#james potter x deaf!reader
ddejavvu · 1 year
hi !! if you’re still taking, could i request a james potter x deaf/hoh reader? something fluffy, it’s impossible to find anything like that 😫
please tell me if there's any inaccuracies here! the sign for lunch that i used is specifically ASL, sorry if it's not the one you'd use </3
Professor Binns is a nightmare. You struggle to read his lips, because they're silvery puffs of vapor, and they blend in too easily with the rest of his semi-transparent body. And his drawl isn't loud enough for you to catch, even if it does reverberate around the dusty classroom.
That's why James, the loudest student in the class, has been assigned your translator.
1617 - last recorded incident of death by flobberworm. He scrawls on your paper, and you snort.
Last? You ink onto the page, redipping your quill, Or only?
I think the guy ate one. James squints at the board, I can barely read his writing.
No one can. That's why you need a translator to begin with, because you can't hear him, and you can't read his chicken scratch.
You realize while Binns drones on that your paper is covered in notes. You slip a new piece out of your bag, and James is already frantically translating, hands moving a mile a minute.
He's signing now, 1589 first recorded death by flobberworm. It- He falters, face collapsing into a grimace, It crawled into his mouth while he was sleeping and he choked on it.
Gross, you sign back, scribbling the info onto your new page, Any more?
That's it, James signs, shaking his head, And I think- He pauses, I think he's letting us go.
There's a rush of movement around you, and you scramble to keep up. James is packed before you are, because the boy has some insane ability to remember information without taking notes on it, so he has nothing to pack. He hands you your notes as you wrestle with your notebook, and you take them with a quick sign of thank you.
Lunch? James signs, a quick eat at his mouth then noon with his arms. Then he fingerspells, Sirius and Remus are saving our seats.
You don't need to sign back okay for him to get the message, all you do is nod with a smile, and take his hand. He doesn't need to sign I love you, either, you know by the squeeze of his hand.
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soleilnewspaper · 4 months
Ever since Potions class…
Series masterlist
Summary: In the wake of your feelings being revealed, Sirius and Remus are forced to face the aftermath. James grows increasingly frustrated with the two and decides to play matchmaker.
Pairing: poly!wolfstar x fem!reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of self loathing and one’s inner demons, swearing, use of Y/N.
Word count: 3.6k
AN: Okay so I’m not sure if I entirely love how this turned out but here we go. If you do enjoy this, please do all the tumblr things, reblog, like and ect!! Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.
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In the wake of your impulsive rush out of class left your classmates were left in a state of shock and amusement.
A few snickers from the group of girls situated near left wing right at the back was the Professor’s last straw. It goes without saying. Hormonal teenagers and love potions never pair well together.
“Could we perhaps return to the lesson?” Slughorn’s voice momentarily brought the classroom to a silent halt. “I highly doubt this will be on your potions exam.” He stated making sure to put extra emphasis on this in reference to the gossiping girls.
His voice fell to deaf ears as the class continued to grow louder.
“Bloody hell, do ye not have anythin’ better to do your lives?” A voice shouted from the back of the classroom causing everyone to focus on the blonde Gryffindor girl it had come from.
“Thank you for your effort, Miss McKinnon but I urge you to consider a calmer approach.”
If looks could kill, Slughorn would be done for with the way the girl was death glaring him. Yet, she had still managed to shut them all up.
Slughorn attempted to get back on topic, his patience wearing thin but he prevailed for his love for the subject outweighed it. A hand raise from Lily Evans was quick to send the man back into a warm smile as she answered the questions about the potion.
Not long afterwards the lesson fell back into place. Slughorn droning on and on about Amortentia. His words seamed to blur together for Remus. Despite his multiple attempts to focus his efforts proved unsuccessful.
The werewolf glanced down at his notes and came to the conclusion that none of it would be useful. Much of it was incoherent and jumbled together in a sea of words.
Thankfully he was not the only one struggling to understand what had transpired only moments ago. His honey brown eyes met sliver ones. Those belonging to his beloved boyfriend next to him. Who was receiving a very concerned look from one James Potter and two Peter Pettigrew.
James mouthed something to Sirius but for the life of him he couldn’t understand it. Growing more frustrated by the minute as he tried to speak to his best friend in hushed tones. Neither boy wanting to get detention, for the third time this month.
“Of for-“ The black haired boy was interrupted by the feeling of his boyfriend’s hand on his shoulder. A silent message was conveyed between the two; not here.
The class was excruciating long before the professor finally dismissed them. The walls of the dungeon seemed to feel longer than normal. That unmistakably English autumn breeze making its way through the cracks.
Students blurred together in a sea of red and green. Some rushing to their next class, others looking for a spot to spend their free period.
“Moons..” Sirius’s voice brought Remus back into reality. The elegant sound dripping with concern and undertones of confusion- no that wasn’t it - it was fear.
“Hmm, love?” Remus responded with tired eyes, and a smile which was far from being real. The werewolf wasn’t sure who he was trying to conceive, Sirius or himself.
Remus felt as Sirius hands slipped into his own. Far more gentle than usual. Public displays of affection were often very much not gentle when it came to Sirius Black. The protective nature of his presence was anything but subtle with his affections.
The two boys remained just like that for a few moments. Silent, in a crowded hallway but their eyes only remained on each other.
A chuckle escaped Remus’s lips which left Sirius frowning his brows in confusion. That confusion only intensified when his chuckle turned into a roar of laughter. Very much uncharacteristic of Remus John Lupin.
“Merlin, do you need Madam Prompery?” Sirius said with a mild grin starting to grow.
“Fuck-“ Remus put his free hand on his lover’s chest his expression betraying his serious tone. “Your cologne really is strong.”
“I hate you.”
“As if you could ever.” Remus warmth was spread into his smile. Sirius shaking his head before running a hand through his hair.
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James Potter hated how his friends claimed he ‘mothered’ them to much, but in all honesty they needed it. Not so secretly he loved it.
Most recently his patience was wearing dangerously thin. Due to two of his best friends.
It had been over a month since your incident in potions class. The school had long since moved on and it was old news by now.
A fact which James was not fully content with. He had told himself that this was just the process. Remus and Sirius were dealing with it on their own terms. No need to meddle. Simple as that.
However, day by day it becomes more difficult to not meddle. Surely, they should have some reaction by now. Well, a normal reaction.
Their reactions were not what he wanted to classify as normal. First, it started with Remus using sarcasm as a coping mechanism to brush it under the rug. Then Sirius added in the combination of avoidance and lashing out.
James loved his two friends dearly. Truly, he did but they were driving him into insanity. For James Potter had an ego the size of England but a heart of gold.
So when two of his best friends continued to avoid dealing with the fact that you had feelings for them, he was granted a little lean way. Especially, since he knows they both feel the same for you.
Years of feeling unloved has undoubtedly left a mark on Sirius. Where he refuses to disrupt the balance he has created with Remus in fear it’ll all come crashing down.
Remus, on the other hand, was full of self loathing and stubbornness. Meaning he would not be admitting anything either.
Which is exactly what lead James to break his own rule of no meddling.
Sirius had just began to remove his Qudditch gear when James dragged him by the ear. Causing the rest of the team to watch in confusion as the two boys walked out of sight.
Once they reached out of earshot from the rest of the team, James let go of Sirius ear. The black haired boy’s hand instantly went to touch his ear rubbing it. While his best friend stared at him through his glasses.
“Merlin, what the hell Prongs?” Sirius asked in attempt to understand the sudden change in his mood.
“You can’t keep avoiding it.”
“Avoiding what?” Sirius frowned his brows having absolutely no clue what James was on about.
“Pads, you cannot seriously be this blind.” James dumbfounded running his hands over his face.
“Mate you’ve lost me.”
“Oh for the love of Godric.” James removed his hands from his face and took a deep breath before stepping closer towards Sirius. Placing his palms on Sirius’s shoulders.
“You. Have. Feelings. For. Y/N.” James stated drawing out every word individually.
“You. Are. Actually. Mental.” Sirius replied in the same tone James had used on him.
“Pads, I see how you look at her. I’d been be blind not to.” James voice soften as he looked into the eyes of his best friend.
“I cannot stand her.”
“No, that’s just want you’ve been telling yourself to avoid your feelings. You did the same thing with Remus.” James concurred.
“I never hated Remus.” Sirius scoffed at James’s statement.
“You’re right, you never hated Remus but you did push him away when things got to real.”
Sirius and James stared at each other for a few minutes until Sirius broke. It felt like it would last an eternity.
“Fine, I do.” Sirius shrugged Jame’s hands off his shoulders. “It’s driving me fucking crazy, alright?”
“It is all I think about most days. Not matter what I do, how hard I try, I can’t get her out of my goddamn mind. “ His voice begins to raise with every word that leaves his mouth but he didn’t stop there.
“How fucking screwed am I-that- that I can’t stop thinking about some girl when I already have most wonderful guy to ever exist. Huh?”
“You don’t think I see that. You don’t think I carry that I feel like shit every day-“ Sirius breathing became heavier with every moment that passed practically hitching after every syllable.
“Hey, hey, hey, deep breathes Pads.” James steadied Sirius holding him in place with both hands on either side of his arms. Sirius nodded in response allowing himself to calm down.
“Did you forget she smelled Remus too?” James smiled making sure to remain eye contact with Sirius.
“Course not. I’d never forget someone else smelling my boyfriend in Amortentia.”
“Siri, she has feelings for both of you. You have feelings for both of them. Is it making sense yet?”
“But what about Remus?”
“Were you dropped as a child?”
Sirius hand flew to hit his best friend lightly across the head at his comment.
“Oi, don’t hate the messenger.” James smirked before ducking his head before Sirius could land another hit. “Remus wants what you want. The two of you are just to stubborn to see the other feels the same way.”
As almost if a lightbulb went off in his head, everything became clear to Sirius. Without another word, the dark haired boy sprinted towards the library leaving James alone behind the tents.
“Thank you James for opening my eyes.” James threw his arms up into the air while intimating his best friend’s voice.
“Sure no problem.” James made his way back to the Quidditch locker rooms, mumbling incoherently under his breath.
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The library was filled with the imperceptibly squeaking recognisable as the souls of Madam Pince’s shoes. The librarian’s breath felt down the hairs on the necks of students who dared touch her precious books. Outside the setting sun could be spotted in the distance. Its rays streaming through the glass windows.
A tall werewolf sat hunched over a wooden table brimming with books of all kinds. Pools of chocolate irises trained on the words displayed on the worn pages. Sandy brown waves framed his scarred face.
A gush of wind blew over the boy drawing him out of his reading. His head rose allowing his eyes to scan the room for what the cause of the wind was. A soft smile creeped up his cheeks when he spotted his beloved.
Nevertheless the smile was fleeting. Not lasting longer than a few trivial seconds before turning into a concerned frown. Sirius ‘s form darted towards Remus rapidly.
Beads of sweat dripped from his skin. A result of running directly after qudditch practice from the pitch to the library. Strands of black hair fell from his ponytail to lay around the ends of his jaw.
“Everything alright, love?” Remus asked gently. Not fully sure or ready for what would be awaiting him once Sirius decided to open his mouth.
Slowly he took a step towards Sirius, followed by a few more until he was inches away from him. Only then did he notice how his sliver eyes were glossy and red. The sight sent a shiver through Remus’s core causing chain reaction to occur.
His hands found their way to the contours of Sirius’s face. “What happened?” The hints of anger from protectiveness in Remus gentle voice told Sirius he truly had no idea what he was about to say.
“We have feelings for Y/N.” The use of we told Remus everything he needed to know. Remus pulled his brows together. Nodding his head to try to comprehend the thought.
“Okay, and we are both sure of this?” Remus conceded.
“What do we do, Rem?” Sirius breathed out, leaning into Remus’s touch. Using him as the pillar which supported him and kept him from falling apart.
“Honestly, er, communication is good, or so I’ve been told.” Remus fingers softly rubbing the sides of Sirius face in circular motions.
“Wait, hold up, when did we come to this conclusion?” Remus dropped his hands but didn’t make any move to leave Sirius’s side.
“Twenty minutes ago.”
“Right, er, well, I’m goin’ to need more than that, love.”
“Let’s just say James was involved.” Sirius explained blankly. Remus chuckled at that, imagining James in full ‘mom’ mode.
“Moons, you do feel the same, right?” Sirius interwoven his fingers with Remus’s letting his eyes fall onto them for a moment. His voice insecure now, betraying himself.
“You’re not the only one. I feel it too.” Remus hung his head low. Staring at his fingers interlocked with his boyfriend’s. “Ever since…”
“Ever since potions class.” Sirius finished his sentence for him.
“Siri, why did you not say anything before?” It was Remus’s turn to be concerned now.
“I thought you would hate me.”
“Sirius, what gave you that fucking idea?” Remus started to ready his speech he’d given his boyfriend countless times before, but then stopped, deciding this situation called for a different approach.
“You already forgave me for…well..everything..I couldn’t tell you I had feelings for someone else..” Sirius attempted to avoid Remus’s glaze, but of course he wasn’t having it. Remus used his index finger to lift Sirius’s chin to ensure he was looking at him.
“I thought I was betraying you in some way. By having feelings for someone who wasn’t you.” Remus confessed what had been lying heavily on his mind for a long time now.
“I didn’t even fully accept that I had feelings, until James forced it out of me.” Sirius let out a deep breath.
Remus closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Sirius who in return wrapped his own around Remus’s lanky waist.
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The darkness of Sirius family name haunted him in more ways than one. Vulnerability was not something he was taught. Therefore, Remus needed to tread carefully. For he knew the consequences Sirius’s darkness could cause. Remus understood that Sirius almost never dealt well with such situations.
Remus had his own demons, which differed from the ones Sirius battled. Self loafing was Remus’s chosen method of poison. Purely created by the treatment he had seen his kind receive. The same treatment which his parents, friends and lover had sworn to protect him from.
In spite of the fact that their darkness were far from the same. The two wizards had learned to navigate through each other’s absence’s of lights.
Yet in the wake of their newfound discovery they were facing uncharted territory. Your pure existence had thrown disrupted the balance between the two of them. Yet, neither one seamed to feel any resentment towards you for it. Instead the thought of your presence only brought warmth and comfort to them both. They had known you for years, not candidly. Rather in the form of sharing classes with you or passing you in the hallway. Additionally, there was the fact that you seamed quite close with Sirius’s younger brother. That they knew to be a fact.
They did know you, they had been picking up on things about you for months. Perhaps for Sirius he had been doing so since the moment his brother invited you to their home all those summers ago.
Neither one ever thought anything would come from it, which is why they denied any interest in you. Not that anyone had ever thought there was to begin with.
With heads hung low and fingers intertwined, Sirius and Remus entered their shared dorm.
James was in the midst of writing an essay for charms class. His reasoning for leaving said essay to the last minute was the pressure would advance his argument. Pranking first years with Sirius three days ago had nothing to do with it.
The sound of water coming from the faucet indicated that Peter had taken the chance to shower.
Sirius padded over to his empty bed and let himself fall back onto the red blanket. Laying flat on his back with his feet dangling off.
Remus began to untie his tie feeling a relief when he was able to undo his top button. Exchanging his robes for a sweater and comfortable loose fitting pants which hung low on his hips.
James peered through his glasses to see for any indication that his efforts had been successful.
“I take it you two talked?” James temporarily turned his attention away from his essay. He would pull an all nighter if it meant his friends were happy.
A nod from Remus and a grunt from Sirius were the only responses he received.
“We’re still deciding what our next steps are.” Remus sighed leaning against one of the pillars of his bed.
“Our lives are fucking screwed.” Sirius mumbled into his pillow.
“Okay, that’s a tad dramatic.” Remus moved to sit by the foot of Sirius bed. Moving his legs to lay them on his lap.
“Here’s a thought.” James began, making sure both boys were listening before continuing. “Talk to her.”
“Got any other ideas?” Sirius raised his head from the pillow to side glance James earning himself a disapproving head shake.
James lounged forward on the sheets of his bed to grab the nearest pillow which was sent flying to Sirius’s head.
“Oh Godric, OH GODRIC.” James sudden outburst caused Remus to raise an eyebrow.
“Must I do everything for you, then?” James stood up from his bed planting himself in the centre of the room with hands on his hips.
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It had never been your intention to come between a couple. Nor did you ever hope to be the cause of any issues in a relationship.
You had actively planned to get over your feelings for Sirius and Remus. Yet, they only grew more than you could have ever imagined.
In order to try move on you avoided Remus at every available opportunity. While you annoyed Sirius beyond expectation making him hate you. Which in turn made you somehow convince yourself you hated him.
Neither fact was true. You did not hate Sirius nor did he hate you. Both of you were just trying to ignore what you felt for each other.
Even so, your avoidance of Remus never proved successful. Your heart longed for him as much as it did for his boyfriend.
Thankfully, you had thought no one had noticed your growing infatuation with them. Then, potions class happened. Now everyone knew.
Avoidance had proved again to be your saving grace. You honestly do not know how you would have survived the week without it. Skipping classes might have been detrimental to your overall grade but it was a cost you were willing to take. For the time being, anyway.
The only problem was when you avoided them your friends grew increasingly suspicious of your intentions. Particularly Regulus, who had heard in passing about your ‘incident’.
You missed being able to stare at them in hallways when no one was looking. Or watch the way they laughed with their friends in the great hall.
Unknowingly to you, the boys had been trying to track you down all day. They could not go to your dorm because you resided in a different house to them. House members would undoubtedly become suspicious if word spread of the two attempting to find a way into your dormitory this morning.
Remus made the suggestion to entrust the guidance of your friends. Sirius opposed the idea as one of your friends including Regulus.
Luckily, fate had other plans for the three of you.
After a long day full of classes you could hardly wait to return to the tranquility only your dorm could offer.
The moment your eyes met the sliver and brown hues of your favourite boys. You gave up on tranquility entirely.
Every instinct streamed at you to run away. If it hadn’t been for Sirius, you would have listened to them.
“Y/N!” Sirius called out to you, as if you could ignore him now.
“Hello Sirius.” You offered some general decently, it was the least you could do, you thought. “And hi to you Remus.”
“Could we please talk?” Remus’s voice was timid, more so than you had ever heard before.
“Listen, I truly am sorry for what happened. Please know that I don’t expect anything from either one of you-“
“Stop, Y/N, could you let us speak please?” Remus’s voice warmed your ears more than you liked. That voice could fix anything you thought. You offered a small nod in response to his ask.
“Rem and I, we’ve-well…you see..fuck. God, why is this so hard, okay. I-we wanted you to know that..have feelings for you!” Sirius barely managed to get out his sentence before he blurted it out point blank.
“Excuse me?” Your eyes widened in complete and utter shock. This was not at all what you were expecting.
“Both of us. When you smelled us in the Amortentia, it got us thinking-and-well we realised that we both share feelings for you.” Remus explained more gently than Sirius, emphasising his syllables.
“What does this mean?” You chocked out.
Sirius and Remus exchanged looks sharing a message between themselves which left you feeling more despondent.
“We did some research, well, Remus did and I consulted James and Lily.” Sirius stated, choosing to use the word consulted instead of admit that Lily and James had been piecing it together for him for the last few days.
Remus waited for you to give any indication that you still felt comfortable before he continued for Sirius. A simple head nod from you gave him the reassurance he needed.
“Are you aware of the term polyamory?” Remus asked you gently, bringing his hands together before himself.
“I’ve heard of it, yes.” Your voice took on a different tone as you continued to feel confused by the boy’s actions.
“Well, we want to try it, with you, I mean.” Sirius breathed out.
“What he means is, if you’re open to it of course. We were wondering how you would feel being a third in our relationship.” Remus stepped towards you, leaving little to no distance between him and you.
Remus’ honey brown eyes shimmed with affection. Though you weren’t quite sure who it was meant for.
Sirius’ head cocked to the side ever so slightly resembling that of a lost puppy. Dark hair falling in disarray. Whilst Remus kept his focus on you. Resisting the urge to take your fingers into his own.
They both desperately awaited your response.
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Taglist: @maraudersforlife2005, @h3arts4strs
If you would like to be added to the taglist, please tell me in the comments!! Thank you lovelies 💗💗💗
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curseofhecate · 1 year
Too early
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James Potter x reader
You promised Lily you would meet her in the library to study but it's too early and James want you to stay with him in bed.
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"Where are you going, love?" a very tired James Potter asked. You almost didn't hear him as his words were muffled by the pillows. "I told you, I have to meet Lily in the library. I promised I'd study with her for the final exams and I have canceled our plans twice already."
You were met with silence. You thought he might have fallen asleep again when he spoke.
"What time is it?"
In his half conscious state, James thought he misheard you when your answer was 'close to six thirty'. It took one glance at the clock on the bedside table for him to realize you were actually telling the truth.
"That's too early" he complained sitting up.
"Come back to bed".
You made your way over to the bed, leaning down to place a soft kiss on his forehead. "Sorry love, but I promised Lily I'd be there on time."
Your words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the boy grabbed ahold of your wrist, pulling you towards the bed. "James!" you scolded. "I really have to go."
"I know" he mumbled, wrapping his arms around you, head buried in the crook of your neck. "James, I'm serious."
The boy laughed before placing a quick kiss on your shoulder. "Can't you stay?" he asked quietly. "Just five more minutes."
"Please?" he asked hopefully.
You sighed looking down at your wrist to check the time. "Only five minutes and then I have to go, okay? Otherwise I'm gonna be late."
James cheered, falling backwards onto the bed, pulling you with him. You laughed at his antics, your head resting against his chest.
"I love you" he whispered, lips pressing softly against your forehead.
"I love you too, Bambi."
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mercurymilkshakes · 2 years
Pre-Christmas Gifts | Remus Lupin
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: remus lupin x gn! reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): none
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: remus went way over budget on your christmas gift, but it’s the thought that counts.
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓(𝐒): “that’s far too expensive!” “it’s alright.”
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There was a chilling breeze in the air. A slight wind that nipped at noses and cheeks, causing any exposed beings to shove their faces beneath layers upon layers of fluffy, warm clothing as they pushed through the flurry of sparkling white snow.
Observing the winter wonderland that had become of the world outside your ice-frosted window, you sighed gratefully into the mug of hot cocoa you’d swiped from the kitchens, thankful that you were indoors under a pile of cozy throw blankets instead of outdoors getting pelted by charmed snowballs on the Hogwarts grounds.
Although, you certainly wouldn’t mind the objectively peaceful atmosphere of the outside realm- at least compared to your current surroundings.
“Y/N, when are we gonna do gifts?” James Potter whined as he leaned over the back of the worn red common room couch and adjusted the jingling antler headband upon his head.
“It’s not even Christmas yet, pea brain.” You chuckled, sipping on the wonderfully sweet drink that kept your hands pleasantly warm.
“But we can hardly wait for tomorrow.” Sirius joined in the groaning, wrapping an arm around James’ shoulder and flicking the pom-pom of his elf hat away from his face so as to give you his best puppy dog eyes.
Peter quickly joined the mix, a much longer elf hat with opposite red and green stripes to Sirius’ adorning his own head.
“Pipe down, all of you.” Remus muttered tiredly, shuffling over in his ratty brown slippers to place a gentle kiss on your forehead before collapsing in the armchair next to the window seat you currently occupied.
You chuckled warmly at his exhausted state, “Have they been bothering you all night or something?”
“You’ve no idea.” He sighed, pushing his hair beneath the fluffy lining of his Santa hat- the one that perfectly matched your own.
“Pleaaaase?” James whined, “Just one gift! We can each pick just one gift from one person, right? That way we still have gifts tomorrow!”
You sigh heavily. After hours upon hours of the boys’ endless complaining, you found yourself defeated by their tirelessness.
“One present.” You warn, raising a single finger to emphasize your statement.
Even with a hand over his eyes, Remus could tell that you’d made the action, and decidedly joined you by raising his unoccupied hand in a crude gesture, “Just one.”
You laugh at the sight of his middle finger and swat at his arm, causing him to chuckle and pull his hand away from his eyes, looking at you with mirth and adoration as the other three boys began jumping up and down in excitement.
“I choose Sirius’ gift!” James shouted, dashing for the medium, poorly wrapped box beneath one of the three Christmas trees in the Gryffindor common room.
“Aw, mate, you don’t wanna do that.” Sirius laughed with a shake of his head.
His words fell on deaf ears as James was already tearing at the paper and practically gnawing through the tape.
Just as suddenly as he had opened the gift, the unsuspecting box pushed a volcano of confetti directly in the boy’s face.
The room erupted in cackles as James furiously tried to huff the little red and green bits out of his nose.
“I warned you,” Sirius grinned proudly, “Could have been worse too, there was a sale on stink bombs that Peter had to force me not to buy.”
“You’re welcome.” Peter nodded with a sly smile, knowing the mess that the confetti caused was likely much more awful than Sirius’s original plan.
James ignored the mess and reached into the box, pulling out a small golden ball that unfurled its delicate wings at his touch, “Where’d you get a snitch?”
“Stole it from the school’s quidditch supplies, obviously.” Sirius stated in a ‘duh’ tone.
“Thanks, Pads, this is really neat.” A glint reflected off the boys glasses as he tossed the snitch in the air. A small shimmer of gold and subtle firelight from the fireplace he sat aside.
“Yeah, yeah, my turn! I pick… Y/N’s.” He snatched the gift bag from the ground and tossed the tissue paper to the floor, eagerly pulling out a large leather-bound book with gold embellishments.
Despite your dissatisfaction with the boys for having forced you to cave, you sat up ever so slightly to see the boy’s reaction.
“It’s.. a book?” Sirius seemed confused, and even the slightest bit disappointed.
“Read the front, dumbass.” Remus jerked his head as Peter took the book from his hands and turned it over, forcing it back into his hold.
“The marauders…” Sirius read, “a collection of family photos and portraits.”
Still confused, he unclasped the book and observed the first page, which has a messy collage of enchanted photographs depicting him and his dear friends, “You made a… family scrapbook? For us?”
“I just- I wanted you to always remember that there’s more than one kind of family…”
Sirius having been disowned the previous summer had affected all the group differently- but one thing that they had all maintained was that even if Sirius’s parents didn’t want him to think so, he always had a family in you and the boys.
“It’s… it’s brilliant, thank you.” Sirius blinked heavily and turned the pages gingerly, as if scared he would ruin them with anything more than a feather-light touch.
You smiled gently, sending a thankful look to the others, who had helped you put together the scrapbook with collections of their own photos.
“My turn,” Peter smiled, picking randomly off the small pile of his gifts, “I suppose it’s James’.”
Carefully, he tore away the messy bow and wrapping paper to reveal a brand new wizards chess set.
“Because I absolutely destroyed your last one.” James chuckled sheepishly, “Still sorry about that, by the way.”
“It’s alright. Now we can have a rematch after dinner.” Peter challenged lightheartedly, not having been affected by the loss of his previous chess set as much as James’ guilty conscious thought.
“You’re on.” James grinned.
“Well- I already know what Wormtail got me.” Remus plucked the gift bag off his own pile of presents, reaching in and tugging out a chocolate bar, opening it and breaking it apart, offering you some as he stuffed his own piece in his mouth.
“Thanks, Pete.” He uttered with his mouth full, earning a chuckle and shake of Peter’s head.
“Your turn, Y/N.” James urged, shuffling over to your pile, readying to bring you whatever you chose.
“Hmmm…” You considered your options as you set your empty mug on a side table, recognizing Sirius’ poorly hidden mischievous look and deciding the safest option was the best, “I pick Remus’.”
James nodded diligently and found a small gift among the clutter, bringing it over to you and presenting it to you as if it were a knight’s sword being offered to your royal self.
You roll your eyes at his antics, grabbing the gift and tearing carefully through the wrapping, revealing a small, plush box that you popped open.
A bright, shiny gold pocket watch greeted you with a sparkling wink, the engravings of various animal prints surrounding the face.
As you looked closer, you realized the animal prints weren’t random, and were in fact all of your animagi prints- cloven hooves, paws and claws forming a brilliant, subtle pattern— and in the direct centre, an incredible full moon that seemed to shimmer with a realistic silver glow.
“Perhaps it had more meaning to me.” Remus admitted sheepishly, “I just thought…”
He trailed off as you clicked the watch open, realizing it wasn’t an ordinary time-telling pocket watch, but it also had an enchanted calendar in the top- depicting the moon cycles and the date of the next full moon.
“You keep tabs on me anyway, I just thought I’d maybe.. make your job a bit easier…”
He violently mistook the frown on your face for disappointment, and you realized this as he began to flush nervously and over-explain his choice of gift- so you decided to quiet his burning thoughts, “Remus, this is lovely, but… this is far too expensive.”
You knew his financial situation wasn’t necessarily the best thing in the world, and it worried you that he seemed to spend so much on such a fantastic gift. An enchanted gold pocket watch? It was definitely out of your agreed budget.
Yet he just smiled, and settled back in his seat, “Not if it’s for you. It’s alright.”
You grinned back at the boy, sharing in his stark look of love and affection as James hung himself over your shoulder in an attempt to see your gift better, being swatted away by Sirius, who was trying to do the exact same.
“Geez, Moony, and what’d you get us?” Sirius joked as he admired the detailing of your present.
“You’ll find out tomorrow, arsehole.”
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It’s been so long, but we are back with a Christmas gift! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, I hope you enjoy this little one shot I put together. - ♠️
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teenageheartthrob · 2 years
Miss Malibu and the Gentlemen Jacks -Poly Marauders
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A/N 1: ^ order from left to right is Peter, Remus, James, Sirius change my mind.
Category: Angst, Fluff
Ship: Poly Marauders (James Potter x Sirius Black x Remus Lupin x Reader)
Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism, swearing, references to addiction and illusions to rehab/treatment
Summary: Sirius isn't his usual self, and an intervention sheds some light on the situation.
Word Count: 5.1 k
A/N 2: I may have taken some inspiration from a PTV lyric- a follow will come to anyone who spots it ;) Also I don't and never will write for Peter Pettigrew, soz not soz.
You liked a drink as much as the next person. Hell, everyone you knew drank, and there was no way anyone could stop teenagers from doing so, even at Hogwarts.
It was the '70s after all.
Sirius Black more than anyone, had a reputation as a party animal, for lack of a better word. However, of late, he had been letting things get out of hand, and you had noticed. You all had.
During one late night party in the Gryffindor common room (you had forgotten the occasion), the animagus had become...unhinged, to a whole new level.
By midnight, Sirius had somehow lost his shirt, burnt through two bottles of fire whiskey, one bottle of meed and was steadily working his way through a forth bottle- a charming muggle drink called wine. He found it most agreeable.
"Oh come on now, Y/N," he had said, "let's not kid ourselves. We all know I'm nothing without my favourite girl..." Even through a cloudy, dizzying haze, his glassy eyes locked with yours and for a moment, your heart skipped a beat. You hated the uncertainty of your feelings. Turning his attention to the crowd before him, he professed his love. "...My favourite girl, Miss Rosé, that is!"
The statement, accompanied with a classic Black wink, had you all in fits of laughter so powerful your sides began to hurt.
You were just drunk enough to laugh at anything, but not yet drunk enough to miss the obvious.
For a moment, even through your own vaguely unfocused eyes, you thought you saw a flash of pain through your best friend's dark, mesmerising eyes. You brushed it off as he held up his now almost empty bottle victoriously, draining it with a final swig.
Remus remained close to you and the other Marauders. He stood, more sober than any of you, running his eyes over his three best friends.
His golden-brown irises rolled back in his skull at Sirius' performance, but what didn't go unnoticed to the lycanthrope was the way your gaze remained fixed on the shaggy-haired teen, analysing him as though he was a specimen.
The twinge Remus felt in his heart was one that was becoming a little too familiar for his liking. It made him squirm. He felt dirty, wrong for feeling...jealous?
Truthfully, he had no idea what he was experiencing or why his closest friends suddenly made him so nervous. It was if the wolf inside of him sensed something the bookworm could not. It drove him crazy.
Remus always knew everything.
James had moved to stand just below Sirius in order to help him clamber down from the table upon which he had previously been standing.
"D'you see me, Prongs?"
"Yes, Pads," James chuckled affectionately, "we all saw you."
With his feet firmly on the ground, Sirius hummed musingly, his brows knitting as his addled brained discovered he had drained his supply of suppressants for the evening.
His slurred complaints to James fell upon deaf ears, the brunet was more occupied with trying to capture a mental picture of his best friend, and the way his long, dark hair fell over his eyes.
That was the first night any of you had begun to notice that Sirius Black had a problem, as much as you hated to admit it. Yet, his motives for this behaviour remained a mystery, and that was the way Sirius intended to keep it.
His heart was heavy.
Loving one person was overwhelming enough, but the animagus' heart was collapsing under love for three. It was not one love split three ways, but a lifetime of love for each of them.
Yes, Sirius Black was in love, with all three of his best friends.
It was stupid of him, cruel even, to assume that you would want someone like him. A screw up, a prankster, a disowned teenager who already relied on his friends for most of his joy.
All sparks fade, he supposed. All dreams die eventually, even ones of a picket fence and a house with enough room four. He was completely idiotic.
Up until a few months ago, the young Black wasn't even sure that love existed. But he was sure that it was completely impossible for anyone else on earth to feel what he did, love how he did.
The way those emotions filled him, stretched to every corner of his body and mind, it was frankly remarkable that he even had room left inside of him for all the alcohol and other analgesics he had been religiously consuming of late.
Quite the feat really.
James Potter, Remus Lupin and yourself preferred to call it concerning at the least.
It was worth noting that the evening of the party, James Potter had confessed his love to and for Sirius Black, not that either of them would remember.
After James had quite literally dragged his best friend through the common room, eventually making it to the dorms, Sirius had made him promise to sit with him until he fell asleep.
James just couldn't help himself.
You see, the brunet, like Sirius, was in love. Not only with the raven-haired boy but his other two best friends as well. While James was more comfortable with this idea than Sirius, each of you remained blissfully unaware of each other's feelings.
So, as James sat beside Sirius' sleeping form, running his fingers through the boy's hair, he spilt his guts. How he loved him for who he was and how he fought against his family, even if it meant risking everything. How he hoped, more than anything, that the four of you would fall naturally into a loving, domestic bliss.
If only Sirius had put down the last bottle when he had the chance, perhaps things would have been different.
Two or three weeks went by, and it became unusual for anyone to catch a glimpse of the Black heir without a bottle, flask, or other concealed containment device.
Sirius was notorious for skipping classes 'just because', but now that he had discovered the secret remedy to getting through another day free of heartbreaking misery, he barely made it outside Gryffindor tower.
Quidditch, meals and the odd prank on Snivelly were the only regular exceptions.
For the most part, he was still his charming, funny self, at least when the booze was on board. But truth be told, he was disgusted- with himself mostly.
How sick and perverted did he have to be to not only fall for his closest friends, but three of them at once? Sirius supposed he could blame it on his upbringing, but even that did not justify it in his mind.
Something had to be wrong with him clinically, it was the only explanation. Some underdeveloped part of his brain, something that he couldn't consciously control. Maybe that way he could live with it.
After all, why in his right mind would he choose such a torturous fate, guaranteed to lose him the only one's he'd ever belonged with, willingly?
"He's got another bottle," the Gryffindor prefect muttered, eyes not leaving the worn pages of his book he read in his armchair by the fireplace.
As Remus had informed, a month after the infamous party, Sirius Black waltzed over to the couch in the Gryffindor tower, which you and the other Marauders were currently situated around.
The bottle of fire whiskey in his hands was already half gone, he found it was one of the easier liquors to handle. It was likely only his first drink of the day, however at 3pm, there were surely many more to come, as you'd grown to predict.
Thankfully, the animagus remained mostly lucid when under the influence, due to a usefully high alcohol tolerance, even with wizard drinks being stronger than muggle ones. However lately, while still remaining the Sirius Black you all knew and loved, he had a tendency to become cocky and evasive. It was something you were all fast becoming sick of.
You had all hoped that Sirius would back off on his own, calm down a little. Maybe he was just going through a partying phase, after all it wasn't uncommon. But the more time that went by, the more you came to realise that one of your best friends was suffering, potentially seriously- no pun intended.
You needed to do something, say something. Maybe you finally had your chance.
"Just leave it," James whispered harshly, dreading the unavoidable conversation. He couldn't bear to think about his closest confidant in anguish over something so terrible that he wouldn't dare to tell the brunet about it. The thought broke his heart. "He knows what he's doing."
"No," you countered, watching carefully and critically as the shaggy haired man flopped himself down onto the sofa, "I don't think he does."
"Remus," the man in question replied with a slight tip of his head.
"Haven't you had enough?" Your head whipped around to look at the werewolf, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. That was not the subtle way you had all agreed to handle the situation.
"'T's never enough, Mooney. You know that."
Sirius' casualty towards the issue stirred something up in the stag, who decided to join the conversation after all. "Pads, come on, mate. Put the drink down and come sit with us."
"I am sitting with you, James," the pureblood retorted sassily.
"Don't be a git," the taller boy replied, teeth primed to crash and slide against each other as they had so many times before.
You were watching it all unfold, recognising tell-tale signs of all the boy's anger levels rising. James' grinding teeth, Remus' scarred hands clenching into fists, Sirius' inability to look any of you in the eye.
Internally you wondered whether it was creepy that you had noticed those little details about your friends. A deep pit settled into your stomach at the thought.
You shook yourself from your doubts, you were sure you'd have to intervene soon. For now, you would have to see where the conversation was headed, hoping that the man you all cared about would realise the severity of the situation.
"Don't tell me what to do."
'Yep, time to jump in,' you decided.
"We haven't seen you without a bottle in your hands for weeks. Surely you recognise the implications." You questioned him sternly as you set your own book aside completely, concern wearing your patience for the usual antics thin.
"Everyone drinks. Don't be a prude, darling."
"Maybe, but not everyone drinks this much, Sirius. Or this often. You have a problem, even if you cant see it," you pleaded, praying he would see things from your perspective.
Your own frustration begun to mount exponentially as he remained silent, still draped across the burgundy couch, and raised the bottle to his rough lips once again.
The young Black didn't trust his own tongue in that moment, fire trickling from his new-found crutch and growing inside him.
No matter how angry he became, no matter how much you threw at him, he never wanted to hurt you back. Even if he decided you were better off without him in your lives, he couldn't be the one to leave. It would hurt you all too much, cut you too deeply, if he were the one to abandon you.
If you told him to go, however, came to the conclusion that he was not worth your time, he would do as you wished.
"Pads, we're here to help," Remus tried once more, upon seeing your unsuccessful attempts to break through Sirius' tightly guarded psyche. James and yourself sat anxiously by the ( softly crackling) fireplace, waiting for a reaction. "Don't you think it's time to pick up the pieces, you know, pull it together?"
That struck a nerve.
"And what's so good about picking up the pieces, Mooney?! Huh?! Why does everyone seem to think that's the right thing to do?!" Sirius spat out of nowhere. His tone took you more by surprise rather than actually harming you. All the same, it was not one you cared to hear.
"Why wouldn't you?" The wolf persisted.
"Because it means having to face shit I would rather avoid right now."
"And what's that?"
"This. You," Sirius gestured spitefully to the air around him, "this confrontational bullshit!"
That managed to shut Remus up quite effectively, however it launched James into a whole new gear. No one, not even his best mate, was going to get away with speaking to someone he loved like that. If only the brunet knew....
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Forget it, James. I shouldn't have said anything." Just like that, he retreated in on himself. As quickly as his fury had appeared, it was dissipating before your eyes. It was the most any of you had gotten out of him in weeks, you couldn't let that be the end.
"Oh no. Too late for that, Sirius." It was rare for James to use his friend's birth name. It felt sour on his tongue, considering the context.
"I said forget it, Prongs."
"Sirius," the bespectacled boy warned.
"James, you prat," Sirius spoke exaserbatedly, "will you j-"
"SIRIUS, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" You interrupted. Remus flinched at your volume. Your barriers had come crashing down, you had had enough.
This shit was about to end, and it was ending tonight.
The Gryffindor's mouth had been open, mid-sentence when you cut him off. Slowly, he brought his chapped, kissable lips together and sank meekly back into his seat. He didn't dare look a single one of his friends in the eye, least of all you.
He loved you, all of you. But now he saw how he had been hurting you. He was right after all, he discovered, you were so much better off without him.
Before he had ensconced himself amongst you, you had all looked so happy in each other's company, without him. Why did he think he even had a chance with a single one of you?
"What's been going on with you?" You inquired after the dust had a moment to settle. Your voice had shifted to one now softer and full of concern.
"Is it your family?" James took his turn questioning the man in front of him, whom his heart ached for as he appeared only a shell of his former self.
Sirius' usually well-groomed face was full of stubble, and the stag noted his eyes appeared hollow and sunken. They weren't full of his usual spark, as though he hadn't laughed for weeks on end. James supposed he hadn't, not really.
"What family?" Black scoffed weakly, his grasp on his lifeline of a bottle tightening in response to the interrogation he was under. "You three are the only family I have."
"And we're here for you, mate. So tell us what's going on."
"Homework? OWLs?" You and the lycanthrope each guessed.
A tear he hadn't felt forming slipped down Sirius' cheek, as they had so many nights previous. He was weak, tired of fighting and ready to succumb to the inevitable- your judgement.
Sirius gave up his biggest secret, his reason for living, even if living required a little numbing to get by.
"Merlin...you really don't get it, do you?" You each gave him a questioning look, Remus' heart clutching as his eyes connected with Sirius'. "This is it for me," he whispered hoarsely, words sticking in his throat like glue. It made the process even more torturous. "These moments are my life. These years are all I'll ever be good for or deserve, and even then I'm not sure I'm worthy of it all."
"That's not true, Padfoot, you know that." The quivering vibrato of Remus' voice matched Sirius' in a perfect harmony. Each of you were constantly astonished by the natural way you fell into sync with each other. There was never any resistance or hesitation, as though a higher power was wiling it so.
Previously, Remus John Lupin had never been an overly emotional man. He had decided long ago that he couldn't afford to be, otherwise he would be broken month after month. Now, his mouth was dry and his skin ached to touch Sirius', to comfort him.
"Sirius, what're you trying to say?" You urged him softly, daring only to dip a toe into the waters which you were testing. You could sense there was more on his mind.
"If you don't...accept me, if we don't do 'this' now, I'm never going to get another chance. You'll all be gone and that will be it."
Sirius was already certain he was doomed for a life of loneliness such as that, but something inside him, maybe some small sliver of hope, just couldn't let him move on from what he was sure was the loves of his life, without asking the vital question.
Without them, his life meant nothing, was worth nothing. But at least he would finally know if he could ever have them.
"What's 'this', Pads?"
You spoke up this time, you were the only one who could. Remus was completely befuddled.
But James, who was already one step ahead of you two, was silent. Dead silent. Technically speaking, he was in shock, completely stunned without any used of a spell, completely out of character for the Potter boy.
Sirius...he couldn't feel the same...could he?
The long-haired animagus spoke softly, opting to end his punishment swiftly. Besides, he could sense James' understanding and wanted to get the yelling out of the way early, in order for other students in the Gryffindor dormitories to be able to sleep in peace. "Us. 'This' is us, it always has been."
The silence in the air was not uncomfortable, but neither was it utterly still. The crackling wood from the low burning fire and gentle thud of Sirius' bottle being set against the stone floor were the only sounds heard.
Sirius Black had never been comfortable with silence, having experience far too much of it in the echoing, haunted halls of Grimmauld Place.
"I doubt you feel the same way I do," he rambled, intermittent coughs breaking up his speech as he fought against his narrowing throat for air. "It's completely twisted of me, selfish too. But, if we don't do this now, if you don't...love me now...sorry, you get it."
As he was heard to mumble a brief 'shut up' to himself, something in the wolf's brain clicked.
"Wow...I-just...wow," James broke from his peacefully quiet thoughts.
"Love..." Remus repeated, shifting in the armchair he was still seated in.
"Remus, stop," Sirius pleaded, "you don't have to rub it in."
"No, no. It's not like that. I-it fits."
"What do you mean, Moones?" The brunet prompted, moving to sit beside a distressed Sirius.
His hands balled tight fists into his hair, threatening to pull harder and harder. His eyes continued to fill with salty remorse and embarrassment. Sirius' physical state reflected the embodiment of your own emotions.
Although, you weren't upset. No, far from it.
You were astonished.
Love...he loved you. It all made sense and all of a sudden, it was if the last year of your life flashed before your eyes. Only this time, you viewed the cinema reel of your memories with the veil lifted. You saw everything so clearly, it was completely unfathomable how you hadn't before.
You loved him, you loved them, of course you did. You always had.
"It fits," Remus continued. Really as an academic man he scolded himself for not recognising the signs until that moment. "I've been trying to find the words for what I've been feeling. I thought it might have been anxiety, or odd effects from the full moons...but it's love. It fits."
It took the wolf's words a few moments to resonate in the dog's brain. "Rem, really?"
A small smile and nod was all the encouragement he needed to dare to look the man beside him in the eyes.
With a grounding hand on Sirius' back, James made his second confession to the boy, and his first to you and Remus. He locked eyes with you first, still sitting cross-legged in front of the couch.
James thought you looked beautiful, the embers behind you lighting up your silhouette. "I, uhh, I've felt the same for a while. A bit over a year maybe. Y/N, you were the first..."
Now that you weren't expecting. "W-what?"
"Remus was mine," Sirius chimed in with a raw throat and wet cheeks. He leant into James' touch and the stag smiled in return. Both were grateful for the comfort.
"Y/N was mine too, I think."
You turned to face the bookworm, unsure if it was his words or the near-by heat source causing your cheeks to darken. You thought clearing your throat might break the tension, however it only intensified the boy's gazes upon you.
"So, umm. What now?"
"Just because I'm causing a scene doesn't mean that I want anyone to feel like they have to do anything, even if you feel the same," Sirius attempted to reason. "I understand that none of this means a relationship is on the cards. I know Mooney has only just realised he's in love and Y/N, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you've just had the same revelation?" Damn he was observant. You nodded shyly and Sirius' heart skipped a beat. He was in so deep. "It's up to all of you where we go from here."
Both you and James looked to each other before focusing on Remus. Sirius watched closely, his leg unconsciously bouncing beneath him.
Occasionally it knocked against the almost-forgotten bottle of fire whiskey beside him. It was taking all of Sirius' will-power to not chug the whole thing right then and there.
The tension was driving him more mad than if he hadn't of known at all.
The honey-haired brunet was the first to speak up.
"I don't want to rush into anything simply because we have a name for our emotions now. Although, I know definitively that I don't want to be without you after we finish at Hogwarts this year. I want to keep what we are now going, at the very least. I suppose anything else that happens will be a bonus. I think I just need some time to process, if it's alright with you all, of course."
"Of course," you smiled, shuffling closer to rest your hand on his knee. Remus couldn't hide his smile. "I agree that I don't want to rush anything, this is all really new."
James agreed. He knew the relationship could be something special, and wanted to give it the proper time and attention it deserved.
It was only in that moment, after a soft whimper, that your attention was drawn to the Black heir.
"Sirius, I'm sorry if that wasn't the news you wanted," you tried to comfort.
"Y/N, Remus, James...this is everything I could have hoped for. You didn't kick, you didn't scream, so far anyway," he joked nervously. "None of you have humiliated me or degraded me, nothing like I expected."
"I still have my family," he continued. "that's all I could ever ask for." James moved even closer to him as he spoke. They were practically moulded together as the arm around Sirius' shoulder, and comforting hand on his back took on a new meaning.
One love comforting another.
"I know I just said that I wanted to take it slow..." you prompted nervously.
"What is it, sweetheart?" James had been calling you that for years, now it made your stomach flip.
"Is it alright if we...cuddle? Or at least hug?"
"Yes please," Sirius answered at the speed of sound. "If it's too much, please don't push yourselves, I would just love to be close to you, especially now."
Wordlessly, you all came together, attracted like magnets. James stayed close to Sirius' side, feeling a bit overprotective towards the emotionally vulnerable boy he had come to love. You had moved to sit against the dark-haired wizard's chest, taking Sirius' spreading legs as an invitation. He was delighted you had accepted.
Remus opted to migrate from his comfortable armchair to the floor beneath the couch, effectively sitting in the middle of you three. Nearing the full moon, he could become more easily overstimulated by touch.
And being only a week away from the next lunar cycle, you had all learnt to err on the side of caution. James decided he felt brave, and reached his slim fingers down to run gently through Remus' hair.
It was the perfect balance. So much so that the lycanthrope let his eyes drift closed as you three continued the conversation. This was a hallmark sign of his growing need for rest, and more than anything else, relaxation. James' soothing movements were a nice start.
Remus decided he wouldn't let himself fall asleep on the floor, instead keeping occupied by interjecting his opinion when needed.
"Sirius," you spoke, "you have to cut back on the drinking. Or preferably, stop all together for a while."
"I will, scout's honour."
"We're serious. Our confessions don't change anything, we're getting you some help," James lectured, his sternness coming from a place of love and fear for the boy.
"No, Jamie. I'm Serious," he joked. He had professed to you on several occasions that he was the funniest person he knew, it was times like this that worried you. "But honestly, I was using the booze to dull the pain and how disgusted I felt with myself. Somehow I have a feeling I won't need to do that anymore."
You looked over your shoulder to see Sirius throwing you a soft smile. "We still want you to see someone, please. I guess we can all say that we love you now, we just want to make sure you're okay."
You felt a sense of euphoria finally being able to clearly express your feelings for the boys you knew so well. Their various smiles and flushed expressions told you they felt just as good hearing you say it.
"I'll try it," the pureblood muttered.
"We should get some rest," Remus slurred from below you all, fatigue finally getting the best of him.
"Come on, Mooney. Let's get you to bed, babe," James spoke adoration lacing his voice.
He stood, offering a hand to Remus, who's wide eyes stared back at him, surprised. Only then did James realise his slip up- the pet name.
"Shit, sorry Remus." He pulled the boy to his feet, awkwardly avoiding his gaze.
"No, umm, I liked it."
"Oh. Good." With a smile, the brunet picked up the prefect's scattered belongings from the common room, and swinging an arm around his waist, begun to guide him up the stairs to the dormitories.
You and Sirius trailed closely behind the pair, after you'd managed to untangle yourself from his limbs. The animagus seemed to never want to let go.
Truth be told, he didn't.
Falling in line behind your best friends, the realisation suddenly hit you that Sirius would have to go without touching you. All night.
"Wait!" You shouted a little too loudly, even scaring yourself.
"Is everything okay?!" Remus questioned from the stairs above you, suddenly alert.
"Yes, sorry for raising my voice." You had forgotten how noisily voices bounced off the castle's stone walls. "It's just that, well, you all get to stay together and talk everything through more. I have to go back to the girl's dorms," you pouted.
You loved your friends dearly, truly you did. Lily, Alice, Marlene, Dorcas, they were some of your closest companions.
But you had spent a year loving these boys, only to find out that they loved you too. It was selfish, but you didnt want to let them go, fearing they may slip away from you just as you felt you were getting closer.
The small, detailed glances the three wizards exchanged did not go unnoticed before Sirius proposed a solution. "Come stay with us tonight."
"But there's three beds," you frowned, "and only one of me. Plus the protection spells."
In order to prevent 'inappropriate student relations', the Hogwarts professors had cast protective spells on all the dorms. Only boys could enter boys dorms and vice versa.
"Don't worry ab'that," the werewolf yawned sweetly, flashing you a glimpse of his wand, which was neatly tucked in his pocket.
Of course Remus knew the counter spell, how could you have ever doubted the genius wizard?
"Remus, you're comfortable with this?" Sirius confirmed.
"Yeah, it would be kinda nice actually," he replied, fidgeting fingers indicating his honesty.
"James?" The dog animagus supposed that just because James was sure of how he felt, didn't mean that this wasn't moving too fast for him.
"Been waiting to hold you all forever," the brunet mused.
Sirius smiled broadly, emulating the expression he made as Padfoot, extending his arm towards you.
"Come on, darling."
"Sounds even better when you call me that now," you murmured happily to him. You watched as James and Remus climbed the steps in front of you, exchanging soft glances when they thought the other wasn't watching.
"Well, at least you know I mean it now. You're my darling, same as you're James' sweetheart and Remus' love."
You held his bicep tightly, gentle smile spreading from ear to ear.
For years, in fact, since your beginnings at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Marauders had been using those very same nicknames for you. Somehow, you anticipated them having a completely different effect on you now.
You climbed into the large bed Remus had managed to form with a simple charm.
The boy in question was long since asleep, having collapsed in James' arms the second his body felt the comforting security of the mattress underneath him. His head was buried in James' chest, despite being a good few inches taller than the brunet.
The stag couldn't have cared less, he was in heaven. Wrapping the wolf up in his arms, he pressed feather-light kisses to his hairline, so as not to interrupt the sleep Remus was so rarely afforded.
He was still amazed you had said you all felt the same, not to mention any of you allowing him to reciprocate his current actions with you.
James Potter truly felt at home.
Sirius curled his body around Remus' protruding spine, linking his finger's with James' as they both held the golden haired boy in a cocoon-like fashion.
You had slipped in beside Sirius, your eyes, like the rest of the boy's, quickly growing tired. You breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a large weight lifted off your shoulders. A mix of the Marauder's scents filled your nostrils.
Each of you, excluding Remus, whispered your goodnights, and all at once, you couldn't have been more excited to wake up the next morning, surrounded by the three boys you loved.
To all my marvel fans, I swear Final Exit part 4 is on it's way!
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starstruckmoony · 2 years
pairing - james potter x slytherin!reader
summary - james potter has a crush on you, but you don't feel the same way. or do you?
trope/tags - friends to lovers (kind of), grumpy x sunshine (again, kind of), fluff
word count - 8.5k
warnings - language, mentions of sex
the very first time james tried to get your attention was in your second year at hogwarts. he could not recall the exact moment he realised that he would do quite literally anything for you, even if it meant that he would have to die, but he knew for sure that you were the one he was meant to be with. remus thought he was being a bit dramatic, he was only twelve, for merlin's sake, what does he know about love, but james paid no mind to his worries and complaints. sirius, of course, supported him, and peter simply just trailed along hoping that they will make it out alive. why? well, you were a slytherin.
you were having lunch in the great hall with your peers like every other day. barty was acting like his usual joker self. which, frankly, was not his smartest idea, considering the blaringly obvious fact that everybody was eating and a choking hazard comes in package with laughing while chewing. no one really batted an eye, though. pandora was barely holding herself together, and evan was miserably failing at keeping a straight face. regulus was rather unphased and continued shoving pieces of beef into his mouth, but not while secretly chuckling at the stupid faces barty was making. you and dorcas, being the oldest ones, attempted to calm them all down, but your worries went on deaf ears. regardless, you were having a wonderful time, blissfully unaware of what your life was about to turn into.
"oi, l/n!" the laughter around you faded away and everybody's focus was now shifted to james standing at the entrance of the great hall.
"is that potter?" pandora wiped her tears away and rose up from her seat to see the show which was about to unfold. you furrowed your eyebrows as you slipped away into thought, picturing all sorts of possible terrifying scenarios, because why the hell was he addressing you all of a sudden? out of all people? and so loudly? you'd only ever spoken to him in potions class the previous year when slughorn assigned you to work together.
it was all very confusing and you weren't sure what to make of it.
you panicked when james started walking towards you and failed to notice the way your friends sniggered at the way your face went completely pale, just like that. he slipped into the empty spot next to you, smiling while he was waiting for your reaction. gasps left the mouths of multiple slytherins at the table, and your eyes widened in horror when you recieved dirty looks from snape and his peers. they were certainly going to terorise you and your friends for that.
it took you a few seconds, but you managed to connect the dots in your head. those sudden behavioural changes whenever you passed him in the corridors, the all but subtle glances he would send your way, the smiles, that weird twinkle in his eyes - everything suddenly made sense, as much as you hated to admit it. james potter had a crush on you, and he finally mustered up the courage to do something about it. and in the stupidest way possible.
"hello." you tried sound as polite as you possibly could despite wanting him to give him a hard push to the floor. you were everything but delighted by his presence, and restored to picking at the food in your plate without sparing him a second glance. regulus let out a snort.
"can i ask you something?" he leaned forward on the table with his hand supporting his chin. he was way too enthusiastic for your comfort and you wanted him gone.
"uh, alright, i guess." you shrugged lazily, biting the inside of your cheek in distress. part of you felt like you should let him speak; what if it was school related? potter was smart, and you could use some help on your transfiguration essays. the other part of you, however, was just about ready to strangle you.
"wanna be my girlfriend?" he smiled stupidly and it was followed by hollering and cheering from his friends, including your own. the students at the gryffindor table all appeared to have a million questions running through their minds, and your fellow housemates were not very pleased - not only did he ruin their lunch, but he was a gryffindor. and top of it, he was james potter.
you did a double-take. your mouth fell open in surprise. this was exactly what you feared.
"what?! no!" you whisper-yelled, petrified by his offer. your face was on fire, and not because you were flattered by his words, but purely out of embarrassment. barty and evan dissolved into laughter.
"okay, then how about a date first?" he was persistent and you moved away from him by instinct, only to have dorcas push you forward and towards him.
"no! go away!" you hissed, mortified, and turned your face away from him to hide the fact that it was burning. you almost reached for your wand and hexed them both.
"i have a book with some cool jinxes that i can teach you! it'll be fun! please!" he kept pushing, his eyes sparkling with hope. you swore you felt like smoke was about to come bursting out of your ears. regulus reached from behind dorcas and tapped your back in a comforting manner, but you did not miss the way he smirked after he retrieved his hand.
"teach me?! do you think i'm stupid?!" you snapped, finally whipping your head in james' direction with rage evident on your face.
"i thought you wanted to learn the– ow!" you kicked barty in the shin from under the table. the sudden impact made everybody's plates shake. "hey, i almost spilled my soup!"
"come on, y/n! please!" he decided to shoot his shot one more time, this time with puppy eyes, and a sodding pout, but you refused to give in. nothing in the world could have made you say yes to james bloody potter.
"no." you said sternly, crossing your arms and not allowing yourself to look in his direction again.
"fine! but just so you know, i'm not giving up," he stood up, it was amusing to you how unaffected he was by your rejection. he was as enthusiastic as he was when he first took a seat next to you, "i'm gonna make you mine."
and james kept his promise. the next several years at hogwarts became certainly memorable. getting rejected bruised the gryffindor boy's ego, so he was determined to prove himself to you and became quite a little show off. he was awfully cocky, and to top it all off, he did the absolute stupidest things to try and impress you - from jinxing snape after he heard him berate you for messing up a potion, to straight up helping you cheat in transfiguration class and getting himself a year's worth of detentions. he was a gentleman, though, and didn't try to pressure you into going out with him after you made it clear that you did not want to. as much as he adored you, he never went out of his way to actually do something that would cause you discomfort. no, that was his biggest nightmare.
funny enough, it was also why your hatred for him began fading away, and very unfortunately for you, there was no going back. you really had no true reason to dislike him as much as you did, which only made you loathe him even more. truth be told, you felt bad, and that was what you hated the most.
after james' terribly unsuccessful attempt at asking you out, things became rather awkward and you did everything in your power to avoid him. you despised him, or so you told yourself. your friends were sure you did, you spoke about him with so much venom in your voice that pandora thought they'd have to lock you up to stop you from using a forbidden curse on him. but then somehow, the two of you formed a strange sort of relationship, one would even call it friendship - james would randomly wind up in the same places you (he'd always claim that it was only coincidental), but you wouldn't chase him away. yeah, you'd be mean to him, obviously, and any normal person would probably cry, but he was enjoying it, because, well, it was you. when you grew closer to the gryffindor girls, mary macdonald managed to open your eyes and you saw that james wasn't the creep you assumed he was. so, you warmed up to him, and by some strange miracle, stopped completely loathing him and his presence.
though you still found him completely, utterly and unbearably annoying.
"oi, l/n! what you up to?" he showed up in the astronomy tower where you were reading one gloomy afternoon. regulus must have told him where you were, looks like someone's sleeping on the floor tonight. the lake seemed like a perfect place to drop a bed into at times. it's not that you didn't want james there, it's just that you didn't want to see anybody at that particular moment. you had grown to love colder weekends. they were the perfect excuse to avoid any unwanted trips to hogsmeade that would usually lead to you getting in trouble because barty had a habit of setting off a dozen dungbombs to poke at mulciber and snape. as satisfying as it was, you had gotten enough detentions that year and you weren't exactly prepared to receive another howler.
so, you just couldn't miss out on the perfect opportunity to go up into the astronomy tower and read in the peaceful atmosphere. it had always been much calmer up there compared to the other parts of hogwarts.
"reading." you replied flatly, returning your gaze back to the text in front of you. or at least you pretended to do so. no matter how hard you tried, you could not focus again, so you kept your eyes on the same sentence while you waited for him to do something. for a moment, you wondered what he had been up to before he found you. he peeked over your shoulder to take a better look at the writing.
you did not say a word, and you realised that if you sat there pretending to read while waiting for him to leave you alone would most likely take hours, so you continued trailing your eyes over the letters, and got lost in the story once again.
what you didn't notice is that he got invested too, completely by accident. it wasn't james' intention to come down there and read with you, he wasn't even sure what you were up to and all he wanted was to see you, but there he was, reading from behind your shoulder in the tranquil ambient of the tower.
it was when he suddenly asked you to wait before flipping the page that you realised he had been reading with you all along, and you squinted your eyes at him with a glint of curiosity in them.
"what are you doing?" you quiered. the sudden shift in the atmosphere took him off guard a bit, and he gulped when you locked your eyes with his own.
"didn't know that was a synonym for being an annoying little git."
"i'm not that bad." he defended himself, trying to look back at the letters. you scoffed.
"i thought you hated books." you hid the writing away from his gaze and quirked an eyebrow in amusement.
"i don't hate them. i just prefer not to read." he responded, sounding a lot more cocky than intended which drew a chuckle from you.
"way to impress a girl." you rolled your eyes.
"i am professional at it." you laughed in his face.
"at least you're honest," you shrugged, he furrowed his eyebrows in puzzlement, "merlin, are you daft? what i mean is, you're staying true to yourself. not pretending that you enjoy something just to sweep me off my feet. it's admirable."
"of course i am! i could never lie to you. you're the most beautiful creature i have ever beheld in my sight." you let out an exaggerated sound of disgust, pressing your palm against his face and pushing him away, "lay off, romeo."
"oh!" he stood up suddenly, putting his hand over his heart dramatically and looking up, "with love’s light wings did i o’erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out. " he glanced back at you. you guffawed, looking at him in bewilderment, "where on earth have you managed to hear that?"
"seen romeo and juliet at the theatre during holidays." you cocked an eyebrow at him. never would you have thought that james potter was the one who'd take interest in muggle literature. "got a favourite scene?"
james pursed his lips in thought. "the morning after." he wiggled his eyebrows and sat back down.
"that's disgusting." you laughed.
"i'm only joking, i think the balcony one would be my favourite. i'd say it's very romantic," he shrugged with a sly smirk, "and it also made me feel the least emotional pain, if you know what i mean." he put a hand to his chest for dramatic effect and sighed.
"oh, merlin." you rolled your eyes playfully, letting out a snigger at his act. "look, i'm gonna be straightforward with you right now," you began. james sat up straight. you held back a laugh, poor fool probably thinks you'll return his sorry little feelings.
"you're not nearly as distasteful as i thought you were." you poked his arm. james looked a bit perplexed, almost as if he was expecting something more (which he was).
but then he laughed breathlessly, seeming more proud than disappointed. you couldn't help but chuckle. he bit the inside of his cheek in thought as he took in the sight of you, wondering how in the hell he got so lucky to know you. you may not feel the same way, but you surely make his life seem like an utopia, even though you're quite mean to him.
"continue, please." he reached over your arm to turn the page. you were rather intrigued by whatever that was.
"hold on for a second. why are you here, exactly?" you leaned forward to prop your chin in the palm of your hand, observing his face attentively as he scratched the back of his neck in thought.
"i guess i wanted to see you." he responded honestly.
"and there i was hoping you had something exciting to tell me." he chuckled lowly. you had come to notice that his voice was getting deeper. it wasn't high pitched and annoying anymore, definitely a lot less infuriating.
"wait, i didn't finish–" he tried to stop you before you could turn the page. "sorry, guess you gotta read faster."
"that isn't fair."
"i beg to differ."
"you're so not cool."
"then why d'you keep pining over me?" james opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. he huffed and crossed his arms. you smiled in victory, laughing when he stuck his tongue out at you.
by the end of year four, you had read about ten books together. he even read muggle poetry to you in the hospital wing when you got sick, which, to nobody's surprise, lead to what seemed like never-ending teasing from barty and evan (who were also james' biggest hypemen aside from the marauders). when you looked back at it a few years later, you realised that it was the moment when your first romantic feelings for him started blooming, though you would have never admitted it at the stubborn and rebellious age of fourteen. you were headstrog, a bit in denial as pandora liked to say, and top of it off, you were hard to please. in between all of that was james, who wasn't subtle about being head over heels for you in the least bit, and who would have done anything to get your attention. a match made in heaven, really.
you loved to tease him about it. he sometimes wondered why he had to be the one to fall in love with you. that's where the worst part of it all came in; feeling insecure, comparing himself to his friends, secretly wishing he was sirius (since all the gryffindor heartthrob had to do to win a girl over was to wink in her direction) and an existential crisis as an extra in the package. you clearly were never interested in him, and he couldn't help but think you never would be. sometimes, all he was doing seemed pointless, but he kept telling himself that one day you'll love him the way he loves you.
when your fifth year rolled around, you thought he would've dropped the act by then. you had matured over the summer, or at least you believed you had, and you assumed he had too. you had what some may call a summer romance with some stupid muggle boy, and to everybody's surprise, you were the one to break his heart after realising that whatever you felt for him wasn't love. a little something was stopping you from loving him and you may or may not have attempted to obliviate yourself in order to forget about james. obviously, you failed. stupid idiot.
the entirety of your holidays, you kept wondering if james had got over you, or if he was more lucky than you when it came vacation romance. you thought about him meeting a girl who actually cared for him and returned his feelings instead of teasing him, a girl that could have made him forget you completely, a girl who he had a happy ending with. you rather hated the mere thought of that. thinking about it caused an unexplainable ache in your heart.
much to your own delight, you were totally wrong.
however, things were not the same as they were the three previous years. you two became almost inseparable. dorcas kept teasing james, calling him a thief, saying he took her best friend from her. he would play along, tease her back, and tell her that he's a better best friend anyway. it made your heart flutter in a disgustingly sweet way.
you hated the way he made you feel. you hated the way you wanted to see him more often instead of avoiding him. you hated the way he smiled at you. you hated the way he tried to make you more comfortable by pointing out that you are indeed just friends. you hated james potter, yet you couldn't get enough of him.
you would never admit it, though, no. he was still that stupid little boy who offered to teach you jinxes, that idiot who chased snape away from you like a proper knight in a shining armour, that tosser who's voice was still cracking when you read together in the tower, that adorable–
"do you fancy going to hogsmeade with me tonight?" james appeared from behind you the moment you exited the classroom after finishing with ancient runes.
"studying, sorry." you shrugged, pulling out a piece of parchment to remind yourself which class you had next. "really? that's more important than me?" he sighed in disappointment, trotting after you as you began making your way over to the transfiguration classroom.
"who said you're important to me?" you smirked and looked over your shoulder. he flipped you off with a playful eyeroll, chuckling at the way you looked so proud of yourself for that comment. "i'll meet you at the portrait hole at six." you added.
the two of you entered the classroom, laughing over some horrible joke he cracked on the way. you took your usual seat next to dorcas who shot you a funny look the moment you stepped through the door.
"what?" you deadpanned before slamming your book onto the table and flipping through the pages. "care to explain?"
"explain what?" you scrunched your face up at the amused look on her face.
"twat," she slapped your shoulder, "you and potter?" dorcas motioned her head towards him, and you looked his way to find him scribbling something down into sirius' book. he looked up just in time to meet your eyes and sent a smile your way. you grinned back and turned to your friend again.
"what about me and him?" you weren't quite sure where she was getting at with whatever the hell this was. she knew your relationship with james was platonic with a capital p, simple as that. she laughed in your face.
"dorcas! don't be ridiculous, he's only my friend." you leaned back in your seat, profusely blushing and crossing your arms over your chest. everybody knew that you and james were just friends. nothing more.
"i think you better tell him that." lily turned in her seat to face to you. mary, who was sitting next to her, only nodded her head which confirmed that she wasn't on your side either. and neither was marlene who looked rather amused observing you from the table next to yours. of course she wasn't, the fact that she fancied dorcas was more obvious than she thought.
"oh, please. he even calls himself my best friend, you lot are delusional."
"fuck, y/n, you're hopeless." dorcas groaned, exchanging some disappointed glances with the gryffindor girls. she let her head fall down onto the table in frustration. you scoffed, averting your eyes to james and keeping them there for a while.
that was how the rest of your fifth year went; you and james being friendly, him asking you to accompany him on some stupid adventures he often came up with, you playing hard to get, but agreeing to hang out in the end. all of that would usually be followed by dorcas'... and pandora's... and lily's... and pretty much everybody's pointless attempts to talk some sense into your head. you would brush them off, saying he's just a nice bloke who's nobody but just a good pal of yours. you even said it to sirius.
and all of you knew that wasn't true.
soon enough, you began your sixth year and james was starting to lose his mind. he was so in love with you, he could barely keep a calm act around you. hiding it became a lot more difficult. he was convinced that you thought he was over you, because why on earth would somebody still be friends with a person who rejected them and showed zero interest in a romantic relationship? he felt miserable. he wanted you by his side, but just friendship wasn't enough to ease the ache in his heart. one thing was for sure, and that was that he had to talk to you.
he needed to let you know that he still loved you, and pour out all of his feelings if it was necessary. he thought that if you rejected him again, he would drop the whole thing and really, truly settle for just being friends, and that is, if you end up wanting anything to do with him. it would be difficult, getting over you. it would hurt, coming to terms with it all would be an absolute nightmare. he would be heartbroken without a doubt, but he believed he could manage it if he tried hard enough. lies.
very conveniently, you and james got into a bit of trouble that day. that was a well-known concept to you both. neither of you completed your major muggle studies essay on time, hell, you hadn't even started with yours, so you decided to do the only rational thing. which was to ditch the class.
it was nerve-wracking, sneaking through the corridors and trying to avoid getting caught by mrs. norris, or filch, maybe even by a professor, but you managed to make it to the grand staircase. you thought you were going to succeed, you were so close, but surprise, surprise - you were caught by bloody dumbledore himself. instead of cooperating, you tried to make a run for it and hide in a broomstick closet, just in time for filch to catch you.
task failed successfully.
you weren't sure how you managed to dodge getting forbidden from going to hogsmeade or even leaving the school premise, as that was the punishment you both expected to get for running away from the headmaster, but you were more than grateful that the man settled for simply giving you detention.
"do you fancy going for a walk by the lake tonight?" you questioned when you finished cleaning the floor of the potions classroom after your poor attempt at skipping muggle studies.
"what?" james mumbled incoherently, bending over to pick up some crumpled up parchment under one of the seats.
"that was a yes or no question." you crossed your arms. you weren't sure where you were getting all of the confidence from, but you settled for blaming in on james and his self-assuring personality which had quite the influence on you, even though you willingly began spending a little too much time with him. you cursed mentally.
"wait, huh?" he stopped what he was doing, looking rather confused.
"was i not clear enough?" you rolled your eyes in a teasing manner.
"you're asking me to hang out?" his entire face lit up, a hopeful smile found its way to his lips. "yeah, silly, that's what friends do," you scoffed, though you were slightly crumbling on the inside, "so don't you dare treat it as a date." you quickly added, fixing your stance and straighteing your back to come off more relaxed. regardless of your shitty attempt at trying to pretend you were disinterested in him, james looked like he just won the lottery.
"of course." he scrambled to clean up the rest of the mess under the seats as fast as possible. he could not believe you. it truly seemed like he the odds were in his favour that day. just when he was planning on giving up and destroying everything, that simple question restored all the hope he had lost. that was the first time you asked him to hang out. it was usually him initiating everything. you quietly giggled at his overjoyed reaction, and a strange feeling washed over you. you ignored it, all of it, and settled for avoiding his gaze as much as you could for the last thirty minutes of detention.
eight o'clock rolled around so fast you could barely keep track of it. you were in a state of disarray - nervous, panicking and desperately trying to come up with some excuse you haven't used to brush james off before just so that you didn't have to show up. but that would be stupid, wouldn't it? you were the one who wanted to hang out. dorcas, evan, barty, regulus and even pandora were laughing at you, showing no signs of wanting to help you and refusing to give you any form of emotional support whatsoever.
"what great friends you are." you remarked sarcastically, pulling the first jumper you saw in your trunk over your head.
"isn't that his?" barty smirked devilishly, scanning the clothing item with his eyes. you furrowed your eyebrows, looking down just to see that the gryffindor jumper you put on did not in fact belong to you. your eyes went wide. all five of your friends convulsed with laughter when you scrambled to take it off. evan fell off of dorcas' bed right onto the hard floorboards.
"i don't know how it got here, but i swear it's not what you think!" regulus was clutching his stomach after joining evan on the floor, and you threw the jumper right in his face. pandora wiped some tears away with the sleeve of her shirt and then quietly chuckled again as she was trying to stop any more tears from coming.
"i will strangle you all, i'm not joking." you lifted your hands up in frustration, stomping back to your trunk and this time taking a shirt you were sure was yours.
"oh, c'mon, we're only teasing you," dorcas stood up, walking over to where you were and hugging you from behind, "i'm sure the laundry got mixed up." barty trailed off, and you could see him holding back a grin.
"right, but," dorcas pulled away from you and began walking backwards towards the door, "it would be quite romantic if you kept it after a nice shag, wouldn't it?"
"dorcas!" you screeched, and she was out of your reach before you even made it halfway towards the door. your friends burst into giggles again, or what was left of them, as evan and regulus were half-dead. you were a blushing mess, and you left your room resembling an angry child who was moments away from throwing a tantrum, but not without james' quidditch jumper in your hands.
you didn't notice the strange looks you were given by the students you passed by in the dungeons. you looked furious, with your jaw clenched and your face beet red, all while holding onto something which belonged to a certain dark-haired gryffindor. your thoughts did not seem to go in that direction even once. you could think of nothing but james.
the mere thought of him made you feel strange. it was a feeling that wasn't too familiar to you, but you had quite clear of an idea of what it could be and it was devouring you. simply looking at him made you feel giddy. his smile would make your heart jump. the light brush of his shoulder against yours would make you shiver. you were in love. but boy were you stubborn.
"who hurt you?" you stopped in your tracks when you heard james' voice come from behind you. you met his warm gaze. there it was, that flutter in your heart again. you blamed his smile for it. you almost cringed at yourself, you were so preoccupied by thinking of him that you failed to acknowledge his actual presence.
was he always that attractive? his eyes are so pretty. how's his skin that perfect? god, his lips look-
your swallowed harshly, feeling heat rush to your cheeks and the handsome boy standing in front of you gave you a questioning look. you cleared your throat before handing him his jumper.
"i found this in my trunk." you looked down in embarrassment, crossing your arms and fiddling with a loose thread on the sleeve of your shirt.
"oh!" he took it from your hands, his jaw fell slack, "how did that - there must've been mix up with the laundry."
"probably." you replied dryly, avoiding his gaze. "won't you be cold?" he questioned when he noticed how light the shirt you had on looked. the sleeves reached your elbows, the material was almost see through and certainly not suitable for chilly autumn weather.
"i'll manage." you shrugged lazily, looking down at the floor. those old tiles seemed rather amusing all of a sudden. 
"put it on." you lifted your head. you looked at the clothing item, then at james. you sighed and reached for the soft material. "thanks," you mumbled under your breath, holding the jumper close to your chest in a tightening grip, "should we go now? or are we just gonna stand here like idiots?" you put on a smile, hoping it would look convincing enough and hide the embarrassing fact that you were nervous. really nervous. first date nervous. you may have had to remind yourself that that little hangout of yours was supposed to platonic. friendly. not romantic. definitely not a date with that boy who's life goal was to win you over because he was desperately in love with you. and he fucking succeeded.
you lost track of time. neither of you knew how many hours had passed or how long you'd been sitting at the shore, lost in conversations about something that may seem so irrelevant to the ears of others, but so important to the two of you. you found comfort in being able to open up to james. it was different than talking to dorcas, or evan, or any of your other friends. it warmed your heart, and in a strange way, it felt like home.
you only realised how late it had gotten when the sky above you turned dark and became covered with stars. finishing that date off with stargazing would have been a delight, but rain decided to make an unexpected visit and ruined your good plans.
you retreated inside together through one of the passageways james and the other three marauders managed to discover, tippy toeing your way through the corridors in attempt to go unseen and unheard. you successfully made it through the portrait hole without alerting a prefect, and you stepped through the door of james' room, sighing in relief. james could finally release the breath he was holding all the way down from the lake. that was one of the rare times he didn't fail at sneaking around without his cloak. you celebrated a tad bit too soon, though - the high pitched voice of a seventh year girl who was supposed to keep the peace at night came from behind you, and you froze in your spot. james gulped, making eye contact with you before turning to face her.
"potter, what on earth are you doing outside at this hour?" james laughed uncomfortably, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his hoodie as he tried to come up with an excuse, "i was uh," he let out a cough, making the prefect eye him suspiciously, "i was using the bathroom."
"why aren't you wearing your pyjamas?"
"i was busy doing, uhm, something else, y'know, forgot to change and stuff."
"and what is that thing that you were doing, exactly?"
"i don't really think you'd wanna know." he grinned in misery, and you had to slap your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from making any sounds. the girl's eyes widened as she realised what the younger meant. she turned beet red and massaged her temples in frustration.
"merlin's beard, oh, fuck– shit! get out of my sight, we'll pretend this never happened. shoo, leave."
"sorry." he gave her one last awkward smile before sliding into his room, slamming the door shut and leaning against it. "remind me not to do that ever again."
"why not? that was pretty hilarious." you snickered at his demeanor - the boy's cheeks were flushed red from embarrassment.
"that poor girl probably thinks i was wanking in there." he groaned, waddled away from the door and slumped down onto his bed. the springs in the mattress squeaked from the impact. "if i don't get kicked out this year, then i must be a walking felix fucking felicis." he continued rambling as he began digging through the mess under his bed.
"where are your friends?" you looked around the room curiously. the other marauders were nowhere to be seen. "they're sleeping in the girls dormitory tonight."
you hummed as you took a seat on the floor beside him and eyed some of the items he had scattered around. a couple of chocolate frogs, some crumpled pieces of parchment and quills, a few records, and an empty bag of whatever the hell he got at zonko's next to a small stack of books. "so, what do we do now?" you looked his way, and he shrugged as he ducked under his bed, with only his legs peeking out. the action drew a snort from you. he dusted himself off as he dove back from under the bed.
"can you help me out?" he scratched the back of his head.
"what are we looking for here, exactly?" you questioned as you peeked underneath. "no clue. i'm trying to find something fun we can do."
"have you still got that book about jinxes?" james blinked in surprise. "with the ones i offered to teach you, what, like four years ago?" he gave you an amused smile.
"yeah, figured i should make up for breaking your heart or whatever." and definitely not because you realised that it was a perfect date idea. definitely not.
"i might, if sirius hasn't snatched it." he shrugged and then you both started digging through the dark and dusty mess of books, boxes and smelly socks.
"is this," your hand grabbed onto something which felt like a glass bottle, "muggle alcohol?!" you laughed at the way james' face went pale.
"i swear that's not mine!" he immediately defended himself, reaching for the bottle desperately.
"no need to lie, potter, i've a fair share of that stashed under my bed as well."
by two in the morning, both of you were absolutely pissed, but had no intention of stopping until the bottle was completely empty. so much for the jinxes.
"have you ever shagged somebody?" it was strange. the alcohol seemed to have effects similar to what was known as the veritaserum. so apart from the constant laughing fits it gave you, it made you both feel rather confident. so confident you kept spilling out truths and secrets not even your friends knew. and, well, it made you flirty. especially yourself. just a few hours ago, you were freaked out by the mere thought of getting involved romantically with the boy in front of you, but now you were shamelessly asking each other questions about your love lives. not to mention that you managed to lose your clothes in the process. james was shirtless, and you lost your trousers.
"how dare you ask me such a question?" james gasped dramatically, drawing a snort from you, "i reckon your body count is higher than mine."
"are you calling me a slut, potter?" you asked in amusement, he shrugged lazily with a smirk on his lips, "no, i'm calling you more attractive than myself."
"why thank you, my dear friend," you smiled, feeling another surge of confidence shoot through you after receiving the drunken compliment. friend. that word suddenly sounded strange.
"i haven't." james finally spoke after a few moments of silence. that little soberity you had left was what held you back from smiling.
"me neither." james bit his tongue. he felt like he could breathe normally, at last. you were relieved, and so was he.
"virgins." he let himself fall back onto the floor. you scoffed, snatching the bottle out of his hand.
by the time the sun had started to rise, you were fast asleep - james sitting down with his back up against the wall, and you on the floor with his jumper posing as your pillow. james was lucky that lily and the girls agreed to take in his three idiot friends that night because he would have had to deal with endless teasing if they had been present.
the sound of a loud knock on the door shook you both awake, and your head was met with the bottom of sirius' bed when you tried to sit up. you groaned out in pain, letting your head fall down onto the red jumper that smelled of that specific vanilla-scented bodywash only james used. you hated how you loved it.
"potter!" dorcas' voice pierced through the door from the other side, and the boy groggily sat up, making his way over to the door. the hangover headache was unbearable, but it was something he could have expected as an aftermath of last night's turn of events. the whiskey bottle lied empty on the floor. he wasn't sure how either of you managed it, but he woke up to a clean floor, and no stomach-turning stench of vomit.
"you knocked?" he leaned against the doorframe, his vision a bit blurry as he barely had time to think or grab his glasses after being woken up so suddenly.
"have you by any chance seen y/n?"
he wordlessly opened the door wider, and a very exhausted, hungover looking creature came into dorcas' view.
"what's this?" dorcas smirked, resting her hands on her hips.
"uh, a friendly hangout? what else? wait, where are my trousers?" you murmured, not quite sure of what you were stating as your brain hadn't woken up properly just yet. the piercingly painful headache was not helping.
"friendly, huh?" she eyed you both with a hint of mischief in her eyes. "yes, friendly." james confirmed.
dorcas sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose with her pointer finger and thumb. she felt a migrane incoming. you tiredly stood up from the cold floor, feeling a wave of pain shoot through your back from lying on such a hard surface. "goddammit, remind me to sleep on the bed next time." you winced, stretching in attempt to soothe the pain.
dorcas left, with marlene trailing along with her (to nobody's surprise), after you and james decided to head down to the kitchen to ask the house elves for some leftovers from breakfast since you missed it. you were lucky that the elves loved you both, and you were given a few pieces of toast as well as some strawberry jam.
you sat in the gryffindor common room, quietly chatting with james. mary and remus joined you and they took their seats in the chairs in the corner of the room, along with sirius who claimed that sitting in between remus' legs was more comfortable than any armchair. you and james, however, were squashed together on the sofa. you recieved several questioning looks from other students. not necessarily because you were a slytherin in the gryffindor common room, but because you sat so close to one another. you were practically sitting in his lap. someone unaware of the status of your relationship would have assumed you were dating. james' friends noticed too, but decided not to say anything, though they couldn't hide those proud smiles that found their ways to their lips.
you could not stop thinking about that night for days. and you did everything you could to forget about it. you drowned yourself in school work just to wipe the thought of it out of your mind. hell, you did extra credit. you even bullied pandora into being a model for your paintings for two weeks straight, and went as far as to make yourself accompany barty on his daily adventures where he was essentially begging for detention. but nothing was helping. that was the best date of your life. not like you had many to chose from, but it was the best. shit.
"oh, for fuck's sake! it was not a date! shut up!" you said to yourself, or to be more specific, your malfunctioning brain. you were speed-walking through the corridors, your breath uneven and cheeks red.
you came back from the gryffindor dormitories to the dungeons after another friendly hangout with james. all those things you did to forget about the first one ended up seeming rather pointless. much to your dismay, you realised you can't go too long without seeing him, as it turned out. the boy successfully found his way into your heart after all those years. and you didn't even know why. well, him being james potter should be enough of an explanation. you were visibly flushed. dorcas raised both of her eyebrows once she saw you and then fell back into her pillow, shaking with laughter.
"oh merlin, you are so red." she pointed at your face, giggling uncontrollably.
"great observation skills, meadowes." you responded sarcastically, pulling james' jumper over your head and tossing it onto your bed. yes, you forgot (read: didn't want) to return it, and no, he didn't mind because he wanted you to have it.
"where's everyone?" you quickly changed the subject. you were not ready to talk about whatever the hell your relationship with james was at that moment. you were pretty sure you wouldn't ever be ready to talk about it.
"well, regulus is probably throwing snape into the lake. again. barty and evan are surely snogging somewhere and i think pandora went for a poo, but i'm not sure." dorcas shrugged. her eyes didn't leave you, which obviously meant she was curious about what happened while you were gone. of course she was, she was one of your best friends after all. one of them, just like james. she may have got strange thrills from teasing you, but she cared about you and she made sure you knew that. so did the rest of your friends, even though they were all out and about in that given moment.
you sighed, covering your face with your hands. you felt guilty - not because you were in love with james, hell no, but because it took you so long to admit it to yourself. you never once thought of his feelings or what you've been putting him through for all those years. the first time you felt a bit different while he was by your side, you chalked it up to some weird feelings of admiration and tried to forget about it. but then it just kept happening, and you couldn't simply brush it off and pretend it's nothing. you weren't even sure why you kept lying to yourself; maybe it was because you were so set on the two of you being just friends, maybe it was because you got so used to his presence and his embarassingly obvious eagerness that you couldn't imagine living your life without all of that in it.
tears welled up in your eyes, and you bit the inside of your cheek to prevent any sounds from escaping. dorcas was not as oblivious as you thought she might be. she could immediately tell something was wrong and she rushed over to your side, wrapping her arms around you until you were comfortable enough to speak.
"dorcas, i'm in love with him," you cried, clutching her shirt as she held you close to her chest. "i know, darling." she sighed.
"i'm such a bloody idiot."
"i would usually say that's not true, but i don't really think i'd be doing either of us a favour if i denied it." that drew a laugh from you, but you quickly returned to your messy state. dorcas kept rubbing comforting circles into your back until your shoulders stopped shaking and you were able to speak properly without breaking out into tears again.
"am i an awful person?" you quiered, staring into what seemed like a void to you. you looked lifeless, and dorcas sighed, putting her hand on your knee.
"y/n, we both know you aren't. and james knows that too."
"but what if i am? dorcas, i hurt him. i treated him like a puppet and i never took his feelings seriously."
"well, i can't argue that," she bit the inside of her cheek, "but you know, you couldn't have exactly done much about it. you can't just force yourself to love somebody. and some people take a while to come to terms with their feelings, and that's okay, so don't you dare blame yourself for that. he's still in love with you, anyway."
"i could have just not befriended him." you picked at your nails as you spoke.
"that wouldn't have helped him much, would it?"
"it wouldn't make him feel as miserable."
"maybe, but you'd break his heart either way and the poor bloke would probably still feel the same. look, he was annoying as shit, and you may have been a bit, well–"
"evil?" you interrupted. she covered your mouth with her hand. you blinked in surprise and she laughed at you.
"alright, yeah, but y/n, don't you think you could fix that now? you know, do something about it at last?"
"don't make me make you, 'cause you might be the next person to get dunked into the lake. i'm feeling particularly ruthless today." regulus suddenly appeared at the door, leaning against it with his arms crossed.
"how long have you been standing there?" you spoke once dorcas retrieved her hand.
"just got here, actually."
"as i was saying," dorcas raised her voice and then put a finger over her mouth to motion for regulus to shut up. he raised his hands up in defeat, "do what you need to do."
"you know what's tomorrow though, right?" regulus interrupted once again. you and dorcas exchanged confused glances, but her face shifted into something that seemed more amused than questioning.
"oi, potter!" you pushed open the door of the great hall. the laughter around james faded away and everybody's focus was now shifted to you standing at the entrance, but you were looking for one person's eyes in particular.
it didn't take you very long to find them. james' surprised gaze met your rather nervous one, and you made your way towards the gryffindor table, just like he skipped over to the slytherin one four years ago.
you slid into the empty spot next to him and smiled while you were waiting for him to say something. just like last time, you failed to notice the way all of the students around you chuckled as they watched the show unfold. all because of you and james, yet again.
"hello." he sat up straight, holding back a smile that wanted to make its way to his lips.
despite being friends for all those years, you never once had the chance to sit next to each other at lunch, other than that one particular day in your second year. so he took the sudden change in your behaviour as a good sign, especially after the events of the previous night, and the night at the lake.
"can i ask you something?" you leaned forward on the table with your hand supporting your chin. james furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and then his mouth fell open in surprise. he laughed breathlessly, shaking his head at your teasing smile.
"go ahead." he shrugged. his eyes haven't left you since you entered the great hall. it was not making your job easier, but you weren't gonna let that pretty face of his stop you from doing what you came to do.
"wanna be my boyfriend?" you smiled stupidly and it was followed by hollering and wooing from all of the students at the table, including his friends, and your own from behind you, "okay, now sn–" barty was shut up by evan's hand clamping over his mouth before he could finish that. pandora was violently blowing her nose into a tissue already. regulus seemed unphased, even though he wasn't. and dorcas looked like she finally discovered the true meaning of inner peace.
james did a double-take, and then grinned like an absolute idiot. you were furiously tapping your foot against the tiles, but froze when he cupped your cheek with his hand.
"can i kiss you?" you nodded, biting your lip to hold back the squeal that was threatening to escape. james was glowing. he grinned, launching himself forward. his lips finally met yours. your hand instinctively found its way to the back of his neck, pushing him further against you. his lips were so soft, and he kissed you like you were the most precious thing in the world. you could feel each other smiling into the kiss, and you broke apart giggling like two fools.
"is that a yes?" you quiered, just in case.
"oh god, yes." then he kissed you again, only to be pulled back by sirius who had just about enough of the pair of you, "some of us are trying to eat, thank you very much."
"sod off." james smacked the back of his head. he could not care less about what anybody else thought at that moment. sirius shook his head as he exchanged a knowing glance with his own lover, and neither of the boys could be bothered to hide their smiles.
"i wanted to do that for six years." james leaned his forehead against yours. you quickly pecked his lips again. "don't worry, i'll make it up to you."
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messers-moony · 3 years
Ignored | R.L
Paring: Young!Remus Lupin X Deaf!Fem!Reader
Summary: Remus thinks his Charms partner is ignoring him until she tells him something that changes his view of her.
He knew something was off about her. Remus knew something was off with her from the day she ignored him in Charms with no second thought. They were supposed to work together that day, but how could he when it seemed that every word he said went in one ear and out the other. It saddened him because, frankly, Remus really liked her. He thought she was stunning.
Not to mention she was very close friends with Lily, who spoke the world of her. But it seemed that Y/n never really talked. Lily and Y/n studied together frequently, but how often did they really talk? Thinking about it, Remus had never seen Y/n talk. Sirius always made her blush, and James even made her smile, but she never spoke. It was worrying.
Finally, Remus gathered the courage to poke her in Charms class, and Y/n turned to him with a confused expression on her face. The curious glint in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by the scarred boy, and it almost made him melt on the spot. Y/n’s hair was slightly tousled, making him want to fix it for her. He was getting distracted, again.
“ We have a project to start today; it’s due in a month. When would you like to start? “ Remus asked, and Y/n turned to her quill.
Once again, she ignored him, or so he thought; then he was handed a piece of parchment, “ I’m deaf. “
“ Oh. “ He muttered; now he felt daft.
Remus gently took her hand in his and began tapping in Morse code, “ Do you know morse code? “
“ Yes. “ Y/n tapped back with a gleeful smile.
That smile was enough to turn him to mush. So this project would be more complicated than initially planned because they would have to write back and forth or tap back and forth. But they would get through it. They had to.
“ Library, after dinner? “ Remus tapped, “ Yep! “
Remus chuckled. Y/n wished she could hear it. He always looked so beautiful when he laughed—the way his green eyes slightly glazed with a gorgeous tint of clear coat. The sides of his sides would crinkle adorably. His lips turned up in a breathtaking smile. His hands felt soft when he tapped to her in Morse code. Was there anything this man couldn’t do?
The day went on quicker than expected. Remus sat with the Marauders at dinner and told them of his new phenomenon. Y/n sat with Lily at the end of the Gryffindor table, where they tapped to each other. Y/n even got to tell Lily all about the project she had to do with Remus. Lily even confessed her lingering feelings for the Potter boy, which Y/n smirked at.
After dinner, Y/n and Remus both made their way to the library. Y/n collected the books while Remus had taken a seat near the windows. A hidden spot in the corner of the library. He always saw her sit in this particular corner. So when she took notice of his observation, Y/n smiled happily.
They studied together and began their project on apparating and disapparating—a two-parchment essay on the dangers and the benefits of the particular charm. Remus was to do the risks, and Y/n was to do the benefits. They worked in silence and diligently. Remus’ love language was always quality time anyways.
The noise of a book shutting made Remus jump in his spot; then, he was handed a piece of ripped parchment, “ I’ve finished my part of the essay. “
“ Okay. “ Remus replied, and Y/n gave him a glorifying smile.
He watched as Y/n left the library. Remus tried to think of all the ways to possibly ask her out or take her on a date, but his brain was scattered. The full moon would be tomorrow, and his focus wasn’t great. Worries and insecurities filled his mind. So after another hour, he finished his part of the essay and walked back to the Marauders dorm.
The following day was sluggish. Remus felt extraordinarily tired. When he went to sit down at his Potions seat beside Lily, a chocolate bar was waiting there with a piece of parchment. Lily smiled cheekily while Remus stared in awe of his favorite chocolate. The boy sat down and picked up the piece of parchment, quickly recognizing Y/n’s messy sprawl.
“ I know your secret ;)
I hope you have a good day, regardless! “
- Y/n
Remus’s cheeks flushed a brilliant magenta, and Lily chuckled at his star-struck expression. The boy was so clueless. Remus pocketed the note and removed part of the wrapper, then began eating the delicious treat, still flabbergasted at its mouth-watering taste. Honeydukes was truly amazing in every way.
The full moon seemed more bearable that night. Not just for him but for the dog, stag, and rat. None of them were injured too badly this time. Nonetheless, Remus was still dragged to the infirmary, where Madam Pomfrey took care of all his wounds that would eventually turn into awful-looking scars. No ones perfect, and Remus Lupin was no exception.
But when Remus woke up the following day to tapping on his hand, he smiled, “ I love you. “
“ I love you too. “ Remus tapped back, and Y/n blushed after realizing; she hadn’t known he was awake, “ No need to be afraid. I’ve liked you for a while. “ Remus added.
“ Date me? “ Y/n tapped while smiling sheepishly, and Remus patted the spot beside him on the bed.
Y/n climbed from the chair she was sitting on and laid beside him. His right arm wrapped around her waist, and her right hand laid on top of his chest. Along with her right leg placed gently over his. Remus kissed the top of her head carefully before tapping on her waist.
“ Of course. “
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Number one priority
deaf!Sirius Black x gender neutral!reader.
Summary - Sirius had lost his ability to hear at the age of 16 and only at 25 did he worry that he couldn't hear anymore or perhaps, ever.
Warnings - mentions of death, losing the ability to hear, the prank, and let me know if anything else!
A/N Ahhh! I had once read a fic featuring deaf!Sirius and I couldn't wait to write this but I was really afraid to post it seeing the notes on my previous fic. All thanks to @kurogue-nine for reviewing this blurb and giving me some motivation to post it. Once again, thank you, Nine!
“Hello, darling.” You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and a chin nuzzled in the crook of your neck as you stood in the cosy balcony of your apartment, your eyes darting over the specks of clouds in the twilight sky. You giggled and turned around in Sirius’ arms. He was finally home after a long day at work with nothing but simply the desire to be in the comfort of your arms.
“Hello, darling,” You said lovingly and watched with patience as Sirius’ eyes fell to your lips. You knew the cogs turned in his head and deciphered what you said.
“I missed you,” he said and kissed your cheek.
You waited for him to look back at you, “You haven’t seen me for what? Five hours?”
“Five hours, darling! You know what all happened then?” He said with a dramatic look of offence on his face that he gave up after seeing your glare.
You narrowed your eyes playfully at him and asked, “What happened?” You regretted your question as you watched his happy smile slowly morph into a frown.
He scoffed and remained silent, his gaze fell to the floor. You placed your index finger below his chin and lifted his face to look into his eyes, “Whose bones should I break?”
Sirius chuckled wetly, and leaned closer in your arms, “No one’s,” He whispered into your ears. You gently wrapped an arm around his shoulder and stood on your tiptoes. Kissing his temple, you gently swayed side to side.
Sirius, at the age of 16, had lost his hearing ability in an accident or so he told everyone – that it was an accident. Only you knew what had happened after he recounted the day to you with tears in his eyes. He remembered to this day what had happened so vividly. His uncle Alphard had died before his eyes and the last thing he heard was a horrible scream of agony and then he had passed out just to wake up and hope it was nothing but a bad nightmare. His hopes were crushed when James Potter stood next to him and tried to calm him down and promised it would be alright but he couldn’t hear any promises, just a buzzing sound and only that for, perhaps, the rest of his life.
Sirius always imagined his sixth year to be fun, it was, after all, “sweet sixteen”. But it was the worst year of his life. He was disowned almost a month after his parents found out, ashamed of the already disappointment he was claimed to be and when he had sought refuge with the Potters he had thought it would be alright but how wrong he was.
When Sirius was just at the first steps of moving on and learning to survive, things went downhill. He, to this day, remembers it so vividly. Sirius thought Snape had said something offensive about his little brother and the surge of anger in him could never be compared to anything. Which was when he learned that anger was a key to pry information.
He had given away the information about Remus’ “furry little problem” and even if James was understanding, Sirius could never forgive himself. So he started shutting out people, his best friends, his professors, passersby that took pity on the school’s joker, and finally, his own brother, creating the distance between them.
Sirius was just learning to adjust to his new…ability; he was learning to identify what people said just by the movement of their lips, which led to something so horrible that he had given away the most secretive news that would cause much harm to his best friend to Snape. He hadn't talked or heard anyone for so long but was confined to his bed and avoided his best friends.
And then there was a small beam of light in his dark life, he turned seventeen and he let people in through the walls he had created, he spoke to his brother and got him out of the place Regulus deemed “home” in an adventurous night. His life progressed peacefully and happily just to reach its peak when he turned twenty; he had met you for the first time and immediately fell in love. He was 25 now, dating you for five, happy, years.
“Puppy?” he asked, suddenly and you saw his eyes filled with tears when he pulled away, “I have never heard your voice,”
His statement brought tears to your eyes and you placed a loving hand against his cheek, “Sirius, please,”
“No, I-I have never heard what you sound like,” He chuckled and wiped the tear that managed to slip, “I bet your voice is angelic,”
You chuckled although your bottom lip wobbled, “I sound like a dying whale,”
Sirius barked out a laugh and shook his head, holding your hand against his cheek, “No, I don’t believe you. I swear to Merlin, I know you sound so beautiful,” he stared into your beautiful eyes, falling deep into the mesmerising miracle when a thought surfaced in his mind.
“I have never heard you say my name, I have never heard you tell me you love me,” He said, his mouth falling agape and his forehead resting against yours.
A tear slipped from both of your eyes. “Sirius,” You suddenly wrapped your arms around him, the force making him stumble slightly.
Although Sirius was thankful he didn’t hear your sobs but he couldn’t help but feel shattered when he realised he wouldn’t hear…anything from you. He wouldn’t hear your happy “yes” to his request to marry him, he wouldn’t hear the determined “I do” when you would stand on the altar holding hands, he wouldn’t hear your reply to every “I love you”s he would ever say to you.
“It's okay, Sirius,” He saw your lips move, “It's alright. That’s not gonna change anything,” his eyes watched carefully as your lips formed the words at a slow pace to help him. “I still love you and I will always love you, it would never change,”
You were the most important person in his life. His number one priority. His world. His love. You would always be there for him when nobody else did.
He slowly leaned up to press his lips to your forehead and for the first time, the buzzing in his ears did not bother him. Sirius loved the way you leaned against his chest, your hands holding his tightly.
“I love you,” He breathed, looking into your eyes and he didn’t mind not hearing you, he could see the love in your eyes.
“I love you too,” you said, slowly, not minding that he wouldn’t see you. A tear cascaded down your cheeks, as you signed to him.
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salazarslytherin · 4 years
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ the book of salazarslytherin: masterlist ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
☺︎ - fluff ☾ - angst ⚠︎ - smut 🀪 - general (non-fluff, angst or smut) ♡ - most popular
table of contents: ………………………………….
section 1 | x reader ………………………………….
chapter 1: golden era
1.1 | harry potter:
belong (⚠︎/☺︎); in which y/n needs a little reminder just who she belongs to. (slight fluff at end)
baby blurb: you get jealous of someone dancing with harry (☺︎/☾) ft. genderneutral!reader
1.2 | fred weasley:
happy days (☺︎/☾); in which fred takes y/n on a special date (0.5% angst, 99.5% fluff. ft. genderneutral!reader)
a birthday show (⚠︎); in which you accidentally wake Fred up in the night from being, occupied
1.3 | george weasley:
birthday celebrations (⚠︎); in which george gets jealous at his own birthday party
1.4 | cedric diggory:
good to me (⚠︎/☺︎); in which cedric shows y/n how amazing she is
the boys react to you being a snake animagus (☺︎); headcanon ft. male!reader
1.5 | bill weasley:
♡ midnight rendezvous (☺︎/☾/⚠︎); in which you and bill seem to have a penchant for meeting in the night
midnight rendezvous pt 2 (☺︎/☾/⚠︎); in which you and bill seem to have a penchant for meeting in the night
1.6 | ron weasley:
baby blurb: you get jealous of hermione liking ron (☾) ft. genderneutral!reader
chapter 2: marauders era
2.1 | james potter:
♡ head boy (⚠︎); in which james gets a birthday surprise from you
tranquility (☺︎); in which you go see james after OWLs
the marauders react to you being angry (☺︎); headcanon ft. genderneutral!reader
a day in (☺︎/⚠︎); in which you and james have a relaxing day in
dance lessons (☺︎); in which james teaches you how to dance ft. genderneutral!reader
winner, loser. (⚠︎); james is determined to prove he is anything but a loser. ft. brother’s best friend james, the hockey player
baby blurb: james secretly helps you fall asleep (☺︎) ft. genderneutral!reader
baby blurb: james and comparing hand sizes (☺︎) ft. genderneutral!reader
baby blurb: coming out as bi to james (☺︎) ft. platonic genderneutral!reader
2.2 | sirius black:
good times, bad times (⚠︎/☺︎); in which a bad time interrupts a good time
the marauders react to you being angry (☺︎); headcanon ft. genderneutral!reader
♡ sex on fire (⚠︎); an encounter with sirius in the kitchen ft. dilf!sirius
baby blurb: sirius and angry confessions in the rain (☾) ft. genderneutral!reader
baby blurb: sirius has an alcohol addiction (☾) ft. genderneutral!reader
baby blurb: sirius and fake fighting (⚠︎) ft. genderneutral!reader
baby blurb: coming home to sirius after work (☺︎) ft. genderneutral!reader
2.3 | remus lupin:
♡ under the waxing moon (⚠︎); in which the full moon is right around the corner, and remus gets in the mood
the boys react to you being a snake animagus (☺︎); headcanon ft. male!reader
spilling beer and secrets, dear! (☺︎); in which you and remus go on a first date, but he’s too nervous to function
an exciting cliche (⚠︎/☾); in which, oh no! there's only one bed... ft. vamp!reader, and a small bit of angst
the marauders react to you being angry (☺︎); headcanon ft. genderneutral!reader
♡ full (⚠︎/☾); in which remus has a breeding kink (like 1% angst)
nonchalant (⚠︎); in which you decide to piss remus off
baby blurb: remus knows how to play the guitar (☺︎) ft. genderneutral!reader
2.4 | poly!fics:
♡ their girl (⚠︎); in which sirius and remus have a wee bit of an innocence!kink
chapter 3: other eras
3.1 | tom riddle:
the boys react to you being a snake animagus (☺︎); headcanon ft. male!reader
3.2 | salazar slytherin:
patience is a virtue (⚠︎); professor slytherin teaches you a lesson on patience
section 2 | ships ………………………………….
chapter 1: golden era
1.1 | drarry:
the ways we say i love you (☺︎); in which harry and draco show their love, subtly.
ebony hair and ivory keys (☺︎/☾); in which harry is a deaf concert pianist, and draco is a coward.
chapter 2: marauders era
1.1 | wolfstar:
falling (☾); in which remus tries to forget, but sirius won’t let him.
player, heartbreaker (☾); in which sirius breaks remus’ heart- not for the first time, but definitely for the last.
© - @salazarslytherin , @ashesandstars 2021
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siriusmydeer · 3 years
Hello! How are you? From the touches ask game can I request hand holding 30, kiss 9, and touching 27 with james potter please? Thanks in advance
the art of his eyes
james potter x gender neutral!reader
summary: your first kiss with james.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: mutual pinning, kissing, mentions of stomach pain, mentions of self doubt/insecurity
prompts: brushing against each other, linking fingers together for a second, first kisses, pulling the other one towards them
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his eyes were delicate.
they were almost a cerulean sea of blues that was carved into a canvas, similar to an italian renaissance painting from decades ago that had reappeared in a museum only for the finest arts.
they were fragile, almost like beauty could be seen through his eyes. yet they were utterly angelic.
perhaps that’s why he was just your best friend.
as much as it clawed at your mind it didn’t cease you from gaping upon them for hours if you yearned for it enough. yet, the most you could obtain was a glimpse of even the slightest shimmer of cobalt blue.
from the time you were young, james had you completely enveloped around his finger just by his lingering words. the ventures of your eyes prominently beating carmine hearts that only increased from the duration of your friendship.
there were only particular moments that he could have your heart palpitating like it was your final day to stride around. distinctly when he had wiped a tear that was streaked upon your cheek, when he brushed your hair away from your face after the wind was particularly difficult, and the times he had cradled you in his arms whilst smearing a minuscule kiss along your brow bone after a hard day.
your trudges were deep, and exceedingly slow. your mind was attempting to decipher how much longer you could walk around while procrastinating before you went to find the gryffindor. your eyes desperately trying to venture into that cerulean sea of blue.
just in time as you were trudging down the courtyard, the birds finally making an appearance with their faint singing. the cocky gryffindor sauntered over to you in a disdaining manner, his brunet tresses laying messily on his head from the frequent gusts of wind mangling everyone's hair.
“hey,” he spoke breathily with a smirk, craning his neck in your direction. his brow creased at the daze contortion on your face, snapping his fingers once in front of your eyes to catch your attention.
“james, hey,” you said with a startle in your voice. you held a hand over your heart for a moment, sighing once with a faux smile before turning your head back in your previous direction.
it was the first saturday after the easter break had finished and students had left their homes after dreadful goodbyes from their families. students were desperately marking down their calendars for the weekend to arrive after completing their loads of homework from the previous week, the weekend excused for clamoring hogsmeade or the courtyard.
he continued to trudge with you in silence towards your destination, a normal contingency between the both of you so your adamant lack of speech wasn’t concerning him. but the boy had a handful of words that he was waiting to say, almost hoping they wouldn’t come out disorganized due to his immense trepidation.
as you both were continuing to stroll over to the clearing of grass both you and james had spotted in the duration of your third year you felt the brush of his hands against your own. they feeling was prominent yet faint, like a ghost who suddenly could touch. a minuscule moment where his fingers looped around your own, his frigid pinky finger colliding with yours. his other fingers following in a small dangle against your hand, and suddenly his touch was gone.
your breath took a sudden hitch in your trachea, stopping in your place when you realized you had been standing in your place of destination. he looked towards you once before contorting his body in front of your own so he could face you, “james.” you muttered.
at the deaf hours of the stygian night you had pondered how obvious you were concerning your feelings to the point where it could’ve brought you a churning pain in your stomach, and most times it did from the number of sparks and butterflies wandering freely in your abdomen at the thought of the gryffindor. little to your knowledge people had already thought you were a couple, the kind of couple that cuddled in private whilst your head was tucked under his neck and your hair tickled at his chin, the kind of couple that said their, i love you’s before class had begun.
“you’re being strange. why?” you quizzically inquired craning your neck upwards into his direction. your eyes finally deepening in a void the azure and cobalt blues swirling together to make only the peculiar bunch of colors in one glimpse of an eye.
“i was talking to padfoot, and—“ he paused for a moment to form his words that he was almost jumbling over to find. “i need to do something.” he finished by running his finger up to the point of your chin while the pad of his thumb ran across from your searing skin, holding your view in place to look at him. the swirl of his irises gliding over your figure with ease. it was like his gaze had a hold over you, freezing you in place. his heart was doing continuous somersaults, it rather felt like the palpitating muscle was about to scramble out of his chest in such a hast manner.
“do it, then.”
he breathed a heavy sigh the decision weighing on his mind, his thumb coming into contact with your distrait jutted lip. the smooth planes of your lip flicked down for a moment revealing the carmine skin that laid beneath. 
your breath hitching once more from his hands carving into the side of your waist as well as the apple of your cheek. your mind attempting to determine what was happening, the absentee of his words made it difficult to determine if he had been finally doing what you had waited for.
your intuition was confirmed when his lips were delicately placed against your own. he had planned to kiss you, but he didn’t plan for it today rather procrastinating the decision. he had planned to kiss you since he saw the stretch of your smile and his mind deciphered that he needed you way more than platonically. his conversation with sirius while the raven-haired gryffindor was almost pleading on the bend of his knees to ‘get his girl.’ was the tossing coin that landed on his answer.
his lips were smooth, fragile even, like you would break if he wasn’t delicate with you. there wasn’t a need for a rush. his heart only further clamouring in his chest when he felt the smoothness of your velvet-textured palm placed on his cheek, the pads of your fingers hitting the hair that was rooted onto the nape of his neck. your fingers had further melded into his jaw like it was meant to fit, similar to a puzzle.
the grip he had on your waist was only tugging you closer to the sculpting of his torso, fitting into the brunet's body with ease.
you pulled away, unaware of the time that had passed for the duration of your kiss. your hand still placed on his cheek, he nuzzled his nose into the palm of your hand. he placed a diplomatic kiss to the flesh before melding his cheek with your palm. the crimson burn arising to your balmy touch as he gazed upon you, every tranquil detail of your face. he wanted to memorize your image so every time he felt like he was in an abyss of emptiness he could remember the grin placed upon your face at this very moment.
“i could kiss you forever, y’know,” he whispered faintly. you could feel his midriff heavily respiring, a grin now dancing on his face whilst his cheek lay tilted in your palm.
“no, but i do now.”
taglist: @kittykylax @ronbrokemyheart @aspiringsloth20 @amourtentiaa @msmb @five-cups-of-coffee @emmaev @serenitywilderness @artemis1orion @miss-starkov @siriusbarnesslut @inglourious-imagines @i-love-scott-mccall @famdomhideout @hufflepogue @kirascottage @luvvninaz @miraclesoflove @black-like-my-soul @slytherclawbitch
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isolemnlyswear · 3 years
could you do a fic of james and his girlfriend reader who isn’t taking care of herself. like she is overworking herself with school, tutoring, and quidditch and she is making herself sick. she’s barley eating and then she has a fit where she’s throwing up because she made herself sick because of stress. then he takes care of her 🥺
stressed out.
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a/n : my god i’m so fucking sorry this took ages. i’m so sorry. it’s also shitty oops–
warnings / content : young!james potter x fem!reader. extreme stress, vomit, swearing, mentions of not eating, kissing ? fluff!
taglist : @oldschoolkiddo @amourtentiaa @anchoeritic @faeinorbit @aslutfortom @inks-and-jinx @jxsperhxle @punkrific @the-gazette-of-tea @krasivayadarling @orifortheweeknd @fallin-4-ya @incxndio @daisyyy2516 @hoe4cedricdiggory @vsawyer1989 @fathermarty
You sigh, eyes unwillingly prying open due to the bright lights beaming into your dorm, or James’s dorm, rather.
You shift so that you're facing the aforementioned boy, whose eyelids are still gently shut, lashes playing over his cheeks and hiding his cerulean irises.
You place a soft kiss on the tip of his nose, pulling yourself out of bed and to the bathroom. The weekend prior had been pure bliss, but now, the weeks towards graduation are dwindling to but a few, and the stress is increasing exponentially.
James murmurs softly as he wakes up, and you spare him a fleeting glance before pulling on your uniform and rushing down to the common room, books in hand.
Breakfast hasn't started yet, but you're hoping to study before the day starts, not willing to risk losing any ounce of material that could slip from your brain.
Before you know it, it's seven a.m., and James is bounding down the stairs to meet you for breakfast.
“Hi, my love!” he says excitedly, and you barely register his voice as you scrawl notes on a piece of parchment. “Y/N?” he asks again, kneeling to tuck a strand of hair from your face, and you look up.
“Hi,” you say simply, smiling briefly before returning to your notes.
“Wanna go to breakfast, dove?” he asks, eyes searching yours.
“One sec, I gotta finish this,” you say, holding your lip in between your teeth in concentration.
“Alright,” James responds begrudgingly, furrowing his brows, but as to not pry, he utters a quick ‘meet you down there’ and leaves.
But an hour goes by, and you're still studying, up until your first class period.
And you forget, by the time you go to the class - which is potions - to eat breakfast. Then you go to the next, barely stopping to breathe between rushing to classes.
And finally, it's lunch. You sling your bag over your shoulder and rush to the great hall, spotting James and the boys at the end of the table and making your way toward them.
“Hi,” you greet, sitting down next to your boyfriend, pecking him on the cheek.
“Where were you, this mornin’? Thought we were gonna meet up between classes,” James says, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.
“Fuck, I'm so sorry, I forgot, I was studying for-”
“Don't be sorry, m’love, but y’gotta relax a bit, m’kay? Now eat. You didn't earlier,” James instructs, and you murmur a thank you before turning to your lunch.
But his words fall on deaf ears; you're so pent up about exams that by the time you hit your last period, you're a burning ball of exhaustion and anxiety ready to explode momentarily.
Quidditch is at five, and you tutor younger students from three to four, so you rush to the library promptly after your last period ends.
You meet with a fourth-year called Milo, teaching him about some charms task he didn't comprehend, and then with a girl called Annalise. You repeat over and over again how sorry you are for having a short temper, and that they're doing great, but you have to refrain from snapping at their mistakes in your tumultuous state.
And then it's finally over, and you have barely a moment to spare before you run off to the locker room.
As soon as you're in there, you run to the bathroom, nausea overcoming you instantaneously as you crouch over the toilet. Your insides are twisting and tightening with the stress that's taken over you, and you want nothing more than to curl up in a hole and disappear.
But then you hear a creak of a door, and you fret for a moment, worrying that it's the other girl on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but she's ill today, so how-
“Y/N?” James's voice calls, and he steps into the bathroom tentatively, causing you to cough and flush the toilet quickly.
“J-James, um-” you cough again, body attempting to dispel the bile in your throat, and James rushes over to your stall, knocking on the door.
“Y/N, what’s wrong, can I - shit - can you let me in?”
You oblige, pushing the door to allow him entrance, and he drops to his knees at the sight of you.
You're hung over the toilet, tears welling your eyes and a small amount of vomit smeared at the corner of your mouth, a heavy purple residing under your formerly bright e/c eyes and the hollows of your cheekbones.
“Oh, baby, what's goin’ on?” he asks, and you scrunch your nose, clasping a hand over your mouth as you feel your throat swell with nausea.
When you lean over the toilet again, James pulls his hand into your hair, creating a makeshift ponytail to pull it from your eyes, and his other hand rests at the small of your back, rubbing soft circles there.
After a few minutes, most of the nausea has passed, albeit only slightly, and you're able to speak again.
“What’s got you all sick, hmm?” James asks quietly, and you remain silent, not wanting to admit the turmoil that you're facing. “Are you stressed out, m’love? Is that it?”
You nod, tears slipping over your waterline.
“C’mere, here, I got you, it's alright,” he says, letting you fall into his chest as you cry, whispering words of reassurance into your ear.
It takes a while, but the tears, too, pass, thanks to James, and you realize you've forgotten about practice altogether.
“We have to go to practice,” you say quietly, and James shakes his head.
“I'll get Pads to sub for me.”
“But you're captain. And what about me-”
“He can deal with it, trust me. And we're not even in season anyway, my love, it'll be fine. You're more important than practice, I wanna make sure you're okay, alright?” he says, stroking your hair softly, and you smile a watery smile.
“You're a sap,” you tease, poking his side, and he grins, brushing the hair from your face.
“You know you love me,” he responds, and you laugh into his chest.
“That I do. Now can we go cuddle, ‘m fucking knackered,” you say, and he nods.
He leads you up to his dorms, walking you through brushing your teeth and giving you new clothes (his, of course, a band tee and some very large sweatpants), allowing you to feel clean again.
He has Remus bring up some food to their dorm, which is empty for a while, and he sets it up in a riser above his bed, kissing you on the forehead.
“Thank you,” you whisper, kissing him on the lips, this time, and he smiles into your mouth.
“No need to thank me, alright? Now I asked him to just get the plain foods, they're pretty soft, too, and you gotta drink some water, okay? Two bottles f’me,” he instructs, and you nod, beginning to eat as James idly chats to you, head in your lap as your unoccupied hand strokes his hair mindlessly.
You finish eating after a while, and James vanishes the food, orienting himself so that you're in ample cuddling position, now, with your head on his chest and his arms around your waist.
“I love you, you know that, right?” he says after a few beats of silence, and you nod. “I know you get yourself all stressed out like this, and it's not your fault, but I'm always gonna be here to help you relax. Always. Until the end of time.”
“I love you,” you whisper, tightening your grip on him, and he smiles.
“I love you more.”
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prfctethereal · 3 years
can you write more of your horror movie james series? <3
just another horror movie. | james potter
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pairing: james potter x reader
chapter: two
warnings: NSFW, smut, vaginal fingers, dirty talk, more dom!james ish, talk of dead bodies, talk of blood, talk of vomiting, talk of blowjobs
word count: 3k
read the previous chapter here
summary: you and james have fun in a police station
The next few hours were a blur. A police car and ambulance arrived at the scene of the crime first, pushing through the cluster of the three of you. It was loud, sirens blaring and men talking. You felt as though you couldn’t get a single thought out. Every wail or movement hurt your already fragile body.
You had yet to see the face of the body, but you weren’t sure if you even wanted to. You could tell that James had, as he had fallen silent. Any conversation you tried to make fell on deaf ears. He was frozen in place, not daring to communicate, a ghostly pale his new default form.
For you, you just felt it drag on. It wasn’t as if you were apathetic; it’s just that you got over it relatively quickly. Before you knew it, you were sitting in the police station waiting room, picking at the dried skin around your fingernails, trying to keep yourself occupied. Through your headphones, the loud blaring of a random rock song blasted your ear drums, blocking out your surroundings, as though you weren’t in a police station.
But you were, and someone had just died.
You had yet to be questioned, but you weren’t allowed to leave the station until you had been. It seemed as though hundreds of police officers had trickled into the station since you had arrived a few hours ago, yet none of them had requested to see you. All of them had turned to look at you, pity in their eyes, and had given you a curt nod, as if that would make everything better.
It hadn’t. You had just given your boyfriend a blowjob a few feet away from a dead body. For a lack of more eloquent words, you were disgusted.
Not just disgusted though. You felt like there was still a churning fire in your lower stomach, a flame that hadn’t been distinguished. Crossing your legs over each other had eased your desire, but not for long. Your mind kept drifting off to the raw sex appeal of your gorgeous boyfriend sitting next to you.
James’ head was in his hands, his eyes turned downwards, scrolling through twitter on his phone. He never stopped to read anything though, his mind obviously somewhere else. As you watched his chest rise and fall with his steady breath, you couldn’t help but salivate. His fingers, and especially thumbs, flexed with every scroll, his muscles on display. You couldn’t help but imagine what other things those fingers could be doing.
But, this wasn’t the right time. You were in a police station. Someone was dead. So, why were you so horny?
“You okay?” You turned to see James, eyes fixed upon you, concern in his eyes. He knew it was a feeble question, but it was the thought that counted. You nodded at an attempt to ease his mind, but it didn’t work. His mouth pursed at your cold demeanour.
“You don’t look okay. You seem…” James’ voice trailed off, his eyes raking up and down your body, in a way that you couldn’t establish what he exactly wanted. “…clammy?”
You scoffed. “I’m a little on edge, you could say.” You waved your hand around, showing your faux calm and collection, as if it was a coveted prize that you had one. James bit his lip, obviously not convinced. His fingers rested upon your thigh, his hands rubbing up and down soothingly. You knew it had only innocent desires, but you couldn’t help but admit how turned on it made you feel.
“I’m here darling,” James’ hand stalled, as he noticed your breath hitch at the nickname, “if you need to talk, and all.”
“Thank you.” In a way to mimic James’ comforting nature, your own hand found its way to James’ muscles thighs, resting there. You smiled sweetly, before turning away from him and closing your eyes.
He must’ve thought the conversation was over, because he turned back towards his phone, his left thumb penetrating his lips, his teeth gnawing at his nail, and his right thumb continued its scrolling adventure.
With your eyes closed, you could still feel the heat of James’ body with your hand, which made a naughty thought pop into your brain. Grinning, you started trailing your hands higher up his leg, stroking the inside of his thigh. A deep exhale from James’ nose was the only sign that you knew he registered your presence. Your heart fluttered as you watched his nostrils flare up in arousal. He must've known what you were doing by now. Biting your lip, you trailed higher, until your hand was resting just under his crotch area.
“I know what you’re doing.” James’ whispery tone was husky and deep, trying not to bring any attention to the two of you. Battering your eyelids, you jutted out your pouty lip, scrunching your nose up in confusion, although you had already formulated a plan.
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” You whispered back to James, letting your hand fall loosely to his side. He thought your teasing was over, letting out the breath he was holding, but you couldn’t avoid the way his pants tightened just slightly. He was enjoying your teasing. Smirking, sadistic ideas came to you, as you felt your hands twitch with desire.
First, you dropped your phone on the ground, the loud clattering on the case onto the concrete floors catching the attention of James and a few passerbys. You gasped slightly, parting your lips just enough to remind James of how you look during more intimate moments. Bending over, you let the edge of your shirt ride up just enough to flash James with the smallest amount of skin. A teasing amount. You could hear his laboured breathing from next to you.
You made a real show of it, poking out your tongue and letting it glide over your bottom lip, your eyes focused on the ground, completely - well, not completely - ignoring James beside you, who was getting more and more flustered by the minute. Cheekily, you let your hand fall past your calf, accentuating your smooth skin. The more skin you showed, the more desperate James acted.
“Aha!” You spoke louder than usual, making sure James’ attention was entirely on you. Curling your fingers around your phone with one hand, you used your other hand to push yourself back up in your chair, until it sat innocently in your lap. Realising James wasn’t going to make a move anytime soon, you attempted a more direct approach.
Your hand was back on James’ crotch instantly. You heard his voice hitch and you knew you were doing something right. Biting your lip, you flexed and unflexed your hand over his growing bulge, teasing ministrations getting him riled up. The material of his pants was the only thing protecting you from his member, and it was getting in the way. Exhaling from your nostrils, a fed up sigh escaped your lips. This was getting you nowhere.
The good thing was, James had finally decided to take initiative. Frustrated with your teasing, you cleared his throat, grunting into his fisted palm, before holding his other hand out in front of you. Smirking, you laid your hand in his, right before he shut his hand tight, tugging on your hand.
“Let’s go.” James grunted under his breath, pulling you to a standing position, wrapping his arm around your waist, he guided you through the hallway until he locked eyes with a stray cleaning closet.
James tugged you into the hallway closet, desperate to get his hands on you after all your “teasing”. You had to give him the benefit of the doubt though, which was that you weren’t playing nice. It was definitely on purpose; your naturally flirty personality shines through once again.
His hands were in your hair in seconds, pulling on the roots, craving something to ground himself. His succulent lips found the softest point of your neck, earning a small growl from the bespectacled boy. The softest bits were always the easiest to mark up.
Shiny, pearls of teeth scratched at the pulse point of your neck, with the tiny ounces of pain, sending tingles of arousal down to your core. You could feel your panties slowly becoming more and more damp, the pleasure getting to a point of being uncomfortable.
James was sucking ferociously now on your neck, persistent on having your skin decorated in hues of blues and blacks for next period. Satisfied with his first mark, he moved south, just slightly, applying more pressure.
“Oh darling, your skin is just divine.” His words were soft and sultry, making you whimper against his lips, the vibrations of your moans able to be felt by James himself. “Keep making those pretty sounds, my love. I love hearing how desperate you are.”
“James, please.” Your words came out as a breathy whine, something that was less and less foreign to you as your relationship with James grew.
“Come on, love, use your words.” James sucked another small bruise into your neck in the short pause. “You know you need to use your words.”
Contradictory to his words, James’ hands traveled southwards, smoothing over the curve of your back, sitting just above your arse, rubbing small circles into the surface. It was too hard not to let everything go. James removed his mouth from his neck, bringing his lips up to the shell of your ear.
“Is this okay?” James asked for consent, which you granted by nodding, bucking your hips unconsciously into James’ growing bulge. Smirking, he moved his hands more, stroking the curvature of your spine. Teasingly, he traced the hem of your skirt, before tugging it down, just enough that the tips of his fingers could dip into the crack of your arse. To convince his to continue, you let out a needy whine, letting James take the reins this time.
His wandering fingers trekked down the side of your thigh, sending pools of arousal straight to your core. With all the teasing you did before, you guessed that this was James’ idea of pay back. HIs fingers were practically ghosts as his lips reconnected with yours, melding together in perfect syncrasy.
It wasn’t long before James’ sneaky tongue found its way into your mouth, sneaking past your bottom lip, arriving unannounced into the castle which is your cavernous mouth. You didn’t even want to put up a fight as James’ tongue took dominance, pushing you deeper into the wall behind you. His hand reached upwards; one hand on your cheek and one hand cupping your arse. As he squeezed your butt gently, you moaned into his mouth, letting James deepen the kiss even more, the vibrations sending blood down to his dick.
Within a few minutes, you both were practically dry humping each other, both being bitches in heat. Tugging needily at James’ neat shirt, you begged him for permission to take it off. Knowing deep down what you need, James pulled away for just a moment, pulling the shirt over his head, flexing his tight muscles. You were mesmerised by his abdominals, the canyons upon canyons creating a tsunami of pleasure in your panties, something you didn’t realise was possible.
Wanting him as soon as possible, you lifted your own shirt over your head, exposing your lace-cladded tits to the horny boy in front of you. James was basically salivating. Instantly, his hands went to cup your tits, squishing and melding them like stress balls, his pupils dilated like raven saucers. “All mine.” He whispered underneath his breath.
“Yes, all yours. I'm all yours. Do what you want with me.” You were panting at this point, as James swiped his thumbs under your bra, teasing your pert nipple. “All yours and only yours. Forever and always. Just fuck me already.”
“Nuh uh.” James removed his hands from you, leaving you flabbergasted, and James breathless from laughter. He went to his belt, tugging it off and letting his pants pool around his ankles “You were the one teasing me. You don’t get to call the shots. This is a little punishment for bad girls who think they know best.”
James’ erection was straining from inside his boxers, desperate for attention, and he knew that punishing you by making you wait was also punishing himself. Your needy whines were just too good to not satiate. Licking his lips, his hands found their way under your skirt again, cupping the bottom of your ass cheeks. “Is this alright?”
“Yes, please.” You needed him. With consent, James pulled down your panties so they were resting on your thighs and swiped his finger through your drenched folds. You really must’ve been aroused; it was like a swamp. Shockily, when James teased your puffy clitoris, he felt you getting even more wet and even more desperate.
Gently, one of his finger’s teased your entrance, before probing inside. Even with just one of James’ thick fingers, you felt full. A hearty moan escaped your lips, before James drank it up by connecting his lips to yours, not wanting to get caught. Inserting another finger while connected, he hushed you, keeping your quiet from any prying ears that might walk past. You didn’t mind; you weren’t new to exhibitionism. You proved that this morning.
This morning. You had forgotten about this morning. The blood on your knees which James had kindly cleaned up, the vomit left in the forest, the dead body in which you had given James a blowjob only a few feet away. You clenched around James’ fingers from the memory, not because it was a particularly nice memory, but because you were still a little frightened.
James, on the other hand, relished in the feeling of your cunt tightening around his fingers and the way your sweet juices dripped onto his hand. Wanting to take you to the edge, he pumped further and harder, making you whimper more and more into his mouth, turning you into a moaning little whore.
“You like that, huh?” James asked, his sickly, sweet voice condescending, dripping like soft honey over your ears. The pleasure was building up fast and you knew that you would have to cum soon, yet you doubted that James would let you, especially after your cheek from just early. So, you tried to suppress it, but he just felt too good.
“So good Jamie.” You muttered, the words spilling out from your mushy brain. “So, so good. Right there.”
“Right,” his fingers curled perfectly at your G-spot, making you arch your back in surprise, “there? Is this what you want?” Menacingly, he slapped his palm against your clit, gifting you with a spark of extra pleasure as you tumbled closer and closer to your edge. The stimulation was becoming too much. You needed release.
“Jamie, gonna cum.” You breathed out, as his fingers continued to pump in and out of you. You relished in the feeling. “Please, please, please let me cum.”
“Oh, you want to cum?” James mocked your innocent expression. “But bad girls don’t get to cum? Weren’t you being so bad before when you were teasing me, hm? Teasing me in front of all those officers? I knew what you were doing all along, baby doll. Your mean demeanor was futile. You were being naughty. Naughty girls get punished.”
James’ monologue was spoken in his husky voice, not helping your little problem with needing to cum. His relentless torture on your cunt was stopping anytime soon and you knew that he would want his release of his own. You knew you wouldn’t be able to hold on for that long. Any attempt would end with your backside covered garnet red hand prints from a domineering James.
“Please.” You were begging at this point. “Please let me cum. I’ll do anything. I beg of you.” Your needy hands were climbing all over James’ torso, needing something to grip onto. It seemed like this motion softened him a little bit, his nice personality showing through once again.
“Fine.” James spat. “Cum. Now.”
And you did. It tumbled over you like a waterfall, hurtling you into a bright white light. You leaned onto James, gripping onto his biceps with due force, trying not to topple over. His hand that wasn’t still neatly tucked in your cunt was holding your torso up, keeping you from falling onto the dirty, public police station floors.
As you caught your breath, you ran your fingers through your hair, trying to compose yourself. It didn’t help with the fact that you saw James’ sucking your remaining juices off of his fingers out of the corner of your eye. You shuddered, your arousal coming back.
“Wow, I’m going to need you to do that ag-”
You were cut off though, by a sound from outside the door. In an instant, James had his hand wrapped around your mouth so you wouldn’t make a sound, as you listened to the police officers that had conveniently stopped right in front of the cupboard you were both in.
“Autopsy report came back. Stab wounds all over the poor bugger’s chest. Died a slow death, apparently. Killer must’ve been some sick sadist.”
Another officer spoke, her voice softer than the other. “My heart goes out to the family. I would never want that to happen to my child. Poor Walburga. The Black kid deserved a better way to go.”
Your breath hitched. Was Sirius dead? You knew Sirius to be James’ best friend and you couldn’t imagine how he must’ve been feeling. James had been brave though, not shedding a single tear since stumbling across the body, something that definitely shocked you now hearing that it was his best friend. Or…
“Poor Regulus was on track for doing great things.” Oh, it was Regulus. From beside you, you felt James reach for your hand, squeezing tightly.
You now knew who had been killed, and for some reason, that felt worse than not knowing.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Money, Money, Money Part 1
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Pairing: mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader, slight Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: lots of swearing, silly drunk mobs, mentions of alcoholism, parody, Peter is adult, is this a crack fic??
Words: 2578.
Summary: When Steve finds out somebody has stolen their money, Bucky realizes he has to take his ass off the leather couch in his office, finally.
P.S. This is my first attempt to write humor and I’m sorry in advance for everything I’ve written here 😅
Allyson massaged her temples softly and let out a groan: if Mr. Rogers continued to yell like that, he would definitely choke soon. This morning he had been pretending to be the death, vengeance and fury, ready to kick the ass of her immediate superior, James Barnes, who acted like he was deaf, unable to pull himself from the couch where he slept after getting drunk as a fish last night. Oh, poor Bucky. Apparently, he fucked things up again if Mr. Rogers stormed into his office like he was getting chased by a 200-pound dog.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, you son of a...” glancing at a pouting man-child with a three-day beard, Steve covered his face with his palm and let out an exasperated sigh, “... respectable woman who would die of shame if she saw you now!”
“Come on, Stevie,” the man yawned, finally moving his huge, muscular body up to sit instead of just laying on the couch since he felt a little guilty Steve was getting all riled up while he just chilled, “why so serious? Yeah, somebody took a bit of cash from the safe, it’s not a big deal.”
Allyson heard everything as if they were speaking right in front of her - Bucky was a real Mr. Cheapo who didn’t want to rent an office with decent walls - and quickly closed her ears, wishing she had taken her earplugs today. Her boss just made a grave mistake, and now both of them were going to pay for it with their eardrums.
Seriously, she considered getting a new job, but these free daily standup shows were both tiring and so fucking funny she was afraid she might wet her seat.
“Oh my fucking God, Bucky, I swear I’ll kill you, I’ll... no, I have a better idea!” Steve gave his best friend a dirty look. “I’ll call your uncle. Yeah, you know which one. He’ll be sooo happy to take you drunk ass to jail and then give your mama a call. I bet she has a cure for both your attitude and alcoholism.”
“You wouldn’t do that!”
Suddenly realizing the danger he was in, Bucky quickly got up, almost falling to the floor but holding on the leather chair in the very last second. When Steve talked about calling his uncle, a chief of police of the neighboring town where his whole family lived, it meant things were going bad. Real bad.
“Bucky, it was the part we were going to invest into Pierce’s casino. I have to take it to him tomorrow morning. TOMORROW FUCKING MORNING, DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU STINKING DRUNK?”
“I’m drunk but not deaf, Steve!”
“Oh my God, I’m driving you to a rehab, go gather your stuff right now!”
Allyson sighed, getting up and proceeding to choose the most beautiful cup to fill it with fresh coffee: when their conflicts escalated to threats, it meant her boss would soon start to sweet-talk, apologizing to his best friend and promising to sober up and get things right. Every time she felt like Mr. Rogers would really do something to Bucky, the guy used his natural charisma and charm and got away with anything by just reminding Steve how he fought for his best friend in the dark alleys when Rogers was a sick, skinny kid. It worked every damn time.
There they were again, talking about same things with Bucky swearing on his mother’s life that he will find the money and bring it back to Steve. Usually it meant the threats were coming to an end, and soon Mr. Rogers would open the door and come out red as a lobster, breathing heavily as if he just ran a marathon. There he would see her with a cup of nice coffee with cream and two spoons of sugar just like he preferred, gladly accepting it and saying nobody understand him but her. Then Allyson would smile compassionately, listen to his small talk before he went out the office, and wait until her grumpy boss would fall out the room, reeking alcohol, and ask her what the fuck had happened yesterday.
After that in a couple of minutes things would finally settle down, and Allyson would have a chance to give a call to her best friend.
Your day couldn’t start better: you had finally received your Amazon order - hooray to the stupid makeup tools you would use, like, once a year - and even watched your favorite Netflix series with a cup of a fragrant coffee with marshmallows because it was Sunday and you were finally free from both work and cleaning the apartment. It felt so nice to just do absolutely nothing, laying on your couch with a piece of pizza in your hand. Seriously, even a workaholic like you had to do it more often.
Your lazy morning was interrupted by Peter, a sweet college student who was getting into troubles more often than a drunk in a local bar: you seriously considered calling him Harry Potter after you found him half-naked with a scratch on his forehead standing in the corridor of your building and holding a broom. To protect himself from bullies, he said, by the look on his face you could tell it was as good as a magic wand against 6"4 ft tall guys, seriously.
Since he rented an apartment with other unlucky nerds who had zero skills how to survive in this cruel world, you ended up nearly baby-sitting Peter, patching him up after he was getting in a fight and lending him some money time after time when he struggled to pay rent or buy food. His parents were elderly people with income below average, but they still did whatever they could to give him an education, so you decided to give the guy a hand.
Now that baby was standing in front of you, lit up like a Christmas tree, with a bouquet of wonderful pink roses, big box of hand-crafted chocolates and a whole bag of what looked like some very fine food, even a bottle of champagne clinking inside.
"Good morning, Fairy Godmother! I came to bring back what I owe you!" His smile was a mile wide when he looked at your face, happy to the point he couldn't stand still, dancing like those Duracell rabbits in the tv ad.
"You're up early, Cinderella."
You yawned, laughing when you saw the guy pouting at the nickname you gave him - tf he expected for calling you Fairy Godmother?
"Don't stand there, come in."
When he actually handed you the flowers and chocolates, giving you a quick peck on the cheek shyly, you froze, finally realizing he brought all this for you. Wait, what? Where the heck did he get so much money to buy that expensive stuff? You thought he was helping his other neighbor who was planning to finally propose to his girlfriend. Perplexed to the point you nearly missed that peck, you blinked at tomato red Peter.
"Please don't tell me you robbed your 90-year-old paralytic professor."
"Why don't you ask if I robbed a bank?" He pouted again, putting the bag on the floor and getting a hundred dollar banknote out of his old leather wallet. "I actually came to thank you for everything you've done for me. And I didn't rob anyone! I got a real job!"
"Real job?" You eyed him curiously. "But don't you already have a job in delivery?"
"Pfft, you can't call it a job. It was getting one nasty smelling pizza from one place to the other while looking miserable."
You barely held your laugh, leaving the bouquet and chocolates on the side table and rubbing guy's back. Poor Peter, nobody was giving him a hand - while you couldn't question people's decision since the guy wasn't the most reliable one, it was still a shame he wasn't treated decently as if all of them weren't young and careless once.
Wait, but who on Earth gave him such a well-paid job all of a sudden? He must have spent hundreds of dollars on the bouquet, chocolates, food and champagne, not even counting those 100 dollars he owed.
Oh God.
"Please don't tell me you're working for some shady business." You looked at him in horror, your hand flying to your mouth. "Peter, is it Tony's band?!"
"Jesus woman, why would I work for some stupid mob." The guy rolled his eyes, and you sighed in relief, not knowing what to except from this trouble on two skinny legs. “I’m telling you, it’s nothing bad! I just have to keep it a secret before I get a contract. Once I figure it out, I’ll explain everything, I swear!”
“Alright, alright, don’t stress over it, I’m not your Ma.” Smirking, you went to take a square glass vase you hadn’t use in ages, filling it with water to drop the bouquet inside. “Let’s celebrate it, then! Woah, careful there, give me that bottle until you drop it on my clean floor, I’ve been scrubbing it for hours yesterday!”
Bucky still felt like Steve was making too much of a big deal out of it: obviously, it was Tony who went to him at night when Bucky was already drunk like a monkey, celebrating the birth of Clint’s daughter. Nobody else had the courage to steal from him, Steve’s right hand, an ex-soldier who had a reputation of a man killing with the first punch. Not that Bucky ever killed anybody, actually being a ex-trumpet in an army band...
Anyway, the man was heading over to Stark’s Tower, a motel where he and all his guys lived when his wife Pepper was out of town. Pepper had definitely been out of town lately since Tony didn’t call: when she was coming back, Steve and Tony were having a two-day truce with nobody getting in a fight because it was making Mrs. Stark upset, and when she was upset, both Steve and Tony didn’t risk getting out of their holes to face this enraged blonde woman who could make anyone wet themselves with one her glance. If there were anyone killing with just one punch in the town, it got to be Pepper.
As he got closer in his Cadillac that looked like it went through fire and water before being sold to Bucky, Barnes stared at the motel suspiciously: it was strangely quiet with everyone hiding inside, not a man guarding the motel’s entrance. What the hell happened? Tony loved showing off, pretending he ruled over the town, and he would definitely act like a king after stealing Steve’s and his money. It was unbelievable Bucky so nobody welcoming him with a smirk.
Hoping he didn’t use all that money for emptying a liquor store, Bucky parked the car and went to the motel, dying to have some beer: one heartless blonde boss of his emptied his fridge.
“Oh, more drinking partners returning to continue the fun, huh?”
Bucky froze immediately, staring at Pepper who stood in the doorway with a face of an iron maiden. Jesus fucking Christ. She returned to the city way before Tony told him, and it was clear she found him not in the condition she expected to. While Bucky considered whether it was better to run, Tony’s head appeared somewhere behind his wife, and Barnes saw Tony was as drunk as him, if not even more. He could see a huge blue mark from Pepper’s heavy hand on Stark’s cheek.
“Who’s that, honey?” The man asked innocently, earning an enraged glance from his wife, and Bucky thought he should have run. “Hi, Buck! Come on in, it’s ok if you didn’t bring beer even if I asked twice.”
Oh. Something was going on. Of course, Bucky could rat the man out immediately, telling Pepper he wasn’t drinking with Tony yesterday’s night, but he wasn’t such a heartless bastard - by the look on Stark’s face Barnes could see his sweet blonde wifey would beat poor Tony to death with her Dior handbag.
“Sorry, I blacked out for a couple of hours in my car.” He mumbled, bowing his head in respect. “Pepper, such a pleasure to see you.”
“Come on in, alcoholic.” Her gaze was heavy, and Bucky shivered a little, carefully leaving his shoes near the door and scurrying away to the coach where Tony sat, nervously biting his fingers. “Well, do you wanna tell me something, huh? How many hookers have you brought here yesterday?”
Glancing to Tony and back to Pepper, Barnes suddenly realized his frenemy had been so drunk he had no hecking idea whether somebody really brought hookers to the motel - it was a total taboo, but once they got drunk they could barely control themselves. Once they literally woke up to a Santa Claus singing Jingle Bells in the tub in the middle of June because Tony missed Christmas.
Of course, Stark would never slip up the night before Pepper was coming back to town, but, apparently, she didn’t stay with her mom for as long as she planned, and Tony was royally fucked.
“I’ve asked you a question.”
And now Bucky was, too, if he didn’t think of something quick. Of course, he could tell her the truth, but it meant losing Tony completely, and Barnes didn’t want that. A real mafioso should have at least one strong enemy, right?
“I’m sorry, Pepper, but I don’t think there were any hookers here last night.” He said, carefully choosing words. “You see, first, Tony never allows us to. Second, we’re good Christians. We would never invite some hookers when we celebrated the birth of Clint’s daughter!”
As he got silent, enjoying the effect his words were having on Pepper, Bucky looked at the man sitting to his right, watching Tony’s eyes watering: it was definitely God himself who sent Barnes his way that morning, saving his from near death. Nothing would work better than this excuse. Clint and all Bucky’s guys were so drunk to the point they barely remembered what had happened, and it would be easy to convince them Tony and his gang came to see Barnes for something and ended up staying with all of them.
Besides, there was a nice bonus Bucky could add to make it work even better.
“By the way, Clint named her Natasha. That’s also the name of your mom, right?”
By the look on Tony’s face the man realized he was ready to sing.
“How did he know my mom’s name?” Pepper eyed Steve’s right hand distrustfully, but he could tell she was less irritated.
“Oh, you know, he and his wife couldn’t choose the name, so we started saying whatever names we knew, and Tony mentioned Natasha.”
For a second Bucky thought Stark was going to kiss him through excess of joy.
When he finally left the motel, getting his pack of beer given him by lovely Pepper who changed the anger to mercy, Tony ran out of the house after him, giving him a pat on the shoulder and whispering quietly, “I own you one, brother.”
Bucky sighed. Stark didn’t take the money.
Tags: @finleyjayne​​ @alexakeyloveloki​​ @helenaeisenhower​​ @villanellevi​​ @hurricanerin​​ @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @navegandoaciegas​ @rosalynshields​ @brattycherubwrites​ @sllooney​ @angrythingstarlight​ @lookiamtrying​ @buckysbunny​ @soleil-dor​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @dillybuggg​ @literate-lamb​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @jaysayey​ @megzdoodle​ @gotnofucks​ @lux-ravenwolf​ @iheartsebandchris​ @ximebebx​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @sourpatchspinster​
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“Hotel Potter” (Part 2)
Paring: Remus x Reader (Marauders Era)
Warnings: Fluff, kind of slow compared to the next part😎
Word Count: 2057
The Potter “Manor” was almost exactly what you were expecting... It appeared a little more humble from the outside, clearly trying to blend in with the other houses on the street, but was no doubt ‘the house to see’ on the block. The interior, which was filled and decorated with a million+ fancy, expensive, and delicately old items, was even more extravagant.
“Wow, James... I didn’t know your father was so wealthy,” Marlene joked as she brushed her feet off on the ornate outdoor mat. (Both Marlene and Mary, who was staying with the McKinnons for the rest of winter break, ran out to meet everyone when they saw them apperate outside. The Mckinnons and the Potter’s were next door neighbors... I checked ;)
James fixed his glasses as he opened the door for the rest of his friends. “Oh, I um- He just works for the Ministry, that’s all.” He knew Marlene knew full well of his family’s background, but decided to clear it up for everyone else.
“I think it’s lovely,” you mentioned, looking all around the front room. Your gaze was fixed on a stain glass window in the ceiling. Looking back down to the patterned tile, you watched the colors dance all over the floor as a swaying tree blocked certain beams of light from shining through.
Remus had started to wander to a large bookshelf in the entryway, skimming over the book covers, waiting for everyone else to enter.
“Okay James... Why don’t you show us where we’ll be sleeping before these two start drooling over your expensive things,” Lily guest wired to you and Remus as she defiantly strutted through the doorway.
James gave a low bow and pretended to tip an imaginary hat before practically dropping the door on Peter. (Mary somehow caught it before it could slammed into his face...)
“Of coarse, milady- But first...” He pulled out his wand and pressed it to his neck. After warning everyone to cover they’re ears in which everyone did except Sirius and Marlene, he muttering sonorus and followed it with “Alfred!”
Sirius cackled under his breath while everyone else flinched. “You’re still making him respond to that?” Sirius laughed, wheeling around to see James.
James just shrugged, “He can’t really hear when I call him anyways, so it just kind of sticked,”
“... stuck,” You corrected under your breath.
From around a corner, a very old, probably very deaf, house elf responded to his call. “Yes, master Wayne?”
You scoffed under your breath. Joining Sirius and James in the laughter, you realized you three were the only ones who got the reference. “Nice, James,” you smiled, giving him credit for such a golden muggle reference in such a pure-blooded house hold.
James shot you a quick grin before pocketing his wand again. “Alfred, my dear butler, have my parents left for Rome yet?” he asked respectfully.
Alfred-the-house-elf squinted his eyes before holding up a shaky hand to his ear. “Well, Sir, I saved Mr Black’s bone from his last visits, is that wha-”
Sirius’ eyes widened as James cut him off with a wave of his hand, completely confused as to what the house elf had thought he said. “No, no sorry...” He rested his hand on his wand, debating weather he should take it out again. He cupped his hands around his mouth instead. “...ARE EUPHEMIA AND FLEAMONT STILL HERE?”
The elf scrunched his face and waved his finger in the air. “Don’t try to fool me, Mr James, you and your friends are still to you to drink beer.”
James huffed, as he decided he’d look for them himself. “Stay here just in case they’re still packing...” he addressed the group of friends. “... They’ll want to see everyone before they head off.” He started down a hallway you had been eyeing with large portraits of what you could only assume were the many generations of Potters.
You walked over to “Alfie” wanting to be nice and ask such an old creature how his day was going. “Excuse me,” you started from behind the ancient potato sac. “Excuse me?” You raided your voice a little while taping on his shoulder.
He jumped a little, but smiled sweetly when he saw you. “What can I do for you, ma’am” he asked, completely opblivious to your previous attempts.
“Oh-” you stuttered at being called ‘ma’am’. “You can just call me Y/n,” you smiled. “O-or not if you don’t want to... Whatever you like,”
Suddenly realizing you were rambling and that Alfie probably couldn’t hear half of what you were saying anyways, you recollected yourself. “Sorry, but I was wondering how long you’ve been working for the Potters?” You tired to start up a friendly conversation but this time you bent down so that he could hear you better.
The house elf scrunched his face again trying to recollect the distant past. “Well,” he started, but before he could finish, Lily was bent beside you.
“Hi, I’m sorry,” she looked to you and then back to Alfred, clearly a little bit on edge. “... But do you happen to know what the sleeping arrangements are?” she asked ‘Alfie’.
He looked to her, smiled, and then went back to you. “... Masters Mr and Mrs Potter were so kind to have accepted me from the previous Mr and Mrs Potter, even after knowing of my poor hearing...” he whispered like it was a secret. “I always had a new master before Mrs Euphemia and Mr Fleamont... The whole Potter family would take turns passing me around for some reason, but I loved meeting all of them.”
He continued his life story for a few more seconds before you turned to Lily and smiled. “I don’t think he could hear you...”
“Oh,” she giggled before turning back to the house elf. “Excuse me?” she tried again, this time a little louder.
Alfred slowly tuned his head once he had finished his sentence. “Did James set up the beds so that I was with him by any chance?”
“On the conterary, Master Bruce Wayne made me wait to assign your bed so that you would be most comfortable...”
Lily heaved a heavy sigh before thanking him and walking around. You joined her because what could possibly be bothering her now?
“Okay, hey... What’s going on?”
Lily crossed her arms as she shifted her weight nervously. “This is nice,” she started.
You laughed because what a dumb thing to be so outwardly anxious about. “Yeah, I know, his parents must have loads of money to-”
“No,” she cut you off, squinting her eyes suspiciously. “This is too nice... I think he’s planning something— I mean why else would would he wait to pick the beds for-”
“BECUSE HE LIKES YOU AND WANTS YOU TO BE HAPPY!...” You whisper-yell in her face while throwing your arms up exasperatedly. “I can’t believe you can’t just accept you like him and make things easier for everyone...” Lily’s face betrayed her as it turned crimson.
Apparently you weren’t nearly quiet enough because before she could utter any kind of self justification, Sirius slid over from nowhere and leaned his elbow and her shoulder. “Talking about James and Lily’s love life?” he questioned nonchalantly.
Lily shrugged his arm off her. “EW, no.” she lied. “Just the... sleeping arrangements, you nosey pig.”
Sirius grinned as he looked slyly over to you. “Well... In that case, Y/n, I hope you like cheese or books because I just so happen to know the sleeping arrangements and James thought he’d give you the option...” Lily rolled her eyes as you blushed while trying to mentally run thought all the people in correspondence with cheese and books. Books had to be Remus, right?... So Peter must be cheese??? YiKeS... Um, I’ll take the books please.................That’s not what came out though.
“Whatever works is fine with me, I really don’t care,” you smile sweetly. Lily hits you in the arm but you ignore it along the stare you can feel boring into the side of your face. Sirius just watched you skeptically trying to decide wether or not he should step into your nonexistent romance and take matters out of your embarrassed, slow-moving hands. Apparently he has decided because a couple seconds later he shouted across the room, “Hey Moony?” You turn on instinct to see Remus look up from the book he was studying. “You wanna bunk with Y/n this weekend?”
Remus’ eyes darted from Sirius, to you, and back to Sirius.
Sirius gestured to you like a toned-down Will Smith “behold” meme and shot Remus an subtle “mate, this is the flipping chance you were taking about before your bag ripped on the train” face.
You just sat there awkwardly. Feeling the heat rush to your face every other second the three of you stood there in an undecided pose, you were about to mutter another, “it’s fine, really...” but was cut off by James sprinting back into the room.
He was pretty out of breath from running around the large property. “They’ve just left... I guess they were running late, but they wish everyone a good weekend,” he shot Sirius a very non-innocent grin. Marlene and Mary, stood up, not missing a second of they’re conversation while everyone picked up their bags.
You were a little upset that you never got an answer to the most important question of the weekend, but figured it was going to have to be answered one way or another.
You all followed James up the grand staircase and stopped in a long hallway racked with doors.
“Merlin, James, tell me again why you live in an actual hotel?” Mary laughed. James squeezed in front of her to get to the first door.
“Ha-ha...” he mocked half-heartedly, testing to make sure the door wasn’t locked. “Look, my parents are only letting us use the first five doors for some reason so I had to pair everyone up, sorry.” He pushed his glasses up on his nose. “Oh yeah, and that means two people can have a room to themselves, so whoever wants it can have it.”
From the way he was taking, you assumed whatever his “sleeping arrangements” were, they were very loosely planned.
Alright, alright I think it’s safe to say, no parents; no sexist restrictions...” Sirius stretched his arm out, landing over Mary’s shoulder. Marlene’s arm came around to hit him in the abdomen.
James laughed as he finally got the old knob to open. “Um, I don’t think Mar— Sirius... Why don’t you just sleep with me, and then Lily and Mary and then-”
“I am NOT sleeping with the rat,” Marlene started. Peter started to protest but was cut off by James again.
“Fine! How about Mary and Marlene, Y/n and Remus, and then... wait no-”
“Oh for the love of Merlin...” you sighed, “Sirius and I, Remus and James, Mary and Marlene, and then either Lily or Peter can take the spare room. That way, no one has to share with someone they aren’t comfortable around and I can make sure Sirius don’t accidentally burn anything down.”
Sirius looked mildly offended, but still didn’t mind being able to share a room with a girl for once. You had to mentally tell yourself you were “taking one for the team” because in all honesty, the reason you weren’t with Lily was because Sirius was way more of a safety hazard, and wether she planned on it or not, her and James would need a bit more privacy if they were ever going to work out their blatant and blind emotions.
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Twenty Two]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black/Original Female Character, Sirius Black/Daisy Evans, James Potter/Lily Evans,
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black,
Word Count: 3118
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many. But it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sister’s as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, The Other Evans Girl, Sirius Black Fic, Sirius Black/You, Sirius Black x OFC, OFC, Marauders Fic, Eventual Sirius Black, Sirius Black x Reader Fic, Sirius Black Fic, James Potter is a bit of a dick but we LOVE it, Hogsmeade, Friends, Hate, Love, Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Implied Sex, Potters, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Friends to Loves, Slow Burn, Eventual Sirius and Daisy, Teenage Angst, Insecurities, Fighting, Arguing, Bullying, War, First Wizarding War, Marauders, Marauder’s Era, 1970’s, 1970s Fashion, Canon Character Deaths, Loss of Virginity, Crying, Voldemort, The Other Evans Girl, Marauders Era to war, Multiple Parts, GORE, injuries, harm, fighting, blood
Notes: ask if you want taggginggggg
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‘Watch her leg!’ Remus said as the five of them tried to manoeuver through the portrait hole. Daisy was splayed in between them giggling. Each boy had a limb and all of them were trying to move her gently up to bed. They had followed James’ advice and between them had downed two bottles of fire whiskey. All the boys had fared relatively well but Daisy hadn’t had the same exposure and so was now flopping around in their arms. They had managed to get her upstairs uncaught but there was still a way to go.
‘She’s like a ton of bricks,’ Peter huffed. ‘Rude,’ Daisy said. ‘He’s got a point Dais,’ Sirius chuckled. Daisy stuck her tongue out at him. ‘Fine then,’ she said, trying to get up. An echo of ‘wooahhhhs’ put her back in her place. They reached the staircase slowly but surely but then stopped noticing the obstacle they hadn’t anticipated. ‘We can’t get her up the girl's staircase,’ Peter said. ‘Shit,’ Sirius said. ‘Well just have to take her to our room,’ Remus said leading the gang to the left and up the boy's stairs. ‘Well that’s actually better,’ James said with a grunt, ‘cos I don’t fancy facing Evans right now.’ ‘Ooh she’ll kill you,’ Daisy giggled. ‘Don’t remind me,’ James said looking down at her with a cheeky grin. 
After some manoeuvres, they finally reached the fourth floor and entered the dorm.  ‘Where should we put her?’ Peter grunted.  ‘This was James’ idea,’ Remus reasoned. ‘Sirius betted her she couldn’t keep up with him,’ James countered. ‘Sirius was right,’ Sirius said. ‘Was not,’ Daisy said. ‘Shut it, princess,’ Sirius said. ‘Let’s decide she’s getting heavy,’ Remus said. ‘I’m not deaf!! But I do feel sick,’ Daisy mumbled. After a quick look, it was decided.  ‘Sirius’ bed,’ three boys echoed as they rushed forward and dropped her on top of Sirius’ made bed with a thump. Daisy groaned.
Remus moved to the bathroom to get her a bowl in case she was sick whilst the boys sorted some pillows out on the floor next to the bed for Sirius to sleep.  ‘Guyyyyyys,’ Daisy said in a sing-song voice. ‘What?’ James said from where he knelt at the bottom of the bed. ‘I need pyjamas,’ she said. James and Sirius shared a nervous look. ‘Why? Just sleep in that,’ James said. ‘But I’m not comfy,’ she whined. The boys sighed.  ‘Come on there should be something of ours she can use,’ Remus said, placing the bowl on Sirius’ nightstand, ‘I think I’ve got some joggers I don’t use.’ ‘You’re too skinny Rem,’ Daisy giggled, ‘like a pole.’ ‘I think I’ve got some,’ James said.  ‘I’ll have a look too,’ Peter said. 
Between the foursome, they were able to cobble together a pair of joggers (Peter’s), a T-shirt (Sirius’) and some socks (Remus’) which they all threw onto the bed for Daisy to change into. She managed to pry herself up off the bed and started to peel off her jumper and T-shirt. All of a sudden the boys were very interested in staring anywhere but that area. Daisy dressed her top half quickly and climbed out of bed to put on the joggers but suddenly felt dizzy as she stood and fell against the nightstand for support.
‘You okay?’ James said, still avoiding eye contact. ‘I need help,’ she said. Sirius was the first to turn and as he did he found her about to drop so rushed forward to help her.  ‘You’ll be the death of me woman,’ he chuckled, helping her to sit on the bed before he bent down and slid both her feet into the joggers and then the socks.  ‘Thank you,’ she mumbled as she stood up to pull her pants up and then fall back into bed.  ‘Everything clear?’ James said.  ‘Yep,’ Daisy said with a giggle. The boys turned and found her tucked up in bed with the covers up to her chin.  ‘Glad you’re all snug Dais,’ Remus chuckled as they started to get ready for bed.  ‘Snug as a bug,’ Daisy said with a yawn. ‘Looks like our girls zonked,’ Peter said.  ‘At last,’ Sirius chuckled. He was dressed in another T-shirt and boxers now and climbing into his makeshift bed on the floor beside Daisy.
The boys moseyed around for about five minutes or so before they climbed into beds and turned out the lights. Daisy lay in the dark listening to their breathing get heavier and deeper until she was convinced they were asleep. 
But Daisy couldn’t. Even in her booze-addled state, she couldn’t get out of her head the way Sirius has talked about the future. The more she thought about it the clearer her head became and as she pushed herself up into a sitting position the room barely spun which she was glad of. Carefully and quietly she hung her head over the side of the bed. Sirius was asleep. His face was pale in the moonlight and deeply boyish when she looked at him like that. His hair was splayed all over his pillow and his arm was tucked under his head as if he were sunbathing. Daisy giggled.
‘I know you’re watching me,’ he said without opening his eyes. Daisy froze startled, ‘what’s up? Or are you so marvelled by my beauty you have to have special late-night viewing sessions?’ ‘I don’t know but they charged me a galleon to get in and view you,’ she chuckled. ‘Humph, and I'm worth at least two,’ he said opening his eyes. Daisy leaned back as Sirius sat up on the floor and looked at her properly. ‘Seriously,’ he said. ‘What?’ She said. ‘What’s the matter?’ ‘Nothing,’ she lied fiddling with the blanket idly. Sirius sighed and clambered up onto the bed sitting by her legs and watching her curiously. ‘Come on,’ he said. ‘Okay… what you said before...do you really think there’ll be a war?’ she said looking at him with wide eyes. Sirius paused for a moment and then replied, ‘honestly? Yeah.’ ‘Really?’ She asked. ‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘So we’re screwed?’ She sighed. ‘Not necessarily…’ ‘That’s easy for you to say you’re not a muggleborn,’ she said, ‘there’s a lot more pure blood than us.’ ‘True but not every pureblood believes the bile they’re spewing. It’s the same in any war Dais, two sides fight and hopefully the right one wins.’ ‘You think?’ ‘Yeah and even if I’m not muggleborn I am a blood traitor so I’m as good as. And a family disappointment. And the only one of the long line of Blacks to be a  Gryffindor,’ he said. His voice transformed into a nasal impersonation at the end which made Daisy giggle.  ‘Well I’m glad you are a Gryffindor,’ Daisy said.  ‘Yeah?’ He said. ‘Yeah, what Slytherin would give up their bed for a drunk invalid,’ she said.  ‘That’s less Gryffindor and more my pureblood etiquette classes shining through.’ ‘You took etiquette classes!’ She squealed. From a bed away there was a snort followed by the sound of springs as Peter rolled over, still asleep. ‘Oh, mother dearest wouldn’t have us be  rude.’ ‘What’s she like?’ Daisy said her interest suddenly piqued. Sirius seemed to go rigid for a moment but then carried on as if it hadn’t happened. ‘That’s a nightmare for another day,’ he said slipping back into the floor, ‘we should sleep.’
 Daisy was thrown off by his abruptness but didn’t push the matter any further. ‘Night Sirius,’ she whispered. ‘Night,’ he mumbled. A minute or so passed before she whispered, ‘Sirius?’ ‘Yeah,’ he replied after a beat. ‘Sorry I brought up your mum,’ she said. ‘Don’t worry about it. She’s like a bad knut, always showing up where she’s not wanted,’ he said. Daisy nodded forgetting he couldn’t see her. His breathing started to even out again, signalling he was falling asleep. ‘Sirius?’ ‘What Daisy?’ He sighed.  ‘Thanks.’ ‘What for?’ he said with confusion in his voice.  ‘Just thanks,’ she said. Sirius smiled and rested back against the pillow. He lay there content and trying to fall asleep one last time when he heard Daisy’s small voice say his name once more. ‘What Dais?’ he said sitting up this time. Wide green eyes found him in the dark and full of panic. ‘Sirius,’ she said in a panic as he leapt up to see what was the matter. ‘What is it?’ He said, noticing the dark red splotches that littered his bed and the T-shirt of his she was wearing.  ‘I think I’m bleeding,’ she whispered.
‘Let me get James,’ Sirius said with a panic-stricken voice.  ‘No!’ Daisy said in a loud whisper. Sirius’ grey eyes searched her green ones confused.  ‘You’re bleeding we need help,’ he said. ‘I’ll be fine. I just need you to help me to Madam Pomfrey,’ she said.  ‘But-’ ‘Look, I don’t want anyone,’ she started though her eyes glanced towards Remus’ sleeping form, ‘I don’t want anyone worrying.’ ‘I don’t like this,’ Sirius said though he started helping her out of bed. The shirt he had lent Daisy was spattered with dark red splotches and the patches of clean shirt were getting fewer by the second. She clambered up out of bed leaning against Sirius for support. She had sobered up completely now the pain in her abdomen clearing her head rapidly. She could feel her blood pumping through her making her heartbeat ring in her ears as Sirius gripped her side tightly. 
Though she could walk with little pain in her foot she let him guide her and they walked across the dormitory in a stifled silence, trying not to wake the boys. They went down the stairs, out the portrait and hole and through the winding corridors in scared silence, the only sound being both of their anxious breaths and Daisy’s occasional whimper. The doors to the hospital wing were closed when they eventually got there and Sirius banged on them loudly with his free hand. Daisy looked down at her stomach and gasped, ‘Sirius, I’ve ruined your shirt.’  Sirius chuckled though his face remained stony as he said, ‘Dais, now is really not the time.’ ‘Right,’ she said shaking her head as one of the large wooden doors swung open and revealed a sour-faced Madam Pomfrey wrapped up in a burgundy dressing gown. 
‘Mr Black, Miss Evans, what can I, oh-’ she said, noticing the blood on the front of Daisy’s shirt. Without saying anything she beckoned them in. Daisy moved onto the nearest bed with Sirius’ help whilst Madam Pomfrey immediately set to work. She peeled back the now sodden layer of clothes and bandages from Daisy’s abdomen and started cleaning the area. Sirius winced at the sight. Daisy didn’t notice as she scrunched her eyes tightly trying not to cry. 
‘It appears your wounds have reopened Daisy,’ Madam Pomfrey sighed, ‘but not to worry. I can patch them up in a jiffy.’  ‘Did I do something wrong?’ Daisy asked. Madam Pomfrey looked between the pair for a moment suspiciously before she said, ‘Mr Black. I noticed quite the trail of blood from the door and up the corridor, would you see to it?’  ‘But Madam Pomfrey-’ Sirius protested.  ‘That wasn’t a request,’ Madam Pomfrey added curtly. Sirius’ gaze fell on Daisy for a moment, worry in the pit of his stomach, before he nodded and stalked off to scourgify the from the hospital wing to the common room. 
Madam Pomfrey continued to work. Once the wounds were cleaned she layered them in essence of dittany and reapplied fresh clean bandages. Daisy lay and let her work in silence until finally, she informed her she could sit up which she did tentatively. When she opened her eyes the older witch was holding a cup of bubbling green liquid. Daisy took it with no questions. 
‘Thanks,’ Daisy said, sipping it down and trying not to retch at the putrid taste. Madam Pomfrey smiled and took a seat on a chair by the bed watching the witch for a moment.  ‘That’ll help with the pain,’ she said.  ‘Good,’ Daisy said, still feeling tender everywhere she had been touched.  ‘It doesn’t mean they won't still be tender for the next few days but they are healing well…’ ‘I thought so too then just,’ Daisy mimed an explosion in front of her abdomen.  ‘Well there are many things that can cause these things to recur,’ she said.  ‘I didn’t know that,’ Daisy admitted.  ‘Yes well, it’s always good to be mindful of taking care of yourself when injured. For example, no heavy lifting or vigorous exercise,’ the nurse said casually. Daisy laughed.  ‘You obviously don’t know me Madam Pomfrey. I’m not an athletic person,’ she said.  ‘Yes well, there are other things that can cause it...I noticed you arrived with Mr Black,’ she said letting the insinuation dangle in the air. Daisy’s face screwed up as she pondered her words for a moment and then she blushed a deep crimson. 
‘Madam Pomfrey I can hand on heart tell you that nothing like….that,’ she said. ‘Very well,’ she said, ‘if you insist. I will also pretend to ignore the whiff of Firewhiskey on your breath.’ ‘Madam-’ ‘-as I’m sure you would never part take given the fact that alcohol can severely impair how much you bleed should you hurt yourself,’ Madam Pomfrey finished looking at Daisy pointedly. Daisy nodded meekly and took another sip of her medicine before she said, ‘you’re not going to tell Professor McGonagall are you?’  ‘No,’ Madam Pomfrey said with a wry smile, ‘but I will have to insist you do not overexert yourself in the coming days.’ ‘So maybe not walk to the Quidditch pitch and back like I did today?’ Daisy asked.  ‘Precisely,’ she said with a smile. 
At that moment Sirius slid back through the door looking particularly put out.  ‘Mr Black,’ Madam Pomfrey greeted, ‘I take it the corridors are sparkling.’  ‘Yes no thanks to that damned cat,’ Sirius grumbled. Daisy giggled, wondering what Mrs Norris had done now.  ‘Well, Miss Evans is all shipshape now and if you would be so kind as to escort her back to Gryffindor Tower,’ she said. ‘I don’t have to stay?’ Daisy asked excitedly.  ‘Not unless you have a burning desire to... but any concerns, straight back here okay?’ she said. Daisy nodded, ‘and come back tomorrow and we can have those casts off.’  ‘Brilliant!’ Daisy said hopping off of the bed and feeling much better all of a sudden. 
Sirius smiled as she moved towards him and held an arm out to link hers. Daisy allowed him to and they started walking back when she remembered Madam Pomfrey’s words. Noticing how still she had become Sirius looked at her and said, ‘you okay?’  ‘Fine,’ Daisy said, trying to shake her thoughts out of her head.  ‘Good,’ he smiled. Daisy’s stomach fluttered. They walked the long corridors without saying much else until finally, they reached the portrait hole. 
‘Liquorice wand,’ Sirius said, allowing room for the fat lady to swing open so they could climb in. They clambered in through the hole and walked across the common room reaching the stairs. Sirius went to go up the boy's staircase, Daisy in tow but she pulled him back. He looked at her confused.  ‘What’s up?’ he asked.  ‘Nothing,’ Daisy lied, ‘I just think I should probably go back to my own bed.’  ‘Oh,’ Sirius said.  ‘I mean I’m sober now a-and I probably should clean up,’ she said gesturing to her blood-stained clothes, ‘besides I bet you’re ready for your own bed rather than the floor.’ ‘Yeah,’ Sirius said though his tone seemed off.  ‘Well, night then,’ she said, going to walk up the girl’s staircase but she was pulled back. Before she knew what was happening Sirius’ arms went around her, pulling her close to his chest. Daisy allowed her arms to snake around him too and they stood like that for a moment, Daisy tucked under his chin comfortably. Then he pulled back and smiled at her fleetingly.  ‘Night Dais,’ he said before he skittered up the boy’s staircase leaving Daisy standing there perplexed. 
The next morning Daisy awoke feeling like she had been hit by a truck. Her head was pounding and her mouth felt as if she had swallowed the inside of Lily’s cat’s litter box. She sat up and instantly felt a whooshing throughout her head which made her lie back down. She could hear movement from around the room until she heard, ‘ah the princess awakens.’ ‘About time,’ Marlene said.  ‘Guys don’t,’ Daisy said.  ‘Don’t what?’ Marlene’s voice said from somewhere nearer than before.  ‘Do this?’ Alice asked. All of a sudden they were on the bed with her jumping up and down and making it rock like a boat in a storm. Daisy sat upright almost wanting to throw up. The girls broke down in a fit of giggles. 
‘Glad you’re enjoying yourselves,’ Daisy grumbled.  ‘They’re not the only ones by the looks of things,’ Lily said emerging from the bathroom and looking at her sister with a disapproving stare.  ‘Well I’m paying for it now Lil,’ Daisy said grimly.  ‘Good.’ ‘Oh charming,’ Daisy said.  ‘Come on Lil it’s just a bit of fun,’ Alice said, ‘even you seemed to have a good time at the post-match party.’  ‘Within limits,’ the redhead said sitting on her bed as she started to dress.  ‘Well, you’ve got to test them to find them right Dais?’ Marlene said getting and walking over to her bed.    ‘And stumbling in at four am is testing them?’ Lily said.  ‘I didn’t stumble in,’ Daisy said defensively.  ‘You kind of did,’ Alice said causing her friend to scowl.  ‘If you must know,’ Daisy said snaking off of the bed, ‘the only reason I stumbled in, if I did, which is still to be proven. It was because I was in pain after being in the hospital wing. And before any of you say anything yes, I am fine. My wound opened up but Madam Pomfrey patched me up good and proper so there’s nothing to worry about.’ ‘You’re sure?’ Alice said with a concerned face.  ‘Yeah, absolutely one hundred percent,’ she said, ‘now if you’ll all excuse me I think I need a wash.’ 
And with that Daisy climbed up off the bed and strutted to the bathroom leaving the girls looking at one another with worried looks. The room was silent until finally, Marlene said, ‘was it just me or was she wearing boy’s clothes?’ 
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emmelineparker308 · 4 years
Father Dearest Part 6
Fandom: Harry Potter: Golden Trio Era
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Pairing: Harry Potter x reader Summary: Your third year at Hogwarts is about to start and with it come a lot of new changes. Harry, your best friend, and crush is in trouble from some man named Sirius Black. You try desperately to keep Harry safe but what happens when you find out some heartbreaking, mind-shattering information about your father? Warnings: angst
TRIGGER WARNING: SUICIDE. I do not condone nor romanticize suicide. Please if you are having suicidal ideations or thoughts get help, call the national suicide help lifeline. 1-800-273-8255. They are there to help. If you need someone to talk to I am always here.  A/N: Enjoy! Please like and reblog if you like it!!
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You had hoped that Harry would come to the realization that you were only a baby when his parents were killed. And that at the same time he lost his parents you lost yours as well, but you were disappointed. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Harry still wouldn’t even look at you. You came racing into the Hospital Wing after he had his injury during the match but when he opened his eyes, he purposely pretended you were not there. Hermione, bless her heart, tried to get Harry and you together but since the whole Firebolt incident she was alienated from the boys as well. Not that you were happy with her either on that, how dare she think that your father would do such a cruel thing. You wanted to scream to everyone that your father was not a monster!!
 When you first realized that Harry wasn’t going to come to his senses by himself you had tried. You tried to get him to understand that your entire life you thought your parents abandoned you. It was a fact that Harry already knew, but for some reason, he decided to overlook it. You also tried to get him to understand how your dad wasn’t the one that betrayed his parents. You tried to get him to understand that your dad betraying James and Lily made just as much sense as you letting anything bad happen to Harry. But he turned a deaf ear to all your explanation, he wouldn’t even look at you, it was as if your mere existence made him sick. He would leave the common room as soon as you entered it, he asked Snape to switch potion partners, he wouldn’t even have a meal in the Great Hall if you were there. One day you tried to sit next to him, quietly not bothering anyone. Harry slammed his hands on the table and stormed out. The entire Great Hall had their eyes fixed to you, some with pity, others with concern, and even some with amusement.
 After that incident, you stopped eating for days at a time, not that anyone noticed. It was as if the entire school found out about your lineage; no one would talk to you. Aside from the occasional hellos, Hermione and the professors were the only people you ever held a conversation with. Hagrid, of course, was a relief as well, but you felt the pity come off of him whenever you went over to his hut and it was a bit much.
 You hadn’t spoken a word to Remus since that day. You weren’t angry with him, Remus knew this, Remus knew this well. He also knew that what you needed right now was space. He worried when he noticed the dark circles underneath your eyes but somehow you were still able to get top marks so he couldn’t find a reason to talk to you. Sometimes when he noticed that you hadn’t been eating, he would tell Hermione to force-feed you, which she did. Remus had to reveal that you were his adopted daughter to Hermione after she started asking questions of how Remus seemed to be the only professor that noticed these changes in you. She was of course more than happy to keep it a secret.
 Through it all Blackie had been your solace. You would go into the forest every day, pockets full of food, and talk to him hours on end. He always reminded you of a human, whereas other dogs you’ve interacted with couldn’t sit still for a moment, Blackie would sit and listen to you for hours. You would comb out his mane and clean him up, something he always seemed to enjoy. Eventually, you even sneaked him into your dorm and let him sleep with you. Somehow, every morning you would wake up to an empty bed.
 Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, there was an attack that occurred in the middle of the night. Sirius Black entered Hogwarts; your dad got as far as the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry’s eyes were following you; you could tell that he thought you were the one that opened the door for your dad but you were just as surprised as everyone else. Although whereas others were surprised in fear, you were surprised in joy. That incident brought Hermione and the boys back together and you were once again utterly by yourself. The isolation and the hateful looks Harry gave you was starting to get to you. It didn’t help that Malfoy, upon seeing the rift between you two would constantly bully you. You were too tired to fight back and often times just let him lull on about how you didn’t have parents and about the incident with the boggart.
 “Harry come on now,” you heard Hermione’s voice pleading as you were on your way to the common room from you DADA class.
 “Hermione no,” you heard Harry. “Her father killed my parents. She’s the same blood, what’s stopping her from killing me?”
 That was the last straw. The boy that once said that he trusted you with his life was now saying that he thought you were capable of taking that life. Harry’s words rang through your ear and for the next week you locked yourself in a broom closet no one was able to locate and refused to come out. You would show up for one or two of the classes every other day so most of your teachers didn’t suspect anything. You lost your appetite and cried yourself to sleep until one day you had run out of tears. That night you decided that it was better to stop all the pain, all at once. You climbed up the Astronomy tower stairs, having to stop every two steps to catch your breath. Finally, you made it to the top and walked over to the balcony. Upon looking down you were terrified; it was a long way down. However, you knew you had to do it; you couldn’t go on like this. Everyone you loved either hated you or thought that you hated them. There was no going back, you closed your eyes tightly and threw yourself off the balcony.
Taglist: @missmulti​​ @may-machin​ @magicalaquarian​ @junkersandroadies-son​ @prongsyy​ @cute-but-weirdo​ @lozzybowe​ @minecraftlover444​ @selmeuuh @play-morezeppelin​ @ilovespideyyy​ @wecouldbreakthedistance @whothefuckstolemykeds​ @short-potato​ @lovestomanyfandoms @loser-lover​ @must-be-a-weasley-92​ pepelachanel    @lozzybowe​ @writingmi​
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