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Starcatchers 1x3 - Meeting the Master
Synopsis: After an incident involving Jake's amp, he's determined to win the cash to buy a replacement. Meanwhile, Josh and Danny choreograph a dance for a music video and Sam's clumsiness makes him see red.
Words: 5.9k
Warnings: violence against amps and nice video cameras, groin injury, Satan
Jake, Josh, Sam, and Danny are sitting on the couch in Sam’s living room. Josh has the remote and is scrolling through the options on Netflix so fast, there’s no way he’s registering what he’s passing on. Beside him, Jake, Danny, and Sam are staring at him with growing frustration.
SAM: Are you gonna choose anything this century or would I be better off walking in circles in the backyard for the evening?
JOSH: Just, hold on, I haven’t seen anything that stands out yet.
DANNY: You literally skipped Happy Gilmore. What’s wrong with you?
JOSH: (under his breath) That’s not cinema.
JAKE: If you don’t choose something in the next ten seconds, I’m putting on Pirates of the Caribbean.
JOSH: (scrolling more frantically) No!
Josh panics and selects Saturday Night Fever.
SAM: (incredulously) The disco movie?!
JOSH: It’s got a good soundtrack?
Jake huffs and leaves the room as the movie starts. After the opening credits are done, he comes back with his guitar and a comically large amp. While Josh is trying to get into the movie, Danny and Sam watch Jake struggle to plug his guitar in, and then settle back into his seat. Jake begins playing the Buddy Holly riff over every line of dialogue. While Sam finds this to be hilarious, Danny is into the film alongside Josh, and glares at Jake.
DANNY: That’s not funny.
Jake looks at Danny for a long pause, not blinking, and then responds with the Buddy Holly riff.
From an exterior shot of Sam’s house, Jake’s amp is thrown through the window.
Starcatchers Theme/Opening Titles
[acoustic theme song with a harmonica]
From the fires we emerged anew,
Singing, playing rock and roll,
Reviving a genre just for you.
Across the globe we traveled far
Recruiting an army of peace,
Enchanting crowds with our guitar.
A battle ensued at the Gardens Gate
And we preserved the gift of nature,
Standing up against a culture of hate.
We are the Starcatchers, reaching for the sky,
Discovering words of wisdom to live by.
We deliver a message from the heavens above:
Live your legend through the intelligence of love.
[end theme]
Jake, Danny, Josh, and Sam are driving to the set of their upcoming music video for Meeting the Master.
JAKE: (to Danny) You owe me a new amp.
DANNY: You owe John Travolta an apology.
JAKE: I don’t owe that scientology freak anything.
DANNY: I could hardly watch the movie, you were complaining so much.
JAKE: I think I had the right to complain after you threw my best amp out the window.
Danny tsks and shakes his head like he can’t believe Jake would even offer that as a rebuttal. Josh tries to step in to smooth things over.
JOSH: Even if you didn’t catch most of the dialogue, at least you saw the sick dancing, right?
DANNY: Oh, absolutely. I’ve actually been thinking about it a lot since last night.
JOSH and DANNY: (at the same time) We should have a dance number in our music video.
Josh and Danny gape at each other.
JOSH and DANNY: Jinx!
SAM: Absolutely not.
JAKE: I’d rather you chuck me out the window with my poor, broken amp.
JOSH: Just picture it though, we build up the dramatic tension and then, once the song crescendos, we tell the story with our bodies in front of a massive bonfire. It’s exactly what the music is begging us to do.
DANNY: I do think that adding a dance would enhance the message of our song.
SAM: I think you just want to see if you can move like Tony Manero.
DANNY: So what if I do?
JOSH: (starting to eagerly plan) We���ll work on the choreog once we get there.
DANNY: Choreog?
JOSH: Yeah, you know, the dance routine and all.
DANNY: Choreography?
JOSH: I think choreog sounds cool.
DANNY: It really doesn’t.
JAKE: You guys have fun with that. Since Danny is refusing to pay me back for my private property that he decided to destroy, I’m determined to earn the money back to buy a replacement amp.
DANNY: You have enough money in your bank account to just go out and get a new one, Jake.
JAKE: It’s about the principle, Daniel. I’m not paying for something that wasn’t my fault out of pocket.
SAM: I would argue that it was your fault.
JAKE: (growling to Sam) Watch it. (to the rest of the car) I’m gonna win a radio show contest.
JOSH: There’s got to be a better way.
JAKE: Nope. This is the only way. I know for a fact that I’m gonna be caller ten somewhere.
DANNY: Do radio shows even have the money to do contests like that anymore?
Jake reaches over and turns up the volume on the radio. A super cheesy DJ voice comes on.
DJ: Hey Miss Independent, you wanna Breakaway? In honor of the queen, Kelly Clarkson’s birthday, we’re giving out a big old bucket of presidents to our tenth caller! Ring me up (857)349-2983, tell me your favorite Kelly Clarkson song, and the money’s yours.
Jake fumbles with his phone.
JAKE: Drats! What was the number again?
SAM: 867-5309
Jake starts to type the number in and then stops.
JAKE: (to Sam) [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff].
JOSH: You don’t even like Kelly Clarkson, Jake.
Jake goes to the radio show’s website, finds the phone number, and eventually manages to call it. The rest of the car is fixated on him. Jake starts making clacking noises with his tongue while he waits for someone to pick up.
JAKE: (excited) Hello? Wha- oh.
DANNY: What happened?
JAKE: They hung up on me.
Sam turns the volume back up on the car stereo from his steering wheel.
DJ: Congratulations to our tenth caller! What’s your name, and what’s your favorite Kelly Clarkson song?
CALLER: Uh, my name is Dave. I don’t actually know who Kelly Clarkson is, I just need the money to flee the country. I’ve been on the run from the IRS since 2007.
DJ: (cutting the caller off) Okay, buddy! Good on ya!
JAKE: (throwing his hands up) Unbelievable! This is rigged! How was I not the tenth caller? Who calls into these things anyways?
SAM: You and Dave.
Jake groans loudly. Sam pulls into the parking lot of the Tennessee State National Park and kills the engine. While they unbuckle their seatbelts, Jake holds his hand out to everyone in the car.
JAKE: Give me your phones.
JAKE: (to Danny) You especially.
JOSH: Just, give it to him, Danny. This isn’t a battle you want to fight.
JAKE: (nodding his head) I’ll hide in your walls if you don’t.
DANNY: Are you gonna do anything else, or are you just gonna hang out there?
Jake doesn’t know how to respond to this, but he doesn’t have to since Danny gives in and hands him his phone. Sam and Josh follow suit.
JAKE: Now I just need six more cell phones and I can hack this thing.
Jake takes off for the trailers where they’re supposed to get their hair and makeup done. Sam sighs and shakes his head, following behind Jake, leaving Danny and Josh.
DANNY: We have about forty-five minutes until we have to get dressed.
JOSH: That’s plenty of time to get our choreog worked out.
DANNY: I really wish you would stop calling it that.
JOSH: Would chor-ee be better?
Danny sighs and shakes his head.
On the set of their music video, Sam wanders around the large cameras and lighting equipment. He has his own personal film camera around his neck and starts taking photos of the cameras.
SAM: (chuckling to himself) Heh. Camera-ception.
Sam leans in close to a gigantic camera and attempts to take a selfie of it with his film camera. The flash goes off, temporarily blinding Sam, and he stumbles around, knocking into the camera. He watches in horror as the camera topples over in slow motion and shatters on the ground. How a camera managed to get that damaged in grass is a mystery, but it unfortunately happened.
SAM: Oh [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff]!
Sam snaps his head around in a panic and notes that no one was around to see his accident. He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself, and then spots a large branch a few yards away. He grabs it and places it over the broken camera to make it seem like the branch was what caused the damage, even though there are no trees anywhere close by. Once he’s satisfied with his work, he sprints away, waving his hands up in the air in a silent panic, back towards the trailers.
Jake is sitting in the trailer, surrounded by about twenty five cell phones. Sam can be seen running with his arms flailing around in the background through the window of the trailer. Jake listens intently to a handheld radio that’s set on the table in front of him as a different DJ talks.
DJ: On this two for Tuesday, I’m giving out two Ks to the 22nd lucky caller!
Jake hovers over his phone, waiting for the phone number.
DJ: I’ll be waiting at (483) 273-8273.
Jake dials the number at the speed of light, his pupils dilated to the point where he looks like he could be possessed by a demon. He holds his phone up to his ear with his shoulder and begins dialing the same number into every other phone around him, putting each of them on speaker phone. While a symphony of phones ring, Jake waits. The DJ speaks over the phones.
DJ: And we have our winner! Congratulations, what’s your name?
CALLER: Jennifer.
DJ: You get a buttload of money that you can use to pay for anything you want, like a new amp to replace your broken one!
CALLER: Woohoo!
Jake’s shouts ring through the park. They can still be heard in the distance from the parking lot, where Josh and Danny are covered in sweat. Danny is doing a pelvic thrust move while Josh busts out a two step that would make Fred Astaire cry.
JOSH: I think I’ve got it!
Danny stops his subpar dancing to watch Josh’s feet shuffling.
DANNY: You look like you could be a part of LMFAO.
JOSH: That was not what I was going for.
DANNY: Thank god.
JOSH: What do we have so far?
DANNY: Well, at the line, “And I’m taken, by the madness,” we do a spin and a half with our arms held in tight and then do some hand waving in front of our face.
Josh mimes what Danny just described while humming the tune to himself. Danny watches him go and looks to be thinking hard.
JOSH: Like that?
DANNY: I hate it.
JOSH: (growing frustrated) Most of that was your idea!
DANNY: It’s just missing something, I don’t know.
JOSH: More hip thrusts?
DANNY: Yeah, maybe.
Josh starts to sing the line, “And I’m taken, by the madness” again while Danny embodies Tony Manero’s hypnotizing disco hip thrusts. With joy, Josh starts to join Danny. It looks like they’ve finally singled in on something right.
JOSH: Oh yeah!
Sam rushes into Jake’s trailer to find Jake holding his head in his hands following his second failure at winning a radio contest.
SAM: Oh no, oh no no no no.
Jake peeks through his hands up at Sam.
JAKE: (mumbling) I’ll be okay, I’m just feeling a little bit dejected right now.
SAM: No, oh no as in I just completely obliterated one of the nice cameras on set.
JAKE: (still into his hands) How did you manage to pull that off?
SAM: The world is against me.
Jake nods like he understands where Sam is coming from.
SAM: (continuing) I planted a tree branch over the wreckage so it looks like I didn’t do it. But, Jake, I feel so bad.
Jake doesn’t say anything. It’s unclear if he simply doesn’t care, or if he doesn't know what to say in return. Sam looks around the trailer and then lets out a short gasp. Standing in the corner of the trailer, checking out the mini fridge is a man in all red who can only be assumed to be Satan. Satan turns around at the sound of Sam’s gasp, holding onto a carton of 66% milk and takes a long chug. He then wipes his mouth and gives Sam a toothy grin.
SATAN: Been naughty lately, Samuel?
SAM: Psh? What? No.
JAKE: (looking around) Who are you talking to?
SATAN: (continuing) You really think you can hide from what you did?
SAM: (to Satan) The tree branch did it, not me.
JAKE: You’re starting to freak me out, Sam.
SATAN: We both know that’s an awful cover up. Your fingerprints are all over that broken camera.
SAM: (realizing Satan is right) Oh [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff]!
Sam books it out of the trailer, determined to cover his tracks before someone finds the camera. Jake watches him go with a frown.
JAKE: I should probably tell Josh that Sam is talking to the shadow people again.
Jake looks like he might actually leave his trailer and fleet of phones behind to find Josh, but the DJ’s voice on the radio reminds him of his ultimate mission.
DJ: You thought I was done handing out free cash that may or may not be super taxed after you get it? No way! Be the sixty-ninth caller, and I’ll send you a check that will make you piss your pants!
Jake goes back to dialing on all the phones.
JAKE: (to himself) C’mon, baby.
The phones ring and beep in an upbeat tempo. The sounds transform into a disco version of Meeting the Master which plays in the parking lot where Josh and Danny are practicing. Josh and Danny have somehow acquired bell bottoms and tight button up tops with impressive collars. The parking lot pavement lights up around them like a disco dancefloor as they practice their routine. Although it isn’t entirely coordinated yet, Josh and Danny dance like their lives depend on it, pointing in all directions with an added flair and wiggling their hips around. They even bust out the lawn mower and sprinkler.
The song fades out and Josh and Danny try to catch their breaths.
DANNY: (wiping sweat from his brow) That was magic.
Josh guzzles an entire yellow Gatorade, attempts to smash the plastic bottle against his forehead, gives up, and walks to a recycling can to toss it. He returns back to Danny’s side.
JOSH: I’m telling you, it all lives in the pelvis.
DANNY: Do you think Jake and Sam are gonna get behind our routine?
Josh has to stand on his tip toes, but he places his hand on Danny’s shoulder.
JOSH: Trust me, once they see how cool we look, they’ll be begging to give it their all in front of the big and fancy cameras.
Back on set, Sam stops running towards the broken camera when he realizes the director has discovered the carnage.
DIRECTOR: The big and fancy camera!
Sam curses to himself and tries to slowly walk backwards towards the trailers. The director spots him and motions for Sam to join his side. Sam looks like he wants to book it.
SAM: (thinking aloud) If I run, that will make me look pretty guilty. But I might be able to run fast enough to the airport that I can catch a flight to Argentina without anyone stopping me. But I don’t know Spanish well enough to ask people what their vegan options are at restaurants. I don’t want to be that guy who goes into a country not knowing the language. Talk about embarrassing.
DIRECTOR: (breaking Sam out of his head) Sam! Someone absolutely obliterated this camera!
Sam starts to scream but then stops himself. Despite his panic, he pretends to act shocked. He’s a terrible actor.
SAM: Oh, man! That’s devastating! Are you sure someone did it? I mean, there’s a big branch on it.
DIRECTOR: There’s not a tree in sight. Unless the branch fell from the sky, I doubt it.
SAM: (changing his game plan) Well, then whoever did that is an absolute monster. I hope they rot.
The director stares at Sam oddly. Satan appears behind the director’s back and shakes his head at Sam
SATAN: You’re gonna be the one to rot, Samuel Francis Kiszka.
Sam chokes on another scream. Satan does a pirouette with a loud cackle and then disappears into a dramatic puff of smoke. Sam shakes his head and widens his eyes. He just had another hallucination.
DIRECTOR: Boy, you’re taking this harder than I am.
SAM: I just can’t help but think that whoever did that to your camera isn’t quite right in the head.
Sam has a large frown on his face.
You know who else has a large frown on his face? Jake. The poor guy hovers over his handheld radio, staring daggers into it with his phone ready in his hand. The camera zooms out to show that, with the exception of the director, Jake has squished every single crew member into the trailer to help him.
BOOM OPERATOR: How are we gonna know when to dial the number?
The Boom Operator holds the mic in front of Jake’s face, whacking him a few times. Jake sputters from the microphone and pushes it away before thinking twice and grabbing it back so he can speak directly into it.
JAKE: I’ll give you the sign.
PA: And what’s the sign?
JAKE: Trust me, you’ll know.
The radio starts to play sounds that are reminiscent of a Vegas slot machine. This immediately piques Jake’s interest and he shushes everyone so he can listen.
DJ: Have I got a treat for you today. Sitting right in front of me on my desk, I’ve got -
Jake is typing furiously away on his computer, searching for the radio show’s phone number. He finds it, lets out an excited cackle, and dials the phone number, hovering his thumb over the “call” button. Everyone else in the trailer is waiting, watching him with intensity while holding their own phones out.
DJ: Gimme a call at (384)392-2983.
PA: What?
JAKE: (more shrill, motioning at the phones) AWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOGA!
PA: Huh?
JAKE: Call the number, numbnuts!
Everyone dials in and waits. The Assistant Director’s face brightens and she motions at her phone and gives Jake a big thumbs up. Jake crosses his arms over his chest and gives a satisfied smirk. He’s finally won.
Josh maintains a similar position in the parking lot as he watches Danny finalize their dance routine. Danny moves with a stunning grace as he goes through the motions, doing dazzling spins, foot work, and jumps. You can kind of get a sense of the story that he’s trying to tell with his body, and boy is it beautiful. Danny finishes and wipes some sweat from his brow while Josh showers him in applause.
JOSH: Absolutely stunning work, Daniel.
DANNY: (gasping) You think?
JOSH: Just one note.
DANNY: Of course.
JOSH: I think we need to do this move at some point.
Josh stands with his legs concerningly far apart and his knees bent, locks his fingers together and wiggles his arms in front of him, like a wave. Danny watches him with a blank face.
JOSH: (explaining while he’s still dancing) It symbolizes the tide turning.
DANNY: I’ll, uh, try to see where I can fit that one in.
JOSH: Preferably after Jake’s solo when he does the worm.
DANNY: I don’t remember agreeing to that part of the routine.
JOSH: When you see him do it, you’ll thank me.
DANNY: Uhhhh….
Sam makes similar grunting sounds to Danny, sitting on a log on set and staring blankly at the camera that the director is collecting from the ground and moving into a beautiful coffin. The director sniffs back tears and dabs at his eyes with a hankie. Sam looks to his left and sees Satan sitting next to him, cleaning under his long fingernails with a part of the broken camera.
SAM: Can you please leave me alone? The guilt is bad enough, I don’t need you around too.
SATAN: On the contrary. I think you need me around to remind you what an awful person you are. I mean, who takes a selfie with a camera?
SAM: What else are you gonna take a selfie with?
Satan does not look amused. Sam nervously chuckles.
SAM: So maybe you have a point. It wasn’t my finest moment, but it can’t be that bad, right?
SATAN: The owner of that camera sold his dead father’s car to buy it. It was the only way he could make it in this industry.
Sam clutches at his face and moans in despair.
SATAN: He kept that camera locked in a vault in his basement to make sure no one got their grimy hands on it. But the one time he left it for a second, you went and destroyed it.
SAM: You know, I am kinda surprised he’s not here with the director, doing whatever that is.
Sam motions at the director, who is playing a funeral song on a set of bagpipes over the coffin containing the camera parts.
Jump cut to the cameraman in Jake’s trailer, texting the director “I’ll be back on set in a sec to get the cameras set up. Guitarist dude for the band just won a radio contest - who does that anymore???”
Jake is clutching arms with the Assistant Director, jumping up and down and shouting with glee. The Assistant Director quickly stops jumping and holds a finger up to Jake, pointing at the phone. Jake immediately stops and watches the Assistant Director, soaking in his glory.
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: (on the phone) No way, that’s incredible! (to Jake) I’m gonna be on the radio in a second, turn it up.
Jake turns up the volume on the radio so everyone can listen.
DJ: Congratulations to our lucky caller! Who am I speaking with?
DJ: Well, Seymour -
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: (cutting the DJ off) Seymour Buttz.
DJ: Okay, Seymour Buttz, you’ve got yourself one hell of a prize!
JAKE: (leaning over the AD to call into the phone) What’s the prize?
The DJ laughs for an uncomfortably long amount of time on the other end of the line. Jake’s eye twitches.
Sam’s eye twitches as well as he sits with Satan on the log.
SAM: (thinking aloud) I need to get money pooled together to buy the poor guy a new camera, don’t I? I can’t run away from this for the rest of my life.
SATAN: You could steal the money.
SAM: I could steal the money. From Jake. He’s trying to win a radio contest.
Satan looks confused. Does anyone participate in radio contests anymore?? Sam ignores his look and hustles towards Jake’s trailer. On his way over, he runs into Josh and Danny, who are slurping down Gatorades to get their electrolytes.
JOSH: Oh, Sam! Just the person we wanted to see! We gotta teach you the choreog for the music video! I think Daniel and I have come up with something really special.
DANNY: It’s so good, we might even get invited to join Dancing With the Stars as guest judges.
SAM: You’re gonna have to put that on hold, I have something really important I need to work out with Jake. It’s literally a matter of life or death.
Danny snaps out of his euphoria from dancing.
DANNY: Wait. Sam, what did you do?
Sam is already gone. Danny grabs Josh and they hurry behind him. The three friends tear into Jake’s trailer to find him on the phone, the entire crew watching him as if they’re in a Renaissance painting.
DJ BIG BREEZY: Man, I think you’ve got a stick shoved up somewhere where the sun don’t shine. Maybe I’ll pass this off to the forty-third caller. You’re kinda stressing me out.
Jake sucks in a deep breath, holds it in his mouth with his cheeks puffed out, and then exhales. He looks a smidge calmer.
JAKE: Sorry, DJ Big Breezy. I’m just really excited. So, how many K’s are we talking here?
DJ BIG BREEZY: No K’s kid.
Jake’s face brightens.
JAKE: Mil?
DJ BIG BREEZY: Nil. You won two tickets to catch a special screening of Saturday Night Fever at the downtown AMC!
Jake hangs up the phone. His face progressively turns more red, to the point where he resembles Satan. Sam gapes at Jake with a look of distress on his face as well. He has nothing to steal from this poor man. Josh watches Jake with concern. Jake is going to blow at any second. Danny can’t help but let out a large laugh.
DANNY: Hah! Serves you right!
Jake glares at Danny, his face still red.
JAKE: This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
JOSH: Even worse than the time when you had to be Willy Wonka in the school play because I got sick?
JAKE: Way, way worse than that.
Josh whistles.
JAKE: How am I ever going to pay for a new amp? You know what? Tour’s canceled.
DANNY: Oh, come on, Jake. Get over yourself.
JAKE: Amp killer!
DANNY: Hey, let’s not go around carelessly throwing accusations around like that. I could serve time.
JAKE: (jutting his finger into Danny’s shoulder) You should go to jail.
SAM: (realizing behind Jake and Danny) I’m gonna go to jail.
JOSH: (raising an eyebrow at Sam) Why are you gonna go to jail?
SAM: (the dam has broken) I wrecked a fancy camera on set! I didn’t mean to, I just wanted to take a picture with it, but then I knocked into it and it just kinda went, well, kersplat.
CAMERAMAN: Woah, wait, what happened to my camera?
SAM: I was gonna get the money for you to cover the damages. It’s just that Jake is an idiot and screwed everything up with the radio contest.
JAKE: Wait, what do I have to do with any of this?
SAM: I was gonna snag your winnings to cover my behind.
JAKE: Sam!
SAM: It was the easiest way to fix this.
JAKE: Robbing me??
DANNY: (pinching at the bridge of his nose) What I can’t wrap my head around here is why neither of you are willing to dig into your own stinking pockets. I mean, you both have money for crying out loud.
Satan appears next to Sam’s shoulder.
SATAN: I say you punch the curly haired guy in the kneecaps for questioning your plan.
Sam looks like he’s considering it.
CAMERAMAN: Dude, there’s literally nothing to worry about. I mean, yeah, it would be nice to have the camera today to do the shoot, but it’s no sweat. I’ve got the thing insured.
SAM: Insured?
CAMERAMAN: Yeah, I don’t have to pay out of pocket to fix it.
Sam looks to be having a hard time grasping this concept.
JOSH: (softly, to Sam) Do you not know what insurance is?
Sam shakes his head, embarrassed.
JOSH: Huh. I thought you did since you really didn’t get too upset about Danny breaking your window last night.
DANNY: Yeah, that’s mostly why I did it. I knew State Farm would be a good neighbor.
SAM: I wasn’t worried about the window because I kinda like the draft it makes. It helps air out the place, especially after Rosie rips her massive farts. Boy, can that dog make a stink.
No one knows what to do with this information.
JAKE: Let me get this straight, you were going to keep your front window broken like that through the winter?
SAM: I dunno, maybe? I didn’t really think about it too much.
DANNY: Oh, Sam.
SAM: You learn something new every day?
Satan is back in the room, pinching at the bridge of his nose and shaking his head.
SATAN: This is way too far out of my pay grade.
Satan vanishes. Sam waves goodbye to him. To Jake, Josh, Danny, and the rest of the trailer, it looks like he’s waving goodbye to an empty corner in the room. Jake makes a noise like he remembered something.
JAKE: (to Josh) He’s been talking to the shadow people again.
JOSH: Aw [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff].
Danny cautiously approaches Jake and tucks his arm around his shoulders. Jake looks like he wants to slither out of Danny’s grasp, but Danny holds him tight.
DANNY: I want to strike a deal with you.
JAKE: I want to strike you in the kneecaps.
Sam looks at Jake in shock. Is he Satan?!
DANNY: (ignoring Jake) I’ll pay for your replacement amp if you agree to go to the screening of Saturday Night Fever with me.
Jake opens his mouth to protest.
DANNY: (continuing) And you have to do the worm on camera during your guitar solo for our music video.
JAKE: Huh?
JOSH: This vision, Jake, it’s enough to blow your underwear into the stratosphere. Just picture it: your guitar solo starts, you drop down in the grass, and do the most impressive worm the world has ever seen in slow motion while a fire rages in the background.
JAKE: I can’t do the worm.
JOSH: Not with that attitude.
JAKE: (to Danny) Can I bring in my lawyer to negotiate the terms?
DANNY: We both know you don’t have a lawyer.
JAKE: Do too.
DANNY: Josiah Cockerell is not a real person. You just throw out his name when you want to scare people with a fake lawsuit.
JAKE: Shoot, I spend too much time with you.
DANNY: So, are you gonna take me up on this or waste the rest of your life away trying to win cheesy radio contests?
The camera zooms in on Jake’s face as he tries to make a decision. We see that the perspective is coming from Sam - he’s got his film camera back out and is standing about three feet away from Jake, zooming in so far that the lens nearly presses against Jake’s nose. Jake pushes Sam’s camera out of the way and huffs.
JAKE: Fine.
DANNY: Shake on it.
Jake and Danny spit into their hands, wipe their spitty hands across each other’s faces, play a quick round of patty cake, do a spin, bump their hips together, and then shake.
DANNY: It’s been nice doing business with you.
JAKE: Can I at least watch a couple of tutorials on how to do the worm before I go out there?
JOSH: I think it would be a lot more powerful if you winged it.
JAKE: You hate me, don’t you?
SAM: I don’t want to dance.
DANNY: You can be in the middle.
SAM: Deal!
JOSH: Come on, guys. We’ll show you how it’s done.
Transition to Meeting the Master playing overhead. Josh, Danny, Jake, and Sam are back in the parking lot, dressed in their Meeting the Master music video outfits. Josh and Danny are dancing along to the music while Jake and Sam try to follow along behind them. They’re pulling every dance move out of their pockets - at times it looks like they're copying TikTok dances, at other points they could be on Broadway. They jump, they twirl, they point around, they wiggle their hips, they bust out moves that you would see on the dancefloor at a Father-Daughter dance. It’s a routine for the ages. When the guitar solo starts, Josh and Danny start screaming at Jake.
Jake chokes in terror and flops onto the ground. His worm looks more like he’s doing reverse crunches, continually planting his face into the grass. When his head retracts, he spits out clumps of grass. Even though his interpretation of the worm is a disgrace to the dance move, Danny, Josh, and Sam cheer him on like he’s killing it. When Jake picks himself back up from the ground, his white suit is covered with grass stains. Their stylist is going to murder him.
At the end of the song, Josh is really feeling it. He pushes in front of Sam, who was dancing in the middle, jumps up high in the air, and lands with a loud crack in the splits. Danny, Sam, and Jake immediately stop dancing and gape at him.
DANNY: Josh, that wasn’t a part of the choreog!
JOSH: (choking from the ground) I wanted to add a little shish boom pow at the end.
JAKE: The only shish boom pow you did was to your groin. God, I could hear that crack from space.
JOSH: (still on the ground) I can’t move.
SAM: No need to worry, you’re insured, right?
JAKE: You’re kind of getting the hang of it, Sam.
Danny approaches Josh’s side and lifts him from the ground with a grunt. Josh looks to be permanently stuck in the splits - as Danny lifts him up, his legs are still sticking out in opposite directions. Danny looks to Jake and Sam for help. Jake and Sam both nod: they know what they need to do.
JOSH: Hey, uh, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here. I actually feel fine. I love having my legs out like this.
Danny, Sam, and Jake ignore him. Danny holds Josh up even higher while he babbles. Jake grabs a hold of his leg in the front and Sam grabs his leg in the back. They both kick up their feet, trying to swing on his legs. Josh hollers as his legs snap back into place.
JOSH: [expletive censored with the Buddy Holly riff]!
DANNY: (as he puts Josh down) Better?
JOSH: (brushing himself off) Hardly. I feel awful.
DANNY: But, Josh, we have to dance! This music video is nothing without our bodies telling a story, just like Tony Manero did in Saturday Night Fever.
JOSH: I flew too close to the sun, Danny Boy. It’s time for me to strip off the wings before I hurt myself more. I have a yoga class that I can’t miss on Thursday.
Danny hangs his head. Jake watches him and feels a pang of guilt. He approaches Danny and puts a hand on his shoulder.
JAKE: Hey, I’ll still do the worm.
Danny looks at Jake in surprise.
DANNY: Really?
JAKE: Yeah. I mean, we made a deal, didn’t we? It won’t be the full dance, but at least you can get a bit of your messaging on screen.
DANNY: We can work with that.
JOSH: I told you he would see the light!
The episode ends with the director, cameraman, and assistant director watching a cut of the Meeting the Master music video. During Jake’s guitar solo, they watch footage of Jake doing his kind-of worm in slow motion in front of a bonfire. There are multiple different angles of him doing this and, with the music, it’s a truly bizarre sight. The crew members gape at the footage and then the director shuts it off.
CAMERAMAN: We’re not keeping that, are we?
DIRECTOR: Absolutely not. That was the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
The Cameraman and Assistant Director breathe out in relief.
DIRECTOR: (continuing) It’s so bad, I want to throw myself out a window.
#greta van fleet#gvf#jake kisza#josh kiszka#danny wagner#sam kiszka#starcatchers#greta van fleet fanfiction#greta van fleet fanfic#greta van fleet fic#gvf fanfiction#gvf fanfic#gvf fic#josh gvf#jake gvf#sam gvf#danny gvf#gvf tv show#episode 3 baby#meeting the master
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just take my phone away
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Lilac Moon: Chapter 3

Pairing: Josh Kiszka x f!Reader
Word Count: 7.4k+
Warnings: (specific to this chapter) alcohol use, a good amount of angst, some pretty fluffy fluff, lot’s of cursing (sorry, lol), an almost physical fight, mentions of past trauma, mentions of anxiety (future chapters WILL contain smut, so MINORS DNI)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
a/n: this story means a lot to me, & i hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i love writing it. 🤍
with that being said, i just want to reiterate that this is a complete work of pure fiction, & this is not in any way meant to be reflective of real life.
as always, don’t be afraid to let me know what you think, & let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist. :)
love you all so much!
You stayed the whole night with Josh, wrapped up with him in the chill of the night. It was an accident; you hadn’t planned on staying at this house, sleeping in his arms in the serenity of his backyard. But he’s so comforting, so calming…you’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want to be with him just like this for the rest of your days.
You’re falling for him, and you’re falling fast.
The peace of the morning has settled in. You're awoken by the melodic sounds of the birds chirping their forenoon songs. The sun is just beginning its dawn, the dew ever present on the grass.
Your body slowly rises and falls with his, his breathing still indicating the patterns of a deep sleep. He’s so warm. His comforting scent penetrates your senses. His arms are wrapped snug around your body, keeping you safe and close to him. You wish this could last forever. You wish the rest of the world would go on, leaving the two of you alone in this bliss you have created together.
You finally start to come to a bit more, your mind wandering out of its dreamlike state. You stretch your stiff limbs, causing him to stir as he’s starting to wake up, too. Half asleep, he leans down to give a gentle kiss on top of your head.
“Mm, good morning. At least I think it’s morning, anyway.” His voice is deep and raspy, still sleep laden.
You suddenly come fully to your senses, realizing that you accidentally spent the entire night with him, sleeping under his pergola in the backyard. You quickly grab your phone to investigate the time.
“Holy shit, oh my god. I’m so sorry, Josh. I can’t believe I fell asleep like that.”
You lift your body off of him, finding he’s almost reluctant to break the embrace, but does it anyway.
“Why would you be sorry? I don’t mind at all. It’s actually the most restful sleep I’ve gotten in a long while.”
“I just hate to be so intrusive. This is your home, I shouldn’t have stayed all night like that. That’s so rude of me. I’m so sor-” he cuts you off before you can apologize for a second time.
“Y/n, please.” He sits up on the couch to be eye level with you, smiling a toothy grin at your embarrassment that he finds adorable. His hair is in a fluffy mess from sleeping outside all night, but it’s wonderfully charming to you. “Don’t say sorry. I’m happy you stayed. It gets a little lonely here sometimes and you’re fantastic company.” He lifts your hand to give it a quick peck.
“Well, I guess this means I have to make you breakfast now, huh.” He gives you a sly wink, making you blush as you both break out in a set of sleepy giggles.
He leads you in the house. You’d only seen his home in artificial lighting since you came over so late, but now, you’re seeing it in the glow of the day. The rising sun has encapsulated the space in a warm golden tone showcasing the architectural detailing and his elegant decor. There’s one wall in the living room that is entirely made up of floor to ceiling windows with a view of the forest behind it. You’re in absolute awe as you take it all in.
You’re in desperate need of freshening up, so you ask him where the restroom is. He points down the long hallway, telling you it’s the second door on your right.
You take your time to splash some water on your face, use the small brush you keep in your purse to fix your hair a little, and you’re thanking your lucky stars that you always carry around a travel sized toothbrush and toothpaste set.
Once you feel a little more presentable, you head back to the kitchen to find Josh rummaging through his fridge and cabinets for ingredients to make breakfast.
“What can I help you with?”
“Uh, absolutely nothing. You’re my guest and you will be treated as such. I am but your humble servant.” He bows to you, then walks over to the first seat at the island and pulls it out for you. “Your throne awaits, my dear.”
“If you insist, good sir.” You can’t even begin to hide the smile taking over your face.
“Sir, huh? Kinda like the sound of that.” he says with a sly wink as you both laugh.
Any other time you’ve stayed at a man’s house, it usually involves sex that is less than pleasurable for you, and the mornings consist of them practically shoving you out of the front door. (if they even let you stay that long)
But with Josh, it’s completely different. He didn’t need sex from you last night. He was perfectly content with just being with you, being in your presence. Completely okay with just a kiss, the most beautiful kiss you’ve ever shared with anyone. A kiss that happened when you were in the depths of explaining the most vulnerable parts of yourself that he wanted to know about. And not only that, he wants to cook for you this morning.
What is happening?
You’re watching intently as Josh gathers his ingredients for what appears to be quite the meal he has planned.
“So what are you making me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” he says with a smirk.
“Oh no. You’re not going to poison me, are you?”
He huffs out a laugh. “ Of course not. Unless you’re allergic to blackberries.” He puts some blackberries in a pot on the stove, stirring in a mixture of lemon juice, vanilla and water. “I’m making a blackberry compote to go on top of our french toast.”
“Oh! That sounds amazing, Josh!”
“Well, don’t give me too much credit. It’s a Jacob specialty. He’s a far better cook than I. But don’t ever tell him I said that. Wouldn’t want it going to his head.”
He lets the compote come to a boil before meticulously mixing in a little cornstarch.
“Jakes a cook?”
“Oh absolutely. He’s been cooking for the better part of our lives now. And I don’t mean he makes some measly pasta dish with premade sauce in a jar from the store, he is up to par with the professionals. I love all things culinary, but I don’t hold a candle to him.”
He continues stirring his concoction until it’s thick enough to his liking. He puts a little on a spoon, blowing on it until you can no longer see steam. He walks over to you and gently holds the spoon up to your mouth.
“Here, tell me what you think.”
You look in his eyes while you taste it, this moment feeling awfully romantic.
“It’s perfect.”
“Really? You think so?”
“Yes, I do! Josh, are you sure you don’t need my help? You’re doing too much, I feel bad just watching you slave away.”
He walks back over to the stove to begin preparing the toast.
“Like I said, you’re my guest. I don’t get to do this often, so let me spoil you, okay?”
You nod and smile in agreement while you watch him finish the toast. He decorates your plates to near perfection, taking his time to drizzle the blackberry compote on top of the toast in a certain design. He tops it off with a little powdered sugar before setting your plate in front of you.
“Ladies first.” he says, signaling you to take the first bite. He watches you closely as you do so, anxiously awaiting your reaction.
“Well? How is it?”
“My compliments to the chef. Or should I say, the far less cuisine-talented Kiszka twin.” He covers his face in an attempt to conceal his laughter. “No seriously. This is incredible. Thank you for doing this. You really didn’t have to.”
“I know, but I wanted to. I don’t get to have people over here often, in fact I don’t even get to be here as much as I’d like, so this is nice.”
You both finish your breakfast, talking about anything and everything that graces the forefront of your minds. You talk a little about the tour and he offers some life-on-the-road advice to you, you talk some more about music and the future for both of your bands, things of that nature.
“Just so you know, I’ve been down the rabbit hole that is Lilac Moon.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Been listening to your music, watching your videos…I know I’ve already said this, but you’re pretty fantastic. Your stage presence is outstanding, y/n. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do in an arena. Lilac Moon truly deserves to be on a bigger stage.”
“Well, thank you. It’s going to be a change of scenery, that’s for sure.”
As much as you feel your music is going nowhere, that’s not entirely true. Your band has roughly 60,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, which is pretty damn good for a group that rarely leaves its home state. You’ve also been featured on NPR Music's YouTube channel for a Tiny Desk concert. That’s no small feat. The bands’ Instagram page has nearly 80,000 followers, with your own personal page reaching close to 30,000. You’ve been able to do multiple professional live recordings for various radio stations, even have two music videos out for your original songs. The recording of your first EP, self funded, of course, was a pivotal moment. It garnered a lot of attention from people, and its success allowed for a second one to be recorded and released within just a few months. Things aren’t quite as stagnant as you feel they are, it's Jay that has made you believe that it’s not enough. He’s convinced you that fame is all that matters, and you’ve allowed yourself to believe it. You know that’s not true. Those things don’t matter. The music matters the most, and that’s your true love. You’re finding that you’re starting to fall in love with that aspect of it all again.
“I uh, also happened to stumble upon a cover you all did at a few shows. A little number called Safari Song, I believe? Can't seem to remember who does that one…hmm..” he giggles at the blush creeping on your face.
Lilac Moon has performed that song countless times in front of audiences. Obviously a crowd favorite.
“Gee, I can’t remember who does that one either.” you say to him with a wink.
“I have to admit, I’m incredibly nervous, Josh. I mean, what if they don’t like us? I doubt many of them know us…I just…I don’t handle criticism well…I know that’s something I have to fix if I want to continue any kind of career in this field. I’m just nervous. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to us…I’m terrified they’ll hate us.”
“Ah, I remember those feelings quite well. It can be frightening, I know. But I can promise you this: they’re going to love you. I know our fans. They’re some of the most accepting, loving people. They feel it from us, and they reciprocate it. Just go out there with love, and they’ll love you right back. Love is the key.”
He pats the top of your head in a silly, loving way to reassure you a little extra.
“But you should know this already, I mean you are one of them, after all.” he says with a wink. “Just how big of a fan are you, anyways? Just out of curiosity. I hope you’re not a crazed, stalker type. If you are, well, you’ve done a good job of it because you’re in my house.” he says with a boisterous laugh.
“Well, I went to as many shows as I could back in the day. Got a few guitar picks, a drum stick. You even handed me a rose one time.”
“What? You know…” he stops to ponder in thought a bit. “Yeah…yes! I remember you! Oh my God, how could I have forgotten this. You and Ivy! I remember seeing you at tons of shows, and I remember handing you the rose.” He taps his fingers on his chin while he thinks. “St. Louis. Ballpark Village in 2017. You were wearing the most lovely purple dress with these huge sleeves that were just beautiful…and you had the most wonderful flowers in your hair. That’s why I wanted to give you the rose, because of your flowers. Such a lovely sight.”
You’re left in complete shock. His memory is serving him right, because that’s exactly what you were wearing.
“I can’t believe you remembered all of that. That’s just…how on earth do you still remember that? It’s been so many years, and you’ve done thousands of shows since then..”
“You just spoke to me, I guess. You were so sweet, so gentle in the mix of people who were screaming at the top of their lungs. You just radiated this energy that I didn’t feel from anyone else in the crowd. You were there for the music, for the peace it brought you, I could tell.”
You’re struck aghast at hearing this from him, because he’s absolutely right. You always felt a sort of peace at their shows. They felt eerily intimate to you, and you can’t believe he picked up on that from the crowds of people that surrounded you.
“Wow, Josh. I’m just astounded. I never knew you noticed me, let alone remembered me.”
“Look at you, y/n! I’d be crazy to not remember the likes of you, sweet girl. Like I said last night, the universe is mysterious. It wanted our paths to cross again, and now look what’s come of it? It’s a wonderful thing.”
You’ve been so lost in conversation that you don’t even realize three hours have gone by.
You start to help Josh clean up in the kitchen when you hear his phone going off.
“Shit. Hold on, I have to get that.”
He answers it, opting to put it on speaker. You’re taken aback by this. This man really has nothing to hide, and nothing to hide from you. It’s a sweet, seemingly insignificant gesture that makes you smile to yourself.
“Where the fuck are you?” You recognize Jake's voice instantly, and he’s not thrilled.
“Oh fuck, man. I totally forgot. What time was I supposed to be there?”
“You were supposed to be here over an hour ago to get hair and makeup done, Josh. The shoot starts in 30 minutes. You better get your ass over here now.” You hear Sammy’s unmistakable laughter in the background, clearly mocking his older brother's irresponsibility.
“Tell Sam to shut the fuck up. I’m on my way.”
You hear the call disconnect from the other end.
“I’m so sorry, Josh. This is all my fault.”
“No, don’t be. It’s just a silly magazine. They want us pretty damn bad for this next cover, so they aren’t going anywhere.”
You help him get the last few things tidied up in the kitchen before grabbing your stuff to head out the door with him. He walks you to your car, opening your door for you but stops you before you get in.
“Can we- can we do this again sometime? I know we’ve both got busy schedules with everything coming up. But I really, really enjoyed talking to you. I’m sorry if I got a little carried away last night. I just couldn’t help myself and-” you’re not sure where or how you got this sudden courage, but you grabbed him lightly by his shirt and brought him to your lips in a sweet, longing kiss to cut off his apology. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, bringing you even closer to him.
“Don’t be sorry.” you whisper as you move away slightly from his lips. “I would love to do this again. Soon, I hope?”
“Yes, very soon. Every night if we can.”
You meet each other in another kiss but it’s cut short as Josh’s phone is going off yet again, presumably Jake.
“I really hate to, but I have to go. Text me, okay?”
“I will.” you say as you sit in the driver's seat of your car.
“Bye, y/n.”
He smiles as he shuts your car door. You watch him walk to his jeep. He looks wonderful in the sun, effortlessly stunning. The butterflies in your stomach are in a fluttering mass. You’re not sure what any of this means or where it could possibly be going, but you’re welcoming all of it with open arms.
Your mind is racing on your drive home. In fact, you decide to take the long way to your apartment to give yourself some space for deep thought. You love to take long drives to just let yourself think, to let yourself be.
You decide to skip going home right away, opting to drive yourself to Ivy’s to see if she’s home. You have to talk to someone, and who better than your very best friend.
You breathe a heavy sigh of relief when you pull up to her complex to see her car in her usual parking spot.
It’s not out of the ordinary for the two of you to show up to each other’s places unannounced. You even have a key to her apartment, and she owns one to yours as well.
You lived together briefly upon moving to Nashville, that is until Jay came into the picture. He moved in with you and essentially forced Ivy out. She didn’t take it well, and you can’t blame her one bit. He always said it was for ‘privacy.’ You hated that you let him do that. You hated that he tried to put a wedge between you and Ivy. It left a dent in your friendship for a while, and as much as she says she forgives you and doesn't place the blame on you, you can’t help but feel shameful for letting him run your life the way he did. Despite all of it, it somehow made you and Ivy stronger in the end. Your friendship has stood the tests of time and tribulation.
You make it up the steps to the second floor of the complex and let yourself in the front door of her apartment. It’s still early, so you have no doubt she’s still asleep.
As you walk inside, your theory is confirmed when you see her sprawled out on the couch in a deep sleep. You giggle a bit as she has always been notorious for falling asleep on the couch almost every night.
You sit down next to her and try to wake her up without scaring the shit out of her. She’s also notorious for getting a bit aggressive when she’s startled awake.
“Ivy…wake up. It’s me. We have to talk, like now.” you say in a hushed tone.
She starts to wake up a bit, tossing around to grab her phone that's buried in the cushions.
“What the hell are you doing here so early? Why are you even up?”
“I wasn’t at home last night..”
“Wha-what?” She's more awake now, sitting up in a better position to talk.
“What do you mean? Where were you? I literally dropped you off after practice.”
“Well, I was home for a bit. Then I got a text from Josh…”
Her eyes are now fully open and displaying shock as she’s scanning your face, desperate to hear the rest of your tale.
“Wait, what? What did he say? Did you hangout with him?”
“Yeah, I mean I don’t think that was his initial intention. He just wanted to apologize for being so sappy at the restaurant yesterday. He said some beautiful things, Ive. That’s why I was about to cry.”
She nods her head as if to signal you to keep going.
“Well, then he asked about Jay and why he’s such a prick. I told him it was a long story. One thing led to another, and he asked me to come over to have some wine and talk. So, I did.”
She has the biggest smile on her face, her eyes squinted almost entirely from her grin.
“And you stayed? All night? Holy shit, y/n. You slept with Josh. You slept with Joshua fucking Kisz-” you interupt her with an obnoxious laugh at her ridiculous assumption.
“Ivy! We did NOT sleep together. I mean, we slept together, but we didn’t fuck. Jesus, get your mind out of the gutter.” You playfully slap her arm. “We did kiss, though…and I told him about my dad. I don’t know what happened, it just..did. It happened so quickly. I felt so safe with him.”
“You kissed him? Y/n, oh my God. Tell me everything. Who initiated?”
“I told him a little about my experience with my mom…and you know me, you know I don’t talk about these things. I told him about how my dad instilled in me this passion for music that I have. I started to cry, and he said he wanted to kiss me…and I told him to do it..”
“That’s…that’s amazing, y/n.”
“And he listened to me, Ivy. He actually listened to me. He was so..intentional. I felt so heard. I think that’s why I fell asleep with him. It just…it felt nice, you know? Maybe I’m overthinking everything…and odds are this doesn’t mean anything. But it just felt really…nice.”
Ivy leans in and wraps you in a hug. She knows all too well of the struggles you’ve faced, and she knows how hard it is for you to talk about it all. The two of you share a bond together that no one else will ever be able to fully comprehend. She’s also been through her fair share of traumas, so the two of you understand one another in a way that is different from other relationships in your lives.
“Okay so..is there anything else I need to know?”
“He cooked me breakfast this morning.”
“What the fuck. This man isn’t real. There’s no way. It’s too good to be true.”
You both laugh at this, and you halfway agree with her.
“If I wasn’t there, I don’t think I’d believe it myself. You know my track record with men is absolute shit. I mean I even apologized for staying all night, and he practically thanked me for staying. Said he gets lonely. And he wouldn’t even let me help him with breakfast. It was so sweet.”
“What did he make you, anyway?”
“The most incredible french toast I’ve ever had. He told me it’s Jake's recipe. Apparently Jake is some high-end chef. Isn’t that amazing?”
Ivy perked right up at that.
“So, since you’re all chummy with Josh, can you set me up with his outrageously sexy, guitar-god of a twin?”
You both burst out in a fit of giggles.
“You are absolutely ridiculous.”
You’ve spent the entire day with Ivy. Relaxing, watching your favorite tv shows, eating snacks. You’ve been so busy with Lilac Moon lately that it’s been hard to find time to just rest, so you’re grateful for the opportunity that arose today.
You held off from texting Josh at the risk of seeming too eager, but you were starting to feel guilty that your promise fell through. You decide that it’s probably okay to text him, given it’s been several hours since you saw him so you shouldn’t look that desperate.
You: How did the photoshoot go? Jake didn’t kill you for being late, did he?
Josh: Unfortunately, he did just that. I am speaking to you from the grave. ;)
You’re surprised by the almost instant reply.
You: Oh! What a shame. I was really starting to like you. :(
You: I really am sorry I made you so late!
Josh: Not your fault, sweet girl! Jacob gets agitated quite easily but it’s nothing to bat an eye at. All was well, as I knew it would be! What are you doing on this fine evening?
Ivy catches you smiling at your phone.
“You look an awful lot like you’re talking to a gorgeous rockstar over there.”
“And what if I am? You’re jealous, huh.” you say with a smirk.
“Shut the hell up, y/n.”
You return to responding to Josh when suddenly your phone starts ringing with an incoming call. To your disgust, it’s Jay. Him calling this late can only mean one thing, a last minute gig at a shitty bar.
You turn your screen to show Ivy, to which she responds with a heavy eye roll.
“Hello, Jay.”
“Are you with Ivy?”
“Yes, why?”
“Be at The Basement in 45 minutes. Juliens on his way with the equipment. We’re on at 9.”
“Are you fucking kidding me-” he hangs up before you can argue.
You look at Ivy who’s got annoyance written all over her face.
“Well that’s just fucking great.”
“Please, y/n, don’t tell me we’re playing where I think we’re playing..”
Ivy puts her face in her hands, knowing exactly what your response will be.
“Yep. The Basement. The fucking Basement. I don’t know how many times we have to tell Jay that we hate this fucking place.”
The Basement in south Nashville is quite literally your least favorite place to play. It’s such a small bar that gets crowded quickly, it’s gross and always smells like regurgitated alcohol, and the sound system is absolute shit. Also, this place never fails to attract the nastiest, most disrespectful men that yell the most horrendous things at you and Ivy.
“How much time do we have to get ready?”
“He wants us there in 45 minutes.”
“That gives us..” she looks at her phone to confirm the time “..20 fucking minutes to get ready. Why does he wait until the last minute to plan these things!”
The Basement also conveniently doesn’t house any dressing rooms for you to get ready in, and you’re sure as hell not getting ready in the bathrooms that don’t appear to have ever been cleaned properly, so you have to hurry and get ready here.
Ivy runs to her closet to grab some outfits for the two of you while you rush to her bathroom to get out all of her makeup. You start quickly putting on your face when you realize you hadn’t responded to Josh yet. You really didn’t want to leave him hanging.
You: Well, looks like we’re booked for a last minute gig at my least favorite bar, thanks to none other than Jay.
Josh: Where would said gig happen to be?
You: The Basement. And he’s only giving us 20 minutes to be ready and get there for a soundcheck. I can tell you know, it’ll sound like shit.
Josh: I’m coming. What time is your set?
You: We’re on at 9. You really don’t need to come. This place is a dump and it’s way too overcrowded. People will probably maul you once they figure out you’re there. It’s not safe.
Josh: That’s what our security is for. :) I’ll be there. Daniel and Jake will also be in attendance. I think they love your music almost as much as I do. :)
The thought of him coming to a risky place just to see your band perform has you feeling so warm inside. You can’t explain it, but you feel safer already at the thought of him being there.
You finish your makeup in record time. Ivy barges in with an outfit for you. A pair of black velvet bell bottoms and a strapless sage green corset top donned with flowers. It’ll do. Ivy’s wearing a mini skirt the same shade of green and a black crop top with sequins.
You get dressed as Ivy rushes to finish her makeup.
“How much time, y/n?”
“We need to be in the car in 3 minutes.”
“Shit. You’re driving, then. I’ll just finish this in the car.”
You both sprint down the stairs of the complex to your car, tripping over your bell bottoms with each step.
“You just had to give me the fucking bell bottoms? I should get to wear that skirt! My legs are shorter than yours!”
“Well my ass looks bad in them, so yes! Get over it!”
You finally made it. The drive here was brutal, but you made it right on time.
You head in for the soundcheck. You’re groaning at the thought of playing here again. The stage is so small that the four of you on there together are practically on top of one another. There’s hardly enough room for your equipment, but Julien is the best at making it all fit.
Joe is here and talking to the owners of the bar, probably negotiating a form of payment. These places never pay much. Stingy asses.
You quickly run through a few songs before the doors open for people to start coming in. You sound mediocre at best. This place has the absolute worst sound.
8:31 pm
There’s only about 10 minutes until doors, so you and Ivy decide to grab a drink from the bar to calm your collective nerves.
“So, Josh is coming tonight, with Danny and Jake. He insisted on it.”
She takes a sip of her angry orchard.
“Isn’t this place a little dangerous for them? Like won’t people freak out over them?”
“I literally thought the same thing, but Josh said they’re bringing security with them so it would be fine. I told him they didn’t need to come, but he sounded like they really wanted to. Said they loved our music.”
You’re suddenly startled by Jay yelling at you from backstage.
“Y/n! Ivy! What the fuck are you doing? Get back here! It’s almost time!”
You both roll your eyes simultaneously at his rude behavior and head back to join him and Julien. You decide to tell Julien about your guests attending tonight's show.
“Guess what, Julie? Josh, Danny and Jake will be here tonight!”
“Uh oh, guess that means we better be on our best behavior!” he says with a playful nudge at your shoulder.
“Why the fuck do they need to be here? Do they think they need to come see us to make sure we’re actually good enough for them?”
You’re not surprised by his nasty attitude towards it, in fact you were expecting it. He’s already a few drinks in, not much of a shock.
“They just wanted to see the show, Jay. They like our music. I don’t know what the big deal is.”
Jay scoffs obnoxiously. “That’s a load of bullshit. They don’t give fuck. They just want to make sure we actually fit their standards. I know how the business works. We’re just the openers, y/n. They couldn’t care less about us and you’re better off to realize that, too.”
“Why do you have to have such a shit attitude about it? Not once have you shown an ounce of gratitude for this opportunity. You’re being an asshole about it. You were so fucking rude at the meeting. It was embarrassing.”
“I was the embarrassing one, y/n? Hm. See, how I remember it is you were flirting up a fucking storm with the miniature lead singer. Everyone noticed. Seems like you’re trying to make it good with him, get yourself a step ahead of all of us. He’s your ticket to fame, isn’t he?”
Now you’re pissed.
“You’re just mad that I don’t want to be with your sorry ass anymore. You can’t handle when another man gives me attention, can you? Sounds like you’re pretty fucking jealous to me.”
“You’re just using him, y/n. You don’t want him. And there’s no way he’d want a nobody like you. It’s pathetic. You’re just fulfilling some stupid fantasy of yours, huh?”
“Fuck you, Jay.”
You storm off towards the stage. Ivy follows close behind, about to bite a hole in her tongue to keep from making things worse.
“It must suck to be so fucking miserable all the time. It’d be great if you’d get over yourself for once.” Julien says before he follows your lead to head on stage.
For the first time in a long while, you and Ivy aren’t the last ones making it to the stage.
8:59 pm
People are piling in fast. You hit the stage to a loud collection of cheers. You scan the audience quickly, seeing your distinguished guests towards the back of the bar surrounded by a slew of security guards. The anger you were feeling has instantly melted away at the site of Josh and his toothy smile. His energy instantaneously makes you feel lighter.
9:01 pm
You tap the mic a few times to ensure it’s working. You take a deep breath.
“Good evening! How are we all doing tonight?”
The crowd is exceptionally loud tonight, and you’re starting to feel better about the whole situation.
You look around to your bandmates to signal you’re ready, when you notice the absence of your high strung guitarist.
You look back to Julien with silent question, to which he responds with wide eyes and a shrug of his shoulders.
You decide to buy a little time by doing your usual warming-up-the-crowd antics.
“We’re Lilac Moon, in case you’re new here.” You start nervously adjusting the mic stand, an anxious fidget of yours. “If you like what you hear, don’t be afraid to tip us. If you don’t like what you hear, still tip us and we’ll be sure to use it for lessons.” Julien punctuates your cheesy joke with a *ba dum tss* of his kit.
That one gets them everytime, so you’re not surprised to hear a lot of laughter from the crowd.
9:07 pm
You look to your left, still no Jay.
“Lots of lovely faces out here tonight. It’s a shame you’re stuck looking at ours.” Another *ba dum tss* from Julien and plenty of laughs from the crowd.
9:10 pm
Still no Jay. You’re starting to panic. Julien senses it and decides to head backstage in search of him.
You and Ivy do your best to buy more time, but people are getting antsy. You periodically look to Josh to see his face filled with worry.
9:14 pm
Finally, just as you were about to head backstage yourself, here comes Julien with a clearly disordered Jay.
Great. He’s fucking wasted.
You’re nervous for what could happen, but the show must go on.
“You all ready?” you say as Ivy taps a few notes on her bass and Jay strums a chord on his guitar.
The crowd cheers, and you begin.
The first several songs go as well as you could’ve hoped. The crowd is really into it tonight. You’re trying not to keep your eyes set on Josh the whole time, but it’s proving to be quite difficult. He looks so enthralled, and you notice that he’s even singing along to some of your songs. It’s surreal, to say the least. He even blows you a few kisses, causing you to become flustered.
9:53 pm
The next song is your newest piece, Alone Again, the one that requires you to play some rhythm guitar with Jay. You go to grab your instrument, feeling slightly less anxious than the other night for its debut and your first time playing on stage.
You make your speech about playing guitar, finding the opportunity to say once again “if it sounds like shit, just blame Jay” only this time, he doesn’t appear to be too pleased with your quip. He stares at you with an empty, angry glare as he steps closer to his mic.
What is he about to do..
“No, no. If it sounds like shit, blame her. She’s the one who wrote this song. Oh, should I mention she wrote it about me? You know, we were in the ‘throes of love.’” he uses air quotes, making his sarcasm apparent, “but all love stories must end, isn’t that right, y/n? I bet your new fling didn’t know this little number was about me, did he?” He looks towards Josh. “Did you know that? That she wrote this about me?” He’s slurring and stumbling all over his words, clearly very drunk as the alcohol has had more time to settle. Luckily, no one in the audience seems to register that he’s trying to point out someone in the crowd. But their security is wrapped tightly around them, just in case.
You’re speechless. You’re embarrassed. You're not even sure how to go about beginning the song now, but thankfully, Julien taps his snare a few times, and the song finally begins.
The last time you performed this song, you were full of emotions that forced you to become somewhat vulnerable on stage. This time, the only emotion you feel is anger. Pure, unfiltered anger. You’re nearly screaming the lyrics. Your strumming is intense. You’re just ready to get it over with.
Despite it all, the audience loves it. Their cheers make it apparent that they’ve mostly forgotten about the awkward intro to the track.
Thankfully, Jay keeps his mouth shut for the rest of the set, and everything ends rather smoothly.
10:26 pm
“Thank you all so much! We hope to see you again soon!” you say as you blow a kiss and wave to the audience, getting tons of kisses and waves right back as they cheer.
Once you’re all backstage, Joe takes Jay aside and corners him.
“What the hell was that about, huh? You trying to make yourself look like a damn fool? ‘Cause you’re doing a great job at it, bud!”
Your adrenaline from being on stage has quickly left and anger is seeping in your blood once again.
You walk over to Joe and push him aside.
“What the fuck, Jay? You’re going to make us look like a fucking joke. You’re a piece of shit, you know that?”
He starts screaming at you. You’re not even able to make out what he’s saying. A lot of ‘bitch’ and ‘fuck you’s’ being thrown around is all you can manage to understand.
“What the FUCK is your problem?” Danny yells loud enough that it startles him and cuts him off. “I’ll be God damned if I let you speak to her like that any longer.” Just as he says that, Jay lifts his fist, ready to land on Danny.
“Oh I don’t fucking think so.” Before he can swing, Danny grabs him and locks his arms behind his back.
Jay is trying to release himself from his grasp, but the drummer is far too strong for him and his drunken, belligerent state.
Josh and Jake are close behind, running up to you to be sure you’re okay.
“Y/n, you and Ivy come with us. You don’t need to be in his company any longer.” Josh says as he grabs your hand to pull you away, glaring at Jay.
“You know you’re nothing to her! She only wants you ‘cause you’re famous! She doesn’t give a fuck about you or anyone else!” he screams as Danny, Joe and Julien take him outside to the back of the venue to cool him off.
“Get fucked, you piece of shit!” Josh yells back in a deep, angry tone, one you didn’t think was possible from him.
That…was fucking hot.
You’re mortified. He demeaned you in front of the audience, but worst of all, he tried to start a physical fight with a member of the band that’s helping you further your career. Embarrassment doesn’t even cover it.
“I am…I’m so sorry about all of this. We were fighting before the show and I guess he took it upon himself to get absolutely trashed.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, y/n. You guys shouldn’t have to put up with this bullshit.” Jake says.
“Josh, please don’t believe anything he says. He’s completely out of it, I don’t even think he realizes he lost his shit on stage. He’s an asshole, but he takes his music very seriously. That’s not like him to do that, I swear.”
“I have no reason to believe a word out of his mouth, y/n. And you need to stop justifying his behavior. There’s no reason for him to act that way. But I do want to know something…” you look to him to let him know he can continue his thought, “Did you really write that song? About him? It’s a wonderful, beautiful song. But, the lyrics. How could you still feel that way about him?”
“Yes, I did. I wrote it the day I broke things off.” You’ve thought the same things. How could you possibly waste your energy on a song about him? “I guess I didn’t write it about him so much as I wrote it about who I thought he was. I, I don’t know. I thought he was different, Josh. I was naive. I don’t feel those things..and to be honest, I’m not sure I ever did. I think I liked the idea of being with him more than anything. There wasn’t any real love there. It felt so empty.”
Jake and Ivy take it upon themselves to leave, to give you two some space.
“You are worlds better than him. Universes, even. He doesn’t deserve to share space with you.”
“I wish he wasn’t in this band. I wish things were different. I wish we could just kick him out and find someone else, it’s just not that easy. None of us can stand being around him anymore. He’s gone completely off the deep end since the break up. He makes it really hard for me, for all of us, to love this band like we used to.”
You’re in a tough spot. You feel the need to make excuses for Jay because he’s still a vital part of this band. And you feel it’s your responsibility to keep the peace amongst everyone, because you feel a sort of guilt for everything that happened. You’re convinced that you’re the reason he acts this way.
Josh doesn’t speak for a few minutes, looking like something on his mind is plaguing him.
“Josh? What’s wrong?”
“I didn’t want to say anything until I had more information. But…we found out today that the label is kind of being difficult about you coming on tour with us since you’re not signed with them. We all thought it’d be okay, given you’re not signed with anyone, but apparently that’s somewhere in the fine lines of the contracts. Our manager didn’t even think it’d be a big deal.”
You stare blankly at him, watching as his expression turns more and more distraught.
“They were here tonight, y/n. They were prepared to sign you, but after Jay’s outburst on stage….I don’t know, they weren’t happy. They left before you finished.”
“I…I mean what do we do? Can we have a meeting with them? We can’t let this happen, I won’t let it happen. I won’t let that mother fucker ruin this for us. He’s such a fucki-” he stops you before you can really work yourself up and brushes his hand gently on your cheek to calm you down.
“Listen, I will make this happen, okay? We can pull some strings. You deserve this and I’ll prove that to them. But, that could mean finding a new guitarist. I don’t know for sure, so don’t stress too much about that yet. I just want you to know that might be a possibility, okay?”
This news should send you into a spiral, but his voice is so calming…his demeanor is peaceful…you can’t help but trust everything he says. Looking into his eyes, you have no doubt everything will be alright.
“Okay, Josh..” you say with a heavy sigh.
He smiles at you and leans down to place a kiss on your nose.
To be continued…
Chapter 4
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taglist: @jakeyt @fwzco @jessicafg03 @blissfulbellss @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @arsonkween @sicksadandrad @gretavansara @witchofendora @andtherestishistory13 @aintthatapity @itsdannysworld @thetroublegetssoloud71 @slaythelightfantastic
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a/n: here’s a little playlist of songs that, to me, represent the kind of music Lilac Moon would do, if they were real. ☺️
i’d like to think of their music as a mix of all of these sounds put together, if that makes sense. lol
#josh kiszka fic#josh kiszka smut#josh kisza x reader#jake kiszka#sammy kiszka#danny wagner#greta van fleet#greta van fleet fic#greta van fleet smut#josh fic#lilac moon
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The Discography of an American Groupie - Part 1
Summary: Life of limelight, lies and lovers since the beginning of time in the 80s-90s.
Word Count: ~16k
Warnings: Smut
17-18 Years Old - (1982-1983) _____________________________
There was a small town in the state of Michigan where it was either shielded in rain, snow or blessed with the sun. Strong mountain breeze was always felt and the humidity was high. Here homed was the band called Greta Van Fleet. Y/N knew the band since they began and she knew the band till they ended.
When asked in the present day, she simply would say they were made for the stage.
Three brothers, one best friend who were musically inclined with stardom blessed in them and flowed in their blood. They were made for the limelight, to grace the stage and create music for the fans to scream.
Josh, oldest twin and oldest above all with his curly head of hair and authentic style with the voice of an angel that made people cry. Voice high and able to hit the sharp notes. A hippie at heart and a lover for freedom. When Y/N talked to him, intelligence does not eve define his mind. He was wise. He could have been a poet if he was not in the band or a philanthropist that spoke speeches to empower you. The lyric writer and the comedian - best of both worlds. He was extroverted with a charing smile and glistening eyes.
Sam was on the bass, youngest and best friend with Danny. The only reason why he was involved with the band so young was because of his idolisation of Jake. Jake made the band and Sam wanted Jake to be proud of him. What Jake did, Sam would do. When Jake began going shirtless on stage, Sam did too. Sam would rock back and forth as he played like Jake would. He just wanted to be his big brother.
Funny, kind soul and best friends with Danny. The only non-brother but a sweetheart as heart. Drums and a golf player.
Y/N always saw those two as the babies of the band.
Then there was Jake. Whether the band was going to take off or not, Jake was always going to play in a band. His life revolved around that guitar.
Jake was Josh’s twin and also Y/N’s eventual lover. He was her best friend since the dawn of time.
Jake Kiszka was made for the stage. He shined on stage, holding that guitar, blessing the world with music none like before. His fingers were like singing angels, pressing down on the strings as his hand strummed. It was electric, heavenly, and brought you a sense of feeling she could never explain.
He was a guitarist, swaying his long brown hair to the sound coming from his own fingers. Foot beating along as his eyes closed.
Greta Van Fleet was created when they were sixteen and Sam and Danny at thirteen.
Y/N was their biggest fan, first groupie and the loudest in the audience.
They were art when they played and she saw how they stole the world’s hearts.
September 1982 - Grade 12
Y/N made her way through the crowd, pushing past people to find the group she was searching for. People flooded the Kiszka’s house. She reckoned the whole high school was invited here tonight on the last Friday before school.
She could hear them - the thundering of Danny’s drums and complicated guitar riff from Jake. However, normally it would have taken her seconds to walk across the yard but instead Y/N was pushing past people as well as being pushed. When she got to the kitchen, she grabbed a beer and made her way back to the yard to find them again.
The music was becoming louder, hearing Josh’s voice over the crowd now. Y/N brought the cheap beer to her lips, throwing it back before moving again.
“Fucking move!” she screamed over the crowd, pushing people. With harsh stares and rude comments, she eventually made her way through the crowd.
Dressed in bellbottoms and a band tee, hair down and the classic 70s look she seemed not to give up, she continued to find the boys she loved so much.
Eventually, she found her way on the right side of the stage where Jake was playing. The music was loud now. It did not help that she was right next to the amp, however this is the sacrifice she had to give up with being friends with a band of rockers.
Jake and her made eye contact and Y/N sent him a quick wink before raising her beer to him. She threw it back, finishing it as he grinned, winked and blew a quick kiss to her.
Y/N simply rolled her eyes.
His fingers were art, skilfully moving along the strings on the neck of the guitar. It was fast in motion, entrapping and encapsulating with such skill that it became a blur. Y/N’s eyes followed to his other hand who was strumming the string with an orange pick all while he was rocking back and forth, foot tapping at the sound.
The twins were identical at this age with their hair - shaggy, a little long and swooped back as sweat covered their forehead.
They may be identical but instead Jake was wearing blue jeans and a band tee similar to the style of Y/N.
Josh was standing in the middle of the stage, holding the mic close as his mouth opened wide, screaming the high notes. Josh was different in his style wearing a vest with no shirt and jeans.
They continued with their set. Jake did his solo and then Danny did too. Y/N was in awe - always was when they played.
However as they were wrapping up, she got two new beers and went back to the stage.
At seventeen, everyone in this small town knew they were going somewhere - including Y/N.
Greta Van Fleet was going to be the next rock band to take over the world.
Y/N opened the two beers, sipping hers before Jake finished his set. She chatted to those around her, friends and peers as they wrapped up their hour long show. With alcohol in her system, backpack on her back, she made her way to Jake’s bedroom with the two beers. The crowd was becoming too much for her.
Thankfully, the upstairs was cleared from the hinderance of teenage bodies and the epitome of sexual deviance.
Y/N walked into the younger twin’s room, fingers brushing against the guitars on the wall before sitting on his bed. She took a deep breath...musky, peppermint, iris, tobacco with a hint of weed. The smell of Jake. Welcome to his bedroom filled with posters of Led Zeppelin, Cream and Cat Stevens. A record player sat in the corner of his room with the array of his collection. His desk was a mess with homework and books. Then there was another door that connect to the Jack and Jill bathroom that Josh and Jake shared.
Y/N placed her sleepover bag down onto the floor, leaning against the bed as she waited.
Jake was her best friend. They grew up together in the small town of Frankenmuth. it was a small town, less than five thousand people were homed here and it stretched between suburbia life and ranch lands that were close to won.
Y/N was five years old when they got the first movie theatre built, ten when they got a McDonald’s and fifteen when a shopping centre was opened the next city over.
However, Frankenmuth was home. By the mountains, the forest and nature with its rolling hills and land of agriculture. Between dancing on the shore at the lake, playing in the grass and hiking the mountains, Frankenmuth would always be home.
Every first was in this town.
First steps.
First day of school.
First friends...Jake and Josh.
First fights.
First kiss.
First time she fell in love.
First time she was heartbroken.
And first time she decided to move on.
It was the place of beginnings and endings, trials and errors.
Between the blue skies that touched the evergreen trees like a painting while Y/N could hear the roar and thunder of the storms. It was always home. She never dreamed of anywhere else for she to cohabit in the end. Always Frankenmuth.
There was one thing about Frankenmuth that was the hidden rules: No one leaves. No one moves and if you do, you will always come back. Everyone stayed in Frankenmuth.
You married your high school sweetheart, had your children there, worked and grew old. That was what her folks did and their folks too.
Y/N did not know when her family immigrated to America, but they have always been in Frankenmuth since it was founded. Her mother was best friends with Karen Kiszka. They met in elementary and were joined at the hip since. She married her high school sweat and her mother never did marry.
It was ironic how the two did become pregnant at the same time. Karen was back in Frankenmuth, working as a teacher and her mother was living in her van along the coast when she found out she was pregnant. Y/N never got a clear idea of who was the sperm donor that she met on her ‘finding herself through peace, love and sex’ trip, but it never did bother her.
Y/N’s mom and her were inseparable, the same way she was with the twins. it was either Ree and Y/N or Y/N and the twins.
It was always Jake, Josh and Y/N. Triple trouble. However, trouble was not even close to describing what they got up to.
They got banned at fourteen from Ruby’s Diner but when Y/N got her first job there at fifteen, they were accepted back. They met there almost every day after school if the boys did not have band practice for a milkshake. They won the school science contest every year and were always a team of three despite the rule of two only. The twins would argue that they were technically one person as they were one embryo that was split. This allowed the three of them to partake in the group project as a trio than a duo.
They won every year as Y/N loved fire too much and explosions.
Over the years, Jake and her got closer than Josh and her. Now at seventeen, she sat on his bed, excited to see him but further excited to feel his lips upon hers.
And he entered, sweat glistening against his forehead and the pearly white smile she loved. He bit his lip as his smile grew as he saw her.
“Dolly,’ he whispered when he began to walk closer to her. Guitar case in hand and his musky cologne consuming the room. She sat with her legs crossed and a smile beginning to shine.
God, did she love him...
“Hi,” she whispered back.
Jake called her Dolly as she looked like a raggedy Annn doll with her bright pink cheeks and red lips. Josh called her Mama as she was the mother of the group and the other two - Danny and Sam - simply called her by her name until much later when they became lover boy and girl.
Jake placed the guitar down in the corner of the room before walking to her. He stood between her legs, hands brushing her knees as she looked up at him with her doe-like eyes and glistening smile.
“How was the show, baby?” he asked, brushing her hair from her face.
Y/N bit her lip, licking them before cupping his cheek. “You know what I would say...” she hummed, playing with his fingers now.
“You guys shined like stars, but my star was particularly extra beautiful tonight,” he whispered back, leaning down to kiss her.
He tasted like beer and cigarettes, but his lips were plump and soft as they fought for dominance. Jake pushed her back on the bed as her legs wrapped around him.
His hands played with her hair, grazing down her body to her ass before squeezing it.
Y/N moaned against his lips, beginning to rock her body against his.
“Dolly, stop,” he whispered, pulling away. She listened, caressing his cheek and kissing his lips again.
Best friends...only best friends.
“I thought you like this,” she whispered.
Jake pulled away. “You are so eager, my doll.” He then chuckled.
Y/N rolled her eyes, throwing herself on the bed and glancing at the ceiling.
“Sit with me.”
Jake pulled his shirt off, and pants too and was left in his boxers before he crawled under the bed. She was still clothed therefore quickly stood up to change in the bathroom to her tee and sleep shorts. Y/N crawled back under the covers with him, arm wrapping around her as he pulled her in.
“Do you know what this reminds me of?” he whispered.
Y/N looked at him, brows furrowed.
“When we kissed for the first time,” he completed her thought.
Heat rose to her cheeks as a blush formed. She was fourteen and embarrassed. it was the first time that he officially told her he wanted to be a rockstar - a guitarist and it was the first time they kissed. The first time she kissed anybody.
Jake had an addiction to playing with her hair. He mentioned that it was too soft not to touch however Y/N believe he did it out of comfort. They laid head at the end of his bed, feet on his pillows as they stared at the ceiling. His hand was in her hair and her’s was on his stomach.
Our breaths were a steady rhythm; rising and falling at the same time.
Y/N would steal a glance and he did too, but they were too enamoured with the conversation to make a comment.
“I want to be a rockstar,” he whispered
She glanced at him, seeing his hazel eyes look at hers. He did not have a band. He had the boys who he jammed with but he had no band. They lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere. How?
Y/N found myself whispering instead… “And I want to be an artist.”
He chuckled. “Then paint.”
“Then play.”
“Write, draw, create art that leaves people wondering what the meaning of life is, Dolly.”
“Rock the world with the riffs that leave people shaking and at a loss for words.”
He turned to look at her and her eyes were still locked on the white ceiling.
“I want to leave this town,” Y/N whispered.
“And where would you go?”
“Paris. London. Berlin. Sydney. New York. Every metropolis city is stamped on tourist t-shirts.”
Jake chuckled.
“And I want to paint, write and have a million dogs. I want to give back and make a difference. Fall in love, make love and-“
“Did you say make love?” Jake interrupted.
“Shut up.”
“I want to leave the world wondering about the meaning of life. The meaning of art and literature and the way it changes the world.”
He nodded.
“I want to do that but with music,” Jake said. “We are artists. Each other muses in this chaotic world, wandering the wicked paths to find the meaning when in reality it is simple.”
She then finally looked at him, pressing her lips together.
t was strange at that moment. Y/N was dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, while he was in his boxers and a shirt too. It was two in the morning and the only thing that lit the room was the lamp.
Her hand reached out and cupped his cheek while his hand still played with her hair.
“I never kissed anyone,” she whispered then chuckled. It might have been the few beers they had earlier with the boys, but she was in an honest mood. “I am a romantic. I read love poems by Shakespeare, Keats and Yeats and yet, I am sixteen and I have not kissed anyone.”
Jake’s fingers brushed against her lips, pressing his thumb against her bottom one. Y/N bit her lip slightly.
“Dolly,” he whispered. She held his free hand in hers.
Y/N knew he had kissed girls, several over time. However, she just wanted to get rid of the title of “kissless”.
“Kiss me, Jake,” she whispered, “just once and we can never talk about it again.”
He found himself nodding, coming close to her. Fingers caressed her soft cheek as she played with his hair.
“Close your eyes.”
Y/N closed them, hands stopping. Their breaths were matched, rhythm steady as slowly he pressed his lips to hers.
They were soft, plump and perfect. Not dry or cracked and tasted like beer from earlier. It was not just a simple kiss.
Their bodies moved to sit now as Jake slowly moved his mouth against hers. Y/N’s hands were in his hair and Jake was still cupping his cheek as their lips moved in such a perfect pattern.
Eventually, they pulled away as oxygen was needed. Y/N’s eyes were still closed and her hands untangled from his locks as she brushed them against her lip, remembering the feeling.
Jake pushed her hair behind her ears and smiled.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“Always, love. I will always give you what you want.”
They sat now on the navy sheets, hands holding each other as they locked our eyes. Y/N swallowed, knowing what she wanted.
She wanted more.
She wanted to kiss Jake more.
She wanted to feel his lips against her own, travelling down her jaw to her neck. Y/N wanted to taste him, feel his tongue.
He held my hand, bringing it for a kiss before pressing a kiss to her cheek again.
“Want another beer?”
She shook her head as he got up to grab himself another one. He left the room, leaving her alone.
Posters of famous guitarists hung on his walls, awards from the years and books from different genres piled on top of one another on his desk and bookshelf.
Y/N took a deep breath, sat back in the bed and closed her eyes.
She kissed Jake. He kissed her. They kissed. Not a simple kiss but a slow, passionate, long make-out session.
Jake came back, holding two beers now and sent her a smile.
“What?” he whispered, chuckling.
“Kiss me again.”
Y/N knew he kissed girls before. His first kiss was at thirteen with Chloe Morrison, a dancer with blonde hair and a thin figure.
She was similar with the long hair, but she was not thin. Her body was filling out over the years, her breasts getting bigger, curves becoming more insinuated. Y/N was a woman, and Chloe was still a girl.
Her breasts were small, her face was baby like and she still talked like Elmo – high pitched and annoying.
Jake had a baby face, but he was growing older as well. His hair was longer, his jaw becoming more sharp and he was growing hair on his body.
He kissed Chloe and several other girls.
Y/N did not know if he had sex before or not – he never told me. Josh won’t tell her and it was not her business to know.
Jake sat back down, her hands automatically went around his neck, straddling him now as their lips attached again.
Her hands were in his hair, his were on her waist now. It was getting rougher by the minute, lips fighting, nipping at each other.
“This ok, Dolly?” he whispered.
“Yes,” she breathed.
He nodded, letting their kiss linger on. Desperate touches. It felt like a fire ignited from her bones, warming her whole body in that moment as their lips tackled one another for domination and submission.
Their breathing was heavy, trying to gasp for breaths quickly before going back.
Jake pulled away, holding her cheek and pushing it to the side so he can kiss her neck.
“Alright?” he hummed.
We kissed for what felt like hours, owning one another, controlling and bewitching our souls with such actions.
It dawned on Y/N after, as they slept. Her head was against his chest, arm around her as he slowly ran his finger up and down her back.
Y/N kissed Jake tonight.
Y/N kissed her best friend.
What does it mean?
They did not kiss again until Winter prom that year. Now here they were, three years later at seventeen years old stealing kisses and doing the teenager humping but that was it.
They laid in bed, holding one another as the music died down, they talked and fell asleep.
Her stomach was against the mattress, and the journal was on the pillow as she wrote ideas down. Jake was beside her, asleep still as he held her. Her hand wrote words and drew little pictures. It was part of the morning routine and at nine in the morning, she had the peace and quiet to have a moment to herself.]
The sunlight crept through the curtain as she rolled onto her side to play with his hair.
“Morning,” he mumbled. “What time is it?”
“Quarter past nine.”
He grumbled. “Its bedtime.”
Y/N chuckled, kissing his head and throwing the covers off before walking out of the room. She could hear the chaos of Josh swearing coming from downstairs.
Identical twins they were, but Josh was extroverted and a early rise whereas, Jake was introverted and was a night owl.
Y/N walked down the stairs, turning the corner to see Josh in the kitchen with her mother.
“Mom!” she exclaimed.
“I was told by Karen to make sure you did not throw a party and you five threw one,” she scolded as she walked around the kitchen. Ree, a surfer girl with blonde hair and covered in nature tattoos. We lived three doors up the road therefore she obviously heard everything last night.
“I cleaned up with Josh this morning. The place was a fucking mess. Karen-”
“Blame the boys. Not my idea!” She threw her hands up as she went to grab some orange juice.
March 1983
Y/N always despised Kaitlyn Hennessy. She was a brunette with plain eyes and a body that had no figure. However, with her sarcastic jokes and motto being ‘one of the boys’, she seemed to gather the opposite sex like a whore on tequila.
Y/N did not mind the attention. She never joined the talent show or sang for the class. She did not do many sports or debate where she was placed under the spotlight. Simply, she was a background figure. Y/N enjoyed the idea of no one knowing her name or rather enjoyed being known by the title of Jake’s friend, Jake’s girl or the twin’s friend.
No one knew her name and that made her happy.
However, Y/N did not despise Kaitlyn due to her scene-like attitude and her desire to be the top dog of high school. Nor was she jealous that she made the boys swoon and beg for her love.
y/N was simply jealous of the way she could play the guitar. She could play it, but Kaitlyn was better. And Jake loved that about Kaitlyn. She owned a Gibson like Jake and the two would jam after school.
Maybe Y/N was scared that her best friend was being consumed by the she-devil of high school or possibly he was falling for her like every other boy in this high school.
Christ, she was Kaitlyn! She would have anyone but she was pining for Jake. The boy who enjoyed literature, sat in the back of class with Y/N while they giggled. He was failing math and she was helping him. They were partners in crime in everything.
What did she do to Kaitlyn that she felt she needed to avenge herself - revenging on Y/N and placing her in the corner.
Kaitlyn and him became good friends in October of grade 12. It was now March and the two were joined together at the hip.
When they were performing with the band at gigs, she was now there. Y/N was in the corner with his mom whereas she was in the other with her friends, cheering him on.
Was she the other woman now? Replaced by Kaitlyn?
Y/N did feel like she was constantly interrupting the moment between them.
It was Friday night. The boys were performing at the pub down the road around nine. It was now seven and they were setting up.
Y/N spotted Jake, holding his guitar, playing with the knobs and buttons for the set. Slowly, she walked up, arms crossed.
“Hey,” she whispered.
He glanced up, picking in his mouth and he sent her a quick smile.
“Hey, Doll,” he hummed back. Then he glanced back down to what he was fixing.
“Josh invited me.” He hummed in response. “Because we have not talked in weeks.”
“We have talked, Y/N,” he said not glancing up.
“Asking me for a pencil is not talking, Jake.” He furrowed his brows. “Or asking me where Josh is or if I can lend my calculator. That is not talking, Jake.”
Jake chuckled awkwardly. “I think you are overreacting, Y/N.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I have not seen my best friend in weeks. You are spending all your time with her!” she ranted, throwing her hands up and pushing her hair back.
Jake stood up, placed his guitar on the stand and jumped off the stage.
“Fine! You want to talk, let’s talk!” he exclaimed harshly, crossing his arms. “I think you are upset because I am seeing someone and all of a sudden its not about Y/N anymore.”
“I don’t care-”
“And that we are not making out like teenagers anymore-”
“We are teenagers, Jacob!”
“We are adults, Y/N and you are acting like a child right now!”
Y/N scoffed. “Honestly, you are being ridiculous. I do not care where you shove your cock, I just want my best friend back,” she stated harshly before turning and walking away.
Josh was in the background, watching everything with a grimace. When she passed him, his arm reached for her, hooking around and bringing her back. Once alone, he turned to her and wiped the tears that formed.
Josh with his hazel eyes and curly head of hair held me.
They were identical but now were branching off into different people.
Josh was a give, a pleaser, a peacemaker. Y/N sat on the chair as he bent down and cupped her cheeks.
“He is stupid,” he hummed, brushing her hair back. “Jake is just thinking with his cock. Kaitlyn is easy.”
“I don’t care who is doing and what he is doing. I just want my best friend back,” she explained.
“Well, you do have me, Mama. Always will.”
She smiled, cupping his cheeks and pressing a kiss to them. “Thanks, Josh,” she hummed, wrapping her arms around his beck.
“Mama,” he whispered, “the difference between Jake and I is that Jake is simply not a friend.”
Y/N pulled away, brows furrowing.
“You two look at each other a little too long to be just friends, Y/N. You say you are friends but in reality, you act like lovers.”
And he spoke the truth. Y/N realised that.
“He will come to his senses.”
She nodded and took a deep breath before smiling. “Time will show.”
Jake did not talk to Y/N for another week. No daily calls or surprise visits like before. He did not talk to her at school and rather instead ignored her. Josh and Y/N hung out and she helped him write lyrics for some songs when they spent time together.
Unlike Jake’s room, Josh’s was bright. Film posters, bright lights, macramé that he made and lyrics scattered on the floor. He had a guitar and a set of keys, but that was it.
Y/N sat on his bed, notebook in hand as they chatted.
“Jake really wants this strong guitar riff and I agree with him, but I would say that then we need a strong lyric,” he remabled tapping his pen against his lip.
“Use metaphors.”
His brows furrowed. “Like?”
“Comparing two things. Like, she’s a lantern in the night. She is outta sight.” Y/N shrugged. “I don’t know maybe like, stars shine in her eye. Makes me feel like I am alive.”
Josh grabbed a piece of paper as she rambled on with random poetry. “Sword in hand, our fate’s torn, she’s a sparrow of the dawn our love is born.”
He continued to write.
“We are the morning birds that sing against the sky. Just create poetry and metaphors.”
Josh bit his lip. “I like that. You’re a fucking poet, mama,” he chuckled, throwing his hands in the air in glee. “Slow guitar, steady beat and then like a folk like feel.”
Josh continued to write things down as they bounced ideas off one another. Eventually, they created a song. It was the first time in her life that she was involved with the writing and producing process.
“We need to get Jake,” Josh mumbled, picking up the paper and running out of the room. “Jacob!”
She heard the banging of the door and she followed Josh down the hallway.
Jake opened the door, hair dishevelled and a blush on his cheeks.
“What? I am busy.”
“We have a song. Get your fucking guitar.”
Y/N noticed Kaitlyn was behind him in the same ‘freshly fucked’ state as him. She looked at Y/N and smirked, rising a brow and trying to intimidate her. Simply, her response was to roll her eyes.
“Y/N just wrote a fucking amazing song.”
“Dolly did?” he hummed.
“Flower Power.”
Jake looked confused.
“Come you asshole, we are gonna be creators...”
The thing they did not know was in that moment the song Flower Power was going to be on their first EP.
May 1982
Prom came and she dreaded it. The idea of putting the whole twelfth grade into a hall filled with hormones...sounded horrid.
Y/N heard the horror stories of how people got pregnant at prom because they decided to do it behind the bleachers. However, negativity aside, prom was the symbol of finishing twelve years of school. It was a celebration - a finale if you want to talk about it in music terms or simply, “The End” when you want to describe a novel.
Everything does come to an end which meant there was now room for a beginning. She had a feature and recently got accepted into a full scholarship to Harvard. The school of her dreams.
The only person who knew was her mother. Josh and her both applied to the local college and Jake refused as he would figure it out from there.
It was May and prom was tomorrow.
Jake and Y/N were better. They were on speaking terms now and in fact, have hung out one on one since that episode. He understood where he went wrong and promised not to put his relationship above them.
Kaitlyn and Jake were still together. They were going to prom together and Y/N was going with Josh.
Y/N laid on Jake’s bed. He was in front of her on the ground strumming a few chords before writing them down. She had a random pick in hand, playing around and flipping it between her fingers.
“How’s Kaitlyn?” she broke the silence.
Jake did not look up. “Good.”
“Where is she going to university?”
“State like you and Josh.”
Y/N nodded, flipping over now so her head was at the end of the bed and she was on her stomach.
“Have you two fucked?” she chuckled trying to stop the silence.
Finally, the long-haired brunette glanced up from the guitar. He rose a brown and then chuckled while shaking his head.
“Jealous, Dolly?”
“Just curious.” He did not say anything. “Oh my God, you totally have. Well, fuck, Josh lost the V card, and now you and...I...well, I am still a sweet, pure, innocent damsel ready to be royally fucked.”
Jake choked on air, trying to cover his snicker.
“Come on, Jake! Was it that bad you cannot tell me?”
“Fine. If you are not going to give me the details. I will share mine,” I hummed. “So, last night me and Henry, my pillow…”
“Your pillow?”
“Friction and humping is the best boyfriend. Hump till you drop.”
Jake stared at her wide-eyed before clearing his throat. “Y/N,” he warned then huffed. “The sex is fine. My sex life is fine.”
“What is she into?”
“Jacob. Everyone has kinks. Does she like to be choked? Whipped?”
“I like to fuck her. Now end this conversation.”
“You’re so boring.”
Y/N continued to play with the pick between her fingers before glancing down to him.
“I am wearing a silk black dress tomorrow. It has a cut in the leg, top low and my hair will be down. Josh is taking me. We are going to get high and then crash the party.”
He glanced up.
Maybe I will ask him to fuck me. Josh is a lover, a pleaser so I will know-“
Jake got up, placing the guitar down and standing in front of her now. Y/N was still on her stomach, legs in the air against the headboard. Her eyesight was in direct contact with his bulge.
“Stop speaking like that.” His tone was low, warning with a slight growl.
Looking up at him, through her lashes Y/N knew how seductive it was. Jake was beautiful, with long hair and a chiselled face. He had a baby face but the maturity and mysteriousness he held made it seem like he was older.
Y/N licked her lips.
It's been months since she touched him, kissed him…
“Stop talking like that because if you do, I will-“
“Do it.”
“Don’t interrupt me.”
Y/N pushed up, taking her hand and wrapping it around his neck as she pressed her mouth to his. Like fire it was, igniting the emptiness she felt all this time. Her hands were in his long hair and he reciprocated.
She bit his lip lightly, pulling him on her as she laid on the bed. Their hands touched places, earning eager noises as they selfishly acted like the two lust-filled teenagers they were.
He grabbed her by the throat but did not choke her. Instead, he kissed me so deeply that she forgot whose air she was breathing. She forgot she needed oxygen. They kissed, pushing articles of clothing off one another. She was in her bra and underwear while Jake was just shirtless.
He pulled away, sitting back and blinked a few times.
Y/N was puzzled by his new behaviour.
“Get out,” he whispered. “Get out, Y/N. We can’t do this.”
Jake pushed off the bed, grabbing the articles of clothing from around the room and giving them back to her.
Y/N never felt so ashamed before. Jake was her best friend, but she did not know who he was anymore.
“Jake?” she said while she was leaving the room.
He glanced at her, holding his shirt now.
“Fuck you.”
All Y/N got was an emotionless face.
Y/N did not go to prom. Instead, she stayed at the Kiszka’s with Josh and Sam. She sat outside in the yard with them, fire roaring as they all shared a joint and drank beers. Her body was cuddled into Josh’s side as Sam began to ramble on about the universe.
He was a cute kid - young, smart and intelligent with a mind that overanalyse. She could see him solving the major issues in life with science and math. He was musically inclined too - able to play the bass and the piano while also being the top student of the class.
Y/N’s head hit Josh’s chest, sipping the beer while giggling.
“You tired, mama?” he whispered.
She shook her head and instead whispered back, “Thanks for staying with me tonight.”
Josh moved slightly so he can look at her fully. “What happened with Jake the other day? You ran out in tears and when you left Jake had a mental.”
Y/N swallowed, rolling her eyes. “He kicked me out.”
“Because we were so close to fucking and then he just freaked out. I am so done keeping up with his mood swings. I just want us to all be friends again. I want to go back and not kiss him. I want us to simply all just be platonic.”
He hummed. “Kaitlyn and him are falling apart.”
She sighed and nodded before changing her tone to serious. “Can you keep a secret, Josh? One you cannot tell anyone.”
He nodded, looking down at her as he played with her hair. “I am not going to state college.” His face dropped, head tilting to the side as he rose a brow. “I got accepted into university.”
“Which one? Detroit?”
“Harvard. Full scholarship. I wrote a paper and they want me.”
Josh’s mouth opened, blinking a few times before pressing his lips together. “Harvard? Like the big, fancy school?”
Y/N nodded. “Boston, baby!” she tried to make a joke.
“How long have you known?”
“And I am guessing Jake does not know.”
She nodded. “Look at him. His emotions are giving me whiplash right now. I cannot ruin his little pity party and make it worse.”
“He is just upset because,” Josh sighed, “he is Jake. He wants everything to work out the way he wanted.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Then he needs to get his shit together.”
“I told him that you are ready to fall in love with, but he won’t listen to me.”
“Jake is a complicated being. We all know that,” she stated.
Josh nodded. “Tell me a poem, Mama.” He took the joint, pressed against her lips and she whispered a poem to him that she wrote. “You should be a writer.”
“You should be a film director,” she stated back.
“We can be many things, Y/N as long as we open ourselves up to it.”
She chuckled. “Maybe I will be a porn star. You can film me and I can become a millionaire,” she said, standing up and holding her beer up and the joint between her fingers. “I can motions like this,” she placed her foot on the chair and began thrusting into the air while moaning, “like imagine me with a strap on.”
Josh threw his head back in laughter, holding on his stomach to contain himself. She handed him the items in her hand. “Then I get down on my knees and get...fucked!” Y/N screamed. “God, I am so horny. Everyone is fucking and I need a strong, alpha to destroy this tight little pussy,” she joked.
Josh could not contain his laughing still as she sat back down on the chair. Sam ditched them a hour ago to call his girlfriend. While the two of them here were drunk and high - crossed as the kids say. She had so many feelings at the moment, hands tingling and the feel of euphoria.
The two of them were in fits of giggles.
“What are you doing?” she heard the deeper voice. Jake emerged from the darkness to see the two of them rolling around in laughter with beer bottles beside them.
“Y/N is reenacting her skit if she becomes a pornstar.”
Jake did not have a hint of emotion and instead stared at us. “You guys are fucking crossed, aren’t you,” he grunted, sitting on one of the free seats.
“Join the party, sweet Jake,” Y/N hummed, cracking him a beer and handing it to him before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He stayed quiet then nodded, taking a joint and lighting it.
“Where is Kaitlyn?” Josh asked the bold question.
“Broke up with her. She was a bitch.”
“Told you,” she whispered.
He stayed quiet.
They got high and laughter was shared between them. On the outdoor couch, under blankets, they shared curiosities and wonders of the world. Jake sat next to her now meaning she was between the twins. He even brought his guitar out. Their favourite songs were played and Y/N smiled, throwing her hands up and singing her lungs out. THey were eighteen now - adults with their whole future ahead of them.
Drunk, high...taken by the sins of the world, they mumbled weird things.
“The band is going to take off,” Jake muttered. “We have bee getting noticed by people. We have the show in Detroit and it will be amazing.”
“Dolly, you can join us,” he added, “be our girl in the front row. Our own personal-”
“Groupie,” Josh joked.
“Ew. I don’t want to fuck you, Josh.”
“Ouch, mama. I did not know that would hurt so much. Dagger to my big heart.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to be a groupie. I will be your triangle girl. I will play the triangle.”
“We can add a triangle,” Jake whispered, kissing her cheek, “or you could be our makeup artist. You have a fine art of painting your face.”
Josh shook his head. “Y/N won’t be any of those because she will be in Boston studying at Harvard and since we will be so big, we will visit all the time.”
The mood dropped...ruined.
“Josh,” she whispered.
“Oh shit.”
“What the fuck?” Jake spat.
Oh fuck...
“Y/N Y/L/N, please do not tell me you are moving to Boston,” he said lowly.
She swallowed, pressing her lips together before taking a deep breath. “I was going to tell you.”
“You are leaving me, us?” he bellowed, removing his arm around her and pushing away. As if he was revolted by her. “When were you going to tell me this? Fuck, when did you accept this fucking thing? Does everyone know but me?” he rambled.
Josh slowly began to leave, grimacing as he knew he just poked the bear.
Y/N turned to fully look at Jake, trying to take his hands, but he pushed them away. He stood up beginning to pace.
“I was going to-”
“No, you are leaving me. I know I have been a shitty friend because shit, but this is wrong. You cannot punish me. You can not do this, Dolly!”
Y/N came closer to him and held his cheeks, looking him in the eyes. “Jake, I will visit you all the time. You can visit me, but I could not say no to this opportunity.”
“But me, Dolly! Me! Pick me, chose me, love me!” he whispered. “Love me.” He was crying now as she held him.
“I do love you, Jake. I will always love you.”
It was a bad high. She knew that. He broke up with Kaitlyn before and he was emotional. Mixing weed and alcohol was not smart as it elevates those emotions.
Jake was shaking, holding her as he cried into her shoulder.
“Dolly, I am in love with you. It's you. It has always been fucking you. I cannot describe it but you are the one I will ever want. I belong with you and I have been damn stupid these past months. You are my home, my rock, anchor and love. I look at you and I see us in fifty years and we are together. I need you. You are mine.”
So many words and all she could do was press her lips together, letting her own tears spill. She held him and pulled him into a kiss. It was messy, spit and snot covered them but they did not care.
“God, I am in love with you too Jacob Thomas Kiszka.”
He nodded, holding her and kissing her over and over again whispering his apologies.
And they cried. It rained and they cried but now in happy tears of love and laughter.
The following, Y/N woke up in his bed. His eyes were locked with hers, smiling as he played with a strand of hair on her face.
“What?” she whispered, moving to the side and prompting her head on her arm.
Jake flicked the strand of hair behind her ear, cupping her cheek before kissing her. “I love you and I am sorry for all the tears last-”
“Stop, I love you and it is ok.”
“I can’t believe you are moving.”
“Not till September,” she stated and the smile grew slightly. They had a few months together.
Their lips began to play.
“We have 118 days,” she whispered, “let’s make them the best days of our life.” Y/N pushed his hair behind his ear, kissing him again.
He held her close, arms wrapped around her necked as she played with the waistband of his boxers. Jake groaned.
“Kitten,” he moaned. Her pussy instantly clenched. No Dolly...Kitten now.
Y/N moaned.
“You like that,” he boasted, “Kitten...my eager little pussy cat wanting my cock.”
This was a whole new Jake and she loved it.
A wave of pleasure went through as Jake held her closer...his words alone caused such shivers making her yearn for more. She bit her lip, pulling away as he kissed her throat. Her hands were in his hair, tugging the long locks which earned him to nip at her throat.
“Jake,” she moaned, “Jacob.”
“Say my name, baby,” he hummed.
“Jake!” she whimpered. “Touch me. Touch me, baby.”
He hummed, pushing her tank top to the side to see her shoulder. Kisses, bite marks and the feeling of him sucking her skin. She grasped his hair and tugged it.
“Tug it, Kitten, don’t be scared.”
She nodded.
Jake pushed her tank top down, exposing her breasts. It was his first time seeing her beautiful cups in front of him. Nipples hard now and erected as he trailed kisses down her sternum.
His hand cupped her breast and instantly she was wetter than ever before.
Jake was smirking, pressing his fingers together against her nipple. The pain was pleasure before he pressed his mouth to her breast.
She dreamed of this day. The day she was naked for Jacob Kiszka and here she was.
“Your tits are amazing.” His tongue was now lapping over her nipple. “I have been dreaming of seeing them since I can remember. I imagined them big enough to shove my pretty cock between them and fuck them.”
Fuck... Her back arched from his words alone.
“Do it,” she dared.
“Another day. We have 118 of them.”
She shook her head. “Don’t remind me. Fuck me, Jacob. Fuck me till I scream.”
Jake shook his head. “Eager there little kitten. Good things come to those who wait.”
She pushed his head further and he grasped her wrists coming back up.
His once beautiful hazel eyes turned black now - lust filled them - devotion to her.
She moaned.
He was rough. Y/N knew it and she loved it.
Jake took her wrists, dropping them and walking away,
“Jake?” she called.
Y/N saw the outline of his hard cock in his boxers as he walked around the room, fining his tie from last night on the ground. Jake kneeled on the bed, taking her wrists once again and pushing them above her head.
“Behave or else you can’t come, Kitten.”
He tied them together, showing off his boy scout skills from the knots he did.
“Hold them there or else you can’t come, baby doll.”
She moaned once again, biting her lip and watching him. He was so determined.
Jake leaned back on his knees, looking at her, hazing as he glanced up and down. Slowly, she pressed her thighs together and rubbed them.
“How wet are you, Kitten?”
She did not know what to do. Never had she ever been in a position like this before. She kissed Jake plenty of time and have dry humped here and there. However, never have she ever been exposed to a man like this before.
It was just Jake. She kept reminding herself.
Jake’s fingers....The same ones that glide over the neck of the guitar, creating music that made her imagine the dirtiest of things.
She wanted to fuck him while he played guitar. She wanted to hear his riffs, mixed with her moans as she bounced on his cock. Forbidden fruit this was...she saw why Christians forbid it as it felt so good.
“Talk to me.”
“Very.” she moaned, “good.”
She closed her eyes, letting his fingers touch her breasts, hips, stomach which she sucked in slightly...scared of his thoughts.
Jake caught on. “Y/N, I love you and I love every part of you. Please don’t be shy.”
Y/N whispered a ‘yes’ before letting him pressed a kiss there then layered more.
Jake took her thighs, spreading them as he pulled her underwear down. Y/N closed her eyes, leaning her head back as she took a deep breath.
He looked up. “Are you ok?”
“Can we talk for a second?”
He nodded, sitting up and looking at her.
“I have not-”
“I know and we can take it slow.”
She nodded. “But you have?”
“Yes, baby.”
“Do we need protection? I am not on anything.”
He pressed a kiss to the side of her lips. “I am just going to love your cunt, baby. Not gonna fuck you.”
“We are taking things slowly-”
“We only have-”
“Shhh,” he kissed her lips.
“I did not like shave. Its tidy but like I know guys like it bare-”
“Baby, I don’t care. I just want you.”
Y/N nodded.
“It is only fair game if you see me, I see you.”
Jake smirked, pushing off the bed and slowly removed his boxers.
She was stunned...speechless...and uncanny. She swallowed and cowered back.
“It... It... It is a very...beautiful penis.” All of a sudden, Y/N noticed what she said and quickly hid under the sheets. “Jacob, I did not say that!” she rushed, peaking out before going back under.
He was beautiful. His hair long, hitting his shoulders with his slim but built figure. A pendant that she gifted for his birthday sat on his chest. A light six pack can be seen and a happy trail to his cock. It was hard, angry with precum coming from it. Veins ran through and he was circumcised.
He was trimmed, his balls sat there and his thighs were muscular.
Jacob, her best friend was naked in front of her and he was fucking beautiful but she just said something so stupid.
“Dolly,” Jake chuckled, “come here. It is just me.”
She peaked from under the covers.
“Thank you for the compliment. Your pussy looks amazing.”
Y/N grimaced and took a deep breath. She reached for him to grab his cheek to press their lips together again, holding him.
“Let me love on you, baby,” he mused against her lips. Jake went down, wrapping his hands around her thighs before bringing them over his shoulders. She felt his breath against her cunt, his eyes looking at it.
“So wet. So perfect. All for me.”
She moaned with each word.
His fingers spread her lips apart, swiping through her wetness before he bit his lip. She did not know where to her hands, but kept them above her head grasping the pillow. As if he read her mind, Jake looked up. “Hair, baby, hair.”
Hands still tied together, she tangled her fingers through his long locks, Tugging them with such force as his tongue began to lap on her clit.
This feeling she never felt before. She read in the books of the ecstasy...euphoria and above all, the high. Y/N has fucked herself before and has come by her own fingers. However, when someone else is doing this to you, you feel this feeling you never felt before...
Her toes curled, back arched and her head rolled back. She screamed, but his hand went to her mouth, holding it there.
“Don’t wake the whole house, kitten.”
He was right...they could never live this down if they were caught. Josh would make fun of them constantly and bring it up. Poor Sammy’s innocence would be ruined.
Y/N grimaced then, Karen...his mother would tell....
“Y/N, stop thinking,” Jake chuckled.
“I can’t stop. What if we are-”
“Baby, it will be ok. Just let us have our moment. You’re naked and I am between your legs right now.”
She nodded, closing her eyes once again.
Jake began his loving again. Pressing his tongue against her slit, he moved it, swiping her wetness before pressing a kiss to her clit.
She went tense, clenching herself.
Jake was an artist making her his muse - painting a masterpiece against her. She clutched the covers, and ran her fingers through his hair before a loud moan came from her.
Jake placed a finger in her, slowly rocking it in and out before he pressed kisses upon her wetness. She groaned, thighs clenching.
He took his finger out to spread her thighs apart again.
“Baby, you got to relax, you eager thing,” he chuckled tapping on her thighs.
Y/N whined at that comment. One finger went to two while his tongue lapped her wetness.
It was heaven, feeling the wave of pleasure bund up. The feeling of tightness was forming in her lower stomach as her eyes clouded.
Tears that Y/N did not even know existed were flowing down her face.
She took sharp breaths, moaning out.
Then Y/N came, hard and long as she screamed his name. Jake glanced up, helping her ride her orgasm as he watched her.
“Beautiful. So pretty.”
Y/N smiled, taking his face and bringing him for a kiss.
“I am in love with you,” she whispered kissing his face over and over.
They rolled around in bed, holding one another.
“It is my turn to love you, Jake.”
He shook his head. “This was about you. Not me. All about you, Dolly.”
“A cold shower does do wonders, my love.” He kissed her lips again before walking to the connect bathroom. Y/N bit her lip, reminiscing of what just happened.
What a night...
The last twelve hours had been priceless. Jake loved her. He was in love with her. Then he went down on her.
A little squeal came from her as she pushed the covers back. Her cunt was still tingling. She grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around her as she entered the bathroom.
She could hear little grunts coming behind the shower curtain. A smirk came from her, dropping the blanket and pushing the curtain back.
Jake, her beautiful, sweet Jake was in the shower, cock in hand while he jerked it.
“Y/N,” he moaned.
She got in, wrapping her hand around him. His back was pressed against her stomach as she replaced his hand with hers. Jake rolled his head back onto her should as the shower hit them.
“Walk me through this,” she whispered.
He nodded/ His cock was angry, hard and thick. A vein was popping through as she slowly began movements of up and down.
“Like that, Dolly, but add some pressure.”
She did, clutching it a little harder. Little moans and grunts fell from her lips as she quickened her motions.
“You’re so good, Kitten.”
Y/N enjoyed the praising, smiling to herself.
Her movements quickened, rapid as she added a little more pressure. Jake came all over her hand, a loud moan came from him.
He turned to face her, kissing her lips and cupped her cheeks.
“Baby,” he whispered.
Y/N smiled.
“Did not know you were such a dirty girl...angel but a devil.”
All Y/N did in response was kiss him more.
They officially became something that day. Jake���s girl was now Jake’s girlfriend...
She was with him physically and emotionally.
After breakfast, Y/N went home to see her mom fixing the tap in the kitchen. She sat on the floor, holding tools out for her as her mind thought over and over what had happened.
“Mom,” she said.
Her mother, blonde and beautiful, a surfer and hippie at heart, turned to look at her.
“Jake,” the Y/N whispered, biting her lip. “He de-flowered you, huh?” she chuckled, shaking her head and going back to fix the pipe.
“Not quite. He went down on me,” the Y/N said.
Her mother pursed her lips and nodded slowly. “Oral is amazing, right?” Y/N nodded.
“It was like the best high ever and his fingers.” Ree chuckled.
“Guitarists, sweetheart. They are amazing lovers.”
Y/N felt lucky that she had a relationship with her mother. She was one of her best friends in life, a support system and someone with who she could talk about anything without embarrassment.
Sitting on the floor, she took a breath in. “Karen and I had a bet about who you would end up with. I always believed Jake – she thought Josh due to Kaitlyn.” Her brows furrowed. “Jake is a good kid, Y/N. Just don’t let love get away from your future.” There it was…the mothering. Y/N nodded in response. “I love him and he loves me,” she whispered. “That is so scary.” Ree turned to her. “I think it's time to get some birth control.”
The following day, Y/N got on the pill.
June 1983
Y/N walked towards Jake, who was leaning against her Jeep with a smile on his face. He looked edible, wearing jeans and a tee. His natural waves of hair fell perfectly, and he greeted her with a toothy grin. Y/N had her backpack on, her blonde hair braided, and she too wore jeans and a tee. She opened her arms, and he wrapped his around her, pressing a kiss to her lips.
"Hi, Dolly," he said.
Y/N cupped his cheek, looking at him with daze and wonder. "Hi, love," she hummed, kissing his lips again. They had a show tonight, and Jake had volunteered to drive them. The equipment was in the car, and they were only missing the boys.
"How was your day?" Jake asked, rocking them back and forth.
"Good," Y/N hummed as he held onto her. "Are you staying over?" he asked.
She nodded, having spent a blissful month with Jake, enjoying their time together while ignoring the countdown of their relationship. They had not had sex yet, and Y/N was dying too. Their families, friends, and the entire town knew of their relationship.
"Get a fucking room, love birds!" Sam yelled, running outside with Danny on his back. "We all know you two are fucking, don't need to see it."
Y/N laughed as Sam got in the car, and Danny flicked Sam's ear as Josh waltzed out. "They are in love. Leave them be," Josh said as he approached them. "Mama, I protect you at all costs," he hummed, hugging Y/N before getting into the back of the Jeep.
"I know you always have my back, Josh," Y/N said as Jake opened the door for her, helping her up into the passenger seat. Danny had recently added a lift kit to the white Jeep that the four boys shared, making it difficult for Y/N, who was only five foot four, to climb in.
It was 6 PM, and the show was at eight at the bar an hour away. Jake had his hand on Y/N's thigh as they drove to the next city over. It was crazy to believe that the band had begun when they were 16, and they had grown so much since then. The band and the boys were being noticed more and more, and they were now eighteen, graduated, and on with their lives. Danny and Sam were still fifteen.
Y/N's idea of posting videos of them online had helped them significantly, gaining them more fans and leading to more significant opportunities. In July, the boys were going to perform in Detroit, which was very exciting. Jake looked over at her, bringing her hand up to his lips. "Love you," he mouthed.
Y/N's mother appeared in front of her with Karen and Ree sitting next to her as Dave walked to the boys to help them set up. "Hi, mum," Y/N hummed, greeting them. "Hey, sweets, how are you?" Karen asked.
"Jake and you still good?" Karen asked.
Y/N nodded. "I have never seen him so happy since he got with you. I am just scared of what will happen when Josh and you leave," she mumbled.
Y/N glanced down and nodded. "I will visit."
"I know, hun," Karin said, and Ree put a hand on her thigh, squeezing it. "Jake and I will be fine."
"But Harvard… that is amazing," Y/N's mother said.
Y/N nodded. "I am excited."
"And you're studying?" her mother asked.
"Art history and English."
"A double major."
She nodded.
Y/N looked up as Jake walked up to their table. “What are you talking about?” he asked.
“Harvard,” Karen said.
Jake’s mood changed all of a sudden. “Right, cool. Do you want a beer, Y/N?”
“Make that 3,” Ree added.
Jake pressed a kiss to her cheek before ordering and going back to the stage.
“Jake doesn’t like when we talk about school,” Y/N mumbled.
Karin nodded. “I know.”
The show began. The lights dimmed and then the sound of the guitar began. Y/N was in complete awe.
They were talented. A star made for the stage as they played with such passion and life. She could not blink nor look away at Jake. She had no words but beauty. He was made for the stage. He owned the stage – a show on its own compared to the boys.
His hair was long, rocking with his body as he swayed.
His fingers…were art sliding up and down.
She clenched her thighs knowing exactly what they could do.
She was speechless, enraptured, and mesmerized.
Josh introduced the band and the applause began. Jake was the quiet one, standing with his pick between his teeth as he watched the crowd. His smile grew, searching the crowd till he found Y/N.
Then he was back to the guitarist role – drugged in his role and she did not see Jake anymore – she saw art. The guitar turned him into the artist he was destined to be and he was no longer her Jake, he belonged to the world of music.
He was transformed into another world when he played. On a high of his life, sliding his fingers and creating music that made people reconsider their lives. He was a drug to the world and she knew people would become addicted to the music he would create.
She was mesmerized by it just like how everyone was.
When there was time to pause between the songs, he would once again look back at her while his brothers caught their breath and rehydrated.
She watched Jake all night. She waved at him, winked, and gave him a smile every so often which would earn him a chuckle before he was consumed by the guitar once again.
Between playing a few of their songs, the one she wrote and some covers. Ever since they got together, they would always end with her favourite song – Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac.
She sang along, connecting her eyes with Jake as she swayed.
He chuckled, continuing to play.
“I want to be with you everywhere,” they all sang.
Jake was looking at her during that lyric. She knew him. She knew what he meant. He wanted her with him…everywhere.
The show ended, and the crowd stood up and broke into applause. They knew who they were – Turning Jane. They were going to be the next Led Zeppelin or Rolling Stones. Y/N believed it, and the crowd did too.
She clapped, a smile gracing her features large and wide. Jake was on his own high – all the boys were – he had a grin on that she could not explain before he looked at her. She sent him thumbs-up before he quickly nodded.
Josh ended the show by thanking them before she took her to leave and the bar was back to the preshow music and sauntering of sports and beer. However, she now had a larger smile than before and an imprint of the band that stole her heart.
The boys got stopped on the way back to her and now were shaking hands with a guy and got carried off to the side. Y/N watched them, the man was older, bald and wore a tee and jeans. She was curious but brushed it off.
“Brings me back to my days when we rocked to this stuff,” Y/N's mum chuckled.
“Ugh, tell me about it. The Beatles l stole my heart,” Karen added. “The boys can play anything and everything,” she added.
Y/N chuckled. “What instrument can Jake not play?”
Karen paused, pressing her lips together. “The boy learns instruments faster than I can drink tequila.”
Y/N asked, “Who are the boys with?”
Karin shrugged. “Usually they get old guys talking to them about ‘back in their day’.”
They continued with their conversation, talking about life and how Y/N's mother wants to buy another car to fix up. She taught Danny, who was planning on taking over her shop once she retired. Y/N's mother was a mechanic and owned Y/N’s Auto, named after Y/N.
Nonetheless, they chatted some more before the boys tidied up. It was nearing midnight when they finally packed the car and came back to grab Y/N.
Jake stood at the table. Y/N's mom and Karen left earlier with Kelly, and now Y/N was being collected.
“Hi,” she whispered, kissing his lips, “you were amazing, baby. Always are though.”
The smile on his face was one she had never seen before. His eyes glistened with light and stars, skin glowing, and an overall aura that shined brighter than a supernova.
“Spill,” Y/N whispered.
“You are very happy.”
“It was a great show, and I am with my baby, and we should dance.”
“We should go home.”
“Dance with me.”
There was some country song playing from the jukebox, but Y/N wrapped her arm around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist, rocking them back and forth. Jake leaned down, lips by her ear as he began to sing softly. It was a Beatles song. Something. He sang it softly.
This was the first time Y/N felt glee like this. Drunk in love, holding her man as he sang to her. And most ardently, she knew he was the one then. The one for her. Her greatest love and her forever. End game.
The funny thing was Y/N was a writer, and if a writer falls for you, you never die. They were forever, dancing in a small bar, holding one another as they smiled.
This was true love.
Eventually, they made it back to the Jeep where the boys were sharing a joint.
“Look who it is… lover boy and pretty girl,” Sam hummed.
“Did Jake tell you?”
Y/N looked up at her boyfriend and he looked back at her with guilt.
“Tell her boys.”
“We are getting signed!” they screamed.
Y/N froze, questioning if she heard them correctly. Her hand held Jake’s tighter as she tried to wrap her brain around the truth they just told her.
“Wha-you..what…no. Oh my God,” she whispered.
Jake looked down at her. “I am going to be a musician, baby,” he said before looking up at the boys, “we all are.”
“No. No,” Y/N was shocked, shaking her head. “Holy shit.” Her hand was over her mouth now. “Holy fucking shit!” she screamed. She dropped Jake’s hand running to them and pulling them into a hug. “I fucking knew it. I fucking knew it!” she was screaming.
They were all yelling and screaming.
“You guys are gonna be a fucking band!”
The person who pulled them aside was one of the major people at Atlantic Records. They wanted to bring them in, chat and record stuff while signing them.
The boys could not stop talking as they drove the hour home. Jake was elated. Jake could not hold his happiness.
Y/N knew at this moment that these boys’ lives were changing.
Josh won’t be going to state college. Danny and Sam would probably drop out. Jake was going to be the best guitarist of this century and Y/N… was going to Harvard.
The door closed to Jake’s room. Y/N sat on his bed in a pair of his boxers and a tank top sheer enough to see her nipples. Her hair was wrapped up in a bun and her reading glasses were now on her nose.
“Dolly,” he whispered, looking at her.
“I know,” Y/N whispered back.
“It is happening.”
Jake was in his boxers, crawling on the bed to her.
“I think we need to celebrate.”
He raised a brow.
“Fuck me, Jake.”
Jake glanced down at her, mouth opening a bit.
“Make love to me. Have sex with me… Deflower me. Whatever the modern language-“
Jake attached their lips, pushing Y/N back.
“Let me love you,” he whispered against her lips.
Y/N rolled her head back, hands in his hair as he began to kiss her neck. It was not rushed, but it was passionate. She tugged his hair earning a loud moan before he went back to sucking her neck.
“Kitten,” he growled.
He only ever called her Kitten in situations like these.
Y/N hummed.
“Naughty, naughty,” he tsked, taking her arms and pining them above her head.
He leaned back, looking her up and down, debating how he wanted to fuck her and in what way.
“Gorgeous and mine.”
Y/N swallowed, licking her lips before he slowly took the straps of her tank and pushed them down, exposing more and more skin before removing it entirely.
“I love your tits,” he whispered. “Best tits I have ever seen. They fit so nicely in my hands,” he cooed, caressing them before kneading them between his hands.
But then she loved his stomach, his hips and his ass. His beautiful cock and him. She loved every piece of him,” he purred, eyes admiring him like artwork.
“Jake,” Y/N whispered, clenching her thighs.
“My kitten is always so greedy for me, huh.”
His fingers were rough – welcome to guitarists – but they were tender and thorough, he spread her thighs to sit between them as his lips sucked and nipped places.
“Should I fuck you then eat you out? Or the other way around?” he debated with a teasing tone.
“Jake,” Y/N whispered.
“Fuck me raw,” she whispered.
“Baby we don’t need a baby.”
“I am on the pill.”
Jake paused, hands on her hips as he stared at her with wide eyes. His lip twitched before he glanced down to her clothed core and at her again.
“You are teasing me,” he stated. “When did this happen?”
She shook her head.
“Mother Ree-“
“Let’s talk about your mom right now.”
She chuckled.
“I have never fucked someone raw before.”
A little piece of him churned from that comment. She knew about his past partners… but she didn't like the idea of him seeing them like this before.
“Then this will be a lot of firsts for the both of us tonight.”
He bit his lips, looking at her with a devilish, lustful glare before he smirked.
“The things you’re going to do to me, kitten.”
She kissed him, pulling him close to her as she flipped their bodies so she was on top of him. “I may not be experienced, but I am not a saint,” she whispered, pulling her panties off and pushing his boxers down.
Jake was stunned by her sudden confidence, dominating him…
In this month, they have only jerked each other off and he has gone down on her…nothing more.
Her hands were flat on his chest, feeling his muscles twitch as she travelled up, rubbing her wet cunt on his thigh.
“Kitten, fuck,” he sneered.
A pendant sat on his chest, a religious symbol.
Jake was hers and she was his. Two bodies that were now one.
“Patience,” she cooed, rocking her core on his thigh.
He glared at her, smirking. “Have fun…while it lasts.”
She saw that he was enjoying this moment of her “trying” to dominate him. With a smirk, she glanced down at his angry cock, standing proud and in need. Thick, long around eight inches with precum dripping from its head. She leaned down, looking at him through her lashes as she blew air on them.
“Fucking hell,” he rasped.
Slowly she let her tongue lick her lips before taking his cock and pressing a kiss to the head of it.
“Josephine,” he whispered.
She shook her head and tsked.
Her hand was on the base of his cock, and her tongue dived down, licking up before she covered her mouth around his head.
“Fuck!” he screamed.
"Jake, baby, shhh, we don't want to wake the others," Y/N teased.
"I am going to fucking," he began but was cut short by her bobbing her head and spitting on his cock. "God, you...I fucking..." he was lost for words.
This side of her came out of nowhere, taking control and delivering him a sloppy but skilful blowjob. Her lips were swollen and red as her hands groped his balls and her mouth played wonders on his cock.
Jake had his head rolled back, eyes closed as he grasped her hair, pushing her head down.
"Baby," he hummed, "Y/n."
She swirled her tongue and pushed him back till she gagged.
Jake opened his eyes, feeling the rumble in his stomach. His hands cupped her jaw, pulling her up. A long stripe of spit came from the head of his cock to her mouth.
"I want a picture of this. I need it."
So he did. He took a picture of her.
"When you go and be a fucking college kid. I can look back-"
He smirked, smashing their lips together. Their hands moved up and down their bodies before he found his hand on her hips, pushing her up before lining himself with her entrance.
Before he did, he pulled away.
"Have you ever touched yourself?"
She nodded. "Fingers."
Jake's face fell. "Well, you can’t go fuck yourself now that I am here."
Jake took his cock sliding it up and down her core, covering his cock with her wetness before he slowly began to enter her.
There was nothing compared to this feeling. She was being stretched, being filled with him. Jake was inside of her. They were becoming one right now.
She clenched which earned a low rasp from him.
"You are so tight."
Her fingers were nothing compared to this.
She held onto him, arms wrapped around his neck as their forehead touched. She opened her eyes to see his closed.
Her hand touched his cheek.
"God, love."
He entered her fully and they stayed like this for a moment. She was still on top.
She felt at home, in his arms, filled with him. He was made for her – moulded for her.
"Jake, you can move."
He nodded. "With you being on top, you have to rock your hips. Like you need to-" His hand was on her waist as he slowly moved her the way she was supposed to move. "Or I can be on top."
"I want to be on top."
"Ok, then do this and I will thrust from below."
He was experienced. That was the first thing she noticed about the way he was helping her and talking to her.
She did what he said. She rocked her hips, clutching him close. They moved in sync, pleasure controlling them as they moaned and gasped.
She pushed Jake down, so his back was on the bed. Hands-on his chest, she made eye contact with him as she fucked him effortlessly.
"Oh my God," he whispered. "I need a-"
Once again, the polaroid came out, taking a picture of Y/N in this risqué position. Y/N bit her lip, taking her finger and pushing it inside with Jake's cock in her before pulling it out and putting it down his throat.
“Fuck, I love you!”
It was pornographic. She knew that. But Y/N had read a lot and seen a lot online, and sex was easily understood once you got the hang of it.
Jake was so deep inside her, making her mind clouded with euphoria. Jake’s fingers went to her clit, rubbing at which earned further pleasure. He pushed her over so he was on top, taking her thighs and hiking them on his shoulder, delivering a new angle.
“My turn for fun, kitten,” he cooed, pressing a kiss to her lips. He pounded in her, fingers working at her clit as her head rolled back and she screamed his name. She clenched her cunt as she felt the bundle of nerves begin.
“I know! I know!”
“Come, baby. Come now.”
Just like that, they were moaning messes, riding their highs as ecstasy and euphoria controlled them. Y/N held them close as they caught their breath.
She felt his cock twitch in her before she felt his seed spread inside. It was so hot. So sexy. She did something naughty but so good.
Jake looked up from lying his head on her breasts.
“Best sex ever.”
Y/N chuckled. “I feel honoured.”
He was quick, pushing back. “Spread your legs.”
“I want to eat your pretty cunt and taste my cum with yours.”
She swallowed, nodding. Jake went down, spreading her thighs before going back. His tongue swiped up before he began flicking and sucking her clit. His fingers rocked inside of her, taking the mixture of them to spread all over her cunt. He pulled away, taking his fingers and rubbing it on her stomach, spelling his name with their cum. It was hot. Y/N did not know what to do. She was so infatuated with this woman, enamoured, and above all in love.
Her partner was claiming her and she came all over again. Jake fell next to her, their breaths were rapid, catching themselves before they looked at one another.
“We were made for each other,” she whispered.
“We were sculpted for one another.”
“I am never wearing a fucking condom again. Feeling you,” he turned to be on her side, “feeling your walls clench and your wetness,” he growled.
Y/N chuckled, kissing her partner's lips.
“Your name is spelt on my stomach with cum.”
Jake chuckled. “Sexy, right?”
Jake got up, pulling on a pair of boxes before walking over to the bathroom to get a cloth. She cleaned Y/N off and they fell asleep. Y/N lost her virginity last night to Jake and it was not the last time they would make love. They made fucked daily.
August 1983
Y/N sat on the sand, watching Jake splash in the ocean with Sam and Danny. Josh was next to her.
“I am betraying film,” Josh whispered.
Y/N turned to her friend.
“And if I betray film then I am betraying my dream.”
She held the towel close to her, seeing Josh look in the distance.
“We are going to be a band, Y/N.”
Josh had not said her full name since they were thirteen. She was stunned.
“I know.”
“We get signed on Friday and then we are in the studio. We are releasing a single then an E.P. then an album. We are going to tour. We are a band.”
“I know.”
He finally looked at her. “Rock and roll is our future.”
“Just don’t do the rock and roll life.”
Y/N shivered. She shivered and chills ran through her. She did not think of it. What was rock and roll? They were a rock and roll band.
Drugs, sex, and alcohol.
Hard liquor.
Jake was going to this. She closed her eyes.
“He will always love you.”
“I know.”
“You two are end game.”
“I know.”
“So what are you scared of?”
“The future. We will be turning into different people.”
“That is growing up, mama.”
She looked at the man, playing in the waves and she knew what was coming next.
It was time to say goodbye.
August 8, 1983
Greta Van Fleet was officially signed to Atlantic Records today.
August 12, 1983
Y/N finished her first journal today. She left it at Jake’s house.
August 20, 1983
Y/N fucked Jake today. How many times? She did not know.
They fucked while he played the guitar. They fucked on his amp, in his charge room before he played... They fucked all night. They fucked because they knew what was going to happen next.
September 1983
Y/N laid in Jake’s bed, fingering his curls as she pushed them back. He was at her house, sleeping in her bed. Her room was empty - not a single thing was left that reminded her of herself.
She got a studio in Cambridge. A quaint one-bedroom that was within walking distance of the university.
Y/N was moving - she was leaving Frankenmuth and chasing her dream.
Jake was so peaceful when he slept. His long hair was down and still looked perfect as ever. His lips pouted slightly and his lashes delicately sat on his cheeks. His face was inches from hers, but his legs were curled around hers and his arm was hugging Y/N.
They stayed up last night, bathing in each other’s company...
Y/N and Jake were naked, lying on top of each other with a bottle of tequila between them. They stole smokes from Y/N's mom and lit them as they blew smoke in each other's mouths before kissing.
“Dolly,” he whispered, rolling to his side.
“Yes, my lover.”
“When did you know you loved me?”
Y/N swallowed, seeing his eager and innocent face. She cupped his cheek, pushing his lip down gently.
“I did not have a moment where I knew I loved you. It just happened, but that is what makes it beautiful, Jake. I looked at you and I was filled with these feelings. I never had this screeching halt where I looked at you and was like, ‘Yup, I love this kid’. There was no neon signing beaming at me saying, ‘Well you love your best friend’. I was calmer and quieter. One day, I guess I looked at you and I recognized that the feelings were not different but rather more like home. You felt like home.”
He tucked a strand behind her ear.
“It was beautiful. It was serene and peaceful, and I laughed at myself that night because, amid chaos and disaster, I realized how deeply I care for you. It was an awakening.”
Jake grinned. “That was beautiful, baby. That is why you are the writer and I am simply the guitarist.”
“We would make a great band,” Y/N whispered.
He chuckled.
“When did you realize you loved me?”
“I think I was five.”
“No!” Y/N screeched.
“Truth. I am not going into poetry though.”
“Try, Mr. Musician.”
Jake turned to look at the ceiling. “That is Josh - all that lyrical bullshit.”
“Give me a riff then.”
He laughed.
“She,” he whispered, “she loved the colour yellow. The colour of the meadow that was by their house. She would sit and play with the many daisies and flowers, admiring them while he grew to love the colour. Never a bright guy, he was. He preferred the darker colours, but amongst the darkness, she shined like light. Now he laid beside her,” he turned to look at Y/N, “with tears glinting from the sunlight, laughing to himself as he sat in the meadow, knowing she was no longer there.”
Y/N stayed quiet.
“You’re drunk,” she whispered.
“I am a poet.”
“Fuck off.”
“I will fuck myself off then, baby. Look at my cock!” he chuckled, shoving the blankets down.
Y/N turned to look at him. “Love me one more time.”
Her fingers grazed his cheek as she leaned down to kiss him.
“Baby,” Y/N whispered.
“I need to leave in two hours.”
Jake rolled over, his back facing her as he took a deep breath. He pushed up and looked at her.
“Harvard day,” he joked.
“Come with me.”
“I can’t. Have to be in the studio tomorrow.”
Y/N nodded.
“I don’t want to drive three days.”
“You can call me at every stop. We can talk. I will entertain you.”
They made love for the final time that morning. It was never like before, it was slow and passionate. They cried. They cried in each other’s arms.
Jake and Y/N sat at the breakfast counter as she watched her mother finish packing. She knew her mother pitied them, but there was one final thing Y/N had on her mind.
“Jake?” she asked. He was sipping his coffee.
“Are we breaking up?”
He looked up from his phone to look at her. “That’s a stupid fucking question.” It was so harsh and Y/N jerked back.
“I will take that as a no.”
“You are moving across the fucking country, Y/N.”
“I will take that as a yes.”
“And you are leaving me.”
Y/N turned to her coffee and took a deep breath. “Thank you for seeing museums in me where I saw empty hallways.”
He looked back at her, pushing away from the table and running to her bedroom. Y/N was confused and followed him.
“Say that again.”
“What?” she exclaimed, watching him grab his guitar.
“You saw museums in me when I saw empty hallways.”
“Yes! A song. Write a song with me.”
“You don’t write songs.”
“Write a fucking song with me, Dolly.”
So they sat and they wrote a song. It was Y/N's final gift to him.
That day they wrote The New Day.
Y/N and Jake spent two hours writing a song together. Y/N looked up at Jake, seeing tears in his eyes. Jake was not emotional with anyone else but her. She held him close, her head on top of his.
“I did not think we would get to this point,” Jake said.
“Baby, this is not a goodbye. It is a see you later. I will be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. You can come to me at any time.”
Y/N kissed him. Not once or twice. She kept kissing his lips and holding him closer than she ever did before. She played with his hair, tracing his features trying to remember him.
“We are destined for big things, Jake, but we will find each other again,” Y/N said.
Jake nodded.
“We are young. So young.”
“I am going to marry you. Once you are done school, marry me, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. Take me Jacob Thomas Kiszka as your husband,” Jake said.
Y/N began to cry, wiping her tears. “Yes. I will marry you.”
Jake did something Y/N never thought he would do, he ran to his bag in the corner and got a box.
“Close your eyes,” he said.
Y/N did and she felt cold metal against her skin. Her hand went to it, feeling the metal.
She walked to the mirror to see what it was – a locket.
“Vintage. I bought it when I went to Seattle a few weeks ago. Open it,” Jake said.
So she did.
“Guitar pick.”
“From the first show, we played.”
Y/N turned to him, taking her necklace and putting it on him. She pulled his hair to the side as she slid the gold necklace on.
“It’s an old Greek coin. I got it when I went to Greece with my mom.”
He turned to her, bringing her in for a kiss.
“I can’t believe I am going to sleep alone tonight. I have not slept alone in-“
“So long.”
It was the truth. Since they got out of school, every night they were together.
A knock interrupted them and Ree came in.
“Time to go, baby,” Ree said.
Y/N nodded, turning to Jake.
“Don’t hate me.”
“Never,” he whispered.
They sat, holding each other’s faces, looking at one another and not breaking eye contact.
“I was hoping we wouldn’t get to this part. Something magical would have changed,” he whispered.
“I know, but sometimes,” Y/N halted, taking a break, “you need to pause love for your future.”
Jake agreed with her.
“You have the band!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Amazing, hey.”
“Just don’t forget about me when you’re big and famous. Girls falling at your feet and throwing bras at you like an Elvis concert.”
He chuckled. “You will always be number one. I will never forget about us. Never.”
“We were good,” Y/N whispered, “what a time it was.”
He agreed, quietly again rose.
“Remember, I am a call away. Few hours on a plane and if you are touring the world – say hi to me.”
Jake kissed her again. “Always.”
“Forever and always.”
Y/N got up, grabbing her backpack and Jake did the same, taking his guitar and bag too. They walked downstairs to Y/N's mom's truck. Pausing, Y/N looked at the boy before her... he was a chapter in her novel and she knew that he would come back. Someday their paths would pass again.
Jake was a lover. He would yearn for Y/N. She knew. He would compare every love he would have to her. He would search for her unless he found something better.
Y/N loved Jake. She truly did. He was her world - stars and moon. She was destined for something and he was too. The universe, however, was a funny thing and if it was truly meant to be… they would cross paths again.
She placed her stuff in the car and Jake did the same to the Jeep.
They stood in front of each other.
"Call me," he whispered.
A pause. A long pause.
"I love you," Y/N said. "Rock hard rockstar."
"I will send you a ticket. Always."
She kissed him. He whispered he loved her and then she watched him walk away.
Jake walked away, stopped at the Jeep and debated to turn around but he did not. Y/N's eyes closed and a single tear ran down her cheek.
Love was a funny thing.
"I will always care for you, Jacob. Even if we are far, far, far away from one another. I will always care for and love you. Forever and Always Rock hard. xx. Y/N, Your Dolly"
A note in his guitar case.
#jake kiszka#jake kiszka x reader#jake kiszka imagine#jake kiszka fanfiction#jake kiszka smut#jake x reader#greta van fleet#greta van fleet x reader#greta van fleet smut#greta van fleet imagine#gvf x reader#gvf smut#gvf imagine#josh kisza x reader#jake kiszka angst#jake kiszka fluff#gvf series#jake kiszka series
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Introducing Me!
Figured I’d do an introduction!!
Kasey 😊 (she/her) ~ October 13th~25
Blog: 18+ (minors DNI!!)
This blog is a safe space for everyone! Be respectful and mindful of each other!!!
DMs and requests are always open! Talk to me about whatever 🫶🫶
This is a bit of a “whatever pops in my mind” blog
Meet The Masterlist
Shakespeare Adaptations
Tyler Childers Songs
Kermit The Frog
Dolly Parton Songs
Jake Kiszka As Wine Red
Josh Kiszka As White
Danny Wagner As Yellow
Sam Kiszka As Blue
Lord Of The Rings Characters
Favorite Poems
Dickinson Poems
Greta Van Fleet As Woodland Creatures
Flowers part 2
Danny As: Dannys Song
Dancing in the Kitchen with Josh
Photoshoot with Josh
Relaxing with Josh
Pirate Jake Kiszka
Ghost Riders in the Sky Jake
Greta Van Fleet As Knights
Men That Don’t Impress Shania Twain
School of Rock Characters
Elton John Songs
Elton John Part 2
5 Seconds of Summer Songs
Greta Van Fleet As Golden Girls
Greta Van Fleet Thanksgiving
Greta Van Fleet Christmas
Jake as The Man In Black
Taylor Swift Song Series!!
Josh as Debut
Josh Kiszka As Ours
Josh Kiszka As Daylight
Josh Kiszka As the 1
Josh Kiszka As gold rush
Josh Kiszka As King of My Heart
Josh Kiszka As The Very First Night
Josh Kiszka As You Are In Love
Josh Kiszka As Jump Then Fall
Josh Kisza As Sweet Nothing
Jake as Fearless
Jake As Enchanted
Jake As False God
Jake As peace
Jake As ivy
Jake as Dress
Jake As Red
Jake as Style
Jake as The Great War
Jake As Teardrops On My Guitar
Begin Again
Sparks Fly
Cowboy like Me
How You Get The Girl
Our Song
Danny as Reputation
Danny As Mine
Danny As Cruel Summer
Danny As Invisible String
Danny As Willow
Danny As Stay, Stay, Stay
Danny As Wildest Dreams
Danny As Today Was a Fairytale
Danny As Superman (TV)
Danny As Labyrinth
Danny As Tim McGraw
Harry Styles Songs
John Denver Songs
Greta Van Fleet As Hozier Songs
Kacey Musgraves Songs
TAGLIST @allieisacrybaby @sunfl0wer-power @mountain-in-springtime @joshkiszkas-admin @joshkiszkas @laurenlovesgretavanfleet @sacredthethread @songbirds-sweet @musicxlover97 @gretasmokerising @sunandthemoontwinflames @dazeebean @iheartjakekiszka @digitalcalamity @doveabovetheworld @pr41sethemoon
Let me know if y’all wanna be tagged!! 🫶🫶
#masterlist#greta van fleet#gvf#jake kiszka#josh kiszka#danny wagner#sammy kiszka#jake gvf#josh gvf#danny gvf#sam gvf#hozier#the hoziest#taylor swift#personal
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All I can think about is Jake Kisza which is embarrassing bc I have "Hot Burrtio #2" stuck in my head
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Welcome to my masterlist, fuckers
Thanks for taking the time to check out my works! Disclaimer: anything that is written and posted is a work of fiction only. I do not know the boys personally and though they are very much real and loveable as hell, this is all a product of a shit ton of imagination and a truck load of inspiration. I’m just here to entertain and maybe make your hearts mushy a little, thanks for stopping by!
p.s- my works contain mentions of alcohol, drug use, cursing, mentions of smut, and anything along those lines. Minors DNI!

• 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 •
Completed (5/20/22)
you - j.m.k • there’s only so much a heart can take (angst)
come back, be here - j.m.k • missing Josh while he’s on the road can be overwhelming, but a lovely surprise deems it all worth it (angst/fluff)
my girl - j.m.k • daddy/daughter (fluff)
maybe - j.m.k • nothing is ever too broken (angst)

Unless It’s You
• 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 •
Completed (4/28/22)
back to you - j.t.k • wanting what you know you’ll never have gets old (angst)
home remedy - j.t.k • at home remedies tend to work best (smut/fluff)
only one - j.t.k (fluff)

the ways I love you - d.r.w • sharing with Danny the many ways in which he is loved (fluff)
without you - d.r.w • you have an argument, but neither of you can sleep without the other (angst/fluff)

settle - s.f.k • sometimes we settle for less than we deserve (angst)
be my baby - s.f.k • a relationship that keeps on giving (fluff)
#gvf#gvf blurb#greta van fleet#greta van fleet fic#joshkiszka#josh kiszka x reader#josh kiszka fluff#joshkiszkaxreader#josh kiszka fanfiction#jakekiszka#jakegvf#jake kiszka fluff#jake kiszka fanfic#sam kiszka#sam gvf#danny gvf#danny wagner#kisza#fanfic#josh gvf#jake gvf#greta van fic#jake x reader#jake kiszka angst#greta van smut#jake kiszka smut#josh kiszka smut#josh kiszka series
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Re-blogging because my phone messed it up the first time. xox
Who (of the GVF boys) do you think would be the most affectionate?
Most affectionate in this order:

1. Danny: He’s just a cuddle bug and has to be holding your hand or having his arm wrapped around your shoulder at all times. He loves when you sit on his lap and run your fingers through his hair. Danny is too proud of his partner to not show her off 24/7 and let it be known that she’s with him. Does not shy away from PDA whatsoever, loves every second of it!

2. Josh: He’s very caring and gentle. He’s always the one to initiate the kissing or cuddles. His favorite is wrapping his arms around your waist from behind while you cook or when you do the dishes together. He loves placing soft kitten kisses to your cheek. He loves to brush your hair after showers together. Not a fan of PDA unless in the company of close friends.

3. Jake: Probably a serial hugger and ass grabber, but there’s a limit. Jake likes a perfect balance. He loves to be close to you but still needs his personal space from time to time. Big into forehead kisses and pet names. Loves to run his finger across your warm skin, absent-mindedly caressing you while cuddling and watching Netflix. Loves spooning, anything to feel close. Some PDA is okay, but nothing to make a scene. Keeps it light, hand holding and little kisses.

Sammy: Most likely the least affectionate, more playful and a wordsmith. He shows his affection by writing you little poems and buying you flowers. Sammy is thoughtful, always picking up little trinkets and gifts that make him think of you during his travels. Pet names and witty banter are his specialty. He makes you a priority and dedicates time for the two of you in his busy schedule. Goofy pictures and videos all day every day. Kissing is his favorite, long make out sessions to good music does it for him. PDA is fine, he’s happy to oblige if initiated by you.
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#jake kiszka#jacob kiszka#jake kisza gifs#greta van fleet#greta van fleet gifs#gvf#gvf gifs#black and white#black and white gifs#peaceful army#the peaceful army#jake#mine
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so now that I'm finally through all the moldboard requests from like a year ago....
please check the Moodboard Masterpost, I may already have what you're looking for! but I'm open to re-doing old concepts with newer pics of the boys.
Please send a boy + theme for your request!
#anon is on#moodboard requests#gvf#gvf moodboard#greta van fleet#greta van fleet moodboard#jake kiszka#josh kiszka#sam kisza#danny wagner
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❛ O P H E L I A ❜
1970s au ✫ jake kisza x fem!oc ✫ word count: 103k
WARNINGS: explicit content, alcohol consumption, drug use and substance abuse, war and death mention, violence
fic tag ✫ playlist
SUMMARY: New York blues-rock band Chelsea 707 is taking over Europe while opening for Greta Van Fleet during their March of The Peaceful Army, 1973 Tour. Lead singer Ophelia Calloway not only brings her soulful voice and electric stage presence with her, but she carries the baggage of past failed relationships and a lingering one-sided romance with her own band's guitarist. When both bands come together and hit the road, hook-ups and relationships sprout, leaving Ophelia to find attraction in someone equally as lonely as her.
WHERE TO FIND IT: on AO3 STATUS: completed, last updated 9/18
#& it's on going babieeee#i won't be posting it on here just on ao3#just wanted to get the word out <3333#i think i'm aiming for like... 20 chapters at this rate asfafj#gvf#greta van fleet#jake kiszka#gvf imagine#gvf one shot#gvf fanfic#greta van fleet imagine#greta van fleet one shot#greta van fleet fanfic#jake kiszka imagine#jake kiszka one shot#jake kiszka fanfic#ophelia#fic
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The Discography of an American Groupie - Prologue
Summary: Life of limelight, lies and lovers since the beginning of time in the 80s-90s.
Part 1
There were lights - golden hues that shined so bright but centred on a particular person. It was like lightning - a flame - focusing on those underneath them. They were there...the band Y/N loved so much.
The limelight, the freedom, the stage...all were factors that made them who they were.
Jake was made for that stage - designed by the upper forces to be on that stage. He would walk on with this look, owning the world with that guitar and that smirk. It was pure confidence but comfort - a home away from home - a home away from her.
There were only two things in life that mattered to him - the music and her.
He shined on stage, seducing the world with the gentle caress of his fingers against the strings. A lullaby for the world to cry to or a song that would make the fans and the crowd scream in emotion.
Y/N was in the crowd, one of the many shows she has been to and she felt the same way as any fan did. She was entrapped by their music.
She held herself tight, eyes watching his face, his hair which flowed and his body that rocked to the beat. His fingers were a gift from the Gods, angel-like as they travelled up and down the neck as his right hand strummed a melody that made us all swoon.
Y/N closed her eyes, listening to the everlasting emotion he made her feel.
She rocked back and forth with the music, smiling as she knew this man. her lover, best friend, partner in crime, childhood treasure and above all, forever and always her partner in my lifetime. Her Jake.
She was Dolly, Babydoll and he was Lover Boy. Nicknames since they were young lovers.
Y/N knew the consequences of rock and roll. The life of the road, the endless pressure, drugs and groupies. Fuck...she indulged in it as well, entangled herself in the motion of the rockstar high.
However, when Jake made that guitar scream...she was once again that little girl all over again, standing at eight years old when he played for her that Beatles song.
The acoustic was now rarely played but at the time, it was the only guitar he owned. History was a funny thing...
Y/N stood in the crowd, watching the sweat flow down his forehead - like a water droplet falling from the sky to the ground below. It travelled along his face, those plush lips that she kissed many times down his bare chest to the ground.
He stood proud. The lights hit him as he played his solo. It was lustful, the way his fingers danced along the neck.
Y/N knew what those fingers could do...can do and will do. Especially later on that night.
She swallowed but not on her own terms. She was swallowed by the crowd.
Jake was fading away from her. Hands out, reaching for him as Y/N screamed his name not in love but in fear.
Fans were in front of her, blocking her from the body down the street until she could no longer see him. Simply he was gone.
Jake Kiszka was not there. No longer her boy and no longer in her reach.
Forever and always they promised each other but it seemed that this promise was one of many that were broken.
Jake Kiszka walked on stage. He really shined on stage as he began that riff, he made the audience scream.
#jake kiszka#jake kiszka x reader#jake kiszka imagine#jake kiszka fanfiction#jake kiszka smut#jake x reader#greta van fleet#greta van fleet x reader#greta van fleet smut#greta van fleet imagine#gvf x reader#gvf smut#gvf imagine#gvf#gvf series#josh kisza x reader#jake kiszka series#jake kiszka angst#jake kiszka fluff
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New chapter’s up! It’s the longest I have ever written, hope you enjoy it
#greta van fleet#greta van fleet fic#gvf fic#kiszka x reader#josh kisza x reader#josh kiszka#greta van fleet fanfiction#fanfic#fanfiction#sam kiszka#jake kiszka#danny wagner#gvf#wattpad#from the fires
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What in the romance novel cover art, Jacob?
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@satans-helper SEE!!!! THEY DID THIS MAN RIGHT. YES!!! Happy Birthday to our King. 👑
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