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tapedsleeves · 3 months ago
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various hockey ships x Aaron Tippin - "That's As Close As I'll Get To Loving You"
I can sing this song to everybody And pretend it's not about you
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15
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two-forholding · 2 years ago
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jamie drysdale/trevor zegras + 🎶 (insp.)
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badassusername · 3 months ago
Thank you for helping to boost this! u/mousemarner helped to find this great primer!
🙋🏻‍♀️ sorry to bother you, but do you happen to know if there is a good Drygras primer out there? I am this close to getting a friend to attend the next Ducks v Flyers game with me, but they need to know the lore lol.
oof I wish I did!!! I would read it myself!! I really know the bare minimum from the occasion post but if anyone reads this and knows of one please chime in!!
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kucherovv · 11 months ago
i understand why flyers fans are so insane bc everytime i think abt one of their narratives for too long i have to lay down. and i cant imagine that being my entire life
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novemberdevils · 2 months ago
❤️🧪📚 for the ask game!!!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
oh god. this question always gets me because like i know have favorite lines lmao but i struggle to conjure them up on the spot. okay here is some absolute recency bias but as i was proofreading i literally said to myself "i like how i wrote this line" so. also this is, as i am writing this ask answer, unposted inertia content
And it’s almost like—“Is that the trick, then? That if I do not move for long enough, eventually you will ask for what you want?”—he can hear Nico’s smirk, feel the tension shift when he does.
don't say i never revealed any of my secrets...
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
yes. no. sometimes? a lot of the time, not really. for inertia in particular, i wouldn't call anything i'm doing research, because to me that word implies i did it beforehand lol but i am often fact-checking things about racing and stuff -- but because i was majorly into f1 for a while a lot of the shit i'm yapping about is stuff i already knew, so i didn't feel the need to research it before i started writing the fic. but i do write this fic with about eight million tabs open, if frantically googling racing regulations and indycar timetables mid-sentence counts as research lol
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
YES. hold on. all of my (public) bookmarks are fics i recommend but i will give a wee top three here
bed chem by afigtree -- few things i love more in the world than a good a/b/o fic. i fuckinglove a/b/o i need to write more of it but i am busy... but srsly i love this fic it's such an interesting trope and also i recommend all of the things by afigtree this is just my favoritest fic
you've got me open wide by crawsley -- hey what did i just say about a/b/o. this one is jamietrevor. whatever their ship name is. but another trope that i fuck so hard with i love this one and i have not stopped thinking about it since i read it my bad
babe, ain't it heaven by TheNorthRemembers -- do you want to know who is responsible for me being a nicojack writer at all. author of what has to be my all-time favorite maxiel fic that i've read about eight gazillion times and also arguably the reason why i'm even here at all. read. i swear to god
fanfic writer ask game
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boyliker55 · 2 months ago
what do yall want for wip wednesday
reminder that requests are open as well :3
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myrrhmaidwrites · 2 years ago
🔀 jamietrevor or jamietrevormason !!
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The song I got was hurricane drunk by Florence and the machine. And let me just say oof what a fucking gut punch.
For a long time I’ve had this vague Trevor-as-Taylor celebrity AU idea that I think will fit here. jdtz are dating but jamie is shy and awkward and a homebody and he haaaaates the attention. eventually it gets to be too much and they break up. trevor is devastated, obviously. jamie is devastated too. he ends up dating Mason a little while after, and they have vip tix to some show of Trevor's, and Trevor sees them when she's performing on stage.
They look so happy together. Jamie looks so at peace quietly fading into the background. Did jamie and trevor ever look like that? So she writes a song about it. and jamie knows immediately what it's about. and she messages trevor to... say sorry? reconnect? I'm not sure.
does this end happily? and who does it end happily for? no idea :)
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incorrect-nhl · 2 years ago
Jamie Drysdale, coming down the stairs: Is something burning?
Trevor Zegras, leaning seductively across the counter: Just my desire for you *winks*
Jamie Drysdale: Trevor the toaster is on fire
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icantswim-03 · 3 years ago
Jamie: Well to be frank with you-
Trevor: Well to be Trevor with you, I don’t give a damn
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crawsley · 3 years ago
hey i want to do a little writing tonight if anybody wants to send prompts my way!
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two-forholding · 2 years ago
in picture frames
jamie/trevor | 7k | rated t | secret relationship, outsider pov
It is impossible to miss who it is on the picture on Z’s phone, despite the fact that Jamie is looking rough and almost nothing like himself in it. He’s laying on a couch, captured only from the waist up from a truly unflattering angle, something that even Troy can tell even though he can admit he doesn’t have many flattering angles himself.
In the picture, Jamie is wearing a sweatshirt that has definitely seen better days. Its color and logo are so faded that it almost looks like it’s supposed to be an American design of so kind, which doesn’t make much sense considering this is Canadian sweetheart Jamie Drysdale Troy is looking at. What Jimmy is also wearing is a shoulder sling, which dates the photo to be a pretty recent one.
(or 5 times someone saw a picture of Jamie on Trevor's phone + 1 time it was Jamie who saw it.)
(read on ao3.)
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kz-hcky · 3 years ago
When I woke up today I was not expecting to get slapped in the face with JamieTrevor and the Super Swedes IT WAS TOO MUCH
The ducks…are giving us…so much content…💗💞💕💘💖💓
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loserdudes · 3 years ago
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the ducks made a jamietrevor love child apparently
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t1erradelfuego · 2 years ago
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extreme jamietrevor navalgazing. call me a gazy pie the way i be. baked into a pie crust staring straight up at the sky thinking about them. [please do not read i am being extremely insane]
as evidenced by my 239048 posts on the topic i am EXTREMELY into themes of self reflection, change, and identity in romance and the particular notion that love changes you in some way and trying to figure out in what ways how and when is a crucial, cathartic part necessary to being and maybe even accepting yourself in a relationship which. when i type it out. obviously yeah but. listen. LOVE IS A CHOICE WITH CONSEQUENCES. that's MY thesis statement dissertation graduate publication etc etc. nothing bowls me over more than blorbo realizing the enormity of their desire for other blorbo and the depths to which that informs and changes their own perception of self! i think. all of the fics i have written touch on that theme. anyways.
i am also thinking about general hockey meta which, here is where we will take a brief moment to reflect upon 1) literally every ethical/philosophical/sociological paper i have ever read on the theory of celebrities and fame and consuming content as stories and 2) bleak boyband bingo which is a kpop fic fest that literally CHANGED MY LIFE and changed the way that i interact with media and real person fiction and the general stories that i come up with and see in real life which leads me to 3) nothing in my life is ever original what do you mean i was destined to be a hockey fan all along because bleak boyband bingo creators were hockey fans... what... you're telling me that the fundamental piece of real life truth in fictional content scholarship was informed in large part by Hockey. and now im. in the hockey soup. ok this is quickly becoming an essay for another but anyways. hockey meta.
look. competitive youth hockey and the usntdp in particular is probably not the Greatest environment to grow up in. somehow i think you do not learn and experience the varied life skills & experiences needed to develop the crucial social parts of your brain. including how you handle relationships! how you see yourself! sport in general is probably not the best and we've plenty of accounts both historical & contemporary & personal and whatnot of the reality that being in a regimented system before your brain even fully develops is not the best for your sense of self especially after you leave the sport but THAT is also another essay. the other thing that is extremely trevor zegras specific is that the dude was in a boarding school which. ok. general fandom characterzation paints this dude with FOMO and I GET IT!!! boarding schools are also extremely not the greatest environment to grow up in. genuinely going to a boarding school before you learn how to set your own routines outside of what's necessary kind of fucks you up! im not speaking from experience im. not. like trevor at the tender age of 15 probably only had hockey and whatever the fuck he needed to do academics wise on his mind for routines! what about mental health and attention regulation and varied life experiences on your own initiative! anyways. ANYWAYS.
jamie to me is trevor's greatest foil and probably why i will always bat as hard for them as i do and not even in the enemies to lovers way it's just. you see a guy who's way more well-adjusted than you are and it Gets Personal. like ok dude lived presumably with his parents up until 16 and even then went to live in a billet family which i think provides a lot more sense of normalcy than whatever the fuck ntdp got going on because the families weren't as hockey adjacent afaik than the ntdp's structure. especially because if im remembering this correctly, the ntdp class of 2019 was supported in large part by the parents of the kids themselves rather than regular billets re hughes moving to michigan etc etc. so here's jamie. sociable and presumed level-headed enough to be named captain of the erie otters. canadian. normal billet family. he's got a lot of non-hockey life experience that informs his identity!
what i'm really trying to articulate that took me uhhhh 4 paragraphs to write is that there is a fic in me that is begging 2 be written wherein trevor is not the best dude! he's a little bit toxic and he's not that self aware but he's under the presumption that he is and that's what's limiting his growth! he's only ever had to think about what he wants and he's only ever been in, formative years-wise, an extremely isolated bubble since he was 15. he's nice though. charming and confident in himself and it's that same feeling that you think you're going to be really good friends with somebody but two months into the friendship you're getting icks and thinking that they're too annoying and whatnot. he's got severe fomo! toxic fomo even! he's not that confident in the world around him in the sense that he's just a KID. a really annoying ipad kid who hasn't learned about the general complexity of life outside of hockey! in contrast, jamie is so mature for his age and has experienced a lot more in life and seems to be confident in the world around him and in himself even without hockey, has his own friends in anaheim already and formed a great local support group, is on good terms and constant contact with friends and family, leaves the competition on the ice and brings none of the personal stuff off it. he's SO well adjusted with no hang ups and i want so badly for him to be the catalyst to trevor's ~conscious awakening~.
like in this fic trevor has SUCH a grade school crush on jamie immediately, begging to be his best friend and hanging out with him all the time because he thinks they get a long so well but in reality it's just jamie handling the situation with grace far above what's expected of his age and compsure that belies How Normal He Is. and it irritates trevor a little bit when jamie brushes him off to go be normal and do normal things like not falling into a codependent situationship 2 months into his pro hockey career but like! that's not gonna stop his mad stupid crush. and then he confesses to jamie and jamie's like :] "z you're great but i think we're too different" which sends trevor on a spiral of self reflection and growing up and realizing he doesn't HAVE to be as ~boring~ as jamie (he's grown as a person i didn't say HOW much tho) but like in the long run trying to be well adjusted and shaking off the internal rollercoaster of impulsitivity and jealousy would probably do him good. and maybe he goes on adhd meds or something because what is a michiganmerchant essay if not projecting neurodivergentness on all of my hockeys. ok thanks goodnight.
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icantswim-03 · 3 years ago
The Ducks instagram page knows what the people want to see
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crawsley · 3 years ago
hi friend!!!!! i saw you mention your hockey big bang,, can i ask you what it’s about? is it a longer story? 👀👀 suuuuper excited no matter what tbh!!
hee hee imma answer this privately bc there seems to be some level of secrecy involved in hbb stuff 
but yeah it's at almost 40k rn! it's ANOTHER college a/b/o jamietrevor but a bit of a darker tone and definitely more adversarial... basically jamie is a nerdy athletic trainer who trevor doesn't like, who all of a sudden is fucking all his omega (and some of the alpha) friends on the team?? so it's pov multiple w/ the first chapter focused on jack cole alex and trevor pov and then the second w jamie pov. i'm excited about it!
edit i meant to answer this privately then got too excited and hit the post button lmfao. well. hbb everybody it’s coming out soonish!
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