#i may not read it right away because i have things i gotta do irl but i will bookmark it
chiimeramanticore · 1 month
Part of the Band - Chapter 9 - The Tunnel of Love
Chapter summary: Dook and Beach Bear go to the fair.
GUH. HELLO. IM NOT DEAD has it been like.... 2 months since i updated this? whoops. a lot happened irl, some good some bad! my cat sadly passed since last updating, but I also got to go to BBWL since last updating! so... y'know, looking on the bright side of stuff lol i got really creatively blocked after all that stuff, so despite knowing what the next chapters would be, i had no idea how to actually get them out on paper. BUT! I'm back now, and i understand everything so well that these next like. 5 chapters are gonna knock your damn socks off. it's all coming together but yeah uh! tldr thank u for ur patience! thank u for the continued support! i love u and i hope ur having a good day! here's the chapter ✌️
Chapter word count: 1,439
<- Chapter 8 - Chapter 10 ->
Read it on AO3!
The fair only comes to town once a year, during mid-May. Despite its arrival date, many in the area colloquially mark it as the start of summer. Children and their families, teenagers, and adults alike all make their way to the fairgrounds, lured by the sights and sounds of fun. It's the same reason that Dook and Beach Bear find themselves at the fair as well.
It was Beach Bear's idea, obviously. They'd seen a flyer promoting it earlier that week and he'd insisted they go. Dook isn't opposed to it, but he finds himself slightly resigned to the excited whims of his friend as they bounce between the various attractions.
"Haha, hey, check it out," Beach Bear points to Dook's right. He turns to look.
"...The Tunnel of Love?" Dook says skeptically.
"Yeah," Beach Bear says. "I thought those were only in movies! We gotta ride it." He grabs Dook's hand, pulling him toward the ride.
"W- wait, Beach Bear–! What if people think we're..."
"No one's gonna think that!" Beach Bear insists. "Anyone can get on this ride. It's not a big deal."
As he's dragged toward the front of the ride, Dook spots a familiar figure standing on line. A pair of mouse ears.
"B- B– M–" He stutters, unsure if he should call Beach Bear's name or Mitzi. "H– Hey!" He says finally, pointing at her.
He's apparently loud enough when he does, because Mitzi turns to see him. At the sight of the two approaching her, her eyes widen, and she turns back around, attempting to blend into the crowd. She moves behind someone– another mouse.
"Hey!" Beach Bear says now, rushing even more now toward her. "Mitzi? What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?" She says back, poking her head out from behind the other mouse.
"We came to enjoy the carnival," Dook says.
"No, why are y'all on line for the Tunnel of Love?" She says.
"I told you," Dook says to Beach Bear.
"Yeah, yeah," Beach Bear says, waving his hand dismissively. "I could ask you the same thing, Mitzi. Who's this, your boyfriend?"
"Yeah, he is," Mitzi says matter-of-factly. She gestures to the other mouse she's with. "This is Mick."
"Breaking hearts already, huh?" Beach Bear says. "Aren't you like, ten?"
"I'm twelve," she says. "Everyone who's anyone's got a boyfriend by now."
"You hear that, Dook?" Beach Bear says. "We're falling behind the curve."
"I'm not even supposed to be talking to you," Mitzi continues.
"What?" Dook asks. "Why not?"
" 'Cause," she says. "...'cause Mini's mad at you. And if she finds out I've been talking with you, she'll be mad at me, too."
"Well, why don't you just... not tell her?" He asks.
Mitzi looks at him blankly. "I didn't... think about that," she says.
It's a little weird, speaking to her like this. Dook's never seen Mitzi outside of band practice– never seen her away from Queenie. When she's alone, he finds her a lot more outgoing.
"Mitzi, we've been thinking," Beach Bear says. "You should be in the band with us."
"Wh- what?" She says. "I couldn't do that!"
"Why not?" Dook says.
"Because!" She insists. "How's Mini supposed to not find out I'm talkin' to y'all if I'm in a band with you?"
"What about Mick here?" Beach Bear says, gesturing at him. "Say you're going out with him every week or something."
"But that's lying!"
"It's only lying if someone gets hurt," Beach Bear tells her. "Otherwise, it's just not telling the truth."
"That's still bad," Dook says.
"What, you've never done something like that before?" Beach Bear says. "Just... not telling someone something? That's not lying, technically."
Dook feels like he's being tested. "Th... that's not the same thing," he says. "You don't want her to just not say something, you want her to tell Queenie something that's not true. That's lying."
"Maybe I don't even wanna be in a band with y'all anyway," Mitzi chimes in.
They both look at her.
"You don't?" Beach Bear says.
Mitzi watches them for a moment, serious, before breaking into a reluctant smile. "No," she says, "I do. But I don't wanna lie to do it."
"Well, you're just gonna have to think of something else, then," Beach Bear tells her.
"You can't just talk to Queenie?" Dook asks.
"No," Mitzi and Beach Bear say simultaneously.
"Alright," Dook says.
"Oh, it's our turn!" Mitzi says. She takes Mick's hand and the two hop onto the ride.
Dook frowns. "What do we do?" He asks.
Beach Bear only shrugs in response. "It's our turn," he adds, gesturing to the next open cart.
Beach Bear sits down in the ride cart and Dook follows. The ride continues moving and they enter a dark tunnel, whimsical scenes beginning to pass them by.
"This is dumb," Dook mutters.
"It is," Beach Bear says, "That's the point. Y'know nobody ever rides these to admire the scenery."
"They don't?"
"Nah," he smirks at him. "They do it to get handsy."
"Gross," Dook says. Then, "Are you sure people aren't gonna think we're a couple from us bein' on here?"
"Does it matter if they do?" Beach Bear asks.
Dook says nothing. The rest of the ride passes in silence.
"...Hey, y'know," Beach Bear says in between licks of ice cream, "I'm having a good time here."
"I am too," Dook admits. "Thanks for bringing me here."
"Pshh. I should be thanking you. I've never come to one of these before."
"What, a carnival?"
"Well, like, a fair." Beach Bear takes another lick off his cone. "My parents always told me as a kid they weren't safe, or whatever."
"Well, did ya see how that one ride was shaking?" Dook smiles. "I wouldn't get on that either."
Beach Bear laughs. "But that's part of the excitement! It's a thrill ride!"
Dook laughs, having some more of his own ice cream. "You haven't seen Mitzi again yet, have you?"
"Nah," Beach Bear says. "You don't think she left yet, right?"
Dook shrugs. "You think she's gonna join the band?"
"I dunno. She's a good kid."
"Meaning she probably won't lie to her sister about it. Even if she wants to be part of the band."
"You think... you think she's our singer?"
Beach Bear looks at him. "You ever heard her sing?"
Dook shakes his head.
Beach Bear takes a lick of his ice cream. "She's good. She's real good."
"Better than one of us?" Dook asks.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I dunno, I just... Like, can't one of us sing? If we need a singer so bad. She just seems like a lotta work to get her on board with it."
"What, you wanna be our singer?" Beach Bear says.
"I could if I needed to," he replies. "I guess. Can't you?"
"If I asked you to sing right now, you would?" Beach Bear says.
"I guess!" Dook says. "Would you?"
"Would you?"
"I already said yes. You're bein' cagey."
"I'm not!"
"Then sing," Dook says.
Beach Bear looks at him, then looks away, then back at Dook. "Uh... I, uh... I can't," he admits finally.
"Oh," Dook says. "Sorry."
"Nah, it's fine," Beach Bear replies, quickly bouncing back. "We egged each other on."
"Yeah." Dook turns his attention back to the scenery. The sun has fully sunk over the horizon by now, leaving the fairgrounds illuminated by the string lights hanging from posts and the bright signs above rides, games, and vendors, beckoning fair goers toward them. The smell of popcorn and cotton candy wafts through the air, and the air is filled with the sounds of guests on rides and games' bells ringing.
Beach Bear stands closest to the vendor they got their ice creams from, illuminated from behind by it. His height has never fully worn off on Dook– he near eclipses the cart on a vertical level. He's leaned forward, forearms resting on the table between them. His body's turned toward Dook, but his head watches the fair, not noticing the way Dook looks at him. It's almost dangerous, looking at him like this. He could simply turn his head back to look at him and Dook would be caught, with a lack of explanation, no less.
Why is he watching him anyway? Dook pries his gaze away and returns it to the fair.
"Aw man," Beach Bear says, pointing towards the fair's exit. There, Mitzi and Mick are walking through it. "There they go."
"Man," Dook concurs. "What now?"
Beach Bear chuckles. "You're gonna have to warm up those vocals, man."
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Ok, gotta give my steak in the whole recent drama regarding AO3 and irl politics. Voicing my thoughts on a post made by the republican organization "Children and Screens".
(discussions of proship/profic vs anti ideology, censorship, media "brainwashing" children, what "fiction does not affect reality on a 1:1 scale" means to me, social analysis/commentary, long post)
There is no "TLDR", so if you struggle with large paragraphs, I highly suggest using a screen reader.
So first things first, if you are unaware of the recent drama about the republican politician, Audrey, running to join the OTW board, and what that means, I'd suggest looking it up for details. Other people said it better than I could. But the idea is that she could potentially make AO3 go down the same rabbit hole as FF.net. And she is the lead of "Children and Screens", an organization that self proclaims advocacy for the safety of children regarding media consumption.
While I don't use the toxic cesspool that is Twitter, I've been made aware of a post CaS has made, featured below. (Alt text for image available)
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After reading the snippet, I had to fucking LAUGH at the irony before groaning at the hypocrisy. And by that, I don't mean the hypocrisy of CaS. More so the implications regarding the rampancy of antis and purity culture in social media within these past few years.
Proship is the belief that all fiction has a right to exist and be shared, so long as proper warnings are given. Anything portrayed within a fictional setting has no direct impact on reality, and thus does not portray what is considered okay in real life. Because of that, harassing others for the media they create is never okay. If you don't like something, block it and move on.
Antis believe that fiction they find morally reprehensible is a direct portrayal of the author's beliefs, and is very dangerous to share in any capacity as it may traumatize others, or lead to the normalization of dangerous behavior in real life. Therefor it's not only okay, but encouraged to seek out and harass creators of problematic fiction in hopes to either get them to see the error of their ways, or delete their creations and leave the platform entirely, thus making the internet a "safer" place.
Both are centered on the idea of "does fiction affect reality?"
And as a proshipper, I'm of the stance that fiction does not affect reality on a 1:1 scale. What does that mean?
Well, let's say that the antis are right, and fiction has a major impact on reality. Upon the knowledge that this quote CaS provides up, provides a HUGE sense of irony. Why? Because the post is literally describing the behavior of anti culture. From a very young age (because we all know that most kids have seen a pg 13 movie before they turned 13, especially with how huge the superhero genre is), these people have been brainwashed by media to engage in violent behaviors in the name of morality.
If most of the violence portrayed in pg 13 media is perpetuated by the heroes, and excused away with "it's okay when the heroes do it, because they are morally superior, so their actions are justified." Then because the violence isn't excessively gory and bloody, kids don't have to contemplate whether or not the heroes used excessive force or have gone too far to subdue the villain.
So when antis grow up on these violent pieces of fiction, it has normalized the idea that it is okay for them to attack those "nasty proshippers" because the media they made is morally bad. So by using extreme harassment, violent threats, and other excessive means to bully someone, they are protecting the greater good, while being free from seeing the gruesome consequences of their actions on the other side of the screen.
It's so fucking ironic, because this sense of justice they have is such self centered moral superiority. If you ask an anti what media is considered okay, and what is problematic, while you will get inconsistent answers, for the most part there will be a similar theme. Anything sexual or romantic in nature that could be considered unhealthy or dangerous if acted upon in real life, is harmful and evil. But any acts of violence or aggression that could be considered unhealthy or dangerous if acted upon in real life, well clearly everyone knows that stuff isn't okay IRL, people are nuanced enough to enjoy these themes in fiction without condoning the real world equivalent.
If these people are right about problematic behavior in media influencing young audience members, while claiming that media doesn't encourage violence in its audience members since it doesn't "glorify it", it only proves that they are ignorant to how media has irreversibly "brainwashed" them like they so claim is possible.
But if we acknowledge that fiction doesn't affect reality on a 1:1 scale, then what? If it isn't all the "gross" media that makes and exposes deviants and sexual offenders, if it isn't all the "violent" media that makes people into self righteous harassers, then what is it?
It's the other people in our life. Our role models, our friends. And the chain that forms from it. You're a kid, and you never heard what Call of Duty was. What you do know is that your dear parents you love have greatly expressed that gun violence is bad. Even holding one is horrible because you are now in possession of a weapon that can take a human life, and one accident is all it takes for you to be a murderer. You should never even think about wanting to hold a gun because that is the first step to something going horribly wrong. Your friend at school hasn't had any sort of lecture like that before, they know guns are dangerous obviously, so as long as they aren't actively using a real gun against other people, no harm is being done. So when their favorite youtuber starts showing gameplay of Call of Duty, they end up loving the game, and are excited to tell you about it the next day. When they tell you all about it, you think of what your parents have said, and you are horrified your friend could do something as horrible as like a game that has guns in it. You cut them off, and tell your other friends. Your other friends really admire and respect you, and with no previous thought on the matter, they take your side. They spread it to their friends and siblings, and so on and so forth. Until many who weren't even aware or had any major opinions of their own are now against the idea of first person shooters existing.
Of course the example I used is extreme. No one but pearl clutching parents and their five year olds who repeat what they say are gonna be preaching that first person shooters are turning kids into murderers.
But when it comes to fiction, the more controversial the subject is, the more shock value it has, the more likely that scenario above is. And it's even worse now that the internet is more and more accessible to the entire world, including children who don't have any positive role models in their life. They are consuming large amounts of media, and most of their exposure is from online friends and influencers who spread that media, and how their role models interact with that media. Therefor it's not fiction itself that affects reality, it's how people choose to interact with it.
And reality check... you know who is exposing all this "disgusting" problematic stuff to kids? Is it the people who make it and share it in a positive manner with proper warnings and disclaimers so no one can accidentally see it? Or is it the people who saw the content anyways, and became so disgusted that they feel the need to spread it around so that everyone they know is aware of how awful this person and the fiction they create is?
Fiction only affects reality if people make a big enough deal out of it. With the opinions of a few people being mutilated, morphed, and added upon as it spreads in a grotesque game of internet telephone.
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lemon-drop-soda · 2 years
It’s been a while, so here’s some housekeeping.
Heya anyone who still pays attention to tumblr, it’s Lemon.
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A lot has happened in 4 years.
I’ve switched jobs a few times, I’ve had to abruptly change the art program I use due to a software upgrade I never wanted but had to get anyway, I got into the critically acclaimed mmorpg everybody talks about now to the point that I’m a walking advertisement for it in my friend circles, and yet another poor little meow meow has given me year-long brainrot to the point of me joining a DND campaign where the majority of the PCs, including my own, are based off of him (the character in question being a certain Email Guy).
Due to the art program point above, I’ve had a pretty difficult time consistently finding motivation to create and post kink art, even on my twitter account. I’ve also frequently become far more active in select discord servers that pertain to my interests that aren’t kink-centered. That’s not to say I don’t have interest at all anymore, I very much do! It’s frustrating that my output hat to abruptly and radically shift, but it’s still going to take time for me to be able to fully adapt when the process feels so much like an uphill battle already.
So where do we go from here?
Well, I’ll first be spending a little while here vetting the followers I may still have here or random ones that have cropped up every now and then to make sure I’ve cut down on bot activity on my blog. I’ll also be combing for minors, as this is an adult space. I don’t want children of any type interacting with my output. I don’t care if you’re like 17 and out of high school and think you’re hot shit because you’re college bound or whatever. This is my space, and you are not entitled to be in my space if I don’t want you here. I’ve had both minors enter my space and try to use me as a replacement for therapy as well as minors lie to me about their age when I have explicitly expressed that I don’t wish to interact with minors. I’m not cool with either scenario. To me, both are grounds for permanently cutting ties with you.
Next, I’ll be slowly drip-feeding the art I’ve made but haven’t posted here (or anywhere besides discord, for that matter). There’s plenty of stuff I’d like to continue sharing and it’s becoming increasingly evident that this might be the site to go with in that case. If it gets flagged, I’ll just deal with it. I’d rather get things archived on a site that doesn’t fully delete my posts unless I say so, and I objectively hate the eclipse rework to dA and haven’t bothered with that site ever since my switch to the birdapp. 
Lastly, I want to make it clear that despite all of the changes that have happened to me over the years, things are still gradually in flux. I am in talks with friends to move to the midwest or perhaps the east coast early spring next year. It will be my first time moving away from my parents’ place. Gotta say, pretty nervous about committing to a moving plan, but it has to happen eventually and I’m fortunate enough to have the ability to decide when the time is right for me. All of this is to say that I’ll be prioritizing the steps I need to take irl to achieve the level of independence that I crave.
Thank you everyone that decided to read this wall of text on whatever day you saw it. Hope you have a good rest of your whatever!
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P.S. That fucking Muskrat can burn everything he has to the ground for all I care
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Which DCLA character would you say is neurodivergent?
I've always been unsure if I could say a lot about it, as I am what I know, neurotypical. However, I have a lot of research and knowledge about the topic, as I've for quite a long time wondered if perhaps I am neurodivergent (it would explain a lot of things). I also know a lot of neurodivergent people irl and online, and I've related to a lot of things. However, with that in mind, I have had thought about several dcla characters possibly being neurodivergent.
First one is Jade. The way Jade always gets treated like she's dumb. Like she doesn't get it. Like she can't take care of herself at all and everyone else needs to tell her what to do. Just because her brain works differently than most, just because she takes longer to understand, just because she has a hard time reading social cues... she's not stupid! Her interests are also treated as stupid, "oh she doesn't know anything but fashion and makeup" I just??? Remember when Jade had her nail art business? SHE WAS THRIVING. Stupid Matias is like "you gotta find a good job" and Jade is treated as "lazy" for not having a job (as if he didn't even try to search for one during an entire season). But hey dude, have you heard that, perhaps not everyone can work a full-time job, cause it gets too overwhelming for them? Of course, this does not necessarily mean they're neurodivergent, but in Jade's case... she works a lot better with her part-time job as a nail artist and she's GOOD at it and she makes people HAPPY - not to mention when she starts working as an opera singer. The real stupid and lazy one here is Matias and he should get tf away from his sister. Idk if this was a good explanation to why I like the neurodivergent hc on her, as I just kind of went on a rant.
Ofc we have Ludmila too. Astronomy hyperfixation. Can and will infodump about stars and space every day all the time and that's so slay of her honestly <3
Can not go without mentioning Luna, obviously. I fully support the hc of her having ADHD. Not only with her hyperactivity and extreme fixation on roller skating, to the point where she somehow falls asleep with them despite having her room on the top floor, but also the way she out of nowhere switches subjects and is shown at times to have signs of hypersensitivity (I don't have concrete examples right now, but I thought about it when watching the show)
Both Andres and Jazmin are presented more neurodivergent-coded, and sadly it's another case of them being treated like they're dumb. I don't really like that the shows are doing stuff like this, tbh the dcla shows do have a problem with ableism. Not only with neurodivergence, but also with characters having dementia, schizophrenia, etc. Even if it's just coded or canon, they're played for laughs.
A Bia character I wondered might be nd is Zeta, Pietro's cousin. He's presented as being addicted to video games and being on his phone. But it may be more than that. The way he doesn't like to to talk to the others, the way he feels very uncomfortable when his devices are taken away and just how no one seems to truly get him. They try to get him to act like them instead of, perhaps, trying to see more of his perspective. Honestly, the way the show presented it, and the way he even got a psychologist, I thought they were actually gonna do some kind of nd storyline with "oh, he acts like this for a reason, he acts differently than everyone else cause of this". But then it was just an "oh he's addicted to video games and we need to stop his addiction" storyline instead?
There's also some characters that are more of "they don't necessarily have to be nd, but I did notice some signs".
Like how Nina is infodumping a lot of whatever she has read or heard. A lot of statistics, a lot of "it needs to be logical". Also I like the idea of her and Luna being nd besties.
Ámbar I remember once starting to explain how she has a system to make everything work in her life. She needs to roller skate, cause if she doesn't, she might not be as focused in school, which means she might not be able to get top scores. Everything in her life needs to have a structure and if it doesn't, she can't function. This is a little harder to pinpoint and doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I thought of it.
There's also Camila. With her it's legit just vibes, not any real explanation to why.
So there you have it. I don't know if I explained well, or if I perhaps can't say as much about it, but as I have thought about it I figured I could share my thoughts.
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palajae · 2 years
this ask might get long so...
i don't know how to thank you and I will always treasure you too, because you are my first friend on this hell site. i've been here since May 2021 and that's so long.
and since then I haven't made friends as I was scared to talk to people online but I grew my guts and started talking to people on anon. and then I learned that you can assign yourself an emoji or a word.
I've been ANON on several blogs but most of them deactivated and some are inactive like totally (they used to come once in a blue moon) so I felt like I had no friends or someone to talk.
then I found you, because I just needed somebody to feel love/friendship with. even I don't know why I texted you and become an anon in the first place. my intuition strongly said "gotta be friends with this marshmallow right here!" my brain thinked in English all of a sudden.
i texted right away and I felt really excited to talk to you, so I was intrigued by your netflix template so I just asked like that and then I thank you too. the next day on 29 Dec 2022, I sent an ask saying I wanna be your anon.
you are literally the sweetest person and you've entered my life at the right time because I felt really down the past few days. I have decided right away to make you, a best friend I would never leave. maybe we could meet irl who knows?
and tysm for believing in me so I will definitely do my best and live up to your word. even you should do well for your exams if they are on the line next. all the best for your exams and prepare jae, stay hydrated and positive.
i was reading your asks and I felt possessive and jealous 😳 idk my maybe because I'm a jealous person. I get jealous easily only when my nearest people are taken by somebody else. Well, you know I'll make you mine 🤪
that was the only part where I used emoji and I am not the type to use emoji. I have a lot to say but I'm afraid it's long and you might get annoyed. I'm the type of person who gets afraid to talk much and some people wronged me for that :( and even for that irl too.
life never treated me right. idk why I am crying but I don't feel better these days, maybe it's because I'm stressed. I hate it because I'm like this and for the mistakes I have committed in the past, I was innocent. I didn't know anything. everyone pointed out at me.
i hate this life jae, I wish to die but that's not the case. even if I die it won't make any difference so I chose not to think bout it anymore. but I wanna tell you this story and its been an year since I've had thoughts like that — suicidal thoughts.
i had them for 3 consecutive days, all the nm3 nights I haven't slept and thought of jumping out from the apartment. I never knew if it would benefit me but I wanted to enjoy my life. I wanna get this off my chest and I wanna tell you about this, the amount of struggles and sadness I've suffered.
maybe I should stop now and I should learn how to live from others. you are only my friend here on tumblr but irl I had only 4 friends and they betrayed me 😭 this is so much to handle. I'm sorry jae.
— 🐈‍⬛
first of all, im glad that you reached out to me and asked to be my friend/anon bc that takes a lot of courage! so thank you and you’re welcome too lol
and regarding depression, it’s such a complex and difficult topic to talk about, esp as someone who also deals with it, but i hope that things work out for you. i personally think if you can, you should talk to someone, whether it be family/friends/therapist as i am definitely not someone professional trained or anyone nearly as close to being one haha. what i will say though is that i know it’s hard but you are not alone. reach out to anyone you know personally or find any resources that you think would be helpful. that’s all i can do as of now as someone you know through the screen :)
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
47. Stupid Teenage crush
Prompt used- Touching their elbow to get their attention | ANGST | HURT COMFORT | IRL- based
To be 17 and to be in love, harry was no exception.
Harry saw it in his eyes, he really did.. but was he wrong. Was he so absolutely wrong...
They met in July again after years, last year. It wasn't such a special meet or something he could tell his kids about, it was just a simple meet with only a question being asked while they were doing potions homework. Harry was sat in the library doing his homework when he got stuck and desperately needed help and there he was, sitting in his black suit on the end of the table, scratching down his own work. Harry had asked for help in his notes, and without hesitation draco gave him his notebook and asked harry to return it to him whenever he wanted, as Long as it was before potions class. Harry had never thought of Draco differently until that moment he decided to help. Like a gentlemen, harry hurried the work and decided to hand draco his notebook before next potions lesson and so he did, that's when they hit it off when Draco tried to make a small conversation and it resulted into a long conversation on parchment in the classroom barely paying attention to the class.
From little conversations they went to long conversations to dropping draco off at the end of the day to his dorms and only then harry would walk away, smiling to himself. He didn't admit it to himself that he was slowly falling for draco until that very night harry was sitting on the floor talking with Ron and Hermione. It was like a random switch when Ron and Hermione shared a sweet simple kiss that it occurred to harry, he'd like to do it too, only the one he wanted to do it with was draco. It was journey from then, harry would wait to meet draco before class, would desperately make arrangements so he sat next to draco without dropping hints, walk back with him showing affection in his ways is teasing only because they were alone, hit him playfully, go to hogsmeade with him, eat with him, talk with him for Long hours after quidditch practices . Everything was brilliantly perfect for harry.
Draco looked at him the way only someone who liked you did, he locked eyes with across the room like no one else did, made him walk entire grounds off just so he didn't had to walk off to the dorms early and to spend more time with harry, draco never talked with anyone the way he did with harry, never was playful but with harry, he gave harry the smile only preserved for him. Everything between them was simply their own little secret and Harry felt wrecked. He felt warmth spread inside him everytime he saw draco. He felt, loved, happy when he was with him, something he thought he'd lost feeling of after the war but draco became something to quickly to Harry that he couldn't help anything but admire draco, even if he tried so hard not to. Harry spent his days daydreaming about being with draco, somewhere knowing that maybe draco too liked him.
He was relentlessly falling without caution until it was too late and harry experienced his first little heartbreak when he noticed the slight ways draco would flirt with Astoria. It only happened every once in a while, so harry didn't expect a lot but when one day because of being sick harry took a day off, he was next day met with draco's stories of walking back with Astoria, going to hogsmeade and eating with her. It bubbled little jealousy inside of him but harry had no right to be jealous, why did he ? He didn't love draco, did he? It was stupid crush, right ? A crush everyone have when they're 17, that'll die out soon ?
Harry should have been happy for him when he first heard draco admit he liked Astoria, he should've been happy for him and all he did gave him smile but he didn't walk back with him. He couldn't, he was too busy pushing his heart into the cage of no feelings for him but heart had to be one bratty little thing to fight back equally hard and harry remained all but cautiously falling, again I'm failed attempts to not fall.
Then the news came, Astoria dating Blaise, who had left school by now to associate his mother in business. Harry became relieved, only he was little more cautious to not let his heart be played but a man is only but a fool with none soldier to protect his heart when the blow hits. When they expanded their little circle, theo coming into their little circle, harry loved him too. He never had a friend like theo who hated the same things as his own, loved the same things as his own. It was easy to just blend into with theo but harry should've known better about the little hidden plans, the classes they took together that harry didn't with them. But theo knew, theo saw right through harry and remained committed to not only have harry have the opportunity when it came but also talk with harry about his little day dreams. But theo came with Astoria and when Astoria happened, harry said only but " I'm over draco, I don't like him" and that must've been his biggest mistake, Lying to himself and theo.
Days turned to weeks, into a month of final examinations, graduation coming nearer. Harry hadn't met draco or theo apart from little crossings in the library. But heart broken once should have known,
" hey, harry, can I ask you something ?" Theo asked as he pulled towards the corner one day In the library
" sure, go ahead " harry grinned as he shrugged
" I was hoping you won't get mad or anything because I know it would be wrong on my part, but just so you know, I am still your friend and if it makes you uncomfortable we won't do anything" theo babbled
" what's the matter theo ?" Harry frowned, worried for theo.
" d- harry- draco asked me out on a date after exams " theo swallowed.
Harry's face relaxed as he felt himself falling backward, only he wasn't. His heart sinked, his stomach felt funny and his toes curled. Harry gulped as he realised theo was waiting for some response.
" and I'm fine with it theo. It's really considerate of you to ask me but I've told you before theo, I'm over draco. He's a gone crush. I never even liked him that much you know. I stopped liking him after Astoria. I mean, really " harry chuckled softly as he smoothly lied .
Theo sighed in relief " thank god because I like him too but I just didn't want to hurt you because you know, you liked him. You're sure though, right ?"
" of course theo, of course " harry patted his shoulder " listen I gotta go, Hermione would kill me if I didn't study. See you around and definitely tell me about that date later, yeah " and harry rapidly walked off waving a goodbye with a smile until he turned around and his heart fell out of his chest. Harry thought and thought, thought hard as why couldn't he just simply get over draco. He hadn't seen him a month, Barely talked with him, he should not have felt saddened by the little revelation, he should've been happy for draco, he should have been. But he wasn't, he couldn't even after he so desperately tried.
It wasn't until the graduation day that harry saw draco finally. He was dressed in his characteristic dark green robes with a Slytherin bachelor hat, his degrees in his hands. Smiling he approached draco, almost touching his elbow to get his attention when he finally saw who was coming towards him and harry all but felt sickened again.
In his moments of weakness, harry never even realised when had he actually grabbed draco's elbow until Draco turned around with a sharp distracted smile
" harry " draco exclaimed happily
" h- hi , happy graduation " harry swallowed, fighting his breaking heart into pulling a smile.
" happy graduation to you too. You did great by the way. I'm so proud of you " draco grinned as he patted Harry's shoulder. Harry looked at his hand over his shoulder, wanting to touch it just so he could hold his hand but he didn't..
He wasn't Harry's.
Proudly harry pulled a better smile and savagely replied " bet you thought you'd be better than me "
Draco chuckled " never harry, you're Always the best "
And yet you're with him, not me.
Harry crackled a smile as theo too joined in and best pretended not to be completely heart broken by seeing the two being together.
That day harry understood if he ever understood anything, all wounds may heal but some wounds leaves scar and if too, somedays they may even sting but you gotta live through pain, because perhaps that was love.
I really want to write a part 2 to this. This one really had me thinking until the right inspiration hit, and here's something based of real life. Happy reading..
Requests open
Day 46- old habits | Day 48- because, it's you and me
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fanficsandfluff · 3 years
The Snyder Cut: Headcanons (mostly of the tickly nature)
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Bruce Wayne (Batman) ~ Batfleck, my love
He’s such a lover boy, and I can say that though I don’t exactly know how to explain what I mean. You just gotta understand.
He cares so strongly about EVERYONE. e v e r y o n e. Alfred, fucking loves the guy, jokes with him. The fucking “This is Alfred, I work for him.” MY MAN, STOP!
I think he just really wants to get along with everyone and wants everyone to get along in general.
But he lowkey crushes on Diana (at least in his mind, he’s keeping it lowkey, but we all see what’s happening)
I love the idea of this big hunk of a man getting soft with someone like Diana. 
She makes him genuinely laugh this one time by saying something funny, and then they’re both laughing together. 
Bruce definitely has one of those laughs where he throws his head back and shit and you can see his like Adam’s apple bobbing and everything.
But that’s if he’s really laughing.
And he has loud “HA”’s that are like really short but loud and then he kinda just snickers to himself for a while, holding his stomach.
And dude, the scene in freaking uhh… i think it’s BvS I’m not 100% (maybe i fucking imagined it who knows) where she like comes over to him and is fixing his wound….. tickle scenario hand picked from the gods right there
I can see a whole, “Woah!” from Bruce when Diana traces her fingers on some sensitive skin. And that Gal Godot smile is on her in an INSTANT. 
Bruce will laugh if he’s with the right person. Like I headcanon that if he’s being tickled, he will laugh if it’s done by Diana or Barry, then like he’ll be forced to laugh if it’s Clark bc he overpowers the poor bat, but then he just has these hilarious bouts of angry growls and chuckles if Arthur is going after him. 
I can’t even write about Batfleck being a ler because I will literally explode, so I’m done here 
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Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) 
I know the GIF isn’t from ZSJL but just let me live, ok? (Also I couldn’t find the one of Gal wiggling her fingers YOU KNOW THE ONE I’M TALKING ABOUT)
First off, Gal is the most horrible queen of giggles. I’ve seen those blooper reels. My god, girl, how do you keep getting hired?
Diana will start tickle fights without a doubt.
She’s already very trustful and I also feel pretty handsy with people, especially those she may feel close to. So if she’s playful, you best watch out.
Her favorite targets are Bruce and Barry. I will not take criticism. Diana attacking Barry and reducing him to panicky shrieky laughs is my #1 thought. It’s not even living rent free, I’m commissioning it to be there.
Diana is one to laugh with her victims. She will wreck them and have a great time doing so. 
She’ll be ticklish if she wants to be, but it isn’t often she gets pinned and tickled or anything like that.
The guys try to stay away from her or not go after her with tickles for fear of retaliation.
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Arthur Curry (Aquaman)
So…. my man isn’t really ticklish. I really don’t think he is, I feel like his Atlantean genes make his skin a special kind of hard, if that makes sense?
He’ll try and act all cool and ‘whatever’ around the League cuz that’s kind of his persona.
But he slowly gets to like them more and more and his playful side starts to come out.
He’ll tickle Barry out of pure annoyance. Like if Barry makes any kind of comment, he’ll just point his finger out and get that glint in his eye and Barry is sprinting for the hills.
Here’s my favorite headcanon: Arthur will tickle Bruce because he knows it pisses him off when he does it. Bruce will fight back and keep Arthur in his sights at all time and curse and growl at him. And Arthur thinks it’s hilarious.
Arthur as a ler will taunt and tease until the cows come home
“Huh, big guy? What’s that? Ahawww that’s what I thought!... Not so fast/tough/etc. now!... I will wreck you.”
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Victor Stone (Cyborg)
Unfortunately… not ticklish. :(
But this boy has the sweetest laugh you will ever hear, and I will die on that hill. 
Now that he has friends (superpowered friends, no less), he can slowly come alive and be himself. 
I can see Victor not getting involved in tickle fights at first, but at a certain point he’ll be all like, “Okay, step aside so we can do this right” and just PIN THE SHIT OUT OF WHOEVER IS BEING TICKLED. His extra robot arms are killer!
Okay, when he laughs for the first time in front of the group, there’s that cliche moment of pause where everything stops and everyone just stares and listens to him. It’s so rare to hear him laugh because the poor kid barely even smiled around them in the beginning. 
Now hear me out on this…
Okay, so half a face. Great. Weird. We love it. But you can see all of mischievous Victor when the guy SMIRKS. You see his eye squint and you can swear his robot eye gets a gleam of a different color. 
Wait honestly as I was writing that, the thought of Victor’s eye and like his apparatus changing color based on his mood is golden.
Me sitting here, lowkey wishing Victor’s robot body had some kind of cuddly mode like Baymax lmfaoooo 
Like the defense mode his body went into when he was around resurrected Supes, but for cuddles and being cute.
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Clark Kent (Superman)
I was debating even including any headcanons for Superman bc I don’t care about him much, honestly.
I am v happy they kept in the whole ‘him staring at Flash through the speed storm’ scene bc I laughed so hard at that the first time i saw Josstice League in the theater. 
Also I didn’t really like the black superman costume??? I’m not a comic buff, so I’m assuming that’s why. I am like the one person who missed the color from the Josstice League cut. Don’t miss the stupid red sky in the finale, but I miss every other ounce of color that was just SUCKED right out of the Snyder Cut.
Clark and Bruce are besties now, I don’t make the rules. Bruce bought the man his house back. By buying the bank. He’ll take care of him.
And I’ve always simped for those two ever since BvS, bc I’ve already written like two fics where they tickle each other. 
Clark overpowering Bruce to tickle the shit out of him makes me so happy lol. Big strong boy Batfleck looking thiccc over here… but put him against Superman and he’s donezo. Because as mentioned earlier, I do think Bruce is pretty ticklish. 
But Clark can have his lee side when he’s feeling nice
He’s got that mighty chuckle, almost like how Thor might laugh. 
And he really likes getting involved in tickle fights with the League. He knows all of them are sorta afraid of him on the daily anyway, but have that power added to a tickle fight and it’s fun as hell. 
He’s gotten taken down by them ONCE. And I mean exactly (1) O N C E.
They all teamed up. Bing, bang, boom. Pinned him to the floor and they each took an area of skin and fucking SQUEEZED AND WIGGLED. They were trying to incapacitate him as quickly as possible. And dangummit, he laughed a lot! Like Clark realized just how ticklish he could feel if he wanted to feel it. 
And don’t even get me started on Lois, he’s big on getting her to giggle and she likes toying with him and running her hands all over his body (bc who wouldn’t?)
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Barry Allen (The Flash)
I waited to write about Barry last because I have so much to say about this character....
and then I fell asleep and waited until the next day to write anything down about him so now I’m totally not in the mood and I forgot all the salient points I was planning on making.
fuck you, michelle.
I got a weird relationship with this character. He was mad annoying in the Josstice League. Thank goodness they trimmed his bad jokes down.
But now....
when he got hurt at the end and he was like crying and shit oh my god I wanted to hug him
His character got so... good
And I’m now at the right age where I can think about myself in a relationship with this character with no changes or shame
We both out here trying to find that one good job after college and everything
And then he got this whole found family schtick with the Justice League!!! Lookit him!!! Thriving!
He has total little brother energy
like, pesky little brother. Bothers everyone, looks over people’s shoulders while they’re deep in thought or concentrating on something.
Asks a lot of questions.
All the more reason for the gang to want to tickle the shit out of him.
Barry just reads like a super ticklish lee. Like his whole character.
Maybe touch starved because he said he needed friends, and I don’t think he has siblings??? (sorry if i’m wrong about that, comic fans)
I already named some of my fav headcanons about him getting tickled by like Diana and such, and I’m sticking with it.
Barry does flee. He runs away with super speed.... but sometimes he just kinda wants the tickles so he lets them have at him. 
The chase is all part of the fun with tickling Barry, though. That’s what makes it so entertaining. And Barry isn’t afraid to be a little shit about it either. He will super-speed around his pursuers and poke their sides and tickle them back really quickly before they even know what’s happening. 
Barry doesn’t exactly hold back his laughter lol. He’ll protest and scream and squirm like crazy, but once he’s actually tickled, he loses it.
Pure boy. With funny ass facial expressions.
And it really doesn’t help that I never realized just how hot Ezra Miller is, even though I heard he’s not a great person irl. Oh well.
Please please let me know if y’all have things to add, to squee over, to question me about... please. anything. i’m here for you. thanks for reading, guys!
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shinygoku · 3 years
i can't seem to get this to let me send a nice image again... but (at your leisure) can you do Duck for the character ask? ♥
First impression
Huh, with a name like Duck, I expected him to be more avian. And maaan, what is up with the shape he has??
Impression now
Ah right, that's a Pannier Tank Engine, and they just Look like that lol. Still unsure about the alleged Waddle motion, maybe cause I ain't seen enough of these babies in motion.
Anyhoo, while I can absolutely see why he's a big fan favourite, I'm a bit more ambivalent, personally. I still Like him, but I wouldn't put him in my assortment of Most Beloved.
Favourite moment
His arc with Diesel, natch! Again, more than a singular moment, but the whole shebang with buildup, fallout and resolution is one of the series' biggest Turning Points and Duck himself is on top form. Though I gotta shout out to A Close Shave for being him centric and damn cool 🦆😎
Idea for a story
Hmmm.... the order of these points may compromise the mild surprize that's possible, so I'll answer this in the last section ;3
Unpopular opinion
Other than my rather "yeah he's fine lol" mild reaction to him? :P
I vastly, and I do mean Pretty Dang Vast, prefer how he looks in the book illustrations where he has a black smokebox bordering his face. On the whole I adore the TV show's models, but his circular face on the massive green slab ends up kinda offputting. Maybe that's also a factor in my lower key reception of him too, haha
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But seriously, compare these book illustrations, which is more harmonious with the other characters to you?
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Favourite relationship
Ahh geeze, I ain't given it much thought.... unleeessss [see Headcanon Section]
Also shout out for (initially at least) being Diesel's Arch Enemy, even if that kinda drifts away with the TV show and time.
Favourite headcanon
Ok, here we go... this is all pretty much your own doing, Jobey!
It may not have been your intent, but I'm starting to think Duck is one corner of a Platonic Love Triangle, with the other end being Thomas, and the mutual object of their ....friendship[?] is Percy. I better draw a Diagram lol (Also no, it's not a shipping thing lol)
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So like... Duck was brought in specifically to help Percy out, they get along well and have a lot of stories/episodes together. Eventually Percy is put on the Ffarquhar, or "Thomas' Branch Line" and the amount of time Duck spends with Percy promptly plummets. Related is that I genuinely can't think of any stories where Thomas and Duck interact in a meaningful capacity. It seems whenever those two are in the same scene and it's not a swift drive by cameo, it's because Percy is there.
It makes me start to wonder if Duck and Thomas have any particular thoughts on the other, or just the low key 'yeah he's not actively a dick to me so we're cool'. Is it out of character to Headcanon Duck as being somewhat jealous of Thomas, simply for whisking Percy away? It sounds rather more silly written out than in my head asfsjkd
But like, I'm thinking of eps like All At Sea, where Thomas doesn't feature until right at the end (irl prolly a Studio Mandate lol) but it makes me wonder if Duck himself is thinking "Oh smeg, it's Thomas. Can't he stay up by the quarry for once? He's always everywhere!"
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And weirdly, cause it's from Season Six of all things, is the ep Scaredy Engines. I flip flop on whether I like how it plays the exact same Moral from Percy and the Dragon again, but with Percy and Thomas' roles swapped from the other ep, or if I think it's inferior to said Dragon ep. However, the role Duck plays in Scaredy is very interesting...
So Thomas was being kinda a dick in the ep, teasing Percy about being scared, so Duck takes on the Karmic Trickster mantle that had been left behind for several TV eps by now, and arranges for Thomas to get scared back. The thing is, while he's pleased with a job well done, Percy is still concerned when Thomas doesn't reappear at the Fireworks show, so he leaves Duck and finds Thomas back at the sheds instead.
Yeah, I could very easily read into this lol. Duck's plan to avenge Percy by proxy worked, but also backfired, as Percy himself went off towards the guy who, certainly from Duck's Point of View, should have been left licking his wounds alone and feeling the weight of The Lesson soak in. Duck has again been jilted by Percy in favour of Thomas, even though Duck in particular sees Thomas' actions as Jerkish. Percy is much more willing to forgive this and see a lack of malicious intent, this is the kind of ribbing they share, and Thomas actually hiding scared is enough to get Percy to seek him out.
I may just be overreading, of course, but the tl;dr of this is that I think Duck and Percy have a pretty conventional Nice to Each Other Friendship, but Percy spends more time with Thomas and they have a relationship that can look screwy to outsiders (I again refer to You, Jobey, and that you said Thomas and Percy bring out each other's worst traits lol) but they pretty much muddle along as best buds anyway. I can see Duck being jealous but determined enough to stay civil and professional, even if internally he's always a bit annoyed when Thomas rolls in somewhere and takes Percy's attention.
Man, that got long!
And I still have the Fanfic Idea for here! But don't worry, it's related:
Basically something that examines this a bit more, but the meat of it being Thomas and Duck actually directly talking about it and maybe coming away with a better understanding of each other. Could be one'a them Locked In A Room Together type of situations, like a particularly poorly planned path by the sea that gets covered by high tide or whatever. Bonus points if Percy catches some of this without them realising and is like "what in the hell are those two dumbasses rabbiting on about. Me??? Oh god"
Bonus: Duck says Thomas is welcome to have Diesel as his arch enemy instead lol
That's all I have now, sorry Duck stans for not talking about The Great Western! 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆
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booksfromblackwood · 3 years
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Is anyone still around in this fandom? If so, I thought I’d post the first chapter of an old fic that I re-wrote last year! Let me know if anyone’s still around, and if you’d be interested in reading more! Hope everyone reading this has a great day! :)
Han has left the chat.
Three Days Before The Disappearance
.Sam.Giddings. added josh_wash, ashleeeeey, xXGamerChrisXx, TheOriginalMatt, HanButterfly, BethWash, Mike_Munroe, EmilyD_, and _Jess.Riley_ to the chat.
.Sam.Giddings. named the chat Info For Tomorrow.
.Sam.Giddings.: Hey guys! Just to keep everyone updated on our travel plans for tomorrow! I know it's going to be a long day for everyone so it's vital we stick to the plan and stay in our groups where possible!
ashleeeeey: Okie-doodle!!
TheOriginalMatt: How are you so organised, Sam? You're a lifesaver!
HanButterfly: Hi!!
BethWash: trust sam to be more prepared than those of us organising the trip lol
xXGamerChrisXx: Since when was 'okie-doodle' a thing?
EmilyD_: Thanks Sam x
xXGamerChrisXx: And thanks so much, sam!
.Sam.Giddings.: So quick reminder of everyone's groups:
_Jess.Riley_: I'm stoked!!
ashleeeeey: That's rich coming from someone whose username is xXGamerChrisXx! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash, Chris, Matt, and myself will start the journey first tomorrow morning.
xXGamerChrisXx: You wound me!
Mike_Munroe: Thanks for the plan, Sam!
TheOriginalMatt: Excited to see everyone tomorrow! This is going to be a killer weekend for sure!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Em, Mike, and Jess, you guys are next.
ashleeeeey: You're so dramatic!! XD
Mike_Munroe: Team Two here we go!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Made you smile, though! ;-)
josh_wash: what about us
.Sam.Giddings.: I'm just getting to that!
ashleeeeey: True :)
xXGamerChrisXx: You guys are already there and are therefore irrelevant! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Han, Beth, and Josh, you guys are there already!
josh_wash: thanks cochise i feel so appreciated
BethWash: lol thanks chris
Mike_Munroe: So, what are we all up to?
BethWash: i found cake
xXGamerChrisXx: Browsing reddit like a nerd XD
ashleeeeey: Listening to Sam's rundown of tomorrow unlike sOmE pEoPlE *coughcoughChris*
EmilyD_: Honestly just packing my final things with Jess. Mike's mostly watching the TV.
xXGamerChrisXx: :-(
.Sam.Giddings.: So, tonight we should all make sure our bags are packed and that we have our passports and tickets ready!! Set your alarms for the right times (depending on your group) and make sure to sleep early too (especially if you're in my group since tomorrow will be an early start for us)!
ashleeeeey: :)
TheOriginalMatt: 5am gang where we AT?
HanButterfly: Beth where are you rn? Because I want some of that cake!!
.Sam.Giddings.: So Team One (myself, Chris, Ash, and Matt), we need to be up by 5:00am and be ready by 5:30am for the taxi to the airport!! Matt and Chris, yours is going to be at Chris' place at 5:24 for some reason so make sure to be ready!!
BethWash: the lodge kitchen bcos where else would there be cake han lol
.Sam.Giddings.: We'll meet up at the airport when we arrive! Once we re-group, we'll check in, probably eat some breakfast whilst we wait, and then catch the 8:30 plane!!
TheOriginalMatt: Sweet!
ashleeeeey: Can't wait! :)
josh_wash: yo matt you surviving the puns
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two - you guys don't have to be up until around 9:00am since your taxi is at 9:20 and then your plane is at 11:30!
HanButterfly: Josh would you like me to save you some cake before we eat it all? :)
EmilyD_: We'll need a little longer than 20 minutes to all get ready but sure x
TheOriginalMatt: Just about! Myself and Chris have mostly been playing on his PS4 so I've been distracting myself with that! XD
josh_wash: yes please!
josh_wash: i feel for ya bro, a whole evening with chris' puns can prove fatal
josh_wash: you die of cringe
Mike_Munroe: Poor ol' Chris XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Once we arrive and get our bags, we need to catch the 2:30pm train and then the 4:20 bus! After that we have to take the 5:40 bus (I sent you guys screenshots of the route yesterday) and get off at Blackwood Pines ready for our hike up the mountain (with a little help from the cable car, of course)!
xXGamerChrisXx: I'm being BULLIED guys :(
ashleeeeey: Aw, poor Chris! :P
josh_wash: jk XD
TheOriginalMatt: I like how Sam's still here typing all we need to know whilst we're talking about cake and puns XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two, you guys need to catch either the 5:30pm or the 6:00pm train depending on when your stuff arrives. After that you'll need to get the 7:50 bus and then the 8:40 bus to Blackwood Pines (you have to specify you want it to stop there or the driver won't stop) before you head up. Remember to lock the cable car station once you get in, Mike!
josh_wash: oh gosh tHE CAKE
Mike_Munroe: Gotcha' Sam!
HanButterfly: No worries, Josh! I managed to save most of it from Beth!
BethWash: rip my chance at a third slice of cake
_Jess.Riley_: Really, thanks Sam! We're all packed and ready to go! Xx
HanButterfly: It's really going to be such an awesome weekend! I can't wait :D
ashleeeeey: Thank you so much for inviting me! I've never been on something like this before!! :D
TheOriginalMatt: Yeah, thank you so much guys! I can't wait either, Han!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Have we got rooms sorted out for the lodge, guys?
BethWash: ash take the plans away from sam so she can have time to relax lol
EmilyD_: I'm with Mike in the room away from everyone like agreed right x
ashleeeeey: I'm trying but she won't let me! XD
HanButterfly: I mean if needs be we can sort out rooms once we're here! If not maybe we just sort out the first night rooms since it'll be fairly late when everyone arrives and then we can adjust them as needed as the trip goes on!
BethWash: lol poor sam will be up all night organising at this rate
.Sam.Giddings.: Sounds good, Han!
Mike_Munroe: Great idea, Hannah!
BethWash: em, yours and mike's room (upstairs guest) may not be ready first night so is it possible for you to share a room with jess til we get a chance to sort it out tomorrow?
EmilyD_: That's fine, hon. Thank you again for the trip and for letting us use the upstairs guest room x
josh_wash: how about for the first night emily and jess share beth's room and then beth sam and han go in hannah's room
josh_wash: mike can go to the small room downstairs if he's alright w/ that and matt can room w/ me
xXGamerChrisXx: Yo dude you forgot ash
ashleeeeey: It's alright, Chris! I can find somewhere!
EmilyD_: Ash you're honestly lovely but I'd kinda' like to be with either Jess or Mike if that's alright xx
ashleeeeey: No problem, Emily! I wouldn't want to intrude! :)
EmilyD_: Knew you'd understand xx
josh_wash: why dont you and ash share a room cochise
xXGamerChrisXx: I thought I was rooming with you and matt?
josh_wash: bro please just think for a minute here
ashleeeeey: I'm not sure.
xXGamerChrisXx: Beth, han, and sam, is there any room with you guys?
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry to be a bother!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Of course you can room with us, Ash! We'd love to have you with us! :)
BethWash: im with sam
HanButterfly: Of course!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Thank you to the only valid washington kids right now!
josh_wash: -_-
xXGamerChrisXx: I see what you're doing, josh. ha ha, we've had our laugh, now please stop before this weekend.
Mike_Munroe: Rough subject, huh?
josh_wash: bro chill you know i was just joking
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry!! Please don't get upset with each other!
xXGamerChrisXx: No ash it's alright! i promise i'm not actually mad! :-)
josh_wash: he acts mad over text to get his point across but he literally just sits there with a blank expression irl XD
TheOriginalMatt: Is Sam still there, Ash? Haven't heard from her in a while!
TheOriginalMatt: Gotta check up on my plane buddy for tomorrow!!
_Jess.Riley_: Did you guys get window seats or middle isle seats? I got a middle isle and the others got a window!
BethWash: she hasn't drowned in her notes has she lol
TheOriginalMatt: We got two sets of window seats! Though I don't know which of us is actually going to be at the window and which one will be window isle!
ashleeeeey: She's just brushing her teeth! Her mom came in and brought us a load of vegan snacks for the trip tomorrow and now I'm even more excited!!
ashleeeeey: Speaking of which, I'm probably going to head to sleep in a minute! Though I'm not sure how much I'll actually get since I'm so excited!!! :)
xXGamerChrisXx: Sleep well, ash. see you in the morning :-)
ashleeeeey: Night, Chris :)
ashleeeeey has left the chat.
_Jess.Riley_: Well that was cute!
xXGamerChrisXx: People say goodnight to eachother! that's a normal human interaction!
_Jess.Riley_: You know full well it's cute when it's you two
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash told me she logged out so I came to say goodnight!
josh_wash: w/ jess on this one bro
HanButterfly: Goodnight, Sam!
BethWash: night sam!
josh_wash: dont let the bedbugs bite!
TheOriginalMatt: See you bright and early tomorrow!!
.Sam.Giddings.: See you at the airport/lodge, guys!
xXGamerChrisXx: Night!
.Sam.Giddings. has left the chat.
BethWash: its cute because you like eachother chris
xXGamerChrisXx has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Aww, don't tease the poor guy!
TheOriginalMatt: Chris says goodnight, as do I! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
BethWash: night guys!
TheOriginalMatt has left the chat.
josh_wash: night!
Mike_Munroe: Make sure to save me a slice of that cake, Han! I gtg!
Mike_Munroe has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Goodnight Mike :)
EmilyD_: We'd best be off too. See you all in the morning.
_Jess.Riley_: Night x
EmilyD_ has left the chat.
BethWash: night
HanButterfly: Goodnight x
josh_wash: night xxxxxxyzqvp
_Jess.Riley_: Ha ha, very funny. Get that one from Chris?
josh_wash: lol night
_Jess.Riley_ has left the chat.
BethWash: PLEASE can i have some more cake, han?
josh_wash: you guys can literally just talk if you wanted
HanButterfly: Nope! Gotta' save some for Mike~
BethWash: you wont shut up about that for the rest of the evening now, will you?
BethWash: lol
HanButterfly: :P
josh_wash: you guys gossip in the kitchen
josh_wash: imma head to bed
BethWash: night bro
HanButterfly: Sleep well!
josh_wash has left the chat.
BethWash: please?
HanButterfly: No :P
BethWash: ugh night sis
HanButterfly: Night, Beth! XD
BethWash has left the chat.
HanButterfly has left the chat.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S5 Ep 4: But His Name Backwards is Nomolos????
World is still kind of a mess, so lets go back to Yugioh, during an arc that is so incredibly tame that no one has died. Not even a little bit. No one has risked the destruction of the ecosystem with Pegasus’ historical fanart drawn on digital playing card. No angry gods have done really anything. They’re all on break.
Except for Pharaoh, but Pharaoh isn’t that angry anymore ever since the Orichalcos thing. He mostly just talks about card matches I couldn’t care less about because it’s Grandpa and Joey.
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hey you know what bro just noticed that I haven’t noticed over these past 4 seasons--Look at Yugi and Yami’s hair.
Yugi’s hair has 3 extra floppy down bangs by his eyes. I just always assumed those were the same number as Pharaoh’s bangs--but turns out no, those are Pharoah’s streaks but flopped down.
Which means when he de-charges, his hair just flops over directly into his eyes.
And now I have an urge to animate something for the first time in years (spoiler: I do not have the time to animate this.) because WHY would they never animate this hair flop for us??? The POTENTIAL.
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Grandpa spends most of the time saying “Joseph, can you guess what card I’m holding???” and Joey is like “Why would I tell you that? I’m trying to play a game? Would you stop explaining the rules? it’s getting kind of weird.” and I got a little bit of an insight into what the homelife of Yugi Muto must have been like growing up with a Grandpa who is just always talking about cards.
It does explain why Yugi plays so freakin slow, though.
(read more under the cut)
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This is clearly just a visual gag but also maybe this is also how the Doctor just gets around?
Speaking of visual gags and getting around, it’s our two most inconsequential minibosses, refusing to leave the series.
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Y’all let me know last time that we are in fact, still in America, and I guess this is proof of it, because there’s no other way they could have walked here. I mean Yugioh is real bad at geography but they seem to have a good grasp of a big ass ocean existing betwixt Japan and the US.
Not sure where they got those rad Hobbit outfits, though. If this is their new look, I’ll accept it.
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(Yes, this is a new font. Again, I’m trying out stuff to try and make it accessible. I will figure this out before the season is over)
Honestly, I didn’t think Rex and Weevil could get much worse than being dead. Thought that maybe waking up in a hospital bed after joining the Big Bad would be enough of a wake up call to the direction their life is heading.
But, considering that this arc has no real villain so far other than a guy who likes the color purple and bathing in milk...maybe that’s fine. It’s not a BAD thing to play cards, necessarily. This doesn’t make them bad people...it’s what you do with those cards.
Like destroying a Caltrain with it, for instance.
Unless of course, the amount of energy it takes to do a card hologram is the same amount as an NFT, in which case I guess that would make them bad no matter who you play against. But we live in a universe with Noah in it, who probably had enough energy pumped into that orb to fuel like 15 Americas. Fossil fuels seem to be just fine in this universe.
In fact I don’t think it’s ever come up? Surprisingly, Seto Kaiba has never had to deal with an eco terrorist, unless you counted Raphael. That is hella rare for a 90′s early 00′s show. I feel like they were contractually obligated to have at least one fossil fuel episode.
Well, good for the Yugioh universe, who managed to solve the energy crisis off screen. Good for them.
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PS Hawkins said this and afterward was like “I just want you kids to appreciate what you’re seeing here today.” and it’s like damn Hawkins. Condescend much? This old guy is like King of Throwing Shade While Appearing to be Helpful.
Anyway, the gimmick of Solomon Muto is that he plays a bunch of history cards. Arthur Hawkins was super excited about it, but I feel like the other kids were like “We straight up have never heard of any of these old ass cards for a reason.”
Bro has informed that this card also sucks ass IRL, and like...I’m not surprised.
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(grandpa’s font has also changed to something he’s actually wearing, and to something that is way more legible.)
To think that during the time Grandpa spent trying to get this dragon working, he could have been researching the damn God Cards and helping Pharaoh figure out his past history. Youknow...that history stuff that he devotes his entire life to studying.
Course, maybe Grandpa was smart enough to know NOT do that. I feel like Grandpa putting the brakes on revealing Pharaoh’s history is reason enough to just not open that Pandora’s box, but that will be another arc, I guess. This one we’re just showing some ancient dragon merch to sell toys to kids IRL. Gotta have your episodes to remind you that Yugioh is in fact toys.
Also, Hawkins proceeded to point out to Yugi in a way without literally saying it, that Yugi doesn’t go home often enough to distract his Grandpa with cards.
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Which Hawkins followed up by throwing shade at Joey Wheeler for the rest of the match, since he was the only one here who stans Grandpa. You can see who Rebecca gets it from, is what I’m saying.
Joey reveals his only motivation to be here--which should be to get a plane ticket. Like their only reason to be in this tournament is already done?
But his other motivation is silly.
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uh huh.
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Tristan really did lay this specific dunk in the show. He is being given a plane ticket to do nothing. Wow, Tristan.
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At least Joey’s motivation isn’t based on fixing some girl. For once Joey is just doing this for himself and not for a relationship that will never happen for at least several years, or to be a Father for his oblivious Sister. Thank you, show. Course I say that, and there could be another Mai arc right around the corner.
Anyway, there really isn’t much else to say about this arc other than Joey has finally bested his mentor in a card game. Still can’t best Yugi or Pharaoh or Seto or hell, probably even Tea or Mokuba if they ever pulled out cards again...
...but he bested Grandpa, who got polished off by being beaten up by several thug-like holograms.
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Not sure why he fell over other than...something in the holograms must be real in this universe. There’s no other reason this would happen!
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(honestly I can’t handle Grandpa’s face. It looks. SO BAD. There’s something  offsetting about it that I really do not like, and I think it’s the eyes and the tiny nose and the very skeletal bone structure--I don't like it)
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Like every person here is convinced that Yugi’s grandpa is one step away from keeling over and it’s low key hilarious to me. The man has died and been resurrected. You think Pegasus did that bad of a job??? Grandpa Muto will likely outlive all of you.
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This show really can’t lift Joey without taking two more punches to get him back down. Like the show keeps telling me that Joey is a complete idiot, and he kind of is, but I want to point out that he is a talented idiot who was second in most of the tourney’s he’s been in and he should have killed Marik straight up if he wasn’t like struck by lightning first.
Yes, he got distracted and raced after Mai last season so he prematurely died, but that was clearly just a phase because I don’t see Mai here.
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Yes, in the actual show, they each said “ohhhh” and it’s like...the brain damage on these kids. We need to get them back to school.
I think there’s like 30+ other characters introduced but the only ones I know are Rex, Weevil, Leon, and...the girl who hugged Yugi once? I don’t remember her name. But they’re probably next. I feel like this is a bit of a slower arc, but hey, if anything it’s easier for me to cap.
anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read these in Chrono Order!
I’ll have you know I wrote this whole thing thinking Nomolos is a Fleet Foxes song and it hellllllllla got stuck in my head, but it turns out the word I was thinking of is Mykonos.
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Survey #456
“i don’t even need your love, but you treat me like a stranger, & that feels so rough”
What was the longest time you’ve had the hiccups for? I know at LEAST over an hour. I was in agony. What type of TV shows are your favourite? Animal docs. Have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything? Bitch I still am lmao. Do you know anyone who has died in battle? No. When was the last time you went on an adventure? Bro, I could NOT tell you. I haven't had one of those in what feels like eons. What brand is your vacuum cleaner? I actually don't know. I don't pay attention. Are you good at rapping? Never tried, but I'm sure I'd be awful. I stutter too much. Name one world issue that upsets you. Just ONE????????? Well, I can name homelessness as very high on the list. How do you feel about tanning? I hate it. I can't stand the heat, so why would I deliberately go bake in it? Have you ever given a public speech? Yeah, in front of the whole 4th and 5th grade when I was innnn... one of those grades, idr which. It was for my D.A.R.E. essay. Do you read comic books? No. Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved? NOOOOOOOOOOO I'm way too awkward. Kiss with your eyes open or closed? Bro who tf kisses with their eyes open, that shit is creepy. Do you believe you can change someone? No. One can only change themselves. How did you react when your first pet died? I have no memory of our first pet. Have you ever drawn anime? No. Can you use a pogo stick? When I was a kid, I became a MASTER. I got one for I want to say Christmas and I was obsessed. When’s the next time you’ll see the person that you like? Idk, first he needs to get on Facebook and see I messaged him alsdkfjalkdj. He like never gets on there. Do you like bathing/showering? No. One, it's a chore, and two, it's actually painful for me, standing up so long and propping my legs up and stuff like that to clean myself properly. Have you ever considered entering a race? HEEEEEEEEEEELL no. Rihanna or Lady Gaga? Probably Gaga, idk. Who was your first good kiss with? Jason. What accessory do you want in your bedroom? I actually kinda want a TV now? What do you take the most pictures of? Flowers. What are you always in the mood for? Lately, Krispy Kreme donuts, lol. I haven't had one in a very long time, but goddamn does a hot glazed donut sound BANGIN' right now and has for days. What is something that you never turn down? Hm... how am I blanking??? What is something that you always turn down when offered? Certain foods or drinks, like tea. Name something sexy about your significant other. I don't have one'a those. What is one of your hobbies that you refuse to give up? Um, idk. As interests work, I may move away from any hobby eventually. If you could be a professional in any sport what would it be? Dance. If you could be a professional at any instrument what would it be? Violin. Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician? A mortician. That job doesn't even seem all that bad to me? I think it'd be kinda chill somehow???? I could NEVER be a surgeon. I'd be terrified of fucking something up. Have you ever been on a subway? No. Are you in love? No. Do you like having your lip softly bitten when you’re kissing? *eyes emoji* Do you want to get married when you’re older? Yes. What was the last band shirt you wore? PROBABLY my Metallica shirt? But I'm unsure, ultimately. You can have a milkshake right now. What flavor do you choose? Ugh, I've been wanting a nice chocolate milkshake for a while. Have you ever given someone flowers? For Mother's Day one year, I collected some wildflowers to put in a jar for Mom. I've also given Jason roses before. I really wanted to give Sara some when I surprised her for her birthday, but I didn't want to ask her parents to drive me somewhere where I could buy her some, ha ha. What day of the week is usually your busiest day? None. My days are all the same. Do you have any concerts coming up? No, but UGH, I was so hyped a few days ago because I saw Motionless In White was going on tour next year, but of course they're going to the big city on the OTHER end of the state versus the capital, which I'm way closer to. -_- Bands ALWAYS choose Charlotte on the super rare occasion they come to NC... Do you like or hate the smell of fish? Ugh, I hate it. What’s your favorite brand of chips? Doritos, maybe? Between Mountain Dew and those... I am such a fucking gamer stereotype lmfao. Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud? I think I had to before in school? Idr. Do you like pineapple? Love it. Does your house have a dishwasher? Yes. A dishwasher is one thing I MUST have in my own future house. I cannot stand touching dirty dishes. Do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo? Oh, absolutely. Sunflower tattoos are especially popular around here. How many different languages can you say goodbye in? English, German, and uhhh Spanish? Agree or disagree: You like Adam Sandler movies. I don't mind them. I've never understood the hate, honestly? I think he's capable of being funny. Have you ever had to get a tooth pulled? If so, what for? Only by myself when I was a kid losing my baby teeth. Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail? Nooooo. If you’ve ever babysat, do you like it? Fuck no, I hate it. What is your favorite flavor on sunflower seeds? I don't like those. Do you get cold easily? No, but I get hot extremely easily. Do you get a lot of spiders in your house? I don't think so, no. Do you admire nature? I positively adore nature. If only we treated it better... Name one naughty thing you’ve done. Done sexual things in places I probably shouldn't have, oops. Name two of your favorite things as a child. Pokemon and Webkinz. Do you own a Pillow Pet? No. They're cute, though. My niece has one. Do you tend to solve problems with violence? Absolutely not. Have either of your parents gone to jail? No. Do you know a hoarder? Yes. Do you wax, pluck, or leave your eyebrows? I just leave 'em be, honestly. Do you have any interesting scar stories? Not really. Do you hate the texture of meatballs? No, I love me some meatballs. Do you get migraines? Very, very rarely. They fucking suck. Do you like guns? NOOOOOOO guns terrify me alsd;kjfal;sdjfk Are turtles amazing creatures? All animals are. :') How much time do you spend taking surveys? A whole lot. It's just that I'm like... always bored and the randomness of surveys can add interesting little flares to the day, I guess. Would you rather visit: The Eiffel Tower or Egyptian Pyramids? Pyramids, for sure. Would you like to work at a candy shop? No. I don't want to work directly with people. Do you have feelings for someone? It's funny; now that I've settled the extreme indecision, I've come to realize that they're very strong feelings. How you go from being indecisive to really, really liking somebody, hell if I know. Which one of your guy friends is the best looking? Uhhh Girt is like my only real guy friend, so I guess it's by default him, ha ha. I'm not particularly attracted to him, but he's not ugly by any means. Do you have anything to say to your ex bf/gf? I'm so sorry. Which band do you have the most of on your iPod/music player? Either Ozzy or Metallica. Most likely Ozzy, though. Which song describes your mood at the moment? Hm. I dunno. Which movie(s) do you quote the most? None, really. Which one of your best friend’s friends would you most likely date? None; we don't share irl friends, being many states apart, and not even that many online ones. Would you ever let anybody else drive your car? I don't have my own car. Which one of your friends will be the most successful? I'm not psychic. What store did you last shop at? Mom and I picked up a Wal-Mart order the other day. Do you think telepathy is real? Absolutely not. When did you last draw something for fun? A few days ago, I started a drawing of Maieykio for Sara. Who makes the most in your entire family? I have no idea. Do you like writing essays? I don't mind, if the topic interests me. Do you think plastic surgery is no big deal? Nah. Well, I think you can take it to an visual extreme, but that's just my opinion. Do what makes you comfortable in your own body. Do you take your trash to the dump or have it picked up? It's picked up. When you sneeze do you sneeze into your shirt or your hands? The inside of my elbow. Do you usually have sex in the morning, noon or night time? It usually happened at night. Did you ever fail your learners/drivers test? Haven't taken it yet. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? OH MY GOD NEITHER Name someone you’ve become a lot closer to recently: No one, really? Well, unless you count my change of feelings for Girt, but it's just that: a type of change. I've loved him platonically since high school, and it's like, I feel the same for him, just in a romantic way now? Does your car have a sunroof? No. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? My mom. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Nope, not how I roll. Who’s the last person you cuddled with? Sara. Unless you count my cat. Are you friends with any of your teachers on Facebook? Former teachers, yes. I feel kinda bad for 'em now... They're all the sweetest, God-fearing people, and then there's my outspoken (online) and liberal ass sharing shit that's gotta disappoint them now lmaoooo.
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alicehattera03 · 4 years
my ranking of tropes!!
As you may know- I uh- I write(fanfics) lol should I say I’m a writer?? Am I even a writer I- *existential crisis continues*
Well, anyways!! I decided to rank popular fanfic tropes cause why not?! (Everything you read from here on out is my opinion so no fighting!!!!!)
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For S tier!! Of course, angst was gonna be a tippy top choice for me, so is hurt/comfort(although I suck at writing the comfort part lmfao but reading comfort? YES), fix it fics are amazing like the time I needed to fix an ending of a movie that I came home from crying cause like WTF and I had to write a new ending, dark is well known cause well, DD:DE anyone?!, and canon divergence is a sure thing cause I mean, it’s AU material isn’t it??? and infamous ABO, damn, idk but y’all but that shit good when done right cause MMMMM hell to the yes for inner wolves and ranks, with the bite marks and stuff and lemme say alpha/alpha(unconventional ABO pairs and fics like with alpha/beta are ok too, but ofc I love alpha/omega as well) be doing things to my heart like you wouldn’t believe WOW. 
Y’kno what they say, canon material=free real estate. 
Tier A!! : surprisingly major character death is here instead of S tier but it’s because I like writing it(With all that angsty goodness) but I don’t really like reading it in other fics(cause I don’t wanna cry uwah), time loop is fun to write but not really to read(watched one too many movies with it and it was ruined for me in the long run)...established relationship is so good because I don’t have to worry about anything(unless one or both die then mayday mayday fuck we gotta problem), mutual pining is delicious lemme scoop it all up, unhappy endings are angsty so I love them and yet cry(so I may skip according to my mood), the AU’s are like beautiful when done the way I like em(opinions opinions), gen fics are surprisingly good all by themselves as long as you read the tags/summary you’ll be good to go! 
Tier B: arranged marriage is like the cherry on ice cream you can like it or hate it but it’s there and it isn’t that bad or anything to worry about, honestly if you have to fuck or die I think realistically we’d choose to fuck cause who wants to die if you can live? the AU’s ahhh chef’s kiss. Enemies/friends to lovers, after recently liking the childhood friends trope I was like this IS IT I love the dynamics basically, drunken confessions seem like a thing in real life too so I like it, fluff is cute to read but not to write cause I can never write it without getting angsty ahh maybe I should work on that for the new year??? (shhh wip in progress for new fandom ehe but still quite angsty oh noooo lmao)
Tier C: the AUs are uh not the worst but not the best... I used to like them a lot more but now I could live without them if I had to, amnesia is either frustrating or done really well, “there was only one bed” oh the horror ahahaha, warmth in someone’s arms? Hell yea, sign me the fuck up for that MMMM. Crack? Sure, I could get with the program. Pwp/sex pollen pretty much the same thing lmfao I can sit through it but it has to have a little bit of plot, first kiss usually cute and fluffy which I like reading but somehow can never write out lol the pains of being an angst writer instead of a fluff writer.. miscommunication is either super annoying to read cause they run circles around each other OR there is no or, it’s just awkward for me..I like healthy communication...
Tier D: in short, I hate children in fics and IRL...like the screaming tiny tots that can’t really talk..so yeah that and pregnancy whether it’s mpreg or not is probably out for me, crossovers..if it can make sense and I like both fandoms and there’s no badly written Oc’s...I can take it..body swap on the other hand? No. We keep our own bodies in this household thank you very much. Fake relationship is built on lies, it’s just hard for me to get through them unless it’s good and they work it out well between each other. The fairytale au by itself is alright but tbh time periods and the settings don’t match more than half the time which makes it hard for me to get into it..I like accuracy..coffee shop is..unrealistic half the time..although that could make people get into it, it’s just not for me. Missing/behind the scenes stuff are GREAT when done well, like a sneak peek of “What if” things. 
Now. Love triangles. Your may be thinking- a whole new paragraph for this? Yes. I HATE THEM WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEINGGGGG YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE PAIN I GO THROUGH WHEN FINDING OUT IT HASN’T BEEN TAGGED PROPERLY IN A FIC. If two people like the same person and the person likes them both back, don’t make the person choose. It hurts both parties. If the two people that like said person are die hard enemies, then ok fine, choose away, but ya know we(all genders included, I’m sure) got cough holes cough for a reason- just saying..basically I’d like love triangles to go to hell and make way for the queen: threesomes. 
LOL anyways, that was my lengthy ass ranking, lemme know if you want to see more of these(I might do a husbando/wifeu ranking in the future ahhh all my fandoms will end up revealing themselves ahaha) And you are most certainly VERY welcome to comment below what fandoms you think I’m in/might like, and I’ll comment back ofc ^^ Let’s be multi-fandom together ahaha
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lokis-omnistrose · 3 years
For My First Trick....er... Post!
I thought I would give a little info about me. Heads-up: If you dislike any of this, you can either put up with it or kindly find the door, because while I will happily entertain intelligent debate/ discussion, telling me I'm wrong for my beliefs (note I said "beliefs". Telling me I'm wrong because I'm misinformed and actively have my *facts* wrong is welcome and encouraged. See below for more) is bigoted, rude, and toxic and will not be entertained. Yes, I sound like a B**** for that, but hey, gotta be honest off the bat, right?
If you're interested in learning more about me...
- I'm Omnist, raised Roman Catholic. What does that mean? Well, it means I'm royally effed up lol. Really, though, it means I was raised in the RC tradition, so have a lot of RC beliefs ingrained in me. However, due to past traumas, you could say I 'lost my faith'. I started believing that I was being punished for something, then realised I had done nothing to be punished for, so wondered why I was being treated the way I was. I drifted away from RC, and gradually found Athena and Artemis and comfort. Over the years, I also discovered the Morrigan, along with multiple others, and found that I believed in multiple pantheons - aka Omnist (not devoted to a specific religion, but religious to a degree).
In recent months, I've started to find that more and more things have been guiding me toward Loki, and have accepted him as my chief male god (until recently, I only followed female gods, mainly a coincidence, but slightly intentional), though strangely, Thor and Odin followed. So yeah, I'm kinda mixed up lol.
- I believe strongly in the number 3. Maybe because of my Catholic upbringing, I feel a strong bond with the number 3 and 'holy trinities'. Triple Goddesses have always meant a lot to me, and I find it no coincidence or surprise that when Loki found me, Thor and Odin followed. My avatar symbol is actually the Triskelion/ Triskele, or a version of the triskeles, which is often used as a representative symbol for triple deities. I became somewhat obsessed with it years ago when I had recently become hooked on symbology, and it's been important to me ever since.
- My 'spirit animals' are wolves and ravens, the latter being most prominent. I've always been drawn to wolves for some reason, but ravens are ever-present in my life in one way or another. If you see me anywhere online, there's a solid chance I either have ravens in my username, avatar or character (skin or accessory), or some version of the word (other language, derivative, etc).
- I change hobbies faster than most people change underpants. Any day you ask, there's a good chance I've either picked up or dropped a hobby. It can be anything, from something as relatively normal as painting to something as relatively unusual as studying grammatical similarities between languages (yes, that's a real one that comes and goes).
- However, the ones that stay are singing, writing, music in general, Marvel/ some DC (yes, I cross the divide, though DC characters just don't interest me as much as a whole, however there are a few I adore), gaming - though I can't actually play video games often because of issues with my hands, crafting, paganism (both as a study and as a practice, to a degree), human rights and their history, mythology, the paranormal, cooking/ food, and herbology.
- I'm Pansexual, but grey-ace. Basically, that means I can be attracted to anyone, regardless of gender, but sexual attraction isn't something I experience on a regular basis. I can go from 'I'mma jump him/ her/ them before long' to 'make me think about sex again and I will throw up' (no exaggeration there). As a result, relationships can be a minefield for me because I desperately want to give love to people, but my drive is about as unpredictable as lightning, so I'm always afraid I'm gonna disappoint whoever I'm with by not being 'enough'. I get the feeling that's likely a common feeling for people like me, so I seek to be open and share with people, because ours isn't a very commonly heard perspective.
- I do not accept bullying. Whether it be of me or of anyone on my blog, anyone I see being bullied online, or (if I feel I can safely step in) irl, I will put a stop to it, or at least try. I've been there, and I know how much it can mess you up for life if it's persistent, and I am not about to stand by and let someone be picked on. If you pick on someone in my comments, prepare to be blocked and/ or named and shamed, and if you send an abusive/ bullying ask, you will receive the same. If anonymous, I may highlight it to show what an immature blockhead you are, but I'm not going to stoop to being abusive. You will be taken down, but I will do so by pointing out every flaw in your ask, not by stooping to your level.
- I welcome everyone, as long as you're nice. Got a question? Go right ahead and ask! Got a suggestion! Lemme know! Wanna be friends? 100%! (though don't expect me to reliably message back and forth because my memory is so crap, I can't guarantee that. I've never had many friends and I'm very introverted, so friendship is not something i'm all that smart about lol).
- I read a crapton of fanfic. Literally most of my followed accounts are fanfic because they inspire me for my own. I don't mean that in the sense that I poach ideas, but more that they help me get back into the groove of wanting to write, and then ideas start moving again. I'll read about a character falling off a wall and suddenly a character I had lost my mojo for will go 'that's a dumb thing to do. Why didn't they just stand against the railing?' and I'll be back in the right mindset to write for them again about the flu I got halfway through writing and got stuck on.
- I write a crapton of fanfic that never gets posted. I literally have well over 100 stories in progress. Most are Marvel, BTS or The Walking Dead, but there are others, and I have more ideas in my head. I have posted some on another account on here (and hey, you may even know me from there, but shhhhh), but most of it is just idle writing that I write for the sake of it, with no real intention to ever post. I don't do it for an audience, but for something to do and to work out my past (and present) issues, so it's common for a story to have elements of abuse or the like which I don't often like to subject people to, so don't bother posting. Not to mention, they never get finished. I have a bit of an unintentional policy that I don't finish stories, because you never know when you'll have another idea for them. That's also why I have some stories with up to 5 different versions. I'll write one scene, but there'll be 5 different ways it could go, so I just write all 5 and go from there.
That's all I can think of for now, but this'll be added to as I think of more, so I'll post if I update this, so people know (if anyone's following). Bye for now, lovelies!
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dungeoneering102 · 5 years
The Virus of Common Language
So here’s a question for yall?
Why does everyone in D&D speak Common?
Well, there are two answers: 1) mechanical and 2) narrative ones. So let’s dive into that. 
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Mechanical Answer
The pretty obvious answer as to “Why everyone knows Common” is so people can talk in the game. If your elf and my dwarf don’t both speak a shared language, being in a shared Party will very quickly become annoying as we cannot communicate in ANY way at all. So to mitigate, the VAGUE Common language is created, to have EVERY player speak the same language. For many this is enough. But here at Dungeoneering, we gotta be a bit more extra.
Narrative Answer
This is where it gets hard. Say you are a DM. How do you answer the above question? Why do the high elves, who are very xenophobic and tend to look down on most other races, would bother learning Common? Why would the dwarves, who are renowned for being isolationists? Or the orcs? Or anyone else really? There are multiple ways to answer this and here I provide you with 3 options, going from my LEAST to MOST favorite.
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Option 1: Your PCs are Special.
This is my least favorite option, mainly because it’s a copout. But, it still works just as well as any other option. To the question of “Why can everyone speak Common?” just say that members of your Party are a unique case. They all happen to learn Common and that’s what allowed them to meet up and become friends. Others in the game world won’t be as multilingual.
Option 2: It’s Like English.
So in the IRL world, there are some languages that are shared inter-culturally. English is our prime example. Due to Britains love of colonies, a lot of nations have been exposed to Queen’s English. Its popularity in media through Hollywood has further cemented the language as the most commonly used language on Earth. If D&D was set here, in our real world, it’s likely Common would be the English language.
This is the most COMMONLY (pun intended) accepted answer. Just as with English IRL, you can find Common speakers in almost every country, although some have less than others. This is a perfectly fine solution, and if you use it than bully for you. BUT... 
I think this is a bit too basic for our fantasy setting. And we also need to remember: with D&D we aren’t really talking about different ETHNICITIES that can trace their history back to common ancestors. We are talking about altogether DIFFERENT creatures, who discovered their native language PURELY on their own, before coming together in the Material Plane. So, may I present...
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Option 3: The Parasite of Language.
We are in a fantasy setting yes? We have gods, demons, devils, aliens, ghosts, and a fuck ton of other weird things in our setting. So, may I suggest one more weird thing to toss in your games: the Language Virus.
Suppose EVERYONE in your world speaks Common. Or at least every sentient creature. Why? No language can naturally expand to such limitations. And you’re right. None can. What CAN expand to such limitations is a virus. A tiny, microscopic creature that spreads by any means you want, from one creature to another. Upon infecting someone, it has no negative effect really. It’s primarily harmless, which is why it hasn’t been dealt with. BUT!!! by infecting a body it gains access to the mind. Here, it develops a way to communicate with its fellow viruses on OTHER bodies. 
Since the virus is a very basic organism, the communication method developed is always the same, perhaps only slightly affected by the languages the carrier creature knew in life. Thus the Common language is less a creation of one culture, but rather a viral infection, spread across the globe that inadvertently allows living things to communicate with one another. 
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So did I sell you on my ideas for Common language?
How do you implement/explain away the Common language in your games?
Would you wanna see more stuff from me about language?
I’d love to hear what feedback you guys got. There’s nothing more fun than reading your interesting ideas for how to run a good game world. I hope my post was an entertaining read. Until next time...
The Unfair DM 
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n0chanxes · 3 years
What “Matching Effort; Not Length” Means in Collaborative Writing [to me]
[small edit- this post looks like garbage on dash apparently but the organizational formatting is visible on my page ;;;;; hellsite why- Click to my page for an actually legible post lol T^T ]
Hey yall, its 7 30 in the morning and I can’t sleep even though I work tonight so Imma ramble for like half an hour to see if that makes me tired sfkjsdfhdj
I’ve been doing this for a long time. Like-- half my life, 13 years [I’m 26], ‘long’ and over the years I’ve gotten relatively comfortable figuring out what things go into a thread being successful [i/e fun and easy to keep going] and not fun. This is all obviously my opinion as both a solo story writer, avid reader [i have more favourite books than I do friend irl] and rp’er. And though this obviously isn’t some snooty checklist or anything, I’ve found that people who use some or one or even all of these things in their replies are the rp partners I still adore making stories with years down the road
Replying with the world and not just the character
This can be done pretty easily in ‘script’ replies as well as ‘lit’/wordy replies, but I never approach a reply like what my character is saying or doing is happening in a vacuum, because that’s not organically how life works. 
Are the characters in a busy café? Is there a long line? Is some asshole trying to cut which makes my character have to ask them to stop pushing around? 
How about walking down the street? It the traffic horrible that day, making them have to speak louder/move closer to your muse? Did they almost fall into a puddle or run into somebody? 
Oooor what about a night club? Is the music loud? Is the music shitty? Is it a little too crowded now even though it wasn’t like ten minutes ago, meaning our muses may want to move elsewhere
All this to say; think about your muses and people interacting in a space, not just two people talking/walking in a void.
Be comfortable with NPCs
There are a lot of humans on the planet! Like... a whole lot! Use them to buff up the story world you’re creating to make it more fun! This is also how I sometimes end up making a few of my favourite characters; they start out as NPCs to make my world more robust, and eventually I think up whole back stories for them [A good Example is Lux!]
Is that cafe owner making eyes at the other muse? Does that make your muse huffy and jealous? Or maybe that one dude who is still trying to cut in line gets a little too pushy and them and your muse have a little scuffle?
Is that a cute cat/dog? Sorry, gotta stop this very tense/flirty talk with your muse cus i have to pet this dog/cat.
Not only can these just be fun to picture, but a lotttt of character development can come from aspects of a world that aren’tt just because of muse A and muse b talking/thinking about each other, and can really buff up the foundation of whatever relationship muse and and muse b are developing whether its plotted or unplotted.
Be careful not to godmod- This isn’t nearly as much of an issue in this decade of rping as it was when I first started [it was bad lol] But just make sure these characters are feasible within a world. Don’t go and have muse a get randomly stabbed just because replies are hard to come by and you want to make muse b suddenly have to care about muse a. plot this shit out with your rp partner if you have even the smallest idea that some npc/event you have in mind might take away control/their right to control an event.
Reply to build off each other’s replies/characters; Not just to Reply. Give your partner’s character something to reply about.
I think , above most else, this can be the best or most frustrating part of an rp, and where I find I can lose interest in a thread or interaction. This is the most important thing I try to do, regardless of reply length or plot. This is what matched effort and not length means to me.
The most interesting aspect about rping to beings is being able to interact with them in real time, seeing this that its ever changing, real-time, and dynamic. If my character is stuttering a reply, eyes glancing every which way, sweating, but says everything is fine, getting a reply that doesn’t address any or the subtext or look to either amplify or fix a situation can be incredibly tiring.
Read a characters background/look for details in writing- Has ther other writer mentioned ther character has an interesting eye colour? Did the characters eye colour just change? Treat every reply as a chance to really build on something.
Did the character just say or do something that would logically result in some kind of shock/anger/attraction? Its okay to have your character shocked about things. Let them being an organic character/being.
Put equal effort in having interesting dialogue.-I can’t count the number of times on other blogs long ago [and long since dead] where I would give a few things in a script rp tp be interesting or cool to think on and reply about, things that were indicative to my character, only for literally all of it to be ignored in the next reply.
There aren’t many places for a story to go when two characters are just talking and walking together and nothing happens. 
Stagnation is the antithesis of progress, very literally.
And if you see or  a thread starting to become harder and harder to reply to, don’t be afraid to read through the thread and see if you notice a ‘drop’ or a place where you, your character, the world can add something which would be fun to reply to/react to/ imagine. 
And for god’s sake, read a characters about/have some information about your character at hand.
I am.....long winded [shocker, I know] and I know words can be hard. But at my core, I want to rp with you [yes you] because I like how you words and I like how you write characters. It is incredibly hard for me to know if a story would be fun or interesting if there is nothing about a character other than their fc.
Have crucial information in about sections, make sure you know about the other characters crucial information, this can be some of the things that help a thread start off a lot easier. These can be bullet points! Cool hair colour? Eye colour? Long fangs when angy? long fangs and red eyes when BigAngy?? Ears? Tails???? Anything thatt a character would notice upin first glance needs to be made clear to your rp partner so they and their character can operate more naturally in whatever world you’re creating together.
If you don’t have official abouts, that is fine, just make sure you have any information about the character ready for sharing! I use the sticky notes desktop app for characters I haven’t officially added yet and its a super helpful, low maintenance way to keep details about a possible/selective character on hand.
Talk shit out. Embrace a shifting story, figure out plot points that would be cool to see and write about. Have fun. Create worlds, universes, new characters! As long as both/all parties are on the same page, there is literally no end to what you can create together.
All of this applies to lit/novella/and script rps! I’ve had some very, very cool, in depth script rps in my time/on discord/aim so length is not a factor to fun, deep rps, its all in the mutual effort placed in the characters and their world.
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miggydiaz · 4 years
for the salty ask: 3, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27 for spn
I had to do this one today because I have a LOT of Supernatural feelings and so a lot of these are even longer than my CK one. But thanks for the ask @wonderwolfballoon!
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? 100000000% I have unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion in the SPN fandom. SPN was the fandom that taught me to make JUDICIOUS use of the blocking feature tumblr offers in order to curate my experience. I would actually encourage anyone and everyone to use the blocking feature if they disagree with people. Honestly, we don’t owe anyone our time or energy, especially on the internet! It is much healthier than sending or responding to hate, IMO. 7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* This is actually a hard one for me to answer, so let me start by saying -- I have not seen a SINGLE episode since 9x05? I think? Whichever episode was the Dr. Deanlittle one where he talks to animals. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the first 5 seasons, and they are all I watch anymore and I pretend nothing else exists after that (except The French Mistake because that episode is hilarious). But uh... I guess the simple answer is when I was originally watching it, I really loved Dean. He was brash, snarky, rough around the edges... but kind of soft in a I’m too toxically masculine to deal with my softness sort of way that I love seeing characters grow out of as they mature. But when I go back and rewatch now, much older than I was in 2006 when I first started watching, I see how awful a lot of his older behavior truly was. I still love Dean, and I will be a Dean girl until I die probably, but sometimes you gotta remind yourself that your faves have been problematic in the past so you don’t put them up on fandom constructed pedestals.
10. Most disliked arc? Why? AND AS A BONUS, MY ANSWER to 11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I could write a literal essay about all of the problems I have with the later seasons (the ones I watched, which encompasses 6, 7, 8, and a few episodes of 9). But by far and away, the thing I hated most, was the Men of Letters.
Okay, this is where I am going to recognize my love of certain characters is at FUNDAMENTAL ODDS with how that character develops later and what history and background we get later on them. I RECOGNIZE this character is problematic, and I would NEVER STAND for his shit IRL, but fiction is complicated and nuanced, and fantastic circumstances do not make for normal behaviors. That being said, with all warnings I could possibly give, and with the full understanding that what I am about to say is basically fandom blasphemy of the highest order...
I like John Winchester’s character.
I know, I know. If you wanna stop reading and block me now, you are free to do that. I will not hold it against you. I am not about to apologize for anything he has done. I just need to contextualize why I have such an issue with the MOL storyline and it starts with the simple fact that I liked John Winchester as he was originally presented.
To me, and with the full understanding that I am answering this from the perspective of someone who DOES NOT regard anything past season 5 as personal canon, John Winchester is the perfect example of a truly complicated character. Here’s a parent who, if we take the pilot and the original s2 Djinn episodes at face value, could have been a great parent, who then got shoved into a fantastically impossible situation and made terrible choices that he thought were necessary in order to keep himself and his sons safe. That does not EXCUSE the heaps of abuse that he piled onto Dean in any way. We know John and Mary didn’t have a great marriage. But we also know from the pilot that John was at least a caring and present father, mostly,  for the 4 years he got to parent in a normal world, and that if Mary had lived, John would’ve been a softball playing dad who raised his kids and had a loving marriage with his wife. (Again, I need to reiterate, I did not watch anything past the early episodes of s9. If there is later canon that negates this, I do not know about it, nor do I want to because I don’t think of anything past 5 as canon) This is all important to me because these things emphasize that John was “NORMAL”. He was a mechanic, from a family of mechanics, whose father didn’t bail on him (a man in the episode where Dean is transported back in time to Lawrence tells John to ‘say hi to your old man for me’ or something to that effect). He was just a midwestern dude. Giving John Winchester a fantastical background through this Men of Letters bullshit made me SO MAD. First of all, I hate when later canon negates previous canon. I cannon TELL you how much I hate it. And the later seasons of Supernatural are riddled with stuff that doesn’t make any damn sense in the context of original, Kripke written canon, which is exactly why I stopped watching. That’s not ~Evolution of the show.~ That’s conveniently forgetting stuff that made your show and its premise so successful to begin with in order to keep filming episodes so you can keep making money. It’s the sacrifice of art for capitalism and yes I know this is a stupid TV show but as a writer myself it PISSES ME OFF.
ALSO, the idea that this toxically masculine family was set on this path by Heaven, and inherited this curse that put them on this path from their mother was such a good plot twist in its heyday. We spent four seasons thinking of Mary Winchester as a victim of circumstance, whose fate could not have been avoided because she was the mother to Sam, who is effectively cursed. And then, we learn that its BECAUSE of Mary that this ball even got rolling in the first place. IDK if you were around for that time in the fandom but at least in my circle, this was a big fucking deal. There had been so much (rightful) discourse about John before this, and what kind of parent he was, that Mary became almost deified in the same way Dean deifies her. And then we find out that this whole story gets set in motion by a decision she made because this was the life she found herself in. This was great. It was interesting. And even though the MOL doesn’t negate any of this, it does give John this weirdly fantastical that isn’t necessary. Let this guy be just some Joe Schmoe who fell in love with a kick ass hunter and had no idea any of this even existed. Let Mary and her want to be ‘normal’ be a complicated moral choice that fundamentally altered the paths of her husband and sons. It’s good tv!
Also, I fucking hate the bunker. The best episodes are Dean and Sam having moments in the car, or while in motel rooms on their cases, or whatever. I don’t mind them having a home base. I’m fine with that. But if a building could ever be a Mary Sue character, the bunker is it. I hate all of the MOL storyline, starting with this place.
I may not even tag this as Supernatural, I don’t need angry later season stans in my inbox.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
There’s nothing good about anything that happened after season 6. It’s all a bunch of retconning bullshit. Season 6 had its moments where it was interesting, so I cut it a little bit of slack, but as far as I’m concerned, the show ended in season 5. I’m not sure that’s necessarily unpopular, but it does feel that way on tumblr, so. 
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Aside from ending it in season 5?
Oooh, I’m about to blaspheme again. I am definitely not tagging this as Supernatural.
I would never have introduced Castiel, and I would’ve given that entire storyline to Anna. Or, alternatively, I would’ve flipped their story lines.
Look, for whatever it’s worth... I agree with the idea that Dean Winchester is a repressed bisexual. His Dr. Sexy love, the entire storyline with Benny in season 8, etc. I just don’t think he feels romantically about Castiel. And like, that’s okay! Just because you’re not into someone who is into you doesn’t mean you owe them a relationship or anything, no matter what the fandom thinks.
But I also think Dean has a big problem when it comes to women. Again, obviously later on in the series, Dean shifts and Charlie happens and Claire Novak and I know all of these things from gifs okay, context is not applicable here because I have none. But early on, Dean struggles A LOT with thinking of women as A) capable and B) trustworthy. He exists in a perpetual state of identifying women along the Madonna/Whore binary. Even Jo, however you feel about her, and to be clear, I loved Jo, but he doesn’t stop thinking of her really as a kid until they’re about to shoot the devil. Up until then, he’s genuinely surprised Ellen lets her out of the damn house.
Giving him a strong, capable woman who rebels against Heaven for HIM would have fundamentally altered Dean’s perceptions of women much earlier on than we get and would have forced him to examine some of that misogyny head on.
Dean has no problems trusting men. This is why the entire Gordon fiasco happens, right? It was less work for him to trust Castiel because Castiel is the inverse of Ruby. Angel to her Demon. Angels and demons don’t really have genders, but for the sake of presentation of vessels, man to her woman. Not even getting me started on the problematic parts of having significant demons mostly symbolized by women (Meg, Ruby, Lilith) and having significant angels mostly represented by Men (Castiel, Michael, Lucifer, Zachariah, Gabriel, Raphael), and how that ties into the idea of Original Sin and yada yada, but just like it’s interesting to have Mary and her decisions be the catalyst for the story, it’s interesting to have this badass warrior angel in Anna who marches down to Hell to yank Dean out, and through her interactions with him, decide to rebel against the ultimate patriarchy, while Dean gets an equally strong female counterpart to Sam’s Ruby, a woman for all intents and purposes that he respects as a soldier and an ally and not just a potential piece of ass.
Also, Castiel fans being literally unbearable is why I left the fandom. Nothing against Misha or anything, and not even anything against Cas as a character (who I very much enjoyed in seasons 4 and 5), but his fans have always been the worst and they try to insert him into everything.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Castiel/Destiel fans, which even though I also hated the direction the show was going, drove me out of the fandom. Not like, personally or directly, but just the sheer mental hoops they had to jump through in order to make their ship work and I just got tired of seeing all of the contrived meta on my dash. Oh, and the rampant misogyny that came out of those early Castiel fans. I didn’t appreciate it from the Wincest corner, and I definitely didn’t appreciate it from the fans of the new guy. Gross.
22. Popular character you hate?
Oof. I don’t know. I don’t really hate Castiel, because again, I liked him a lot in seasons 4 and 5. Even 6 was interesting, even if I don’t regard it as my own personal show canon. I don’t think there was a popular character in those first five seasons I ever really hated. I didn’t fundamentally hate a character at all until the MOL stuff came around. Um. Yeah, I don’t really have an answer for this.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Pretty much every female character ever. Jo, Ellen, Ruby, Meg... although Meg became more popular as the series went on, Anna. Um. OH, BELA. Bela ESPECIALLY, I recently rewatched season 3 and I cannot emphasize how MUCH I love Bela. She was the best purely human foil ever. Bela is hands down the character I love most that the fandom had frothing at the mouth hatred for. It doesn’t help that I legitimately think Lauren Cohan is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. But seriously, Bela. Hands down.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? 
I have! Many of times, and ALWAYS WITH THE CAVEAT to stop at the end of season 5. Not a single one of them has listened to me and almost all of them came to me at the end of the finale and were like WHY DID I WASTE SO MUCH TIME, and I don’t want to say I told them so, but like, I explicitly in neon colored text once told them so, so like, idk what to tell them. But yes! I think if someone is interested in some classic mystery television that has an overarching theme of family and forgiveness and striking out against the boxes that life tries to put us all into, SPN is a great show. But only the first 5 seasons. Also, be prepared for some thematically problematic parts of the show because there’s a lot of cishet toxic masculinity in those early seasons, and we should examine our media critically. There’s also a lot of good though too, and IMO, the good outweighs the bad.
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I would’ve ended it at season 5. I would’ve had Sam escape the pit and seen him standing under the street lamp, but then I would’ve had him walking away to leave Dean with Lisa (btw, side note, I DIDN’T like Lisa because I don’t think Dean would ever be truly happy with someone completely outside the life). Not because Sam doesn’t love his brother, but because he *does* love his brother, and because he would want Dean to be happy, even though Dean and Sam’s ideas of what makes the other happy have always been a little bit screwed up.. but that’s a different story.
27. Least shippable character?
Probably Zachariah. God, could you imagine? And... maybe Alastair, but I’m sure there are fics out there that I do not want to think about.
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