missing some obvious ones, so if anybody has any feel free to add them!
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arcventi · 9 months
I just hate comic ages
Like Jason was 15 when he died
Then according to his wiki article
"Jason remained dead for six months, his legacy haunting Batman. However, when the evil-alternate reality Superman known as Superboy-Prime punched reality itself, the timeline stuttered, and Jason was restored to life.
Jason broke out of his coffin, but collapsed from exhaustion in the cemetery. He was found there and hospitalized. After spending a year in a coma, Jason awoke but suffered from amnesia. Being released, Jason roamed as a vagrant, unable to remember his life as a vigilante.
Eventually, Jason was recognized by the supervillain Talia al Ghul. Realizing his condition, Talia took Jason in and, for several years, tried to restore him to full health. However, the mental damage from his strange resurrection appeared to be too extensive. From muscle memory, Jason remembered how to fight but could remember nothing else."
So we're already several years in at this point. He's still hot all the training to do. Several teachers. Several countries. Several styles.
Jason is two years older than Tim.
Jason died at 15.
Tim can only have been like, 15 when Jason came back?
So. Jason was 17???
I'm so lost 😭
Can the Flashes stop. Fucking. With. Time. Thanks.
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