sastielbb · 6 years
Cat's Cradle
Title: Cat’s Cradle Author: jamesnovakwinchester/rosemoonweaver (same person) Artist: trisscar368 Rating: Explicit Chapters: 10 (24,000 words) Summary: Sam Winchester isn’t your typical witch. Practicing a taboo form of magic is bad enough, but it’s another thing entirely to have his brother for a familiar. He’s always been aware that there are those who would like to ruin both him and his brother by separating the two, either because they feel it’s unnatural for witches and their familiars to be related or because they want to steal Dean’s magic for their own. So when Castiel Novak shows up claiming Dean’s his familiar… well Sam’s not willing to go down without a fight.
Castiel Novak is a loner. It’s mostly by choice, but really, what choice do you have when you can see the threads that orchestrate relationships? He knows he can’t get too close to people, because in his experience they always leave when the people they’re destined to love show up. So imagine his luck when he finds both his familiar and the man he’s destined to have a relationship within the same week! It’s really just too bad he and Sam can’t seem to get along for five minutes. The threads have never been wrong before but damn would it make it easier if they could just hate each other instead.
Link to fic AND art 
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irradiantsam · 7 years
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SamBenny AU | Benny leads a fulfilling, but uneventful life running his bakery in Kennebunkport, Maine. When Sam Winchester and his therapy dog come into his bakery one day asking for directions, Benny can’t help but fall for the handsome, mysterious professor. He’s got a sweet tooth, after all. 
ღ For @sambennyloveweek ღ
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rosemoonweaver · 8 years
Okay, mutuals. Just so you know, you’re always welcome to tag me in stuff you write. Seriously. 
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dragonpressgraphics · 7 years
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Just a teaser to go to my Art Masterpost of Some Things Last on A03 
it not only has all the art so far, but a little bit about my thought process for it.
make sure to follow because there was ONE MORE picture I am aiming to do and add in later
and be sure to read the story by @jamesnovakwinchester - also on A03
Some Things Last - written for the first ever @dcjbigbang - is the first of 2 DCJ BB’s I’ll be posting.
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Major Tags: underage sex mentioned but not shown, Alternate Universe - No Supernatural, Multiple POVs, Angst, Lovers to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers, Homophobia, Bisexual Erasure, Biphobia,Chuck is a Dick, (and a bad dad), Childhood Trauma, Childhood Abuse, Minor Character Death, Past Character Death, First Meetings, Slow Burn, Love Triangle, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cas and Jimmy are Twins, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self-Destructive Thoughts, Self-Esteem Issues, Anxiety Disorders, Panic Attacks, Break-ups, Pining, Mutual Unrequited Pining, Love Confessions, Drunken Mistakes, Alcohol, Polyamory Negotiations, Explicit Sexual Content, Switch Dean, Switch Jimmy, Switch Cas, Threesome – M/M/M, Incest, Twincest, Sibling Incest,
Pairings: Castiel/Jimmy, Jimmy/Amelia, Jimmy/Dean, Castiel/Dean. Castiel/Jimmy/Dean, Dean/Lisa (past) Sam/Eileen (side), Michael/Hael (side), Balthazar/Meg (side), Chuck/Naomi (past),
Jimmy Novak had nearly everything he’d ever wanted; a decent job, a beautiful daughter, and a boyfriend he adored. But his father’s sudden death threatens to destroy the things he holds most dear when he’s forced to come face-to-face with his past and the one person he never wanted to have to face again: his brother.
Castiel Novak had been managing life just fine. It hadn’t been going the way he’d expected, but still, things were fine. That was of course until his father died and he was back in the same room as his twin brother, Jimmy, and all that managing was a little harder to do. Between his brother, his memories, and his brother’s gorgeous new boyfriend, Castiel was fairly certain it’s only a matter of time before something snaps.
Dean Winchester thought he’d had things relatively figured out. He was in love and more than ready to take the next step with his boyfriend, until he found out about that twin brother his boyfriend had never mentioned. There’s some kind of damage between the two of them, shaking Jimmy up and messing with his head. Dean is determined to find out what and hopefully fix it. Now all he has to do is figure it out and not fall for Cas or lose Jimmy in the process.
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pherryt · 7 years
Ok, you want asks, here's a biggie: What are your current writing and art projects and what's your progress on them?
Ooof...too many and not enough lol.For writing:I have the current wip on ao3 that i think will be ending in about 3 more chapters give or take. I have the dean winchester big bang...started and the rest plotted. The dcbb is done and in beta. Needs some tweaking. The dcj hiatus challenge done but needs art. And considering if it can be longer or if its good as is. The saikeen big bang. Waiting for sign up day. A short story idea already plotted but not written yet. At leasst i hope it stays short.Spn abo bingo. One square filled and posted. 3 others filled but not posted. Only 21 to go.The spn co writers letter challenge...um. Halfway maybe? @deadlykittenkay @lilliavance ?An ABO long fic that is maybe 3/4s done and about a ton of other ideas i havent been able to flesh out yet For art:Figure out what im doing wrong for @unforth-ninawaters cover. Art for @braezenkitty s completely finished prize fic. Plotted. Art for the spn tropfest...plotted. Banner for my dcbb...sorta plotted. Extra art for @jamesnovakwinchester s fic for the dcj bb that passed...rrefs gotten. Extra art for @formidablepassion s story for my DRB (plotted and a mini version already made)Some commissions outside of tumbler. 1 plotted, 2 halfway done.Possibly a team design for my gishwhes team too. I know im forgetting stuff though . like, alot of it lol
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Hello! (aka The Introduction Posts that’s long overdue)
Hi, everyone! I realized today that I should probably post and intro because there are over fifty of you guys following me right now and I haven’t introduced myself yet. Oops. 
My name is Rose (she/her), I’m 23 (24 in a few months holy crap), American, lover of stuff and things. I’ve been watching spn since... season 9 I think? It’s imprtant to me in a way that is a little ridiculous for a TV show but whatever, we all have things we hold close to our hearts. 
I’m a multishipper, but this blog is pretty much exclusively wincest. Sometimes there might be some wincestiel or winjimstiel (that’s Cas/Dean/Jimmy/Sam in which Cas and Jimmy are twins. It’s an extra scoup on the incest frozen non-dairy treat cone). But mostly wincest. Also, this is a sideblog so if I’m not following you back as marymotherofmonsters that’s why. I don’t have anything against you or anything, I just have a different main blog and tumblr is dumb so I can’t follow via sideblogs. If you see rosemoonweaver or jamesnovakwinchester in your activity feeds, that’s also me. 
My ask box, chat, and submit are alwasy open. I’m always up for making new friends and chatting about the show and the characters. And no, just because we may not agree on some things doesn’t mean I’m going to get mad and/or attack you or anything like that. That’s stupid. You’re entitled to your thoughts and opinions and likes and dislikes just as much as anyone else is. We can still be friends based on our mutual love of ships, characters, tropes, or whatever. 
So, a little more about me.  - I love Dean WInchester with my entire heart and soul.  - I wish I was as good a person as Sam is.  - Castiel is my favorite angel.  - I love the minor characters, too. Some of my favorites are Meg, Balthazar, Charlie, Claire, Kevin, Jody, Donna, Abaddon, Ketch, Mary, Bobby, Jo, Ellen, Eileen, and Ruby.  - I believe that Dean WInchester has a hardcore incest kink and you can fight me on that.  - Sam and Dean are soulmates. They love each other more than anyone else on this earth, heaven, purgatory, and hell. (But that doesn’t maean they can’t and don’t have friendships with other people. In fact, I like it when they have friendships with other people. I just want them to be happy and loved.)  - My personal favorite sexuality headcanons are that Dean is bisexual aromantic and Sam is panseuxal panromantic. Of course, I’m not super married to the ideas and I have and will contiue to write them with different sexual and romantic orientations. If you like other ideas better, talk to me about them! I’m always down to explore different sexual, romantic, and gender identites through headcanons and writing.  - Seriously, always feel free to tell me about your headcanons.  - I’m not much of a fan of weecest. If it’s your thing, that’s awesome, it’s just not for me. (I work with teens in tutoring. I just don’t really want to read about teenagers. I love them because they’re smart and opinionated and fun to teach and talk to, I just don’t want to read about their lives.)  - I like Mary Winchester. (see my url) I think she managed really well for the situation she was put into last season and I’m glad she wasn’t killed off so we could get a chance to learn more about her.  - I’m on ao3 as rw_eaden. You will noticed I haven’t written a lot of wincest. (Like I said, multishipper) But that doesn’t mean I don’t plan on it. I do. In fact, I’m currently working on a fantasy au that I hope to get ready to wip posting in July or August.  - I have a tag list in case you’d like to be tagged in my upcoming works.  - I don’t have time for hate. Ship hate, character hate, actor hate, families of actor hate, none of that is anything I care about. I might have opinions about certain characters or actors I dislike, but I keep those mostly to myself or tag them “{character name} negative” or “{actor name} negative”. I will, however, fight against censorship because that’s something I’m very passionate about IRL. That usually winds up on my main blog though. 
Anyway, always feel free to come talk to me or whatever. Oh, and if you need things tagged, let me know! 
Thanks! And it’s nice to meet you all! Feel free to tell me about yourselves!
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Learning Curve
Author: jamesnovakwinchester Artist: emmatheslayer
Title: Learning Curve Rating: Teen and Up  Pairing: Sam Winchester/Castiel Word Count: 13,564
Summary: Sam Harvelle-Winchester finally got his first job teaching at North Star Academy, one of the best private schools in the city. It’s a good job but the issue is Castiel Novak, the fifth-grade teacher down that hall he’s absolutely smitten with, but probably doesn’t have a chance with. After so many awful dating experiences, Sam just doesn’t have it in him to ask him out and even if he did, there’s always the chance that Sam’s sex would be an issue anyway.
Warnings for: mentions of suicidal thoughts, mentions of hormone therapy, non-traditional A/B/O 
Read it on AO3
Check out the art of LJ 
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formidablepassion · 8 years
What I’m working on
I was tagged by the lovely @mayalaen to let everyone (especially her) know what I am currently working on. 
Rules Do Dis: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
What I’m working on:
@castielbigbang fic: This one has been difficult for me and I’m not sure why. I finally just finished it and it is almost 6k (I was shooting for 5k). I need to edit it and have it beta’d. I am also planning on making it into a very angsty fic with a bit of pining and a possible happy ending. We will see. 
@spnmegabang fic: This one is...not going as fast as I’d like because of school. My author, @dragonpressgraphics is amazing and patient with me as are my betas, @buffenator and @destielonfire. You are all being so patient and I thank you. I am going to be working on this this week I swear!
@destielreversebang fic: This is something I have almost completely outlined. I am working with my amazing artist (Again @dragonpressgraphics) on an amazing fic. There will be wings (can you say wing!kink?). And pain. Lots of pain. Just so you know.
@spnpolybingo: I have a few things I’ve started for this but never had the time to finish. It has been crazy for me. 
100+ Kink Challenge: The Bonded are doing this challenge and it has been fun. I can honestly say that it is provided me with new experiences and I have only written one short fic so far that you can find here. 
My prompts from my 5000 post giveaway: I have not been able to fill all of these yet. I think that I will try to get a couple done this week as well. I am so behind on them. I mean, honestly I’m over 7k posts now. I should do something about this.
There You Are: Dean/Cas/Jimmy Separated at birth college au fic. I haven’t updated it in four months!! I really need to finish it. Especially since it was never suppose to be this long. I was trying to do it under 8k and it is almost twice that.
One Night in Paris: This is my first ABO fic, it is Dean/Cas, and has been almost a year since I updated. Since there is only one more chapter to go, I am hoping to finish it this week as well. 
There it is. I’m crazy for doing all this and living life.
So tags. I would love to know what you’re all working on. No obligation to play. If you do please  @ me so I can read what you’ve got going on. Thank you. @jamesnovakwinchester @winchester-reload @jhoomwrites @emani-writes @buffenator @destielonfire @princessjimmynovak @envydean @paperannxo @maliciouslycreative @kreweofimp @tellthenight and of course my Bonded @helvonasche @when-the-day--met-the-night @madamelibrarian @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @trisscar368 I know I could put so many more tags, but I will cut it off there. 
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Learning Curve
Written for The Sam Winchester Big Bang
Written by Jamesnovakwinchester Art by emmatheslayer
Rating: Teen Pairing: Sam Winchester/Castiel, [side pairings of Ellen Harvelle/Mary Winchester, Dean Winchester/Benny Lafitte/Aaron Bass]  Word Count: 13,564 Tags:  non-traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, mentions of past suicidal thoughts, mentions of past hormone treatment, homophobia, homophobic language, anti-beta sentiment, swearing, referenced switch!Sam, implied alcoholism, implied drug use, alcohol consumption  Summary:  Sam Harvelle-Winchester finally got his first job teaching at North Star Academy, one of the best private schools in the city. It's a good job but the issue is Castiel Novak, the fifth-grade teacher down that hall he's absolutely smitten with, but probably doesn't have a chance with. After so many awful dating experiences, Sam just doesn't have it in him to ask him out and even if he did, there's always the chance that Sam's sex would be an issue anyway.
Special thanks and acknowledgments: Thank you to my wonderful artist who is over on LJ and @maliciouslycreative for being a super awesome beta and cheerleader and @samanddeaninpanties who brought the challenge to my attention and helped keep me motivated. 
Read On AO3!!!
Check Out the Art!!!
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spnpolybingo · 7 years
Masterlist Guidelines
You still have a few more days to create, but it’s getting time to round up your works and submit your masterlist! I hope everyone had fun during the SPN Poly Bingo, and I’d like to encourage all of you to submit your masterlist, even if you filled out just one square.
Officially, the Supernatural Poly Bingo ends August 1st. You will have until August 12th to submit your masterlist. When I receive your masterlist I’ll make a header and bingo card with your completed works crossed off. The masterlists will be posted after August 12th. If you already have a masterlist that you’ve made, message me and I’ll reblog that when the other masterlists are posted. (Of course, if you still want me to make a post/header for you please feel free to submit according to the guidelines)
How to submit your masterlist:
1) On the main blog, hit ‘Submit a Post’ on the right side menu.
2) Please put your name in for the title.
3) Every work that you completed for the bingo will need the following information:
For Fics, please include this information:
(Link) Title: Pairing: Rating: Wordcount: Square: Content Warning: (if any)
For any other creations, please include this information:
(Link) Pairing: Rating: (specify if sfw or nsfw on picsets/art) Square: Content Warning: (if any)
Example Masterlist Submission:
(Link) Title: Some kind of family Pairing: CassiexDean, DeanxHannah, CastielxHannah Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 4,628 Square: Cross-Couple
(Link) Title: It’s a kind of game Pairing: CastielxHannahxSamandriel Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 1,731 Square: CastielxHannahxSamandriel Content Warning: Cousin Incest, Underage
(This will continue for every work that I’ve completed for the Bingo. Your masterlist will be posted under a cut so don’t worry about the length of it. The card and header will be above the cut.)
Please don’t hesitate to ask questions!
Tagging all participants : @a-demon-and-her-bentley, @archofimagine, @beriala, @bloodandcream, @caerulaen, @callipygianspud, @dreamsfromthebunker, @emani-writes, @formidablepassion, @nihilfugit, @hellhoundsprey, @justanothersaltandburn, @holydarkhallelujah, @intotheruins, @jamesnovakwinchester, @just-another-busy-fangirl, @ladysimoriah, @loveitsallineed, @majesticduxk, @maliciouslycreative, @mayalaen, @rainsoakedsam, @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin, @roxy-davenport , @spn-obsession, @spnpanshipper, @evenifidie, @starkfeels, @the-grace-of-fallen-angels, @thedropoutandthejunkie, @twxnkdean, @zzzett, @ilostmyshoe-79, @purgatoan, @jerksarehot , @samanddeaninpanties, @mydrunkendean, @theonysill
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allspnships · 8 years
Fave Fic To Write 2016
Title and Author: Forget-Me-Not by rw_eaden (AKA rosemoonweaver AKA jamesnovakwinchester)  Link: you can read it here Relationships: Castiel/Meg Masters Word Count: 3,966 Rating: Teen Tags and Warnings: Major Character Death, angst, angst with a happy ending, human Castiel, hell memories, grief/mourning, depression, happy ending, sappy ending Summary: Castiel has trouble adjusting to life after he finds out about Meg’s death. It gets worse when he’s stripped of his grace and becomes human. So he finds a way of coping. This is my favorite because: I feel like this fic really represents who how I see myself as an author. It’s a little bittersweet, a little gloomy, but it also has a happy ending an some imagery that I am very proud of. I really enjoyed writing it and sharing it. I’m very proud of how it turned out.
Which was your fave fic to write in 2016?
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rosemoonweaver · 7 years
Okay. So. I'm horrible at keeping up with tags. Like I'm seriously bad about it. BUT this weekend I'm going to mow through my likes and read and reblog all the stuff I've been tagged in. (Hopefully all of it) If your stuff is reblogged by @jamesnovakwinchester that's because it was a rare pair or poly thing and that's my side blog. Also, just so everyone knows, if you tag me in stuff and it takes me a while to get to it, it's because I'd forget to breathe of my body didn't do it automatically. But I'm working on it!
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dragonpressgraphics · 7 years
To Do List
Rules: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to what they’re working on: writing, art, giftsets, whatever.
Tagged by @jdragon122
okay, so I HAVE done this before on my other blog and only for my writing projects...like, a WHILE ago. Soo....starting over:
Writing: @pherryt
DCBB - I have just a few more chapters left to edit and send off to @braezenkitty. Than I wanna work out the Basic summary, the artist summary and some visual clues for it. and I guess I'm supposed to make a banner/moodboard for the promo part (but i can't make my own art.)
Speaking of Braezenkitty - Currently working on her prize fic. Need to hit 5k and its just around 4k at the moment. Then she gets to pick scenes for me to draw for it!
Order of Protection: Online Wip - 24 chapters up and I have *tries to count them off the top of her head* about 5 or so big things left that i want to hit. i'm going to guess this story ends at 30 chapters, give or take fluff that might stretch it out some.
ABO Fic - currently at 33k. I'm guessing it'll wrap up around 50k. But I've put it on hold so I could concentrate on the stuff that has actual deadlines, since the ABO BB doesn't seem to be running this year *sad face*
CBB Sequel - not as far along on this as i'd hoped since i had to stop for other projects. :(
Saving Benny - Season 8 fix it fic. Same.
Ice and snow - same. I want to finish this by xmas though. it's a supernatural au with Rise of the Guardians, Tangled and Frozen. it's a big mess, lol, but should be fun.
Spirk or McKirk - again, same. longer Star Trek fic i'd like to work on - Original series and Alternate Series crossover
I got an idea for the Saileen Big Bang - which I plan to sign up for - but haven't done much more than write down the ideas.
Tales from a Candy Store series: Oneshots of Sam and Gabriel. I have a couple more planned I haven't done yet.
Timestamps for Scared to Act : which I'd really like to do! lol. i even started two of 'em.
And I just had a new idea last night for a widowed!Cas story with photographer!Dean...who knows when I'm getting to that. or the other one i had months ago that all i did was write down the idea for (emt!Cas and cop!Dean)
And that's not counting any of the stories my kid really wants me to do...Or any of the one shots I've made and put out already that want to get expanded.
This list is too long lol
Art: dragonpressgraphics
I have a bonus picture for the DCJ BB fic Some Things Last by @jamesnovakwinchester that I want to finish.
I have a bonus picture for the Destiel Reverse Bang fic Emerging Wings by @formidablepassion that I want to resize and make nicer.
I have a pic I want to add to "Sam Needs ALL the Brain Bleach Ever"
I have several commissions to finish from AB - half of which ARE started.
I have more stuff to make for @unforth-ninawaters ‘s project. I have to reread the story because my efforts at cover making are really frustrating me. :( let's see if I can get some new ideas.
is it bad that i keep seeing the 2017 SPN reverse bang and going...."Hmm....."
For my fluffy oneshot:  Counting Freckles I've got a pic idea that I've been meaning to clean up and make nice for a WHILE...i should get on that, right?
a graphite, realistic still life: of feathers and a tie. based on a photograph i took.
OH! Badge art for AAC. I already started designing it too.
And of course, for Braezenkitty’s prize fic, art to go along with it :D
i know i'm missing stuff....
anyway - whoever wants to do this, go ahead - then tag me after? 
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samanddeaninpanties · 8 years
what i’m working on
Rules Do Dis: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
I’m Working On
The @dcjbigbang with the wonderful @mayalaen . I’m not finished with the first draft yet. Hoping to have that squared away by the end of the week! 
The @spncanonbigbang . I know what I’m going for and have the beginnings of an outline - but no “real” words on the page just yet. 
The @wincestbigbang . I have multiple ideas for this bang and have yet to settle on anything in particular, oops. But! At least I have ideas, right? 
Also thinking of signing up for the @tfwbigbang but that’s not for sure just yet. 
@spnpolybingo . I’ve finished two squares so far and am toying with three more. 
Side Projects
Another gift fic for @mayalaen . It’s a fanfic of her fanfic series CONventional Psychopathy, so don’t expect the same pairings or for plot points to line up just right - it won’t. 
Dark Wincestiel for @rainsoakedsam . I’ve kicked around a few ideas and think I’ve finally settled on one I really like - but I need to make sure it won’t squick my bb Janis out first. 
Sam/Dean/Claire gift fic for @archofimagine that was supposed to be finished forever ago. 
Wincest + hurt!Dean for @cardiaccadillac . 
DeanBenny canon verse gift fic for @formidablepassion
Sam/Claire h/c for @thedropoutandthejunkie. 
Wincestiel + cock cages for @dreamsfromthebunker. 
Wincest + fuck or die for @deadmockingbirds1 . 
A couple Megstiel fics for @bendoverandbiteyourgag , @msdoomandgloom , @maidenpool & @goldmetalvictor . ;) At least one of them contains Godstiel and I’m so freaking excited! 
Cas + ladies orgy for @goldmetalvictor . Think endverse!Cas. 
Wincestiel + nontradtional abo for @jamesnovakwinchester & @intotheruins . 
A few gifts for peeps that are a secret for now. 
Two “big projects” I can’t discuss as I may use them for bangs next year. 
Winjimstiel long fic project that starts as Sam/Jimmy in Stanford. 
sequel to Tear Me Up (Break Me Down)
sequel to Whole
A few kink meme prompts. 
um.... I’m probably missing something. fuck. 
Tagging: @rainsoakedsam  @archofimagine, @bendoverandbiteyourgag, @lovingsmutandfluff @cardiaccadillac, @northfey  @saintedsam @purgatoan, @wanderingcas, @maidenpool, @msdoomandgloom, @samslashdeantogether, @justanothersaltandburn, @inkbleeder, @ocegion, @unforth-ninawaters, @winjennster, @kisahawklin and whoever else wants to play! Seriously. It’s hard to keep track of who has played and who hasn’t. 
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dcjbigbang · 7 years
Updated Posting Schedules
We had to do some shuffling around with some of the posting dates because of various reasons. Not a whole lot has changed. 
Check out the authors and artists and click on the posting dates to see the promo.
Be sure to let the authors and artists know that you are excited for their fic and art!!
Posting Date          Artist                                        Author Sat. 05/06/2017     @kuwlshadow                        @intotheruins Sun. 05/07/2017    @kuwlshadow                        @anonymousantonym Mon. 05/08/2017    @pimentogirl                         @supernatastic101 Tue. 05/09/2017    @dreamsfromthebunker        @ajacentlee                      Wed. 05/10/2017   @peanutbutter-jelly-fish         @braezenkitty
Thur. 05/11/2017    No Posting                             Enjoy Supernatural Sat. 05/13/2017      @slunne                                @daydreamdestiel &                                                                                            @spnbrennafae Sun.05/14/2017      No Posting                             Enjoy Mother's Day Mon. 05/15/2017   @jhoomwrites                        @magickmoons Tue. 05/16/2017    @princessjimmynovak           @carrieosity Wed. 05/17/2017   @mayalaen                           @samanddeaninpanties Thur. 05/18/2017     No Posting                           Enjoy Supernatural Finale Fri. 05/19/2017      @kuwlshadow                        @fpwoper Sat. 05/20/2017     @unforth-ninawaters             @jhoomwrites and                                                                                                @profound-boning Sun. 05/21/2017    @dmsilvisart                          @emani-writes Mon. 05/22/2017   @dmsilvisart                          @theydraggedmein Tue. 05/23/2017    @dmsilvisart                          @jhoomwrites Wed. 05/24/2017   @kuwlshadow                        Senna_Frost Thur. 05/25/2017   @dragonpressgraphics          @jamesnovakwinchester Fri. 05/26/2017      @diminuel                              @unforth-ninawaters Sat. 05/27/2017     @dragonpressgraphics          @buffenator Sun. 05/28/2017    @anonymousantonym           @mrsgabrieltrickster Mon. 05/29/2017   @pimentogirl                           emwebb17
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pherryt · 7 years
I M P O R T A N T !!!!! recommendations on writers/fics/drabbles/or ANYTHING dean/cas/jimmy. i've become addicted thanks to your writing, and i've literally read EVERYTHING you have for it. H E L P P L E A S E !!!!
Thank you sooooo much! I’m glad you enjoyed my writing so much :DQuick and Dirty - here’s just a FEW of the things out there. 
Firstly, these are the collections of fics for the DCJ Big Bang 2017 aaaaaand for the DCJ Hiatus Indulgence
Now for some specific fics/authors (Pretty much ALL of these are Rated E) This is long (because I added summaries) so i’m putting it behind a cut
The Moments In Between by @magickmoons
Words: 26kSummary
Life was good for Jimmy and Cas Novak. They had successful careers, good friends, and a relationship that, while unconventional and hidden from public view, was almost entirely perfect. And they thought the same was true for their best friend, Dean. A late night phone call makes it startlingly clear that was not the case. After nearly losing Dean to suicide, all three began to reevaluate exactly what they wanted in life – and who they want that life with.
@unforth-ninawaters has 20 items marked in her repertoire as DCJ - among those are:
All For One, One For All  
Its a 5 work series - some of it just Dean and Cas, some of it DCJ. It’s also one of the first ones I ever read for DCJ.  READ THE TAGS
words: 116kSummary
Dean Winchester and the identical twins Castiel and Jimmy Novak have a…rather unique…relationship. Stories in this series trace the development of that relationship at different points in time.
Series contains both PWP and OMG ALL THE ANGST AND PLOT stories. :)
Stories are NOT in chronological order - they’re in the series in the order I wrote them. Figured that’d ultimately be less confusing, as I won’t be “reintroducing background” if it was in a story that’s already written. So, if I explain something in “No More Than He Deserves,” I don’t re-explain it in subsequent stories, even if they chronologically come earlier in the timeline. At the beginning of each story, I will include a timeline to help keep things clear.
I highly recommend you read them in the order I wrote them, rather than in chronological order based on when the events in the story take place. :)
Our Lady of Modesty (A DCJ BB) with art by @diminuelWords: 98k Summary
The death of Jimmy and Castiel Shurley’s parents grants them a modest inheritance and, more importantly, freedom to make their own choices. After hunting for the perfect house, they find what they’re looking for in an old farmhouse in the mountains of upstate New York: nice neighbors not too close, the beauty of nature surrounding them, and solitude, save for each other. The isolation is both a blessing and a curse; Castiel has pined for his brother since puberty, but incest is forbidden and homosexuality is taboo, and he knows if he speaks about his feelings he’ll lose his brother as a best friend and destroy their careers as children’s book authors as well.
Fortunately, Castiel finds a new friend in Dean, the strange man who hangs around their property. Sure, it’s a weird, especially since Dean refuses to enter the house or even meet Jimmy, but Dean is gregarious, beautiful, kind, and brilliantly knowledgeable about the natural wonders surrounding them. Castiel isn’t the best at assessing people but he’s absolutely sure there’s no harm in Dean…
The Baker’s Boy 
Words: 12k Summary
The motor on the Impala is dead and Dean can’t afford to replace it. Walking around the forest between where he and Sam live and his job adds half an hour to his new on-foot “commute,” which is just ridiculous. Sure, everyone says the forest is haunted or houses a cryptid or some such bullshit but Dean knows better, and he values sleep. Of course, there are *some* things lurking in the forest, but what do wolves care for humans? Nothing. Obviously.
*NOTE ON CONSENT: Cas and Jimmy are werewolves. While consent is mildly dubious because wolves can’t talk, it’s also explicit, in that Dean does actually establish consent before sex begins. Hence the contradictory tags.*
This is full-on bestiality. If that’s not your kink, stay away.
Pitchers and CatchersWords:  123kSummary: 
In his entire career, from Little League to the pros, Castiel Novak has only ever pitched to his twin brother Jimmy Novak. When circumstances force him to need to find a new catcher, Castiel knows there’s no replacement for his brother…
(Note…I have no idea how to summarize this without spoilers. Also, the Sam/Gabe is background)
The Butt of the JokeWords:  12kSummary
Dean Winchester is building a new life for himself and his brother - new town, this time Pontiac Illinois, new jobs, new school. Senior year is all that stands between him and the freedom to work himself to death trying to earn enough money to put Sam through college. Friends and good grades optional. Except, on his very first day he finds himself sitting next to a cute guy he can’t ignore. Jimmy Novak is intriguing on so many levels, and Dean is lucky enough to share both first period and last period with him…
@jhoomwrites also has a bunch - alot through the emoji ficlets on tumblr , so you might have already seen - but on A03 she has 25 stories marked as DCJ. here are a few of the larger ones
Full CircleWords:39kSummary
Jimmy learns the hard way that first impressions tend to stick. If only he’d thought about that the first time Cas had introduced him to Dean.
Truth or Dare (i think this is the first DCJ by jhoom i read? it also has continuations. )
Dean gets roped into a game of truth or dare with his roommates Castiel and Jimmy. The game keeps getting more and more ridiculous, until suddenly Dean finds out something he’s not really sure he was supposed to.
To Wear the Crown - WIPWords (Currently):: 32kSummary
Kings James and Castiel are both alphas, and are in need of an omega mate to provide them with an heir. A marriage is arranged with Dean of Winchester, and he becomes their King Consort. Everything is going well for the three co-kings, until of course the neighboring King Michael interferes…
The Dragon’s Mate (Currently was inspired to make art for this - posting that over on my regular/art blog. )Words:8kSummary
The dragons who live on top of the mountain demand a sacrifice of omegas every month. Dean’s “selected” as the next victim, and now he’s hoping to survive long enough to escape. He doesn’t want to end up the dragons’ dinner. Little does he know, the dragons have something far different in mind for him…
And I Saw Sparks (A DCJ BB)Words:68kSummary   
It only affects maybe twenty percent of the population, but when you first kiss your soulmate, sparks fly. Not literally, but the feeling is real enough for those who experience it. There are two catches: it only works after you turn sixteen and it has to be a kiss on the lips.
The Jealous Knight by Jhoom AND @profound-boning with art by @unforth-ninawatersWords:37kSummary   
All his life Dean’s been a dragon trainer, but necessity forces him to accept a new job as personal guard to Princes Castiel and Jimmy. It’s not all bad though: the pay and benefits are great, he still has time to spend with his dragon Impala and brother Sam, and he’s been friends with the twins for years. When Dean learns that the twins are actually together, well, that’s when things start to get interesting.
Aside from being in a relationship, the twins also have a friendly rivalry going. Every time foreign nobles and dignitaries come to visit, they compete to see who can seduce them first. Which is fine, it’s none of Dean’s business anyway. He’s certainly not jealous. Of course not. Okay, maybe a little.
Once the twins realize Dean returns their interest in him, they can abandon the competition and the solution for their pining becomes obvious: seduce Dean Winchester.
@jamesnovakwinchester has 8 fics in DCJ on A03
you might have already seen (because i did art for it) but the big one is :
Some Things Last (DCJ BB 2017)Words:62kSummary   
Jimmy Novak had nearly everything he’d ever wanted; a decent job, a beautiful daughter, and a boyfriend he adored. But his father’s sudden death threatens to destroy the things he holds most dear when he’s forced to come face-to-face with his past and the one person he never wanted to have to face again: his brother.
Castiel Novak had been managing life just fine. It hadn’t been going the way he’d expected, but still, things were fine. That was of course until his father died and he was back in the same room as his twin brother, Jimmy, and all that managing was a little harder to do. Between his brother, his memories, and his brother’s gorgeous new boyfriend, Castiel was fairly certain it’s only a matter of time before something snaps.
Dean Winchester thought he’d had things relatively figured out. He was in love and more than ready to take the next step with his boyfriend, until he found out about that twin brother his boyfriend had never mentioned. There’s some kind of damage between the two of them, shaking Jimmy up and messing with his head. Dean is determined to find out what and hopefully fix it. Now all he has to do is figure it out and not fall for the wrong twin in the process.
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