#january teacher quotes
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quillsandtypos · 2 months ago
The Light of Laughter
Words: 7.7 k
Pairings: none, this is a platonic/familial fic
Characters: Lee!Peter, Ler!Tony, Ler!Bucky, Lee!Wanda, Ler!Steve,
Warnings: a lot of tickling and some older brother/mentor tickling so if that’s not your thing please feel free to sit this one out
Author’s note: This is a squealing Santa fic for the lovely @inneedofsupervision I’m so sorry your gift is late but I hope I make up for the wait. I also wanted to give a massive thanks to @squealing-santa for running this event and for graciously helping me with the deadline.
The bell rang, sending chairs scuffing across the floor as students pushed their way out of the classroom. Kids pushed past him, knocking shoulders with him in the chaos as Peter waded to the back of the room.
“You don’t have to wait for me, ya know?” Ned said, roughly shoving his stuff in his folders.
Peter’s brows furrowed. He took one look at the mess on Ned’s desk and started helping him pack his things up. “Yes, I do. I’m the reason we got separated in this class, and we always walk out together.”
Ned brushed off his help, but continued shoving things away. “Aww thanks Peter.” He picked up a notebook paper that had floated down to the floor somehow. “You'd make such a good girlfriend,” he said, then frozen with the paper still between his fingers.
Peter gently pried it from his hands, sliding it into his backpack, sensing that all of the tests were starting to get to him. “Was that what you meant to say?”
Ned finally dethawed, going back to the task at hand. “We’re not acknowledging it.”
Peter chortled, fighting back a comment about the blush on his face. “Yes we are.”
Ned pointed a finger at him. “Not if you still want your christmas present.”
Peter mimicked zipping his lips, not wanting to risk losing his gift. He didn’t have to use his spidey senses to guess what it was. Ned had been dropping quote unquote hints to him about his present all week, and Peter had figured out it was legos by Wednesday.
He filed the last of Ned’s papers away, which was less of putting papers in folders, and mostly a lot of shoving. Peter didn’t even know how he managed to collect this many papers in the first place.
“You aren’t going to be able to find any of your papers when we come back from break,” Peter remarked, picking up a broken folder that was nearly split in half with all the papers inside of it.
Ned shrugged. “I’ll just throw out anything I don’t need when January comes.”
“Then get a new folder for the semester so you can break it by summer?” Peter asked, fighting back a grin. He knew he was pushing his luck with his christmas gift on the line, but Peter had a gift for him as well, and he wasn’t afraid to bargain his way back into Ned’s good graces.
“Exactly,” Ned nodded. “See, I’m glad you get it.”
Peter rolled his eyes.
“By Mr. Smith!” Peter called, waving to his teacher as they walked out the door.
“Bye boys, stay safe over break. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” He said, closing the door on them on their way out.
The hallways were a mess of hustle and bustle, everyone eager to escape the building as fast as possible. With the thought of finals erased from their minds, and their warm beds waiting for them at home to catch up on some overdue sleep, no one was wasting another minute in that dreadful building.
Peter tapped the top of the frame as Ned and him pushed through the doors, letting the cold New York winter air blow into the hallways, sending Christmas lights fluttering in the breeze.
“My gift?” Peter asked, once they were outside and away from the entrance.
“I want mine first,” Ned said.
Peter cocked his head at him, a coy smile playing at his lips. “How’d you know I bought you one?”
Ned deadpanned. “Oh come on Peter, we do the same thing every year. We give each other gifts on the last day of school before break.”
Peter dropped the act. “Fine.”
He reached into his backpack and pulled out a small box covered messily in red candy cane wrapping. As he handed it to Ned he realized he’d missed a spot, and he hoped he didn’t notice.
Luckily, Ned tore it open as fast as he always did, barely noticing the wrapping before he immediately threw it away.
“Do you know what it is?” Peter asked, as Ned continued staring at it without saying anything.
Ned’s brows furrowed. “I don’t think so.”
Peter tapped on the clear box. “It’s a Palladium core I encased in resin.”
Ned’s eyes went wide. “No, it’s not-” he trailed off, but Peter nodded.
“Look at the front of it.”
Ned flipped it around and gasped, holding a hand to his mouth. “You got it signed by him?”
Peter smiled. “Yup. This is one of the ones that was inside him,” Peter stopped, holding up a finger. “Wait, not like that.”
Ned grabbed him by the shoulders. “Who cares! Peter! This is the best gift ever!”
Peter grinned even wider as his friend shook him rather aggressively, the zippers on his backpack clanging with the movement. It really hadn’t been that difficult to come by, Tony had just had to replace his, and when Peter asked about it, Tony had happily complied.
He thought it was a little weird at first, but he had just said, “kids these days” then scoffed and walked off, leaving Peter with the core.
Ned stopped shaking him, a frown overtaking his face. “Aww, but all I got you was legos.”
Peter’s face lit up at the mention. “No, are you kidding me? I’m about to get a bunch of sciency stuff from the avengers, all I want are some legos.”
“Alright, fine,” Ned groaned, handing him a bright gift bag.
Peter took it and ripped all of the tissue paper out of the bag. “Yes!” he cheered. “All I needed was the hulk to complete my set.”
Ned raised a brow. “Do the avengers ever find it weird that you collect lego figurines of them?”
Peter felt his cheeks warm. “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never told them.”
“Heard,” Ned nodded.
“Alright, see you in a few days?” Ned asked, bumping his fist against his.
Peter finished the handshake. “Yep, I’ll see you then.”
Usually the two would walk home on the last day, but this year was different. As the snow began to lightly fall over the city, Peter was headed towards the avengers tower for a few days.
Aunt May had won some sort of radio contest back in November to go on a Christmas cruise for five days. She was overjoyed, until she found out she had only been given a ticket for one person. The last thing she wanted to do was leave him alone for Christmas, stating that she would rather work double shifts at the community center for two weeks than ever even think about leaving him by himself in New York. Peter was grateful she didn’t know about his nightly patrols, fearful that she might very well have a heart attack, but he needed to come up with some way to convince her to go anyway. Peter knew she needed a break, but after almost a month of trying to reassure her he’d be fine, even he was starting to run out of ways to convince her.
Peter was ranting about it to Tony one day in the lab, and he’d offered him up a solution on a silver platter.
Apparently, as long as he was staying with the Earth’s mightiest heroes, May was willing to let him stay in New York without her. He’d still had to assure her a dozen times that he would be fine with her leaving him on christmas, but they’d managed to pull it off. Just before school that day, she’d left for the airport with her bags. She’d placed a kiss on his cheek, told him to have fun, and to text lots of pictures. She added on as she stood in the doorframe, that she wanted him to be good for Tony. Peter fought the urge to laugh, considering it would be more fitting if she told Tony to behave himself.
He’d heard rumors of Tony Stark’s infamous Christmas parties, and had been fighting the urge to ask him if he’d be invited for the last week.
The walk passed by faster than it usually did, his mind buzzing with thoughts of what he could get up to for the next five days. As he approached the tower, he looked up at the full height of it. The A was already accumulating a fair amount of snow on top of it as the gray skies above it seemed to swirl around the building.
Peter heaved in a breath before he rang the doorbell. There would be more heroes in the tower than he was used to for the next few days. Tony was inviting all kinds of people from all corners of the universe for the week. He’d already met so many of his heroes, and now he had the potential to interact with even more.He’d tried to tease it out of Tony, but he’d only held a finger to his lips and told him he’d find out eventually. However, here Peter was, and the day was finally here.
At last, he gathered up the courage to actually ring the bell, and he listened intently to the sound echoing through the first few levels of the tower.
It was always a mystery who would open the door for him at the Avengers tower. More often than not, it was Happy or Pepper, but occasionally he would get one of the other’s.
Today, he was surprised to be met with no one. The door unlocked on its own, and it just swung open, seemingly on a stray breeze. Peter walked in cautiously, his footsteps light, but nothing seemed glaringly wrong except for the mysterious door. He quietly hung his bag on the hanger Tony had drilled into the wall, and began tip toeing into the living room.
He turned the corner, peeking out from behind the door frame when he spotted Wanda, and another woman he didn’t recognize.
“Oh, hi Peter!” Wanda called. “The other’s are upstairs in various places.”
“Oh, thanks for letting me in,” he said, staying a distance away from them. They seemed to be in the middle of something before he walked in, the other person on the couch blushing furiously.
Wanda stood, placing her glass of wine on the table beside her. “Oh, I almost forgot, Spider-man this is Tele, Tele this Spider-man.” Wanda turned back to Tele. “Or I guess I should specify, this is our world's Spider-man. God, that’s going to get difficult when everyone gets here.”
At Wanda’s words, Peter’s memory came flooding back to him. “Ohhh, your Peter three’s friend.”
They nodded. “Well it’s nice to officially meet you, but Tony said I should meet him up in the lab when I get here, so I should probably go.”
“Go,” Wanda waved. “We’ll have plenty of time to catch up in the next couple days.”
Peter hoped she was right, he’d been wondering if she’d be in the tower just yet. He had heard she’d been sent on a mission with Tele, Peter three, and Natasha, and he had a lot of questions for her. The occupants of the tower didn’t always notice it, but they had a tendency of telling him things he shouldn’t necessarily know. Not that Peter was complaining, but it was funny how all of their spy training and stoic personalities all softened when they were comfortable around each other.
Peter stepped into one of the elevators and pressed the twelfth floor. It smoothly rode up the line to his floor and when the doors opened, his eyes widened at the winter wonderland in front of him.
It was like he was stepping into santa’s workshop. The billionaire had strung up garland anywhere he could without making it a fire hazard, and there were so many fairy lights strung from the ceiling that the brightness replaced the glow of the regular lab lights.
Peter walked around, taking it all in.
Stockings hung from each large piece of equipment, their names listed on each of them in glitter glue that looked like Morgan had helped. The green and red iron man suit was on display in the middle of the lab, and each of the center poles in the room were wrapped to look like candy canes.
“You like it?” Tony called from the back, his voice echoing a little with all the metal in the room.
Peter spun around, trying to observe all of it in as big of a quantity as he could. “LIke it? I think Santa Claus threw up in here.”
“That better be a compliment Parker, you know I’m not afraid to flip you to the naughty list and take away your presents.” Peter laughed, hearing the teasing in his tone. It was always a challenge when he arrived in the lab to find Tony. Some days he thought the man was purposely making a game of it, but today he found him behind a few monitors with ease.
Peter looked at the screen, leaning over Tony’s desk to look at what he’d been working on. “Funny, you’re not the first person to tell me that today.”
“Well, maybe that means you deserve it,” Tony said, tweaking his ribs.
“Hey!” Peter squeaked, puberty immediately leaving his voice.
“Hey is for horses, what’s it doing in your mouth?” Tony remarked without taking his eyes off of the monitor. Peter backed up, making sure to keep his arms close to his sides.
“What’d you call me up for? What are we working on today?” he asked eagerly.
Tony spun around towards him, looking up at him. “You, my sticky friend, are not working on anything for the next five days.”
“Mr. Stark,” Peter groaned. He could work on so many upgrades with all the time he was going to have in the tower. With no school, and no Aunt May, he had nothing stopping him.
Tony held his hands up. “No, I don’t want to hear a whining. I signed on to house a sixteen year old for a few days, not a five year old.”
Peter wanted to say that he was not acting like a five year old, but he feared that would only prove Tony’s point. However, he had never had such an ideal time to work, and he couldn’t give up on the idea that easily. “But I have so many new ideas for my suit.”
“Nope,” Tony said, dramatically popping the ‘p’. “You, my friend, are going to take a few days off, and so am I. There are people being put in place to keep an eye here on earth, and none of those people are you and me.”
“What was the point in decorating the lab then?” Peter asked.
Tony looked at him like the answer to his question was quite obvious, and Peter was reminded of how truly dramatic his mentor was.
Tony patted his back, getting to his feet. “Consider it me paying you back for that time I let you go to space.”
Peter furrowed his brows. “But you didn’t let me? I went without asking.”
Tony slowly turned to him. He stared at Peter for a moment before he started rapidly jabbing his hands into Peter’s midsection wherever he could manage. “Is this really a point you’d like to be arguing five days before Christmas, Parker?”
Peter boyishly giggled as he jumped out of the way. He should’ve known better than to nitpick Tony when he was telling a story. “Noho!”
Tony only followed the teenager, wrapping an arm around him and fluttering his fingers on his neck. “Are you sure?” he teased.
“Yes,” Peter laughed. He lightly pushed him away, taking care to not use too much of his strength considering Tony didn’t even have a suit on.
“Alright, spiderling, I believe you for now. So, are we clear about the rules with lab time?”
Peter couldn’t hide his disappointment, but he shook his head in agreement. “Yes, Mr. Stark.”
“Okay, just a couple other ground rules, and then I’ll let you go.” He clapped his hands together. “We just discussed number one, so you already know no lab time for the next five days, I want you to have some time off. Rule number two, no patrols either, it goes under the time off clause.” Peter groaned, but Tony continued on.
“Rule number three, you have to help Morgan, Pepper, and I wrap gifts because I bought too many gifts for everyone. Rule number four, you need to send your Aunt May an update at least once a day-” Peter started to protest, but Tony held a hand up.
“Ah-ah those are the rules I agreed to for taking you on. If you don’t follow them your Aunt will have my head and yours.”
Peter held his hands up. “I was gonna say that it shouldn’t be a problem because I've already texted her twice today, but okay.”
“Sure you were,” Tony chortled.
“I was!” Peter scoffed.
Tony pushed his reading glasses up on his head. “Well aren’t you nyc’s little golden boy.”
Peter paused, uncertain what to do with the comment. Luckily, Tony moved on from most things pretty quickly.
“Okay, rule number 5, no more calling me Mr. Stark. You are quite literally spending Christmas with me, don’t make it weird. Number six, no shenanigans?”
Peter cocked a brow, and Tony shrugged. “What qualifies as a shenanigan?”
He pointed a finger at him. “Don’t play dumb with me kid.”
Peter gawked at him. “I’m not, what does that mean?”
“Well I don’t want to give you an example, that’ll just give you ideas.”
Peter threw his hands up, and Tony’s facade cracked a little, no longer able to bite down on his smile. “I’m messing with you web slinger, you know I support mischief.”
He pointed a finger at Peter. “Just don’t tell Loki I said that.”
“You have my word, Mr. Stark.”
Tony glared at him and Peter took a preemptive step back. “Sorry, Tony. It’ll take a little getting used to.”
Tony began walking out of the lab, and Peter followed. When Tony came to a sudden stop, so did Peter. “Oh, also, you can come to the Christmas party, but you can’t drink.”
“Oh, come on,” Peter protested.
Tony sighed. “Alright, fine, you can have a singular drink.” Peter began uttering his thanks, and telling him about how responsible he will be, but Tony shushed him. “We’ll pretend we’re in Europe to ease my conscience. You have to promise me you won’t tell your aunt though.”
“I promise,” he agreed, eyes shining. He honestly hadn’t expected to be invited to the christmas party, let alone allowed to drink, and he wouldn’t do anything to make Tony regret it.
“Alright, good,” Tony patted him on the back. “Now be a proper teenager and go bother people or hide in your room, your pick.”
Peter laughed good naturedly, knowing Tony didn’t truly mean it. Or at least, he was fairly sure.
Tony snapped his fingers. “Oh, also if you could bother resident broody and the star spangled banner, that would be the best present you could give me. Truly priceless.”
Peter smiled, heading up the stairs, his footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. “I think I can manage that.”
Tony gave him a thumbs up and they went their separate ways. Peter was surprised he hadn’t received a lecture on gift giving, specifically, on how he should have a lack of it. Last year he had gotten Tony a singular gift for the holidays, just a simple frame of the photo of the two of them, and Tony had given him a gift for ten weeks straight to prove a point. Apparently, billionaires didn’t appreciate teenagers with limited funds using their money on them.
Peter unlocked the door to his room, and jumped on top of his soft duvet. His body went limp, the mattress soaking up every bit of his exhaustion. He sighed contentedly, his eyes fluttering shut. He would just lay here for a little bit, and then he would wander around the tower and visit with everyone else.
Peter woke up bleary eyed and still in his clothes from the day before. He rolled, trying to find where his clock was, and realized there was no more bed underneath him. His stomach lurched as his hands scrambled for purchase. He grabbed his sheets, which slowed his fall. He sighed in relief, still half delirious. He stayed there for a second, still trying to figure out what had happened when the sheets lost their hold.
He landed with a thunk and groaned in pain. Apparently, his spidey senses weren’t awake either. He wiped at his eyes, trying to make sense of everything.
He looked up at the clock on his nightstand and had to rub his eyes and read it again to make sure he was seeing correctly. Peter had woken up at nine am the next day.
He wrestled himself out of his sheets and threw them back on the bed. He cursed his teenage body mixed with a spider bite for needing so much sleep. He had probably already missed so many new arrivals while he was sleeping.
As he pulled out some clothes from his dresser, he realized there were decorations all over his room too. He must not have noticed it when he’d walked in yesterday, but someone had done up his room as well. Garland hung from each of his furniture pieces like icicles from the edge of a house, his rug had been changed out to a fluffy red and green one, and he even had some festive attire that someone had thrown in with the rest of his regular clothes.
He opted to forgo the red and green in terms of clothing for the time being. He was already likely going to be the youngest in every room, and he didn’t need everyone looking at him like a child because he was wearing an elf onesie. Besides, that would only bring more attention to him while he was trying to learn about all of the new people.
He quickly showered and threw on his clothes, absentmindedly pushed his hair back and headed out the door.
He ran down the steps at full speed towards the kitchen as his stomach growled. He couldn’t believe he’d slept so late, he’d make sure to set an alarm tomorrow. It was so stupid of him to sleep for so long.
A door clicked open in front of him, and he stopped just a few inches from where his nose would’ve collided with it.
“Little spider,” Natasha laughed, seeing him as the door shut. “Why are you in such a hurry?”
She continued walking, so Peter followed. “I accidentally fell asleep yesterday afternoon when I got home from school, and I just woke up.”
“Oh trust me, you didn’t miss much.” Natasha waved a hand. “The only person in the tower who doesn’t live here went to bed early, Steve and Bucky went on our last grocery trip till after the holidays, and Wanda made a few pie crusts.”
“I know, but-” Peter started, then stopped himself. Natasha had said he didn’t miss much, but she had been a part of this family for longer than he had. He had never spent a Christmas with the Avengers before, and it all felt so new and exciting to him. This was all old business to Natasha, she’d probably find him quite silly.
“What?” she asked, slowing down.
Peter stopped at the next landing to face her. “No, it’s probably dumb. Nevermind.”
“I’m sure it’s not dumb, come on, tell me. Or if it is dumb, then I will forget I heard anything.”
Peter’s lips twitched. “It’s just.” He sighed, but then decided he’d go for it anyway. “I’ve never been here during the holidays, and I just don’t want to miss any of it. I want to soak it all up, ya know?”
He scratched at the top of his head, but then abruptly put his hand back down, thinking the movement looked weird.
Natasha leaned against the stair railing. “Peter,” she smiled. “I was once new to this team too. I know the feeling of wanting to soak up every moment with this family. But trust me, they aren’t going anywhere, and neither are you.”
Peter smacked himself in the forehead. It had only occurred to him till after Natasha said it but it seemed obvious now. He should’ve known that she would understand. It was so silly of him to think he was the only one who had ever felt like this. Still, he knew Natasha wouldn’t take well to him opening the holiday with apologizing to her, so he moved on. “I know that, it just doesn’t feel like it.”
She placed a hand on his shoulder. “And that’s okay too. It took me a long time to get used to it.” She laughed. “Sometimes I think I’m still getting used to it. But remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. You’re here for five whole days, don’t run yourself ragged trying to do everything.”
Peter blew a breath out, feeling a little less high strung. “Thanks Natasha.”
She squeezed his arm. “Anytime little spider.”
“Does that mean I can call you big spider?” Peter asked, now following her down the stairs.
She shook her head, chuckling. “I guess so. Just don’t ever say it in front of Clint, or I may have to kill you.”
“Noted.” Peter nodded even though she wasn’t looking at him. He wasn’t certain he would ever be brave enough to call her that to her face, but he saved it away just in case he needed it.
He entered the kitchen, counting four bodies occupying the space, and all sorts of delicious smells wafting around the area.
Natasha leaned in beside him, whispering. “Like I said, pace yourself.”
She walked off, continuing down the steps, and leaving Peter in the chaos. He stood completely still for a moment, unsure of what to do. It almost seemed like they were doing some sort of dance. Pots and pans flew above heads, spoons were passed back and forth, footsteps were carefully made around each other like they had choreographed it all in advance. Peter was worried that if he stepped in, he might throw them off rhythm.
His stomach growled angrily, reminding him that while his bite also made him able to sleep longer, it also meant he needed to eat much more.
“Guys, can I cut into the kitchen to get breakfast?” Peter yelled over simmering liquids and frying meats.
Wanda was the first to turn towards him. “Oh, morning Peter. Can I grab something for you?” She looked at the chaos surrounding her with wide eyes. “I think that would be easier at this point.”
“Yes please, if you could hand me the poptarts, I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Oh, do try the new chocolate flavored ones we got spiderling,” Thor said, turning around, whisk in hand. “They are quite delicious.”
“Yeah, I’ll have those if we’ve got ‘em.” Peter nodded. “Please,” he added on quickly.
Wanda flicked her fingers, and the pop tart box flew out of the cabinet. Peter was about to ask how she managed to direct her power so casually without hitting anyone, but then he realized the box was already in his hand.
“Hey, wait, we don’t just hand out food for free,” Bucky scoffed. “I thought we agreed the kitchen was a no touch zone when there were chefs in it.”
“Bucky, you’re making brownies. Calm down, you aren’t cooking up world peace,” Sam called out from the other side of the kitchen.
Bucky pointed a dirty spatula at him with such aggression that Peter let out a laugh. “That’s what you think, but for all you know, the moment you taste these all your problems could be cured.”
“Not unless your attitude disappears,” Sam guffawed.
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Seriously, Wanda, are you going to let this happen?”
Wanda looked about near her breaking point. “If by this you mean letting the boy eat his breakfast, then yes I do.”
Bucky groaned, and Peter couldn’t help but wonder who the teenager in the room was. “Can we at least make him help us?”
Wanda leaned against the counter, her hands on her hips. “Peter, I am currently dealing with actual children, so would you mind helping Bucky with the brownies when you’re done eating your breakfast? Steve was supposed to help him, but now none of us know where he’s got to.”
Peter nodded, shoving a poptart in his mouth. “Of course, I don’t mind helping.”
Wanda smiled fondly at him. “Thank you.” She covered the side of her mouth like it would prevent the others from hearing her as she fake whispered. “This is why you’re my favorite.”
The others protested, but she paid them no mind as she went back to her food. Peter took a few more minutes eating his fill in pop tarts until he joined Bucky in the kitchen. The sounds of automatic whisks, squeezing bottles, and bowls clanking against one another filled his ears.
“Alright, have you ever made brownies before?” Bucky asked, quite seriously.
Peter narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, who hasn’t? They come in a box.”
Bucky rolled his eyes for the second time in five minutes. “Homemade brownies Peter. Come on, who do you think I am?”
Peter held his hands up innocently. “Wasn’t trying to take away your brownie points.”
Bucky raised a brow. “Was that a pun?”
Peter tensed. “Maybe?”
He could tell Bucky was desperately trying to bite back a smile, and Peter snickered. “Alright, well, homemade brownies are a much more highly involved process.”
“Okay, so what do we need?” Peter asked, pushing his sleeves up to wash his hands.
Bucky listed off the ingredients and Peter rummaged around the kitchen to find them. However, even after five minutes of looking in the fridge, Peter couldn’t find the eggs.
He poked his head out of the fridge. “Guys, I think we’re out of eggs.”
He looked over to see Thor grimacing. “My apologies, between my breakfast this morning, and clarifying the mead, I think I used the last of them.”
Peter brushed him off, now opening the freezer. “That’s fine, we can just use applesauce.”
“No, we cannot!” Bucky protested. “It calls for eggs.”
Sam leaned around Wanda to look at them. “Barnes, have you never heard of a substitute?”
“No, you have to do the recipe exactly as it says, otherwise it won’t turn out.”
Wanda made cuckoo signs around his head, and Bucky whipped around. “What was that?”
“Nothing,” Wanda chirped, going back to whisking. She shot a wink at Peter and it took nearly all of his laughter to not burst out laughing.
Bucky threw his hands up. “What? I’m serious, you should never substitute things. It won’t turn out the same.”
Peter cocked a brow. “Didn’t you grow up during the depression?”
“Are you calling me old?” Bucky asked, his voice lilting.
Peter’s eyes went wide. “No! I mean, wouldn’t it have been common for you to have to substitute things?”
“Yes, which is why it’s not good!” Bucky nearly yelled.
Wanda stirred her soup. “My family had to substitute things all the time, and we were fine.”
Bucky crossed his arms. “And you’re telling me all of them tasted the same?”
Wanda nodded patiently. “Yes, you just have to know what you’re doing.”
Bucky crossed his arms. “Are you saying I don’t know what I’m doing?”
Wanda shrugged. “I mean, you didn’t even know that you should substitute applesauce for eggs. That’s pretty obvious, wouldn’t you agree Peter?”
Peter nodded, knowing better than to be on the opposing team of Wanda, and Tony’s earlier words playing in his mind. Bucky flicked him in the arm. “Ow,” Peter winced.
Wanda continued adding things to her soup as she spoke to Bucky. “It seems to me that this is more of a skill issue.”
Bucky sighed. “Wanda,” he said, his tone warning. Peter kept his eyes on both of them, sensing the rising tension and wondering where it would go.
“What?” she asked innocently, her eyes widened. “I think you might just be bad at baking, it’s alright, not everyone can be good at it.”
“Maximoff, I swear,” he started.
“Barnes, don’t swear in front of the kid!” she gasped, her eyes lighting up with mischief.
“Yeah!” Peter agreed indignantly.
Bucky narrowed his eyes. “He’s sixteen, he curses all the time.”
Wanda propped a hand up on her hip. “Peter, cover your ears, don’t listen to the man with the potty mouth.”
Peter followed her lead, putting his hands up on his head. “Yeah, Bucky, how dare you accuse me of such things!”
Bucky looked done with both of them. “Peter, you say shit about seventy times every time you’re in the lab.”
“How dare you! Peter would never do that!” Wanda said, looking like she was about to burst with how much laughter she was holding back.
“You know what Maximoff?” he said, his lip twitching.
She took a step closer. “What?” she asked, raising her brows. Peter backed up, having the innate sensation that one of them was going to snap and it wasn’t going to go well.
They were both perfectly still for a moment, and then Bucky struck. He grabbed her by the stomach with his metal arm, too quick for her to use her magic against him, and began scratching at her sides.
“Bucky,” she squealed, her legs kicking out at him and continually missing.
Peter did his best to fade into the shadows, suddenly forgetting his alliance. He knew how quickly the tables could turn, and how ruthless Bucky could be. Wanda hit out at his metal arm, her magic getting lost in between her laughter. “Are you going to stop giving me a hard time?” he asked.
“Nohoho,” she giggled, twitching all over the place as his fingers darted across her skin.
“Peter!” Wanda yelped. “Help me!”
Peter hesitated for a moment, but decided it would be in his best interest to keep the scarlet witch on his side.
With a quiet, “thwip!”, he webbed Bucky’s metal arm, pulling it behind his back to give Wanda an escape.
She fell to the floor in a heap of laughter, and Bucky let her go, not bothering to continue torturing her.
Peter was surprised he didn’t put up more of a fight, until he realized Bucky was slowly turning towards him.
“Wait,” Peter said, holding his hands in front of him. He had just poked a sleeping bear.
“Did you just web me?” Bucky asked, watching Peter out of the corner of his eye.
Peter could feel Thor behind him, and Sam watching the whole thing in interest now. All of his senses were suddenly alert, like he was about to go into battle. What all of his systems were currently telling him was that he needed to run, and quickly.
Without answering Bucky’s question, he leapt over the kitchen counter, sprinting towards the steps.
“Oh no you don’t, you pest,” he heard Bucky call after him.
Peter ran full force through the living room, thinking that if he could just make it to the steps and get the door shut behind him, then maybe he could make his escape.
He was a few steps away, just only a few more seconds and he would be free. His hand reached for the door, and he pushed it open. He got a foot in the door when a familiar cold arm wrapped around his middle.
“No!” Peter yelled, grabbing a hold of the door frame. He attempted to pull himself forward, but Bucky merely spidered his fingers in Peter’s armpits and he immediately lost his grip, his arms shooting down to protect himself.
Bucky threw him over his shoulder with an ease that Peter wasn’t used to.
“That’s not fair,” he protested. He tried to wiggle out of Bucky’s arms, but there was no give.
“No, what’s not fair is that you all get to act like little shits, and annoy me without any repercussions,” Bucky said, walking towards the couch.
Peter began to panic, squirming around like a bug caught in a web. He knew the moment that Bucky had him pinned he was done for.
“Bucky! Wait! We promise we won’t bother you anymore!” Peter said as a last ditch effort.
“You promise?” Bucky asked, standing directly over the couch.
“Promise.” Peter said, earnestly.
Bucky paused, beginning to set Peter down. Peter blew out a sigh of relief, then, Bucky reversed his direction and threw Peter forward onto the couch. “Too bad, I want my fun now.”
He jumped on top of him, pinning his arms above his head, and sitting on his thighs.
“Bucky, Bucky, wait!”” Peter called, nervous giggles already leaking out of him.
“Wait for what?” Bucky asked, his metal arm hovering over Peter’s stomach.
“Wanda, hELP!” Peter squealed, but was cut off as Bucky’s hand began fluttering everywhere he could reach.
“Just because you can’t bake, doesn’t mean you need to take it out on the rest of us!” Peter giggled.
“You know, I was going to take it easy on you since you just finished finals, but nevermind,” Bucky huffed. He began squeezing Peter’s ribs, softly brushing his thumb into each one.
“I take it back!” Peter wheezed, descending into frenzied cackles. It was a cruel move, targeting his ribs like that. It always sent Peter reeling, his body not knowing what to do with all of the sensations his skin was taking in, and Bucky was especially good at making him shriek.
“Oh, do you now?” Bucky teased, a terrifying smirk on his face.
“Yes!” Peter tugged at his arms in vain. It was no use, with Bucky at his full strength, and Peter weakened by his laughter, he couldn’t overpower him very easily. Still, that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try.
“Wanda save me!” he yelled, deciding it was in his best interest to rely on someone else’s power.
Peter faintly heard the sound of a door clicking open and prayed it was Tony. He also had a tendency of tickling him, but at least maybe he would accidentally distract Bucky long enough that he could escape.
To his horror though, the worst possible person had shown up. “What’d he do this time, Buck?” Steve asked, sounding unsurprised.
“Be a little shit like usual,” Bucky shrugged.
Steve came out of his peripheral vision, and walked in front of him, briefly wiggling his fingers over his socked feet. “STEVE!” Peter yelled, kicking out as much as he could with Bucky’s weight on his legs.
“Wow, I always forget how ticklish you are,” Steve tutted, removing his hand.
“Not helping!”
Bucky tasered his sides with his fingers. “He’s not trying to, he’s on my side unlike you other assholes.”
“Wanda!” Peter tried again, sensing the team up that was about to happen.
Bucky looked up at Steve, not stopping his attack on Peter while he did. “Oh yeah, Steve, would you mind going to deal with the red head over there?”
“What did she do?” Steve asked as if there wasn’t a teenager dying of laughter right beside them.
Bucky gestured down towards him, and Peter’s face lit up red. Something about being destroyed by laughter while they held a casual conversation made the sensations so much worse. “Same as Peter.”
Steve nodded. “Ah, I see.” He began walking towards her, and though Peter knew it would only further nail his coffin shut, he yelled over at her.
“Wanda save yourself!”
Bucky cocked his head, momentarily pausing. “You really don’t give up do you?”
Peter shook his head. “Friendly neighborhood spiderman.” He smiled sheepishly.
Bucky positioned his hands atop Peter’s ribs. “Well spiderman, you are far too ticklish to be this risky.”
Peter shrugged, his eyes alight with mirth. “At least I can bake.”
Bucky deadpanned, his fingers wrapping around the backs of Peter’s ribcage. “Okay, now you’re just asking for it.”
Bucky attacked, and Peter immediately fell back into his laughter. Loud cackles burst from his mouth as Bucky squeezed higher up on his ribs.
“Peter, oh my god, stay still, I’m trying to count all of your ribs.”
“Nohoh!” Peter squealed, having played this game with Tony too many times.
“Well now we’re going to have to start all over again,” Bucky huffed, squeezing each rib from the bottom to the top. Peter was going berserk, having one of his worst spots targeted for so long. He briefly opened his eyes and saw Wanda being thrown on the couch next to him. Steve didn’t give her a chance to escape and went straight for her neck.
He screeched as Bucky reached the tops of his ribs again, praying he wouldn’t start the process all over again. However, it was only when he felt Bucky’s fingers climbing higher still that he began to panic.
“Bucky, don’t you dare!”
Bucky paused for a moment, and Peter heaved in deep breaths while he was still able to. “Oh.” Bucky leaned in, smirking in a way that Peter knew that no amount of pleading would convince him to move anywhere else.
“I dare,” he hissed, then jammed his fingers into Peter’s armpits. Peter didn’t make any noise for a moment. He dug his heels into the couch, trying to find the leverage to throw Bucky off of him, he twisted around from side to side, trying to dislodge Bucky’s fingers. He would almost get adjusted to one side, then Bucky would start tickling his other armpit. However, his body was only able to contain the noise so long, and he burst into a scream.
“Shit, shit, shit!” Peter panickedly squeaked.
Bucky turned towards the other couch. “See, Wanda? I told you he curses.”
Peter could just barely hear her screams of laughter above his own, but he could’ve sworn she told him to shut up.
“Now,” Bucky said, turning his attention back to him. “If we can just manage to convince you I can bake.”
Peter was writhing on the couch, his laughter beginning to make his abdomen hurt. Though, he was admittedly not fighting as hard as he could. “You can’t though!” he yelled out.
“Okay, seriously, does anything tire you out?” Bucky said, momentarily pausing his hands.
Peter shook his head, his hair sticking to his forehead with sweat. “You’re maybe the only person I know who’s as stubborn as that guy back there,” Bucky teased, pointing to Steve, who was currently making light work of Wanda’s giggles.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Peter smiled, heaving in air.
“It is one,” he smiled. He ruffled Peter’s hair gently, which Peter doubted he’d attempt if he wasn’t currently pinned underneath him. “However,” Bucky started, sitting upright. “Just like him, it’ll get you tickled a lot.”
Bucky released his arms, and Peter’s brows furrowed. He started to sit up, but Bucky had yet to get off of him. Without taking his weight off of him, he adjusted himself so he was still sitting on Peter’s legs, except he was facing the other way.
Suddenly, Peter’s face went white. “Wait, Bucky please no.”
“Can I bake, Parker?” he asked, without looking at him.
Peter sighed, laying back down so he could save some of his energy. “No,” he answered plainly.
“That’s what I thought,” Bucky sighed.
Bucky didn’t make Peter wait any longer for his payback and all ten of his fingers began dusting across his socked soles. Peter was sent into immediate hysterics. He gave up trying to plead with him, but he couldn’t stop his body from rolling around the couch as continual giggles poured from his mouth. Every so often he would snort if Bucky got him with a particularly good method, or if he would stray upwards to his toes, but Bucky continued until Peter got all of the laughter out of him.
However, once the tears started to prick at the corners of his eyes, he let up. “Have you learned anything today?” he asked, getting up and sitting next to him. Peter stayed laying down, catching his breath. He noticed that someone must have lit the fire because he could hear something crackling.
“Not much,” he breathed out.
“I figured.” Bucky patted his knee. “But I’m always happy to teach you again.”
Peter jumped up from the couch, nearly taking his shin out on the coffee table, and Bucky laughed. “Not now, I’m not cruel.”
Peter raised his brows. “Okay, I’m not that cruel,” Bucky deadpanned. Peter glared at him, though he knew he didn’t really mean it.
He sat back down next to him. “You deserve payback for that.”
Bucky bumped his shoulder against him. “I don’t think so, I didn’t start it.”
A red light flashed through the living room. “I would beg to disagree.”
Peter and Bucky turned to see Steve on the ground. “Peter, care to join me?” Wanda asked, grinning.
Bucky attempted to run, but all it took was one flick from Wanda’s wrist and he was on the ground.
“Sam help!” Bucky yelled. Sam started running towards him, but abruptly came to a stop.
Wanda held an orb of dark red power in her hand, eyeing him carefully.
He held his hands up, walking backwards towards the kitchen. “No, thank you.” He grabbed a hold of a bowl. “Someone’s gotta keep stirring your soup.”
Wanda smiled, her nose scrunching up.
“Care to humble some super soldiers for the holidays?” Wanda asked. She twisted her magic and Steve burst into bright giggles.
Peter always knew it was best to keep the scarlet witch on his side. “Absolutely,” he agreed.
The tower was filled with laughter for quite some time, and lots of threats were said with no real violence behind them. When all was said and done, Peter was absolutely certain he was in for a very interesting winter break with his family.
Second author’s note: Hello my lovelies!! I know it’s been awhile since I uploaded on here, three years to be exact, but I had to come back for squealing Santa. While I can’t say I’m fully back to posting, I hope you enjoyed this, and I do have some other fics in the works. (Also if you read closely I put in an Easter egg for a future fic)
Taglist: @tenaciousperfectionunknown @teti-menchon0604 @tell-me-when-ur-ready
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skylarsblue · 1 month ago
❁Love & Deepspace❁
Incorrect Quotes - 1 (Divider by @elfbar-baby )
Sylus: Why do I make them so uncomfortable? MC: They feel your methods, your theories are…. Sylus:Spooky? Sylus: Do you think I’m spooky? MC: I think you're silly. Sylus: Silly? MC: Silly goose even.
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(Event minigame) *tower LEANS, but doesn’t fall*
Rafayel: >:3 MC: ARE YOU KIDDING?! THAT’S UNFAIR, YOU MADE T- I need to calm down. Rafayel: …(Name)- MC: Everything’s fine. I’m an adult.
- Zayne, genuinely concerned: How’s your head? MC, with a headache: Well I haven’t had any complaints yet. Zayne: …excuse me? MC: Hm? Oh! Uh- I think I’ll live.
- Caleb: You need to eat. Here, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. MC: …I’m allergic to apples. Caleb: What? No you’re not? Since wh- Zayne, appearing: Caleb: THE FU-
- *phone ringing* MC: Ugh- Wh- hello? Rafayel: Text me. *hangs up* MC: *looks at phone* What the fu-
- (OOC but shh) MC: Yeah I’m gonna try and stay out of drama, focus on work, be a better person- Tara: Guess who got caught sucking dick in the bathroom. MC: Who?! *falls out of chair*
- MC: Now is there a problem? NPC: No I don’t want no problem. MC: Yeah that’s what I thought. *steps away* NPC: walkawaylilpunkass- MC:*holds up microphone* Speak up, I couldn’t hear you bitch.
- Zayne: And what’s your reasoning for killing three people? Caleb: I mean, shit, I’m a Gemini! Sylus: I understand completely. MC:No!
- (I don’t hate Caleb but my partner does and it’s super funny)
Caleb: *sigh* Rafayel: Do you ever shut the fuck up? Zayne: What’d he do? Rafayel: Bitch gon’ breathe. Zayne: He stays doing annoying shit.
- MC: Did you drink my juice? Caleb: Yeah but i didn’t know it was yours. MC:…bitch my name. Is on. The bottle. Caleb: …🏃🏻‍♂️ MC: GET YOUR ASS BAC-
- Tara: What’re you all dressed up for? Where’re you going? MC:, going into snapshots: I’m taking selfies.
- Caleb: *enters* Rafayel: Ah hell- See I thought I was gonna have a happy day today, but then you walked in. Zayne: What did he do? Rafayel: Exist. Zayne: Why would you do that to him? Caleb: I JUST GOT HERE-
- Sylus: Okay, you’re driving pretty good. Luke: I’ve been practicing!- Sylus: But if it start raining dicks which way do you swerve? Luke , trying to remember which gear to shift in: …what?
MC: Babe I just want you back- Tara: *hits stereo button to play track* MC: PSYCHE BITCH! I don’t want’chu, fuck-a you and your grandma too bitch what the fuck is up- Caleb: ?????
- Caleb: S-say it again. MC: No way José? Caleb: That’s right! WHO is José? MC: Babe it’s just a thing- 6th LI: Andale- Caleb: WHO THE FUCK IS HE-
- (Im so so sorry)
Teacher!Zayne: Pop quiz guys. Greyson: I don’t even know any of the answers- Zayne: Okay, we’ll start with an easy one. Whose wife cheated on them January 22nd? Greyson: Uhm, is it- Zayne: MINE!
- (This how quick some of y’all switched by the way)
Caleb: *holding book in the air* Haha! MC: C’mon give it back! Caleb: First you gotta say my name- MC: Alright, big daddy. Now come on give it b- Caleb: ….my name Cale-
- Sylus: You’ve been in your room all day. Kieran: No earlier I went- Sylus: You’ve been in your room all day. Kieran: …earlier I- Sylus: Don’t talk back.
- MC:Hey grandma- Granny: Can you get in the oven to clean it? MC: …….bye grandma-
- Kid: Ms.Hunter I think there’s a wanderer under my bed. MC: Hun, there’s no wanderer’s under your b- *looks* Wanderer: LONG DICK STYLE- MC: pulling out a gun: Okay, we’re leaving.
- Sylus: RAFAYEL, What, what is this? *holds up belt* Rafayel: That would be a Louis Vuitton belt, Syl- Sylus: Have you lost your mind- this is a Gucci household, gill-boy.
- MC:So you been spying on me? Caleb: I mean I was but I’m not a spy- MC: You know what they call people who spy on people? SPIES Caleb: Oo bars, but look I’m not-
- Sylus: Today’s a good day to get out of the house. Kieran: See I- I can’t fly yet. Sylus: That sounds like a you problem. Kieran: I- I’m yo s- Boss.
- MC: That’s why yo dick little- Caleb: BITCH YOU KNOW MY SHIT DETACHABLE…put the wrong one on, shit-
- Sylus: Bitch I can sing. Rafayel: Bitch sing something. Sylus: *crow caw* Rafayel: Bitch you can’t sing. Sylus: Bitch you’re right, shit-
- Zayne: Do you know where the bathroom is? Caleb: Yeah, go straight down there andsuckadick- Zayne: Pardon? Caleb: I said you gotta go straight down. Zayne: ...alright- Caleb: andIhopeyoudiewhenyougetthere. Then make a left-
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depressedhatakekakashi · 8 months ago
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Gai Week 2024
After a lot of waiting and a bit of work, i’ve finally finished the preparations for Gai week. A fun week dedicated to our favorite youthful Sensei!
The event will take place from Dec 30th - January 5th
The tags for the event will be #GaiWeek2024 or #Gai Week 2024
No Incest, Student/teacher, Minor/adult content at all
NSFW is allowed but must be put under a read more and properly tagged
All content is allowed (except AI created content) including fics, gifs, fanart, quotes, etc.
Shipping is allowed as long as it follows the criteria of the first rule. If you’re unsure about a ship or want to confirm, just ask me 🥰🥰🥰
No bashing of other ships. Focus on propping up your ship and enjoying it if that’s what you choose to create. We want this event to be fun for everyone.
Dec 30th: Bandage/curry
Dec 31st: Eight Gates/Lotus
Jan 1st: Winter flowers/Power Pose/Birthday
Jan 2nd: Gold and Green/Turtle
Jan 3rd: Exhaustion/Team
Jan 4th: Cold/Scars
Jan 5th: Receiving Love/Doing What’s Right
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deusvervewrites · 2 months ago
Thinking some more about the Luminary timeline. Accidentally went apeshit. Guys help this was supposed to be like two paragraphs and it's now almost 1,000 words
Curious spends several months early on during Midoriya's time at Aldera getting closer to the Midoriya family. At this time, she fully believes that everyone should be able to use their Quirk whenever and however they wish, and the people should work diligently each day to forge their bodies and souls for the sake of living (direct quote from the manga).
Izuku, however, believes that saving people is the coolest thing someone can do, and that Heroes should make other people feel safe. Not only that, he is helping raise up others instead of using his natural strength as an excuse to be superior. And it's working. His friends are getting stronger. People who canonically had no chance at UA suddenly have that opportunity in this AU. And that would be extremely surreal to her.
This would be the first real crack in her beliefs. Yes, they are working hard and forging their bodies and whatever, but they're doing it together because they're friends, and with the goal of helping even more people. Like a chain of connections or perhaps a torch being passed on. She gets curious. What if the MLA did something like that? Proper, collaborative training clearly gets results. So she investigates and is immediately stonewalled by people like Geten and how she was very recently focusing entirely on personal power growth. But when she looks closer... they didn't grow as well as the Aldera kids are now. And none of them want to listen to her talk about it.
So by about halfway through Izuku's second year at Aldera, Kizuki is now heavily crushing on Inko, and starting to have doubts about the MLA's training programs. Inko invites her out, she accepts.
She spends the second half of that school year looking more into Aldera as a microcosm of the MLA itself and is quickly alarmed. Many of the Aldera Squad used to be written off as low-tier fodder, the teachers don't give a shit how the students act, her personal interview with Bakugo reveals he has zero self-worth. It's a mess. By January or February, not long until the end of the school year, she brings this up to Re-Destro and he brushes her off. "The strong will rise to the top and the weak won't. It's tragic but that is their place."
Again, Kizuku investigates the MLA and again finds it filled with people like Geten. Their "army" has no camaraderie. Even she used to once think of their forces as walking bombs for her Quirk--though she probably never actually did that because the MLA didn't fight anyone yet. Kizuki takes solace in the words of Destro's book, but during a meeting, when she quotes the book directly, Re-Destro claims those lessons are now too soft for the reality they face. Curious never recovers from that.
It's now been over a year since she met the Midoriyas. Her dates with Inko are going strong. Izuku has never once compromised his ideals, and his friends are rapidly improving alongside him. She bets they're already better than most MLA recruits. And she's worried. Aldera is a shitshow, her fellow leaders see this as not only acceptable, but desirable, and she hasn't been able to publish anything because of it.
As the months drag by, she starts to feel guilt about the things she's said and done in the MLA, seeing how Izuku and his friends have been directly impacted. What she could brush off as necessary before, suddenly seems wasteful. Is this really the kind of living that the MLA strives for each day? A place where none of their forces care about each other and the leaders think nothing of ordering the deaths of their own forces with nothing more than a passing mention of memorializing them? I wonder how many employees Re-Destro murdered over the years for insulting the book. Kizuki asks about someone she met briefly last time she was in Deika and learns Re-Destro crushed them over the same book he told her to her face was too weak.
Halfway through Izuku's third year at Aldera, she decides that she can't accept this MLA any longer. She may be the executive director of Shoowaysha, but that doesn't mean every employee there works for the MLA. She changes their guidelines to be more inline with what she's learned from Midoriya. It still looks like MLA rhetoric at a glance, but the new emphasis on cooperation and helping others up to your level aren't truly their beliefs. And, under a pseudonym, she writes an opinion piece about Quirks in the modern day.
Re-Destro is infuriated, demanding she find the author. Kizuki agrees not to run their stories again. She sends the next piece to another publication. This one is about how children aren't learning proper Quirk care in school, just that they can't ever use them. Simultaneously, Shoowaysha posts about something Re-Destro's been interested in for a long time: the lack of standardized Quirk testing in schools. The timing reinforces both of her pieces. The Bakugous' make small talk about them to a low-ranked Pro Hero client getting tailored for an upcoming gala.
Suddenly, concerned parents are taking a closer look at their kids' schools. Schools like Aldera. Re-Destro is furious that they've been undermined by accident. He wants this mystery author dead.
Izuku and the Aldera Crew are the last class to graduate Aldera. Kizuki confesses to Inko who she really is/was. Inko stands by her. Izuku is about to start UA, the MLA are scrambling for damage control on their recruitment centers, and Kizuki has landed herself in hot water with Re-Destro for not preventing this. She, meanwhile, is trying to clean house internally via her articles without getting caught so that the MLA can become what she thinks it should be.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year ago
By Susan Edelman
According to interviews with multiple staffers, and a Jewish student’s safety transfer request, recent hate incidents include:
A student painted a mustache on his face to look like Hitler, and banged on classroom doors. When someone opened, he clicked his heels and raised his arm in the Nazi gesture, security footage shows.
Three swastikas in one week were drawn on teachers’ walls and other objects, a manager found.
A 10th-grader told Kaminsky, 33, who is Jewish, “I wish you were killed.”
Another student called her “a dirty Jew” and said he wished Hitler could have “hit more Jews,” including her.
Students pasted drawings of the Palestinian flag and notes saying “Free Palestine” on Kaminsky’s classroom door. One scribbled note that said simply, “Die.”
The teen tormentors have so far faced no serious discipline under interim acting principal Dara Kammerman, who has done little beyond contacting parents in an effort to practice “restorative justice,” staffers said.
“She is perpetuating an antisemitic environment and a school of hate,” said Michael Beaudry, campus manager of the Sheepshead Bay building that houses Origins and three other schools. “The students continue these behaviors because they know there won’t be any consequences.”
In response, the city Department of Education said it will launch a probe: “There is currently no evidence that these claims are true, but we are investigating the claims.” 
14This student allegedly sported a Hitler mustache and went door-to-door giving a Nazi salute.
14Teachers allege that interim principal Dara Kammerman perpetuates antisemitism by not disciplining students. 
In a disturbing instance in late January, a group of boys came into Kaminsky’s classroom at the end of the day, and cornered her, laughing, she said. 
“Miss Kaminsky, do you love Hitler?” one asked. 
“I was so taken aback,” she said. “I did not respond, and they all gave the heil Hitler sign.”
Frightened, Kaminsky quickly left her classroom. 
One boy waved to his friends to chase her inside the building, a scene captured on security footage, Beaudry said. 
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Origins HS student who allegedly painted a Hitler mustache on his face and went door to door giving the Nazi salute . Courtesy of Sidney Southerland
Kaminsky immediately reported the harassment to the acting principal — who refused to suspend the boys because she found they did nothing wrong, records show.
“We can’t do anything because the students claimed they were trying to have an ‘academic conversation,’” staffers quoted her as explaining.
Antisemitism at Origins HS has festered for several years, Kaminsky and Beaudry said.
About 40% of Origins students are Muslim. DOE stats list 22% as Asian, 22% Black, 17% Hispanic and 32% white.
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radiantcircle-if · 7 months ago
Profile: Noel
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Your graduate school mentor who you credit for preparing you to land a job at The New York Times as prestigious as it is. She’s now your direct supervisor, and she has quite the assignment for you. Few know anything personal about Noel—formerly Dr. Sung to you—and she prefers it that way. All you know is that she left behind an entire life to live this one, her dedication to uncovering the truth matched by none (except for maybe you).
Family name: Sung
Birth month: January
Birth place: London, England
Education: doctorate
Occupation: journalist
Favorite place: Jeju Island
Favorite drink: soju
Favorite color: she doesn't do color
Most prized possession: none, everything is replaceable
Handwriting: almost calligraphic, slow and measured strokes
Always in bag: spearmint gum, notebook, pencil, recorder
Family: she is estranged from her family by choice
Friends: she considers no one her friend, but she maintains a wide network of work acquaintances from all over the world; now that you've graduated, she might even consider you an acquaintance
Appearance: black eyes, straight jet black hair, light/medium skin with a cool undertone, about 165cm (about 5'5"), slim, usually dresses in a glamorous style, favorite accessory is an elegant watch
Romance: solo-route, workplace romance (we'll pour one out here in memory of the forbidden teacher/student dynamic they could've had before), slow burn
You find Noel's commanding presence intimidating and her sharp mind captivating, but it's her particular combination of brilliance and elegance that motivates and inspires you the most. She is known as the magician in the field of journalism because she uses her charismatic intellect and intuitive leadership skills to gain the power she desires. Her cards in the Major Arcana are the High Priestess and Judgement.
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〉 Sections: Profiles, Editorials, Articles, Ask Me, Answers, Quotes
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 3 months ago
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Anna Dostoyevskaya by Laura Callaghan from The Who, the What, and the When
* * * *
In the afterword to her memoir, Anna reflects on the secret to their deep and true marriage — one of the greatest loves in the history of creative culture:
Throughout my life it has always seemed a kind of mystery to me that my good husband not only loved and respected me as many husbands love and respect their wives, but almost worshipped me, as though I were some special being created just for him. And this was true not only at the beginning of our marriage but through all the remaining years of it, up to his very death. Whereas in reality I was not distinguished for my good looks, nor did I possess talent nor any special intellectual cultivation, and I had no more than a secondary education. And yet, despite all that, I earned the profound respect, almost the adoration of a man so creative and brilliant. This enigma was cleared up for me somewhat when I read V.V. Rozanov’s note to a letter of Strakhov dated January 5, 1890, in his book Literary Exiles. Let me quote: “No one, not even a ‘friend,’ can make us better. But it is a great happiness in life to meet a person of quite different construction, different bent, completely dissimilar views who, while always remaining himself and in no wise echoing us nor currying favor with us (as sometimes happens) and not trying to insinuate his soul (and an insincere soul at that!) into our psyche, into our muddle, into our tangle, would stand as a firm wall, as a check to our follies and our irrationalities, which every human being has. Friendship lies in contradiction and not in agreement! Verily, God granted me Strakhov as a teacher and my friendship with him, my feelings for him were ever a kind of firm wall on which I felt I could always lean, or rather rest. And it won’t let you fall, and it gives warmth.” In truth, my husband and I were persons of “quite different construction, different bent, completely dissimilar views.” But we always remained ourselves, in no way echoing nor currying favor with one another, neither of us trying to meddle with the other’s soul, neither I with his psyche nor he with mine. And in this way my good husband and I, both of us, felt ourselves free in spirit. Fyodor Mikhailovich, who reflected so much in so much solitude on the deepest problems of the human heart, doubtless prized my non-interference in his spiritual and intellectual life. And therefore he would sometimes say to me, “You are the only woman who ever understood me!” (That was what he valued above all.) He looked on me as a rock on which he felt he could lean, or rather rest. “And it won’t let you fall, and it gives warmth.” It is this, I believe, which explains the astonishing trust my husband had in me and in all my acts, although nothing I ever did transcended the limits of the ordinary. It was these mutual attitudes which enabled both of us to live in the fourteen years of our married life in the greatest happiness possible for human beings on earth.
The Marginalian
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caeliajournal · 1 year ago
A journey through my moodboards
This is an analysis of all the moodboards I've created since I started journaling, from 2021 up to now
Searching for my golden hour
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January, 2021
aestetic: golden hour
This phase of my life is defined by the significance of sunsets as a metaphor for what I was looking for: the magical and ephemeral moment that, despite its daily recurrence, never fails to captivate us.
Each of the images represented a goal:
The girl on the path symbolized the need for self-discovery and forging one's identity.
Roses embodied the past and roots, viewed through a lens of positivity and nostalgia.
We can also appreciate a collection of indoor plants, which would have a different meaning if they were wild plants. In this particular case, it represents caring for those who are home.
The bookshelf served as a gentle nudge to keep enriching my life with stories that leave enduring imprints.
Intertwined hands spoke of romantic connection.
❝Seek magic everyday❞
❝I am learning to find joy right here in the mess of things❞ — Morgan Harper Nichols. ❝Grow through what you go through❞ ❝feel what you need to feel and then let it go. do not let it consume you.❞ - Dhiman [...]
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September, 2021
aestetic: cottage core
The primary distinction I notice in this moodboard compared to the previous one is that nearly all the scenes take place indoors and are linked to artistic expression. It's akin to the seclusion of an artist, one might say.
Numerous activities are depicted, such as reading, writing, cooking, or drawing. The golden mirror symbolizes a distorted self-perception and the urgent need to gaze into it once more for self-recognition. Additionally, there are recurring elements from the previous board, like intertwined hands and a cat.
Unlike the previous aesthetic, this one features colors reminiscent of nature: muted browns and greens.
❝Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.❞ — Albert Camus, The Rebel, 1951.
❝Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher it is.❞ — Robin Sharma
❝You have absolute control over just one thing, your thoughts.❞ — Napoleon Hill
Eternal dilemma: air or earth
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Somewhere in 2023
aestetic: cottage core
The colors in this moodboard are much brighter compared to the previous ones, with green and purple being the main tones. There's a portrayal of a sunrise sky, although it's not golden anymore; rather, it has pastel colors, much softer and calmer.
The symbol of the mirror makes a comeback, along with elements that have disappeared and others that have emerged, like daisies, representing innocence and childhood. Themes such as books and art resurface, though this time there's a greater sense of solitude than in the previous boards.
❝part of her mystery is how she is calm in the storm and anxious in the quiet.❞ — JmStorm
❝He was earthly; she was aerial. He was made of clay and iron; she was made of fire and dreaming❞ — Graham Joyce, Some Kind of Fairy Tale
❝Book collecting is an obsession, an occupation, a disease, an addiction, a fascination, a fate. It is not a hobby.❞
The manuscript
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March, 2024
aestetic: light academia
This moodboard boasts a distinct aesthetic, characterized by neutral tones, and it's centered around the writing process.
There's a contrast of ideas at play. On one side, there's handwriting alongside digital writing; on the other, tea versus coffee. It's safe to say I'm undecided.
There are fewer scenes depicted compared to the previous boards, making it simpler in design.
❝When it comes to art, it's important not to hide the madness.❞ — Atticus
❝The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.❞
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happiness-of-the-pursuit · 1 year ago
2023 Fic Round Up (Part 1: Fic List)
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I have been tagged in about a million different round ups of sorts, so here's Part 1: A Comprehensive 2023 Fic List sorted by month posted (if a multichap, I listed it the first month it posted), featuring the major details and a single-sentence summary/quote (so a fun challenge for me).
I'll post Part 2: Favorite Quotes and Part 3: Channeling Nora Holleran to Bring You My AO3 Data over the next two days (for the data I want to wait til the last possible day).
Without further ado, here is my 2023 Fic List:
Nothing, I was still a lurker.
Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz Answer the Web’s Most Searched Questions (T, 2.4K, YouTube Script Fic)
10 Things Alex Claremont-Diaz Can’t Live Without (T, 3K, YouTube Script Fic)
10 Things HRH Prince Henry Can’t Live Without (T, 2.5K, YouTube Script Fic)
Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz Take a Couples Quiz (T, 5K, YouTube Script Fic)
The Super Six Take a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair (M, 7K, YouTube Script Fic)
Baby's First Pride (E, 10K, WIP Multi-Chap)
Post-canon, canon-compliant (ignoring bonus chapter) look at the Super Six celebrating their first pride after the emails—I want to come back and finish this (I got interrupted by Life) but my writing has evolved a lot since March and I'm daunted by all the editing I'd have to do, lol
Trying to survive the end of the school year as a teacher before I left my job :)
FirstPrince Sings Queen, Lil Nas X, and Taylor Swift in a Game of Song Association | ELLE (T, 2.5K, YouTube Script Fic)
Claremont 2008 (M, 26K, Complete Multi-Chap, Canon Divergence)
A world where Ellen gets elected in 2008 instead of 2016, and the friends-to-lovers path that puts Henry on. If you want to relive the early 2010s, enjoy epistolary fics, or want a glimpse of a world where Alex & Henry go to college together, you might like this.
How well you play...that's up to you (M, 4K, FirstPrince Week)
Grey's Anatomy-Inspired AU, where Alex & Henry are both surgical residents—currently a one-shot, but I plan on writing a multi-chap prequel for this at some point.
Keep this Love in a Photograph (T, 2.6K, FirstPrince Week)
Post-Canon: Henry finds Alex's old photo album and they take a stroll down memory lane.
The Starwand (T, 1.7K, FirstPrince Week)
Three vignettes from Alex's life (two featuring Henry) where a sparkler makes an appearance—both a kid fic of Alex and Alex with his kids.
Somebody Call 911 (M, 2.4K, FirstPrince Week)
College AU where Alex is sneaking around with Henry behind his roommate's back—until it all goes to shit.
Sets on the Beach (M, 4K, FirstPrince Week)
Crack Treated Seriously, Alex and Henry are on rival queer beach volleyball teams.
Water over Blood (G, 3K, FirstPrince Week)
Post-Canon 5+1 of five times Henry's niece loved Alex, and one time she loved Henry
L(ate) S(leepy) A(morous) T(exting) (M, 1K, FirstPrince Week)
Text-fic of a missing moment from the book, because I am convinced that Alex did, in fact, study for the LSAT (it's just more realistic if we're to believe he scored well enough to get into NYU)
Freaky Friday (I woke up in my enemy's body) (M, 9K, Halloween, Huh?)
Canon Divergence, Freaky Friday-Inspired Body Swap AU, Crack Treated Seriously: Between Cakegate and Alex's visit to London, the boys swap bodies and proceed to learn a lot about each other. And themselves.
Alex Claremont-Díaz Answers Your Questions | Actually Me |GQ (M, 2K, YouTube Script Fic)
Super Six and the Siren's Call (T, 111K Total, Posting Bi-weekly)
The Percy Jackson AU, co-written with @read-and-write- and @inexplicablymine. Quests and Greek References abound! Check out more @auntiepezzasupdates
(Dil)Do It Yourself (E, 16.7K, New Traditions Advent Calendar)
Alex attends a DIY Dildo Workshop for the holidays, where he meets Henry, who's helping to lead the workshop—and eventually, helps Alex in other ways. The tags will tell you all that you need to know.
Thanks to @rockyroadkylers @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @kiwiana-writes @welcometololaland and anyone else who tagged me that I missed! I was waiting to post all my fics for December before I did this :) Since I'm pretty late, I'll tag @ssmtskw @matherines @affectionatelyrs and an open tag to anyone who's made it this far and wants to do this!
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goose-books · 1 year ago
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please check out @yvesdot's remastered debut! trust me, it's worth a read and a reread and a re-revisit. for the blog tour, i give you... another blast from the past, an old-fashioned writeblr-style comic sans powerpoint!
Something’s Not Right, published by tRaum Books, will be released October 10th 2023 and is available to preorder at Amazon, Bookshop.org, and itch.io. It will also be available upon release signed from Bookshop Santa Cruz. yves. will also have a local event at 6:30 PM on October 12th at the Santa Cruz Diversity Center and another on January 4th 2024 (to be announced) at Bookshop Santa Cruz.
(my sixth favorite story is koschei, btw. shoutout to koschei. sorry i left you off the slides)
(slides described under the cut)
all slides are written in white comic sans on a black background.
slide one: text reading "FIVE reasons YOU should read" over a cropped image of the cover for Something's Not Right, featuring the title. smaller comic sans next to the image reads "by yves."
slide two: at the center of the slide, text reads "1. IT'S GAY!" smaller text boxes, scattered around the slide, read:
so many transgender people
you want fluff? we got fluff. you want angst? we got angst. you want high octane drama? we got it
you like metaphors for queerness? we’ve got metaphors for queerness
some characters’ identities are plot relevant! some of them just happen to be trans!
there’s even an m/f couple i actually like!
there’s literally a lesbian robot what else am i supposed to say
first book where i ever saw a they/them lesbian referred to as a woman and they at the same time <3 <3 <3
you want monsterfucking? we got—
between the first and third boxes is this image of feathers. beneath the monsterfucking box is this image of a halo/eclipse. beneath the they/them lesbian box is the anakin image from this post, reading, "dyke business. go back to your drinks"
slide three: the top of the slide reads "2. CLEVER USE OF TROPES AND TALES." the bullet points beneath read:
the author was a lit major & lovingly: it shows
fresh takes on everything from sexy vampires to demigod/human romance
do you like russian folklore? do you wish it was set in your high school
hansel and gretel story followed immediately by wlw fairies
an arrow points from the sexy vampire bullet to an image of edward cullen, captioned "this guy isn't in there." another points from the frankenstein bullet to a picture of the book Frankenstein, captioned "this guy is, tho"
slide four: at the center of the slide, text reads "3. DELIGHTFUL NARRATIVE VOICE." smaller text boxes read "the sheer range of the range of character narrations in this book is impressive and so fun" and "we got teen talk we got litfic prose we got monsters narrating we got ordinary people." there are also three quotes from various stories, set in speech bubbles:
“Everyone’s cousin Tanya says she’s done it with an elf dude. That doesn’t mean shit.”
“And all of these things were true, and simultaneous, and all of them were occurring only a moment before she might be killed, and rise again.”
“At first, the plants seemed quite innocuous, and Ephraim watched them pile up on the windows of the little greenhouse with mild curiosity.”
there is also an edited image of the "she doesn't have the range" meme, reading, "they have the range."
slide five: the top of the slide reads "4. DON’T LIKE ONE-OFFS? NO PROBLEM!" the bullet points beneath read:
do you prefer your short stories unrelated to each other? completely tonally variant?
SNR has got that!
do you prefer your short stories interconnected? do you like recurring characters? do you want to see… characters from OTHER yves. projects?
SNR has got that too!
smaller text boxes read "Red and Eliza from Forest Castles are there!" and "maybe avner too. i'm not allowed to say"
there is also a picture of hannah montana's "best of both worlds" album.
slide six: the top of the slide reads "5. THERE ARE NEW STORIES IN IT!" the bullet points beneath read:
already an SNR fan? already have a copy? you haven’t yet read the new content!
THREE new stories
what if the alien abductee you were interviewing had questions… for you?
what if you had to love-potion your crush… for someone else?
what if you had to come out to your date… AS A MONSTER?
there are clipart images on the side of an alien spaceship, a bubbling potion, and a lit candle.
slide seven: word art with a glowing green shadow reads "max's favorite stories :)". each story blurb goes with a corresponding image:
Six Hours Under: the woman on the L train is crying, dead, and very very pretty. [clipart of a train]
Monsters and The Guy: there’s a guy in Arrivals. he’s being weird about it. [clipart of an airport]
The Hands and The Mouth: the story-speakers speak only in script. there are only a few of them left. [clipart of rolling waves]
Don't Feel Guilty: a teen’s plant collection starts to unnerve their father. [clipart of a leaf]
Blood Orange Tea: getting trapped at work with your crush is awkward even when you’re not a vampire. [clipart of iced tea]
slide eight: large text reads "THANK YOU. GO FORTH AND BUY SNR." in smaller text is the information paragraph from this post.
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nordleuchten · 1 year ago
The Bicentennial: The Invitation or The Tour that almost never was
As some of you surely are aware, the Bicentennial of La Fayette’s Tour through America in 1824/25 is fast approaching and many organizations/institutes, especially in America, have already made some form of content regarding this event.
Let us have a look at one document that stands at the start of this event – the invitation La Fayette received from the then President James Monroe on February 7, 1824.
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‘Monroe and Lafayette’ (no date) Highland. Available at: https://highland.org/teacher-resources/monroe-and-lafayette/ (02/21/2024).
Everybody who has ever worked with Monroe’s papers will tell you, that his handwriting was often not, well, legible. This is completely off-topic, but one of my favourite quotes about Monroe is this statement by Edmund Bacon, one of Thomas Jeffersons overseer’s. He wrote that:
Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison both wrote a plain, beautiful hand, but you could write better with your toes than Mr. Monroe wrote.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Look at Penmanship (2012) Monticello. Available at: https://www.monticello.org/research-education/blog/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-a-look-at-penmanship/ (02/21/2024).
(And let us not forget that Andrea Gray wrote in the same blog post, concerning Monroe’s penmanship: “Any idea who penned that abomination?”)
I think it is not quite that bad, but Monroes handwriting is also not the subject at hand, so back to the letter. Luckily, there is a transcript by Hampton Kennedy for James Monroe’s Highland:
[Transcription Page 1] Washington Feby [February]. 7th. 1824 My dear sir I wrote you about a fortnight since, a letter which I forwarded to New York to the care of Mr Brown, in which I intimated my desire in at liberty case you felt yourself ^ to visit the Ustates [United States], to send a frigate to some port of France, to receive and bring you over. Since then Congrefs [Congress] have pafsed [passed] a re- -solution, to that effect, expression of the affectionate attachment of the whole nation to you, and of their de- -sire to see you again among us. The period at which you may deem it proper, to accept this invitation, is life to yourself, but you may be afsured [assured], that when- -ever it may comport with your views, of which you will have the goodnefs [goodness] to advise me, a public ship shall be immediately orderd [ordered] to the port which you may designate, to carry you to the country of your adoption in early life, + [and] which has always che- -rished the most grateful recollection of your im- -portant services. I send you here with a copy of the resolution, and have only to add, the [Transcription Page 2] afsurance [assurance] of my high consideration and affectionate regard. James Monro
‘Monroe and Lafayette’ (no date) Highland. Available at: https://highland.org/teacher-resources/monroe-and-lafayette/ (02/21/2024).
And as easy as inviting La Fayette in the end was for Monroe, writing a short and simple letter, the process leading up to Monroe writing this letter was somewhat debated. Allow me to take you back to the House of Representatives on January 12, 1824, when the notion to invite La Fayette was first introduced.
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Annals of Congress, 18th Congress, 1st session, I, p. 988.
The bill took its usual route from there and on the next day, the resolution was read again and was voted on – and I know what you are all thinking. Of course the resolution passed! We all know that the Tour took place and America and Americans had such high esteem for La Fayette. They had already supported and honoured him in so many ways, most notable during the French Revolution, his imprisonment and the financial struggles following his release. Well, no. The resolution was negatived by 80 to 74 – a small margin granted, but a defeat, nonetheless.
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Annals of Congress, 18th Congress, 1st session, I, p. 1004-1005
Around the same time La Fayette lost his reelection for his seat in the Chambre des Députés – and now even America did not want him? Well, it was not quite that dramatic for our Marquis.
First of all, the wording of the notion was not all it could be, and a committee was there for formed to change the way the bill was phrased. Furthermore, and in contrast to his earlier visits to America, La Fayette had long outgrown “his charming, rich boy-general”-image. He had become a serious politician and a household name in Europe and European politics. His values and agendas were well known. Revolutions were spreading all throughout the western world and at that time the Greek War of Independence (1821-1829) was raging and in South America many regions declared independence and formed Republics. More generally speaking, the 1820s were a time of Revolution and La Fayette, as a general rule of thumb, always sided with the revolutionaries, the ones that fought for freedom (however you want to define the term) and independence. He loudly advocated for Greek and South America, he gave money to Italian and Spanish exiles. In short, he was advocating for Revolution and not everyone liked that. In 1815, after Napoléon Bonaparte’s final defeated the so-called Holly Alliance (Austrian Empire and the Kingdoms of Russia and Prussia) was formed with the expressed aim to keep liberalism in check. In America itself there were varying opinions on how to respond to what was happening and these subjects became even more prominent with Monroe’s presidency and his Monroe-Doctrine. Add to this La Fayette’s dislike for the principles of slavery. Slavery was in the 1820’s not quite such a hot topic as it would later be, but it was still a touchy subject and La Fayette’s opinions, as with everything else, were well known. And, as Mr. William of North Carolina remarked, was the Congress sure that La Fayette even wanted to come?
With all that in mind, the resolution was amended and reintroduced on January 20, 1824:
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Annals of Congress, 18th Congress, 1st session, I, p. 1101-1104.
After the new text and a letter by La Fayette expressing his desire to return to America once more before his death were read, the resolution was unanimously agreed upon. There is no hard evidence, but some contextual evidence suggesting that Monroe really urged Congress to pass the resolution.
The problem therefor was not with La Fayette as a person. There still was the deep connection between a man and a people who both owned each other a great deal. The visit was a personal affair that had also a strong political connection, both on a national and an international level. It was a “yes” from America to La Fayette and his believes and it also was a “yes” from La Fayette to America and American politics. And while everything went down just fine, there was still the question regarding the implications this invitation and visit had. Monroe, a personal friend of the La Fayette’s, who had helped Adrienne a great deal during the French Revolution and who supposedly had urged Congress to pass said resolution, wrote, somewhat anxiously, to Thomas Jefferson on October 18, 1824:
His mov’ment, since his arrival in the UStates, has been well directed. Had he visited this city in the first instance, the compromitment of the govt, with the holy alliance, would have been much greater, than by going directly to our fellow citizens, & from them to the govt. By this course, the nation has the credit. The holy alliance, & all the govts of Europe, must therefore look to us, as an united people, devoted to the principles of our revolution & of free republican government.
“To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 18 October 1824,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/98-01-02-4634. [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series. It is not an authoritative final version.] (02/21/2024).
And that is, in summary, how La Fayette’s visit to America in 1824/1825 came to be.
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handeaux · 1 year ago
Birdless Ballot Boosters Marked The End Of Boss Cox’s Cincinnati Political Machine
For better or worse, mostly worse, no history of Cincinnati can be written without significant attention to the reign of George Barnsdale Cox, the man known as Boss Cox. For forty years, from the 1880s into the 1920s, Cox and his minions ran Cincinnati like a private fiefdom. It is remarkable that the Cox Machine was brought low by a bunch of birds.
Cox ruled from his position as chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party and during his reign no one got elected in Hamilton County without the Boss’s approval. To keep the votes rolling in for his chosen politicians, Cox dispensed county funds where loyalty could be bought. Cox ignored the city's parks where squirrels didn't vote. Cox bled the schools because teachers didn't vote and, as one of Cox's lieutenants was quoted, "most of them are women, anyway."
Cox’s favorite voters were dependable machine constituents who voted a straight Republican ticket. It mattered not whether they knew who they were voting for. In fact, it was probably preferable that they didn’t care who they elected. Through bribes and favors, Cox owned the illiterate vote in Cincinnati. Cox’s ward heelers had one simple task – to vote a straight Republican ticket. To do so, voters didn’t need to read. They need only remember to vote the eagle.
Voting was a lot more complicated 100 years ago than it is today. In 1920, each party had its own ballot, and each ballot had a symbol or logo on the top. There were no Elephants or Donkeys. Republican ballots showed an eagle at the top, while Democratic ballots were emblazoned with a rooster. The Socialists employed a hand holding a torch. Prohibitionists used a rose.
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Under the party symbol, each ballot showed a big circle. If a voter wanted to vote a straight party ticket, all they had to do was mark a big, bold X through that circle and drop the ballot in the appropriate box. That big circle was extremely convenient for illiterate voters and Cincinnati had a lot of them. These voters cared not a whit about any candidate. All they knew was that a beer or a fifty-cent piece awaited once a poll monitor signaled to the ward boss that the voter had marked the correct ballot. For illiterate voters, the non-partisan judicial ballot was indecipherable and fist fights broke out at various polls when party hacks offered to “help” illiterate voters translate the judicial ballots.
One hundred years ago, in January 1924, a group of Cincinnati reformers organized the Birdless Ballot League to eliminate party ballots. It proved to be the death knell for the Boss Cox machine. Although the idea had been circulated before, it was lawyer Henry Bentley who made the birdless ballot his personal crusade. Bentley’s proposal was simple: Eliminate the party emblems from the ballot and force voters to individually select candidates by name. If adopted, the birdless ballot would effectively disenfranchise anyone who couldn’t read and thereby remove a big tool from the Cox Machine’s toolbox.
By the time Bentley got involved, the Cox Machine was a sputtering hulk of its former magnificence. Cox himself had died in 1916. His lieutenants, grown fat and happy with the spoils of graft and corruption, found interests outside the grind of municipal politics. Mike Mullen, whose influence extended well beyond his homebase in the Fifth Ward, died in 1921. August "Garry" Herrmann had all but retired from politics to oversee the Cincinnati Reds. Only Rudolph “Rud” Hynicka was still in control, and he had long since relocated to New York City, where he managed a string of burlesque theaters.
It was left to local party stalwarts to gin up the opposition to Bentley’s proposal. Gilbert Bettman, a Republican of the Cox camp, fumed during a speech to the Women’s City Club [Cincinnati Post 18 April 1924]:
“The birdless ballot, historically unsound, illogical and wholly negative, judged by this single standard, would not tend to bring better or more capable men into the public service. In-so-far as it would have any effect, it would weaken the structure of parties, creating a political hodge-podge, bloc or minority government.”
Bettman’s speeches that year were reminders that the old Cox Machine had chewed up reformers before and expected to easily dispense with Bentley and his ilk. And yet, despite its invulnerable reputation, the Cox gang had endured occasional, if temporary, revolts almost from the moment it seized control of the city. The Machine had learned to bend a little when necessary but to snap back once the reformers relaxed. In 1924, they complacently ignored a groundswell that had been gaining strength over the past decade. Consequently, the Machine underestimated the opposition.
Simultaneous with Bentley’s call for birdless ballots, the Cincinnatus League, another group of reformers, including future mayors Murray Seasongood and Russell Wilson, agitated for a charter establishing a city manager form of government. Seasongood and his allies recognized that the birdless ballot was step in the right direction, but the ultimate goal needed to be a complete reform of city government. At the urging of the Cincinnati Post, which had built its reputation as the anti-Cox newspaper in town, the charter supporters and the ballot reformers joined forces.
It is all but forgotten today, but the Charterite reformers succeeded largely because of Cincinnati’s Socialists, particularly Herbert Bigelow, pastor of the non-denominational People’s Church. That congregation provided many of the volunteers essential to the reform movement. It was they who circulated petitions, got out the vote and lobbied for change at public meetings.
The Cox/Hynicka syndicate tried to confuse voters by promoting their own charter issues on the 1924 ballot. If either of those measures passed, city council would have been reorganized but no substantial changes would have taken place.
As it developed, Cincinnati’s voters were inspired by the idea of a ballot without birds. On November 4, 1924, the Charterite referendum received more than 88,000 votes, with only 39,000 votes in opposition. The new charter streamlined city council to just nine city-wide seats instead of an unwieldy legislative body with a representative from all 32 wards. The new council selected a weak, mostly ceremonial, mayor to preside at council, and hired a city manager to conduct most city business. Overnight, Cincinnati’s reputation as one of the worst-governed cities in America was transformed and the city became known as one of the best and most efficiently run municipalities in the country.
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secondblooms · 1 year ago
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He was called "filthy" because his skin was dark, unintelligible because he could barely speak English. When he arrived in this country, he was placed in a special class for immigrants. But, a few of his teachers saw something in the way he expressed himself, through his drawings, through his view of the world. He would soon master his new language.
His mother had made a difficult decision to take him, his two younger sisters and a half-brother to America, seeking a better life for their family. They settled in Boston's South End, at the time the second-largest Syrian-Lebanese-American community. The family would struggle and the young boy would lose one sister and his half-brother to tuberculosis. His mother would die of cancer.
He would write, “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”
He was born in poverty on January 6, 1883 in what is now modern day Lebanon.
He believed in love, he believed in peace, and he believed in understanding.
His name was Kahlil Gibran, and he is primarily known for his book, "The Prophet." The book, published in 1923, would sell tens of millions of copies, making him the third best-selling poet of all time, behind Shakespeare and Laozi.
Published in 108 languages around the world, passages from "The Prophet" are quoted at weddings, in political speeches and at funerals, inspiring influential figures such as John F. Kennedy, Indira Gandhi, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and David Bowie.
He was very outspoken, attacking hypocrisy and corruption. His books were burned in Beirut, and in America, he would receive death threats.
Gibran was the only member of his family to pursue scholastic education. His sisters were not allowed to enter school, primarily because of Middle Eastern traditions as well as financial difficulties. Gibran, however, was inspired by the strength of the women in his family, especially his mother. After one sister, his mother, and his half-brother died, his other sister, Mariana would support Gibran and herself by working at a dressmaker's shop.
Of his mother, he would write:
"The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word 'Mother,' and the most beautiful call is the call of 'My mother.' It is a word full of hope and love, a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of the heart. The mother is everything – she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness."
Gibran would later champion the cause of women’s emancipation and education.
He believed that “Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being.”
In a poem to new immigrants, he would write, "I believe you can say to the founders of this great nation. 'Here I am. A youth. A young tree. Whose roots were plucked from the hills of Lebanon. Yet I am deeply rooted here. And I would be fruitful.'"
He would write in "The Prophet":
“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.”
Do not live half a life
and do not die a half death
If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you are finished
If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it
for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance
Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes
Half the way will get you no where
You are a whole that exists to live a life
not half a life. ~Khalil Gibran
(Book: The Prophet https://amzn.to/3SnIaZd )
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newsreporter16 · 3 months ago
File 2009
First Name: January   Middle Name: Joy  Last Name: Jameson 
Face Claim: Emma Watson Full Name: January Joy Jameson  Nicknames: Jani (Only Aurora), Jan (Everyone Else), JJ (only Peter, Ned & MJ), My Joyful Jewel (Flash) Alias: ArchnaFeline 
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts Current Residence: Queens, New York City, New York  Current School: Midtown School of Science and Technology Date of Birth: October 7th, 2009 Citizenship: American 🇺🇸  Past Allegiances: The Night Terrors  Current Allegiances: none at the moment
Age: 16 Years Old  Species: Human with cat and spider DNA Gender: Gender-Fluid (currently going by she/her) Pronouns: She/He/They  Sexuality: Pansexual 
Relationship Status: Taken (by an OC belonging to @whosafraidoflittleoldme17)
Current Occupations: Vigilante, Sophomore in High School and part-time journalist for The Daily Bugle.
Past Occupations: Freshman in High School and a Night Terror.
Special Powers/Abilities: has animal like canine teeth, enhanced strength, agility, senses, reflexes, speed, a Spider-Sense, fingernails that turn into sharp claws, can cause good or bad luck on others, night vision, can leap across long distances, can jump from high up and always lands on her feet.
Appearance: pale skin with a peach undertone, has and cat-like canine teeth, short light brown hair, olive green eyes with cat-like pupils and a flower tattoo on her neck.
Everyday Clothing: a dark blue short sleeve polo shirt with a coral jacket and a pearl necklace.
Spider-Suit: a black spider-suit, a hood with cat ears with a navy blue spider cat symbol on the chest and the inside of the hood and ears are navy blue.
Personality: energetic, friendly, intelligent, bright, vibrant, likes to goof off, enthusiastic, caring, funny, gentle, sincere, loves science, stubborn, sometimes a little careless, can be mischievous when bored, inpatient, clumsy, doesn’t think things through, really good at chemistry, a little silly, compassionate, jumps to conclusions, playful, empathetic, doesn’t think about the consequences, makes rash decisions, bold, understanding, kind-hearted, a bit naïve, is easily influenced and manipulated by others, is willing to do anything to impress her idols, is sometimes easily tricked into doing the wrong things, she has ADHD and she also is slightly autistic. 
Hobbies: making new chemicals and substances in her lab in her house’s basement, painting, drawing, sculpting or just making random pieces of art art, listening to her favorite artists, Britney Spears, Panic! At The Disco, Sia, Fall Out Boy and Mother Mother or listening to songs from her favorite musicals, The SIX musical, Hamilton, Singing In The Rain and reading science fiction, historical fantasy/fiction, mystery books or novels.
Quotes: “Another day of no crime, again! Ugh! Could life get any more boring?!“ 
”Time to ruin Beck’s media reputation!”
“Heroes are good! Not evil Dad! What is wrong with you?! Honestly!”
Theme Songs: Titanium by Sia, Black Widow by Iggy Azalea and Sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee
Symbol: a black cat 🐈‍⬛ 
Family Mother: Evelyn R. Jameson (née Navigator) Father: J. Jonah Jameson  Older Brother: Jasper J. Jameson (in a coma) 
Older Sister Figure: Aurora Byers-Rogers-Barton
Friends/Allies   Best Friends: MJ Watson and Cindy Moon  Friends: Ned Leeds, Peter Parker, Betty Brant, Aurora Byers-Rogers-Barton and Flash Thompson. Allies: none
Frenemies/Enemies Frenemies: Adrian Toomes/Vulture, Aaron Davis and Herman Schultz/Shocker. Enemies: Quentin Beck/Mysterio, Dogfish and Catfish and the DogCat Gang, The Jaywalkers and Nightmare and the Night Terrors.
Others Idols: Spider-Man, White Witch, Ant-Man, Iron Man, War Machine, Black Panther, Wanda Maximoff, Hawkeye, Vision, Black Widow, Captain America and basically any Avenger. Teacher Friends: Roger Harrington, Julius Dell, Coach Wilson and Principal Morita. Acquaintances: Mr. Delmar and any other teacher at Midtown High.
@whosafraidoflittleoldme17 @thewhitespiderwitch
idk who else to tag-
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essentiallychaotic · 4 months ago
I remembered today a question I was asked in class once in high school. The scenario is you’re kidnapped in a van, and drive out of town. When you get to where you’re going and they haul you out of the van, there’s a woodchipper and 15 babies. If you woodchip the babies you live, or if you don’t, they shoot you and then they kill the babies.
The point of the question was if no matter what, they are going to die, do you save yourself through a terrible act? My classmates and teacher posed it expecting a deep philosophical debate.
I responded I would be shot and killed.
“But the babies die either way” they said. Maybe so, was my response, but at least I don’t have to live the rest of my life knowing I killed those children.
I think so often philosophical debates rely on the expectation that humans will do anything to stay alive. And I think in a society that is taught to be as selfish as ours (I’m american) that this can often be true. But I also think if you have any compassion in you at all you understand there are things worse than dying.
At 17 I felt the question wasn’t “would you save yourself with a terrible act” but “what burden are you willing to carry to stay alive? What blood are you comfortable having on your hands?” And I decided then, and maintain now at 31, philosophical questions are very stupid, and I am unwilling to actively harm someone defenceless simply to keep myself alive. If people are doomed anyway, at least I will not be complicit, at least I will not have caved to the social pressure to participate in their undoing, at least it will not be my finger on the button.
I think this is coming to mind as I process the election and world we’re potentially stepping into starting in January, because it reminds me of how so many people justified their participation in nazism and concentration camps after ww2. Do you round people up to stay alive? Do you form ghettos and camps? Do you press the button for the gas? Do you just let it all happen?
The world is both so large and so small right now, it can be overwhelming, and that overwhelm can cause people to freeze. No single one of us can solve societies ills, no individual can cure socially entrenched issues. It is easy to feel like nothing more than a drop in the ocean, that your stance will do nothing.
I know the feeling well, and in response often think of a quote from Cloud Atlas (the film at least idk about the book), “What is an ocean, but a multitude of drops?” No individual can fix it all, but together we can work towards effective change, together we can decide to not be complicit of suffering, together even small actions stack up. We just have to ask ourselves, what burden are we willing to carry to stay alive?
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tamapalace · 1 year ago
Tamagotchi’s History Featured on Asahi TV’s ‘I want to know about Osamu Hayashi now!’
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We love a little history lesson! On February 15th, 2024 there was a segment about the history of Tamagotchi on the television program ‘I want to know about Osamu Hayashi now!’ Which is a television program featuring Osamu Hayashi the most famous juku school teacher in Japan, known for his iconic phrase ”Ima desho" ("Why not now?").
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source: grief_and_green on Twitter
The segment covers the Tamagotchi Original launch back in 1996 & 1997. They really focus on the popularity overseas in the United States and we got to see the line at FAO Schwarz, a toy store formerly in Manhattan, New York on fifth avenue, which is now located at Rockefeller Plaza. How have we never seen this picture before?
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source: grief_and_green on Twitter
Osamu Hayashi also mentions that Tamagotchi is still popular today, quoting that sales from January to September 2023 were approximately 2.22 million units worldwide. With new models being released after one another, and spotlighting ht new Tamagotchi Uni’s Wi-Fi capabilities.
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