#jason todd x OC character
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year ago
The New Heir - Chapter 3
Okay... The last chapter made me had a heart attack. And it made me want to bash my head against my laptop. But thank you for the feedback anons. If you have any questions or feedback, you can always send me an ask.
Warning: break in, implied kidnapping, a panic attack, mentions of blood,
Word count: 3k
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9
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Elias slowly opened his eyes. He grumbled quietly, rubbing his eyes. He leaned up on his elbows, blinking a few times. It was sunny and it looked like there was no storm in the first place. He removed the covers and got up, going to the bathroom. He glanced at Damian, who was sleeping on his back.
Elias thought that he slept like a corpse. Elias shook his head and then went to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and he looked at himself with the mirror above the sink. The bathroom was... Painfully simple. Sure, you don't need to have a lavish bathroom just because you are rich...
But still. Elias wouldn't have a single idea on how to spend this money. Would he stay in his apartment? Buy himself things? When you have money, all the doors are open for you. The world is your oyster if you have money and connections.
His mom would often say that to him. And in a way it is true. Elias shook his head. Why are those thoughts in his head? And more so, in the morning, a few minutes after waking up?
He should only think about food and getting back home to his apartment. And how to introduce Damian Wayne to his mother. The only two thoughts he should be having. Also, where is Titus? He loves Great Danes. They are just so cool.
After 10 minutes he stepped out, nearly jumping out of his skin as Damian sat up out of nowhere.
" What's wrong? " Damian asked, yawing, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
" You! You scared the living daylights out of me! You sat up like something out of a horror movie. " Elias yelled, calming himself down a little bit.
Damian just smirked and Elias scoffed, but with a smile on his face.
" Breakfast should be in a couple of minutes. " Damian announced to Elias, who nodded and he laid back down on the mattress. He rubbed his eyes and Damian went to the bathroom. He would sleep more, but it was going to be difficult. The sun was going trough the curtains and it just wasn't dark enough.
While Damian was in the bathroom, he changed into his clothes from yesterday. He combed his fingers through his hair, to try to calm it down a little bit.
Damian came out after a few minutes, a little bit more awake.
" Do you remember where the dining room is? " Damian asked Elias, yawning once more.
" I do. "
" Breakfast should start in a few minutes, so you can go downstairs. " Damian told Elias and Elias opened the door, catching the sight of Tim exiting his room.
" Morning Elias. " Tim said, closing the door behind himself.
" Morning Tim. " Elias repeated the greeting, closing the door. The two started walking down the hall, not saying anything at first. It was awkward at.
" Soo... How did you sleep? " Elias asked Tim, cringing at his awkwardness.
" I slept fine. I assume you slept well too. " Tim replied.
" Yeah. I fell asleep in a matter of a second. " Elias said, scratching the back of his neck.
" I always sleep better with the rain in the back ground. Now tell me something. " Tim started and Elias was afraid of the question.
" What is it? "
" How did you befriend Damian? "
Ah, the million dollar question in this family. Or a billion dollar question? Who knows...
" Well, you know the story with the school bully. After that we just talked for a week and then he gave me his number so we can stay in contact for the project. That's it. " Elias said and Tim... Well, he didn't look so convinced.
" You don't have to believe me. It's the truth. " Elias shrugged his shoulder in the process, not knowing why Tim wouldn't believe him about this.
" It's not like I don't trust you. It's just the fact that Damian made a friend, willingly- Now that's something that was weird to us. He is very... Well, he is not the friendliest person you will come across. " Tim explained to Elias, stopping to let him through first.
The smell of food was intense and Elias' stomach grumbled at the smell. He said good morning to everyone and he sat down on the same seat from yesterday.
" Alright master Elias, what are you going to drink? I have some herbal tea, coffee, although a small cup for you and juice. " Alfred finished and Elias wondered what happened to their agreement.
" Alfred, I thought you were going to call me by my first name? What happened to our agreement? " Elias asked, leaning on his elbows and putting his head on his palms.
" I'm afraid that this it's stronger than me, master Elias. So juice, coffee or tea? " Alfred asked, flipping a pancake.
" Juice would be nice. "
" Alright. " Alfred said and put the bacon somewhere.
" How did you sleep Elias? " Bruce, nursing a cup of coffee in his hands, sitting at the head of the table.
" I slept fine mister Wayne. I always sleep ten times better with rain the background. " Elias answered, watching as Damian walked into the dining room, sitting down at his spot.
" Please, just call me Bruce. Mister Wayne was my father. " Bruce said, taking a sip of his hot coffee.
" Alright Bruce. " Elias said, eyes going back to Alfred who was finishing up the breakfast for all of them.
" Alright, a true American breakfast. Some scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes. " Alfred declared as he served them all their breakfasts. After saying bon appetit, they dug in. Elias didn't think that he has ever tasted better eggs.
And his mom can make killer eggs. But Alfred's? My God, they were on another level. He mumbled a thanks to Alfred as he put the juice next to his plate.
This felt nice. The breakfast passed quickly and after some more teasing directed towards Damian, Elias was ready to go back home. Damian was going to with him, just to meet his mother and to finish up a project.
They had to finish it. One way or another.
Elias happily walked up the stairs, Damian trailing behind him. Elias texted her this morning to let her know that Damian was coming, but she didn't respond. Elias also called her, but she was not picking up the call.
Maybe her phone died and she just didn't charge it? Elias left a voicemail, letting her know.
" Did she respond to your texts? " Damian asked, tilting his head. He didn't like this one bit. He had a feeling that something was off.
" No, but her phone must have died. " Elias concluded, but deep down he had a feeling that something was wrong. His mom was always there to respond to his calls or texts.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw that the door of the apartment were ajar.
His mom was careful with those doors. They were never open. Not when you live in Gotham. Elias could feel his hands shaking as he was about to push the door open. Damian tried to stop him, but Elias shook him off. He stepped into the apartment, shaking like a leaf. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears.
To say that the apartment is trashed would be an understatement. It looks like a hurricane went through it. Furniture is out of place and Elias could see that a chair was broken. Red shards of her once favorite vase were scattered across the floor. He moved to the kitchen, where a drawer was open. In it, there were a knife missing and Elias could swear that there was blood on the backsplash.
Damian grabbed him, making him jump. Damian led him out in the hall, dragging protesting Elias down to the lobby and out on the street in the fresh air.
" Now, you are going to stay put while I call GCPD. " Damian stated, leveling Elias' attempt protesting with his glare. Elias took his phone and started calling his mom. Texts are not going make it.
Elias started biting his bottom lip. He paced a little, waiting for his mom's voice to come through.
It never came. Only that robotic sound of that voice mail. He took a deep breath and tried again.
No answer.
Damian called Alfred as he has finished talking to the 911 operator. He looked at Elias, who looked crushed. He was trembling and he could see tears building up.
Elias was afraid. Damian wasn't good at comforting, but he could try.
" Are you okay? " Damian asked, although he already knew that answer.
" Damian... " Elias started, before sighing. Damian is trying to comfort him. " I don't know. I don't know where she is and I could be over reacting, but after seeing the apartment... I don't know... " Elias said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He wasn't going to cry.
" Are you sure you are okay? You look a little bit pale. " Damian noted, watching him closely. He was getting pale and Damian saw that he was sweating and his breath was getting more erratic.
He is having a panic attack.
" Elias, I think you might have a panic attack. " Damian said, making him sit down on the curb. He could see the familiar black car, so it was nice to see that he would have back up.
Elias couldn't really hear him as he the world started swimming in his eyes. He couldn't breath either and Damian's voice sounded distant. Damian knelt down in front of him, calm and collected for Elias' sake.
" Give me 5 things you can see. " Damian said, stopping Alfred with his hand.
" The store behind you... You... The tree, cars driving by and... Alfred. " Elias said, breathing a tad more easier.
" Four things you can touch. " Damian said, still calm and collected. He watched Elias like a hawk.
" My pants... The curb... My jacket and road. "
" Good, you are doing well. Good job. Now, three things you can hear." Damian praised.
" Your voice, the cars... And the birds. "
" Two things you can smell. Try to take deep breaths. "
" The smell from the trash and... " Elias stopped for a moment to take a deep breath. It was a foreign feeling to him. " Deodorant? " Elias questioned, not quite sure.
" And one thing you can taste. " Damian said, watching as Elias' breathing got back in order. He almost wanted to sigh in relief, but he had to stay relaxed for Elias' sake.
" Juice from the breakfast. " Elias said, breathing pattern finally normal and Alfred visibly relaxed.
" Are you two alright? " Alfred asked, looking at them both.
" We are. It seems that someone broke into the apartment. And his mother is not there. " Damian said and Alfred nodded in acknowledgement. " I also called the GCPD after calling you. " Damian added and Alfred moved to Elias.
" Master Elias, I would like you to sit in the car rather than on the road. " Alfred said quietly, gripping Elias' hands to help him up. Elias took a deep breath as he stood up and Damian thought that he was going to get dizzy by the way he swayed on his feet. He was ready to catch him if necessary.
" Alright. Sit tight here. I think I can see the patrol cars. Master Damian, you will have to lead them to the apartment. I don't think that master Elias is capable to do so. " Alfred said to Damian, moving Elias to sit at the passengers side. Elias leaned his head back on the leather, closing his eyes.
He forced himself to take deep breaths. He has never had a panic attack before. There were times when he was scared, but he was never so scared and panicked to the point of getting a panic attack.
He opened his eyes, watching the now empty police car. Alfred is on the side, waiting with Elias. Elias looked back at the entrance as Damian walked back out. Elias perked up and Damian put his hand up to stop him from getting up.
" They are calling it in right now. They will need to talk to you. " Damian stated. " Then they will have to call Social Services to get you put somewhere, but don't worry, we will take you in. " Damian said, watching the fear of being sent somewhere unknown.
There is a plethora of stories of children who were put in juvie because there was no place anywhere in the city for them.
" Thanks. I don't want to go to juvie. "
" As Todd would say, you have to take on the biggest one in the yard and prove your dominance. " Damian said, making Elias chuckle as his eyes watered a little bit.
" I know you are going to probably snap at me, but how are you feeling now? " Damian asked Elias, leaning on the side of the car.
Elias took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He didn't want to have another panic attack so he had to slow his mind down.
" Scared. Terrified. " Elias started, tapping his fingers against his thighs. " I don't want to think that she was kidnapped last night, but the more I think about the apartment and how it looked like, I know it would be stupid to not think about the possibility of a kidnapping. " Elias explained to Damian, sighing quietly.
Damian nodded. He has never been afraid to the extent that Elias is right now. He knew that Elias is thinking about a lot of things. More importantly, he is worried about his mother. His mom is the only constant in his life and now that one constant is gone.
" I don't know who would want to take her. " Elias said quietly, wrapping his arms around himself.
" This is Gotham, usually there is no reason. " Damian said, making Elias chuckle quietly.
" That is true. " Elias admitted, looking somewhere past Damian's shoulder. Damian turned around when to see what he was looking at. There were to officers walking up to the car and Elias just wanted to sigh out loud. He knew that the officers need to do their job, but Elias really wasn't in the mood to talk.
Bruce came half an hour later, after getting a call from Alfred and Damian. He didn't know what to think about the break in. He didn't expect it to happen to Natalia and more importantly, especially in that area.
The part of the city where Elias lives, well lived, is one of the rare parts where there was no crime and where people could live somewhat peacefully.
Did the incidents happen? Yes. But something like this? Burglary and kidnapping and/or possible murder? God know what the kidnapper is going to do with Natalia.
Kidnapping, burglary and possible murder wasn't really there when it came to this part of the city. He only hoped that they were all okay. He knew that Alfred wouldn't let anything happen to them both. He parked the car near the building before quickly getting out. He slammed the door and quickly walked up to his butler and son. Elias was currently lying down in the back seat.
Bruce raised his brow at Elias, but Damian shook his head. It's a clear sign of don't ask now, I will explain later.
" Alright, can somebody explain to me exactly what has happened? I got the short version. " Bruce asked Damian and Alfred. Damian glanced at Elias, then back at his father.
" We went upstairs and saw the apartment door was ajar. Elias went in to investigate and I followed him to get him out. GCPD got called and then Alfred and you. That would be it. " Damian explained to Bruce, who just nodded in response.
Another glance at Elias got him a little bit worried. He looked exhausted and it didn't look good. Sure, he is under a lot of stress due to the break in, but this is something else. He glanced at Alfred and the two moved aside, just out of earshot from the both boys.
" What happened with Elias? " Bruce asked, glancing at the car once more.
" He had a panic attack master Bruce. Damian walked him through it and by the looks of it, it looked like it was his first panic attack. "
Bruce hummed. " Poor kid. "
" I don't think I need to tell you, master Bruce, that he is staying with us. Damian already told him. " Alfred said and Bruce chuckled quietly.
" Of course. But also, I don't think I could have let him go with someone unknown. " Bruce said, crossing his arms.
" So I assume you are going to adopt him? " Alfred asked casually.
" No. He will be my ward until we find his mother. " Bruce said, determined to not adopt anymore children.
Alfred wasn't convinced. Not in the slightest.
" Don't give me that looked Alfred. "
" Master Wayne, you have an addiction when it comes to adopting. " Alfred sassed back, making Bruce roll his eyes.
" I don't. "
" Of course, and I'm the Pope. Now, lets get them both back home. " Alfred said, already walking back to the car. Bruce followed quietly, not really sure what to say to Elias.
" Come on Elias. We are going back to the manor. " Damian said to Elias and Elias slowly sat up properly, moving so that Damian could sit in the car too. He leaned his head on the window, closing his eyes.
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debonairprincesposts · 3 months ago
well hello! what do you think about jason’s tits (those that he does not assume that are very big titties)?
Well my dear reader! I think that his tiddies don’t get enough attention. Like- imagine this:
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Jason and you are just chillin’ on the couch and you wanna lay your head on a soft surface of sorts. And what do you know! His tiddies are just within reach. So, you just plop your head on there and pretend that you don’t know what your actions are doing to him. You can hear his heartbeat speeding up (he told you once before how sensitive his chest is and you just happen to put your head extremely close to his nipple. So your cheek is just moving his shirt where it lays as it just barely grazes his skin and it’s making him shudder and squirm in his seat. You smirk to yourself at his reaction).
Another time is when you feel kinda stressed and wanna just squeeze something. So, you just come up from behind him while he’s minding his business in the kitchen, and just casually cup his pecs and start squeezing and massaging them and playing with his nipples from over his shirt, twisting, pulling, and pinching while he subtly (it’s not subtle to you at all, you can read him like an open book) shakes and lets out little gasps where he stands and starts to lean against the counter for support as if to will himself to not completely submit to you and let you take him right then and there on the kitchen floor.
It’s gotten to the point where every time he spots you in the vicinity, he prepares himself and expects you to just come up from behind him and start your assault on his tits. (he doesn’t hate it, he’d just like a warning when it happens)
Every time you compliment him on having such plush, soft tits while teasing him, he quietly whines saying that they’re not tits or something (it doesn’t take long to convince him otherwise.)
I think it would go something like this:
“Look at how wonderful these are,” you say as you squish them together. You’re sat atop his lap as he lays back on the couch, shirt off. “I could play with these all day. Such pretty tits, don’t you agree, Jason?”
His breaths come out in soft gasps as you continue to twist and pinch at his chest.
“Not tits,” he gasps out while lightly shaking his head, “They’re not.” He’s tightly gripping onto your waist as you unhurriedly grind atop his groin which causes a soft mewl to escape his lips.
You grin at his reaction and grab one of his hands and place it on one of his tiddies and squeeze.
“Yeah, they are.” You say as you use your other hand to guide his chin to make him glance down. “Look at them, Jay. Aren’t they pretty?”
His face is red at he looks down at his chest, his breath catches in his throat as he takes a proper look, full of hickies and bright red bite marks from your previous ministrations. Your grinding isn’t helping at all. He might come in his pants if you keep that up. He moans as you keep up with your actions. Curious if you could get him to cum from just touching his chest and light pressure on his groin.
A reedy sound brings you back to the present (the color on his chest from your attention was distracting.) Lost in your thoughts from admiring your work. He looks mesmerizing. Eyes dilated so much that you can barely spot the teal of his irises, his eyes appearing almost completely black. His face is practically the color of his helmet, it’s almost impressive. Shudders leave his body as he completely sinks back onto the couch.
You use the hand that grasping his chin to point it to the side as you lean in to leave more bruises on his neck, your grinding unfaltering. His moans increase in volume as you bite and suck on his sweet spot right at the juncture between his neck and shoulder.
The hand that’s on your waist twitches, his mouth opens in a silent moan as he gasps loudly while throwing his head back on the back of the couch as he gives a full body shiver, cum staining the inside of his pants.
You stop your actions as you take a minute to admire the fucked out look on his face.
You lean your face close his ear as you say, “Think your tits are pretty now, Jay?”
He shivers from the air brushing against his ear. He nods with a quiet whine, sounding out an almost inaudible “uh-huh”, unable to get any more words out.
You grin in victory, “There you go.”
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
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I think I went over board. It was only supposed to be a few sentences long.
Didn’t even know I could write like that.
Anyway! Hope that answers your question!
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billloveshushu · 2 months ago
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟏, 𝐏𝐫𝐭 𝟏,𝟐━ 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲.
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✦━━ ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔 𝔹𝕒𝕥𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕩 𝔹𝕒𝕓𝕪𝕆ℂ.
Previous Chapter✦ Next Chapter
˚✧˙ 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ━━ A baby was rescued by Batman on one of his missions, feeling responsible, Bruce decided to adopt her. But the question is that the baby knew she was in the comic book world, not knowing how to react or why, will she survive in this traumatized family?
✦ ( "" ) Thoughts ( ━ ) Dialogue ✦
English is not my original language, the translation was done by Google Translate, só sorry for any spelling mistakes.
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Only two days have passed since that night, the baby is still amazed at how much has changed in such a short time, especially Bruce, she knows he is quite busy with his duties as Batman and playboy Bruce Wayne so it wouldn't be surprising if he doesn't show up at the mansion every day, but somehow now he always finds time to spend with her even though in that time he learns how to take care of a baby, she still laughs when she remembers that day.
Bruce's hands were shaking as he held her, he was so focused that it seemed like he was dealing with a time bomb, and Alfred was by his side teaching him how to hold a baby without hurting him, the baby looked at the man who is the biggest nightmare of all Gotham criminals and started to laugh.
She was laughing and mocking Bruce, but in his vision it was different, he only saw a baby smiling and letting out sweet laughs with her pink cheeks. It seemed like a sun that warmed his insides, illuminating him with each laugh that came out and Bruce without realizing the corner of his lip rose.
From then on, Bruce didn't need much help from Alfred since he learned quickly, so his sense of overprotection began to grow. Every time he held her in his arms, he realized how much more fragile and defenseless she was. She wasn't like his other children. She wasn't trained from the beginning for combat and she wasn't super intelligent. She was just a regular baby. That's why Bruce stayed around the baby, even if it was through the mansion's cameras, and he regularly found himself worried about her, often calling Alfred to ask how she was.
Besides the fact that she is weaker compared to other babies, because in the orphanage where she lived, which was actually a front and a place for human trafficking, the children did not receive the necessary care and most of the time they went hungry, Bruce felt his veins pulsate just thinking about it, there is also the lack of records, he tried in many ways to find information about her birth or parental records but found nothing, so it was obvious, they planned to traffic her.
He regrets not beating up those drug dealers more, which is why Bruce had to resort to DNA testing to at least find out her ethnicity. Barbara applied to help and said it would take at least two days for the results. Meanwhile, Bruce prepared the other arrangements for the baby; this week would be quite long.
Then on the second day something strange happened, that day the baby tried to imagine what her past life was like, was she happy? What was her childhood like? Did she have parents? What was she like as an adult? And most importantly, how did she die...?
These questions had been going around her head all day, so that night, the baby tried so hard to remember more memories that she ended up falling asleep in the process, then she had a disturbing dream. She couldn't feel anything and all she saw was an immense darkness, it wasn't scary but rather sad and melancholic, it was nothing but darkness until in the sky she saw a little red dot, which gradually turned into a drop that fell to the center.
Then everything changed, she realized that it wasn't just a red drop... It was blood. It spread like a virus, the intense color shone in the place, she no longer felt sadness, she felt anger, a deep hatred but she had other feelings, fear... anguish that suffocated her, that trapped her in this red hell.
Like blood...
The baby woke up desperate, she was sobbing and short of breath, but she could still feel... those overwhelming emotions eating away at her flesh, her tears ran down her cheeks, she wanted to scream, get someone's attention, but she couldn't, as if it was registered in her body to suffer alone.
"Someone.. Ah... Please... Help!" he thought as his shortness of breath worsened.
At that moment Bruce was returning from patrol and heading towards his room, until he heard a sob and looked back realizing that the noise was coming from the baby's room, he immediately ran towards the noise, frustrated by the distance from his room, when he arrived and opened the door he was able to hear more clearly, they were small sniffles and a contained sob.
If he wasn't a person trained to hear the slightest noises he wouldn't have even noticed, getting closer he saw a distressed little baby with tears running down his face that was red trying to breathe heavily, Bruce quickly shouted calling Alfred and tried somehow to find what was wrong.
He gently picked up the baby feeling even more distressed, she wasn't crying like a normal baby, who screams and makes a fuss if something is bothering her, she was curled up like a shell letting out only small sobs and her mouth was tightly closed with only her tears coming out.
Bruce checked to see if any part of her body was hurt until he realized that she was holding her breath━ No no, please breathe! ━ he held her little head as he desperately tried to make her breathe.
Amidst so many tears, the baby managed to see Bruce's face blurry, who was desperate, seeing that someone was at his side to help, her breathing began to return slowly, her mouth opened and closed trying to make some sound, she stretched out her arms towards Bruce, touching his face and becoming calmer.
Bruce caressed her little hand and said ━ It's okay, I'm here ━ He wiped her tears and hugged her to his chest, lightly patting her back. Alfred soon appeared, out of breath from having run. With him were the boxes of medicine.
After taking her temperature, Alfred said that she had a fever but that it wasn't serious and that she just needed to take some medicine. Bruce was confused. How could it not be serious?! He saw her losing her breath as if she was in extreme pain. Bruce told this to Alfred, who was extremely worried and recommended that the doctor's appointment be rescheduled for tomorrow. Bruce agreed and looked at the room. It was a decent room but it showed his neglect of her at the beginning. It was far from his main room and he was completely unprepared in case something like what happened today happened.
Bruce turned to Alfred━ She will sleep with me tonight this place is not safe━ Alfred was surprised but did not disagree━ What are you planning sir?
━ I'm going to renovate the room closest to mine, and I'm going to install the security system in it━ the baby they thought was sleeping on Bruce's shoulder looked at him with wide eyes " what!? "
"Wait a minute! I know today was tense, but it's not that bad!!"
She looked at Alfred desperately "You don't agree with this nonsense, do you!?" and breaking her expectations Alfred said━ I completely agree, Sir.
The baby with her puffy cheeks looking like a pufferfish while drinking her liquid medicine thought "It's not fair..." Bruce couldn't help but pinch her cheeks as the baby slapped his hand away in irritation.
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The next day it happened exactly as Bruce said, the baby spent the night in his room, she slept peacefully on his chest as if nothing had happened, he on the other hand, couldn't sleep and spent the whole night worried about her, and sometimes he just watches her sleeping perhaps envying her for her peace.
It was only in the morning that Bruce managed to sleep, but he was soon woken up by Alfred opening the curtains. He saw the baby already awake playing with his hand. He kissed her on the forehead and got up. The people Bruce had hired to do the renovations soon appeared. He comforted Alfred by saying that they were trustworthy people.
Suddenly the doorbell rang, Alfred answered it and came back accompanied by a woman in a wheelchair, she was beautiful and wore glasses, her hair was red and she was carrying a purse, she greeted Bruce and looked around as if she were looking for something, then her eyes shone when she found the baby.
" Bárbara Gordon?! " the baby was surprised by the woman who approached, it wasn't every day that she met the esteemed Barbara Gordon, daughter of Commissioner Gordon, the iconic Batgirl herself and one of the most intelligent people in DC, while thinking the baby suddenly felt in the air and realized that she was now in Barbara's lap.
Barbara was smiling beautifully ━ Good morning princess ━ ​​she said and kissed the baby's cute little cheeks who blushed, Barbara already knew her? But she doesn't remember meeting her.
The baby doesn't know, but when Bruce wanted to do the DNA test Barbara decided to come personally to collect the samples, but she was curious about the new child that Bruce adopted, when she found out that it was a baby she thought the decision was irresponsible, taking care of a baby is difficult and more dangerous with the lives of Punishers that they lead, the proof of this is her legs, the memory of the attack was still engraved in her mind.
Thinking that this could happen to a baby irritated her.
And when she arrived at the mansion she planned to leave quickly, that's when she saw her, Alfred showed the sleeping baby in the nursery so it was easier to get the sample, Barbara found her appearance quite rare, especially her red hair, she acted carefully so as not to wake her up and collected a bit of her beard, when she was going to take her hand away the baby grabbed one of her fingers probably thinking it was one of her stuffed animals.
Barbara stopped and watched the baby hugging her hand, her little cheeks around her transferring their warmth to her cold palm, Barbara couldn't help but find this very cute, it somehow eased her fleeting anger, realizing that this adoption can't be that bad.
That day Barbara felt comforted.
Now Barbara noticed that she had smeared the baby's face with her lipstick, she laughed nervously and wiped the baby's face with a tissue until she heard a dry cough behind her, she slowly turned to receive Bruce with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow ━It seems like someone woke up in a bad mood today━ she commented as she looked at Bruce's messy appearance.
He sighed━ Did you come to play with my daughter or hand over the documents I lost ━ he held out his hand waiting for the file, Barbara snorted━ It's here, you bore!━ she said taking the folder out of her bag and handing it over.
━ Isn't he annoying, baby?━ She asked the baby who raised his arms trying to grab the locks of her hair. Barbara laughed when she saw the baby enchanted with her hair. ━ Yes, dear, you're not the only redhead in this house ━ The baby managed to grab one of the locks and smiled, showing her dimples. Barbara felt her heart melt at the sight and couldn't hold back and kissed her little face even more.
Bruce sat in an armchair as he read the files. Through the sample, he discovered that the baby's ethnicity is Latin, her parents were probably immigrants and had the bad luck of falling into the wrong hands. He flipped through the pages and found nothing else of interest ━ Didn't you find anything else? ━ Barbara shook her head. ━ Unfortunately not, it's as if she never existed.
━ Hunn ━ he put his hand on his chin, that was impossible, the batcomputer had access to thousands of pieces of information, both confidential and public, not having even his parents' information was suspicious. While Bruce was thinking, Alfred appeared with a tray containing coffee and a bottle, he left the tray on a table and politely asked for Barbara's baby, who complained a little but let him, and he took her to another room, she looked back at Bruce ━ I heard what happened, Alfred told me, I'm glad she's okay ━ Bruce nodded ━ I'm taking her to the hospital today, I hope it's nothing serious.
━ You haven't given her a name yet, have you?
He sighed━ I don't want to give her just any name, I want it to be special, with a meaning, that reminds her of her origins━ he shook the papers in his hand━ This might help, thank you very much Barbara.
She gave a small smile ━ No problem, but what about the others? You know it won't be long before they find out about her, I think even Tim already knows.
Bruce drank the coffee that Alfred left ━ Don't worry, I'll introduce her at the family dinner, until then I ask you not to tell anyone, and about Tim, he won't tell or simply doesn't care ━the family dinner, an occasion that Alfred plans every month, with the purpose of bringing the family together, even if it's a disaster with the frequent fights or an absurd silence that could even hear the flies buzzing.
For the first time Bruce found this meeting useful.
━ Oh yeah, I almost forgot ━ she turned on the TV at the exact moment the newspaper was on, Bruce was about to ask until the girl on television spoke━ Breaking news, apparently historians have discovered more about the greatest mystery in history, the Red Empress.
The newspaper continued talking about this, the red empress, a historical phenomenon that is a mystery to this day, whose existence was only discovered through reports from other countries, is considered a symbol of freedom and hope since it was through her that slavery in her country ended.
To reinforce the title historical mystery, not even her name was discovered and there was even a time when they thought she was a man, and her 'nickname' came through a report from a king who described her as having vibrant red hair, not even this was confirmed with certainty.
━ It's impressive, isn't it? Even after so many years we still know little about her ━ Barbara commented, Bruce never really paid attention to this subject, but he had to admit that it was fascinating.
Then Barbara had to leave, she had to take care of some unfinished business, the baby had a sad look as the woman left, she just wanted to spend more time with Barbara ━ Ó╭╮Ò ━ seeing the baby's eyes shining Bruce kissed her on the head━ No need to cry, you'll see her soon.
Soon the appointment time arrived, Bruce dressed in his usual casual suit and as the baby was wearing a pink jumpsuit and was wrapped like a taco, Bruce didn't want her to get sick again on the way. He took her to see Dr. Leslie Thompkins, even with their misunderstandings and fights in the past Bruce couldn't deny that Leslie is one of the best doctors he has ever known and at least she is a trustworthy person to take care of a baby.
Waiting in a private room at the hospital, the baby looked and recognized the old lady who opened the door, being one of Batman's old allies but for some reason she couldn't remember her name.
━ Good afternoon Dr. Leslie, and good to see you again ━ Bruce greeted her with a handshake, "Oh yes! That's her name! Leslie didn't appear that much in the comics, maybe that's why I forgot her name"
━ I'm glad to see you too Bruce━ she looked at the baby ━ Was that the child you rescued?━ Bruce nodded and she sighed.
━ I saw the news and read about her case, it really was a miracle, but today is not the day of her treatment, what happened? ━ Bruce told about what happened and also reported about the slight fever she had last night, she said she was going to do some tests and see if there was anything wrong.
Leslie took the stethoscope off the baby's back━ There's nothing wrong with her, but maybe I have a theory about it━ she pulled out some papers showing an x-ray of a head━ From what I saw the most concentrated injuries were on the head and maybe because of that some trauma arose.
She pointed to some spots in the photo explaining that some were not yet healed and others needed extensive treatment, the baby saw Bruce's hands close into a fist after Leslie spoke of the injuries, so she placed her little hand on top which Bruce responded by squeezing them making the baby laugh, Bruce gave a small smile to the side forgetting his anger.
Leslie stopped for a moment when she saw this scene. It was rare to see Bruce so emotional. She hadn't seen this side of him since her parents died. She shook her head, pushing her thoughts away, and continued her explanation. In the end, she decided to do some tests with Bruce's permission, and most of them were about locomotion and intellect, like playing with a brick cube and fitting it in the right place, or moving her arms and feathers when the doctor asked her to.
The baby put the last cube in place and Leslie wrote it down in her notebook and she turned to Bruce who was in the background watching━ The test went normally, there were no peculiarities━ Bruce sighed in relief.
"But of course, I had to pretend to be wrong on purpose so they wouldn't suspect me." The baby knows that faking the test is wrong, but if they knew about her having an adult conscience or that she knows that this world is made of comics, there's no knowing what will happen to her if they find out, so it's better not to risk it.
━ Since we didn't find anything wrong, the injuries probably don't affect her now but they could affect her in the future, so stay tuned ━ Leslie said as Bruce picked up the baby from the floor, if there's nothing wrong then what was that? Was it really just a nightmare? But would a nightmare cause such a reaction? Then he asked Leslie ━ Can this leave psychological trauma? Cause some kind of anxiety?
Leslie replied ━ She's very young so she can forget what happened, and that's good, she won't carry that trauma with her for the rest of her life ━ Bruce agreed and caressed the baby's face, looking into her eyes, it really is good news, the last thing he wants to see is this little angel suffer and lose the sparkle in her eyes.
In the end, the doctor prescribed some medicine if this happens again, but asked Bruce to wait a little while to talk━ I'm glad you entrusted her to me, but dare I ask, do you plan on making her-
━ No ━ Bruce interrupted her knowing what she was going to ask ━ I don't plan any of that for her, you don't need to worry about it.
She smiled and caressed the baby's face━ She is special Bruce, she was a warrior for surviving in those circumstances.
Bruce looked at the baby━ I know ━ and kissed her cheek━ She's a little ray of sunshine.
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Three days have passed and the renovation of the baby's room is still not finished. Alfred even put a temporary nursery in Bruce's room, worried that the baby would start to depend on him to sleep, and she was shocked. "Alfred! It's not me you should be worried about, it's him!!!" she thought, pointing to Bruce. Not that she was complaining, Bruce's chest was a wonderful pillow but it was very tiring. Every time she slept in the nursery, Bruce woke her up in the middle of the night to sleep with him.
Apparently this is part of one of his overprotective paranoias, with her in his arms he can hear her heartbeat and protect her, this is comforting to him, even Alfred noticed that Bruce was sleeping well lately and he was quite happy about it, he doesn't even remember how much of a lecture he gave Bruce about his terrible sleeping habits talking about how a good night's sleep could be good for your health, but if he knew it was because of the baby he wouldn't be so happy.
The day started with the baby being woken up by Bruce kissing her forehead, she grunted trying to push him away because she was ticklish, he let out a little laugh and hugged her ━ Good morning sweetie ━ and got up to get ready while the baby tried to stay awake.
Alfred came and got the baby ready for breakfast and Bruce had to go to work to resolve some negotiations. In the kitchen, Alfred fed the baby a mixture of milk and medicine, as recommended by the doctor, since the medicine was too bitter for a baby.
Then Alfred took the baby for a walk in the garden, over time this became a pastime between Alfred and the baby, he showed her the flowers in the garden and enjoyed the calm and cozy time together, the baby in Alfred's arms looked at the beauty of the garden until she realized that in the background there was a vegetable garden.
The baby tugged on Alfred's sleeve and pointed to the vegetable garden, wondering what it was. ━ Oh, little miss, this is the vegetable garden your brother and I made together. ━ he said, coming closer and showing some freshly cleaned vegetables.
The baby tilted her head in confusion, "Brother? Which brother?" She approached a plant and realized something, "That's just like Damian. Even though he's an angry guy, he has very calm hobbies." She loved the fact that Damian likes to draw and is an animal lover to the point of becoming a vegan. It's no wonder he's her favorite Robin, even though he's annoying.
━Master Damian liked to water them early in the morning━ Alfred, even smiling, looked sad ━But now he's too busy for that...━ Alfred turned towards the mansion and the baby looked at the vegetable garden behind his shoulder.
Alfred had to do his job so he had to place the baby around several pillows in the living room, soon the baby got bored and moved uncomfortably, she hated being a baby and always being stuck in one place just waiting for someone to come by and ask for help so she could just get up.
She watched her little feet dangling and thought, "What if I try to stand up?" So she tried her best to get into a sitting position, but then she fell flat on her stomach on the couch, panting and sweating. "Wow! Just moving around made me so tired!"
So she gave up and took the opportunity to lie down on the couch, not knowing that someone was watching her through the cameras. Bruce, who was in a minimally boring meeting, took the opportunity to check the baby on the cameras on his cell phone and saw her get up, fall on her stomach on the couch and fall asleep. He had to hold himself back from laughing in the middle of the meeting.
At night, Alfred, after feeding her, gave her a bath and changed her clothes, putting on bunny-shaped pajamas. He had white fur with pink gloves and shoes and a hood with bunny ears and a bow.
This time it wasn't Alfred who bought it, it was Bruce who saw it in a shopping mall window and bought it almost automatically thinking it would look cute on the baby. After taking a photo, Alfred wrapped the baby in a blanket and sat in an armchair with her on his lap to read a story.
Just a second later the baby was already yawning with her eyes watering, Alfred noticed and quickly put her in the nursery, saying goodnight and giving her a kiss on the forehead, then he turned off the light and left Bruce's room.
The baby, as her eyes were about to close, lamented, thinking that she would soon be woken up by a certain person.
The next morning she woke up shocked realizing that she was still in the nursery, no one woke her up in the middle of the night and that meant that Bruce wasn't here, she should have been happy that he didn't disturb her but the opposite happened, in fact she was extremely worried.
Was he so hurt that he couldn't come? Or was he kidnapped by one of his enemies and is being terribly tortured? There were so many possibilities and situations that Batman could be in, that the baby was crying and let out a small cry calling Alfred's attention who came quickly.
In the butler's arms she let out grunts, pointing to the bed clearly asking where Bruce was, Alfred seeing this let out a small laugh and wiped her small tears with his thumb ━ Don't worry little one, I'll take you to Mr. Bruce ━ Alfred took her out of the room and walked through the corridor to the last door where Bruce's office was.
" Hun? He spent the night there, but why?"
Alfred knocked on the door but no one answered, he knocked again but again no answer, then he opened the door finding Bruce with glasses totally focused on a book and with other books around, you could see that he didn't sleep last night with his dark circles and tired look on his face.
Alfred coughed, attracting Bruce's attention, who finally looked up to see the two at the door. He sighed tiredly, taking off his glasses and pinching his eyebrows with a headache. He asked for the baby and Alfred handed it over ━ I never thought choosing a name would be so difficult ━ He caressed the baby's face, who was clearly angry with her eyebrows raised. Bruce looked at Alfred in confusion, asking for answers.
━ The little lady is upset because she couldn't find you this morning ━ Bruce gave a small smile and kissed the baby's cheeks apologizing "That's a lie! I was just worried" but she quickly forgave him now knowing that he did it thinking about her name.
Bruce showed the names to Alfred, most of them were from Latin America so that she would remember her origins but so far nothing pleased him, while they talked about looking for other names, the baby looked at the page of the book that Bruce was holding.
She looked through some names until one caught her attention, "Suyana..." somehow that name seemed familiar to her, as if a voice sounded in her mind, it was a soft voice calling her, she without realizing it placed her hand on the page attracting the attention of Bruce and Alfred.
Bruce held her and looked at the sheet finding the name she was pointing to━ Suyana, meaning hope in the Quechua language of South America ━ he thought the name suited her, hope... something he didn't imagine he would have in his life but now...
Alfred added, ━The meaning fits little miss, don’t you think, Mister Bruce?━ Bruce nodded, ━You’re right, and it’s quite unique like her.
━Did you like your name? Suyana━ the baby smiled happily, she finally had a name, she buried herself in Bruce's arms who hugged her too, she put her ear to his chest listening to his heartbeat, understanding now why Bruce likes that, it was relaxing to know that someone was by her side.
Bruce kissed her on the forehead but the baby pushed him away uncomfortable, he suddenly rubbed his chin realizing the problem ━ I should start cutting my beard.
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About the tag list, I don't know how to do it, so put in the comments who wants to be tagged in the next chapter. That way it'll be easier for me.🙂
Taglist : @fantasyhopperhea @daddysfangirls-dc @cruzerforce4256 @mallowryblog @ jsprien213 @kore-of-the-underworld @bookwarm0-0 @nxdxsworld​
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jay-joy113 · 3 months ago
HEAR ME OUT- Getting absolutly ravished by your cute yandere boyfriend-
At first, you tought that YOU would be the dom tonight, i mean look at this zetsy ass man, he aint no sadistic dom- but guess what? He fuking is!
He used your stupid pride to lure you to your New bedroom. Thats right, now you live here.
He will fuck all your holes that night. No exeptions. Youll wake up sore and with a fuking dog collar around your neck with his name on it.
Now, you could try to run away, but why would you? Besides the sheets hes an absolute angel (Who gaslights gatekeeps end girlbosses) he will give you everything exept freedom... end some damn rest. This guy is for real the saying "an orgasm a day keeps the doctors away" but he must have read wrong twice, because it seems he understood he should do it MULTIPLE times.
In the morning? Youll wake up with him with his head in the middle of your thighs drinking you like a fine wine.
"Oh baby, thats so good..! Hmm, more, i want another one! Please?"
Afther he basicly sucks off your vitality he will lead you to the kitchen to eat breakfest, no, there is not any drugs this time, dont you trust him?
There were drugs. A lot of them.
But it will only kick in lunch. Where youll find out he didn’t cook. No, no, today your lunch is him! Now open that mouth so he can empty his cute bolls.
His cock is huge for such a cute guy. Sometimes he will put a bow on it for you and say its a gift. You wouldn’t deny his gift, would you?
At night its breeding time. Dont even bother trying to sleep. He will fuck you with all his might, traping you with his weight. It will hurt a bit, in a sense that on top of being a big guy he insists on using all his weight just because.
If you can you will get pregnant, if you cant... well ge will try A LOT.
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nukanukaco · 10 months ago
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he’s got dad energy idgaf we can fight
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ratf13nd · 4 months ago
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Mama a girl behind you
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vvoidsmm · 1 month ago
you're so pretty, i don't want this to end
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a kiss because he deserves something nice !! and also i missed bro so bad instead of studying for an exam i whipped this out
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seleneprince · 3 months ago
The MC from my yandere!batfam au
Name: Lucia Wayne-Perez
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(This got too long, ops. And there's more coming)
-Her mother was a whore, living in a pretty shitty neighborhood and working for equally shitty people. She got pregnant after a one-night stand with Bruce Wayne. She was told to abort the baby, since not only it would be a burden to her job, but she wouldn't been able to give her a good life.
-However, she refused everytime. She briefly considered using the baby to get a hold of the Wayne's fortune, but as time passed, she decided to keep her precious babygirl to herself instead. The rich society wouldn't ever accept them anyway, and if they gave a shit, it'll be only to take Lucia away from her for being a Wayne.
-For the first time in her life, the woman had something worth living for. Something that was entirely hers, her own creation. And she refused to let anyone take it from her.
-Unfortunately, love itself isn't enough to raise a child, as she soon found out. With a new mouth to feed, she had to work more and leave little Lucia with other people more often than not. When she became old enough, her mother chose to leave her alone at home instead, drilling in her mind to never, ever, open the door to anyone that wasn't her.
-It made her feel better knowing her babygirl was waiting for her at their home, rather that in someone else's hands.
-Lucia's happiest memories from childhood are the time she spent with her mother when she wasn't working, doing things together at home. They cooked together, watched tv snuggled at the couch, chased each other all around their little apartment between laughs.
-From outside, it wasn't a safe or healthy life for a kid. But Lucia was loved, and she was happy even when they struggled. Her mother was her everything.
-Then her little brother was born, her mother once again deciding to keep the baby against all advice, and Lucia learnt to take care not only of herself, but now of another human being as well.
-It was fine, because she adored her little brother. She wasn't alone anymore when Mommy went out to work. She had her brother to play with.
-She was homeschooled, definitely. Her mother was smarter than people gave her credit for, so she had no problem teaching them what they needed. Plus, it gave for sweet family bonding time.
-The people her mother worked for were dangerous, ruling over the town with iron fists and fear. The woman had a somewhat privileged position compared to her co-workers, but it didn't mean she was safe.
-And she found out the worst way.
-You see, Lucia's mother earned her privileges with her charm and silver tongue, not only for her "work ethic". This allowed her to get a hold on certain secrets, information she shouldn't have had. The kind of secrets that, if she shared them with anyone, they would've mean serious trouble for her superiors.
-It didn't sit right with them, of course, so they decided to eliminate the risk permanently.
-One day, a man showed up to their apartment's door, banging it loudly and yelling. Her mother grabbed Lucia and her brother in a hurry, shoved them in a closet and locked it, telling them to not make a sound until she returned.
-Through the gaps of the closet, Lucia could only see the shadows of her mother and the stranger, and heard the screams. She cried, burying her face in her brother's head to muffle the sounds, covering his mouth with her hand to do the same for him.
-At last, she heard gunshots. Several. She saw traces of blood splashed on the wall, and then silence followed. Eery, terrible silence.
-There were voices of adults talking, all men. She could heard them walk through the apartment, and she closed her eyes tightly, begging silently that they left soon so Mom could return and comfort them.
-But Mom didn't return. Instead, heavy footsteps approached them, and the closer was opened slowly.
-A man stood in front of them. Big, scary looking, and with his clothes stained in red.
-He didn't say anything, didn't move, just stared at them. Lucia held his gaze with her teary eyes, her brother holding unto her.
-"Oi, you found anything?!"
-"Nah, there's nothing in here!"
-And he locked the closet again.
-The police arrived much later, ripping the closet open apart, as if they knew they were there. They were led out of the apartment, passing the living room, where there was blood everywhere...and Mommy's corpse laying there, with a giant pool of red underneath.
-Lucia shielded her brother's eyes, but no one did it for her. She just looked at her mother, unblinking, frozen in the spot. She couldn't hear anything or anyone besides her own heart and an intense ringing in her ears.
-She had to be dragged away from the scene.
-Commissary Gordon received them on the street, after they were covered in blankets and briefly interrogated. He was the nicest of the bunch, even when Lucia remained unresponsive. He didn't ask questions, leading them to his car with a gentle hand and taking them to the police station, where they soon figured out they had no relatives to care for them.
-Gordon himself took them to the orphanage, reminiscing of a certain event several years ago when he saw another child with the same haunted look in his eyes, right after losing his parents too.
-It was only after her brother fell asleep that Lucia finally broke down.
-In the orphanage, things weren't much better. Gotham doesn't care about orphans unless they're rich. The clothes weren't the best quality, the food wasn't always warm, and sometimes the punishments for misbehaving were a bit too harsh.
-Lucia found out she hates small, closed spaces. She was thrown in one as punishment for causing trouble and got such a panic attack she fainted there.
-However, she grew to like it there despite all. She played with other kids, her brother had other people to take care of him, and she was free. She cried every night for her Mom, but the rest of the day wasn't so bad.
-Until blood tests came. Lucia knew she and her brother came from different fathers, but she had no idea who they were. Afraid that they would be separated, Lucia went out of her way to avoid getting blood tests. Hiding when there was an appointment, pretending to be sick or injured. Anything.
-It worked for a year, surprisingly. Because again, no one cares about orphans.
-But then, one of the orphanage's rich sponsors dropped for a visit, to check their donations were used properly. That person happened to have known Martha Wayne from youth...and pointed out the strong resemblance little Lucia held with the woman.
-She couldn't evade the blood test this time. The results confirmed the suspicions: She was Bruce Wayne's daughter, and meant to go live with him.
-Everyone filled her ears with praises about Bruce, about how lucky she was, how great of a father he obviously is. That everything will be better from now on. And he'll definitely let her visit her brother as much as she wishes, maybe adopting him too.
-For the first time since her mother's death, Lucia felt hopeful. As she was dropped at the Wayne manor, being welcomed by the kind butler named Alfred, she believed great things awaited her.
-It wasn't the case.
-Her father doesn't seem happy to see her, barely concealing his indifference with a quick apology over the loss of her mother (which happened a year ago by then so what's the point?). He's distant and doesn't show interest in her, handling her over to Alfred while he goes on about his day. Alfred apologized on Bruce's behalf, holding her by the hand and leading her through the manor, helping her get established in her new room.
-Lucia might've been young, but she wasn't blind, and the circumstances she was raised in only made her more observant than most children. She knew she wasn't wanted there, that she was an unpleasant surprise for her father. Which, okay, it hurt a bit a lot but she could handle it. She only had to wait for him to get used to her presence and work hard to earn his love.
-She meets Dick Grayson next, her older brother, according to Alfred. Lucia is hopeful once again. Maybe if her father doesn't like her very much, at least she can get along with her big brother.
-Wrong again. Dick shows pity for her situation and ruffles her hair as a greeting, talking to her in a friendly manner, but Lucia can see he's disconnected from it. He leaves as soon as he can.
-The others aren't any better, making her feel more and more dissapointed by each meeting. Tim brushes her off before they can even talk, acting as if she didn't exist. Jason is scary as fuck, being so big and grumpy (it reminds her of the man that opened the closet). Cassandra and Barbara are polite enough, greeting her when they see each other around the manor, but that's all. Stephanie seems genuinely interested at first, sitting down with her and asking questions, only to ignore her completely after some weeks.
-Turns out she was just bored and Lucia was something "new" to distract herself.
-It becomes clear that she wasn't wanted there. She was an inconvenience, someone that was forced upon them without asking for it, especially for her father.
-The whole family disregard her, and she feels how she disturbs their mood when she enters the room. How their conversations grew quieter in her presence, letting clear she wasn't part of the group.
-They hang out a lot, but never made an effort to include her unless Alfred suggested them to. Lucia couldn't stand how uncomfortable they obviously were with her there, so she was the one to tell Alfred it wasn't necessary.
-Lucia thought she only had to try harder. She noticed how all the family were so talented. She had to keep up. Prove herself to them.
-She took gymnastics classes, judo, programming, painting, everything she could try. She read books Jason liked, studied hard to get good grades. Everything she could think of to impress them and have their approval.
-Nothing worked. In fact, they only seemed more annoyed when she tried to get their attention.
-Acting rebellious was out of the question, thanks to Alfred. He taught her etiquette and how to behave in social settings now she was a Wayne. That her actions could affect the Wayne's reputation. Besides, she respected the man too much to dissapoint him like that.
-The last straw was when Damian showed up, her other half-blood brother. She expected him to be received with the same coldness and indifference, and thought that she could bond with him. She already had a younger brother she loved, having another one would be great.
-Only to feel her heart break for the umpteenth time when he was treated with such kindness and warmness, despite him acting like an asshole all the time. She spent years running herself ragged to earn a spot in the family, to get just a tiny bit of their affection, all for nothing. And he gets it all and more without even trying. Why? What's the fucking difference? What does he have that she doesn't?
-Still, she tries to reach out to him anyway, just like with everyone. He's still her brother, after all. Her actual brother, not like the others. They have the same blood, surely that means something.
-She gets her answer when he sneaks into her room one night and tries to kill her, leaving a long scar across her neck.
-Damian gets a slap on the wrist and Lucia has to hear how he had such a rough upbringing, how he doesn't know better, that it wouldn't happen again. Please, forgive him.
-And that's exactly when she gives up. She realizes she'll never part of the family, not in a way that matters. She's nothing in that house. Her father doesn't want her, her supposed siblings treat her like shit. Well fuck them. She finally got the message. From now on, she'll stay out of everyone's way.
-She has her little brother and Alfred. She doesn't need anyone else. Alfred loves her enough to fill the gap of a father, and takes care of her with the utmost dedication, practically raising her as his own.
-With time, she decides this isn't so bad. At least she gets to live in a huge mansion with plenty of places to explore, and has a nice allowance. She can get used to this. Besides, with how often they're out of the manor, she's free to roam as much as she wants.
-Now, how she gets into her...slightly illegal hobby? Well, you see, that's the thing when you neglect a kid and ignore them all the time. They're left to their own devices without supervision. And they tend to wander into places they shouldn't be.
-Out of all the classes/activities she took, programming was her favourite, along with gimmnastics. She excelled at both, but there was something about technology that called to her. It was her preferred way to distract herself when loneliness hit too hard. She spent hours browsing through internet, playing with the settings, trying new things.
-She felt an addicting kind of satisfaction the first time she cracked a code, succesfully hacking someone's phone without them noticing. She realized she could to many, many things with this skill. And it was surprisingly entertaining. The thrill of it, the challenge it supposed to her. She found her passion.
-Soon enough, this hobby became her life. She went from phones to computers, from computers to security cameras. Not even electric vehicles were safe from her. If it had some sort of software, she could hack it.
-She began to build and develop her own arsenal. Programs, computers, tablets, drones. She modified her phone to be a weapon in her hands, capable of hacking and controlling anything remotely technologic with it. This gathers the interest of the wrong kind of crowd, pushing her into dangerous, very illegal bussiness.
-She uses the money she earns from it to provide for her little brother and save it for the future, in a separate account from Bruce. She intends to get them both out of Gotham at some point, and so her moral code gets more blurry as no one is there to tell her "Stop".
-Lucia grows up as an overachiever, unconsciously to fight her insecurities, and hyper-independent, believing fully she can only ever rely on herself.
-She's also naturally good at parkour, years of gimnastic classes serving her well to climb, jump and sneak into places gracefully. She spends a lot of time on rooftops to "work", since it's usually the best place.
-She also drives her own motorcycle, a gift from Alfred himself when she got her license. However, he'll have a heart attack if he saw how she tends to drive on it.
Part 2 definitely coming, 'cause I have more lore for this girl (she still has to meet Duke)
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aldryrththerainbowheart · 5 months ago
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Jason Todd x reader core
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cherrie-blue-s · 8 days ago
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Idiots in love
Wren and jason
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raineydays411 · 2 years ago
My Father's Daughter
Part 9
Summary: You've been at the Wayne Manor for over a month.
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In some weird way you understand Christine.
You understand why she tries so hard to spend time with you while you're in her home. Why she begs for you to get off of your phone and cook with her. You get why she tries to make the other kids be nice to you. Scolds them harshly when they make snide comments underneath their breath about you.
Truly, you do.
You just...genuinely don't give a shit.
You don't care that she feels bad that she abandoned you for a completely other family and you don't care that she feels like she's losing time to create a bond with you.
You did not care.
Really, you didn't.
"Um,kid... you know I love you but I'm really not that kind of doctor" Bruce Banner said awkwardly over facetime.
You sigh. "Yeah I know B. You were just the first one to pick up the phone."
"Ouch." Banner laughed, " you know, you really are your fathers child."
You smile, one of the rare times you actually did nowadays. " How is the old man?"
You haven't been able to call him since he was paranoid whoever wants you would track your phone calls and find out where you are.
"Your father is even more annoying now without you than he ever has been in my entirety of knowing him" Banner deadpans, " He misses you a lot kiddo, we all do."
You smile sadly, missing your family.
It was hard, seeing these people you barely knew, with a mother you barely knew, stuck in a house you barely knew.
And the fact that they feel like a family. They argue and play jokes on each other. They eat with each other every afternoon ( Bat activities at night), Bruce kisses Christine goodbye when he goes to work. It was so domestic in its weird little ways.
But you didn't fit in.
They laughing and the jokes stopped whenever you walked into the room. The conversations were stale.
It was depressing.
It's not like they ignored you, oh no. That would've been preferable.
No half of them trip over their feet to try and include you in whatever they're doing.
Dick will turn blue chatting your ear off about whatever he thinks will get you to open up to him and Christine?
She will bend over backwards, frontwards, and sideways just to get you to acknowledge she gave birth to you. Every night she comes into your room and tries to talk to you about your life. And every question is met with a dull answer
"So any boys that catch your interest here?" " I don't know, I can't leave the premises"
"Were you in any sports? You look like you'd be a cheerleader like your momma!" " I was in mathletes and debate like Pepper"
"You really are beautiful my baby" "Thanks, everyone says I look like my dad"
It really was a struggle to get you to open up. Almost everyone at the manor had a hard time even starting a conversation with you.
Everyone except of course Alfred and surprisingly Jason Todd.
Alfred won you over as soon as you moved in. He vouched for you when you needed time alone and brings you snacks>
Jason is a whole different story.
See, the reason why it's so hard for everyone to talk to you is because they all refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. They're treating you like you were some other orphan Annie they decided to adopt and you just have no family waiting and missing you.
Jason doesn't.
In fact, it was him who caught you trying to sneak out of the mansion the first week you were there. Instead of scolding you or telling on you, he took you out.
"A cap and sunglasses? Kid, that's not a disguise."
"What do you mean?"
He took you to a diner he frequents, a tour of the rooftops to avoid people, and to the safe house he took over from Bruce.
"Tell me about your life." He demands, not asks.
You smile and tell him about it. Your life growing up with the Avengers, school and what major you're going for, that brief fling you had with Pietro before you had to move to Gotham.
It was nice. To be with someone that didn't want to change you. He didn't try to force you into forgiveness and let you vent. He even gave some pretty sound advice.
"You know, at some point you are going to forgive her." He says ignoring your indignant stare, " You don't gotta be bestfriends with her or anything, but that anger is going to either slowly consume you or slowly go way. And believe me, you want it to slowly go way."
And he was right in some ways. The longer you're there, the less anger there is and the more hurt replaces it. It festers inside you like some disease. The symptoms slowly leaking out every time one of them calls her mom.
Every night she comes into your room and tries to pry into your life as if she didn't voluntarily leave it, you feel it.
Everytime you see her brush Cassandra's hair out of her eyes, or kiss damian on the forehead. It's the gentle way she smiles whenever she sees Tim hyperfocused on mission reports, and the way she gets so excited whenever Dick or Jason walk through the front door. Hugging them and chiding them for not visiting more.
It hurts you that they truly are a family.
And after a while, it gets hard for you to try and say that you truly didn't give a shit.
Because honestly, you did
Taglist: @stupendousnightmaretrash @opheliaas-stuff
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year ago
Chapter 4
I think the plot finally kicked off.
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: Elias is trying to process it, Damian is trying to be a good friend, Titus makes an appearance, Bruce is the detective he is, everyone is trying to be helpful to Elias, Elias is a sad boy.
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9
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The drive back home was quiet and outright uncomfortable. Elias was quiet and he just looked numb. Damian looked at Elias and for a rare moment, he was shocked. Elias looked like he was drained of any energy and his eyes were red from the crying.
Thankfully, he didn't get another panic attack, but Damian knew that there was enough anxiety for about 10 people in him. He was restless beyond belief, judging by the twitching of his fingers and bouncing of his leg.
Damian didn't really know what to say in order to comfort him. Alfred had no idea what to do either, which was a rare thing to say about Alfred Pennyworth. He always knew what to do. Damian also glanced at Alfred, asking him for some help.
Alfred shook his head, letting Damian know that he didn't have a clue about what to do now. Alfred was reminded of Dick when he first came to the manor. But the there is a crucial difference between Dick and Elias.
Dick knew what happened to his parents and although he witnessed it, he had some closure. He found the killer and moved on with his life. If they don't find his mother, he will never get closure.
Elias sniffled quietly in the back and he wrapped his arms around himself. He isn't in the mood to talk to anybody and what he wanted to do more than anything in the world is to be alone. He just wanted to curl up and cry.
They stopped the car and Alfred looked at Elias. The boy slowly stepped out of the car, head hanging low. Bruce parked a few moments later stepping out.
" Come on Elias. Lets get inside. " Bruce said as he gently put his hands on Elias' shoulders and led him to the manor. Elias didn't say anything as he was led inside. His head was just hanging low and even as they passed the other three boys. Bruce led him to the bedrooms upstairs.
Bruce gave Elias his own room. Alfred always cleaned those rooms and made sure that they are ready for using. Alfred cleaned this room two days ago and it's as fresh as anything. Elias didn't say anything to Bruce as he shrugged off his jacket and shoes before moving to the bed.
He laid down under the covers, turning his back to Bruce. He curled into a fetal position, hugging a second pillow. He buried his face in it and allowed himself to cry quietly once more.
" I will check on you in a while. And if you need to talk, you can always call me. " Bruce said, leaving the grieving boy alone. He closed the door and went downstairs to his sons. They were all curious as to what happened, but Damian and Alfred wanted to wait for Bruce to come on down.
" Now the we are all here, Damian will explain everything. " Bruce said, sitting down on a free spot on the couch. Everyone turned to look at Damian who told them everything. He explained how the apartment was trashed and how there was blood.
Then he mentioned a panic attack and the fact that they think she was taken. If you remember the weather that it was during the night before, kidnapping is the most plausible option.
The others listened in the silence, never interrupting.
" Why would somebody kidnap an architect? Especially in that neighborhood. The buildings are secure, there is a lot of security measures. " Jason pondered, looking at the others.
" I know. But there was something about all the chaos. " Damian noted. He didn't want to bring it up with Elias nearby, but now he could voice his suspicion.
" Like what? " Dick asked, sitting cross legged on the couch.
" It was... I didn't look like somebody fought for their life. It looked deliberate. Too... organized. I don't know how to explain it. I have to ask him if his mother has martial arts experience. "
" So, you think that there is something more to the kidnapping? " Tim asked Damian and Damian nodded.
" I don't think it's random. " Damian clarified and it made everyone give out a different reactions. Shock, concern and all in all curiosity. Who would have targeted Natalia?
" Either way, I'm going to investigate. If Damian says there might be something more to it, it's worth looking into. " Bruce declared and Damian nodded.
" And Elias will stay here? " Jason asked, turning to look at both Alfred and Bruce.
" And by how the process usually goes, he will be adopted too. " Alfred answered, making Bruce roll his eyes. The others seemed to agree with Alfred, either nodding or chuckling.
" No matter what, he will stay here until we find his mother. " Bruce declared and Jason just smirked, leaning forward.
" Oh he will so get adopted. " Jason said and Bruce just raised his brow.
" I'm right. Everyone knows that. " Jason defended himself.
" Again, no matter what, he is staying here. He needs stability now. And I think that's something that he needs something right now. " Bruce declared, leaning back on the couch.
" What about school? " Tim asked, making everyone look at him. " I mean, at the moment he is an emotional wreck right now. His wounds are fresh. He doesn't know what's going on. " Tim explained further.
Everyone turned their heads back to Bruce.
" He won't be going tomorrow. He will need rest. I should check with the GCPD if I can get his stuff. " Bruce said, nodding to himself. " Hopefully I will get some of his stuff by the end of the next week. "
After that statement, the living room fell into silence. Nobody knew what to say.
" How is Elias doing though? " Dick asked, looking at Bruce since he is the last person who saw him.
" He is shaken beyond belief. He just withdrew it seems. He needs some time to process it all. " Bruce answered and Dick just nodded.
As everyone was downstairs conversing about him, Elias was bawling his eyes out. There is something about his home being so trashed. Call him old school or old fashioned, but home is somewhere where everyone should be safe.
Their apartment is, well, was his safe place. He never felt unsafe by any means. Even though he could defend himself and knows how to take care of himself out in the city, he felt safe in the apartment.
He could let his guard down, he could completely relax. His mom too. He could see it whenever they were out somewhere in public. She is an observant person by nature and she is always surveying her surroundings, especially when she was with Elias.
And who would have managed to kidnap her? Elias wanted to smack himself on the head.
He sort of knew that the martial arts that his mom has taught him over the last 8 years of his life were not your normal and traditional martial arts.
He closed his eyes, trying to remember the moves he knows. And every single thing that his mom told him. He opened his eyes, wiping them. They started burning a little and he just sniffled quietly.
Why did he all of a sudden feel like the moves he knows are watered down? Why do they feel like they were made to kill somebody?
And where did she train? From where does she know all of those martial arts? Does Aseel know? Oh God, he should give him a call. But where is his phone though? He sat up, patting his pockets for his phone.
He nearly sighed in relief when he felt it. He hated the fact that it was dead. He put it on the nightstand, sighing quietly. He looked around the room. It looked just like Damian's, only this one is kind of lifeless.
Elias licked his lips, feeling thirsty. He moved to sit at the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes once more. He stood up, opening the door to the hallway. He took a deep breath before moving to the kitchen. The halls were quiet, but he heard some talking in the kitchen. He took a deep breath to compose himself before going into the kitchen.
They stopped, before resuming.
" Hey, I was just about to get you down. " Bruce said, nodding his head to the chair next to Damian. Elias knew that he looked like a wreck with his bloodshot eyes and hair sticking in all of the directions.
" How are you feeling? " Bruce asked, leaning forward from his place at the head of the table. " You are allowed to say no. Nobody expects you to be fine. "
Elias looked down at his hands, fingers picking at the skin around it.
" I don't know... There is so much in my head honestly. I feel scared for her. I feel afraid thinking about if I had stayed there instead of here. " Elias said, forcing a new wave of tears down. Everyone listened intently to him. Bruce nodded in understanding.
" Do you have any family besides her? " Damian chimed in and Elias shook his head.
" I mean, there is uncle Aseel, but he is not biologically my uncle. He is more like a good friend of my mom, well, more like a brother. " Elias explained to Damian.
Damian nodded, giving a quick glance to Bruce. Bruce noted it and made sure to look into it.
" Well, you lot can take a break from the conversation because lunch is served. " Alfred said, putting the food in the middle of the table. Elias didn't have an appetite, but he knew that Alfred was going to kill him if he went about his day hungry.
" Master Elias, I know you probably don't have an appetite right now, but I would appreciate if you could eat a little bit. " Alfred asked and Elias nodded.
Alfred has made lasagna and while it smelled great, Elias didn't have an appetite. Maybe he could have a few bites at most. After being served and saying bon apetit, they all dug in.
Elias find it kind of hard, but he pushed through and he managed to clean his plate. Alfred was pleased at the sight of a clean plate. He gave Elias a pat on the back
" For those who are done, I have also made some cheesecake. " Alfred declared and Elias' head whipped to look at Alfred.
" Are you interested in some dessert master Elias? " Alfred prompted with a smile on his face.
" That's my favorite actually. " Elias confessed softly and Jason glanced at Dick and Tim. Despite everything that has happened today, he looked a little bit cheerier. Maybe dessert is a good way to start healing.
" What luck then master Elias. " Alfred said as he served Elias. Elias chuckled ever so slightly. Alfred either knew or just guessed.
Whatever it was, he was just happy. Even for now.
After lunch, Elias went back to his now room. There were fresh clothes on the bed. Judging by the size of them, it had to be Damian's. It was just grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He changed into it and put his phone to charge.
Damian promised to come by later with Titus, a sort of therapy dog for him. Elias feel in love with the big boy the moment he saw him. He wondered how it would feel if he cuddled with the dog.
A heavy blanket?
Elias smile sadly to himself as he took his phone. He went straight to the gallery to look at some photos. His mom loves to travel and they have travelled all over America. From the cities to national parks to just hiking somewhere.
He just swiped through the photos he had saved in his phone. This was in New York, in front of Broadway theatre. They were going to see Hamilton, no, not that. Maybe the Phantom of the opera? Well, whatever they saw, it was fun. His mom was all smiles in the photo and so was he.
Where did they go wrong? What went wrong?
He thought about the incident with the stalker. Was he just your usual pedophile or was there something more? He closed his eyes, trying to remember what the man looked like. Your average man.
Elias opened his eyes once more. Your average man. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. Would GCPD ever find his mom? With how things are and statistics considering the kidnappings are not really hopeful.
But none the less, he would never give up. He brought his hands to his neck to touch the silver chain. He was thankful that he didn't leave it back in the apartment. What was the motive behind it? It wasn't robbery. They aren't that rich. TV would be the only real thing of value... Maybe a few painting they had...
Either way, it wasn't a robbery.
Revenge? Who would want to harm his mom? His mama? She wouldn't harm a fly and only uses violence as a last result and in self defense. And sure, the most nice people could be the worst people in the world. Serial killers are the best example of that. Damian knocked and entered with Titus, who immediately jumped onto the bed, laying down next to Elias. Damian sat on the edge.
" Hey Damian. "
" Hello. I know that this will be a stupid question, but how are you doing? "
" I mean, I processed it now. I thought about it, I thought about the motive and why she would have been taken. "
" And your conclusions are? " Damian prompted and Elias hesitated for a moment. Would Damian find them stupid?
" Come on. I won't judge. " Damian prompted once more and Elias took a deep breath.
" It's not robbery. The only valuable thing is TV and it's still in the apartment. " Elias paused for a moment. Damian tilted his head, listening to him.
" I thought about revenge then. I thought about who might have taken her because she wouldn't hurt a fly, but I don't know if she had any enemies. " Elias said, wiping a tear that fell down his cheek.
" You know, she taught me how to fight. And how to see if you are being followed. " Elias revealed and Damian was kind of shocked that he was opening up to him.
" Really? You might have to show me. " Damian said and Elias nodded.
" Sure. " Elias confirmed, smiling a little. It would be nice to spar with someone that's not his mom. Did she made it fun? Yes. Was it getting a little bit repetitive? Yes.
" Do you have Aseel's phone number? Father wanted to know because he wanted to see if he could talk to him. " Damian asked and Elias reached for his phone. Titus huffed and Elias scratched his belly. He opened up the contact and showed Damian.
Damian took a photo of the phone number and Elias put his phone down.
" Thank you. " Damian said and Elias nodded. Titus, now laid down over Elias's stomach.
" He is a big baby. " Elias said, nodding to the said dog.
" I know. He is like a therapy dog in this house. Everyone needs support every once in a while. And you can't keep all of the feelings in. You can always come to talk to me. " Damian said and Elias nodded. He will keep that in mind.
After some investigation, Bruce concluded that Aseel vanished. Aseel al Dawood had gone missing, but instead of a messy kidnapping, it was organized.
Aseel did this on purpose. He left his 'nephew' high and dry, completely disoriented and lost in this world. The only two stable things in his life are now gone.
Bruce looked at the clean bank accounts, a fake company and all of the fake names. This all indicated at some sort of criminal activity, but there was nothing he could conclude.
And that what worried him. He wasn't sure if Elias knew anything or not, but that's something he had to look into subtly. He couldn't explain it to Elias if he just came as Bruce Wayne or even Batman. This is something that he needed to find more evidence on.
Maybe Natalia was in a some sort of organization before? Before Elias even?
Either way, he needs to look into it more and get more evidence. He can't accuse the poor boy if he didn't do anything in regards to his mom. Children shouldn't bear the sins of their parents. He hated the narrative that children should be punished because of their parents.
Elias shouldn't carry the sins of his mother.
Bruce looked at files on the screen. He knew he had to dig deep. Wherever it took him. And Elias, whether or not he wanted it. And was something that Bruce is afraid of.
From this point on, Elias is a part of their world now, whether or not he wanted to be.
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billloveshushu · 3 months ago
Chapter 01 - 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭
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✦━ Platonic Batfamily x BabyOC.
━ ✦ Next Chapter
✧Synopsis━ a baby was rescued by Batman on one of his missions, feeling responsible, Bruce decided to adopt her. But the question is that the baby knew she was in the comic book world, not knowing how to react or why, will she survive in this traumatized family?
✦ ("") thoughts (━) dialogue ✦
English is not my original language, the translation was done by Google Translate. So sorry for any spelling mistakes.
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In a luxurious mansion, there was a room that was different from the other rooms, which were clean and organized but all lonely and without a hint of life, showing that someone had lived there for a long time, but in this room the floor was padded by a soft carpet. and there were toys and stuffed bears scattered everywhere, the drawers on the walls were full of diapers, powder and baby wipes, and in the corner of the room there was a baby bed.
Inside it was a small baby with a very peculiar appearance, it had black skin the color of chocolate, with vibrant red hair that highlighted its light brown eyes, the baby looked around confused and in disbelief at what was happening.
" How did I end up here? "
Just two days ago she was in the hospital, remembering few things, until a nurse came and took her to an elegant man in a suit who was accompanied by an old man. When she heard the nurse say the man's name, something clicked in her head: " Bruce Wayne!? "
Suddenly, a whole bar of comic books appeared in her mind, comic books that she loved reading, but her favorite stories were about a hero called Batman, with his family that was called the Batfamily. It was then that she realized that she was in the world of comics and that the man talking to the nurse was the fearsome Batman.
She spent the entire trip to Wayne Manor in a daze and hadn't even noticed Bruce's certain ignorance, anyway on the first day she just stared at Alfred and Bruce wondering if it was really real. Only the next day when she was woken up by Alfred did she start to wonder why she was in the mansion, was she adopted? But knowing Bruce he would never adopt a baby with the life he leads as Batman.
So there is only one option left, something tragic happened that she doesn't remember, and maybe that's why she was admitted to the hospital. Well, her theory was right, and she found out thanks to the discussion that was happening on the nursery side. The baby looked at the butler who, despite being quite old, was standing firm and with good posture, arguing with Bruce who had bandages on his face, he was wearing a white shirt that showed that his face wasn't the only injured part.
Alfred was trying to get Bruce to stay and recover from his wounds, but Bruce didn't care about his injuries and said he would go back to the streets tonight and capture those miserable groups. That's when she discovered his story.
Apparently, she was rescued by Batman in one of his most complicated missions, where he was investigating, together with Barbara Gordon (Oracle), the largest human trafficking network in Gotham City. During the mission they even had help from several villains who also didn't like this situation, they found the drug dealers' hideout and planned to end it all that night but it didn't go as planned, the drug dealers had an ace up their sleeve.
They planted bombs in one of their trafficking sites, which was disguised as an orphanage, the problem was that there were children living there, they did this on purpose in case Batman found them, they knew he would drop everything to save them.
In the end they managed to escape and Batman didn't arrive in time, he could only see the big explosion happening in front of him, he managed to save a few children who still had several burns and many were killed by the explosion, the Wayne Industry Corporation financed all the support financial support for the victims including the funerals, and the victims' funeral took place on a cloudy and rainy day, where all of Gotham mourned for the innocent lives.
She could see the anger on his face, perhaps disappointment with himself too, Alfred was the same way, outraged at the poor children's lives that were used but he remained calm knowing that he had to treat his master/son's injuries.
━ Mr. Bruce, I understand your anger but you cannot leave right after your recovery.
━But Alfred! I can't stay here knowing that they will be out there on the loose!
Alfred frowns but stops, knowing he won't be able to convince the bat man any further. Suddenly a noise arose, the two men looked at the baby who was embarrassed and placed her hands on her belly, relieving the tension in the room. Alfred went to make the milk and left the room, Bruce put his hand on his forehead irritably and sat down on a sofa in the room.
She looked at the melancholy man "even though it's the first time I've seen him in person, doesn't he look older?"
His face had bandaged wounds, droopy eyes that screamed for sleep, and an unfinished drool, he was clearly dejected by recent events, showing that carrying the mantle of Batman was not easy.
This is not surprising, for the sake of Batman he sacrificed many things including his physical and mental health, but the thing he hated most was hurting or worrying Alfred, he knew that the butler wanted him to rest for his own good, and yet he acted like a child. While he was mourning, Bruce felt the baby looking at him, but he didn't dare look back, since that day he avoided looking at her face, not even remembering what it was like.
Bruce remembers that bloody night , it was too late to ask for help from the others who were still far from Gotham, He could only watch the explosion happen and rescue as many people as possible until a child stopped him asking for help, saying that there was a room deeper in the orphanage and a baby was trapped there.
Bruce had never felt so much panic and adrenaline rushing through his body, he didn't know how he got past the burning fire until he entered the room that was half hidden and found a fallen nursery and saw the small body of a baby covered in blood .
Even for Batman this vision is too strong, he remembered how he carried the small, almost lifeless body, no, he was sure she was dead until the nurse took her and said there was a sign of life.
He doesn't know if this was an illusion at the time, even the doctors said it was a miracle for a baby just a few months old to survive in this state.
Given his critical condition, the baby took a month to recover, but he had several sequelae that needed to be treated over time. Bruce, seeing this situation, decided to adopt the baby to be responsible for him and finance all his treatments and medical expenses.
The last time he saw the baby up close was when Alfred held the baby in his arms taking her to the mansion, after that, Bruce avoided her and left her in Alfred's care, he never held her, and didn't even look at her face and avoided entering her room until now, it was as if he was...
As if he was afraid .
Alfred arrived with the bottle and picked up the baby gently and adjusted his posture to be more comfortable, and Bruce saw this from afar until the baby finished drinking the milk and the butler cleaned his little mouth, putting him back in the nursery because he realized he was sleepy.
In her last moments struggling with her eyelids nearly closing, she saw Bruce leaving the room silently and wondered " Why didn't he look at me? " before falling into the dream world.
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It had been a week since the baby had last seen Bruce, she wondered, should she care?
Since arriving at this mansion, Bruce had avoided her like the plague, she wasn't stupid enough to not realize that, at first she was angry but soon the anger disappeared, she had no reason for it and she didn't even know him well.
She knew Batman from the comics but not Bruce Wayne, she always saw Batman being portrayed as the supreme hero, the vigilante who took justice into his own hands, not as a family man who has many children, the comics didn't go into much depth from the family side. And when it was mentioned it was clear that Bruce failed many times as a father.
She even wondered if it was another child destined to be a Robin, or a child he just pitied, it didn't matter, at least she had Alfred who during that week became much more attached to Baby.
Alfred doesn't know how this little smiling ball won his heart so quickly, he always found himself worried about her, he noticed that he finished his work routine faster or stopped doing some things to just take care of the little one, he had never done that before.
At first, Alfred was worried, it had been so long since he had taken care of such a small baby that he even wondered about hiring a more specialized person.
But surprisingly it wasn't like that, she was a very calm and quiet baby and even smiling, he wondered if that was a problem until he saw her toothless smile in his arms as she hugged a stuffed cat.
To imagine that he was won over by just a crooked smile, perhaps his paternal instinct had returned.
After measuring the ideal temperature of the milk, Alfred saw the little baby in the living room sleeping on the sofa, she was resting her little cheeks which were crushed on the teddy bear bigger than her and several other stuffed animals around.
Alfred secretly took a picture of this cute scene and planned to make a photo album, the baby being woken up gently stretched her little arms towards the butler asking to be picked up, Alfred picked her up and watched her trying to open her little eyes while yawning.
He even rubbed her eyes, making her more awake.
As he looked at the baby who was drinking the milk and trying to grab the bottle with her fat little hands, he thought it would be nice if Bruce had the same thoughts, it wasn't just the baby who noticed the Billionaire's strange behavior, he realized at first glance that Bruce was avoiding her, he asked why and Bruce replied ━ When I look at her, I remember her body full of blood ...
Alfred was relieved that his actions were not malicious, but he was extremely sad when he noticed Bruce's fear, he didn't know if it could be called fear but it was similar to what happened with Jason, the fear of facing his greatest failure.
Even though the baby is fine now, she has suffered several after-effects. Alfred is always heartbroken when he sees the small, newly healed wounds and hopes that they will disappear as she grows, making that traumatic attack just a delusion.
Now he just wants Bruce to get over this and the baby to be okay.
After that, Alfred helped the baby burp and planned to take her to her room since this room was not very suitable for babies, until he felt a tug on his sleeve and saw the baby pointing to a painting in the room ━ Oh little one, these are your older brothers ━ Alfred said as he introduced each one.
Dick or Richard was smiling in the background and next to him was Jason who turned his head back hiding his face, on the other side was Tim and Damian, both of them were not smiling but Damian had a sullen face and arms crossed, in the armchair was sitting Duke who was smiling and Cassandra sitting on the arm of the armchair, she was also not smiling.
The baby looked around and tilted her head in confusion at Alfred who understood the message ━ No little ladyship, they are not here at the moment but they will be in the future.
The baby can only look at the picture again and wonder , " Will they like me? "
Night soon came, Alfred prepared the baby for bed by putting on new pajamas that imitated the figure of a baby sheep, it even had a tail, Alfred often bought new cute animal-themed clothes for the baby and took pictures of each one of them, I think he gained a new hobby.
After putting the talcum powder on the baby's neck, he was about to put her to sleep but suddenly stopped and looked at the bedroom door, the baby soon realized, Batman was back.
Alfred apologized and put her in the nursery, telling her to wait a little and left the room. She looked at the ceiling for a while and could hear some noises of Alfred helping Bruce and realized that the situation must be serious.
She even thought about going there, but she knew she couldn't, her body was still developing its locomotive abilities, and there was still the fact that she was recovering, so she thought it would just be a burden.
When her eyelids were almost closing, Alfred appeared again, but this time he carried her and took her to another room where Bruce could be seen lying on a bed covered in bandages and small wounds, the baby was surprised by the sight as Alfred took her closer.
You could see that Bruce was trying to sleep until he felt Alfred's presence and opened his eyes to see him until he noticed the small ball of fur in the butler's hands ━ huh?
Alfred, noticing the man's doubtful face, said━ Mr. Bruce, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of the little lady while I prepare dinner, so please.
Alfred placed the little sheep on the bed along with Bruce who just watched the butler leave the room satisfied, leaving the two individuals looking confused at the door, Bruce knew that this was just an excuse from Alfred to get to know the child better but he couldn't help but swear a little.
Then he noticed the little girl crawling to his side and making small sounds, he felt her gaze on his face, Bruce knew that this was cowardly, he thought that after solving the case he would be fine, and would be able to face the child without any guilt, but this proved the opposite, he knows that this is ridiculous but every time he thinks about her he remembers the many times he failed as a father, remembering how negligent he was with his children.
Bruce wanted to move on and leave his mistakes in the past, but he couldn't, he couldn't help but think that because of him most of his children are not in the mansion.
He began to press his hand on his abdomen where the bandaged wound was, which opened with the pressure, starting to release a blood stain. The baby quickly placed her hand on him, trying to push him away, which ended up drawing his attention.
Bruce finally saw the baby and not that nightmare, he saw a small baby who had just recovered, with chubby red cheeks and her small, soft hand contrasting with his, which was large and full of scars, the baby's little face looked at him worriedly.
The baby saw Bruce's shocked look fill with guilt and her hands began to tremble, she didn't understand why this was happening, but she decided to be benevolent, she climbed onto his chest and hugged his neck rubbing her cheek against his as she tried to find a better position to sleep on his shoulder.
Still perplexed, Bruce raised his hands and held her, realizing how fragile she was, for the first time a newborn baby was in his care, a being so defenseless that it couldn't even run away from its predators, that should be protected and cared for, a small child that he still ignored and avoided out of sheer ridiculous fear.
━ I'm sorry... ━ Bruce said with his cold and authoritative voice, the baby looked surprised and saw the melancholic eyes.
She just hugged him tighter, while he held her and patted her head awkwardly.
Bruce from then on promised that he would protect her with all his heart and soul, that he would not make mistakes this time, promising to give her a long and happy life.
After a while Alfred arrived in the room just seeing Bruce sleeping holding the baby also asleep on his chest, he just smiled seeing the scene and was relieved to know that Bruce wouldn't need the medicine to sleep tonight, he discreetly left the room with a plate of food in his hands along with the medicine and closed the door without making any noise.
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takendruid · 5 days ago
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More self-insert sona and Jason :3 had a lot of fun with the first one, and had a giggle with the second one.
In the second one, my sona just gets an updated outfit. How did he get it? Who knows! Maybe Jason threatened Bruce to make Nathan an outfit that actually armours him (I made it on the spot, so the shading meant to represent the colours will be off)
Wanted to draw Jason in his armour version since that? Seems to be the outfit he’s wearing nowadays? But I couldn’t find any references of it, and it seems to not have replaced his redesign, so I stayed with the redesign.
Nathan under the cut, for reference:
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I know what it’s like to be “who the fuck is this guy?” From seeing OC art out of the blue with a canon character, so I didn’t want to just blue ball you guys without it being explicit who this guy is. He’s my sona, and my Batman self-insert, because I am incredibly in love with Jason.
My name isn’t Nathan Evergreen, but my aroace romance and sex repulsed dumbass can’t make my self-insert literally me or this wouldn’t work… also I have dyspraxia, and people with dyspraxia can’t be vigilantes.
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the-ozzie · 9 months ago
I’m cringe but free
been thinking about Jason Todd again lately and felt the unscratchable itch to draw a wholesome(ish) slice of life scenario with my DC oc
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this is more self indulgence… also, the design for Jason is based off of the under the redhood movie…
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ratf13nd · 5 months ago
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Lazy morning
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