#japanese internment camps
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tearsofrefugees · 4 months ago
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months ago
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On December 18, 1944, the Supreme Court put an end to Japanese internment camps with its ruling in Ex parte Mitsuye Endo. In this case, the court stated the War Relocation Authority "has no authority to subject citizens who are concededly loyal to its leave procedure."
The following month, Japanese American “evacuees” from the West Coast were finally allowed to return to their homes. The last camp did not close until March 1946.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year ago
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nevinslibrary · 2 years ago
Comic Book Saturday
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I believe that I was recommended this by some algorithm or other because I had read, They Called Us Enemy by George Takei. Makes some sense, since they’re both about Japanese internment camps in the 1940s. But, that’s sorta where the similarities stop. Kiku isn’t from the 1940s, she’s pulled there while on vacation in San Francisco. And, it’s not just any internment camp that she winds up in, but, the one that her Grandmother was in. Suddenly she’s bearing witness and going through all that her Grandmother went through, the experiences that are not quite like anything else that had happened in the US.
The graphic novel was very intense. I’d have thought that doing it in the graphic novel format might make it hit less hard, but, it doesn’t. The story hits hard, partially because of the text, as well as because of the beautiful, beautiful art in it also.
You may like this book If you Liked: Yesterday is History by Kosoko Jackson, Take What You Can Carry by Kevin C. Pyle, or They Called Us Enemy by George Takei
Displacement by Kiku Hughes
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itsbansheebitch · 6 months ago
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Wow. Just wow. Didn't think we were headed back to come Woodrow Wilson ass "Germans can't assimilate." What's next, internment camps? Crazy mfers
My family had to Americanize our name so we wouldn't be discriminated against. What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm German, Swedish, Danish, and Scottish. Each of them has gone through different treatment and has suffered different loses.
We are NOT going back. Never again for ALL OF US. Fuck off with your anti-immigrant trash. If you aren't Native, you aren't FROM here.
Never thought I'd see the day smh.
Being "white" does NOT make you safe. LOCAL COMMUNITY makes you safe.
Vote for Harris. Vote for your relatives who lived through "Irish need not apply."
Vote for self preservation.
We are NOT going back to internment camps.
Edit: I'm not mad at OP, I'm just pissed at people like this
Hey. remember how I said it was just a matter of time before the GOP would come after Italians and Irish people, because they hate everyone and they only wanted Italians and Irish around to vote against Abortions? Remember how one of you responded by posting that stunned party girls meme pic?
YEAH WELL LOOK WHOSE FUCKING RIGHT? Vance pulling that mask right off and showing you what the GOP really thinks of us.
Like you think if you're not black or Jewish or trans that you're safe? No no no, you will never be white enough for them, whoever you are whatever your background, if they want to they will find a reason to other you. If you are kept around its only as a convenient pawn and nothing more, and they will discard you as soon as they feel comfortable doing so.
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paulpingminho · 6 months ago
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jyslifetimes · 1 year ago
Yin & Young Podcast EP 70 - Writer Peter Kageyama returns with MIDNIGHT CLIMAX
Writer Peter Kageyama joins Yin & Young again to talk about MIDNIGHT CLIMAX the second novel of the Kats Takemoto series. Peter joined us last time (EP 66) discussing HUNTERS POINT the first Kats Takemoto novel and in this book we delve more into Kats wartime past, Chinatown gangs, and secret government mind control experiments. Peter shares insight into the writing process of this novel and what is important to him as a writer.
- 00:11 Intro: photo of Peter’s dad by Dorothea Lange and Feodor Chin is the voice actor for Peter’s novels.
- 03:35 Reintroducing Peter and his first novel Hunters Point which podcasted about a year ago.
- 07:00 Yokohama is one of Dan's favorite places and Peter’s family origins are from the area.
- 07:55 Midnight Climax is Peter's latest book. Promoting a book runs contrary to the writing process.
- 10:00 Peter’s process for writing. Peter has places where he feels comfortable writing.
- 11:45 Thoughts on “writer’s block.” Writing the 3rd book has been more challenging.
- 15:40 In the process of moving in Florida.
- 17:00 “No-No Boy” by John Okada as testament to conscience dissent.
- 19:20 Kats is not anti-government, but he doesn’t like bullies.
- 21:45 Officer Blackstone in the book is a real person and Kats is drawn to other principled characters like him.
- 23:13 How to write about historical figures. Peter connected with a relative of Shig Murao via Instagram.
- 26:54 Fell in love with the characters. Researched PTSD to flesh out the characters better.
- 30:05 Tours of Chinatown helped inspire the writings of the place in the book.
- 32:00 Learning about languages for the book. Utilized Wikipedia for some different terms of the time. Distinctions between Mandarin & Cantonese.
- 36:00 How to write about ethnic characters without playing into stereotypes, particularly the Chinese prostitute character.
- 42:17 The guys talk about why they started studying martial arts
- 46:20 Peter discusses the CIA experiments of the 1960s
- 51:10 Themes of love and friendship.
- 52:57 Dorothea Lange’s picture of Peter’s father who was an inspiration for Kats.
- 57:58 Discussion of sports leagues that came from internment camps. Repercussions of Japanese internment.
- 01:05:25 Staying balanced: Board games and exercise.
Language corner (01:17:20)
鬼婆 gwei po - devil old lady. Derogatory term for white women.
鬼佬 gwei lo - foreigner
Hurkle-durkle - to lay about in bed long after the time to get up.
舊金山 - jiùjīnshān - literally: old gold mountain which means San Francisco.
Peter Kageyama’s links:
Website: https://peterkageyama.com/
Peter’s non-fiction work on urban planning and communities: https://www.fortheloveofcities.com
Other links:
Peter’s 1st appearance on the Yin & Young Podcast EP66 discussing HUNTERS POINT - https://youtu.be/el10M-hBdVI?si=2bKzcRffOm2CDhdW
Feodor Chin returns to voice MIDNIGHT CLIMAX - https://peterkageyama.com/audiobook-now-available-feodor-chin-returns/
Our podcast with Feodor: https://www.jamesyshih.com/yin-young-podcast/2017/12/3/yin-young-ep24-feodor-chin
San Francisco City Guides - https://sfcityguides.org/
Thai artist featured on Peter’s wall, Ummarid “Tony” Eitharong: https://tonyeitharong.com/
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katruna · 2 years ago
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confessionsofanoperaghost · 4 months ago
And I’m afraid your tags might be lost to time:
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i have said this again and again but i will say it one more time: fans of the terror watch the terror season 2 NOOOOOW. george takei is in it.
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dontmean2bepoliticalbut · 7 days ago
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let-them-fight · 4 days ago
trump is threatening to send thousands of immigrants into camps stationed at the infamous guantanamo bay and it is somehow still just the first month of the year
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year ago
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On December 18, 1944, the Supreme Court put an end to Japanese internment camps with its ruling in Ex parte Mitsuye Endo. In this case, the court stated the War Relocation Authority "has no authority to subject citizens who are concededly loyal to its leave procedure."
The following month, Japanese American “evacuees” from the West Coast were finally allowed to return to their homes. The last camp did not close until March 1946.
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gwydionmisha · 2 years ago
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mapsontheweb · 9 months ago
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Japanese internment camps 1942
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auressea · 2 years ago
WELL said- thank you!
I only want to add that this is the mildest possible take on the situation. like- this is the 'encyclopedia entry' about a much larger, more complex and deeply horrifying problem.
White 'Liberalism' is so deeply ingrained here, that even well educated and otherwise well intentioned folks think we're The Best and the Brightest.
US-centric racial bullshit is even a problem in Canada. We LOVE pretending that we’re so much better than the United States and that our prejudices aren’t nearly as bad, but the way we’ve treated indigenous peoples has been abysmal for centuries, and most Canadians who aren’t Gen Z weren’t even aware of the worst of it until 2021. I’m not sure how many people outside of Canada know this but in 2021 they found a mass grave of 215 indigenous children outside an old residential school in Kamloops in BC, and everyone was scandalized for approximately two weeks. They’ve since searched like maybe five more schools out of over a hundred and found thousands of more bodies, and the initiative to even look has kind of fizzled out. This was my parents’ first exposure to the idea of residential schools, we’ve been sweeping this shit under the rug for decades, and we still get off to “not being the US”.
All this to say that Canadian history isn’t as flashy as the US but is still worth taking a look at. There’s a lot of harmful institutions still in place left over from like 1873 that symbolize incredibly tense political situations that continue to this day. And even our black history gets boiled down to “Underground Railroad”, oh aren’t we nice, when that’s really not all that happened.
Because I read international news and follow international politics, I am personally aware of the Canadian residential schools scandal, but it absolutely is something that fizzled out after a few weeks and was attempted to be covered up with a few boilerplate apologies and nothing in the way of real change or action. I would therefore gently question your phrasing of "US-centric racial bullshit," since the whole point of your ask is that while Canada pretends to be better than the US, it has its own specific racial and cultural blind spots relating to its own practice of racism. So would this not be more accurately called "Canada-centric racial bullshit?" After all, you're talking about something that happened in Canada, was perpetrated by Canadians, is directly related to the modern Canadian state, and as such as has been denied by white Canadians. After all, the big Trucker March of right-wingers that shut down Toronto took place in Canada, not the US. So yes, there's definitely a need to talk about Canadian racism in and of itself, and not just Canadian racism as a corollary of the US.
Canada is likewise a white settler-colonial state founded by Europeans (English and French, a split still prominent in modern Canada), and that therefore involved equally horrendous legacies of displacement and genocide against the First Nations people. Because Canada is so much smaller population-wise (300 million+ in the US vs just 38 million in Canada), it has thus to some degree been forced to expand its population by relying on immigrants and refugees. And to its credit, it has been more proactive about accepting refugees than the US. But there are still plenty of right-wingers who think that a geographically enormous and empty country like Canada, with only 38 million people, is getting too "crowded" with "foreigners." Likewise, Canada is still officially a part of the Commonwealth, aka the lightly rebranded British Empire, so its formal head of state is the UK monarch. And to the best of my knowledge, there haven't been any serious conversations about breaking that link and reorganizing as a republic, the way there have been in Caribbean Commonwealth countries like Jamaica and Barbados (which in fact just did it). That is because white first-world Canadians can see association with the British Empire as a "prestige," instead of the legacy of slavery and exploitation that was the British Empire against majority-black countries in the Caribbean.
Anyway: Canadians are always stereotyped as the nice people who apologize for everything and mind their business, and yes, the flaming dumpster fire of America would make anyone feel superior about not being that. But it doesn't mean there's no problems or that it's a perfect society free of its own flaws and failures, and Americans are also definitely guilty of treating it as some magical escape valve: witness the "I'm going to move to Canada" refrain when something political goes wrong here. In some ways, yes, that would be preferable, viz. free healthcare and strict gun laws. But yeah.
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Amee Vanderpool at SHERO:
Before World War II, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had identified German, Italian, and Japanese aliens and claimed they were “suspected” of being potential enemy agents. These people, some of them American citizens, were legally kept under surveillance, and following the attack at Pearl Harbor, people from “enemy nations” and all people of Japanese descent were immediately considered suspect and referred to the US Army. In 1942, Executive Order 9066 was enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Under this order the entire west coast was deemed a military area, and was divided into military zones. Curfews were established that included only Japanese-Americans. Voluntary evacuation of Japanese-Americans from a limited number of areas, totaling about seven percent of the entire Japanese-American population, was begun. The issue of human rights had been briefly brought up at Congressional Hearings prior to the issuance of these new laws, but in 1942, no one felt these rights were important enough when compared to securing the United States. On March 29, 1942, Japanese-Americans on the west coast were given a 48-hour evacuation notice, and most of their land and private property was abandoned and never recovered.
From the end of March to August of that year, approximately 112,000 persons were sent to racetracks or fairgrounds, which had been re-labeled as “assembly centers.” People were tagged like cattle and sorted for removal to a more permanent "relocation center" where they would be imprisoned for the remainder of the war. In these "relocation centers,” also called "internment camps,” four or five families shared tar-papered army-style barracks for nearly three years or more until the end of the war. The people in these camps shared eating facilities and restrooms and had limited opportunity for work or school. Nearly 70,000 of these evacuees were American citizens, who were denied their due process rights as the federal government froze their ability to appeal their circumstances under the guise of “American security.” This was just 80 years ago. On Tuesday, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott, through the the Texas General Land Office, offered Donald Trump the 1,400-acre Starr County site to build new detention centers to fulfill his promise of mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham said in the Tuesday letter that her office is “fully prepared” to enter an agreement with any federal agencies involved in deporting individuals from the country “to allow a facility to be built for the processing, detention, and coordination of the largest deportation of violent criminals in the nation’s history.”
We are again on the brink of repeating some of the most shameful and abhorrent lessons that America should have learned long ago. While Donald Trump and his Project 2025 implementation team move to enact the fascist promises made during the election, many of Trump’s cronies are already aligning themselves to profit from the impending migrant prison system that will be nothing short of a concentration camp. Due Process Rights will again be frozen, as amnesty and human rights will cease to exist within these militarized zones. Dismissing any warnings about where we are headed by calling these claims hyperbole will cease to matter after Donald Trump assumes his office on January 20, 2025.
Amee Vanderpool wrote an excellent blogpost on SHERO that the dark days of internment camps (or concentration camps) are back again, this time aimed primarily at undocumented immigrants. But will it stop with just undocumented immigrants? Absolutely not.
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