#jardin public
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photographe-a-roulettes · 3 months ago
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Canard émeraude - Il est considéré comme oiseau d'ornement et est particulièrement apprécié pour son plumage
Lieu : Parc Charles Fenain - Flers-en-Escrebieux
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toutplacid · 8 months ago
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Gardien au square des Grès, Paris 20e – crayon noir aquarellable, extrait du livre 2006 (L’Association).
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sabinastanart · 2 years ago
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I went to Bordeaux in July to see Mylène Farmer in concert. I spent a day walking around Bordeaux and painting. This year I went up to the tallest vertical-lift bridge in Europe. In 2013, it was just recently finished, and I wanted to go up to it, but got distracted by a huge tree and ended up in the Public Garden which is still my favourite spot in town.
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Next day, I spent it in front of the concert hall where Mylène performed as per tradition. And I almost thought I wouldn't paint contrary to tradition because it rained while waiting.
When we got in, we still had a lot of waiting to do, so I did paint a little and someone said "You must be very motivated to do this" , but I was just bored.
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The experience didn't end up being what I needed although the show was probably the best I've seen from her. My favourite moment was when they played the video of "Regrets" before the show started.
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The theme of the concert was Nevermore, what Poe's crow said. On the cover of her first album was a crow, so it fits to have it on her last tour.
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I still feel like she should have sang "Allan", so maybe it's not the last tour. Not that it makes any difference for me, because I will not do this again. I have actually decided to not travel for concerts anymore. So, I must find another reason to.
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coldperfection · 2 years ago
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Le cédréla a mis ses feuilles.
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angelwhowasfound · 1 year ago
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What is a queen without a crown? A rebel.
Both exalted and reviled, Rosalyn Morrigan's life has never been simple. She was born both the daughter of an Arch-general of the Empire and a hostage of a conquered nation hated for its ties to a magic that once corrupted the world. Rose joins five other hostages in navigating a dangerous life as an uncrowned sovereign. She acts like the perfect Imperial Court lady by the light of day. In the shadows, she works with an infamous figure called Foxglove and their organization, the Garden, aiming to free the five conquered lands from the Empire of Eladon.
During high-stakes heists, rescue missions, and strange celestial events, Rose and her fellow hostage Antony travel across the Empire. Whispers of magic returning follow at their heels as it is clear that more is happening in the Empire than just political intrigue. Rose must take on the responsibility of her title, Queen Aspirant of Aspara, and the strange power within her that allows her to manipulate time. Juggling the light and the shadows, as well as the past, present, and future, Rose hopes her efforts will be enough to free her mother's ancestral home from the grips of Eladon. What can one hostage do in a world boiling over with political intrigue, murderous cultists, awakening magic, and cryptic gods? Only time will tell.
Available through this link! The current price is 3.99!
AHHHH! I finally published my novel yesterday! I fought back and forth about traditional versus self-publishing for a long time. I resisted self-publishing for vain reasons, but honestly, I am tired of waiting for acknowledgment from gatekeepers when I have a story I want to share. I'm taking a chance, and if nothing comes of it, at least I got the opportunity to share it at all! If you want a little more information about the story, it is an epic fantasy novel with multiple queer folks and a large focus on women within the story. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Thank you for even reading this bit :) AHHHHHHHHH, here I go!!!
*Edit ugh, as much as you can try to look over everything, it is very possible to accidentally use the wrong cover. Well, it has been updated, and thanks to the person who pointed it out! Jeez so embarrassing
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rurik-dmitrienko · 1 year ago
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Luxembourg By Rurik Dmitrienko
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onenakedfarmer · 12 days ago
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THE TRADITION OF EVERLASTING BÖN Five Key Texts on Scripture, Tantra, and the Great Perfection Translated by J F Marc des Jardins
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photographe-a-roulettes · 1 month ago
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Mouette rieuse - Son aptitude à défendre son territoire attire d'autres espèces auprès d'elle.
Lieu : Parc de la Glissoire, Lens
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toutplacid · 2 years ago
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Sieste au square Séverine (Paris 20e) — feutre, carnet n° 109, 18 avril 2016 (format du dessin : 52 x 60 mm)
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studioloiclefebvre · 7 months ago
Niki de Saint Phalle in San Diego - "California has been a rebirth for my soul and an earthquake for my eyes," she said. "The sea, desert, mountains, wide-open sky, the brilliance of it and the vastness of space. I have embraced another way of life and have let my discovery of this land manifest itself in my work." Niki de Saint Phalle
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lolochaponnay · 10 months ago
Dans un jardin public, deux statues, un homme et une femme, se font face sans pouvoir se toucher. Un jour une fée leur murmure: - Vous avez été exemplaires pendant toutes ces années, je vais vous faire un cadeau. Je vais vous donner la vie pour quelques heures. Aussitôt, les deux statues s'animent, s'approchent l'une de l'autre, et se ruent dans un buisson. Celui-ci s'agite, les branches craquent, et des rires et cris de font entendre. Au bout de 30 minutes, les deux statues en sortent avec un grand sourire chacune. La fée leur dit: - Il vous reste encore du temps. Profitez-en. La statue féminine se tourne alors vers son partenaire et lui dit: - D'accord, mais cette fois-ci, c'est toi qui tiens le pigeon au sol et moi qui chie dessus!
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dandelionsresilience · 9 months ago
Good News - May 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on Ko-fi, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week - almost double the content!
1. Translocation of 2,000 rhinos in Africa gets underway in “one of the most audacious conservation efforts of modern times”
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“The 2,000 rhinos - more than are currently found in any single wild location in Africa - represent around 12-15% of the continent’s remaining white rhino population. […] “Rhinos perform an important ecological function in the environment as a large grazing herbivore,” says Dale Wepener[….] “The protection of rhino is far more than just looking after rhino; other species that occur in the protected areas will benefit from the protection,” explains Jooste. “This will lead to an increase in diversity and result in much healthier ecosystems.”
2. Florida Corridor Buffers Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife — And People
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“A massive multi-partner effort that has conserved 10 million acres for wildlife in Florida over past decades will help buffer wildlife—and people—from the effects of climate change, a new report says. […] Protecting these corridors is important for wildlife genetics, demography and connectivity […], conducting prescribed fires in the corridor can reduce the risk of more intense wildfires [… and] they can provide buffers against hurricanes and seasonal thunderstorms.”
3. Global life expectancy to increase by nearly 5 years by 2050 despite geopolitical, metabolic, and environmental threats
“Increases are expected to be largest in countries where life expectancy is lower, contributing to a convergence of increased life expectancy across geographies. The trend is largely driven by public health measures that have prevented and improved survival rates from cardiovascular diseases, COVID-19, and a range of communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases (CMNNs).”
4. Valencia has Spain’s longest urban park
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“Jardin del Turia (Turia Garden) is the green spine of the City of Valencia and Spain’s (and possibly Europe’s) longest urban park stretching for a length of 8.5 kilometres [… and] the current administration plans to make Jardin del Turia Europe’s largest city green space by extending it to the sea[….] Almost all Valencia residents (97 per cent) live within 300 metres of an urban green space. […] Jardin del Turia is a true urban oasis that provides exceptional thermal comfort, with a temperature difference of up to three degrees compared to other areas of the city.”
5. This Paint Could Clean Both Itself and the Air
“When an artificial ultraviolet light source shines on [photocatalytic] paint, the nanoparticles react with pollutants to make them break down—theoretically removing them from the nearby air and preventing a discoloring buildup. [… R]esearchers developed a new photocatalytic paint that they claim works using UV rays from ordinary sunlight, making its self-cleaning properties easier to activate. They’ve also shown that they can effectively produce this paint from recycled materials [including fallen leaves].”
6. Planting Seedlings for a Cooler Rockingham
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“A dedicated group of volunteers recently planted over a thousand native seedlings in Lewington Reserve [… and] re-established canopy cover to areas of the reserve to create cooling shade for the local community and provide homes for native wildlife. […] Planting lots of trees and shrubs in urban areas can help create shade and cool cities, mitigating the impacts of climate change, contributing to biodiversity conservation and building greener, more resilient communities.”
7. Sydney’s first dedicated affordable housing for trans women designed to deliver ‘positive outcomes’
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“Community housing provider and charity Common Equity NSW, […] which is for people on very low to moderate incomes, prides itself on creating inclusive living and promotes the independence and well-being of people and communities […, and] will deliver the first-of-its-kind social housing in a bid to provide a safe place to live for transgender women seeking an affordable home.”
8. Rewilding: How a herd of bison reintroduced to Romania is helping ‘supercharge’ carbon removal
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“170 European Bison reintroduced to Romania’s Țarcu mountains could help capture and store the carbon released by up to 84,000 average US petrol cars each year. […] By grazing a 48 square kilometre area of grassland in a wider landscape of 300 kilometres squared, they helped to capture an additional 54,000 tonnes of carbon each year. That is around 10 times the amount that would be captured by the ecosystem without the bison.”
9. World’s biggest grids could be powered by renewables, with little or no storage
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“[…] 100% renewable supply can then match the load by putting surplus electricity into two kinds of distributed storage worth that [an energy expert] says are worth buying anyway – ice-storage air-conditioning and smart bidirectional charging of electric cars, and recover that energy when needed, filling the last gaps with unobtrusively flexible demand.”
10. Supporting the Long-Term Survival of Copper River Salmon and Alaska Native Traditions
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“With $4.3 million in NOAA funds, the Copper River Watershed Project and The Eyak Corporation will remove fish passage barriers, opening more streams for salmon spawning and subsistence fishing. [… As part of this effort, o]ld narrow culverts that constrict water flow will be replaced with “stream simulation” culverts wide enough to fit the full stream, including its banks. They are also deep to allow contractors to place stones and other material inside to mimic a natural stream bottom.”
May 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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rurik-dmitrienko · 2 years ago
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Marronnier du jardin de l’observatoire, Paris By Rurik Dmitrienko
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milksockets · 9 months ago
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'jardin public (with pubic hair),' 1993 in mona hatoum - centro de arte de salamanca (2002)
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photographe-a-roulettes · 10 months ago
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Canard Colvert - Pour se nourrir, il plonge tête la première dans l'eau et fait basculer son corps à l'aide de sa queue. Il trouve sous la surface de l'eau des petits poissons, petits invertébrés, ainsi que des plantes aquatiques sous forme de graines, racines ou pousses. Lorsque la nourriture se raréfie dans l'eau il broute alors le sol.
Lieu : Parc Charles Bertin, Douai
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toutplacid · 1 year ago
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Fragment de groupe sculpté dédié à Léon Gambetta, square Édouard-Vaillant, Paris 20 – craie grasse, carnet n° 138, 9 octobre 2023.
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