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estilosviajespickycova · 2 years ago
Marruecos: Experiencia de lujo en jaimas y más
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Probablemente uno de los sueños de todo turista que viaja a Marruecos es poder vivir la experiencia de dormir unos días en las tiendas de campaña de lujo “Haimas de lujo” o “Jaimas Madu”, en el Sahara. Es importante aclarar que las jaimas de lujo nada tienen que ver con las simples jaimas de los pueblos nómades del norte de África, ya que en el interior de estas tiendas de tela se encuentran todas las comodidades y facilidades necesarias para que la estadía sea totalmente gratificante. Ejemplo de ello es que el campamento cuenta con baño completo con ducha para que no exista ni la más mínima incomodidad. Dentro de las jaimas hay gran cantidad de mantas, alfombras y almohadones para generar un ambiente cálido y agradable, que se siente casi como una habitación de hotel. Encontrarse en el medio de las dunas y rodeados nada más que por el silencio del desierto y acompañados solo por un cielo completamente estrellado por las noches no es un espectáculo habitual, por lo que resulta un paseo de lo más popular e interesante, tanto para parejas, como para familias con niños o grupo de amigos. La gastronomía es también muy elogiada, con grandes y ricos desayunos, además de exquisitas comidas y cenas, para continuar luego con danzas, entre fogatas y tambores. Y como parte de la experiencia se desarrollan también actividades especiales como el paseo en dromedario o excursiones por el desierto en 4×4, según las preferencias de cada turista. Pero Marruecos es más que esta inolvidable aventura en el desierto y entre otros obligados podemos mencionar los siguientes sitios:
Ksar De Ait Ben Haddou
Es un maravilloso pueblo de arcilla, adobe y piedra, detenido en el tiempo, con laberintos de calles empedradas y tramos de escaleras. Si bien todo el sur de Marruecos cuenta con construcciones similares, Ait Ben Haddou alberga un gran pasado y es famoso por haber sido escenario de grandes películas como Lawrence de Arabia, La Momia y Gladiador, entre otras.
Es una ciudad amurallada de la época medieval, Patrimonio de la Unesco, en la que se recomienda perderse por los barrios de la medina con sus laberínticas calles y zocos, donde se venden todo tipo de productos. En Fez se pueden observar además cantidad de fuentes de agua de los más lindos colores, escuelas coránicas, llamadas madrasas, como Bou Inania y Al Attarine, que llaman mucho la atención por sus ornamentaciones, tallas en madera y azulejos como revestimiento. El emblema de Fez es la mítica puerta de Bab Bou Jelou, también conocida como Puerta Azul, al encontrarse decorada por mosaicos en ese color. Y no se debe partir de Fez sin visitar una de las curtidurías, siendo la de Chouwara la más grande. En ella se podrán apreciar fosas cubiertas con distintos tintes de color, que son las utilizadas para la coloración del cuero.
Es también conocida como el pueblo azul ya que es el color predominante por toda la ciudad y uno de los motivos que la hace tan atractiva. La Gran Mezquita, en la plaza principal, es su edificio más importante. Y otro de los sitios más visitados son su Kasbah o Alcazaba y la zona de lavaderos, donde se podrán ver a las mujeres en su rutina diaria, lavando todo aquello que no pueden lavar en sus hogares.
Si bien puede abrumar el caos de sus calles y el bullicio de sus mercados, es una ciudad que no se debe dejar de visitar ya que de seguro va a sorprender. Además de sus zocos con infinidad de puestos con rubros de toda índole, y el mercado en la Plaza Jemaa el Fna, que es el punto neurálgico de la ciudad, se deben sumar al recorrido las tumbas Saadies, de gran belleza, que datan de hace 500 años. Otros de los sitios atractivos son el Palacio el Badi y también el Palacio Bahia, siendo este último el más visitado en Marrakech por encontrarse en mejor estado de conservación que el primero, que se encuentra en ruinas casi en su totalidad. Por último, y no menos importante, se debe conocer la Madraza de Ben Youseff, la escuela coránica más grande de Marruecos. Su exterior no llama particularmente la atención, pero una vez dentro uno puede deleitarse con el trabajo decorativo de sus paredes y arcos.
Las Gargantas del Dadés y Todra
La Garganta del Dadés es otro de los imprescindibles de visitar en Marruecos gracias a los paisajes espectaculares que ofrece, entre las kasbahs en ruinas diseminadas y sus formaciones rocosas como “los dedos del mono”. La Garganta del Todra, debido a sus paredes rocosas de más de 100 mts. de altura a cada lado es un gran sitio de interés para los escaladores fanáticos.
Es llamada la “Perla Azul del Atlántico”, una ciudad fortificada con gran encanto, y uno de los destinos de playa cada vez más populares. Con sus casas blancas y detalles en azul en puertas y ventanas, sus calles están repletas de artesanos, talleres y pescadores. El Puerto de Essaouira es uno de los lugares más visitados por sus botes de color azul tan característicos, que son uno de los objetivos de fotografiar.
Es una antigua ciudad romana donde se hallan los restos arqueológicos mejor conservados del norte de África. Entre las ruinas es obligatorio ver el Foro, Basílica, Templo de Júpiter, termas, y lo más famoso de Volubilis que son sus espectaculares mosaicos.
La combinación de dunas del desierto con ciudades que te introducen en el túnel del tiempo, y paisajes increíbles de playas con palmeras con ciudades de murallas fortificadas, hacen de Marruecos un destino memorable y fascinante.
Originally published at on https://estilosviajes.com/February 20, 2023.
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guess-i-do-art · 1 month ago
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If I’m not mistaken Hanukkah and Kwanzaa start on the 26 so happy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to anyone who celebrates!
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vizthedatum · 1 year ago
I wrote a poem as a prayer for Kali pujo 2023!
jai Ma, why can’t it be easy?! (a Kali Pujo to Matangi) (2023)
jai Ma, why can’t it be easy?! to listen to receive to speak to finally know what I see?
please don’t let shame appease me. to mask to hide to project when I just want what frees me.
the echoes ease me. to believe to hear to trust to know you agree.
you are dreamy. am I? are you? what is? but a Devi?
I’m ready. to shed to grow to bloom openly.
ugly. to be to you to me lovely.
three. to us to them to me Shri.
- Rose the artist formerly known as she her Pri
~ গোলাপ্রী
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artchoosestheartist123 · 1 year ago
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I reunited with this beautiful being.
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fieriframes · 2 years ago
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tonbane · 2 years ago
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Against Fate 7 👩‍👩‍👦
(📱: tap for better quality / 💻: see in blog for max HD)
And thus begins Chapter 2! Keeping the part count at 7, future me will thank me. There’s a couple of ~ hints ~ in the images, comment if you find them 👁
I designed the tent with the sahraui jaima/haima/khayma/ خايما  in mind (might post other sketches soon). A part of my heart is always with my strong willed neighbours and may the Sahara be a free nation soon. If you're interested in their culture, FiSahara is a beautiful film festival where you can learn about them through their lenses and their art.
[navigation] - [next: I’ll be back in summer holidays!]
Gimmie a 🔁 if you 💟 what I do, and say tuned!   +🔔
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15-lizards · 1 year ago
sorry to bother but... what about gender swapped lannisters twins?? how much worse are male!cersei (kevan or cerso) and female!jaime (jaima)?
Oh my god wait…
Also disclaimer I’m aware that doing these gender swaps messes up character dynamics/what makes them so complex but again this is just for speculation and good fun 👍🏻
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Cevan is somehow so much worse than regular Cersei because he has male audacity now (which fem Cersei does have but now he can back it up) Originally wanted to marry the Targ princess whom he still obsesses over to this day, so he was quite annoyed when his Momma sided with Roberta. He does Jamie’s eldest son failure by marrying the new queen and giving up his claim as heir to Casterly Rock, bc of course he only cares about himself and his power. Whenever Roberta is pregnant, Cevan’s beloved sister Jenna is miraculously pregnant at around the same time. And once Roberta gives birth, her chubby and dark haired babies have a sudden tendency to lose weight and have lightened hair. He’s scheming and notably irritable and paranoid, but thinks he savvy enough to outsmart the small council. He’s also constantly getting bombarded by noblewomen to be his mistress, but he prefers to keep it in the family ofc. Though he has tried Lord Merryweather once or twice. By the events of GOT he manages to get Roberta killed on one of her hunts, installing his dear insane daughter Johanna as king, making his mother start a bloody, continent wide war to protect that claim. Through pure luck does he get his enemies killed and his sycophants in positions of power. But feels lost without his mother after she dies. Classic Cersei through and through.
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Jenna Lannister living in the most gilded cage in the world…she was never a female knight or warrior but rather the most loved and sought after courtier in the Red Keep. She was well liked at court and preferred to socialize and dance and gossip (much to possessive Cevans annoyance) to politics and scheming, taking few things seriously. When the war started she was the favorite of the king, and was thus stuck at the Red Keep. On the day he started screaming to burn them all, she managed to convince the kingsguard to leave the hall and quickly forced his neck down on one of the thrones blades. After the war her mother marries her off as a war prize to a useful Lannister ally. Despite her good health she’s unable to carry a baby to term, and the three times she’s given birth, the baby has tragically and suddenly died of mysterious complications. By GOT she’s now one of Roberta’s ladies in waiting, and despises her and what she’s done to her brother. The court half fears her and half loves her, calling her Kingslayer behind her back and even to her face at times. She goes off as an emissary during the war but gets captured when the Lannister army loses a battle to the Young She Wolf, resulting in the hand she killed the mad king with getting cut off. Brienne is still her gf bc lesbians.
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Mommy issues bonus round. Tyresa Lannister is the first cousin and widow of Johan Lannister, who died. She is a domineering woman, a powerhouse in politics, but is deeply resentful of any woman in power besides herself (cmon internalized misogyny). Close friends with the king and queen when she was young, and eventually became the royals closest advisors, leaving when they would not wed their daughter to Cevan. She was the unofficial head of the Lannisters by the time of the war because she sure as shit was not letting her useless cousins and brothers and uncle be in charge of an army. She plays her cards right and becomes the most revered and feared woman in the seven kingdoms, no man objecting her to her face. She sells her daughter as a war prize and is going to arrange her heirs auction, but he goes off and becomes king, leaving her to secure her legacy on her own, starting an entire war to keep her family safe and their legacy in tact even if she doesn’t particularly like them.
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drjohnhwatson · 30 days ago
My fav books of the year that I read!
The Disquieting Death of Emma Gill Abortion Death and Concealment in Victorian New England by Marcia Biederman
The Indifferent Stars Above the Harrowing Saga of the Donner Party by Daniel James Brown
In the Houses of Their Dead The Lincolns, the Booths, and the Spirits by Terry Alford
The War for the Common Soldier How Men Thought, Fought, and Survived in Civil War Armies by Peter S. Carmichael
Straight Acting: The Many Queer Lives of William Shakespeare by Will Tosh
Glorious Exploits by Ferdia Lennon (Set in BC Syracuse and told in a modern Irish voice, the Syracusans have taken the remaining Athenian invaders and put them in a rock quarry to slowly die. Two men decide to feed some of the prisoners so long as they can learn lines and put on a play. Somehow it’s heartbreaking and funny and moving and wonderful)
The Shabti by Megaera C. Lorenz (A former conman is now travelling the country in 1934 debunking medium claims when he meets an Egyptologist who might just have a REAL haunting on his hands) (MLM)
The Specimen by Jaima Fixsen (In 1826 a mother sees a famous physician’s anatomy collection, and in it is a heart from a child who suffered a rare medical condition. Her son has been missing for months, had the same condition, and she visited the doctor prior to him vanishing…Based in part on the Burke and Hare exploits)
Serpent Heart by Maggie Mackeever (This is admittedly book two in a series, but I haven’t read the first and it didn’t really impact my enjoyment of it. An actress decides to become an inquiry agent in 1891. It’s not the type of mystery where you get clues and can solve along, but the fun of it is the characters, like her progressive, firebrand sister, or her Irish acquaintance running for office with a finger in every pie, wealth to throw around, and some unscrupulous tendencies.)
The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz (So intriguing a premise, to have an author put HIMSELF into the story. Horowitz has written a detective story where Hawthorne (the detective who formerly worked with the police before an incident saw him booted out) has decided to make money by writing his cases into a book. That’s where Horowitz (the writer) comes in. The characters are flawed, the story is interesting, and it’s a PROPER mystery with clues all over the place if you can only find them. Truly a lot of fun)
I didn’t do info about the nonfiction becos I figure you can glean from the titles moreso than you could the fiction.
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fort-cozy-mcblanket · 5 months ago
jaimas vu or however im supposed to spell it was so good like oh my god
the vibrator fic was pretty good too
Thank you so much! I've loved writing them and there will be more of both someday. 💖
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merpy-a · 2 years ago
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First post!jaima I’mi Not really sure what to add but here’s something I made a lil back for funzies
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epiphanytear · 2 years ago
Reblog if you vote 💜
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year ago
cersei confronting her gender trauma in a modern au by actually being trans is fascinating. .. the implications for her relationship to jaima and tywin are compelling to me.; ..
real exactly exactly like the jealousy and resentment would still be there!! you KNOW tywin is evil evil evil
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justadram · 2 years ago
Besides Jonsa and Jaima/Sansa do you ship anything else in GOT?
I've written Dany/Jorah, Cat/Ned, and there are some other Sansa ships I've written here and there. I used to joke that I'd do a Seven Ships for Sansa Collection.
I don't ship them though--those other Sansa ships--if that makes sense? Sometimes I just like to explore a dynamic in writing, not because I think it's romantic or would make for a good outcome. That feels less allowed than previously. And even with Jaime/Sansa, I don't have any illusions about what that ship is and isn't, lol.
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 23 days ago
De VERDAD ante todo esto ..no me extraña que en cualquier momento caiga un RAYO o una TORMENTA ELECTRICA y os PARTA..
Por cierto..el AT MADRID que entrena en el CERRO DEL ESPINO o campo del RAYO MAJADAHONDA que inauguraron con un partido entre ellos con gol de SIMEONE o entrenador de AT MADRID..jugo COPA DEL REY contra el RAYO MAJADAHONA el 6 de enero 2022 con su camiseta que parecía ensangrentada
El Estadio del RAYO MAJADAHONDA o Cerró del Espino empezó teniendo tribunas a modo de JAIMAS y cuentan que su estación de TREN tuvo que ver en el traslado de la nieta de la REINA VICTORIA DE UK para casarse con ALFONSO XIII contra el que atento el dia de su boda el catalan Mateo Morral muriendo 25 personas
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mariagilworld · 1 month ago
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nityarawal · 2 months ago
Notes to Trumps Atty Alina Habba:
Elon promised refunds over a year ago. I'm so homesick! Will you ask Elon to bring Cyberbeast & stop rape. I need X for work. I'm a journalist. His surrogate dykes raped my kids & I. Help? Hurry? Dr. Sunil Christopher Rawal needs to be 5150d. He's been a violent alienator. He won't co-parent. His attys tried to kill me many times. Thankyou! He's on LinkedIn & his address is on Google. Lmk what you need. TJ says he met you. None of our staff has met America 1st Legal. They don't call back. You've already done more work than them! My parents are old.
My daughter is 15yo! She needs to emancipate now! My son Kyan Isha Rawal was kidnapped within months of a Space X tour. My bff Jaima Stephenson is the Space X manager. I need to move with Elon now to run his school! He's been trying to hire me since last Christmas! The attys have put alot of stress on him by ghosting #4BillionMothersStrong- will you and Kai help me refund them, including her Mom? I can't wait to do a play date with her and my daughter! I look forward to meeting you. You are one of most well put together smart middle eastern woman professionally. You're totally on point. We thought Kim Kardashian would help! Is she in a consetvatorship? Please don't let Caitlyn rape Elon! We appreciate you! Xo Nitya Huntley Rawal Encinitasbeachhome.com
@alinahabba @elonmuskfanslounge @elon-daddy @elonmuskdaily @teslamotorsblog @spacex
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